#yandere Hound Dog x reader
ozzgin · 2 months
Yandere!Shapeshifter x Reader
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Featuring a clueless Reader and the grotesque "dog" she found in a cursed forest, yet this time they're joined by a strange man. Where did he come from, and why does the dog run away whenever he comes by? Content: female reader, dark comedy, monster romance, mildly NSFW [Part 1] | [More Monsters]
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You couldn't help but stare a little at the stranger who so persistently knocked on your door. His eyes had a peculiar color - one similar to the little dog who followed you home from your hiking trip. You bit your tongue from saying such nonsense, worrying it might be taken as an insult. He extended his long, bony fingers and lowered a wallet in your open palms. "You must've dropped this somewhere", he remarked with feigned worry. "I used the address on your ID card."
Whatever initial suspicion weighed on your shoulders had instantly dispersed into thin air. You thanked the man profusely, and invited him in for a drink. "Careful with my dog, he's-" you begun warning, but the quadruped creature was nowhere to be seen. Mysterious. You led the benevolent soul into your living room with a smile.
One thing led to another, and the polite meetings for coffee turned into steamy nights in the retreat of your bedroom. Around the same time you stopped having your bizarre wet dreams involving some deformed monstrosity ramming into you. Perhaps a loving partner was all you needed. To your great shock - and delight - the stranger never abandoned you the morning after, unlike all the previous flirts. This is the one, you told yourself. For once, you had company. You had consistency.
Unfortunately, your friends don't agree with you. Your dreamy retellings are met with grimaces and horrified shivers. "He has such an unique appearance", you'll argue. "It's uncanny valley", your friends will counter, embracing themselves in a fearful, shielding manner. They claim he must be yet another curse brought by the damned devil of a hound you keep as a pet.
Every discussion regarding your beloved will turn into a back and forth. "The voice is inhuman. A broken record, as if he's copying the rest of us, with jarring interruptions and words randomly patched together!" You wave your hand in dismissal. "He's just a little shy", you say with a faint blush. You've always had a soft spot for introverts. "He's insane! Last time someone complimented your outfit, he begun chanting at the dinner table!" You puff out a chuckle. "He must be religious, or something", you defend him ardently. No one dares to mention the flickering lights, or the fact that the targeted friend never left the confines of their room after that encounter.
You will admit one thing: your dog seems to avoid this man like the plague. You've never seen the two of them together in a room. Could your friends be right? They do say dogs can sniff out bad people. You shake your head. It can't be. You get out of bed, rub your eyes, and check the time: 2am. The space next to you is empty, sheets ruffled aside. Out of curiosity, you head outside the room and follow the faint light in the kitchen. The stranger stands before the fridge, face smudged red and fingers stained and glossy. He's holding what seems to be a half-chewed heart, probably taken out of the raw organs bag you keep for your dog. "Heh. I see you like late snacking, too", you joke, dragging out a chair. "Pass me the cheese, will ya? But...maybe wash your hands first."
This isn't right. Sure, he's fucking you better than anyone else ever did, and you find his mysterious aura endearing. Yet you can't help the guilt eating at your innards, knowing that your dog cannot coexist with this man. Something has to be done, so you call out your partner and pat the sofa you're sitting on. "We must talk", you tell him. "What might be troubling you", he inquires quietly, frozen in the doorframe. "I'm afraid my pet comes before anything else", you confess. "And he seems to be scared of you...I'm not sure our current situation is sustainable." Ah. That's what it was. The man lets out a whistled laugh, as if remembering something.
His bones begin to break in wet, fluid succession, as coarse fur takes over his skin. He lowers himself to his fours, snout wide open in a sharp, toothy grin. "You mean this dog, yes?"
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ne-videl · 9 months
yandere Dion Agriche x fairy fem reader
he will gladly go even to his own death if you'll order him to.
sub yandere, unhealthy relationship, a little bit of Cassis x reader, mentions of violence, reader and Dion have master/pet relationships, also reader is referred to as "sister" a few times so pseudo incest I guess, sfw but a bit suggestive, everybody likes you!! poor english
word count: ~2k
a/n: there I am again drooling over fictional men. so here's my favorite yandere trope!! for if your psychopath doesn't worship you it's not your psychopath ©
honestly when I was reading this manhwa for the first time and saw dion I was like "damn I want this man on his knees 🤨🤨", so here you are. eat.
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"you're a dog, Dion." – not-Roxanne lifts the corners of her lips in a slight smile, while her neat fingers run through his shaggy hair.
"your dog," – Dion adds mentally.
you feel the touch of his dry lips on your bare foot.
sitting like this, kneeling in front of you, seems right – it can't be any other way, and it won't be.
"may I?" – after receiving tacit approval, he leans closer, his hand stroking your bare thigh.
you smell like flowers: maids must have added rose oil to the water, and this smell digs into his lungs, making him roll his eyes in ecstasy.
just from this, from the fact that you are so close, he could just reach his hand out and feel you.
your body is cold – devoid of any human warmth, burning his skin with the cold of it's touch. your eyes look with a non malicious mockery: how a person looks at their beloved pet. with kind condescension.
you lean in, and Dion feels a kiss at the top of his head. scent of roses hits his nose, almost suffocating, and it feels like his mind is about to give up. well, if he dies right here, he won't regret a bit.
crimson flush on his cheeks almost burns his skin.
"hello. my name is ███████. do you mind playing with me, brother?"
he turns around at the girly voice behind him – distracting himself from the dead bird – and he is met by the look of your laughing eyes.
not red ones.
his sister tucks a lock of her hair behind her little ear and sits down next to him, waiting for an answer.
shouldn't she be blonde like Roxanne?
who is Roxanne?
"okay." – Deon catches his sister's smile and for some reason wants to smile too. she talks about a cute teddy bear that her father gave her, about how she likes to drink tea under the summer sun, and that she probably likes him too.
he had once seen in a book: in the old fairy tales that mothers read to their children, it was said that fairies could replace a human child with their own.
none of Agriche's children believed in fairy tales, but it seems appropriate for his "sister" – you, not-Roxanne, must be a fairy. a lovely creature with transparent wings and a honey voice.
he doesn't mind. whatever calls itself his sister, Deon thinks he really, really likes it.
if he's not on a mission, Deon is always by your side.
"what are you doing here? can't you see sister is with me now?" – Jeremy mumbled indignantly, but you only laughed softly, covering your lips with a neat palm.
a beautiful silver ring glitters on the sixth finger of the "sister".
their father also adores you – maybe it's natural for fairies to charm everyone around them – from members of their so-called "family" to the maids and even the hounds of the estate.
maybe he's a hound himself in her eyes. it didn't matter, as long as he could be with his "sister" – or at least with the creature that pretended to be her.
it was undoubtedly a pleasure to belong to you.
Deon drapes a white fur coat over your shoulders: you often went out into the garden in light clothes, as if the winter cold did not bother you at all. your hair falls over the fur collar, and you smile at him, giggling about how quietly he walks, and chirping about something else. you were fond of chatting, and it was often very difficult to stop listening to you. he, however, usually spoke rarely and little, accompanying you, his mistress, like a silent shadow.
you're spending too much time in the company of a Pedelian pup – an unacceptably long time – so that his eye begins to twitch with anger.
isn't he enough? why would you need this toy if he is always at your feet, your faithful dog, a hound, ready to do whatever you want without a trace of doubt and regret?
Dion wished you'd let him kill Cassis.
"may I ask you a question?" – you turn at the sound of his voice. surrounded by a winter garden, you look even more beautiful, pitch black against dead-white snow. perfection.
"of course, ask. what is it?" – "sister" raises an eyebrow a little stiffly, not naturally, just a little bit.
"do you like him more? I dare not doubt you, and you should not doubt my loyalty, but still-" – his scarlet eyes narrow slightly – "but still, do you like him more?"
if you answer yes, he will go and kill the eldest of the Pedelian offspring on the spot. this is Deon's place. and the hell he's going to let someone else take it.
"of course not, silly." – you laughed – "didn't we discuss this earlier? toys are toys, but you were and will remain my favorite."
right. that's how it should be. why did he even doubt it?
"favorite." – mentally repeats after you while your six-fingered palm rests on his head: you had a habit to pet him like a puppy.
"favorite." – gaze of crimson eyes trembles, invariably riveted to you, and Dion struggles with the desire to grab the object of his sick adoration in his arms, hug you, to feel the cold of your inhuman body at least through clothes. your smell is dope, your touch is opium, your eyes are an abyss, mesmerizing with the horror of its cold depths.
but he can't. you didn't allowed it yet.
and he, as befits a well-trained hound, will obediently wait for your permission.
"███████. that's not your real name, is it? what are you?" – Cassis looks at you expectantly.
you tilt your head to the side, picturesquely rounding your eyes and raising your neat eyebrows.
theatrically. not natural.
"what are you talking about? I am me. who else do you think I can be? stop asking stupid questions, darling." – you answer with a mocking smile. like he's saying something ridiculous.
"are you kidding me? you have six fingers! why doesn't anyone else notice this? besides, you look different, not at all like-" – Cassis cuts himself off in mid-sentence.
like who?
"you know, forget it... it's like I haven't been myself lately. you know, with all this kidnapping, and even your brother..." – he shakes his head nervously under your laughing gaze.
something inside told him that if he kept asking questions now, it won't end well. and anyway, why would he do that? after all, it's not polite to interrogate his benefactress.
everything is fine.
"the less you know the better you sleep, my dear. why don't we just proceed as planned? and how many fingers I have is none of your business." – you look appraisingly, as an already well-fed snake looks at a mouse.
eat or not?
"if I were you, I'd be more worried about the success of your future escape, and for that matter, about my dear brother. you see, Dion has been wanting to twist your neck for a long time." – mention of the red-eyed man makes Cassis tense up.
when you see his reaction, you giggle like you just said the funniest joke in the world.
"come on. I was joking. Dion won't hurt you unless I tell him to. he's a good boy."
when he thinks about it, you, the elder Agriche, had a lot in common with the poisonous butterflies you adored so much. in the sense that Cassis often got the impression that you wanted to devour him. at least it wasn't hard to imagine transparent wings behind your back.
gatherings with your father always ended well after midnight – invariably over cigars and wine, in his office full of acrid tobacco smoke.
it was no secret who will become the next head of Agriche: Lante never hid his paradoxical favoritism. with you alone he had the relationship that most closely resembles the relationship of a parent to a child.
"in general, everything is going as it should. don't forget to dress up for the next dinner party: I've already called the designers." – Lante exhaled a cloud of smoke, smiling cheekily: alcohol was doing its job.
"as you wish. Is Dion doing good at his job?" – you answered with a relaxed face: wine, as well as many other "human" things, had no effect on you.
"you ask as if you don't know. you raised him well." – you slightly unnaturally round your eyes in surprise – "only a fool here does not know that the only person to whom my son is truly faithful is you. I don't know how you did it, but these mind games of yours seem to have had the desired effect. of course, you're my daughter! you're more like a dog with a mistress, not a brother and sister."
Lante bursts into a deep laugh, and his "daughter" does not deny herself a satisfied grin.
a dog and his mistress, huh?
heavy doors of the head's office closed behind your fragile – at least visually –figure.
you are greeted by the night chill of the deserted corridor of the estate and your dog waiting in the distance.
"hi, Dion. already returned?" – he just nods silently in response, coming closer to you and offering his hand.
my-my, just came from a mission in the middle of the night and immediately rushed to you. how obedient.
"did you hear it?" – you tilt your head to the side with a sly grin.
"I did. while I was waiting for you." – he doesn't say anything about Lante's comment. doesn't deny it.
indeed, you raised him well. no trace of pride was left.
Dion in your hands – a faithful puppy, readily following any of your instructions. even if you'll send him right to his death, he will return, only bowing his head in anticipation of praise and the touch of your cold hands.
and you, like a good master, praise, and stroke, and kiss. after all, if there is a stick, there must be a carrot.
"here we will part, my dear friend. we have already discussed your plan of action, so I see no point in repeating myself. go to freedom, but quickly: we, you know, deal with riots quickly."
"wait, listen, please. can you at least answer me before I leave? what are you, really? I always have the feeling that you're not who you seem. I mean... no, I like you, I really like you, it's just-" – Cassis cuts himself off, realizing that he blurted out too much.
he's all flushed, confused in words, and you're just looking at him with your unnerving eyes and smiling.
watching. and aren't blinking.
"God, no matter how much years I'm carrying on my shoulders, it's the first time I've met such a curious human." – you purse your scarlet lips, thinking about the answer – "don't worry, "she" is now where she will be better. and as for your question, dear, you can consider that I'm just a bystander. yes, let's think so. so stop talking and run, okay?"
"and you? will you be okay?" – you raised your eyebrow: still unnatural, however, he's already used to it.
exit from the estate is already very close, just a stone's throw away, and Cassis is hesitating. desperately grabbing your wrist, looking with shining yellow eyes into your laughing, soulless ones.
"what, you want to stay my toy forever? you know, I'm an Agriche too, and I might change my mind about letting you go if you keep looking at me like a beaten puppy." – realizing that your quip was not accepted by the "audience", you rolled your eyes, but then broke into your too perfect smile again.
"don't worry. I can't be killed in a way that matters."– a six-fingered palm rests on the top of his head, and your face stretches into a grin, not human, too wide for a human.
but he's not scared. he wants to watch more – it's impossible to look away, even if his instinct for self-preservation screams that he needs to get out of here as soon as possible.
the abyss, as it turned out, can really look back, and it is beautiful in its terrifying appearance.
is this how Deon feels every time he looks at something that calls itself his sister?
"well, let's never meet again, my friend." – and Cassis leaves, leaves without turning around, because he understands that if he turns around, he will never be able to leave this nightmarish estate. he won't want to.
you hesitate a little, watching him with unblinking eyes, and with a sense of accomplishment you turn back.
your face rests against a man's chest. familiar scent of ash and blood hits your sensitive nose.
"and you're still walking silently." – Dion drapes his coat over your bare shoulders. a gloved hand lingers on your skin a little longer than it should.
"it's cold in the dungeons. you should have dressed warmer." – you laughed a little.
he knows perfectly well that you don't feel the cold, but he does this every time anyway.
"and what, you won't even ask anything? aren't you curious why I let the Pedelian offspring go?" – your six–fingered hand is holding his elbow as you wind through the dark and cold corridors.
"I will not question your methods. but was it wise to talk about your secret, even in this way? doesn't he know too much now?" – it's not difficult to understand what he's hinting at: in his opinion, you should've get rid of Cassis. athough never said out loud, your "brother's" dislike of your toy was ridiculously strong.
ah, men's jealousy!
"let him think what he wants. there are no big conclusions to be drawn from what I said anyway." – you tilt your head to the side, your eyes lazily scan the walls of the dungeon. he just nods and continues to walk beside you in silence.
Dion never asked too much, never doubted any of your actions, never poked his nose where it should not be. you certainly raised him well. no, even exceeded your own expectations.
what a good boy.
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mom yelled at me for almost a hour and I wanna curl up and die 🤩
thanks for reading!!
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gremlingottoosilly · 10 months
The horror and the wild [!emperor!Konig x fem!Reader] ch.5
You had a nice, simple life. Serve the princess, obey the princess, protect the princess with your life. You never thought that this nice, simple life would bring you to be kidnapped by the infamous Northern Emperor. Konig never thought that kidnapping a wife would be much easier than courting one.
CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2| Chapter 3| Chapter 4| Chapter 5l you're here! AO3
Word count: 3188 Tags/Warnings: Medieval fantasy/Alternative European history AU, Age gap, Enemies(one-sided)to lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Kidnapping, Forced marriage, Size difference(Konig is absolutely huge), Somewhat one-sided slow burn, Yandere Konig
Warnings for this chapter: Predator/Prey kink, mild choking
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Little princess doesn’t know what’s good for her. Little princess is dumb and naive and oh, so deliciously weak, it makes Konig sick just how much he adores her pouty face, her aggressive expressions, and that squeak in her voice every time he does something to embarrass her – which he does, a lot, in fact. Quite aware of how his war dog lingo would affect an innocent young lady like his precious dearest darling illustrious wife, he uses it to hi advantage – when you have your lady cornered, heavy panting and cumming from your tongue and your fingers in her tight royal cunt, she wouldn’t be able to open her mouth for something meaningless, right? Thou shall not think as thou would be a sin against god. 
Emperor is a sinner, but he still believes that you shall always follow the religious instructions – as if not ever trying to oppose him and speak like you have the right to think in his presence. Perhaps, his devotion to making you weak and pliable in his arms is what led to this situation. 
Little princess doesn’t know what’s good for her, so little princess runs. 
You might brag about your best education and most elegant courses for women you attended in the palace – but he knows just how empty your adorable little head is, because you had no idea how much the thrill of the hunt turns him on. 
You’re nowhere to be found, escaped through the window of the room you were stationed in – it was his mistake, assigning you a place from which you could jump so easily. Next time, he will cuff you to his bedpost, like a loyal palace dog lying on his legs. Next time, he will make sure to love you so eagerly that your legs won’t work for at least a few days. 
He doesn’t even need his hunting dogs to catch you. Horangi offers his help, Tiger so eager to come out and play with a little princess, perhaps maul her a bit, showing the royal cunt what she deserves for disrespecting her emperor and his subjects – but oh no, this won’t do. König needs to discipline you himself, track your scent like the hound he is, and get you back to your wedding bed with your body in his teeth. 
Woe on you, dumb little princess, as your emperor considers escape attempts the richest form of courting. 
Following you through the forest near the castle, your footsteps are clear in the mud and dirt – a piece of your dress serves as a grinding light. Your scent, delicious sweetness, and fresh flower oils maid had infused you with made it laughably easier to find you. He can almost see the glimpses of your body running through the woods – god, he knew that he wanted you and was right about taking you away. 
How can he resist a wedding gift from his bride who wants to play tag? He follows you like a madman, a dog, he sees through trees, trying to see where you could run. The deep golden brown of your dress almost made you look like a forest spirit standing in the depths of the woods – if it weren’t for König’s trained eye, he would rather mistake you for a tree. Or a particularly precious deer. 
He licks his lips, a wolf approaching the bunny he was hunting for so long – you run away, still try to. These dumb skirts aren’t made for running away from your fiancee in a forest – you can barely walk in those, poor thing. You take a step back, panicking, squawking from fear, as he approaches you as slowly as possible. 
Perhaps, if he gives you one more chance to run, it would make the chase even more precious. 
He is used to hunting with his royal hounds, with a group of his closest friends by his side – war hawks helping hunt for prey, the animal snifters making the whole process laughably easy. He doesn’t have anyone for the company now. 
Only you, him, and wilderness – and his adoring love for everything you do. 
— Stop resisting, little princess.
You whimper, but your little annoyed expression makes him only harder. Hell, how he adores your frown, how much he wants to kiss your face right now – god knows he is holding himself back these days. Little princess doesn’t deserve to get her innocence taken on her back, legs open on the dirt of the royal forest – but sometimes you act like a good lashing, and some passionate mating is the only thing that would keep you in line. 
He yells in your direction, hoping that even that dumb head of yours has some sense in it – the chase is fun, and he would continue it more until you’re completely unraveled under him, exhausted and defeated – but, oh, your silly desire to be free has led you to the edge of the lake. Dancing on the shaky, soft sands and warm mud of the pond, your clothes leave you with very small chances of getting out of here in one piece. 
He doesn’t want to be the bringer of doom, but just one sleep, a nervous movement that you can’t control – and the little princess of his dreams will come flying in the dark waters. Even if your royal majesty knows how to swim, the heavy fabrics of your garments would be declared as your executioners. 
You look so fragile like this – your skirt is lifted, showing your pretty ankles, as you’re trying to jump from stone to stone, as far away from him as possible. You’re scared, only reminding him more of the bunnies he used to hunt as a kid – and he is almost offended that you’d prefer that risk of drowning over getting in the hands of your husband again, but alas, princesses are usually not the smartest creatures on the planet. 
— I’d rather die, Your Majesty. 
You bite your lips and look at him, so stubborn and cute – the feelings in him rise, your arrogant expression making the thrill of the hint ever sweeter. God, he cannot control himself around you like this – you should stop trying to make yourself sweeter for him, he already wants to keep you chained in his bed and never let you go. 
You’re so…
His path of thought is stopped by the splash of water. 
Dumb thing, you really decided to make the most of your words – like a cornered animal, you jumped in the lake, getting to the bottom almost immediately. Your dress is heavy and expensive, all the weight of the fabrics pinning you down in elaborate execution. Your emperor stands on the small beach, looking at the water circles going from where you fell…and then he jumps straight after you. 
The last thing you remembered before the world went dark was the scream of a man who, for the first time in his life, had experienced genuine fear. 
*** You wake up warm – and naked. 
No wet clothes, no heavy dress lingering on your skin like a soft coffin. 
You’re as naked as the day you were born, shivering despite the warmness of the room and the crackling of fire somewhere near you. You remember this room – a royal bedroom, quickly made as your quarters when you moved to this god-forsaken castle. Empire has some horribly extensive architecture, and this room, big, stony, and expelled of any decor, has only made you feel regret ever waking up. 
You wished to wake up in the cold embrace of your Princess – but you open your eyes and see this room over and over again. Why couldn’t death come sooner? 
— It was incredibly stupid even for you, little princess. 
König sits on the edge of the bed. A future husband shouldn’t sit like this, resembling a servant who is scared for the health of his misstress. His eyes are filled with cold fury and other emotions that you can’t quite grasp – you don’t want to look at his face too much as even the mere glimpse is making you uncomfortable. God knows you are not in the mood for trying to talk to your captor. 
God knows he doesn’t care about your wishes. 
— If you can only provide me freedom in case of my death…
— You will not be free after your death. 
You sigh, shocked – your brain isn’t nearly ready for this information when you just almost died. You shift in your bed, trying to pretend that you accidentally fell asleep – but the emperor pushes his hand on your cheek, warm fingers lingering on the cold skin. You sigh quietly, sealing his warmth. 
You fight the desire to nuzzle in his palm like an obedient little pet. 
— It’s not for you to decide, Your Majesty. I should be allowed to die on my own accord. 
— I'm entitled to your life, my bride. Don’t make me remind you of this, ja? 
— I would rather… 
— I can deliver death to you, little one. In a verdammt heartbeat. 
His hand goes from a warm presence on your cheek to an angry squeeze of your neck – you cough when he continues to shut your breath, fluttering of your neck in his grasp only makes your defeat even sweeter. König has you right where he wants it – under him, holding firmly in his grasp like some exotic bird he picked up from his travels. 
Lack of air makes you dizzy – as ironic as it sounds, you feel airheaded, hands clinging to his massive palm in a poor attempt to make him let you go. You whimper, you cry, you feel death all too soon – you want to die, of course, maybe, willingly meeting in hell with the royalty you had sworn to serve, but you don’t want to be killed. Tears run down your cheeks when you finally see the other side of him – out of control, angry, worse even than the conqueror you saw when you first met. 
You feel replaceable and small – he squeezes your throat like you aren’t his bride like you don’t mean anything to him, and, yes, it makes you feel hurt. Vulnerable as ever, your manicured nails have zero power over him – he only laughs at your helpless expression. For a second, it makes you think this is it – the last thing you would ever see is the cold anger in the eyes of your emperor. 
When your vision finally got blurry enough so you could not see anything anymore, König softly lowered his face closer to you, lifting the bottom part of his weird, strange hood. Smothering you with his lips, delivering the air you were craving for – if only to make himself feel even more in control. You’re lightheaded and a bit dumb, still, your mind is too delirious to actually understand anything that is happening around you. 
His lips are warm and dry, you steal air from his lungs with each second – you feel the energy feeling you up again, eyes are finally set enough to see at least some part of his face. Chiseled chin, covered in scars, tanned skin – you’re surprised that he is not as pale as you thought he must be, with his love for the masks. 
His veins are dark and rotten – you don’t understand how he can survive with his blood looking like this, but the dark tendrils of his body almost make him more of a curiosity than an actual human being. It’s only his lips that are still holding you in realms of the living. You don’t want to think of the implications and gossip you heard from some servants that were allowed to go out – allowed to witness the growth of the empire that was soon to eat you all. 
König finally lets go of your mouth when you start falling asleep again. You don’t allow him to simply cover his lips with his hood again though – your hands are heading to lend on his neck, fingers tracing the outlines of his veins. 
A medical curiosity, this emperor – you squeeze the rot of his neck, and he moans like you just did something that he liked too much. 
It’s only fitting that he has the body of a monster – for all he is done, you wouldn't be surprised if his head actually resembles the one of an octopus from silly books you were reading or a mess of dark tendrils, wiggling and swarming. Your delirious, oxygen-deprived mind still wants to touch him more, to satisfy your curiosity in all the more fitting ways. Maybe take your research a bit further down to see if he truly is a man down there. 
But oh well, you saw his body before – although you never as much as paid attention to that detail. Did he change in a few days that passed? Does his veins start to spew out darkness because he is…
He crushed your hand in his, almost making you feel a crack in your dainty lady fingers. God forbid you feel like your hands are being torn apart. 
— Never try to defy me like this again. 
He spews the words with anger than would be fitting for the enemy – and he is, for you, but you were sure that he didn’t consider you one of them. The contrast with his soft actions earlier, you can feel tears collecting in your eyes as he slowly lets go of your hand. 
Not knowing what to do, you roll to the side, burning desire to never see his face – or lack thereof – ever again. Like an angry cat that doesn’t know how to stop biting, you feel like you’re going to cry again and again. 
You whimper, trying to escape the haunting gaze of his eyes – and his face softens, if only for a bit. He presses his hand against your damp forehead, checking the temperature. You don’t want to forgive him just yet – for anything at this matter, but he is soft at this moment, and somehow, it is almost enough. Somehow, you almost feel like you can breathe again. 
— I was so scared, little princess. I don’t like being scared. 
You laugh dryly, your face is still deep in the pillow. You are trying to ignore the beast, but the beast decided that you’re his best option for a nice free snack. Beast decided to take off some of his clothes – you don’t see it, but you hear the sound of fabric hitting the floor, and you don’t want to even think how much it cost. 
You try to cover your naked body with the silk sheets of your bed, but soft fabric only entices your desires in a way that can only be called sinful. You remember the sensation of his tongue between your legs, your desire to simply run out of your skin because of how good it felt – each stroke made you strive further and further away from your duties. Like a good little maid you are, a perfect lady in waiting, waiting for her demise, you have to ignore all the mortal pleasures. 
If you want the royal family to truly forgive you in their graves, you would have to join them. Perhaps, you gave up on drowning too fast. 
— It wasn’t my intention. 
He shifts, the bed is too small for someone like him. You feel his legs, clothed, thank god, touching your naked thighs – and you immediately stir to the further side. You keep your arms and legs in check, getting into a small ball of limbs as you’re trying to comfort yourself without his touch. You don’t want to admit it, but König is warm, warmer than you thought he had the right to be, and you’re freezing. The phantom feeling of cold water on your skin is making you shiver. 
— What were your intentions then? 
If the emperor knows about manners and how a fiancee should behave around his bride that he didn’t even consummate the marriage, he is ignoring that knowledge. Large hands pinning you to his chest, warm and firm – to your utter dread, he took off the armor plates and even the simple shirt under it, making you helplessly squish your cheek against his muscles. He smells like a man, and you never knew you’d feel that smell in your life. 
You don’t hate it. 
— You killed by parents, Your Majesty. 
He only laughs, his hand goes to stroke your back. This is a contrast with his coldness before – he is soft and warm with you, and you hate that you don’t hate it. Gigantic palm goes to settle between your shoulder blades and you simply sigh, trying to get used to his touches. You don’t want to, but a good servant should adapt to everything, so you do just that. Adapting, deforming, melding yourself in something you never knew you even could be. 
Your head hurts, and you whimper when his gentle massage relaxes your sore muscles. You hate his gentleness, you hate his firmness. 
You want him to let you go, but you don’t even know where you would go. 
— Your parents, little princess? Really? 
There is a vile mockery in his voice, and you immediately remember who this man is. Not some devoted lover and slightly obsessive romanticist – he is dangerous, horrible, he is the conqueror of your country. You may not have warm feelings about the royal family, but he doesn’t know this – his laugh and mockery of your “family” must be real. It has to be, or else you’re going to die after your deceiving has been opened. 
He pushes you even closer to him, and you whimper like a dumb little dog without any means of stopping him from touching you. There is some freedom from being exposed like this, but you still don’t like it. Still feel like he is going to murder you, given the reason. 
— If anything, my men did it. That dog you called a father did not deserve my sword. 
Anger fills your whole body – not because you were particularly close with the king, but because König is parading his mockery of your supposed family. He hugs you with hands that are covered in blood, no matter if he is just the one to give orders. 
You try to get out of his grasp, but apathy fills you. What’s the point if the royal family is dead? What’s the point if you aren’t even the real princess. 
— You will not call my father…
He makes you shut your mouth when he kisses your head. Sweet and soft, you do not understand his intentions. If anything, it feels like yet another mockery. 
— I will call him like I want, meine Liebe. And you will still be mine. 
— I won’t just take it, Your Majesty. 
He laughs again. You feel sick. 
— With our wedding tomorrow, little flower, you will have to take it. Not the last thing you’ll take on that day, little princess. 
You feel like you are going to be sick. 
König kisses you again, forcing you to sleep in his hands. 
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 8 months
❝ you make me feel like I am clean again ❞
yandere!mob leaders x gn!reader | how you met | not proofread
warnings: graphic description of violence, guns, power imbalance (r! is part of the gang but they are a low-ranking member), yandere tendencies, mentions of drug dealings, very brief mention of r! getting felt up by someone in JH's section
masterlist ;
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authors note: doing some oc writing feels lowkey daunting but I hope you guys enjoy it, I wasn't exactly sure how to format this aaaa but! I hope it isn't too confusing. I wanted to go more into depth but I suppose this serves as an introductory post to them??? IDK, I've never written this kinda thing before. * here is the better-quality post of the illustration * song on repeat: Love Song by Mariee Sioux
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Kim Seo-Yun —
Seo-Yun would be unimpressed the first time she laid her eyes on you. It wouldn't be due to your looks, mannerisms, voice; she's just been hardwired that way.
Wants and needs are hard to convey when you're running one of the most dangerous businesses one could run. Drugs, gambling, skin, weapons — Seo-Yun's a busy woman.
Over time, however, she'll let her gaze linger on you.
Have you always looked so good in that colour? It really does bring out the shine in your eyes, and the suppleness of your lips. Seo-Yun's gaze is intimidating but seeing you squirm is all a part of your charm.
That's right. You're only dressing and acting this way to grab her attention, correct? Why else would she find it so hard to rip her sights from you?
Honestly, she shouldn't be making such frequent trips to the lower ring of her gang. This warehouse was meant to weed out the weakest of her guard dogs. It reeked of sweat and blood and cigarettes and cheap booze. The constant sounds of wrapped knuckles beating down on sandbags and bodies falling on thin mats gave her a headache.
Yet. She stands here on the second floor, gazing down at the sweaty men, a handful of women, and most importantly; you.
Favoritism comes slower than her interests. Seo-Yun will shove her feelings down until it bursts like a fucking volcano. All of a sudden, it's as if she's a hound that's caught the scent of their kill.
"What?" The man before you is wearing an expensive suit, luxury adorning him from the shimmering cuffs to the stitching that holds it together. "Madam Kim is requesting your transfer," he says curtly.
The transfer promotes you from doing grunt work near a polluted harbor to one of Seoul's most expensive penthouses in Gangnam.
It's jarring. She does not give you time to adjust. One moment you're setting down your duffel bag of things and the next you're in the back of a luxury car driving through Seoul's wealthiest district.
The guards (who are double your size and proudly show off their facial scars) push you toward the door of a seamstress. The very air you breathe smells like money.
When you see Seo-Yun, your eyes widen and you kneel to bow.
She muffles her amusement with a slow drag of her cigarette.
"They're very pretty, Madam Seo-Yun," a kindly old lady says from behind her. Her hands were bony and delicate, and the pin cushion she wore around her wrist looked heavy. Everything about her seemed deliberate and put together.
Despite that, despite the glamorous patterns she had on her and the jewelry hanging from her ears; Seo-Yun called for eyes on her with no more than a simple wave of her hand, flicking the ashes away from the cigarette.
"Aren't they? Such a gem."
Seo-Yun orders you to be a part of her security team. Dresses you in custom-made suits to blend in with the rest of the capable men and women. She gives you new weapons and arranges for you to have an apartment near hers. New fake IDs in store, local beat cops turning their gaze away as you smoke in alleyways with an obvious bulk under your jacket.
A gem she called you. And like a gem, she cannot keep her eyes off you.
Stares at you as if you were put on display. Relishes in the way you keep your gaze down, squaring your shoulders, straightening your posture — squirming under her gaze.
"Come inside," you freeze at her words. The other security guards stand stoically in the private entryway of her penthouse and she stands on the threshold of that obscenely large and heavy door.
"Madam?" you squeak out. She narrows her upturned eyes, like a goddess with no mood to be asked twice.
This is a nightly occurrence. It becomes a routine.
She invites you into her home, leaving the door open for you to close on your way in. She sits on the tufted leather sofa, and her grin is expectant.
You kneel. Then, you bring your palms to the floor and crawl towards her. Only stopping when your chin is on her knee and you bring your eyes to meet hers.
"Sweet thing," she'll coo. Her palm is soft and cared for, but there is the slightest bit of callousness here and there. That roughness that comes with holding a gun to someone's head.
The first time she had told you to kneel, you'd been so confused you stood there like a statue. Seo-Yun gives you a minute to let it click, and she tilts her head as you jerkily kneel on her expensive floors.
"Crawl to me."
"Sweet darling," she continues. Your eyes flutter close as she traces your cheekbones with her thumb. "So good for me, so obedient, aren't you?"
How could you not be?
In the weeks you'd been with her, your life took such a drastic turn. Well-fed, well-cared for, and pampered in little but big ways. You were the runt of the litter, a stray, she told you.
She had seen you, she said. She had seen your potential, your drive, your passion.
"I was...I just, I just needed the money, Madam," you sheepishly admit that first night, balancing your chin on her knee.
Who would choose to become the grunt of a dangerous gang? Miniscule soldiers with dreams of dying a movie-worthy death, of brotherly bonds between hardened criminals — Please. You were at the end of your rope, this was the only option before the noose.
"Money is life," Seo-Yun strokes over your cheeks. "You fought to live, climbed through the muddy filth of the pier, and here you are. In my lap."
"I see you, (Y/N)."
"Are you tired?" the shake of your head earns a firm squeeze on your jaw. Your eyes flutter open so she grins sweetly.
"Bathe with me." She lifts your chin and you stand, taking her into your arms as she tugs on the shoulder gun strap you wore, leading you along like a leash. A security guard's job does not include such tasks. You're aware. But how could you say no to the most powerful woman in Seoul?
Your relationship starts off with a clear dynamic. You belong to Seo-Yun, no ifs or buts. No matter how dubious your feelings towards her are, you cannot deny there is such a lovely prospect of being a powerful person's beloved.
Or gem. Or pet. Or...whatever it is Seo-Yun considers you as.
All you know is you are hers and she expects nothing but loyalty and excellence from you. She dresses you in the best, feeds you the best foods, your mattress is hers and therefore it is fit for a Queen.
How spoiled are you, (Y/N)?
So spoiled you do not even realise the pretty cage she's put around you. Don't realise that those pearly white gates are her own teeth as she closes her jaws; too distracted by the gifts, the love, she showers you in.
Exactly how she wants you to be. Pliant, demure, and hers.
So what if your old friends suddenly never contact you again? Or your financial dependence has suddenly been transferred to her? If you never hold a gun in your hands ever again.
"Crawl to me, baby."
And you do. And she grins as she holds your face.
"Good pet."
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Kim Jeong-Hyun —
Jeong-Hyun is a peculiar man. Some would argue he's barely a man; others would chime that he's barely human. The sight of the deep scars on his body; the mutilated side of his face. His left ear was chewed off, his left eye cloudy, and a good chunk of his lips ripped off to reveal gums and teeth.
Even if he wasn't a monster; he looked it. That was enough to set people on edge. Seemingly unaware of how he plants the fear of God within people, Jeong-Hyun stares at everyone with a dark gaze that could make the devil shiver.
Unlike his older sister, who hides her emotions until they spill over the edge, he makes his interest known from the beginning.
His good eye, lighter than any brown you've ever seen; a molten hazel that flashes gold in sunlight, devours you as he stands before you.
Although Madam Seo-Yun attends the funerals of her fallen men, she does not linger for the drinking and eating. Jeong-Hyun does.
You'd excused yourself from your circle, the drinks making your body warm enough to endure the cold night air as you light up a cigarette.
The clicking of nails on the brick ground forces you to look at the whimpering dog. Mangy, fur matted, and with its stubby legs like rubber as it paws at your shoe. It was someone's pet, left on the streets. Judging from the overgrown fur, it's been a while since someone's given it any kindness.
Jeong-Hyun had just walked out for a breather (he enjoys spending time with his men, but the noises and the scent of booze could get overwhelming), a bag of meat in hand as he set his sights on feeding the local strays.
But then he sees you crouched by an alleyway, pouring some cheap kibble you bought from a nearby convenience store onto some newspaper. Jeong-Hyun's footsteps are ghostlike, you don't even notice he's there until you feel his breath whisper along your ear and when you spin he's statue-like.
"B — Boss!" He's not the boss — he's just her brother. He still outranked you (by a whole league) so, he doesn't correct you as you bow your head so far down it's between your knees.
He looks silly crouched down in his two-piece suit. You're dressed formally, though the two of you were in different financial brackets. Jeong-Hyun does not speak. The pinkish scar that runs across his neck peeks from the collar of his button-up. It has your toes curling just imagining what had caused it.
He nudges the plastic bag your way, and you cautiously take it from him. To your surprise, he squishes his eyes into crescent moons, and despite his scarred cheek lifting from behind the black surgical mask he wore he looked so...innocent.
The rounded shape of his eyes, the deep crease of his eyelid, and his brows - it all makes him look boyish.
You turn your attention to the strips of expensive beef he had gotten, feeding the poor puppy in silence.
Jeong-Hyun's interest begins with him accompanying your crew as you were tasked to make a show of a traitor. He shoves the blade your way, hilt tilted your way as he connects his gaze with you.
The leader of your crew informs him you are new. He does not even pretend to hear him.
You took the blade, the forged metal heavier than you expected it to be but not impossibly so. It seemed as though it was his favorite, a little longer than a dagger but still small enough to hide under your clothes. Weighing it on your palm, you test the balance of it before gripping it tightly and Jeong-Hyun is entranced by the casual dominance you have over it.
The man before you, on his knees with his cut lip hanging heavily and his eyes so bruised you wonder how he can still see you enough to squeak in fear; he shivers and bows desperately.
"How do you want him, boss?" You glance at him, the grip on the blade strong and confident. He narrows his eyes then closes his eyes, jerking his chin forward.
' However you see fit. '
Jeong-Hyun falls in love with your violence.
Asking for you, always. Giving you food to bring back, giving you new knives and even transferring you to his personal squad of men and women. He'd even invited you into his home. Which, apparently, was not unusual but no one had ever had the pleasure of being able to see the pack of dogs he had.
He starts hanging around you more. His favoritism is hard to mask and it causes you more issues than you'd like to admit.
"You're his little bitch now, huh?" or "His cock tastes good, (Y/N)?"
But who can say no when their boss tells them they want you to follow him around, be his shadow, do nothing more than observe boring meetings and itching for the usual vulgarity of mobsters while you're stood by the wall or behind him?
The madam is not impressed by you. Whenever she speaks to her brother, she will cast a glance filled with nothing more than mild bemusement and disgust.
"Hey, boss," he tilts his head in your direction. You're sat in a barbeque restaurant, and he's watching you intently as you flip the meat, licking his exposed teeth with an almost canine-like attribute.
"...Can I ask you a question?" Jeong-Hyun nods, tearing his eyes away to now look at you. They're almost golden, you think to yourself, the colour of his eyes is so bright.
"Why do you favour me?"
Jeong-Hyung, you come to find out, does not speak. The scar you see peeking from his high collars was apparently a wound that had gone so deep, it took the ability for him to speak comfortably. So Jeong-Hyun signs; "What does that mean?"
"Favour?" You ask and he nods.
"Well, it means, why do you...like me...?"
Jeong-Hyung blinks for a few seconds then tells you to flip the meat. The conversation seemingly ends. That is until you find yourself in his home and he has invited you to his basement.
The dogs bark from behind the doggy gate, a hallway away feeling like a stretch of land as their noises echo. In the basement, you find yourself surrounded by crusted blood and metal. He lifts a dagger and shows it to you. It takes a moment for you to recognize it, it's been weeks since you've held it, but then your brows furrow.
"You kill good. Like me, I like that. I like you," he signs while you hold the dagger. "You like me?" He nods, pulling his black mask away from his face, and grins. It's surreal to see, not exactly grotesque but an unusual sight.
"I like you," he signs.
When his enthusiasm is met with confusion, Jeong-Hyun's face contorts into worry.
He takes the dagger from your hand, places it down, then holds your hands in his. He's tall, towering easily over you as he brings your knuckles to his lips.
He has essentially muted himself. Focusing his strength on keeping your hands hostage as he walks forward until your back meets the smoothed limewash walls of his basement.
"Boss? I'm flattered, but this is a lot to take in....!"
His cloudy eye is in a perpetual squint, healed scars tugging on the skin so it looks almost uncomfortable stretched. They have so much sadness that you feel guilt sprout in you.
'Love me,' they say, 'Love me, love me, lovemelovemelovemelovemelovemeloveme'
Your relationship is dubious. The jeers from your comrades make you feel more flustered than before and Jeong-Hyun is not shy about his affections.
He holds your hands in meetings and traces the shapes of your fingers and joints.
When a snake requires a beheading, Jeong-Hyun takes off your jacket for you and hands you a weapon of his choice. The men who snicker at the sight? Jeong-Hyun is not fond of guns but he so does love it when his sister presses her Beretta to the back of their necks and makes them gasp and sputter.
Madam Seo-Yun may not like you but you matter too much to her little brother for her to allow their insubordinate to make fun of you.
Jeong-Hyun is like a touch-starved puppy. Despite his towering size, he crumbles under your touch, your gaze.
"My brother, he is naive to relationships," Seo-Yun informs you during a lunch meeting. "I noticed, Madam," you shrink under her gaze. How is it she has the same shade of eyes and hers are so, so, so cold?
"But he likes you, favours you I think is the word he used. He has never liked someone before. Not as strongly as this. I suppose I should advise you to take some caution."
"My brother's love comes with a storm of violence. It runs in the family, I'm afraid. Please, don't be frightened by his displays."
You didn't quite understand what she meant.
He'd never been violent to you. You had witnessed him kill before, torture, maim — it was not an unusual sight in your line of work.
You didn't understand until you saw it.
Another funeral, more drinks, more meat. Jeong-Hyun has you beside him, eagerly awaiting your metal chopsticks to place more grilled beef onto his plate.
No one laughs at the sight anymore, they treat you as an extension of Jeong-Hyun which, considering how he monopolies your time, you might as well be. It's rare to see you without him.
But as you got up to wash your hands — someone had spilled their drinks and your hand became sticky — an inebriated man had pressed himself against you.
"You must be a good lay if *hic* Jeong-Hyun-ssi keeps you around, riiight? C'mon, just a quickie, c'mon," "Fuck! Get away from me!"
Jeong-Hyun's hand grabs the back of the man's head, rears it backward, and slams it right into the sink. It shatters, the man yells, people around you scream; but Jeong-Hyun tightens his grip, rears his hand back, and slams him down again.
By the end of that public fiasco, the man's head was obliterated so badly, his face was no longer there. Just shredded skin, muscle, and shattered bone and brain matter.
Madam Seo-Yun's gaze on you is heavy in the car. Jeong-Hyun lumbers in, his hand covered with tissues and you immediately pull the bloody fist to your lap. Approval shines in her eyes as you apply pressure and ask if it hurts.
Well, you couldn't say she didn't warn you now, could you?
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sanjisboyfie · 11 months
one piece masterlist ౨ৎ
[ keep safe series ] // ongoing, romantic undertones, slow burn, future angst, comedic
-> "it's beautiful, how this deep normality settles down over me. i'm not bored or unhappy. i'm still so strange and wild. you're in the wind, i'm in the water. nobody's son, nobody's daughter." or, joining the strawhat pirates as luffy's childhood friend allows you to make memorie with people who started as strangers, but then became your loved ones.
๑ prologue
๑ the cursed orphan enters 彡 alabasta arc begins
๑ [name] joins the strawhats
๑ just a friendly competition...right?
๑ heartfelt conversations with a chef
๑ coffee beans
๑ i'm gonna freeze my balls off
๑ i'm gonna freeze my balls off, pt. 2
๑ crimson red icicles
๑ luffy's innate instincts (a hum of the heart)
๑ new crewmate, tony tony chopper
๑ his hand on his ankle
๑ don't you know? "lover" outweights "boyfriend"
๑ i'll kill you, i'll really kill you
๑ "together in chaos."
๑ zoro being annoyed at his captain and [name]
๑ mr. prince and mr. executioner
๑ the dogs are hounding on [name]
๑ wings that made [name] fly
๑ see you later, vivi!
๑ more in common than you'd think 彡 skypiea arc begins
๑ robin and [name] make a good team!
๑ we made it!
๑ [name] wants to adopt suu!
๑ that god guy thing
๑ strawhat adventure team, go!
๑ chopper's crown
๑ put a face to the name
๑ mummified [name]
๑ four hundred years is not too late
ꔛ 666 heart special for quotev -> individual one shots with each straw hat, each assigned a representative song that describes the relationship they share with [name]
๑ navarone - g8
๑ davy back fight 彡 long ring long land arc begins
-> frequently used tags:
#≡;- ꒰ ° keep safe series ꒱
#one piece fanfic
#one piece fanfiction
DOMESTICITY series // based off of keep safe characters/relationships, but can be read as standalone one shots
ꔛ sanji's special dessert -> he prepares a dessert only for you since he knows your likes and dislikes
ꔛ a shared interest among swordsmen -> rare moments of peace and quiet with zoro
ꔛ nami is working, don't interrupt -> she doesn't mind the company, especially if you're peeling her tangerines
ꔛ usopp and [name]'s conversation -> heart to heart
one piece [ smau ] // social media au
ପ strawhats misc. edition
ପ dating luffy edition
ପ dating nami edition
ପ dating sanji edition
ପ strawhat vacation edition
ପ dating zoro edition
ପ dating usopp edition
ପ dating vivi edition
ପ married to law edition
ପ married to franky edition
ପ married to robin edition
ପ dating eustass kid edition
ପ married to doflamingo edition
ପ dating ace edition
ପ married to marco edition
ପ dating sabo edition
-> frequently used tags:
#≡;- ꒰ ° smau series ꒱
#one piece smau
#one piece modern au
[ yandere ]
જ yandere zoro headcanons
જ yandere sanji headcanons
જ soft yandere luffy
જ yandere luffy
-> frequently used tags:
#≡;- ꒰ ° yandere series ꒱
#≡;- ꒰ ° yandere headcanons ꒱
[ drabbles // one shots // headcanons ]
ꔛ playlist : tender by blur [ luffy x male reader ] // based off of keep safe characters, but can read as a standalone one shot. small hints of yandere luffy. // snippet of pt.2
-> tender is the night, lying by your side. tender is the touch of someone that you love too much. tender is my heart. i'm screwing up my life. lord i need someone to who can heal my mind, or luffy and reader reminisce about their childhood memories while cuddling in merry's crow's nest.
ꔛ in a world of boys, he's a gentleman, nami x SD male reader
ꔛ pass the test, nami x SD male reader, the one where he meets nami's friends
ꔛ shanks being your doting boyfriend
ꔛ random sanji headcanons
ꔛ sanji has a crush on you ♡︎
ꔛ halloween with the strawhats [platonic]
ꔛ a day in the life as a strawhat [platonic]
ꔛ rockstar ! tragalar law headcanons
ꔛ me psychoanalyzing sanji x male reader
ꔛ random individual headcanons ; includes, law, luffy and zoro
ꔛ the type of man . . .
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Her Hellhound (Headcanons) Yandere Carmilla Carmine X Male Hellhound Reader (Hazbin Hotel)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am here with another chapter! This one is Yandere Carmilla Carmine X Hellhound male Reader headcanons and maybe more! Now let's do this! Please enjoy this!] 
(Disclaimer: Carmilla Carmine is not yandere in canon! This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! You know who you are! You dirty, Flaky, Biscuits! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank you!) 
-Yandere Headcanons With Carmilla Carmine X Male Hellhound Reader- 
.Carmilla did not have a problem with hell hounds persay.  .She did not feel one way about them or the other. 
.They were just there and sometimes even worked for her as guards for her. 
.She does not hate them for who or what they are, but she has never really thought about them more than guards or employees. 
.Sometimes she has seen them as dogs, because of the way society portrays them, but that was rare. 
.Then she met you, a hellhound male that was looking for work. 
.She was taken aback by who you were and what she felt for you. 
.Such a handsome man, and such a strong man. 
.She hired you as a personal bodyguard for herself and sometimes her daughter.s 
.You did not fail her, and she noticed how you put your life on the line even against heaven's angles to protect her daughters. 
.This made her see you in a very high light. 
.She trusts you with secrets and knows that you are loyal to her. 
.She would trust her girls with you as well, knowing that they are safe with you. 
.She loves you like she has loved no other.  .Of course, she knows that her love for you is fleeting, as you are a hellhound and not immortal like her. 
.Even if you aged slowly there was still the difference that you would age and one day die. 
.She hates that with all her heart, cause she knows one day that time will come when your life ends and she will continue on. 
.So for this she makes every moment count. 
.She is the type of yandere that would spend all this time with you treasuring all the time she can spend with you.  .Cherishing it, and cherishing you. 
.She would love to find a way to make you immortal, but she knows that that is not in the cards. 
.So she is not going to spend all that time researching it when she can make all the memories she can with you. 
.With rivals she is protective of you and can play the ownership card. 
.She sees that you are hers and her rivals have no chance at you cause by hell's laws she owns you. 
.So if rivals tried anything she would pull out that she technically owns you and they can back the fuck off. 
.If the rivals do not back off then, well they are as good as dead because she is the top weapon arms dealer in hell and NO ONE is taking her man away from her! 
.She would love to also have her kids see you as their dad and let you help in the parenting. 
.She wants to share her life with you and all it entails. 
.She would also want to marry you and make you her husband, not giving a fuck about what other overlords or Lucifer say. 
.She is going to spend every moment she can to make a life worth remembering with you. 
.She is the type of yandere that can seem a bit cold and calculating. 
.But also the yandere that loves with all her heart and would bear whatever storm comes her way to keep you the man of dreams, and her future husband safe. 
.She is a very protective yandere that will be your armor and will be your sword to protect and defend you with her life. 
.She is not some damsel in distress she Is a brave yandere that will fight to the death to protect you her man, just as she would to protect her daughters. 
.She would confess to you after you two had been dating for some time. 
.If you accept her love she is so happy she may just cry tears of joy, because unlike you she is a sinner she was sent to live in hell, and you were born in hell. 
.You are something that is good in soul while she earned her place in hell. 
.If you turn her down she is not mad, she is not upset, she is not hurt. 
.It just means she has to try harder to earn your love. 
.She will not punish you, or hurt you, or kidnap you. 
.She is a fair yandere. 
.But MAN OH MAN! You better not cheat on her or tell her you are already seeing someone! Because she is still a yandere. She would make sure your partner is dealt with. 
.And she will make it so that you had no idea that it was her. 
.In her mind she is the only one good enough for you, and she will earn your love, but she is not going to let anyone else get in the way of her earning your love, you can count on that! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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queenof-curses · 2 years
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Prince Charming
Katsuki Bakugo (Pro-Hero) x Fem!Reader
Summary: Pro-Hero Dynamite is the perfect boyfriend in the media's eyes. The press constantly praises your relationship, but what they don't realize is that Katsuki Bakugo is insatiable behind closed doors.
Tags: Minors DNI!, Explicit, Yandere Behavior, Yandere Bakugo, Explicit Sex, Dacryphilia, Breeding, Established Relationship, Consensual but a little dub-con.
This was originally an ask submitted by Anon- I hope you enjoy<3
send me a tip: Ko-Fi
Masterlist | More My Hero Academia
Pro-hero Dynamite loved his precious little girlfriend. 
In public he treated her like his delicate Princess… one who could shatter with even the lightest touch. The Press constantly hounded the top hero and his lover, snapping photographs of the blonde hero shielding you away from prying eyes. 
He was seen holding doors open for you, maneuvering your bodies so that he’d be the one walking closer to traffic, and even holding up his coat as you rode up the escalator- hiding you from both the media and any creeps with wandering eyes. He was so sweet and affectionate, and so different from the way the public originally met him as a teen. The Press praised every single detail of your relationship, hailing him as the Prince Charming Hero. 
But behind closed doors, that couldn’t be further from the truth. 
Bakugo was never the man to be attracted to weak women. No, he knew you could take a punishment, and he wasted no time pushing you past your limits in the bedroom. 
“You spoiled brat- don’t look at me like that,” he tells you.
Tears rolled down your face, mascara marks staining your cheeks as you kneeled before the pro hero. You cough, attempting to alleviate the pain and soreness in the back of your throat as you struggle to catch your breath. 
Bakugo’s hard cock bobbed in front of your face. Its heavy girth weighed as you watched the angry red tip leak. His precum mixed with your spit, running down his shaft and onto his full sack. 
“Tch- stupid bitch, you can’t even suck my cock right.” The fiery blonde scoffs at your behavior- gripping you by the back of your head and pulling you forward once more. 
You open your mouth once more to accept him- forcing your coughs into silence as you eyed his member like a lollipop, ready to satisfy your sweet tooth. You were so ready to submit to him- your need to please could get him off from just the thought of it. 
He uses a free hand to grip his length, bouncing it against your lips as if teasing you with a treat. 
The saltiness coats your lips, as you eagerly keen for more. Bracing your hands on his strong thighs, you prepare yourself for what’s to come. 
“You gonna suck my cock right this time, Princess?” He teases you, smirking at your neediness. “Gonna let me fuck that sweet throat of yours?”
“Y-Yes Bakugo.”
A loud smack silences you. 
The pain is delayed, the shock sitting deep in your gut at the realization of the hit. 
“My name isn’t Bakugo right now Princess.”
It’s all he says, giving you a moment to register the slap. Yes, it hurt- but you’ll be damned if the rough treatment didn’t drench your panties. You could feel the way your cunt throbbed, desperate to be played with. Your wetness soaked through, and you knew that if you were to look down- you’d see a mess between your thighs. 
Yes, the media was correct in that Pro Hero Dynamite was the sweetest boyfriend ever. Yet, that’s not why you liked him. It was a plus, yes- but this feeling… this thrill, is why you yearned for the man. 
“I- I’m sorry…” you whisper out before transitioning into a more confident tone. “Please Daddy… fuck my throat.” 
A Cheshire smile cracks across the angry blonde’s face. How could he not fall for those precious puppy dog eyes of yours? 
“That’s what I wanted to hear, Princess.” 
You open your mouth up for him once again, hanging your tongue out and relaxing your throat.
Slowly, he feeds you his cock.  
It’s been hours. 
And yet, the Pro-hero never stopped for more than a few moments. Mostly, because of yourself. You needing to catch your breath- to come down from the multiple orgasms Bakugo pulled from you. Your pussy ached at this point, but there was no stopping your partner until he achieved his goal. 
You laid your cheek against the cool sheets- the thick scent of sex permeated the air as your eyes rolled back once more. 
He had you on all fours again- except you no longer had the strength to hold yourself up. Your arms sat limp against your sides, face flat on the bed below as you clenched the sheets with your fists. 
Bakugo held your ass high into the air, fucking himself into your weeping cunt as you clenched tight around him. If you weren’t hanging on for dear life, the force of his thrusts would send your body up the bed. He admired his pretty little girlfriend below him, being split open on his hard length, watching himself disappear deep inside of you with each movement. 
“Fuuuuck baby- that’s right, cum on my cock.” He tells you, noticing the way you clenched down around him. He was mesmerized as he watched the thick ring of cream form at the base of his shaft. 
Obsessed wasn’t even half of it. This man was absolutely mad for you. 
His filthy words rang in your ear; you were unable to process just exactly what he was saying as you cum around him for what felt like the hundredth time tonight. 
“Bakugo– I- Fuuuuuck,” you moan, eyes squeezing shut as tears spring freely down your face. 
He was so lost in you, the Daddy act had been long abandoned as he listened to the way you cried out for him. His name on your lips was like a blessing… an answer to his prayers that you were everything he’s ever asked for. 
You were numb all over- the only thing you could make out was Katsuki’s shaft buried deep inside of you, molding you into the shape of him. How he managed to still be so hard after so many rounds- the thought far from your mind as you listened to the way his still-heavy balls slapped against your swollen clit. 
“Suki…” you cried out. “Please- ‘is too much!” 
The overstimulation was too much- he forced orgasm after orgasm from you for what felt like hours. Truth was, he loved getting you drunk on his cock. Each and every moan he pulled from you was his version of winning, with your pleasure being his prize.
He looked down at you and smirked, admiring the tears, sweat, and cum that slicked across both of your bodies. It was a mess, and he intended for it to last just a little bit longer. 
“Too fucking bad Princess, you’re my little cum slut to use and fill as I please. Now fucking take it.” He says as he slams into you. The driving force of his hips filled the room with wet smacking noises, his grunts accompanying your own cries. 
You could only whimper in response- a cute sound that was like music to his ears.
Oh how he loved being mean to you, degrading you with every thrust of his hips... You accepted himself as he was- the only person to ever let him take his frustrations of being a top-hero out on. Of course he knew that you knew he loved you deeply- that this was just an outlet for you both to let go; you were tired of playing the perfect partner in public, and he needed to release some pent up stress. Truly, it was amazing how well you completed one another. 
Your womb felt so full, stuffed to the brim by the previous loads Bakugo emptied inside of you. You were, in fact, his precious cum dumpster for the night. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think that he had the intention of knocking you up. 
If only you knew how he saw the shitty Media’s article earlier that day. 
It had nothing to do with infidelity or anything of that nature, just a clickbait article that pinpointed on the length of time you two had been together. How there was no ring, no child, no legal tie to one another. 
And he was dumb enough to click on it.
The marriage part he already had planned. He had a ring picked out for months that he was waiting for the right time to ask you. But the mention of a child together?
Fuck yeah Bakugo wanted to be a dad. He loved you to death, so thoughts of you full and pregnant with his child riddled his brain all day. He couldn’t stop thinking about it… the thought made him hard and his balls weighed heavily in his uniform because of it.
Fuck- he needed you. 
And when he saw you after his patrol shift, the thoughts were still etched into his mind. He was going to make it happen. Tonight. 
“Agh- Fuck!” He growled, feeling the way you milked him dry. His balls twitched between his legs as he emptied yet another load into your tight heat.
“‘Suki- Fuck, ‘feels so good…” you groaned out, voice hoarse at this point from the countless times he’s made you cry out. You gripped the sheets as you arched your back into him- rocking your hips up and down his cock, making sure each drop of his seed ended up deep inside of you.
Strong hands dug into the flesh of your hips, no doubt leaving bruises of your time together. He molded himself against the fat of your ass, holding himself balls deep inside of your cunt as he humped his load further into your womb.
You felt the way his dick twitched as he decorated your insides with ropes of fresh cum, joining the previous finishes from earlier that night. Tears sprang free as you cried into the bed, the already wet sheets soaking up your whimpers as you feel him fill you once more. 
“Katsuki…” you sighed out. 
Overworked- overheated- overstimulated
The only three words that could be used to describe your current state.. 
But as Bakugo pulled out of you and flipped you over, you saw it there in his eyes. That same fire he had when coming home earlier that night.
Gripping you by the backs of your knees, he pushes your legs up against your chest and buries his weeping cock back inside of you, hissing at the overwhelming pleasure of his still-sensitive tip hitting your womb. 
Fresh tears spring from your eyes as you let your boyfriend continue to ravish you- grinding himself down on your swollen clit as he watches your fucked-out reaction yearn for him. 
“I’m far from done with you, Princess.”
Thank you for reading! Any likes & Reblogs mean the most <3 To submit a request, please use the ask option on this tumblr page.
send me a tip: Ko-Fi
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queentheweeb · 1 year
MHA Masterlist
Started: 06/04/2023 or 04/06/2023
Edited: 06/19/2023 or 19/06/2023
Male Readers:
Izuku Midoriya X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
Denki Kaminari X Shy Male Reader
Katsuki Bakugo X Shy Autistic Male Reader
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Pt 1
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Pt 2
Denki Kaminari X Male Reader
Ejiro Kirishima X Autistic Male Reader
Fumikage Tokoyami X Shy Male Reader
Tamaki Amajiki X Male Reader
Shota Aizawa X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
Hanta Sero X Trans FtM Reader
Hitoshi Shinso x Autistic Neko Male Reader
Correctional Officer Izuku X Male Prisoner Reader
Hawks X Autistic Male Reader
Female Readers:
Shota Aizawa X Autistic Female Reader
Mirko X Female Reader
Bully Midoriya X Female Reader X Victim Bakugo
Hound Dog X Female Reader
Flirty Izuku X POC Mid-sized Female Reader
Hanta Sero X Shy American Female Reader
Izuku X POC Female Reader (Xmas Edition)
Midnight X Female Reader
Villain Izuku X Shy Female Reader
Tenya Iida X Shy Female Reader
Mashirao Ojiro X Tenya's Sister Reader
Bakugo X Skinny Dysphoric Fem Reader X Shoto
Mezo Shoji X Female Mutant Type Reader Pt. 1
Mezo Shoji X Female Mutant Type Reader Pt. 2
Ejiro Kirishima X Shy Female Reader
Yandere Overhaul X Female Reader
Overhaul X Female Reader X Chronostasis
Tomura Shigaraki X Villain Female Reader
Kirishima X Mute Female Reader X Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki X Autistic Female Reader
All Might X Quirkless Autistic Female Reader
Monoma X Blind, Deaf Female Reader X Shinso
Gang Orca X Fem Reader Pt. 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Finale
GN Readers:
Yandere Edgeshot X GN Reader
Best Jeanist X GN Reader
Jiro X GN Reader X Momo
Mezo Shoji X GN Little Reader X Ojiro
Bakugo X Non-binary Reader X Izuku
Asui Tsuyu X Non-binary Reader
Tenya Iida X Non-binary Tourette's Reader
Mina X GN Reader X Ochako Uraraka
Shoto Todoroki X GN Reader
Shouta Aizawa x GN Pro Hero Reader
Character X Character
Alpha Izuku Midoriya X Omega Ejiro Kirishima
Alpha Denki Kaminari X Omega Mezo Shoji
Alpha Hitoshi Shinso X Omega Denki Kaminari
Alpha Denki Kaminari X Omega Koji Koda
Alpha Shoto Todoroki X Omega Hanta Sero
Alpha Ejiro Kirishima X Omega Hitoshi Shinso
Alpha Koji Koda X Omega Mezo Shoji
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♥ masterlist of fics recs ♥
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aka, please don't mind this post, just organizing the fics i've read . . . more to be added as time goes on.
profiles (because i'd literally be listing all their fics)
@venus-haze (best yandere!elvis fics in my opinion)
@blainesebastian (amazing a.b. fics)
@flwersgarden (amazing yandere and not yandere!elvis and other fics)
@aconflagrationofmyown (amazing elvis fics - most beautiful writing like what)
@corroded-hellfire (amazing eddie munson fics!!)
(obviously there's more, but these are just some)
elvis / characters
Vampire!Elvis x Vampire!Reader
Red String || Elvis x Reader
Don't Worry Darling AU || Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Worshipping!Elvis x Worshipped!Reader
Love Is All I Can Give To You || Vampire!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Austin!Elvis x Enemy!Reader
Someone to Watch Over Me || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Naive!Reader
The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter - Prequel || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Enchanted || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Chain of Fools || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Elvis x Cutesy!Reader
What Aren't You Telling Me? || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Beale Street Blues || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Only Ones Who Know || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Be My Once In A Lifetime || Elvis x Reader
I've Got A Crush On You || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Craw-Fever || Elvis Presley x Reader
The Bathroom || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Ever Fallen In Love || Austin!Elvis x Reader
All I Want || Elvis x Reader
International Hotel || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Trouble || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Come Out Tonight || Austin!Elvis x Reader
The Silence of a Falling Star || Elvis Presley x Reader
Reunion || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Late Night Reassurance || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Sing For Me || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Siren!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Quite A Show || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Vampire!Elvis x Reader
Just The Costume Designer || Elvis x Reader
Trouble || Austin!Elvis x Reader
All Out of Dreams || Austin!Elvis x Reader
National Anthem || Yandere!Elvis x Reader
Loving You Will Be The Death Of Me || Austin!Elvis x Reader
All I Wanted Was You || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Elvis x Showgirl!Reader
Talk Like An Angel || Yandere!Vince Everett x Fem!Reader
Austin!Elvis x Vampire!Reader
A Star Is Born || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Know What You've Done || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
The Leather Jumpsuit || Elvis x Reader
Cult Leader!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Elvis x Reader
Heartbreak Hotel || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Werewolf!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Can’t Help Falling in Love || Austin!Elvis x Reader
That Damn Hound Dog || Elvis Presley x Reader
Double Trouble || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Reader x Yandere!Jesse
You Go To My Head || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Different Kind Of Love || Cult Leader!Elvis x Reader
Ghost!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Demon!Austin!Elvis x Reader
All Shook Up || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Vampire!Austin!Elvis x Reader
You’re Her Daddy || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Lovesick Blues || Yandere!Austin!Elvis
Don't Fly Away || 60s!Elvis / Time Traveler!Elvis x Reader
Married!Elvis x Little Sister!Reader
Yours || Elvis Presley x Reader
Yandere!Elvis x Priscilla's Best Friend!Reader
Vampire!Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Elvis x Pushover / People Pleaser(?)!Reader
The Singer and The Journalist || Elvis Presley x Fem!Reader
austin butler / characters
Going Method || Austin Butler x Reader
Teasing!Austin Butler x Reader
Austin Butler x Reader
Mutually Assured Satisfaction || Austin Butler x Reader
Not My Husband || Austin Butler x Reader
Ruin You || Austin Butler x Reader
Happy Birthday || Austin Butler x Reader
Alone || Sebastian Kydd x Fem!Reader
Wil Ohmsford x Reader
billy hargrove
Yandere!Billy x Reader
You Never Shut Up about Steve || Jealous!Billy x Reader
Assertive || Billy x Reader
Fool for You || Billy x Fem!Reader
What Are You Supposed To Be? || Billy x Fem!Reader
Like The Wind || Billy x Fem!Reader
Mindflayed!Yandere!Billy x Reader
steve harrington
Cherry Flavored || Yandere!Steve x Reader x Yandere!Eddie
Steve x Reader x Abusive!Billy
Stay Awhile || Steve x Fem!Reader
eddie munson
Cherry Flavored || Yandere!Eddie x Reader x Yandere!Steve
Soft Yandere!Eddie x Reader
Groupie Love || Yandere!Eddie x Reader
Love Comes Walking In || Eddie x Reader
Jealousy, Jealousy || Eddie x Reader
Yandere!Eddie x Reader
Hellraiser || Yandere!Eddie x Reader
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serxinns · 9 months
hi i was was wondering if you can do a platonic yandere teachers vlad king,hound dog and gang orca x student reader please when you have time...thank you.
Okay after I do the yandere platonic big 3! (cause those characters are gonna be a bit hard since idk them well) but ill see what I can do!
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roxy-writes · 2 years
ask box is open!
fandoms i write for: bnha
characters i write for: izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, eijiro kirishima, shouto todoroki, shinso hitoshi, tamaki amajiki, touya todoroki/dabi, denki kaminari, hanta sero, ochako uraraka, mina ashido, kyoka jiro, shota aizawa
characters i don't write for: minoru mineta, all-might, endeavor, rikido sato, koji koda, mezo shoji, mashirao ojiro, hound dog
i write mostly smut headcanons but i also write fluff + drabbles as well. i only write x fem!reader or x gn!reader fics bc i'm not comfortable with writing x male!reader.
if you're sending in an ask, tell me any specific kinks or anything i should know. if i'm uncomfortable with anything, i'll tell you and see if we can make changes. i'm willing to write dark content, like yandere/non con and that kind of stuff.
i'll update this if anything changes!
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angelamajiki · 3 years
Hound Dog would be incredibly shameless as a chikan.
He's shameless when his hand finds the small of your back, snaking it's way down the back of your skirt. He's shameless when he tear your panties off with his claws and stuffs the fabric into his muzzle to sniff at his pleasure. He's shameless when others begin to notice the little whimpers and whines his puppy is letting out as his fucks their thighs with vigor. 
And he's certainly not shameless fucking you like a beast once the train clears out at it's next stop.
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teratonasti · 3 years
Yandere Hound Dog using tracking your scent when you escape 👁👁
I’m a whore for Hound Dog and he needs more content so I am VERY HAPPY to oblige.
This fic includes: yandere Hound Dog, mentions of blood, NONCON, breeding, knotting, boi got a doggy cock w the knot and everything, mentions of pregnancy, fem!reader, some fear play, some pred/prey play as well
The river was freezing cold as you splashed through it, the tiny nightgown you’d been shoved into clings like a second skin as you’re soaked through. It’s a deeper river than you expect, water flooding your throat and making you splutter while you swim for shore. Being deep in the woods and not knowing your surroundings was such a danger, but this had been the only opportunity to run away from your captor.
Hound Dog, pro hero and pro stalker, had kidnapped you some time ago (the timing was unclear, you had no idea how long it had been). Today was the first time he’d made a mistake; he’d ended up forgetting to close your door completely and that had facilitated your escape. For weeks you’d been working at your bonds and gotten them weak enough to tear through with your teeth, then it was a matter of stalking through the large cabin towards the exit. Hound Dog’s treatment of you had made your more... Animalistic side come out. Every gesture of his was met with your blunt teeth snapping at one huge arm, and you had crawled out of your room low to the ground on all four limbs.
But once you breathed fresh air... Your humanity returned enough that you felt like yourself again. Even if you were still in full fight or flight mode.
A howl in the darkness behind you stopped you cold, eyes wide over your shoulder. He had found you. Now you were thankful for the river washing away your scent- maybe you could get further away from Hound Dog if he couldn’t find the trail. That hope fueled a second wind as you crawled up the bank and your limbs heated as you raced through the woods. Tree branches slapped your cheeks and drew small beads of blood, but the pain didn’t matter. All that was in your mind was the hope, the possibility of escaping his clutches and finally being free.
It took him fifteen minutes to catch your scent from the river. Fifteen minutes to hunt you down from the small drips of blood that decorated the forest floor. You’d slid on a sharp rock and cut open your palm, blood dripping the entire time you ran for your life.
His teeth were bared in a feral smirk when he spied you caught in the branches of a fallen tree. You’d tried to haul yourself over the thing and got your hips stuck halfway over the trunk, cunt bared in the itty bitty pink panties he’d put on you in the morning. He stalks close, huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf he was, and his claws catch your panties. Your shriek sounds like music when they tear away and he kneels down to bury his long tongue in the sweetness of your pussy.
“Puppy... Why did you run?” he snarled between your thighs, fangs digging into the soft skin. You sob and shake your head, fists banging against the wood and trying to get away from Hound Dog’s touches. The thick drool and spit that he licks into your cunt slicks your cunt up enough for him to tease the pointed tip of his cock just inside your body. You’re slicked even more by the copious pre that pumps out from him and then it’s stuffed deeper in your cunt when Hound Dog slides inside. A deep, bone rattling groan sounds from above and his nails dig into your hips.
You’re shaking against the wood as tears drip down both sides of your face- this wasn’t how your escape was supposed to go! You were supposed to be far away from his hold and in the back of a kind farmer’s truck on your way back home! But instead, you’re being fucked over a fucking tree trunk by a maniacal dog.
“You’re not gonna... Rrrrrun away that easy, puppy,” Hound Dog growls against your neck, his hand slapping down hard on your ass. “You’re my little mate- grrrr- I’m not letting you get away from me.” His voice is a deep, deep snarl while he rams inside your cunt and makes your nightgown tear against the rough bark under your belly. You’re still sobbing as Hound Dog wraps a big hand around the back of your neck and pushes your head down against the dirt so he can get deeper inside your guts.
The stretch of his knot is a familiar beast- it stretches your cunt wider than the rest of his cock and makes your body ache. Hound Dog doesn’t even warn you (like he normally does) before slamming his knot inside your cunt. It makes a dull pop inside your brain when he forces it all the way in and you let out a high pitched whine at the feeling. He’s still humping away, knot moving by half inches to make you pant and squirm while he works himself to orgasm.
“Going to brrrrrreed you, puppy. Give you a litter and keep you for myself- never give you another chance to escape ever again.”
True to his word, Hound dog’s balls give a hearty jump and you feel the hot rush of his load spilling in your guts. His knot twitches as he empties his balls inside you and the pointed tip of his cock kisses right up against your womb. There’s no way you’re escaping without being knocked up from this; the knowledge makes you sob unhappily, lip wobbling as you droop against the tree trunk under your body.
Hound Dog stays locked inside your body for another half hour; during that time he pumps you full with two more loads of watery dog cum, and forces at least three orgasms out of you. Now that you were limp in his grasp, he was able to pull out and carry you back to his cabin. His fingers stayed pressed inside your cunt to keep his cum from dripping out while he walks, tongue rubbing up one of your flushed cheeks so he can get the tear tracks off your skin.
“Rrrrrr... You’re so cute like this, puppy. You’ll be even more cute with my pups growing in your belly, though. Once we’re back home I’ll- rrrrr- fill you up more. Promise.”
You sniffle, eyes shutting tight, as his thumb circles your clit slowly. There wasn’t any escape after this; it was your only shot to get away from him, and you had blown it. Everything would be locked down further; hell, you even worried Hound dog would break one of your legs to make sure you didn’t get away again. That’s when you hoped you would get pregnant.
He wouldn’t hurt the mother of his pups- would he?
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kiame-sama · 2 years
Of Cats and Hawks- Yandere!Hawks x Reader
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Warnings; cat quirk reader, mention of fights, growling, snarling, barking, hissing, yowling, teasing, stalking, obsession, vaguely delusional yandere, over protective father, bad communication skills, hero/sidekick reader, flirting
The low growling coming from the giant hulking man infront of you only served to irritate you, pointed ears folding back and tail lashing angrily. Your response only served to make the snarling grow louder as you squared off with the muzzled man. It was to be expected to hear the significant lack of human speech whenever you and Hound Dog got into a disagreement.
You had been discussing your options as a hero with your father, Hound Dog, when two rather unexpected opportunities showed up. Given the offers you had to seriously consider what you would choose as it would determine how you would move forward. Two hero agencies had reached out to you in an invitation for you to join, the more unique part being that the heads of those agencies were the ones to directly ask you.
One of the agencies was a rather thematic choice for you given their usual hero outfits and approach to dealing with villains, The Pussycats. The other was one you hadn't even considered given the high probability that you would clash with the head of the agency, Hawks. Naturally, your father outright refused both offers before you could speak which started the snarling match to begin with.
It was surprisingly common when you or your father became angry to forget how to speak, simply reverting to animal speech as it was technically the first language either of you learned. What was uncommon was for you two to be snarling at each other given your father's fiercely protective behavior when it came to you. Ever since your mother- a previous member of the Pussycats- died in a fight against a villain, your Hound Dog father had grown extremely protective of you.
"Would you two please calm down so we can talk-"
Ectoplasm C, another hero who worked at UA where your father worked, attempted to placate the two of you. Naturally, he had to quickly back off as you both turned to snarl at him in indignation for interrupting. Though the others couldn't understand a word the two of you were saying, you two were conversing in your mother tongue which came across as hisses, snarls, barks, and yowls.
"Team up with that Bird!? Out of the question!"
"I have to go somewhere, I can't stay at UA forever!"
"Yes you can!"
"Not happening! We both knew the Pussycats would ask after they scouted me for internship and work study-"
"Your mother was a Pussycat and they let her die!"
"I'm not her!"
"Exactly why you should say no!"
Your tail lashed in fury as your claws slid out, teeth bared in aggression at the demanding way your father spoke. Out of the two of you, you knew that the day would come when you would leave your father's protection, but clearly he didn't want that day to be so soon. You were a licensed hero in your own right and had been working security with your father for at least a few years after graduating, wanting to explore new horizons.
"Do you even hear yourself!? Why let me be a hero if you are just going to argue any time I try?"
"You are a hero with me," he barked out fiercely, teeth bared and visible behind his muzzle, "your father! Not some strangers!"
"I grew up around the Pussycats! They aren't strangers!"
"I won't stand for this, (y/n)! You are my daughter, you will do as I say, end of discussion!"
"You may be alright with only having one scrap-yard to protect," each hiss was vicious and drawn out to emphasize point as your tail cracked the stone beneath you, "but I need to roam! I'm a Street Cat, not a tame dog! Known by all, owned by none!"
"Then why join an agency and not freelance? I just don't get why you want to leave so badly!"
"Because," your yowls had begun to draw attention and gain volume, "if I never leave your protection, how could I ever think to call myself a hero!?"
A heavy silence hung in the air, both you and your father bearing your teeth in aggression and staring angrily. With a nod, you both turned your backs and walked several paces in opposite directions, much to the confusion of the onlookers. Aizawa, who had stopped to watch the spectacle looked over to Vlad King who had also paused to watch the exchange.
"What are they doing?"
"Well... It was hard to keep up, but I think they're going to fight."
"Yeah, they-"
It was then the usual blond commenter took the field, a rather large group of students having already gathered to watch the argument. Students, teachers, and visitors alike made a decent battlefield for the fight to take place as more began to show up to watch the brawl.
"Yo! Listen up, UA! All prospective heroes, fans of Hound Dog and fans of Street Cat will not want to miss this fight!"
The five outsider heroes were surprised by the turn of events, but they did want you to join their agencies. The four Pussycats wanted you to join due to your mother being a former Pussycat and your cat quirk. Hawks- the current number three hero- wanted you to join his agency for a more personal reason that others didn't know about yet.
It had been years since he first saw you, catching sight of you patrolling with Hound Dog one breezy afternoon. He didn't usually visit UA and typically stayed near his agency, but he had little work and felt like watching the other heroes. Upon seeing you, he first thought that you were some tame kitty who had to rely on Hound Dog for everything, but you quickly changed his opinion by getting into a bloody scrap with a rather unhinged villain.
Ever since that day he found you on his mind, watching you whenever he could get a moment either through use of his feathers or by physically being present. He found great humor in the irony of having a bird quirk and following someone with a cat quirk around. Even so, he was prepared to do whatever it took to get you to join his agency or otherwise be by his side.
"On one side we have Hound Dog! A tall muscle man with a canine quirk who has worked at UA as a non-curriculum teacher and as security! On the other side we have Street Cat! Don't let this cute kitty fool you, she is all bite and no bark! Today's battle will decide if Street Cat stays at UA or leaves for another agency!"
You and your father stared at one another as you prepared to fight. After the fight- which you were certain you would win- you would have to choose between the two agencies, but you were leaning more towards Hawk's agency. You loved the Pussycats and grew up around them, but they were your mother's team, not yours.
Even when you were young, you were more like Hound Dog than your mother and that difference is what was influencing your decision. Your mother was the pro hero Aristocat and had a similar quirk to your own. She was the one who helped bring the Pussycats together in the first place and she was a very refined woman in every way shape and form.
Though you respected and adored your mother even after her passing, you would always be Street Cat, not Aristocat. Part of you worried that the Pussycats would always compare you to your mother and expect you to be like her. The last thing you wanted to do was let them down in any way, so you knew which agency you would have to choose.
The sun hung low in the sky by the time the fight concluded, almost everyone in the school gathered around the makeshift arena to watch the fight. You were a well liked hero and along with Hound Dog, you two were practically the visual representation of the UA guard staff. It wasn't exactly an official title, but the students and staff all knew that either one of you would show up if anything happened on school grounds.
A news station picked up on the scrap and managed to receive permission to film on school property, broadcasting the fight as it was rare for two fully fledged heroes to have a one on one fight like this. It was also clear that Present Mic was all too happy to provide colorful commentary during the scrap, making it quite clear what the fight was about. There was even a scoreboard for votes on what people thought you should do, from staying with Hound Dog and UA, to joining the Pussycats, and even joining Hawks.
The vote was fairly even most of the match but eventually the column for joining Hawks pulled ahead into the lead. Apparently viewers around Japan who had been watching the fight- it became fairly popular quickly- actually called in to cast their own vote for what you should do. What surprised you was when pro-heroes began to show up to voice their support for their vote and to receive publicity for being present during the fight.
It became clear to you that you had little choice but to take the voting into account as it seemed like almost every eye in Japan was on the battle and scoreboard. Heroes were ranked due to popularity and general helpfulness, All Might, Endeavor, and Hawks being the top three for several years in a row. You wondered if the votes for joining Hawks agency had anything to do with those popularity votes.
When the battle finally ended, you had managed to knock Hound Dog out and to the ground. This left you as the unanimous winner of the battle and cheers erupted from all around you. Despite the noise and the chaos, you found yourself solely focused on the scoreboard that had been keeping track of what people had voted regarding which agency you should join.
The final results were in favor of Hawks and you knew that meant you should join his organization instead of the Pussycats. A part of you wanted to defy the vote simply because you could, but you also knew that you had already decided on joining Hawks long before the voting even began. The reporters and news agencies swarmed into the mock arena to be the first to get confirmation of what you chose to do, but none managed to even get close to you.
Instead, you found yourself very high up above the ground in a pair of rather strong arms and far away from the prying reporters. Hawks was grinning in an almost frightening way- though that could have been your nerves for being up so high- and his bright red feathers seemed rather dazzling in the light. His wings lazily beat in a relaxed way, keeping you both suspended above the ground and in place.
"Looks like we're going to be working together, Street Cat."
"Who said I was going to join you?"
"Aw," he gave a small frown of mock sorrow, "and here I thought we were going to be such good friends!"
You huffed at his teasing, tail lashing and ears pointing back in annoyance at the sheer confidence he seemed to exude. Hawks couldn't keep himself from chuckling when he noticed your irritated gaze, golden eyes admiring the way you unconsciously clung to him to keep yourself from falling even though he wouldn't dream of dropping you. He was well aware of the fact that the input of the public had a large influence on what you would likely do despite the way you growled at him in defiance.
"You're no Aristocat, you're Street Cat, and there is no one who belongs at my agency more than you do."
"Fine. Put me down or I'll bite you."
"Save it for in between the sheets, not out on the streets, Kitty~"
"Piss off."
"Is that any way to talk to your new boss?"
"Deal with it."
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yandere-daydreams · 3 years
Title: Confer.
Written for a lovely anonymous commissioner.
Pairing: Yandere!Malleus x F. Reader (Twisted Wonderland).
Word Count: 3.5k.
TW: Implied Non/Con, Imprisonment, Emotional Manipulation, Intimidation, Threats of Physical Harms, and Possessive Behavior.
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Your most immediate problem with Malleus, at the moment, was that he had no problems.
Or, no problems you could fix, at least. He had his own burdens, sure, the wants and needs of his subjects, the demands of his courtiers, but your understanding of fae politics was limited, kept in check by your captivity and how fond Malleus seemed to be of dominating your attention, and even if you had something to say, suggestions of any merit, the time and the resources to learn anything about the Valley of Thorns beyond what he was willing to tell you in off-handed comments and rose-tinted anecdotes, it wouldn’t help – he wouldn’t let you help. You were something to be cherished, to Malleus, something to be loved and doted on, but not listened to, not allowed to do anything more than sit on his lap as he met with his counsel, kiss his cheek when the pressure threatened to get the best of him, even if you wouldn’t do either willingly.
And beyond the weight of his crown, Malleus lived a life of luxury, of opulence. He was a renowned mage, only matched in talent by peers with centuries of training and tutelage under their belt, and he wanted for nothing. He had the love of his people, the support of his makeshift family, the companionship (albeit, not to the extent he’d like) of the woman he’d made a half-hearted attempt to deny himself. What he didn’t have, he took, and what he couldn’t get his hands on, he threatened and coaxed until it came to him. You didn’t have anything he wanted. You couldn’t offer him anything he needed.
Save for your love, of course. Or failing that, your willing affection.
But, if you gave him that, he’d have everything.
It bothered you more than it should’ve, especially after everything he'd put you through, especially after the months you’d already spent with him, so much time spent so helpless. It ate away at the pit of your stomach, lingered in the back of your thoughts, weighed down on your shoulders even as you stood by his hide, gingerly hanging off of his arm as a valet led the two of you to one of the countless stables littered just outside of the walls of his looming castle.
“A gift,” He explained, as the valet pulled open the sliding door, as you let go of him, stepping over the threshold without waiting for his approval. “from a lord attempting to rise above his station. I don’t plan on keeping whatever he sent, but it’d be rude not to receive it in person.”
You'd known that. Courtiers were always sending him gifts, elaborate presents, buys for his favor and lavish displays of their devotion wrapped in lace and tied off with velveteen bows. You’d teased him for it, at first, when you were still just his friend, when you still felt comfortable enough in his company to spend hours in his bedroom, reading off long-winded letters and laughing over terribly misplaced offerings into the small hours of the morning. It’d been worse when he first took the throne, when people were quick to call him naïve and assume he could be bought with pretty things and hollow prizes, but there were still dozens every week, entire rooms dedicated to the stockpiling of gold and precious gems. You’d seen necklaces too heavy to wear, swords engraved with scenes that should’ve stayed in their respective epics, steeds with horns that spiraled upward and frames massive enough to carry a legion, let alone a single rider.
Not puppies, though. There’d never been puppies.
Points for originality, you guessed.
Old enough to walk and run and tumble over one another, but still young enough to be round and clumsy, to trip over each other as they played and rough-housed. You couldn’t name the breed, but they were probably meant to be tracking hounds, or guard dogs, something a King would need, if not already have. Malleus didn’t hunt, and guards would be an insult to his strength, but he knelt by the side of their pen, regardless, reaching over the low wall, letting a few of the more curious pups lick at his fingers and clumsily bump against his knuckles. A few weeks ago, a few months ago, you might’ve joined him without a second thought, but you’d learned not to underestimate his possessiveness. It could be difficult to tell what would trigger his jealousy, and while you doubted he’d consider a litter of stumbling puppies a threat, you tried to air on the side of caution.
Calm, composed. Like you were just asking to pass the time, rather than out of any genuine sense of curiosity. “What are you going to do with them?”
“Hand them over to Silver, if he's interested. He’s always had a way with animals, and he says having dogs around the barracks keeps up morale. He’ll appreciate It, especially with the recruitment season quickly approaching.” He gave a slight nod, and slowly, with a great about of trepidation, you lowered yourself to his side. You gave him time, but he didn’t bare his teeth or growl, didn’t change his mind. Still, you hesitated as you reached into their pen, and your stiff, jolting movements were enough to put off most of the pups. Only one came up to you, her eyes still half-shut, her grey nose twitching as she lazily worked herself under your hand. Malleus chuckled, glancing towards you. “Looks like someone’s picked a favorite.”
You only nodded, doing your best to appear unaffected. Beside you, he bristled, then caught himself, going rigid, putting on a façade of stoicism so stony and so ambivalent, a temper tantrum would’ve betrayed less emotion. It could’ve been worse, all things considered. Usually, when you denied him, when you dared to talk to another soul any more tenderly than you spoke to him, the results were more… violent in nature. Broken bedposts, torn clothes, threats of worse than a few bruises, a few scrapes. He wouldn’t. You know he wouldn’t. He may be cruel, may be selfish, but he’s never been sadistic, he’s never enjoyed watching you suffer. He’d never hurt you.
Or, you didn’t think he would, at least. You hoped he wouldn’t.
You really, really hoped he wouldn’t.
You just… You thought about it, sometimes, and your imagination could get the better of you. You had to wonder what would happen if you kept turning him away, if he decided he wasn’t happy with just having you by his side.
If he realized you didn’t have anything to offer him.
It was unsteady, at first, an effort hindered by shaking hands and dragged even farther down by your own reluctance, but you managed to slot yourself against his side, to rest your head on his shoulder, to cling to his arm with warmth, rather than repulsion, to not pull away when he shifted, turning towards you, his shock only vaguely laced with suspicion. He didn’t tell you to stop, though, and when you glanced up towards him, when you forced yourself to smile, he managed to smile back.
“Silver doesn’t need all of them, does he?”
He let the puppy stay. On Malleus’ suggestion, you named her Fang, and cried with laughter the first time she chewed through his favorite cloak.
As the sole focus of your adoration, she grew like a weed, baby fat melting away into lean muscle, her former lethargy shifting into a bottomless pit of boundless energy and insatiable curiosity. Currently, she was curled up in your lap, exhausted after tearing up one of the finer plots of his sprawling gardens, nearly too big to fit in her own chair, let alone on top of you. On the other side of the patio table, Malleus was frowning, eyeing the ruined flowers with something that wasn’t exactly irritation, but came close enough to warrent the comparison. “I’m starting to think your lackadaisical approach to discipline might not be as effective as we’d hoped.”
“She’s a puppy, it’s normal.” A familiar rebuttal, the same one you’d been using since the day she arrived. When that failed to sway him, you went on. “I heard you used to make a hobby out of seeing how many ancient, priceless tapestries you could burn to ash before Lilia found you.”
“I grew out of it, and even if I hadn’t, I would’ve learned to stop. Someone would’ve taught me better.” His voice was calm, even, despite the pink threatening to dust over his pale complexion. “Consider it practice, for when you’ll be the one tearing charred relics out of the hands of our children.”
You tensed, for a moment, taking just a little too long to answer, letting your eyes dip a little too far towards the ground. It was subtle, silent, and you corrected yourself quickly, but it didn’t escape Malleus’ piercing stare, his inhuman perception. Thankfully, he’d didn’t seem to take offense to your discomfort. You weren't sure why you thought he might.
As if he would ever care about your feelings.
“Oh? Did I say something wrong?” It was more sardonic than concerned, more teasing than tender. He didn’t try to hide his grin, his playful tone, the way he drummed his fingertips against the tabletop, suddenly impatient, suddenly eager to prod, to hear you push back. “An heir is expected of the royal couple. We’ve gone over this, haven’t we?”
Vaguely, by his terms, in excoriating detail, by yours. He talked about it so casually, brought it up with such little prompting, it was hard to listen to him, sometimes, hard not to cover your ears and scream when he got that glint in his eyes, when he found an excuse to mention the strange quicks and oddities fae children tend to have, what you’ll have to expect as the mother of the crown heir, how much he’s going to enjoy having something with your smile and his eyes to fill the space between the two of you. On his worse days, when his patience runs thin and he can’t quite mind his tongue as well as he’d like to, he’d admit to more, that he liked the idea for more than just political merit and sentimental value, that he often dreamed of tying you so closely to him, there was no chance that you’d ever be able to get away. It was a scenario that featured in your nightmares on the rare occasion you actually slept through the night, more so after he let you take in Fang. After you gave him a reason to expect much of anything from you.
You shifted, slightly. Fang stirred, but calmed as soon as you started to pet her. “This isn’t the life I’d planned for myself. You have to know that.”
“Plans can change.” Gentle, but insistent. He leaned towards you, and Fang lifted her head, struggling to open her eyes. Immediately, you moved to your attention to her head, scratching behind her ears, attempting to distract her. More for her protection than Malleus’. “Surely, you don’t doubt my ability to provide for you.”
“That’s not what I’m—” You cut yourself off, biting down on the inside of your cheek. “And if I don’t want to let you provide for me?”
He was quiet, for a moment.
Then, his fingers curled into a fist, and his lips pressed into a sharp, thin line. He didn’t growl, didn’t snarl, but the fact that he thought to hold himself back was damning enough. “If that's the case, then I would strongly advise you to keep that information to yourself. You can barely handle one beast as it is.”
You could be quiet, too. You took longer than he had, more than a moment, but eventually, you sighed, shaking your head, attempting to clear away all your bad ideas, all your dangerous ideas. As carefully as you could, as softly as you could, you scooped Fang up, depositing her in the nearest pristine flowerbed. Malleus looked at you questioningly, but he managed to hold his questions as you placed yourself in his lap, your legs hastily thrown over his. You slotted yourself against his chest, dropping your shoulders so you could better look up at him, so you could make him feel like something bigger, something stronger, even if you doubted his ego needed your assistance.
“You’re right. I think she’s starting to feel claustrophobic; your castle might be big, but it is only one castle. She probably wants to see something new.” You let your head fall onto his shoulder. “I was hoping we’d be able to take her out. I heard there’s a village nearby with a few open pastures – it’d be perfect, and it's so close, it'd barely be a day trip.”
An arm came up, wrapping around your waist. “You know how I feel about letting you stray.”
“I never said I'd be going on my own.” You found his hand, squeezing it in yours. “It’d only be for an afternoon. Less than that, even, just a few hours. I promise, it’ll just be you and me,” He spared a glance towards the flower bed, or rather, the newest hole being dug in an otherwise pristine rose bush. “and Fang, obviously, but I doubt she’ll want to stay nearby for very long.”
He bowed, burying his face in the crook of your neck before pausing, waiting for you to pull away. When you didn’t, he chuckled, pulling you closer, letting himself indulge more than he should’ve, more than you should’ve let him. “I suppose it could be fun.”
“It will be.” You forced yourself to melt into him, to smile, even if you couldn’t manage the same giddy brightness that you had, the first time.
“It’ll be worth it, I promise.”
And it had been. It was. For a while, it was.
And then, very suddenly, very slowly, it wasn’t.
His mouth was on your neck. He was on top of you, his chest pressed into yours, one knee shoved between your thighs and the other to the side, near your hip, poised and positioned to better let him loom over you, overshadow you, use everything that he was and everything that he thought himself to be to make you feel smaller, more delicate – trembling quarry, cornered and trapped by some massive, drooling predator. If Fang had been there, she would’ve been growling, scratching at Malleus’ arms, doing what she could to get you away from what so clearly wanted to cause you harm, but Lilia had insisted on looking after her for the night, on taking her to see something other than dark, dreary wallls of your home, after the first outing proved to lessen her destructiveness. A favor to Malleus, you realized now, too late to stop it from happening. A conspiracy to leave you alone, to keep you alone, not that Malleus couldn't have accomplished that on his own.
He was kissing you, if you could be so generous. It was more akin to biting than anything, all teeth and tongue, caution only a passing thought against the overwhelming urge to mark whatever he could latch on to, to lave over what was too delicate to take his harsh affection. Without warning, without care, his fangs dug into the side of your neck, below your jugular, and you felt his hands on your thighs, sliding beneath the hem of your nightgown, edging the thin fabric higher and higher, leaving you more and more exposed to his pointed nails raking over your skin, threatening to draw blood. You nearly cried out, but bit down on your bottom lip before any sound could escape. It wouldn’t help. Any response was a desirable response, to Malleus.
He dropped to your shoulder, then your collarbone, nipping at the sensitive area just above your heart. Before you could think better of it, your hands shot upward, your fingers soon buried in his unkempt hair. You tried to tug, to let him know you needed him to stop without having to say as much out loud, but your nails brushed against the base of his horns and spurred him forward, instead – a low, rumbling noise slipping past his lips as he wrapped an arm around your midriff, drawing you closer, ignoring your stiffness, your stillness, the fact that you hadn’t said anything or moved or breathed since his true intentions came to light.
There was another deep purr, another open-mouthed kiss to your collarbone, and you broke, let your self-control waver just long enough to bring your hands up to his chest, to push and shove until he couldn’t brush off your feeble attempts at resistance so easily. You’d never be able to overpower him, but you manage to get his attention, to force him to lift his head, even if his gaze was still unfocused, even if you could tell his attention was still elsewhere. But, this was better. You couldn’t feel his teeth ghosting over your neck, his cold breath fanning over your skin, so this was better.
“Beloved.” Soft, slow, with all the patience and all the sympathy in the world. He didn’t pull back, didn’t give you space, but he moved, shifted, pressed his hand against the small of your back and coax you upward, until your back pressed against the headboard, until he could cup your cheek, tilt your head back, trace small circles into the corner of your jaw with his thumb, more to keep himself occupied than out of any genuine will to comfort you. “Is something bothering you?”
It was a purely artificial gesture, a question posed so he could say he asked, regardless of whether or not he listened to your answer. It was a nicety, a formality, and when you hesitated to respond, when you took any longer than he considered absolutely necessary to tell him that no, you were alright, you were so happy to be here, you were so happy to be his, his smile was quick to fade, his endless patience allowed to thin. It hurt, if you were being completely honest. After everything you’d done to treat him like a lover, rather than a captor, after all the time you’d playing with his hair, tracing patterns in his chest, throwing yourself at his feet, you’d let yourself start to expect something more from him. Leniencies outside of the privileges you’d traded yourself away for.
“Are you uncomfortable? You’ve seemed tense, lately. I can send for a servant, ask for something that might help you relax.” His hand fell away from your cheek, moving to your neckline, instead, toying with the material. “If you’re tired, I have a spell for that. It should let you sleep while I—”
“No.” Too quickly, too firm for as delicate as he expected you to be. You forced yourself to exhale, to string your arms around his neck, to keep your expression Apprehensive, rather than aggressive. Uneasy, but no less loving for your resistance. “I’m sorry, I mean— You caught me off-guard. I didn’t— I just didn’t expect you to—”
“You know I’ll be gentle with you.” It was a mercy and an insult that he didn’t let you finish, didn’t give you time to say anything that you wanted to, anything that you meant. “Have I given you any reason to doubt that?”
There’d been so many threats, so many bruises, but bringing up any of that would only upset him. It’d only make him angry, and that’d only undo all the progress you’ve been working so hard to make. “I can’t say that you have.”
Another kiss to the corner of your mouth, a line drawn from the apex of your neck to the end of your chin, encouraging you to think of nothing but him, your own reservations included. “Then why do you keep interrupting me, my love?”
You looked away. “I don’t think I’m ready, yet.”
He let his head lull to the side. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know what else to say.” You tried to smile, but you faltered quickly, fell away a few seconds too soon. You weren’t lying. If anything, this was the most honest you’d been in weeks, months. “I don't want this. I’m just… I’m not ready, yet.”
He didn’t say anything. He smiled, his attempt more convincing than yours. There was another kiss, this one softer, sweeter, and you let him. This was just another exchange. Just another trade. An easier one, a fairer one than you would’ve had to make, otherwise.
“Poor thing, such a poor thing,” He cooed, drawing back just far enough to stare down at you, to kiss your forehead, letting his lips linger longer than he should’ve had to, than you wanted him to. “You still think I’d care whether or not you’re ready.”
You felt something inside of your chest fracture, then crack open. In a second, he was on top of you again, tearing at your nightgown, biting into your neck, prying away anything that might’ve protected you, everything that might’ve protected you, but you didn’t stop him, didn’t move, didn’t think. The shock was minimal, the terror numbing. You couldn’t bring yourself to be surprised.
You could only be disappointed in yourself.
For whatever reason, it’d never occurred to you that he could simply take what he wanted, whether it’d been offered to him or not.
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iceprincessviviane · 3 years
Whispers in the darkness
Paring: Yandere!C!Technoblade x BookwormEnchanter!Female!Reader
Type: Romantic (Technoblade is yandere) Trilogy - part two. (Previous part, next part)
Warnings: swearing, possessivness, yandere, angst, injury, blood, threats, sugestive content, silly jokes created by me.
Summary: Technoblade is trying to convince and adjust Y/N to new situation and himself. Some time has passed, but troubles are showing.
Author's note: Continuation from part one. Insipration from ACOTAR. English isn't my first language, so sorry for any mistakes.
Words in red colour are Technoblade's voices.
Words in blue colours are Y/N thoughts.
Three days have passed and Y/N felt better. She was almost lying in bed all day, but she started to fast recovery. All her energy was restored and she could left their room. Technoblade went at adventure in Nether, for some supplies. She slowly went downstairs, hearing the cooking sounds and humming. Of course Phil was standing in the kitchen, preparing something. They both froze for a while. Realization hit her harder, than she expected. He knew... he had to know. Winged man sighed and his shoulders dropped. As he thought, he didn't know what to do.
"I... I noticed that Techno has thing for you, I adviced him conversation or something... when he left two days ago for training I have never expected, that he will come back with you in his arms. I was shocked, afraid and confused." Phil explained slowly.
Y/N bit her lip and hugged herself. He was one of her the most trusted person here, aside with Foolish and Bench Trio.
"Listen, I was with Techno through a lot of shit. He is my friend and I will always be on his side, no matter what. I don't fully support... this kidnapping, but I am still with him." He continued, then took cups of tea and plate with sandwiches. "Hungry?"
Y/N nodded and sat down. He put everything on table and sat too. Everything looked like during her last visit. Phil was living in house in opposite combined with Techno's by bridge.
"So... you won't help me convince him to let me go, right?" She asked with saddness.
"Unfortunetly no. I am not going to be involved in stuff between you and him. But is it that bad? You are not missing anything, Techno is caring about you, here is safe and all the stuff you need." He looked at her.
"I used to be a free person, you know..."
"I am sure, that he will let you go on backyard. On attic, we can set up enchanting place with books and stuff. Sometimes Ranboo is visiting us." Phil was determined to show good sides of current situation.
He didn't want to be manipulative, but for everyone's greater good, was that she had to accept her fate. Technoblade could be rough, when it came to be obedient. He really acted diffrent, since he found his thing for her and now, when Y/N was there, he was calmer and more relaxed. If she would escape, he will for sure track her down and then, everyone which would help, will be in great danger. Technoblade wasn't leaving something behind. Probably whole Smp will be burning. Maybe it was selfish, but Phil didn't want any argues or wars for now. Y/N was eating quietly, thinking about his words. It wasn't that bad for sure. She expected being injured and thrown into cellar or something and actually they didn't even tie her.
"You are being serious with that enchanting place and yard?" She asked quietly.
Phil nodded and smiled to her gently. After eating he took her to the attic, where was some space and shelfes. Immediately her humor improved, they even started to talk about setting up enchanting place. Later this day, Phil left to his house and Y/N was reading on the couch, cover by the blanket, because days here were colder than in main Smp part. Technoblade managed to bring most of her personal stuff here including clothes. She was wearing warm sweater and pants, but still got closer to the fireplace, which was very nice in her opinion. Sun started to go down, she was thinking if Techno will come, Phil said that he sometimes made trips, which lasted days.
Sudden sound of opening door caused her to turned at it's direction. Piglin hybrid stepped inside and smiled to her warm.
"Hi darliIIIAAAAAA!" He screamed and dropped something.
Y/N frowned and stood up. Small ball of fur squeaked and immediately recognized it's owner, it asap ran to her and hid behind her.
"Snowflake!" She screamed and picked up her fox gently, then petted it's head softly.
"It bit me!" Techno growled and sucked his injured finger. "This had to be surprise..."
She sent him warm smile and again sat on the couch. Snowflake snuggle her head into Y/N's chest, she hugged her back.
"Thank you for bringing her here..." She looked at him softly. "It mean a lot to me..."
The Blade smiled proudly and came closer. Fox started to growl, when he approached. Y/N gently petted her.
"It's all right my little one. He isn't that scary as he seems in first take." She smiled at Techno.
After a few minutes small ball of fur calmed and accommodate itself on Y/N's lap and went to sleep. Technoblade quietly sat on couch and looked at them curiously.
"Do you know that I am scary, intimidating and grim huh?" He whispered.
Y/N rolled eyes and looked at him. "Of course I know. I experienced that few days ago."
Silence fell upon them, Technoblade didn't excatly know what to say, this whole situation shloud looked way diffrent, he just didn't predict this whole chase, althought is was fun.
'Make her forget about it.' 'She will understand.' 'Chase was interesting.'
"Phil showed me the attic and mentioned, that there we could make enchanting place. Is that true?" She asked quietly, looking deep into his eyes.
"Yes of course! It's all yours, you can make there your working place." He said and took her hand, then gently rub it with his thumb.
He nodded with honest smile. Y/N hugged him gently, watching out at fox. "Thank you. Also I need a basket and blanket for Snowflake..."
"This isn't a trouble princess."
Some days passed Y/N was busy with making her workplace. Technoblade helped her, Phil occasionaly showed, but didn't want to interrupt them both. They worked hard with wood, she made enchanting table, because he brought most of her supplies to cottage, being careful and avoided everyone. For now none was looking for her and Techno wished, that this would last the longest, no troubles, no worries, just him and Y/N happy.
Piglin hybrid also brought her notes and books, so Y/N could study again, she was so happy about it, finally could do something useful. When the attic was finally done, she went into their shared bedroom. Deep inside she was still hesitant, when it came to Technoblade, but decided to don't make him angry. Being in tundra wasn't so bad, but also wasn't a paradise. Yes, she was thinking how to get herself from this awkward situation, but hasn't find solution yet.
Immediately Snowflake get up from her basket and sniffed around. Y/N smiled softly, recently her fox was more curious and brave, even tried to play with Techno's fox named Aura.
"Let's go to outside for a while, we both need fresh air."
They went outside, Y/N took a deep breath. Fox immediately jump off and started to run through the snow. She covered herself more by cloak and sit near, watching cute ball of fur playing around. Fresh air let her relaxed more and clean up thoughts. Around were silence, hound was sleeping in special building, sometimes Steve was moving in snow, to find a good position. Around the fence slept more wolfes, guarding the exits. Y/N swallowed slowly, she wasn't able to go through. Unfortunately, Snowflake had another idea, fox fast ran away from yard, jumping in snow and spinning around.
"Snowflake!" Y/N stood up immediately and ran to her. "Come back!"
But little fox puppy didn't want to listen, it ran away even more far. Worrying owner didn't think too much, just found place, where dogs were away and jumped over the fence. One of them woke up and started to bark and howl. Snowflake put her ears back, came back into her owner's arms, curling up. She hugged her tightly.
"Don't do it again, you scared me..." she whispered quietly into it's fur.
Cold wind started to blow and Y/N heard the whole hound howling, it was terrifying. She turned back just to meet Technoblade standing intimidating with sword in his hand.
"Are you trying to escape?" He asked slowly observing her.
"What? No! Snowflake ran away, she got over the fence..." Y/N explained quietly.
"You really think, that I am going to belive in this?" He made one step further, she responed with one step back.
"I am not lying!"
"You better not be lying, because you won't like my punishment, my dear." Technoblade looked deep into her eyes. "If fox is causing troubles, maybe it should disappear?"
Y/N shook her head. "I promise, it won't happen again, please don't hurt her!" She had almost tears in her eyes.
Piglin hybrid nodded slowly and gave her his hand. She took it gently and together came back inside. Silence remained between them, Phil was in his house, busy with books. Y/N took Snowflake upstairs and put in the basket. Fox immediately curled up and went to sleep, she backed into kitchen. Technoblade waited with narrowed eyes, she swallowed hard.
"You broke a rule."
'She wanted to run away from us!' 'She deserve punishment!' 'We won't let her leave the house!'
"I know, but I just wanted to catch Snowflake! You really think, that I would escape without nothing, only in cloak?"
"No, but rule is a rule."
He moved closer, towering at her. Their eyes met, red and y/c. She saw there anger and disbelief, but she didn't do something bad. Technoblade gripped her chin once more, Y/N hissed, when she was forced to look at him.
"Listen Y/N. I really feel diffrent around you, calmer and stable, but that doesn't mean that my true nature disappeared." He said slowly.
"I know, I told you... Snowflake ran away, I just wanted to save her..." a single tear strimmed down at her cheek.
Piglin hybrid moved his hand to wip it out, then cupped her face. Atmosphere changed immediately. Maybe it was warm, which radiated from his body or this gentle touch, but somehow room became hotter. Red crawled at Y/N's cheeks and Technoblade sighed quietly. His thumb has been found on her down lip. Time has frozen, she was looking straight into his eyes, their gaze locked. She grabbed his wirst gently, but he didn't stop.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm admiring. Be quiet."
But when he leaned in and Y/N colsed eyes, pending what will come next, silence distrubed light grunt from the door. They immediately turned heads at this direction. Of course Phil was standing there with awkward face.
"I am assuming, that I am bothering you..."
"Yes." Technoblade's eyes narrowed.
"Of course not. Come in." Y/N said and left Techno's grasp with smile.
Phil stayed till late hours, they discussed some cases, she left them quite soon, because conversation bored her. Y/N started to work in attic, but when night has fallen, she moved to their bedroom and started to read book. Snowflake laid on her lap, so she could pet it's head slowly. Phil and Techno talked quietly, so it was immpossible to hear anything.
When the door opened, Y/N lifted her sight, piglin hybrid entered into the bedroom. His eyes narrowed, when he spotted cute, little ball of fur, but didn't say anything.
"Talking is over?"
Technoblade nodded and closed the door, she put away book. Snowflake jumped off bed and went straight into her basket, avoiding him at all cost. Y/N sighed quietly and stood up, Techno locked his sight on her posture.
"I am going to take bath. You can go to sleep, if you want."
He blocked her way out, she looked at him with surprise. In one heart beat Technoblade pinned her to the closest wall. Quiet 'welp' left her lips.
"We had a thing, before Phil naughty interrupted us." The Blade whispered with deep voice.
"Did we have?" Y/N asked while looking at him, she tried to act tough.
"Oh yes, we had my dear."
He put left hand on wall near her head and right hand gripped her chin, forcing her to look at him. Their eyes met again, confidence faced uncertainty. His touch was more gentle, that she might expect.
"Let myself be clear. You will have to pay, for today's little bad behaviour."
"Wh-what do you mean?" She suttered.
"Let's say... if you don't want me to throw out this little, annoy ball of fur... you will have to kiss me." Technoblade said with deep voice.
Y/N looked at Snowflake peacefuly sleeping at basket and sighed helplessly.
"Do you promise? And never, ever again will threat her?"
"Yes. I always keep my word."
She nodded slowly, red crawled on her cheeks, cupped his face carefuly, hesitated for a moment. Y/N, closing eyes, gently pressed their lips together, in slow, shy kiss. She had to stand on her tiptoes, to reach Technoblade's lips. His hand moved at her waist and pulled her closer and he kissed her back in more confident way.
Y/N was so sweet and her lips so soft, like they were made for him. Piglin hybrid fast took control of the situation. Hand from her chin slipped on neck, to press their lips closer. Y/N made quiet moan, which caused his blood to boil. He smiled through a kiss.
'So good for us.' 'So sweet, so soft.' 'Don't stop, don't stop!'
Voices went feral, their demands and screamings filled his head, in one smooth move Technoblade grabbed her thighs and lifted Y/N up, without breaking the kiss. Now, she slipped hand into pink hair. He muttered with satisfaction, but then she broke away and opened eyes. The Blade snorted, greedy for touch, contact and pressed lips to her neck, kissing slowly.
"Techno!" Y/N winced and grabbed his shoulders.
"Relax princess." He whispered into her skin softly. "It's part of the punishment."
She blushed even at her ears, when he pressed few more kisses, then broke away too. They looked at each other in silence.
"Well, now I think, that it wasn't a punishment for you at all." Technoblade laughed slighty. She shook head with disbelief and helpless, then looked down.
"Oh, don't be so shy, I mean, I like it, but you don't need to be."
"Are you going to put me down?" Y/N asked with impatience.
"Maybe yes... maybe no." He hid head in her neck's crook.
In fact Technoblade just had to chill a little bit. His blood was still boiling, lips were touch starved and hands didn't want to let her go. After a few deep breaths, he gently put her on the floor.
"Thanks you." Y/N giggled softly.
"Go for this bath." The Blade smiled haughty and kissed her forehead.
She nodded, grabbed night clothes and left bedroom. Technoblade was smiling like idiot, when she went out. Feeling in his chest grew only bigger through days, when she was here. Also he wanted show everyone that Y/N is his and only his, he would bite her shoulder or neck, maybe give her golden jewelry, but for now it was pointless. As long, as she wasn't leaving the basement, all of this could come later. Of course Technoblade desired to mark her, but her shyness and innocence were too adorable and entertainment.
Next week has passed without any serious problems. Technoblade was always in cottage, Phil sticked around lot, so they could spend time together. Usually, they were talking, pair of friends described Y/N their adventures, Phil was telling of far away lands, and she was always listening witn true amazement. When Techno and Y/N were alone, he usually read her books or they just cuddled on couch. Sometimes she was trying to work on attic, but it was quite hard, since piglin hybrid has become clingy and very touch starved. He stole her few kisses during this week, but they weren't so intense as their first kiss. But since yesterday Technoblade has acted like he was always lost in his thoughts. That was something diffrent, so she noticed quite easily.
Y/N was sitting at the table and watching piglin hybrid carefuly. He was making her cup of tea, but silence reminded between them for too long.
"You are taciturn, since yesterday... something happend?" She asked finally.
He smiled and turned back to her with cup of tea. "You are so caring darling." He put the cup on the table.
"That isn't answer of my question..."
"You don't need to worry about it. Everyone has a quiet days, even me." Technoblade grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently, it caused Y/N to smile too. She took a sip.
"It taste better than Phil's?"
"Um... I can't tell the diffrence." Y/N shrugged, it tasted good, tea like tea.
"Great." His smile widened and she felt warning twist in her stomach. Something was odd...
"You... are sure, that everything is all right?"
This time, he didn't even bother to answer. Just looked at her and studied her face. Y/N blinked... but suddenly her eyelids became very heavy. Though she was sleeping today well. Fatigue mastered her body, Y/N groaned quietly and put cup down with loud sound.
"Feeling tired?" Technoblade asked slowly.
She lifted her sight at him with little struggle. His face was stern, but something in his eyes... made her shiver inside.
"What... what did you do?"
"Nothing... nothing at all."
Y/N stood up slowly, but she tripped at first step, needed to support herself by table. He squeezed her hand harder and embrece waist, to hold her. She couldn't push him back, all energy went out, her sight found half full cup of tea...
"You bastard..."
Dark laugh left his lips, he lifted her in bride style, like she was like a feather. Technoblade kissed her forehead reassuring.
"I think, you shloud go to sleep my love."
Then, Y/N started to see blurry and finally lost consciousness. She didn't know how long she has been unconscious, but when she woke up, she has seen their shared bedroom. Then felt cold metal around her wrist. Still little tired and probably under the influence of drugs, Y/N tried to move herself from bed. Chain from her wirst was attached to wall and it was pretty long.
'What the hell happend...?'
Y/N didn't want to believe, that Technoblade drugged her... maybe staying here wasn't the best idea... Door opened with quiet noise, causing her, to look at it's direction. Piglin hybrid went inside with tray full of food. She clenched jaw and looked at him with narrowed eyes. If she could, she would throw at him fireballs again.
"Don't even think to get closer." She hissed quietly. "What is this?" She rose her hand with a handcuff.
Technoblade put a tray on table and sighed. Actually he had all his netherite armor on, sword at his belt, then trident and axe on back. Y/N swallowed hard.
"I am going on adventure with Phil... actually it's for supplies..." The Blade said slowly.
"So you chained me?!"
"I don't want to risk anything darling."
"Take it off." Y/N said totally serious.
"Take it off!" Tears started to come up into her eyes.
Technoblade didn't even move slighty. He just watched, when she tugged chain couple of times, then sat helpless on the bed and quiet sob left her lips. He immediately came closer and crouch on her level. Despite her protests, Techno grabbed her hands and rub them gently with thumbs.
"I will be back in three, four days. You have food on table and I brought you new books. Chain can reach bathroom."
"Please take the chain off!"
'Music for our ears.' 'Make her stop crying.' 'We already miss her...'
He kissed her forehead, but then stood up and left her room, closing it on a key. Y/N was too shooked to make any move, she pulled her legs closer to chest and hugged them. Loud sob left her lips this time and tears strimming down at her cheeks freely. Snowflake jumped on the bed and snuggled near, to cheer up it's owner, but without any success.
Y/N just couldn't believe, that Technoblade actually did this. She behaved good all the time, didn't even fight his... sudden whims or whishes. He wasn't exactly as people talk about him, he had feelings, goals and persons which he cared about. He was a person, not a weapon. But this... she called fire at her fingers and grabbed the metal. After a few minutes, it didn't make any effect, but she spotted slight purple light on metal.
Closing eyes, she focused on chain. After a second she had an answer. Mending and Unbreaking. Y/N cursed aloud, without key or magic, there was no way to open it. She was too weak for casting spells. It was made by Phil for sure, Technoblade didn't know enchanting that good... she curled up on bed, trying to find a way out of this horrible situation.
Ranboo sighed stepping at outisde stairs in Technoblade's basement. He was here so long ago, at least three weeks ago. Moving into mansion took a lot of time and they had to finish filling the rooms. After this, Eret told Foolish, that Y/N is missing, they immediately went to her home, only to find out it was empty and some things were taken. He helped with searching, because Eret and Foolish stated, that she couldn't just leave without a word. A week of no progress caused them to stop. Ranboo saw the true sadness on demi-god's face and he wished he would help. Tommy and Tubbo missed her too and Michael wanted, that Y/N read his tales. Enderman hybrid sighed once more and stepped inside. Main door wasn't locked, none dared to come here and steal something, maybe except Tommy. He would do that without any hesitation.
He needed blaze rods and some honey, to start bee farm for Tubbo. He was in the middle of searching, when heard suspicious nosie from on top. Ranboo looked at celling unsure. Technoblade and Phil were on trip, he know that, because they met in the Nether once in fortress. He knew only one ghost and he wasn't here for sure... Then he heard quiet whimper and sob. Tall teenager swallowed hard and started to head upstairs. The noises were coming from Techno's bedroom, that was really odd. He tried to open door, but it was locked. Looking around, he spotted the key on the nearest shelf, so took it and open door slowly and quietly.
Ranboo almost dropped everything in his hands, when he saw Y/N on floor, chain around her wrist, eyes full of tears, skin more pale than usually. She immediately looked up, her gaze was full of shock and disbelief.
"Y/N?" He knelt near her, look if there were any injures or wounds.
"Ranboo?" She almost cried this words. "What... what are you doing here?"
"I am getting supplies from Techno... and you? For gods sake, Foolish and Eret were looking for you!"
Tears left her eyes, when she heard this words. None has known what exactly happend... telling whole story wasn't a great idea.
"Why there is a chain on your wirst?"
Y/N bit her down lip and looked at him embarrased. This whole story was an absurd, what if he won't believe her?
"Technoblade..." she whispered quietly.
"Why Techno would do that? And Phil, he wouldn't allow it..."
"But he did!" She screamed, clearly with fear in her voice.
Enderman hybrid was confused, this didn't has sense or logic. He sighed slowly and looked at Y/N, no she wasn't lying, so what was the case? What was going on here?
"Let me help you with this..." He took metal into his hands and tried to break it. After few minutes, he grabbed sword, but still, stubborn chain didn't want to let her go.
"It's enchanted... only key or magic can release me... " Y/N explained quietly. "And if I leave... gods help us... Technoblade will be after me."
"But... why? What did you do?" Ranboo asked without even thinking.
"I don't know! This is madness, I just want to get back to home, but they won't allow me." Y/N started to shake and tears strimmed down at her cheeks.
Ranboo hugged her gently, she was watching out to not water his skin or suit too much. He rubbed Y/N's back gently.
"We will need help... to get you out of this I guess."
"No... Technoblade will be after them... please don't tell anyone!"
"But, what about you?" He seemed worried.
"I don't know... I will try to break out, but I don't know when... just please promise me, that you won't tell anyone!"
Ranboo hesitated for a moment. How will she manage to break herself? And how could he be quiet about it? Eret and Foolish are still sad and hopeful or her returning, Michael every night is asking, where is aunt Y/N.
"Right, I won't... but someone will know, now or later."
Y/N sighed, he had right... someone will eventually step inside Technoblade's house and find her... but now there was no better plan.
"Yes, but at least maybe that won't be my close friend... you shloud go, before they see you."
He again hesitated, but after all, hugged her for goodbye, stood up and left. Also put everything as it was when he came. Still he was torn, because, wanted to help, but didn't want to let down Y/N or betrayed Technoblade's trust. Finally he left closing the door carefuly, lost in thoughts.
As Technoblade promised, he stepped into house exactly four days after leaving. Inside was silence, he had full backpacks and was tired, Phil went to his part, they both needed rest. After put everything in magazine, he went upstairs and entered his shared bedroom. Y/N was sitting under wall, where chain was attached, room didn't changed at all, some things were moved, but nothing odd.
'We didn't see her for such a long time...' 'We are going to hold her whole day.' 'Can't wait to see her again!'
"I'm finally back princess." He hummed and got closer.
She looked at him and stood up slowly, a little bit shaky, she unsure wrapped arms around his waist and closed her eyes.
"Please, never ever again leave me alone here... please." Quiet whisper left Y/N's lips.
Technoblade smiled satisfactorily, then hugged her back and pressed soft kiss on her forehead.
"Will you be obedient now?" He asked cupping her face in hands and wiped out tears.
Y/N nodded almost immediately, Piglin's hybrid smile widened, well that was better than he has expected. He couldn't complain, more things could be complicated, but for now, he wanted her to calm and be nice as she shloud be.
"Good. Let me help you with this." The Blade took gently her wirst and pulled out small, golden key from his pocket, then opened handcuff. Skin where it was, was violated, red abrasions and scabs, his eyes narrowed.
"I will take care of this don't worry."
Y/N sat on bed and looked as he put away his cape, weapons and grabbed bandages, then cover injuries with it.
"Thanks..." she said after everything was done.
"Now I am going to take off my armor, then maybe bath. If you want... you can go downstairs or help me."
Y/N looked at him with a hesitation. They together started to undo Technoblade's armor, after a while he ended looking at her, when she was patiently helping. It took a moment, netherite armor was heavy and parts were big, but after everything was done The Blade hugged her tightly.
"I missed you sweetheart..." he whispered into her ear. "I'm glad, that we are on good terms now."
Y/N bit her lip, most important thing was, that they couldn't know, that Ranboo was here. This made her anxious, poor boy, wouldn't have chances with Technoblade...
"I missed you too." She smiled gently and pressed shy kiss to his cheek.
Night has fallen quickly, piglin hybrid was napping a lot after bath and Y/N finally could go to the attic or kitchen, so she spent time mostly there. Working and making herself her favourite meal. When she entered the shared bedroom, Technoblade was sitting on bed shirtless and taking care of his sword, he lifted his eyes in her.
"Come in."
Y/N closed door and walked few steps forward, this view reminded her, that actually she had trident with her, when got kidnapped. Where it could be now?
"Yes sweetheart?"
"When we met in forest, I had trident with myself... what happend with it?"
Piglin hybrid stopped and put sword away, then stood up. She swallowed hard, maybe it wasn't a good idea...
"Why do you want to know?"
"Trident is important thing for enchanters... and this was my only one. I also spent a lot of time searching for it and enchanting it..." Y/N said honestly.
"It's safe in the cellar." He got closer to her and smiled gently.
She nodded and let him hug her, then wrapped her arms around his waist. Technoblade placed hand on her neck, kiss was slow and gentle. Piglin hybrid smiled after breaking out. Inside, Y/N sighed with relief, he didn't noticed, that Ranboo was here.
She let her guard down in vain. The Blade's gentle touch fast, became inescapable grasp on her throat, Y/N pupils widened immediately. Tried to pull him out, but that was only a weak try.
"You think, that I am stupid or blind?" He asked, then lifted her up, still holding her throat, air started to go out and didn't come back.
Y/N tried to kick him of, but again that was only a weak try, even when he was tired. She grabbed his wrist and trying to push off his hand, only to take breath.
"After a whole week, you just casualy asking me about your trident huh?" His eyes narrowed looking at her reaction.
'Grip her harder!' 'Make her cry and scream!' 'Show, who is in charge here!'
Voices again went feral, but this time they demanded violence and wildness. His sight almost became red and ears was full of noise.
"Techno!" Y/N whispered quietly, fighting to stay focused.
"Apologize and everything will be all right."
"Please..." Tears started to strimming down at her cheeks, she became weak.
He shook his head. "That's not how you apologize. Just say that you are sorry for being dirty, little girl, forgive me."
"I... am sorry... for being... dirty little girl. Please forgive... me." Words slowly left Y/N' lips.
Technoblade smiled with satisfaction, then just let her go. Y/N' body hit hard the floor, she hissed at sudden pain and looked up at male. He grabbed her chin, forcing her to stay like this, on knees.
"I hate do it to you. I really do. Please promise me, that you will be good, obedient, little girl."
Graps on her chin hardened, Y/N nodded almost immediately. After this, she had enough, hear pounded so fast, eyes full of tears.
"It's late, let's go to sleep princess." He left her chin and went straight into the bed.
She stood up shaky and quietly, then grabbed her night clothes and went into bathroom. When came back, Technoblade is sleeping peacefuly on his side. Y/N without any distrubing noise, snuggled into bed and turned her back at him. She couldn't sleep at all, just laying there and thinking. After today for sure her mind changed and situation seemed to be horrible and without exit.
The mattress sagged under the weight of Technoblade, when he changed his position. She immediately froze, again he put an arm around her waits and his head right behind her's. Y/N swallowed her tears in silence.
Couple of days have passed and Y/N became much more shy and quiet. Technoblade usually held her around, but when not, she was in attic working or reading books. Piglin hybrid was satisfied with her behavior, showing his affection and caring way.
It was almost an evening, Phil was working on supper, Technoblade and Y/N were sitting on couch, he held her hand and read ancient poem with shinning eyes. Winged man couldn't resist to smile, while was hearing it.
Everything became much calmer. Well it ended, when Ranboo stormed into cottage, heavy breathing, burns on his face from tears and he was in full netherite armor.
"I am sorry! Please forgive me..."
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