#yamato considering treason
jvnart · 1 year
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dressing the kids up for halloween
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shark-pen · 1 year
I just wanted to share the list of crimes Kabuto Yakushi commited and the amount of jail time he would have been given, though i could only really calculate the average for each individual crime and the jail time for when it is commited once, so his total jail time would be much higher (though the death penelty sorta cancles that out) Oh, and i couldnt take in account how his exact situation would effect these charges but i hope Tumblr can forgive me for that. (Note: This is based off of the legal system in North America, and because im not familiar with the legal system in Naruto, this obviously wouldnt be accurate to how his crimes are canonically percived) 1. Assassination- Life in prison (the murder of the 3th Hokage, 4th Kazekage and it can be assumed may others. The fact that the was at least two political leaders could possibly add the charges of Regicide and Political Assassination.) 2. Grave robbing- 5 years in prison. (Collecting samples for the reanimation jutsu during the 4th shinobi war, and before then for other various purposes incuding the reanimation jutsu.) 3. Treason- life in prison (The attempt to join Danzo and overthrow the leaf village) 4. Child abuse- 10 years (As it was an extream case) (The exparimentation on, physical abuse, and medical neglect of Yukimaru and it can be assumend that there were other children whom were mistreated) 5. Desertation- Death penalty or life in prison (Abandoning his mission assigned by ROOT after his mothers death, the death penalty would only be used becuase of the fact that he left to join Orochimaru) 6. Terrorism- 20 years to life (The attack on the leaf, that one castle he and Orochimaru crushed with those snakes when they were looking for Tsunade, and many other cases) 7. Unlicesend surgery and medical treatment- 8 years in prison. (All of the expariemnts that required surgery along with all the medical treatment he provided to Orochimaru) 8. Abduction- 5 years in prison (but that seems low so idk if that right) (The abduction of Sasuke, Yamato, Yukimaru, and it can be assumed that there were many others, though most were done by Orochimaru alone.) 9. Mutilation- 14 years prison (The specific act of the mutilation during the expariments) 10. Theft- 2 years in prison (considering Kabutos situation, it can be assumed that he has commited theft on several occasions, though i can think of a specific incident) 11. Extortion- 5 years in prison (Of Tsunade, Guren, and most likely many others) 12. Abuse- between 2 years less a day or 10 years in prison. (The abuse of Yukimaru, Kimimaro, Guren, Gozu, Kigiri, kiho, Nurari, Ringi and most likely many others) 13. Fraud- 2 to 7 years in prison (All of the false claims and identitys he had throughout the years) 14. Unethical experimentation (outside of the 4th great ninja war)- 10 years in prison to life in prison (The expariments he did with Orochimaru) 15. Crimes against peace- (couldnt find an average sentence) Planning and excecuting the 4th Great Ninja War. 16. Espionage (outside of war)- a term less than 10 years in prison (all of the spying Kabuto did, including the double life he lived in the hidden leafe village) ---The rest are war crimes, and all the crimes against humainty--- -Attempted Global Domination- life in prison or the death penalty.
-Torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments (specifically in war) (this includes the charges of Torture, unethical expariementation, and all the other silly things Kabuto did during the 4th shinobi war) -Espionage (during the war)- most likely still a term less than 10 years (All the spying he did during the war) Thats all i can confirm, but im sure theres many others. that all adds up to 115 years in prison, 4 life sentences, and 2 death penaltys. (with some assumptions about how those individual crimes would actually be treated) Though, those aproximate sentences were if that crime was commited on its own, but i think its safe to assume that if those crimes were all prsented together, he would recive the death penalty. Anyways, sorry for any spelling mistakes and if there are any mistakes in this post or things i didnt cover, please tell me!
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panharmonium · 3 years
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okay, let’s just recap.
three years ago, little kakashi came to the third hokage and said “your second-in-command is plotting to assassinate you.  i know this because he encouraged me to steal confidential documents about your whereabouts so he could ambush you on your next journey.”  danzo made the predicted attempt on sarutobi’s life; it failed because of kakashi’s intel; and then when sarutobi got back to his office and saw danzo sitting in his chair prematurely celebrating his supposed death, sarutobi did...nothing.  the most powerful man in the village looked away, and danzo retained all of his power and suffered no consequences.
three years after that, teenage kakashi comes to the third hokage again - beaten, bleeding, poisoned - and says “your second-in-command just tried to kill me.  i’m afraid he’s going to retaliate against the child who refused to finish the job.”  when he begs the most powerful man in the village to do something about this, sarutobi is almost...TAKEN ABACK at being asked to act.  he hesitates, sighs, and eventually, finally, sends yugao to the foundation with a note for danzo to come see him.
a note.
so kakashi - who knows that danzo got away with this shit before, who knows that the foundation’s sentries are just going to brush yugao off, who knows that a note is not going to save yamato in time - takes matters into his own hands.  the third hokage tells him to go to the hospital, and kakashi lies to him, saying that he will.  “yes, sir,” he says, and then he goes straight to the foundation, where he breaks into the forbidden facility, incapacitates danzo’s guards, rescues yamato from the lab where he’s lying shackled to an examination chair, and attempts to fight all of danzo’s forces AND danzo himself on his way out the door.  he literally confronts konoha’s equivalent of the vice president (a man who just tried to have kakashi killed), after lying to the actual president, while trespassing in bowels of the cia.  he commits TREASON.  he breaks every rule on the books, because THOSE WHO BREAK THE RULES ARE SCUM, BUT THOSE WHO ABANDON THEIR FRIENDS ARE WORSE THAN SCUM.
and then, when sarutobi finally does show up (at which point he witnesses danzo attacking two young teenagers, when he already knows that danzo tried to have kakashi murdered for as-yet-unclear reasons), the most powerful man in the village once again does NOTHING.  he uses the situation to leverage yamato out of the foundation, and once the valuable wood-style user is in his own hands (how convenient for him), he lets everything else go, saying “we’ll consider this settled amicably.”  he doesn’t hold danzo accountable for a single thing.  there are NO consequences to anything danzo did.  sarutobi KNOWS yamato is a product of orochimaru’s experiments, and he doesn’t ask danzo a single thing about that.  he KNOWS danzo ordered a hit on kakashi, and he lets him walk away with all of his power and resources intact - while kakashi is right there watching!  danzo tried to have kakashi killed, and the third hokage knows he did that, and it doesn’t matter.  
what does that tell kakashi about how little his life is worth?  how expendable is he, how insignificant is his suffering, that one of the village’s leaders can just make an attempt on his life without fear of reprisal?  how unimportant is kakashi, ultimately, if the village’s second-in-command can try to have him murdered, and the first-in-command can just handwave it away and tell kakashi to forget it happened?  
the fact that kakashi in the present day continues to suffer for this man’s sins (and the fact that i suspect he’s also going to end up being the person responsible for cleaning up this man’s mess) makes me so frustrated.  kakashi, when he was just a CHILD, gave the hokage everything he needed to put a stop to danzo’s misdeeds long before his crimes culminated in the uchiha massacre.  kakashi came to the third hokage again and again with proof of serious abuses; he sounded the alarm, once, twice; he gave the third hokage all the information necessary to stop this train before danzo drove it off a cliff.  the third hokage knew - because kakashi told him so - that danzo ordered kakashi to steal confidential documents, that he tried to have sarutobi assassinated, that he tried to have teenage kakashi killed, that he was secretly in possession of a wood-style user who had been kidnapped by orochimaru as an infant and experimented upon.  it’s not like sarutobi didn’t believe these accusations - he knew they were true.  he just actively chose to let all of it slide.  he kept danzo at his side, kept looking the other way, until his leniency (his cowardice) led to a genocide.
sarutobi is the hokage.  he’s the most powerful man in the village.  he’s the one with the ability and the authority to stop his subordinates from hurting other people, and when it’s brought to his attention - multiple times, by a child - that danzo is, in fact, hurting other people, it’s sarutobi’s responsibility to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.  kakashi is just a teenager, one whose own life is in such a shambles it’s a miracle he’s even functional enough to take this amount of action; and he’s been targeted by danzo specifically because he’s so vulnerable - when a foundation ninja tells danzo that attacking a member of the uchiha to steal the sharingan will be high-risk, danzo responds, “there is one with the sharingan who is not an uchiha, who has neither parents nor teachers” - ie, there’s someone out there who is all alone.  kakashi has no parents to take care of him, no teachers to protect him, no clan to back him up.  he’s targeted because he doesn’t have the power or the connections of the uchiha clan, and because danzo thinks no one will kick up a fuss or ask inconvenient questions when he “accidentally” dies in the field.  kakashi is the injured antelope separated from the herd.  he’s what danzo sees as an easy mark.  it’s easier to murder an orphaned, sensei-less teenager than it is to take on one of the the most powerful clans in the village, and danzo, expecting that sarutobi will avert his eyes from most of his dirty work, is not afraid to attempt to kill a child and loot his body for parts.
it’s infuriating to me, how right danzo is about this.  kakashi begs the third hokage for help, and sarutobi responds with the absolute least amount of assistance possible.  he’s worse than useless.  he’s worse than danzo, even, because he’s so self-deluded.  danzo is evil, but he doesn’t lie to himself about who and what he is - whereas the third hokage, on the other hand, genuinely sees himself as a benevolent patriarch who loves his people and “takes care” of the village’s children, when really he’s a coward who lets orochimaru and danzo get away with murder.  
kakashi, as a child, goes far beyond the scope of his own responsibilities in order to stop danzo from hurting people, long before things get to the point where we’re at now.  he does everything within his limited power, and whenever he takes his concerns to the person who’s truly responsible for dealing with the situation, the third hokage is like “thanks for bringing this to my attention; don’t worry; i’ll handle it from here.”  but after the crisis, behind the scenes, sarutobi’s version of “handling it” just looks like letting danzo continue to do whatever he wants, up until the moment when danzo exterminates an entire ethnic group, at which point it’s too late.  AND THEN SARUTOBI COVERS FOR HIM, EVEN THEN.
kakashi has spent his entire life picking up messes that the third hokage made, and i do mean his Entire Life - sarutobi was hokage during the previous generation’s time, too, and he clearly was just as unwilling to intervene when one of his most respected jonin was being publicly harassed and driven to suicide as he is about everything happening in the present day.  sarutobi has spent decades declining to act when the situation called for courage, and his legacy is precisely what kakashi describes to tazuna in the land of waves arc: “to know what is right and choose to ignore it is the act of a coward.”  
i hate the idea that kakashi is probably going to have to spend even more of his life cleaning up after this man, but he’s the only person i trust to do it right.  and that’s a sentiment i suspect will be shared by the “wood-style user” whom kakashi rescues immediately after the end of the above gifset, because - and i say this with full offense intended to sarutobi - sending a NOTE to someone who just tried to murder a child doesn’t cut it.
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There were seven of them gathered in the tent that was serving as the temporary council chamber while the leaf village was being rebuilt. Kakashi sat at the head of the circular table, looking uncomfortable in the position of authority that had been thrust upon him in Tsunade’s absence. Next to Kakashi on his left was Shikaku Nara, with Shikamaru seated next to his father. On Kakashi’s right side sat Gai, Yamato, Naruto and then finally there was Sakura, sitting opposite Kakashi, wondering when in the hell she had become important enough to warrant an explicit invitation to a council meeting.
The elders, Sakura noted, were not in attendance. Kakashi had placed both of them under guard since Danzo’s treachery at the five Kage summit came to light. It didn’t really come as much of a surprise to Sakura that the Jonin of the village were hesitant to trust them with matters of importance.
Kakashi fiddled with his pen, as he seemed to search for the best way to approach whatever it was that was important enough for him to call a council meeting in the first place. He kept shooting Yamato glances, which Yamato always answered with a quirked eyebrow or a shake of the head, like there was a silent discussion going on between them. Sakura watched the exchange with fascination as she doodled on the note pad in front of her.
“Fine.” Kakashi growled, ending whatever argument he and Yamato were apparently having, “I guess we ought to just get on with it.” He took a breath, put the pen down very carefully, so that it was sitting perfectly straight in front of him. He swept his gaze around the room, locking eyes with each person who sat at the table in turn.
“You know I’m not the type to do things as officially as they should be done. Were it not for the delicate nature of this matter, I’d have left it for Tsunade to deal with when she recovers. Unfortunately, this is a matter that won’t wait until our Hokage is back on her feet.”
The air in the room seemed to grow still and heavy with tension. Everyone seemed to pick up on the carefully chosen words Kakashi used. Our Hokage. Not him. He had no desire to lead them. When Tsunade wakes up. Because none of them wanted to consider the other outcome.
“As you know, Yamato and I were present for the majority of the 5 Kage summit. I believe everyone here has read our reports regarding the proceedings of the summit and Danzo’s attempt at treason. That is not what we are here to discuss. This meeting is in regards to what happened before our arrival at the summit location. About information intentionally withheld from the official reports.”
Sakura observed the room. A large part of her medical training had focused on sharpening her observational skills. Teaching her to pick up on subtle changes around her, so that she can make decisions with the most information possible. So her keen gaze immediately picks up on the way that Shikaku straightened up in his chair as Kakashi admits to withholding information from the official documentation of their mission. She notes how Shikamaru’s gaze snaps to Naruto’s face, then to hers, trying to read the situation the same way that she was. She can almost visualize tangible waves of tension rolling off of Yamato and the worried look that Gai is giving her Sensei. It seemed that he had at least some inkling of what was going on.
“Honestly, I wasn’t sure that this information should be shared with anyone. The source is questionable, but Yamato and I agree that given the potential ramifications for the village if the information we’ve been given is accurate, that at least the people in this room need to be aware of it.”
More glances shot around the table. Naruto at Sakura. Sakura at Yamato. Yamato and Gai at Kakashi. Shikaku and Shikamaru at all of them. The silence in the room swelled until Shikaku quietly prompted Kakashi, “please continue.”
“Itachi Uchiha.”
The name sent a shockwave through the room. White hot anger flared in Sakura. Itachi. Sasuke’s older brother. The shinobi who had murdered his entire clan in cold blood, who had tried to kidnap Naruto, who was directly involved with the organization that had killed Gaara, that had destroyed Konoha and caused so much pain to the person that she loved. Even if he didn’t love her back, Sakura could never forgive Itachi for the pain he inflicted on Sasuke.
Naruto was shrinking in his seat, like the name was a heavy weight descending on his shoulders. Shikaku and Shikamaru were both now sitting straight backed in their seats, giving Kakashi their undivided attention. Only Yamato and Gai remained impassive.
“What about the Uchiha?” Shikaku asked as the impact of the name started to settle.
“It seems that there is much more to Itachi’s actions than the village was initially lead to believe. Our information indicates that Itachi held no grudge against his clan. That his crimes, while heinous, were carried out under direct order from village leaders.”
Shikamaru laughed, the sound breaking through the tension like a paper bomb exploding in Sakura’s ears, “You must be joking. You can’t honestly believe that Lord Third would have allowed-“
Shikaku grabbed Shikamaru’s arm, and shooting him a sharp look to silence him.
Kakashi sighed, “I understand your skepticism. Like I said, Yamato and I don’t trust the source of our information, but given Danzo’s treachery and how long that was allowed to go on unnoticed, I don’t think we can dismiss anything outright. By the same token, none of this is to leave this tent. Until we are able to verify or disprove the claim, I want to keep this thing quiet.”
Shikamaru huffed, but Shikaku nodded thoughtfully, “Kakashi, you were his Anbu captain at one point. You probably know the most about Itachi of anyone present. Do you believe it’s possible that he was manipulated into massacring his clansmen?”
Sakura expected Kakashi to answer immediately. The entire thought of the village ordering a man to kill his entire clan was ludicrous.
Wasn’t it?
But Kakashi didn’t answer. One minute passed in silence and still Kakashi was sitting there, glaring down at his pen, unable to answer Shikaku’s question. It was Yamato who eventually spoke up.
“I served alongside Itachi on team Ro. Speaking frankly, I could never wrap my head around it. The Itachi I knew wasn’t capable of harboring that much hatred. Even with the proof right in front of our eyes, I couldn’t make sense of it.”
Sakura breathed in a sharp breath of surprise. Neither Kakashi or Yamato ever really spoke about their Anbu days, so she had been completely ignorant of the fact that they’d both been on a team with Itachi, much less been friends with him.
Did Sasuke know?
Kakashi nodded his head, “I agree with Yamato, Itachi Uchiha’s actions never made sense to me. I accepted that I must have missed the signs back then and once everything was said and done, I tried my best not to think about it. About him. He was my teammate, and I had failed him. But if this is true, then I failed him even worse than I ever could have believed.” Kakashi hung his head and Sakura could see how much this pained him. She could only imagine what he felt, having this ghost of his past being dragged back up to the surface, especially after so much recent pain and loss.
“Regardless of my and Yamato’s personal feelings about the man, there are other factors which lead us to believe that at least parts of the information we were given are true. Danzo did possess a number of Sharingan, including an eye that we can confirm belonged to Shisui Uchiha, who supposedly committed suicide by the Naka. Itachi was, at the time, suspected of murdering his cousin.”
Another pause, as Kakashi allowed the information to sink in. Shikaku was nodding his head in recognition of the name. Shikamaru was studying his father closely. Sakura could hear Naruto grinding his teeth in frustration.
“Alright,” Shikaku tapped his finger on the table, “Lets have it then. The whole story.”
Kakashi obliged, and slowly the story came out, with Yamato jumping in when it seemed that Kakashi was struggling to find the right words. About the plan for a coup d'etat that had been brewing within the Uchiha clan. The orders to spy on the Uchiha, to monitor them for signs of rebellion. Itachi’s assignment to team Ro, and his early promotion to captain under Danzo. About the death of a man named Shisui, who according to this had thrown himself off a cliff only after Danzo had stolen one of his eyes. The coup coming to a head, and Hiruzen asking Itachi to buy time to find a better solution than annihilation, and Itachi being approached later by Danzo, with a promise- that Itachi could ensure his little brother’s survival if he singlehandedly stopped the coup. The implication that if Itachi refused, Danzo would ensure the clan’s destruction, Sasuke and Itachi included.
The clan’s lives for Sasuke’s life. That was the deal that was put forth. And Itachi had accepted.
But it was the final bit of the story that chilled Sakura to her core.
“Hiruzen was aware of Itachi’s orders. While he may not have issued them himself, if our source is to be believed, he also made no effort to intervene. Its true that the Uchiha massacre solved the problem of the coup d'etat once and for all. But the only way it ended without anyone losing faith in Hiruzen was for Itachi to shoulder the blame. If he’d remained in the leaf village, Hiruzen would have been forced to punish him for the massacre. So instead, Hiruzen let Itachi leave the village, left the barrier jutsu formula intact so that Itachi could come and go as long as he remained hidden, and Itachi decided to join the Akatsuki. Not as a missing-nin, but as Konoha’s spy.”
Shikaku hummed, nodding his head, “I never was able to come up with a good reason why Hiruzen left the barrier jutsu formula alone. I assumed he believed that Itachi must not have any more reason to target the leaf, but even then when word came that Itachi had joined the Akatsuki, he ought to have changed it.”
“Right,” Kakashi was rubbing at his temple, probably fighting off a headache. He’d had a number of those since his brush with death at the hands of Pein.
“There are piece that add up. The barrier formula. The fact that the leaf village always had more intelligence on the Akatsuki and their movements than the other villages did. Danzo’s possession of the Uchiha eyes, Shisui’s eye especially. But there are also pieces I cant explain. Like why that bastard locked me in a seventy two hour genjutsu that almost killed me. And the only person who could confirm any of this, as far as I know, has been dead for three years.”
Gai said something in response to that, but Sakura had stopped listening, their voices fading to the background as something started to click in her head.
Konoha’s spy.
Had to stay hidden.
Could come and go as he pleased.
Her mind was spinning. Recalling strange orders issued by Tsunade. Treating a shinobi outside the hospital. Not allowed to use her healing chakra at all, only basic medical skills. The threat of being stripped of her rank as a shinobi if she disobeyed. A strange Anbu who never spoke. Who suppressed his chakra at all times. Who had eerily familiar eyes that always seemed to be filled with something she could never hope to understand.
“Sakura? Sakura are you alright?” Naruto’s hand was on her shoulder, shaking her gently. Tenzo and Kakashi were both watching her with concern, “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
The name. Recognition like a bolt of lightning struck her and Sakura stood up so quickly that she sent her chair flying back with a crash.
She felt like she was going to explode. Every eye in the tent was on her, waiting for some kind of explanation for her sudden reaction. How on earth could she not have put it together earlier? Then again, she’d never been given any reason to suspect that Ghost, the strange anbu operative in the blank mask was Sasuke’s older brother.
Tsunade. Tsunade must have known. Her orders were to protect Ghost’s identity, because if Sakura had felt his chakra, even for an instant, she would have recognized the similarities to Sasuke’s, and there was only one other Uchiha left in the world. So many thoughts were crashing around inside Sakura’s mind. Anger. Anger at Ghost…Itachi…for lying to her, even if he had no other choice. It wasn’t like she would have ever helped him before if she knew who he was. She’d have been the first person to turn him in, no matter how much kindness he’d shown her. Anger at Tsunade, for allowing the farce to continue, despite knowing that Itachi had made the only choice he could have. Anger that Hiruzen, for failing to intervene and stop all the pain that the massacre caused. For Sasuke, and for Itachi.
Her eyes met Kakashi’s steady gaze. Her sensei, always so adept at reading what troubled her, waited patiently for her mouth to catch up to her mind.
“You knew?”
“No.” Not a lie. She hadn’t known, “But I’m pretty sure this is the truth. I…” gods above how did she even begin to explain it all? To explain about Ghost, his strange behavior, the bizarre connection they shared.
Tenzo was her saving grace. He seemed to have put some of the pieces together himself.
“The Anbu? The one you told me about?”
Sakura nodded and sank back down into her chair, hugging her arms into herself. The eyes of the group moved off of Sakura, looking to Tenzo for more information.
“Earlier this year, Sakura confided in me about a patient of hers. She wanted to know if I was aware of an Anbu agent whose mask was blank, no markings at all. She told me that Tsunade had asked her to treat him and that the arrangement came with some unusual orders which had her uncomfortable.”
Kakashi raised an eyebrow, “Are you referring to-“ Kakashi cut off, but Tenzo nodded, clearly understanding the question. Shikamaru grumbled.
“Care to explain for those of us who can’t read your mind?”
“Ghost,” Tenzo shot back, “It’s a…well for lack of better terms, it’s a ghost story that exists among the Anbu. A few years back a few genin claimed they were saved by an Anbu agent in a blank white mask, who slaughtered the enemy shinobi who were attacking them and then disappeared without a trace. No one believed them, but since then all kinds of stories about the faceless mask have popped up. Most of them are incredibly far fetched, but there are elements that remain consistent throughout. Black hair. Always alone. Never leaves any survivors except for leaf shinobi. Only fights with Kunai and a tanto, never jutsu. At least, none that anyone ever sees. I didn’t think anything of it, but when Sakura mentioned her patient to me, I did some digging. There is a file for an Anbu agent, codename Ghost, but there’s no serial number on the file, and everything in it was encoded.”
Kakashi sighed, “It’s not proof, but that seems pretty damning.” Apparently Kakashi didn’t have any better explanation that Sakura did.
“In that case, there are a few things to address. First and foremost, it is very likely that Sasuke has also been made aware of the fact that his brother acted under orders. I don’t think he knows about Itachi’s identity as an Anbu operative, but we need to be prepared because I’m not sure what kind of effect this information will have on him. The last I knew, Sasuke’s sole focus was on killing his brother for revenge. It’s quite possible that his desire for revenge will shift to target the village, or at least those he feels most responsible for Itachi’s actions.”
Everyone in the tent nodded their agreement.
“The second question is one of what to do about Itachi himself.”
This time no one nodded. It was a momentous question.
“Are you sure we need to do anything at all?” Shikaku asked, trying to be as gentle with the question as possible. Tenzo slammed his hand down on the table and looked like he wanted to throw himself at Shikaku.
“Of course we have to do something! He’s a leaf shinobi! He’s put his life in danger for the past nine years, alone, hated by everyone in order to protect the village. He deserves to know that he isn’t being held responsible for being forced to make an impossible choice when he was thirteen fucking years old!”
“Easy, Tenzo,” Kakashi seemed to be doing his best to keep his tone level, trying not to let his emotions get the better of him while they sorted things out, “You know that I want to see him again as much as you do, as a friend. But we need to consider what’s best for the village. At the least, I don’t think we need to come to a decision right now. Our first priority is to rebuild the village itself. When Tsunade wakes up, I’m sure she’ll have something to say on the matter.”
Sakura clenched her fist and felt her chakra start flowing into them out of instinct. You better believe that she’ll have something to say. I’ll make sure of it.
She pushed herself up from the table. She needed to hit something. Needed to break something. And if she didn’t leave now, she couldn’t be sure what exactly it was she was going to break. Better safe than sorry.
“Sakura? Going somewhere?”
“For a walk,” She hissed, daring anyone to try and stop her as she stormed out of the tent.
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kashi-prompts · 4 years
Flowers for a Shinobi
Chapter 3: Wounds
Word Count: 1,598
Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x OC
Previous Chapter
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“Wow,” Ino murmured under her breath.
The two girls had listened carefully to the jonin’s words, Ayame’s mind carefully considering how she could help with the details he provided them. 9 men laid in the Konoha hospital right now, their chakra just continuously draining itself. 
“I hadn’t realized it was this serious when Sakura informed me this morning,” Ino frowned. 
Kakashi turned to Ino who was hanging over the counter listening. Her round eyes glued to the two of them in deep interest.  
“Not a word to anyone about this,” he pointed a finger at her with an austere expression. “I understand Sakura told you, but that was a mistake. I don’t think she fully realized the weight of the situation at the time. The same goes for you, Ayame.” 
“Understood,” Ino stood up straight, flattening out her apron. “I won’t tell a soul and you can trust Ayame with your life. That I’m sure of.”
Ayame smiled kindly at her younger friend. 
“But I’m afraid you're both going to have to leave now. I’ve already neglected closing up for the last 20 minutes and if I’m late again, my parents will probably kill me. Ayame-kun, you can finish this vase up tomorrow morning. Go help Kakashi-sensei.” 
Swatting the two away with a smile, the youngest Yamanaka closed the wooden flower shop door behind them. 
“Byeeee!” she called out from behind the door. Awkwardly, the pair stood on the bustling dusty Konoha street. The silver haired jonin observed people walk by for a few moments as Ayame thought to herself. Should she mention it? She could back out now, never getting involved with anyone or letting them know her past.
No, she thought. I have to help. My experience and knowledge can help these people. They’ll die if we don’t intervene.
“I think I may be able to help you,” Ayame said finally, turning to Kakashi. Looking down, she felt as though he was towering above her. Despite the outward appearance of his heavily lidded eyes staring down at her, his gaze was intense - determined as she spoke. “But I’d like to see these puncture wounds first.” 
“You’ll have to wear personal protection equipment before going in,” Kakashi raised his eyebrow. “Konoha’s medical staff still isn’t sure whether or not it is a contagious disease.” 
“I don’t think it is,” Ayame watched a few more people scurry by to return home for dinner. “Actually, I’m almost positive it isn’t.” 
“Have you seen this type of illness before?” Kakashi asked, his eyes on her. 
“You could say that,” Ayame replied calmly. “You see, I’m not from here.” 
The tall body next to her went slightly rigid, small lines under his eye forming in his surprised expression. 
“I guess I just assumed since you were working in the Yamanaka Flower Shop that you were-”
“I am,” Ayame stopped him, seeing the panic set in his eye. “I’m a citizen of Konoha now and I have been for some time. Please don’t think I have malicious intent.” 
The two stared at each other for a beat, Kakashi’s hands shoved deep in his pockets as his shoulders went slack in relief. 
“Where are you from?” he asked finally.
“Rōtasuagekure,” Ayame said, “Village Hidden in the Lotus.”
His eyebrows narrowed, “Rōtasu... I’ve heard of them. I also heard of crimes of treason against the village. A lot of fatalities. But I never heard what happened.” 
“Yeah,” Ayame said dismally. “That is all true.” 
“I don’t think that village exists anymore, from my understanding,” Kakashi said, “Is that why you’re here?” 
“I would just like to help,” Ayame replied quickly, eager to change the subject. “Could we go to the hospital now?” 
“It’s not my favorite place to go, but I suppose we could if you think it would help.” 
* * * * * * * * * * * 
Leaning against the hospital wall, Kakashi looked over at his friend lying in the hospital bed. A twist of helplessness in his stomach made him feel a little nauseous. Yamato’s jonin jacket lay on the back of a chair, his unusual hitai-ate on the nightstand next to him. The desire to reach in his back pocket and pull out his book to pass the time didn’t even flicker across his mind. 
Imagine if they all died, Kakashi thought somberly. Just another batch of shinobi dying for the sake of the village. Except in this instance, it was different. It’s not as though they were killed in combat, or injured to the point where some shinobi would leave them behind (not him, of course). But whatever this was, it could easily wipe out this force. And if it infected more... 
Looking over, he observed the unusual citizen he had come to know so briefly. How strange it was that he had never met her previously, but had seen her two days in a row. It was just how fate would have it, perhaps. 
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It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her, he just was unsure of how much he should let her in on this mission. She was just a citizen, after all. Not a shinobi with the training and discipline every ninja should have. But if she claims to have some of the knowledge he is looking for and Ino could vouch for her, he was willing to give it a shot. 
He crossed his arms across his chest, watching her as she meticulously unbandaged the ankle of the man he once knew as Tenzo. His bandages were fresh, no puncture wounds noticeable from the exterior. The graze of light from the window above his shoulder hit her auburn braid, the red highlights more evident than before. 
She’s so beautiful, his mind concluded without him even processing the thought. 
“Kakashi,” Ayame’s voice shook him from his thoughts, “I think I’d like to speak with the Hokage.” 
Embarrassed to have been daydreaming, he quickly composed himself. It took him a moment to shift back into reality, scolding his thoughts for feeling desire towards her. Again. 
I can’t get involved. 
“Did you find something else?” Kakashi walked over to where she was standing. Leaning over the foot of the bed, she pointed carefully at the puncture wound on Yamato’s ankle. It wasn’t exactly what he had expected. When Lady Tsunade explained a “puncture wound” he imagined it to be a pinprick of a wound. This was a small gaping hole just above the ankle. 
“Interesting,” he held his chin, thinking. “Much bigger than I anticipated. Is this what you wanted to see?” 
“Yes,” she nodded, not looking away from the wound. Her expression was strange, he observed. Almost as if she was trying to process something more than what was in front of her. Without saying anymore, she began rolling the bandage back around his ankle. 
“I think I need some fresh air,” she managed finally, her complexion paler than before. 
“Queasy?” he tried with a smile, “I don’t like medical things either.” 
She crossed her arms and headed for the door. Kakashi narrowed his eyebrows, confused by her sudden change in demeanor. Quickly, he followed her out the door and down the stairs. Before he knew it, he found her sitting on the bench outside the Konoha hospital, clearly flustered. 
“Everything alright?” He asked, more confused than anything. 
“I don’t think I can help you,” she said abruptly, not looking up. 
“But you said you could,” Kakashi sat down next to her, feeling his frustration bubbling up. He didn’t have time to find someone else with this type of knowledge to help him.
“I know,” she said, “but I changed my mind.” 
“You can’t just change your mind,” Kakashi told her, “there has to be a reason.”
“There isn’t one,” Ayame replied, clearly shaken.
Dammit. Now what?  
Dusk was upon them, the sun that was just brightly shining moments before falling behind the treeline. Kakashi sighed to himself, looking down at the ground. Her braid fell over her shoulder, blocking her face from his view. He looked over at her, unsure of what to do next. 
“Look,” Kakashi said, standing abruptly, “you said you could help and I trusted you. But you’ve wasted my time that I don’t have a lot of to help solve this. Thank you for your time, but I’ll have to find someone else to help me.” 
“Wait,” Ayame looked up, seeing only the backend of the shinobi as he began to walk away. “I’m sorry. I’ll help.” 
“How do I know I can trust you?” Kakashi countered, confused by her shifting behavior, “you’re not a Konoha shinobi, you’re from a different village and you have so far only claimed to know how to help. What proof do you have that you even know what how they got those wounds?”
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Standing up, Ayame looked at him. Her expression vulnerable, yet defiant to prove something suddenly. Carefully she reached for the high waist of her skirt and began pushing the corner down. Kakashi looked away for a moment, unsure of what this woman was doing. 
“Because I was once poisoned by this same toxin,” she told him.
Looking back, his eye traveled to the pale skin of her exposed skin, her thumb hooked on the waistline of her skirt. If any other woman had dragged him across the village for the last hour and exposed herself to him, he would’ve thought she was crazy. But when he saw what she was showing him, everything suddenly made sense. 
Right above her hip bone were three large holes just like the one Yamato had -- healed. 
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beyond-the-mirror · 4 years
The Blue Eyed King’s Gift
Welcome back to another chapter of this story! Have you already guessed which fairy tales is it inspired by? You can find one of the answers in the tags below.
Tagging @v-vic​, if you wish to be tagged you can let me know at any moment.
I also want to give special thanks to @thottyonmainsquid​ for beta reading and offering her great and brilliant advice, as well as our discord server for their support and inspiring shenanigans.
Pairings: Vergil x Fem Reader
Warnings: War and violence. Mild gory descriptions, nothing too explicit.
Part One - Part Three - Part Four
Part Two
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Once upon a time, there existed a vast kingdom ruled by a great and powerful demon who possessed a heart as merciful and gentle as that of a human.
At the beginning of his reign, the Demon King bestowed upon all the humans of his land the ancient magic of his kind, quite unlike his predecessors that kept said magic to themselves selfishly alongside a few nobles of demonic heritage. With this wonderful gift, the inhabitants were able to access greater knowledge, developing more advanced technologies that greatly improved their lives. Soon enough the kingdom grew larger than ever before, making alliances with neighboring countries in order to selflessly share their magic and science with those who needed it most. Such was the will of the Demon King, who reigned over the peaceful land for centuries.
One day, the king fell in love with a human woman, and took the ultimate decision to renounce his immortality in order to spend the rest of his days with her as his beloved queen. From this union, two children were born, twin little boys with pristine white hair and blue eyes. The entire kingdom was overjoyed at the news, a long lasting celebration was held in honor of the newborn princes. As time passed, the twins grew up to become well respected nobles among the people, as well as skilled swordsmen just like their father. The younger one had a spirit like the sun, warm and vibrant; the older one had a spirit like the moon, calm and piercing.
Many years later, the Demon King and his beloved queen passed away at their shared bed due to old age, both with a peaceful smile on their faces at the fulfilling lives they had shared with each other. At their passing, the elder brother was crowned as king of Fortuna in a most luscious ceremony which hosted many representatives of their allied countries. The Blue Eyed King was able to reign as benevolently and wisely as his late father; however, he would often question his trust in some of Fortuna’s allies, concerns that he kept even after his crowning.
During a festival at the town square, someone caught the monarch’s attention, a beautiful maiden with a heart of gold lively dancing and twirling to the cheery music. At the end of the song, their eyes locked for a few moments that seemed almost eternal, and he knew he just had to meet her. Love blossomed between them, which some time later led to a joyful marriage between the two. The king and queen lived together with great happiness, their love as profound as the immensity of the universe.
Such happiness wouldn’t last long.
After a medical checkup, the couple was informed that the young queen could not bear any children. The news absolutely devastated her, driving her into a severe depression that kept her isolated in her private chambers for months to come. In his despair to help his wife, the king did everything in his power to aid her in her malady. Every single medic was summoned to the palace, doctors, healers, therapists… the young king prayed every day and night for the recovery of his beloved, always tending to her side and holding her close as many times as she allowed him too.
One day, after many painful months, the queen finally gathered some energy and emerged from her chambers, much to the relief of all the servants and the young king himself. She made one single request to her husband.
She showed him a small bag of seeds “My beloved. Allow me to plant these seeds in our royal garden, and tend to them with my very own hands. I don’t wish to be helped by our servants and gardeners, who have already done so much for me these past months. Please, let me be the only one to nurture these seeds.”
As much as he wanted to protest her decision to work despite her health condition, the king obliged. Whatever it took to make his love recover her lost happiness, he would gladly accept.
The next months, the queen would be seen tending to the seeds she planted in the garden, which eventually grew into many exquisite blue roses thanks to her love and dedication. The king was filled with joy knowing that his wife had finally started to smile again, little by little did she recover and soon she was back into her usual cheery self.
None of them would have expected the tragedy that was about to fall upon the kingdom.
They attacked at midnight while everyone slumbered. Loud explosions from their cannons shattered the calm atmosphere of the night, reducing buildings and homes to rubble and dust. 
Nobody would have expected that this particular allied country would ever consider the benefits given by Fortuna as simply not enough for them. Envious and greedy, they wanted the great kingdom’s power and riches all for themselves.
As his twin rushed to take care of the siege engines surrounding the city, the Blue Eyed King and his army fought valiantly against the enemy who planned to infiltrate the grand palace. He had struck down another group of soldiers with a graceful cut from his demon sword Yamato when an all too familiar scream made his blood run cold. Looking around frantically, he spotted through the corner of his eye the queen running towards the royal garden. The king immediately bolted after his beloved, only to stop dead in his tracks at what he saw once he reached her.
The queen laid lifeless on the exact same roses she had planted months ago, the blooms now crushed and their petals painted red with her blood. Towering before her, the very own general that commanded such an act of treason against Fortuna, standing victoriously arrogant at the murder he had commited.
At that moment something broke inside the king. Everything happening around him became mere white noise as pure rage and sorrow drowned his rationality. A blaze of blue fire enveloped the king as he embraced his demonic heritage, and with a mighty roar that shattered the night skies above and the earth below, he unleashed his fury at the ones that took his love away.
Everyone watched in horror as a dark atmosphere consumed the entire city, even the soldiers stopped fighting and froze on their sports as the heavy darkness wrapped around everything it could touch.
And then, it happened.
It was strangely beautiful, the way thousands of light beams shot instantaneously through the air like fractals of blue energy, followed shortly by a delicate hum that resonated everywhere, not unlike the chirping of birds at breaking dawn. The lights illuminated the streets as if it were a sunny day despite being in the dead of the night. All who bore witness to the otherworldly display found themselves hypnotized by its beauty, the sight so alluring, so alluring... 
And just as it had begun, it ended, like a lightning breaking through the storm in a matter of seconds. During that time nobody dared make a move, too stunned at what they had just witnessed.
The Blue Eyed King sheathed his sword.
One by one, every single soldier from the enemy country fell to the ground in unrecognizable pieces, a sickening sound as their remains sploshed and bloodied the streets. It was a nightmarish sight, how an entire army was eradicated in just an instant and in such a grotesque manner.
Silence reigned over the ruined kingdom once more, as if a war had never happened in the first place.
The prince rushed to the palace, knowing something must have happened to his older brother after realization had hit him. His imposing red wings pierced the sky as he flew, a twisted feeling that tugged at his heart telling him that something must have gone terribly wrong.
As he landed at the now rundown garden, he saw his brother’s true demon form thrashing around in torment.
Overwhelmed by his grief, the king kept ripping and tearing down the now mangled body of the opposing general. Even his own demon sword laid forgotten on the ground as he preferred to discharge his wrath with his very own claws.
The prince immediately seized him, trying his best to calm down his brother. However, the beast inside him had completely consumed him, leaving only a primal creature thirsty for blood and revenge.
Suddenly, an unexpected cry resonated through the garden, interrupting the fight between the twin brothers.
Both demons stood bewildered as the high pitched wailing continued, breaking the silence that permeated the garden. The Blue Demon quickly scanned the area, looking for the source of the strange noise, his breaths slowly evening out as he started to recover some of his lost clarity.
His blue fiery eyes widened as he noticed the sound was coming just next to the corpse of his long lost queen.
Without losing a minute the beast prowled towards her body. Upon closer inspection, her arms seemed to be enclosed around something, as if protecting it and keeping it safe until her very last breath. Ever so carefully, the Blue Demon pried her arms open, minding the sharp talons that had replaced his human nails.
In her embrace, a single intact blue rose laid. The bud was abnormally bigger than the rest of the blooms that laid broken around her, gigantic even. As the king focused on the bizarre flower, he realized that the cries were coming from inside it, just as he too observed a few slight movements on its soft inner petals
In the most gentle and careful manner, the beast opened the rose bud. What he found inside brought tears to his eyes.
Two newborn babies were cuddled inside the unnatural flower, flailing their tiny limbs and crying in distress. The infants had pale rosy skin, soft white tufts of hair crowned atop of their heads.
The king turned beast stood astonished at the sight, not expecting to find such innocent lives at the now crumbled ruins that were once his and his wife’s garden.
Scales turned into flesh, talons transformed into lithe fingers. The king slowly reached for the children with shaky arms, pulling them out of the rose and cradling them against his chest. The babies nuzzled after the warmth he exuded, one that soothed their alarmed cries little by little. It was then that they finally fluttered their eyes open, and the king let out a startled gasp.
One had light blue eyes like an endless ocean at peace, very much like the kings’ own. The other had mesmerizing green eyes like a lively forest, very much like… His heart swelled with both joy and melancholy. The child’s eyes were very much like his beloved queens’.
What the monarch failed to realize at that moment was that this was his beloved’s last gift. Unbeknownst to him, amidst the doctors that had been summoned to treat her infertility, there was an elderly woman who was praised for her unique medicinal practices involving a combination of magic and science. Knowing this, the queen begged for her help as soon as she had recognized her presence in her chambers. 
The elderly woman gifted her a small satchel full of magic-imbued seeds, instructing her to add a drop of her own blood as well as one of the king’s into the satchel before planting them, warning that the seeds would only grow by the hands of the queen herself. According to her words, one of the roses would bear a child after 9 months, an heir with the same blood used to soak the seeds at the beginning.
After offering her heartfelt gratitude to the healer, the queen set to work as soon as possible, one night even pricking her husband’s finger while he slept in order to follow those same instructions. She worked day and night, tending to the roses while ignoring the worrying looks of the servitude and those of the king himself. Above all, the queen prayed to the gods every morning she would get up to keep gardening. When she noticed one of the roses growing much more than the others, the smile she thought long lost had finally returned.
The infants stared at the man holding them before raising their small hands, reaching for his face as they giggled ever so sweetly.
For the first time in his life, the Blue Eyed King broke into tears, now understanding why his beloved was in such a rush making her way to the garden.
These children were his sons, his and his queen’s very own flesh and blood.
She had given her life to save their children.
The king hugged the little boys in his arms tightly, tears after tears cascaded down his face. His younger brother, now back into his human self, fell to his knees and embraced his brother, hoping to alleviate some of his brother’s pain as he too broke down.
He could barely hear his brother’s words as he spoke between heartbreaking sobs. “No mortal shall ever cause you pain, my beautiful children. I am your father, and until my very last breath, I shall protect you.”
As dawn broke, all the surviving Fortunians were gathered in front of the palace gates. By order of the king, every single inhabitant of the kingdom had been relocated to the citadel which will later be rebuilt and occupied.
Before everyone, the Blue Eyed King vowed and swore to protect his people by all means necessary. And if it meant cutting ties with the rest of the world, then so shall be his will and command. Fortuna had been betrayed by who they considered an ally, and he will make sure a tragedy like this one would never happen again. 
For the sake of his people. For the sake of his sons.
The king unsheathed his sword, and with an all-powerful cut, he split the land around the great citadel and the surrounding villages, severing all cuts with the outside world and enveloping it in a magical barrier.
In the blink of an eye, the Great Kingdom of Fortuna was gone.
Once upon a time, there existed a vast kingdom ruled by a great and powerful demon. However, every remnant of its existence vanished without leaving any trace behind. As ages went by, nature grew and reclaimed the unoccupied land, eventually forming a thick forest where all kinds of wild creatures lived in harmony.
For the rest of humanity, Fortuna had been long lost. This, however, couldn’t be further than the truth.
The great kingdom still stood proud and prosperous, albeit in another plane of existence cut off from all mundane ties to our world. A plane of existence where even time itself behaved in the most different and unexpected ways possible.
It was a bit difficult at the beginning, but the inhabitants soon adapted to their environment without any more trouble. In no time they managed to rebuild their homes and return to their normal lifestyles, now convinced that the decision made by the Blue Eyed King was the best for everyone.
Peace once again reigned over the kingdom. And as long as its existence remained a secret to the outside world, nothing shall ever take it away.
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kaichan24 · 4 years
Favorite Royalty AUs
1. Taking Back the Reigns. King Victor Nikiforov was King in name only. A puppet of Parliament - alone, orphaned, and ostrazcized, he floundered through life with no direction and no one to share it with.
With his country teetering on the brink of WWIII, Victor must shed his playboy image and battle a generations-old political party to seize his rightful power from a corrupt Parliament. Finding himself in a morass of treason, violence and dirty secrets,Victor comes to terms with the past and finds a way forward.
2. The Dragon Prince and the Winter Swan. Yuuri Stark is a noble son of the north, returning to Winterfell in disgrace after the latest disappointment in his checkered tourney career. He hasn't given up his dream of becoming a knight, but maybe it's time to find himself a new path, settling down at home.
Prince Victor Targaryen is the greatest swordsman in Westeros, but he no longer finds joy in competition. Things are uneasy in King's Landing, where politics are shifting and dangerous, and he seizes the chance to escape north in search of the young man who came so close to beating him in a tourney last year — and was so beguiling at the banquet afterwards.
Together they begin a journey to the great tourney of Harrenhal, with intrigue, honor, friendship and love along the way...and inevitable political conflict ahead.
3. Through the Eyes of a King. “He was the first Japanese man that I saw in my life. At first glance, he seemed ordinary in appearance, the kind of man one easily overlooked in a crowd. But in his eyes lay passion, and the force of an oncoming storm, revealing the force of nature that he was. A man not to mess with, but to admire.
”These words, written in the diary of the young man that would one day become king of Russia, had burnt their way into the hearts and memories of the people, Russian and Japanese alike. For Katsuki Yuuri had never thought that he would ever leave his home behind. Called to a foreign court to become the teacher of the crown prince, Yuuri soon finds himself in the midst of a world so very different from his own - and in it King Victor the Divine that tolerates no dissent.
4. The Rules For Lovers.  Prince Yuuri Katsuki has a duty to his country, above all else (his desires, his dreams, and his happiness included), and he knows this alliance will help to ensure the safety of his people. That’s the only reason he accepts Prince Nikiforov’s hand in marriage. The pleasant surprise, of course, is the part where they fall in love along the way. The unpleasant one, well…
5. when it lasts.  It’s been three years since King Victor fell fast and hard for his Yuuri in the sleepy, seaside town of Hasetsu, and the time has finally come to pop that ever important question. However, asking Yuuri to marry him is easier said than done, especially when all the forces of the universe seem to be working against him. Will King Victor be able to overcome the obstacles in his way and make his beloved his betrothed, or will he be crushed by the powers that be?
6. The Elusive Vermilion Rose. As the revolution builds in Larussia, a masked vigilante appears to whisk those destined for execution to safety. Not about to have his plans ruined, the king gives his two sons an offer they can’t refuse: discover this masked man’s identity if you wish to be heir to the throne.
The youngest prince knows this is his only chance at the throne, while the older prince, Victor, finds himself caught in the middle; as his curiosity about the elusive Eros dances ever closer to affection.
Meanwhile Yuuri Katsuki, a tailor from the neighboring country of Yamato, has been traveling back and forth more than usual... clearly because of the nobility clamoring to have the emperor’s own tailor make their clothes. And Yuuri and his three friends definitely don’t have anything to do with the so-called masked vigilantes in the Society of the Vermilion Rose. Nope, not at all.
7. Chrysanthemum Petals. Yuuri Katsuki woke up one day to receive a fancy letter to tea; from his absentee father. That one moment changed his life from just being Yuuri Katsuki, sleep deprived, awkward high school student to Yuuri, Crown Prince of Japan.
Hesitant to become Heir Apparent to the Chrysanthemum Throne, Yuuri will find reason to abandon all sensibilities in the most charming Duke of Kent.
8. And A Shimmer Takes My Eye. Walking through the streets of New York, Yuuri balances the phone call on his bluetooth headphones alongside errands for his day off. “I don’t know, Chris— 
“You’ve been alone too long, schatzi, his friend chides him. Chris met Yuuri when he was in the costume department at the Met, but since he got a coveted position at the Paris Opera, they can only FaceTime or cross an ocean for quality friend time. Orfeo closes soon, he’ll be in New York for business… at least enjoy a glass of something beautiful while exchanging a bit of small talk, yeah?
Yuuri enters the cake shop, walking past case after case of treats and pastries. A lovely cassis and white chocolate mousse cake catches his eye, and his conversation lags as he contemplates purchasing it as a gift to his cast mates for their final bow in a week. “Well. Before I grudgingly agree—
”That’s the spirit, Chris jokes.
“Is he at least… nice?” Yuuri asks.
9. King in Disguise. Yuuri is a low-ranked Ability User with a useless power, considered one of the weakest in the Terra Stellata – the institute to unlock a User’s true potential. But what lies beneath his power was an unfathomable amount of strength unseen by the eyes of others. He dreamed to fight alongside his idol; Victor Nikiforov, one of the strongest Ability Users in existence. He finds Victor willing to protect him at whatever cost.
Will Yuuri ever discover the true worth hidden within him?
Yuuri -- "I've admired you since I was little. You are my hero and will always be." Victor -- "I will always protect you no matter what it takes. If you are my king - then I'll be your knight.
"In a world where demons freely roamed, humans were bestowed with powers beyond imagination - when things went out of control, destiny awaited for a slumbering king to claim his throne.
(Magical/Superpower Fantasy AU taking place in the modern times)
10. moods, states of grace, & elegies. Victor Nikiforov has traveled far and wide in the company of trader Christophe Giacometti on the silk roads to arrive at Hasetsu, capital of the Great Nihon Empire. He expects to stay a winter, until the seasons change again, and fairer weather and the changing of seasons can return him to his wanderlust.He does not expect to fall in love with the Crown Prince.
11. in my head, in my heart, in my soul.  Drawn into a conflict outside of his responsibility, Victor Nikiforov, the greatest general of the age, appears to have met his match in the shy Prince of Japan who surrenders on the fields of Goryeo.
12. Victor the Great.  At the age of nine Victor became the Tsar of all the Russias with Lilia as regent. One day he will be the sole ruler of Russia, the man who makes all the decisions and gets to do what he wants, with one exception: he has to marry a woman from a Russian aristocratic family. Except that he falls in love with a boy who is a foreign commoner. Will he risk the throne to be able to marry the one he loves?
13. Our Love will Always Prevail. Almost 10 years ago, Lord Yuuri of the house Katsuki was taken as a ward of the house Nikiforov. A romance blossomed between him and the eldest heir of the house, Viktor Nikiforov. But the path to happiness is not always an easy one, Yuuri and Viktor will have to fight hard to obtain the happy ending they both desperately wish.
14. Chosen Path.  To end a century long struggle between Rus and Nihon the two Imperial families have come to a possible treaty. The only catch, the Emperor of Nihon wants the oldest Son of Rus to marry one of his retinue when he comes to Rus to sign the papers. Victor as oldest of 11 is not looking forward to getting a wife. So together with his siblings, parents, and the help of all his cousins and Palace staff, he sets out to get the one from the retinue he wants. Katsuki Yuuri never thought he stood a chance.
15. Le soleil est près de moi. The prince moves across the grounds in robes the same shades as sapphires. He walks astride the King, not behind, as he proudly conducts the tour of the incredible grounds with ease. An austere woman follows at a respectful pace in gray and violet. She and the prince both have wide fabric belts in contrasting colors tied at their waists, and the prince’s ebony hair is styled similarly to his companion’s, though hers is vastly more complex.
“He’s quite comely up close,” Christophe continues with a wicked grin. “Though he seems a touch aloof in humor. Perhaps if I treat him to a little wine, a little of my solitary attention—
“Victor gives him a startled look. “No,” he manages, his eyes immediately locking back onto the prince. “Not…not this one, Christophe.”
16. Serendipity.  Yuuri never imagined himself to be anything other than ordinary, but a visit from his mysterious Aunt Minako leaves him dealing with his apparently royal destiny. With it comes many trials and tribulations, and love in the way Yuuri least expects it.
17. Fires. Victor and Yuuri are kings that govern Rossíya. They try to demonstrate, at the slightest opportunity, the love and devotion they feel for each other.
However, although almost the entire kingdom is happy and pleased by this marriage that ended with years of war against Hasetsu, Christophe, advisor of his majesty, doesn't welcome the constant trips the king makes to his homeland, for what is more than willing to discover what Yuuri hides behind them.
17. Interpersonal Diplomacy. For the sake of ending a centennial war and protecting the lives of his family and people, Prince Imperial Yuuri of Shanjia makes an unexpected sacrifice, placing his life in the hands of King Viktor of Nova. For the survival of their nations' fledgling peace, Yuuri must live on Novan soil alone, surrounded by people his nation just recently considered enemies, and tied to their monarch by the bonds of diplomacy.
However, Yuuri will also find allies, individuals willing to welcome the peace-loving regardless of past history. If Yuuri is to carve a home in this foreign nation, he must earn the trust of the war-weary Novan people.
And in time, Yuuri may find himself drawing closer to the sympathetic but enigmatic King Viktor.
18. Love Is Beautiful Fear. To become King, Prince Victor has to hold a Selection, to find a man or woman to marry. Yuuri is selected, but will his anxiety keep him from winning Victor's heart?
19. love like fools. When Crown Prince Yuuri of Japan escapes his army of minders at his Saint Petersburg hotel, he thinks he’s found the opportunity to explore the city as a commoner.
When investigative journalist Viktor Nikiforov discovers the Crown Prince of Japan on a park bench in Saint Petersburg, he thinks that he’s found his ticket to redemption at the magazine he writes for.
But like the stories of those stranded during the White Nights after the bridges go up, neither of them had anticipated falling in love. (Roman Holiday AU)
20. Like Magic Woven Through Me.  Victor was quiet about it of course, but his love for the Prince had burned bright in his chest ever since he first met him, years before, when Yuuri was just twenty and Victor twenty-four. From the moment Victor had seen the Prince, he knew he was in trouble. Raven hair, big expressive eyes, smooth skin and cherry pink lips. But above all that was Yuuri’s unending kindness, how funny he could be when he let his guard down, his intelligent conversation, the way he used magic like he was dancing. How could Victor not love him?
21. On My Life, Love. When Prince Yuuri and Prince Victor were children, they secretly got engaged. Alas, their friendship soon fell apart.
After 14 years of separation, Victor asks Yuuri for his hand in marriage, for it turns out that his childhood promise was a magically binding oath, and now his only options are to marry Yuuri or to remain unwed forever, lest he forfeit his life.
22. if there's a will, there's a way.  Two neighbouring countries in a state of tentative peace. Two royal families trying to protect their own people. And only one thing that can save them all from the war that is knocking on their door – a royal union that will cement loyalty, breed forgiveness and maybe somehow fix things.
23. And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for. “The law clearly states that the regent shall have a mate. It is widely known that being mated keeps one’s head clearer, brings joy and strengthens relations, both in one’s professional and personal life. Since I do not have a mate, nor do I have anyone in my life as of right now that I would want to spend my life with in that way, I have chosen to evoke the ‘Catarina praxi. “Lilia will give out the specific details how it will be conducted, but it will be a nationwide search for a mate for me and will require scent samples. As those of you who are familiar with the praxi knows, this means that all omegas that fall into the chosen group are prohibited from entering a mateship until an engagement between me and a chosen omega has been announced. This results in that all unmated omegas from the age of eighteen to twenty eight are now legally arranged to be mated to me, until an official engagement has been made."
The Nicholai Hall explodes with questions from the reporters as Lilia steps up to the microphone, while Yuuri keeps completely still, eyes wide and mouth hanging open, heart pounding in his chest.
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orlha · 5 years
Naruto cast as Major arcana Tarot cards:
Naruto: Justice. Because Judgement card is about biasedness and equality
Sakura: The World. Because it's about Change, voyage, flight which seems to be Sakura's story (if she actually had one) 
Sasuke: The Magician. Because it's about mental illness, sickness, pain and loss. which matches his story. 
Sai: The Hermit. The card is about treason, roguery, concealment and fear. Considering his brother died in his hands and then he spent years under Danzo doing treason... 
Kakashi: Death. Because... well. His story has alot of ppl dying. It's also about sleep and lethargy (Which sounds a lot like depression) 
Yamato: The Hanged Man. Because that card is about wisdom, circumspection, trials, sacrifice. The trials he went through under Danzo and the sacrifice he endured both under Orochimaru and as a Konoha shinobi.
Gai: Strength. Cuz he’s strong and courageous.
Danzo: The Devil. Because he's pretty much like the grand-villain in the story... until Madara...which makes almost no sense. And the card is about violence, force, pettiness, fatality and blindness...
Hiruzen: The Hierophant. There are a lot this card is about marriage, alliance, captivity, servitude, over-kindness, weakness. Everything that Hiruzen seemed to mumble about. His marriage to Biwako, the loss of Uzu’s alliance. Being the  longest running Hokage could also be seen as captivity and servitude to Konoha. He was overly kind and weak as a Hokage (or so in my opinion)
Jiraiya: The Fool. Because the card is about intoxication, extravagance, negligence, absence, carelessness and vanity. Considering he was absent in his godson’s life and carelessly left his 3 students behind... Drank alot and screwed around alot.
Tsunade: The Empress. It’s about fruitfulness, action, also unravelling of matters, truth. Which well, it was during her term as Hokage that Danzo’s treason was unveiled. So I felt a lot of her story was to do with truths and in spite of her reluctance to be a hokage, she seemed to do a lot as the Godaime.
Orochimaru: The Tower. The card is largely about disgrace, calamity, misery, imprisonment, deception, ruin and tyranny. Which seems to be largely of what his story was about. How he imprisoned Oto and various people, making them as experiment subjects and brought misery to them.
Notes: That cards mean differently upright and reversed. These are no means the complete meanings, but I picked them based on what I felt made the most sense.
Also shitty 5 min drawings.
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kitsmits · 5 years
About the Kakashi Anbu Arc...
Specifically, the anime filler arc in the final season that explores Kakashi’s life post-Kyuubi, pre-Team-7. First of all, I actually really like this filler arc. It fleshed out several character relationships (not least of all, Kakashi and Yamato/Tenzo/Kinoe) as well as the dichotomy between Danzo’s Root and the Hokage’s Anbu. There was action, political intrigue, Kakashi being a badass, Kakashi being vulnerable, Kakashi interacting with baby Yamato and baby Itachi...plus, I’m a sucker for glimpses into Root’s culture. Sure, there were some flaws, some plot holes, but for the most part, they were relatively minor in my mind.
Except for one.
The plot to assassinate Hiruzen.
I have several problems with this whole plot thread. Let’s take a look, shall we?
First, a quick recap: In this anime-only filler arc, after the Kyuubi attack, teenage Kakashi was left grieving, angry, alone. Along comes Danzo, giving him someone to blame for the tragedy: Hiruzen. It was Hiruzen who ordered all the young Shinobi (including Kakashi) to NOT interfere during the attack; if Kakashi had been allowed to fight, perhaps things would have turned out differently. Danzo then makes Kakashi an offer: Work for him. Spy on Hiruzen. Help Danzo put Konoha back on the right path.
Kakashi, in his grief, agrees.
So we see him passing along information to Danzo for a bit...and then, Kakashi comes across a Foundation kid with a supposedly extinct ability: Wood release. Put a pin in that - it’ll come up again soon.
Anyway, eventually, Kakashi becomes part of Danzo’s plot to assassinate the Hokage. However, Kakashi has a change of heart and instead warns Hiruzen of the plot. Danzo is thwarted; Hiruzen confronts him...and then essentially forgives him. Hiruzen tells Danzo that if he ever found the individual responsible for the plot, he would have every right to charge the person with treason and execute them...but he’d rather that person instead focus their energies on protecting the village. 
Some issues.
1. It was unnecessary from a story perspective.
From a story point of view, the assassination/double-cross subplot is supposedly what made Kakashi turn “back to the light,” so to speak. But here’s the thing: I don’t think that was the reason he turned on Danzo. It’s not that I think Kakashi was perfectly fine with the idea of assassinating the Hokage; it certainly contributed, I imagine. However, given the trauma in his life so far, especially being forced to kill a friend for the sake of the village, I think the Kakashi of this time had resigned himself to being a tool of assassination. If killing the Hokage was really the best thing for Konoha - as Danzo said it was - then he was probably prepared to do it. (Or at least believed he was.)
However, something else happened during this time that lead Kakashi to doubt Danzo’s intentions: Kakashi discovered that Danzo was hiding a Wood release user. It’s significant to me that Kakashi investigated the matter BEFORE deciding to tell the Hokage about Danzo’s plans. Hiruzen bringing up that Wood Release was one of the only ways to subdue the Kyuubi made Kakashi think: That ability is more important than ever in the village now. Why would Danzo be keeping it hidden away if he truly had the village’s best interests in mind?
TL;DR: Kakashi already had the doubts he needed about Danzo. An assassination, while certainly good for drama, wasn’t completely necessary for him to turn on Danzo. Plus...
2. The aftermath is VERY problematic.
There are two sides of this: Hiruzen and Kakashi. By allowing Danzo to get away with a thinly veiled warning, they both wind up looking at naive and/or horribly negligent - and well into the future, in Kakashi’s case. Hiruzen giving his old comrade the benefit of the doubt despite trying to KILL him...that’s one thing. I mean, I’m generally a fan of forgiveness, but this is extreme, even for me.
But Kakashi knowing about all of this, and NEVER bringing it up, say, to Tsunade? Or the Elders? (Not that I have the highest opinion of those two windbags...) Staying quiet about it while Danzo took power? I know, I know - Kishi didn’t actually figure this whole filler arc into the story. But do you see the problems it creates in hindsight, especially for consistent characterization? It makes Kakashi, a character defined partly by his intelligence and judgment, seem at best an idiot and at worst willfully negligent. A lot of the filler arc adds to his characterization and shows his growth (though most of that is focused on Kino-Tenz-Yams). But this? This takes away from it. It doesn’t make him flawed; it makes his actions (or lack thereof) reprehensible.
3. It could almost be seen as “out of character” for Danzo. (Yes, I’m serious.)
Yeah, we get it, Danzo is power-hungry and has wanted the Hokage hat ever since Tobirama tossed it to Hiruzen in the middle of a mini-war. He regularly undermines the Hokage office, acts on his own without the Hokage’s approval, and utilized shady, sometimes illegal means for his ends. He even holds his own forces back from assisting during Pein’s assault - while you could debate how much help they’d really have been, it’s still possible they COULD have saved at least a few lives. (...which would have been resurrected anyway, but let’s not open THAT can of worms.) Danzo has certainly committed egregious acts of subterfuge and sabotage.
But if he’d wanted to simply kill his way to the Hokage seat, he’d have done so long ago.
I put forth that assassinating a political figure of his own village was NOT in Danzo’s character, at least at that time. Assassination of a Konoha official is messy, risky, blatant. And it might not have even worked! Danzo would still need to be nominated, then chosen as the prime candidate, then approved by the Daimyo, then voted in by the Jonin...there were (apparently) quite a few hoops to jump through. Simply killing off the current Hokage wouldn’t have gotten all the work done. Heck, since the Uchiha clan was still around at the time, and I somehow doubt he had the best relationship with them in public, he’d have had a HARDER time getting the political support he needed.
(Huh...come to think of it, that COULD be part of the reason he wanted to get rid of the Uchiha clan...hmm...)
Point is, Danzo as he’s presented in strict canon is an opportunist, a reactionary, and frankly, a coward. From youth to old age, he’s preferred to stay back and let things play out around him, then take advantage of the outcome. We see this when he fails to volunteer himself as bait for Shinkaku and Ginkaku; we see it (in filler, but still) when he hesitates to put himself or Orochimaru forth as a Hokage candidate, post-third-war. We see it again when he keeps his troops from fighting Pein. Considering all of this...would he really be so bold and direct as to kill a Hokage?
“But the whole point of the failed assassination and Hiruzen’s forgiveness of it is that it made Danzo prioritize the village over his own ambitions!”
He still prioritized his own ambitions after that. He kept Root going in secret so that he’d have his own personal army. He continued to undermine Tsunade, trying to assassinate Sasuke without her knowledge. And again, there’s his purposeful inaction during the Pein attack. He may have convinced himself that he was only acting in the village’s interests, but he still prioritized his own.
Conclusion and caveats...
So, from a plot perspective, I kind of understand why they needed something other than the whole “Danzo’s hoarding a Mokuton user” thing for Kakashi to bring to Hiruzen at the start. I can see 2 uses for it:
A) It helped Kakashi prove his ability to judge situations for himself, thus making him one of Hiruzen’s most trusted Anbu operatives.
B) The writers wanted to save the Mokuton reveal for later - after “Kinoe” became “Tenzo” and had his own life-changing encounters that prepared him for leaving Root. After all, once Hiruzen was told of Kinoe/Tenzo’s existence, it became necessary to pull him out of Root. (I’ll admit, my memory on the timeline of this arc is a tad fuzzy...I can’t recall if Kakashi had already told Hiruzen about Kinoe before or not...and I’m too lazy right now to check.) Anyway, if they had Kakashi tell Hiruzen sooner, we might not have gotten the whole “Tenzo”/smoke-clan thing, or the whole “to kill Kakashi or not to kill Kakashi” thing, both of which wound up shaping Tenzo.
But I still think the assassination subplot made less sense than it attempted to make.
Also, it’s a tad inconvenient for certain aspects of my own fic, soooo yeah. There you have it: the real reason I want to retcon it :P
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scoobydoojedi · 6 years
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Mizuno Clan
The Mizuno of Mikawa province were descended from Minamoto Mitsumasa, a younger brother of Minamoto Mitsunaka. Mitsumasa's descendant Shigefusa settled in Owari province, where the family would remain for many years. Shigefusa's son Shigekiyoassisted Minamoto Yoritomo in the Gempei War(1180-85) and would afterwards be moved to Mizuno in Owari. Shigekiyo's son Kiyofusa assumed the name Mizuno. During the sengoku period the Mizuno became involved in the often convoluted power struggle on the Tokai Coast, at various points supporting the Imagawa, Matsudaira, and the Oda. They became a Tokugawa retainer family after 1560, only to later serve the Toyotomi. After the Battle of Sekigahara (1600) they were made daimyô by the Tokugawa.
*Prominent People*
*Mizuno Tadamasa*  (1493 – 1543) He ruled Kariya Castle. He was also the father of Dai-no-kata, the mother of shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu.
*Lady Odai* also known as Dai-no-kata (1528-1602)it is said that Much of the Strength,Patience,and intelligence of Ieyasu seems to come from his mother,Odai was the daughter of the famous beauty Otomi and her first husband Mizuno Tadamasa. She was born in a small castle in Owari. When Mizuno Tadamasa died Otomi married Matsudaira kiyoyasu the head of Okazaki Castle taking Odai with her Kiyoyasu adopted her.Odai was then married to his son
Hirotada in 1541. The Matsudaira clan then sided themselfs with warlord Imagawa Yoshimoto enemies of Nobunaga oda and his father Nobuhide.when Kiyoyasu was killed by a sabordinate over a misunderstanding Oda Nobuhide took advantage and attacked Okazaki Castle. Odai's older half brother Mizuno Nobumoto judge that the Oda were the winning side and sided with them then ordered Odai to divorce Hirotada and go home.sixteen year old Odai divorced her eighteen year old husband and left her two year old son (Ieyasu) in his care returning home.
*Mizuno Nobutomo* (????-1576) Nobutomo, a son of Tadamasa  sided with Oda Nobuhide in 1543, but eventually rejoined the Matsudaira. He went on to serve Tokugawa Ieyasu(whose mother was Nobutomo's sister) and held Kariya castle. 1576 Oda Nobunaga charged that Nobutomo had sold rice to Akiyama Nobutomo (a rival Takeda general) during the previous year's siege of Iwamura and Tokugawa Ieyasu thus sent Hiraide Chikayoshi to kill him. Nobutomo's house was succeeded by his brother Mizuno Izumi no Kami Tadashige 
*Mizuno Tadashige* (1541-1600) Tadashige was the son of Mizuno Tadamasa and succeeded his brother Nobutomo when the latter was killed on charges of treason in 1576. He served in many of Tokugawa Ieyasu's battles (including Anegawa, Mikatagahara, and Takatenjin) but became a retainer of Oda Nobuo after 1582 and served on his side in the Komaki Campaign (1584). He afterwards joined Toyotomi Hideyoshi and accompanied him in the Kyushu Campaign. He was murdered in 1600, just prior to the start of the Sekigahara Campaign, byKagai Hidemasa.
*Mizuno Katsushige* (1564-1651) Katsushige was a son of Mizuno Tadashige. Considered something of an eccentric with a quick temper, Katsushige left the Mizuno’s home of Kariya castle and wandered about for the first part of his career, serving under Sasa Narimasa in the Kyushu Campaign, then participating in the invasion of Korea. Even there he moved from place to place within the army, serving under both Konishi Yukinaga and Katô Kiyomasa. Following the death of Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1598, Katsushige and the Mizuno began to drift back into the Tokugawa camp. In 1600 Katsushige declared for Tokugawa Ieyasu and later served him in the Osaka Summer Campaign (1615). He was afterwards made a daimyô at Koriyama in Yamato, later being transferred to Fukuyama in Bingo province-worth 100,000-koku. He capped his unusual career with participation in the suppression of the Shimabara Rebellion and was succeeded by an adopted son, Katsutoshi.
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