#y5 on ao3
safyresky · 4 months
happy may 13th on the 29th wednesday! have some FROSTMAS
Year Five
Jacqueline makes a startling discovery.
I know, I KNOW. I have GOT to stop giving vague summaries! But this one tickled my fancy so it stays 🥰 Check out Year 5: 2024 edition on ao3 HERE [updated to match on ff dot net too, of course, right here, BUT THIS AIN'T ABOUT HER]
What's 🆕NEW🆕 this time around:
Lore drops cut, updated, and hopefully more succinct now
Yet another cold-front-retelling-scene-jump has made its way into the chapter
All instances of third person POV have been YEETED; it's all Jacqueline, baybe. Even the Jack bits.
Upped Bernard's sass levels
Added 5k extra? somehow? We went from 8,333k to 13,185k. I genuinely don't know where or HOW given the lore cuts. AH.
And a brand new Frostmas: Behind the Scenes for Year Five!
Frostmas...who is she...I hear you whisper, your plea carrying through the internet winds right to my me. I shall tell you her secrets! With my handy dandy summary!
The Twelve Years of Frostmas
Nobody but he and I knew the truth. Jack wasn’t supposed to be Santa; I wasn’t supposed to be Jack Frost. He thought being Santa would fix everything. He was horribly, horribly mistaken. [My take on Jack’s reign as Santa during the Escape Clause. MAJOR OC involvement AND First Person POV from said OC. Finally cross posting THIS behemoth! Enjoy!]
Want to KNOW her? Take it from the top: [ao3 | ff dot net]
And without further ado, a Year Five snippet for you below the cut!
"[...]It’s been what. Five years with you in the red jacket?”
“Just about.”
“Five years where I’m busting my butt, Jack Frosting about and trying my darndest to prove that this timeline is the wrong one. And all I ever get is shoved aside! Dismissed! Told I’m too stressed and should go home and rest and everything is how it should be, Jacqueline! Deal with it. So I did. This,” I placed the cup down (very reluctantly, I might add. North Pole cocoa is very good, there's no way you can forget about it for long while ranting to your slightly evil brother who is under the impression that you are now slightly evil as well) and gestured to my frosty exterior, “is me dealing with it.”
He was quiet for a moment. Thoughtful. “No appreciation, eh?” he finally asked.
I breathed in sharply, internally cringing before I spoke again. “None! And I’ve just about HAD it with all the shoving aside of Jacqueline and dismissing all her concerns. And I have tried, over and over and over again, to just be listened to and nobody has! I’m done,” I plopped back into my seat, doing my best impersonation of a deflating balloon. “I’m done with it all and it just seemed easier to do THIS,” I gestured down at myself with both hands. “Then to keep on fighting about it.”
Jack perked up. He shifted, sitting on the edge of his seat.
“So you’re giving up?”
No. “If that’s what you want to call it, sure.”
“Just like that?”
Man, he wished. “Yep.”
“No more, accusations? No more fighting? No more insisting on timelines that don’t exist?”
“None whatsoever,” I lied.
Jack smirked, leaning back in his chair. “Wow. You know, I had hoped patience would win out! Glad to see you’ve finally reached the acceptance stage, Jacqueline.”
I blinked. The what? Did he think I was going through the five stages of grief? “Sorry, the what now?”
“The acceptance stage! You did do them a little bit out of order, though. And I think you may have skipped one or two or most of them.”
“They don’t actually have to be in order.”
“You certainly showed us that. So, let’s say all is forgiven.”
The WHIPLASH. “All is what now?!”
Check out Year Five to find out...
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sunnysideprincess · 25 days
Don't Look, I Think We Made The Sun Cry
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Drew this for the POTS Reverse Trope Bingo 2024, fill for square Y5: Last Kiss, reverse trope of First Kiss
[Ao3 link]
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Silver Fox Bucky Reverse Mini Bang 2023 - Masterpost
@silverfoxbuckybang , Organised by @buckybarnesevents
Title: Ain't nobody's business but our own
Artist: Call_Me_Kayyyyy (AO3) @call-me-kayyyyy (tumblr)
Author: late_to_the_party_81 (AO3)
Character/Ship: Sam/Bucky, Sam/Bucky/Steve
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Bucky and Sam are mobsters. They’re also husbands. They met as teenagers and have been inseparable ever since. They’re totally devoted to one another, fending off advances their entire adult lives. But what happens when they meet a young man whose ocean blue eyes make Bucky feel something he hasn’t felt since he first met Sam?
Chapter 1: You and I (Square U3 of BBB - Mutual Appreciation Society)
Chapter 2: That was unexpected (Square B3 of BBB - Backstabbing)
Chapter 3: Confusion (Square Y5 of BBB - "I can explain!")
Chapter 4: The best laid plans (Square Y2 of BBB - Dressing room)
Chapter 5: You, me and you (Square Y3 of BBB - Butts, Biceps and Barnes)
Late's Masterlist
BBB23 Masterlist
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blackwood4stucky · 8 months
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all the fire that ever burned you has turned you into gold | aspen blackwood
series: blade of nightshade, be my strength not my ruin
james “bucky” barnes x steve rogers | mcu
🅼 | word count: 3,560 | complete
tags: all souls x mcu fusion, pre-stucky, bucky-centric, omegaverse, paranormal creatures, body horror-adjacent, steve rogers-implied
A tale of transformation and acceptance, battle and frustration, fear and blood, devastation and reconciliation, rehabilitation and a hope for the future.
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bingo fills
@anyfandomdarkbingo | crying themselves to sleep 
@afgomegaversebingo | free space
@badthingshappenbingo | cramping
@buckybarnesbingo round 5 | y5: brand new me [b098]
@fandom-free-bingo: frosty edition | ambushed, hallucination, shivering
@stuckybingo | b5: au - a/b/o [5080] + new job [january prompt]
snippet: “Being born with an abnormal amount of space between by balls and my asshole had never actually bothered me. What bothered me was what such a space implied… the possibility that I would present as an omega…”
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read: ao3 | ffn | sqwa
mini playlist
steve's prequel
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corpium · 8 months
WIP Game
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
@duplicitywrites thank youuuuu for the tag! 💘
I only recently got back into fanfic writing after a long long break, but here you go!
Stiles is Basically Clark Kent (old steter from TW)
By Any Means (Harrymort, up on Ao3)
Cinderella-inspired soulmate AU (Tomarrymort)
Post-Chamber, Diary latches onto Harry (Tomarry)
Harry runs away after Y5 (Harrymort)
tagging @liquidluckandstuff & @kippipies if you want to take a crack at this :)
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bisamwilson · 2 years
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i saw uncle bucky kissing samta claus
sambucky | M | 1.8k | santa kink | some sexual flirting/themes
written for @sambuckylibrary sambucky festive season bingo 2022 for bingo card C square “samta” and @winterfalconevents winterfalcon bingo round 2 square Y5: “daddy kink” (there is NO daddy kink involved, for context. but it does fulfill the square on a technicality)
content warning: there’s a bit of flirting in the beginning that gets kind of sexual, but it’s very mild. i was teetering between a T and an M rating here tbh, but figured I’d be safe.
When AJ sneaks downstairs on Christmas Eve, hoping to catch a glance of Papa Noël delivering presents, he finds Uncle Bucky kissing him instead.
“Glad you think so,” Sam says, taking the present bag off his back and sitting it gently on the ground, “because comments like that might just land you on the naughty list.”
Bucky flicks Sam’s hat, knocking it just askew enough that he has full access to one ear, and he sucks on the lobe while his hand travels south to Sam’s North Pole. “What’s that get me, Santa? You gonna hurry down my chimney tonight?”
The laugh Sam lets out is loud and genuine, no “ho ho ho”s involved. Bucky’d be surprised if it didn’t wake up the whole house, so he turns Sam around to kiss him quiet.
“Can’t have you waking up the whole house, you know?” he says in between little pecks. “They’ve gotta be asleep when Santa comes. Those are the rules.”
finish on ao3
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starksvinyls · 1 year
Title: Happy Ending Rating: General Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Tags: Not Endgame Compliant, Past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Tony Stark Lives, Dancing Summary: Bucky thinks Pepper doesn't like him, but he's proved wrong. Notes: for @bingowinteriron B3 "Ex GF Pepper" & @buckybarnesbingo Y5 "Dancing" AO3 Link
Stark Industries was hosting a fundraising gala to help with the relief efforts of half the world’s population suddenly reappearing. Bucky had been stuffed into a suit, his tie too tight and the fabric of his socks itchy, but all of the Avengers who were on the planet had to attend. Plus, as Tony Stark’s Beau, people were expecting him to be there with the namesake of the company hosting the event. 
They had tried to keep things private when they started dating, Tony was tired of the press thinking they were allowed to be involved in every aspect of his life, and Bucky was still wary of anyone with a camera and a mic, worried about what they might ask him or say about his past. It was a lot to work through, but he was getting there. Unfortunately, they had been photographed sharing a goodbye kiss before a mission by some ballsy paparazzi with a telephoto lens who had snuck up to the gate of the Compound. 
Now, the press were all chomping at the bit to see the couple at a public event for the first time. Tony did his best to reassure Bucky, and give him some advice for dealing with media, all of which Bucky was grateful for. He hated being in the spotlight, which was ironic given his position on the Avengers and who he was dating. 
When the Rolls Royce pulled up the curb outside the hotel where the fundraiser was being held, the row of press lining the red carpet made Bucky’s palm start to sweat. He clutched his flesh hand into a fist and let out a breath. 
Tony’s hand crept over and gently pried the fist open, lacing their fingers together. “Remember, just walk with your head forward, we’ll stop twice for photos, and then go inside. No interviews.” He squeezed Bucky’s hand. “And try not to scowl, okay?” 
Bucky knew that last comment was teasing, and the corner of his mouth quirked up into a phantom smirk. “They’re just like the bugs in that movie the spider kid forced me to watch - they come, they eat, they leave.” 
A laugh burst out of Tony and he leaned over to kiss Bucky. “Exactly,” He murmured against the Sergeant's lips. “They just want fuel for the gossip rags, don’t pay them any mind.” 
The attendant was there, then, opening the door, and with one last reassuring squeeze to Bucky’s hand, Tony slid on his tinted glasses and then out of the backseat, waving to the press with his prosthetic as he rebuttoned his jacket with his flesh hand. Bucky followed from the car, blinking and looking down to try and get the spots from the camera flashes out of his vision. 
Suddenly, he was bombarded by the cacophony of voices and shutter clicks and he groped for Tony’s hand semi-desperately. Once their fingers were linked, Tony gently pulled him down the red carpet, stoping exactly twice, just like he said, for photo ops. 
Bucky did his best to not look angry or grumpy, as many often told him he did (Peter called it “resting bitch face”), and hoped the small smile he was attempting came across in the photos. 
Once inside, Bucky tried to stick close to Tony, at least until they found other Avengers; he was hoping Sam and Yelena were already here to save him from talking to anyone he didn’t know. Other guests had different ideas, though, and Tony was swarmed almost immediately by other social elites vying for his attention. 
Without realizing, Bucky had been pushed aside enough that he couldn’t get Tony’s attention without getting everyone else’s too. With a sigh, Bucky turned and scanned the ballroom for any familiar faces. Before he could spot anyone, a pretty blonde materialized in front of him. 
“James Barnes, you’re an elusive one.” She smiled, like it was some sort of inside joke. A beat of silence, and then, “Christine Everheart, with WHIH News. Do you have a moment for a few question?” 
Before Bucky could form an answer, a voice sounded behind him, “Christine, attempting to do another spread on Tony?” Bucky caught Pepper coming up beside him in his peripheral. “I would have thought that was beneath you now that you’re at WHIH.” 
The blonde in front of him pursed her lips, annoyance flickering in her eyes. Bucky was confused by Pepper’s question, but kept his mouth shut. 
“Pepper Potts, I would have thought that with your promotion to CEO all those years ago that you wouldn’t have to trail after Tony’s <i>dates</i>.” Christine sent a look towards Bucky before a sickly sweet smile spread across her face as she turned back to Pepper. 
“Oh, I’m not. I’m making sure our Avengers only speak with reputable reporters.” Pepper smiled right back. 
Bucky wasn’t sure what was transpiring in front of him, but he really didn’t want any part of it. Just walking away seemed rude, but he really wasn’t sure how else to get out of there. 
“James,” Pepper turned towards him. “How about a drink? I was just heading to the bar.” 
Thankful for the excuse, Bucky nodded, and offered Pepper his arm. “Miss Everhart.” He nodded in farewell and began to lead Pepper towards the bar. 
“Sorry about that, James, but Christine is the type of reporter you definitely want to stay away from.” Pepper leaned in to whisper.  
Bucky nodded. They reached the bar and after Pepper had ordered a martini, Bucky asked for a beer. Drinks in hand, they turned back towards the crowded ballroom and Bucky spotted Tony making his way over. 
“Sorry, Buck, I got away as fast as I could.” Tony leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to the corner of Bucky’s mouth. 
The billionaire raised his hand, signaling the bar tender and within a minute a tumbler full of amber liquid was being slid across the surface to Tony. He picked it up, took a sip and then stepped closer to Bucky, letting their flesh hands brush in the privacy provided by the position of their bodies to the rest of the attendees. 
“Your old friend Christine was trying to sink her teeth into James, here.” Pepper inclined her head towards Bucky. 
“Of course she was,” Tony replied with an eye roll. “I’ll keep a better eye on him.” He teased. 
Pepper laughed softly before being called away by her assistant. 
Now that it was just him and Tony, Bucky felt a little more relaxed. He was always nervous around Pepper, he still didn’t like that he had to be here, and his socks were really starting to irritate him. Maybe he could convince Tony to sneak out early… 
“Come dance with me.” 
Bucky looked down at his beau and his brown eyes were sparkling with something Bucky couldn’t quite name, under the ballroom’s chandeliers. With a smile, Bucky took Tony’s drink and set both of theirs on the bar before leading Tony out towards the small dance floor set up in front of the live band. 
The music was slow, but not slow enough to put the guests to sleep, and Bucky was surprised when Tony pulled him close, taking the lead. Not used to being the one to follow, it took Bucky a few minutes to get his feet right, but once he did, they swayed together, happy to ignore everyone else. 
“So, rescued by the great Pepper Potts, huh?” Tony squeezed Bucky hand where it was clasped in his. 
“I’m kinda surprised,” Bucky responded honestly. “I thought she didn’t like me much.” 
Tony pulled back just a hair and gave his lover a weird look. “What gave you that impression?” 
“Well, I mean, you haven’t really been with anyone since the two of you broke up, being the first new partner after a long relationship…and the whole Winter Sol-“
“Hey, no, c’mon.” Tony gently prodded. “I forgave you, though I now know there was nothing to forgive you for, and Pepper wouldn’t hold that against you either.” 
They were quiet for a moment as they spun around the dance floor. 
“Pepper can be a viper when she wants to,” Tony finally said. “I’ve seen her throw people to the wolves a few times in all the years I’ve known her. The fact that she kept you out of Christine’s talons says a lot, in her own way.” 
Bucky didn’t respond, just let what Tony had said tumble around in his mind as the song came to end. Everyone who had been dancing politely applauded the band, a few couples staying for another dance. But Tony took Bucky’s hand and led him over to a small group of their team mates. 
He caught Pepper’s eye across the room, and returned her small smile before she turned back toward the woman she was talking to. Bucky hadn’t expected it, but knowing he had Pepper’s approval made him feel a little lighter. 
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polizwrites · 3 months
PoliZ's WIP Update - 3 July 2024
Another satisfying  writing week - made my unofficial goal plus a good chunk, and got a bit ahead of the game on a couple of July events.  I touched six fics (3 new & 2 WIPs) - for a total of 2506 words.   I’m sitting at 55,802 words so far for the year, which puts me nicely on target for 110k.  
On Ao3, I posted: 
 Chapter Two of The Business of Pleasure - tiny Alpha Dom!Steve/omega sub!Bucky. 
Judging a Book By Its Cover - Howard Stark POV on Project Rebirth 
On Tumblr I posted: 
  Keep a Steady Hand -  Clint & Bucky Tower fic (pining!Clint if you squint) 
(Not a) Perfect Soldier -  CA:TWS-compliant Steve self-reflection drabble  & moodboard. 
I’m juggling  20  active/semi-active WIPs with my current  deadline being the  Steve Rogers Bingo which ends on July 15th and the July Break Bingo, which runs for the month of July.  
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Steve Rogers Bingo - Round 3 [SRB_R3] (ends  15 Jul 2024)
Twenty-four  fills, nine bingos and one WIPs at the moment  - gonna try to  squeeze in one or two  more fills! 
* B1 - Project Rebirth -   Posted  Judging a Book By Its Cover  this morning. It’s 400 words of Howard Stark’s perspective on the moments before shrimpy!Steve is transformed into Captain America.        
* C5 - Exes to Lovers -   Working on a fic that will also fill the  BaBB May prompt: Wrong Number.   It’s sitting at 225 words - we’ll see if I can get it done in time.  
* D4 - Steve and the Stealth Suit -  combined this square with the @fluffystevefest  JULY 3: ERAS - Soldier & Icon prompt for a combo drabble & moodboard.   I posted (Not a) Perfect Soldier to Tumblr this morning and will add to Ao3 by the end of the week.
July Break Bingo [JBB_24] (runs 1-31 Jul) 
@julybreakbingo is a fantastic any-fandom bingo event designed to spark creativity during the month of July!  After filling out a detailed request form, you get a customized bingo card where you can combine prompts and squish them any way you please!   The main restriction is to post fills within the month of July - so I brainstormed and came up with some good potentials - combining with Hot Bucky Summer prompts and my Bucky Barnes Bingo card - check those two sections below for details!   If all goes well,  I’ll have at least 17 squares filled and (with the help of the Alt prompts) a bingo or two! 
Hot Bucky Summer 2024 [HBS_R2] (Ends 31 Aug)
More fun from the @buckybarnesevents folks - this time weekly challenges to create (usually NSFW) Bucky-centric fanworks!   Thanks to the July Break Bingo (see above)  and Bucky Barrnes Bingo - I now have ideas/mini-outlines for each week of July.  
* Week 4 June 22nd - June 28th   FREE WEEK - Acarophilia [Scratch Kink]. Posted Chapter two of  The Business of Pleasure last Friday,  I combined it with  BBB:  U2 - This won't hurt a bit  square to have tiny Alpha Dom Steve beginning a scene with omega sub Bucky that’s going to scratch an itch.  It came in at 882 words.  
* Week 5 June 29th - July 5th:  “We’re...”  +  Friends with Benefits   Adding a second chapter to  Coming Clean -  my WinterIron PWP with Steve joining in the fun.  This chapter is from his POV and combines a bunch of prompts: BaBB June:  Bratting , BBB Y5 - Polyamory or open relationship and JBB  - B1 - "I made a mistake."  + N2 - "Don't let this one go." + O1 - Emotional.  It’s coming in at  a hefty 1017 words and will post  on July 5th.  
* Week 6 July 6th - July 12th  - “I won’t be able to stop myself.”  + Gone Feral  Shifting ships here with a WinterHawk fic -  Alpha!Bucky is worried about going into rut after what Hydra did to him; omega! Clint comes up with a satisfying solution. (FYI-  the smut is fade to black)   Riding Out His Rut is coming in at  1544 words and  crosses over  with  BBB: Y4 - Cursed! &  JBB:  B2 - "I'm what's wrong." +  G1 - Aggressive + G3 +  Alt4 - Love as being present. It will post on the 12th. 
* Week 7 July 13th - July 19th -  “Put this on for me.” + Blindfolds  + Collars 
Going back to WinterIron for this - Tony trying to hide the results of a scene; Bucky steps in to help.   Potential Crossovers:  BBB C1 - Psychological torture, JBB:  O5 - "Where did you get this?" + I1 - "You can't do anything."  + Alt1 - None of us want to be fully revealed. All our faults and weaknesses laid bare for the world. + Alt5 - Love as patience.  Currently sitting at 483 words & planned to post on the 19th.  
* Week 8 July 20th - July 26th -   “Maybe this'll help you relax”  + Cockwarming  Wartime -  Steve dealing with planning Howlies’ next mission  - doesn't have time to fool around. Bucky comes up with a way to let him do both. Crossover with  BaBB June; Cockwarming, BBB: U1 - KINK: "Please let me come." & JBB:   O4 - I'm gonna remember this." + I4 - "Don't let me stop you." + N4 - Priorities
* Week 9 July 27th - August 2nd - FREE WEEK | Optional Prompts: WAM (Wet & Messy),
Steve post Rebirth  - copious amount of semen when he comes -  Bucky is 100% here for it.  Crossover with BBB: B4 - Showoff  JBB: I2 - "I feel disgusting." + N1- "Are you done?" + Alt2 - Love as passion 
* Week 11 August 10th - August 16th -  “You look good like this.” + Kneeling  + Tied Down  +  Ruined.  
Possibly Chapter 3   of  The Business of Pleasure -  backtrack with Steve POV?   
See if any BBB prompts fit.  
Hawkeyes Bingo [HB_R2] (Ends TBD) 
Working on this  Tumblr event - got a 3x3 card and and am looking forward to creating more  Clint-centric content and trying my hand at a bit of  Kate Bishop fic as well!    
* A3 - Awkward Flirting – this might be a good entry into my first femslash fic with Kate/Yelena?    
* B2 - FREE - using this toward  HBS Week 6 above.   
* C1 - Magic -  Combined this with last week’s Flash Fiction Friday prompt  [#FFF259 House of Cards]   for   Keep a Steady Hand.  Clint notices Bucky getting frustrated with a task and offers to help.  It came in at 632 words and will post to Ao3 possibly later this month.  
Build-A-Bucky Bingo [BaBB_R1] (Ends 1 Sep 2024)
Another fun year-long  event from the folks at  @buckybarnesevents!  Each month there’s a list of prompts and you choose (at least) one  each month for your card!  At seventeen fills and two WIPs with five months to go, I seem to be going a bit overboard …. 😁
* May:  Bucky’s Trigger Words -  combined this with last week’s  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF251 Out There] for Just To Live One Day Out There - a Winter Soldier self-reflective ficlet. It came in at 312 words and will get posted to Ao3 Real Soon. 
* May:  Praise Kink - planning to fill this with Chapter Six of A Little Bit Carried Away where Alpha!Bucky and omega!Tony get to live out their fantasies.  It’s sitting at 754 words and will get posted later this month.  
* May: Wrong Number.  See SRB Exes to Lovers above 
* June:  Bratting - see HBS Week 5 above.  
* June: Cockwarming -  see HBS Week 8 above.   
* June: Touch Starved - see HB Magic prompt above
WinterIron Bingo Round 2  [WIB_R2] (Ends 16 Dec 2024)
Signups are still open for pre-made cards for Round Two of this super-fun bingo event! I have fifteen  fills and zero WIPs at the moment - setting this aside for the moment, as I have other time-sensitive events going.  
* Iron Soldier (One Bingo, One Fill) - looking at combining my Column B prompts: Matchmaker, Bucky Riding Tony, Stark Gala, Inside Joke and Threesome.  Still working on a plot - if you have any suggestions/want-to-sees - let me know! 
* I3 - Car Sex -  Have a fun ficlet in mind for this - some of the dialogue & such already worked out in my head.   Possibly combine with JBB B3 - "You're in denial." or  B5 - "Wanna practice?"
*I4 - SHIELD HQ - combined this with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF245 You Never Cared] and wrote Fathers Don’t Know Best  -  No Power AU with Bucky working as an analyst at SHIELD who stumbles across a late night visitor to the lobby.  It came in at 407 words and will get posted to Ao3 before the event ends.  
* N1 - Hair Pulling Kink -  thanks to a fun prompt from @scottxlogan  - I filled this square with Untangling Their Attraction - where Tony’s offer of assistance leads to mutual kink discovery (not as racy as it might sound).  It’s coming in at 544 words and will post to Ao3 before this event is over. 
* N5 - "I'm here for you."  - Possibly the next chapter of  Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion ?  
Bucky Barnes Bingo - Round Six [BBB - R6]  (Ends 31 Mar)
This amazing bingo event is back!   Got my card last week and am combining several prompts with HBS & JBB -   I have five  fills, and three WIPs.  
* B4 - Showoff - see HBS Week 9 above.
* U1 - KINK: "Please let me come."  - see HBS Week 8 above
* U2 - This won't hurt a bit - see HBS Week 4 above. 
* C1 - Psychological torture - see HBS Week 7 above
* K4 - Last Times/Farewells - combined this with last week’s  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF257 Count The Days ] for  Short-Timing It - a pre-war (just barely) Bucky & Steve (Stucky if you squint) ficlet. It came in at 313 words and will post to Ao3 before the event is over.   
* Y4 - Cursed!  - see HBS Week 6 above 
* Y5 - Polyamory or open relationship - see  HBS Week 5 above 
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  [WFB]   (no end date)
Eight fills on my card, courtesy of   @warmandfluffybingocards  - need to try for another crossover or two!
* I2 - Vulnerable Drunk - matched this up with last week’s  Flash Fiction Friday prompt of [#FFF258 Milky Way Dreams]  for Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines -  a MIT-era Tony & Rhodey ficlet, where a drunk Tony shares a childhood dream with his best friend.  It came in at 318 words and will get posted to Ao3 at some point.   
On  other creative fronts:  I am working on an Audrey II and a Vincent Price  for a con next month.     
If  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations, check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 150!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
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mslaevateinn · 11 months
A good broth to cure a bad mood
For day #17 of Promptober and the following prompts: "Cooking/Sharing food" for @kinktober2023 Y5 - Chicken Soup for the @darcylewisbingohq
Title: A good broth to cure a bad mood Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Natasha Romanov Tags: moodboard, comfort food, autumnal weather Summary: With autumnal weather and temperatures, people tend to feel a bit blue. Thankfully, when Darcy feels down, Natasha is here to comfort her.
Also posted on AO3, with the rest of my Promptober creations!
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endlesstwanted · 2 years
WinterFalcon Bingo Masterpost
Hello friends, time to wrap up the WinterFalcon Bingo organised by @winterfalconevents with my masterlist of fills.
I had a few ideas I didn't get to make work before the round ended, but I'm very happy with what got posted! All the info can be found below the cut and the links get you to Ao3.
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Maybe around you | One shot in a series
U1 — Soft
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson Summary: When they come home after a mission, Sam prepares a nice hot bath and Bucky brings up an interesting proposal. Tags: Bathing/Washing, Intimacy, Pet Names, Idiots in Love, Communication Wordcount: 1,710
We do make cute babies | One shot
U2 — “Is that my shirt?”
Rating: General Audiences Pairing and characters: Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson, Alpine & Figaro Summary: Sam gets back home to Bucky and their loved ones. Tags: Cats, Laughter, Slice of Life Wordcount: 801
A little touch of love | One shot
B3 — “There’s always a fight”
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Characters: Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Scott Lang, Wanda Maximoff & America Chavez Summary: In which Bucky fought some trolls on the internet and now Sam wants to save the day with the help of a teenager. Tags: Magic, Bodyswap, Awkward Conversations Wordcount: 2,222
My Boyfriend's Fake Boyfriend | One shot
Y3 — Fake relationship
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson & Joaquín Torres Summary: The media thinks Sam and Joaquín are dating. Bucky's finding it amusing. Tags: Established Relationship, Rumors, Fluff Wordcount: 862
She who has always been there | Drabble Sequence
C4 — Rebecca Barnes
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Pairing and character: Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson, Rebecca Barnes Summary: Bucky and Sam’s relationship over the years, through Rebecca’s eyes. Tags: Pining, Light Angst, Friends to Lovers Wordcount: 500
A Soul For A Soul, He Said | One shot
Y5 — Vormir
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson & Natasha Romanov Summary: On their way to Vormir, Bucky reflects on what he and Sam can risk to get Natasha back. Tags: The Blip, Overthinking, Ambiguous/Open Ending Wordcount: 712
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Bucky Barnes. Author. Cat Dad.
Title: Bucky Barnes. Author. Cat Dad. Link: AO3 Series: In Cups of Coffee Participant: SomeSortofItalianRoast Square filled: - Bucky Barnes Bingo: Y5: Cat Dad (card B023) Archive warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Rating: Gen Pairing: Steve/Bucky Tags: Alpine, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Writer Bucky Barnes, Fluff, Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Soulmates Word Count: 1,324 Summary: “Why’s Alpine wearing a harness?” Steve asked after a moment. Bucky picked her up and pressed a kiss to Steve’s lips.
“I’m going to harness train her so I can take her on neighborhood walks.” He paused, considering. “I don’t think Brooklyn would go for it, but she might for you.”
Or, Bucky Barnes. Author. Cat dad.
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safyresky · 4 months
me staring at my bookmarks on ao3, squinting at the disorder and lack of tags/notes: one day. i will sort them. and add things to them. one day
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lbibliophile-mcu · 2 years
A Soft Epilogue
It’s been a long time since he was able to imagine having something like this.
During the war, maybe. During the long years of ice and blood and orders, certainly not. More recently, running and piecing himself back together, he had no energy for daydreaming.
But now, just as he is learning to want again, he realises maybe he’s already found it.
Steve curled against his back, holding him close even in his sleep. The other Avengers piled on couches and pillows around them, napping or chatting or watching the quiet movie.
It feels a lot like happy ever after.
Also on AO3
For: @buckybarnesbingo - Y5: happily ever after @avengersbingo - cuddling
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i'm actually surprised i haven't seen any hanahaki minedai fanfic (in english at least). it just seems like such a fitting idea for them, but mb i wasn't looking hard enough, though. but i also have a lot of things blocked in minedai tag on ao3 for reasons you are well aware of, so, idk, might've missed something ✌️😔 also hi! i'm the ay3 anon. i've decided to stop being shy about my brain worms, even though i'm currently taking a break from playing rgg because i got overwhelmed with all the melodrama and prison gameplay sequences (i'm in the middle of saejima's part in y5). sometimes a girl gets tired from running from one corner of the box to another
HEY HOWDY happy to see you off anon homeslice breadslice :]
and yeah, there's a LOT of potential minedai has that people just.. ignore and it's so upsetting because they really do set up a lot of shit that no one seems to want to capitalize on
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stony-ao3-feed · 1 year
Make Such Fools of Ourselves
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by ralsbecket
Lights on Park Avenue (Round 44) - "Our Story" Cap-IM Universe Medley Fest - Marvel Ultimates Found Family Fest Bingo - A3: Inside Jokes Tony Stark Flash Bingo (02) - 04: Married Cap-IM Stony Bingo 2023 (Round 1) - Y5: Writing Format - Change of Language Register - The one where Tony reminisces on the journey he took with Steve, from professional colleagues to intimate lovers.
Words: 200, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Decode;, Part 2 of Lights on Park Avenue, Part 11 of Cap-IM Universe Medley, Part 6 of Stuckony Server Bingos, Part 15 of Tony Stark Bingo, Part 1 of Cap-IM STONY Bingo, Part 118 of earth's mightiest heroes
Fandoms: Ultimates (Marvel Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers (Ultimates), Tony Stark (Ultimates)
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Getting Together, Epistolary, Social Media, Canon Compliant, Developing Relationship, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Steve Rogers Gives Him One, Song: Decode (Paramore)
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buckybarnesbingo · 2 years
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BBB Weeks 36 & 37, FINAL Roundup!
And with a grand total of 747 fills, Round Four of the BBB is over!  We’ve had so many amazing creators making so much awesome content this round, and it’s been fantastic.  We are working on putting together a Grand Masterpost of everyone’s masterposts in order to share all of your works, so please make sure you get those posted by the 21st!
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Title: Let Me Count the Ways Creator(s): sidepartskinnyjeans Link: ao3 Square: Y5 - Shelter Rating: Mature Ship(s): Bucky x Reader Warnings: Bucky's mental health Major tags: Sad Bucky Summary: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38499523/chapters/106950423 Word count/format: 1338
Title: Little Snack Creator(s): sidepartskinnyjeans Link: ao3 Square: C1 - AU: Rockstar Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Vampire!Bucky x Reader Warnings: Dub Con, blood drinking Major tags: Dub con, vampire, Summary: Your master gives you the attention you crave (part 2). Word count/format: 489
Title: Of Witches, Witchers, and Werebears - Chapter 3: Darkness, Flame, and Salvation Creator(s): MuffinEngineer86 Link: ao3 Square: Y2 - Dark Fic Rating: Mature Ship(s): James "Bucky" Barnes/ Darcy Lewis Warnings: disorientation, discussion of mind control, falling from a bridge, memory loss, PDSD, night terror Major tags: Alternative Universe, Witcher Bucky, Hydra are evil warlocks, fae Darcy, witch Darcy, Werebear Bucky, bad dreams Summary: A soft voice relieved Bucky of his mind's torments, freeing him and calming him back into the nothingness of sleep. Word count/format: 100
SO MANY MORE under the cut!
Title: Route 66 Road Trip [Moodboard] Creator(s): WC_ItalianRoast Link: tumblr Square: U4 - Road Trip Rating: Gen Ship(s): Scott & Bucky Warnings: None Major tags: Moodboard, road trip, Route 66, only one bed, Summary: For reasons that sounded like a good idea at the time, Scott agrees to join Bucky as he decides to take a drive down Historic Route 66. Queue the motels, miles of highway, all the fried foods, and somehow, only one bed! Word count/format: Moodboard
Title: The Chase Creator(s): scottxlogan Link: ao3 Square: C2 - Spy, Secret Agent, Assassin or Hitman Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Warnings: Sexual content, swearing Major tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Spies & Secret Agents, Dark Tony Stark, Sexual Content, Swearing, Lust at First Sight, Enemies to Lovers, Light Angst Summary: Bucky Barnes and his team are sent to suburbia to seek out and take down the Merchant of Death after they were given a tip on where he would be for the holiday season. When their intel leads them towards some down time on the mission at a holiday party, Bucky finds himself flirting with danger in more ways than he'd imagined possible when the night began. Word count/format: 11,693
Title: A Very Good Place to Start Creator(s): Ribbonsflying Link: ao3 Square: Y1 - AU: Flower Shop Rating: Gen Ship(s): Gen or Steve/Bucky Warnings: none Major tags: AU, Flower Shop, New Baby, Nervousness Summary: Bucky arrives at Steve's flower shop in a nervous panic to buy flowers for his brand new niece. Word count/format: 3054
Title: I1. Next Time Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: U1 - Next Time Rating: Mature Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Major tags: The First Avenger, Established Relationship, Night Before Bucky Ships Out Summary: Bucky doesn't even realize that he never guessed Steve's big news until it's weeks later, he hasn't gotten a single letter, and he might die here in this trench in Italy. Word count/format: 100
Title: U2. Bucky/Steve Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: U2 - Bucky/Steve Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Warnings: Panic Attacks, Disassociation/Depersonalization Major tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Panic Attacks Summary: солдат remembers Steve. Every fiber of his being remembers Steve. His lifelong mission has been to make sure that Steve is still breathing. But he left him on the banks of the Potomac without being positive. Word count/format: 100
Title: U3. BDSM Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: U3 - BDSM Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: Subspace Major tags: BDSM, subspace, blow jobs Summary: Steve is never not touching Bucky, his hands gentle as he finger-combs through Bucky's tangled hair, murmuring praise just loud enough for Bucky to hear it over the wet sounds of his own mouth. Word count/format: 100
Title: U4. Fireplaces Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: U4 - Fireplaces Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Major tags: Cabin Fic, Not Civil War Compliant Summary: "Satisfied?" Steve asks, once Bucky has set the bugs inside a tinfoil-wrapped box within a tinfoil-wrapped box. The poor man's Faraday cage. "Yes," Bucky says shortly. His shoulders shift. "They don't need to hear my nightmares. They don't need to hear us." Steve nods, sympathy lining his face. "I get it. Now c'mere. It's nice and warm." Word count/format: 100
Title: U5. Body Worship Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: U5 - Body Worship Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Major tags: Bucky Barnes' Metal Arm, Body Worship, Gentle Kissing Summary: Steve kisses the metal arm like it's really part of Bucky. Like it belongs to him. Word count/format: 100
Title: Cockwarming Y1 Creator(s): Late-to-the-party-81 Link: tumblr Square: Y1 - Cockwarming Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson Warnings: None Major tags: Light Dom/Sub, Fluff, Smut, Dom Sam Wilson, Sub Bucky Barnes Summary: After a stressful mission, Bucky is stuck in a spiral. Sam isn’t sure how to get him out of it, but then he has an idea, that will hopefully get his lover to relax Word count/format: 2.4k
Title: Dating Trouble: Happy Birthday, Darcy Creator(s): MuffinEngineer86 Link: ao3 Square: C3 - Free Space Rating: Explicit Ship(s): James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, James “Bucky” Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers Warnings: sex tape, restraint, bondage, exhibitionism, light d/s, spanking, gentle dom, praise kink, light choking, edging, orgasm denial Major tags: Neighbor AU, Single Parent AU, submissive Steve, Dom!Bucky, Switch!Bucky, Darcy’s birthday present, Steve’s a good boy Summary: Darcy had to work on her birthday, which put a bummer on her plans. To tide her over till she got home, Bucky and Steve had made her a little surprise. A sex tape. Word count/format: 1262
Title: Sam dragging Bucky on social media - Part 6 Creator(s): rebelmeg Link: tumblr Square: U4 - metal arm Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky & Sam Warnings: none Major tags: social media, roomies, photo edit Summary: The continuing adventures of Bucky's wandering arm, and Sam's loyal documentation Word count/format: N/A
Title: Someone Like You Creator(s): sidepartskinnyjeans Link: ao3 Square: K4 - Presumed Dead Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky x Reader Warnings: Angst Major tags: Angst, happy ending Summary: When a lonely Bucky forgoes the Avengers Christmas party he finds himself with an early Christmas gift from America - a glimpse at his life in other universes. Determined to find out if he can be as happy in this universe, he heads to the party. Word count/format: 3231
Title: Bouquet Creator(s): sidepartskinnyjeans Link: ao3 Square: C3 - Free space Rating: Gen Ship(s): SamBucky Warnings: angst and fluff Major tags: angst Summary: Sam waxes lyrical about Bucky while arranging flowers. Word count/format: 787
Title: C1. Asexuality Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: C1 - Asexuality Rating: Teen Ship(s): N/A Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Major tags: Asexuality, Asexual Bucky Summary: Bucky knows that people around the Tower think he's sleeping with Steve. That's okay. People in Brooklyn thought that, too. Word count/format: 100
Title: C2. Next Generation Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: C2 - Next Generation Rating: Teen Ship(s): N/A Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Major tags: New Avengers Team, Young Avengers Team, Grief/Mourning, Loneliness Summary: Somehow Bucky's become the old guard. Word count/format: 100
Title: C3. Free Space Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: C3 - Free Space Rating: Teen Ship(s): N/A Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Major tags: Bucky in Wakanda, Wakanda, Goats Summary: Bucky has a simple life here, a quiet life. It isn't anything he could have imagined as a city boy in Brooklyn, and he wouldn't have dared wish for it as the Winter Soldier. But it's a good life, and it's his. Word count/format: 100
Title: C4. Fisting Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: C4 - Fisting Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content? Major tags: PWP, Fisting, Anal Fisting Summary: Bucky can't quite believe that Steve trusts him--trusts the metal hand--enough to take him inside like this. Word count/format: 100
Title: C5. Friends to Lovers Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: C5 - Friends to Lovers Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: period-typical homophobia Major tags: 1930s, pre-WWII Bucky/Steve, period-typical homophobia, internalized homophobia Summary: Bucky has a horrible secret to keep from Steve. Word count/format: 100
Title: Bucky’s Concubine Creator(s): BookDragon13, writing-what-writing Link: tumblr Square: Y1 - Kink: Concubine Rating: Mature Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Reader Warnings: Smut, Concubine Major tags: concubine Reader, gladiator au, gladiator Bucky, implied sexy times, pining, fated lovers Summary: As a concubine in a harem, you don’t always have a choice. That is, until the most famous gladiator, Bucky, has chosen you. Word count/format: Moodboard
Title: Moodboard Creator(s): Metalbvcky Link: tumblr Square: Y1 - Would You Rather Rating: Gen Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: Beaches, Established Relationship, Fluff Summary: "Where would you rather go for vacation? Maybe out west? Or somewhere closer to home?" "How about the Virgin Islands?" Bucky says, his smile reaching his eyes. "I hear they have good weather this time of year." Word count/format: A moodboard with 10 photos
Title: Of Witches, Witchers, and Werebears - Chapter 5: Dreams, Memories, and Family Creator(s): MuffinEngineer86 Link: ao3 Square: U4 - More than a partner Rating: Teen Ship(s): James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers Warnings: memory loss, PDSD, night terror, falling from a bridge, poisoning, mentioned child abuse Major tags: Alternative Universe, Witcher Bucky, Hydra are evil warlocks, fae Darcy, witch Darcy, Werebear Bucky, Bard Steve, tiny Steve, big Steve, potions Summary: Bucky dreamed of the man Darcy reminded him of. He was a bard but long before that he was his brother. He remembered Steve. Word count/format: 889
Title: Words Break Me Creator(s): BBD2BH Link: ao3 Square: Y3 - Sticks and Stones Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: mentions of blood from a bloody lip Major tags: Pre-serum Steve, Secret Relationship, Parallels, CA: TFA, CA: CW Summary: Words have a different effect on Steve than they do on Bucky. Word count/format: 889
Title: Red String of Fate Creator(s): BookDragon13, writing-what-writing Link: tumblr Square: U4 - Red string of fate Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky/whoever you choose Warnings: None Major tags: mention of Hydra, soulmates, soulmate au, red string of fate Summary: Bucky contemplates the string that leads to his soulmate. Word count/format: 100
Title: No, it is easier said than done Creator(s): endlesstwanted Link: ao3 Square: K4 - Coma Rating: Teen Ship(s): James "Bucky" Barnes/John Walker Warnings: Injuries, Mention of broken bones, Hospitals Major tags: Team Bonding, Hurt/Comfort, First Kiss Summary: Bucky wakes up from surgery to find out that John has been there all along. Word count/format: 1144
Title: Does your heartbeat get a little bit louder? Creator(s): endlesstwanted Link: ao3 Square: B5 - Missing you Rating: Mature Ship(s): James "Bucky" Barnes/Sharon Carter Warnings: N/A Major tags: Exes to Lovers, Sexual Content, Gentle Kissing Summary: Bucky and Sharon move the catching up to bed, and it takes an unexpected turn. Word count/format: 992
Title: Sam dragging Bucky on social media - Part 10 Creator(s): rebelmeg Link: tumblr Square: B2 - fix-it Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky & Sam Warnings: none Major tags: photo edit, roomies, Sam teasing Bucky, social media post Summary: Wonder if he left his towel and swim trunks behind too? Word count/format: N/A
Title: Hug and a Haircut Creator(s): rebelmeg Link: ao3 Square: K2 - Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky/Natasha Warnings: brief passing mentions of past Hydra things Major tags: soft, trust, emotional baggage, hugs Summary: Bucky's ready for a haircut, and asks someone he trusts to help him. Word count/format: 420
Title: Hug and a Haircut moodboard Creator(s): rebelmeg Link: tumblr Square: Y4 - touch Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky/Natasha Warnings: none Major tags: moodboard, haircut Summary: Moodboard to go with fic Word count/format: N/A
Title: Something to Get Me Through the Nothing - A WinterIron Round Robin Creator(s): Faustess Link: ao3 Square: U2 - Hurt/Comfort Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Tony Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Major tags: Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Hurt/Comfort, Bucky Barnes Remembers, Classic Cars, Memories, Comic Book Automotive Repair, Bucky Barnes Recovering, POV Alternating, Angst with a Hopeful Ending Summary: Bucky Barnes remembers December 16, 1991 and can't keep it a secret. When he talks to Tony, he finds he's not the only one with issues. They talk and bond over nightmares, unfortunate shared history, and classic cars... and maybe find the start of something more. Word count/format: 2638 (total); my part = 369
Title: BuckyNat Date Night Creator(s): rebelmeg Link: tumblr Square: Adopted - seeing red Rating: Mature Ship(s): Bucky/Natasha Warnings: none Major tags: moodboards, drabble, sensual/suggestive themes Summary: Bucky and Natasha have a very red date night. Word count/format: 100
Title: I abandon myself to the glimpses of prior times Creator(s): endlesstwanted Link: ao3 Square: B3 - Polyamory/open relationship Rating: Teen Ship(s): James "Bucky" Barnes/Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers Warnings: N/A Major tags: Slice of Life, Baking, Domestic Fluff Summary: After a disastrous attempt to cook for Steve, Sharon and Bucky come up with a new idea to save breakfast. Word count/format: 1676
Title: Old-Time Taste of Brooklyn Creator(s): rebelmeg Link: ao3 Square: Y5 - wish Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky & JARVIS, Tony & JARVIS Warnings: none Major tags: Bucky recovering/remembering, JARVIS is awesome, Tony has a heart and also his mind is in the gutter Summary: Bucky has a pizza-sized snag in his memory, but JARVIS is more than happy to help him out. Word count/format: 1209
Title: Winter shall howl at the walls Creator(s): cable-knit-sweater Link: tumblr Square: B5 - Winter Soldier with Shield (image prompt) Rating: Gen Ship(s): N/A Warnings: N/A Major tags: ca:tws, high way fight scene, angst, memory loss/identity issues, Bucky Barnes needs a hug Summary: The Winter Soldier’s thoughts during the CA:TWS high way fight scene Word count/format: 535
Title: Till it bleeds daylight (Chapter 7) Creator(s): cable-knit-sweater Link: ao3 Square: Y5 - “Don’t Panic” Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Steve x Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: AU - Detectives, Hitman Bucky, Angst Summary: Steve continues his investigation into the Hydra mole Word count/format: 5196
Title: All of you, all of me (Intertwined) Creator(s): cable-knit-sweater Link: tumblr Square: C5 - First Kiss Rating: Teen Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: Post-ca:cw canon divergence, getting married, fluff Summary: Steve & Bucky finally get married Word count/format: 782
Title: Spa Day Creator(s): Turtles Link: ao3 Square: C1 - Take The Shot Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Darcy Lewis Warnings: n/a Major tags: spa day, unidentified goons, misuse of a bus Summary: “I thought,” says Bucky, bringing his rifle up and peering through the sight, “that this was supposed to a relaxing, ‘recover-from-your-vacation’ spa trip.” Word count/format: 352
Title: Unexpected Getaway Creator(s): Ribbonsflying Link: tumblr Square: U3 - AU: Asgardian Rating: Gen Ship(s): N/A Warnings: none Major tags: Writer Bucky, Asgard, Vacation Summary: Thor and Loki show up at the house of fantasy novelist Bucky Barnes to invite him to Asgard. Word count/format: 485 words/ moodboards
Title: Don't Panic, They Can Sense It Creator(s): ABrighterDarkness Link: ao3 Square: Adopted - "Don't Panic" Rating: Gen Ship(s): Stucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: Deaged Avengers (Implied), Bucky Remembers Summary: Panicking was bad. Very bad. It was like blood in the water for sharks. He was pretty sure he read somewhere that they could sense fear. Or maybe that was dogs. Yeah, he was definitely panicking. It hadn’t felt so bad on the field, he’d been so caught up in getting everyone out that panic wasn’t even an option. Word count/format: 1024
Title: Retrieval Mission Creator(s): LBibliophile Link: tumblr Square: K1 - Jailbreak Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky & Alpine Warnings: na Major tags: ex-Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Protective Bucky Barnes, Alpine the cat, drabble Summary: "BREAKING NEWS: Ex-Soldier Raids Animal Shelter With Assault Rifle, in Full Tactical Gear, To Get Cat Back." Bucky doesn’t like to fight… but that doesn’t mean that he can’t or that he won’t. Word count/format: 100
Title: Pure hell red Creator(s): endlesstwanted Link: ao3 Square: C2 - Seeing Red Rating: Gen Ship(s): James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov Warnings: N/A Major tags: Modern Setting AU, Flirting, Manicure Summary: Natasha is back in town and looking forward to catch up with Bucky. Word count/format: 1633
Title: Dear Bucky Creator(s): Laevateinn Link: tumblr Square: U3 - Band (swapped) Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Warnings: N/A Major tags: Angst, Platonic or romantic is up to you, moodboard, set between Avengers and CATWS, Cemetery Summary: Dear Bucky; Today I discovered a band I’m sure you would have loved. It’s called PostModern Jukebox. Funny name, right? It was a recommendation from Natasha. You know Natasha, I told you about her before. Word count/format: 474
Title: complimentary colours Creator(s): lavenderbucky Link: ao3 Square: Y2 - Compromise Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Warnings: N/A Major tags: Interior Decorating, Domestic Fluff, Banter, Teasing, Established Relationship Summary: Steve wants Bucky to stop splashing him with paint. Bucky just wants to finish his accent wall. It'll be a miracle if they get anything done today. Word count/format: 477
Title: photoshoot Creator(s): lavenderbucky Link: ao3 Square: K4 - Photoshoot Rating: Gen Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: Fluff, Established Relationship, Selfies Summary: Steve likes taking photos of Bucky on vacation. Word count/format: 100
Title: returning home Creator(s): lavenderbucky Link: ao3 Square: U5 - Fluff Rating: Gen Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: Cuddling & Snuggling, Sharing a Bed, Showering Together, Established Relationship, Fluff Summary: Steve and Bucky return home from a mission and get ready for bed together. Word count/format: 300
Title: burnt dinner Creator(s): lavenderbucky Link: ao3 Square: U2 - Worst Case Scenario Rating: Gen Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: Domestic Fluff Summary: It's not Bucky's fault he burnt the dinner. Word count/format: 100
Title: breakfast waffles Creator(s): lavenderbucky Link: ao3 Square: B4 - Handle with Care Rating: Gen Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: VERY brief references to Bucky's recovery, panic attacks and mental health struggles. Major tags: Breakfast in Bed, Fluff, Soft & Gentle, Alpine Summary: Bucky has a bad mental health day. Steve brings him breakfast in bed. Word count/format: 400
Title: cat show Creator(s): lavenderbucky Link: ao3 Square: B2 - Mutual Appreciation Society Rating: Gen Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: Silly, Humour, Alpine, Roleplay Summary: Steve, Bucky, and a very patient Alpine. Word count/format: 100
Title: No Matter How Old Creator(s): TrinityDay Link: ao3 Square: K3 - Family Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Sarah Wilson Warnings: none Major tags: family Summary: Bucky rarely talks about his past. It's understandable, after everything he's been through. But his past stretches back to before the war, to a family he left behind. When he finally lets it slip that one of his sisters is still alive, Sarah and Sam aren't going to let him clam up again. They both know what it's like to reconnect with a sibling after years and deaths, presumed or otherwise. Now they just have to figure out how to convince Bucky the risk is worth it. Word count/format: 3653
Title: No Secrets in the Cul-de-Sac, Ch 1 Creator(s): ChrissiHR Link: ao3 Square: B3 - run Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Bucky/Clint/Darcy Warnings: smut, wholesome fun for the whole gangbang, horniest block in the suburb Major tags: slutty neighbors AU; Exhibitionism; Voyeurism Summary: Global warming is a bitch. Thankfully, the east coast is the best coast—the one that gets actual rain and has a rainy season, so it’s not a total wash of good summer days. It’s just. The nights get so hot and humid. It’s like an oven in her apartment out here in the sweltering suburbs some nights, especially if she doesn’t open the windows. They’ve had frequent rolling blackouts and subsequent brown-outs the last week, with the promise of more to come. As far as Darcy can tell, the whole neighborhood is sleeping naked with the windows open most nights. They get by, though. It’s not so bad. Then the rolling blackouts start up again and the neighbors begin opening their drapes to let in light in the evening. And there are no longer any secrets in the cul-de-sac. Word count/format: 1453
Title: The Olde Victorian Hotel, Brooklyn, New York, Chapter 3: Darcy Lewis and the Aftermath Creator(s): ChrissiHR Link: ao3 Square: B4 - biting (swapped w/ WC_ItalianRoast for kink: biting) Rating: Mature Ship(s): Bucky/Darcy/Steve Warnings: Thirst Trap, ABO Dynamics Major tags: Thirst Trap; Darcy Lewis is Elvira’s Niece; Darcy inherits a possibly haunted hotel in Brooklyn; it’s like flypaper for super soldiers Summary: Previously, in Chapter 2 of The Olde Victorian Hotel, Brooklyn, New York… …the bed rocked again and the next thing she knew, she was being flung unceremoniously out of it into the darkest corner of her room. She tumbled across the floor, her mattress upended from what she could see of it by the moonlight filtering through the sheers covering her windows. The room was dark, but empty. There was no one there. And just as she convinced herself she must have had a bad dream and pulled the mattress over as she fell out of bed, a terrifying voice boomed, “GET OUT.” Word count/format: 2005
Title: Seeing Red Creator(s): ChrissiHR Link: ao3 Square: U1 - color blind Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky/Darcy Warnings: moodboard, digital art, general audiences, first meeting Major tags: moodboard, New York City, black & white, red lipstick, digital art Summary: Black and white images of scenes of a day and night out in New York City, an eye, and ophthalmology tools, Bucky in pseudo-EnChroma glasses in black and white, a tube of red lipstick in full color with a matching, deep red background, and Darcy Lewis in full color, wearing a black and white Jack Daniels tee and bright red lipstick. Word count/format: moodboard
Title: The Olde Victorian Hotel, Brooklyn, New York, Chapter 5: Darcy Lewis and the Much Needed Rest Creator(s): ChrissiHR Link: ao3 Square: U2 - polyamory Rating: Mature Ship(s): Bucky/Darcy/Steve Warnings: ABO Dynamics, Thirst Trap, hurt/comfort Major tags: Darcy is Elvira’s Niece, ABO Dynamics, Mystery, Suspense Summary: Natasha is all of us—a nosy busybody. Word count/format: 1671
Title: Firehouse Noir Creator(s): ChrissiHR Link: ao3 Square: U3 - cold Rating: Mature Ship(s): Bucky/Darcy/Clint Warnings: swearing, polyamory Major tags: Human AU, No Powers AU, Firefighters AU Summary: Tap, tap, tap. Darcy glanced up from her ledger at the rapid tattoo of fingernails on her storefront window. “Business or pleasure, Fire Marshal Barnes?” she asked in a teasing voice when she stepped out to join him. Bucky gave her a wan smile and opened his mouth to speak, but— “Fuckin’ embarrassin’ is what it is,” Clint grumbled from his spot across the wide stretch of lawn, where he stood, hands on hips, scowling up into the deep red canopy of leaves of the old Japanese maple that shaded their little corner of the block. Word count/format: 1447
Title: Second Year, Samhain, Meriwether Family Compound… Creator(s): ChrissiHR Link: ao3 Square: U5 - arranged marriage Rating: Mature Ship(s): Darcy/Bucky/Steve/Clint Warnings: arranged marriage, supernatural, pregnancy, mentions of sex Major tags: arranged marriage, supernatural family, pregnancy Summary: Darcy knew a good thing—a powerful change in the air—when she felt it. She was keeping the pack. Word count/format: 973
Title: The Olde Victorian Hotel, Brooklyn, New York, Chapter 6: Darcy Lewis and the Sweetest Dreams Creator(s): ChrissiHR Link: ao3 Square: K1 - cuddling Rating: Mature Ship(s): Bucky/Darcy/Steve Warnings: ABO Dynamics, Thirst Trap Major tags: Darcy is Elvira’s niece, ABO Dynamics, hurt/comfort, supernatural elements Summary: Darcy dreams and drifts, floating on the softest clouds back into the realm of reality so gently, she makes the transition still thinking she’s dreaming. She’s no longer held aloft by amorphous clouds, but rather by a cozy nest of them, cradling her gently in the warmest, most unutterably soft embrace. Word count/format: 1585
Title: Beltane, First Year, Fort Salem… Creator(s): ChrissiHR Link: ao3 Square: Y1 - wolf Rating: Mature Ship(s): Darcy/Bucky/Steve/Clint Warnings: institutionalized polyamory; reverse harem AU; succubus AU Major tags: Motherland: Fort Salem AU, witches, werewolves, war college Summary: War packs, like covens, always work best in threes, so when Alpha Steve Rogers meets Cadet Darcy Lewis-Meriwether, he’s surprised her covenmates aren’t joining them for the Beltane celebrations. He’s brought his own pack, after all. If they’re really going to do this, he’d at least like to be on good terms with her coven. Word count/format: 1997
Title: Steady as the stars in the woods Creator(s): cable-knit-sweater Link: tumblr Square: C1 - Family of Choice Rating: Teen Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: Fluff, Found Family, Slice of Life Summary: Steve & Bucky have their friends over for a BBQ, Bucky contemplates the idea of family. Word count/format: 1913
Title: Till It Bleeds Daylight (Chapter 8) Creator(s): cable-knit-sweater Link: ao3 Square: U2 - Angst Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: AU - Detectives, Hitman Bucky, Bucky feels, Angst Summary: Steve worries about walking into a trap. He never expected it to all go this spectacularly wrong. Word count/format: 4135
Title: When in doubt, find the plums Creator(s): Laevateinn Link: tumblr Square: K4 - Plums Rating: Explicit Ship(s): James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Warnings: None Major tags: College AU, Art museum, Fluff and fun, Moodboard, drabble Summary: Steve and Bucky finally had managed a trip to the Art museum. Word count/format: 100
Title: Since you are, everything that was is now something new: chapter one Creator(s): endlesstwanted Link: ao3 Square: C1 - Anonymous confessions Rating: Teen Ship(s): Implied past-Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Warnings: Recreational Drug Use Major tags: Developing Friendships, Light Angst Summary: Snippets on how to be wooed by two super soldiers, a guide by Sharon Carter. Step one: feelings exposure. Word count/format: 698
Title: Packmates Creator(s): Dogsled Link: ao3 Square: K1 - M'Baku Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes & M'Baku Warnings: None Major tags: friendship, quiet, wakanda, black panther compliant, sad Summary: M'Baku has some words of advice for the White Wolf Word count/format: 906
Title: Armed and Dangerous Creator(s): Dogsled Link: ao3 Square: C1 - Metal Arm Bros Rating: Gen Ship(s): Tony Stark & Bucky Barnes Warnings: None Major tags: enemies to friends, endgame divergent, steve still leaves, grief/mourning Summary: Tony tries to cheer Bucky up. It's arguable whether or not it actually works. Word count/format: 728
Title: As a Treat Creator(s): Dogsled Link: ao3 Square: U1 - Open Relationship/Polyamory Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson Warnings: None Major tags: PWP, Polyamory, Blow Jobs, Double Penetration Summary: Sam's exasperation with Steve and Bucky fucking in every room of the house can only hold out for so long. Word count/format: 882
Title: A Little Restraint Creator(s): Dogsled Link: ao3 Square: B1 - Getting Groceries Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Helmut Zemo Warnings: None Major tags: Stockings, Clothing kink, lace panties Summary: Chores get in the way of sexy times, and all Bucky can think about is what Zemo has on under his clothes. It's becoming a problem. Word count/format: 1000
Title: The Doctor Is In Creator(s): Dogsled Link: ao3 Square: K4 - Doctor's Appointment Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Helmut Zemo Warnings: None Major tags: doctor/patient, body worship, zemo wearing glasses, sexual roleplay Summary: Bucky wants Zemo to try out a little roleplay with him. Starting with Zemo putting on THAT pair of glasses so as to better look the part. Word count/format: 2303
Title: Burn the World Down for You (Chapter 18) Creator(s): Faustess Link: ao3 Square: B5 - Domesticity Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Brock Rumlow Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Mention of Mpreg (no details, though), Other chapters include: Masturbation, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Rimming Major tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Brock Rumlow, Alpha Bucky Barnes, Domesticity Summary: Chapter Summary: Yasha and Brock settle into life in their apartment and make a friend. Life's not without challenges, but it's good. Full Summary: Brock had a secret. Scratch that. Make it two secrets. First, he's not the alpha all the guys on his team think he is... and second, he might just have a crush on the Winter Soldier. Either one of them could land him in hot water with Hydra, but both combined? Bad News. Even if he could just walk away from Hydra, could he really leave the only alpha who's ever made him wonder what it would be like to live openly as an omega? Maybe it's all just in his head, though, and the Soldier hadn't really noticed him. It's not in Brock's head. The Soldier has definitely noticed. Note: This is not a Hydra Trash Party fic. Word count/format: 3883 (Ch. 18), 69,286 (total)
Title: Bucky's Blanket Fort Creator(s): rebelmeg Link: tumblr Square: C5 - blanket forts Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky & friends/family Warnings: none Major tags: drabble, fluff Summary: Bucky makes a blanket fort and has guests. Word count/format: 100
Title: You Got A Guy? Creator(s): Kinko Link: ao3 Square: K1 - Marriage of Convenience/ Pretend Couple Rating: Teen Ship(s): James "Bucky" Barnes & Angie Martinelli Warnings: Period-Typical Homophobia Major tags: Friendship, Pre-Captain America: The First Avenger Summary: Bucky gets worried about the wrong people finding out the truth about him and Steve. Then he meets a nice waitress with a similar problem. Word count/format: 1143
Title: I do. Creator(s): cable-knit-sweater Link: tumblr Square: Adopted - Diary Rating: Teen Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: Angst, Bucky’s notebooks, memory loss Summary: He keeps them like treasures, each and every single one of them. The ones from earlier, months ago, read like not more than the ramblings of a mad man, words scribbled over and over, sometimes with painstaking effort to hold a pen or pencil without his hand trembling, with seemingly no intent behind it except to get them out of his head and onto paper, like he’ll feel less haunted that way. He doesn’t, not really, but it helps, at least for a little while, and at this point, that’s all he can ask for. Word count/format: Moodboard + 884 words
Title: Red, White & Blue Creator(s): cable-knit-sweater Link: tumblr Square: K5 - Live on TV Rating: Mature Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: shrunkyclunks, humor, wrong number shenanigans, bucky barnes needs to get laid Summary: Steve goes on live tv for one of his first interviews post-ice. He’s nervous enough as it is. The texts from an unknown number he receives while on air, that get more explicit by the second, definitely don’t help. Bucky is very horny and thinks he’s pestering a friend, but he’s really texting captain america. Word count/format: 3557
Title: Till It Bleeds Daylight (Chapter 5) Creator(s): cable-knit-sweater Link: ao3 Square: C2 - Spy, Secret Agent, Assassin, or Hitman Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Steve/ Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: AU - Detectives, Hitman Bucky, Angst, Hurt/Comfort Summary: Bucky gets ready for his mission. Things fall apart. Word count/format: 3950
Title: Till It Bleeds Daylight (Chapter 4) Creator(s): cable-knit-sweater Link: ao3 Square: K1 - Aftercare Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: AU - Detectives, Hitman Bucky, Angst, Hurt/Comfort Summary: Steve finally figures out what Hydra is planning with the Winter Soldier Word count/format: 4073
Title: “It is my duty to keep an eye on you.” Creator(s): Girl Back There Link: ao3 Square: U5 - Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow Rating: Mature Ship(s): Bucky/Natasha Warnings: None Major tags: pies & Secret Agents AU, Spy Natasha, SHIELD Agent Bucky, Sex as a Distraction, Subterfuge Summary: Natasha stepped in closer, running her finger along the edge of James’ tie, “I wouldn’t want you to not fulfill your duties.” Word count/format: 408
Title: K1. Huddling for Warmth Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: K1 - Huddling for Warmth Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Major tags: Canon Divergence, First Avenger, Graphic Injury Summary: Steve jumps after Bucky. Word count/format: 100
Title: K2. Bucky/Darcy Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: K2 - Bucky/Darcy Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Darcy Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Major tags: Avengers Tower, Pining Summary: "I'm not shy," Bucky blusters when he manages to find his words. "I'm -- respectful." "Well," Darcy says, swinging her legs. "Then you don't have to be so respectful." Word count/format: 100
Title: K3. Praise Kink Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: K3 - Praise Kink Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Major tags: Bucky Barnes Recovering, Bucky Barnes Has PTSD, Praise Kink Summary: Bucky has a complicated relationship to praise. Word count/format: 100
Title: K4. Wakanda Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: K4 - Wakanda Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Major tags: Wakanda, Languages and Linguistics, Soft Bucky, Soft Steve Summary: Bucky and Steve wander over to a stall that smells amazing, sweet and spicy and full of barbecue char. Bucky orders in Wakandan, and Steve beams. Word count/format: 100
Title: K5. Ballet Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: K5 - Ballet Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky & Natasha Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Major tags: Bucky Barnes Recovering, Ballerina Natasha, Balletomane Bucky, Red Room Summary: Natasha manages to remind Bucky of the steps, the combinations, the posture and perfection, without triggering the pain and fear and humiliation. There's something freeing about moving across the floor with her. Word count/format: 100
Title: Metal Arm Bros -C1 Creator(s): Late-to-the-party-81 Link: tumblr Square: C1 - Metal Arm Bros Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky x Sam Warnings: None Major tags: Fluff, Disabled Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Recovering Summary: Bucky is a secret. Samuel wonders what it is, but he knows Bucky will tell him in time. Most importantly, it’s making Bucky happy. Word count/format: 1.9k
Title: Of Witches, Witchers, and Werebears - Chapter 6: Hostage, Dagger and Suspicion Creator(s): MuffinEngineer86 Link: ao3 Square: U3 - Good Guys Gone Bad Rating: Teen Ship(s): James “Bucky” Barnes & Geralt of Rivia, James “Bucky” Barnes/Darcy Lewis Warnings: hostage situation, extortion, good guy gone bad, False suspicion Major tags: Alternative Universe, Witcher Bucky, Hydra are evil warlocks, fae Darcy, witch Darcy, Werebear Bucky, Bard Steve, Jaskier in danger, doppelganger Summary: Bucky brought Geralt to the white fae witch. They talked about the reason for Geralt's visit and what happened to Jaskier. Word count/format: 666
Title: From Another TIme Creator(s): ruckystarnes Link: tumblr Square: K4 - AU! Bucky Never Fell Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky x F!Reader Warnings: none Major tags: time travel, threats Summary: Bucky comes home to an uninvited guest in his home Word count/format: 685
Title: Alpine's Master Plan Creator(s): scottxlogan Link: ao3 Square: B1 - Visiting The Vet Rating: Teen Ship(s): James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, Alpine the Cat & James "Bucky" Barnes, Alpine the Cat & Tony Stark Warnings: N/A Major tags: Alpine Plays Matchmaker, Getting Together, First Kiss, Enemies to Friends to Lovers Summary: Finding Alpine was the best thing that happened to Bucky Barnes. Fearing that he may have crossed one too many lines without asking permission in bringing her back to live with him at Avenger's Tower, Bucky is uncertain of how his reluctant host will respond to Bucky shaking things up again. However, Alpine charms Tony and finds a way to work her magic in bringing Bucky and Tony closer together in ways neither expected. Word count/format: 4134
Title: Safe Creator(s): startrekkingaroundasgard Link: tumblr Square: U3 - on the run Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky x GN!Reader Warnings: None Major tags: neighbours, pining, mild threat, scientist!reader, protective Bucky Summary: Bucky sees he neighbour acting strangely and goes to help them. Word count/format: 1000
Title: Have You Checked Your Butthole? Creator(s): startrekkingaroundasgard Link: tumblr Square: C1 - don't say it Rating: Gen Ship(s): Clint/Bucky Warnings: none Major tags: drabble, crack, established relationship Summary: “A funny thing to say to someone who’s lost their shit and is stressed out visibly,” Word count/format: 100
Title: Hold Your Hand Creator(s): startrekkingaroundasgard Link: tumblr Square: B4 - hand holding Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky/Natasha Warnings: N/A Major tags: moodboard, asexuality, established relationship Summary: Asexual BuckyNat; I only wanna hold your hand Word count/format: Moodboard
Title: A Night in the Park Creator(s): scottxlogan Link: ao3 Square: B4 - Date in the park Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Warnings: Making out, swearing Major tags: Date Night, Movie Night, date night in the park, Kissing, Making Out, Swearing, Established Relationship, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Adult Content, Team Bonding Summary: In Tony's latest return from a team mission, he takes Bucky on date night to a movie in the park where Tony has big plans for them moving forward. As Tony gears up for a big question, the team arrives and all his plans for date night go out the window. Word count/format: 4580
Title: The Asset Creator(s): Kinko Link: ao3 Square: Y1 - Handle With Care Rating: Teen Ship(s): James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes / Steve Rogers (mentioned) Warnings: Talk of Bucky's past as the Winter Soldier Major tags: Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Unreliable Narrator, Misunderstandings Summary: Steve brings Bucky home with him after the whole ordeal with the helicarriers and promises to take care of him. Bucky, who still views himself as the Asset, does not trust him. Word count/format: 807
Title: After One or Two False Starts - Chapter 2 Creator(s): PoliZ Link: ao3 Square: B3 - Sam Wilson/Falcon Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky & Sam Warnings: none Major tags: Post - Falcon and the Winter Soldier Mutual Pining, Alternating POV Summary: Bucky reflects on how his friendship with Sam has developed, and how he wishes it could maybe be more. Word count/format: 315
Title: Adverse Possession Creator(s): PoliZ Link: tumblr Square: U2 - AU: Roommates Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky & Clint Warnings: threatening someone with a gun Major tags: Canon Divergence - Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Gen or Pre-Slash, POV Clint Barton Summary: Three tense months after the fall of the Triskelion and the discovery of Hydra's infiltration of SHIELD, Clint is finally coming back home to his Bed-Stuy apartment. However, it seems someone else has taken up residence. Word count/format: 919
Title: Moving Forward (Using All My Breath) Creator(s): PoliZ Link: ao3 Square: K3 - KINK: Edging Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Bucky/Tony Warnings: self-image issues, performance issues, Major tags: Orgasm Delay, Dildos, gentle Dom!Tony, Power Bottom, Bucky POV Summary: After being edged for what feels like forever, Bucky finally gets the best of both worlds, courtesy of Tony. But when all is said and done, Tony doesn’t think it’s enough. Word count/format: 896
Title: Keep me forever, tell me you want me Creator(s): cable-knit-sweater Link: tumblr Square: B3 - Silver Rating: Teen Ship(s): Stucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: AU: Actor/Director, age difference, Actor Bucky Barnes Summary: Bucky is an actor desperate to impress director!Steve Word count/format: Moodboard
Title: If your gonna have car trouble on a road trip... Creator(s): Girl Back There Link: ao3 Square: K2 - "This may as well happen" Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve/Tony Warnings: None Major tags: No Powers AU, Established Bucky/John Walker, Established Steve/Tony, Ultimatums, Breakups, Flirting Summary: Bucky didn’t set out to upend his life in Indiana or his relationship with his boyfriend. Or thought he would contemplate becoming part of a polyamorous relationship with a married couple in a different state. Life can be funny sometimes. Word count/format: 1383
Title: A Bug In The System (Nexus, Ch2) Creator(s): Turtles Link: tumblr Square: U3 - Comics Rating: Teen Ship(s): Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes Warnings: n/a Major tags: Notting Hill AU, Modern AU Summary: It’s the start of another day in the life of Bucky Barnes—wake up, have breakfast, go to work. Nothing unusual at all. Word count/format: 2319
Title: Throw your knives at my heart instead Creator(s): endlesstwanted Link: ao3 Square: Y5 - Hydra Rating: Mature Ship(s): James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov Warnings: Angst, PTSD Major tags: Hurt/Comfort, Rivals to Lovers Summary: Bucky finds Clint target practising with Natasha, and for a moment he’s the one handling the knives again. Word count/format: 1417
Title: Two and Two Creator(s): TrinityDay Link: ao3 Square: K1 - AU: Noir Detective Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes & Peggy Carter Warnings: none Major tags: canon divergence, minor noir vibes Summary: Bucky Barnes came back from war missing an arm and missing his best friend. Steve hadn’t been supposed to go overseas in the first place, but Steve always found his way into things a saner man would steer far, far clear from. Now all Bucky has left is his gun, a small sorry office in a broken-down building, and his job as a private detective. He knew from the moment Peggy Carter walked into his office, she was trouble. He also knew he couldn’t resist when she asked for help. Bucky had always been a sucker someone in need. Word count/format: 1419
Title: I Have Been Waiting For You Creator(s): newtypeshadow Link: ao3 Square: B2 - AU: A/B/O Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Warnings: Threatened Violence, Mention of Howard Stark's Abuse Major tags: Speed Dating, Intimidation, Alpha Bucky Barnes, Omega Tony Stark, A/B/O AU Summary: Tony was beyond confused. He'd walked into this speed dating room expecting to meet Bucky, the kind, sassy, sexy alpha who'd been breaking hearts all over the agency for months by not asking to take home any of the omegas he'd charmed during their ten-minute meetings. Instead, he got Bucky the murder-faced knothead. What the hell was going on? Word count/format: 1591
Title: Keep me forever, tell me you want me Creator(s): cable-knit-sweater Link: tumblr Square: B3 - Silver Rating: Teen Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: AU: Actor/Director, Actor Bucky Barnes, age difference Summary: Bucky is an actor who desperately wants to impress director!Steve Word count/format: Moodboard
Title: Manning the Store Creator(s): DarthBloodOrange Link: ao3 Square: Y3 - AU: Bookstore Rating: Gen Ship(s): James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Warnings: No warnings Major tags: Bookstore AU, Shrunkyclunks, First Meetings, Misunderstandings Summary: When Becca broke her leg, Bucky was more than willing to manage her bookstore in her absence. She warns him about one of her returning partons: a mysterious blond vet called Steve. She'd put in a lot of work befriending him, making him feel comfortable hanging out at Bec's Books. Threatening Bucky should he scare her friend away. Word count/format: Moodboard
Title: Of Witches, Witchers, and Werebears - Chapter 7: Arm, Doppelganger, and Rescue Creator(s): MuffinEngineer86 Link: ao3 Square: C5 - Doppelgangers/Evil Twins Rating: Teen Ship(s): James “Bucky” Barnes & Steve Rogers Warnings: torture, violence, murder Major tags: Alternative Universe, Witcher Bucky, Hydra are evil warlocks, fae Darcy, witch Darcy, Werebear Bucky, Bard Steve, big Steve, Bucky has a new arm, teasing, evil twin mustache Summary: Bucky went on a rescue mission to get Steve back, as Geralt and Darcy were going to the meeting place for the trade-off. To Bucky’s surprise, he not only found Steve but also Jaskier. Steve had alarming information. Word count/format: 1068
Title: Till It Bleeds Daylight - Chapter 6 Creator(s): cable-knit-sweater Link: ao3 Square: C2 - Free Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: AU - Detectives, Hitman Bucky, Bucky feels, Angst, Hurt/Comfort Summary: Carol and Sam try and find a way to help Steve. Bucky accepts his situation for what it is. Word count/format: 3852
Title: when I come home to you Creator(s): cable-knit-sweater Link: ao3 Square: Y1 - Bucky in Wakanda [Image prompt] Rating: Mature Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: Wakanda stucky, post-ca:cw, canon divergence, softness, happy ending these boys deserve, non-explicit smut Summary: After giving up the shield, Steve hangs up the uniform too, and finally goes home, home to Bucky. Word count/format: 1333
Title: Rise and Shine Creator(s): TrinityDay Link: ao3 Square: K5 - Image of Bucky and Sam at airport Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky & Steve & Sam Warnings: None Major tags: Runners Summary: Bucky Barnes was back home and recovering from his stint as the longest POW in history. Bucky Barnes was taking his time to relearn about his likes and dislikes, trying new experiences with Sam and Steve beside him to help him navigate this new century. Bucky Barnes was not going to go running with the two masochists that he lived with, no matter how much Steve cajoled. Word count/format: 1835
Title: Tame as the Wild Ones Chapter 2 Creator(s): TrinityDay Link: ao3 Square: B1 - Carnival Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes & Natasha Romanoff Warnings: none Major tags: Not CACW compliant Summary: Their second meeting (third? Bucky’s memories surrounding Project Insight are still fuzzy) this side of the twenty-first century might have gone better than it had any right to go, but that doesn’t mean Bucky is ready to be brought in yet. He trusts Steve, but not the government that harboured that same organization that kept him captive all those decades. Steve might not agree, but at least his friends believe they’re better off apart. When the Black Widow tracks him down in some small town in Austria, Bucky wishes he could be more surprised, both that she could find him or why she would even be looking. He always knew that his time wandering Europe by himself was limited. She’s come now to ask a favour–a big one. Of course it’s about Steve. Word count/format: 3885
Title: Insomniac Creator(s): steverogersnotebook Link: tumblr Square: K1 - Insomnia Rating: Gen Ship(s): n/a Warnings: blood, strangulation Major tags: Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier, Insomnia Summary: Bucky canonically has nightmares about his existence as The Winter Soldier. On those occasions when he can sleep, that is. Word count/format: moodboard
Title: Baking Rivals to Bakery Co-Owners Creator(s): steverogersnotebook Link: tumblr Square: Y1 - Bakery AU Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes & Sam Wilson Warnings: none Major tags: Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Bakery AU Summary: Classic cake decorator Bucky Barnes and Contemporary Cake Decorator Sam Wilson are rivals in every baking competition. They're the men to beat. Recognizing this, they come together to open a bakery to showcase both of their styles. Word count/format: moodboard
Title: Way Up in the Air Creator(s): BBD2BH Link: ao3 Square: C5 - Kink: Mile High Club Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Modern AU, Public Sex, Mile High Club, Age Gap, Shrinkyclinks Summary: When Steve Rogers gets on his trans-Atlantic flight, he’s not looking for anything other than getting to the end of it alive. That all changes when his seatmate distracts him from his phobia of flying in a mind-blowing way. Word count/format: 3334
Title: Y1. Mutual Appreciation Society Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: Y1 - Mutual Appreciation Society Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky & Wanda Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Major tags: Baker Bucky, Baker Wanda, Avengers Tower Summary: After that, Bucky and Wanda start to bring each other fresh baked goods every-other morning or so. Steve would complain about all of the sugar, but he loves it--and he loves seeing both sad, quiet people start to blossom around their new friend. Word count/format: 100
Title: This Isn’t That Kind of Fairy Tale Creator(s): BBD2BH Link: ao3 Square: U3 - AU: Fairytale Rating: Mature Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: No archive warnings apply, references to canon compliant violence on the Winter Soldier Major tags: Canon Compliant, Fairy Tale Elements, Curses, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Dark Fairy Tale Summary: The Winter Soldier doesn’t get a fairy tale ending, but he does break the curse. Word count/format: 512
Title: Something to Get Me Through the Nothing - A WinterIron Round Robin Creator(s): PoliZ Link: ao3 Square: C5 - “This might as well happen.” Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky & Tony (Bucky/Tony) Warnings: Nightmares, fear of death Major tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Hopeful Ending, Recovering Bucky Barnes, Nightmares, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, POV Alternating Summary: Bucky Barnes remembers December 16, 1991 and can't keep it a secret. When he talks to Tony, he finds he's not the only one with issues. They talk and bond over nightmares, unfortunate shared history, and classic cars... and maybe find the start of something more. Word count/format: 349
Title: Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion - Chapter 3 Creator(s): PoliZ Link: ao3 Square: U4 - AU: Arranged Marriage Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve (Bucky & Tony) Warnings: non-graphic autopsy (Chapter 3), semi-graphic death (Chapter 2) Major tags: Royalty AU, Secret Relationship, Political Alliances, Polyamory, Intrigue, Summary: Chapter 3: Bucky exposes a painful part of his past as Doctor Banner performs an autopsy on Rumlow; he, Banner and Tony discuss what comes next. Word count/format: 1025
Title: Afterglow (Chapter 2) Creator(s): sarahbeniel Link: ao3 Square: U5 - Silence Rating: Mature Ship(s): Bucky/Darcy Warnings: Swearing, Intervention, Sexual Content Major tags: Tropes, Intervention, Snowed In Summary: Bucky and Darcy meet on what was supposed to be a weekend-long team-building exercise, and get snowed in. Word count/format: 4603 so far, for the entire work
Title: Here, Love Grows Creator(s): Otpcutie Link: tumblr Square: B2 - Domesticity Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Tony Warnings: D/s undertones Major tags: Idiots in love, getting together, first kiss, comfort, D/s undertones, Summary: Tony discovers how much Bucky cares about him. Word count/format: 1.3k
Title: Fanfic Creator(s): Metalbvcky Link: ao3 Square: Y2 - Without Fear Rating: Mature Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: Fashion AU, Modeling, Auditions, Age Difference, Meet-Cute, Fashion Designer Bucky, Model Steve Summary: Bucky had cultivated a new fashion collection for his brand, White Wolf Exotics, and now he and his team were in the casting process. Only problem, they needed the best of the best. But then the one stepped out from behind the curtain. Word count/format: 3039
Title: Fanfic Creator(s): Metalbvcky Link: ao3 Square: B5 - KINK: Cock Warming Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: Modern AU, Established Relationship, Dom/Sub, Cock Warming, Face-Fucking, Office Sex Summary: Bucky helps Steve relax while he works, and then later, allows him to let off some steam. Word count/format: 1035
Title: Afterglow (Chapter 3) Creator(s): sarahbeniel Link: ao3 Square: Y4 - "Just Do It" Rating: Mature Ship(s): Bucky/Darcy Warnings: Intervention, Swearing, Eventual sexual content Major tags: Meet Cute, Tropes, Snowed In Summary: Bucky and Darcy meet on what was supposed to be a weekend-long team-building exercise, and get snowed in. Word count/format: 7631 so far, for the entire work
Title: Bucky's Blue Coat Creator(s): steverogersnotebook Link: tumblr Square: B1 - image prompt: Bucky in Howling Commandos uniform Rating: Gen Ship(s): n/a Warnings: none Major tags: bucky barnes,howling commandos, what if...? bucky, Summary: A fashion style moodboard featuring Bucky's coat Word count/format: moodboard
Title: Cat + Mistletoe = Disaster Creator(s): Laevateinn Link: ao3 Square: U4 - Call for Help (swapped) Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: None Major tags: Fluff, Alpine, College AU, Mistletoe, cat shenanigans, banter Summary: Steve and Bucky had only been Alpine’s parents for a few weeks, but she was already giving them grey hair. Word count/format: 714
Title: Y2. Bucky Barnes Recovering Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: Y2 - Bucky Barnes Recovering Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Major tags: Not Civil War Compliant, Bucky Recovering, Bucky Has PTSD Summary: A few months ago, Bucky wouldn't have even recognized his own hunger. Now, he'll stand beside Steve in the kitchen, stirring batter for the French toast. It's a long road. Word count/format: 100
Title: Y3. Broken Creator(s): https://archiveofourown.org/works/44122671 Link: ao3 Square: Y3 - Broken Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: Panic Attacks, PTSD Major tags: Panic Attacks, Bucky Has PTSD, Soft Steve Summary: Bucky drops Sarah Rogers' teapot. Word count/format: 100
Title: Y4. Book Club Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: Y4 - Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Major tags: Avengers Tower, Nerd Bucky, Book Clubs Summary: Part of Bucky wonders whether suggesting this particular book was Natasha's sneaky way of making fun of Steve, just a little bit. America The Beautiful, and all that. Word count/format: 100
Title: Y5. Maimed Creator(s): aimmyarrowshigh Link: ao3 Square: Y5 - Maimed Rating: Teen Ship(s): N/A Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Major tags: Secret Injury, Bucky Barnes Has Issues Summary: Bucky is grateful that his uniform is black. It hides the blood best. Word count/format: 100
Title: I'm Done Running Creator(s): steverogersnotebook Link: tumblr Square: B5 - Running Away Rating: Gen Ship(s): n/a Warnings: none Major tags: Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier, running away, Summary: Bucky, after the pulling Steve from the river and walking away and did a bit of running away as well. Now, he's done running.  Word count/format: moodboard
Title: Maybe it's Maybelline Creator(s): steverogersnotebook Link: tumblr Square: C3 - Eyeliner Rating: Gen Ship(s): n/a Warnings: none Major tags: Eyeliner, Makeup Summary: There was a time when Bucky would have squirreled away a makeup ad, if caught, he could say it was for his sister. He loved the looks of the models' eyes. Today Bucky embraces the 21st century ability to do his eyes up like the starlets and models he used to study. Word count/format: Moodboard
Title: Wrong Number Creator(s): Turtles Link: ao3 Square: B3 - Wrong Number Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky & Darcy, Bucky & Sam, Sam & Darcy Warnings: n/a Major tags: Wrong number, Bucky makes a new friend Summary: Bucky answers a call from a number he doesn’t recognise. Word count/format: 464
Title: Secrets and Hope (All These Stars Exist, Ch3) Creator(s): Turtles Link: ao3 Square: K2 - Amnesia Rating: Teen Ship(s): ane Foster/Bucky Barnes Warnings: n/a Major tags: Historical, Regency AU, Lady scientist Summary: Without any chance to protest or decline, Bucky found himself on an excursion to the longhouse with a party of Lord Stark's guests. To his surprise, he found himself in step with Miss Lewis and Miss Romanoff, whilst Miss Foster asked Steve question after question about the mural. Word count/format: 1068
Title: When Stars Are Involved (All These Stars Exist, Ch 2) Creator(s): Turtles Link: ao3 Square: Y5 - AU: Regency Rating: Teen Ship(s): Jane Foster/Bucky Barnes Warnings: n/a Major tags: Historical, Regency, lady scientist Summary: Bucky is awkward, then an excursion is organised. Word count/format: 759
Title: All The Single Ladies (In The Future, Ch3) Creator(s): Turtles Link: ao3 Square: U5 - Knives Rating: Teen Ship(s): Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes Warnings: Time travel, post-apocalyptic Major tags: Time travel, post-apocalyptic, canon divergence Summary: Turning around, Darcy’s eyes darted in several directions as she oriented herself and she blinked hard at the glare from the sun. Spots and stripes dancing in her vision, she lifted one hand to shade her eyes and peered into the distance. Steve and Bucky take Darcy home. Word count/format: yes
Title: In The Halls of The Mountain King (In The Future, Ch 4) Creator(s): Turtles Link: ao3 Square: U1 - Alcohol Rating: Teen Ship(s): Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes Warnings: Time travel, post-apocalyptic Major tags: Time travel, post-apocalyptic, canon divergence Summary: Darcy gets some medical attention and learns a bit more about Earth’s new rings. Word count/format: 2724
Title: I Remember all of Them Creator(s): steverogersnotebook Link: tumblr Square: B2 - December 16, 1991 Rating: Gen Ship(s): N/A Warnings: death mention (not pictured) Major tags: Winter Soldier, death of Howard and Maria Stark Summary: December 16, 1991, The Winter Soldier was sent out on a fateful mission to retrieve the super soldier serum carried by Howard Stark and leave no witnesses. Word count/format: Moodboard
Title: The Battle is Never Over Creator(s): steverogersnotebook Link: tumblr Square: U1 - Karaoke Battle Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson Warnings: none Major tags: 40's music is cool, stubborn supersoldiers, Summary: Karaoke night is always a battle. Bucky and Steve occasionally side against Sam just out of principle. Word count/format: Moodboard
Title: Just This Once Creator(s): steverogersnotebook Link: ao3 Square: B3 - Fluff Rating: Gen Ship(s): N/A Warnings: Animal Death Major tags: Animal Death, Adopting a Dog, Kindness of Strangers Summary: Within Bucky's mandatory reparations in exchange for parole, he also has community service to do. He does it at an animal shelter and struggles with the difficulties of the forgotten. Word count/format: 909
Title: Here Comes the Rising Tide (So Come On) -Ch 1 Creator(s): Ribbonsflying Link: ao3 Square: Y2 - Artist Bucky Rating: Mature Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: Kidnapping, Past Trauma Major tags: Artist Bucky, Artist Steve, Childhood Trauma, Recovery Summary: Almost fifteen years ago, young teen Bucky Barnes was abducted from his own neighborhood in broad daylight. Now he's back home. But after the media and mayhem of Bucky’s return dies down, all that's left to do is for Bucky to try to recover himself again. He thought he was doing fine till the day he met Steve Rogers on a beach. Steve Rogers was terrifying. Word count/format: 2170
Title: Gimme Shelter Creator(s): steverogersnotebook Link: tumblr Square: B4 - Shelter Rating: Gen Ship(s): N/A Warnings: none Major tags: Bucky Barnes, Rescue Animals Summary: A companion to Just This Once (sq B3), a fanfiction in which Bucky works at an animal shelter. Word count/format: moodboard
Title: Here Comes the Rising Tide (So Come On) -Ch 2 Creator(s): Ribbonsflying Link: ao3 Square: C1 - "Are you even trying?" Rating: Mature Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: Kidnapping, Past Trauma Major tags: Artist Bucky, Artist Steve, Childhood Trauma, Recovery Summary: Almost fifteen years ago, young teen Bucky Barnes was abducted from his own neighborhood in broad daylight. Now he's back home. But after the media and mayhem of Bucky’s return dies down, all that's left to do is for Bucky to try to recover himself again. He thought he was doing fine till the day he met Steve Rogers on a beach. Steve Rogers was terrifying. Word count/format: 1795
Title: Here Comes the Rising Tide (So Come On) -Ch 3 Creator(s): Ribbonsflying Link: ao3 Square: C3 - Free Rating: Mature Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: Kidnapping, Past Trauma Major tags: Artist Bucky, Artist Steve, Childhood Trauma, Recovery Summary: Almost fifteen years ago, young teen Bucky Barnes was abducted from his own neighborhood in broad daylight. Now he's back home. But after the media and mayhem of Bucky’s return dies down, all that's left to do is for Bucky to try to recover himself again. He thought he was doing fine till the day he met Steve Rogers on a beach. Steve Rogers was terrifying. Word count/format: 2855
Title: Here Comes the Rising Tide (So Come On) -Ch 4 Creator(s): Ribbonsflying Link: ao3 Square: Y5 - Resurrection Rating: Mature Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: Kidnapping, Past Trauma Major tags: Artist Bucky, Artist Steve, Childhood Trauma, Recovery Summary: Almost fifteen years ago, young teen Bucky Barnes was abducted from his own neighborhood in broad daylight. Now he's back home. But after the media and mayhem of Bucky’s return dies down, all that's left to do is for Bucky to try to recover himself again. He thought he was doing fine till the day he met Steve Rogers on a beach. Steve Rogers was terrifying. Word count/format: 2985
Title: The Only Creator(s): steverogersnotebook Link: tumblr Square: B1 - [image] Blue coat/Howling Commandos Bucky Rating: Gen Ship(s): The Howling Commandos Warnings: None Major tags: WWII Bucky, Howling Commandos Summary: The memories slot into place through a collection of photos from Bucky's days fighting alongside Steve and the Howling Commandos. Word count/format: Moodboard
Title: Unexpected Creator(s): BookDragon13, writing-what-writing Link: tumblr Square: Y4 - Kid fic Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky & Kobik, Bucky & RJ Warnings: Lost kids Major tags: Werewolf AU, werewolf Bucky Summary: Bucky, a lone werewolf known as the White Wolf ever since he’d escaped the Hydra pack, unexpectedly finds himself taking care of two werewolf pups Word count/format: 683
Title: The Selkie Creator(s): BookDragon13, writing-what-writing Link: tumblr Square: Y5 - Kink: stripping Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton Warnings: Brief mention of Bucky dying Major tags: Selkie Bucky, getting lost, mentions of a breakup Summary: Clint finds himself lost in Scotland, and ends up finding Bucky Word count/format: 1179
Title: A Sign of Strength Creator(s): Ribbonsflying Link: ao3 Square: Y4 - Sam Wilson/Falcon Rating: Teen Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: PTSD, anger issues Major tags: Therapy, veterans Bucky and Steve, therapist Sam, crying, PTSD Summary: Group therapy session where Bucky and some others discuss their anger and PTSD. Word count/format: 1762
Title: Dungeons and What Now? Creator(s): BookDragon13 Link: tumblr Square: K2 - Mission sex Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Darcy Lewis Warnings: Talk of sex, slight Daddy kink Major tags: slight Daddy kink, dungeons and dragons, Talk of sex Summary: A D&D session turns into something unexpected Word count/format: 866
Title: You’ve Got a Friend in Me Creator(s): BookDragon13, writing-what-writing Link: tumblr Square: C5 - Team Bonding Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky & Thor Warnings: Mentions of past trauma Major tags: Bonding, Unexpected friendship Summary: Bucky finds an unexpected friend in Thor Word count/format: 769
Title: Soulmates? Chapter 3 Creator(s): BookDragon13, writing-what-writing Link: tumblr Square: U2 - Hurt/comfort Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Darcy Lewis Warnings: None Major tags: Soulmates, soulmate mark, Wintershock Summary: Bucky confesses why he ran away the last time he and Darcy were together Word count/format: 913
Title: untitled fireman au Creator(s): Wick Link: tumblr Square: C3 - Free Space Rating: Teen Ship(s): Stucky Warnings: Structure fires & firemen Major tags: Fire Summary: Moodboard for the unwritten fireman au I haven't bothered to write yet but has been on my to be written list for over a year now. Word count/format: Moodboard
Title: untitled musician/scientist au Creator(s): Wick Link: tumblr Square: K3 - Band Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/ Darcy Lewis Warnings: Images of space, a guitar, sunflowers, a couple on a date, Kat Dennings and Sebastian Stan. Major tags: AU and romance Summary: Famous guitarist Bucky and astrophysicist Darcy weren't your typical couple but they loved each other in a way some people never know exists. Word count/format: Moodboard
Title: untitled wolf au like #4 Creator(s): Wick Link: tumblr Square: Y2 - Werewolves Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/ Clint Barton/ Darcy Lewis Warnings: Images of the moon, the woods at night, wolves, a flower, JeremyRenner, Kat Dennings and Sebastian Stan. Major tags: Wolves Summary: They spend the moon running and chasing each other. In the morning they wake up in a pile by the backdoor. Word count/format: Moodboard
Title: High Voltage Creator(s): Ribbonsflying Link: tumblr Square: B1 - AU: Biker Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Natasha Warnings: Alcohol Major tags: Bikers, Alpine, Spicy Romance Summary: Bucky and Natasha are bikers that meet at the same bar and he flirts with her even though he’s clearly out of his depth and she gives him a chance because Alpine peeks out of his leather jacket. Word count/format: moodboards
Title: Sam dragging Bucky on social media - Part 7 Creator(s): rebelmeg Link: tumblr Square: C1 - handle with care Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky & Sam Warnings: none Major tags: photo edit, roomies Summary: Would you consider that colors, or fine washables? Word count/format: N/A
Title: Exposure Creator(s): cable-knit-sweater Link: tumblr Square: Y2 - Vulnerability Rating: Teen Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: shrinkyclinks, modern au, photographer Steve Rogers, army veteran Bucky Barnes, body image issues, smut & fluff Summary: The last thing Bucky Barnes wanted after losing his arm and getting a Stark Industries prosthesis, was having his photo taken and calling so much attention to himself and how he’s changed. He can barely look at himself in the mirror some days. Too bad that when he signed up for the arm, he also agreed to being part of any promotional campaigns, and doesn’t really have a way to back out of it. Steve Rogers is in no way prepared for the model on his new project. He might end up needing a minute or two to get a full sentence out when he sees Bucky walk in. Somehow though, the veteran doesn’t realize how beautiful he is, and Steve sets out to change that. If some of the photos that come out of the shoot aren’t exactly what Stark had in mind - given the lack of clothing - well, that’s just a bonus. Word count/format: moodboard
Title: Maybe, baby, I’m just losing my mind Creator(s): cable-knit-sweater Link: tumblr Square: U1 - Accidental Marriage Rating: Teen Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: Vegas wedding, bratty Bucky Barnes, lawyer Steve Rogers, accidental marriage, divorce, sorta enemies to lovers, getting together, happy ending Summary: Bucky gets married in Vegas after a couple too many drinks. He’s desperate to get out of it, but it’s more complicated than he thinks. He doesn’t want his parents to find out, so through a friend, he finds a different lawyer, Steve. Steve definitely judges him for his actions, and thinks he’s a rich brat. Word count/format: Moodboard
Title: Sam dragging Bucky on social media - Part 8 Creator(s): rebelmeg Link: tumblr Square: K3 - ghosts Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky & Sam Warnings: none Major tags: photo edit, roomies, social media post Summary: Now the question is... which one of the neighbors brought it back? Word count/format: N/A
Title: Sam dragging Bucky on social media - Part 9 Creator(s): rebelmeg Link: tumblr Square: K4 - nickname Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky & Tony & Sam Warnings: none Major tags: social media post, roomies Summary: This episode involves a comment thread! Word count/format: N/A
Title: Green is Not Your Color Creator(s): rebelmeg Link: ao3 Square: U1 - jealousy Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky & Sam Warnings: none Major tags: jealousy, Bucky knows what he's doing, cat dads Summary: This whole roommate thing would go a lot better if Bucky would stop stealing Figaro's affection from Sam. Word count/format: 316
Title: Regency Bodyswap AU Moodboard Creator(s): Turtles Link: tumblr Square: Adopted - Marriage Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes & Darcy Lewis, Bucky Barnes/Jane Foster Warnings: Bodyswap AU Major tags: Regency AU, Bodyswap AU Summary: When archeologist Bucky Barnes meets Miss Jane Foster, he's startled to discover she's an astronomer but it doesn't take long for him to decide that he rather likes her. Unfortunately, before he can really make any inroads into getting to know her better, he finds himself in an awkward situation... a very awkward situation. While showing Miss Foster and her companion, Miss Darcy Lewis, around the Viking settlement he and his associates are excavating, the unbelievable and impossible happens--they swap bodies! It doesn't take long for someone to insist that the unfortunate couple must marry. Word count/format: Moodboard
Title: Bucky Barnes playing card Creator(s): LiquidLightz Link: tumblr Square: B4 - Poker Night Rating: Gen Ship(s): stucky implied Warnings: N/A Major tags: playing card, winter soldier, hydra, white wolf Summary: Bucky Barnes as the White Wolf rescues his Winter Soldier self from Hydra’s clutches. A Queen of Diamonds playing card Word count/format: Digital Art
Title: play the way you feel it Creator(s): Ribbonsflying Link: ao3 Square: K2 - AU: Arranged Marriage Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: Brief mentions of death and injury. Major tags: Arranged marriage, 1970s, car troubles, music Summary: In this world, arranged marriages are common in the US and they aren't big community occasions. Now Bucky Barnes's little sister is getting married to a stranger and there's a lot of apprehension that things will go sideways. And things do. Word count/format: 5655
Title: Too Good to Be True - Chapter W Creator(s): Faustess Link: ao3 Square: K3 - James Rhodes / War Machine Rating: Mature Ship(s): Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes (also Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov and James Rhodes/Carol Danvers) Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply; past chapters have Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Torture Major tags: This chapter adds "Marriage Proposals" to the others that include Developing Relationships, Touch-Starved, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Slow Romance, Sleepy Cuddles, and more Summary: Love is in the air when Rhodey finally proposes... which causes a few headaches, some frayed nerves, and finally - ? Word count/format: 5532 (this chapter); 55,820 (total so far)
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