#y'all so awesome---
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prostocupoftea · 11 months ago
i just participated in my first whiteboard thingey w/ the kinitomap discord and lOOK AT WHAT AN AWESOME FANART OF MY SILLY I GOT UDP: they gave me their tumblr!!! it is @luix33
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and i did this--
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an overhydrated kinito and all that i surrounded w/ blue----
and i have no idea who did this but that is also very awesome sause of you QwQ /pos
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ministarfruit · 20 days ago
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yuri month day 12: I want you to find me ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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m4rs-ex3 · 2 months ago
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i am so obsessed with the fact that out of everyone, runaan is the one who is so fucking Done
i can literally hear him thinking "yeah i've gathered. the walls in this house are only so thick."
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inhumanliquid · 10 months ago
People from this country are so cool
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attleboy · 1 year ago
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QUICK GUYS while it's still relevant!!! do your thing!!! 📸 okay good you can go now
original by glitch...you've probably seen it 10 million times by now
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now for bonus content... flat color version
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andddd individual characters... jax is a little halfbaked in spots sorry you weren't seeing those bits in the full thing anyway
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i also made some doodles based off eizouken clips i found but i ended up making a lot so i'm just gonna give that its own post tomorrow :)
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aerial-ace · 7 months ago
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She wants that smoothie so effing bad
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guardian-angle22 · 6 months ago
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This or That: Tarlos Edition -> AUs or canon compliant fics? ↳ Love Game by @welcometololaland ↳ Rescue Me by @littlemissmarianna ↳ summer slipped us underneath her tongue by @alrightbuckaroo ↳ Magnetic North by @paperstorm ↳ no rules in breakable heaven by @strandnreyes
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pushing500 · 14 days ago
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"Mechi, we just finished fighting a second War Queen. What could possess you to summon something even more powerful??"
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The mechanoids have allied with an emu. It's the end of the colony, I'm sorry. Pack it up, lads, we're going home.
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Somehow it's always Alistair who ends up dealing with the nociosphere. He must just linger near it whenever we need to send it out somewhere so he gets roped into it.
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Oh, yes? What is this fight missing, Randy?
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... Yeah, alright. It does look pretty cool with the red haze.
Unfortunately, our colony does happen to have a sanguophage hanging around at the moment. I wonder how Jut is coping?
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Ah, well. Those refugees won't mind if Jut bloodfeeds on them a little bit. It's the least they can do after invading our space and then complaining nonstop about everything. Don't worry, Chomper—the pigskin refugee that Jut targeted—is fine, just (understandably) grumpier than he was before.
Now Jut can snuggle up in bed and get some well-earned deathrest! I'm sure we won't need him for anything anytime soon.
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Well, a combination of mortar fire and the nociosphere seems to have been enough to take the Apocriton down (yay!), but the nociosphere now only has a few stray emus between it and our colony...
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Just in time! Those emus held it off for the last few precious seconds. Good job, emus!
Well, I'm glad we got the nociosphere out of the way. Now we have an empty holding platform! Tune in next time to find out what will occupy it...
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silvers-starrway · 1 year ago
So the wildest thing happened where @mactheactor decided to dub over (if that's even the correct terminology) the Chaos Sonic animation I made!!!!
I'm still in utter awe about this like, hands down the coolest thing ever I've been thinking about this non-stop. Hope y'all enjoy it as much as I do!!
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khiquii · 10 months ago
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He marches into the throne room and tosses his hood back. Immediately an array of blasters are on him, enough to bring him down, but he doesn’t care.
“Where is he?” he barks, glaring right at Boba Fett.
Fett raises his eyebrows. “Most people start with a greeting,” he says tersely.
Wild Mynock Chase
By pixie_rings
I had the great pleasure of collaborating with @materassassino and @fromthemouthofzabe in this year's Star Wars Big Bang! I cannot express how awesome big bang partners they were and just how fun the fic is! I was hooting and hollering the entire time I was reading! If y'all like Dinluke, BobaCobb, and the idea of Luke Skywalker and Boba Fett begrudgingly teaming up, check it out!
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annebd · 2 months ago
2024 fic wrapped
i was tagged by the lovely @pitforwets to share some fave fics from 2024! this was especially difficult because i joined f1 fandom in late 2023 and only really started reading fic in earnest in january of this year, which means that this is basically "choose your five fave f1 fics you've ever read." that's hard! with that in mind, this list is nowhere close to exhaustive of the amazing list of fics i've read this year. but in keeping with a list of five, here we go (in no particular order):
icarus by @eirianerisdar. i discovered this fic sometime in the spring. i specifically remember being so engrossed in it that first day that i stayed up until nearly 4 in the morning reading it, and i had to call off work the next day because i was so exhausted (shhhh, don't tell my boss!). it's wing!fic, to reduce it to its absolute most basic form, but it's infinitely more than that. the characterization and worldbuilding are a masterclass. the scene where seb walks through the track picking up feathers lives rent free in my mind. (as does the scene where daniel is a wiggly worm whose newly grown feathers are itchy. if you want a fic to have you giggling and sobbing in equal measure, this is the one)
Hey, Remember That Time by @powerful-owl. i'm not 100% sure, but i'm fairly certain that this is the first of em's fics that i read. and what an amazing introduction! i definitely know that it's the one that made me reach out to say hi on tumblr, and i'm so glad that i did! daniel has amnesia, and max runs an inn- what more could you ask for? one of my favorite parts of this fic is the way em writes charles- he's such a little weirdo, and i adore him beyond measure. also, there's a scene where max describes daniel's own dick to him, and boy howdy. it's a good scene, is what i'm saying.
Breaking Every Rule For You by @magicalrocketships. maxiel exchange dick pics. that's it, that's the post. but to be serious, this fic is 150k words of some of the hottest sex (and preludes to sex) you'll ever read, interspersed with genuinely incredible character growth and exploration. honestly, this fic makes me want to learn to be a better writer. each time a new chapter came out, i would devour it and think "god, i wish i could do that."
there's glitter on the floor after the party by @fiveredlights. there are few things that i'm weaker for than a well written epistolary/social media fic, and there is no one out there who does it quite like five! their writing is amazing, every single time, and the care that goes into crafting these fics is unbelievable. i'm reccing this particular fic because it's the first of their fics i'd ever read, but this is actually a rec for everything they've published, because every single fic is one banger after another. also, after the actual events of this year in real life, i'd much rather sink into the world of this fic and pretend this is how things went down with daniel's career instead.
Get It Right Back by @overtake. have i mentioned that i'm a sucker for a social media fic? because i am. and this fic has the perfect combo of traditional fic structure intertwined with social media elements. it's very newly published and has already worked its way up my faves list. another fantastic example of a fic running me through an entire rainbow of emotion. special shoutout to all the scenes between max, daniel, and max's nephews. the cuteness is too much to bear.
tagging everyone who wants to do their own wrapped list! this was so hard, but what a fun look back at the year. <3
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fenicearts420 · 2 months ago
Happy New Year’s Eve, y’all!
So, I wanted to make something with Mr. Puzzles and Marie for New Year’s and I had a vague idea for a scene I wanted to have between them, but I did not have the time nor the energy to put into making something like a full on “comic” or even a single drawing of the scene (as much as I really really really really really wanted to 😭💔)
So, I thought, “Hey, why not just put it in writing instead? Try my hand at it?” And as soon as I did, I realized I’m not good with trying to describe a character’s emotions through inner monologues or poetic language such as literally anyone with more writing experience and knowledge than me! I envy all you fanfic writers out there. Affectionately, of course <3 But, I still wanted to write it out and post it in time for New Year’s Eve, at least. So guess what?! Y’all are getting it in screenplay format where there’s no fluttery language and it’s literally just describing what is happening in the scene because it was the only way I could get it done without absolutely HATING MYSELF FOR IT!!!
Ahem, there’s also some Marie lore crumbs if any of y’all are interested in that. Prolly not, but they’re there anyways. So, without further adieu…
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girl-named-matty · 4 months ago
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dawnthefluffyduck · 10 months ago
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gay wizard
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passionpeachy · 10 months ago
I asked the universe to give me a genuine crush to think about because it's been so long since I had one and I'm tired of just yearning blindly and then it did......
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artingstarvist · 11 months ago
Chapter 4 / 15 "Reality"
Summary: Hua Cheng can’t get his God to eat; Xie Lian finally starts asking the right questions.
Additional Tags: Coffin Rescue, Coffin AU, AU - Canon Divergence, AU - Different First Meeting, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Identity Reveal, Revenge Plot, POV Alternating, Blood and Injury, Dream-Reality Confusion, Canon-Typical Violence, Hua Cheng AND Xie Lian have Self Esteem issues, Hua Cheng & Xie Lian Invented Love, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Hua Cheng bout to make it 34 gods
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Chapter 4 is up! Thanks for reading!
Also oops now it's gonna be 15 chapters.
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