#y'all should check it out!
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artsarasp · 4 months ago
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"The demon trapped beneath the mountain chuckled, his breath trailing off in a choked wheeze."
Howdy Howdy, I'm gonna be quietly insane about @mira-eyeteeth fic "Ouroboros" Where Shen Yuan transmigrated into Zhuzhi-Lang.
It's gonna be GREAT.
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ministarfruit · 17 days ago
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yuri month day 12: I want you to find me ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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slightlyartist · 10 months ago
✨ The First Collab in the Universe ✨
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channnel · 2 months ago
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This Au and its fanfics are amazing, and I love it. Oh, and don't worry- Bumblebee's fine.
A fanart for @pritong-baboy
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moongothic · 7 months ago
Madoka is the promise you won't turn from a child, full of hopes and dreams and the wish to save the world, into a bitter adult who just wants to hurt others and ruin people's lives
Madoka promised to be there for you to remind you of the person you wanted to be and to stop you from becoming what you sought to destroy
Madoka made that promise and became the very embodiment of it
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misakarose · 3 months ago
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S H A D E ✧ F I E N D
"Uh... fight for justice? Sounds boring. Nah... See this pale girl, diggin' her heels in? I'm fighting for Tanpopo Ohanami."
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echosong971 · 4 months ago
self-care is making D&Destiny character sheets for the Vanguard and your Young Wolf's fireteam
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raspberryfries · 3 months ago
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my favorite genre of cherik, as a virginian, is "virginia cherik" (or when they have a gayass scene in virginia together). and i mean, notice how only first class and dofp have these two in virginia together? and notice how they're the best x men "prequel" movies? mhm, mhm. virginia brings the QUALITY.
and virginia is for lovers, after all <3
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fungifanart · 2 years ago
MC: *trying to flirt for the umpteenth time*
Leona "All The Laxatives In The World Couldn't Help My Emotional Constipation" Kingscholar: Go. Away.
MC, clenching his fists: .......Stupid--
MC, hitting Leona's back: No-ass-having--
MC, grabbing and pulling at Leona's uniform and hair: STINKY HOBO PRINCE--
MC, throwing an absolute tantrum: LET ME LOVE YOU!!!
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aquaquadrant · 8 months ago
Word count: 1,200 Warnings: Violence, death, animal death A/N: My piece for the 5th edition of @trafficzine was Gem's session 7 task (the boogeyman apocalypse). Had lots of fun with it, please reblog/comment if u enjoy! - Aqua
It starts before Gem even opens her task book. 
Her mouth goes dry; she thinks it’s the shock, as she reads. It’s the weight of the task she’s just been given. She’s never been the boogeyman. That was before her time. And now she needs to infect the entire server. It’s a daunting task, but she’s up for the challenge. As she chats idly with her bandmates, a scratch starts up in her throat. She has to swallow down a cough a few times- though each time, her mouth gets drier.
After they disperse to prepare for their tasks, Gem kneels by the pond outside her cottage and scoops water into her cupped hands. But as soon as she puts it to her lips, it seems to evaporate. She can feel the water passing into her mouth, down her throat, into her stomach- but it does nothing to soothe her.
Her mouth is still dry. And worse, now- her stomach feels empty. Nibbling on a piece of steak brings a similar result; it’s dry and tough and flavorless, and after eating it, her stomach feels even emptier. There’s a powerful craving for… something inside her. An aching, yawning chasm in her heart.
It terrifies and confuses her. Is this what it’s like to be the boogeyman?
She stares at Scott and Impulse. They’re both green. They’re strong, healthy. She can see it in their eyes. And somehow, strangely enough, she can almost smell it on them- the extra hearts, the pure life flowing through their veins. It’s alluring. She licks her lips.
“Don’t come near me, just for a little while,” she tells them, turning away.
Gem’s kill on Bdubs leaves her reeling.
The second he poofs away, torn apart by zombies spawned by her hand, an odd sensation washes over her. It’s like the coolest, sweetest water soothing her sore throat. It’s a warm meal comfortably filling her stomach. It’s energy and strength flooding her veins, electricity out the tips of her fingers. After losing nearly two rows of hearts to Scar, it’s sorely needed. She’s almost giddy as she climbs back to the surface to find Bdubs.
He’s already licking his lips, before she even hands him the book. Killing is enough to spread the infection, then. As she guides him through the new task he’s been given, she feels her mouth go dry again, and she realizes that killing is only a temporary fix.
“You said you needed one more person,” Impulse says. Always eager to please, wanting to be involved in things. He thinks he understands, but he doesn’t. Not really.
Gem hesitates. “Trust me, you don’t- you don’t want…” She swallows, licks her lips. She and Bdubs have already tried and failed to kill Tango, and they’re both starting to feel it. Every step, every word, every breath takes more effort to get out. The scent of Impulse’s life is incredibly tempting, but she’d wanted to spare her band as long as she could. “I mean… no…”
Impulse insists. Bdubs kills him.
She sees him swallow it down; the relief that floods his wide eyes. The sudden vigor that returns to his body. The way he breathes a little easier. And she realizes that while the curse can only be spread if the newest victim takes part, the killer is the one who gets sated. 
Gem gasps. “You did it!” she cheers, even as she bites back her envy. “Did you gain hearts? You gained hearts, right? That felt good?”
“Yes, I did,” Bdubs breathes.
She tries not to hate him for it.
Gem’s sword slashes through the empty air where Scar used to be.
Pearl’s arrow got there a millisecond faster. Gem locks her feelings behind a smile of bared teeth. “Perfect,” she praises Pearl even though her mouth feels like sand and her limbs feel like lead. She’s been cursed longer than Pearl, she needs it more, can’t Pearl see how much she needed it?
She licks her lips. It doesn’t help.
Gem trudges next to Impulse, the cherry tree mountain looming before them. She gives him a sidelong look; Impulse’s face paint has dried into powder, dusted in the hollows of his cheeks. 
“Is the server weirdly quiet?” she asks. Every breath rasps against her throat, like she’s inhaling brambles. Her stomach gnaws at her. It’s been ages since her last kill.
“Yeah, I know,” Impulse murmurs. His eyes are sunken. He licks his lips.
“I would rather not kill Cleo, personally,” Etho says, because he’s still fresh and he doesn’t understand. He didn’t see the way she turned on Scott.
Gem nods. “Well, you have to participate in the next kill, for the curse to spread, so it’s your call.”
“Yeah, let’s go for Tango,” Etho decides, unsurprisingly.
She doesn’t mind. He’ll understand soon; he’s already clearing his throat.
Gem respawns in her cottage after a stray shot from Scar takes her last yellow hearts.
Scott’s there. He’s yellow, but still uninfected. The scent is maddening.
“How are you feeling?” Gem asks, her grip tightening on her sword.
He runs.
Wolves pour down the mountainside and sprint headlong into lava, all snapping jaws and burning fur. Their deaths bring Gem no satisfaction. Instead, she sets her sights on the life blood she can smell, sheltering behind the stone walls of the castle.
Her army has grown significantly. They swarm the castle almost like a single being, unified in mind and body. Not just by their shared task, but by their desperation to kill. To be sated.
“The curse feels so good,” Gem lies, as they close in on their next kill, “just let it take over!”
It’s Scar’s kill, in the end. She licks her lips.
Gem stands before the Secret Keeper.
She can feel the others’ eyes burning into the back of her skull. The resentment for bringing them to this point. Most have lost a life, and all have lost hearts. All this struggle just to fail at the end, when she could’ve spared them by failing at the start.
Despite her exhaustion, Gem keeps her shoulders back and chin up. She was given a nearly impossible task, and she nearly succeeded. She assembled an army and led it well. She doesn’t regret it. But privately, she’s glad it’s over.
“I failed!” Gem declares, hitting the button. 
This isn’t the first time she’s failed a task, but it’s the first time she’s failed as a red, and she isn’t prepared for what happens. The weight of the curse falls off her; body strengthening, mind sharpening. That much is back to normal.
But Gem is seized with horror as she finds that thirst, that hunger, that craving, is still there.
Martyn locks eyes with her from the assembled crowd. Martyn, the only person who was red without the curse. There’s understanding in his gaze, solemn and empathetic, and suddenly his eyes look more hollow than they used to.
And Gem realizes that while she might no longer be infected with the boogeyman curse, she’s still a red name, and there’s a reason they’ve always said the two things aren’t so different.
Her mouth is dry. She licks her lips.
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woeismywaffle · 2 years ago
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kanerallels · 2 months ago
You know, not every song writer could get away with writing a song that's just. Jesus's genealogy as seen in Matthew 1 set to music. But not only does Andrew Peterson get away with it, it's an absolute VIBE and one of my favorite songs in the album
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luckyyyduckyyy · 3 months ago
Happy thanksgiving y'all! And a good time zone to all my non-US/non-Turkey day havers lovelies!
Tis the season of thanks and I'm a very thankful goober this year! I only started getting active on Tumblr about half a year ago and there's already so many people and things I'm grateful for from this site alone! I've enjoyed so much art and events, participated in yap seshes, tag games, and ultimately felt pretty welcomed and at home on this site, and it's thanks to all you! <3<3<3
Special thanks to the DCA fandom in its entirety as well! All the discussions, artists, writers, and shared reposts with all the silly notes are awesome! Y'all inspire me all the time and make me wish I was more outgoing than I am just so I can say hello to each and every one of you!!!!
The list gets long, so for the sake of those scrolling by, I have put it below! Have a lovely day everyone! <3333
@midnight-mourning Your writing is just wonderful. It's everything!!! I adore it so much and your CS boyos have wormed their way into my heart and refuses to leave. Some of my favorite songs even remind me of them! (Don't tell Moon this but I am very attached to CS Sun-)(Honestly gotta be my favorite Sun I've read fr fr) Also! Thank you for just being so supportive, thinking about me in tag games, and giving ALL the tag notes! They're a wonder to read and have me bounce off the walls! I'm always so happy we're mooties! ❤️❤️❤️ (Also, fun fact, you're my first mutual too! It's insane to me HOW DID THIS HAPPEN GUAHPHIAHDKA)
@pointyfruit You! Your art? Muah, wonderful. I don't even care if it's not dca related because it's so good. The shape language, art style, and just unique takes on just anything and everything blows my mind! Let's not forget COLORS. Oml they are so PRETTY. It's like an explosion I never want to end. 💥💥💥 Also! So goofy, so silly, and COTL enjoyer! Let's GOOOOO!!! I don't engage with the fandom much but I DO love the game and honestly I almost beat it, but still have not because I don't wanna do the final boss fight. It can't be over bros... Anyways when I see your posts I always wanna just wave like a neighbor seeing ya blow up 10 boxes of fireworks on a casual Tuesday afternoon. 👋👋👋:D
@divinit3a SPINS YOU!!! 🐶🐕🐶 Heya silly meister! In the midst of reading your work, gotta say? Muwah, Perfecto! The sillies are putting me on a rollercoaster and I'm stuck on the ride! While my ability to yap is a coin flip every hour, you happen to bring the yappening out of me with all the fun notes and posts you do--We've already had so many fun convos! Speaking of posts, the art is peak and will STAY peak! The designs? Muwah. The colors? Muwah. You make even the creepiest of goobers hauntingly beautiful! We've may not have known each other for long, but you're someone I look forward to seeing on my dash/notifications every time I open the app! ❤️❤️❤️
@sinister-sincerely Hi!!!! I'm still sometimes in awe realizing we're mutuals! I really love your work and if I'm in the mood to read something but I don't know what, I tend to turn to Aftersome often, even though I've read both the og and the rewrite! It's like you're the master of writing angst, bitter unrequited feelings, and the strange tenseness but want of confusing relationships. It's gut wrenching and I wish I could write something so evoking! All your stories are amazing and I seriously hope you know that, they're such heavy hitters that they have marked a place in my memory. ❤️ Your art too is wonderful! They don't pop up often but when they do it's a real treat! I love that you use grey scale in a lot of your works and the style is just so pleasing to look at. Whenever I see the DCA in your style I wanna give them the biggest hugs, even if they'd pry me off seconds later! ✨✨✨
@r0b0s-robos / @r0b0-wannabe Waving at you excitedly!!! It's always a pleasure to see your reposts, you always find the good stuff! Plus, you always are trying to help out others and it's amazing to see, your efforts are able to make great impacts. :333 You're also another writer I appreciate immensely, and I'm so invested in your botanist au. The sillies and their botanist who is desperately trying not to fall in love with them!!! ADORE THEM!!! I can't wait to read more! ❤️❤️❤️ The times you post about writing ideas or silly things about the DCA has me nodding my head with a smile. Also, the little notes you leave in tags, despite usually being brief, always makes me so happy! It's like seeing the kind stoic look at you from their seat, let out a small smile, and say "I love this"- and then suddenly it's a blast of blinding white light of endearment straight to my heart. K.O.!
@chickenchirps27 Welcome back!!! I've noticed you've been much more active recently and it's always fun to see what you got goin on! Obligatory art mention, but it would be criminal to NOT mention it. ITS!!! AMAZING!!! THEY LOOK LIKE ROCK CANDY!!! Colors!!! I love it so much, the goobers look delicio- I mean they look adorable and masterfully crafted in each piece of art! And your sona, ugh, she's so gorgeous and alien in the best ways possible. I've never seen anything like her and I am in awe of how you came up with all her little details. Those mantis arms are SICK and I want them!!! (Though drawing may be a little hard if I had em-)✨✨✨
@amarynthian-fortress / @amarynthian-chronicles Hehehe! Boops you! >:D Honestly, thank you for always being the biggest sweetheart around and being so welcoming. You're one of the people that made me feel able to crack my shell more and be more active on here! Your writing is whimsical, your reposts and comments are always so kind and feel-goody, and you just always show you care and the randomest times! Catch me off guard why don't you! I love all the snippets and treats you post, and I'm saving many of your stories to read for rainy days! ❤️❤️❤️
@ping-ski My reaction to us becoming mutuals was- 💥💥💥:OOOOO💥OO💥💥 I think I've followed you right when I started getting active on here and gah, your art is wonderful. So lovely, stylized, and colored so simply yet so appealingly that I can't stop looking. Your aus make me want to read them and their designs are always top tier! Also, I cannot forget to mention you are SILLAY!!! So silly! Your comments on reposts are goofy and I love to read them whenever they come up on my dash! Not to mention your own posts- I will never forget the 3-in-1 solid block of dca encased in ice. I was in awe of seeing them encased and I suddenly wanted my own dca ice cubes to put into a drink and try not to choke on. ✨✨✨
@quilteddreamz Your writing. Oh my GOSH your writing! It's wonderful, beautiful, gah, I can't wait for your advent calender! I wish I could do something for it but I got 3 more weeks of large projects tapped to my back. I am sending much luck your way and know that I am excited to enjoy some daily dca! Don't break yourself over it too! I may adore the goobers but you're most adored first! Take care and keep being such a whimsical person! Muwah! ✨✨✨
@flowysgonemad You are also! Silly!!! You are so fun to see popping around my dash and your doodles just make me go :333 every time! I love your aus and you're a very kind/goofy person! I don't even remember how we became mutuals but garsh diggity dang it, it's awesome to see ya and anything you yap about!
There are MANY more mooties I want to appreciate and show off, but I fear I am currently omw to go to a large thanksgiving dinner and I'm expecting to be there for the rest of the day. SO! If you weren't listed, please know that I AM thinking of you! Have a wonderful time zone, and just know that my heart is so full knowing that you're all there! I can't believe there is that many of you to begin with that I can't fit you all within the time frame! (Would you believe me if I said coming up with all the right words to say here took me 2 1/2 hours?)
So! To all my beloved writers, artists, and sillies alike! From the bottom of my heart, really, thank you! For being here, even reading this, and appreciating the things I do as much as I appreciate you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✨✨✨✨✨✨
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mawrrbid · 8 months ago
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Dropping this commission I just got from Chizu!
I love it so much akdkdkdkf, I need to get more art from her (as if I didn't have enough already). TT
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ghost-of-ikebukuro · 1 month ago
Oh yeah! I should share the Dollars chat icons I made for my ocs
In order, Jam, Honey, and Savvati
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lonerisn · 12 days ago
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ALLURE // sultry, mysterious, and effortlessly divine
listen here on spotify
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