#Then you imagine that dattebayo
moongothic · 2 months
Madoka is the promise you won't turn from a child, full of hopes and dreams and the wish to save the world, into a bitter adult who just wants to hurt others and ruin people's lives
Madoka promised to be there for you to remind you of the person you wanted to be and to stop you from becoming what you sought to destroy
Madoka made that promise and became the very embodiment of it
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pettyoddity · 7 months
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mwah mwah
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ladykissingfish · 1 year
*18-year old Naruto going to Sasuke’s house for dinner*
Sasuke: Such a long walk out here … but I guess it helps us build an appetite for dinner, eh?
Naruto: True.
Sasuke: Mom’s really excited that you’re coming, you haven’t been able to come in so long. Her and Itachi have been in the kitchen all —
*Naruto abruptly lets go of Sasuke’s hand as they come within view of the house*
Sasuke: Hey … why’d you do that?
Naruto: Don’t want him to see …
Sasuke: Him? Oh, you mean Madara?
Naruto: Yeah. I’m pretty sure your grandpa hates me, dattebayo.
Sasuke: He’s not my — he doesn’t —- well okay you’re probably right. But to be fair he hates pretty much everyone.
Naruto: He doesn’t hate you …
Sasuke: No, and I can’t really figure that out. But Itachi thinks that maybe it’s because I remind him of his brother Izuna.
Naruto: Whatever the case, I know he thinks I’m not good enough for you, Sasuke. Last time you left us alone he called me “an inferior carrier of the Uzumaki genes” and insulted Kurama so bad I almost lost control of him!
Sasuke: You think that’s bad? Obito brought Kakashi over two nights ago because Kakashi wanted his permission to “court” Obito, right? He didn’t even get the words out before gramps tried to impale Kakashi with his cane. Took everyone in the house to hold him back from trying to take out Kakashi’s sharingan with his soup spoon.
Naruto: Wait … does he expect that? Like, should I have gone to him for permission to date you??
Sasuke: He expects a lot of things as the clan elder. But we’re already dating. Asking “permission” seems a bit unnecessary.
Naruto: It’s unnecessary but like you said, he’s your clan elder. It’s probably a respect thing to him, dattebayo. Okay! It’s too late for it tonight, but next week I’m going to come at him full-force. I’ll wear a kimono and bring gifts for everyone in your family, the biggest present of all will be his. I’ll kneel in front of him and formally ask his permission to marry you!
Sasuke: M-marry?!
Naruto: Yeah! If he’s gonna try and kill me anyway, I may as well go all the way with it, right?
Naruto: Oooh I know, I’ll do it on Tuesday, my birthday! That way if he says Yes, it’ll be like I’ve gotten that one dream present I’ve always wanted; my Sasuke! *kisses Sasuke*
Sasuke, blushing: A-and if he says no?
Naruto: Then I can be one of those cool people who can say that their birthday and their death-day is the same day, dattebayo. Man, suddenly I’m super hungry. Let’s go! *runs ahead of him to the house*
Sasuke: He goes from saying the sweetest thing imaginable to the dumbest shit possible. And the sad thing is I want to marry him more than anything.
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three-milkz · 6 days
I'm a firm believer that Naruto and Sakura share a brain cell, because best friends do that, so I can only imagine them whispering to each other while watching Obito and Kakashi's interactions.
S: They kind of have a lot of tension, don't you think?
N: Don't even say it, it's embarrassing, dattebayo.
S: I was always curious to know why Kakashi-sensei was single. Now I know why.
When Sakura and Obito look for Sasuke, I can't help but imagine them having a very serious conversation...
S: Is Kakashi-sensei very important to you? Because I noticed the way you looked at him.
O: Let's just say that Kakashi is one of the few reasons I had to go through with the plan.
S: So you wanted a perfect dream world for Kakashi-sensei because he's very important to you or...
Sakura narrows her eyes suspiciously. If Obito and Kakashi-sensei liked each other, she couldn't stop it, but she COULD have a say in it.
S: If you plan on making Kakashi-sensei happy, you can try to redeem your sins by going to prison and... I don't know, maybe marrying him. And if you hurt him again, I'll kill you.
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lonelyroommp3 · 5 months
the big thing about bill hader tulpa post to me as well is on the surface it looks like you’re essentially getting a pretty decent teachable moment along the lines of “sometimes you have to be a bit mentally ill to get mentally well so if imagining you’re on a date with your celebrity crush is what makes you feel less anxious about doing an activity solo then snatch up that table for two dattebayo” but then it takes a sharp left turn into. well. bill hader tulpa.
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yellowocaballero · 2 months
Fantastic question. In what context did that phrase even come up. It's entirely possible that Obito just has a chronic case of being a Naruto character and cannot physically stop himself from spouting ridiculous slogans nonstop. What is a Naruto character without their slogans, mottos, creeds, etc, etc.
An actual answer: I imagine he said it in context of talking about Sakuragakure as a whole and her obligations to helping the poor, downtrodden, etc. I also imagine that he did a lot of monologing during their time on the road on what a ninja should be, the morals and ethics a human being should have, and what level of murder was okay, and that slogan would have come up a lot. Remember that the science experiment was 'can i create a little angel who will do only good on this world', so I think he found the need to incorporate a lot of weird ethics lessons in there. Doubtlessly Sakura remembers them all as very confusing and weird ethics lessons. But they were ethics lessons!
Equally doubtlessly, ethics doesn't exist in Naruto at this point in time. Obito stole the concept from 20 years from now, when Naruto officially introduces the concepts of ethics to the ninja world. Dattebayo.
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xxkylarthelonerxx · 9 months
Do u have any favourite games or manga :?
this is going to be a long post... i don't even think anyone will care to read it, but whatever... i don't care.
games -
i've been getting into osu! recently again. maybe i'll post some of my scores here. i think i'm pretty good.
overwatch, fortnite, etc have been fun on and off, but i can never get that invested. i don't really like playing with people online anyway, it just reminds me how much everyone sucks in general.
i like rpgs and stuff because i can show off my achievements to my darling easily in those usually. final fantasy, persona, whatever. visual novels are fun too, but i've gotten more picky with those lately...
and i like to practice games that couples usually play, like minecraft and stardew valley, just so that i can impress my darling with my skills once they do come live with me!
also any h-game where u can customize the characters are great. for obvious reasons... who wouldn't want to get off to their darling instead of some randos?? i've had fun with ai shoujo and honeyselect, but even with how much customization there is in those two, it's not like the character ends up looking that much like them... but even a semblence of similarity is better than nothing, though!
i guess i would try any game once though. let me know if anyone has any suggestions of things to play.
manga -
listing all of my favorites would take a while. i've been into manga for a long time, it's basically all i read.
i mean, i've liked naruto since i was a kid, the characters are so cool. dattebayo!! i think i would be part of the uchiha clan if i isekai'd into that world.
death note is one of my favorites too! i tried making my own death note a while back but it didn't work (not sure why), so i just use it as a sketchbook now. maybe i'll try again later. what i wouldn't give for a real one though...
uhh... i love anything with male yanderes that i can relate to also, or at least stalkers/slashers. tonari no seki no hen na senpai is fun to space out to and imagine myself in the guy's place, just as long as i can imagine the protag as my love, of course. that could be us if we worked in an office together... though i don't really get why the protagonist was so scared of that guy? obviously that would be different in our case...
i'll also always pick up any random romance manga if it has a love interest or protag that looks like my darling. it's nice since i can just imagine myself as any black-haired anime protag. and then i can daydream about doing fun things with my love!!
kind of related too. my pfp is from killer in love, which i picked up just because i thought i could relate to this character after seeing him around, but for some reason he ended up being like an antagonist? that was a really random choice... i wish i could rewrite it to make him get with the protagonist, i really don't know why they made him out to be so weird... so i guess i don't recommend that one. but it's just an example.
... oh yeah, and tokyo ghoul is another long-term favorite of mine. so cool.
honestly i need to make a myanimelist account at some point so you all can see how much i've read/watched, cause i'm sure it's way more than most of you.
...but that's it for this post. bye.
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frankencanon · 1 year
You know how Kishimoto revealed that Kakashi was originally going to speak like a Samurai, ending sentences with the verbal tic "de gozaru" much like Naruto does with "dattebayo" and Deidara with "un"?
Right, well I had an idea:
What if it was a Hatake thing that Kakashi had picked up from his father, a remnant of when the Hatake were a Samurai Clan?
And what if, as one of only two living Hatake, the verbal tic was strongly associated with Hatake Sakumo, the White Fang, in particular? At least amongst Konoha nin.
And what if Kakashi intentionally made an effort to drop it in the wake of his father's suicide in order to further distance himself from him? Much like the headcanon about Kakashi wearing his mask to hide how much he looks like Sakumo.
More fun ideas:
1. What if it slips out when he's drunk? Can you imagine? Most people's speech gets more casual or coarse when drunk, but Kakashi? No, Kakashi gets alarmingly formal. It freaks people out and confuses the hell out of them at the same time.
2. After Kannabi Bridge — after Obito knocks some sense into Kakashi, and after Kakashi stops trying so hard to be so different from his father — he tries to pick it back up again, but it's been so long that it's annoyingly difficult and winds up taking a long, long time for Kakashi to be able to use it casually again without having to think about it beforehand.
3. Kakashi spent so long repeatedly forcing himself to say it again in an effort to pick it back up that when he's disguised as Sukea it just sort of...slips out. Whoops? Accidental face reveal? Let's just hope there weren't too many people around to hear him say it, since everyone knows there's only one person in all of Konoha who ends their sentences with -de gozaru.
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naru-uzumaki · 2 months
❛ you really haven’t changed, have you? ❜ // Imagine Hitsugaya dropping into Konoha after years had passed and he meets Adult Naruto for the first time. He'd be like Damn! You got old ... but you haven't changed B')
@ryusxnka // random sentence things.
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OF COURSE HE HAD CHANGED --- he stood with his chest high at the comment, facing his old friend. He was even ( taller ) now! ❝ I bet'cha I could still beat you at eating ramen dattebayo! ❞
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silverserpent · 1 year
Guys there is a post about how pretending to be pikmin can and does make your executives stop dysfunctioning
and then one of the reblogs says something like "if you wash your teeth because naruto would be proud of you for it then grab that toothbrush dattebayo"
I can't find it but it happened to me too: I get way more motivated to do my class on the network-y stuff that's quite monotone and very confusing if I imagine fuckin. Yellow. the stick figure from Alan Becker's animations. running around on my screen.
They would happy flap at the thing I'm studying and I can't NOT match their energy at least a little bit!!
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transgenderbread · 3 months
that post thats like 'sometimes you have be mentally ill to be mentally well grab that toothbrush dattebayo' but its me imagining luffy one piece telling me to wash my bedsheets
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ladykissingfish · 4 months
Kakashi: Gai? I have a question.
Gai: Yes?
Kakashi: What is it called when you don’t want to punch anyone? Like, if I’m sitting in one spot and it’s not too hot and not too cold and I have good food in my stomach and everything went right today? What’s that called?
Gai: … Are you saying you’re happy?
Kakashi: Huh; is THAT what happiness feels like? I’ve read about it so many times but never imagined I’d experience it for myself. What do I do now?
Gai: You relax and enjoy it, rival!
Kakashi: … Relax?
Gai: Yes.
Kakashi: And … and enjoy being happy?
Gai: That’s the idea!
Kakashi, sweating: This is terrifying. Please do something.
Gai: Kakashi, what do you —
*Naruto comes running up*
Naruto: Oi, Sensei! I … kinda did something you might get mad about, dattebayo. Sakura said I should confess before —
Kakashi: *lets out a sigh of relief and embraces Naruto* Oh thank Kami.
Naruto: But … but I haven’t even told you what I did?
Kakashi: Doesn’t matter. Good boy, Naruto!
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saturnssz · 2 years
Some stans absolutely do act like sn is still the majority, I was actually disappointed and confused that I kept running into so much ns lmaoo. They stay whining and complaining about girly naruto that straight women self insert into as if current ns isn't just that but reversed. Only thing is its probably less about being attracted to naruto and more wanting to be taken care of since thats what ns content centers around. The dynamic is always naruto somewhat taking care of or babying traumatized (quiet/fragile/subdued or tsundere supreme who refuses to ask for help) sasuke who takes up cooking/gardening or generally starts to act like a housewife.
There's sooo much content treating sasuke like a girl but for them it's justified because of the yin-yang dynamic. Ns stans draw for literally anything to make sasuke feminine but sn stans are still the cringe self insert devils. Can you imagine sn stans using boruto and sarada as proof for who's "the girl" in the relationship.
Idk which editor or whoever called sasuke the heroine but they've done irreparable damage, and that one shot manga mario or something too. Then there's posts saying sasuke is naruto's kushina and taking jabs at "Naruto self inserts" saying the popular naruto-kushina sasuke-minato isn't the way kishimoto sees it as if them and kishimoto know eachother.
I stumble upon ns fics sometimes and their descriptions of naruto as some (insert masculine adjective), sweaty, rough etc etc is so.. 😭 I've never read sn fics where sasuke is described like that. Don't even get me started on the way they draw him in fanart sometimes where naruto is broad and thick while sasuke is slim with the thinnest waist. If you follow ns stans you'd think sasuke was this sassy dainty twink or hinata 2.0. It's like they're so caught up in the symbolism and couple comments from creators they forget there's more to the characters and start pushing them into boxes, mainly the masculine/feminine active/passive ones.
Sorry for the long rant I've just seen too much 😭
Anon! If you're seeing this answer please follow me or send me a message you're so fucking funny. And you're right. Not gonna over it again cause I explained myself to other anons. But it's totally true, this is the state this shipping fandom is in and I want no part in it. I got like, most of them blocked by now and I dont regret it lol!! A bunch of hypocrites. It feels like now that I've spoken out a lot of people feel the same way so it makes me feel as if I know what I'm talking about 😭 I ain't the only one seeing this shit lmao. Like lemme see what you're seeing, cause I ain't seeing it unless I go look for post in 2014. And you're right about the fics too. Modern ones always make sure to point out that they're both pretty. Like he's ethereal, but they get it sorta way. At this point, they're what they fear and vilify those who like sasunaru more. They won't ever shut up about us, too, like they're still in 2010....youre like almost 30 move on. Oh the irony...
And on top of that, that dumbass "kushina parallel" gotta be one of my biggest peeves. NO READING COMPREHENSION. Take off the shipping googles for the n*rus*su stans and see that Naruto IS compared to his mother. Like what the hell?? 😭 They both have the dattebayo tick, they're both firey, outgoing and strong in their own right. Minato, his fucking dad outright states, "wow, you look a lot like your mother!" Does he have to have red hair to make it ANY more apparent? And I don't like naruhina, more dislike/neutral, but even in that boruto illustration Naruto was the one MIMICKING his mother while Hinata was Minato. Like ain't no way you despise the thought so much you start making up things. No, that does not mean he's super femme now, just that he takes after his mother in personality and looks. He's his mother, sasuke...idk. he doesn't fit Minato in my opinion LOL. You done got me heated, one of my most hated posts omg 😭 went on a tangent sorry about that
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tangerinni · 1 year
Tbh I am definitely glad that Jiang Cheng doesn't follow the jiang sect motto entirely the way it was meant to be followed 😌 it makes him way more appealing to me!!! 🤠🤠🤠
Also I don't really care for it in a fictional setting lol (especially for my fave) it was certainly teaching/promoting something good for the cultivation world! Healthy vibes and all that so we stan ✌ but it SCREAMS anime main character vibes lol (specifically shounen main characters) like yay!! wooo!! main character you do you and stay hustling and promoting your righteousness to the world!! I DON'T NEED THAT ENERGY FROM JIANG CHENG!!! 😭😭😭
Anyways it's something I'd imagine like Naruto saying LMAO "strive for the impossible, dattebayo Sasuke!" Or some sh*t 💀
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yellowocaballero · 2 months
inosakusasu is the biggest-brained ot3 i've heard of yet.
It would be the biggest mess of all time. I don't blame Obito for refusing to allow the possibility. Can you imagine the drama. The volume. The in-law situations. Absolute worst. Ino deserves Sakuragakure but Sakuragakure deserves better than her.
More seriously, I would have LOVED for Ino to actually appear in the story, but sadly it was complicated enough and she didn't fit thematically. My mental Naruto is InoSaku but the Meg Ideal Naruto Situation is Team 7 OT3. Love is love, dattebayo.
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vocalpulse · 6 months
You are listening to
*Yamete Kudasai*
Real Anime FM
Where we play nothing but the best of anime!
*Frying pan sound effect*
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*Imagine Dragons - Radioactive starts playing*
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