#y’all have no idea how much trouble I had trying to do this one before I just decided to go a capella
running-tweezers · 3 months
🎭Redacted Theater Kid Thursday Friday🎭
David - The Seraph from 35mm
Special Edition aka “Oh god oh fuck I’m a little scared to put this one out” edition
I had the idea for this one ages ago, and I wanted to do it before the Wedding. Then I had a TON of trouble with it and nearly gave up. (The original recording is entirely out of my range, it’s too obscure to find a good vocal track ANYWHERE, etc.) But now the wedding is coming Tomorrow and I just wanted to make it work. So here is a minimally edited, completely a-cappella version of The Seraph from 35mm (she says shaking with fear)
But first we should talk about 35mm.
35mm is a SUPER unique show. It isn’t even technically a musical. It’s referred to as a “musical exhibition”, somewhere between musical theater and an art exhibition. It is a collaboration between composer Ryan Scott Oliver and his partner, art photographer Matthew Murphy. Every song in the exhibition is paired with a photograph. Some of the songs were written using the photo as inspiration, some of the photos were taken using the song as inspiration, some of them were completely collaborative.
You may have heard some songs from it, specifically Leave Luanne and The Ballad of Sara Berry have really breached containment as great stand alone story songs. But there are SO many really good songs that I feel are overlooked, including this one.
This song was a no brainer for David. The use of angel imagery made it too perfect. Especially now as we’re coming up on their wedding, this feels like such a perfect encapsulation of their entire relationship from David’s pov. His Angel has helped guide him into the person he is today, whether or not he thinks he deserves it.
Tbh took a lot of hyping myself up to post something like this, without a track or anything to hide behind. Other than the vocal presets on GarageBand, this is as raw as it gets. So I hope you enjoy it either way!
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mayariviolet · 28 days
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𝐏𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐞𝐚 / 𝐈’𝐦 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐧.
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Episode Two of First Love / Late Spring.
summary: “You believe me like a god; I'll destroy you like I am.” // “Please don’t look at me. I can see it in your eyes; he keeps looking at me. Tell me, what have you done?” //
Some letters that were addressed to you dated before and after Suguru defected, still in their sealed envelopes.
cw: f!reader x Geto, mentions of murder, blood, mental instability, swearing, suggestive themes, angst, Geto being over protective.
a/n: Hi… sorry it took me so long to update this my cousin died in March and I haven’t been the same since… Thank you all for being so patient! Also, so sorry if I forgot to tag someone on this update. My mind has been all over the place. Gonna also link the songs the titles are based on so y’all can see the vision fr. Also on Ao3.
wc: 5.9k
🏷️: @jeanboyjean @tacobellfreshavocado @r0ckst4rjk
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August 2007
One week before he defected.
Dear Friend,
Do you ever think about that saying, "people are captains of their own fate?" I do. Then again, what about those who think they're "captains of their fate." Or even worse- a fully prepared fool who still gets it wrong. Where do these people end up? Were they predestined to fail?
Anyhow, I think I'm about to make a big mistake.
Well, I've been thinking about this decision for a while. In general, I've been thinking a lot. You've probably noticed my absent stares and maybe you said something in regards to how I look. But I'm having trouble remembering. If you didn't notice, I don't blame you. Even though I want you to notice. You've been going gone through a lot. But then again, so have I.
Yuki and I had a conversation that stuck with me. If you're wondering, it's not about what my kind of woman is. I'm still embarrassed that you overheard that. Even more so, I didn't give a direct answer. However, I don't think my coy, halfway glances at you gave away too much…
When you pulled Haibara away for something I can't remember now (I think you were asking me to come take a look at your door), Yuki plopped down next to me. She was spread out obnoxiously, and my eyes were too heavy to see her expression.
Thus, I was resigned to her rants and entertained some of her ideas. Somewhere in that conversation it brought to light some questions that had been rattling around my brain after what happened with Rika. I'm trying to push away those uncertainties.
I should clear the air right now- you did what you could. What happened or did not happen is not your fault. I will tell you that a million times- however many you need.
If anything, it's my fault for not being there for you. I will always be there for you. It might be in a way that doesn't make sense, but I am there nonetheless.
Sorry about making excuses and skipping our movie nights. Sleeping has been difficult. Maybe it's because you're not here. I don't want you to worry about me- but I also do at the same time. It's an odd feeling, wanting something or someone, having multiple opportunities to do something about it, and letting time slip you by either way.
As I'm writing this, I remember a conversation with your mom about how "right now time is your friend. But later, time will be your enemy."
Maybe tomorrow we can have a conversation about how I'm feeling. I always feel at ease talking to you.
I hope that feeling is mutual.
Sincerely and with love,
Four days before he defected.
Dear Friend,
Uhm, unfortunately, our conversation did not… go well. That's putting it lightly. When I told you about my plan, the expression plastered on your face was something I would carry with me forever. It was agonizing to see you look at me with such disgust.
My chest was tightening, and I could feel you pulling at my hair sharply as you braided it before letting go. Watching you stomp out of my bedroom door through the reflection of my rickety vanity mirror, I have never felt worse in my life, but at the same time, so firm in the choice I'm making—a paradox in real time.
I didn't say it in my last letter, but I'm leaving Jujutsu Society and this bullshit mission made by people who probably need help wiping their ass.
Sorry, that last part was a little profane, but I know you agree with it. I mean, what good is there in protecting people who don't even appreciate what you do? I spent a lot of time reflecting on what happened in the last year and a half, outweighing the pros and cons. The pros obviously involved you, but the cons also involved you.
There's also the fact that I spend a lot of time sitting in my dark room- until the sun is barrelling over the horizon and seeping into my blinds. I wish you had been there during those moments. I'll think about our childhood, your birthday party, how we began writing letters, the day we got recruited to become Jujutsu sorcerers and the overwhelming optimism you had.
We had an opportunity to escape that hell hole town, and we took it without even thinking that staying there might have been less painful than leaving. Sure, we had a couple of surface-level friends, but at the end of the day, we had each other.
God, I wish that was enough.
I think about how happy people must be living in their ignorance, and I get angry again. So, I write. Primarily to you, even though I never express my frustrations. I'm infuriated that no matter what we do, how much we I excorsise curses (that, if born from my own emotions, would definitely be a Special Grade in its own right), it's not enough for those gas bags.
Yes, I might be considered one of the 'strongest,' but I don't want to be, at least, for people who don't deserve it. It's annoying, though, how you've maintained your optimism all of these years.
I shouldn't say annoying.
It's endearing how you want to nurture the world I want to burn to the ground. Well, 'burning to the ground' is a little extreme. I should say I want to make the world a better place for you and me, not those monkeys.
Emphasis on only for you and me.
Sincerely and with love,
September 2007
The day he defected.
Dear Friend,
Well, what's done is done. I'm leaving today. I'd like to say that I'm going without any regrets, but I have one stupid thing sticking around my head. Yaga asked if there was anyone who might be interested in accompanying me on this mission I've been assigned. He kept glancing over my shoulder.
I didn't need to turn around to see who he was talking about. You and Satoru were doing some training or something of the sort. My fist tightened when Satoru told you a stupid joke, and you laughed.
I mean, he's not that funny…
I wasn't mad that you were laughing at his joke, obviously. I was furious because, for the first time since we were kids, I felt disconnected from my body. To be honest, I've been feeling like this for a while. Like I was floating above it all, and what I saw was a future without us, me, you.
You should know by now what I told Yaga.
I'll leave my door open with a note in the hopes you can understand. Or even better yet, come find me after this mission is done.
Sincerely and with love,
Two and a half weeks after he defected.
Dear Friend,
Sorry I haven't written in a while. I've been preoccupied with this mission and tying up some loose ends. I'll explain later, please don't mind the blood on this letter. I didn't write for a while since I half expected to see you with flushed cheeks chasing after me.
I should've known better than to wait for you.
Alas, laying low due to tying up said loose ends is proving to be quite time-consuming. So here's a recap of what I've gotten up to:
Finished the mission (easy work)
Adopted twin girls (not easy work)
Visited our hometown
Saw my parents (not easy work)
Visited your parents (kind of easy work?)
I checked in on that grandma we used to help (unfortunately, she's sick, so my visit was brief).
I explained to my parents the predicament I've found myself in (See the part where I said 'not easy work').
Argued with my parents and then yours.
Settled into my childhood bedroom from complete exhaustion of arguing with those monkeys.
Set a plan to finish up with my loose ends…
I hope you're well. The rain is washing away any residual blood (not mine) on my things. I'll have to stop by a pharmacy to get some hydrogen peroxide to lift any stains the rain might miss.
Drink some tea, and get some sleep. If you're missing me like I am missing you, just sleep with that sweater I gave you. Although it's not me, I hope it will be enough in the meantime. In a roundabout way, it's like I'm still there holding you while you sleep, right? At least, that's how I like to think about it.
Don't worry. I'm not mad that you kept it; I always thought it looked better on you than it did on me.
Sincerely and with love,
(P.S.) My letters will be spread more from here on out. I don't want to accidentally leave anything that might make it easier for someone to find my whereabouts. That doesn't mean I'm not thinking about you. I'm always thinking about you.
October 2007
One month after he defected.
Dear Friend,
It feels like every time I write to you, I apologize for not saying enough. Which is funny, because that's how we I started writing letters to each other in the first place. Well, kinda. From now on, I'll keep my apologies to a minimum.
It's hard to keep track of the days that are passing, but I know that by now, Satoru has told you what I've done. It's completely necessary, by the way.
Killing my parents. Killing yours. Killing that grandmother. She was sick anyway.
I would like to think I put her out of her misery. I killed whatever remained of that god-forsaken, hell-hole town. I'll spare the details of what happened when I exterminated our my old life.
Just know that I had no remorse for killing your father and only a little for your mother. They died knowing you were okay and, unfortunately, with a smile on their face. I was surprised that they didn't immediately turn into curses. I guess you've been talking to them. Or were talking to them.
When I left that town bloodied and empty, I felt like a bird finally escaping a circus master's cage. Doing all of this will make it easier to forget. It was the closing chapter of a book I had no pleasure in reading. Please don't thank me for what I've done.
Right now, Mimiko and Nanako (the twin girls I saved during that mission) are having a hard time sleeping. I'm watching their furrowed brows and how their mouths twitch in their sleep. I guess even in their dreams, they can't rest. Sounds like someone I know knew.
In about five minutes, one of them will wake up and then another. I'll need to tend to their troubled minds soon enough. Before that happens, I will say sorry one last time. Sorry.
Knowing you, you're probably waiting up for me, probably in your room, probably waiting with Satoru, whose sweaty palms and jittery disposition betray his cool facade.
Maybe Satoru will take my absence as an opportunity to teach you about Digimon. It will be nice for you to take up another hobby. Or get into gardening again. I remember how much you wanted to start.
Eat well, get some sleep (or try to), and be kind to yourself. At least enough for both of us. Hell knows I haven't done that in a while.
Sincerely and with love,
November 2007
Two months since he defected.
Dear Friend,
There was something in my last letter that I forgot to mention. It was one of the things that I told Satoru. I said that I hated righteous people- which is true to some capacity.
Sincerely and with love,
Two and a half months after he defected.
Dear Friend,
We're getting rain again. I realized that I might be repeating the same mistakes as your monkey parents by being too proud to lease a decent place. But things are getting harder to maneuver through what little connections to jujutsu society I have without tipping off any higher-ups. Mei Mei offered me some jobs that she said 'wasn't worth her time for the money.'
I guess I'm worthless.
But money is money, and I have two daughters now. Is it possible for curses to smell even worse when the holidays come around? I suppose so- with all the lonely people without any family to celebrate with. You can't help but think that they may have isolated themselves. I don't blame them.
Long story short, I've scraped up enough money to lease a place away from the higher-ups. Should I start looking for furniture made by sorcerers? Or should I swallow my pride and just buy some mid-tier premade stuff? Second hand? But then again- there's the issue of residual curse energy. But I could always take care of that.
I'm feeling exhausted again.
Sincerely and with love,
February 3rd 2008
Six months after he defected.
Dear Friend,
Maybe it's the nostalgia, maybe it's the first birthday I'm celebrating without you, but I keep reliving that weekend prior to it all. That house in Okinawa. The moon was hanging in the sky while the stars pricked the darkness, shining brightly. Sounds of waves crashing against the rocky shore, pulling whatever footprints or human error into the black abyss.
There wasn't a cloud in the sky. You insisted that Satoru get some sleep and that we take turns keeping watch. He shook his head and stupidly emphasized that he was fine. Satoru's heavily lidded expression did very little to disguise his fatigue- both of us could tell.
I was watching you, and you were watching him. I felt sick.
Satoru suggested that you get some rest first since you planned the whole trip for Rika, and you scowled before trudging over to the couch, insisting that you weren't tired. I wanted to grab your face and kiss that annoyance away, over and over again- maybe a little more. When you inevitably passed out, I glanced over to Satoru, who looked more alert now that you were asleep. It was like the task of keeping Rika alive had the same level of importance as dog sitting.
I wondered if you ever noticed. Or noticed that I've shared that same expression since we were kids.
I guess there's no use in ruminating. Today, I ran some errands, nothing major. I had a cake that Mimiko and Nanako decorated; they started calling me 'Papa Geto.' It's sweet.
I forgot to mention that while I was rearranging some furniture, a journal that I have kept since we were kids got knocked down from a bookshelf and pathetically fell on the ground. Mimiko and Nanako bolted like a feral tanuki.
I was mildly horrified at what they might have seen (before remembering that they aren't super great at reading yet, and then I relaxed slightly).
What happened next was probably worse than some scribbled preteen angst. They found the picture of us on your birthday, where I had your birthday cake all over my face. That was the first of many years when my parents bought you a birthday cake.
My girls laughed at me (why is it that when a child laughs at you, it's exponentially more mortifying than if an adult was?) but were incredibly kind to you.
After scolding them for not respecting other people's belongings (ironic given the subject matter of the photo), they apologized and asked who the 'pretty girl' in the picture was.
Embarrassment was replaced with excitement as I got to talk about you.
Anyhow, the money I've made from expelling curses prior to defecting is depleting rather quickly, so I need to come up with some plan.
April 2008
Eight months since he defected.
Dear Friend,
Spring is here, and I have taken over the former Star Plasma Vessel Church, or cult, or whatever those idiots called it. In addition to having some stable footing, there's a roof over my head that I don't have to thank some monkey landlord for giving me it. It's very cozy, to say the least. Which I think was the realtors code for 'small and borderline inhabitable.'
It'll be some time before I'm able to build a decent following, but those who decided to stay will do so for now. Mimiko and Nanako are being homeschooled for the time being- until I find a school that is okay with my standards.
I was grocery shopping the other day, and I found some green tea that you might like. Before I could even think, it was in my basket next to some sugary cereal for my girls. I was mentally shooting myself in the foot because I'm on a budget (at least for a while).
I don't even like green tea, for goodness sake. But that night, I found myself fixing two cups, one with a dollop of sweetened condensed milk and a spoonful of honey, stirred counter-clockwise. The other one was disgustingly plain, and I steeped the leaves a little too long.
I drank the plain tea, stewing in my impulsivity. The other cup was a milky brown; it was unappealing and painfully sweet, yet I found a warmth spilling over me. I must have been half asleep, but somewhere in my delirium, I thought I heard you scold me for taking a sip of your drink.
My eyes shot open immediately, and I frantically looked around the kitchen. Had some monkey snuck up on me? I shudder at the thought. But that wasn't the case. Just my mind playing tricks on me. I should get more sleep.
I hope you've been getting some, too- you need to get stronger. Anyway, I finished the rest of my tea and grabbed the other cup, which was ice cold. I poured the drink and watched it trickle down the steel sink- before crawling into bed.
I don't know why I thought that was worth mentioning.
Sincerely and with love,
June 2008
Ten months since he defected.
Dear Friend,
Do you ever think about how dreams can be worse than reality? Writing that down seems silly because you know more than anyone, and considering I've held you until we fell asleep, I should know the answer. In truth, whenever I held you, I thought it would be a good opportunity to say things to you that I couldn't do while you were awake, as if these letters weren't enough!
I used to say really embarrassing things and a sadistic part of me wished you would wake up and ask me if I really meant what I said- but I digress.
It's hard to distinguish alcohol-laced dreams (brought upon by terrible dates the girls have insisted I go on) from memories. All that to say, I had a vivid dream (?) of how I think my first kiss went.
Autumn had brought about a cool night and an impulsive decision to sneak into an amusement park. We drunkenly went on this massive Ferris wheel, and you pulled out a cigarette and offered me a drag. I said no, and for some reason, we got into an argument and then sat in silence.
At some point, I thought to myself, "When will this ride stop?" then, by some miracle, it did! We sat in silence, and then I started smoking a cigarette too. Maybe because it felt cold in my dream, but the warm glow of nicotine and your body kept me warm. Then I kissed you.
Writing about this now… it's too clear to just be a dream. I hope it wasn't a dream. My youth seems so distant compared to where I am now.
The humidity is so oppressive. I feel like I'm soaking in my own sweat. It seems a little facetious to say that now. I keep recalling pockets of my adolescence. It's kind of like a gum packet you thought was empty, but when you go to dispose of it- there are actually three pieces left.
There's poetry in that somewhere, not to mansplain. Obviously.
Excuse my tangents; I'm still trying to recruit new curse users, not to mention pacifying the congregation at my Church, and my mind is so disorganized.
What's new, though?
Sincerely and with love always,
September 2008
One year since he defected.
Dear, Friend,
Dear Friend,
I went on a walk the other day. The sun was just rising above the horizon, nothing was open, and everything was quiet except for the few stragglers who had missed the last train. Some of them reeked of curses and desperation; it's enough to make a person grow a second stomach and throw it back up.
I did collect some in passing (in case I need it later), but I found no joy in helping others who can't even help themselves. This is what we sorcerers were made for, right? Cleaning up shit that's not even ours? I'm getting sidetracked again.
If you're wondering about my influence over the former Star Plasma Church- it's going okay. Slowly but surely, I'll get a more extensive following. I cannot remember if I told you this, but I have decided to promote myself as a monk. I am relying on word of mouth and exorcising curses or "performing miracles," to gain some trust.
Anyhow, if I'm going to exorcise these curses, I'll make sure to get a steady income. I am a father, after all. Hopefully, there's something else to gain from that. But I can only do this for so long. Please remind me to think of a more permanent solution.
The sun is rising again.
Sincerely and with love always,
(P.S.) I know you can't ever remind me of anything, really, but like always I feel a little more at ease writing this down.
December 2008
One year after, he defected.
Dear Friend,
Merry Christmas. Or, happy holidays. I've been keeping busy, and I hope you have been, too. Technically, this is my second Christmas / Holiday without you. It's still as weird as the first.
Actually, I don't know if it will ever get comfortable.
People say that the holidays are the worst for people like me. Exacerbated loneliness and the weather all contribute to an increase in curses. It's great money, but how useful is that?
I mean, you could have all the money in the world and still be miserable. Recently, I've started to gain traction from this stout millionaire who always seems to have a gang of curses around at all times.
We met by an unfortunate yet beneficial accident. Apparently, he's one of the few dimwits who can see curses. He's been aimlessly wandering about, trying to find someone to help, but no one believed him.
I was taking the girls to an optometrist appointment, and while I was finishing some paperwork, I overheard this screeching. Curiosity took over me, so I snuck a glance into the room behind the secretary's desk.
There was a massive commotion with several doctors trying to reassure that man I was talking about before. It turns out that he could see curses, and when no one was looking, I exorcised them for him. It was second nature to help someone so pathetic. He kept on calling me a miracle worker- insane! I guess I've been like that since I was little… However, he kept thanking me, and an idea popped into my head:
If I can get a steady number of people to pay for my miracles, I could make an obscene amount of money and have better insurance for separation from the higher-ups.
This man seems to come from money or considerable influence. Maybe he can be my test case. It's getting late now, so I should get some rest. I have to dress up as Santa for Mimiko and Nanako.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy Birthday to Satoru.
March 2009
Two years since he defected.
Dear Friend,
Recently, I went on a hike. It was okay and long. The ground was wet, and when I got home, I found mud everywhere. I'll tell you about the trail. It was beautiful. A murmuring stream, the wind dancing through the budding trees and a dusty rose sky. You would have loved the flowers. Whenever I see anything flourishing after a tough season, I think about you.
Despite being filled with tourists, non-sorcerers, and whatever, I was able to enjoy the sunset. Mimiko and Nanako had extra tutoring lessons, so I took advantage of the little free time I had. However, after being constantly bombarded with questions about anything and seemingly endless children's movies, the quiet that followed disturbed me.
Once I reached the end of the trail, I found myself eager to see my girls. But the hike was long, and I thought it would be a waste if I didn't stay for a minute or two. I thought it would be nice to take some pictures, so I did that before locating a place to sit. I found a wooden bench tucked underneath this wisteria tree (how it grew there is a mystery). My mind wandered aimlessly; funnily enough, I just now remembered we had that assignment due before I left.
I apologize for not doing my part. Do you think we could still submit it? Haha.
Anyways, while sitting on a bench, I overheard two people talking. It was a boring conversation, definitely not worth eavesdropping on (you'd probably say otherwise), but for whatever reason, I decided to tune into the tail end of their conversation.
One of them had been blurting out facts in order to keep a dead conversation going. Some of it was interesting, but most of them were things that they probably saw on a popsicle stick. Their friend nodded along, listening intently. This went on for a while until the one who kept spewing facts (let's call them popsicles) said something along the lines of:
"Have you ever thought about how we're a mosaic of every person we've ever met, talked to, or loved?"
Even though I don't know them (nor do I care to), that was probably the most intellectual thing they've ever said in their lives. I thought to myself and laughed.
But then I felt a sort of heaviness in my chest. The more I observed them from my peripheral, the more I could see bits and pieces of the habits they shared. How they playfully hit one another after cracking a joke, covering their mouth after saying something slightly offensive. It made me nostalgic.
On my way back down the trail, I thought about you. It was nearly dark now. I thought about how if I was a mosaic of everyone I ever loved:
"How many pieces of you make up my whole?"
"Which parts of me do you keep?"
I'm glad I'm never sending these letters; I'm probably better off not knowing these answers.
Sincerely and with love,
November 2010
Three years since he defected.
Dear Friend,
I've realized that it's not love I felt for you but obsession. It's harsh, cruel and painful to put you through that. For me, you were never home. That much is true. Which isn't to say you weren't something. You are a temple, and I am a sinner. If I were to step into the Holy Land you so graciously keep tidy, I would only desecrate it with my ideals.
Unfortunately, I do not want to bathe in the river to clean myself of these thoughts. So, I will seek refuge elsewhere. You deserve that after everything.
April 2015
Eight years since he defected.
Dear Friend,
I don't think I'll ever get tired of writing to you. Even though you'll never read these, it's stupid how only now have I realized what your father meant when he said it was easier to write things than to say them out loud. Time really is my enemy now. My previous letters mentioned how well Mimiko and Nanako are doing in school. I just thought I would say that again. I'm so incredibly proud of them.
Maybe by now, you have kids of your own- I know that you'll treat them with kindness rather than the contempt your father displayed. I thought about my parents again and their role in my life, but not for long.
You probably saw them as a safe place; to me, they were just there. A starting point to the inevitable destruction brought about by my existence. Did you know that I thought I could always save them? They trusted me to do so and keep you safe as well. Funny how life throws us around.
Work is exhausting, and during the slower days, I let my mind wander to the possible outcomes had I stayed at Jujutsu Tech. Would I be a teacher? Would I be a good teacher? Are we both teachers? You're a patient person- I know that you would be a good teacher. A faculty favourite. How promising would my students be? What would our daily routine be like? How often do we get to see each other in between classes? Are we still friends?
Are we together?
Are we in love?
From what I've gathered, you've taken a bit of a leave…
I'll save myself the hurt of writing the reason why. We both know, and unfortunately, I understand.
There's a storm barrelling towards the Church. Actually, they've issued a squall warning. The skies are rolling with grey plump clouds. I wish I could tell you what a squall is- it sounds dumb, but apparently, it's dangerous.
September 2016
Nine years since he defected.
Dear Friend,
Allies seem to come from the most unlikely places. That man I was talking about before turned out to be a great asset. I've gotten more followers and even an assistant out of it! If you're wondering, yes, it's vital.
One thing I hate more than people who cannot use jujutsu is paperwork. It takes up so much of my time. Luckily, my secretary has been doing most of the heavy lifting now. We've been working long hours together, and to be honest, I don't mind. She's smart and beautiful. Her attitude kind of reminds me of you.
Sorry about the short letters- historically, mine have been longer than yours, but I have been planning something big that needs my attention. Not to mention, Mimiko and Nanako are entering their phase where everything I do seems to make them cringe.
Years ago, I said that children laughing at you was more mortifying than adults. I still believe that to be true; however, both cannot hold a candle to the shame and quickly depleting self-worth a couple of teenagers laughing at you but promptly saying, "Oh, it's nothing" can do.
My family is growing, not in the way yours is. Or so I've heard.
It fills me with so much joy to be surrounded by other like-minded people. People who believe that in order to obtain peace or a brief period of one- non-curse users should cease to be.
My heart is overflowing- but there's still a piece where you always will be.
November 2017
Ten years since he defected.
Dear Friend,
Do you ever think about who gets to determine the natural outcome of anything? Is it fate? Is it man? I suppose it's hard to say since answers vary from person to person. I would like to think that it's around sixty percent individual choice and forty percent chance.
I mentioned years ago about a man who could see curses; well, yesterday, I killed him. His use to me finally ran its course. I do thank him for all he's done and the people he's brought to me. My plans are coming to fruition. The Higher Ups have been tracking my movements and expanding my influence. I bet you have already had a debrief on what to expect.
I could see how, on your end, I'm being irrational or unreasonable. But I argue that cleansing the world of non-sorcerers is the only solution. Ending their suffering will put an end to ours.
But God, what I would pay to hear what Yaga is saying! He's probably wearing those stupid sunglasses and cursing. Satoru has asked me to meet with him- probably to ask me, yet again, if I'm really going through with the Night Parade.
My answer remains firm: yes. He's probably going to tell me to stop and think about you.
Like I've said before and like I always tell Satoru, I always think about you. When I meet with Satoru, I'll ask him if he can pass along how I want to see you. The girls are calling me to take them out, so I'll perform my fatherly duties.
I hope you'll say yes. I need to see you at least once.
December 2017
Three days before the Night Parade of 100 Demons.
I must be some sort of pervert to believe that you would run away with me. I don't think pervert is the right word, but that's how I felt right then and there when you rejected me. In all fairness, I couldn't think appropriately after seeing you.
Then again, you must have some masochistic tendencies to agree to meet with me. Your hair looked beautiful, and the way the cigarette burning a bright cherry red hung on your cracked lips reminded me of that night on the Ferris Wheel, which, in fact, did happen.
I came across some old letters to confirm my hazy memory. When the snowflakes landed on your eyelashes, I just about melted, like when the sleepy snow makes its warm welcome for spring. The moon was casting shadows on your tired but beautiful face. You had a glow that made hearing you curse me out a tad more bearable.
But I'm rambling. You couldn't think about going to Shinjuku, right? I could never stop you, even more so now, but I can't back down. Not even for you- which I think was detrimental for us both ten years ago and now.
Seeing you standing next to Satoru, cursing at me, with his hand placed firmly on your hips with a face full of disdain, I think I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. But that's not a proper death. You should be standing next to me!
I watched you walk away in the dark night with a sense of urgency, a new purpose. You will probably fight in your own way, but please let me do this.
I'm not asking you- I am begging you to let me take care of you one last time.
You might not believe me, but everything I have done until now, all the blood I have shed, has been for you. I promise I will spare your children (to be fair, raiding the Gojo estate would be a waste of good sorcerers), but I can't make any promises for anyone else who stands in my way.
It seems contradictory, but I know what I am doing is right.
When I write to you again, it will be something you can read- in the new world, and we will have all the time in the world. No longer beholden to curses, only each other.
Sincerely and with all my love,
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a/n: Suguru Geto. The man that you were and the man that you became. I love you either way, my beautiful raven-haired, purple-eyed princess. We’re about half way there! Thank you all for being so patient these last couple of months🤍. Also, apologies for any inconsistencies, I have tried my best to remember the details of this story wah!
© Please do not copy or replicate my work. Inspiration is appreciated, but credit properly! ♡
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celestialcrowley · 9 months
My mom and I were finally able to watch the final episode of Good Omens season 2.
Before we dive in, my mom is very — how do I say this — anti on certain things. My friend said it perfectly. He said she gave him the homophobic put the fear of God type vibes when he first met her.
I don’t believe anything will ever fully change her opinions or views of us. I’ve not even referred to myself as aromantic / asexual in her presence, and I doubt I ever will. I simply tell her I’m done dating. It’s clearly not in my future, and, after trying it a couple of times, it just isn’t something I’m interested in.
I hope that one day she will open her eyes and realize that it’s all fine. Whatever we are. It’s okay.
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My mom enjoyed season one. When I asked her what she thought of Aziraphale and Crowley, here’s what she said. Not her exact words but close enough to what I can remember.
“Aziraphale seems like he’s afraid of getting into trouble with Heaven, but not enough to keep him from going against God’s orders.”
Just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing.
“Crowley isn’t as evil as he paints himself to be.”
Just a little bit a good person.
The only thing, as far as I’m aware, that didn’t quite sit right with my mom is that God is a She.
Wibbly wobbly timey wimey…
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I was terrified for her to watch the second season because of Maggie and Nina and That Big Damn Kiss. She’s told me some less than desirable things previously. Here are a handful of them.
“I won’t watch shows that have gay couples in them.”
“I will watch them, but I’ll just turn my head away when they kiss.”
About my friend who is a lesbian —
“Your friend just says that, but she doesn’t actually know what she is.”
Okay, mom. You go ahead and keep telling yourself that.
I am certain, despite my fear, that I wanted her to watch Good Omens so badly because I thought maybe it would be the golden ticket. It’s uniquely different.
We have been gifted with Anthony J’I’m Not Actually Either Crowley and Mister AZ Smitten I Believe Fell, The Almighty God She, Nina I’m Not Your Type and Maggie You Have No Idea.
I was expecting my mom to frown upon Maggie and Nina’s story in season two, but she didn’t. She actually didn’t even have anything negative to say.
Y’all should have seen me when That Big Damn Kiss was coming up. I was fidgeting probably as bad as Aziraphale was when he was gathering up the courage to ask Crowley to dance with him.
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I don’t think I’ve ever fidgeted that much in my life.
And then it happened.
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That Big Damn Kiss
And she watched all of it. She didn’t look away. She didn’t make a face. She didn’t say anything negative.
I don’t necessarily think her views have changed because she laughed at something my uncle told her about a former coworker of his. This coworker used to go by Craig, but he later came out as trans and asked to be called Cindy. My uncle said, “The best we can do is Crindy.”
Most of my family are homophobic, and I don’t care for it.
I don’t know if it’s the way Neil Gaiman has written Good Omens, but I was surprised that she watched the entire show, had nothing negative to say and even added that she needs to watch all of both seasons again to better understand it.
That’s something, I suppose.
Maybe she’s coming around.
Thank you, Neil Gaiman.
You truly are a legend. 💚
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jeardesus7 · 6 months
could you please bless us fellow dabi degenerates with your illigal dabi thoughts 🙏 🙏🙏🙏
I’m gonna have to water this one down because the entire scenario might actually get me in legal trouble 😭 This one involves Shigaraki, so I hope y’all are fine with that. I have other  i l l e g a l  thoughts, this isn’t the only one. But this is the one I thought of first.
But yes, I will. I’m going to make this a series - meaning I’m just going to do this in parts.
Training Part 1
CW: Innocent reader, female reader, dub-con, threesome, stepcest (kind of?) fingering, goading, sweet-talking
Summary: Dabi found you when he recently ran away from home and faked his death, you both were young. You had no idea where your parents were or how you ended up where you were, and Dabi sympathized with you. You were younger than him, and reminded him of his own sister, so he took you in as one. Fast forward to now, you both live together, you weren’t taught about sex because Dabi thought you would just figure it out yourself. You didn’t. 
I’ll stop yapping. Enjoy.
We all know that Dabi is most likely a drug dealer. You didn't. There was a pound on the door, and you were the one closest to the door. The pounding startled you, making you rise to your feet. 
You looked through the peephole before standing back. It was that crusty white haired man, Shigaraki? You wondered. You knew his face because Dabi brought him around often, but you and him never directly spoke. 
You opened the door, a welcoming smile on your face as you greeted him. “Hello! Why are you here today?” Shigaraki looked down at you, a grin forming on his face as his eyes didn’t even meet yours, just traveling down your body. You noticed his eyes wandering up and down your body, but you didn’t think much about it.
“I’m uh.. Here for Dabi. Say, you got a nice pair of-” Shigaraki was cut off when you shouted down the hall for dabi, Shigaraki leaned against the door frame as Dabi strolled down the hall, his unreadable expression giving you chills. 
Shigaraki smirked at Dabi, then at you, then back at Dabi. Dabi glared at both of you, but walked forward. He let Tomura inside, putting him in the lounge room before turning to you, his voice rough and quiet like usual.
“I told you not to answer the door when I’m not near you.” He stared down at you, his stare piercing, almost making your lip quiver with regret. He’s always had that thing about him, that he could just give you a stare and you would crumble.
“I know, I’m sor-”
“Don’t open that goddamn door again, especially not to him. Do you want your ass beat?” His words were harsh and bitter, turning away before you could answer with your shaky voice. You returned to your room, eyes tear-filled as you slumped onto your bed.
In the lounge room, Dabi and Shigaraki talked, drank, shared nasty stories about how many girls Dabi has *wink wink* working for him. While drunk, Shigaraki brings up his desires for you, even daring to palm himself right in front of Dabi. Dabi was intoxicated as well, a lustful smirk on his face as he listened and watched shigaraki touch himself.
Meanwhile, you were getting ready for bed, brushing your teeth, putting your pajamas on, maybe doing some light reading. You got cozy in bed, closing your eyes until you heard Dabi and Shigaraki laugh loudly, the smell of weed and other substances stinking up the whole house.
You sighed, getting out of bed. You shuffled down the stairs, speed-walking into the lounge where the both of them are. You pouted, putting your hands on your hips as you glared at Dabi. “Can you be quiet? I am trying to sleep!”
Dabi just rolled his eyes and Shigaraki chuckled under his breath. Dabi and Shigaraki looked at each other, both grinning as they stood up. Dabi picked you up, wrapping your legs around him and maneuvering you to his room. He got onto the bed. Holding you from behind, his back against the headboard as you sat comfortably between his legs.
He sucked in through his teeth as his hands wandered all over your body, groping your chest as Shigaraki creeped onto the bed after you. You looked up at Dabi, fear in your eyes. This was all happening so fast. Why was it happening? Dabi never acted this way, why is he acting this way now?
He smirks down at you, his breath reeking of alcohol. “Just relax, we're not gonna hurt ya.”
You took a deep breath, deciding to put your trust into him and his friend. He slowly pried your legs open, Shigaraki working quickly to pull down your shorts.
Shigaraki tossed your shorts and panties to the side, his sinful gaze falling onto your innocent little passage. He curiously extends a finger, poking at your folds. Dabi reaches down, spreading them as Shigaraki gently strokes your clit before abruptly pushing a finger inside, grinning as he watches you squirm and hear you whimper.
What is this? What is this feeling? It feels good, but it feels too good. Dabi watches as Tomura fingers you, his eyes lighting up as he whispers into your ear, his hot breath against the lobe. “Oh, are you a virgin? How cute.”
Shigaraki pushed a second finger inside of you, pumping them in and out of you quicker. He laughed at your pathetic little moans and mewls, his free hand lifting your chest. He cupped the curve of it, his thumb flicking against the nipple before leaning down, capturing it between his teeth. You writhed against him, almost like you're trying to squirm out, but Dabi held you tightly against him.
Dabi growled and grinded against your plump ass, his teeth finding your neck and playfully biting. He grunts as he grabs your hips, rolling your behind against his desperate bulge, groaning lowly in his throat.
You squirmed and wiggled against both of them, crying out when the pleasure became too intense. One of Dabi’s hands moves from your hip to your clit, stroking it vigorously. He growled as he felt himself getting closer to release, Shigaraki’s fingers curling and plunging against your cervix. 
While Shigaraki held you down by your chest and Dabi by your hips, you were trapped underneath them, their breath reeking of alcohol and weed, making you feel so good, so much so it feels horrid. Your entrance clenches around Tomura’s fingers, indicating you were reaching orgasm.
Shigaraki grinned as well as Dabi. Your ass cheeks clenched against his clothed bulge, his eyes rolling back as he cums in his pants, grunting quietly. When you were reaching orgasm, they both reacted quickly, spreading your legs wider, Dabi heating up his hand on your clit.
Tomura’s eyes lit up like he was a kid in a candy store when you gushed all over his fingers, your eyes rolled back as you experienced your first orgasm. You breathed heavily, whimpering loudly as Shigaraki pulled his fingers out of you, licking his fingers before leaning forward, kissing your neck.
Dabi chuckled softly, nibbling on your ear softly as he put his fingers into your mouth, making you taste yourself. He licked your ear before whispering into it, Shigaraki swapping spots with him.
“Suppose a nice licking wouldn’t hurt, would it? Part those pretty pussy lips for me, baby.”
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puppiesandnightlock · 3 months
LINK: Last Friday Night
Cowritten with the lovely @livingtobethevillain, who's idea set us off on this road ;-;
Summary: Damian wasn’t one to go out of his way to cause scandals or to give the masses something to gossip over. He tried to distance himself from his family in that aspect. He liked the way his name was kept out of the papers, unlike his father or siblings. It was something he took pride in.
Or something he did take pride in. Because as the saying goes, love makes you stupid. And well, Jon wanted Damian to have fun. Damian had reasoned that a couple drinks wouldn’t hurt. But once Damian had passed the threshold of ‘a couple drinks’ that's when the trouble really started.
TL;DR Damijon + friends go out and party, Damian gets a bit too drunk and everyone thinks this is hilarious
Anyone who knew Damian would know that being caught by the press doing anything “improper” was simply unheard of for him. 
His brothers and father had hundreds of scandals, memes, audios on the internet but surprisingly, even having been brought up in the spotlight, he’d rarely had any.
But of course, Jon had to change that.
There was an awful lot of truth when people say love makes someone stupid, and as much as Damian was loath to admit it, he was as weak to the emotion as anyone, and it had led to many things he’d come to cringe at.
Although, admittedly there hadn’t been any as…spectacular as this one, though.
It was not a special occasion by any means that led to these events, just a meet-up with some friends at a local bar near Met U. They’d parked a few blocks away and were walking down to the entrance, hands swinging between them.
Damian took a deep breath, letting the warm air slide in and out of his lungs before looking at his husband out of the corner of his eye.
“Jonathan, if you have something you’d like to say you are welcome to say it.” Damian said, the corners of his mouth quirking up in amusement.
“Well-I-I just-” Jon stuttered before clearing his throat and gathering himself. 
“I wanted to ask if-well I couldn’t help but notice that you're always the one in the group that stays sober on the nights we go out and I wanted to ask if this time, would you want to be the one to, y’know, party.” Jon rubbed his neck with the hand not intertwined with Damian’s, the other man raising an eyebrow. “This isn’t like-a scheme to get you drunk by the way, I know how it sounds. I just…I want you to have fun.”
Damian's expression softened. “Thank you, love. But you don’t need to worry, okay? I have plenty of fun even when I am off to the side.”
Jon snorts and Damian scowls playfully. 
“Last time we went out you were so high strung that you nearly drop-kicked a guy ‘cause he bumped into me.” Jon laughs.
“He shouldn't have bumped into you if he didn’t want to face the consequences.” Damian responded dryly. 
“Yeah okay,” Jon says, rolling his eyes. “Just-try to let yourself have fun. I'll be the one that plays lookout tonight, alright? You don’t have to worry about anything.” 
Damian hums in acknowledgement. “You feel very strongly about this.” 
“I do.” Jon gives a crooked smile and Damian can’t help but give a small but genuine smile back. 
“Well, we’ll see when we arrive.”
That was neither a yes or a no, but a small victory nonetheless. They weaved through the crowd of college students, staying in a comfortable silence until they reached the inside of the bar. 
They were quickly spotted by Kathy, who dragged them over to where Colin and Maya were sitting, already with drinks in hand.
“Damian!” Colin slung an arm around his neck, not quite drunk but enough alcohol in his system to be rendered tipsy. 
“Wilkes.” Damian ducked under the grasp, momentarily regretting the evening. 
“So, who’s gonna stay sober this evenin’?” Kathy called from where she was hanging off of Jon, much like Colin had Damian a few seconds before. “Y’all can count Colin off the list.”
“Jon is, I believe.” Damian responded, slightly awkward.
Cheers went up, and Maya tipped her glass towards him. “All grown up, aren’t you, little brother? Gonna join the grownups for some fun?”
He scoffed, taking a seat next to her. “Hardly. Just because I did not join the rest of you imbeciles in becoming inebriated doesn’t mean I was less of an adult.”
“Hey!” Jon put a hand to his heart, mock-offended. 
“Not you, of course,” He was quick to remedy the statement, both sharing soft smiles that left their friends gagging. 
“I’m too sober for your disgusting PDA,” Kathy announced, waving a hand to get the attention of the bartender. 
“Amen to that!” Maya sipped from her cup, Damian’s answering unimpressed expression being undermined by the blush that heated up his face at their words. Jon only laughed in response, placing a chaste kiss on Damian’s cheek, before then starting up a conversation to update their friends on recent solo missions, although they were worded to sound like typical civilian jobs to any possibly prying ears.
Kathy brought over a refill for Colin and Maya, as well as Damian’s first drink of the evening. 
“Figures.” Colin snorted, looking over at the glass. “You’ll never grow out of rich boy shit, will you?”
“This is perfectly acceptable.” Damian sniffed, looking mildly insulted. Jon patted his shoulder, nodding along. 
”Whipped.” Kathy muttered into her drink. Jon coughed, the rest of them snickering.
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
They went on like this for a good five minutes, Damian on the brink of losing his mind for all of it. It was better to save his grievances until the night was in full swing, as things would only escalate from there, and there was no use in wasting his breath when it wouldn’t be heard over the loud music.
It wasn’t long before the group needed another round of drinks. Jon volunteered to grab them and motioned for Damian to follow. Damian tilted his head in a silent question but followed anyway. The pair made their way through the crowd, their hands naturally linking back up as a way to stay close. 
“Are you alright, Dearest?” Damian asked upon arriving at the main bar area. 
“What? Oh yeah, I'm fine. I actually wanted to check on you again.” Jon admitted sheepishly. 
Damian huffed a laugh, rolling his eyes fondly. “Of course,”  
Jon fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. “You know I wasn't trying to pressure you earlier right? You don't have to get balls to the wall wasted-I just-”
Damian squeezed Jon’s hand reassuringly. “Beloved. I know you didn’t mean any harm. I am well aware of my autonomy, believe me. And if I do get ‘balls to the wall wasted’ that is my choice. Okay?”
Jon laughs and his shoulders slump in relief. “Yeah. Okay. Sounds good. Is that-like-the plan then?”
“tt-of course not. Who do you take me for? Richard?” Damian scoffed, his face scrunching up at the mention of his older brother. 
Jon grins. “I mean-”
Damian glares. “Finish that thought, Kent. I dare you.” 
Jon barks out a loud laugh. “Wouldn’t you call me ‘Wayne’? I did take your last name.” 
“You’re an imbecile.” Damian said, the effect was lost of course seeing as the pair’s hands were still connected and there was an unmistakable fond note in his tone. 
It wasn’t much longer before Damian and Jon were able to get the group's desired drinks. Sliding back into their claimed seats, Damian stayed tense, back straight as he sipped on his drink and surveyed the room. He was quickly offset as he felt a light smack hit his shoulder. 
“Relax, Darlin’.” Jon said, looking exasperated. 
Damian sighed, rolled his shoulders and focused on the conversation that was being had at the table. 
“And then, you’ll never believe this, he tried to hit on me!” Kathy waved her drink around, Maya and Colin cackling.
“I was like, excuse me sir, does this look like the face of someone ready to drop their panties? No! I have a knife to your throat.” 
Damian snorted at that, Jon looking over, pleased. As time went on, the music seemed quieter and the lights not as blinding. Damian had already well entered tipsy-zone, onto his fourth drink now, and the world blurring together into a perfect mess.
The rest of their friends were past the safety zone and on their way to an early morning monster hangover. 
“Beloved, have I told you how much I love you today?” Damian had draped himself on top of his husband, looking at him with adoring eyes, caramel skin dusted with a pink flush. 
“Yes.” Jon chuckled, keeping him close. “But I’d love to hear it again.” 
Damian hummed and leaned in close enough that their breaths mingled and Jon could smell the alcohol on his husband's breath. 
“I love you.” Damian said quietly in the very little space between them. His husband leaned forwards to close the distance and place a chaste kiss on his nose.
“Love you too.”
Damian laughed in response and leaned back just enough to breathe, his arms comfortably wrapped around Jons shoulders and one hand propped to play with the curls at the nape of his neck. 
“You’re pretty.” Damian mumbled. 
Jon flushed immediately, ducking his head with a small laugh. “Thank you, darlin’, you’re not half bad yourself.”
Damian tilted his head with an indulgent smile. “I'm absolutely stunning and we both know it.  What’s that one song? The one that’s like-'I'm sexy and I know it’? Yeah, that's me.” 
Jon coughed, unsure whether to burst into laughter or blush harder. “Sure is, D. You've always been the more confident of the two of us.”
Damian groaned. “Well yeah, but do remember-you have every reason to be confident in your appearance as well. I mean-I love you for many reasons but one of them would absolutely be how ethereal you look at all times.”
He went with the ‘blush harder’ option, resisting the urge to duck his head again and instead peppering Damian’s face with little kisses. “You’re so sweet when you’re like this.”
Damian laughed in response to the kisses, lightly pushing Jon away and rolling his eyes. Jon gives a crooked smile and Damian takes another drink from his glass. 
“I'm not sweet, Jonathan,” he scoffed. “I’m simply an honest man. And the truth I'm living is that you're the love of my life.” 
Damian leaned in to steal another kiss from his blushing husband before leaning back again and sipping from his drink. 
This time Jon did hide his face a bit, sure he was burning from the words. Their friends who had previously been on the dance floor returned, Kathy leaning on Maya and Colin stumbling over with a grin on his face.
Damian sat up upon seeing their friends. He downed the rest of the drink he had been drinking and waved them over. 
“Hello peasants.” Damian smirked. “Glad to know none of you are passed out in the bathroom.” 
“If anyones ending this night passed out in the bathroom, it’ll be you. I’ll eat my shoe if I can’t hold my liquor better than you can, assassin training or not.” Colin challenged, leaning over.
“Yeah sure, Wilkes. Whatever you say. I’ll bet you check out before we even get started. What, with how you're leaning off to the side?” Damian scoffed, pointedly ignoring the way he was also leaning a bit too far to the side when he wasn't paying attention. 
Colin called for a round of shots, leaning towards the other side at Damian’s observation. 
“C’mon, how many do you think you can do? Before passing out, of course.”
“More than you, I'm sure.” Damian challenged.
“Bring it, Wayne.” he picked up a shot glass, the rest of them looking on, Kathy and Maya cheering while Jon looked mildly concerned.
Damian patted Jon’s fidgeting hands reassuringly. “Stop looking like that,” he said, picking up his own glass. “Go back to being embarrassed. That was cute.” 
“Hey!” Jon protested, his voice going unheard as the girls counted down.
“1, 2, 3!”
Damian and Colin both swallowed down their shots, both of their faces screwing up for a moment at the strong taste.
“Gonna give up?” Colin grinned, picking up a second one. He tipped it towards the other boy, a challenge clear in the gesture.
Damian scoffed and snatched another shot. “I hope you’re prepared for the hangover you’ll experience tomorrow. I’ve heard blackouts are worse than normal hangovers.”
“You’re gonna eat your words, rich boy.” 
By the fifth shot, both were beyond the bridges of completely wasted, Colin more so then Damian. Jon plucked the 6th glass from both of them, giving them both glasses of water instead. 
“Okay, no one’s getting alcohol poisoning tonight, thanks.” 
“Aw, why not?” Damian pouted, head tilting in amusement. “Go big or go home, right?” 
“Mm, yeah but I'm the one taking you home, and I love you too much to let that happen.”
Damian slid off his chair and leaned into Jon, standing between his legs, chest to chest with his husband. 
“I love you too, beloved.” Damian tilted his head up and caught Jon’s lips with his own. Jon made a surprise noise before melting into the contact. Damian's hands coming up to tangle in Jon’s hair before Damian was pulled away by the collar of his shirt. 
Damian turned and glared at Kathy, while Jon was catching his breath. “Excuse you.” 
Kathy grinned in response and shrugged. “Keep it to the bedroom, lovebirds, I don't wanna see it.” 
Damian muttered a couple unsavory words under his breath but sat back down in his own seat. 
Jon momentarily mourned the loss of his husband, joining Damian in shooting Kathy a less-than-pleased look. 
“Like you haven’t done worse,” He scoffed. “At least you haven’t walked in on us, unlike some people who don’t understand the concept of locked doors.” 
She seemed to have been silenced with that, only snickering a bit as she snuck a sip from Maya’s half-empty glass, sitting abandoned on the table.
From there time flew by, Jon sat in place for a long while, just observing and having lost Damian at some point. Jon exasperatedly looked around throughout the crowd and it was only when Maya stumbled out of a dance circle that he was able to ask where his husband had wandered off to. 
“-eah i don't know, i think he and Colin are dancing somewhere. I know Kathy went to get them some more water.” Maya laughed. “Never thought I'd see the day that Damian Wayne got shitfaced in some random bar but here we are.” 
Jon snorted and let Maya stride over to Kathy. Jon–now with a direction in mind–headed over to find Damian on the dancefloor. 
Jon wasn’t disappointed by what he found. Damian and Colin were each having the time of their lives drunkenly dancing and then proceeding to laugh their asses off at the other at the drop of a hat. Jon’s eyes wandered back to Damian and Jon let out a choked noise upon seeing the man's newest attempt at dancing. This time he moved his hips and let his hands drift up his sides. The lights above them washed over his handsome features nicely, his dark eyes feeling like something Jon could get lost in. 
Someone bumped into Jon and the spell was broken by another round of laughter from Colin and Damian. Jon strode forward and wrapped an arm around Damians waist. 
“Hey, darlin’. Having fun?” He said fondly. 
Damian twisted in Jon’s hold and pressed close, as he had done multiple times that night. Jon was beginning to sense a pattern.
“I am, thank you for asking, dearest. Me and Colin were dancing.” Damian said, only slightly slurring his words. 
“I think it might be time to head home, hun. It’s late and I can guarantee that tomorrow you're going to want as much sleep as possible.” Jon stated, rubbing his hand soothingly up and down Damians back.
Colin whined. “Awe c’mon, night’s barely begun. We’ve been here, what? Two hours?”
Jon laughed. “Try again. We’ve been here for about four and a half.” 
“Damn, alright.” Colin shrugged. “Just make sure to tell Kathy when you leave. You don’t want her losing her mind when she can't find y’all at the end of the night.”
“Will do. C’mon, D.” He led his husband back to where the girls were, Damian doing as much as possible to stay close to Jon, hanging off of him like a baby koala. 
They stopped at the table, Jon being pulled into a seat while Damian unlatched himself and proceeded to sit in his lap instead of the many available seats, arms going around Jon's neck.
“What’re you doing?” He chuckled.
“Is it illegal to take a seat now? Unbelievable.” Damian scoffed.
“I-Okay, we need to get you home.” Jon shook his head fondly, before pulling out his phone and sending a quick message to the group chat.
“There. Now they know that we’re headed home. Are you okay to walk or do I need to carry you?” Jon said, only half joking. 
Damian huffed. “I can walk perfectly fine.” 
Jon raised an eyebrow.
“You’re lucky I'm madly in love with you or else your disrespect would not go unnoticed.” Damian said, sounding fond. 
Jon smiled softly. “I wouldn't have thought that you’d be an affectionate drunk, but here we are.” 
“M’not drunk, I'm just…hm. In a good mood.” Damian insisted. 
“Of course, of course.” Jon rolled his eyes, before sliding Damian off his lap and steadying the both of them. 
“Time to go home, Dames.” 
The light was much too bright out, Damian decided as he opened his eyes, despite the protests of the hammer going off inside of his skull. The blackout curtains were drawn shut, but the tiny sliver of light coming through them seemed much more like a flashlight shined directly into his face.
With what he’d admit was mild discomfort, he shifted in bed, drawing a small noise from his husband, who was apparently not asleep.
“Good morning.” The words were whispered but sounded like a megaphone, causing Damian to swat at him.
“Speak quieter.”
“I guess the hangover isn’t treating you as well as you’d hoped.” Jon’s voice was much more amused than he would have liked, but at the moment, he hadn’t the energy to comment on it, only grumbling.
“This is all your fault.”
“It always is, isn’t it?” Jon gently pushed back a few loose pieces of hair around his face. “You didn’t have to get as…compromised as you did, but you Bats can never back down from a challenge.”
“And you kryptonians do?” Damian snorted, wincing as the action jostled his body. “Beloved, if you ran from a challenge, i don’t believe we’d be here.” 
Jon hummed in acknowledgement. “So, moral of the story is we’re both stubborn and competitive. Yeah? Me slightly more than you, of course. ‘Cause you’re just a sweet baby angel aren’t ya, honey?”
Damian scoffed and subsequently cringed again, Jon’s previous snark was replaced with soft, exasperated affection.
“I’ll grab you some painkillers and some water. I'll be right back, darlin’.” Jon clambered out of bed and shuffled himself out of the room. 
Damian closed his eyes and willed the headache to go away. 
“Hey, we’re both off today from day jobs so that’s nice–oh and I was planning on calling Bruce and asking about us sitting out of patrol for tonight-” Jon rounded the bed and quickly handed off the aforementioned items. 
“No.” Damian mumbled. 
“You really can’t think you’re alright to patrol tonight-” Jon said slowly.  
Damian glared tiredly and Jon crossed his arms. 
“I’m fine, Jon. Stop coddling.” Damian insisted. 
Jon sighed in response but didn’t push. He crawled back into bed and picked up his phone only for his eyebrows to shoot up into his hairline upon seeing the mass amounts of notifications on his homescreen. Tiktok, instagram, snapchat. Any kind of social media and there was someone mentioning him, or trying to get his attention. It wasn’t too unusual. Not really. Jon always had at least a bit of attention due to marrying one of Gotham’s sweethearts. But even then, this was excessive. Curiously Jon randomly opened one of the Tiktok videos that people had been sending him–and Jon couldn’t help the laugh that shook his body upon watching. 
“Shut up,” Damian uncurled just enough to glare at his husband. 
Jon didn’t even attempt to stifle the chuckles that escaped his mouth. 
“You’re famous, Dami.” Jon snorted. “Again.”
Damian huffed and sat up to snatch Jon’s phone. It took all of five seconds for Damian’s face to flush upon recognizing himself from the night before. 
It was an edit, Damian vaguely remembers himself and Colin dancing with each other and apparently the people had  not only seen but recorded, uploading the clips onto the internet for frivolous purposes like these.
Damian glared at Jon and gestured pointedly with the phone, ignoring the looped music playing from the device. “This is your fault.” 
Jon laughed harder. 
Their ship name was trending again, along with different variations of Damian's name. The rest of the morning was spent with his horrible husband watching various edits and reading posts aloud to him.
Of course, it was all followed up by being doted on the rest of the day, which may or may not have made up for everything.
When the evening came and he slipped on the suit, Jon tried to talk him out of it again. 
“Really, Dami, I think they’d understand, people have called off patrol for less.” He plucked the mask from his husband’s hold, putting out the puppy eyes he knew made the other’s resolve crumble.
“Jonathan.” Damian huffed, reaching up for the mask, eyebrow raising as it was held above his head in a childish gesture. “I will not be brought down by a generally harmless illness and an unfortunately timed headache.”
“A hangover, babe.” Jon kept the mask above his head as if they were bickering preteens and teens all over again. “You never drink enough to get properly wasted, so now that you have, it’s not going to be kind to you.”
“You’re being childish, give it to me.” Damian scolded instead, refusing to lower himself to the grounds where he’d jump. He’d need a running start to reach above Jon’s height, and frankly, he was not in the mood for this, nor willing to waste what little energy he had left.
“Just stay tonight, i’ll stay with you,” He pleaded once more. Damian sighed, looking out of the apartment window at the darkening sky.
“I will end patrol two hours earlier.” He offered, headache thanking him as it thrummed in his skull. 
Jon scrunched up his face, analyzing him, before handing him the mask, resigned. “You shouldn’t even be going out. I’m a horrible husband for condoning this.”
“You were a horrible husband when you let me go viral due to my antics while inebriated, no matter how pure the intentions.”
Jon whined. “You’re so mean.” 
“So I've been told.” Damian snorted.
Jon sighed and handed over the mask, it was quiet for a moment as Damian checked over his gear. 
“You have to admit that the reality of you being a party drunk is pretty damn funny-” Jon said, breaking the silence.
“I know you’re embarrassed, it's okay honey-'' Jon grinned. 
“I am not embarrassed-” Damian huffed. 
“You totally are!” Jon laughed. 
“You are on thin ice, habibi.” Damian turned away from Jon and made his way out into the night.
“You know you love me.” Jonathan chirped, following close behind. 
“I suppose that’s why I married you, isn’t it?”
Damian was beginning to wonder if he should have listened to his husband.
The sudden jolt of nausea had caused him to nearly miss a swing from his grappling hook, looking downwards not helping whatsoever. He made it finally to the designated rooftop his siblings had told him to go to. On a normal day, he would have seen where it was going, but at this point, he was much too out of it to care too much.
“Hey Demon.” A voice from behind him caused him to jump and he turned, seeing his second oldest brother grinning at him, helmet under his arm.
“Todd.” he crossed his arms. 
“He got you, didn’t he, Baby Bat?” Tim appeared next, a smirk on his face. “Must be a bit disorienting for you, huh?”
“I haven’t the slightest clue what you’re on about, Drake.” Damian sniffed, turning around and silently begging every deity known to man that his siblings wouldn’t mention his…late night escapades. 
Of course, God is dead and Damian could always count on the others to stir the pot even more.  Dick hugged him, and mentioned nothing, thank fuck, but Stephanie was another thing.
“You’re all over the internet, Dami!” Steph cackled, shoving his phone in his face. The brightness was too high for his liking and he batted it away, grumbling.
“Little brother, not in shape for patrol.” Cass said, sounding serious but the mirth was dancing in her eyes.
“Baby’s first awful hangover!” Jason cheered, ruffling his hair. “Surprised your gorgeous husband whom you love so much and is the best person in the world didn’t make you stay.”
Damian cringed at the use of descriptions, just one of the things from when he was drunk off his ass and waxing poetic about his partner going viral on the internet. 
“He attempted it. I am perfectly fine, thank you.”
“You’re too young for this,” Dick wailed. “This is my baby, you guys, this is not right-!”
“Grayson.” Damian grumbled and his oldest brother clung to him. “Stop.”
Jason snorted. “C’mon don’t beat him while he's down. Plus. You’re, what? Ten years old?”
“I am twenty four!” Damian hissed.
“Four?” Tim echoed, shit-eating grin splitting his face open. “Holy shit you guys, he’s still a baby.”
“Drake.” Damian growled as he was held tighter. “Sleep tonight and you will not wake tomorrow.”
“Dami,” Dick whined. “You got drunk-” 
“Yes, we’ve established this.” Damian grumbled. 
“You’d think with all the bitching you’ve done at us, you’d never even touch alcohol.” Steph said, still scrolling on her phone. 
“I am an adult. I am allowed a couple drinks-” said Damian. 
“More than a couple.” Cass shook her head while the rest of their siblings stifled their laughter. 
“Need to go home.” She declared, poking at him affectionately.
“I’m fine.” Damian would never admit to the whine that laced the words, swatting at Cass’s hand.
“Uh-huh,” Jason snorted.
“I blame Jon.” Damian grumbled. 
“How could you say that about the love of your life?!” Steph gasped in mock offense. 
“He’s the one who encouraged me to ‘have fun’. I was merely making him happy and…got carried away.” Damian flushed and elbowed Dick at his responding coo. 
“God, you guys are so gross. Ew, Look you’re practically grinding on him-” Steph flashed her phone in Damian’s eyes again and Damian hissed. 
“He is my husband. Stop being a voyeur, Brown.” Steph’s face screwed up in disgust. “And I swear you turned up the brightness on that vile device just to spite me.” Damian scowled. 
“Maybe I did, what’re you gonna do about it? Stab me? When you can’t even walk in a straight line?” Steph grinned. 
“You’re all dead to me.” Damian deadpanned. “Also that is a gross dramatization. If I was that compromised I wouldn't have come to patrol at all.”  
At the responding looks of skepticism, Damian sighed. At that moment there was a thump and the crunch of gravel as another person joined them. None of the young adults had to look to know it was their dad, or as he was now, Batman. 
The immediate silence weighed over them, louder than the previous conversations. Anticipation hung in the air as he cleared his throat, seemingly waiting for a greeting.
“Father.” Damian glanced at him, seemingly unconcerned over the possibilities this exchange might bring.
“Damian.” Bruce responded stiffly, looking rather uncomfortable. Damian raised a brow, seemingly scandalized.
“Names on the field, Batman.”
“Right, well, how has your day been?” Bruce coughed, much to Damian’s confusion.
“Fine..?” Damian narrowed his eyes at him. “What are you getting at?”
“Last night seemed to have been very eventful for you.” There was a choked wheezing noise from behind him, undoubtedly one of his brothers. 
Damian flushed, crossing his arms and looking much like a petulant child then the adult he was supposed to be. “I’m far past legal age, father. I’m married, I no longer live under your roof, there’s really no need for-”
“I don’t think we really ever had a talk about safe drinking, son.” Bruce cut him off with a seemingly concerned tone of voice.
“Father, we absolutely do not have to-”
“You should always have a limit, and I know that you do, but please remember to have a designated driver, and stay hydrated.” Bruce’s voice was tuned out by Damian’s own fuming thoughts, his siblings barely concealed laughter echoing in his mind.
This was humiliating. Here he was, surrounded by absolute hypocrites, all clowning on him and giving him talks. He was Damian Al Ghul Wayne (Kent), for fuck’s sake! He’d been building up his tolerance since he was a child, granted not that it had been exercised recently past a glass of champagne at a gala, but still. 
“-amian? Damian, are you listening to me?” He snapped out of his thoughts, Tim seemingly doing a dolphin impression next to him, high pitched shrieks and rumbles of barley held back laughter.
“No.” Damian scowled. “You’re all hypocrites, how dare you have the audacity to treat me this way when each of you have had much worse versions of this than I have! At least I didn’t go around trying to flirt with anyone other than the person I am actually with.”
”Pretty sure he just called y’all hoes.” Steph stage-whispered, Tim now in a fetal position on the rooftop and rocking back and forth while Jason cackled loudly.
“Furthermore, yes, while my tolerance isn’t exactly what it used to be, it certainly looks better that I am actually of the correct age for something like this, and everyone seems to have taken it as positive publicity. This was my choice, no matter how other elements may have influenced it.”
He let out a long breath, looking up with annoyed glance. “And besides, I was kept safe by Jonathan, who didn’t let any of us go past a limit, and cared for me and attempted to get me off of patrol.”
”Whipped.” came from somewhere in the crowd, followed by a gagging noise and something that sounded like a dying vacuum. 
“Tt.” Damian turned. “I’ve had enough of you imbeciles. I’m retiring for the night, and you’ll do well to stop gossiping for God’s sake.”
The tips of his ears were dusted pink, betraying his mortification over the events. He moved to shoot his grappling hook, tripping and landing on his face due to the dully pounding headache at the back of his head that was meddling with his senses.
That was the tipping point for his siblings, and the poorly concealed laughter began to scream out near hysterically. 
“What, were you all hit with laughing toxin?” Damian brushed himself off, looking moments away from stomping his foot like a toddler. “You’re insufferable, the lot of you!”
He swooped away, entire body burning in shame. God, he should have just listened to Jon. Not that he’d tell him though.
Damian was considerably less flustered by the time he entered his home but the tips of his ears still felt warm when he thought back to the mortifying encounter with his family. 
“Of course all of them had to be present to humiliate me. None of them can be bothered to make time for any event of actual importance but oh as soon as there's blood in the water everyone shows up. Sharks, the lot of them.” Damian muttered angrily. 
“So how was patrol?” Damian looked up to see Jon leaning against a doorway nearby. 
“It went well, nothing interesting.” Damian said, lying through his teeth. 
Jon looked amused. “Liar.” 
Damian held back a groan. “And why do you say that, Jonathan.” 
“Aside from the fact that you look more pissed off than usual, you have your tells.” Jon looked fond. 
“What may these tells be, exactly?” Damian raised an eyebrow.
Jon shrugged with a grin and finally made his way over to Damian before wrapping his arms around his waist. 
“You inhale a bit through your nose and deliberately make more eye contact when you lie. I’ve always assumed it was to keep your heart rate controlled and to make what you're saying be taken more seriously because usually you hate direct eye contact.” Jon explained.
Damian did groan aloud at this and Jon laughed quietly. Damian scoffed but couldn’t help the way his eyes softened at the sound and the way he leaned into Jon’s touch. Damian and Jon were again chest to chest but this time they just existed in each other's arms and swayed slightly to the soft sound of a song that only the two of them could hear. 
“Seriously though, are you alright?” Jon pulled away slightly before he finally spoke again after an indiscernible amount of time had passed. His voice was soft and slightly concerned. Damian sighed and pulled out of his arms completely in order to get out of his suit. 
“I’m fine, I promise, habibi. Slightly embarrassed due to my family's idiocy but fine nonetheless.”
Jon hummed. “I’m going to take a wild guess and assume they saw the videos online.” 
Damian snorted. “Stephanie made it her mission to scroll through as many as she could.” 
“Of course she did.” Jon rolled his eyes. 
Damian pulled off the last bits of armor and quickly pulled on a pair of sweatpants that had been lying around as well as a shirt he didn’t doubt belonged to Jon seeing as it hung a bit loosely off his frame. 
“I would like to go to bed now.” Damian said, coming to lean into his husband’s side once more. 
“Sounds good to me. I did put out some water and painkillers for you if you need them, though.” Jon said. 
 Damian's headache abruptly made itself known now that Damian’s attention was brought back to it. 
“Ah, yes. Water and medication, then sleep.” Damian winced. 
Soon, Damian and Jon were able to fall back into bed and wrap themselves around each other under their duvet. Damian hid his face in the crook of Jon’s neck and Jon tilted his own to the side in order to rest his chin atop the soft strands of Damian's hair. Before long, both were fast asleep and soft snoring filled the room. 
It was quiet, save the soft noises of sleep. And despite the darkness of night, the love that they held for each other was as bright and clear as day. It would continue like that as long as they would stay together, a shining beacon of light through the harder times and lighthearted chaos. For now, though, they were content to stay like that, their bubble of home, warm and soft and full of love.
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femme-enby · 4 months
Do not attack me, but I have a fanfic update-
So, after waking up after a shift & having another one tonight, I realized a few things…
1) I really miss my seasonal haunt job
2) I really miss spooky season
3) since I’ve never before in my life written a fanfic, or any type of writing that included conversation aside from quotes in essays, I might be better off writing possibly the most self-indulgent BS ever as practice (NOT instead of!!!)
Plus it would give any feral readers some advice, as much like myself, some of y’all are probably decent at analyzing other’s writing. Even if you’re not tho or don’t think you are, when I finally (probably within the week) start posting chapters, I welcome all advice! Just… please, remember I’ve NEVER done this before, so it’s probably gonna be a little bit all over the place and kinda rough.
I’ve kinda already started…?
Summary- you want a seasonal job, (subject to change, considering Fazbear DID try to make a whole haunt attraction with no indication that THAT was seasonal… or maybe I will simply ignore the fact that time is a thing that passes. Who knows.) so after moving you apply at the local haunt. Shenanigans, shitty customers, some animatronics are there, notably two jesters. What could go wrong? (Probably not much, this is for me to indulge & my indulgences are very relaxed)
Similar to the last offering- we will be wooing the jesters, some friends to lovers perchance (we completely ignore the general advice to never date a fellow haunt actor, which exists bc at heart even if not in reality almost all haunt actors are theater kids and that leads to drama) aaaand idk.
I just wanna be a haunt actor rn instead of my typical job, and I DESPERATELY need practice before I dive into a more proper, structured fanfic.
This is gonna be cringe. It’s gonna be goofy. It’s gonna be wordy bc I need practice on… NOT, being INCREDIBLY over explanatory. It’s not that I think my readers are dumb, it’s that I got that tism in me and I over analyze and over explain EVERYTHING.
But!!! If you’ve ever been curious about how being a haunt actor works, what it’s like, etc. then you’ll know how it works (at least from my experience) intimately well.
That being said…
I’ll be doing some research on other haunts for more location ideas, bc while Sun & Moon are pretty easy (EVERYWHERE has clowns. Can’t have a haunt without clowns) the others might give me some trouble… but I also REALLY want to include them, not just bc they’re awesome but also bc it would be good practice for my other fanfic, so I can get a general idea on how I want to write them…
I know my haunt had a more “country” attraction, and Monty’s backstory seemed to portray him as more of a rural gator… but idk. Maybe the difference from his attraction vs his true/current personality is workable tho.
My haunt also had a… food focused, of sorts… attraction, where ofc it would be easy to put Chica…
But WTF do I do with Roxy? Or Freddy???
That will be a problem for another day.
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yujeong · 6 months
For a fic prompt, I’d love to read something about Pete being sick or hurt and needing care that isn’t related to aftercare post-sex. I’ve found a fair few fics centered on Vegas dealing with being sick and cared for (and Pete basically bullying Vegas into letting him care for Vegas), but haven’t found nearly as many focused on Pete in a non-sexual context. I think that would be interesting and lends itself to your style of writing (at least from what I’ve read of your writing, which is just the VegasPete posted on AO3). I love your work, btw! Thanks for being a fandom author-y’all never get enough credit ❤️
Hello, my dear anon! Thank you so, so much for your kind words and your gorgeous prompt ❤️ Generally, Vegas taking care of Pete is one of my favorite concepts. We got crumbs in the show, crumbs, and I desperately need more of that. Thank you for giving me the incentive to do it myself, though I have dipped my toes into it a little bit before with the things you can(not) change, which had Vegas taking care of Pete emotionally. Btw, I'm very sorry for being late in replying to this, but I had a bit of trouble coming up with an idea for it until I got hit with some very specific feels, and now here I am, with 5 whole ass pages of words that made me decide to turn this concept into a proper fic. Looking forward to posting it in 2025 lmao. Here's a part of it: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pete woke up laying on his bed, with no recollection of how he got there. The last thing he remembered was going to the kitchen for some water and the noise coming out of Macau's room. It was probably because of that new game he bought last week that he wanted to play so much. His whining suggested he wasn't very good at it. Pete didn't know what happened after that. He was feeling disoriented, floaty. His head was throbbing. There was bile stuck at the back of his throat, which he couldn't swallow. His mouth was dry. His body was heavy, restricting his movements. He tried opening his eyes, but he got dizzy by the light coming in from outside. He closed them again. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" Fuck. When did Vegas come back? Where was Macau? Pete took in a shallow breath, trying to quiet down his heartbeat. He didn't open his eyes. Vegas sounded angry. He had to calm him down, somehow. "Vegas..." "Macau called me in a panic, because he found you unconscious in the kitchen. He thought you died. I did too, when I saw you."
Vegas was holding back tears, Pete could tell; there was a certain way his voice hitched when he spoke like that, vulnerability leaking from his tongue. He sounded small, too, like when he used to do comparisons that led him nowhere. Pete didn't like it when Vegas was talking like that. The fact that he reverted to that state because of him made it even worse. "I'm sorry." "Don't-" He didn't conclude what he was going to say. Pete could hear sniffing, but nothing else. Not looking at Vegas' face was killing him. He opened his eyes with extreme difficulty and found Vegas staring at him, with red smeared across the edges of his own eyes and sweat gathered on his forehead. He was too far away. He wasn't touching him. "Vegas," Pete said, lifting his arm in Vegas' direction, despite how much he couldn't. Vegas widened his eyes and dropped his gaze. He held back a sob. He didn't take Pete's hand. "You look the same as back then." Pete let his arm fall on the bed, stunned by Vegas' words. How could he be so stupid? He completely forgot. He didn't know why. Maybe because everything that had happened at the safehouse had always seemed like a weird dream to him, one that he never really woke up from. Pete didn't have any words of comfort to give. His stomach started acting funny. He hoped it wouldn't lead to vomiting. He hadn't done that since his adolescent days, which had been filled with boxing and violence. "It's not your fault I'm sick," was all he could offer in the end. "I should have been here, taking care of you-" "You had an important meeting with Porsche," Pete reminded him. "Fuck Porsche." He had thought about it once. How it would feel to have sex with Porsche. Pete imagined it'd be simple. Uncomplicated. Fun, even. Now, it sounded painful, more so than all the things Vegas did to him. Perhaps Vegas was right getting concerned about Pete's health after all. He felt a hand touching his forehead. It was cold and sweaty. Pete wished it could get glued there. "Shit, your fever is high. Have you eaten anything?" "No." He felt Vegas suck in a breath, before he heard it. "I'm cooking you something to eat." He tried to get up, but Pete caught him before he could escape. A low, whining sound scratched his sore throat. "Sleep with me. You look tired." "Pete," Vegas warned. "You're burning up and you need to eat." "Just for a little while. It'll help." Vegas sighed. The sound came out unsteady. His bottom lip quivered, or Pete thought it did. His vision was too blurry to be sure. "Fine, but you're taking something for the fever first." Pete smiled tiredly at him. He didn't thank him. He would hate that.
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simping4villains · 1 year
A/N: Hey y’all! Here’s another Phinks oneshot requested by one of my wattpad readers! My requests are always open, just keep in mind that it may take me awhile to get to them bc i’m working on sooo many fics rn. Anyway, hope you enjoy! <3
Warning: Sexual content
The mission was simple: break into the social club on the edge of town and steal the valuables that were said to be hidden in the safe. What the intel failed to mention was that the social club was a common hangout for the local mafia members. When the four of you broke in, you were completely swarmed. Of course, those grunts couldn't actually use nen, so it didn't pose much of a challenge, but a heads up still would have been nice.
   "What's wrong? Why are you holding back?" You asked Phinks as he snapped the neck of the last man in the most recent wave of enemies, dropping him into a heap on the ground.
   "Huh? Whachya mean, holding back?"
   "Oh sorry, I just thought you had to have some kind of intense power to be a part of the phantom troupe."
   You hadn't been with the troupe for long, so you hadn't gotten to see everyone's abilities, but you were very impressed with the few that you had seen. It made sense why they had the sort of reputation that they did.
   "The hell are you saying?"
   "Nothing, forget it. Let's just catch up with Shalnark and Feitan." The hallway ahead of you split into two paths. You weren't exactly sure which one led to the other spiders. "Uh, any idea where they went?"
   "I was a little busy when they ran off," he snapped.
   Why was he always so fucking defensive?
   "Alright, guess we'll have to split up to find them. You think you can handle yourself?"
   He rolled his eyes as he pushed past you. "Don't get too cocky, newbie."
   You both picked a hallway to follow. It became clear pretty quickly that you had chosen the right path. More blood and bodies covered the floor the further you went. Eventually, you found Feitan and Shalnark standing at the end of the hallway. Behind them was a large, metal door.
   "Oh, hey y/n!" Shalnark called when he saw you. "Perfect timing."
   "Where's Phinks?" Feitan asked impatiently.
   "He went down the other hallway to look for you guys."
   He gave an annoyed grunt as he pulled out his phone. "Will text him."
   "So, how's your first official mission going so far? You sure you still wanna be a troupe member?" Shalnark asked you.
   "It's not all that bad," you laughed. "I hadn't talked to Phinks much before this, though. What the hell is his problem?"
   "Good question," Feitan muttered as he read Phinks's immediate reply to his text.
   Shalnark laughed. "Aw, come on! Phinks is a great guy. He's just got a lot of. . ."
   "Anger issues?" Feitan offered.
   Shalnark shook his head. "No, that's not it."
   "Not that either."
   "Don't know what else it could be."
   Shalnark's eyes lit up. "Passion! Yeah, that's it."
   Feitan hummed, clearly thinking his answers were better.
   "We havin a party over here?" Phinks asked as he strolled up. "What the hell are you guys doing just standing around?"
   "Well, we were waiting for you to catch up," Shalnark explained.
   "Took you long enough," you teased.
   Phinks opened his mouth, likely to cuss you out for picking on him, but Shalnark cut him off.
   "So anyway, this door might give us a bit of trouble. I can try to hack the digital lock, unless you have any other ideas, Phinks?"
   Feitan snickered. "Really asking him?"
   Phinks reared on him. "Hey, listen here, you little runt, I'm as capable of coming up with solutions as anyone else!"
   "Whatever you say."
   "I don't need this," Phinks huffed before taking a few steps back. "Watch and learn."
   He activated his nen and charged at the door, preparing to throw his body into it. At the last second, it swung open, causing him to crash to the floor. You and Feitan couldn't help but laugh.
   "Whoops! Sorry, Phinks," Shalnark apologized. "I ended up being able to hack it after all."
   Phinks groaned, rolling onto his back. "It's fine, Shal. No harm done, right?"
   "Just to your ego," Feitan said. "Proved us right."
   "I dunno," you countered, "even I didn't think he could be that pathetic."
   He lifted his head to look at you. "You wanna quit talkin shit?"
   You shrugged. "I'm just being honest"
   He scoffed in response. "That's it." Phinks pushed himself off of the ground, dusting himself off. "Fei, Shal, you think you can handle the rest of this mission?"
   They both looked at each other, clearly confused. It was Shalnark who finally answered. "Uh, sure, yeah."
   With that, Phinks stormed over to you, picked you up, and threw you over his shoulder like it was nothing.
   "Hey!" You shrieked. "Put me down!"
   "Relax, will ya? You and I are just gonna go have a chat about this fucking attitude of yours."
   "I can walk just fine on my own, though! Shalnark, will you talk some sense into this brute?"
   Shalnark waved at you as you disappeared around the corner of the hallway. "See you guys later! Remember that spiders aren't allowed to kill each other!"
   You couldn't believe his response. The other two were really just letting Phinks carry you off to god-knows-where to bitch you out. Fucking traitors.
   Phinks found an empty room—some sort of storage room judging by the piles of boxes and shelves of junk—that he decided was private enough for him to say whatever was on his mind. He locked the door behind him so that no stray mafia members would interrupt and finally set you back on your feet. As soon as he did, you punched him in the shoulder.
   "Ow! What the hell is that for?!"
   "For treating me like a god damn rag doll!"
   You went to swing again, but he caught your fist and pinned you against the wall.
   "Will you calm the fuck down?"
   "No, you're acting like a dickhead."
   "Me? You're the one firing off all the snarky comments. Didn't anyone ever teach you any manners?"
   "Oh, you're right. I forgot i'm supposed to respect my elders," you spat. "Sorry, geezer."
   He gave a wry laugh. "You know, with the way you're acting, it seems like you might be trying to hide something."
   "Oh yeah? Like what?"
   He moved one of his hands from where it kept you pinned, tilting your head so that your eyes met. "I think you've got a little crush."
   It was your turn to laugh. "You can't be serious."
   A crush? Absolutely not. Sure, when you'd first seen Phinks you couldn't help but admire him—I mean, come on, his body was stupidly gorgeous—but your interest was quickly crushed by his personality. You hated men who thought they were god's gift to humanity.
   "Don't think I haven't noticed you staring at me back at the base." He smirked. "You want me, don't you? That's why you're being such a brat—it's just to get my attention."
   You scoffed. "God, you're so fucking cocky."
   "Be honest," he leaned closer so his lips nearly brushed your ear. "Does it make you want me even more?"
   His warm breath made you shiver. It didn't go unnoticed by Phinks, who started to chuckle before you pushed him away.
   "Knock it off!"
   "Why?" He asked. "Because you know i'm right?"
   "You're not," you insisted, trying to keep your pride in-tact.
   "Oh, come on, I felt the way you reacted when I was close to you." His finger traced your ear to emphasize his point.
   You smacked his hand away. "I'm not sure what you mean."
   "Right." He ran his thumb over your bottom lip, following the action with his eyes. "So you're telling me that if I tried to kiss you right now, you'd stop me?"
   "Why don't you find out?"
   He frowned. "Are you just looking for an excuse to hit me?"
   "I don't need an excuse."
   "Guess I might as well take my chances, then."
   He wrapped his fingers in your hair and pulled you to him so that your lips met.
   You didn't punch him. Hell, you didn't even try to push him away. Your eyes just fluttered shut as the world melted around you. What the hell was wrong with you?
   You opened your eyes again when the two of you broke apart. You'd be lying if you said that you were surprised by the smug look on his face.
   "Guess I was right."
   "No, you absolutely were not!" You denied, though your voice sounded incredibly shrill and unconvincing as it left your throat.
   He crossed his arms over his chest. "Then why'd you let me kiss you?"
   "Spiders don't fight."
   It was a pathetic excuse.
   "You would've been well within your rights to slap me if you wanted. I wouldn't have held it against you."
   "I didn't know."
   "Would it really have changed the way you reacted?"
   "It might've, yeah."
   Even you didn't believe it as you said it. Really, you knew that Phinks fully expected you to slap him when he'd kissed you. Things certainly would've been a whole lot easier if you had. Now you were left questioning yourself.
   His hand found its way back into your hair. "Well, here, i'll do it again so you have the chance."
   "No, don't do that!"
   "Why not? Because you're lying? Because you know you secretly want me to?"
   Your face was starting to feel impossibly hot. "That's not it at all!"
   "Oh, really? Then what is it? You're afraid of hurting me?"
   "I. . ."
   He laughed. He knew he'd won. "You had so much to say earlier. Where'd all that sass go?"
   You pursed your lips, glaring daggers at him. "Shut up."
   "You're cute when you act tough."
   "I'll kick your ass, you know."
   He brushed his thumb over your cheek, flashing you that gorgeous, crooked smile that you could barely stomach. "Oh, I'm sure you will."
   "Don't patronize me. I fucking mean it."
   You frowned, feeling your annoyance battling it out with the sexual tension. You weren't sure which would win.
   Ultimately, it was Phinks who threw in te towel. He untangled his fingers from your hair and stepped away from you, moving to leave the room.
   You felt breathless without his touch, without having him so close to you.
   "Where the hell are you going?" You called after him.
   He turned back to you. "I figured we were done talking. I mean, you told me that my theory was wrong, so what more is there left to say?"
   He turned again to leave. You rushed forward, grabbing him by the shoulder and spinning him around. You'd been so ready to tell him off, to give him a piece of your mind, but as soon as your eyes met you froze.
   "What's this all about, huh?" he asked.
   "We don't. . . we don't have to say anything."
   "The hell do you mean by that?"
   You threw your arms around the back of his neck, pulling him into a kiss. He was caught off guard for a second, but then you felt him smile against you. He had won. He was right. Whatever.
   "So you do want me?" he teased, biting your bottom lip.
   You flipped the two of you around so that he was the one pinned up against the wall. "Please, you couldn't wait to get me alone."
   You pressed your mouth to his again, running your tongue over his bottom lip for him to grant you entrance. He dropped his jaw so that you could explore his mouth with your tongue. All the while you were working your fingers into his hair, pulling his head aside to expose his neck.
   When you sunk your teeth into his skin he let out a combination of a yelp and a moan. "Jesus christ, woman."
   "What?" You asked innocently, pressing a gentle kiss to the spot where you'd bitten him.
   He chuckled, tilting his head for you to keep going. "You just might be more than I bargained for."
   The corners of your mouth pricked up into a smirk. "I guarantee I am."
   You sucked a harsh bruise onto his neck as you unzipped his jacket, slowly pushing it off of his shoulders and letting it drop to the floor. You hadn't ever seen him without it, so you hadn't realized just how toned he really was. His muscles rippled under the loosely fitting material of his tank top. You could hardly peel your eyes away.
   "Wanna wipe up all that drool?" he teased.
   "Fuck off."
   "Nah, it's fine. You can admit you think i'm a dime."
   You wrapped your hand around his throat. "Would you shut the hell up?"
   His eyes went wide with excitement. "Yes ma'am."
   Your clothes flew off piece by piece amidst a montage of sloppy kisses and teeth grazing skin until he was sat back against a stack of crates with you straddling his lap. You gripped his shoulders as you slowly sank down on his cock, mouth agape and brows furrowed in a silent, pained moan at the feeling of him stretching you out. He felt even bigger than he'd looked.
   "You okay?" He asked, brushing your hair out of your face so he could look into your eyes as soon as your hips were resting on his.
   "Just fine," you assured him, though you were sure your face was betraying you.
   "So you'd be alright with me moving right now?" He shifted experimentally and you felt a surge of pain stemming from where the two of you were connected.
   Your hands shot to his chest to stop him. "Let me."
   You slowly raised your hips and lowered them back down on him, building up a rhythm to get yourself comfortable until you were all but bouncing on his dick. His hands held your ass, lazily guiding you up and down his shaft.
   He threw his head back in a moan. "You're so fucking hot. Shoulda done this sooner. Shoulda made a move the second I laid eyes on you."
   "I would've thought you were a jackass," you retorted.
   He gave a breathy laugh in response. "Does that mean you don't now?"
   "I'm not sure i'd say that."
   His mouth quirked into an amused smile before he pulled you into a kiss, hot and passionate and wild. When you broke apart he rested his forehead against yours, letting his hands run over your skin to soothe you.
   "Do you need me to hold back still?"
   You shook your head.
   "Then you might wanna brace yourself."
   He gripped your hips and started thrusting up into you. You buried your face into his neck, clawing at his back and tugging at his hair, trying to keep yourself grounded as he pounded into you relentlessly. He didn't slow until his tip rammed your cervix, causing you to squeal into his shoulder.
   He froze, pulling away so he could look at you. "Was that too much? Did I hurt you?"
   "I'm fine," you assured him.
   He rolled the two of you so that you were on your back. "I can slow it down for a sec," he said, rolling his hips so that he moved in long, slow strokes. With the angle he was at, he brushed all the right spots on each retreat. You were practically seeing stars.
   "God, Phinks," you breathed.
   "Yeah, babe? That feel good?"
   "Fuck, yes."
   Your hands snaked up his arms to pull him down into another kiss. Meanwhile, one of his hands moved between the two of you and settled on your clit. You gasped as his fingers started tracing circles against it and he used the opportunity to catch your bottom lip between his teeth.
   You arched against him, letting out a low whine. You appreciated how gentle he was trying to be with his slow thrusts, but it wasn't enough.
   "What is it, gorgeous?"
   "I want more."
   "More? You want me to be rough with you again?"
   He completely pulled out of you. The empty feeling left you ready to complain, but he cut you off when he grabbed you by the throat and said, "Get on your hands and knees."
   You quickly scrambled to do as he'd asked, nearly shaking with anticipation as he positioned himself behind you. You were expecting the sensation of his cock head teasing your entrance, but instead he landed a hard slap on your ass.
   "What the hell was that for?!" You yelped as he did it again.
   "You think you can act like a brat all night long without any consequences? You should've known you had this coming. You were practically begging for me to put you in your place."
   You didn't know how to react. You'd never had anyone treat you like that before. You were struggling to accept the fact that you kind of enjoyed it.
   He folded himself over your body so that he was speaking directly in your ear. "Now, you're gonna take every inch of me like the good little slut you are, got it?"
   You nodded, struggling to find words to respond to him.
   Once he got the go-ahead, he shoved your face down into the floor so that your back arched, making your ass stick up. He gave it one last slap before forcing the whole length of his cock into you at once.
   You cried out in pain, gritting your teeth as your walls accommodated his size.
   "You can take it," he said, pressing a kiss to your neck. "Can't you?"
   "Yes,” you whimpered.
   "Good girl.”
   His words caused a new heat to build between your legs. "Please," you begged, "fuck me."
   "Whatever you want, princess."
   He pulled back his hips and slammed them into you again, repeating the action over and over until he was was hammering into you even faster than before. You could feel that familiar coil of pleasure building once more, threatening to snap. As if Phinks could sense it, he dropped a hand down to give attention to your clit again.
   "Come for me, babe. I know you're close." He nipped at your ear. "I wanna feel you come on my cock. I wanna ride you through it until you're all fucked out. Let go for me."
   You did, letting your orgasm wash over you, carrying all of the tension in your body with it until you practically melted into Phinks. It was pure bliss.
  He groaned as he felt your walls clench around him and grabbed your hips, using them as handlebars to help him chase his own release. Within moments, you felt him stutter and a warmth spread through you, letting you know that he'd finished as well.
   Once the fog had cleared a bit from his head, he pulled out of you and rolled onto the floor, laying on his back. You collapsed beside him and watched his chest rise and fall heavily as he caught his breath.
   "You gonna be alright?" You asked. "I know senior citizens are at a higher risk for heart attacks if they overexert themselves."
   He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you into him, tilting your chin up and slipping his thumb between your lips.
   "You sure do like to mouth off. Maybe next time we'll have to put this to better use."
   You spat his thumb out. "Next time? You've got the wrong idea. This was just a one-off thing."
   He gave a hearty chuckle, like what you said had genuinely amused him. "Sure it was, babe. Whatever you say."
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dj-bynum3718 · 1 year
Of Fire and Ice - Chapter 11
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Melissa Schemmenti X reader X Larissa Weemes   
Summary: self doubt clouds your judgment and you can’t stand it.
Words: 1097
Notes: I’m so sorry for disappearing thank you to the people who are still interested in this… ❤️
Warnings: angst….
What are you doing… you are being an idiot. You look around at the dark gymnasium, empty except for you wrapped in the sheet from the bed that you grabbed in your haste to get out of there. The voices of self doubt finally too loud you had to escape.
You don’t know how you ended up here. One minute you are buried between Larissa’s legs the next you are having a panic attack.
“Trouble in paradise?” You whip your head around clenching the sheet tighter around yourself. “I-I….” “You know the last time I found you here like this you had just stole Larissa away from us.” You watch as Morticia shoos Gomez away a silent conversation had between the 2.
“I didn’t steal her away she broke up
With y’all and came to me” she comes and sits next to you on the bleachers. “Why are you here (y/n)?” “You wouldn’t understand Tish.” “Oh yeah? Try me because it looks to me as though you are running away from your feelings and being an idiot.” She pulls at your sheet. “They are worried for you…”
Your head snaps up as you look at her. “How would you know that?” “We have the room next to yours” she grimaced “gotta be honest we always thought you were the dominant.” You make a face. “Sorry didn’t realize we were that loud.” She shrugs “so why are you being an idiot?”
You look at her your high school rival now realizing she was probably your best friend in school. The one who talked you off ledges of chaos and self destruction. “Tish…. They aren’t actually my girlfriends… Me and Larissa broke up 6 years ago and Melissa and I are coworkers at a school in Philadelphia… I don’t know what the hell I’m doing! Or how to deal with the fact that I’m in love with the both of them!” She nods as you stand adjusting the sheet around you. Now pacing back and forth in front of her ranting. “Gods Tish what if they don’t like me?! I’m not good enough they deserve better than me! They deserve each other, both stunningly beautiful, incredibly smart you know?” You look up making sure she is listening she just nods along.
You aren’t good enough! You did the right thing in running this way the only life you are ruining is your own. You can start over you can do it you did it before it’s not that hard. Who are you fooling of course it’s hard. Your feeling are to consuming fully convinced that you will die if you run again. But it will be better for them they deserve better. Your mind is eating away at your own sanity making you act foolish and you are self aware but to far him to do anything about it.
“You know it would probably settle your mind if you just spoke to them.” You snap your head up giving her a look. “Right,right that’s too simple for you and you want to feel bad for yourself don’t you?” “What?” You give her a look like she just slapped you. “You are being a selfish stupid idiot!” “What am I supposed to d-“ she stands to her full height now scolding you. “Do have any idea how much those 2 women care about you? The moment you just poofed away they started panicking! We heard them we heard the commotion.”
They panicked when you left… why they don’t love you! They don’t want you Morticia is lying she has to be. “That’s why I knew where you would be because you always come here when you are being and idiot! So get out of your head and wake up! Because you’re right about one thing they do deserve better. They deserve to be treated way better than you are right now!”
Now that hurts you never wanted to hurt them. You didn’t. They don’t care about you, you are better off alone.
“Don’t you think I know that!! I love them so badly it hurts! They run through my dreams! And plague my thoughts. Every piece of art I see, every symphony I hear.” You are crying so full of emotions that you can’t stop them. “When I cook I feel Melissa when I play Fleetwood Mac I hear Larissa sing! I burn for them, I would climb every mountain, crawl through hell, catch a falling star if they just asked! I want to spend the rest of my life making sure they never want for anything! I want to take care of them. I want to love them and give them everything they deserve! Gods do I love them!”
“We love you too.” “Even when you are acting foolish.” You freeze staring at Morticia not daring to move. “I think it’s time I take my leave. I think you 3 have a lot to talk about. Come Gomez.” She stands walking out with her husband as your girls move to take her place in front of you.
“Care to tell us why all of this happened?” You look up at them standing in front of you in comfortable clothes eyes red and holding each other. You fucked up. “(Y/n) did we do something? Help us understand what happened.” You can see that you hurt them you did this caused this problem the last full day and you ran. To consumed in your own issues you didn’t even realize.
“I-I’m so sorry”. You take a step forward and at meet with a hand making you stop in your tracks you heart drops and the feeling of dread. “Why… why did you run…” Melissa oh god the look on her face and Larissa just looks angry. “We thought it was all going so good…” “and it was! I don’t want either of you to think for a moment that this was y’all’s fault. It was me all me, I was in my own head and.. oh Gods I’m so sorry. I never wanted to make the both of you feel like this.”
Larissa turns to Melissa and the whisper to each other before turning to look at you. “Come on… it’s cold in here and you don’t have near enough cloths on… and we need to talk”. Larissa finally looking you over. You let them lead you back to the room looking down self doubt and shame filling your body. You hurt your girls and you don’t know what is wrong with you but you hope to fix this…
@enchantressb @gwendolinechristieiscute @mrs-prentiss
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
Yandere shadowpeach dbk freenoodles sliktea greenflame spider Queen and Nezha x baby night fury/light furry mix reader
Like we are one of the eggs of toothless and his mate light furry.
But we end up get taken druing a fight and
Our egg is on a ship but somehow our egg rolls into a potrly and is in lmk world
and how the others find us is us hatching and they're stuck is so we end up in imprinting on them ( haha you are the father haha ) and they have to explain to there lovers what happened ( sun trying to explain his to his mate she did not cheat
Dbk the same to his scary wife tang to pigesy mk to Mei)
And they we see our mama and slowly turn into our human form which was still most likely look more Dragon then anything and sneeze end up doing a plasma ball lol that hits our Father lol
I always have a hard time when drawing a nightfury for when I wanted to make oc haha lol but anyway that’s off topic let’s get to it!
Warning: noob author, dark theme, female child reader, yandere platonic characters, and others.
Characters: shadowpeach, dbk, freenoodles, waterspider/silktea, greenflames (mk x mei), spiderqueen, nezha.
He had found you when he was fighting a demon who was dumb enough to try and kidnap his master and apparently that very demon had the egg you’re currently in, so they decided to bring you along for safe keeping until you hatched.
(I’m deciding to do this in the past since I didn’t really have a way to put sun in a fight that much plus I thought it would be a good and fun idea.)
You had hatched soon after and imprinted on sun some time into the journey later, they couldn’t do anything about it so they decided to go to sun’s home. When they all finally arrived to sun’s kingdom; flower fruit mountain, they weren’t expecting another monkey like sun but black aesthetic to punch sun in the face making him drop little (Y/n) who landed safely on the ground confused on what’s happening and don’t know what to do.
It was Tripitaka who was able to cool down his disciple mate and explain to him that sun did not cheat on him but actually in reality saved the little one when they came across a mishap on their journey which lead to macaque getting embarrassed and softly apologized to sun, who didn’t really care just as long as his mate know he wouldn’t do something that terrible to him and added how macaque looked hot when he punched him.
You look at the other monkey who wasn’t your father and soon declared him as your mother by talking in their language, which you had somewhat swiftly picked up on the argument from pigsy and sun along with everyone in the group are speaking to each other.
Before y’all got to flower fruit mountain; pigsy and sun was having a argument in front of you while you sun bathe which annoyed you because all you wanted was sleep and they weren’t letting you so you did what you could only do and followed your instincts; which lead for them to have a face being hit by a plasma blast shot from you before you went back to sleep now finally able to have the quiet of it that you needed to do so.
They all soon agreed to one, never mention that again and two, to never fight in front of you even if you’re not sleeping yet, cause they don’t know what else you could do and don’t want to find out; for such a young hatchling you certainly have a powerful plasma blast that even the great sun wukong don’t won’t to face again.
Macaque soon grew attached to you and now saw you as his daughter and would only let Tripitaka, Sandy, sun, and bai long ma be near you, no pigsy as he speaks loudly and you’re usually asleep when he’s around and macaque don’t want you to go through the trouble of shutting pigsy up so he makes sure he doesn’t happen.
Dbk family:
Dbk had found you in a forest as he was just taking a walk to calm his nerves and decided that you would be a big surprise to his and pif anniversary.
He had kept you a secret for the most part with only redson knowing and doing normal check ups to make sure you’ll hatch all healthy.
You had soon hatched and quickly latched onto dbk, imprinting on him as your father and soon followed him wherever he went which was hard for him to keep you a secret but apparently not good enough.
Pif had soon found the hatchling, and thought the worst; she at first thought that she could just ask her husband about it but with how hormonal she’s gotten from her period she soon grew anxious about the outcome to that which lead to her growing angry with her husband.
(I don’t know if demons can have periods or something similar to it but let’s just go with it for the post.)
Dbk forgot that it was his wife hormonal week with how excited he was about his gift for their anniversary, it wasn’t until redson had point out that it was in fact her hormonal week.
When you noticed pif it was then that you made the conclusion that she was now your mother and started cuddling with her making her settled down with your purring before her husband was finally having a chance to explain about you.
Redson mostly spent his time studying you and also playing fetch with you; he studies you because he want to make sure that he can understand the things you need, like, and other things like that, one time he was drawing on the dirt ground of the garden they had before you came over and observing what he was doing before grabbing a big enough stick before drawing yourself, one you were done you felt proud of your work before noticing redson was going to step on it and started growling at him which made him lift his foot before doing it again and seeing it result in the same reaction to when he first went to put his foot down on a line of your drawing before going around the liners and ended up to you which you jumped on him and yelled brother with a proud and happy look on your face.
Pigsy was just getting ingredients for his food that he sells in his shop when he found you about to be kidnapped while you’re in your egg not even hatched yet, which being out his overprotective side out and make the culprit regret deciding to do that.
When tang first saw the egg he had many thoughts mostly logical but then he started going down the deeper and more anxious thoughts before asking pigsy why he has a egg in his hand softly with his head down.
Pigsy was worried about his husband reaction and noticed how his shoulders would shake a little, starting to panic he quickly explained how he had saved you from some kidnappers and decided to bring you back home with him so that the two could raise together like with how they did with mk.
Tang was relieved but made pigsy let him have free noodles from now on as a way to make up for scaring him like that; he somehow doesn’t know how to react to that but relented anyway to make it up to tang.
You hatched soon afterwards and imprinted on both of them. You would tear the seats that was in the shop which lead to tang having to always carrying you so you wouldn’t be able to do that or get a reason to do that.
Tang had accidentally bought catnip and was going to bring it back for a return but you seem to have got a hold of it and now was doing things similar to how cats do when they’re on this stuff.
Tang and pigsy noticed how you seem to be more like a cat and decided to see if you would do more cat stuff with toys, pushing stuff and other things like a cat would, but it wouldn’t be long before you started to grow human features, not much but just enough to make it show. Your wings had crashed into many things which lead to you being told to do that outside when it gets stiff, and of course to ask permission and make sure you bring someone that they know they can trust; like mk, sandy, redson when he visits for his boyfriend.
You had meet him when you barely could open your eyes; he was searching for a missing cat that got lost and was close to where you were, apparently the cat wasn’t exactly lost but had sensed you and wanted to see what was what, which lead to him finding you hatching from your egg and eyes meeting resulting in you imprinting on him as your new father, plus finding the cat.
Huntsman was skeptical about you since you’re a dragon and are more damaging than a cat is but sandy won him over by saying how the two could teach you on how not to do things that would damage the boat or anything else along those line.
They took noticed on how you acted like a cat so they went from there with a few changes since you aren’t really a cat. They also got a laser just to see how you would react to it; never again are they using it as he has being chaos.
They see that you like fish and nothing more so they tried to get different fish for you so you wouldn’t get tired of it so fast which probably wouldn’t matter as that’s your species usual diet, but they do try to spice things up with ingredients that they knew you might like and wouldn’t harm you.
You then start growing more hum an features as you stay and live with them which was new since you only had dragon features before so they decided to meet up with mei to see if she possibly know why you suddenly stared growing human features.
She said maybe is was because of how long you stayed with the couple and started to gain characteristics from the two which would make sense now that they think about it. Then they left for home while saying goodbye to mei along with thanking her as well.
They started teaching you more human/demon like teachings and how to live in the city while keeping you close to them as a dragon demon is rare and only mei’s family and herself are the only ones they knew about so you might get kidnapped if the two weren’t careful about protecting you from people who would do that.
Greenflames (mei x mk):
Mei is the one who had found you since your egg was in her garden and she was just going for a little walk to past the time before her boyfriend would come over and tan sight of you in a field of small flowers of light colors; and with how your egg shell was a very noticeable color it was super easily to spot you, that had made her a little worried about any trespassers that would sometimes come to either sill something from them and if they spotted you before her, she wouldn’t know what to do of that thought as if wold bring some paranoia.
When mk’s girlfriend; mei, had shown you to him he at first didn’t know what to think as the thought of finding a dragon egg was both awesome and worrisome. Awesome because that would mean a new friend she you hatch and he can teach you a lot of things like a dad would, and worrisome as something terrible would have happened if mei didn’t find you first.
Since mei’s family is descendants to bai long ma the dragon horse that had accompanied Tripitaka and his disciples she pretty much was raised to know how to take and raise any kinds of dragons if that sort of scenario happened as weird as that is.
You had hatched a few weeks later after that and that brought a celebration in order; when they brought out a substitute for the cake you apparently blew fire in reson’s face on accident, good thing he’s fire resistant and a demon or else his face would of melt by that plasma blast that you threw at his face.
You like to swim in the pool that your new mother family own for fun, and sometime your parents would add some fish as well as change the water for you and the fish that you like to practice catching in.
They would grow protective as they both have a few possible enemies that would like to weaken them at any moment wether it’s to kill you or kidnap you; the enemy best hope it’s just kidnapping cause if anything happened to you while in the enemies hands then they are done for and not just by you, they would have mk and mei to deal with.
They would bring you to the gravity arcade a lot as it’s a fun place and thought you would have a blast and they would be able to teach you some moves on how to get prizes and tickets for the prizes and y’all would get to spend time together as a family would.
Your egg had found it’s way into her lair and was resting in the other eggs not being found out about until you hatched from that egg. Syntax was the one in the area and so he quickly alerted his queen of this new discovery which she had found amusing very much.
She was glad of this knew discovery and was thinking this was some kind of sign of her finally getting what she always dreamed of; total control of this place and hopefully soon the world, and if that happened it would be the year of the spiders all the time then.
She likes how you have more color schemes to her as it seems almost like you were meant to be under your care than any other who would fully and foolishly miss the potential that you would gain as you grow to adulthood, which is why she usually have herself and her most trusted and only minions be the one to take care of you.
She wouldn’t let you go anywhere outside the lai in fear of losing you as she ha d grown to think of you as her own daughter and child and even then you have a tracker imbeddedinto you by syntax just in case something bad happened or if you decided to wander off forgetting you mother’s words.
If anything bad happened to you then she would make sure that the culprit regrets even thinking a lost dong that then turn around to scold your for forgetting to bring strong spider, huntsman and, and syntax and your bodyguard.
You would get everything that you would want as long as log as you’re patient and if it was in her capability to get it; she would even get the head of sun wukong if it was possible and when sh get stronger than before.
She was glad that she lived somewhat close to the ocean for yoyu to get your fish as that seem to be the species diet from what she and syntax could understand as they learn from watching you follow your instincts.
You were brought to the jade emperor who thought it was wise to give you to Newhart; who was skeptical at this outcome but ended up agreeing to the jade emperor’s orders as the jade emperor is in human terms his boss.
It was a new occurrence for him to have to watch both you and the map at the same time but he was able to get used to it some time later and since you wouldn’t be able to anything at this stage of your growth so he didn’t really have that much challenge from you.
But when you did hatch it certainly became difficult for him as you can be rowdy when bored and hungry, he was able to get some things from a store in the human realm over time that would cure your boredom and huinger thankfully.
He noticed that you hav characteristics form that of a cat so h decided to see if you would play with cat toys ;Ike a laser that he can control by hand and a mouse for you to play with while he’s busy at the moment.
You soon gain human features as you grow; finally being able to stand on two legs that look like a human rather than a dragon who would be on four legs usually though you seem to have still have dragon features that now m,Ames you a half dragon.
When you had used you plasma blast for the first time it was at him when you had became grumpy by him not being able to spend time with you; and with how you’re still young and very much playful he needs to entertain you but you don’t realize how big his responsibility is right now but he still tries to raise you.
If anyone tried to take you away from him then she will make it a very painful death, even if that person is of higher wing than him; he will make sure that it was some kind of accident musta to make sure he’s able to keep you as his daughter.
(A/n: i didn’t do them all the same because some i had already put down and then remembered about the request and some of them didn’t seem like they would do that sop I hopes that was ok and hope you liked what i did with it anyway😁 hope y’all liked it as well and hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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namor-shuri · 1 year
Did you see that recent post about your page? Antis are so funny 😭
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I’m crying because after I posted that meme post yesterday, I was scrolling through the Nashuri tag and then saw it 🥴 I literally made a dumb meme joking about Antis saying we need to be locked up, and didn’t realize someone literally said that hours prior. It doesn’t get better than that rofl. What’s sending me was their initial outrage of Nashuri [which babe, have you been living under a rock?], then the assumption that I romantically ship Tenoch & Tish from a quick bio glance, THEN after all of the “horror” and “shock”, they proceed to not block me. You’re telling me you posted screenshots of you blocking my page to ultimately not…..block……me? Righhhhhhhttttttt *rubs temples*
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I literally don’t owe anyone this BUT this is for the folks that are new to my blog/Nashuri fandom/etc:
#1. Hey 💜 This is BOTH a Nashuri [Namor x Shuri] blog AND Tenoch Huerta + Letitia Wright appreciation blog. What does that mean? It means my blog is about anything related to A. Tenoch Huerta + his life/roles etc B. Letitia Wright + her life/roles etc and C. Their adorable dynamic together. It’s a hodgepodge of random stuff. One big ice cream shop where you can pick your flavor of choice. So Nashuri shippers interact with me, Namor fans, Shuri fans , Letitia, Tenoch and so on. You get the idea. I love how open-ended my page is and that’s why I made it that way in the first place. Everyone is welcome here and can walk away with a little bit of something. For being such a miscellaneous page, I would say the only “agenda” I push is Nashuri [it’s in my name]. The rest of my content is up to your own personal interpretation/assumptions. What you think I’m pushing or trying to say is all your take and your take alone, beloved. It has nothing to do with me.
#2. I admit that my mouth has gotten me in a little bit of trouble over the years lol. I was literally that little kid that came back with a report card with straight A’s that had a teacher’s note on the side saying “Talks too much in class”. I think and say shit ALL. THE. TIME rofl Yes, I sprinkle in deep rants and knowledgeable takes on my blog but I made this page to be a menace. I’m only here to be entertained. A majority of my page are jokes and tomfoolery. The complete opposite of “be for real”. How can I be when I’m literally shipping a fictional fish stick and a fictional woman in a cat suit?? 🤣 I’ve spoken about it before but I’m also an artist [my professional work is 1000% unrelated to this page/content lol] so alot of my page is also random graphics and stuff like that too. I love making y’all and myself laugh and it’s been enjoyable af interacting with you, especially the Nashuri fandom. Y’all are straight up comedians and say the funniest shit, which then makes me want to say even more wild shit and then it becomes a snowball effect lol. Thankfully I can tell a majority of you who do follow/interact with me are grown so you’ve picked up by now that most of my blog is A BIT. But unfortunately there’s always going to be a sprinkle of people who are clearly young, new here or just folks that don’t get my sense of humor whatsoever. And whichever category you fall under it’s okay, but babes there are a lot of 18+ jokes/comments on my page so if you are someone that is underage and or gets easily offended, please do yourself a favor and stay clear. I mean that in the nicest way possible.
#3. I wrote this on a reblog to someone’s post recently but I have a large portion of blogs blocked on the tags that I follow on here. Life has been ✨𝒷𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒻𝓊𝓁✨ ever since and it only takes .2 seconds out of your day to do it. So when I don’t see people utilize the block button, I just know their not being fr and are clearly bored. If you don’t like my content, block/mute me. Simple as that. Because chances are, I’ve probably already blocked you by now. And to the people I haven’t, I either A. enjoy/interact with the content you make or B. don’t care for it but you usually stay out of my lane and I stay out of yours so we just coexist. It’s that black and white. You don’t have to like what someone posts but what isn’t cool is bothering/targeting someone on an app strictly because of that. What are you five? This feels like a lesson we learned in elementary school. It’s not rocket science and it’s never that serious. The world does not revolve around you nor adhere to things only you deem okay. It’s much bigger than that. Get a grip, go drink some water, eat something and make sure to touch some grass today while you’re at it.
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Shout out to that page tho! I literally gained new followers after that, so…..thank you? 😅 What a time to be alive. But for real, ya’ll have been coming out of nowhere to support and it’s been super dope. I really appreciate all the love, especially for being such a new page. I’m looking forward to future shenanigans, continuing the fun and not taking shit too seriously per usual. Live your best life, folks. Don’t let anyone rain on your parade. Life is WAY too short for that.
Ps: To my new followers, check out the post pinned to my page here. It’s a great “intro” into the Nashuri fandom and or actors Tenoch Huerta / Letitia Wright. Some things might be a little old but it’s pretty useful for the most part. My old poll results post gives you a slight idea of me as well. See y’all around ✌🏾💗
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rottenbrainstuff · 4 months
Star Wars rant:
Oh you guys
I watch documentaries while I do stuff - I’ve been watching Disney documentaries recently. The things I’ve just seen! You guys! You guys! You are not going to rewrite history that I still remember.
I am hearing people say all kind of crazyass things about what Disney did with Star Wars and where it made mistakes. You guys this wasn’t that long ago. I have heard someone say the reason that the rise of skywalker was bad was because the last Jedi went so weird with the writing that the third movie had nowhere to go - what! I don’t buy that for five seconds. As soon as TLJ came out, fans were discussing ideas for what we thought was going to happen next and no one had trouble creating outlines and ideas that all sounded a million times better than the shit we ended up getting. Please don’t blame TRoS on anyone but JJ Abrams and Chris Terrio! I even saw the Trevorrow script and look, it’s not amazing, but even that is better than what we got. (Slightly)
I heard someone say Star Wars fans were disappointed in TFA when it was released and we were just waiting to see what the next movie was going to be like. Y’all are trying to act like you knew what was going to happen in the end and you were smart and skeptical. That is completely fucking wrong. There WERE some hardcore gatekeeper fans who were disappointed it wasn’t down to their exacting checklist of things they wanted, and some folks wanted the new trilogy to follow the EU books. (And guess what happened when they made a movie to try and please the gatekeeping fans? We got TRoS) By and large, the fans were NOT disappointed. Are you kidding me??? We were ecstatic. Everyone at the cons wanted to talk about that movie, and everyone suddenly loved Star Wars again.
And I have actually heard with my own two ears some say that ohhhhh George Lucas had an outline of ideas for the sequel trilogies, but Disney threw them in the bin and didn’t use them, if we had just followed George’s master plan, we could have had a good sequel - my god - I knew it was only a matter of time before I heard someone say this. You are either: absolute goddamned hypocrites! You are the same people who sang “George Lucas Raped my Childhood” after the prequel trilogy came out! You cried louder than anyone that George Lucas ruined Star Wars, and NOW you want to walk that back and pretend like you actually liked him this whole time? Or else: you are too young to remember the absolute franchise killer that the prequel movies were, how utterly scorned they were at the time, you never read George Lucas’ original script for a New Hope (and btw that movie was a mess - the only reason it is as good as it is is because he had a great editor), you have never read any of his other outlines for things and realized how fucking stupid they are and how lucky we are he did NOT end up making anything more. The whole problem with the prequels was that George had too much control and not enough input from other people to keep things sensible. Oh my god no. No, no, no. Can we not say that? Ever? That’s like being served a dog turd for supper and saying that instead we should have eaten the moldy month old Kraft dinner in the forgotten Tupperware. Let’s not pretend the moldy Kraft dinner isn’t also nasty.
I can’t believe I’m hearing this, people just making up junk years later. Did you all seriously forget already? It wasn’t even that long ago!
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vivinavina · 1 year
Sage of Swords Chapter 2: Scars of War/Don’t Be Afraid/Prayers Repeated
Author rambling on the second chapter of my TotK AU fic, Sage of Swords. You can read the chapter here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48501826/chapters/123298054#workskin
So, chapter 2 thoughts. First off, oof, poor Link. A comment said it best when they said Link was doing Bad. Y’all, Link is doing bad, and will be getting worse because her entire world just fell apart. Like, when Zelda got poofed away in the main game, she was totally unharmed, suddenly super safe, and surrounded by a world literally tailor-made for her. Zelda fits in the Ancient Hyrule way more than she does in the modern day. And she can inherently feel that all the things she loves—her friends, the people, etc—are safe because Link is there to protect them.
But Link was literally molded by the modern Hyrule. All Link’s skills are geared towards surviving modern Hyrule, her ability to socialize tied to that open, trusting Hyrule where everyone is banding together happily to survive and thrive. And it was surrounded with things that feel comfortable to Link. She traveled all over Hyrule before BOTW, so things are familiar, if only in that nostalgic way she can’t quite place.
Here in the Ancient Hyrule, she is alone, surrounded by strange people and locations, and she doesn’t have any reassurances that anything else will survive something that nearly killed her. Because keeping the things she loves safe is her responsibility! So she’s dealing with the fallout of all that mess, unaware that the people who could help her are right there!
Sonia and Rauru’s chapters felt a bit rough, but they were really necessary and I had to keep extending them because there were things I needed to include, but Link was not in a mental state to narrate on them. Things like the look of Link’s arm brace and Secret Stone. I do like the portrayal of Sonia with traits more traditionally shared with Link, the impulsivity and fearlessness to run towards trouble, while Rauru is the more measured, thoughtful of the two. They’re definitely not supposed to be perfect analogues, and the characterization will be worked on through the future chapters. But, I hope I illustrated Sonia’s a bit with being the first to run to Link’s aid, and being the one to try and help Link even as she actively gets a sword pointed at her. I probably should have increased the amount of dialogue between them, but it also didn’t feel right to break up what they were doing to speak… eh, I’ll make a note that those sections will be the first on the list if I’m looking to rewrite.
Link’s Secret Stone is fun. I won’t elaborate too much on the mechanics of it besides that it makes sure the Gloom doesn’t kill her. A lot of people write Link’s Stone power to be similar to Zelda’s, or manifestations of the Champion abilities, but I decided to augment her resilience. If surviving near death who knows how many times, her determination and ability to survive are one of Link’s most important traits.
Fun fact, looking up the kanji I wanted to use for Link’s Stone, I found that both the words for healing and courage can both be pronounced yu. This is probably wrong, but I’m going with it. As for which one specifically is on the Stone, I leave it up to interpretation.
The distress signal idea spawned pretty early, just as something Link would do while distressed. But I sort of elaborated the idea, with the Sheikah Slate in BOTW being able to pick up the signal happening nearby it and pinging it off all the other Sheikah Tech or important magic items (Master Sword, Secret Stones, etc) like signal towers. And then that morphed into the idea of Link sending out the signal and it bouncing off of… nothing. Right now Link thinks she’s in a land far away from Hyrule, far enough that it can’t pick up Sheikah Tech to get the distress signal far enough to reach her friends. And… she’s technically right…?
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newtedison · 1 year
brinho week 2023, day 2: safe haven | “we’re safe, aren’t we?”
here’s a short little scene for y’all. this technically takes place after the events of my safe haven brinho fic, but i wrote it so it can be read as a standalone. 
(~1.2k, SFW, hurt/comfort)
Jorge and Aris decide to break the news over dinner.
They stand in front of the rock memorial, hitting two pieces of wood together and calling for attention. Brenda picks her head up from where it had been resting on Minho’s shoulder to listen.
“Hey, everyone,” Jorge greets once the group has quieted down. “Aris has something he wants to tell you.” He claps Aris enthusiastically on the back, the strength of it almost causing Aris to stumble over. 
Aris clears his throat awkwardly. “Uh, hi guys. Some of you might know that me and Jorge have been working on a WCKD tablet we managed to smuggle out of Denver. Well, this morning, we were able to unlock it.”
A sporadic mix of “wow,” “oh?” and “huh” litter the crowd. Brenda and Minho look at each other, eyebrows raised.
“It’s solar powered, so it’s self-sustaining. Hopefully we can use it to repair the other WCKD gear we salvaged. We could keep digital logs and reduce the wood we use to make paper.”
Brenda nods, the idea sounding nice enough.
“What was on it?” Minho suddenly asks. “I mean, we’re still safe, aren’t we?” 
Brenda turns to him in worry at his rapid change of demeanor. Aris stares at him too, also caught off-guard.
“We’re fine, hermano,” Jorge chimes in. “It’s mostly records, like of their medical research. Not all of it, but enough to be helpful. We’ll be able to improve our medicine.”
“There’s also messages between them and some other countries,” Aris says. “We’re not the only survivors.”
To Brenda, this is good news. The weight of potentially being one of the last human beings on Earth was one that had laid heavy on her mind. Knowing there are other people out there, it takes away some of that guilt and responsibility.
But she can feel the way Minho tenses next to her, the energy of it almost radiating outward. She squeezes his hand in concern.
“Hey, what’s up?” she whispers. 
Minho looks at her for a moment, conflicted. Eventually, he stands up and runs toward the woods, Aris briefly pausing whatever he had been saying before continuing. Brenda doesn’t hesitate before following, knowing Jorge will brief her on whatever she missed later.
She doesn’t try and call out to him, knowing that he knows that she’s coming after him. It’s probably what he expected, as well.
He only stops once they make it to the hidden area of the beach where they first met. He stares out at the ocean, the sunset almost finished. 
Brenda silently takes her place next to him, wrapping an arm around his side. She watches the tide with him and waits. It takes him a few minutes to speak.
“They should never have taken that tablet,” he mumbles. Brenda looks up at him; his eyes are a little vacant, like his mind is seeing something else. “It can only make things worse.”
“How?” Brenda asks softly. “What do you know about it?” 
Minho swallows. “They had them everywhere at WCKD. They used them for everything. Opening doors, giving medicine, writing logs.” He looks down at the sand. “Shocking you. Increasing your heart rate. Making you see things.”
Brenda’s heart shudders, much like it does every time Minho mentions his torture at the hands of WCKD. He doesn’t much, which she understands. 
“They’re not here anymore,” Brenda assures. She turns Minho so he’s facing her, but his eyes have trouble focusing. “WCKD is gone. We watched it burn. The whole thing collapsed, no one survived. It’s done. It’s dead.”
“‘We’re not the only survivors,’” Minho repeats Aris’ words. Only this time, they’re filled with dread. “You heard that, right? WCKD was communicating with other people. Those other people can’t be good, and they’re still out there. They’re probably looking for a cure, too.”
“That’s not our problem.” Brenda squeezes Minho’s shoulders. “This island is our home. We’re not going anywhere.”
“But they might.” Minho’s gaze finally hones in on Brenda, wide-eyed and desperate. “What if…what if turning the tablet on sent out a signal of some kind? Maybe it sent our location to the other survivors. They’ll figure out we have Immunes here, they could send boats to try and capture…” 
“Hey, babe, look. Look at the water right now.” Minho turns. “No boats, right? No one’s attacking you right now. No one’s coming for us.”
Minho takes a few long, deep breaths. Brenda rubs a hand on his chest with each breath, right over the heart.
“Not right now,” Minho says through an exhale. “But they could.”
“They could,” Brenda nods. She cups Minho’s face and turns him back to her. “But we have weapons. We have guards watching the island. We’d see them coming from miles away.”
Minho frowns. He opens his mouth, then closes it. He grips Brenda’s side with a panicked tightness.
“I can’t go back,” he whispers. “I can’t let Aris and Sonya go back. It can’t happen to Thomas, to Gally.” His voice begins to rise in anger. “WCKD was willing to kill to get to me. What if the other survivors come, and you’re standing in their way?”
Brenda has a flashback to when WCKD took Minho. She and Jorge had originally left, but came back, and they took down as many WCKD guards as they could. It hadn’t been enough, and the way Thomas screamed out Minho’s name as they dragged his unconscious body into the plane is still so visceral in her mind. 
She’s learned by now not to blame herself for things like this, but when you love someone as much as Brenda loves Minho, it’s hard to push back the guilt. She didn’t know him then, but if she had, she would have done more than snipe the guards. She probably would have ran right into the line of fire if it meant getting him out.
“If I’m in their way,” Brenda says, her hand wrapped around the back of his neck, “then they don’t have a fucking chance.”
Minho looks at her, clearly still uneasy but starting to calm down, his hand fiddling with the fabric of her shirt. She loves how much they joke and banter in their relationship, but she also knows when to turn that off, and when Minho needs her. She’s still learning to be vulnerable, but she’ll do it for him.
“If I…” Minho starts. “If you…” He shakes his head, unable to say it. Brenda knows what he’s thinking. “I know my life has been mostly shit, but you’re still the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You know?”
Brenda gives a small smile. 
“That’s not changing.” She pauses, then decides to turn on some of the humor. “Unless the survivors come and they’re actually super chill, and you meet someone you decide is better than me.”
It manages to crack a smile from Minho, a tension in her chest releasing at the sight of it. She knows the things that haunt Minho will never really leave him, but if she can be there at his side to bring him back to earth, to keep him grounded, and to even get him to laugh, then she’ll be content. It’s the least she can do, really.
Minho pulls her in for a kiss. The sun finishes setting behind them, the darkness of the night draped over them like a blanket. 
“That’s never happening,” Minho assures. “I can promise that.”
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21witnokidz · 2 years
Chapter 4
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“Why in the world would you eat cold oats for breakfast. And then add milk in it?”
You were trying to explain to Arthur what cereal was and how you would eat it for breakfast. You just assumed he was used to eating stale bread occasionally with fruits or some shit.
“You just don’t get it. But I’ll tell you one thing I’d kill for just a bowl of cereal right now”
After you got done eating your porridge you heard Dutch come out of his tent and walking towards Arthur.
“Hurry up and get ready son we gotta go into town and do something”
That made you perk up.
“What are y’all gettin ready to do? Can I come?”
Then came around Hosea who was carrying some things to put on his horse.
“Oh what happened to Ms. ‘I don’t wanna be an outlaw’ huh?”
“Well I don’t wanna just sit here and do nothing I have to help out you know”
Then came Bessie coming out of her tent. God everyone is just coming out of no where.
“Well if you wanna help out then why don’t you start with these dishes?”
Arthur stood up and laughed.
“Yea girl stay here with the dishes”
I shot him a glare and followed Bessie to the wash bucket and began scrubbing.
Turns out there was a lot to be done with the boys not around. Like cleaning blood and sweat off there dirty clothes. Washing their sheets and whatnot. You were even starting to wonder maybe you should’ve just done whatever outlaw work the boys were up to.
“Come on Y/N the boys will be here soon. Let’s get supper ready and pull your dress down your ankles are showing”
“God how did you do all this before I came. I mean when I had my parents my mama did most of the work around the house but there was only 3 of us. I can’t imagine what it was like for you with 3 other boys”
“Yea it can be a hard thing sometimes. But they protect me so I don’t mind”
You smiled and got supper started. Bessie was really nice and you could tell why Hosea loved her. But you don’t think you could take another day of this. You could be out there catching bad guys.
Later the boys came back with money and supplies. Just what y’all needed. Y’all sat down in ate together. In the middle of conversation Dutch had something to bring up.
“So unfortunately we’re gonna have to move camp since Arthur can’t handle his drinks without getting into a fight”
“No it was that redneck who can’t handle a drink without messing with me!”
“Well that redneck is gonna have us all killed if we don’t relocate so let’s get everything packed up”
Arthur was like every other teenage boy you met. Think they’re the king of world especially when they get to run around with a gun on their hip. They’re usually angry little men who get violent when their pride is wounded. Arthur ain’t so different.
The new camp here is different. We’re still in a forest but this time there’s a larger town nearby. You never got to go to the last town so you were hoping to explore this one.
The boys were getting ready to head out again but you stopped them this time.
“Can I come with y’all please? I didn’t spend all morning doing target practice for nothin”
Dutch and Hosea looked at each other before shrugging their shoulders.
“Fine but you ride on Arthur’s horse”
You hurriedly climbed onto his horse and held on tight to him.
“My god girl if you that afraid to fall off then maybe you shouldn’t even come. Or maybe yer holding on tight because you never wanna let me go?”
“God shut up”
You guys rode into town and Dutch gave you and Arthur an objective. Get at least 50 dollars by any means necessary. Without causing too much trouble of course.
“Ok I got an idea. We’re gonna pretend to be street urchins with no one to take care of us and beg for money. Sound good?”
I proposed my plan to Arthur and he just laughed.
“Aw that’s cute. That’s not gonna get you anything but a few pitiful stares and MAYBE a couple nickels. We’re gonna go with my plan instead”
Arthur dragged you into a saloon and pulled you aside.
“Ok yer gonna get on top of that table and start dancing a little. You should be cute enough to get a good amount of money from all these men in here. At the same time I’m gonna go pickpocket some people while they’re distracted from yer dancing”
“I can’t do that! I’m just 15 I don’t want these men staring at me while I dance!”
“I’ll make sure no one touches you I promise-“
“I’m not doing it Arthur”
“Would you rather rob people? You said you wanna help out. You said you don’t wanna commit any crimes. So this is how you make money”
You sighed and started walking to the bar. You looked back and saw Arthur putting his thumbs up with a smile. That idiot.
Carefully you walked up to the bartender and demanded a drink. He knew you were young but he gave it to you anyway. You turned around, held your drink up and shouted.
“Ok boys drinks on me!”
All the men shouted and now all their eyes were on you. You squeezed your eyes shut and downed the drink as fast as you could to not burn your throat. The only way for you to do this confidently was to be a little tipsy.
You could already feel the buzz and so you jumped on the table and started your routine. All the men started shouting and whistling and it all made you feel sick so you got another drink. You could see Arthur going around slipping his hands into peoples pockets and taking out wallets and pocket watches. Other men were throwing money at you.
You were constantly looking at him for him to give you the signal to stop but he kept signaling to keep going. Your audience was getting a little bored and so you decided to do something that would blow their mind.
You reached down and lifted your dress up just a little to show you ankle and all the men went crazy. Some even fainted. You looked to Arthur and he made an ok sign with his hand. With that you jumped down and pushed your way through the crowd and got back with Arthur and all the men started booing.
“Don’t worry fellas she’ll back soon to give y’all some more!”
You smacked Arthur’s arm and he dragged you outside. Outside y’all counted your money and found you had 80 dollars. That was more than enough.
“You sure you didn’t use to be a showgirl?”
“Shut up”
You saw 2 men running towards you guys with guns in their hands.
“That’s the little shit who stole my pocket watch!”
Arthur stood up with a frightened look on his face and pulled his gun out ready to shoot.
One of the guys aimed at me and I froze.
“Y/N get the hell outta the way!”
Arthur pushed me away and shot 2 of the men.
“Godammit how the hell you gonna learn to shoot and not even use the damn gun when you’re in trouble?”
“I-I didn’t wanna kill him…”
“That don’t matter. You may not wanna kill him but he sure wanna kill you. You can’t just freeze like that. What if I wasn’t there. Then what?”
Arthur sighed
“I ain’t mad at ya. But man you gotta learn a few things. Like riding a horse. I don’t want to have you holding on to me like that if I knew you could be such a klutz”
He grabbed my hand and led me to the horses where Dutch and Hosea were. Arthur handed him the money.
“80 dollars”
“How’d y’all do that?”
Hosea asked
“Y/N here got up on a table and danced her heart out”
“Why on earth would you ask her to do something like that!?”
“Hosea it’s fine”
“No it’s not. You’re just a girl”
Dutch then piped up.
“Let’s just forget about it and pretend it never happened then”
Then he turned to you
“Well done you two. You bout ready to head back?”
“Not yet I wanna teach Y/N a lil something”
Arthur grabbed his horse and led you 2 into the forest. He took an apple out and gave it to you.
“Yer gonna learn to ride today. Her name is Kelly. Give her that apple”
You gave her the apple and petted her. She made a few noises. Happy noises you hoped. You climbed on her and Arthur held the reigns guiding her.
“Hey- hey this ain’t too bad. This is actually kinda easy!”
“Great so why don’t ya try this”
Arthur slapped the horse on its ass and it took off.
“Woah woah woah that’s too fast. Too fast!”
The horse was going wild and you could barely hang on. It started to run towards a fallen tree in front of you and it jumped over it. It jumped too high causing you to fall. 
Arthur ran over to you.
“Hey you okay- HOLY SHIT!”
The impact was harder than both of you thought and turns out there was blood going down your forehead.
“My god Y/N I’m sorry please don’t hate me”
He picked you up and started carrying you back to camp.
“And why the hell’d you do that anyway! Poor girl probably has a terrible headache now. “
Bessie was scolding Arthur now while he looked down to the ground.
“I’m okay Bessie it’ll heal”
“That’s not the point! Arthur yer gonna stay here with Y/N tomorrow while the rest of us go into town understand?”
Arthur sighed.
“Yes ma’am”
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squigglywindy · 2 years
Guys I’m gonna gush about a flesh friend for a minute if that’s cool
I haven’t known her very long, but there are two big things that have got me left out of stuff lately:
1: Brain Damage, I can’t go out to eat, and am therefore inconvenient to get together with
2: Reading is hard. I haven’t whined about this as much on here as the other, but my brain’s a little stubborn about words and it takes me a very long time to read. Words don’t make a whole lot of sense and it just takes me a bit to work through it. This has been a problem with study groups. They leave me behind, and answer practice questions and move on before I can have a hope of getting through it, and it got old fast and they stopped inviting me after I was ready to call it quits anyway
And this fool???
She showed up at my house, drug me to the grocery store, and helped me pick out stuff I can eat to try cooking. And then we cooked together? Like seven times now? And imma be real she also dealt with me crying the first time bc I can’t even express how freakin much that meant like nobody but my mom has put forth an honest effort to do this I am still like. This was the nicest thing? And she didn’t have to do it?? And she keeps doing it? She has a note in her phone of my safe foods and ideas of what we can cook next and I cannot get over this who does that???
And!!! We study together all the time. She waits for me. Patiently. And then in a way that didn’t sound like she was impatient, asked if it would be easier if she read stuff out loud. She claims it helps her to say stuff out loud, and I hope she’s telling the truth, but either way she reads me the textbook, and questions, and doesn’t care when it takes me a year to get through stuff. We practice skills and quiz each other and have actual fun coming up with memory tricks and school still sucks but studying with her is actually so fun?
Guys I’m just. Maybe I’ve had really crappy friends in the past but. Is this what friends do? Is this like a healthy friend relationship?? She lets me sleep on her couch when the roomies are mad and hide in her house when the roomies are smoking and calls me over random little things that happen, and idk I think I’m learning what it’s like to have a real friend and I am so. Idek she’s just an amazing human.
Sorry this got long y’all can ignore me I just dont think we’ve known eachother quite long enough for me to pour my heart out to her, so I’m pouring it out to y’all instead I cannot get over this there are good people out there and somehow someway one of them wants to hang out with me. Enough to go to the extra trouble. And I hope I’m being half as good of a friend to her but idk she has set the bar so high
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