#y/n x shu sakamaki
krispycreamcake · 3 months
Diabolik Lovers x reader (part 3)
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It was almost 3am, your heart was pounding, palms were sweating, lungs heaving. You couldn't believe what had just happened between you and shu. There was no way any of this could possibly be real....Vampires? There was supposed to be no such thing. Why was this happening to you? You felt tears trickle down your chin, wetting your clothes. Everything that man said back then, it all slowly came together. You couldn't help but judge your poor criticism of the offer Karl had made you. He knew your desperate situation and he knew he could fix it, offer you the slightest bit of relief, in exchange you unknowingly gave your life.
Thunder boomed above you, as the winds crashed against your large windows, shaking the pane. You made sure to lock your door and windows, however it did nothing to ease your overwhelming despair. You crawled into bed, draping the covers over yourself as you prayed to whatever being out there to keep you safe. If vampires could exist then surely there was at least a God. Right.....? Morning couldn't come less quicker as you were sure you hadn't slept a wink. Only until the sun started to peek from beyond the vast mountains, could you feel just slightly better. Your body fought with all its might to force itself awake, but that small window of comfort was all you needed to fall asleep. You could almost feel your worries get burnt to a crisp as the soft warmth of the glistening aura of the divine's golden ball shone its grace upon your bitterly cold skin. Your eyelids crashed on itself like a long awaited avalanche, finally allowing your body some rest. You're not sure how long it had been before you awoke to the sound of ruckus outside. You groggily got up and slipped off the bed as your body was now on autopilot. You dragged your way to the door, listening for what was the cause of this conglomeration of chaos.
"Chichinashi- Stop fighting me- Oi! Where do ya think you're really going?" What was that supposed to mean and what was a....what was it? Chee-Chee-noshi? By the sounds of it, it could've been no one other than that flame headed boy, Ayato. But all this shouting this early in the day? Wh- Your thoughts were interrupted as another voice boomed out. "Oi! Keep it down! Some people would like to sleep damn it! Always shouting and screaming like it aint no one else's problem!" You jumped back from your door due to the sheer volume of that other guy. Him you didn't know, it certainly wasn't shu. You continued to listen as Ayato angrily responded. "Ha! There's no way an outta control guy like yourself is trying to tell Ore-sama what to do! Y'know Subaru, I always thought it was about time you learn to have some respect for your older brother-" You couldn't even listen the rest of the conversation before a loud smack was heard and then silence. Did Ayato really hit Subaru?? Soon enough you could hear a full on brawl going on right outside your door. You didn't for the slightest moment think about opening your door, but was it really okay? What if they needed your help? No- that's a stupid idea, why would they need your help? They're vampires for Christ's sake, you're supposed to be their food. Nothing more than a bloodbag...but even so was it okay to just stand by and let them pulverize each other to a pulp?
Before you cold think anymore, you hear footsteps increasing in speed as it hastily made its way to your door. You immediately jumped out the way just as a disastrous thud echoed throughout the elegantly crafted hall. Wood splintering in every which way as the impact caused the door to fly off its hinges. It felt almost surreal to you as Subaru came crashing through your door, landing on a pile of wooden rubble. You subconsciously ran up to his laying form, forgetting all about your experience with his vampiric bother. You immediately crouched near his bashed body, observing how badly beat his face was. One of his cheeks were swollen while his lip continued to bleed profusely, like a fountain gushing out water after not having been in use for years. You felt sympathy swell in your heart for the crimson drinking creature as you used the sleeve of your nightgown to dab up his wounded lip. His eyes fluttered open to gain a better understanding of his surroundings. "Subaru- oh my god- a-are you okay?? Do you need to go to the hospital? You're bleeding..." You anxiously stammered out. He twisted his face away like he was almost disgusted by the act of kindness. You felt your heart drop a little at his rude gesture. "Tch, of course I'm fine." Was all he said in his gruff voice before getting up as Ayato's head poked around the doorframe.
He immediately belted out in a fit of laughter as he criticized his brother's poor situation. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't get anymore words out as the spectacle clad man came speeding behind him. "Just what do you both think you're-" He immediately silenced his scolding as he took in the sight before him. Reiji pinched the bridge of his nose before glaring at all three of you. If looks could kill, Reiji would be in jail for more than just a case of predetermined manslaughter.
It wasn't long before you, Subaru and Ayato found yourselves doing household chores.....for a month. How was it that you just got here and yet things couldn't have gone worse? Luckily Reiji said he'd spare you the trouble if you helped him in his experiments, but you were still thinking over your decision. For now however, you were currently pruning the rose bushes with Subaru, who honestly didn't seem to mind. In fact, he almost seemed relax, granted that a guy with such stone cold expressions could muster any facial declaration that didn't warrant anything else than a worried glance. His usual penetrative stare softened as his ruby eyes remained trained on the delicate petals of the white rose. It was hypnotic to see such a harsh blood-sucking beast be so attentive, it almost made him seem human. You watched as his muscularly toned biceps clench and release each time he cut off a few extra leaves, the way his white wispy locks danced to the chorus of the winds, trained eyes making sure that he wouldn't accidentally harm the flower. Your world almost came crashing down as he looked your way, not a word said.
Instead he inched closer, hesitance absent in his calculated steps. You stood paralyzed like a deer in headlights as this 6ft something man came brooding your way. There he was right in front of you. You were as sweaty as a sinner in church as his hand shakily made its way to your neck, brushing aside your hair as his eyes widened. You weren't sure what was going through his mind but none of it looked pleasant.
"Damn...already?" Was all he managed to say before yanking his hand away and stuffing it in his pocket. You felt yourself become embarrassed, felt yourself grow meek at his comment. "It was Shu....I- I didn't want it...it hurt so much I almost passed out." You started, not quite sure why you felt the need to clarify your desires to the albino man, but a part of you felt it was the right thing to do. "Of course it'd hurt, it was your first time." You felt a blush creep up on you as those string of words struck a familiar chord in your mind. Subaru instantly picked up on it and realized what he said before visibly growing embarrassed and strutting away, daring not to make eye contact. "Just hurry up so we can get this over with!" He shouted before speeding away to the next bush behind you. You continued working, feeling despondent that your conversation with him ended so quickly. Your gut told you that he was the safest to be around, at least for now. "Are your brothers going to kill me?" You voiced, tone timid and voice faint as you couldn't help but think about if you were going to make it out alive. You notice his body grow rigid at this, dropping his hands as he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Does it matter if you do? If you're here then that means you were chosen because no one would miss you...But even so, you should continue striving to live on and get away from this place...from us monsters."
Was he really saying what you thought he was? In that moment something inside you shifted as you watched the man continue trimming the rose bushes, completely oblivious to the hope he sparked within your being. If you weren't in your right state of mind you'd run up and hug him, thank him for his words, but you couldn't. You knew you couldn't, not yet. However it quickly dawned on you that you couldn't leave, as much as you wanted to. Not because of the brothers, as you were now certain Subaru would aid with your escape, no...it was a threat far more heinous, far more deceitful. Your memory is almost a blur as you recall the night you and Karl met, you were certain he preferred it that way. You recall your purpose and why you were asked to come here. Subaru was wrong to believe that no one would miss you, it was far from the actual truth. You knew this, but your memory didn't allow you to exactly grasp why. So many pieces of the puzzle yet to be discovered and if there was one thing you were certain about, it was that staying here would help you put everything together.
"No, I can't leave yet, but thank you. I appreciate that...a lot." You said as you finished up your work. Subaru couldn't believe his ears, why were all you women so stubborn?? Did all females suddenly have a death wish? It lit a rage indescribable to him, but before he could lash out and point out your idiocy, you were already heading inside. Even after you left, he could feel the gentle stinging of your kindness. Not just from your gratitude, but from earlier as well. He hid it well but to him, your actions lingered on in his mind, even his body. He gently brushed his lip in the spot you touched earlier, almost to recreate the experience, as he pictured your body suspended over him, gentle eyes watching, scanning his injuries as your previous words rung out in his ear like bells. He dragged himself out of his delusions, cursing for allowing a mortal such as yourself corrupt his mind. He needed to stay away from you, to isolate himself before he revealed the monster that he truly was.
It didn't take you long before you appeared at Reiji's office door. You knocked firmly, waiting a response. It took a while before he called you in, presumably busy. The moment you opened the door you smelt tea brewing, possibly green tea but you weren't quite sure. Reiji looked you up and down before speaking, "I can safely assume that you and Subaru are done with your work?" You answered him quickly as a means to get this interaction over with as soon as possible. "Yes and I've already made up my mind. I'll help you with your experiments." Your words caused Reiji's face to lighten up exponentially. "Good, I hope that you prove to be more useful than that other one." You had no idea who he was talking about but felt bad for them just from his tone of voice. "If you're not busy, I'd appreciate it if we could start now." You were a bit shocked that he'd start things this quickly but accepted nonetheless.
You followed behind him as he introduced you to his workshop. It reminded you of a museum and a chemistry lab at the same time. A large wooden desk that was attached to the wall displayed many jars of preserved life, little sticky notes attached to them with small pointers for their properties. They ranged from snakes to fish to turtles to taxidermized birds. Stationery placed neatly on the desk along with different manilla folders. Then, there were the shelves that contained various bottles of liquids, differing in shape, size and colour. There was a blackboard at the far end of the room, some scribbles already written on it. It stood next to a large cabinet of china with labels under them dating their years and the artists that made them. There were more tables with what seemed like medical items and other gadgets and knick-knacks, which quite frankly didn't even look of human making. Of course then there was the bookshelves, laden from head to toe with knowledge trapped between the realms of writing.
He presented you with a beaker containing a blue liquid and instructed you to gently swirl it around while he grabbed a book from the shelf. Eventually the liquid turned a deep purple. He inspected your work before humming in approval. He took the beaker from your hand and sprinkled some yellow powder into it and you both watched as the colour turned to that of a lighter purple. He looked to you and handed you the object once more. "Drink it all in one go so I can fully understand the effects of this." You stared at him dumbfounded. "I'm not drinking some random chemical." You stated firmly. At this, he slammed his book closed with a loud snap. "You agreed to this didn't you?" He said as he slowly made his way over. "Yeah but that doesn't mean that you can just make me drink random purple liquids.."
He stopped right in front of you, towering over your form before placing a hand on the desk behind you. "It's supposed to help reduce the chances of cardiac arrest when paired with medication that labels it as a side effect." His cold voice freezes over your blood as you look up at him. Eyes marking you like nothing more than prey as a smile presented itself on his plump lips. You shakily raised the beaker to your mouth and downed it in one go. Its taste was quite earthy, something you weren't expecting. The bitterness came immediately after as you clasped your palm around your lips to hold in a gag as you retched from the distasteful concoction. Reiji watches in curiosity at your turmoil, taking in your every movement. You handed him the beaker weakly as you struggled to stand up. Your vision felt hazy just as a piercing headache attacked your temples. Before you could even completely register the pain, you were out like a light.
You awoke to darkness all around you, your head still pounding. You stood up on wobbly legs as you tried to adjust your eyesight, however there was nothing to see. At this realization your panic settled in as your head swished and swerved every which way until you saw it. The tiniest of lights...a flame standing some distance in front of you. You ran towards it, the urgency for comfort powering your steps. As you got closer and closer, you realized it was a torch. You stuck your hand out to grab it and as soon as you did, the scenery changed to that of a stone hall. Torches lighting down a path, guiding you. You looked behind you and noticed there was still nothing but darkness, which only solidified your decision to move forward. You walked for no longer than 5 minutes as a wooden door came into view. It looked so intricately carved and designed, fit for someone of a high standing class. You pushed the door open to be met only with the one and only Karlheinz. He was sitting at a desk, presumably his office. He looked up from his paperwork and made eye contact with you, to which your headache returned. He smiled at you and gestured for you to come in and take a seat. You didn't want to, you absolutely refused to, but your body didn't heed your brain's warnings and made its way over to his desk.
"How has your stay been so far? I take it you were already introduced to the truth of the situation?" He said, his long luscious pale locks shifting on his shoulder as he poured you a glass of water from a water jug. "Why did you lie to me?? I want to go home." You said, tone reeking of desperation. "If I recall correctly, you were the one that agreed to this, no? I dislike persons that go back on their words just because they have to get out of their comfort zones." He says handing you the glass, which you took and gulped down. Since when were you so thirsty? "This has nothing to do with comfort zones- I might die for God's sake!" Karl listened to your complaints intently as he clasped his hands together and rested them on the desk. "Do you remember our agreement?" You stayed silent as you tried to recall the events of what happened the night you two met. "Let me help reminisce. You needed my help and I agreed to aid you under the circumstance that you help me as well. This isn't just about my sons, this is about my vision and you concurred to help achieve this, did you not?" As he spoke, you feel bits and pieces of your memory start to unfog. "Yes..." He smiled once again at your understanding. "If you die then that disrupts my plans. Trust that as long as you work under me and follow my orders, death herself couldn't rip you away from me." You felt your throat grow dry as his words made you realize a couple things. That one, that translated to, 'for as long as you live, you will be under my control' and two, you had no choice but to work for him because that was a clear and direct threat that if you disobeyed him, death would be the least of your worries. You felt as if you were watching a snake shed its skin as he revealed to you what he had in store for the both of you. "I know there are many questions you have that are unanswered, but they will remain that way as I piece together my plan. Don't worry as you will soon understand everything, just keep being a good pawn to me and you will be rewarded. I assume we have an understanding?" His words cut through your fears as you nodded in response. "Ah, I need verbal confirmation, otherwise we cannot proceed." You felt your lips grow dry as you spoke up. "Yes...I understand." He smiled once more before getting up from his seat and pulling out your chair to allow you to stand up and leave. "But I still don't understand how- or even why you're doing any of this, why me?" He gently took your hand into his gloved one and looked you in the eye. "I'd love to answer all your questions my dear but I do believe our time is up. Perhaps the next time we meet I'll have more of an opportunity to speak to you on a more personal level? As for now, it seems my sons require your presence." Was all he said before kissing the top of your hand and in an instant you were brought back to reality.
Hi everyone, I'm finally back and yes I've gone down the Karlheinz rabbit hole, we will be seeing more of him. But just to clear some things up, the reader's past will get revealed in future chapters as we learn more about her and Karl's 'agreement'. Anyways thank you all for your support ilyyyy <3
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Ayato best friends with s/o headcanons please 🙏
buckle up your seats folks 'cause this is another one of my Wattpad-esque pov series ala diaboys (and yes I made the post gender-neutral cause anon did not specify any gender)
btw I highly recommend listening to the song cause it radiates falling in love with bff energy
pov: you're Ayato's bff (and you're in love with him)
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they say the best foundation of any relationship is friendship, hence why you were so hopeful abt this thing you have w/ Ayato
yes we all know he annoys the sht out of you and everyone else
but you love him (even to the point of going out of your way to do favors for him)
Laito noticed how foolish you were, acting like a lap dog for his older bro even tho your efforts were in vain
heck you even tried dressing yourself up or changing your wardrobe or fixing your hairstyle
well he did notice you, but not like what you expect
"y/n, are you okay? you're dressing weirdly"
istg you don't wanna do it again so you spare yourself a bit of shame and revert back to your own style
and you know what's more painful than falling in love with Ayato as his BFF?
you have to deal with him ogling over those women with large cup sizes
like okay you think it's just a harmless crush from him no biggie
but sometimes he asks them out and you can't do anything abt it
like can you honestly tell him "I don't like you asking that girl out bcos I am helplessly in love with you and it's hurting me every single day to watch you ask someone else on a date when I am basically here"
you can't do that right?
it was only when you two were forced to a cleaning duty at the library that things changed
like you bumped into a bookshelf and he was fast enough to shield you from the falling books
and you two just looked straight into each other's eyes
the next thing your lips met and you spent the whole day thinking about how soft his lips were and how the kiss exceeded your expectations
you think everything was bliss, didn't you?
nah your romance affair thingy with Ayato ended before it started
after all he can't give you the life you deserve
he's a vampire but ofc you have no idea
plus he's Adam in Karlheinz's plan
you think his father will spare you just bcos his fated Adam had irrevocable feelings for a mortal who is not Eve?
tired of having your feelings unrequited for so long and him not taking the relationship to the next level, you decide to cut things off from Ayato
but ofc you knew deep down he will still be your first love
alexa play first love by utada hikaru
and even when you got married, had kids, turned into a wrinkly grandparent, you'll always have Ayato in your heart
so on your deathbed, there was a young man, with the same features as Ayato
you swear you were dreaming
bcos this man couldn't be Ayato
he held your hand and told you how he missed you so much and that he loves you with all his heart
"I'm sorry this was all I can give."
in the end you didn't care if this was Ayato or not bcos you were content with this happy ending
and yes, Ayato still remembered you up to this day
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cupidstwin333 · 2 years
How the Sakamaki brothers would react to you confessing to them. pt.2
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Ayato Sakamaki:
You were daydreaming while you stare out of the window, it was dark outside and you could see the moon. It reminded you of the time you moved in with the Sakamakis. How Yui tried to run away and you just sat there admiring the handsome men around you. You knew running away wouldn’t work, they were men and on top of that vampires. And it didn’t bother you that they were incredibly good-looking. You averted your gaze towards Ayato. He was not paying attention to class either, instead he played with his pencils and pens by throwing them at random students that were sitting in front of him. Even you couldn’t explain how you fell for him but you did. He always made you laugh and somehow you never were a victim of one of his pranks. The bell rang interrupting your thought. “Y/n and Ayato have cleaning duty, the rest of you can leave.” The teacher said. You stood up and walked to where the cleaning supplies were waiting for you. You took everything you needed and walked back to the classroom you stopped before you reached the door, you heard Ayato and a girl. They were talking, and you came closer “I..I.I like you a lot Ayato... you didn’t hear the rest of her confession as you ran to the restrooms. You were too late, you wanted to confess to him but were too scared. After a while, you walked back to start cleaning up the classroom so you could leave. You entered the classroom and started to mop the floor. “Hey! Let me suck your blood.” Ayato said with a playful grin, but you ignored him. You mopped the floor faster so you could leave faster, but you didn’t notice how slippery the floor was because of all the water. “What is it? Are you mad at me? Wait did you eavesdrop...? Maybe you’re JEALOUS that you didn’t get to confess to yours truly first?” He asked you could hear that he was smiling you turned around to deny it but slipped. Ayato grabbed you by your waist and your faces were only an inch away. “Tell me.” He said his eyes pleading. You felt a blush creep up your cheeks. “I like you... no I love you.” You said barely above a whisper. His face came closer to yours and he pecked your lips.
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cottoncandy-cult · 1 year
Subaru Sakamaki x Arranged Fiance! Reader
This will take place after Yui, I've had the chance to watch up to half way through More Blood! Yuma is my all time favorite, his voice is absolutely sinful. But for this Yui will have chosen Ayato. Reader-chan was brought in by Karlheinz as one of a handful of hand picked females to marry the rest of his sons off, dear reader is engaged to Subaru.
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(Y/n) had always been quiet, she did as her fiancé said without question. She showed no interest in his brother's, and even though Subaru could be quite harsh she still was loyal to him. This was something that annoyed Laito, she was so behaved and took everything Subaru threw at her without a fight. So, he had spiked her drink with sake after dinner, she had needed water as it was Shu's turn to cook, and he drowned the meal in salt to piss off Reiji. Needless to say, the first drink had sealed her fate, the second had brought out a side of her no one expected. Currently she was sat on the busted-up bed she shared with her fiancé; Subaru was out on the balcony. The fight was real, and Reiji had to come break it up as they destroyed everything in the room, they weren't allowed out til they solved this.
Frustration boiled over and she began to cry, her head in her hands as silent tears dripped down her cheeks. Even when she heard the balcony door open, she didn't look up, she had nothing to say. She was tired, both physically and emotionally. Subaru had sat beside her; she could feel his eyes on her. Her hair hid her face, her next words just slipped out though it didn't matter at this point. "What did I do to make you hate me...?" She was answered by silence, at least for a few moments before he spoke. "Nothing... It's just me. I'm a monster that destroys everything... No matter what I do I just can't control it, I get angry, and I can't stop." He knew of his fiancé's loyalty; he wasn't sure how to show it, but he did appreciate it. He had heard her defend him to others, the subject of him was one that could set her off in a way no one expected.
It made him feel important, as she would always defend him. He hung his head, he truly did regret the pain he caused her, but he didn't know what to do. He was surprised when he felt her lean into his side, he turned his attention to the woman who gazed at him with adoring (E/c) eyes. "You aren't a monster Subaru; you just need a little help... I just want to know you care about me the way I do you, you'll be my husband soon and I want to know... That you love me..." She looked down, playing with her fingers. But when she felt his arm curl around her side and pulling her close to his chest, her eyes met his ruby colored gaze. "I don't know what I'm doing, so you'll need to be patient... But if I try to be more loving, will you stay with me (Y/n)?" A wide smile broke across the girl's usually blank face, leaning up without hesitation she kissed him. Had she been sober she wouldn't have had the nerve to do such a thing, but the alcohol allowed her to act on her desires without being stopped by apprehension.
Subaru had returned the kiss; he was tense at first but relaxed into it. He held her close, falling to lay on his side with her in his arms. He could taste the sake on her tongue, he knew she didn't drink so someone must have tricked her. But he couldn't be mad, not at this current moment. Something about having her close brought him peace, had he known cuddles could be so nice he'd have never let the girl go. "I love you (Y/n)... I promise to be better..."
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coldshinypearl · 2 years
shu sakamaki x reader fanfic
Mariage Blanc
chapter 1
nothing ever goes as planned, she has been devastated with the news of the arranged marriage, her world fell, just like her plans and her hopes, but she will not stay silent,
disclaimers: this fanfiction contains reader insert, the reader will be presented as [y/n], for major informations click this post, english is not my first language! Im sorry if there will be misunderstandings in my writing i’m doing everything i can to improve it!
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The moon’s light met [y/n]’s closed lashes, the silk thin white curtains slowly separated from the window’s clear glass as wind caressed them, making her skin shiver from the thin blows of the night’s cold air.
her eyes opened meeting the ceiling as she took a deep breath, her pale hands slid the soft duvets that were covering her off her body, with a simple elegant gesture she pulled her spine up sitting in her bed, her head slowly turned to the left side as she took her legs down to the ground, her feet meeting her slippers.
as her gaze wondered around the room’s tall walls, her mind opened making her remember what a night was waiting for her.
this will be the start of her future. Everything she had planned so far, will become true.
she will have the kingdom, the title, and more importantly, tonight she will make her debut as the diamond of the season, from today on, there will be nothing but proposals, suitors, gifts and such, she will be the more desired amongst the clans.
she will be shining. Just like a diamond.
the tall wooden door opened revealing the dozens of gagged maids storming inside of the room’s center in line, all each for introducing her to the big day forward.
as she was getting dressed up by her servants, she started fantasizing about her life, tonight, everyone’s eyes will be on her, she will be drenched and filled with attentions, since the first day of her life, she always dreamt about this day, when the day will come, you will be loved, you will be envied, you will be desired, her mother used to tell her as an infant.
those were nothing but bedtime stories until this very moment, at dances as a child she saw how older teens were always hugged with love and envy by others, she imagined herself at their place.
finally. Her time has come.
her servant passed her dry aged finger in her cheek tinting it with the rosy dye of blush, the soft fur of the thin brush met her eyelid giving it a gold ish tint that matched her accessories.
and not common ones, she will be wearing the family’s diamonds, carved gold jewelry with authentic precious stones that shows the fortunes increased in them.
the gown has been requested especially for her, she waited days to wear it, her gown was white silk with little gold sparkly point on the sleeves and upper skirt, it came down to her foots hiding her pale perfect ankles.
no one in her family ever received this treatment, mainly because at a certain age every female of her dynasty was matched in an arranged marriage, which of course it wasn’t her case, she already had previous talks with her mother and father about marriage, she wanted to marry the one she loved, and they didn’t complain not one time.
an arranged marriage wouldn’t hit her, oh god what would happen if it would! She chuckled at the thought of her being matched, she could never be combined in a marriage with a total stranger, and the future she worked so hard for would melt like ice under warm sun.
her giggle caught her head’s maid attention.
-“My Lady? May i ask what ever she’s chuckling for?” The servant’s warm low voice came out of her smiling thin lips as she clotted her hand with a white silk glove.
she chuckled again, [y/n] looked up at her from the mirror meeting her eyes.
-“No particular meaning behind it, i was only thinking about the impossible tragedies that would have hit my future if Father decided to match me in an arranged marriage” she giggled covering her smirking lips with her palm.
she looked back at the servant noticing that her smile faded at her words, her head titled to side to side noting how the other maids looked worried and avoided eye contact with the other.
she decided to ignore it, maybe there was just something wrong about her choice of language.
well she couldn’t get herself lost in chatters, she had a ball she must attend to.
as the servants were giving her appearance ultimate final touches, she admired her figure in the long mirror in front of her, she was perfect, her hair was perfect, her gown was perfect, everything was perfect.
-“My Lady, the carriage is attending her presence” one of the servants said interrupting her thoughts.
-“I must make haste, you’re only right” she turned her figure to her servant smiling at her.
with the impeccability of a swan, she leaved her room walking straight from the tall halls to the quartz stairs at the entrance, her head up and her lips softly curved in a winning smirk.
her short heels tapped every step in the stairs signing her steps getting closer to the carriage that was waiting for her.
she went across the tall wooden door, as she walked through the garden getting closer to the carriage, her smirk wouldn't melt out of her lips.
the charioteer slowly opened the carriage's door for her as he landed a second hand to her glove, as her head popped her parents, who seemed quite displeased with the time she took, glanced at her.
-"Greetings father, mother" she said smiling as her voice came out low.
her parents stayed quiet not even gazing at each other, Father's arms crossed, Mother had a disgusted expression hiding under that calm look of hers.
they probably had an altrecation earlier this sunset. Just like every single night.
the journey to the ballroom was commonly quiet, until mother decides to speak up.
-"Dearest, you shall be aware that at your years its non less than common that many men will attempt to come at you" mother said locking her eyes down her veiny hands as she held onto her feather fan.
[y/n] took a deep breath gazing up at her mother.
-"We shall only hope so, mother" she said smirking and crossing her arms togheter satisfied.
the carriage wiggled and then stopped, quickly after the door opened revealing the entrance of the ballroom, a tall white door with golden circled edges.
her parents elegantly exited the carriage, her mother locking her clotted hand in her father’s curved arm, clearly unpleased with the other they sighed as they made their way inside the ballroom.
[y/n]’s heels touched the ground, with a majestic movement she grabbed the hem of her gown, revealing just the tip of her shoe, with a hit in the air she opened the feather fan and slowly moved it to her right cheek.
[y/n] stepped onto the balcony up the decorated ball room, eyeing every guest, softly smiling at them all, the guests, one by one, turned their figures and heads up at the balcony, gazing at her.
[y/n] titled her figure to the stair’s side, as her legs made her slightly wiggle at every step her heels tapped in the stairs, her head was gazing in the ballroom, when suddenly, she met two turquoise shiny diamonds.
those shiny, deep irises could only belong to him.
the first born of the demon’s king, Sakamaki Shu.
he was looking at her with those semi-closed eyes that recalled the non existent desire of being there, he just looks exquisite the same, with that bored look that no one can move, and those classical features making him look like prince charming.
next to him standing no one but the king himself, with that golden gaze, and those long pale curls, that made him recognizable every were.
shall be in luck who marries you. She tought.
as she made her way to the foots of the stair’s case, men came to kiss her gloved hand greeting her, some fo them were already aged and married, with their dry wives behind them that envied [y/n], and others detached from the young womens they were talking to just one instant ago.
the soft notes came out from the violin’s once again, as coupled gathered and collected by the pavilion of the room, [y/n] got her figure out of the men’s reach as she went to greet generals and ministers that were knowings of her dynasty, for the rest of the night, she laughed, joked and reciprocated the sharp looks some girls gave her.
so far, the men could’ve eaten their own wrists out of rage, she only danced with her father and the right hand Adler’s magistrate, she knew that playing hard to get would’ve only increased the number of pretenders at her door the next night.
all there wished to be only acknowledged by [y/n], all. expect. for him.
as always Shu Sakamaki repeated his routines at every ball, listening to Father’s politic ‘friends’ and how they complain about their wives age, avoiding young women that crawled around him, trying to forget that he will soon be at his position.
[y/n] wondered, what kind of woman would he want? Maybe a really foolish and careless one so she won’t complain about his lack of energy, or maybe a more positive and energetic one that would do all the work for him, or maybe a very lustfuly and perverse one, to fill his desires.
well that shall not concern her since queen position wasn’t what was she looking at, it is only right to say that she was avoiding every pretender that had royal roles.
the glorious night ended, and with it the first step onto her future, she would smile victoriously if only her Father and Mother weren’t discussing again about trivial matters.
dizzily she took some slight steps onto the carriage as the ball’s butcher helped her, inside the carriage she rested her back stretching it in the backrest, as she felt her eyelids dropping down, her breaths came out relaxed and tired.
she feel asleep, relaxed and satisfied with her debut’s result.
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another night came, the moon’s light lighted the dining room’s windows making them sparkle.
the ceiling was tall along with it the doors and windows, at the center of the room a long dining table in black oak, of course vampires don’t need food, but our [y/n] thinks that they should have all meals together as a family, the loneliness on the rest of the table, quiet like they weren’t even present.
as they had breakfast [y/n] noted their movements, didn’t even look at each other, not like there wasn’t a meter of distance between the three of them, but they could at least greet the other since they both share a bed, she took a crunched bite off the toasted bread she picked up.
i wonder if my marriage will resemble them… She thought sighing.
a happy marriage isn’t the easiest thing to achieve, no pardon me, its the hardest thing to even imagine.
[y/n] wondered her mind off, remembering her cousin’s reaction when finding out that she had to match for the rest of her life, with an aged, dry old minister. Rage, absolute rage.
As the thought about it, an arranged marriage is the least of the possibilities, but… why on earth is every being in this dining room so quiet and visibly nervous, maids and butlers.
even her parents seemed worried.
she tilted her head to the side speaking up.
-“Mother, father, is something bothering you perhaps? This night is surprisingly quiet” [y/n] asked as she took a little sip at her cup of tea.
they both sighed. What? She thought, her mother united her hands together at the table, her father crossed arms, both of them looking down as maids and butler did the same.
her mother took a deep breath, [y/n] posed her cup of tea on the table quickly, clearly something was up.
her mother’s pitiful gaze turned to look at her finally, as her father did so.
-“Dearest, you might have heard that the King’s first born is prospecting to a match for a queen, far in past he is about to receive the Demon’s world” her mother said as her eyes gathered water.
[y/n] curled her eyebrows, her mother was about to cry? Was this so bad.
she nodded, in fact she knew about the existence of a certain rumor that said that he was seeking for a wife by just look.
-“And, you obviously noted how we weren’t much around yesterday at the ball room.” her mother continued as she looked at her father.
they both held hands, for the first time in a long while.
her father opened his mouth and…
-“Karlheinz offered you the position as his wife, and we accepted.”
her father said finally making her mother tear as the maids and servants were looking down.
you… did… what..?
that was all she could think of, her eyes widened, her hands grabbed and held tight the tableware, tears came out of her eyes as her eyelids trembled.
she all but jumped her seat, her hands stroked from side to side of the table throwing every silverware and porcelain plate that there was on her side, the deafening rumble of the glass hitting the ground and finishing in hundreds of pieces, had her parents wide opened about her reaction.
she stormed almost running out of that dining room, her tears and rage flied over her body as she ran inside her bedroom, she threw her knees down to the foot of her bead and held her head pressed in the duvets crying her heart out.
how could they..? She thought.
her mother was the one who helped [y/n] organizing her perfect future.
her parents joined her inside her room.
-“Dearest, i acknowledge your displeasure with the news, but that is far away from the manners we have taught you” her father spoke up, clearly angry.
[y/n] rised her head and turned to their direction, her eyes tearing like water falls.
-“You have no heart!” [y/n]’s voice came out trembling in rage.
-“I mean nothing at all to you, you knew about my plans and my future, i wanted it more than anyone else!” she continued to speak as her head trembled.
[y/n] pressed her head back in the duvets.
-“Silence! That’s an absurd way to talk to your father young lady. We must apologize, but you must know that nobody questions our will, least of all our daughter.” her mother spoke up like she wasn’t tearing just an instant ago, so false.
[y/n] couldn’t tell the rest of the words, her rage and sadness started to drown her in her own tears, how could they?
that was a stranger, a total stranger, what if he did the worst things to her? That bothered man, who got his heart broke by no being, who’s cold like ice, pretty like diamonds.
why did he have to choose her? Why out of every girl her? Why when he and every single being knew about her plans.
so cruel.
but no, she won’t stay silent.
[ chapter - 2 - ] 05.03.23
[ prologue ]
current date : 27th february 2023
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deidaratheartboi · 3 years
Shu Headcanon Thing
This is a high school AU. Some of this stuff might not be accurate. Thoughts in italics. Panic. That was all you knew at the moment was panic. The world was spinning around you and it wouldn't stop. Your whole day was now undeniably ruined. They ran out of pizza rolls at the school cafeteria! You could have broken down and cried but, they also served pizza on that fateful day so you gathered the courage to take it and walk away. You were a student at Ryotei Gakuen High School Academy. It was a prestigious school and only the best of the best were allowed to walk the halls. You were a music major here or so you liked to think. Music was in your blood. It was your lifeline. Without it, there was no you. Another thing you were was a vampire. Yes, a blood-sucking vampire who preyed on humans. But, this wasn't the case for you. You didn't like killing humans so you stuck with animal blood or had someone do it for you. Human blood was too addicting so you tried to stay away from it. You also ate human food as well it wasn't exactly filling but, it tasted good. You walked to the music room with your tray and opened the door. You internally groaned when you saw who was there. Shu Sakamaki. He was rumored to spend all of his time there and just listen to music. Some even say they hear some instruments being played at times. Soft, eerie, and strange music. You moved to a corner far from him. He didn't seem to notice you come in so that was good. The Sakamaki's were well known in the school mostly because of their academic achievements and correlation to Karlheinz. He was known in the human and vampire world. Very famous man. They didn't seem to want to do anything with him though. The thing you hated about them was acting like they own the place. Reiji was the up-tight prick, Kanato was just creepy, Laito was a pervert, Subaru had anger issues, and Ayato was a combination of Kanato and Laito. Shu was just the mysterious quiet one other than his noticeable laziness. Most girls were all over them. You stayed away from them because you didn't want anyone or anything to distract you from your work. You had a reputation to uphold as well. You fancied yourself as a connoisseur of music. You knew just about everything and students came to you for help in music at which you were glad to help. You looked around for the piano bench and there it was. Shu has his feet on it. (I had to get the ball rolling some way.) You grumbled to yourself and walked over to him. Big smile y/n big smile. "Um, do you mind taking your feet off the piano bench?" You stood there waiting for an answer but nothing. "Hey did you hear me?" He seemed to have earbuds in his ears. He opened his eyes and looked at you but, he closed them again. This guy has the nerve to ignore me. You were starting to get mad. You tried to remove his feet yourself but, no luck. You tried again and slipped landing in his lap. The place where you didn't want to be. You tried to get back up but, the bastard has his hands around your waist. No no no no no! You tried to pry them off but, no luck. You keep wiggling around until you hear a grunt and you feel yourself under him. "Hey! Let me go you creep!" He let out a noise that sounded like a chuckle. "And, why would I do that y/n?" His voice was that of a male just waking up. You glared at him and wriggled some more. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He whispered this in your ear making you blush. "Please let me go now. I have things to do!" He leaned into you more and it was getting very awkward. For you at least. You huffed and looked up at him. He smirked at you knowing he had you pinned quite literally. "If you don't let me go I'll pull your hair. I'll punch you and kick you!" He didn't move an inch in fact he only held you closer. You tried to elbow him but, no luck still. You used your vampire strength to push him off which caught him off guard. "So you're a vampire too huh? I had my suspicions. So you like music as well huh?" You looked at him shocked. This guy harassed you and had the audacity to talk to you so casually? "I
don't know who you think you are but, I am not the one!" (But that kid is not my son I'm sorry XD)He rolled his eyes at you. And he's sassy? Oh great. "Just trying to get to know you better no need to get hostile." You glared at him. "Sorry I guess I'll just talk to a guy who almost suffocated me!" You were being dramatic at this point but, still. He sighed and took the piano seat to the piano and started to play on it. He was playing Symphony No. 6 by Ludwig van Beethoven. It was a beautiful piece and you haven't heard anyone play this good in a while. When he was done you clapped. "Wow that was amazing I haven't heard anyone play that since I was a child." He nods and goes back to sitting on the couch. Your sixth period was about to begin so you packed up and your stuff. You looked back at Shu to see his eyes closed and his two earbuds in. "Goodbye. I'll see you later" You say this softly and leave the room hoping to see him again. You didn't hear him say "We'll see each other sooner than you think." I hoped you liked this.
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Look what i found in my fakechat app. I was definitely high when i made this. Too much diabolik lovers intoxication
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I wanna hide six feet under, fre@kin cringe😭
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keonamariearelis · 2 years
Reiji: Y/n texted me and said “your adorable” so I corrected them and said “no, YOU’RE adorable”
Shu: And..?
Reiji: Now we’re dating. We’ve been on six dates. All I did was point out a typo, but I like them so I’m not gonna say anything.
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babubabibambam · 2 years
Musician!Sakusa composing and writing a song for his deceased S/O.
He had always been on a writer’s block, he’s been so for a while now. Ever since you’ve fallen ill everything seemed dull. All of the sudden he couldn’t find beauty in anything in the world.
Now as he holds your ashes by the ocean at your beach house he stares into the endless ocean. He wasn’t ready to let you go just yet. So he walks into your shared bedroom, the house was dusty and sandy, on normal occasions he would despise this place. But this was the only place where the traces of you remained. A knock came upon his door, walking out he sees your friend. “Y/n wanted you to have this.” Was all they said as they left. Your death had struck everyone you knew with the feeling of emptiness.
In his hands was a letter from you and a music box. He sat down and reads your letter.
“To my beloved, Sakusa
Is this how letters starts? Never mind that, if you’ve got this letter it means I’m no longer with you. I’m sorry for the pain that you’d feel when you read this letter. Perhaps this was selfish of me to do, but nonetheless I’m happy that I met you. I really am, there’s no one else I’d rather spend my last days with. I’m sure my illness has been hard on you. So I hope this music box can help with your block. I love you, and farewell. May we meet again in the next life. Play the music box whenever you’re ready.”
He scoffs at the letter, even when writing a farewell letter, you were still bad at expressing your feelings. But he knew you tried your best, he could see the tears staining on the paper. Tears of his own falling down on it too as he held both the letter and his music box.
He stood there by the ocean with your ashes in his arms. Eyes and nose puffy and red from crying. As a tribute to you, he was going to return you to the ocean. Playing the music box you have given him. He watches as your ashes blends with the ocean. (Music box audio)
Finally he was able to write his song. The first song he ever wrote was for you, and so will his last song.
“To you, I dedicate this farewell song”
-I’m stuck with this song again, and since Shu and Sakusa shares the same voice actor, I decided to write this. I’m not that great with angst or emotional stuff so💀 anyways hope you enjoy it!
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darvetica · 3 years
ꉂ،، ָ࣪ ❛ 𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 ❜┇ [DL X OC ] (1)
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"Hondos rostros jóvenes, profundamente marcados, rasgan el suave satén de la memoria; y aún oculta, fuera de la historia, continúa ocultando el dolor de los condenados".
Katherine Tynan
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Las grandes puertas del despacho de mi padre siempre me habían llamado la atención, eran a mi opinión bastante enigmáticas, parecían ser las puertas por las cuales tras cruzarlas podías obtener alegría y jubilo u odio y rencor. Siempre era así, o al menos era lo que percibía tras años viendo como la gente entra y sale de dichas puertas.
Por lo que tengo entendido mi padre suele recibir a gente que le pide favores o quiere negociar con él, obviamente mi padre no cedía ante cualquier petición y si no le caías en gracia por tus acciones te podría arruinar la vida, de ahí la parte de odio y rencor.
Por otra parte, si eras afortunado podrías recibir una más que generosa ayuda de mi progenitor, y ahora era cuando venía el júbilo y alegría. Aunque aún me pregunto qué sensación obtienes cuando él te hace llamar, sin embargo, esta duda no duraría mucho puesto que hoy me toca a mi cruzar estas puertas por un llamado de Richter, mi padre.
Dude unos instantes en si abrir la puerta o no, pero no me malentiendan, no es que mi padre fuese malo conmigo o tuviese miedo. Todo lo contrario, tenía ganas de cruzar las puertas porque me huelo la razón por la que requiere mi presencia, me hacía llamar por mi más ansiado y anhelado deseo ¿Qué cuál es ese deseo? Simple, la dulce venganza.
Toqué la puerta tres veces y esperé hasta recibir un "Adelante" indicando que podía entrar. Una vez dentro me acerqué al gran y antiguo escritorio de roble de mi padre, la verdad es que cuanto más me fijaba en mi alrededor más cautivaba mi atención la habitación. Había miles de libros repartidos en altas y grandes librerías aparentemente a punto de reventar al estar los libros tan apretados los unos a los otros con la intención de conseguir así un mayor almacenamiento.
- Delora puedes sentarte- indicó mi padre, al cual hice caso- Supongo que ya te haces una idea de por qué estás aquí- una pícara sonrisa apareció en el rostro del pelinegro con mechas verdes.
- Me hago una idea, pero no me gustaría parecer pretenciosa, así que antes de afirmar nada prefiero escucharte- la formalidad entre mi padre y yo era muy común, al fin y al cabo, mi madre me educó así y ahora que estaba muerta no iba a tirar por la borda todo lo que me había enseñado.
- Siempre tan educada- se podía notar cierto orgullo en sus palabras- Te hacía llamar porque he movido algunos hilos y podrás ir a la mansión Sakamaki - una sonrisa gatuna apareció en mi rostro de la cual mi padre se percató- Pero debes ser cuidadosa y jamás olvidar el plan, sé que a veces te sueles dejar llevar por tus emociones y actividades privadas, sin embargo ahora es el momento donde más vas a tener que hacer caso a tu cerebro- yo asentí con mi rostro serio puesto que este plan nos había llevado muchos años a mi padre y a mí.
-Padre prometo no defraudarle, se lo debo a Hori- ese era el nombre de mi madre- Además tras tantos largos años de espera estoy mentalizada sobre cuál es mi objetivo en esa casa.
-Así me gusta pequeña, tendremos que ser muy minuciosos porque los hermanos Sakamaki pueden no ser un gran rival, pero mi hermano Karl Heinz es un digno oponente que no teme a jugar sucio.
-Nosotros tampoco tenemos reparos en jugar sucio, pero entiendo el punto- en ese instante me percato de una pequeña caja en el escritorio de mi progenitor. De cerca parecía ser una cajita que contendría algo de bisutería, tenía curiosidad sobre cuál era el contenido, pero mi padre se adelantó.
-Veo que te has fijado- dijo refiriéndose a la caja- Es un regalo para ti por tu nueva misión, se que no eres una gran entusiasta de llevar constantemente joyas, pero va a ser necesario para tu misión.
- ¿Exactamente para qué la necesito? - pregunté confundida ya que no me esperaba este obsequio.
-Es un colgante que te ayudará a tener el olor de un humano, si vas a la mansión Sakamaki bajo ningún concepto deben saber que eres una vampiresa y mucho menos que estas emparentada conmigo, si se enteran desconfiarán de ti y llamarán a su padre.
-Y si lo hacen estamos muertos- terminé la frase de Richter- No me quitaré el colgante, tranquilo. Aún así tengo dudas sobre eso de ser una novia de sacrificio y sobre cómo me voy a alimentar yo.
-Tendrás que apañártelas, ahí no te puedo ayudar- dijo mi padre algo desconforme por la situación.
Soy una vampiresa, está bien que oculte el hecho de lo que sea y más en un momento como este !Pero necesito alimentarme! Esto era una locura, pero como siempre voy de cabeza a este tipo de cosas y me tendré que adaptar a la situación. Supongo que tomaré sangre de algún ciudadano que este de fiesta por la noche y achaque su malestar al alcohol o a muy amalas tendré que tomar sangre de animal. Esta última idea me desagradaba mucho, no era porque la sangre de animal tuviese un mal sabor, su sabor era aceptable, pero hacer daño a un animal indefenso me dolía en el corazón.
-Bueno ya me las apañaré no te preocupes ¿Cuándo dices que me iba? - espero que me dé tiempo a empacar mis cosas y arreglarme un poco antes de irme.
-Mañana, aunque hoy en la noche te dejaré en la iglesia de un viejo amigo para que tu papel de chica huérfana de iglesia sea más creíble.
- Vale, si me permites tengo que empezar a hacer mis maletas- mi padre asintió con la cabeza.
-Delora, mi amada hija confío en ti como seguramente lo haría Hori.
Al llegar a mi cuarto no demoré en empezar a seleccionar mi ropa, mis armarios constaban de una gran cantidad de ropa y seleccionar lo necesario para que me ocupe solo dos maletas me era difícil, pero me decanté por algunos conjuntos que puedan encajar con el estilo de chica católica que se pueden esperar esos hermanos, aunque añadí algo más atrevido por si se presentaban la ocasión. Después de todo eramos vampiros y la lujuria estaba en nuestro ser.
La segunda maleta la llené de zapatos, abrigos, ropa interior y algunas cosas esenciales que toda chica necesita. Mi idea principal era llenar esa segunda maleta con algunos objetos mágicos y armas para protegerme, no debía subestimar a mis oponentes, pero la idea fue descartada cuando el mayordomo de mi padre me aconsejó en no llevarlas por si los hermanos revisaban mis maletas.
Esto iba a ser algo bastante tedioso para mí, pero vale la pena, se lo debo a mi madre. Unos de esos seis Sakamakis la mató y encima su padre repudió al mío. Si algo tengo claro es que la familia es lo primero y nada ni nadie me quitará de la cabeza mi venganza.
Es obvio que no llegaré y los mataré a todos, no soy una psicópata, tengo en mente algo más complejo, algo más doloroso. Cuando llegue me ganaré la confianza de cada uno de ellos hasta descubrir quien fue el asesino y luego los iré traicionando uno a uno, haciendo que sientan el verdadero dolor, el dolor de la traición.
Según me ha contado mi padre ellos siempre han sido unos niños mimados llenos de lujos y aún así no estaba satisfechos, siempre querían más. En definitiva, eran unos niños de mamá, que patético ni podrán valerse por ellos mismo.
-¡Por fin¡ - exclamé al terminar de hacer mi equipaje- Ahora a darme una pequeña ducha y ya estaría lista para ir a esa iglesucha de cuarta- como se podía notar tenía cierto desprecio a la religión, me parecía una tontería con tantos símbolos y luego quien maneja realmente todo son unos señores calvos adinerados que dicen que dan su vida por el prójimo pero no les dan ni la mano, por no hablar lo absurdo que era aquello de la fe creer en un Dios que nos ayuda y cuida pero luego no hace nada por nosotros.
Dejando mis quejas de lado me metí a la tina y relajé unos minutos gozando del momento de calma mientras notaba el agua liviana en cuerpo a la vez que pequeñas burbujas formadas por el jabón que eché. Pero eso no quitó que aún le diese vueltas al tema de mi madre, ella no merecía nada de lo que le pasó era una mujer noble con gran corazón y la mataron despiadadamente con una daga, pero lo que esos necios no sabían es que encontramos la daga en la cual estaba el sello de la familia Sakamaki, por eso sabemos quiénes fueron los asesinos.
Podría seguir maldiciendo a esos bastardos, pero tenía una misión pendiente, me vestí y sequé para bajar las escaleras y encontrarme con mi padre. Fue una despedida rápida ya que ninguno era muy sentimental, me fui con el mayordomo hasta la iglesia a la cual entré por una puerta trasera para que al salir por la puerta principal me pudiese encontrar con otro coche, en este caso una limusina negra.
- ¿Señorita Delora? - me pregunto un hombre alto y delgado el cual aparentaba ser otro mayordomo o chofer, seguramente de esos mimados Sakamakis.
- La misma que viste y calza ¿Usted es con quien me ha dicho el padre que voy a vivir a partir de ahora? - fingí ilusión, la que imaginé que tendría cualquier chica de aquel orfanato de la iglesia- ¿Es usted el señor Sakamaki?
-No soy yo- el hombre sonrió, parece que le caí bien de alguna forma ya que cuando me explicó que él era el encargado de llevarme a la misión fue muy amable conmigo durante todo el viaje, como si casi se compadeciese de mí. ¿Tan terrible era vivir con esos vampiros?
Tras unas horas de viaje y una charla con el chofer llegué a una mansión algo tétrica y lúgubre, aparentaba estar abandonada llegando a pensar que el chofer que se marchó me había dejado en el lugar equivocado, sin embargo, al ver lo tan cuidado que estaba el jardín descarté esa idea.
Llamé tres veces a la puerta como de costumbre esperando a ser recibida de una buena vez por alguno de los hermanos, los cuales parecían que no habían escuchado mi llamada, por lo que me dispuse a abrir la puerta pero alguien se me adelantó.  
Hola a tod@s, se que este capitulo es algo corto pero es a modo de introducción. Los siguientes serán más largos y aparecerán por fin los hermanos.
Estoy acostumbrada a preguntar cosas al final de mis capitulos, como hago en la aplicación de wattpad. 
¿Quién creen que abrió la puerta a Delora?
¿Cómo creen que van a reaccionar los hermanos?
¿Laito la llamará bitch-chan? bueno eso seguramente ....este pervertido...
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
Depressed!Yui x GN!Reader
Request from @damzelknight: Hello, if you don't mind can I request a depressed turned vampire Yui falling in love with a human?
Warnings: Sucky mentions of depression, angsty
Rating: SFW
I’m sorry if this is bad. I don’t really like Yui all that much
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Why was she here? What did she do to deserve this? Here was Yui Komori, a depressed vampire in the Sakamaki Mansion. She was just a normal girl and now, she was a vampire. She didn’t know who to blame. Was it Shu? Was it Reiji? She didn’t know. All she knew was that she fell for their tricks. As she always did. 
One night, she was looking at the moonlit garden, wishing she was back with her family. Or better yet, dead. She felt a presence behind her and saw Reiji standing there. 
“Have you ever heard of knocking?” she said. 
“Watch your tone. We have new blood bag living with us. It would be the polite thing to come say hello,” Reiji said. 
“Alright, I’ll be right there.” Reiji nodded and teleported out of her room. Yui sighed and headed over to the living room to see you sitting on one of the chairs next to Ayato and Subaru. 
“Took you long enough pancake,” Ayato said. Yui said nothing and sat next to Reiji. 
“Now then, why don’t you introduce yourself?” Reiji asked you. 
“Uh, right. My name is (Y/N) (L/N). A-and my father sent me here to attend the school here. He said that he was close with your family,” you said. 
“We’ve heard of your father. Wonderful business man. Let me introduce myself, my brothers, and her.” Reiji’s red eyes glared at Yui. Why was she treated like this? She was one of them!
“My name is Reiji and I’m the second oldest of the Sakamaki family. The oldest is Shu, who is laying on the couch. On your right is the oldest triplet, Ayato. Next to him are Laito and Kanato. To your left is Subaru. And sitting to next to me is Yui. Don’t pay much attention to her. She mainly does the house chores here.” You looked at Yui and saw that her eyes were telling a different story. 
“Now then, Yui. Show our guest here their room,” Reiji said. Yui nodded and you followed her out of the living room. 
“Um, I noticed how you wanted to say something back there. Is there something I should know about this place?” you said. She wanted to tell you the truth but she knew that she would get punished. 
“No, I-I just hate how Reiji talks about me,” she said. 
“Oh. Well, you should stand up for yourself. Tell him that he’s wrong.” 
“I-I couldn’t. If I did, he would punish me. He is very strict.” 
“Hmm, maybe I can help you stand up to him. I know how to handle myself. My father is strict as well.” Yui felt something in her chest that she didn’t know what it was anymore. What was this feeling? Was it love? Yui showed you your room and gave you some privacy to get settled in. She needed to tell you the truth. But not now. Hopefully soon. 
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ashhh-14 · 3 years
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✥ Yuma x Reader [Part- 4]
Character's Origin- Diabolik Lovers
Characters- Yuma Mukami, Azusa Mukami, Shu Sakamaki, Reiji Sakamaki
Warning- Cussing, Non consensual feeding, blackout
Genre- ❖
Format- S-oneshot
Word Count- 678
Requested by @toharu-takahashi-25
Full series 'Yours'
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'Just a little more...'
"Where are.....you going....(Y/n) - San? "
"A-Azusa- Kun. Something you need? " You nervously giggled.
"The class... is about... to.. start... where are... you going...? "
He tilted his head to the side.
You were mentally cursing yourself right now. You shared all your lectures with the youngest Mukami brother as a result of having an 'apparent' same age. Though getting caught when you were trying to escape was not the best thing to happen right now.
"I was just going to the bathroom. "
You lied, hoping he would buy it.
"Oh... okay... be.. careful. "
"Yes. I will be. I -I'll get going. "
He just nodded in return as you thanked the heavens and escaped.
'Let's see. Where could he be? Probably sleeping somewhere that's for sure but-"
You cut your thoughts short as "Reiji-Kun! "
"What do you want (Y/n)? You know I don't have time for your stupid antics. "
Reiji said with an irritated sign, halting his steps in the hallway.
"M-My bad for stopping you so ubruptly but, do you know where your brother is by any chance? " You spoke carefully, knowing full well that even Shu's name is enough to trigger him.
"Why was it that you always ended up looking for that dead beat or that pervert. *Ahem* None of my business. I'm getting late for my lecture. You might find him in the music room. " With that, he walked away.
'That was.... Rude. But at least I have an idea about where he can be now. '
You shrugged your shoulder, making your way to the said destination.
"What do you want Lewd woman? Can't live a second without me, can you? "
"Shu-sama? "
Shu opened his eyes after hearing your voice. "It's you. *He sat up* Something must be on your mind to seek me out like this. "
You hesitated for a moment after looking at the serious expression on his face.
You always seeked him out, he and you both knew that. Part of the reason may be because he didn't go out of his way to put you in trouble , or the fact that he bit you the least. Despite sleeping all the time and looking uninterested in almost everything, you knew one thing for sure, he has an answer for everything.
"I wanted to ask you something. Can you please tell me anything, literally anything about what happened with me. Why is it that I feel like, there's something that I don't remember. Something important. " You don't know why but your voice cracked at the end.
He chuckled, "I know exactly what's up. But why should I tell you what it is hm? "
"Huh? " You were confused, he never said that before.
He stood up, walking towards you as you stepped back.
"What is it (Y/n)? You never stepped back from me until now? " His voice held amusement as he continued backing you up against the window
"W-What's wrong with you Shu-Sama? You never acted like this before. "
Your back hit the widow as Shu's figure towered over you.
"What? You don't expect me to give you such an exclusive information without getting anything in return, now do you? " Smirk evident on his face, your mind raced though all the possibilities of what you can offer him.
"Don't run your brain a mile a minute. I'll take what I want myself. "
A hand pinning your waist to the window while the other held you hair to the side
You winced, " Fuck" you muttered under your breath, neck numb with pain, eyes screwed shut as hands did the futile attempt to push him away by his shoulders.
*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp*
Black dots started covering your vision as Shu pulled away, your almost passed out form in his arms.
Last thing you heard before completely fading into darkness was, "I'll give you your part of the story once you wake up. (Y/n)."
Likes, comments and reblogs are truly appreciated!
'Where the hell are they?I hope they're alright. I gotta find them before something happens to them! '
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Yours Truly,
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coldshinypearl · 2 years
shu sakamaki x reader
Mariage Blanc
chapter 2
out of all, why her? She makes a vow, she won’t let that guy get away with this so easily, he might’ve fooled women and her mother too, but no, she won’t let him get his way with her.
disclaimers: this fanfiction contains reader insert, the reader will be presented as [y/n], for major informations click this post, english is not my first language! Im sorry if there will be misunderstandings in my writing i’m doing everything i can to improve it!
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the pain is Indescribable.
apathy had completely drown her out, forcing her to lock herself in the duvets of the same bed that waked her up the previous night.
if only there was a way to stay locked in the night before, where everything was perfect, her reign of dreams still wasn’t collapsing.
if only, out of hundreds of females, he hadn’t chosen her, that imbecile was nothing worth the insults she called him, she knew that the power was in those lazy hands of his.
unlike her grey humour, her bedroom was filled to the very core with gifts, colorful fresh cut flowers landing to the sides, velvety rectangular boxes containing jewelry and gowns at the foots of her wardrobe.
she hated all this.
yes, soon-to-be brides were expected to receive all type of gifts, it was traditional in the clan that in order to not give the chosen bride the freeway to escape her destiny, she had to be showered with love and gifts.
her door was locked, that morning nobody disturbed her, certainly her maids tried to call desperately for her, but they returned in the kitchen with no response.
the ones she hoped would come banging at her door asking for forgiveness are her parents, but of course they were too much busy having breakfast with the king, her soon to be father in law.
as she gazed at her world collapsing in front of her eyes, warm tears collected in her cheeks, not a single sound out, just pure quiet sadness, how she wished to dissolve.
hold an instant, what was she doing again? Crying?
she angrily wiped off her tears with her pale hand as her figure straightened in the bed.
she sat in the bed still trying to dry her rosy cheeks, her brows curved in as her mouth trembled, in that moment she made a vow.
for how true it is that her name was [y/n] [l/n] she won’t let this man destroy her like every other woman, she won’t be fooled by his princely beauty, his sloth but elegant manners or his flawless speech. God if he’ll regret this marriage.
she spent the morning with her body and tears not moving from the bed, sheets hugging her, sadness and regret drowning her.
her new schedule had her packed for tea time, the ‘big’ meeting between the groom and the bride, she just wished for someone else to take over her.
well she knew that if it was for her to meet that man she could’ve spit in that pretty face of his, but no, her revenge was going to be quiet.
for as long as she had known, [y/n] has always been good at programing, and for the whole time she stayed inside the duvets, she thought of the perfect plan for her husband to regret choosing her.
little did she know, that man was as patient cat.
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05:00 PM
finally tea time was here, [y/n] sat her slim clothed figure to one of the dark wooden chairs, in front of her a piece of table antiquarian with pastries and tea pots on it.
their tea room was quite the figure, all but dark wooden victorian furniture, soft cushion covered sofas, all in the tones of black and white, the many piping hot pastries were waiting for the two guests [y/n] and her mother were expecting.
her mother sat nervously of meeting the king himself, since the mother of the boy had been troubled by her death.
her figure was covered by a baby turquoise gown, its puff sleeves covering her pale shoulders, the skirt going all the way to her ankles, her hair curled in one single lock covering her self shoulder.
she looked at the table with her eyes emptied, like someone squeezed them like you do with oranges.
her mother gazed at the clock more than one time, then gazed back at her not so amused daughter.
-“you are permitted to smile dearest, i’m sure you are thrilled to meet his majesty and your groom” her mother said trying to curl her lips in a motherly smile, [y/n] titled her head up to her mother’s direction, her look almost disgusted.
-“impatient.” [y/n] said forcing her voice to a serious tone, she was about to jump off that damn table.
as her gaze returned to the table, her lips curled when she saw at the corner of her eye a new maid not dressed like a maid, finally they were here.
two tall figures entered, almost in slow motion as wind gently hit them.
the king of all demons, Karlheinz, who had those long pale curls that fell over his body, his tall figure towered above their maids, his crimson cape slightly moving from his figure as wind hit it, maid’s blushing as he gave them his warm but refreshing fake smile, she knew that smile, it lured women to become obsessed with him.
next to him, the prince.
there he was, it was him in bones and meat, the man who ruined her life. The man who had chosen her as the next queen. The man who dared to snort at her?
was he being serious? He chose this, he knew that hundreds of events for the two would’ve required his attendance and he was bored, unbelievable.
he could’ve represented the sin of sloth, but in contrast with his personality, that classical beauty, fresh out of the fairytale’s appearance he had rejected debutant by debutant, one more beautiful than the other.
one of their maids dared to glare at you, clearly envious of what your destiny had became, at this point [y/n] only wanted to jump her seat and slap all the people in that room one by one, no she couldn’t.
as they made their entrance, her mother jumped her seat and instantly made a court bow for the two, of course dragging her along since they had to show respect.
the king and prince made their way to the chairs, as they seated, [y/n] glared at the two signing the start of her plan.
the blonde head sighed as he fixed his figure more comfortably, she didn’t even want to make eye contact or even look at that trash laying on her furniture.
-“its amusing how we finally have a chance to talk dearest” the king said smiling at [y/n] as he grabbed the porcelain cup of tea almost cupping it from how big his hands were.
well the prince chose her, she had no reason to be mad at the king, some delightful conversations won’t get in her way, or so she thought.
-“our [y/n] is just so grateful about the life she will have from now on” her mother said clearly faking, looking at [y/n]. She sighed, if she wanted the plan to work, admitting defeat wasn’t a good start.
[y/n] tossed her head up, gazing at the king trying to hide the disgust growing inside her stomach with a forced smile.
-“i truly am, you shall allow me to be certain i understand” [y/n] said smirking in evil, her mother nervously gazed at her as she knew the things she was capable of.
-“understand what dearest?” her mother asked clearly sending signals to her daughter to be careful with her speech, as is she cared.
-“i hear that your son, who amused us with his presence, isn’t quite looking forward to move his hands?” [y/n] said giving solid expressions of fake speech, her maids could’ve barely hold their giggles.
her mother almost flinched her figure as she tried not to choke on her beverage, the king surprisingly blinked more than once, and the prince titled his head to the side, almost like he was used to people commenting his laziness.
her mother opened her mouth just about to speak, but suddenly interrupted.
-“i beg your pardon?” the king said giggling to your words giving his son confused looks.
-“i hear his idleness has been troublesome more than once for the dynasty’s honor, is that quite not right?” [y/n] acted confused as her show kept going in, maybe the king could’ve killed her right on the spot, well her mother almost fainted when she heard those words.
but surprisingly, he started to giggle instead, showing that warm smile who got women head over heels for him.
-“his majesty she’s just quite confused, we beg for forgiveness.” her mother said frightened as she glared at her.
the king continued to chuckle as his son slightly smirked.
-“it makes no problem, after all we shall have a more intimate relationship since the families are uniting, well it is only right to say that my son is quite not the lover of hardworking” he said smiling warmly.
are you joking? [y/n] thought, how was he not offended by the way she talked at him? And the son? Just standing there smirking not saying a word.
her mother calmed at his words, [y/n] took a pastry at her mouth, making sure the son was watching her she bit in it strongly almost angrily.
she took her eyes on those blue orbits that were watching her from top to bottom, with all that mighty attitude he was just begging to be punched in the face, and he smirked again.
he was making fun of her, he knew that a plan was mixed in this speech of hers and he was happy that it wasn’t working.
the evening just flew by, between jokes, [y/n]’s failed tentatives of causing rage to the king, her mother flinching every time [y/n] opened her mouth, the blondie and [y/n] glaring at each other, and Shu smirking at [y/n]’s rosy cheeks when her mother discussed about her carrying children.
tea time was almost over, [y/n]’s mother and Karlheinz made their way on the balcony as they hoped for a flame between the two sweethearts.
[y/n] coldly drank her tea, quite unsatisfied with the result of her plan, her mind started to wonder what kind of woman would’ve caused Shu’s disapproval.
ignoring that Shu was still looking at her with that mighty attitude that’s convinced she would’ve fell for him, Shu’s arm was resting on the table stretched un [y/n]’s direction, as he gazed at her his fingertip tapped a rhythm in the wood of the table.
[y/n] started to think, maybe a tramp? Well if the rumors weren’t wrong he was quite the perverse guy, or maybe a know it all, but again if she was a fool he could’ve made fun of her which wasn’t a really successful result, acting lazy like him also would’ve caused for her honor to fall, then-
her thinking was disturbed by an annoying tapping on the table.
[y/n] glared at him… and almost flinched when she saw the look he gave her, that seductive eye contact that didn’t leave her body and visage since the first step he made in this house.
her glare softened as her flustered expression melted her scary look, her rosy cheeks told how she felt violated by the way he was staring at her eyes.
-“w-would you consider being quiet?” oh god. She just stuttered.
Shu tilted his head to the side not stopping his hands.
-“i’m thinking about a classical composition, was that a stutter i heard?” he asked.
[y/n] knew this first battle wasn’t going well, the next move was hers.
[y/n] nodded admitting defeat, but not for long.
she knew better than letting him with the thought that he had the freeway with her, she sighed as she gazed him.
-“your handsome looks and seductive voice won’t do the job with me, i am quite strict with my standards, if you think i’ll completely ignore the wrong you did me, you are out of your mind” [y/n] smirked satisfied as she took a sip from her cup of tea.
Shu stretched his legs to the ground, his foot touching [y/n]’s ankles trough the gown, [y/n] looked up at him as he made that action, no man has ever dared to touch her, he did it so flawlessly.
-“so you think i am handsome and that my voice is seductive?” Shu said as he brought his arms together and smirked more.
[y/n]’s breath stopped, this man had the attitude of someone who wasn’t afraid of anything at all.
but… what was this strange… yet new velvety and refreshing feeling she felt when the tip of his shoe touched her ankle.
she was left there confused and curious of all this.
as they made their way at the entrance leaving the house, she wondered if love was to come at the core of this marriage.
would love… ever hit them..?
[ chapter - 3 - ] 23.05.23
current date : 5th march 2023
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unsupervisedpanda · 3 years
Love through the blood and tears
Laito x reader
You lived with the sakamakis before Yui. You're a failed experiment to Karlheins. When his spawn fail to kill you he takes matters into his own hands when you're alone.
You screamed as Karlheins kicked you into the wall. He was angry. Angrier than you'd ever seen him.
  You'd only ever seen him 3 times before this and each time it was a family meeting. You weren't invited.
   "What did I tell you!? You're supposed to be dead. Dead. Dead. Dead." He kicked your stomach with each 'dead'.
    "Sir-" another lung crushing kick.
  "If my ignorant sons won't kill you I'll do it for them!" He snarled. Reaching down he gripped your hair, yanking you up.
   "Please," you sobbed, "please stop."
  Your face was swollen from crying and loose hair was sticking to your cheeks.
  "I'll leave. I'll go away. Just please. Please stop." You lied, sniffling trying to tug his hand away from your scalp. 
   "Like hell." Then he threw you.
You flew into the staircase the railing breaking, splinters of wood falling to the ground with you.
   You screamed as you skidded across the floor, the broken pieces of railing surrounding you.
   "You think you have the right to ask me for mercy. The audacity of humans never fails to amaze me." He laughed.
   "Stop!" You begged as your head pounded. Looking up you felt something warm dripping down your face. You reached up to wipe it away and winced. Blood.
    "Oh how easily you bleed." Karlheins mocked.
   Sitting up you pushed yourself away from him. It was nearing 2 in the morning. The boys and Yui should be here any minute.
   "I don't know why you're doing this, but please just leave me alone." You whimpered grabbing a piece of the railing.
   "You can't stop me, you won't stop me." He growled stepping closer.
   You pushed yourself up and ran in the opposite direction, towards the door.
   "Pathetic." He sighed annoyed. You didnt stand a chance.
   You flew into the nearest wall coughing as the air left your lungs.
    "You. Can't. Run." He grinned his fangs showing. His hand tightened around your neck and the other pushed the hair out of your face.
   You cried out when he slid his thumb over your forehead, the blood smearing onto it. Then he licked it.
   "You're still so sweet. A shame." You could feel the tears well up as you began to realize you were alone. No one was going to save you.
     Closing your eyes you went limp in his hold.
   "Please don't tell me you just fainted. That would take the thrill out of killing such a meaningless creature." He mock pouted. You didn't open your eyes. You knew if you did he'd snap your neck.
    You didn't want to die. You don't want to die. There was so much more you wanted to do. Needed to do. Laito. You wanted to tell Laito you loved him. You wanted to see him laugh at you as you got flustered. You wanted to promise him you'd never leave him, like his mother did. That he was your one and only. Fuck. You couldn't die.
    Opening your eyes you met the eyes of the man who helped create your lover. The man who helped destroy his idea of love. The man who wanted to kill you.
    "No." You said your voice cracking a little.
    "No?" He laughed as if you'd told a joke. "You're telling me, no?"
    "I will not die. I refuse to die." You snarled as you began to claw at his arms.
    "Fucking hell." The vampire sighed. "Too bad. I'm going to-" he was cut off as the mansion doors slammed open.
   "Y/n are you okay?! I smelled-" Laito stopped in his tracks. You could only imagine what he saw.
    "Father. What the fuck are you doing?"
    "Laito, Laito, Laito. I told you and your brothers to kill this thing." Karlheins tutted as he threw you to the ground in front of him. In between him and his sons.
   You cried out as you crashed to the floor,  your head spinning momentarily.
    "Your point?" Laito asked as he took a step forward.
    "My point being since you all were too incompetent, I'll do it for you." Your eyes widened before you felt his grip on your ankle.
   "No!" You looked up to see Laito leaping at you, as his father dragged you upwards. You hung in his father's grip.
    "Laito please. This girl is no longer necessary." He sighed shaking you. You blinked away the tears as they slid down your face, dripping onto the floor.
    "To you." You heard Laito say, muffled by the ringing that was in your ears.
    That was the last thing you heard before Laito launched at you and his father.
  The other 5 brothers stared in shock as they watched Laito fight Karl, trying to get to you. Reiji nearly jumped when Karl threw you to the side. You crumbled to the ground without a sound.
    Ayato held on to Yui watching as Laito fought for you. He'd never seen his brother look so desperate. When he saw you get thrown into the wall he lightly pushed Yui to the side, behind his other brothers.
   Karl was distracted by Laito so he ran, scooping you up into his arms, nearly dropping you again when the scent of your blood actually hit him.
    He knew he had to get you away now though. Laito cared about you. More than he'd seen Laito care about anything.
    Running back to his siblings he slid to a stop as Karl walked right in front of him.
   "Tsk." Ayato clicked his tongue. "Hey old man, you're in my way."
    "Ayato. Give me the girl."
     "Excuse me?"
    "You deaf? No."
  Ayato glared the vampire king down. He wasn't going to give in. Making eye contact with Laito and Reiji he nodded
   Faking to the left he sped to the right giving your crumpled form to Laito as Reiji blocked Karl.
    "Damn it. You boys are so troublesome." Karl snarled pinching the bridge of his nose.
    "Then leave." Shu raised his eyebrows.
     "We didn't invite you." Kanato agreed hugging Teddy.
     "She is going to die. With or without me." He hissed at the siblings glaring at Laito in particular.
      "Fuck off." Laito growled. With that their dad was gone, and the house was covered in your blood.
  You groaned as your head pounded. Your eyes were crusted shut and your hair was sticking to your face with blood and tears.
    You tried to open your eyes but they refused to open. Reaching up with your right hand you nearly screamed in pain. Your ribs ached. Your arm felt like it was dislocated. Or it had been. Everything hurt.
    Reaching up with the left you rubbed the crust away, your eyes opening slowly. You weren't in your room. You were in Laitos' room. The green comforter was heavy, and the curtains were closed.
   "Laito?" You called out quietly, shocked by how croaky your voice really was. You saw a figure in the corner and tensed up. 
    "Not Laito." I heard the voice answer. Your eyes widened as you tried to throw the comforter off of yourself.
   "Oh no. Don't even try that." The voice chirped as they jumped at you.
   With him closer you noted that the male was blonde with blue eyes.
   "No!" You screamed as he shoved you down, straddling you.
  With him on top of you, he wrapped his hands around your throat.
   "You've caused quite a lot of grief. Now you'll die." You struggled under his hold as he cut off your air supply.
Jumping awake you reached for your throat. Laito. You needed Laito.
   You winced as you pushed the comforter away. You were in a pair of shorts and one of Laitos' button ups.
   Pushing yourself off the bed, your legs collapsed underneath you. You cried out as everything crashed into you.
    "Laito!" You cried tears streaming down your face.
    "Y/n?! Y/n! What's wrong?" Laito held your face in his hands. Crying harder you reached up to hold his hands to your face.
   "Oh Laito. I love you. I love you so much. I know you said never say I love you, I know you said never to but i-" you choked on your tears. "I love you, Laito." You cried collapsing into his arms.
   You felt him stiffen up as you sobbed into his shirt. You shouldn't have said anything. You should've just let Karlheins kill you.
   "I'm sorry." You heard Laito say.
  You felt your heart stop. He didn't love you. He didn't love you back. You made a fool of yourself. How could you be so stupid? You were so-
   He must've felt you freeze because he held onto you tighter.
   "I'm- I meant I'm sorry that I wasn't here when you needed me. I- I think I love you too. Seeing you like that, like this it kills me. I care about you so much. I care so much and it scares me."
    Looking up at him you reached around his neck and pulled him into you.
   "I'm okay I think." You whispered. He laughed at you before pulling away slowly.
    "Y/n. Can I- can I kiss you? Please." Staring into his eyes you laughed.
   "Just kiss me." You shook your head pulling him onto your lips.
    It was a passionate kiss. The kind that makes you lose your breath. Yet it was soft. So soft. His fangs grazed your lips slightly, and it made you smile.
   Pulling apart he stayed close to your lips, holding onto your face.
   "I thought I lost you." He whispered.
    "I thought I was never going to be able to tell you I loved you." You whispered back.
   That caused him to let out a loud laugh.
   "You nearly died and you were worried you hadn't told me you loved me?" He breathed out.
    "Yeah." You sighed looking into his eyes. "Yeah."
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banzaitaka · 3 years
hey son,
you know ily.
anyways can you do
diabolik lovers reiji sakamaki x nonbinary reader?
plot :
reiji is chilling in his private living room from the rest of his brothers and enjoying some alone time with his tea.
but something is weird and smelly about his tea. he starts yelling at his brothers who touched his tea but no one seems to care and to have touched his tea either.
reiji feels betrayed. he starts tearing up and going to the roof from his school the next day.
ruki comes in and calls him pathetic at that moment reader hears this and starts attacking ruki and throwing some hands.
reiji looks at them in awe. reader belated ruki and he gets up quickly and sees that his suit is gone. he is naked but doesn't feel in any way shame.
ruki left.
reader goes to reiji and pats his head. reiji smiles at us, the stranger who is also a student from the school.
reader starts slowly smiling back but like a creep and says "i touched your tea yesterday and i have stalked you for a long while. I know what you are and where you live. let's get married and drink your love poisoned tea next time".
reiji doesn't know what to say at what she just confessed and falls from the roof and starts panickly running.
Hey mom owo
I was just about to go to sleep, but then it started thundering outside and I'm so fcking scared of thunder storms so----AHH- I made it more cracky than I originally planned to make myself laugh xkxkfkf
Diabolik Lovers_Masterlist
TW: This is a crack fic, "adult jokes"?
Reiji Sakamaki x gn! reader
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How to confess; for dummies
What did Reiji do to deserve this? Just a few minutes ago, he sat comfortably in his armchair, his favorite book "How to have sex; for dummies" in hand.
He didn't have to play mom for his brothers for that day, so he decided to not let the opportunity to relax go to waste.
He already had his hair curlers in his hair and wore his long nightgown and pink, plush crocs as he reached for his tea. Only to smell that something was off about it. It smelled weird.
Reiji scoffed loudly, "Herr Gott nochmal! Diese Burschen!*"
(*A very old-school German way to say: "God damnit! These guys!" I just found it funny kfkfkf & he speaks German fluently so-)
The black-haired gracefully waddled into the living room were all of his brothers, conveniently, played uno together.
"Fullhouse!", Ayato yelled as he layed down his cards, making the others moan in defeat. Reiji gasped at this, pulled his spatula out of his pants and walked over to the group.
"NO YELLING!!", Reiji hit Shu right across the face. Shu fainted. Or pretended to faint. No one knows.
Subaru slammed his hands on the table, making it break in the process before pulling out an uno reversed card. Everyone in the room gasped, everyone, except Reiji, getting all riled up. The albino refused to use Reiji's spatula, so he used Kanato instead. He smacked his older brother with his younger older brother in the face.
Ayato, Laito and Teddy cheered Subaru on, but Subaru carefully laid Kanato on the floor, saying, "No. No more. I already paid him back."
Reiji was full on crying by then, face red from being slapped with Kanato. The vampire wiped his tears away, "Which one of you touched my tea!?"
"Huh? What are you talking about Bitch-niisan?", Laito asked as he dealt the uno cards for the next round on the broken table. Everyone went back to their previous places, ready to win the privilege of the last pizza slice.
Reiji tried to scoff and ask again, but what came out was a whine as he stamped his foot and ran away.
"They don't even care!", he yelled in his pillow and then cried himself to sleep.
A few hours later, the black-haired found himself ontop of the roof of his school. He didn't want anyone to see how miserable he looked like. How defeated he was.
Ruki opened the door to the roof and took a few steps forward, making Reiji turn around slightly at the sound.
The half blood stared into Reiji's pink eyes for solid 4.44 seconds, and proceeded to hit the most gorgeous whip, ever whipped, "Pathetic.", he says. The pigeon tried his best to hold back his tears, but it was hard.
Suddenly, a figure appeared behind Ruki, kicking him in the balls, "You forgot to 'nae nae', you faker!", they screeched at him.
The pink-eyed watched the stranger punching the Mukami so hard he lost all of his clothes. They were just gone. Ruki stared at the (Y/HC)-haired, terrified. He quickly stood up and dusted off his naked body before leaving the rooftop, without speaking another word.
Reiji was left there, awestruck, as (Y/N) was approaching him with a skip in their step. They slowly raised their hand and petted him on the head.
A large smile spread across Reiji's face. There was still someone who cared for him!
(Y/N)'s expressionless stare turned slowly into a smile as well, that kind of smile only our yandere waifus can pull off. "I was the one who messed with your tea.", they admitted, turning Reiji into the shocked pikachu meme.
(Y/N) ignored his face as they continued, "I openly stalked you for a while. I know everything about you. What you are. Where you live...", their gaze drifted to Reiji's crotch. Reiji took in a sharp breath, "...what color your underwear is. Hm? What were you thinking? Ah, yes I know that too."
They pinched the vampire's cheek, "Anyways, let's marry and drink your love poisoned tea together."
You could see sparks and smoke coming from the black-haired's head, shocked from that proposal, while (Y/N) smiled at him expectantly. Suddenly, Reiji's legs gave in under him and he fell from the roof.
Now with torn clothes and scratches all over his skin, he ran away.
In the end, he found a boar and meerkat in a pretty cool forest where he lived until...he woke up from his dream.
He quickly sat up, his skin covered in sweat and his breath heavy.
"Good morning, bby boi~"
Reiji slowly turned his head to the side where (Y/N) laid, smiling at him like they did when they first met.
Wtf did I just write
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book-of-yanderes · 4 years
Hi, love!! Okay let’s see. If you feel like it, what do you think about a one-shot with Shuu from Diabolik Lovers and a reader who sits under the sky and sings? Maybe that sparks some ideas! I’m leaving it pretty open for you 💕 //Your biggest supporter Eli (short-yandere-stories)
Song of the Moon (Yandere! Shu Sakamaki x Reader)
Word Count: 507
Triggers/Warnings: Kidnapping
There was that voice again.
For weeks Shu had been hearing the most beautiful voice he ever heard at the academy, better than even Kanato’s.
The melodic tone danced as it went from low to high. The owner’s voice rolling their Rs perfectly. Their vibrato on long notes and at high pitches rang through the air and left a calming tone throughout Shu’s being. It was captivating.
Shu wanted the owner of that voice to be his.
For them to sing only for him.
Again, he left to the outside of the school, finding a spot on a bench and closed his eyes. It wasn’t long until the singer’s voice reached his ears. This time it would fade and also grow, but not as a usual crescendo and decrescendo. They were walking around.
The voice was now gradually getting closer as Shu listened in on their melodic voice and tune.
It was now loud and crystal clear, but it was nowhere near Shu.
The singer was above on the roof.
Despite the annoyance, Shu wanted them. He would claim them as his and have them sing for him.
Within mere moments he was atop the roof, staring into the back of the singer. He took in their (h/c) hair’s beautiful appearance in the moonlight, admiring how the wind slightly blew it. Seeing how they sat over the edge of the railing to enjoy the night also showed the risk they took in where they sat. A gutsy and beautiful singer? Shu definitely wanted them as his own.
As the last note of the song rang out, Shu made his way from behind and came up to their back, his voice just slightly over a whisper.
“You have quite a talent.”
Out of surprise, you stumbled in your balance on the railing and grabbed it tightly to steady yourself. Never did you expect someone to listen in on you and then approach you afterward. You turned your head enough to see the third year so many admired, Shu Sakamaki.
“A-ah… Sakamaki-senpai…” You barely spoke any higher than he did, still startled by him appearing.
He looked into your eyes. “Just Shu. (y/n), is it?”
You nodded your head in response. “Thank you for the compliment, by the way.”
Instead of replying with “you’re welcome,” Shu wrapped an arm around your waist and hoisted you up into his arms bridal style. “Your voice will be mine. You will only sing for me from now on.”
Your heartbeat increased upon hearing this. What was going on? Was this intent of him kidnapping you? This shouldn’t happen!
You tried to resist and get out of his hold but to no avail. This strength was inhuman. What was Shu Sakamaki?
“Don’t resist, songbird…” Shu whispered.
In a rush, the wind blew past you. The next thing you knew you were in the abandoned music room with the blond, him hovering over your body with one hand at your chin.
“Sing for me. Sing to me our new song of love…”
206 notes · View notes