#xuan x ai
phoenix-of-jade · 10 months
69 daddieeeee @angelxai
In honor of SPOTIFY WRAPPED,  send me a number 1-100 and I’ll write you a starter based on the song.
Song number 69: Din cauza ta (Eng: Because of you) by Nicole Cherry feat Carla's Dreams
(Verse 1) It's not because of you, but thanks to you That I want to experience what love really is and not just its theory So much, so much, so much, I loved you so much, more than I can show
Looking out the giant windows of the study, whiskey glass in hand, Xuan couldn't help but think back to his harsh words he used earlier in the argument with Ai. He didn't like it and he hated himself more than anything for the way he acted and reacted towards her, for having made those beautiful black orbs of her fill with tears. But it couldn't have been helped... It was too late to take things back now, especially now that everything was said and done: he'd gotten angry out of his own stupid frustration and lashed out at her for Ai having came to him yet again to complain about her suitors, even if at the end of the day it wasn't the poor girl's fault that he still wasn't brave enough to tell her how he truly felt about her.
I'd rather have you as a mere spectator To applaud those tears that hurt, And I did wish for us to be the main actors of this story But now...
In fact, given their friendzone status, Ai couldn't have known that bringing up her love life would piss him off, since friends do this kind of stuff all the time, asking each other for advice. But what she didn't know, or at least hadn't realized yet, was that Xuan didn't really view her solely as a friend. In fact, the man was madly in love with her, and that ever since they were in University. But given his stubborn and cocky nature, he was too proud to admit to his own feelings, and thus, Xuan kept everything to himself in the hopes that they'll just fade away. After all, he was a criminal and this life wouldn't have allowed for them to be together happily in that way. It was too risky for her, too dangerous! And yet....
(Verse 2) We wanted to go our separate ways I want loud days, you want whispered ones Your sand is like quicksand I'm slowly drowning in it, but we end up drowning together (...) You don't dream of me, but I want to appear in your dreams
For the most part it worked, ignoring his own feeling that is, until little by little his own jealousy started to get the better of him... The desire to reclaim what was rightfully his growing with every little recollection Ai would tell him about about her dumbass boyfriend wannabes who, in Xuan's opinion, did not deserve her. Not to mention the conflicting feelings and desires she constantly managed to awaken in him with her teasing. Even if he didn't show it openly, Ai's naughty ways of playing with his limits and attempts at turning him on were like a fucking torture for the green eyed man. It only made it harder for him to oppose the urge of acting on his own feelings.
After all, who else could've been a better suitor for her than him? In the end, Xuan was the one who had her first and even if she didn't fully remember that night back in Uni, he did... And he thought of it ever since...
But at the same time, Xuan was aware that if Ai didn't love him back, which he was truly unsure and confused about, given her contradicting behavior, trying to pull advances on her would've risked ruining their friendship, which he didn't want. It was soo goddamn frustrating!
(Verse 3) Free, or shackled in chains, yeah Without me you've forgotten how to sigh in pleasure You've chosen for me to stay an echo about us and for you Free, or chained firmly by our hands, yeah Without me you've forgotten how to sigh in pleasure You've made mistakes again and again But I can't fix myself without you
Back then it all felt soo clear and simple when it came to getting what he wanted. All it took was for Ai to get drunk and she was at his fingertips, begging on her knees for his touch and professing her undying love for him. Maybe he did wrong too back then by taking Ai up on her request, just like that knowing fully well that Ai wasn't sober, but they were both young and stupid and he was a fucking jerk back then. But damn! That must've been one of the best nights in Xuan's entire existence! Ai was perfect, sublime and sensual... The best woman he'd ever had and who knows, maybe he loved her even back then and that was what made it even better?
Xuan sighed and downed another glass of whiskey, trying to dim the pain and frustration. If only she could remember it too and make things easier for him... Xuan sucked when it came to anything that had to do with feelings and love because that was uncharted territory for him and now, because of his own weakness and incapability, he ended up screwing things up. If only he wasn't this broken inside... If only... He could actually tell her how he felt...
(Chorus) Because of you, something is happening In my body's chemistry and in my life I'll bear your name At the cost of hurting my own lips Because of you, The glass is full to the brim I've dreamt for too long and lived far too little Biting my own lips Wishing for those wounds And what if you're telling me isn't what you truly feel Then we aren't together, we aren't together
A bitter-sweet chuckle escaped Xuan's lips, as he placed his fist against the window, frowning at his own reflection. "Hah... I guess you've truly ended falling in love with her in the end... You stupid idiot." He reprimanded himself and bit his lip. He was too far gone to pull back now: he wanted Ai and he was tired of holding back in the fear that he could've lost her. This wasn't a way for Xuan to live anymore: if he kept reacting like this because of his feelings of jealousy every time he'd see Ai with another man, he was going to end up hurting both her and his own feelings more than if he were to simply put an end to it all by confessing his love and being rejected. "I guess it's all or nothing... I can't keep on doing things like this! I've reached my own limit..." With that said, the man turned towards the table, placing the empty glass on the desk, and with a deep breath, Xuan took out his phone and dialed Ai's number.
"Ai..." Her name slipped like a whispered prayer off his lips once he heard her tearstained voice on the other end. "I'm sorry... We... We need to talk. I need to tell you something important... Face to face... Soo, can you come over, please? I promise I won't scream at you this time or ever again for that matter..."
Now the ball was rolling and all he could do was wait and see the result.
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idyllcy · 10 months
for all time/lovebrush chronicles boys as cliché tropes
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word count: 645
summary: lovebrush boys as cliche tropes !
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Ai Yin / Ayn - Competitors - Whaaat? Why not Clarence ?? HEAR ME OUT.
You're a musician. You're like the musician ever— probably a pianist just to piss him off. The two of you always tie first for piano competitions. There's no argument. If he's there, you're there. If he's first, you're first. The two of you are both prodigy pianists and there's no room for argument. Thus arises the issue. Your name is always followed by his— or his name is always followed by yours. You guys hate it. Or so you say. Because when you're missing from a competition for the first time in years, he's very much confused as to where you are, and it almost feels empty without you. Wha— what did he just say? That was definitely not him.
Lu Chen / Alkaid - Deskmates - oh that's so cliché (I know)
The two of you are paired up as deskmates for the year. It's a little awkward at first until you get used to him, and then it just breaks into everyone else eating dog food (third-wheeling). He brings you breakfast because you skip eating it, and you fix his tie when it's crooked... he always picks calls for you when he needs an extra hand, you always drop everything you have to help him... you two are practically dating. Which raises the question. are you dating? Or is Alkaid just taking care of you because he thinks you're forgetful and clumsy? The love letter slipped into your desk seems to say otherwise, though.
Luo Xia / Lars - Arranged Marriage - I didn't think this could get more cliché
You get arranged into a marriage with him for one reason— your family's going bankrupt, so they have to sell their only child to the Luos because like. Idk that's a cliché, it's a trope, IT'S HAPPENING TO YOU. PERIOD. At first you're like terrified and he's super scary and cold and lowkey kind of rude, but he still kind of cares since when you first move in, he has the servants move all of your stuff, and yu almost feel like you're home. He's just not very vocal about liking you though; so when your family's business breaks out of bankruptcy and you're told you can divorce him if you want, and then he's like "no please don't take my spouse from me ☹️" and then next thing you know you're being pampered to the moon and back. (You end up staying with him.)
Si Lan / Clarence - Love at First Sight - HEAR ME OUT ON THIS.
You're an unassuming new student at school, completely unbothered. You do not know he's the student council president. You're just at the nurse's office because your mom's the nurse or smth. Then, he's admitted into the office because he overworked himself on accident, and you're like "errrr I'll help. sure" And what does he see upon first waking up? You. The sun behind your head gives you a halo, and you look angelic. He thinks he's hallucinating. "God, did I die?" "Erm... not quite!" Then you nurse him back to health, and he's having a moment (he can't forget you) but dw you eventually end up together 👍
Ye Xuan / Cael - Brother's Best Friend - you did not (oh yes I did)
Cael, your brother's calm best friend who seems to have no interest in dating anyone at all. Cael, your brother's best friend who's been there for you as long as you can remember. Cael, your brother's best friend who helps you through college hell, voice calm and soothing as you cry about the homework. Cael, your brother's best friend who never lets himself slip when you're around (regardless of how bad he actually likes you) Cael, your brother's best friend who tries his best to resist you when you're on top of him, breath heavy with alcohol and almost drunk. Cael, your brother's best friend who doesn't fight it when you pull him in for a kiss at the door when he comes to check up on you the next day. and Cael, who can't say no to you when you spill out your feelings for him on paper, spilling out his own when you meet up with him.
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dangopango00 · 7 months
After Last Night
Waking up with him after a hookup
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 |
FAT/LBC men x gn reader (William Included for all my Aris out there)
CW: very suggestive, maybe dubcon?? (Mentioned that Lars and reader were both drunk in his)
A/N: waking up with cael is waking up behind bars thats croomf, groomf even 😭😭😭 im jp u dk him since ur childhood here ok this is a safe space
Edit: Alkaid rewrite 🥶🥶
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more utc
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- SCENARIO: You’re in a similar or complementary industry to him and he’s had his eye on you a bit, admiring how you present yourself but you never really became too closely acquainted. One crazy night of drinking during a negotiations meeting later and two lonely busy old people get busy (30 isnt old sorry. Uncalled for)
- You wake up first; he is KNOCKED OUT
- He wakes up with the wildest bedhead normally and even moreso today. He’s drooling and sprawled out across the couch with a loose hold on your body (Just his arm slung around you as he sleeps)
- His grip on you tightens if you try to leave the couch but if you’re insistent he’ll just let you go; whine grumbles about it in his sleep
- He has work and he’s very busy so he’ll have to leave soon but he wants to make it up to you because he wasn’t being professional; he makes the effort to at least chat or have breakfast with you before leaving which you don’t mind since you’re busy as well
- He usually doesn’t do hookups since he’s busy, doesn’t want to lead anyone on and knows he’ll get attached too easily so he rlly dk what happened, he was lonely but ayayay this is a mess. He does his absolute best to make things less awkward for you
- This scenario would actually be so wild bc if you wanted to do it again while sober I don’t think he’d say no LOL as soon as you had breakfast/chatted he started to like you even more I think and remembers last night being really great so
- I don’t think he’d initiate it if you did do it again though because he feels really bad about being unprofessional but ever since that night if he ever sees you his eyes are glued to you, your body and all its curves and/or edges; he’s so distracted help him 😭😭
- It’s even worse if he’s pent up, he actually will just. Avoid you if you don’t assure him it’s alright he doesn’t want to be weird and he knows he wont be able to focus so he gets a little nervous around you from then on
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- SCENARIO: You’re his classmate and more importantly, his film dealer. You’ve been selling him film and camera repairs for a pretty good price compared to how high the quality is from a small shop that doesn’t get too much traction because it’s more of an antique shop but you do offer more. He was usually standardly polite and short maybe with an extra question out of curiosity here and there before becoming a regular over time. You eventually started tacking on a few more comments and questions than necessary but not so many that it’s noticeable, chatting him up a bit im class as well until you started actively seeking him out, being curious about him and you two became friends. Since this is an edit I’m gonna say like Ayn, you’re probably already in a situationship by the time you hook up but unlike Ayn you haven’t kissed yet (he’d at least ask you out or vice versa before kissing i think) You were over at his apartment to study and help bathe Sparkle; just generally hang out and after a PAINFUL amount of tension building with playful comments and little touches so much so that you ended up kissing him and one thing lead to another !!
- You wake up first but likely go back to sleep and he wakes up during that time tbh. I feel like his home is cozy as hell not to mention Sparkle climbing up and cuddling with you
- He let you wear his clothes to bed since yours got messy and he noticed that you were shivering, freezing from wearing. Well. Nothing. So he let you borrow something and his entire face is red including his ears an neck, it’s quite a view— both you and him
- He ghosts his thumb over your features, his gentle touch almost unnoticeable as he notes each unique thing about you as if trying to identify different stars in the sky
- You had already cuddled up to him in your sleep and he lays in bed with you in his loose embrace for an absurd amount of time until he decides his heart has had enough and gets up to make you both breakfast, you stirring a bit in your sleep in the process
- He kept trying to find an opportunity to get up before but you clung to him so he couldn’t find it in himself to leave you gn but when he did eventually get up he just kissed the crown of your head and gently pulled your arms off of him, then laying you down
- His bed head is just his normal hair honestly and he doesn’t move too much, just snores a little bit and slightly drools
- He’s embarrassed the rest of the day, his usual charismatic persona failing on him when he needs it most and he’s a bit nervous not knowing if you’d felt the same as him or if it was just lust. Though all that is quickly nipped in the bud when you give him a kiss on the cheek and confess properly, holding his hands in yours
- Deciding he’s wasted enough time being a dork He offers to take you on your first date in a nearby cafe since it was pretty impromptu but he still says it with a helpless smile and slight blush. On this date he def took pictures and has them pinned on his wall; they’ll quickly become some of his most prized photos
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- SCENARIO: You two went to the same high school all four years and maybe even the same middle school at some point but you never really interacted because he was busy with schoolwork and so were you so you really never felt the need to bother him. Little did you know Clarence had the biggest crush on you since you met and after being acquainted through the student council you became friends. Upon growing closer and some worrying about how little he relaxes later and you mayyy have accidentally made out with him a little in the council room after hours 🥺 then took it back to your apartment 🥺🥺 and ended up sleeping together 🥺🥺🥺
- He wakes up first and just stares at the ceiling. how did this happen oh my god. Not in a bad way but oh my GOD. -Clarence
- He’s so embarrassed by last night especially with his own behavior. Just remembering the sounds he made and the words he said has him reeling; he must’ve told you he loved you 100,000 times
- he just stays completely still hoping you’re still asleep and once you wake up he shuts his eyes so fast kind of trying to pretend to be asleep but with how tightly his eyes and lips are shut you know he’s awake
- You give him a little kiss on his eyelids and lips and he knows he’s caught; he blushes but then kind of just lets a small exasperated smile wash over his face; he really doesn’t know what to do
- His bedhead is basically the same as his normal but more messy around the bangs also he snores a tiny bit but thats pretty much it
- He’s pretty happy and normal when he isn’t thinking about the specifics of last night’s events
- He even goes ahead and makes breakfast for you and him as well as his cats (they’re probably the ones who woke yall up lol)
- He doesn’t do hook ups and he’s liked you so long so he reaalllly realllllllllyyyyy hopes you’ll consider getting to know him more and let him take you out on a couple dates because even if his hands are clammy the whole time he’d be so happy
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- SCENARIO: You two have always been best friends with no question of whether or not your feelings were platonic. Well he had no question. You on the other hand had been crushing on him for a while now but didn’t want to ruin the friendship. That was until college. He started noticing you more and your qualities: how you’ve matured and how you’re there when no one else is, so his feelings have gotten a little bit more than just platonic. He justified it as appreciation and normal friend things all the way up until you two suddenly decided to “test out” what kissing and making out would be like. Platonically of course. Since neither of you had ever been in a serious relationship. The sex part was just testing too, trust 🙏
- You wake up first but that doesn’t stop him from having an existential crisis when he wakes up
- You’re excited although a bit nervous from anticipation honestly since you already knew your feelings were not platonic but you didn’t know what he’d think so instead of worrying you just poke his face and admire him sleeping
- His bedhead is crazy, some of his hair sticks up and he has a pool of drool under him. He snores too— finally getting to release his feelings has him K.Od it was tew good
- You go to make breakfast or shower or something and he’d probably wake up during that time bc he doesn’t feel your warmth anymore
- Like Clarence, Liam wakes up perplexed and embarrassed and he’s worried he may have crossed a line doing what he did last night since you were supposed to be just friends! He’s freaking out so bad! come back he needs reassurance 😭
- When you get back he’s so apologetic and is just so nervous around you until you broach the subject, reassuring him that you don’t mind what happened
- After you sort out your thoughts on what happened and have a loooong talk about it you’re pretty much back to being normal and you even hang out for a bit longer, watching some movies and baking together although he does still blush and fumble his words around you a little
- He’s scared to tell you he would rather be yours than be your fwb (friend with benefits) bc this is his first hookup but considering he’s been your best friend and crush for so long you feel the same way so you end up dating pretty soon after
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deathbxnny · 1 year
◇《Honkai: Star Rail Masterlist 2》◇
》Masterlist Navigation
》Honkai Star Rail Masterlist 1
》Honkai Star Rail Masterlist 3
》Started: 07/06/2023
》Finished on: 19/08/2023
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》General headcanons:
Hsr men with a reader, who's scared after they watched a scary movie together.(Jing Yuan/Blade)
Hsr men with Reader, who has a niche phobia.(Jing Yuan/Blade)
Hsr characters with a stressed out reader!(Kafka/Yanqing)
Hsr men with Gunnhildr clan leader reader!(Jing Yuan/Blade)
Stellaron hunters with an Alice Bosconovitch-like!Reader.(Blade/Kafka/Silverwolf)
Hsr men with a reader who dies protecting them.(Blade/Jing Yuan/Welt/Dan Heng)
Hsr MC's x Genshin Impact MC!Reader.(Caelus/Stelle)
Hsr men with a Elsa-like!Reader.(Jing Yuan/Blade)
Stellaron hunters having a crush on you!
Hsr men babysitting your child.(Jing Yuan/Blade/Sampo)
Stellaron hunters with a reader who has a smooth voice!
Hsr men choosing between the world/their goals and you.(Blade/Jing Yuan/Welt)
Hsr/genshin men with Elysia-like!Reader.(Blade/Kazuha)
Blade/Jing Yuan/Welt/Dan Heng stopping their s/o from unaliving themselves.((TW!SUICIDE/SUICIDAL THOUGHTS))
Astral Express crew with a Genshin Impact Mc!Reader.
Stellaron hunters + Himeko with a girlboss reader!
Hsr men watching Disney movies with you!(Blade/Dan Heng/Jing Yuan)
Hsr men with a Sirin-like!Child!Reader, who's having a nightmare!(Blade/Welt/Gepard/Dan Heng)
Jing Yuan and Yanqing with a Yanqing's younger twin!Fem!Reader.
Stellaron hunters with a reader who rizzes up all their enemies.
Stellaron hunters with a Kenny-like!Reader.
Hsr women with a reader, who has a resting bitch face!(Asta/Kafka/Silver Wolf)
Hsr men with a quiet reader, who's loud when their little brother is around.(Jing Yuan/Blade/Dan Heng/Gepard)
Stellaron hunters with a Veliona-like!Platonic!Reader.
Astral Express crew with a Teen!Reader, who just completed their first mission on their own!
Self-aware characters watching you write fanfics about them!(Blade/Serval/Caelus/Yanqing)
Hsr men with HOHE!Elysia-like!Reader, who dance after a sparring session together.(Blade/Jing Yuan)
Yanqing and Jing yuan with a Senti-like!Reader.
Hsr men with a Ruby Hoshino!Reader.(Dan Heng/Blade/Jing Yuan/Gepard)
Hsr men with a reader who has Tachycardia!(Luocha/Jing Yuan)
Hsr men with a Nene Kusanagi!Teen!Reader.(Blade/Jing Yuan/Dan Heng/Gepard)
"No thoughts, head empty for silence." With hsr men!(Jing Yuan/Blade/Dan Heng)
Stellaron hunters with a Teen!Reader, who turns back time after dying.
Stellaron hunters with a Stocking-like!Reader.
Hsr men with a s/o that's like Millie from Helluva Boss!(Sampo/Blade/Jing Yuan)
Astral Express crew with a warm and kind healer reader!
Hsr men with a Momoe Sawaki s/o!(Blade/Jing Yuan/Yanqing/Caelus)
Hsr men with an Asuka!Teen!Reader.(Blade/Jing Yuan)
Hsr characters with a s/o who has a dendro vision!(Himeko/March 7th/Welt/Caelus)
Hsr women with a princess-like!Reader.(Kafka/Serval/Fu Xuan/Silver Wolf)
Stellaron hunters with a Ray-like!Child!Reader.(TW!ATTEMPTED SUICIDE)
Stellaron hunters with a Teen!Vampire!Reader.
Yanqing and Jing Yuan reacting to you being pregnant!
Stellaron hunters with a Ai Hoshino-like!Teen!Reader that dies the same way.
Hsr characters having a duel with a HoHE!Elysia-like!Reader, that ends in a dance.(Kafka/Dan Heng/Welt)
Hsr men with a Klee-like!Reader.(Dan Heng/Blade/Jing Yuan/Yanqing)
Jing Yuan and Yanqing with a twin!teen!Reader, who joined the Stellaron hunters, only to be betrayed by them.
Hsr characters with a child!Reader, that follows them around and acts like them.(Himeko/Gepard/Jing Yuan/Blade)
Hsr men with a s/o, who's the travellers (from genshin impact) older sibling!(Blade/Jing Yuan/Gepard/Luocha)
Astral Express crew with a youngest member!Teen!Reader, who has robotic limbs.
Platonic!Hsr men with a Mafuyu!Reader.(Jing Yuan/Blade/Welt/Dan Heng)
Blade and Jing Yuan with a Khaenri'ahn!Reader.
Yanqing's mom!Reader being attacked with her child and nearly dying!
Hsr men with a HoF!Reader!(Welt/Dan Heng/Jing Yuan/Blade)
》Jing Yuan:
Jing Yuan with a reader who smacks him over the head daily.
Jing Yuan marrying Yanqing's mother!Reader.
Jing Yuan simping for a Yanqing's mom!Reader, who defended themselves unexpectedly.
Jing Yuan with a Yanqing's mom!Reader, who was wrongly executed by him.
Jing Yuan with a Yanqing's mom!Reader, who was reincarnated, after being wrongly executed.
More shenanigans with Jing Yuan and Yanqing's mother!Reader after marriage.
Jing Yuan with a fem!Reader, who's pregnant with twins, but won't rest.
Jing Yuan taking care of the reader during their period.
Jing Yuan adopting Jingliu's child after her death.
Jing Yuan with Yanqing's mother!Pregnant!Reader, who nearly gets assassined.
Jing Yuan with Yanqing's mother!Reader, who gives birth to his daughter, whilst he and Yanqing are gone!
Yanqing being "Kidnapped" and Jing Yuan nearly declaring war over it.
Jing Yuan finding out that Yanqing was Kidnapped by some cultists.
Blade with a Mitsuri-like!Reader.
Blade with a God-slaying!Entity!Reader.
Yanqing breaking his swords for you out of sheer jealousy!
Yanqing with a HoT!Reader.
Vidyadhara!Yanqing with a hibernating reader.
Yanqing with a Muichiro-like!Reader.
Yanqing with a Lin Zhaoyu!Reader.
Mind controlled!Yanqing accidentally hurting his s/o!
Mind controlled!Yanqing killing his s/o!
Yanqing with a reader who has a hydro vision!
Yanqing with a reader who's vision got taken away!
Yanqing having to put down his lover, who was striken by Mara.
Yanqing with a horror enthusiast!S/O.
Yanqing with a twin, who betrayed him for the Stellaron hunters.
Yanqing returning home to you!
Yanqing with a s/o who was Kidnapped by the devil archers!
Yanqing with a dimension traveling reader!
Yanqing with a dying nature deity s/o!
Yanqing with a crystal gem!Reader.
Yanqing and fem!Reader meeting their future kids!
Yanqing with a pacifist!S/O, who secretly can protect themselves.
Yanqing with an Aeon-like!Reader, who sacrifices their physical form for him.
Yanqing who gets mind controlled and forced to betray everyone by Kafka.
Yanqing being killed by Reader after they get Mara-struck, Jing Yuan then putting down reader.
Yanqing with a Vidyadhara/Dragon-like!S/o, that nearly dies from his ice abilities.
》Welt Yang:
Pinning!Reader who's worried that they'll burden Welt with their troubles.
》Gepard Landau:
Gepard with a Dimension traveling!Reader, who saved his sisters life!
》Dan Heng:
Dan Heng with a sibling reader!
Luocha's s/o being in a coffin and getting robbed from him, after he gets jumped.
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bl-bracket · 1 year
Best Kiss in a BL Bracket
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Round One
Pat and Pran First Kiss (Bad Buddy) vs Kochi and Mitsuru Bed Kiss (Eternal Yesterday)
Jaewon and Jihyun Ep 9 Kiss (The Eighth Sense) vs Gavreel and Cairo First Kiss (Gameboys)
Seojoon and Jiwoo Ep 4 Kiss (To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories) vs Gao Shi De and Zhou Shu Yi Drunk Kiss (We Best Love: Fighting For Mr. 2nd)
Tinn and Gun First Kiss (My School President) vs Hira and Kiyoi Hand Kiss (Utsukushii Kare)
Vegas and Pete Hospital Kiss (Kinnporsche: The Series) vs Wan and Kitae First Kiss (Our Dating Sim)
Kan and Thua "Asleep" Kiss (The Eclipse) vs Sean and White Final Kiss (Not Me: The Series)
Siwon and Duan First Kiss (Blueming) vs Phupha and Tian Forehead Kiss (A Tale of a Thousand Stars)
Akk and Ayan Underwater Kiss (The Eclipse) vs Tin and Tol Final Kiss (Triage)
Nozue and Togawa First Kiss (Old Fashion Cupcake) vs Ai and Nhai Cheek Kiss (Ai Long Nhai)
Palm and Nueng Ep 9 Kiss (Never Let Me Go) vs Korn and Intouch Stolen Kiss (Until We Meet Again)
Pat and Pran Ep 7 Kiss (Bad Buddy) vs Ram and King Tent Kiss (My Engineer)
Kinn and Porsche First Kiss (Kinnporsche: The Series) vs King and Uea Morning Kiss (Bed Friend)
Hira and Kiyoi Final Kiss (Utsukushii Kare 2) vs Puen and Talay Forehead Kiss (Vice Versa)
Teh and Oh Aew Underwater Kiss (I Told Sunset About You) vs Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin Drunk Kiss (Addicted)
Sound and Win First Kiss (My School President) vs Dean and Pharm First Kiss (Until We Meet Again)
Sean and White First Kiss (Not Me: The Series) vs Ye Guang and Xu Qi Zhang First Kiss (About Youth)
Kinn and Porsche Goodbye Kiss (Kinnporsche: The Series) vs Tongfah and Paper Ep 3 Kiss (Second Chance: The Series)
Nuea and Toh Ep 7 Kiss (Secret Crush on You) vs Tin and Tol Bed Kiss (Triage)
Hojoon and Jaeyoon Final Kiss (Roommates of Poongduck 304) vs Zi Xuan and Yu Hao Net Kiss (HIStory 2: Crossing the Line)
Sky and Prapai Final Kiss (Love in the Air) vs Siwon and Daun Dream Kiss (Blueming)
Vegas and Pete First Kiss (Kinnporsche: The Series) vs Palm and Nueng Beach Kiss (Never Let Me Go)
Payu and Rain Victory Kiss (Love in the Air) vs Yi and Kon Diao Sofa Kiss (Cutie Pie: The Series)
Mark and Vee Ep 3 Kiss (Love Mechanics) vs Arthit and Kongpob Ep 14 Kiss (SOTUS: The Series)
Gao Shi De and Zhou Shu Yi Bridge Kiss (We Best Love: No. 1 For You) vs Gun and Cher Ep 10 Kiss (A Boss and a Babe)
Jaeyoung and Sangwoo Ep 7 Kiss (Semantic Error) vs Bai Lang and Jin Xuan First Kiss (My Tooth Your Love)
Seojoon and Jiwoo Final Kiss (To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories) vs Pluem and Kevin First Kiss (Ghost Host Ghost House)
Milk and Uncle Final Kiss (Choco Milk Shake) vs Payu and Rain Ep 5 Kiss (Love in the Air)
Tan and Bun Couch Kiss (Manner of Death) vs Mark and Vee Shower Kiss (Love Mechanics)
Neo, Shin, and Mew Beach Kiss (3 Will Be Free) vs Sound and Win Forehead Kiss (Our Skyy 2 x My School President)
Lian and Kuea Siam Paragon Kiss (Cutie Pie) vs Win and Team Be Brave Kiss (Between Us/Until We Meet Again)
Tinn and Gun Park Kiss (My School President) vs Khai and Third First Kiss (Theory of Love)
Akk and Ayan Dream Kiss (The Eclipse) vs Seriyo and Yuzuru Bedroom Kiss (Seven Days: Friday - Sunday)
184 notes · View notes
shookethdev · 2 years
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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withingerly · 9 months
dramas I watched in 2023
I'm more of a reblogger/lurker here and I don't really post much (at all), but I was looking at my spreadsheet of dramas last month and realized I was about to hit an insane, personal record number of dramas watched in a calendar year. So I decided to write up a recap post, mostly for my own sake because I have a terrible memory.
I am closing out 2023 having watched 92 dramas. What the actual fuck. I thought watching 67 dramas in 2021 was a cry for help, but I really have no excuse for what happened this year. (To be fair, 43 of the dramas I watched in 2021 were c-dramas, whereas this year, 65 of the dramas I watched were BL, so by total hours watched [which is not actually a metric I keep], I did probably watch more in 2021.)
So, if you care to read about which of the 92 dramas I enjoyed the most this year, along with other random categories like favorite lead characters, favorite ships, and favorite drama with X trope, read on.
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Favorite C-Drama: Mysterious Lotus Casebook
Okay, this was the year I finally got what all the fuss was about with Cheng Yi. He's honestly a little weird looking to me, but damn the dude is charismatic and magnetic and I could watch him spit up fake blood all day long. (Maybe someday I'll finish Immortal Samsara, but also I'm finally beginning to make my peace with the fact that xianxia just isn't really my thing, so maybe not.) Although Cheng Yi played a huge part in my love for Mysterious Lotus Casebook, it wouldn't be my number one c-drama of the year if everything else about it wasn't excellent too. This show gave us unhinged queen Jiao Li Qiao, Qiao Wan Miao finally cutting down Xiao Zi Jun as he deserved, actually interesting cases to solve, the best shiniang and the most pathetic shixiong. And oh yeah, a truly fantastic polyship. Pretty much every single thing about this drama was perfect to me, which is a rarity. This one is definitely going up there in my top 5 c-dramas of all time.
Runner Up: Love and Redemption
They really don't make dramas like they used to anymore – literally. I would love to rewatch this one, but I don't currently have the bandwidth to make it through all 59 episodes again. And the way they genderbent Xuan Ji in the final arc but still kept her love line with Si Feng as a central plot point regardless? Currently airing c-dramas wish they could (but no seriously, fuck censorship so hard). This one might also deserve all-time top 5 status, but I blazed through my first watch so fast and furious that I think I'd have to do a more reasonably paced rewatch to confirm. In any case, this was the drama I couldn't binge watch fast enough (only a Neo from the Matrix moment, where I literally upload the drama into my brain in an instant, would have sufficed), which is a testament to how thoroughly I enjoyed this one.
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Favorite K-Drama: Revenant
It seems like every year there's a k-drama that makes me go against my own taste, and this year it was Revenant. I am pretty firmly anti-horror, but the gifs of Kim Tae Ri in this show got me so intrigued and she was an absolute beast. Her performance alone would have carried this to favorite status, but then my pathetic little man Hong Kyung showed up and I don't even know why I shipped them so hard but I really really did. 
Runner Up: Alchemy of Souls
I'm cheating and putting both seasons here because even though I've probably rewatched more bits from Light & Shadow, the second season wouldn't have any of the emotional weight it does without the first season, so I'm not picking between them and you can't make me. At first, I was so disappointed that Jung So Min had been recast, but I ended up loving the second season anyway. Actress switch aside, Light & Shadow feels like a very different show, but I loved the way they handled the repercussions of the first season in a way that felt both consistent and earned. 
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Favorite K-BL: The Eighth Sense
Absolutely no question here. The Eighth Sense ate my brain while it was airing. It was the strong Shelter vibes at first, but then Seo Jae Won and Kim Ji Hyun totally won me over on their own merits. By the end of episode 9, my heart was in throat. 
Runner Up: Cherry Blossoms After Winter
When I started writing this out, I was not expecting Cherry Blossoms After Winter to be here at all, but it really snuck up on me. As soon as I finished the drama, I binge-read the webtoon, and then I ended up rewatching the series more than a couple times, so yeah, I enjoyed the hell out of this one, with all its old-school vibes.
Bonus Shout Out: Our Dating Sim
If Our Dating Sim had been a little angstier, it might have given the above two a run for their money, but regardless, I have to give it a shout out because "Have you been well, without me?" is a line that just lives in my brain rent-free from now on.
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Favorite Tw-Drama: Oh No! Here Comes Trouble
This could just be the recency effect, but I might go so far as to say Oh No! Here Comes Trouble is my favorite Taiwanese drama of all time. The mysteries were engaging, it's funny, it's emotional – don't get me started on how many tears I shed. The acting and writing were just top notch, and if they bless us with a second season, I will be first in line to watch. 
Runner Up: About Youth
I don't think I hear many people talk about About Youth on here, so I feel pretty justified in calling it an underrated gem. It was basically, for me, a perfect drama all the way through. The main couple and the side couple were all wholesome babies and I wanted to protect them. Ye Guang's struggle in particular really resonated with me. I often think I'm getting too old for high school and college dramas, but when they hit that nostalgia factor just right, I am sold.
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Favorite J-Drama: Utsukushii Kare: Eternal
Cheating a bit here because Eternal was a movie, but it was the final installment to the Utsukushii Kare series and it was perfect. We finally got the character growth I wanted, that made me believe these two crazy kids would actually make it. 
Runner Up: Tokyo in April Is…
My best friend pointed out recently that j-dramas are great with obsession, and yeah, I do love my j-dramas a little fucked up. Not only does this one feature obsession, but it also has another of my favorite tropes: second chances. Ren had my whole freaking heart, and the way he finally got his happy ending left me on the floor. That chase scene was one of my favorites.
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Favorite Thai BL: A Tale of Thousand Stars
(Fun fact! Prior to this year, the only Thai BL that I had watched was Kinnporsche. RIP to me.)
This was definitely my hardest category, because it was my most-watched category (33 dramas), but I gotta give it to A Tale of Thousand Stars. Solid execution of some of my favorite tropes and it just ticked all the boxes: good pacing, good acting, good plot, good chemistry. And lucky me, we got Our Skyy 2 this year. I'm usually not that bothered by proposal scenes, but this one got me hard. It was exactly the kind of epilogue to Tian and Phupha's story that I didn't realize I needed.
Runner Up: Lovely Writer
On the complete other end of the spectrum, upending all our favorite tropes, is Lovely Writer. I rewatched this after watching a dozen more Thai BLs, and I have to say I enjoyed it even more. During my first watch, I hated the first half, only stuck with it because I liked Gene so much, and loved the second half. Upon rewatch, the first half was not nearly as unbearable, and I think it was because I could see that Sib was intentionally playing into a BL archetype. But still, the second half has all of my favorite moments. Once their shared history is revealed, Sib stops being a cardboard cutout and becomes more human, and the entire storyline picks up and I am much more invested in his and Gene's relationship. That dinner where they come out to their families is excruciatingly awkward and I love it (and the episode that follows) so much – those scenes alone elevate it to favorite status.
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Favorite First Half of a Drama: Destined
I love both Bai Jing Ting and Song Yi, so my expectations for this drama were very high, and the first half of Destined absolutely delivered. Just sheer perfection, no wrong steps, everything I didn't even know I wanted. Unfortunately, that kind of means the show peaked when they found themselves in the wilderness, trying to get the other to survive out of sheer willpower purely because they believed in the other's goodness. THE BLOOD FEEDING!!! Ahem. So yeah, the second half was okay, it had its moments but was generally a little boring and predictable, but dear god that first half was incredible. 
Runner Up: The Blood of Youth
It may seem strange to have The Blood of Youth in this category, since I ended up giving it a 5/5 rating, but I just loved the Xiao Se x Wu Xin x Lei Wu Jie dynamic so much and as the show veered away from that, I couldn't help but be a little disappointed.
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Favorite Drama That I Wouldn't Actually Recommend to Other People: Love in the Air
I know some people loathe everything MAME touches, but Love in the Air worked for me on every level. Well, I wish the acting for the couple in the second half had been a little better (ducks and runs), but I loved the first half and still quite enjoyed the second half. I really wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but it speaks to my little lizard brain. 
Runner Up: History 4: Close to You
I absolutely get why this show is controversial and why people hate it. I also don't care. This show had some delicious angst, and I was emotionally invested in both couples. Just a thoroughly enjoyable watch, but yeah, unless you're familiar with certain BL tropes and know you like them, I wouldn't actually recommend this one.
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Favorite ML: Li Lianhua / Li Xiangyi (Mysterious Lotus Casebook)
Look, was it really going to be anyone other than this broken and silly man that feels the weight of the world on his shoulders and thinks his own life is worth less than everyone else's? It's been 4 months since I finished this drama, and I am still so emotional about Li Lianhua.
Runner Up: Xie Wei / Xue Ding Fei (Story of Kunning Palace)
I love an unhinged bastard, okay? When you realize that he loved her all along, her suicide in the first timeline hits that much harder. But I do love that he (albeit unknowingly) gets a second chance, and the man just goes for it. Never ever over the scene where he stabs his own hand, through the table no less, despite his obsession with playing the qin, to protect her. Romance storyline aside, I also love a good hidden identity trope (yes, there's a theme to this category). Xie Wei's revenge quest was delicious, and I freaking loved his scenes with Yan Mu and Yan Lin, all the meaningful looks and things unsaid until Yan Lin finally knelt in front of his cousin and acknowledged him.
BL Shout Out: Ai Di (Kiseki: Dear to Me)
It's hard to compare MLs from shows that run for 40 episodes vs. 12, but I have to shout out my favorite feral gangster Ai Di. I love me some good pining, and not only has this man pined for nearly his entire life, but he makes it everyone's problem. 
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Favorite FL: Xu Hongdou (Meet Yourself)
Xu Hongdou was just so cool and kind and gorgeous, and okay, yeah, I had a big crush on her. I've never seen Liu Yi Fei in anything before, I didn't even realize she played Mulan in that recent Disney live action production until my sister pointed it out much later, but she's one of those actresses that can make me cry just by tearing up. Xu Hongdou felt like a real person, kind but not a pushover, strong but still vulnerable, and I somehow want to grow up to be her even though I'm older than her.
Runner Up (tie): Shim Woo Joo (Call It Love) / Gu San Yeong (Revenant)
This one is a tie because I loved both Woo Joo and San Yeong for the exact same reasons: they were just so fucked up but trying so hard, and more than anything, I just wanted them to be happy. While the ships in both dramas were great, for me the real otps were the FL x happiness.
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Favorite Supporting ML: Wu Xin (The Blood of Youth)
Every time Wu Xin was on screen, it was just a breath of fresh air. I get that he's totally overpowered, so for plot reasons it made sense to remove him, make him mind controlled, etc. But every time he wasn't on screen, I missed him. Even though the casting was a bit of an odd choice (they gave us a man in his early 30s playing a teenager), I can't imagine loving Wu Xin as much as I did if it hadn't been Liu Xue Yi. He doesn't really manage to look like a teenager, especially next to Li Hong Yi and Ao Rui Peng, but he really pulled off Wu Xin's innocence and naivete and childish humor. He also gave Wu Xin a certain gravitas and realism that I don't think a younger actor could have pulled off.
Runner Up: Jin Fan (My Journey to You)
Jin Fan, my beloved. His backstory was delicious and made his relationship with Gong Ziyu even better. Also, the fact that he actually secretly liked Gong Zishang back the entire time??? My man.
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Favorite Supporting FL: Yang Ying (A Journey to Love)
A YING MY GIRL. Her journey from neglected, unloved princess to capable and powerful grown-ass woman who marries a dude she doesn't love to protect her people was quite possibly my favorite thing about this show. I would 100% watch a drama just about her, and I so wish we'd gotten an actual glimpse of her and Li Tong Guang in that little epilogue in the final episode. Their alliance/marriage is fascinating to me. He Lan Dou better be a FL in some dramas asap. She was equally convincing as both a meek, terrified princess, helpless to the whims of bigger political machinations around her, and an icy cold princess in enemy territory, actually playing the game instead of just being a game piece, determined to not only survive but to also protect everyone she loves.
Runner Up: Yoon San (The Eighth Sense)
Shout out to the only person who was actually Jae Won's friend in this show. Yoon San was a total scene stealer for me, don't even get me started on that bit when she was singing by the fire on the beach (swoon), and I found her friendship with Jae Won really sweet and believable. I think this actress is super talented, she nailed the funny moments, she nailed the heartfelt moments, and I would love to watch her in another drama.
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Favorite Non-Canon Ship: Gong Shangjue x Gong Yuanzhi (My Journey to You)
I did not go into this drama expecting to be so into these cousins/sworn brothers, but Gong Shangjue and Gong Yuanzhi's relationship as it unfolded throughout the show became the one I was the most invested in. I fully admit I'm a sucker for a dynamic where one party is wholehearted devoted to the other and also wholeheartedly believes the other is not nearly as devoted, so as soon as we got their tragic backstory, I was solidly on board.
Runner Up: Na Na x Da Mai (Meet Yourself)
I know Chinese censorship blah blah blah, but Na Na and Da Mai should have been girlfriends, cowards. I guess at the very least, neither of them ended up with a real love line of their own, but still, they should have been girlfriends. It just makes sense.
Technicality Shout Out: Li Lianhua x Fang Xiaobao (Mysterious Lotus Casebook)
The only reason this pairing isn't at the top of the list is because I, personally, don't consider them non-canon. They read to me exactly the same as the pairings in The Untamed and Word of Honor, thus they are canon.
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Favorite Friendship: Pu Yiyong x Chen Chuying x Cao Guangyan (Oh No! Here Comes Trouble)
Watch the last episode of Oh No! Here Comes Trouble, and tell me this friendship trio didn't make you cry buckets. You know each of them is wondering how they ended up with the other two as friends, but somehow they're also totally ride or die and I love them all so much. 
Runner Up: Lom x Yiwa (Wedding Plan)
I loved Lom and Yiwa's long history together, the sacrifices they made for each other, their deep love born out of a bond of shared family pressure and mutual understanding. Their friendship actually drove the plot, and even when I was hollering at Lom to just be honest, his actions (and inaction) felt realistic once we got to know how important Yiwa is to him and why and once we had the context to understand how he had lived his life up to that point.
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Favorite Found Family: Liudaotang (A Journey to Love)
If you've seen this show, I feel like it needs no explanation. These spies and scouts and murdery people with big ass swords and spiked shields and automatic crossbows were too good for this world. And the way their little family just kept getting bigger and bigger (spoiler: UNTIL IT DIDN'T) was so much fun to watch (spoiler: UNTIL IT WASN'T).
Runner Up: Rainbow Premium Taxi Service (Taxi Driver, Season 2)
I loved the way they addressed the end of season 1, by showing that these people are all a little messed up and they belong together and they really need the revenge business just as much as their clients do. When Kim Do Gi got roofied and he had his little housewarming hallucination, where they all wore matching slippers with hearts (!!), it honestly made me wanna cry a little.
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Favorite Drama Featuring Friends to Lovers: My Only 12%
I don't know if it's because I missed it when it was airing, but I don't think I see many people talk about this show and I don't get why. This is to me quintessential friends to lovers. Seeiw and Cake's friendship felt absolutely real and lived in and honest, and the episode when Cake's family moved away had me bawling. Seeiw's pining physically hurt me, and Cake's confession scene in English could have been cringe but it was actually so fucking romantic.
Runner Up: Fake It Till You Make It
I don't know if everyone else would classify this one as friends to lovers because from the moment these two meet, it feels like they're teetering on the cliff of a romance or at least an excellent one night stand. But I just loved the way they flirted openly and then talked honestly about why they needed to stay friends and nothing more. I'm not typically that into "will they won't they" romances, but here, their hesitation to get more involved made sense emotionally, but at the same time their chemistry was fire and their attraction to each other was palpable, so it all just worked for me. Also friendship rings instead of couple rings was so stupid and I loved it.
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Favorite Drama Where Nice Guys Finish First: Light On Me
This is totally not to say that Shin Da On isn't also nice, I just have no idea what to call this trope, but it's one of my faves, where the lead character ends up with the person they didn't actually fall for first. I did not foresee Tae Kyung ending up with Shin Woo at all, which is some poor media literacy on my part because all the hints are there from the beginning, but that kind of made the ride even more fun. One of the reasons I enjoy this trope so much is the built-in pining, and Shin Woo had some excellent pining. "Yesterday, today, and probably tomorrow, I will continue thinking about you" was a freaking great line.
Runner Up: My Ride
You might think a drama about two actually decent guys would be boring and lack conflict, but this drama employed this trope perfectly by starting out with Tawan getting a shot at his first love, the seemingly wonderful Por. So instead we got some great pining, Tawan being an oblivious sweetheart, and Mork trying so hard to be a good friend and not overstep, even as he was dealing with his own sexuality crisis. Just delicious.
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Favorite Drama About Soulmates: Until We Meet Again
Did I only watch two dramas with the soulmate trope? Maybe so, but it's my list, so I do what I want. Until We Meet Again was what I would call a pitch perfect show – it delivered on everything it set out to do. I thought I was doing okay with the whole tragic soulmate storyline, but then I got to the very last episode and cried pretty much from start to finish. From the start, that episode got me so good and did not let up for like the next half hour, and so I was basically just left leaking tears until it all wrapped. Damn you, Fluke.
Runner Up: La Pluie
God this show was interesting. Smarter people than me have written a lot more nuanced and thoughtful meta than I ever could, so all I'll say is that I thoroughly enjoyed that a drama based on the premise of soulmates was really actually about how love is work. It wasn't a perfect show, but it was so interesting and the cast was so great that it was definitely a stand out.
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For a true glimpse into my insanity this year, here is the full list of dramas I watched, including my ratings, in the order that I watched them:
Alchemy of Souls (4/5)
Alchemy of Souls: Light and Shadow (4/5)
Unchained Love (2/5)
Hi Venus (2/5)
The Blood of Youth (5/5)
Meet Yourself (5/5)
Silent (3/5)
Big Dragon (3/5)
Love in the Air (4/5)
My Tooth, Your Love (4/5)
Moonlight Chicken (4/5)
Utsukushii Kare: Season 2 (3/5)
A League of Nobleman (3/5)
Lovely Writer (4/5)
The New Employee (3/5)
Be Loved in House: I Do (2/5)
Not Me (3/5)
Tharntype (3/5)
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (3/5)
Theory of Love (3/5)
Tale of Thousand Stars (4/5)
Wish You: Your Melody from My Heart (2/5)
Our Dating Sim (4/5)
Cherry Blossoms After Winter (4/5)
Call It Love (3/5)
To My Star (3/5)
Bed Friend (3/5)
The Eighth Sense (5/5)
Taxi Driver: Season 2 (3/5)
Takara-kun & Amagi-kun (3/5)
A Shoulder to Cry On (4/5)
About Youth (5/5)
Light On Me (4/5)
Minato's Laundromat (4/5)
History 2: Crossing the Line (3/5)
History 1: Obsessed (2/5)
Dark Blue Kiss (3/5)
Together With Me (3/5)
Oh No! Here Comes Trouble (5/5)
My Engineer (3/5)
Never Let Me Go (4/5)
My Only 12% (4/5)
Black Knight (3/5)
Love Mate (3/5)
Until We Meet Again (4/5)
Love By Chance (4/5)
Bad Buddy (4/5)
Between Us (3/5)
Here We Meet Again (3/5)
Secret Crush on You (2/5)
Love Tractor (2/5)
My Ride (3/5)
Star in My Mind (2/5)
La Pluie (4/5)
2gether (3/5)
Destined (3/5)
Hidden Love (4/5)
Tokyo in April is… (4/5)
Revenant (5/5)
Mysterious Lotus Casebook (5/5)
Sing My Crush (3/5)
Bad Guys (3/5)
Love and Redemption (5/5)
Oh! Boarding House (3/5)
Stay By My Side (3/5)
Jun & Jun (3/5)
Fake It Till You Make It (3/5)
The Legend of Zhuohua (3/5)
My Lovely Liar (3/5)
My Journey to You (4/5)
Second Chance (3/5)
Lost in Translation (3/5)
My Personal Weatherman (3/5)
Wedding Plan (4/5)
Laws of Attraction (3/5)
Bon Appetit (3/5)
Oxygen (2/5)
Why R U? (Korea) (3/5)
Kiseki: Dear to Me (4/5)
Hidden Agenda (3/5)
Behind Cut (3/5)
History 4: Close to You (4/5)
Destined with You (3/5)
Dangerous Romance (3/5)
Story of Kunning Palace (4/5)
Perfect Marriage Revenge (3/5)
My Dear Gangster Oppa (2/5)
A Breeze of Love (2/5)
I Cannot Reach You (4/5)
Be Mine Superstar (3/5)
A Journey to Love (5/5)
Ai Long Nhai (3/5)
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eyenaku · 2 years
Ji ji fu ji ji
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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dimpledlianfang · 2 years
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Rusong is in town again!
Zixuan and Yao: *hugging each other*
Zixuan: *sniffles* Yaoyao.
Yao: Don't worry Zishie.
Xue yang: oh no, what's wrong with the divas again.
Mo xuanyu: they're not divas.
Ok ok, kind of.
Su she: Huangdi
Yao: he saw a lizard and got scared.
Zixuan: it was on my soap.
Mo xuanyu: ohh noo!
Su she: xuan Huangdi, Yao Huangdi's palace is always tidy.
Zixuan: I know.
Xue yang: ohh you found Xiao ai?! Ahahahaha.
Zixuan: xiao ai?
First cockroaches, then lizards! Xue yang, why?
Xue yang: because I love mischief.
Su she: behave!
Xue yang: I can't!
Yao: Chengmei, you naughty little muffin.
Don't scare Zixuan.
Xue yang: then who should we prank.
Mo xuanyu: Lan lips!
Xue yang: good idea!
Su she: of course we would.
Xue yang: but rest assured, Xuan Huangdi. We like you.
Su she: team dimple approved!
Zixuan: as you must, darlings.
We're very glamorous.
Yao: yes.
Yes indeed.
Mo xuanyu: of course you both are!
Xue yang: Jiggy is hot.
Rusong: *entering* A-Die, uncle Zish! Team D!
Yao: A-Song! *hugs*
Rusong: A-Die, I'm going to the city again.
Yao: aw really?
Have fun ok, Song'er.
Zixuan: are you going with your bodyguards and they?
Rusong: nah, only Rong xiong.
I go undercover.
Zixuan: I see! Our A-Song goes incognito. Do you have a pseudonym?
Rusong: yep! Sung Gongzi.
Xue yang: who once punched a guy!
Mo xuanyu: and ran from fame.
Su she: don't forget the dimples.
Zixuan: speaking of dimples, how did you manage to disguise your beautiful face?
Rusong: thanks to uncle Su's talismans.
Zixuan: oh  amazing then!
Rusong: it's really fun to experience the city from a normal person's point of view.
Zixuan: aww.
Yao: Zish, we should do the same some time. It will be fun!
Zixuan: amazing idea, Yaoyao. I would love to!!
Yao: good then!
(Rusong goes in the city again. But A-Yao goes to visit his people)
In JingJing📍
Rusong: ah, the city is once again lively!
Rong: yes. Thanks to Huangdi.
Rusong: mhm, *grabs hand* let's get some mantous.
Rong: only that, Dianxia?
Rusong: yup! *giggle*
Rong: *glaring* Sung Gongzi.
Rsuong: ok fine! I want to cause a little mischief too!!  
Are you in?!
Rong: obviously I am.
Rusong: let's go pester the storyteller.
I wonder what new trash they're talking pertaining to team D..
Then we'll have some food.
Rong: but Dianxia, why do they keep talking about team dimple?
Rusong: because they dare not make fun of Huangdi, heehee.
Anyways A-Die is really elegant and respectable.
Rong: right.
Some hours later.......
Rusong and Rong: *looking at some pendants.
Meanwhile on the other side: *immediate uproar*
Make way for Huangdi!
Huangdi is here!!
Greetings Huangdi!
Su she: *helping Yao out of the caravan*
Huangdi! Here are some flowers.
Yao: lovely!
Rusong: *hiding* Oh no, A-Die, what are you doing here? Right when I'm disguising myself.
Rong: maybe Huangdi wished to meet his people today.
Rusong: should I go mess with him?
Rong: no no, you'll be imprisoned by your fox spirits. And your identity will be blown.
Rusong: then A-Die will save me!
Let's go see what he'll say when he sees me.
Rong: sure Dianxia.
I mean A-Song.
Huangdi you look stunning today.
Yao: thank you so much.
X: we have opened up another shop, Huangdi.
Yao: how great.
X: will you come back to buy stuff?
Yao: definitely. You have some beautiful handicrafts here.
X: thank you huangdi.
Yao: why don't your commission for Dongying
X: what a good idea.
X: Huangdi, would you love to have some tea at my inn?
Yao: of course! Maybe later.
X: yes Huangdi.
Yao: you know I should try some refreshments from the outside once in a while. Team dimple and my attendants have me locked in a room
Su she: *laughing to himself*
X: ahahahaha, Huangdi you're so funny!
So tea with Huangdi and official Su?
Yao: absolutely.
Su she: is it 5 star? He deserves the best.
Yao: Minshan. Don't worry.
X: rest assured! Our food and drinks are the best.
Yao: excellent.
X: Huangdi, do you feel bored?
Yao: how can I ever feel bored when I have team dimple and my magnificent empire.
X: aw Huangdi!
X: what about your shelters for the homeless project?
Yao: coming along great. 
X: this new Jingjing gremlin keeps coming and asking for steamed buns.
Yao: ohh. Then how is he a gremlin?
X: he would use his powers to prank me.
Yao: *trying to contain his laughter* oh really?! 
X: what an troublesome guy. Hmpf!!
Yao: he's young. It's his nature to be mischievous. 
X: look there he is over there!! I think he has too much free time! He needs to get married.
Yao: *glances* ( Oh my, it's A-Song in disguise. My darling.
I'll act like I don't know him, so that his cover won't be blown)
Let him live his life.
X: *sighs* yes yes, Huangdi.
Rusong: *bows* greetings Huangdi.
Greetings official Su.
*looks to his right* hey you're that ugly bun vendor! Your steamed buns were stale.
Yao and Su she: *trying to contain their laughter*
X: child, have some decorum. We're in Huangdi's presence.
Yao: it's fine.
So you're the little troublemaker.
Rusong: yes Huangdi. I heard that team Dimple are troublemakers too. May I replace them?
Yao: *laughing* unfortunately you can't. And sometimes they get jealous.
Rusong: but I'm not Lan lips.
X: *grinding teeth* honorable Zewu Jun to you.
Rusong:  no. Lan lips sound better!
Huangdi, I would love to be trained under team dimple.
Yao: I see. Now what are your qualifications?
Rusong: I can fight, I like Huangdi, and I'm jealous of Lan lips.
Yao: *laughing*
X: Huangdi, this boy is mischievous.
Su she: is that the only qualifications of team dimple, lol.
X: child, team dimple is Huangdi's imperial guard and personal council.
Rusong: yea, that's why I said I can fight.
X: *rolls eyes*
Yao: I like him! Come let's have tea together.
Rusong: my pleasure, Huangdi.
Huangdi, is being jealous of Lan lips a qualification?
Yao: *jokingly* of course it is.
Su she: *acting* Huangdi, do you really want to have tea with this rogue?
Yao: mhm. And I love young vibrant people.
Rusong: do you think if he wanted the opposite, he would have gone to hang out with Lan Qiren.
Su she: oh my. *laughing*
Yao: let's go have some tea.
*walking away*
Yao: *whispers* mischievous Song'er.
Rusong: at least it was fun, Huangdi. *wink*
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phoenix-of-jade · 10 months
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text. @angelxai *giggles and blows kisses.*
Text messages meme
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
[text - kitten] - I gotta say, your taste in sake is amazing, kitten! The bottle you sent me was great, already drank like half of it!
[text - kitten] - I'm feeling in such a good mood right now! Why don't you come over so we can share the rest?
[text - kitten] - To be frank with you, I'm in the mood to taste something other than the sake too, if you get what I mean... ;)
[text - kitten] - Actually, I think I'm in the mood to fuck that little pussy of yours too!~ Brace yourself, I'm obliterating your pussy tonight! 🔥
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idyllcy · 9 months
for all time/lovebrush chronicles boys as kisses
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word count: 481
summary: how the lovebrush boys kiss you
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Ai Yin / Ayn
Ayn presses his lips to yours like he's waited for you his whole life, his lips are molded to yours as he practically tries to absorb you, his passion bleeding through his hands as he holds you to him desperately. He kisses you like he's lost you in a past life again and again, and he kisses you like he has nothing left but you in this world. He kisses you like he's going to lose you and he's terrified of what's to come when you have to inevitably pull away.
Lu Chen / Alkaid
Alkaid kisses you like a butterfly— his lips brush against yours only once before he pulls away, cheeks warm and neck red, and you have to pull him in again if you want a kiss again. His lips brush yours for a second as if you're something he's not allowed to have, and his lips feel like a heaven in a world far away from you. Alkaid kisses you like he's not allowed to, like the two of you are destined to break as soon as one of you step over the line.
Luo Xia / Lars
Lars kisses you with both hands on your cheek as he leans over you to the best of his ability, the love bleeding from his chest to yours as he presses it to yours, and he kisses you like he's going to spend tomorrow and forever with you. He kisses you like that moment in time is the only thing that matters, even if you're going to leave someday. Yet, he kisses you in the present, a sense of determination that he'll never lose you, and even when he presses his tongue into your mouth for more, he is there, and so are you.
Si Lan / Clarence
Clarence kisses you like he knows there are many more to come. His fingers wrap around your waist gently as he tilts his head to slot his lips against yours better. He kisses you like he knows that you are his destined one in this world, and the way he rests his hand on the back of your head to help you angle is a reminder of how far the two of you have come. He kisses you like he's sure you're the one destined for him, and that you have eternity ahead of the two of you, so there's no rush.
Ye Xuan / Cael
Cael kisses you awkwardly, his fingers curled next to him as he's scared to touch you, worried that if he does, he'd be committing some kind of sin, that he'd break you by kissing you back too hard. He kisses you like he's not supposed to, fingers delicate against your skin as his thumb brushes your cheek and he tucks your hair behind your ear, his eyes half-lidded as he takes in your expression, always worried that some higher deity outside of his control would steal you away at any moment.
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dangopango00 · 7 months
After Last Night (2)
Waking up with him after a hookup
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 |
FAT/LBC men x gn reader (Ayn and cael)
CW: Suggestive, cael (sorry i like him i just happen to also like hating on him), ok genuinely cael but its the fact that in his blurb MC is kind of your daughter
A/N: Ayn is my fave but i dint do him in part one to keep me motivated to finish part two 💀💀 mind games also im acc so obsessed with step parent reader wtf thats so cute
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more utc
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AYN / AI YIN (艾因)
- SCENARIO: Ayn is very aloof and he doesn’t drink so he’s not sleeping with anyone he doesn’t know well; you two are very close. You’re in the music club and trying to pick up/get better at an instrument and you pestered Ayn into giving you tips until you became so close that he basically acted as your tutor. Tbh you’re probably already in a situationship and you’ve probably kissed a few times but nothing crazy, you’ve never pushed it that far— well that is until last night. You hadn’t seen each other in a long time just because you were both busy and Ayn missed you so he had you come to his hideout and well shit happened
- He wakes up first but is incredibly out of it like there’s still drool dribbling out of his mouth and he’s only really half awake; he kinda looks dead in his stupor
- He’d probably just pull you closer, lay on you and go back to sleep to be so honest; he can order takeout for the two of you later
- He tangles himself with you like unbrushed hair. His legs and arms are all wrapped around you and he’s trying to get as close to you as possible and his breath is tickling your neck with how much he nudges his head against you and gives you a quick kiss before he goes back to sleep
- His bedhead usually isn’t messy because he doesn’t move a lot in his sleep but after last night his hair is more messy than usual because of how much he’s pushing his head against you lol
- Even if you wake up he won’t let you get up. Go back to bed, he missed you; he just kisses you until you give up but if you’re hungry he’ll order something from his phone
- Likes if you trace parts of his body while you’re laying down like his collarbones or running your thumb down his chest. Keep it below the head though, otherwise the ticklish feeling will bother him while he’s trying to sleep (he’s such a princess 🙄)
- Is actually pretty chill about the whole thing; it was only a matter of time in his opinion and will be a little confused if you’re super embarrassed because you’ve already made out before it’s not that crazy
- He thinks the situation is pretty simple honestly he’s just gonna invite you on dates and confess which does admittedly take a bit of time because he wants to do something special and you’re a little nervous when he doesn’t confess or anything but when he does it makes the wait 100% worth it
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- SCENARIO: OKAY. I’ve thought about this one deeply because Cael is like I think a confirmed virgin so he would have to be suuuperr close with you to want to hook up. So in my delusional little head you are a very old friend of his who helped him basically raise MC. You weren’t formally her step parent but you helped out where you could and ended up becoming close with the two. At first Cael was just grateful to have you for help and as a dear friend but as time went on he started to notice you more and more. You lived together and seeing you do random domestic things or just normal mundane things like doing laundry or gardening or sth was driving him insane. It just built up and randomly one day when you were getting ready for the day he suddenly kissed the back of your neck and confessed and things just escalated
- You wake up first and Cael is just lying so peacefully. He’s never felt more refreshed to be honest
- His bedhead is a little messy but it’s not really noticeable except for the bangs and he snores but he doesn’t really drool, doesn’t move much either; moves in between long intervals
- You run your fingers through his hair and kiss his forehead as he sleeps and you notice him crack a smile (he woke up a few minutes after you but he wanted to see what you’d do while he slept so he could tease you later)
- He loves it when you hold his face in your hands. His cheeks heat up and he has a small smile as he opens his eyes; such a small form of affection makes him feel so warm inside and he can’t help it
- He’d take your hands in his and kiss them then leading you to the kitchen so you can make breakfast together
- After all. That his infatuation is boosted like x10 like he starts drawing you just doing normal activities, thinking about you while in the middle of a battle among many other things
- However, he hasn’t slept with you since that night because he’s really worried
- He doesn’t really know how nor does he think he should pursue a committed relationship with you because tbh he could die at any moment and he has enough responsibility as is; it sounds harsh but he doesn’t want to have to worry about you and vice versa. It’ll take a lot of convincing and persistence to get him to realize that no matter what you’ll be by his side and that you want to take care of him and MC too— that you will always care about him no matter how much he distances himself
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king-layney · 5 years
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i’m sorry but i LIVE for the crossovers❤️
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lenayamaguchi98 · 6 years
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Icons <3
- Li Huan x Yang Yu | manhua:  [Here u Are]
- Tang Lang x Song Zhao | manhua: [Seduction Against Seduction]
- Levi x Eren | manga: [Attack on Titan]
-  Bj MD x ChangWoo: art: XTutIX | manhwa: [BJ Alex]
- Lu Xuan Run | manhwa: [A Guy Like You]
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tatticstudio55 · 2 years
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Jonerys Summer Lovin’ 2k22 @snowxstormworld
June 19 - Free Choice
Jon and Dany in the cave under the mountain in the Frostfangs. Inspired by a painting of Luo Zhongli (one of my latest painting crushes, along with Jan Peng Wang, Ai Xuan, Li Zijian and Donna Zhang.) I’ll just link to an old meta of mine to explain the rest (X).
(Acrylic on canvas)
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MWW Artwork of the Day (7/30/22) Ai Xuan (Chinese, born 1947) Misty Day (2000) Oil on canvas, 94.6 x 85.4 cm. Private Collection
In "Misty Day", the direct gaze of the Tibetan girl is heartfelt and touching, she seems to be searching for answers or questing for consolation. Ai Xuan internalized his visual experience into personal state of consciousness, which is fully expressed through the sentimental glimpse from the girl's eyes. Ai Xuan depicted the changes of light and shadow with his typical approach, the light projected from the right side onto the girl creates a deep contrast and brings forth a mysterious touch. With hands folded on laps and her body leaning to the side, the girl's seated posture against the windowsill forms a stable triangle composition. The painting conveys not only a sense of solitude but also unspeakable serenity and composure.
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