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daphneonassis · 4 years ago
“And your first thought was pick my brain?” Daphne had been perched up inside the library for most of the morning, though this wasn’t her usual set up. There were no stacks of research books or notebooks, no color coded pens and backpack stuffed to the brim. Instead, the water genasi found a favorite nook within their walls and was halfway into the novel when Rowan approached. Bright blues meeting Daphne’s with a determination only the phoenix could possess. “I’m not sure being touched by Medusa qualifies me to know much about rifts,” she practically mutters, “But I have been trying.” Which wasn’t the only thing Daphne was trying to learn more about— or was it? Her ties and encounters with them were growing, so naturally she found herself curious and picking information apart when she got the chance, “When and where do we begin?”
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rimonakyun-corinth · 4 years ago
location: tranquilitea starter for: @xrowansmithx​
It seemed rather natural that the pair wouldn’t find the company of each other very often. Rowan had been deeply affected by vampire’s— had been dragged into the caverns and witness to atrocities that not many would wish upon their worst enemy. They had vaguely spoken on the topic the last time Rimona had stumbled upon the phoenix in the wilderness, training some falcons and enjoying the silence. That was much of the reason for her own presence there that day, along with doing some light hunting, and was only slightly startled. If the vampire’s life was different, she could easily see the two of them being closer but there is a part of Romona that is certain there will always be a subconscious lack of trust. Though that doesn’t mean she cannot try, “Long time no see.” The vampire nestles into a free seat next to Rowan in the tea shop, the lingering scent of roasted green tea hovering around her as she settled in.
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mateoaguilars · 4 years ago
What is a lesson that you’ve learned the hard way?
“If you think I’ve ever learned anything from the mistakes I’ve made in my life, you’ve got another thing coming.”
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atlasxrose · 4 years ago
⛄ your muse asking mine to help build a snowman
⛄  your muse asking mine to help build a snowman
“A what?” Atlas questioned, his face quizzical, he could not remember the las time that the fury had made a snowman, it had been a long… long time. “I-“ he was busy, he had about a dozen commissions due before Christmas, and there truly were not enough hours in the day. Atlas could stand there and list all the reasons why the unseasonably cold weather, and strange amount of snowfall was in no way reason enough to abandon what should have been a productive afternoon. “No.” Atlas said definitively. He crossed his arms across his chest and shook his head, he was not going to do it, there was no way in Hades that Atlas would be trudging through the snow like some middle-schooler, rolling around a giant ball, then stacking it.  “Absolutely not.” Atlas said as Rowan merely pouted, her eyes were unreasonably big, but there was no way the fury was going to cave. He took himself way too seriously for playing in the snow.
“Okay but you don’t think the top hat is too much?” Atlas asked as he placed the black-brimmed hat atop their finished snowman, it had taken a couple hours to get everything rounded perfectly, the perfectionist in him had dictated that he do everything perfectly. Then the fury had needed to modify a few things he had inside to fit the snowman with, a scarf, some branches for arms. A carrot for a nose, a few bits of coal for the eyes. “There,” Atlas smiled. “perfect.”
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andersxlykos · 4 years ago
✚ - Bandaging their wound
✚ - Bandaging their wound
“So...you’re telling me that your tears just don’t work on you?” Anders was trying to not to sound too judgmental, but that was difficult for the shifter. Either way, the phoenix was hurting, and she wasn’t healing up as quickly as he had liked to see. “So what use is this wild phoenix healing power if you can’t even cry on yourself?” Finishing up the bandage, Anders dropped his hands from the other’s arm. 
“That was a nasty cut. Maybe you shouldn’t try helping every single fisherman with their boat, yeah? No matter how many shots of ouzo they promise you.” Anders was chuckling to himself, and he met Rowan’s sheepish gaze with a smile.
“They seemed nice, and I didn’t want them to struggle doing it by themselves.”
Rowan’s words were plain, but they were earnest enough to make Anders raise an eyebrow. “You got swindled by some fish lovers, Rowan. But hey, if you ever want to learn how to tie a boat to a dock, or sail one, I can show you.” 
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alarickzaim · 5 years ago
12 & 32
12. What are some warning signs that your muse is getting depressed? 
His hair is usually the biggest indicator. If it looks like he hasn’t washed it or combed it, he probably didn’t because he’s literally not been getting sleep.
32. How does your muse feel about crocs?
You won’t catch him dead in them.
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mavenlockwood · 5 years ago
i only wanted to have a cigarette & a walk. ❜
“Do you have any idea how bad cigarettes are for your lungs?” Maven quirks an eyebrow, giving Rowan an unimpressed stare. Magic or not, they still had their mortal limits, and she didn’t enjoy the idea of her sister winding up with lung cancer before they’d ever really gotten to know each other. (Never-mind the fact that Maven also partakes in smoke breaks. Occasionally. Not as often as she’d like to, in truth, but she refuses to get those chemicals anywhere near her growing babies. Her destructive habits are her own doing, not her poor plants.) 
It’s times like this that she has to remind herself that just because Rowan is her little sister — a fact the young woman isn’t even aware of — does not make Maven her keeper. She’s an adult, and her choices are still her own. The thought causes Maven to let out a heavy, relenting sigh. “Fuck it, fine. Light me one up too.” She gives in, falling in step beside Rowan. “Where the hell did you even want to go, anyways? Cause I can’t deal with a lot of people right now.” And it sounds like she’s complaining, but in reality she’s so happy, because this is what she’s wanted all along, isn’t it? To be here, with her sister, hanging out as friends if nothing else. The fact pulls a smile to her lips, even as she tries to hide it under a gruff exterior. 
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lailarenaud · 4 years ago
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
“All the time when I was a kid. I’ve probably broken every bone that you can, falling off of shit or fighting-- it gave my mom a fuckin’ heart attack every time she had to pick me up from school because someone knocked me the fuck out. Now, not so much. Speedy healing does the trick.”
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giovannixrusso · 5 years ago
🗝 Secret they’re keeping from your muse
“Oh, all of them. I can’t imagine there would be much use in pulling any skeletons from my closet, unless of course she had something worthwhile to trade. I’m open to a good bargain.”
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kenyerparty · 5 years ago
🔮 Future plans involving your muse
"I’m sure she’s a lovely person. I just don’t think she would be the kind of person I would trust. But I could be wrong. I guess we’ll find out.” @xrowansmithx
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kiyokxfujiwara · 4 years ago
LOCATION && WITH WHOM : : LIBRARY W / @xrowansmithx​
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To the surprise of everyone, Kiyoko was looking for books on the Greek language. She had been in Corinth for months now and still didn’t know the language. It was a bit embarrassing especially because Kiyoko had to rely on others to act as her translator and she hated being in someone’s care. Fingers slid across each book, picking out at random which ones would work for her. In her arms were already three other books by different authors. Not like it mattered who wrote them, she only cared about the end results. As she tried to find another book, she began to notice the piercing eyes staring her way. Finally giving in, Kiyoko turned her head, making contact with a familiar face. “Oh,” she said. “You’re the girl with the mutt and who set my dress on fire.” The little--. “Do you need something?” 
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daphneonassis · 4 years ago
The library had served as a place of refuge for Daphne ever since she was a little girl, imagination running wild within the narrow halls surrounded by books that seemed to go on for miles and whispered in her ears that there were mysteries to unfold. Summers visiting her grandparents in the bay was particularly a time when she could be found lost in several stacks. So it only made sense that that’s where the young witch would find herself yet again, feeling the nostalgia along with her thirst for more knowledge. Arms clutching onto several books that spines read Ancient Greek Fairy-tale, moseying up and down the isles before her sapphire hues landed on a familiar face tucked away in a library corner. Mounds of literature were all around Rowan as she gently made her way over, a curious expression that reflected itself in her tone, “Finding anything worth mentioning?” It was probably a little brash to be interrupting what was clearly a study session, the phoenix clearly deep within the texts that was in front of her, but she hoped that Rowan wouldn’t mind her forward behavior. The incident with Medusa left Daphne reviewing old myths and legends, trying to find any clues and validity to Anastasia’s words. Though she wasn’t sure she needed much of that now after her brush with rift magic.
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rimonakyun-corinth · 4 years ago
There was an eerie stillness that hung around the woods, snow still lightly falling from the bayside skies as Rimona’s light footing followed the hidden path. She had reached a point that each branch was familiar and even the most subtle of changes caught her hues. Today, however, the vampire followed a familiar scent trail before hearing the warm tone of the blonde phoenix. A smile tugged at her lips as she hung out in the tree line, gazing upon Rowan and a large falcon as they seemed to exchange communications. A few moments passed before Rimona finally let out a long whistle and a large wave of the hand, not wanting to catch the other off guard. With all the chaos evolving in each corner of Corinth, along with many still left unable to trust her species in the first place, it was better that she came in steadily towards the two. “You are the last person I expected to see out here,” well, truthfully Rimona hadn’t expected to see a single soul, but it was most certainly a pleasant surprise.
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mateoaguilars · 4 years ago
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
“Yeah. I genuinely will not shut up about the time Iggy Pop basically called me pretty. There was also the time I accidentally stumbled onto the Maléna set and Monica Bellucci asked me if I wanted to go for lunch, but I was late to meet Ana and said no. One of my top ten regrets maybe?”
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atlasxrose · 4 years ago
Kenopsia: The eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that is usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet.
Acrocorinth was a tourist site, but since the storm and the earthquakes, much of the ruins had been declared unsafe for the public. Rowan had asked him here, asked him in the hopes that it would stir some sort of oracular insight, but whatever plans the Gods held, they remained silent. The witch did not have it in him to refuse her, to tell her they were all but abandoned here, instead, he agreed, and together they wandered through the crumbling and eerily quiet scene that permeated the once lively tourist destination. 
“I’m sorry,” Atlas offered, “I know you were hoping for more.” The witch said lightly, he did not know what to say, he knew she was among the people that had been taken below the hotel, knew that it had changed her somehow. The phoenix remained one of the most inspiring people he had ever met, a friend, and despite his reservations about coming here, there was nothing he would not have done for her. 
The quiet road was still, dust had settled and as the cool winds of Autumn blew off of the Aegean, he wondered if life could possibly return to this place come the Spring. The season of endings was nearly upon them, and not for the first time, Atlas was afraid, the storm had taken so much. 
“But there’s nothing here.”
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avxvidalis · 4 years ago
“You know that you don’t have to visit me,” she said, eyes picking up to meet with Rowan’s. She leaned up against the front door of the estate, the palm of her hands resting up against it to keep her steady and upright. “I’ll be alright, I promise. Everything will be okay.” @xrowansmithx​
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