575 posts
alarick zaim 121. owner of dionysus’ bar.werewolf. alpha of argos pack. blood is spilt while holding keys to the throne born again but it's too late to atone no mercy from the edge of the blade dare escape and learn the price to be paid
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alarickzaim · 3 years ago
closed starter for @markusxcamlann​
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“I got you a gift.” Alarick was not the kind of person that did such a thing. However, since things were okay with them now and they were back to normal, something needed to change. Maybe getting a stupid fucking gift was exactly that. “It’s another animal. They had these little things. Bearded dragon.” He held up the animal that was in its little glass enclosure. “Haven’t named him yet though. That’s up to you.”
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alarickzaim · 3 years ago
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alarickzaim · 3 years ago
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alarickzaim · 3 years ago
autumn / halloween inbox memes   ♡   a series of prompts appropriate for the autumn season.  feel free to change anything as needed.  happy writing!
my muse  =  the receiver’s muse, your muse  =  the asker’s muse
[ pumpkin ]   for our muses to carve pumpkins together
[ costume ]  for our muses to show each other their costumes (+bonus if you include what your muse is wearing!)
[ matching costumes ]  for your muse to ask my muse to wear matching costumes with them (+bonus if you include what their costumes would be!)
[ accidentally matching ] for our muses to show up to a costume party wearing the same costume
[ forbidden exploration ]  for our muses to explore the nearby haunted woods
[ graveyard games ]  for our muses to use a ouija board while near or inside a graveyard (whether or not something goes wrong is up to the muns)
[ m!a supernatural ]  for my muse to magically transform into their most feared creature (vampire, ghost, etc etc) for the reply / thread
[ what’s your favourite scary movie? ]  for our muses to reenact the mun’s favourite horror movie (+bonus if you include which movie; otherwise it’s the receiver’s choice)
[ a good spook ]  for our muses to go to a haunted house attraction
[ a night in ]  for our muses to make hot chocolate and snuggle up to watch spooky movies by a fireplace for the evening
[ baking ]  for our muses to bake autumn-themed goodies together
[ tarot ]  for our muses to do their own tarot card reading for each other (+bonus if you include what your muse would ask!)
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alarickzaim · 3 years ago
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who is he? who is can bey? i, for one, do not know. he’s the boss but i’ve never seen him. ↳ Episode 101; Erkenci Kuş
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alarickzaim · 3 years ago
Nothing about his life had ever been simple, not his childhood, his kingship, not even death had been conventional for him. Why should love be any different? Alarick’s comment made him smile, instead of fighting the witch instead moved in and folded his arms around the other. “Hey-” Markus said simply, “I fucking missed you too.” There were a lot of things that Markus was simply incapable of saying, instead he buried his jaw into the side of Alarick’s head and breathed the other in. I can’t do this without you. 
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His arm curled around the back of Markus’ neck before his fingers gently caressed the other’s hair at the nape of it. Relationships were the most frustrating thing ever if they were all like this one. Alarick couldn’t imagine being with anyone else now though. “I didn’t say I missed you. Let’s not go that far. I had some peace and quiet for a couple months.” It was a joke. He was sure Markus would get it. If there was one thing that was certain, it was that he was stupidly in love and would probably never get tired of the witch in front of him. His head turned into the other’s neck. “Okay, we can fuck now.”
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alarickzaim · 3 years ago
Alarick’s words struck him as surprising, clearly a great deal had changed since the last time they had spoken of the resident head witch in charge. “I’m surprised to hear you say that,” Erik commented, this was a good thing. It sounded mature, Katerina would have been proud. Perhaps this was what she saw in him all along. “and I’m glad.” The old wolf added, though he couldn’t help but scrutinize the alpha a bit closer, idly wondering if he had an ulterior motive. “What changed your mind?”
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“I know. Sounds too much like Katerina for my liking.” Not that she was a bad influence on him. If anything, Alarick should have been making decisions like the former Alpha long ago. That was how the Argos had stayed alive for so long. “I guess I pulled my head out of my ass and thought about it.” Or maybe it also had to do with the conversation he’d had with Fenrir. That certainly helped change his perspective on some things. He had intended on talking to Anastasia before then, but now he had an even fresher mind going into it than he did before.
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alarickzaim · 3 years ago
closed starter for @anastasiavidalis​
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It had taken a little bit of time for Alarick to work up the nerve to actually go talk to Anastasia. He didn’t want to do it, but he figured it would be best to get it out of the way now before he ended up never doing it. So here he was at the Vidalis Estate hoping he didn’t run into any of the misfits while he was there. Letting out a sigh, he made his way over to the large door at the front of the house and knocked.
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alarickzaim · 3 years ago
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“You seem like you care little about my opinion, but I’ll give it to you anyway. It was not witches – it was Hel. An after effect of the ritual she allowed witches to perform on me – affecting all family lines I’d turned into shifters. Witches are not to blame, and the more you resent them, the more difficult it will be to accept the freedom you have now. You may need more allies than enemies in the future.”
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“So you just want me to let go of all of my anger in a day? Sure, that’s easier said than done, Fenrir. I’m not as willing to forget when these witches are spitting in the face of my pack more often than not. I know better than to let my anger get the best of me nowadays though. I know having allies is better than having enemies. Especially with these witches you think should be my friends.”
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alarickzaim · 3 years ago
for: @alarickzaim·
“So,” Miguel said, one hand behind his back as he walked around the bar, near empty so early in the evening. “Is there some sort of thing I’ve gotta do to join the Argos, or can I just ask you and slide on in?” He lifted a brow, glancing over at Alarick. “I don’t have any money, but I’m useful. Never had a pack before either, but you know, I’ve heard that a lone wolf’s a dead wolf, and that’s not really the energy I want to put out into the world.” He found a seat at the bar, leaning against it. A smile tugged at his lips, “I’m good at little things, my resume says my work ethic’s unmatched.”
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There were a lot of werewolves making their way into town lately. Alarick would have been elated to hear the news if he was more trusting. The last person he had let into the pack was Laila and he regretted that every day considering how much she liked to irritate him. Not that he would ever go back and change that choice though. She fit in too perfectly within the Argos. Would this guy be the same? “You can just ask me, but sliding on in happens after the first date.” He paused for a moment. “With the pack.”
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alarickzaim · 3 years ago
Hard features softened as Markus’ fingers reached to brush the side of Alarick’s face, they combed lightly across the alpha’s hair. It had gotten longer, too long, Markus thought. It had been far too long. Alarick’s words settled whatever uncertainty still squirmed in the witch’s gut, he smirked, “What do I have to apologize for?” Markus joked before he leaned in and pressed his lips to Alarick’s, brief but to the point before he pulled away for a moment. Warm breath cascaded between them as months of tension built between them, “I’m sorry, okay?” Apologies weren’t where either of them flourished, “I came back broken and you caring just made it easier for me to lash out. I was hurting so I did the one thing I’m good at, I pushed you away.” It was the closest Markus could get to an explanation because he was already pulling his shirt off and over his head. “Now take your clothes off.” 
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A scoff left his mouth at Markus’ words. Of course he wouldn’t think anything was wrong and the witch was trying to distract Alarick from the obvious. He was about to say something, but of course Markus thought to backtrack before he could. The other man absolutely knew how to get under his skin and he hated it more than anything. It was so much easier when that wasn’t the case for anyone. The only person that was able to do such a thing before was Katerina. For much different reasons though. He definitely felt more of a sibling relationship towards the former Alpha than anything else. Markus was, unfortunately, special to him. Why did the other have to be so difficult though? Then again, he wasn’t easy to deal with either. Another scoff left his mouth. “And they said romance is dead.”
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alarickzaim · 3 years ago
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Can Manía
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alarickzaim · 4 years ago
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alarickzaim · 4 years ago
Hearing an apology come out of Alarick’s mouth was the last thing that Markus had expected to hear. He understood it took a great deal for the werewolf to come here, especially after so long. But it had been months without so much as a word, Markus had been in love before and this wasn’t what it had looked like. He didn’t want to go so long without seeing someone he cared about, or without talking to them. “Look,” Markus said with a sigh as he ran his hand through his hair before the witch folded his arms over his chest. “I don’t want to fight with you, I have enough people that I have to fight with. I don’t want to come home and fucking argue about nothing and break up every other week. If that’s what you’re looking for then find it with someone else.”
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Alarick would have to turn and look at Markus at some point. It took him a second, but he moved to face the witch, his eyes shifting away from the tegu. The folded arms over the chest were enough for him to actually look up at Markus’ face. He was sure he would get distracted otherwise. That was how this relationship had started in the first place. “Well, we’re bound to argue. You and I both know that. I love you though. So we’ll make that shit work.” Then he realized something. “Wait, aren’t you going to fucking apologize? You know how difficult that was for me to do?”
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alarickzaim · 4 years ago
Laila wasn’t known for her understanding or her patience, such was the nature of wolves though. “I can’t imagine Laila was too happy with this, I’m surprised she didn’t take it upon herself to remove the head from the witch’s shoulders herself.” Tension was nothing new between the Argos and the Delphi, things had only been amicable for so long because of the relationship that Anastasia and Katerina had built. Though if he remembered correctly Alarick had all but spat in the witch’s face at Katerina’s funeral almost a year ago now. Erik hummed a bit before he shoveled more pie into his face, the dramatics never ended with wolves. “And, what will you do when you go to her?”
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“No. She wasn’t exactly happy with it at all. That’s kind of why things are pretty shitty right now. However, I’m hoping things are more in control with Anastasia being awake now.” Just her children being in charge was enough for him to want to pull his hair out. But that was something that would be taken care of sooner rather than later. Alarick had to watch out for his pack first and foremost. Anything past that meant nothing to him. No matter how much he felt like he needed to form some sort of alliance with the head witch in charge. “I was wrong in thinking she would not be a fitting ally to the Argos and myself. I wish to tell her that. In not so many words.”
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alarickzaim · 4 years ago
An owl flew overhead and shit on the front of Alarick’s jacket, it was enough at least to bring a smile to Markus’ face as the plethora of animals roamed freely about the home. A pair of savannah cats dominated the tattered couch as everything from scorpions to fire ants pawed at the walls of their terrariums. “Fine.” Markus said with a sigh, a figure appeared in the doorway to the bedroom, some werewolf who’s name the witch couldn’t remember. “Get out.” Markus said simply, the figure looked struck dumb for a moment, before the witch only gestured towards the door. “Now.” When they were alone markus looked towards the alpha who’d still be a  beta if it wasn’t for him. Markus wondered towards the kitchen and fished out some dry biscuits as a trio of raccoons cackled at his feet. “Go on, we’re alone now.” He broke a few of them in half and idly pushed them into the waiting mouths of the three. He smirked, “Mostly.”
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As soon as the owl shit on his jacket, he could only let out a sigh. He was soon taking off the jacket as if it was normal practice being in Markus’ place. Alarick had only been around this many animals for a short amount of time before they had decided against it. Once upon a time, at least. Things were different now though. That was noted by the werewolf that came wandering out of the bedroom. They were clearly confused, but Alarick couldn’t find it in himself to care much at all. He moved further into the room once the extra company had left. “Yeah, I’ve gotten used to the animals. Well, I did before, I mean.” He cleared his throat and then turned to look into Rufus’ enclosure. “I wanted to apologize. And I can’t look you in the eyes while I say that because I don’t want to see your smug ass smile.”
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alarickzaim · 4 years ago
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“Is that a short answer or a non answer?” Fenrir wasn’t sure why Alarick was beating around the bush. “Be direct, Alarick. I want to know. What is the reason for your hatred towards the Delphi Coven? Or is it just on principal?”
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“A short answer.” He simply sighed at the line of questioning. His life story wasn’t something he wanted to get into, but it seemed he had no choice. “I haven’t resented being a werewolf. I think I’ve conditioned myself to believe it was witches that cause us to lose control every full moon. My parents would still be alive if that was something we didn’t have to deal with.”
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