#xmfc au
gerec · 1 year
Hello! Could you tell me about the stories where Charles is gravely injured after holding Shaw? I know some of them but you probably know the best ones.
There are quite a few XMFC canon aus related to the coin - here are a few I hope you enjoy!
You want blood, and I promised by hllfire
When Erik kills Shaw with that coin, Charles doesn't come out of it unharmed.
Do You Know How It Feels? by Berserkwriting (WIP)
How deep does Charles go when he sees into someone’s mind? How deep did the coin go when it went into his? Deep enough to break him. Erik has a purpose, a duty. But he can't stop dreaming of Charles. His search for answers can only lead back to the source. But what will he find when he gets there? A tale of two monsters. A tale of redemption.
For but a Measure by tirsynni
In which taking a psychic coin to the brain affects Charles more than planned, and not so much a fix-it as a possible new path opening.
Two Sided Coin Of Misery by BrightTerror This is what would have happened if Charles had not come out seemingly unscathed after he felt the coin kill Shaw, what if after it he couldn't shrug it off that easily? How would Erik have reacted to it?
The Better Men by VampirePam
Alternate ending: explores what would have happened after the beach if Charles had collapsed from the damage the coin did, Erik had relinquished his desire for vengeance to help him, and Erik had to reassure Charles that his vision of the original ending was only a nightmare.
A mind is a prisoner of its own castle by OneWithoutAName
When the coin pushed through Shaw’s head it ripped Charles’ mental walls with it. Charles manages to make new ones, but the damage is already done. It takes under 24 hours until the voices start. The voices that are not really there.
If I could walk back to yesterday, I would by sareyen
Charles had braced himself for the pain. He knew that when Erik would push the coin through Shaw's head that he would inadvertently push it into his. He knew that he would feel the slow, torturous drag of metal through his skin, his brain tissue, his mind. He had even prepared for the heartbreak and the betrayal, because once Erik had put on Shaw's helmet, Charles's heart had already shattered to pieces.
But when Charles's mind was fractured by the coin, he hadn't been prepared to lose a part of himself he could not bear to live without.
Because without a mind he had no telepathy, and without telepathy, Charles was...
Or: Charles loses his telepathy after Cuba, and all the pain that follows.
Psychic Coin by TheMadThing
In which being linked to Shaw's mind as he dies has devastating consequences for Charles' mental control and things progress from there.
Scream Hallelujah, Darling by eclenic
It's such a small, innocuous thing, a coin. It's hard to believe it could cause so much damage. For the X Men Big Bang.
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adorablelabratclub · 2 years
Tumblr media
Erik stop antagonising your boyfriend
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blueskyandpudding · 1 year
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clarasteam · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sherlock (TV), X-Men: First Class (2011) - Fandom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier Characters: Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Greg Lestrade, Hank McCoy, Raven Darkholme, Angel Salvadore, Sean Cassidy, Emma Frost, Sebastian Shaw, Azazel (X-Men), Armando Muñoz, Original Characters Additional Tags: Crossover, Alternate Universe - Circus, Community: trope_bingo Summary:
yes, this fic is 10 years old (how?) but someone left kudos on it today and I remembered how fond of it I am. also the song by The Magnetic Fields that gave me its title.
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zairaalbereo · 6 months
Fic Writer Interview
I was tagged by @laviejaguardia. Thank you! 💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 
89, but 12 of them are art only
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
That’s His Name (Merlin) - 29.981
In the Winter of My Soul (Merlin) - 5.952
Just Have To Save The World (Merlin) - 4.343
Me Casa, Su Casa (X-Men) - 2.427
Most kudos for The Old Guard: Room for Love - 904
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to because I love them, and that’s why sometimes I fall into that trap of “I need to adequately convey how happy this comment made me, I can’t just say ‘thank you’’ and then I leave it for too long. Also sometimes I don’t have the spoons at that moment. But I appreciate every last one of them.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I love angst, but I love a happy ending even more, so in my fic the angst usually gets resolved. A fic that regularly leaves people in tears, though, is At Samhain, but the ending has hope.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
So many happy endings! ☺️ One of the happiest might be my Merlin Age of Sail AU, The Seven Seas , which has a very happy ending after a lot of angst and heartache.
7. Do you write crossovers?
No, not really.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not really personal attacks so much, but I have received snide comments, character bashing and absurdly wilful misinterpretations. And always on anon of course.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, I do. I’m a proud alumni of multiple Pornathons in the Merlin fandom. When I write kink, it tends to be PWP of the kind that’s about losing control, or pushing the lines of taboos. In my longer or more plotty fic it’s more emotional, focused on the characters’ connection.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I once had someone write a fic that had the exact same plot down to locations and minor details and even almost the same dialogue as one I was posting. Like a (bad) rewrite. It was very weird.  
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a few, which I’m ever so grateful for. 💕
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I’m honestly not sure how that would work for me. 😅
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Joe/Nicky really is the fulfillment of all my shippy hopes and dreams. 😍 Beyond them, maybe Cherik. I like the drama. 😂
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
A Cherik bodyswap fic, set between XMFC and Days of Future Past, while Erik is imprisoned. I love the premise and what I have so far, but it’s been so long that I’ve been in that fandom.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Conveying emotions and believable dialogue 
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Transitions and being overly dramatic, which is probably connected lol
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I do enjoy it in sprinkles, if it’s done well. Endearments, curses, stuff that mostly won’t need a translation footnote but grounds a character in a different cultural background. 
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I wrote stuff before I knew about fanfiction. Before you could find (and easily post) stuff on the internet. But the first fic I wrote and posted was Harry Potter, gen with very, very heavy wolf star undertones 😅
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I don’t really have an unfulfilled craving right now, and I tend to focus on one fandom, and even one ship almost exclusively, but I’m a little surprised at myself for never having written Sterek. 🤔
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
That is so hard to pick, but two favourites are Shalom Malak for XMFC and If You Abide With Me for TOG
Tagging, but obviously only if they want to @falcon-fox-and-coyote @tobebbanburg @pinkninjapj @beepbeepsan @isabellehemlock 💗
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x-populuxe · 1 year
First-lines-of-fic meme! I was tagged by @destinationtoast. 😘
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
So...I have published ten fics total, and rather than posting the first lines of every single one of them, I’m going to mix this up and do my five most recent as well as my five current WIPs, because I have somehow become a person with five substantially written WIPs, I cry. (This is clearly an attempt at public accountability, help lol).
All fics are X-Men, of course, and unless otherwise marked, Charles/Erik:
1. “to put the world between us” (25K words, actor AU)
The drive should take two hours, but Erik manages it in ninety minutes, using his powers to floor the gas pedal as he scrambles the occasional police scanner. When he whips into the hotel parking lot in a spray of gravel, Emma’s mental greeting is half is half warm, half weary.
2. “Unlived Histories (The Double Vision Remix)” (18K words, remix, time travel)
Erik didn’t know it then, but everything started to change on Charles’s sixteenth birthday.
3. “Correspondence” (13K words, part of a canon-divergent series set in 1963)
When Charles wakes, he stretches out his mind and then his arm, groping at the opposite side of the bed. Erik isn’t there, though the sheets are still warm.
4. “What We Inherit” (20K words, David & Charles, father-son bonding)
David first starts to suspect that something’s up when his father gets a phone call very early on Tuesday morning.
5. “the way it travels in and keeps emitting light” (29K words, accident and recovery, enemies to friends to lovers)
Erik lets himself into Raven’s building on Friday evening, waving a hand as the locks click open. As he rides the converted freight elevator up to the top floor, he sinks his powers into all those sturdy old pulleys and gears—one thing on the long list of reasons he prefers Raven’s apartment to his own.
(obviously these are not set in stone)
1. The “Charles bailing Erik out of jail” fic I am currently writing for @ikeracity for Fandom Trumps Hate! (Ike you get a sneak peek lol) (ps I'm legit obsessed with writing this fic rn, thank you again for your prompt):
 “One phone call” is only a thing in the movies—but the cops don’t give you unlimited phone calls, either. This turns out to be a problem when all your friends were either arrested alongside you or are completely fucking worthless.
2. Multiverse/time travel fic that begins 8 months after the events of XMFC:
They’re moving quickly through the woods that surround the facility when Emma slows and makes a clicking sound with her tongue. Erik holds out his arms to halt the rest of the group.
3. Sequel to “What We Inherit,” still about David & Charles, but also with some (semi-hostile) cherik as well:
It’s a beautiful late-summer day, with a bright blue sky stretching above the sandy dunes that extend from the house out towards the Atlantic.
But David can’t see any of that right now, because he’s sitting in his bedroom, reading a book.
4. Media AU (trust me, this first line makes sense in context lol):
DAVID REMNICK: This is The New Yorker Radio Hour. I’m David Remnick.
5. Big Billions AU I started writing in early 2020 🥲 that I’ve finally picked up again this year:
Crowds, the common wisdom goes, are one of the truest tests of a telepath’s strength and skill. Never mind that there’s far more to telepathy than brute force and blunt shielding—with a packed train or a busy bar or a stadium full of revelers, it’s easier to see just how effectively a person can block out other minds.
This is a fun exercise, especially to look at patterns! Tagging @rozf, @gerec, @ikeracity, @midrashic, @joshriku, @arcanewinter, @jackyjango, + anyone else who wants to do this! (If anyone else wants to put their WIP opening lines out there, join me!!!!)
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subbyp · 3 months
got an xmfc soulmate au knocking around in my head….
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commonpigeon · 6 months
its that time of year thats exciting exclusively for me. fanfic spreadsheet wrapped 2023.
this year i read 9,020,674 words :O thats over a million more than last year lol (7,815,414). i read 1172 fics total, which was less than last year (1325). so i suppose overall i was reading longer fics.
top ten fandoms
teen wolf - 405
fall out boy - 202
the untamed - 81
stargate atlantis - 53
the witcher - 50
the sandman - 48
x-men - 47
merlin - 46
ted lasso - 20
les miserables & atla & pride and prejudice all had 17 each lol
top ten pairings
derek hale/stiles stilinski - 389
patrick stump/pete wentz - 193
rodney mckay/john sheppard - 50
erik lehnsherr/charles xavier - 46
merlin/arthur pendragon - 45
geralt of rivia/jaskier - 44
dream/hob gadling - 43
lan xichen/jin guangyao/nie mingjue - 36
enjolras/grantaire, elizabeth bennet/fitzwilliam darcy, sokka/zuko - 17 each
aziraphale/crowley - 15
break down into months
top fandom was the sandman, top pairing was dream/hob. makes total sense because i was still clinging on from 2022.
top fic - And Not Ask Leave of Any - dream/hob 15th century faeries au. i have no recollection of this but january me loved it.
february & march
top fandom was the untamed, top pairing was lan xichen/jin guangyao/nie mingjue. i had been rewatching the untamed and was going insane despite not even getting to the best bits for that ot3 lol
Feb top fic - Some others I've seen - steddyhands established relationship - ed and izzy have a tavern and stede visits. again i have no recollection of this and i think its mostly sex
March top fic - An Elegant Solution - nie mingjue/wei wuxian/lan wangji. by far one of my favourite fics EVER and this was a reread and it still hurt me just as good as the first time. arranged marriage fic that fixes so many problems and weirdly the thing that hurts me most wasnt even the main pairing it was the nie minjue/lan xichen/jin guangyao. never has a fic made me pivot from hating to liking a character so effectively
crazy that neither of my fav fics were from my top read pairings lol
top fandom was x-men and top pairing was cherik.
my mum died in late march and i lost my MIND and could exclusively watch media i enjoyed between the ages of 12 and 14 and xmfc was The movie when i was that age
top fic - Weekend at Casterly - jaime lannister/brienne of tarth regency au. sorry i will always come back to these two altho ill admit this was rogue and came out of no where
may & june
top fandom was teen wolf, sterek
may top fic - Yes is a World - sterek. derek rejects stiles and then they get together after a few years and have to reassert boundaries. didnt finish where most fics finish and i enjoyed that extra insight into what happens after the get together
june top fic - it’s a long way forward (so trust in me) - geraskier. reread. geralt is an omega who wants too much. soooo embarassing to put omegaverse on here which i usually avoid but this fic is soooo good their dynamic is perfect
top fandom was the witcher, geraskier
Jinx Removing - sterek. this is saved as dr pepper fic on the spreadsheet which means nothing. another case of derek waiting for stiles and planning for them to be good for each other
bit funny that last month sterek was my top pairing but my fav fic was geraskier and now its swapped for july
august & september
top fandom was merlin, and merthur
august - Once & Future - geraskier, warlord au where geralt is a statue awoken by jaskiers kiss. really beautifully written
september - the devil's in the details - merthur. arthur lists the ban on magic and thinks merlin just learnt really really fast
i left a specific note for myself in september to lmk i was really into reece shearsmith but he simply has no fic. thanks past me
top fandom was sherlock, but the pairing was enjolras/grantaire. i simply have no idea how this happened
Epiphanies - enjolras/grantaire. modern au where they do a christmas reunion and enjolras isnt doing too well. i found this too relatable thumbs up emoji
november & december
ah. well this was the time of fall out boy and peterick. what a way to end the year
nov - Schrodingerverse - covid verse that was written during covid and the series that got me back into peterick. guilty pleasure fic for me
dec - time is luck - there was like 3 good fics this month it was very very hard to choose between. but this ons is the ultimate dynamic that im seeking from modern peterick fic where pete is entirely dedicated to patrick and completely accepting of their friendship and not wanting anymore. But What if He Could Have More???
in summary. when your mum dies make sure you read like a shit ton of sterek fic for 2 months in a tiny box room in a village itll be so good for you. and then go to see your favourite band from when you were 14 live and get back into rpf while trying to start 2 new jobs.
seriously though how did i read 405 teen wolf fics in like 2.5 months and then just never touch sterek again. i didnt even finish teen wolf
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gerec · 18 days
Do you have any canon movie fics to recommend? (could be canon divergence too)
the best ones of course
Hi Anon,
It's impossible to define 'best ones' when it comes to fic as everyone has their own set of preferences but I'm happy to share some of my personal favourites. :D And this list barely scratches the surface of all the incredible fic we've been blessed with in this fandom so def. do your own search on ao3 and filter for your preferred tropes! Also, feel free to check out some of my previous fic recs posts on my blog for more options! Happy reading!
never too late to be who you might have been by acetamide Erik wakes suddenly and takes a deep breath, and realises that there is nothing.
Replay by SlightWeasel (series) After Magneto of an X2-ish future succeeds in the unthinkable, Charles sends his consciousness back to 1962 to guide Erik away from the path that will lead to the genocide of the human race forty years hence.Charles knows that Erik has always loved him, and intends to use this knowledge + sex to seduce Erik away from his ideals in his youth.There’s no way this well-thought-out, sensible, debugged and 100% bulletproof plan can possibly go wrong.
When We Two Parted by nekosmuse At the end of X3, a still depowered Erik travels back in time to meet 1962 Charles. Cue angst, desperate kissing and happy endings for all. Written for the x-men kink meme.
Lucid Dreaming by listerinezero Magneto finds himself in 1962, on the morning they go to Cuba, in the bed of the young Charles who’d spent months letting him think they were in love before breaking his heart. But he is not the same man he was forty years earlier, and as he gets to know young Charles again, he discovers that things might not have been exactly the way he remembered them after all.
Time to Grow by zarah5 In which you'll find chess dates which aren't dates (or maybe Charles is wrong about that). -- Based on First Class, this turns (slightly) AU during the beach scene.
Not Half As Blinding by keire-ke Cuban beach AU. Charles discovers that death does, in fact, solve everything.
Blood and Steel and Miles Between by dreamlittleyo (Post-movie AU.) On a beach in Cuba, Charles manages to talk Erik down from the edge. But even after the missiles have been diverted, compromise is impossible. There are two different futures to build, and Erik and Charles will always be separated by their principles. But when Charles is kidnapped and the X-Men can't find him, Erik will get him back no matter the consequences.
Homecoming by nekosmuse Five years after they part ways on a beach in Cuba, Charles sends a telepathic message: We are under attack.. Erik drops everything to rush to Charles' side. In which battles are fought, war is avoided, a middle ground is found, and happily ever afters do exist.
how near to fairyland by ikeracity Since childhood, Charles has kept all the things he can't let go of in a beautiful room in his head. Cuba brings his precarious balancing act crashing down.
The Line in the Sand by ikeracity The CIA agents on the base are bullying the children, mocking them for their mutations. Charles will not tolerate it.
Hope by daymarket  A near-decade of hatred can't be wiped out with a single summer, no matter how eventful that summer might be. When Erik shows up uninvited at the mansion, Charles is just barely civil enough to not throw him out, but that doesn't mean he'll let him stay.
Mile High by cygnaut There’s only so much time you can spend sublimating your emotions into chess.
Spark Me Up by blarfkey “This is Erik raw. This is Erik lost. This is Erik looking at Charles like he is the only piece of wreckage in a vast ocean. The only star in the sky.
And such a look does things to Charles.”
After ten years, they are both starving for each other.
third time's the charm by Gerec XMA ficlets and missing scenes
Regrets by SlightWeasel After Apocalypse, Charles and Erik sleep together—but it’s way too soon for Erik.
as it arcs towards the sun by pearl_o
night by night by pearl_o
things worth fearing by pearl_o
Dark Phoenix
After the End of the World (One Bad Day) by kianspo Set during and immediately after the events of X-Men: Dark Phoenix. Everyone deals with the aftermath of Jean's transformation and everything that comes with it in their own way. Could there be found a measure of peace and happiness after everything they've lost?
Never a Place by kianspo It takes some getting used to. Charles hasn’t seen Erik cheerful, actually cheerful without a homicidal intent of some sort in a very long time—perhaps never. Or. Charles takes Erik up on his offer while trying to process everything. Erik is remarkably patient until he isn't.
rue de la paix by Ireliss Post Dark Phoenix. Charles, Erik, and the winding road towards peace.
The First Move by TurtleTotem Charles and Erik live together now, in Genosha. They get up together, spend the day together. And then... go to sleep in their separate beds.
Charles is going quietly crazy.
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keire-ke · 10 months
any dark!charles or villain!charles fic recs? Both happy/tragic ending appreciated
Hi Anon!
I haven't read XMFC lately, so if you don't mind shameless self promotion:
Not so much dark, but an itty bitty asshole?
@gerec, do you have dark/villain Charles recs?
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bikenesmith · 1 year
"the x-men films' characterization of young charles and erik is nothing like the comics' characterization of young charles and erik" shocking that a reinterpretation of two characters that gives them significantly different backstories and focuses on them at significantly different times in their lives would also have characterization significantly different from select comics written decades beforehand
its almost like it's not a one-to-one adaptation of any of the source material and takes place in an entirely different universe.
comparing xmfc/cu with 616 without that in the forefront of your mind is like refusing to acknowledge that xmen evolution is a highschool AU when comparing its characterization to the 616 versions. "scott doesn't act like that" maybe it's because he's 16 and not a 30 year old parasoldier.
which is to say: "erik doesn't act like that" maybe that's because he is years younger and hadn't even met magda yet, much less raised (and mourned) a child...?
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kaydeefalls · 7 months
For that meme:
5 about the opposite of people, 8 and 15
Roz! Hiiiii! Answered 8 already, so:
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about The Opposite of People? Answer it now!
LOL I literally wrote this fic for you, didn't I? Or, well, I started it on my own time and got stalled pretty early on, but then circled back to it to fill one of your exchange prompts (as a pinch hit, even, I think?), and I will ALWAYS appreciate that final push. So ask me how much of that fic was true to life. I dare you.
So much of it is the answer. Wayyyy too much of it. That was straight up take-your-fandom-to-work day, at the time, and I exorcised a LOT of my professional stage management demons by throwing them all into that fic. It was fun, in a deranged schadenfreude sort of way. I mean, none of this is a secret, but still. You can't make this shit up. Well, except for the plot of the fake play within it, but even that was still heavily inspired by a Shakespeare adaptation I really did work on (of a different play, not Macbeth). Good times.
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written?
HOW CAN YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE. HOW. WHY. Oddly, I'd rarely played around with AUs apart from the odd canon-divergence until the XMFC fandom, specifically, at which point I just shot off the rails entirely, apparently. Canon divergence and fusion AUs are my faves overall, though I've dipped more into the modern AU in TOG fandom. I guess I have to go with Boden's Mate et al if I have to pick just one, only because that really changed my approach to writing fic as a whole, and I do kind of mentally feel like who I was as a writer before vs after that fic are miles apart. I've written technically better fics since then, I think (and hope - it's been more than 10 years at this point, I REALLY hope I've improved as a writer over that span of time!), but that one is still very Personally Significant. So. Let's go with that. <3
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bropunzeling · 5 months
16 and 17
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
what aus don't i love. regency aus!!!! comedy of manners + sexual tension you literally can't resolve until you're matrimonially entangled always hits. i love a pacific rim au because i [clenches fists] love giant mechas powered by love. i love a heist au!!! they involve a level of clever plotting that i find intimidating but a good one hits; i think about an xmfc/inception au series i've read all the time. i love a fantasy au! i love a frat au! i love a soulbond or soul mark au, especially when they interrogate the nature of those kinds of universes and ask questions about free will and what happens to people who don't have them! i love a "magic is mundane" au! i just. i love aus.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
smash cut to me staring at the 6k of seattle au sitting in my gdocs right now. lol. but besides that, i feel like a very "this was crafted for me specifically" type of au would be an edwardian or interwar country house murder mystery, because i love period piece murder mysteries with my whole chest. especially if two people initially at odds must band together to solve the mystery and in the process fall in love. catnip. absolute catnip.
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traincat · 2 years
 fanfic writer 20 questions, tagged by @beamkatanachronicles! thank u Danni!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
What's your total Ao3 word count?
994,043, and considering everything I have almost ready to go is over 5000 words, it's going to cross that one million mark soon. 😬
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
the majority of my fandoms posted on ao3 are marvel based. stats list over 30, but a lot of those I would say are pretty nebulously separated.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Masked Man (Who Has Everything) (XMFC, Magneto/Xavier, M) the Magneto is Batman fic. I wrote this based on a prompt from the XMFC kink meme years and years ago. It's not something I would've written now, but I've been told it holds up at least in terms of it being funny. It no longer has a 2000 kudos lead on my second most popular fic, but it's still pretty up there.
Keep Throwing Things and Slamming the Door (Spideytorch, T)
My first Spideytorch fic to hit it big! I had a written a couple before this but nothing really got attention like this one.
Tales From The Back Pages (Spideytorch, T)
The canon first words soulmate AU! I had a lot of fun playing with early Spider-Man and Fantastic Four canon writing this one.
Say You Will, Say You Won't (Spideytorch, T)
The fake but real married Spideytorch fic.
Kind, Sober, and Fully Dressed  (Spideytorch, T)
The fic about the time Johnny asked Peter to come over and watch his sex tape, which is yeah, totally canon.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to! I've been bad about it for the past couple of years, although I try to always respond to a direct query, especially if it's about podfic or translations. I'd like to be better about responding to comments.
What's the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I'm going to cheat because it's The Spider and the Last Spark (rated E) where the ending isn't posted yet. But it's been written this whole time. (It's coming! I just have to iron out a fight scene.)
Do you write crossovers?
Sort of? I don't think crossovers between Marvel comics count. I have written crossovers, although I generally prefer fusion AUs.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
laughs. usually not ON the fic (although I have gotten a few weird comments) but a lot of it posted to social media, which was, you know, weird and unpleasant. memorably, one time I posted a snippet of a fic and someone plagiarized it and posted their own (this was an extremely obvious plagiarism, the whole premise and chunks of dialogue were lifted) and when I didn't respond directly but finished the rest of the fic and just posted that in response, they accused me of plagiarism. I had posted the snippet publicly and had time stamps and also everyone knew it, but it was still kind of wild. accused by my plagiarist of plagiarism.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
generally speaking the spideytorch kind lol.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
oh yeah. and not just in the plagiarism story from above.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A bunch of times! I really, really treasure translations, and it's so wild to me (in the best way) to see all the languages my fic has been translated into. It genuinely makes me feel like my fic is really valued and I'm so happy about it. Thank you to fic translators! I love you!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I'm kind of a control freak so my posted fic isn't co-written but it's always such a fun concept. I did cowrite an AU of a fic years ago with a friend and it was so melodramatic. We were going to write a SERIOUS DRAMA with CONSEQUENCES about SMALL TOWN AMERICA (for some reason) and we were like fourteen so needless to say it wasn't the work of literary fiction we were envisioning. but it's pretty fun to remember.
What’s your all time favourite ship?
I'm a little burnt out on them at the moment but the record will show it's been Spideytorch.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
no one say anything I'm working on it. part two is over 20k at the moment.
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at dialogue, and banter, and romance.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I would LOVE to be better at coming up with plots and I know the only way to become better is to just write them but it's so hard. lies on the unforgiving ground.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I'm for it if people feel confident about it lol. I've definitely done it when I should have felt LESS CONFIDENT about it even though it was in a language I was fairly familiar with but y'know. I read a fic recently that had a feature where the translations were visible when you hovered over the text and that was really fun.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Stealing Danni's answer here because I definitely wrote for other fandoms before this but the first fandom when I was like "in fandom" as in participating in a community and making friends and getting into drama was Fire Emblem 7.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve ever written?
It's probably a tie between The Boy From New York City and Work Song. They both taught me a lot about writing, in part because they're two of the longest things I've ever written. The Boy From New York City in particular really burnt me out after I was finished with it but it was a story I had wanted to write for ages and I'm really glad I finished and posted it. Work Song let me do one of my favorite things which was dig really deep into canon and play with the things comics these days are reluctant to get into, the messier sort of outcomes of events and the feelings of it all. I have a really big fondness for both of them still.
Also it's not finished yet, but I've been working on a Kaine and Janine road trip fic set immediately after Spider-Man Beyond and I've just really loved playing with it.
Who do you tag?
anyone who wants to do it!!! sorry I was drinking wine while I was cooking like a lot of wine. I'm tagging you if you want to answer the questions.
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x-populuxe · 1 year
my year in fic: 2022
Following the format of my 2021 year in fic, here’s everything I wrote this year: ~77K words over 4 stories. (I also wrote ~40K words of a few unpublished WIPs, and I am putting this here for public accountability to finish those early in the new year lol.)
I really loved writing these stories; several of them were things I never would have written if it hadn’t been for various fests/prompts. Thank you again to everyone who continues to organize and participate in them!!
1) “Correspondence” Charles/Erik, 13K words, Charles POV over the course of a single day The third installment in my XMFC canon-divergent series “No Steady State”
Summary: It may be the weekend, but there’s a letter Charles really must reply to before getting ready for their far more enticing evening plans.
2) “What We Inherit” Gen (David & Charles), 20K words, modern/still powered AU & what I’ve been describing as a non-romantic (father-son) slow burn Written for X-Men Rare Pairs 2022
Summary: Ever since David came to live with his father, their relationship has been polite but distant: his father is always working, and David still sort of thinks of him as Charles Xavier, The World’s Most Famous Telepath, a larger-than-life figure he first saw on television five years ago.
But when the grandmother David never knew existed calls and demands to meet her grandson, a harrowing weekend trip reveals how much he and his father don’t know about each other—and alters things between them in ways he never would have predicted.
3) “Unlived Histories (The Double Vision Remix)” Charles/Erik, 18K words, time travel/alternate history A remix of “The Cost of a Good Man” by arcapelago, written for X-Men Remix Madness 2022
Summary: When he was a boy, a man visited Erik and his mother and helped them escape before the war. Years later, Erik finally learns the man’s identity—but the truth is far more complicated than he ever could have imagined.
4) “to put the world between us” Charles/Erik, 25K words, modern/still powered actor AU Written for Secret Mutant Madness 2022
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is one of the hottest actors in Hollywood: fresh off an Academy Award nomination, he’s about to star in HBO’s most anticipated show of the year. And even though online chatter about his recent string of queer roles keeps getting louder, his personal life remains personal—just as it always has, and just as his manager and publicist continue to advise.
But when he winds up at the same wedding as his college best friend, Charles Xavier—and when they quickly fall into bed together—he’s forced to revisit the past he’s been trying to get away from for years. The pull between them has always been magnetic, but so has the weight of secrecy. Can they keep from repeating the same mistakes, or will the price of the truth be too high?
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gjdraws · 1 year
✨️ 🦋 🚦 💡 (Also congrats on the 2 pages of your comic!!!!)
thank you i had to un-transcribe some really awful notes I deserve your congratulations T_T
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
Oh man sometimes there's thesis level art nerdery but then there's perfectly terrific people in tags screaming about a short strip/oneshot i did and going 'OP WHERE'SS THE REST OF IT' and tbh i love that bc it means the world-building in the oneshot got you huehue 😈
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Or another favourite, where people say I should be writing CK instead of tb3. And you know what THEY'RE RIGHT :P
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
Technically a no-brainer, I'd say Johnny? Because Johnny is me, but without the alcoholism and if he had some years to get over himself. I also have several band t-shirts and listen to classic rock 90% of the time.
But sometimes I'll get brainwaves for the kids, or Terry Silver (who's just fun because he's so affably evil lolol). I'd say they're all sort of okay except Daniel who I have to double check each time to see if his voice is okay.
Also in non-CK I think sometimes I have a decent bead on Charles Xavier from XMFC? But that comic has been stuck in notes for like. 2 months :')
🚦What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
I don't know about prefer, bc as we all know sometimes the story just takes you where it takes you? But I probably go for happy to ambiguous (but squint and its happy). I'm simple like that I guess.
💡How many WIPs do you currently have?
Lauren why must you bring up my shame like this T_T
Carmen time loop S5 fixit
A comic for @belphegor1982 which is still in script stage (which I really like so thank you for the reminder!)
A MASH AU comic BJ finding Trapper's hat and all the Hawkeye thoughts that revolve around it
Forever alone 'maybe-this-mermay-i-will' Johnny is a seasnake
Running through my veins (but this one has progress woo!)
Carmen and Miguel and Robby arc fixit for S5 (post the pregnancy comic I have)
An XMFC character study of Charles Xavier
A probably ditched comic for The Bear on Hulu
Huh. I'm in more fandoms than I thought atm
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