⨂ lita vail ⨂
93 posts
24 y/o - scorpio - infp - insufferable lesbian - she/theyao3: artificiallita art tag: lita draws stuff
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artificiallita · 4 days ago
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alexa play speed drive by charli xcx ✨
erika’s delinquent shit adhd daughter rocks up in the next instalment of dulce et decorum so had to draw her
no man is safe from me they’re all lesbians now
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artificiallita · 6 days ago
all you do is draw lesbian stuff and it makes me very happy /gen
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….i also write lesbian stuff. no yaoi is safe from me they’re all getting wlwed.
(thank you! i aim to please, the cult of cherika is always accepting new members)
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artificiallita · 6 days ago
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Her hands cradling her swollen stomach. Her daughter’s first cries, sweat and birthing pains washed away by the unsung love of her. A scrunched little face, mewling in her arms, haloed by a dark helm of curls. Memories she hasn’t dared to touch, joy afresh flooding in her chest.
Blood - her blood, hot and lucid. Nina’s unbreathing lips amid a furore of corvid screeching.
Happiness melts away to white-hot pain.
- dulce et decorum
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artificiallita · 7 days ago
anonymously message me (3) things you want to know about me.
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artificiallita · 7 days ago
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@star-lights-up’s new pfp inspired me to make my own 🥰
first self portrait ive drawn in years, feat. my magnetic wife’s slutty lil fit from x-men 97
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artificiallita · 8 days ago
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never looked more beautiful 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
honeymoon road trip strip club shenanigans inspired by this post by @mapofyourstars
yall know how i feel about mascneto but i am equally weak for butch troublemaker charlie and her glam wife. need to write them in this dynamic now
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artificiallita · 9 days ago
the girl in your soul has seen it all (you owe her the world)
Is manhood really such an inescapable burden? He doesn’t apply the same faulty logic to Erik; if anything, he lives furious with her for hiding behind it.
But Charles does not feel as she feels. At least, not in any way that exists outside of an occasional curious glimmer. And that is not the same. They are not the same.
If only…
AKA trans mutant wives featuring charlotte so deep in the closet she doesn’t even know she’s in there, and a healthy dose of pining
CW: he/him pronouns used for closeted transfem characters; internalised transphobia; brief mentions of period-typical homophobia/transphobia; descriptions of dysphoria; mentions of the Holocaust and concentration camps
(thought i posted this days ago when the fic went up but apparently not whoops it was in my drafts. enjoy the food.)
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artificiallita · 11 days ago
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old ladies from my t4t cherik fic the girl in your soul has seen it all (you owe her the world)
aka the picture that maxine 100% keeps in her wallet
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artificiallita · 13 days ago
was tagged by the delightful @mapofyourstars to do this lil writing game:
Post the last line that you wrote and tag someone for every word in the line.
this is a long ass run on sentence so i am not tagging one person per word. i am however gonna pester @mrcorkus @dont-eat-spam @highquality-not and @chaos-and-sparkles with it.
anyway. here’s my words:
But what was, at best, an occasional itch to him was a constant in Erik; a thrumming, heady undercurrent that became nigh-on impossible to ignore.
would you look at that, lita writing standard-issue cherik?? well, ish. further details to be revealed but the final destination is old lady yuri. can’t wait to share it with yall.
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artificiallita · 13 days ago
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design sheets for the mutant wives
drew these bc i wanted a consistent body shape/colour palette reference for them, but figured i might as well share them with the class. charlotte’s look changes a Lot more between eras than erika’s lmao
my headcanon that erika keeps her hair long and p much unchanging over the years is inspired by this post
originally they were nakey but figured tumblr wouldn’t like that. so now they get underwear. as a treat.
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artificiallita · 16 days ago
what is the killer in me the fire in you about ? also curious about crap graveyard
aaaaa yes that fic my beloved. one of my fav things ive written this year is ‘to die clean and pretty’, which is my take on logan (2017) with butchverine and yurified cherik.
‘the killer in me, the fire in you’ is a wip set in the same continuity but from erika’s point of view. she gets a bit of a bad rap in the main fic since logan is the pov character and she a) is mad at her for Reasons that become immediately clear in the fic and b) never liked her that much in the first place, and i realised there’s a LOT of pain potential in seeing her side of charlotte’s decline. here’s a lil preview:
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as for the crap graveyard lol, that’s an editing hack ive been using for YEARS. i have a graveyard section in all my working docs for chunks of text that ive written and have had to cut for whatever reason. makes it easier to edit out superfluous nonsense without feeling bad for ‘wasting’ writing, n then as a bonus it’s just there for future so i can look back or repurpose it.
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here’s a bit that i loved but couldn’t find a home for in my latest dulce et decorum update
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artificiallita · 16 days ago
what is white rabbit about :00?
so glad u asked! white rabbit is my lesbian retelling of origins: wolverine - the first three chapters are already posted on ao3
the title comes from the jefferson airplane song of the same name - almost entirely because logan overhears wade singing it in the shower, but also bc i listened to it a lot while writing the first draft due to its overall sense of foreboding lmao
next chapter should be up ehh *wavy hand motion* soon
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artificiallita · 16 days ago
Author ask game: 14 and 15!
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11 - What makes a fic 'successful' in your opinion?
if i fkin finish it dude. my motivation is incredibly incredibly spotty and having it burn out before i commit to finishing a thing is far from unheard of (hence why i usually stick to short form because the idea of losing motivation for a long fic and letting people down gives me anxiety lol.) but also just if i enjoyed writing it and feel happy with the result!!
14 - What makes you happiest? New fic comments, kudos, bookmarks, user subscribers, story subscribers, or Tumblr asks?
comments and asks 110%!! im a yapper, and i love hearing ppls thoughts on my work. this is an open invitation to send me literally any asks about anything ive ever written ever.
kudos almost stress me out ngl, i know some people choose whether or not to read fics based on the kudos:view ratio and so i get super anal about my works not having ‘enough’ kudos to be deemed worth reading which is dumb as hell but whatever
15 - Does anyone you know in real life know you write fanfiction?
see previous comment about me being a yapper lol. most of my close friends, my fiancée, and my little brother all know.
however, none of them have read my work (that i know of) since i would quite literally rather eat a poo with a knife and fork than let them lol
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artificiallita · 16 days ago
tag game: get to know your mutuals
tysm @mapofyourstars for the tag! enjoy my silly nonsense! (under the cut lmao)
What's the origin of your blog title?
it’s my internet alias/pen name lol. lita after lita ford/the jeffrey campbell shoe/the wrestler, vail after tobi vail from bikini kill
OTP(s) + Shipname:
charles xavier x erik lehnsherr (cherik); deadpool x worst wolverine (poolverine/deadclaws/peanutbub/whatever); storm x wolverine (stormverine, rolo, worm); wolverine x literally any other person ever (logan howlett, x-mansion bike). bonus points if contorted by the lens of my permanently installed ‘everyone should be a lesbian’ goggles
Favourite colour:
black (it counts as a colour sue me) purple, red, and grey
Favourite game:
im gonna be super fkin vulnerable here, i suck dick balls and ass at video games. i rlly love animal crossing and the wwe 2k games, and ive played a lot of tony hawk pro skater, mostly for my fiancée’s entertainment bc im awful at it and she thinks its funny. i do play a lot of ttrpgs too, me and my irls are currently playing a homebrew campaign based on a session of the quiet year we did together n thats super fun.
Song stuck in your head:
jerkin by amyl and the sniffers
Weirdest habit/trait?
echolalia/vocal stimming. i am constantly making weird ass noises or repeating things people have just said or quotes that are stuck in my head. my worst ones atm are ‘there’s nothing funny about a firm number two’ a la nandor from wwdits, and nightcrawler’s ‘im blue :))’
aside from art and writing, im a big pro wrestling fan, and i read a lot. current book is the blade artist by irvine welsh.
If you work, what's your profession?
my official job title is ‘visitor experience administrator’. i work at a tourist attraction and i do emails n shit.
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be? Realistically?
i rlly rlly rlly want to be a funeral director. currently the only thing standing in my way is the fact that I can’t drive.
Something you're good at:
aside from art and writing (if its not too obnoxious to say either of those things) im inexplicably great at cutting and dyeing hair to the point that most of my friends use me as a hairdresser
Something you're bad at:
cooking. fuck me running i am awful at cooking. a lot of it is a motivation/lack of patience issue, but if it takes longer than ten minutes and involves following instructions fuck that im not doing it.
Something you love:
my hairy children
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Something you could talk about for hours off the cuff:
x-men; greek mythology; the state funeral/postmortem escapades of eva peron; world war ii but in a special interest history geek way not in a weird fascist way
Something you hate:
the shitty impact that moral purity culture has on fandom/creativity in general. no i will not be writing an essay to justify liking the fictional bad man, leave me alone.
Something you collect:
i don’t really ‘collect’ physical things outside of like, stationery hoarding. i do have a lot of tattoos tho, so we’ll say that counts.
Something you forget:
everything. all the gd time. i have no object permanence and my short term memory is atrocious.
What's your love language?
acts of service and receiving gifts. im a big penguin-pebbler.
Favourite movie/show:
movies: don’t make me choose a favourite from the x men franchise i won’t do it, okay fine all of them but last stand; the adventures of priscilla queen of the desert; hunt for the wilderpeople; trainspotting
tv shows: the boys; deadloch; happy valley; schitt’s creek
Favourite food:
beige carbs. left to my own devices i would eat nothing but bread. i also love chow mein, enchiladas, and anything with garlic. im vegetarian and a lowkey picky eater (audhd innit) and i think that rlly shows in my writing lol. my characters are hardly ever shown eating or talking about food because my own relationship with it is weird. however, i love wine and coffee so both of those things show up in my work a lot.
Favourite animal:
sharks and vultures. vultures are wildly underrated.
What were you like as a child?
LOUDDDDD. i would talk a lot to anyone who would listen, very confident, got told i was an ‘old soul’ a lot bc i spent most of my time hanging out with adults. i also cried A LOT, like at most minor inconveniences, and was v argumentative and bad at authority figures. somehow, i was not diagnosed with adhd until adulthood.
Favourite subject at school?
art and english, to the surprise of absolutely nobody. i also rlly loved history (still do)
Least favourite subject:
maths. i am awful at maths. that said i also hated geography (because my teacher was a dick) and pe (because im a lesbian and changing rooms/teenage straight girls are evil)
What's your best character trait?
godddd this is hard lol. the one i like most about myself is probably that im funny. i have a ‘big personality’ (a phrase which i fking hate since i think it’s used as a polite synonym for ‘loud and obnoxious’) but one of the things i rlly love about myself in that respect is that im good at making people laugh.
What's your worst character trait?
how long do we have lmao. which is to say, shitty self-worth.
If you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be?
i would like another cat pls (my fiancée said we’re not allowed and im bitter)
If you could travel in time, who would you like to meet?
bea arthur. i know thats like, bad use of time travel and all things considered she’s not exactly a monumental figure but i still love the woman more than life itself. by all accounts she was an eccentric weirdo who I see a lot of myself in so i would just like to hang out :))
if you are reading this you are tagged :))
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artificiallita · 17 days ago
tagged by @mapofyourstars to do this:
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
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here’s the contents list for dulce et decorum bc that’s a one shot collection rather than one fic:
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tagging @mrcorkus @highquality-not @chaos-and-sparkles @dont-eat-spam and any other writer friends who feel so inclined as to participate
send me asks i wanna talk abt my blorbos
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artificiallita · 17 days ago
im still taking requests btw!! give me ur ideas 😙😙😙
opening my ask box to art requests ✨
poolverine and cherik preferred (even better if they’re lesbians lmao) but im willing to have a shot at anything x-men
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artificiallita · 18 days ago
Dulce et Decorum pt. 2 - To Have and Hold
Calling Erika a prude is a bit unfair. Though Charlotte is certainly starting to think that she's gotten terribly prudish with age.
Rated E
Second instalment of my Cherika fic is up. Spoilers: the old women fuck. Pls go show her some love <3<3
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