#xenoblade chronicles fanfiction
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softnoobgirl · 2 years ago
Not really feeling it
A xenoblade chronicles 3 future redeemed fanfic
Set before future redeemed. Rex gives a depressed shulk a pep talk. aka rex becomes a therapist
Men talking about their emotions
Linka approached rex. " boss"
"Hmm what is it"
"Teach won't leave his room. We suspect something might be wrong. We've tried to talk to him but every time we knock on the door he yelled at us to go away
"I'll go check up on him myself. I might have an easier time with him then you guys."
"Thanks boss"
Rex knocked on the door to shulk's room. " shulk its me." There was no response. "Alright I'm coming in. Rex opened the door and walked into the room.
Shulk tossed in his bed and groaned into a pillow.
" well at least I know you aren't dead" Rex joked, trying to lighen the mood
Shulk replied with nothing but another groan
"Are you sick?"
Shulk let out a heavy sigh " no at least not physically."
Rex sat on the floor next to shulk's bed . Shulk gave a glare. "Alright what's wrong"
"Nothing I'm fine. "
"I can tell that's a lie ya know"
Shulk let out another small groan.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Shulk remained silent.
You don't have to if you don't want to. But it might make you feel better. I'm not going to judge ya know"
After a few more seconds of slience Shulk responded "I guess I just feel homesick."
"Homesick huh. To be completely honest I kinda feel the same way." "But aren't we in collony 9"
"It's not the same. Everything is in ruins. None of the people I love are here."
"I see. I've never thought about it that way. Must be hard to see that stuff every day."
" its just a simulation anyway."
"Ya I suppose."
"But there is one thing I fear most of all."
"Hmm" Rex said
" what if we never escape here. What if we can never go back home." Tears started to well in his blue eyes. What of i never see fiora, or dunban, or anyone i love ever again."
"I see. That's what has gotten you so down isn't it?"
"Ya" he replied quietly
"Shulk you know that's not true"
" but what if it is"
"I promise you now you will get to go back to your proper home. You will see the ones you love again. You just have to stick with us alright?"
Shulk stayed silent for a second before drawing a heavy breath to reply " alright."
There was slience for a few seconds.
" is that all you want to talk about."
" for now yeah"
"Do you feel any better now?"
"Suprisringy yes"
" do you want me to tell the camp that you aren't doing well today so that they go easy on your.
After giving it some thought Shulk responded. " yes. That would be nice."
"Alright is there anything else you need?"
" no. Ill be ready to be with you guys in a few minutes. I just need some time."
" alright" the younger man said getting up. He started to walk twords the door before he got intrupted
" what is it?"
A faint smile crossed shulk's lips
" thank you"
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phantomstatistician · 6 months ago
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Fandom: Xenoblade Chronicles
Sample Size: 1,696 stories
Source: AO3
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superat626 · 10 months ago
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Wanted to draw something of an old crush.
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harborss · 4 months ago
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sicahyart · 1 year ago
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Weapons concept art I made for a Xenoblade 2 fanfic last year but never posted
Link to said fic if you're curious, but you don't have to read it tbh, I'm writing it mostly for myself, there's no plot I'm just throwing random headcanons in a jar and shaking it to see what it does (tags and summary under the cut)
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gexfan32 · 6 months ago
About My Xenoblade 3 AU: Crystal Of Shining Justice
This Xenoblade 3 AU of my design diverges from Canon when M dies during the end of chapter 5
See, due to her soul splitting, Origin now has two pointer values for Mio, and due to the unique circumstances of her death, to avoid a null reference crash, origin’s Crash prevention system essentially initializes the “Put Mio right back where she was during the intersection” protocol, leaving a 12 year old Mio, with all memories and blade abilities intact somewhere in Erythia, where she is picked up by the lost numbers
Arc 1 of this AU features Mio Echell recounting the events in Aionios that follow on from this to her worried elder sister Glimmer, only hours after the intersection, as well as more of the immediate aftermath of Xenoblade 3, as well as bringing her best friend Miyabi, and Sena (who is miyabi’s blade) into the loop on what has happened.
Arc 2 features the Fonsett four (as Mio’s friend group is called) in being invited to Alba Cavanich to test out Tiger Tiger Kart 2: the sequelpon, and also gaining further insight on their situation from Poppi
as for the rest, that would be a bit of a spoiler, but many things that often happen in these kinds of fics turn out pretty differently.
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nemaliwrites · 7 months ago
“Can you teach me how to shoot?”
Sharla pauses from where she’d been polishing her gun. She’d heard Fiora’s footsteps before her voice; the clanking metallic sound has become comfortingly familiar as of late. Louder than they used to be, she’s sure, but still steady, confident. Fiora wears this body as though it were always her own.
“To shoot?” echoes Sharla. “Are your knives dull?”
“Sharp as ever.” Fiora beams. “You know me.”
“That I do.”
It’s been different, Sharla thinks, to get to know Fiora. She heard so much about her – from Shulk, Reyn, Dunban – that when they met, it was almost as though they were old friends. But to know her, really know her, made Sharla wonder how she’d gone so long without having someone like this in her life.
She thinks Fiora appreciates having another girl around, too. The others can be a bit much, sometimes.
Fiora leans against the wall, joints creaking. She must be due for another oiling soon.
“I’ve just been thinking,” she says, “that maybe it would be good to fight from a distance.”
Sharla tilts her head. Now that doesn’t sound a thing like the Fiora she knows. Not the one who rushes forward, taking every hit she can, wanting nothing more than to keep everyone she loves safe. If she still had her Homs body, Sharla would have run out of ether bullets long ago.
“What brought this one?” she asks. “C’mon, tell Big Sis Sharla all about it!”
Fiora’s smile doesn’t come as easy this time. 
“It’s just… ” She sighs heavily. “Every time I get hurt, it’s not like it used to be. Not just a little scrape that I could bandage and forget about. My body… it seems like it always needs to be fixed.”
“Homs bodies are fragile, too,” Sharla says gently.
“Mine wasn’t. I used to be able to fix it myself.”
And with that, Sharla understands what she doesn’t say. “This is about Shulk, isn’t it?”
“Am I that obvious?” Fiora lets out a breathy laugh. It’s bitter, angry. “I used to be the one who protected him.”
“You are–”
“Not anymore. Not when I have to keep running back to him every time I get so much as a dent.”
Sharla sets aside her gun. She studies Fiora: the shining metal of her body, her downturned eyes, the way she worries her bottom lip between her teeth. 
“You know,” she says, “it isn’t weakness to let yourself be taken care of.”
Fiora inhales sharply; Sharla’s hit the nail on the head, then. 
“It’s not that,” says Fiora, rather unconvincingly. “I’m not even giving him a choice.”
“There’s always a choice.” Sharla rises, crosses the room. Presses her gun into Fiora’s hand. “I’m not a healer because I have to be. It’s because I want to heal. I want to take care of the people who take care of me.”
Fiora’s fingers wrap around the gun, one at a time. Slowly. Consideringly. “You think… he wants to take care of me?”
“I think that’s all he’s ever wanted. What we all want.” Sharla smiles. “Come on, I’ll teach you to shoot.”
I’ll take care of you, she doesn’t say, but by the way Fiora grins, Sharla thinks she hears it anyway.
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saline-coelacanth · 1 month ago
A Terribly Sick Day for The Zekenator
(Panzeke Sickfic that I felt like writing because these two have consumed my mind)
Read on ao3
Summary: The mighty Zekenator falls ill and is forced to stay in bed all day to rest while Pandoria makes sure they're both taken care of. Zeke very much does not like having to rest in bed all day, but Pandoria refuses to let him leave the inn as she knows her Driver would end up straining himself.
Word Count: 2,641
“I don’t see what the problem is, I feel perfectly fine.”
“Yeah, the fever says otherwise.”
Zeke and Pandoria were both in one of the rooms at the inn, Zeke sitting in bed while Pandoria stood beside him. The Blade had begun to worry that her Driver was starting to get sick after he had started sneezing a lot and seemed a bit more tired than usual. And after a few days, it became quite obvious that the Prince had indeed fallen ill. It didn’t seem to be anything too severe, but Pandoria definitely wanted him resting so this didn’t become something much worse than it was now. Zeke on the other hand had problems with the idea.
“I’m not even that sick,” Zeke denied. “Sure, I’m a little bit stuffed up, but that’s nothing to worry about.”
“A little stuffed up?” Pandoria questioned. “You threw up last night.”
“Just the one time!”
“Yeah no, you’re not getting out of bed today,” Pandoria decided. “You need to be well rested so you can get better.”
Zeke gave Pandoria a slight glare, although he was most likely also squinting because his eyes felt dry.
“Now I gotta head out soon,” Pandoria continued. “Are you going to be ok by yourself?”
“Oh, I’ll be fine,” Zeke insisted. “But… where exactly are you headed off to?”
“Well we have to pay for our stay somehow,” Pandoria explained. “We already had to spend all our money to afford a night here. I’m going out to help with some hunting. The butchers always appreciate getting some fresh meat.”
“You’re going out to fight monsters?” Zeke questioned. “Without me?”
“You’ll survive,” Pandoria assured.
“Yeah, but… But what if you get surrounded? What if an Aligo ambushes you when you’re caught off guard?”
“Well there are no Aligos where I’m going,” Pandoria responded, “so I don’t think that will be a problem.”
“But you never know,” Zeke replied.
Pandoria let out a sigh. That was another sign that Zeke had gotten sick, he started acting more delirious. It was definitely unusual for him to worry this much over nonsensical scenarios that were unlikely to happen.
“What if… it starts storming and you get struck by lightning?” Zeke asked.
“You’re worried about your electric Blade getting struck by lightning?” Pandoria questioned.
“It could happen.”
“I have a feeling I don’t have to worry about that,” Pandoria said.
“Still though,” Zeke replied, “I should go with you. I’m your Driver after all, got to keep an eye on you.” Zeke was already throwing his blanket off and trying to get out of bed.
“You stop right there!” Pandoria ordered. “You stay in that bed and get some rest!”
Zeke had a look of slight disgust on his face as stared at Pandoria, preparing to stand up. However, he obeyed Pandoria and returned to his original position in the bed but crossed his arms.
Pandoria let out another sigh, sounding a bit more tired this time. “Hey, I won’t be gone for that long,” she insisted. “And if you get bored, you can always read a book! They have a whole shelf of them to pick from!” Pandoria walked over to said shelf and started looking through the selection.
“Pandy, if you’re looking for one for me to read,” Zeke said, “then I’m pretty sure I can manage finding a book on my own.”
“Yeah, well I’m already over here so I might as well do it,” Pandoria replied.
“You don’t even know which one I’d want to read!” Zeke argued.
“Oh please, I know you well enough to know you’d immediately grab…” Pandoria paused for a moment as she skimmed the titles. “This one!” She pulled out the book, showing it to her Driver. The title read ‘Addam’s Love and War’ and Zeke’s expression shifted to a wide stare as that was exactly the book he probably would have picked out.
“Ok, fine, that was a good guess,” Zeke admitted.
“See? You always love reading books about Addam,” Pandoria said as she walked over to put the book on the bed. “And when you finish reading it, you can get up and get a new one yourself. Or, you can just take a nap.”
“I’m not tired,” Zeke insisted, despite the grogginess in his voice.
“I know, you never admit when you’re tired,” Pandoria responded.
Zeke suddenly made that face like he was about to sneeze. Pandoria preemptively grabbed the nearby box of tissues as Zeke let out a loud sneeze. She handed him a tissue and he wiped his nose.
“Thank you, Pandy,” he said.
“And you keep insisting that you’re not sick,” Pandoria teased.
“Hey, people sneeze all the time without being sick!” Zeke argued.
“Alright, before I go,” Pandoria said, completely ignoring Zeke’s protest, “how’s your stomach feeling?”
“Fine,” Zeke assured.
“And your head?”
Zeke was quiet for a moment before admitting, “I have a bit of a headache.”
“Well you might be dehydrated from throwing up last night,” Pandoria guessed. “I’ll make sure to get you some water before I leave, that might help.”
“I can get my own water,” Zeke insisted.
“No, I’ll get it,” Pandoria denied.
Zeke sniffled slightly. “You really don’t need to babysit me.”
“I kinda do,” Pandoria replied. “Especially when you don’t take care of yourself.”
“What? I do take care of myself!”
“Really?” Pandoria questioned. “Because if I recall correctly, you stayed out in the pouring rain to finish fighting off some Aspars instead of trying to take cover because some guy asked you to. And that’s probably why you ended up getting sick.”
“I wasn’t raining that bad,” Zeke argued. “You probably just thought it was worse than it was because the rain got all over your bloody glasses.”
Pandoria started to look unamused. “Ok, I’m done trying to argue with you,” she decided. “I gotta head out. Don’t do anything too straining while I’m gone.”
“I won’t,” Zeke assured. “Just don’t be gone for too long. Not sure if I can handle the boredom that I’ll get without you.”
Pandoria smiled. “Well it’s not like you’ll be by yourself, Turters will be with you,” she reminded. “I’ll be back with some water and then I’ll see you later.”
Zeke gestured a wave to Pandoria as she left the room. Almost as soon as she was gone, Zeke felt another sneeze coming. He let out a loud AH-CHOO before wiping his nose clean and making a sluggish groan. Zeke looked over to the book sitting next to him. He realized that since Pandoria would probably be gone for a few hours that he should at least do something to keep himself occupied. He picked up the book and began reading. It was a book he had read already, he had read just about every book about his hero, Addam, but he didn’t mind giving it another go. And besides, it gave him something to do as he waited for Pandoria to get back.
Pandoria had quite the eventful day hunting down different monsters that the butcher had asked her to kill to get some meat. Things definitely would have gone quicker if she had her Driver there, but there was no way Pandoria was going to let her Prince fight while he was this sick. It didn’t matter if he insisted he was fine, Pandoria had been with him long enough to know he wasn’t in fighting condition.
Pandoria was pretty exhausted from the day, but it was worth it if it meant Zeke got to sleep in a comfortable bed for the night. The two of them rarely spent the night at inns with how little money they tended to have, but as soon as Pandoria realized Zeke wasn’t feeling well, she knew what they had to use their gold for.
By the time Pandoria got back, it was pretty late in the day, just about sunset. Pandoria carried a warm bowl of soup with her to the room. She knew Zeke probably couldn’t eat much solid foods without feeling nauseous, so soup was the obvious answer for dinner.
“Alright, I’m back,” Pandoria announced as she entered the room. “Hope you’re hungry because I brought-” Pandoria went quiet as she saw Zeke passed out on the bed. He had three books sitting next to him and the blanket looked like it had been readjusted multiple times. Turters was lying comfortably on the other pillow. Zeke snored gently as he continued sleeping.
Pandoria walked over, placing the bowl of soup on the end table. “Prince?” She gave him a gentle nudge, but Zeke didn’t respond at all. Pandoria gave him another nudge, this one a little bit more rough as she knew Zeke was a deep sleeper, but he still didn’t wake up. Pandoria gave him one last nudge and raised her voice. “Zeke, wake up!”
“Huh?” Zeke mumbled sleepily. He blinked a couple of times as his vision adjusted. Eventually, he managed to make out the view of Pandoria standing over him. “Oh, you’re back,” Zeke greeted.
“I brought soup,” Pandoria said, grabbing the bowl.
Zeke pushed himself up, sitting against the headboard of the bed. Pandoria handed him the bowl as well as a spoon. Zeke took a sip of the broth, happy that it was still nice and warm, but then he frowned.
“Tastes kinda bland,” Zeke commented.
“Well your sense of taste might be messed up for a bit,” Pandoria guessed. She walked over to the other side of the bed, moving the books and Turters out of the way before climbing in.
Zeke continued taking small sips of the soup and it appeared that he was still very tired. Pandoria quickly noticed another sign that Zeke was indeed sick, the fact that he was eating so slowly. Even if the soup was bland, Zeke would have been eating it pretty quickly under normal circumstances.
“So, I see you were pretty busy today,” Pandoria commented, looking over at the books.
“Yeah, I got some reading done,” Zeke replied. “Wish the selection here was a bit better, but I survived.”
“You’re so brave,” Pandoria teased. “How did you even manage without me?”
“I can manage perfectly fine without you,” Zeke insisted, a sleepiness to his voice. He paused for a moment as he had another sip of soup. “It’s just life isn’t quite as fun without you around.”
Pandoria blinked as she didn’t expect Zeke to say something like that out of the blue. She was honestly a little flustered, but she managed to find her composure. “Y-yeah, well I’m glad you got some well needed rest.”
“It was difficult with Turters,” Zeke said.
“Really?” Pandoria questioned. “What did he do?”
“I lost him for a bit,” Zeke explained. “I was scrambling the room to find him, but turns out he just got lost in the bedsheets.”
“Wow, so you did manage to have an adventure today,” Pandoria teased again.
“It was no joking matter, Pandy!” Zeke argued. “Turters could have been lost forever!”
Pandoria could hear the deliriousness in Zeke’s voice. To his defense, he had just woken up, but it was also clear the sickness was making him act a bit more loopy than usual.
Pandoria looked down at the bowl of soup. Despite Zeke’s comments about it tasting bland, it did look pretty appetizing.
“Hey, think I could get a sip of that?” Pandoria asked.
“No,” Zeke denied. “If we share food, then you’ll get sick.”
“Prince, I’m a Blade. I can’t get sick,” Pandoria reminded.
“Oh yeah, right,” Zeke remembered. He handed the spoon to Pandoria so she could try some of the soup. She took a scoop and blew on it before tasting it.
“Wow,” she commented, “you’re right, this soup is pretty bland.”
“It’s not that bad though,” Zeke said.
“Yeah, but I’ve definitely had better,” Pandoria responded. “You know what, when you’re feeling better we should get some actual good food.”
“As long as it’s got some spice, I’ll be fine with anything,” Zeke assured.
“Yeah, spicy food, I should have guessed that,” Pandoria said with a sigh. She watched as Zeke continued slowly eating his soup. She was glad that he was eating at least. And despite her initial worries, it seemed that Zeke really did just take it easy all day. Although that also made Pandoria a little bit worried since maybe his sickness actually was worse than she initially thought. In a way, that made more sense than Zeke actually making the conscious choice to relax in bed all day.
Pandoria was interrupted from her thoughts as Zeke handed the bowl of soup to her.
“I’m full,” he said, “you want the rest of it?”
“Oh, uh, sure,” Pandoria replied. She grabbed the bowl and started eating the leftover soup. She hadn’t actually thought about what she was going to do for dinner, so it actually worked out pretty well that Zeke didn’t finish it all.
Pandoria finished the rest of the soup relatively quickly and set the empty bowl down on the end table next to her. “Ok,” she said, “I managed to get enough money to last us about two more nights, so if you need me to stay here tomorrow, I can-” Pandoria was cut off as Zeke abruptly rested his head on her head. Pandoria looked up at him. “Uh, Prince?”
Zeke let out a tired mumble that Pandoria couldn’t quite make out.
“You really are feeling sick, huh?” Pandoria questioned.
“I love you a lot, Pandy,” Zeke said, his voice still sounding just as tired and groggy as before.
Pandoria felt her face turn red. “Wh-what?” she asked. “Where’s this coming from?”
“You’re the best Blade a Driver could ask for,” Zeke continued rambling sleepily. “How did I get so lucky to have you by my side?”
“Hey, we both know you have terrible luck!” Pandoria argued. She then wrapped her arm around Zeke, pulling him in closer. “Obviously I’m the lucky one to have you as my Driver.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty great,” Zeke mumbled. Clearly the sleepiness was settling in again. Zeke closed his eyes and wrapped both arms around Pandoria.
“You wanna go to sleep?” Pandoria asked.
“No, I’m not tired,” Zeke insisted despite his voice indicating the exact opposite.
“Ok fine, we’ll stay up,” Pandoria indulged, although she knew it probably wouldn’t be long until Zeke completely conked out.
“I shouldn’t be cuddling you right now,” Zeke continued mumbling. “You’re gonna get sick.”
“Again, can’t get sick,” Pandoria reminded. “I’m a Blade.”
“Good, because the Zekenator wants cuddles.”
Pandoria chuckled softly. For as crappy as it was that Zeke had gotten sick, Pandoria had to admit that she sort of enjoyed this side of her Prince. He rarely got this cuddly and lovey, but sickness and sleepiness were clearly the key to unlocking this side of him.
“Ok,” Pandoria said, “you’re clearly getting tired. Can we at least lay down instead of sitting up in bed?”
“Ok,” Zeke agreed.
Pandoria began to lay down and get comfortable, although it was difficult as Zeke was still holding onto her.
“Watch out for Turters,” Zeke warned.
“Oh yeah,” Pandoria remembered. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt Turters.”
“Don’t hurt Turters…”
“I just said I wasn’t going to,” Pandoria said.
“Turters is a good turtle,” Zeke kept rambling. “The best turtle.”
“Yes, the best turtle,” Pandoria agreed.
“We love Turters.”
“Yes we do.”
Zeke mumbled something else that Pandoria could only assume was about Turters. He was clearly becoming even more tired as his rambles became more and more nonsensical. As the night went on, Zeke got quieter and quieter until he finally went silent. Pandoria let out a quiet sigh once Zeke was fast asleep.
“Rest well, my Prince,” she whispered. “We’ll get back to adventuring together soon, I promise.”
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xordartonline · 1 year ago
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Moebius, Inc. Episode 1: Pilot
Within the confines of Origin, a select group of humans spared from the horrors of war, but still bound to the cycle attend to Consuls’ every need. To boost their morale (and because the Consuls find it amusing), the Consuls refer to these servants as “interns” and float the prospect of promotion over their heads. This, of course, practically never happens; the servants reach the end of their natural lifespans and are recycled, forever indentured to their Moebius managers. In the history of Aionios, only one intern has been promoted to Consul. This is his story.
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murdermeadow · 4 months ago
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deus-and-the-machina · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Video Game), Xenoblade Chronicles Series (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: A (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)/Rex (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)/Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles), A (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)/Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles) Characters: Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles), A (Xenoblade Chronicles 3), Rex (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) Additional Tags: Guilt, Cuddling & Snuggling, Tenderness, Past Relationship(s), A uses they/it pronouns, Wine, a lot of high entia were flirting with a(lvis) for sure lol Series: Part 2 of Golden Scars Summary:
A had nothing but time nowadays.
“You know, I don’t think I fully comprehended how…boring this would be.” Rex rubbed at his chin.
“It’s been about 40 years.” A offered. “You can always just check Origin’s database for that information.”
 They're still adjusting. It's alright. They'll have plenty more time to adjust
Ough take it. this took so long
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trixiwritesfanfic · 1 year ago
as ever, you can also read this work over on Ao3 if you prefer!
Definitely Over Him
‘How’ve you been, Melia?’ Dunban sat opposite the High Entia Empress, his good hand cradling a mug of softly steaming liquid. The other sat listlessly atop the table. Melia had come to learn that this gesture was one of great trust, for Dunban’s injury often made him feel self-conscious and weak.
‘Busy, as usual. Attempts to rebuild have hit so many more hurdles than I had ever expected. Supplies are scarcer than I would like, and a few of our deliveries from the colonies were intercepted before they arrived. It’s been…’ She trailed off, wrapping one of her delicate silver curls around an index finger. Her friend had expressed several times that he felt useless and lonely since his sister had taken off with Shulk, and she was never truly sure how to navigate conversations like this as a result. ‘Challenging, I suppose. I miss being part of a team of equals, rather than a sole figurehead. The weight of responsibility is unbearable sometimes.’
A twinge of discontent twisted at Dunban’s stomach, though he stifled it down, refusing to let the emotion pollute his expression. He had asked, after all.
‘You ought to find someone to share the burden, you know. I know you had hoped that Shulk might—’ He cut himself off as Melia’s delicate fingers rose in silent protest, inviting her to speak with a quizzical arch of an eyebrow.
‘It was a childlike infatuation, nothing more. I no longer feel those things for Shulk… and I ought not to take on a partner simply for the sake of sharing the stresses of duty.’
‘No new Homs or High Entia catch your eye yet?’ He leaned in and asked the question in a conspiratorial, staged whisper, then stared as the Empress’s delicate features flushed. ‘Oh, so there is someone, then? Tell me about him.’
‘Well… He’s one of the strongest men I know, willing to do anything to protect those he loves. He’s unshakably determined and has the heart of a true hero.’ The wings atop her head had begun to flutter the way they often did when she spoke passionately. The Homs hero smiled gently at the display.
‘You really do think the world of him, don’t you? He’s a lucky man, your majesty.’
‘Oh, Dunban! You mustn’t call me that, please! We’re friends, are we not?’ Melia resisted the desire to touch him, for his left hand was in the process of lowering his mug, while the right still sat, still and loveless, upon the crystalline tabletop.
‘I apologise, Melia. Of course we’re friends. I stand by my assessment, however – it’s a very lucky man who is worthy of your affections. You deserve it, truly. You should tell him.’ He placed his mug down and gingerly stretched out his good hand, closing the distance between them. His fingers barely brushed against Melia’s, the gesture meant more as an encouragement than anything, and then they were being clasped within her small, slender hands.
‘Do you really think so?’
‘Of course. You’re one of the kindest and most dutiful people I know. It would be a dream for most men to have a wife like you.’
Slowly but surely, the fingers that had entrapped his released him, and instead began the process of slowly interlacing with his. Dunban glanced down at the innocent union of flesh, and then back up at Melia.
‘Would it be a dream for you to have a wife like me, Dunban?’ Her voice was honeysuckle at that moment, delicate yet heady. Her vulnerability drew him in, and her fingers ensnared him, gently holding him to her. The hero of Homs swallowed, remembering the Melia whose crush went unspoken and unaddressed, whose feelings for another had never been known, let alone reciprocated. It was a very different Melia who sat before him now, somewhat more mature and risking hurt for greater reward.
‘Well, I’ve never really given much thought to…’ As he spoke, he could see the light in her eyes beginning to dim. Dunban may be many things, but he was not stupid; he paused and gazed at her searchingly. Something glistened deep in those lovely teal eyes, imploring him to understand. His breath felt as though it had caught in his chest as he reached out to her with his injured hand. ‘Am I right in thinking that I am one of the strongest men you know, Melia?’
She nodded, her gaze slipping downwards, following his clothing down to the roughened, scarred back of his hand. One of her own met it, caressing with a remarkable tenderness across the twisted flesh. It was the first time anyone other than his sister had touched him there without him flinching.
‘You flatter me in your assessment,’ he told her, his expression gravely serious. He hadn’t fielded a confession like this for some time – since before the war.
‘Every word is true, Dunban. I was blinded when we met, but I have learned to see. I see a man who cares, who protects, and who loves passionately beneath the tough exterior.’ She felt as though her whole body was about to melt as she praised him. ‘I see… the man I’ve been falling for, for far longer than I knew.’
Silence settled between them, their fingers still intertwined, Dunban’s good hand large and powerful and hesitantly affectionate, the thumb tracing at the back of Melia’s. At his right, she was the stronger, stabilising his trembling fingers. That small intimacy between the pair spoke louder, even, than her impassioned words, support flowing both ways.
Still, the question did need to be addressed eventually, and Dunban was the one who broke the silence at length.
‘You know I am a short-lived species, Melia? If I am lucky, I will live for another fifty years, perhaps a little longer – but you are likely to live for at least two more centuries.’
‘I know. The High Entia lifespan has proved itself more a curse than a blessing for many of my kin, including my dear departed father. Yet, if you would take me, I would endure such trials.’
‘Take you, huh?’ The solemn, mature man Melia was so used to seemed to melt away at that moment, his lips quirking mischievously. Confidence danced in his roguish grey eyes as he stood abruptly and tugged her towards him across the little table. A momentary shock widened her eyes as he pulled her into his lips and kissed her rather hard, and then she had turned to putty, lashes fluttering closed. The pressure of the edge of the table between them grew rapidly more and more frustrating, and before long the Empress broke the extended kiss.
‘We should move elsewhere,’ she murmured breathlessly, vacating her own seat now and moving to take Dunban by the hand. The scars were tough beneath her fingers, but she still smoothed affection across them.
It turned out that “elsewhere” had necessarily meant leaving Alcamoth entirely, for Melia’s advisors continually returned, rapping on the doors with paperwork to sign, various questions and proposals to deliver, and once or twice to remind her of upcoming meetings. Dunban had worn that same mischievous smirk as he pulled her into one of the undamaged Havres and set a course for the picturesque backdrop of Satorl Marsh, and Melia had simply let him.
Now, however, her back was pushed up against one of the silver-barked trees, the bodice of her little white dress torn open to bare her shapely breasts, and her legs wrapped eagerly around Dunban’s waist. The brunet’s face was buried against her neck, a hot mess of lips, tongue, and teeth leaving their marks. Several possessive pink blotches marred her pale skin, forming the beginnings of a collar of bruises. Dunban’s left hand supported her weight, while the right, still trembling and gentle as a whisper, explored the scant space between the two.
‘You’re shaking,’ he noted, finally drawing back to gaze upon her. Stormy eyes flitted up and down her features, taking in the flush, the little crinkle of pleasure at her brow, and the puffy, tender lips he’d kissed almost raw. ‘Do you need me to stop?’
‘N-no, I want… I want to keep going, I just…’
She might be older than him chronologically, Dunban realised, but her mind was still that of a young adult, an inexperienced one at that. He smiled reassuringly at her and pressed her more firmly back into the tree, initiating another kiss. Softer. Sensual rather than demanding. His tongue traced the outline of her lower lip, gently coaxing for access, and when it was granted, his scarred hand slid into her silvery hair. He trailed his tongue about hers, teaching it to dance in kind, and massaged his fingers soothingly along her scalp.
For several minutes, there was comparative silence as the pair simply drank in the taste of one another; at some point, Melia’s arms twined about his shoulders, drawing him closer, and the pressure of Dunban’s body against hers intensified. Warmth pooled between them, comfortable at first, and then slowly less so.
‘Dunban,’ she whispered in the briefest pause of their lips. ‘I feel…’
‘How did you know?’
‘Because you are soaking, Melia.’ He loosened his right hand from her hair and slid it between them, his fingers sliding slickly across the fabric of her underwear. An airy gasp trailed into the air between them, laced with the same soft glow as the air around them.
‘I didn’t know that the High Entia could breathe ether,’ he teased her gently, hitching her higher once more. The bark scraped at the back of her dress and tugged dully at her back, a little pinch of pain in her pleasure, and Melia whimpered needily. ‘Oh?’ He repeated the motion, feeling her weight, the blistering heat that radiated from her sex, and sure enough, the gentle rasp of bark against her back tugged out another frazzled whine. ‘All right, hold on, my pretty little nebula, we’ll get you nice and full…’
It was rather a fumble with his bad hand, loosening his trousers, but with a few moments of patience and several more kisses, he freed himself. Relief, although only momentary, as his arousal hit the air, and then he had ripped a hole in Melia’s underclothes to align their bodies.
Her fingers grasped more tensely at his shoulders, nails digging into flesh, as she felt something rather wide and rounded press at her entrance.
‘Please,’ she gasped, her breath still forming those sparkling, ethereal mists with every frantic exhalation.
Dunban groaned against her ear as he pushed into the velvety heat of her sex, forcing himself to ease in gently despite the desperate desire to hilt himself immediately within that addictive embrace. Her body felt endlessly tight, his cock stretching her virgin walls until she felt as though she might split.
‘Fuck… Melia, are you—’
‘Nhh- keep going, Dunban, I want…’ He pulled back, feeling the soft ridges of her insides smothering along the throbbing vein in his length, scarcely able to breathe for the overwhelming sensation, and then slowly but surely pushed his way back in. There was something intrinsically satisfying about the moment their hips touched and his entire length was buried within her; he could feel the glans of his cock pressing gently against her deepest boundaries and feel her every squirm as she tried to egg him on.
‘More? Faster?’
‘As you wish!’ His hips withdrew far more quickly this time, then pistoned forwards once more; the swift impact was punctuated by the slap of skin against skin, and the arching sounds of their mingled ecstasy. In the absence of pain, and the presence of pleasure, Dunban repeated those actions, the throbbing pillar of flesh disappearing and reappearing rhythmically between Melia’s thighs. He groaned as he watched the motion once more, withdrawing to see the sheen of her lust on his cock, and pushing back inside to the sound of a lewd, wet squish.
‘Oh- oh gods, Dunban…!’
‘That-that’s right, Melia, let it go…’
His right hand pressed between her thighs, smothering her clit as best he could with the calloused pads of his fingers. He could feel her wrapping ever tighter around him as he pushed her up to the edge, and he wanted nothing more than for her to topple right off it. He lurched forwards once more, wrapping his lips about an earlobe, and frantically nibbled and suckled there, battering his hips against hers.
Melia’s voice pitched upwards, and her eyes rolled back in her head as the pleasure finally peaked, sending her muscles into endless erratic contractions and her mind floating into oblivion. There was nothing coherent in that cry; it would have been profoundly satisfying if Dunban hadn’t been viciously chasing his own climax, repeated, animalistic grunts accompanying the sudden amp in pace.
He felt the pressure building, throbbing intensely between his thighs, and then, with no warning, it erupted outwards. Generous ropes of his seed plastered his lover’s walls, and she could feel him twitching and pulsing as he filled her. The warmth of it, the feeling of fullness, and the very real danger that accompanied both were almost enough to set Melia right back off again.
‘Dunban,’ she gasped at last, tracing the fingers of one hand through his dark brown hair. Sweat slicked his brow and clung to his body, and his eyes were insensible with after-sex haze. He slowly slid to the ground, still holding her tightly to him, and pressed a kiss to her temple.
‘Give me a few minutes, and I’ll lick you clean, my little nebula. Stop any awkward questions when you get home.’
‘You want to… lick me?’
‘I want to do quite a bit more than that, but it’ll do for a start.’
‘You Homs are so strange,’ Melia giggled, pressing a kiss to his jaw even as he wrapped his arms around her, trapping her atop him so he could gaze up into her eyes, the same gorgeous hue as the sparkling air around them.
‘That we are, love.’
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ravioxhilda · 2 years ago
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I’m so pleased to be able to finally announce that the first chapter of my epilogue fanfiction for Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is now available to read! This was a commission I received from a friend that I’ve been working on since November and I’m finally able to show you all! It will be updated every Monday and hopefully with a new piece of fanart to accompany it made by yours truly. Today’s piece is for Chapter 1 (not the preface, the actual Chapter 1) and I hope that you enjoy!
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renegadebraveheart · 2 years ago
Gonna try to get some attention on my crossover fanfic series again!
Danganronpa: Fictional Nexus - Monokuma hosts yet another killing game, this time with 17 individuals from other worlds! How original. Taking place in Monocity, The City That Never Sleeps... Without One Eye Open. Other Danganronpa characters shall eventually enter the fray to stop the spread of despair across the fictional multiverse. Ai Mizuno from Zombie Land Saga is our protagonist.
Danganronpa: Fictional Guardians - Multiple refugees from other worlds are pulled into an adventure filled with hope, despair, and newfound friendships. Battling Monokumas across a variety of locations across the multiverse, this group they form must find a way to shut them down for good. If only it were that easy...
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Danganronpa: Fictional Epicenter - The sequel to Danganronpa: Fictional Nexus has begun! 18 participants in a killing game within a strange college campus! Join Yuugo Hachiken, Sayori, Dimitri, Saki Nikaido and others as they brave through Dean Monokuma’s halls of learning & despair! Must read Fictional Nexus beforehand. Currently on hiatus.
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Side note: I am not really a master writer (or graphic designer based on the images I made here), but I hope y’all enjoy if you read them.
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kadoodles-on-ao3 · 2 years ago
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Hi there Xenoblade 1 fans!!! Happy anniversary!!! :)
Do you wish Meyneth got to talk to and interact with the party members more than she did in canon?
Did you already really enjoy Shulk's character arc but are also interested in seeing a slightly different take, where I get to write him suffering from even more extreme emotional anguish?
Do you like character studies and fics that expand upon the source material's lore and themes?
Well I'm currently writing an angsty longfic about just that!!
( If you're a fan of Egil and/or Vanea, you can consider the prologue to be its own oneshot about them as well! :D )
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eienias20 · 2 years ago
Remember Xenoblade Chronicles Mira?
Published December 7th, 2019 with the last uploaded chapter being 40 on December 21st, 2020. it's been over two years since I update it and yeah i'm super mad at myself for that
Recently i've read a really long and really good fanfic. add my feelings on XC3 to the mix and i've finally pushed myself to try and write more for my Xenoblade Chronicles X AU
to answer why the long hiatus for those who want to know. i do this a lot when i write a long story. i get really into it, i write like 75% of the story, update regularly. then it slows down and stops.
at first it was just a break, then it kept going and i couldn't find the drive. i did try in 2022 to write chapter 41 and it was awful. i tried to reread the last few chapters but i couldn't get back into the mindset
so i'm trying something new. i'm rewriting the entire fic. how? well i have the story open in one window and a blank doc on another. i transcribe the old version, changing some sentence structures, actions and whatnot. scenes are reworked and even new scenes are added. its a big ol update to the whole fic.
currently i have rewritten 7 of 40 chapters and i say its going pretty well. once i've rewritten and edited them i post them on my discord. anyone want to join the discord and get a sneak peek, i'll get a link to you.
the goal right now is to rewrite part 1 (21 chapters that cover 4 years on Earth and 2 aboard the White Whale) then once that's done, i will update the fic on archiveofourown with the new chapters, then the same with part 2, then what i wrote of part 3 and the hope is that this will spur me beyond 40 and push me to the conclusion cause i really do wanna finish this fic.
AO3 link to the current version of Xenoblade Chronicles Mira
All this is just to say for anyone who still remembers or is still curious after 2 years. i'm working on it for real and i really do want to complete it.
For those who don't know, XCM is my own version of Xenoblade Chronicles X most of the main cast is in it, i've got quite a lot of OCs. The two main protags are Elma of course and my girl, Jaynix.
The fic is divided into 3 parts.
Part 1 covers two timelines, 2050 - 2054 (ends when humanity leaves Earth, the Exodus) and 2054 - 2056 (ends when the white whale crashes on Mira)
Part 2 covers two timelines 2056 (the first two months before the game would begin, ending with Elma in Starfall Basin) and a certain set of events in 2060 (3 and a half years after the end of XCX itself)
Part 3 has one single timeline continuing right after part 2 and is the final part
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