Xenoblade, Monster Hunter, and other hyper fixations
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gexfan32 · 3 hours ago
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Kingdom Hearts Dark Road - Vor Cosplay
Ooops, TOTALLY forgot to post my Vor cosplay on here!
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gexfan32 · 9 hours ago
don’t trust him he left aqua in the realm of darkness for 10 years
bro I swear guys this mouse is asking me for a cookie
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gexfan32 · 22 hours ago
if you like a female character from a popular thing there are two types of fans you can run into online. hating her (because of sexism) and liking her Wrong (also because of sexism)
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gexfan32 · 23 hours ago
strel’s expression in the last panel (this must be so uncomfortable for her, I mean far as she knows Ven killed her)
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KH got me into final fantasy initially, and I got into some aus recently. I love the idea of Zack being in KH4 and hope he would have some fondness for a flower related key blade wielder that also encountered Ventus for better or for worse.
I just think they would be funny friends. Please give Zack more friends, he deserves a buddy.
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gexfan32 · 1 day ago
Don’t get attached
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*holds the new classmate* I love them.
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gexfan32 · 1 day ago
just an absolute mutual jumpscare for both of them.
Litzy is, of course getting the hell out of there bc she is 12 and fucking terrified and just saw her murderer again, but Ven is also having a full on mental breakdown as he remembers what happened and Chirithy tries (unsuccessfully) to mediate and only angers Ven, which in turn freaks Strel out more, until Ven gets a hold of himself and calls Lauriam.
I had this stupid idea where Strelitzia actually gets found by Ventus in traverse town instead, leading them to both kinda freak out, at leas initially. Ven has a full on panic attack, while Strel just quickly turns around and runs away quietly.
YES. I think it'd be FASCINATING if Ven was the first person to run into Strelitzia (aside from Sora). There are a lot of interesting ways for that scene to go, depending on how much each of them remembers/knows about the situation.
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gexfan32 · 2 days ago
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*holds them*
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gexfan32 · 2 days ago
make that character aroace. NOW!
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gexfan32 · 2 days ago
Art Request: Either
Strelitzia as a mermaid.
Strelitzia drying off in a large mound of towels, while borrowing Elrena’s Gummi phone to play games on.
(the only reason Sora found Atlantica fun at all was him already being a good swimmer even without fins)
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Went with Merlitzia… thought it’d be fun. Anatomy is a bit off but I liked this
Art requests open!!!
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gexfan32 · 3 days ago
yeah that sounds about right.
N's theme song
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gexfan32 · 3 days ago
really really cute.
Believe it or not it’s actually Elrena’s idea to go there to take up a day when Lauriam is busy explaining UX to yen sid
Art Request: Either
Strelitzia as a mermaid.
Strelitzia drying off in a large mound of towels, while borrowing Elrena’s Gummi phone to play games on.
(the only reason Sora found Atlantica fun at all was him already being a good swimmer even without fins)
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Went with Merlitzia… thought it’d be fun. Anatomy is a bit off but I liked this
Art requests open!!!
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gexfan32 · 3 days ago
she’s gonna try her best
(and lose in round two bc Olette can actually be terrifying with a struggle bat)
Art request: Strelitzia geared up for a struggle tournament
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She has no idea what she's doing and i love her so much
Art requests open!!!
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gexfan32 · 3 days ago
holy shit valstrax guy switched to lance for wilds.
Jk I know it ain’t him
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Starting to be inspired by monster hunter wilds
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gexfan32 · 3 days ago
Strel: Oh, hi, Sora told me about you, wait, you’re Roxas, right? Apparently there’s another guy who looks like you.
Ventus crumples to the floor screaming in a full blown panic attack while Strelitzia is just standing there very awkwardly.
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gexfan32 · 3 days ago
not a kh fan or a pokemon fan where did the character kidnapping come from. it's fascinating to observe but i'd like to know why
okay so basically, theres a kingdom hearts mobile game called kingdom hearts union cross (khux for short) thats fully lore relevant (now out of service as of 2021) that featured a very very loved character named brain (yes thats actually his name). He looks like this:
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at the end of that game he woke up in a new place we had yet to see and thats pretty much where it left off.
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In 2022, they announced a new mobile game, called missing link. he showed up in the trailer for it, lots of kh mobile game fans were very excited.
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the thing is. we were told the game was releasing last year. we had a closed beta for it early last year and then... nothing. no news. not even an announcement that its been delayed or anything. this particular corner of the fandom has been slowly going more and more insane these past three years. people have been starving for any kingdom hearts news at all for the past three years and brain fans especially seem to have been going insane.
this is a fandom who go completely off the wall bonkers with no news. 'stairposting' was a thing after khux dried up, where everyone talked about their favourite step in a. random flight of stairs in an area of khux. i am not joking. 'stairposting' is a whole-ass tag filled with khux posts almost exclusively, i just grabbed a couple but theres a lot if you search it
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(first post) (second post)
lots of jokes recently about how hes trapped on the balcony he was seen on in the trailer this past week. ive seen 'roofposting' and 'balconyposting' for a while.
enter the new pokemon legends ZA trailer. we got footage of the game for the first time on thursday, as well as getting to see what the protags look like.
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this is the male protag.
all of the missing link fandom has decided this is brain now, that hes finally free from his balcony and decided to fuck off to pokemon france since his game is never coming out.
people were making posts about him being trapped on the balcony THAT MORNING before the announcement, even. and you know what the kicker is?
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they put this fucker on a balcony.
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gexfan32 · 3 days ago
that’s cool I would read that
you know what, you did reblog that post about fanfics you daydream about so:📓
a chat fic that's the iris network with dumb usernames and sena pointss out how nia and mio look similar and nia swears so much its like I'm playing xenoblade 2 again
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gexfan32 · 4 days ago
That’s an interesting concept, maybe we could actually see that, maybe on its way to Quadratum the data strelly merges with the real ones heart. They’re essentially the same, just the real deal actually remembers dying.
unsolicited so anonymous, but I imagine that there was sort of a union between the data and real versions of Strel because of both the data version and because the Spectre that Mar uses resembles the Guardian that Ansem uses
I could see the two potentially ending up fused! Which could potentially be interesting to explore, depending on the different things each of them experienced.
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