#xavi are you DOING OKAY? are you SLEEPING WELL?
finally some representation for the kind of questions EYE would ask if i were a journalist
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pablitogavii · 4 months
Please new story 🙏🏻
Ojos de su papá
For those that loved dad!Gavi <3
You've had one of the most trying days at the clinic where you work as a doctor so you couldn't wait to get home to get some rest.
The moment you entered the house, you heard Matteo's loud cries and your head started pouding immediately. Looking at your watch, you knew it was his bottle time.
Pablo was in the living room with the little boy in his arms trying to pack for his evening training while telling him how "mami will be home soon" which you found so adorable.
"Aii que pasa precioso mio? Papi forgot your bottle?" you say walking to them but Pablo showed you three different bottles on the table that he tried to use to feed the little boy.
"He only let's you do it, amor..he loves you more" Pablo said while pouting and you giggled shaking your head and taking the little boy in your arms as he started to calm down.
"It's normal Pablito..he's used to me breastfeeding him but he loves you just as much. He's a mini version of his papi, right Matteo?" you say and Pablo looks at the little boy in your arms immediately opening his mouth as you brought one of the bottles to his lips.
"Go get ready for training while I feed him cariño" you say but Pablo noticed the way your temples were scrunched and he wanted to know what made you feel bad.
"Amor, if you're tired I can just cancel training and then double up tomorrow..or after the game?" he said touching your hand and you smiled that he was always so careful and gentle with you. always makes you his priority.
"It's okay, mi amor te lo juro. I just had a long day but me and Matteo will eat something and get some sleep, right precioso mio?" you said kissing the little boys forehead while he sucked diligently on the bottle.
"Tan bien. I will be right back, just to grab my shoes" Pablo said leaving to the closet as you sat down letting your muscles relax while looking at the little hungry boy in your arms.
His big brown eyes are looking at you softly while he sucked on the bottle that it made your heart melt. Those same eyes that Pablo had when he looked at you with love for the very first time now has your son..and it was a beautiful feeling.
"Mis ojitos morenos lindos..tienes ojos de su papá mi amor.." you said gently to your son not knowing that Pablo was there listening and blushing profusely.
Ever since you had a baby, everyone said he was a mini version of Pablo and it made your husband both timid and proud. Having a son with a woman he loves so much and hearing her call their shared eyes beautiful made his whole body shiver.
"Bien. Pablo you will be late if you don't leave now!" you finished feeding Matteo and reminded your husband who was lost in thoughts walking towards you on the couch and laying his own head on the free spot on your lap.
"Amor, pero I want to stay with the two of you tonight.." Pablo said giving you his infamous puppy dog eyes that Matteo will surely learn to use later on you as well.
"Stop using your eyes to get everything you want Pablo!' you said softening when his eyes became bigger as the pout found itsway to his face.
"But you let Matteo do it!" Pablo was complains like a baby and you giggled looking at your son which has an identical look on his face. Damn it the two of them and their pretty eyes!
"But he's a baby Pablo" you say and Pablo nuzzled his face into your neck.
"Well, aren't I still your baby amor?" he asked and you sighed knowing where this is going.
"Si, you're both my babies" you answered and he smiled looking up at you again this time pecking your lips gently.
"And you said we have the same eyes, no?" he added making you smiled and nod your head.
"Then we can both use them to make you say si, amor" he giggled leaning in closer to Matteo so both of them could look at you with their same dark brown eyes.
"Bueno..si! But..make sure to tell Xavi you were not feeling well, bueno?" you say and Pablo cheered kissing your lips while Matteo giggled making you both smile. He was happy his papi is staying tonight too.
"Te lo prometo!" he said kissing your lips before sitting up and pulling you in his arms while Matteo started napping in yours.
"He might have mis ojos, amor..but he has your cute little nose" Pablo said making you blush and look at the perfect little boy sleeping in your arms.
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
Just Pretend (Gavi x reader)
Part 10
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Epilogue
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Word Count: 21.5K (Fun Fact: If you have read all of JP, that's 159 pages single space of reading.)
A/N: Here it is. The finale of my heartfelt daydream, laid bare for you all to see. I hope you've enjoyed the ride: the road ends here.
GIF: @gavidaily (i've been waiting since part 1 to use this mf gif)
Previously on Just Pretend
"Scrubs? You look too young to be a doctor." "You don't look old enough to be let into the club, but everyone is full of surprises."
"You're late. It's 6:45." "Good morning to you too, Gavira."
Gavi found himself glancing at your ass as you leaned over, before swiftly looking away. He did not like you. He had a baseline of respect for you as a young successful professional. Nothing else.
"Are we not friends, y/n?"
"I'm not sure, Gavi. We could be if you stopped hating me."
"I don't hate you. I think."
Gavi stopped thinking. He acted on impulse only. He tugged the wrist that was in his hand, pulling you in. Your head met with his hard chest, and you felt one arm circle your shoulder. You remained like this for a long moment: up against Gavi, his arm pressing you into his chest, his shirt soaking up the wetness on your cheeks.
"'m sorry. I won't let him talk to you that way anymore."
"It's okay, Pablo. I can take care of myself." A tear finally rolled down your cheek.
"I know you can, Doctora. I know you could take on the world if you wanted to. But you shouldn't have to. You deserve to be loved and spoiled. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
"You saved me Pablo." You whispered out against him, needing to tell him someway, somehow, how much you appreciated him.
"Anyone would have interfered, doctora." He whispered back, being bold and caressing the skin of your arm that he encased with his.
"Not just today. In general. Since I met you, Pablo, you've made my life better. I just wanted to let you know. Good night."
"Because from the moment I laid eyes on you, I felt like I knew you. I don't know if I saw you on the street or in a dream, but a part of my brain recognized you, and since then I've been in pain. Pain that you can't even help me with. Nobody can. It's so hard to watch everyone take advantage of you all the fucking time. It tears me apart constantly. But it let me get closer to you. You let me get closer. And I tried so hard to keep it at bay, to be the friend that you need."
"My heart, doctora. When I give it to you, please keep it. Forever."
"Miss y/l/n, due to the... historic lack of women in the club, we do not have internal policies regarding relationships between players and employees. We just use the ones that La Liga as a whole have put in place. Those are quite forgiving, in my opinion. You can enter a romantic workplace relationship as long as it is appropriately disclosed, and you cannot be terminated as a result of that relationship ending. I saw the photo of you being pulled onto the field during the final of the Supercopa. Do you mean to tell me it was not with romantic intent?"
You had never experienced more severe whiplash in your life. First, you had been reprimanded for being too close to Pablo, for showing what Xavi classified as 'favoritism', as it hurt the team dynamic. Then you had been ridiculed by staff and players for allegedly sleeping with Pablo, and had been told you could be fire for doing so even if it was a bold faced lie. And now, months later, you were being told that it was not only okay for you to be in a relationship with Pablo, but you literally couldn't lose your job if you did? Someone in the family must have been praying for you. Or for Pablo. Was Pedri religious?
"Dr. Gonzalez, I think there has been some sort of misunderstanding. Gavi and I are just friends. Not even - we're just coworkers that get along well! There was no romance happening anywhere on the field."
And it was true. Well, sort of. You couldn't speak for Gavi's intention, but you would bet that he hadn't meant to do anything that could be perceived as romantic. Not only was he incredibly shy when it came to anything to do with his private life, but moreover, you had started to toy with the idea that maybe you were wrong about Pablo. Maybe you had misread the signs. Maybe Pedri's stylist, who you now also so lovingly referred to as naranja, had only fed into your delusions instead of delivering the hard truth to you.
"He's in love with you, stupid."
That's exactly what she had said to you when you answered the question 'so are you close to Pedri?', stating that the things Pablo did for you were far from the actions of a friend. And she was right. Friends didn't need to be physically touching in order to have a peaceful night of sleep. Friends don't feel the need to always be near the other, unable to focus if one wasn't near. Friends certainly didn't imagine each other in compromising situations: shirtless, panting, trying so hard to control his throbbing- no. Friends certainly didn't imagine such scenes. Most of all, friends didn't find themselves in these intimate moments, the air thick with anticipation, where lips were centimeters from meeting, and seconds away from saying something that would change the dynamic forever. Well, at least that's what you thought. Maybe Naranja would be your friend long enough to see if these were truly just normal hallmarks of friendship (although Pedri might be a tad upset if the two of you started sleeping together). You're glad she offered her cellphone number to you.
But this was not the only opinion that was presented to you. You had been sitting on your couch one night, a rare evening when Gavi had promised to accompany Ansu to one hangout or another, his absence felt greatly. It had been weeks since you had a moment that wasn't filled by Pablo's voice, his laughter, his breathing as you completed an assignment while he scrolled through TikTok. There was an eerie silence to the house now, and you needed something to take your thoughts off of your maladaptive daydreams of Pablo laying on your couch, looking up at you through long lashes with a tender gaze. It was almost as if you could run your hands through his messed up brown locks, watching his eyes close as you massaged his scalp, feeling him lean more into your touch.That's all you wanted. Not even for Pablo to come to you with a grand confession of love, but just to be with him with no boundaries, no fear, no awkwardness. Just love and safety and the freedom to exist as you were. Together.
But there was no idle chatter or TikTok sounds to fill the silence, and so you had to do so yourself. You made yourself a delectable cup of tea, favorite mug warming your palm as you tried to balance your plate of snacks in the other. The camp nutritionists had been testing recipes all week, and had sent you home with some of the best food you had ever had, including a tupperware of cookies that could give those little Nestle birds a run for their money. Comfortable on the couch in that same black hoodie with the embroidered '6', you qued, rather ironically, He's Just Not That Into You (a great romcom, but not for people doubting if they're deserving of being loved). Your phone had lit up with a familiar name that you hadn't seen in months now.
"Angelika! How are you? How was fashion week? I saw the collection on Instagram. It looked stunning!"
Since her announcement about moving to Paris, you hadn't heard a peep from your 'best friend'. A mutual friend you ran into at the market had told you her move had been delayed until after the collection had shown at fashion week since the creative director had surprisingly quit, so everything was on ice until he was replaced. You had seen her collection on Diet Prada, not questioning why you hadn't seen the posts that she had made celebrating her work.
"Oh it was fabulous, and Alessandro just got replaced so Paris must be coming soon. I would have invited you, but I only got 6 invitations, and you're always so busy. Didn't want to have an empty seat."
She knew she had made a mistake when she saw your face on the screen drop. You had been the main supporter of Ang's career since you met her, and yet she didn't even bother sending you an invitation or seeing if you might be able to attend.
"Anyway, how have you been? What's new with you?"
You spoke briefly about school and work, before taking a deep breath and opening up the gnarly can of worms that was you and Gavi's current situation. You had no other people with enough context or who you felt comfortable enough with to reveal all your thoughts on the matter. All your hopes and dreams that he would sweep you off your feet. All your insecurities and fears that you had created something unhealthy, something that would dissolve into worse than nothing. No matter how you spun it, it was nice to have a friend, even if you had to ignore that you were walking a mile to see an inch in return.
Angelika listened rather silently to the entire series of events, asking one or two clarifying questions, but for the most part allowing you to monologue. When you finished speaking, you sighed rather dreamily and fell back into your couch, pulling your (Gavi's) hoodie closer around you. Sometime you forgot how much he had bulked up, until you were drowning in the shirts he had donated to you. Maybe there was something there. Now that Dr. G had confessed he thought you two were already in a relationship, the only missing piece was Pablo. You had tried to hint to him that, if he felt even the slightest affection towards you, he should go for it. Make the shot. The goal was empty - hell, the goalie would even guide the ball in for him. Had you been too subtle with your affections? Or had he purposefully ignored the brush of your lips on his throat in order to preserve your pride?
“Don’t you think you’re being a little bit delusional?”
Angelika’s statement was like a splash of ice water on your warm and fuzzy form. You looked at the FaceTime call like the woman on the screen in front of you had grown horns from her head.
“I’m … what?”
“Delusional. I mean it seems like you’re reading too much into his actions. So he what? Used you as his driver and let you keep a hoodie he got from the staff for free? Nothing super special.”
“But… but it wasn’t just that. He-“ She hadn’t even let you finish your sentence, not so subtly rolling her eyes, like she was so utterly bored with your story.
“Yeah, yeah, he punched your ex boyfriend who cheated on you. But I mean, cmon, you like, refused to fuck him. This is the second guy to cheat on you. Maybe it’s you, ha. And Gavi is literally just a raging teenager who has been looking to hit someone. I don’t think you should fly into your princess fantasies because he he finally lost his shit. And now you’re sleeping next to him every night and he’s waiting for you to give him some pussy. Better melt up quick, ice princess, before he gets tired of waiting.”
There it was again. The nausea. The head pounding. The vision blurring and room spinning. The sinking feeling that you were being betrayed by someone you had let in again. If you squinted your eyes a little, she might have even slightly resembled Martin.
“You… think he’s only being nice to me so that I’ll sleep with him?” You asked, voice soft and slow to hide the shake desperately wanting to emerge.
“Oh, absolutely. It’s not like there’s much else there. Now you look upset, but don’t be. I’m just telling you the truth so you don’t get hurt.”
“No, you’re just being a bitch.”
Your response seemed to have caught the both of you off guard. Your face had gone red with frustration, hands trembling with rage that you were desperately trying to quell. What a funny thing, rage. Feminine rage to be exact. The rage of men is common place in society - sort of like bullets. Everyone has heard a gunshot or seen what a bullet can do, in their personal life or on a screen. Male rage and fury is a normal part of life that everyone expects and respects. People bite their tongues hard enough to draw blood before they dare lash out at a man, fearful of sharp words and blunt fists. But feminine rage wasn’t a real threat. Oh no, it was more of a concept. A black and red Pinterest aesthetic in red and black, with pinups and devil horns and swirling script. It was only a danger to the self; a threat of implosion with no shrapnel to hit anyone else. A star dying, a mind shattering, as entertainment to those around. There was never an expectation for her to lash out and defend herself against those who poked at her until she bled. But should a cornered lioness cower in fear rather than attacking?
“What… what the hell is wrong with you?”
“No, what the hell is wrong with you, Angelika? All I’ve done since the day I met you is try and be there for you. All I’ve done is support you through everything - relationships, family drama, you’re entire fucking career! You had professors tell you that you would be a generic designer for H&M, and I was there for you. I was the only person with you at three in the fucking morning telling you that you could do better, that you could be amazing. I was a pincushion, a mannequin, a personal chauffeur to the fabric store. And I didn’t ever do these things because I wanted something in return. I genuinely cared about you and just wanted to see my closest friend succeed! But you couldn’t even pretend to care about this obviously one-sided relationship. All I ever was to you was a person to use when you needed and thrown away when you didn’t. I was preparing for my dream interview, my biggest career goal since I was a fucking child, and not only did you ‘forget’ to give me one word of encouragement, you asked me to be your fucking ride home! And you know what? I made my peace with it. I came to terms with the fact that you thought I was incompetent at my job because everyone seems to think I’m a physio ditz. But for you to call me the nickname people called me in college to objectify me, and then say all I’m worthy of is sex?!”
Angelika was now teary eyed and red in the face. She was shaking her head, unable to respond, acting like the spitting image of a deer caught in the headlights. She was now stumbling over her words, unable to string a complete sentence together.
“That’s … thats not true I didn’t say that.”
“No, that’s exactly what you just said. Don’t be a liar on top of being a shit person. You just said it was my fault I got cheated on by my last two partners. And now I’ve still decided to give you the benefit of the doubt after you straight up admitted to me that you didn’t think of me as one of the top six people in your happy moments. I’ve poured my heart out to you and you don’t even have the decency to lie! You either said that to purposefully hurt me, or you never cared enough to listen when I spoke. Either way, you’re just the last in a long line of people who I have let walk all over me.”
Your expression was steeled and icy. You hadn’t even raised your voice once during the entire exchange, remaining calm and level headed despite the deep cuts you had made in Angelika’s self-confidence. Your lips were downturned and brows knitted together, looking at her with all the loathing she had caused you to feel for yourself. It was hard to be alone, but it was better than being surrounded with people who convinced you that you would never be enough if you didn’t fit their mold. The girl on the other side of the FaceTime call was clearly experiencing every stage of grief all at once, unsure how to respond. She had gotten through the denial, and was knee-deep in the anger. But anger did not spark eloquence, sparking the simple response of,
“Fuck you. You can go to hell.”
And you could swear you saw genuine fear in her eyes as a bright, beaming smile spread across your face. Maybe you had never seen love, but you had seen friendship. You had seen that there were people ready to carry your entire world on their shoulders. And no matter how slowly, you were working to believe that you could be loved, even by yourself. The rage had evaporated and recrystallized as content. So you smiled sickeningly sweetly at Angelika, and gave her a heartfelt response.
“I’ll see you there, darling.”
Pressing the bright red button to end the call was one of the most satisfying things you had ever done in your life. The headache and nausea and ‘I want to die’ feeling that you usually had after a confrontation was nowhere to be found. Quite the opposite, actually. It was like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Your entire chest felt like it had more room for air. Was this what every day was like for people without anxiety? How glorious. Pressing play on Gennifer Goodwyne’s best work, you made a mental note to speak to a therapist the following morning. This felt amazing. You were genuinely smiling at… what exactly? The loss of a friend? No, no - liberation from someone’s foot on your neck. What new and exciting things could you do with this new found freedom, this fresh lease on life? Naturally, you did your favorite activity: picking up the phone and texting Gavi.
Gone were the days of Pablo wracking his brain for any excuse to email, text, or call you. It was almost funny how much he had to talk himself up, looking at his reflection and reiterating how much of a 'cool, suave guy' he was before typing out a very intelligent and eloquent 'hi'. Watching a series that he had no interest in initially just to have something to talk to you about that wasn't one of his leg muscles (no interest initially - now he was patiently waiting 4-6 weeks for his neon sign in the shape of the House Stark sigil). Now it was you who couldn't leave Gavi alone, using your messages to him as a pseudo journal, spewing your entire stream of consciousness into little blue bubbles.
[You]: PABLO
Locking your phone and resting it on your chest, you refocused on the chick flick illuminating the darkness of your living room, the device vibrating against you less than 30 seconds later. As much as you would like to pretend it was surprising to receive a response so quickly, this was the normal routine the two of you had created. One needed merely call out, and the other would come running.
[Pablito]: whoever u killed they better be small
[Pablito]: bcs pedri doesnt have a lot of space fr bodies in his car
There it was again: the giggling, the lip bite, the stupid half smile that made you look less like Cindy Crawford and more like the Grinch after Christmas was destroyed. But it was the natural way your body reacted to Pablo - like a schoolgirl with a crush on a boyband member in a brightly-colored magazine. Lord, how were you supposed to be normal around him? Oh how wonderful it would be to have even one inkling that Pablo reacted this way when he heard from you. But in your head, he was still Pablo Gavi with capital letters, who was standing ever so coolly with a beer in hand as he laughed with his other hot rich young athlete friends. You could never picture him as he truly was, shy and puppy-like, beer not even touched as he held his phone in one hand and twirling his hoodie string in the other. He bit down on his lip as well, eyebrows together as he waited for a response. Despite the relationship that had grown for the last six months, he still held his breath slightly when he saw the three little 'typing' dots float on his screen.
[Doctora]: i don't think i can convey the full force over text
[Doctora]: i can come over and explain it to you in person tho
"Guys, I think I need to leave." Pablo said abruptly, looking up at the group of boys, causing a record-scratch moment that abruptly ended the conversation. The heated conversation over whether the Drake curse was real had screeched to a halt, and now all four of the young Barca players were staring in disbelief.
"You haven't even been here for an hour. Where the hell could you need to be right now?" It was Alejandro who spoke up, the only one of the four who was not acutely aware of the fact that Gavi was borderline prepared to give up his entire career for you. He only had a mild inkling.
"Um... one of my friends is coming to my house and I'm going to meet them.''
"Who? We know all your friends. Who is coming over?" Ale asked, draping an arm over fellow La Masia baby Ansu, who smirked at the Sevillano as well.
"Yes, Pablito. Who is it? Ilias?" Ansu asked, obviously enjoying the bright red that seeped into Gavi's face.
"Or maybe Alvaro?" Ale seemed to be enjoying this too much, smiling brightly as Pedri tried to sip his beer without suffocating due to laughter.
"If it's one of the boys, then maybe we should come with you! Beers from the convenience store are cheaper anyways."
Pablo was sweating bullets. How could he say that he wanted to run home to hear what might possibly be the most mundane story about keeping houseplants alive?
"No, no it's... someone from back home. You guys wouldn't know her-HIM! You wouldn't know him." That may have been the worst save Pablo had ever made in his life, including the time his friends made his 5'0 self play keeper in a pick up match. Pedri finally lost the battle and spit out his beer, laughing loudly with the rest of the boys.
"Bro, why can't you just admit your massive crush on the doctor already. It's honestly getting a little tiring at this point. You've been in love with her for like three months now-" Ansu started, moving towards Gavi and clapping him on the shoulder before being interrupted by Pedri, who corrected,
"More like six months actually."
"Ah! There is no way!" Now Pablo was being ping-ponged between his two school friends, trying to keep himself from imploding from embarrassment.
"Why haven't you told her yet? Seriously now." Ale asked, pulling up a chair for himself and Pablo, the group sitting back down, conversation topic having changed into something juicier.
"You forget that he like stopped hating her and then she directly got a boyfriend, right?" Pedri said, signalling for another round of stellas to be brought over to the table.
"I don't think we should order another round. I was going to-" Pablo started, trying to nervously get up. Would he be able to find a taxi? Or should he just order an Uber? Neither possibility was explored as Pedri stuck his arm out and pushed him back into his seat, where he was now firmly locked in.
"Spill your guts. The quicker you talk, the quicker you can tell her to come over. I'll drive you home."
"Should you really be driving if you're going to be drinking?" Pablo asked cautiously as the four beers were placed on the table.
"oh, no, I'm done for the night. Two are for Ale and Ansu, and the other two are for you. For, ya know, confidence."
[Pablito]: u wnna met me at my hosue in an hours
The six minute pause between the 'Read' notification and the response from Pablo had worried you slightly. It was just enough time for the anxiety to seep into your bones. Did he find your desire to see him overwhelming and (God-forbid) clingy? Was he showing the message to Pedri & Co., laughing at your desperation? The misspelling made you even more worried. The spiral of thoughts was taking a sharp turn in the downwards direction. Was he even looking at his phone while typing? You didn't want to be a burden to him during one of the rare nights he could enjoy himself.
[Doctora]: are you sure? i don't have to come over if you're busy
"See now she doesn't want to come." Pablo said, now two beers deep with one more to go so that Pedri would let him leave.
"You're so stupid, Pablo. She wants you to want her to come over." Ansu said frustratedly. Pablo was trying to say as quickly as possible in between gulps what was stopping him from confessing his feelings to you. It had gone along the lines of,
"Well, first I thought I hated her, then I realized I was attracted to her as soon as she got an awful boyfriend, then we became like friends, I guess? Then I just kind of never wanted to ever be away from her. I had a hard time picturing a future that she wasn't a part of. Like, it started to make me have this weird aching feeling in my chest. And now I want to tell her all of this but she like, sees me as a friend and has had a shit time with her male friends and I don't want to permanently traumatize someone I love."
There was definitely more beer spit into the air and on the floor than there was in anyone's mouth.
"What did you just say?!" His too schoolmates echoed loudly, while Pedri just stared at him in a shocked state.
Pablo's brain was swimming in beer bubbles, unable to connect any dots and make intelligent, let alone sit and explain the process and intricacies of figuring out that he was, in fact, in love with you. So he ignored the question, asking rather for advice as to how he could get you to come over to his house.
"I don't think she needs that much convincing, seeing as you guys literally sleep beside each other for the majority of the week."
"Pedri, please. Enough details. You're just going to sit here and casually tell us the doctor has been in Pablito's bed repeatedly and he has yet to ask her on a date? I might collapse if I hear another shocking piece of information." Ale exclaimed, one hand over his heart as he leaned over, Ansu above him in what appeared to be genuine distress for his cardiac health.
"Pablo," Pedri started, sitting up in his seat and placing his elbows on his shoulders, obviously meaning business. "Now it's time to exercise that one petite little romantic muscle in your body."
"Isn't every muscle in his body petite?" Ansu braced himself for the punch in the arm that he received, but it was softer than previous attacks. Maybe the alcohol was really hitting him.
"Does it bother you that she asked to come over?"
"No!" Pablo responded quicker than his teammates thought possible. "I always want her to come over. She doesn't even need to ask. I would give her a key to the place if she wanted. Hell, I would sign the house over in her name. Do you think I could ask her to move in with me as friends?" His foggy brain registered the laughter, but didn't quite understand it. He would love for you to be in his house, walking through the door with you every evening, eating on the couch, fighting over the comforter and cuddling in the cold.
"See now that's... kind of a lot for a girl who doesn't know you have feelings for her. Which is a whole separate issue of oblivion that we can address later. Let's edit it down. Hand me your phone."
[Pablito]: never too busy for you. see you in an hour ;)
You stared at the wink on your screen with wide eyes. Had Pablo's phone been hacked? He had sent emojis before, but usually when he was making a cheesy joke or mocking someone else. This was ... well you actually couldn't say. Calling this behavior 'weird' would really make everything you two did, like cuddling and sleeping over and trauma-dumping, seem 'weird' as well. The only time he had ever been so outwardly flirty with you was when...
[Doctora]: Pablo are you drunk?
[Doctora]: I'm coming over to kick ur ass
"I think I got you in trouble." Pedri said, sheepishly handing back the device. Pablo groaned, starting to feel the effects of the alcohol more strongly, head spinning and stomach churning at the thought of getting scolded by you. But something in him also burned at the idea of you getting worried about him when you weren't being paid for it.
"Alright boys, let's head out so Romeo can get back to the castle on time." Pedri ushered the three tipsy boys to the car, Ansu and Ale hunched over and giggling in the back, and Pablo slumped with a cheek pressed up against the passenger window.
"Wait! I just thought of something really important!" Ale practically yelled, leaning against the car in front of his place, Ansu waiting by the door to be let in for their own sleepover and gossip session (which may become a breakfast and gossip session given their current state).
"If the doctor tries to kiss him, will Pablo have to get on his tiptoes?"
The uproar of laughter was so loud it could be categorized as a public disturbance. Ale stood, mind foggy but genuine, watching Pedri clutch both the steering wheel and his ribs. Ansu was worse for wear, falling to his knees and gripping the sidewalk for dear life, all while Pablo gripped his head in pain and embarrassment.
"Ale, please, please open the door. I'm going to piss myself laughing from the mental image. Please, Ale."
"I'm actually taller than she is, just for everyone's information." The rebuttal was coupled with crossed arms and a pout.
"With or without shoes?" Ale's follow-up question set off another round of rambunctious laughter. Pablo was now properly tipsy and overly sensitive, and was ready to go home. Ale finally let go of the coop, preventing Ansu's public urination, and Pedri could finally make his way to Pablo's place. The green vehicle pulled into the driveway, and you followed just minutes later.
"Pedri, I'm worried."
The Canarian stared at the boy beside him. That's still what Pablo was. At his young age, he was bearing the back-breaking pressure of being the best right out of the gate, and soul-crushing weight of being in love. It was more than Pedri knew himself and many of his friends able to withstand. And though he understood the sentiment clearly, he asked anyways.
"What're you worried about?"
Pablo was many thing when he had a few drinks. He was noticeably louder, more vibrant and talkative. His usual shy self loosened up, and he was much more vulnerable. He did whatever he felt like: danced, flirted with women, made bets - anything he could imagine that would make him feel alive before the liquid courage wore off and he was back to silencing the bickering voices in his head.
"I'm worried that I'm going to say something stupid and scare her off."
"Ignore what people say online, hermano. You're not actually that scary." The giggle in return allowed Pedri to breathe a little easier. He tried to push away the twinge of guilt that reminded him he had been the one to pressure Pablo to drink, and he had been the one shoving this relationship forward at a faster pace than the participants may have liked.
"No I mean... even if the 1 in a million occurs and she gives me a chance, what if I come on too strong and kill it instantly? Can you come with me?" The request and the puppy-dog look both worked to catch Pedri off guard.
"Come with you to hang out with your girl?"
"You don't have to sit with us. You can fire up the PS5 and do whatever you want. But I won't tell her I want to grow old with her like the couple in The Notebook if you're in the house."
"You want to live out the plot of The Notebook with the doctora?"
"How did you know that?" Pablo asked with wide eyes, fully convinced that the older had read his mind.
"You just told me! How much alcohol did you actually have?" Pedri was now concerned. Could he not count? Pablo had only had three beers. He didn't remember him being such a lightweight, but it probably would explain a lot.
"Ugh, see! Pedri please, I need you. Just come with me!"
Before Pedri could protest again, a small knock was heard on Pablo's window, causing both the Barca boys to jump slightly.
"Ugh, fine. But only because your gameshock controller has never been thrown into a wall."
As the two stepped out of the car, your nose was instantly assaulted with the scent of alcohol and smoke. Pablo looked at you with a red face and slightly unfocused eyes.
"Doctora! Hey!" As he moved in to give you a hug, you stepped back from him, covering your nose with the sleeve of your (Gavi's) hoodie. You looked harshly at the boys, glare flipping between the two boys.
"I can't believe you asked me to come here while you're wasted. And you! What the hell do you think you're doing driving drunk?" You yelled, and Pedri ran forward to prevent the neighbors from hearing your misconception.
"I'm not drunk! I had one beer and waited more than an hour before driving. Pablo had three beers. We smell like shit because a waitress spilled a tray full of shots at the table. Let's continue arguing inside."
You looked at them skeptically, trying to find a smidge of deceit in either of their faces. Pablo approached you and draped an arm around your shoulder. Pressed up against you, it seemed like the smell of liquor dissipated, replaced by the last traces of his cologne and his own signature scent. Leaning down slightly, his lips brushed against the shell of your ear, sending shockwaves throughout your nervous system.
"Come on, Doctora. You know I'd never lie to you. Come inside now. I need to get in the shower."
Speechless and wide-eyed, you were helpless to do anything but nod your head and be lead back inside the house that you had come to know so well.
"I'm going to get in the shower. I think it will help me sober up a bit. And help me stop smelling like Kettle One."
"Don't seem so disappointed, Doctora. I'll only be gone for five minutes. You can wait for me on the balcony; you won't even miss me. Or if you really can't be without me for a single moment, I have a very large shower."
You had stared at Gavi in shock for the umpteenth time that evening, unable to process how he was being so... unadulterated with you. It reminded you of that very first night in the club, when he had stared you up and down and commended Angel on his ability to pick girls.
"Wait you have a balcony?"
That's what lead to your current situation: sitting with your knees pressed to your chest, breathing in the early April Catalan air, and staring at the beautiful view from the window. The street was illuminated in a soft yellow glow, people roaming with hands held and laughs exchanged. The moon was full, shining its beauty down onto the street, painting everything a soft silver color that contrasted with the hazes of gold. It was one of those moments you wish you could trap between plates of glass and visit at a moment's notice. One of those moments that reminded you how far you had come. That dream, that life you had worked, cried, and prayed for - you were in it right now.
The glass door slid open behind you, ending the trance as Pablo stepped out with more blankets over one arm and two mugs in hand. You took them from him, hands warmed as he draped a blue and red blanket (his favorite, unbeknownst to you) around your shoulders. He wrapped himself in a pale yellow one and took his seat next to you, legs also by his chest as he retrieved his steaming mug. Taking a sip, the thick liquid coated your tongue, sweet and rich and reminiscent of childhood.
"So you can't even boil an egg correctly, but you know how to make perfect Chocolate Caliente while tipsy? How does that make any sense?"
Turning to you, he took a pause. The wind gently pushed your hair back, allowing the moonlight to fully illuminate your eyes, and his already hazy mind struggled not to just let himself drown in them. He was beginning to sober up, but it was nowhere near how he wanted to be in your presence.
"It was my favorite breakfast as a kid. My dad used to take Aurora and I to have them for breakfast on the weekends. When I came to Barcelona, I didn't really have anyone to take care of me like that anymore, so I learned to make it myself." Pablo hadn't meant for this to be a sad story, but apparently his tone came across as such, demonstrated by your scooching over to him and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. No matter the cause, he accepted the invitation to lean against you, sharing your body warmth.
"Must've been hard for you, moving here alone." Your voice was far off, as if spoken to a different person and in a different time. Flashes played in your mind of teary goodbyes and security gates, only one of your parents caring enough to drive you to the airport.
"You know what it's like," Pablo responded. "You did the same thing." He wanted to life his head and look at you, but you move first, resting your temple against his, slotting perfectly together like a teacup that had found its saucer.
"Yeah but I was 18. You were what? 11?" Your voice is still heavy with a burden that Pablo can't understand. His parents had gone with him when he first moved - and you knew that. They had only gone back to Sevilla when Gavi, shy and petite little thing that he was (and remains) told them he was fine to stay in the dorm. He had made friends quick and been praised for his football skills quicker. His parents were only two hours away, and visited semi-frequently. Life at La Masia had been Disney Channel-esque. So why did you speak about it with the same somber tone as old war stories?
"I hate that you say 'I was 18' like it was a thousand years ago, Doctora."
Pablo could feel your cheeks form a wide smile, and wrapped an arm loosely around your waist as you leaned deeper into his orbit. Of all the times the two of you had been cuddly, this was quickly becoming his favorite. Because he wasn't holding you like a secret, in the dark of night when all you wanted to do was pass out. He could see you, here in his arms of your own free will, not running away, but rather leaning in. He got to sweep the hair from your eyes, and if he focused hard enough, the dull beat of your helping the tension dissipate from his bones.
It was moments like these when Pablo knew that he was wholly and completely in love. His heart didn't race around you anymore. It wa quite the opposite now: only when he was around you could his heart beat like it was intended. It felt full. Otherwise he was walking around with this tugging in his chest, begging him to drop everything and run to wherever you were. And once he arrived, he would tear the beating organ from his chest for you upon request. It was your property, anyways.
"But I was 18 like a century ago. I'm old and withered now Pablo. What you're doing now is taking care of the elderly."
His laugh in response made him fall forward, burying his head in your lap as you blushed profusely, laughter light and breathy as to not draw attention (or get him to move). His face pressed against one of your thighs, giggling a bit too hard at a very generic joke without a singular care in the world. He leans back slightly and places a kiss to your thigh, so quick and delicate you almost missed it.
"I'll always take care of you, Doctora. As long as you let me."
You couldn't bring yourself to speak at that moment, opting to instead bring a hand up to play with his hair. Gently, you wove your fingers through the locks, softly scratching at his head like the sleepy puppy he resembled in that moment.
Several minutes of comfortable silence elapsed before he spoke again.
"Remember the first time we met?"
"Vividly." The response came quickly and honestly from you, and you were banking on Pablo's slightly incapacitated state to prevent him mocking you. But it was one of those moments seared into your memory. The lights, the sweat, the deep urge to pull Pablo against you and kiss him until that perfect pout disappeared.
"You didn't think I was 18 then. It was a hard blow to my ego. I didn't want a pretty girl to think of me as a child. But now, I'm glad we met when we did."
Soft music floated in the air towards the balcony, the performers a few streets over finishing off the night with something soft and romantic to tug on the heartstrings of passing couples in hope of separating them from some Euros. Gavi lifted his head, body following shortly as he stood. He held out a hand to help you to your feet as well. "Come and dance with me." Rising, Pablo never released your hand from his, pulling you in as close as possible, keeping you pressed to him with one arm. He began swaying and you followed his lead, now your turn to rest your head on his shoulder and simply enjoy the euphoria of being in his arms. His breath was next to your ear, raising the flesh on your neck with every exhale, before finally saying,
"Because in the future when we're real senior citizens, I get to tell people I've known you my entire adult life."
You faltered slightly, stopping Gavi in his tracks as he met your eyes. God, those eyes. If only you knew the power they had over a certain Sevillano.
"You think I'll still be around when you're an old man?" You asked, trying to stay light and airy and nonchalant as your heart hammered against the confines of your ribcage.
"Of course, Doctora. Where else would you be other than beside me?"
This was it. This was the moment. You were dancing on his balcony in his hoodie as he told you that he never wanted you to leave his side. This was the time to agree, to jump and have those strong arms catch you as you said those three words that could show you the gates of heaven or the depths of hell. You traced shaking fingers down one of his biceps, eyes meeting as with ragged breath you began.
The response was the sound of the glass door being shoved open, causing the two of you to jump a foot apart. Pedri stood there, cheeks flushed like when Xavi played him all 120 minutes.
"Pablito!! You had a case of beer in the fridge to reward me for being the DD!" This man was on another planet, bringing you back down to earth.
"You should get him to bed. I need to get going anyways."
"No!" The protest was louder than anticipated, startling both you and Pedri, who had gotten bored of playing sober FIFA and may have over-indulged when Pablo's balcony date with you entered its second hour.
"I mean, I'll get him to bed. You haven't told me your story yet. I would hate for you to leave without finishing the reason why you came. Wait for me on the couch, I'll be five minutes."
There was a pause, almost a reluctance from you to break the strong eye contact. He knew that there was something else you wanted to say. There was always something left unsaid between the two of you. He watched your form disappear down the stairs as he guided Pedri to his room (he didn't want his soon-arriving sister to sleep on dirty sheets). "You have the worst timing imaginable, hermano." Pablo muttered out, blood boiling at how the evening had gone from 200 back down to zero in a matter of seconds. When did he even put a case of beer in the fridge? Neither of you were drinkers. His fridge was always stocked with every delight and craving you had mentioned in passing.
"You told me to make sure you didn't say anything stupid." Pedri responded, making Gavi squint at him in suspicion. He must have not as been as out of it as he let on.
"Yeah but I think she- nevermind. Go to sleep."
"Calm down Pablito. It's not like I interrupted your first kiss."
Forcing himself to take a deep, self-soothing breath, Pablo turned from his inebriated friend and shut the door.
Making your way to the living room, you once again filled your senses with the boyish football decor of the living room. Checking to make sure he wasn't coming down the stairs, you sped over to the front door. The pictures on the wall remained as they were previously: childhood, family, football. Your heart sank slightly at the thought of your Christmas present sitting ripped and crumpled at the bottom of his club-issued backpack. You turned back into the living room, making your way to the couch.
Flopping on the soft material, you kicked your feet up on the table, glancing over to look at his obnoxiously large Barca book. And there, sitting on top of it, was a simple black frame, slightly dented in one corner like it had been dropped. The frame held the two of you, angry and standoffish and forever frozen in that moment before the floodgates had been irreversibly opened. He had framed it. Pablo Gavi, the busiest boy in football right now, had decided you were worth the frame and the position front and center on his favorite book.
"So, what was so groundbreaking you needed to see my reaction in person?" His question snapped you out of your trance, and you sprung up from your place on the sofa, needing to get the photo out of your field of vision for your own sanity. Making a B-line to the fridge, the cold was inviting to your flushed face. Fruit, bread, cheese, cold cuts - no Spanish boys here. Just the comfort of food.
"Do you want a sandwich?"
"There's no way you said that to her! Who are you and what have you done with the Doctora I know?" Despite his reprimand, the beautiful boy before you joined in the fits of giggles that had taken over you. Having deprived yourself of a decent meal for the last week due to work (they had finally handed over all of Antonio's medical notes and they were in shambles), you fixed yourself and Pablo the most impressive sandwich you had ever conjured in your adult life. After filling his arms with every possible accompaniment, he plopped himself beside you on the couch, crossing his legs so his knee rested against yours. Before he got comfortable, he jumped up, stating he had forgotten something.
"I got these for you." The jar he placed on the table was filled with green liquid, and as you leaned in closer to inspect the label, your eyes lit up.
"You... bought me a jar of pickles?"
"Yeah. Remember one time you said you liked them so I got these. They look like the same jar." That's when you let yourself burst into tears.
The hour following had been you and Pablo in various states: his arm around you as you cried into his shoulder about how shit the people in your life had been, then hunched over plates stuffing your faces and joking around, and finally the current one of eating pickles and chips and whatever else was on the table as you recounted your demonic phone call.
"I did but like I've wanted to say it to her for months now! You don't understand, Pablo, because you're friends with the amazing, caring, thoughtful being that is me." More giggles as he shoved a pillow into you, smile so bright it could light up the entire first floor. He was never afraid to be like this around you: silly and playful and just comfortable.
"La la Doctora, ladies shouldn't use such foul language." It was your turn to shove his shoulder, probably causing you more damage than him due to the rock-solid muscle.
"Thanks papa, appreciate the advice. But like seriously, she asked me to drive her to Madrid one weekend - as in like Madrid five hours away - to go to a specific store. You know what she bought there? Buttons. 10 hours of my life and a hell of a lot of gas so she could get buttons! And it's not like I expected anything in return-"
"No of course not. It's just when you do nice things for people and are kind to them, you want them to act the same. Treat others how you want to be treated." Pablo bit his tongue there, scared he would sound immature or stupid. You were several years his senior in age and education, and the last thing he wanted was for you to water-down your feelings because you thought he wouldn't understand.
"Right?! See, you get it! And I just, ugh, I feel kinda bad because like she didn't really do anything directly. Like yeah her show and stuff but there wasn't really a moment or like a fallout." You moved towards Pablo, leaning on his shoulder as the moment took a more serious turn.
"But that's the whole point isn't it? That she didn't do anything, she was just kind of there and reaping all the benefits of friendship with no effort. And-"
"Doctora, can I interrupt you for a minute?" You felt Pablo's shoulder dip slightly, and disappointed as you were, took the sign to lift your head.
"Sorry I didn't mean to take over your personal sp-"
"Ay shut up about my personal space. I'd handcuff you to me if I had the chance." He quickly looked away from you, processing his comment after he had said it. Nice one Gavito - real friendly. He moved some of the cushions to the end of the couch by the arm rest, kicking off the more decorative ones and leaning down. Honey eyes looked at you between thick lashes, and patted the narrow sliver of space beside him. Rolling his eyes at the confused raising of your brow, he verbalized his request.
"Come lay next to me while you rant."
Oh. Oh. Had he ever asked you outright to cuddle with him? The first time, you had been the instigator. You had taken that leap off the bridge - no, the cliff - and yet there he had been, warm and welcoming, catching you with grace. Ever since then, there had really been no words. Talking about his desires and feelings didn't come naturally to Pablo, and so he steered clear of them all together. It was always something unspoken: he would be at your apartment and just follow you down the hall when you declared it to be bedtime. Or when you had spent too much time at the Gavira house watching reruns of the same telenovela, and Gavi just switched the TV off and guided you up the stairs. No matter the location it was always the same. Him on the right side, you on the left, but both magnetically drawn to the center and one another. You slotted into his side, head on his heart, and stabilized by his embrace. Sometimes he wore a shirt - most times he didn't. He hugged you a little closer whenever you were in his clothing, trying to dispense his scent onto it anew and make sure you would think of him whenever there was a breeze. But there were never words. Only feelings and longing gazes and that same settled silence.
"You want me to?"
"Why would I ask if I didn't want you to? Last time you fell asleep on my shoulder you almost broke your neck. Now if you fall asleep you will only be semi-sore in the morning. I mean you don't have to if you-"
"No. I mean yes. I mean no I don't not want to do that."
"Is your Spanish getting worse or did that make no sense?"
You sighed in defeat, laying beside Pablo on the couch, sinking into the fabric and into him. One of his arms was acting as your pillow, and his hand made its way upwards to softly play with your hair, an instant soother. Body turning inwards toward him, your arms were up and palms gently pressed to his chest.
"Am I too close?" You asked, Pablo's previous comment about wanting to be physically attached to you seemed to have evaporated from your mind. His second arm fell around your waist, pulling you closer in. Your thigh was now pressed between his legs, and you both seemed to hold your breath for a moment. The alarms went off in his brain while his eyes held yours. He just stared at you. That's all he ever really wanted to do nowadays. He unfroze and shook his head before prompting you to continue your story.
"Oh, right - where was I?"
"She never put any effort into the relationship."
"Oh, right." You sat up to grab one of the blankets, draping the warmth on the tangled mess of limbs, and laying back down. It was not lost on you that Pablo, despite all the jokes, had listened intently to every word you had said. Nothing Pablo did, from the way he shifted his misaligned hips to his soft breathing to the way his fingers traced shapes in your side, was ever lost on you.
"So..." and on continued your rant for about an hour. It was a different kind of catharsis to speak about your pain and receive empathy in response. To be told that the feelings poisoning your spirit were ones that had been planted and could be weeded out. It was a relief that also brought about a tiredness, where once your emotions were freed, your eyelids grew substantially heavier. But the fingers remained soothing against your hair, twisting and smoothing the locks. He pushed a few stray pieces from your face, smiling at the sleepy state on your face.
"Excited for this last month of the season?" The short international break had allowed for the season to be neatly wrapped up by the first week of May, with the Champions League final and awards ceremonies following directly after.
"Mhm," you hummed back, eyes now fully closed and cheek pressed against Pablo's warm skin. "But it's not really a month for me. It's more like a week left of the season. Copa Del Rey in three days, then you score a screamer in the net at home to win La Liga three days later. Once the season is decided, I'm back at school for practical exams." The vibration in his chest reverberated throughout your entire being, and your semi-sleeping form nuzzled deeper into Pablo, which neither of you thought possible. Fingers tightened around the semi-exposed skin of your waist, and he felt a sensation akin to weilding fire at will. Knowing full well the flames could engulf him in a torturous inferno, but oh how beautiful to hold and let dance at the tips of his fingers.
"So we have two more matches with you?"
"Three if you choke again and let the other borderline relegation team score three goals." He tugged lightly at your hair as a reprimand, your smile spreading against his neck.
"I wasn't even on the field for the full 90 minutes last game. Don't worry, we're bringing home both trophies this week. And you're getting that screamer of a goal. Make sure to record it so I can gloat forever." A gentle nod and a hum, but the sleep was slowly seeping into your senses.
"So after that, what? What's next?"
"Well you already know that Xavi offered me a permanent position for when I graduate next year. So I'm at the club on automatic placement renewal. He he I was the first one in my class to get it."
"Of course you were, Doctora. You're the best there is." Warm cheeks yet again. Pablo must think you're a natural furnace, not realizing that his sticky sweet compliments were always triggering the "Heart Overheating" alarms in your mind.
"You think too highly of me. I'll see you when you come back for preseason medicals and training. They might let me run it this year. Oh, and at the Bondor. I'll be there, too."
"At the what?"
"The Bondor." You repeated, unaware of how much you were mumbling as you drifted in and out of consciousness.
"Slow down for me, Doctora. One word at a time. Where will I see you?"
"Ballon. D'or." You repeated for the third time as slowly as possible. It was too hard to stay awake now, and let yourself slip fully into the depth of relaxation, tangled in a web of warm Pablo, basking in this moment where you could just rest contently.
Pablo on the other hand was now on high alert. There had been a lot of commotion in the club when the nominations were announced. Pedri had pulled up the livestream on the projector, the entire squad waiting with baited breath for the categories of interest. There mutters all around about how the whole ceremony was a scam and had royally screwed over Robert, but who was going to turn down the honor? You had seen the stampede (led of course by Luca, who was always at the head of any effort to get out of doing his job) and followed quickly, afraid someone else had passed out. The players had been pushing themselves to stay miles above Madrid in the league, and it was taking a real toll. You looked up at the ceiling as you speed-walked, praying that everyone (especially Dembele) was okay. You would really like a calm week.
"Now, the nominees for the Kopa Trophy, awarded to the best player under 21 years of age..."
Ansu caught your eye as you entered and waived you over, instructing you to sit with him and the other young Barca boys. Gavi had been given a seat in the middle, the throne of the meeting room, as the murmurs circulated once again. You hadn't been aware that Pablo was a contender for this award - not surprised, but your schedule didn't allow you to keep on on Twitter as you once had. You wrung your fingers, heart hammering as the presenter spoke with that slow TV drawl that made everyone want to commit arson.
"Jude Bellingham, Jamal Musiala, Bukayo Saka, Eduardo Camavinga, Gavi-"
You were sure there were other nominees, but the shouts of joy and thunderous claps on Gavi's shoulders prevented any more information from entering your ears. The coaching staff and older players commended him on the achievement, and you had to wait until the room was essentially cleared to stick out your hand and offer a congratulatory message.
"Are we doing handshakes now?" He asked, eyes flitting between you and Pedri's gossip circle occupying the far corner.
"It feels more professional. This is a professional achievement after all."
""I haven't achieved anything yet." He said shaking your hand firmly and lingering much longer than was appropriate for the workplace (and 'friends').
"What are you talking about? You've been nominated! That's huge in itself given that a lot of your teammates also qualify for that award."
"Yeah but Pedri snatched it last year. They won't hand it over to the same club two years in a row."
"Doesn't Messi have like 27 Ballon D'ors in a row?"
"Please don't use Leo as an example. I am just a regular human being." As the two of you made your way into the hall, out of the line of sight of Pedri's tea spilling team, the laughter and teasing died down. You turned to Pablo, bringing one hand to rest on his arm, smoothing the fabric of his training jacket with your fingers as you looked up at him.
"You're a brilliant player, Pablo. One of the best this club has ever seen. You are incredible and have the brightest future ahead of you, and I just hope I get to be a part of it. That award it yours - I can feel it. But even if it isn't, don't sell yourself short. You amaze me every day."
This was the best news since his promotion to the first team. He had been pushing the Paris trip to the far recesses of his brain, a bout of nausea and anxiety striking him every time he conjured the thought of walking down that carpet or speaking on stage. But now you were going to be there. You would see him in the finest suit D&G would lend him, hair perfectly gelled down (he would need a trim). And he let himself ever so briefly entertain the fantasy of you watching him win. Of the announcer calling out his name, the crowd rising to their feet in deafening applause as he accepted the trophy from Pedri. He would look out into the crowd and see you there, sending a wink your way before thanking everyone who helped him achieve this, especially the medical staff. He drifted off to sleep replaying this scenario in his head, a trophy in one arm and the girl of his dreams in the other.
Pedri woke up with a minor headache in the morning, sunlight pouring through the large windows directly into his eyes. He would be buying Pablo some blackout curtains for Christmas. Descending from his place, he walked across it: a real sight to behold. You and Gavi were tangled together on the couch, legs an absolute mess with the blanket pooled around them. Your head was on his chest, face nuzzled upward into his neck. Your hands were fisting his shirt, as if afraid someone would rip him from your clutches. Pablo wasn't much better. He had his arms wrapped around you, one on the back of your head and one around your waist. He had managed to pull you on top of him in the night, his back flat on the sofa and your weight pooled on his chest and bringing him tranquility. His lips rested against your forehead, his face perfectly positioned with yours. He held you tight against him, and your unconscious form rose and fell with each of his deep and even breaths. Despite his best efforts, Pedri couldn't stop himself from snapping a picture of the moment. Thank God his ringer was always off. He did have enough self restraint to prevent him from sharing the photo with his group chat with Ansu, Ale, Eric, and surprisingly Robert (he just likes to be included). The name had changed numerous times in the last several months, and was now simply called "friendship" my ass for obvious reasons. He knew this would be a picture Pablo and you would look back on fondly when one was finally courageous enough to just let go. But until then, it sat safely in his hidden folder, and he tiptoed out the door, sparing one last look at the pair of you, sleeping more deeply than well-fed toddlers. The tension in Pablo's face was gone. Pedri hoped it would stay that way.
"And we are just minutes from kicking off what could be the league-winning match for Barcelona here in Spotify Camp Nou! Set to be an exciting game against Atletico Madrid, and the crowd is absolutely on fire."
"Just as well, Peter. I mean Barcelona have the ability to make this an incredible three trophy season right here today. They're coming off a massive win against Sevilla in the Copa Del Rey final, at home for what could be the league winner, and the performances we're going to see today are going to be full energy full power now that the Ballon D'Or nominee list has been announced."
"That's right we have Robert Lewandowski shortlisted for the titular award after two incredible seasons at Bayern Munich. We also have Pedri potentially passing the 'Golden Boy' torch onto his fellow midfielder Gavi, who has had an absolutely stellar season."
"Who can forget about that performance in the Supercopa, Peter. Three goal contributions in a Classico no less, the likes of which we haven't seen since Leo Messi stepped up to the plate, and we all know how that played out. He's really been putting in amazing performances week after week, and the most surprising thing is the level of health Barca have been able to maintain. For a team riddled with injuries all of last season, it is a miracle turnaround. Kick off right here after the break."
The tunnel was always busy right before kick off, but today it was quadruple-fold. You weren't sure if Barca was just extra confident in a victory today, but the media passes had tripled, and everyone was eager to get candids of the young blaugrana boys. You were pushing through people's shoulders, 'excuse-me' shifting very quickly into 'get out of the way' as you made your way to the players line up to adjust resistance tape and back braces. You were in the official physio uniform today, Nike jacket hugging your skin and tucked neatly into your trousers. The entire staff had been gifted with a new pair of cleats with the date on one side and a number of their choice on the other.
"I'm assuming 6 for you?" You had been caught off guard by the assumption from the brand rep.
"Why would you assume that? Have other players been telling you things about me?" You must have looked genuinely afraid and shocked, as the rep raised his hands in innocence, face going pale.
"No no no. I have absolutely no idea who you are. You have a 6 on your hoodie, so I thought you would want something to match."
It was discreet, a small black number on the back of your heel, and yet it was the only thing that Gavi could see as you worked to adjust Frenkie's shoulder. Did all of you have numbers? Were they in order, yours just happening to fall in the 6th position? Were there even 6 people on the physio team? His eyes stayed on your shoes until they were in front of his. He looked up to meet you raised brow.
"Why are you staring? Your shoes are nicer than mine."
Turning around, he let you test his hip alignment as he allowed himself to speak away the nerves buzzing throughout his system.
"Think we're going to win?"
"I always think you're going to win. I'm just waiting for that incredible goal you promised last week."
"What, the three goal contributions in the Supercopa weren't enough for you? You have high standards, Doctora."
"Of course. That was back in January. It's April now, Pablo. I want you to make my last game good." As you released him from your grip, he turned to face you, putting both hands on your shoulders. A few players turned their heads, but only for a cursory glance.
"If I score today, you let me pick you up as a celebration."
"Are you allowed to do that?"
"Who's going to stop me?"
"One of your fangirls might dive onto the field and tackle me."
"I have faith in you, Doctora. You seem like a fast runner."
"Always nice to have your unwavering support. Deal. Better be a good goal."
"A screamer."
You moved onto Pedri, who was next in the numerical line up, and his eyebrows did all the talking for him. You muttered a quick 'good luck' before continuing your duties in the remaining minutes before they walked out for the match.
"What a friendly little deal you've made, hermano." He leaned over and said, but the players began walking before Pablo could respond. Post -anthem, you took your place on the sidelines, jittery from the electric energy ricocheting around the stadium. No Joao for Gavi to shove around, but Griezmann was going to be a problem. The first half was rough and fast-paced, but remained scoreless. As the players came off for half time, you were instructed to help out the ones with high muscle tension. Passing Pablo, you placed a hand on his shoulder and spoke into his ear, quick and soft: "Looks like I'm staying seated all game."
Pablo turned just in time to watch you scamper off, a smirk on his lips. Pablo loved a challenge, and it was all the better to have it come from you. He had a couple opportunities during the first half, but he was scared of getting fouled too early on. Now was the time were he was able to push, with the anxiety from the beginning of the game shaken off. He tuned back into Xavi's pep talk and instructions for the second half, lips still upturned.
The media was always puffing up players, but it was true that Pedri was a magician with the ball. There was something captivating about the way he calmly danced between players, maneuvering skillfully. A pass to Araujo, then back to him. The roar of the crowd was dulled by the thrum of your heart and the snapping as you bit at your nails in anticipation. The boys had been pressing hard, and a score seemed eminent. Pedri lifted his head, looking for his striker. Lewa was locked up on the right. It seemed the moment to move back, alleviate the press and recalculate. But then a flash of blue and red streaked across his vision and his foot reacted faster than his brain. Minute 85, a scoreless game, and a ball crossed high and fast towards the menace that was Gavi. His foot connected in the far left corner of the box and there it went, screaming past the goalie's fingertips before nestling in the top corner of the net.
An explosion. You were the slowest person to react, slack jawed as the other physios shoved and shook you in celebration. Hands coming to his chest, he gripped the crest like it was a crown jewel, looking right as you as he brought it to his lips, kissing it with a force and passion that had flowed in him since he was 11 years old. He ran towards you, teammates following swiftly, and suddenly there were arms around your thighs as he lifted you. He bounced you in the air as his teammates clapped him on the shoulders, congratulating him and showering him with the well-deserved praise. You looked down, hands rested on Pablo's shoulders. His gaze was locked with yours. you wanted to tease him or commend him but there were no words. He released you, pointing at ou before taking his position.
They lifted the trophy shortly after, the players looking like children as they danced and sang in a circle. The players all took their turns squeezing the living daylights out of you.
"Doctora!" It was Dembele who called out to you, waving you over. Under the watchful eyes of his coaches, Gavi was more careful not to get too close to you (even though he had just Lion-King lifted you during the game).
"Come take a picture with all your patients and their trophy!" The request was made with laughs all around as you stood behind the trophy, Ousmane on one arm and Pedri on the other. Balde and Ansu got into the photo as well, arms all around each other.
"Gavi! Get in here! You're the one with the most clinic hours." Ousmane called out to him as well. He blushed as he walked (waddled) over, stopping to pick up the trophy and dropping it into your hands.
"This is your achievement too, Doctora. You should be proud." Pedri shoved him in beside you, claiming it helped 'balance the photo'. The flash went off twice. Once with Pablo paying attention to the camera, smiling brightly having just won MOTM in their league decider. The second was almost identical, but his head was turned to you. The smile was softer, the eyes kinder. He looked at you like the ultimate prize. As he said his goodbyes to you, promising not to miss you too much in the month you would be seperated, he realized one thing: he was going to need more frames.
@gaviraconcubine: ok i thot it was stupid but maybe gavi is actually w his physio???? just look at them
1,272 Likes 677 Retweets 385 Replies
@blaugranaboy: if you FEMALES knew anything, you would know barca has had shit physios and is always getting injured. since she came on staff they staying healthy. i would pick her ass up to
@barbiebalde: @blaugranaboy *too. Sexist AND bad english? pick a struggle
@88rizzing: ok but theres also pics of her out with pedri at a prada store so idk anymore???????
@gavitaylorsversion: her instagram is private :( can someone drop clearer pictures of her
You had been through some difficult situations in the last ten months, but these practical exams were the biggest challenge you had faced in your existence. 8am to 8pm lectures for two weeks, followed by a week straight of performing concussion protocols, lifting stiff boards, and demonstrating a whopping 6 different types of sutures had finally come to an end. It was May 5th, the final day of your exams, and three days before your flight to Paris for the ceremony. Your phone had been discarded for practically the entirety of the month, logged out of all social media and having your focus set to only let through emergency calls (and, of course, texts from Pablo). They had been less frequent given his understanding of your schedule.
[Pablito]: i know you have stitches today. Good luck <3
[Pablito]: Kounde asked about you today. He hasn't realized you've been missing the last two weeks. He really isn't on this planet
[Pablito]: the finale of our show came on last night. I recorded it so we can watch it together after your exams.
And now the most recent one had come through:
[Pablito]: Congrats on surviving the epic battle of your practical exams. I sent you dinner. Have a great night!
The doorbell rang in some scary accurate timing, and you graciously accepted the package from the delivery driver. Sitting on your couch to watch any comedic show that would help you decompress. The bag was huge, and seemingly filled to the brim with containers. Pasta, pizza, two types of bread, fried chicken, and three slices of cake (chocolate, cheesecake, and tres leches). There was also a bottle of sugar-free soda, for balance apparently. As you picked up your phone to ask Pablo if you were meant to feed the whole building, another text popped up on your screen.
[Santa Naranja]: Hi! I'm not sure if you remember me, but I'm the stylist who worked with Pedro for his Prada shoot? I got this number from him. You should yell at him for giving out your number so easily.
[Santa Naranja]: Anyways, I just got the list for the Ballon D'Or ceremony and I saw your name on there. How exciting! My company is styling Barca for the event, and I wanted to reach out personally to see what you would be interested in wearing.
[Santa Naranja]: Because I'm assuming you don't want to be in a suit? But I could be wrong.
You replied instantly, telling her how grateful you were for contacting you. You had been planning on wearing one of your old wedding-guest dresses, not having the time to go pick up something else. The two of you arranged to meet tomorrow at her studio, and you went back to your original mission: snapping a picture and sending it to Gavi.
He opened the message instantly, feeling all warm and fuzzy staring at the food spread on your lap and his old shirt hanging off your shoulders. You hair was up, face bare, and he wanted to reach through the phone and kiss you on the forehead.
[Doctora]: thanks for the food, pablito <3 see u in paris
"Ouch!" He yelled out, taken out of his daydream by a needle shoved into his wrist. "Pedri! Tell your friend to be gentle."
"First of all, we're not friends-"
"We're not?" Pedri asked the stylist, the smoke practically rising from her ears. She glared at him, looking extra menacing with the pins between her teeth.
"No. We're not. You're only allowed to be here if you're silent, remember? And second of all we are tailoring your suit sleeves. You're going to get stabbed if you keep moving your arms! Now hold still. She's still going to be there in 15 minutes for you to gush over."
"How did you know who I was talking to?" Pablo asked, genuine shock and curiosity across his features.
"Oh please, for the love of God, don't tell me you think you're being subtle?!"
"Hi! Come in come in! I didn't even realize it was raining."
Santa Naranja was, as you had recently discovered, not just Pedri's stylist. She wasn't even a Prada stylist. She was now a senior assistant stylist for Style Di Fortuna, a global firm that worked to style celebrities for different events. Since Herno and D&G started dressing the club, management had received official notice regarding their event attire.
"You should have seen the letter they sent. It was like a scolding from the school principal. 'Players must be formally and professionally styled during all official events as to avoid conflict in brand image and the tarnishing of the brand's respectability. Can you imagine dressing so poorly that you could ruin the reputation of an entire brand? Although I shouldn't expect any less. Pedro's jorts could bring about doomsday."
It was the other girls in the office that had given her the nickname 'Santa' for her saint-like patience in dealing with Pedri for... reasons. She was a completely different person when his cheshire cat smile and bushy brows were not in the room. She was calm and fun and humorous. She scurried around the workshop, pouring you a cup of cinnamon tea loaded with sugar, before running back into a warehouse closet and throwing about twenty garment bags over her arms.
"Did you have anything in mind for your look? I know that the club must have given you some basic guidelines, but what about your personal style?"
"Oh yeah, they came with the invitation. Long skirt, no slit, no trains, no plunging necklines, no open backs, no beading or gems, no appliques, and no bright colors."
The poor stylist stopped in her tracks, returning virtually every dress she had in her hands.
"Okay, let's go to the nun section of the closet. What colors would you like? Keep them boring and muted." You giggled at the remark, rattling off a list of colors. She either hummed in agreement or gave a slight pause, allowing you time to retract the wrong choice. Green, red, and white were all off the table, seeing as the wags had already claimed them.
"What's Gavi's favorite color?" She teased, shoving a garment bag at you and ushering you behind the separator to change.
"Haha, very funny. I'm not going as his date."
"You can add the 'unfortunately' to the end of that. I won't judge you."
"Sure. It's unfortunate I'm not Pablo's date in the same way it's unfortunate that you're not Pedri's."
"Please don't speak such wicked thoughts about me and Pedro into the universe."
After cycling through about 15 dresses, the weight of the event and the pressure of traveling in two days was beginning to weigh on you, a tightness settling into your chest and disrupting your breathing.
"I'm going to look so stupid at this event. Nothing looks good." You huffed as you resisted the urge to face plant into the million euro pile of fabric on the floor. Your companion huffed as well, racking her brain for any guidance on how to dress you without making you look like a churchly sister or a plastic bag.
"Okay. Do you know anything about fashion?" She asked. Her tone was soft and delicate, like a kindergarten teacher asking a poor 6-year old if they knew how to tie their shoes.
"I try and keep up."
"If you could pick any look from the last like 10 years on the runway that you would wear to this event, what would it be?"
"I can't afford-"
"Not telling you to buy it. Just imagine. If you could wish a dress into your hands right now, what would it be?"
You sat and thought for a moment. It had been a long time since you separated yourself from the imposed masculine nature of your job. Your hair stayed up, your nails stayed short, your face always painted naturally (you had gotten dress-coded for winged eyeliner once). It had been years if not a complete decade since you allowed your thoughts to be pink and flowery. You had put girlhood on pause, allowed it to hibernate for the harsh winter war of professional success. But now it was spring, and the blossoms emerged once again. You weren't a physio going for a meeting. You were a princess preparing for her magical night in Paris, your fairy standing before you. This was one of those moments where you just had to take a pause. You had worked to hard to make it here. Now that you were here, enjoy it.
"Well, Viktor and Rolf had the most gorgeous tulle dresses ad fashion week. They were all strapless and tight at the top, and they had these beautiful full skirts and velvet ribbons. If I was a wag or a footballer accepting my own award, I would wear that." You said, still allowing the rose color of your imagination to tint your reality. You entertained the thought briefly that this is the first time Pablo would see you properly dolled up, and it made you want to squeal and kick your feet like a girl waiting for prom.
"Oh my God you're so smart!" She yelled, running back into the dark passage of the closet. She returned a moment later with a black fabric bag, gold filigree embossed onto the material. She hung and began to unzip, unveiling the most beautiful dress you had ever seen in your life. It was a pale nude, almost the color of beach sand, with a fitted corset top that came down to the top of the hip bone. It then flares slightly into a layered tulle skirt, the color solid except for one band of pale blue that wrapped around the skirt, the waist accentuated with a velvet bow in the same dusty blue. You reached out one shaking hand to smooth down the fabric, almost afraid it would disintegrate in your touch. (dress inspo for those interested)
"Bouguessa just sent us this. It's more subtle than the Viktor and Rolf ones, it goes with gold and silver jewelry, won't draw too much attention, and follows that ridiculous novel of rules." She said, hands on her hips behind you.
"I can't wear this." You said, trembling at the very thought of spilling a drop of... well anything really on this dress.
"You can and you will. We had it shorted for some actress wearing it in Cannes later this month, so wear nice shoes. Nothing too tall though - Pablo is 5'7 after all." You turned to her, and the face she had expected to smile back at her held eyes welling with tears. You pulled her against you, too fast for her to process, and let the tears stream down your cheeks.
"I have never had anyone be so kind to me. I can't thank you enough."
"I'm just letting you borrow a dress," she said, arms wrapping around you as well. "Do you not have friends?"
"Let's not open that can of worms."
"Hi, Dr. Gonzalez. You wanted to see me?" Your head peaked in ever so slightly to catch his hand waving you over. Despite knowing on a deep psychological level that he respected you as a professional, he still scared the bejeezus out of you.
"Yes. I forgot to give you your passes for tonight's flight. You'll be able to use this to get directly into the lounge and then on the jet we have chartered this evening."
"The... what?"
"How were planning on getting to Paris exactly, Miss y/n?" He took off his small glasses, a gesture to emphasize how stupid you were being at the present.
"I was going to take the train in tomorrow?" You responded extremely unsure of yourself.
"Take the train in the morning of the ceremony? Oh this generation. No foresight. You'll meet the team in the lounge at exactly 8pm this evening."
"So what I'm hearing is... I'm going on the private jet with Xavi and the squad?"
"And my accomodation..?"
"You will have a room in the hotel on the same floor as the rest of the team. Any other logistical questions? Do I need to explain what the Ballon D'Or is?"
"No, no, of course not. Thank you so much Dr. Gonzalez. I'll be sure to represent Barca well as an organization that loves women!" You got up hastily from your chair, exiting the office with Dr. Gonzalez yelling behind you.
"We didn't send you because you're a woman! Don't say that to any reporters!"
The Barcelona airport was, in your opinion, nothing special. That was until the woman at the check-in desk saw your badge and personally guided you past security and into a private Air France lounge. The room was decked out in plush sofas and chaise lounges, soft spa music bouncing between the walls. Enough food to feed the entire terminal had been laid out on stone and marble platters, and three girls in matching dark blue uniforms strolled around the room, waiting to be flagged down for assistance. This was nice. Maybe gold digging was really the best choice. It's a miracle that not everyone on the quad had Ferran-sized heads if this was the treatment they were used to.
"Ay look who finally made it." The voice greeting you belonged to Xavi, who was the first to stand up and embrace you. You greeted the rest of the group and introduced yourself to both Xavi and Robert's wives, thinking it more appropriate to sit with the other women on the trip. You chatted with them until it was time to board, at which point you could no longer exercise self control. You walked up to Pablo, tapping him on the shoulder.
He couldn't suppress his smile when he saw you, and Anna whispered to her husband how you had not introduced yourself as Gavi's girlfriend.
"Well, they're not together. She's a physio at the club."
"He looks at her like he's in love."
"Yeah. Everyone has noticed except the two of them."
Fighting the urge to stuff you into his hoodie so you could never disappear for a month again, Pablo opted to instead put one arm around you, embracing you in a tight side hug. You two walked onto the plane together, effectively abandoning Pedri, while catching up on everything that had gone on since your last meeting. He sat beside you on one of the couches, spinning around to lay with his legs on top of you, which were swiftly pushed off. The two of you now sat side by side, eating from a bag of sour gummies.
"I missed you." He said softly as you watched Barcelona grow smaller and smaller beneath you. You turned back to him resting your head on his shoulder. "I missed you too. A lot more than I thought I would." There was no more talk after that. No mention of feelings or trophies or anything really. Just sour bears and that telenovela finale he promised to watch with you.
The clock in the hotel lobby read 11:44pm as you fought with Pablo to try and carry your own bag in. Well, fought is a vague term - you tugged on his bicep while he dragged you and your suitcase inside.
"We're only here for two days - what on Earth could you have brought?" He asked, letting out an exaggerated huff as he set it down on its wheels.
"Makeup is heavy, my dress is heavy, my shoes are heavy - society's beauty standards are just weighing me down at every turn." He smiled back at you, your fingers itching to pinch his cheeks and kiss him on the tip of his nose and tell him that he had a smile that could bring cities to their knees.
"Pedri! Gavi!"
You turned around to the source of the voice, watching Pedri embrace a very tall and very familiar Spaniard. As he made his way over to Gavi, he gave you a once over that indicated his brain was still trying to figure out who you were. As his hand connected with Gavi's, it was like the electricity had switched back on.
"Oh, hey! You came and interviewed at Chelsea. Convince her to stay then, hermanito?" he clapped Gavi on the back of the neck.
"No, I didn't have to say anything. She spent an afternoon with you guys and came running back to the better club." You smiled shyly, feeling a little awkward at your once potential club interacting with the one you had chosen to stay at. You stepped to the side, noticing Perdi deep in conversation with someone else. Tan, tall, and beautiful, he turned to you, smiling wide and approaching.
"Ah hello again." You were in a hug before you knew it. You reciprocated, wishing one of the boys would take a photo so you could send it to ever girl in your high school.
"Joao! Great to see you again. How have you been?" He pulled away, hands still on your upper arms as he ranted to you about his difficult second half of the season had been. Pablo sat back, loosely listening to the exchange between Pedri and Kepa, with most of his energy focused on seething at the sight in front of him. Joao had talked to you for what? An hour? Why did he feel so comfortable touching you like this? His tongue found purchase in his cheek, his arms crossed over his chest. Xavi tapped him on the shoulder to hand him the key cards for your three, giving him a perfect excuse to break up your conversation.
"Here you go, Doctora. This one's yours. Doing well Joao?" There was an obvious hint of animosity in his voice that was evident to the both of you. Nevertheless, Joao released you to shake Gavi's hand.
"I saw you on TV the other day getting picked up by this one. Twitter went crazy speculating about you two dating. You guys.. aren't dating, right?" Joao directed the question to you, now fully turned away from Gavi, whose body temperature had exceeded 100 degrees.
"No, no. We're..." your eyes flashes to him, "just friends".
"I guess anyone would be grateful to have someone like you caring for their wellbeing. A shame that you didn't come over to us for this season. But I may get the privilege if I can get Xavi to place a bid on me." Pablo let out a laugh that was too loud and enthusiastic to be polite. If Joao had been offended, he didn't let it on.
"Oh, Mason is here, too! We're going out with him and his friend Jude for drinks here at the hotel bar. You should come with us! You can come too, Gavi- oh wait, are you even old enough to drink?" The question was punctuated with a smirk, an obvious rebuttal to Gavi's humor at him joining the club.
"I'm flattered but I need to get some rest for tom- wait Jude as in Bellingham?" You asked, eyes wide.
"Of course. Know any other Jude's being nominated?" You heard Gavi breathing loud and heavy beside you, taking this as your cue to call it a night. Before you left, Joao grabbed your wrist, taking a look at your card.
"Floor three. Same as us. Maybe we'll see you around." He hugged you once more as a good night, then headed over to Mason, who waved at the group of you with Jude beside him. You made your way to the elevator with Gavi and felt embarrassed. You hadn't even done anything but be polite, but in some way you felt like you had committed a sin in talking so freely with Joao. Engrossed in thought, your face met Gavi's back as he suddenly stopped in front of a door.
"This is my room. I'll see you tomorrow." You stopped him in his tracks, one hand preventing him from crossing the threshold.
"Are you mad at me?" You asked, voice soft and even, trying to disguise the hurt.
"I- no, of course not, Doctora. Just nervous. Didn't think I'd be seeing my competition tonight." You pulled him into a hug, hands around his waist and your head on his chest with his above it. He let out a shaky breath, and all his fears with them. Joao had invited you out and yet you were still here, in his arms and in front of his door.
"Will I see you tomorrow? Before the 'big show'?" He asked, keeping you against his chest, just for a moment longer.
"Staff aren't allowed on the carpet so I'll see you inside the theater."
"Don't sit next to Joao tomorrow." He said with a slight pout, and you wanted to just pull him down and kiss him so hard he lost consciousness from the lack of air.
"I don't think they'll let me sit next to the players. Not important enough."
"You're going to be one of the most important people in that room. And just, don't sit next to him."
"I won't Pablo."
"Promise?" He said, sticking out his pinky. You rolled your eyes and wrapped your finger around his, bringing your conjoined hands upwards. You twisted them so that your thumb was facing him and vice versa. You leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss to the skin of his hand. His breath caught in his throat, and he swallowed audibly.
"What are you.. what was that?"
"You have to kiss it to seal the promise."
He brought your entwined hands up to his lips, looking at you once more for any objection, before closing his eyes and kissing your knuckles.
"You have soft lips." You said looking between his lips and his hooded eyes.
"Yeah. Well, I'm two rooms over. Good night, Pablo. Good luck."
He watched you walk down the hall and enter your room, only returning to his when the door clicked shut. He pressed his back to the wood, allowing it to cool the sweat pooling under his hoodie. He was so thankful that he wasn't sharing a room with Pedri, because the feeling of your lips on his skin, soft and plump, had made him so incredibly hard.
"We are here live from the red carpet of the annual Ballon D'or ceremony, and the stars of the football world have come out in full force. On the carpet now Xavi Hernandez and his wife Núria, as well as Ballon D'Or contender Robert Lewandowski and his wife, champion in her own right, Anna. These are the veterans of football, and they should be shortly accompanied by the young trailblazers leading the New Era of Barcelona football."
It was three minutes until Gavi was supposed to step onto the carpet, and he was panicking. His breathing was shallow, his collar felt like it was suffocating him, and he was sweating bullets under his suit.
"Pedri, I can't do this." He said, genuine fear swimming in his eyes as he looked to his friend for comfort.
"Yes you can, hermano. All you have to do is walk and smile. Maybe answer some questions. You can absolutely do all of those things."
"What if I make an ass of myself?" He said, hiding behind Pedri as their handler signalled 30 seconds until they walked.
"You are here being told you are one of the best under 21 players in the world, and then you get to walk into the theater and see the best person in the world."
"I do really want to see her in a dress."
"I was talking about Leo Messi." Pedri deadpanned, and Gavi was shoved on the carpet genuinely laughing, a million bulbs flashing to capture his joy. He was here. He was 18 years old and on his way to shake hands with greatness. He was walking the carpet with his best friend in the world in a five thousand euro suit. He thought to his younger self, eleven years old and hiding behind his mother on his first day at La Masia. All the dreams he had were now the blueprint for his reality. Barca first team player? Check. Goal scorer? Check. Trophy winner? Check. Beautiful girl to share every euphoric moment with? Pending.
He took a few steps forward, waiting for Pedri to be photographed before he walked down to the end of the carpet, taking a group photo and heading to the microphones.
"Gavi! You look wonderful this evening. Are you excited for your first ceremony?"
"Oh, yeah, of course. It's something that I always dreamed about and now that my dream is a reality, I am just trying to enjoy every moment."
"Well you have had an absolutely stellar season playing with the reigning Kopa winner here, Pedri. Is it something you're thankful for, to play with him and to play with Barca?"
He looked over at Pedri, whose eyebrows were wiggling causing his serious demeanor to break.
"I'm absolutely so pleased to work with this guy here. He's just incredible on the field and we work well together. Barca is my lifelong club, and I am grateful to play there, to have them take care of me and keep me healthy." The reporter gave a thumbs up, and the boy stepped to the side to allow Pedri to finish his interview, wanted to have company as he entered the theater.
"Taking care of you and keeping you healthy, hm? Why didn't you just say her full name?"
The theater was glorious, all gold ornaments and plush red velvet, giving it a timeless and glamorous look. He craned his neck, looking around for those familiar eyes and inviting smile that had made his life so much worse and simultaneously so much better.
"Pablo." The voice came from behind him, and when he turned around, the world moved in slow motion. Your dress, pale nude and powder blue, made you look like a Greek deity. You could give the entire Spanish royal family a run for their money with the way the bodice seemed to mold against you, flaring out into a beautiful cascade of material. It ended at the bottom of your ankles, your feet hugged by blue heels, an anklet handing off that Gavi couldn't quite make out. Your jewelry glinted in the lights, the necklaces sitting between your collar bones drawing in the eye to the expanse of your chest and neck, and he had to try so, so hard to tear his eyes from this. He focused on all these details because looking at your face made him go slack-jawed.
Your hair was cascading freely, front pieces twirled away to show off the beauty of your feature. Your makeup was simple - glowing skin with rosy cheeks, black liner framing and highlighting your eyes, and glossy pink lips. Pablo knew nothing about makeup, but he knew for certain that if he got his hands on you, he would destroy whatever you had painted on your lips to make them shine. You batted your long lashes, and smiled shyly as Pedri let out a low whistle.
"Wow, who knew you were hiding all of this? Were you looking for husband tonight? This is the way to get it." He offered a hand, spinning you around so he (or rather Gavi) could get a full look, the blue bow in your hair flowing beautifully.
"You're too sweet, Pedri. I just didn't want to embarrass the club."
"Embarrass?!" They both exclaimed loudly, catching the attention of a few bystanders.
"You're on track to upstage us. They pay you enough to afford Prada?" Pedri asked again, pointing to your shoes.
"Your mortal enemy lent them to me."
A friend of Pedri's came up to whisk him away to another group, leaving you standing with Pablo.
"So, what do you think, Pablo? Too much?" You were nervous, resisting the urge to clench your dress in your fists and scurry off. You smoothed your clammy palms down the fabric as well.
"Doctora, you know I'm not super smart like you. I don't even know the words I want to tell you right now. So I'll use one I know: you look breathtaking." He practically whispered out the last word, causing your head to snap up, eyes meeting. "I think you might be the prettiest girl in the room right now." He shoved his hands deep into his pockets, swallowing back his nerves and pride. You were absolutely stunning, and no friendship or professionalism would stop him from letting you know.
"Thank you, Pablo. You have no idea how much that means coming from you." You moved forward, adjusting his bowtie as an usher came to guide him to his seat. You moved to the back with other team staff members, waving to him as he walked off. You were independent and a girlboss and all that, but it felt good to have him think you were pretty.
"And the winner is... Gavi."
The crowd erupted in cheers, the clapping so loud it was deafening. Pedri smiled from ear to ear, watching as his friend came up to the stage to take his place as Europe's shining star, their Golden Boy. Gavi had been frozen in his seat for a second before Robert pushed him up, clapping him on the back and congradulating him. As he placed his hands around the trophy, his peripheral vision registered the people moving from their seats, standing and clapping for his success. Pedri was smug in his congratulations, reminding Pablo he never had a doubt he would be handing off this trophy to him. And as Pablo took his place at the podium, the gold statue adorning his side, he saw you. In the third to last row of the theater, you stood, by yourself in a row full of staff, clapping excitedly for his achievement. Your smile was bright, teeth on full display to convey the level of genuine joy you felt in that moment. You almost looked happier than Gavi himself. And as the applause died down and people retook their seats, he watched you sit back down, hands crossed over your chest in pride and admiration. He looked straight at you, a point of comfort in the large crowd, and only then did he allow the unbridled joy of being the very best to fill him.
"Thank you. I am so proud to have achieved this, to have won such a prestigious award in my first full season with Barca's first team. Thank you to my family for standing by me in the good times and the bad, and for believing in me. Thank you to the club, who gave me every opportunity to play and show my skill this season. A huge thanks to my coach and teammates for helping me succeed. And finally, I want to recognize and thank the Barca staff, especially the physio team, for all their hard work this season. I wouldn't be here without their dedication. Once again, thank you very much for the honor. Visca Barca."
All he wanted was to run off the stage into your arms, to ignore the questions about his season and his success, but there would be time later. You, on the other hand, were trying to recover from the shell shock of Pablo recognizing you specifically during his acceptance speech. Your phone buzzed in your lap at a mile a minute, text messages flooding in from friends and family telling you they had watched Gavi's praise of you on TV. You sat in that same shocked state until the ceremony ended.
Why on Earth did so many people want to talk to Gavi? Sure, he had just won one of the most important awards in football, but they had already played his highlight reel. What else could they want to know that wasn't on YouTube? He still smiled politely, congratulating Luka and Robert on their awards before he was able to catch a spare moment alone at a far table, Pedri pulling up to his side shortly after, also fatigued from small talk. His trophy was in hand, a little less shiny now that every person who greeted him had asked to hold it, the luster dulled by grease and fingerprints. The two stood in a comfortable silence, exchanging remarks about the room or the guests at the function every once in a while.
"Pablo! There you are!"
He looked up at the sound of your voice, but not nearly fast enough as you came barreling into him, arms thrown around his neck and embracing him so tight he thought he might pass out (not that he was complaining).
"I'm so, so proud of you." You whispered in his ear, squeezing a little tighter before releasing him, smoothing the soft material of his blazer to release the wrinkles you caused with your attack.
"I'm so glad all your hard work had amounted to this, and I hope I'm around to see how amazing you'll be in the future." You said, emotion making your voice crack slightly. There was something about Pablo that convinced you, deep in your soul, that you were two halves meant to come together. He was young, passionate, ambitious - a reflection of yourself. And to watch him succeed? To see him soar to heights previously thought impossible? It was something you wouldn't trade for the world.
Gavi's heartstrings were so tight they were ready to snap. He had prayed to hear so many different things from you, but never realized that this recognition, this pride expressed so freely, would be the most meaningful. This was it. This was the moment. Suit on, trophy in hand, this was the moment to express how much needed you in his life in a different way. How much he needed to keep making you proud.
"Y/N! There you are."
Joao's built arm was wrapped around you, smelling slightly of whiskey and Dior Fahrenheit. The anger vein in Gavi's forehead began to make a reappearance.
"Mason had to see you and introduce you to some of the boys." Mason greeted you as well, and called over his 'friend Jude' to be introduced. Jude Bellingham was an absolute sculpture, holding a glass of God knows what in such an effortless manner, his tie also abandoned in favor of leaving his first two buttons popped.
"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Jude. I've heard about you from this one - thinks you're a medical Godsend." He ended with a wink. Pedri could feel the heat radiating from Gavi's side, and apparently so could Jude, who looked up and offered a wave.
"Congrats, mate. Brilliant speech." He said, raising a glass to help bridge the language barrier. You turned your head, quickly translating the sentiment.
"Oh, you're with them? The super special physio that's gotten praised in his speech? I should've known I was in the presence of greatness." You laughed politely, tucking a loose strand of hair behind one ear.
"I'm really nothing special."
"Oh, well, that can't be true. I'll see for myself when I'm in SPain next year." A wink. Pedri grasped Pablo's arm to prevent blows. "Come with me, I want to introduce you to some of the boys and the staff from City."
You quickly turned around, finding Gavi and Pedri whispering to one another.
"Pablo! He wants to introduce me to some people. I'll come find you!"
Thirty minutes later, Pablo was at a table with his trophy and a scowl, moping on what should be a happy night. After his second turn around the room, Pedri joined him, hoping to alleviate the burden.
"Hermano, are you-"
"Why would she just go with him? Like, I understand not being able to turn someone away when they're in your face, but to go with him?! Why would she do that?" He asked, sounding more and more small and child-like as he continued.
"She was just networking, hermano. Trying to meet people and make connections."
"Connections. Look what her connections have got her. Other guys coming up to her, trying to flirt in the most obvious ways possible. None of them know her like I do. None of them will ever - can ever - care about her in the way that I do. She needs to realize that no one will ever want to treat her right the way that I long to."
"Maybe you need to realize that it's not always the best guy that will get the girl, but the boldest one."
"How many opportunities have you had, hm? To tell her you wanted her, to profess your love, to kiss her in her car or under street lamps or in front of the whole world? But you just stay sitting on the sidelines waiting for her to come to you. You know what's happening during that time? A Joao or a Jude or a Martin is taking the risk of telling her she's amazing, and she's going to accept. She's going to accept love that's less than yours because someone else was willing to give it to her, proudly and confidently. And you'll be sitting next to me, twenty years from now when we're both retired, talking about how the love of your life slipped between your fingers. She's here, right now, and you are still waiting. Either take the shot or let someone else shoot."
A fear shot through Pablo that he had never felt before. The idea of you, right now, falling in love with someone else made the bile rise in his throat. He couldn't do it again. He couldn't watch you be with a man who thought you were anything less than the entire universe. It was him. Pablo Gavi was the one meant to have you, to hold you, to protect you from every evil and show you every joy. You were his soulmate, and he would move heaven and earth for his lover who was written for him in the stars.
He stood, scurrying to where Jude and the others had congregated. "Sorry to interrupt, but have you seen y/n?" He asked, trying to keep his voice steady and free from the terror threatening to consume him. He couldn't see your form anywhere in the ballroom.
"Oh," Kepa was the one to reply as the official Spanish speaker, "she went up to her room a few minutes ago. I think Joao took her up."
Pablo nodded before speed walking towards the door, breaking into a full sprint towards the elevators. Please. Please no. Please not Joao. Please not anyone. The ding when the elevator reached the third floor made his blood ripple, and he speed walked to your door, muttering under his breath.
"Please don't be in love with someone else."
He reached the door of your room, paralyzed with fear. He didn't know what he was about to do, but he knew he would implode and self-destruct if he didn't do something.
He lifted his fist, took a breath, and knocked firmly on the door. A moment later, you opened the door, still in the perfect shape he saw you before, but now barefoot on the plush carpet of the hotel.
He peered over your shoulder, trying to get a glimpse of the room behind.
"Are you looking for something?"
"Please, tell me he's not in there."
"Who, Pablo?"
"Anyone. Please tell me that there is no one in there now waiting on you. Please tell me," he pleaded softly, moving toward you and placing his hands on your shoulder, moving one down to rest right above where your heart beat. "Please tell me there is no one else in here. I have never begged in my life, Doctora, but I'm here now to beg you: tell me who is the one you're reserving a place in your heart for. Because I know, more than I know anything else in this world, that my soul is yours. Everything I could possibly give, I am asking you to take it without a second thought. And I have pretended, for months now, that I don't need you like the very air I'm breathing. But the more I pretend, the more clear it becomes: I have never loved anything as strongly as I love you. It is overwhelming and all consuming the way every heartbeat and breath is just for you. So just tell me how long I will have to wait. Days, months, years - tell me how long it will be until I get to love you, wholly and completely. Until I get to love you as you deserve. Because there is no other choice. There is no moving on. Every angel in heaven knows that I would struggle in vain until my last dying breath trying to get over you."
There were no words. Hell, there was no air. There was only Pablo, breathless and shaking before you, his fragile heart in your hands. Your hands moved to cup his face, and the urge to cry didn't consume you. You pulled him in, lips finally connecting with his, and the electricity that jolted through you could have lit up all of Paris. His lips were slow to react, and as you pulled away he followed, reluctant to stop kissing you in fear he would never start again.
"You, Pablo. My heart is yours. I'm yours. I always have been."
This time it was Pablo who pulled you in, his arms around your waist lifting you into him. He basked in the plump flesh of your lips, the way it felt to hold you in his arms, a million times better than he could have imagined. It was as if your hearts were racing in sync, thumping the same beat that reverberated around the little bubble the two of you were in. You shifted hands from his face to his hair, pulling him impossibly closer. You had craved this, to be so close and connected with Pablo. The kiss was slow, passionate, the kiss to say 'I have waited for you for so long' and the one in return to say 'I'm here to stay'.
Pedri had gone upstairs to look for Pablo, scared he had committed manslaughter, and found the two of you there, kissing in the hallway, arms enveloping each other and lips locked in a soft and tender embrace. He placed Pablo's trophy (his whole reason for finding him on the ground, turning to leave before stopping and performing his duties as a friend: taking a picture. Maybe he should buy Gavi a whole pack of frames.
You finally pulled away, face flushed and lips pinkish and swollen from the liplock. You kept your arms around Pablo, turning your face to hide in his shoulder. You spotted the golden statue on the floor and smiled as you moved to pick it up, stopped by his strong and unfaltering embrace.
"Your award, Pablo."
"You're my real prize of this evening."
"Ugh how corny." You laughed, finally freeing yourself to go and pick it up. You carried it before turning from Pablo to unlock your room door, timidly standing in the entryway.
"Do... you want to come inside?" You asked, cradling his trophy in your arms.
"Do you want me to come inside?" He asked, heart threatening to break his sternum. He had never thought of going so far so fast.
"I mean if you don't want to-"
"No I want to, preciosa. God I want- but I don't want to make you feel like you have to."
"You're not. I want you Pablo. All of you." You opened the door wider, inviting him in. "Dale, campeon."
You left Pablo on the bed while you went to slip out of your dress. As much as you wanted Pablo (in an immediate fashion), you couldn't risk stains or rips on such an expensive lended piece. You re-emerged from the bathroom in a black night gown, a satin slip that came just past your fingertips. Pablo had made himself comfortable, stripping his jacket and shoes, abandoning the bowtie and unbuttoning the top of his shirt. You walked out slowly, standing in front of him shyly.
"What do you think?" You asked, giving a little spin. He reached out a hand, pulling you down to the bed and seating you on his lap.
"I lied before," he said softly. "You weren't 'maybe the prettiest girl tonight'. You're the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. In every room and on every night." His hands found your hips and his lips found yours, and the flames were fanned. He moved with a fervor you had never experienced, like he couldn't get enough of the feel of your lips or the taste of your tongue. He bit down softly on your bottom lip, desperate to illicit every pretty sound he could from you. He nibbled gently, pulling with his teeth and then soothing with his tongue before reuniting it with yours. He gripped the flesh of your hips, and your hands leg his lower, encouraging him to find stability on the flesh of your ass.
"You're perfect." He said breathlessly, moving to kiss and nibble at your neck. You shifted on his lap, desperate for any friction to help douse the flames between your legs. He shifted the two of you so that you were straddling one of his thighs, allowing you rock yourself back and forth as he continued worshipping and lapping at your skin.
"Pablo, it's so good." You whined as he moved down to kiss the exposed tops of your breasts. He looked up at you, asking for permission to remove your nightgown, which you gave with quick enthusiasm. He grabbed at the bottom hem, lifting it over your head in one fluid motion before stopping. He stared at you, moving across your bare chest and down to your nude lace thong.
"Oh this won't do." He muttered while gripping your waist and flipping your positions so that you were laying on the mattress with him above you.
"What?" You asked while your arms moved to cover your chest. He removed them swiftly, licking his lips and giving each breast a kiss, making your nipples harden.
"I need to have you spread out underneath me so I can take in every gorgeous inch of you." He said before he trailed his lips down your entire torso.
"Can't believe someone who looks like you is all mine. I've wanted you for so long." He finished his sentence with a searing kiss to your lips.
"Just wanted you to see how much someone could love you. And I would still love you, even if you want to stop right now and never do this again." He said, pulling back slightly before you threaded your fingers through his hair and brought his mouth to your chest.
"No, don't wanna stop. I want you. I need you Pablo please." You whine out, and hoped he knew that you meant it in every possible way. He allowed his tongue to drag across your nipples before sucking one into his mouth, playing with the other as he watched for your reactions. His cock was straining against his boxers and dress pants, and he rutted against the mattress for any sort of relief.
"Pablo it's too good."
"Always want to be good for you, Doctora. Wanna give you the best."
He moved his hands to the waistband of your panties, moving them down and watching the resistance, seeing how big the wet patch was and how your thighs clenched for some sort of pleasure.
"Open up, pretty girl."
"Pablo, want you. Want you please."
"I'm right here, baby. All yours."
You grabbed on of his hands sucking two of his fingers in his mouth while keeping your eyes locked, tongue circling and his cock now rubbing up on the flesh of your thigh.
"Want you inside me. Please, Pablo."
He rubbed his two wet fingers up and down your slit, teasing and just listening to the way you reacted. The cool air heightened everything, and you could do nothing but squirm in place.
"Love the way you say my name, preciosa. Let me take care of you." He slipped a finger inside, and you both moaned in sync. You at the feeling of finally having Pablo pleasing you, and him at the wetness he encountered. He quickly put in another, lips going back to yours as if they were addictive. He leaned back, slipping out of his trousers and boxers when you put a hand on his chest.
"Pablo. I..."
"We can stop if you want." He said, already making a move to get up and redress despite his cock leaking.
"No. I want this. I want you. I just... promise me something?"
"Please don't leave me after we have sex."
He looked at your hurting eyes and felt his chest squeeze. He cupped your face, kissing your forehead. "I could never leave you, Doctora." Another chaste kiss, this time to the tip of your nose. "You don't have to worry. I'll always be with you. I promise." He brought you in and kissed you, lips slotting together and tongues dancing together as if they had years of practice.
"Always have to seal the promise with a kiss." He said playfully, and you looked away in embarrassment. He spread your legs and found a space between them, tilting your head with a finger under your chin.
"Look at me baby. I want to see that pretty face when I make you feel good. Wanna see how hot you are when you cum all over me. Make the cutest little mess." He said, spitting in his hand slightly and rubbing the length of his cock. You sat up on your forearms, watching the erotic sight as Pablo ran his tip up and down your slit.
"Pablo," you whined.
He lined himself up, lifting you by the back of the neck to kiss you as he pushed in, the stretch causing you to bite his bottom lip harder than expected (he kind of liked it). He stayed for a minute on his forearms above you, hoping that time would allow you to adjust and prevent him from busting on stroke three. He placed his arms beside your head, leaning down and resting his forehead on yours.
"I love you." He said, picking up his pace as he did so. Your whine was high pitched and loud, fueling Pablo's ego tremendously.
"I love you more." You retorted, moving your hips to spur him to go faster. He pulled out of your slowly once again, then re-sheathed himself with force. He was moving slow and taking his sweet time, savoring every delicious second of the evening.
"Not possible, angel." And then pulled all the way out before slamming back in. Pablo was forceful, shifting your body with every thrust. He kissed your lips and neck, purple springs blooming from each spot he touched. You loved the feeling. You belonged to him, body and soul, and you wanted everybody to know.
"Please, Pablo. Faster. I'm begging." You breathed out, and he could do nothing but oblige.
"That's my pretty girl, taking it so well. Feeling so fucking good wrapped around me. So wet and sucking me in. Fuck. You're so good for me."
You had decided to suck on Pablo's neck to prevent you from moaning your heart out to all of Paris. A large hickey was developing just above his collarbone with not one care towards its ability to be covered. You were feeling that familiar buildup in your stomach, and brought a hand down to play with your clit that was quickly swatted away.
"Gonna cum, baby? Let me spoil you. Let me take care of you." He said as he pressed his thumb to your clit and started rubbing circles into the sensitive bud. There was no more suppressing your moans as they emerged full force. It was perfect. Pablo was perfect, telling you how much he wanted and loved you while looking after your pleasure.
"Please don't stop Pablo I'm so so fucking close."
"Wouldn't dream of it." He said, and seconds later, his name was the only thing on your lips as you came, gripping onto his back and trailing your nails down, his toned back the only thing keeping you tethered to reality. He finished a minute after you, rolling over in exhaustion. You expected him to turn onto his side and ignore you like every other man you had slept with. Instead, he got you both under the comforter, laying down and bringing you to lay on his chest.
"You're so incredible, do you know that?" He asked, kissing your forehead gently.
"You're one to talk." There's giggles and comfort despite the lack of clothes. When the high dies down, you turn to his tired form, which is still smiling at you.
"What are you so smiley for?" You asked.
"I'm with the best person in the world. How can I not smile when I'm with you?"
You laid back on his chest, guilt and paranoia seeping in, obvious by the tension building in your form.
"I love you, Doctora. I love you, I love you, I love you. You are worth more than sex. And I don't love you just because you're hot. You complete me, in every possible way."
"I love you more, Pablo."
"As the medical professional, you should know that's not possible."
He released you from his grip to get shirts and underwear for the two of you to sleep in, still not used to Pablo + you + nudity. You laid back down, cuddled into Pablo's chest as you had for months now, and drifted off into the most relaxing sleep. You were in love with a boy. And he was hopelessly, desperately in love with you. And there was nothing else in the world that mattered in this moment except for the way you tangled together to feel safe. Before he could drift off, Pablo heard the ding of his phone. A photo from Pedri of the two of you in the hall.
[Pedri]: congrats on all your wins today hermano
The flight back to Barcelona was nerve-racking for you. You were anxious as to how your boss and peers would perceive your new relationship with Pablo, which he established right away.
"No 'what are we' bullshit'. You're my girlfriend, and that's only because I didn't have a ring on me to make you my fiancee."
His hand was laced through yours the entire walk through the terminal, so proud to show you off to the world as his. As you two boarded the flight, it was Anna who finally asked if something had happened in Paris.
"I asked her to be my girl and she said yes."
There was a round of cheering from those on the plane, and after a swift whatsapp message from Pedri, there were hundreds of messages in the groupchat, from congrats to jokes to utter disbelief. Neither of you looked at any of it. Pablo was too busy counting the stars he saw in your eyes, studying every feature on your face, sneaking in a kiss whenever he could. And you listened to him ramble, intoxicated by the sound of his voice, the melody bringing you tranquility. He was your peace. He was your everything.
"Ah, so you two will be needing these." Xavi said, placing the 'Relationship Disclosure' form and two pens in front of the both of you. "Gavi, don't distract her from her work."
"Hey! Shouldn't it be the other way around?"
"No. You're the distraction." You teased, earning Pablo's full attention and wrath.
"I can tell by the way you've been staring at me for two days."
"Oh Pablo, I've been staring at you much longer than that."
"I hope you never stop."
A/N: and there it is folks. Almost 8 months later, here is Just Pretend. There will be an epilogue to this at some point to show what happens with their relationship (and it will have better smut), but this is it for the main story. Please share any feedback you have in replies, reblogs, or in the ask box. Thank you so so much to everyone who has stuck by this story for so long. I love you all.
@l0verl4ne @vibinwkay @anastasia-nova @mxgvmiii @mads-grace4 @bubblebeep69 @katluckybear @scuderiabarca @alwaysclassyeagle @simpingmyassoff @grlwithprblms @lqvesoph @pink-manz @graziemille @xxenia14 @nngkay @icedlattewithextracaramel @gyusrose @vip-access @julianalvarez9 @lavie3nrose @ge0rg1ewaa @i8yul @lovefordilfs271 @remuslupinluver @thattaylorswiftobsessedbitch @chaotic-taco-collector-blog @kaismybabe @notanenthucutlet @fullsun9890 @venomwh0re @renaissancewhxre @gaviandgrizisgirl @altgojo @urmomdotcom5678 @eliseline @invidia-of-alhambra @pixwls @stell4rrrs @80sloverry @car1no-xx @mrsgavira @888bear @kylianmbappee @ivyhrry @gaviypedrisbride @grlwithprblms @dessxoxsworld @user6373738 @sideeblogsstuff @halaxxx @berriesaren
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pedrisbanana · 1 year
Could we have pedri smut where he fingers you under the table during a Barca dinner and they go home and he gives her long and teasing sex…..I am just in love with your page🥰
Making fun of him was never a good idea...
Enjoy 🍌
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Pedri held out the chair for you to sit down. You sat at the very edge of the huge table right across from Xavi. 
It was a rather fancy restaurant, giving you the opportunity to dress up. You wore a purple satin gown with a high slit. It almost reached the floor, if it weren't for the glittery heels that you wore, making you about an inch taller than your boyfriend. 
The dinner was organized to congratulate the team for their recent winning streak in Laliga. 
You were concentrated on figuring out how to eat your lovely decorated Lobster, when a hand sneaked up the exposed part of your leg. Looking down, Pedri's hand sneaked its way up to rest on the inside of your thighs, fingertips grazing your panties ever so slightly. 
You leaned over, pretending to peck his shoulder. "And what do you think you're doing?" 
Pedri was still in the middle of some football tactic talk with Gavi when he turned his head. 
„You seem bored and I know this is how to entertain you the best." he shrugged. 
Deciding to see where this was going, you focused on the lobster again. 
Pedri's hand cupped you through your panties and you spread your legs a little bit, giving him more room. You saw the corner of his mouth twitch as he answered his best friend. 
He turned to his meal again, apparently finished to talk to Gavi and at the same time, his thumb rubbed your clit over the lace. The midfielder played with adding and releasing pressure sometimes rubbing smaller or bigger circles. Your hand held onto the silverware for dear life.
By the time dessert was served, he had two fingers inside of you. Luckily Gavi told some La Masia anecdote to his teammates or else the sound of Pedri's movements would be heard. 
You clenched around him and quickly focussed on the ice cream to muffle your moans. 
Deciding to distract from your probably flushed and out of mind aura,  you spoke up. 
"I think- I need to text my daddy and tell him I'll be sleeping over at yours tonight."
Your boyfriend looked at you. His expression was a mix between lust and shook. "What did you just say ?" 
The confusion almost made you forget that two of his fingers were knuckle deep inside of you. He curled them.
"I said, I need to text my dad that I'll be staying at your place tonight. I forgot earlier."
"Oh yeah, you better do that." he swallowed and was about to concentrate on Gavi's story again when your words stopped him. 
"Oh my god, you thought I meant you" you nearly laughed. He shook his head, looking for an excuse.
"Okay then... daddy" you smirked.
"Papi." his voice was merely a whisper. "Say Papi." 
Was he begging you? His cheeks tinted pink as he looked at your lips. 
You raised your brows. "Who'd knew that would be all it took you to break that dominant demeanor. Cute" 
A little giggle escaped your lips and you removed his hand from you. "You're so cute Pedri." 
His jaw clenched angrily and he licked his fingers. You found it very amusing to see him like this. 
For the rest of the night he gave you the cold shoulder, besides the occasional hand squeeze or peck on the cheek. His teammates couldn't know something was up. 
You waved it off. He was really cute pretending to be mad. Well, it couldn't always go his way and knowing him, he'd still fuck you later. Pedri could never hold back and he still owed you an orgasm.
„Undress and sit on the bed." Pedri said. His voice was clouded with lust. 
Well, you didn't expect him to react like that when you two arrived home. He was still annoyed and from the way he instructed you it was a warning. 
His tongue clicked against his cheek when you hooked your thumbs into your panties. „Leave them on." 
You hesitated for a moment, listening to the sound of your breath, before sitting down on the edge of the bed. Pedri stood in front of you, his smell intoxicating your senses. His hands pulled the dress shirt out of his pants and unbuttoned it, slowly revealing the tanned skin of his toned upper body. 
He was punishing you for not taking him seriously. For making him feel insecure about his preferences. 
It was torture to watch him, your panties sitting uncomfortably wet between your legs. The urge to touch him was taking over your mind, but you didn't want him to stop. You moved to sit on your hands and blushed as you felt the wet stain underneath you on the duvet. 
His pants were next. Undoing it with skilled fingers they quickly joined the dress shirt on the floor. Your eyes followed the trail of dark hair under his belly button to the to of the black briefs. His bulge was big and protruding against its cotton confinements. 
You bit your lip. He slid the fabric down his legs, finally revealing what he had you yearning for all evening. 
"Lay back." he ordered and waited for you to scoot back on the duvet. 
Pedri kneeled in front of you, resting your legs on his shoulders as he buried his face between your legs. Moving your panties to the side, his fingers explored your folds, spreading the wetness before finding your clit. His lips kissed your core, testing your patience, before lapping up your wetness.
Your hips bucked up and your back arched, hands fisting the bedsheets. "Pedri don't stop. Please."  
He moaned against you, sending shockwaves through your body. His tongue found your entrance and his other hand pushed against your lower stomach, holding you down. You felt him smirk when you moaned after his nose bumped against your clit, still massaged by his fingers. 
He played with you like a marionette, pulling just the right strings. So you decided to play your cards. 
"Just like that." It took your last willpower to look at him and pout. "Papi." 
Pedri stopped his ministrations and his eyes snapped up to meet yours. He removed his hands from your shaking body to lean himself up. His mouth and chin glistening from your arousal. 
Your neglected clit pulsed and you suddenly had the urge to press your thighs together. Maybe teasing him wasn't the best decision. His eyes raked up and down your exposed body, taking in your naked from . Your nipples hardened under his stare. 
You wanted him to touch your breasts. He liked playing with your breasts, but now he was just staring. 
"Papi hmm ? Not so amusing anymore, amor ?" he teased and reached over to the nightstand. 
"Please touch me again, Papi. I'm so sorry." Shaking your head, you watched as he took the lube from the drawer and dribbled some onto your swollen pussy. The cold sensation made you hiss out. 
"You're so needy for my cock, hermosa. Always impatient." his hands mapped out the shape of your hips to your ass, pulling you closer. 
Your legs on his shoulders again, your boyfriend grabbed his cock and guided it through your folds. He spread the lube over your pussy with the tip, breathing hard. He held himself back. 
You breathed out his name when he finally entered you. He was stretching you out deliciously and you clenched around him. Normally you would enjoy his long and static thrusts until he fucked your over the edge, but all the teasing drove you crazy. You desperately needed release. 
His thrust were fast and sloppy. Pedri breathed quickly, wet hair clinging to his sweaty forehead. His hands cupped your breasts. One after an another, playing with the sensitive buds. 
Your hands reached down to where you were joined, circling your pulsing clit. 
"I'm close, Papi, harder please." Your moan made him twitch inside of you, hitting your sweet spot. Switching to longer thrusts, one of Pedri's hands grabbed himself again, afraid to slip out of you. 
Pedri pinched your breasts as he came, praising you in spanish endearments. You circled your clit faster, seeking your own orgasm as you felt his cum inside of you. Your pussy must look like a mess, covered in Pedri's sperm and your wetness. 
When he carefully pulled out, you couldn't hold back anymore. Your orgasm struck you in waves of pleasure. Pedri held your shaking legs as you screamed out your pleasure. 
Finding support in Pedri's arms, you came down from your high. He stroked your hair, pulling you against his chest. The few hairs decorating his pecs tickled your cheek. 
"I've got you, mi vida" he said, dialect heavy. 
Warmth spread through you again and your nails dug into his arms. You couldn't let go of him just yet. 
He looked at you endearingly as you told him you loved him over and over again. 
A/N: I hate the beard but other gifs didn't fit the vibe of the fic...
This is a more classic piece and I saw this trope on other blogs as well. So, I didn't focus that much on the dinner part. I also added a little kink to make it more exciting.
Thank you for loving my page, I'll try my best🥰
I hope you enjoy my version and leave me some love💕
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fangirlies · 2 years
Jump your bones- pt. 3 (x.t)
Pairing: xavier thorpe x fem!reader
Summary: when xavier continues to make unusual remarks, you put your theory to the test to see if he bites the bait.
Warnings: 18+!! Minors do not interact. F masturbation. Use of toy. Dirty talk. (please let me know if I should be aware of anything else)
here you can find part 1 and part 2!
added skin by Mac bc.. well.. “and now she comin’ closer up she goes, she wanna jump my bones” and “girl, you my paintin’, you my art installation, gonna fuck you, put you on the wall, all I wanna do is show you off” I mean doesn’t get more xavi than this. ok I talk too much sorry enjoy the filth :)
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"Mmm xavier, just like that," you quietly moaned as your fingertips reach past the hem of your panties and into the warmth between your thighs. You close your eyes, picturing Xavier's long, thin digits gliding through your folds. Your unoccupied hand is caressing your breasts while pausing at the nipples and pinching it in between your thumb and index finger. The image of his full and luscious lips flashes through your mind, prompting you to bite down on your own. His groans were now permanently ingrained in your memory from your last encounter with him in his art shed. He consumed your thoughts, and in all honesty, you were okay with it.
After rubbing the bundle of nerves a few times, you desperately wished Xavier was hovering over you. You inserted your fingers inside your quivering hole that was practically begging to be filled. The wetness that the mere thought of him produced made it simple for you to glide in. Your mouth was parted and eyes screwed shut as you quickly shoved your fingers in and out of you while trying to catch your breath. The squelching sound of your pussy getting fucked filled the room. You could now feel the start of your second orgasm of the night pproaching.
“fu-ck xavi.” Your toes curled as you added a third finger just as you increased your speed. You remember the obscene sounds that flooded his art shed. The way he left a wet kiss trail down your collarbone. The way your naked body was propped up on top of his desk, eagerly explored by his sizeable hands. His raging red cock oozing pre cum solely for you.
"Yes, Xavier, right there, yes, yes, yes"
Breathing has become erratic as you recall his dark eyes, which were typically green, roaming your body as if you were the most delicious meal he’s ever laid eyes on. You recall as he thrusted himself in you for the final time while he filled you with his warm seed. This was the thought that caused you to unravel around your fingers again.
As you recovered from the aftershock of your orgasm, you took a moment to steady your breathing. Since your initial encounter, this was the third night in a row where you took matters into your own hands—no pun intended—and tried to satisfy your own needs. You considered messaging him to sneak into your hall, but you rejected the idea since you felt it either sounded desperate or felt "too soon."
Little did you know that Xavier is thinking of you as he sleeps in Hamlet Hall, on the opposite side of Nevermore. It wasn't like the usual dreams he had on a daily basis, no. These images of you touching yourself to the thought of him plagued his mind prior to your rendezvous with him in his art shed. His visions of you had begun ever since Ajax told him about your desire to jump his bones during one of their nightly smoke sesh. He always suspected you fancied him when you could hardly ever maintain eye contact. But when he discovered your secret, he wondered if you weren't just a quiet girl after all. He wondered if he could bring out a side of you that no one else knew about. And having accepted his own challenge, he arrived at this. Lying spread out on his bed in his boxers with a developing erection as he heard your throaty moans and eyed your soft, dainty fingers pumping in and out of your dripping pussy. Even though he despised the sticky sensation between his legs when he woke up every morning, the sight of you begging for him in the emptiness of your room somehow made it worth it. Every other night, Xavier practically expected seeing you in his visions. And that evening, when he finally had you all to himself in his art shed, it was everything he had anticipated and more. He was even more aroused by the fact that you continued to fantasize about him after that night while finger fucking yourself. You were all he had been able to see for the past three nights, and he had already begun to schedule his trip into town to look for a fresh pack of briefs.
Obviously, he was aware that he could never discuss the dirty visions he has of you. He undoubtedly understood that what you were up to under your bed sheets at 1 in the morning was entirely private. On the other hand, he seized every chance to mildly tease you about it.
He sat next to you for breakfast before the rest of the group gathered at your regular table the morning after a long night of watching you crumble at the thought of him fucking you in different positions.
“Good morning, tiny," he greeted you, trying desperately to keep it together as a smug smile formed on his face. When you caught his glance, he noticed your flushed cheeks and it made his head swell even bigger than what it already was. cocky bastard.
The only thing you could muster was a " good morning " fearing that if you looked at him for a moment too long, the heat that you were all too familiar with would soon appear.
“What’d you do last night?”
Your head immediately snapped up from looking down at your breakfast and into his emerald eyes.
“What- what do you mean?” You questioned. He couldn’t possibly know. Could he?
“I mean, did you have any exciting plans last night?” As he battled a smile, you could see his tongue prodding the inside of his lower cheek. He relished watching you tense up. He adored seeing the crimson color that your cheeks always took when he was near by. He took pleasure in making your mind race.
You bit your lip and tried to escape his intense gaze, "Oh. . . well, um- not really."
"That's no fun," Xavier responded, closing the distance between you two with his arm around your shoulder. "I bet you would have had a lot more fun if I had actually been there," he added in a whisper so close to your ear that you felt his peppermint breath brush your skin. You choked on the iced coffee you took a sip from as he spoke.
Enid's cheerful self abruptly interrupted the two of you as she rushed over to the table. "Hiya, you two love birds! I see the two of you are getting very cozy— you know, just say the word and I’ll make you matching snoods!” the blond girl continued to her never ending conversation as she jumped from one subject to the other with Divina. How she had so much energy at this hour of the morning puzzled you.
Yet, you swiftly turned your attention to Xavier. He was talking to Yoko and Ajax about tonight's smoking session at this point, but you couldn't help but think about the remark he had just made moments before. What did he mean when he said "if he had actually been there”?
You kept thinking about this mornings exchange all day long—during class, dinner, and even while taking a shower—and it still didn't make any sense to you. As you rinsed your mouth with water, you spit out the extra toothpaste and made your way into your room again. Enid was seen putting together a small bag as you left the bathroom.
“Where are you going? It's late," you so blatantly stated.
“I'm spending the night at Ajax's. I won’t be back until morning,” she joyfully said as she twisted the doorknob, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do” She wiggled her eyebrows before vanishing through the door on the other side. She was utterly obsessed with her boyfriend, truthfully it made you sick. But when Enid stayed over at her boyfriend's dorm, you treasured the nights you had to yourself. And just like the previous evening, you had plans to let all of your sexual frustrations out. This time, before settling into bed, you searched your bedside table until you found the vibrating toy you had managed to smuggle in. You inhaled deeply before turning it on at a low setting and slipping off your panties.
You couldn't stop picturing Xavier's morning appearance. His messy up-do. His drowsy eyes. The way he leaned in and put his arm around your shoulder. His scratchy, low voice that made it impossible for anyone to hear what only the two of you should know. His comment popped in your head once more. If I had actually been there.
If I had actually been there.
It was almost immediately clear. You almost felt foolish for not noticing it sooner. As you stopped to consider, you turned off your vibrating toy. Ajax periodically brought up Xavier’s visions whenever he spent time in Enid and yours shared dorm room. How sometimes Xavier would deem them as ‘insanely too realistic.’ At this point, your thoughts were racing almost as fast as your heart. You couldn't help but question whether you were thinking things out of context or if everything made total sense. Was he having visions of your nightly routine?
There was only one way to find out, you thought. You put your theory to the test as you fiddled with your newly purchased pearl ring on your index finger. You powered your vibrator again, this time increasing its level. Images of Xavier filled your mind once more. Now that the toy was on your eager clit, it sent sparks throughout your body. You let out a soft moan as you imagined Xavier starting to flick your now swollen clit with his hot, wet tongue. You could almost hear him uttering the filthy vulgarities to you in his painting studio again: "Are you going to take my entire dick in your cunt like a good girl too?” Remembering the hunger in his tone, you immediately felt a searing sensation in your core.
“wish you could see the mess I make for you every night,” you spoke into your empty room. The pressure between your thighs forced your hips to stutter. With your free and wandering hand, you grabbed a fistful of your linen bed sheets. So much so that you came to terms with the mark your ring might leave.
You were now so close to the edge that it was difficult to control your trembling legs. Even though it wasn't your first time using your vibrator, you were truly amazed with how quickly it always brought you to release. The intensity of your toy caused you to cry in ecstasy as your toes now curled, your chest rose, and your eyes were glued shut.
“I’m yours xavi, gonna- gonna cum for you.” Once you reached your peak with just one person in mind, your juices started to seep out of your hole. Your lips were spewing out his name like a mantra.
Xavier was seemingly sound asleep the entire time all the way in Hamlet Hall. He was quietly whimpering as he laid on his stomach, a firm grasp on his pillow as he gently rolled his hips into his mattress. Thanks to your filthy mouth, he was in a pool of his own cum. Your name rolled off his tongue as your gaping cunt came into clear view, which was now dripping for him. While he's seen you touch yourself before, this vibrator was a new one, and he knew he'd pay for it the next morning.
He most certainly did when he awoke late with yet another pair of ruined underwear. He skipped breakfast and hurried through the hallways to get to History of Greek Mythology in time, then slouched in his normal seat as the professor welcomed the class. He exhaled a sigh of relief as he scanned the classroom for you. When he peered at you, a faint smile began to form at the end of his mouth. Your hair was pulled back into an almost perfect bun as you sat at your desk with your chin resting on your palm. His gaze traveled up your body and to your familiar fingers. Yet, before he turned away, his typical arrogant grin reappeared reminiscing your whimpers with the faint sound of vibrations. Xavier shuffled in his seat, trying not to get too worked up in the midst of the first period.
After an hour of learning about The Trojan War, you sprinted to catch up to Xavier as the bell rang, bypassing the rest of your classmates.
“Thought you weren’t going to show for first today,” you smiled innocently up at him as your hand reached for his wrists.
"And miss Achilles' fight in the Trojan War? How could I?" He scoffed sarcastically before exposing his pearly teeth.
You rolled your eyes at his remark and chuckled in response. You seemed to appreciate his amiable banter, which was one of his best qualities. He always kept you on your toes.
"Nice ring, by the way," he continued and your eyebrows raised almost instantly. You fought a self-satisfied grin that threatened to creep up on your face. His arrogance finally caught up with him. You had him precisely where you wanted him. “Do you know what pearls symbolize? Being innoce--”
“Xavier, I’m not wearing a ring.”
As he spotted the mark your ring had made on your outstretched hands but no pearl in sight, his face flushed. He looked back at you, and you responded with a fake expression of perplexity and a grin. He was caught, and he was aware of it.
“Did- did I say ring? I meant to say necklace. No, earring. Fuck- I must still be woozy from waking up late. Do you think they’re still serving breakfast?” He made a pathetic attempt to change the subject. Scratching the back of his neck, he added "I'm starving."  You absolutely relished being the one who made him tense up for a change. You could understand his usual confidence now; it was difficult not to be cocky from this vantage point.
“How do you know about my pearl ring?” You questioned while raising an eyebrow at him and crossing your arms in front of your chest.
“You always wear it, what do you mean?"  He managed to let out a nervous laugh.
"I just got it. And if my memory serves me well, I've never worn it to class.” In front of you, Xavier deteriorated into a sweaty, frantic mess.
“So… how can you possibly know about my ring? Unless of course you've been in my room without my knowledge." 
You could see the gears inside his head turning. He searched his mind for an excuse. An explanation. Anything.
He groaned before giving in, "What do you want me to say, y/n," realizing he had been caught. He must have experienced a massive increase in blood pressure as you approached his face when he felt his knees buckle. Before speaking, you leaned fairly close to his ear.
"I want you to admit that you watch me cum for you every night. While you're at it, tell me how hard it makes you." 
Xavier was taken aback. He looked about, wondering whether this was all a dream, and even contemplated pinching himself. Were you actually in front of him, gazing intently into his lingering green eyes, fully aware of his obscene visions? He could feel his dick twitch in his uniform pants, and he took shallow breaths as a result of your exuding confidence. You were messing with him. And he could see you enjoyed it. It was thrilling to see him fold in front of you. Just like you wanted to, you finally had him tightly wrapped around your finger.
In the back of his throat, Xavier could feel his breath becoming heavy. "Stop it. Stop talking,” he said in between gritted teeth.
A cunning grin plastered on your face now and he felt instant regret for his previous comment, “Watch me. Oh, wait, you already do, don’t you?”
He witnessed his confidence fading and knew something had to be done.
“I’ll make you shut up. You’d like that right?” Xavier drew closer to you as he made every and any effort to suppress the urge to pin you up and fuck you beside these lockers right now. "But I'm not someone you can easily get rid of."
“Who said I’d want that?” It was your turn to be quick on your feet for once. Your scoff reached his ears, and he could feel his heart, which seemed to swell into a mallet and swing against his rib cage. “You know, for someone who loves to perv over me, you surely aren’t paying much attention to what I say.” You teased him even further by running your fingertips over the hem of his pants. There were several goosebumps visible in the slight gap where his uniform shirt had ridden up and revealed his lower stomach.
“I- I think that’s called being distracting. . .”
You shook your head, your laughter echoing down the almost completely empty corridor." Well, whether you're there or not," you spoke, reaching up and fixing the collar of his uniform. Under your touch, he involuntarily shivers, and you notice his adams apple bob up before returning to its usual spot. “You know what I’ll be up to tonight.” Before locking eyes with him for the final time, you bite down on your lips and offer a sweet smile. His usual mint-colored eyes were lust-filled and dark. He would never confess that the image of your precious, delicate fingers throbbing inside of you was the reason for the little damp spot that was growing in his underwear.
Your figure as you worked your way to your next period was carefully followed by his gaze. Vanilla, your typical intoxicating fragrance, still lingered. His cock began to quiver once more as a result of your swaying hips, and he eventually looked down to see the raging boner you had triggered yet again. A cocky, lopsided grin crept up on his face. He recognized your baffling little act. After you realized he had been watching last night, he was in awe of the show you had put on for his eyes and his eyes only. He has always figured that you are much more than the quiet girl everyone makes you out to be. And although his cheeks were now cherry red, he secretly felt almost proud that he was the only one who knew what a complete slut you were. And you will be his slut tonight.
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A.N: my sweet and beautiful friend, @baziutawrites, deserves the biggest shout out for helping me on this one!!! Your patience and thoughtfulness never goes unnoticed. Oops forgot to add crazy dirty mind. This has easily become one of my favorites and I have you to thank for that my lovey. Thank you thank you thank you!!!
for the bestie that sent in this idea— wow. is all I could say! i wasn’t planning on writing a part three and much less was I planning to take it in this direction so kisses to you! 🤍🦋🪴🧚🏼‍♀️
Requests are closed at the moment however— inbox is always open! Share your thoughts! Talk to me! Get something off your mind! ✨
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barcalover86 · 1 year
Can we please get sick gavi being looked after by his girl and he’s just pouty and sad but she fully babies him? 🥹 your writing is so good your updates make my day!!
Thank youu!!
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Pablo wasn't feeling too well today, since morning when you woke up next to him you noticed that he was acting different.
You asked him if he was okay and he only told you that he is just feeling a little dizzy, but only because he didn't eat enough, which you believed.
It was the Sunday after a game and it was his day off. You talked a few days before that you were going to visit his parents today and go to some party together, but now you were eating and Pablo seemed like he only got worse.
"Amor, you don't look too well. Please tell me, does something hurt you because it's clearly not the hunger anymore?"
"I don't know, I just feel...weak? I don't even have the strength to stand up now" he laughed, but you were serious.
"No joking, Pablo! Let's go to the couch and I'll see what I can get you to feel better"
He did as you said, and you tried to look for some special medicinel (anti-doping). There weren't many options, so you decided to give him some tea, hoping it would make him feel better.
"I don't have any pills for you so I'm just gonna go buy some, ok? Wait for me here, I'll be back. Drink your tea!!" you said to him while kissing his forehead, which was kinda more hot than his normal temperature.
You looked at him in awe, with a sad face. He only smiled back at you and thanked you.
"Come back quickly, please." he laughed and your rolled your eyes.
You went to buy him some plants medicine and some things to make him a soup. When you got back, Pablo was still on the couch, but now he was sleeping. He was sweating like crazy and he was really red which made you a bit scared.
You tried to prepare him a glass of water, seeing that he finished his tea, to give him the pills you bought, without making any loud noises to wake him up.
"Cariño, wake up a second, please!" you said gently, touching his face slowly.
"Hmmmmm" he said with a crying voice.
"Is it that bad, Pablito?" you asked him while giving him the glass of water.
He only nodded and you touched his forehead and cheeks, feeling the hotness from his skin. You made a sad face, seeing your boyfriend that sick, made you really scared and in that moment, all you wanted to do was to take his pain away.
You kissed his cheek and helped Pablo to go to sleep again, telling him that after 2 hours, you would wake him up to eat some soup.
Pablo was sleeping peacefully while you were preparing the food for him and when it was ready, you woke him up again to help him eat.
He had tears in his eyes, saying to you that it was hard for him to breath and that he is feeling really hot. You gave him a towel that you put in really cold water to put it on his forehead and cheeks, so that he would feel a bit better. It helped him a lot and you gave him another pill, hoping that it would help him even more.
You called his parents to say that you can't make it today and they understood, hoping for their boy to be healthy again. They were really thankful for you, taking care of their son.
You as well called Xavi to tell him that Gavi is not feeling well and he might miss some of his training sessions.
Now you were on the couch, playing with Gavi's hair while he was holding your hand, sleeping. You didn't do anything for hours, only watching him.
He was sleeping a lot, that being the only think he could do, without being in pain. Every hour, you would change his towel to another and at every 3 hours, you wpuld give him his medicine again with a cup of tea with honey.
That night, you hadn't slept at all. You only watched him sleep on you. You wanted to be sure that nothing happened to him.
You did everything to make him feel better. You even helped him shower in the morning so that he wouldn't feel the hotness for some time. You would make him food that helped him recover quickly and were sure to give him enough protein to not lose that much of his muscles. He had to return soon to his training so you tried to prepare him a bit.
You would stay with him all the time, him being really clingy now. Always cuddling with you, sleeping on your lap, or holding one of your fingers. You were always there for him, and he was so thankful for having you in his life.
It wasn't easy to look out for Gavi, but you really loved him, and for every sacrifice you did to stay beside him, you knew he deserved it.
I hope you liked it!!! Have a nice day love youu
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cosmicpearlz · 2 years
baby, it’s cold outside
summary: you convince your boyfriend to play in the snow with you after curfew hours.
pairing: xavier thorpe x reader
a/n: welcome to the 7 days of ficmas! cheers to day 1 (december 19, 2022)
xavier sat by his desk working on a sketch for you while soft music played in the background. he wanted to add it to your christmas gift knowing that you loved when he drew you anything. the picture was of your favorite flowers. the knock on the door brought him back to reality. he closed his sketch book and walked to the door of his dorm room. there you where dressed in oversized pajama pants (more than likely his), a hoodie (also his) and your boots. he’s quick to pull you in the room and shut the door quietly.
“hi my love, to what do i owe this great pleasure of a visit?” he smiled rubbing your arms before placing a kiss on your head.
“let’s go play in the snow!”
“wait, it’s snowing?”
“yes! look,” you enthusiastically pulled his hand to his widow to show him the snow that made the dark sky look bright. it covered the ground and was still falling down.
“so you snuck out of your room pass curfew hours, made it all the way over here without getting caught just to get me to play in the snow with you?”
“well yes. what else are boyfriends good for?” you grinned up at him.
xavier playfully put his hand on his heart like you hurt his feelings, “ouch, you wound me.” you push his shoulder with a laugh still waiting for his answer.
“of course i’ll go with you honey. but you’re not going just like that,” he points down to your outfit.
“what. why not?”
“you don’t have a coat on.”
“babe it’s fine. i’m sure it’s not that serious.”
he looks at you like you’re crazy. in no way was he letting you get sick because you didn’t have a coat on. he silently walked to his closet and pulled out two of his winter coats handing one over to you.
“please put the coat on love.” you put on the winter coat and zipped it up. the coat was almost drowning you but you didn’t mind too much. slipping into his boots and throwing on his coat, he nodded at you.
“see now we can play in the snow,” xavier grabbed his phone placing it in his pocket and holds his hand out to you. you smiled and latched your hand with his.
sneaking out was too easy being that everyone was truly sleeping or just didn’t care enough. you guys made your way to the quad uninterrupted. you immediately took off running into the snow. xavier laughed at you and followed you.
“c’mon xavi!” you threw the first snowball at him. he chases after you without a beat to miss throwing a snowball right back at you.
the two of you continued to act like children. just throwing snow and chasing one another. xavier was happy that he was able to make you happy. he lived to see your beautiful smile, he’d do anything to make it stay like that.
“come here!” he rushes up with a grin to finally catch you and grab your waist. you shrieked as he picked you up and spun the two of you around.
“baby! stop it!”
“you gotta surrender honey.”
“never? okay,” he sets you down and then falls back first into the snow but not before pulling you with him. he pins you down and rolls to hover over you.
“you surrender now?”
“yes, i feel snow sinking into my pants and now i’m cold. my fingers are cold too,” you pout at him gazing into his beautiful green eyes.
“well baby it is cold outside and we unfortunately didn’t put on gloves,” he brings your cold hand up to his lips and kisses it.
“can we do movie night?”
“i’m down for a movie night,” he gets up and then bent down to pull you with him. you took one last look at the snow and xavier took the time to take a picture of you on his phone. you weren’t facing the camera but you were dressed in his clothes and looked absolutely beautiful. he made a mental note to remember to draw this picture, so it can hang in the art shed.
“shall we my darling?”
“we shall,” you grabbed his hand and lead the way back to the dorms.
you both take off your shoes and coats as soon as the two of you were safely in his warm room.
“first order of business is getting out these wet clothes,” xavier finds some spare pajamas for you and lays them on his bed along with some pajamas for himself.
“lift your arms up baby,” you lifted your arms up for him to pull the hoodie off of your body. once he tossed the hoodie on the floor, he goes to pull your pajamas pants down and tosses them on the floor too.
you had learned very early on that one of xavier’s love languages was acts of service. he loved doing little things like this to help you just because he loves you.
“now you lift your arms up pretty boy,” you smiled up at him still in your undergarments.
“you don’t have to do that babe.”
“you get to do it for me and i don’t get to do it for you? not fair at all.”
“okay okay,” he lifts his arms up and allows you to pull his shirt off. although, you had to stand on your tippy toes to fully pull the shirt completely off. you then helped him out of his pants just had he had helped you earlier.
“i’m starting to think you just wanted to get me naked.”
“yeah love, i totally wanted get you naked,” you walked to the bed and throw the pjs at him and it hit him square in the face. you let out a loud laugh.
“no need to get violent.”
“just put on your pjs, so we can watch the movies nerd.”
both of you got cozy on his bed wrapped up in the blankets with his laptop playing a christmas movie. these were your favorite nights and now it was better because of the snow. snowy nights and cuddles from your loving boyfriend.
“thanks for hangout with me in the snow my love.”
“sweetheart you don’t have to thank me. i love hanging out with you. plus you looked so cute in my jacket,” he smiled brightly at you and kissed your nose. you smiled back at him and placed a matching kiss upon his nose too. what a perfect night.
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adrienneleclerc · 2 years
Xavier’s Revenge
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Hispanic!Reader
Summary: After Y/N pulled two pranks on Xavier, he decided to get her back. Since Xavier’s love language is physical touch, what will happen if he limited his affection?
Warning: Boyfriend!Xavier, Sad!Reader, angst?, maybe spelling mistakes
A/N: If i made the reader too sensitive or Xavier too distant, I’m sorry.
Xavier was in his room thinking about Y/N. She already pulled two “pranks” on him, two! Both pranks kinda played with his emotions. He was looking back at his interactions with Y/N before. Even when she called him by “Xavier” and when she didn’t say “I love you”, she still kissed him and hugged him, and was close to him. He thought back to that TikTok Ajax showed him of guy wiping off the kisses his girlfriend gave him.
That’s what Xavier got the idea; for a whole day, which is a bit ambitious in his mind and will probably break sooner, he is going to limit his affection. There will be no more kisses anywhere, no hugs, no physical or emotional intimacy whatsoever.
This was going to be hard on Xavier too because that’s how he shows his love, by physical touch, but it has to be done. It was late so he texted Y/N goodnight. Xavier had things to “plan”.
The next morning, it was Friday. Usually Xavier would knock on Y/N’s dorm, Yoko would let him in, and Xavier would wake her so they could walk together for breakfast on mornings he didn’t go to art shed. But this time he decided not to go to Y/N’s dorm and went to breakfast by himself.
Meanwhile Yoko was getting ready, she looked at the time and realized it was getting close to breakfast and Xavier hasn’t knocked on the door yet. She waited two more minutes before deciding to wake Y/N up herself.
“Y/N, girly, it’s time to wake up.” Yoko said, shaking Y/N. She stirred in her sleep, “In a minute Yoko, I’m waiting for Xavi.” Y/N said softly. “Yeah well Xavier didn’t come so I’m guessing he’s already at breakfast, now get dressed.” Yoko said. Y/N got up quickly, thinking to herself that maybe Xavier just forgot their little “tradition”. Maybe he’s not feeling well, Y/N made picarones last night with Eugene’s honey, maybe she’ll bring some for Xavier.
Y/N got dressed as quickly as she could, put on her earrings (because as a Hispanic, you get your ears pierced very young, for me it was when I was baby) and grabbed her container of picarones, took off the lid, said the incantation, and put the lid back on. She looked at her phone and realized she was 10 minutes late for breakfast. She walked out onto the quad really fast and found Xavier sitting with Ajax and the rest talking about who knows what.
“Good morning everyone, I’m Xavi, you didn’t come get me, are you feeling alright?” Y/N said, she tried to feel his forehead but Xavier lowered her hand before she got too close. “I’m fine, babe, promises. Sit down and have some breakfast, yeah.” Xavier said. Y/N noticed a weird shift in his behavior. She ignored it. “Um, I made those doughnuts I talked about the other day if you guys want some.” Y/N said. She opened the container and put it in the middle so everyone can grab one. Y/N grabbed one too, eating silently.
Enid noticed Y/N’s weird behavior but decided to not say anything until she got her alone. Breakfast continued until the bell rang. “I’ll see you in class, babe.” Xavier said. Y/N was gonna scoot over so she could kiss him but Xavier left the table before she could. Y/N frowned as she saw Xavier walk away. Enid waited for Y/N. “Hey, Y/N, are you okay?” Enid asked. “Um yeah, I’m fine, let’s just go to class.” Y/N said.
Enid and Y/N walked to class and when they made it, Wednesday was sitting next to Xavier. He would always save her a seat if she was running late, maybe the teacher said he could do that this time. Y/N went to the empty seat next to Ajax, maybe she can figure out what’s going on with Xavier.
“Ajax, do you know what happened with Xavier?” Y/N asked softly so the teacher couldn’t hear them. “I have no idea what you mean, he was normal yesterday.” Ajax replied. “Did his father say something or do you know if..” Ajax interrupted her. “Y/N, i can’t really talk about this right now, we can talk after class okay.” Ajax said, Y/N nodded silently. Y/N was having a hard time concentrating in class.
Coming from a Hispanic family, Y/N’s family was very loving and affectionate. The fact that she hasn’t received the kind of affection she was used to from Xavier made her feel sad. After class, Xavier went to the next one before Y/N was able to talk to him. The same thing continued for the next few classes until lunchtime. At lunch, Y/N got food and saw that Xavier was sitting between Ajax and Wednesday.
“Don’t you think you’re getting carried away?” Ajax asked Xavier, looking at Y/N’s face, which wasn’t her usual happy face. “I’m sure she’s fine, besides, she pulled two pranks on me, so I’m doing one back.” Xavier said. Then Ajax looked at him. “From what I remember, those pranks literally lasted, at most, 15 minutes. Each one was about 15 minutes, what you’re doing started this morning, just remember that.” Ajax said. Y/N walked to the table and sat next to Enid.
“So flaquito, i was thinking we can go into town later today.” Y/N said. “Yeah sure, we can go.” Xavier said. Xavier saw the way Y/N looked down at her food tray, playing with her food, struggling to finish. Y/N tried to finish it though. Xavier felt very guilty for what he has decided to do but he had to stay strong. The whole table felt very uncomfortable, Y/N being quiet wasn’t very common. Lunch was awkward until the bell rang and everyone went to either fencing or combat. Y/N said goodbye to those who had fencing, was going to kiss Xavier on the cheek goodbye but decided against it. Enid walked with Y/N to combat.
“Y/N, I don’t like seeing you this way, just talk to Xavier and see what’s going on.” Enid suggested. “I can’t talk to him, when I tried talking to him earlier, he completely left without me. I don’t know what’s happening.” Y/N said, when they made it to combat, Y/N had to spar with someone else to “challenge yourself” and she was paired with a gorgon, they were sparring but because Y/N’s mind was somewhere else, she twisted her ankle and fell on the mat.
“Y/N, are you okay?” The coach asked. “Yeah I’m fine, just give me second.” Y/N said and said the incantation to heal her ankle. She moved it around and it felt a lot better. She was going to get off the mat but the coach told her to sit out. “Your mind is somewhere else, can’t let you get hurt, even if you can heal yourself, sit out and watch what they do.” Y/N did as she was told, class was finished, she went to her next one until her school day was over. She left her bag on her bed in the dorm and walked to Xavier’s.
Xavier was laying down in bed when there was a knock on the door. “Corazón, It’s me, we need to talk.” He heard Y/N’s tired voice. He got up and opened the door. “Come on.” Xavier said and Y/N walked in. “What’s wrong?” Y/N said, trying to cup his face but Xavier moved back and that’s what broke Y/N, she nodded, she felt tears in her eyes but won’t let them fall. “You Don’t get to do that.” Y/N said.
“What am i doing?” Xavier asked. “You know what you’re doing! You’re trying to push me away, assuming that I would get so fed up with your attitude that I break up with you because apparently you aren’t mature enough to break up with me yourself. Look me in my eyes and tell me you’re breaking up with me because honestly, Xavi, you being distant hurts much worse than getting broken up with.” Y/N said looking up at Xavier, tears falling down. Xavier wiped Y/N’s tears with his sleeves and Y/N looked down. Xavier places his finger under her chin to make her look at him again.
“I’m not breaking up with you, I love you too much.” Xavier said. “That’s the first time you said it all day.” Y/N said. “I know, I’m sorry, Ajax showed me a TikTok of a guy wiping off his girlfriend’s kisses so I kicked that prank up a few notches.” Xavier said scratching the back of his neck. “I never meant to make you cry though, honestly. I am so sorry for making you think the worse.” Xavier said as he hugged her tightly so she will know that she’s still loved.
“What i did to you wasn’t this bad, was it?” Y/N asked curiously. She felt awful the entire day and wanted to know if she made Xavier felt that way. “No, of course not, angel, I swear you didn’t, what you did only lasted a few minutes. I’m pretty sure what I did affected you the whole day. Enid said you twisted your ankle.” Xavier said. “But i healed myself.” Y/N said. “Still, I’m sorry it went on too long, I really am. How about we go to the Weathervane. With Tyler gone, I’m sure the place will be so much better.” Xavier suggested.
“Sure, I can use some dessert. Let me go change and we can go, okay?” Y/N said. “Of course, darling, I’ll go by your dorm.” Xavier said, kissing Y/N before she left. Both Xavier and Y/N felt a lot better because Y/N thrives off affection and Xavier’s love language is physical touch so they’re both glad everything is back to normal.
Should I continue with the TikTok/Prank collection and write a couples video next time?
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pessiofficial · 11 months
barca vs. real madrid match analysis (10/28/23)
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i don't know what to say, overall just a really, really disappointing match especially when we deserved a lot more. all credit to real madrid (specifically jude) because they capitalized on the chances they had, something we obviously need to learn how to do.
i wanna start with the positives:
gavi. absolutely ridiculous player, had bellingham, kroos, and valverde in his pocket for the first half until romeu came in and he moved out of the pivot role. he was imo the best player on the field for both sides today, and if we can't take away the three points from today we can at least sleep a little easy knowing that the rest of the world knows how good he is now!!! i even saw utdtrey compliment him which is a win in my book. he's easily barca's best player this season and if we get a little further in the ucl i think he makes that ballon d'or shortlist easy.
okay next up are the players who i thought had good games. gundo of course with the goal, he's so clutch and was very sharp without it too. cancelo was amazing and araujo had vini (don't even get me started on vini today :/ ) in his pocket the entire time, it was amazing. rock solid defending except for those last 20 minutes, but i think there's a reason for our mistakes that i'll get into in a second. also fermin, christensen, and inigo had good games.
in terms of tactics and coaching, xavi coached a 1-0 or 2-0 win today, we just need to learn how to convert more than 1 of every 6 chances. there's no excuse. lewandowski's first touch is abysmal, i barely saw ferran, and joao felix only had that one chance. we just need more. xavi made a really good point about real madrid when he said that they knew how to convert the chances they took and he's absolutely right. we had a lot of unlucky shots but still, just expected more.
now onto the negatives. lewandowski had a stinker, but he also literally just came back so i'll take it a little easy on him. romeu is just not barcelona quality, he's been decent in the smaller games but he's so vulnerable without de jong next to him, it's almost laughable. the winning goal happened because romeu didn't mark bellingham. we need frenkie back and i'm so serious when i say we're horrible without him in that pivot. i didn't realize fully how important busquets was to this team until i saw a new pivot play.
now, the elephant in the room: ter stegen. i don't know about the second goal because it was from such close range, but that first one? any good goalie doesn't let that in, and on top of that any respectable goalie doesn't get shots like that taken against him very often. players nowadays know that if you shoot from distance against stegen it's going in. i've been a neuer truther for a long time and i've always meant it when i said that ter stegen isn't built for the biggest stage. he does this in ucl nights, he does it in clasicos. he had a good league season last year but he's just not barcelona quality in the bigger ucl/derby games. that shot from bellingham wouldn't have gone in if stegen had saved it instead of trying to parry it away. really, truly embarassing. i hope he can acknowledge and fix this.
last thoughts about the other team: i really don't think anyone from real madrid played particularly amazing except bellingham (who i actually don't think played well he just did what it took when it mattered) and modric, who really changed the tempo of the game when he came in. the refereeing was... fine. yes that was a pen for araujo but honestly we're lucky that ferran didn't get a red for that tackle, there are some refs who would've given that. vini was especially bitchy today, i don't understand why. he's genuinely so unlikeable and there was no need for any of the things he did especially when he had a stinker. this being said if he did suffer any racist abuse (as i've heard) i condemn that as well, never any room for racism.
anyway, we move!!! the season is very long and when pedri, fdj, and kounde are back we'll be better. this was a good lesson for us on finishing our goddamn chances and we'll be better. this game has proven that we can compete at a european level and we will for many years to come.
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xavierbbyy · 2 years
Sick Reader x Xavier Thorpe 🎨🥹
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I woke up to the sound of my alarm with a raging headache and I knew I couldn’t skip school because of my poor attendance so I got my uniform on and made my self look presentable and walked to my first class, Xavier kept glancing over and I knew he was suspicious, the last class I had was with Ms ThornHill and my seat was beside my boyfriend, Xavier. I knew I was done for and I was right after class he picked me up and carried me to his dorm “Trust me Xavi, I feel fine” I lied
Xavier POV:
I knew she was lying because when she lies she plays with the charm bracelet I gave her on Valentines Day so I decided to text Ajax
Snake Boy 🐍
Me: Hey Ajax, Do you mind letting Weems know that Y/n’s sick while I go pick up our work from our classes so I can take care of her?
Snake Boy: Ofc dude, I Hope she feels better soon!
Me: Thanks!
I put my phone down and Gently undressed her (NOT IN THAT WAY) and put my hoodie on her and some of her sweat pants that she left in my dorm. “I’ll be right back I have to go pick up our work from the teachers” so I gently shut the door after walking out of the room
Reader POV:
A few minutes later I felt nauseous and my mouth started watering so I ran to the bathroom and next thing you know everything I had ate today came back up as soon as I was done I laid curled up in a ball and just cried “Babe?” I heard from outside the door, I knew it was Xavier as I was about to say something, The throw up beat me to it and I had to dart to the toilet up once again, I think he heard cause as soon as I knew it I felt his arms wrap around me, he put my hair up with the hair-tie that was once on his wrist “It’s okay I’m right here baby” he cooed “I’ve got you everything’s gonna be okay, don’t worry I’m gonna take good care of you love” He reassured you. You hated throwing up and he knew that so he kept comforting you while drawing patterns on your back, after you were done emptying your stomach you got up and started brushing your teeth, and he wrapped his arms around you waist and laid his head on your shoulder and started lightly kissing your neck, as soon as you were done brushing your teeth he picked you up and gently laid you down on the bed, he then changed into some sweat pants as well, he took his shirt off and climbed in the bed with you pulling you into his chest while putting on your favorite movie on and you both slowly drifted off too sleep.
Heyy! I’m Ally, This is my first time ever writing anything and I already hate it so please leave me some tips!! 😩
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nikitaoutside · 22 days
24th August
It's the night before my flight and I've just realised: I don't have to try and fit everything I own into one bag.
My initial plan was to have one (1) checked in bag and one (1) carry-on (as well as one (1) handbag). Because I booked business class (😎) I could bring 40kg, but I didn't want to check in more than one bag because how the hell am I going to navigate SK with two ginormous bags. One big bag would have to do and the maximum weight for one bag was 32kg, so I had to limit myself. And I was struggling.
Me, frazzled and stressed: it's going to be winter in Korea, I HAVE to pack more than two wool cardigans! And I NEED 4 pairs of shoes (fancy, sporty, casual, slides)!
Me, 2 hours after drinking big brain juice: hey... Why don't I check in my 'carry on'... And use my back pack as my 'carry on'... It would be the same number of luggage because my hands would still be free...
(I had crammed the backpack, which I needed to carry all my stuff for uni/classes, into a corner of my carry on and the amount of space it was taking up was pissing me iff. The maniacal laughter I released when I came up with this plan scared xavi.)
I only ended up actually sleeping well past midnight. Xavi was laying next to me, height of comfort, clueless that I was going to be leaving him soon. It was better that way. The morning comes and mum and I take the new metro to the airport. We arrive at the check in for Philippine Airlines and I can’t see the Business class line, and I was like ‘Oh I guess there isn’t one,’ lowkey disappointed but then my mum points out the slightly hidden sign and I line up. I’m the only one in that line, and god I felt like such a pretender!!! After checking in, I have a coffee with my mum, say goodbye and make my way to security.
It's the longest line in the whole world, but quick moving. Finally I put my stuff on the belt and wouldn't you know it, I had to do a separate scan. As soon as the agent saw me, she clocked my doc martens and asked "are you wearing boots?". I said yes. She asked me to remove them.
I had to remove my boots in front of everyone!! Like I was getting ready to settle in!! And then I had to put my bare socks on the airport floor... Horrible.
I made it through, went to the gate and then lined up for the flight. It was particularly peculiar because I was able to board the flight as a business class passenger, which meant I got on first. God, is this how the other half lives?!
I get on and get to my seat. Chucked my backpack in the overhead locker. My bag was the only one in there, which felt like a waste of space. The seat itself was pretty spacious and comfy. After the flight took off and it was safe to do so, I put my seat in 'relax' mode lmao. The entertainment options were okay. They had 5 random eps of Friends and 5 of Supernatural. They also offered Meg 2, which I didn’t watch, but smiled fondly at in honour of Aish.
In business class, meals are served with the attendant first putting a goddamn cloth on the tray!!! Fancy?! First I was served an entree, mains came next and then a dessert.
OBVIOUSLY I found my attendant hot. I think the flight had a Spanish team, because I could hear his accent. Cute curly brown hair, glasses, freckles. Sooo cute! And after one of the meals he tried to make conversation with me by asking if I liked the food, and how it was. I was so fumbly with my answer lmao.
There was another funny moment where, after my mains, he asked if I wanted dessert. I asked him what the options were and he listed various flavours of ice cream and something called a chocolate dome. The dome intrigued me so I ordered it. He said "very good" and started cleaning up my tray, and taking away the cloth. I was a bit confused but who am I to question the ritual?! He then said "oh no what am I doing" and put the cloth back, all flustered. Very cute.
I tried to nap on the plane and managed it. I probably reclined about 80% and was blasted by Prachi for not lying down the full way. Her argument was that I paid so much money for my ticket, which is true BUT HOW could I recline fully?! It's so vulnerable???
I saw a man across the aisle watching a movie. The strange part was he had the description info section pulled up and then LEFT IT UP while watching the movie?? He watched the movie through half a screen???? Weird as hell…
Anyway, finally reach the Philippines, and there begins the tortuous part of my journey.
Firstly it's hot as balls, and as shown in the picture, I am not dressed for heat. I walk around trying to find the business class lounge for 30 minutes carrying this heavy ass jacket. But I finally find it, and it's gorgeous!! Shiny chrome and wood panelling. Very pretty. I find a seat against a window, dump all my stuff and go to the buffet. There was this delicious mango sago pudding... Oh it was divine and I had 3.
Secondly, I waited 8 hours there. I knew this going in, but I hadn't fully comprehended the sheer amount of time I would be sitting. My butt was working overtime trying to give me the support I needed. I managed to spend time completing a puzzle book Shirine gave me, which really saved me.
Thirdly, when the time for the flight finally came, I went over to the gate, got on the flight and saw that business class on this flight was basically premium economy on any other. There would be no 100% recline happening here.
...god, I take business class ONE time and I'm already corrupted.
Anyway, that wasn't too bad because I still managed to sleep. I ended up requesting to move my seat because I was in the last row and economy started right behind me. I didn't want to recline in their faces!! Luckily the row in front of me remained clear and I was able to shift up.
Business class is just full of strange people I guess. Because on THIS flight, across the aisle there was a man who just rawdogged the entire flight by listening to his goddamn TV show with NO headphones. It was so loud I could hear individual sounds, and if I could understand Korean, I would've been able to watch it along with him. And then behind him was this strange woman who kept making this sound as if she was blowing her nose but with NO tissue in sight?! The flight attendants found a passport on the ground and it was hers?! THIS is a true business class passenger, someone who doesn't even care about her expensive ass identity documents.
Philippine Airlines overall had great service, great takeoff and landing, and good food. Would fly again.
When I went through immigration, I was the only one because I had a foreign passport. We were given three declaration forms on the plane, which I diligently filled out. Turns out we only needed one so I held onto the others like a chump. Went and got my bags and headed for the taxi rink.
I was here. I made it. I'm in South Korea!!!
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new-berry · 1 month
what do u think the following players best pairs are:
Cole palmer
Jude Bellingham
Bukayo Saka
Jamal Musiala
Xavi Simmons
Phil Foden
Joe Willock
Oh man, a deep dive into lunacy is ahead. Buckle up! I thought I would challenge myself (I am not avoiding glitter and 💔 YOU are avoiding glitter and 💔 ) and imagine these as AU’s
Phil Foden. KDB. Friends…. Picture the AU. We need KBD as the rich successful businessman who was used as a bank card by his last “partner” (doesn’t deserve the word) who was sleeping around and making fun of Kevin’s devotion.
He meets Phil I don’t know trying to pick pocket him? steal his tires? and he’s so fed up and exhausted and just… lonely (he knew okay? He knew the ex was a dirtbag but he hates coming home to an empty house. He just walks around now listening to echos).
So he asks Phil what he wants (Phil is a step up from an urchin here. Maybe he has a skateboard? He still has the terrible haircut) and Phil is like “dinner.” There is an open place so Kevin is like fuck it and buys him dinner.
There are all the expected tropes of two people from very different backgrounds being the best thing that happened to either of them.
Joe Willock clearly, clearly, he and Bukayo Saka meet at a religious high school. As I was writing this perhaps they are first year teachers. The absolute rigid control they have both operated under all their lives.
At first they are kind of shoved together. The “young men” the newbies. Then it’s friendship because they are are of floundering around together. Young Christian Men’s Academy. When none of the hard ass teachers are around they have a joke based on the YMCA song.
Cole Palmer - can I ever get past Cole and Levi? Love the idea of him as a slightly privileged kid going to uni (masters) in London. Meet at this Caribbean place that Levi’s grandma (aunty?) owns. Many misunderstandings. Levi is at Uni as well! Levi is a business major. Cole in something science. (Someone else has to write the science.)
Jude Bellingham model AU! He’s tall okay? Trent and Iris are there, Eduardo is the “urban look” Vini is a photographer. Kylian is a menswear designer. It comes to a head at Paris fashion week when Kylian’s deeply closeted lover (Hakimi) is violent.
Pedri sells party pills in nightclubs.
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ihopethisendswell · 3 years
Alexis: Hm? Good morning! Your up early. Have any pokemon you'd like me to look after?
Alexis: Oh! Hello! Your new! Did you catch this one or...?
Alexis: Ah, I see! Well we're glad to have him! I'm sure Xavi will make him feel welcomed with the others.
Alexis: Though, he looks a little tired....have you two been training....no? Oh. Hm.
Alexis: Uh, quick question, before you go. It's nothing too serious, but when was the last time you slept?
Alexis: ..... You've spent the past few days keeping an eye of the egg until it hatches? So you haven't slept at all?
Alexis: If - if there is one thing being a trainer and a breeder has taught me is that pokemon tend to imitate they're trainers personality or habits. This is especially seen in baby pokemon, even before they hatch.
Alexis: It seems your lack sleep have affected this little guy. Either that he's worried about you, has grown tired himself or both....
Alexis: Can I ask you another question? You don't have to answer this time, but if you could : why were taking care of the egg in such a manner? Don't get me wrong, I'm more than glad that your taking this seriously but-
Alexis: An egg died in your care? Oh. Oh I'm so sorry. Come here.
Alexis: .......
Alexis: I get that. Loss. It hurts like hell. And everytime it happens I just.....blame myself to the point where I push myself too hard. I still push myself too hard. But the difference between then and now is that I recognize when I need to rest. That I have to take care of me, in order to take others y'know?
Alexis: Now your loss is different from my loss, and you grief different than I do as well, so how you move on might be completely different from me. But the point still remains, you gotta take care of yourself! You need rest. You deserve that. You do.
Alexis: Why do I care? Why wouldn't I ? As a breeder , it's my responsibility to make sure trainers are taking care of their pokemon tithe best of their ability. That also means making sure the trainer is taking care of themselves. I know that's ironic, coming from me of all people, but I'm- I'm getting there.
Alexis: I've seen you work. I've seen how much love you place out into the world. It's amazing! Your amazing! And so you need to sleep.
Alexis: Loss will still be a thing your gonna experience, even if you don't want to. It sucks. It hurts. And your gonna grief. Just remember to take care of yourself okay?
Alexis: Phew! That was a lot to unpack this early in the morning, but I'd say it's worth it.
Alexis: My room is upstairs, down the hall, you can sleep there-
Alexis: I don't care if that's impractical or if it's early in the morning! Your going to sleep on a decently comfortable bed, and your gonna like it!
Alexis: Go to bed! Your pokemon will be here waiting for you when you wake up, and I'll cook you some breakfast yeah? It's a really good thing Cleric isn't here right now.
Alexis: Hm? Nothing! Go to bed! And I'm proud of you!
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thecircusfreaks · 5 years
1-91 (one for each muse)
NSFW asks
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1:When did you lose your virginity?
Angelo lost his virginity at age 16 to a girl in his class. He had his first sexual encounter with a man at age 19.
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2: Rough sex or soft sex?
Angela prefers rough sex
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3: Do you have any unusual kinks/fetishes?
Asahi enjoys having sex while watching his fave pornstar on screen.
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4: Weirdest place you’ve had sex?
In a public lounge when in town for a meeting on Iram’s behalf.
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5: Favourite sex position?
Chetan loves the cowgirl and reverse cowgirl. He basically enjoys riding his partner.
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6: Do you like to be dominant or submissive?
Choco enjoys to play submissive but he’s definitely a dominant bottom
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7: Have you ever had any one night stands?
Colt has had plenty of one night stands, so many he forgot to keep track of them.
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8: Sex on the bed, couch or the floor?
Eichi’s prefered place to have sex would be on the couch. The bed is too basic and the floor too uncomfy.
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9: Have you ever had sex in a public place?
Eito has had sex in a public place, a sauna to be specific.
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10: Have you ever been caught masturbating?
Haruya has indeed been caught masturbating, which resulted into sex with a total stranger.
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11: What does your favourite sexy underwear look like?
Hiashi doesn’t have a favorite kind of sexy underwear, he does like a thong on a guy, though.
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12: How often do you have sex?
Currently Ichiro doesn’t have sex at all, he either is too absorbed in his work or he’s too lazy to make an effort. However, he has set his sight on someone.
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13: Is there anybody right now you’d like to have sex with?
Naturally that would be Iram’s lover, Ammon.
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14: Do you prefer giving or receiving oral sex?
Ivan is definitely a receiver.
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15: Most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you during sex?
It didn’t exactly happen during sex but oral sex instead. After getting his first blowjob he came and was unable to get hard for the actual thing.
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16: A song you’d listen to during hard/rough/kinky sex?
Kane’s favorite rough song during sex is ‘You and Me and the Devil makes 3′ by Marilyn Manson.
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17: A song you’d listen to during soft/slow/passionate sex?
Katsuo’s favorite song for slow sex is ‘Slowmotion’ by Trey Songz
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18: Are you into dressing up for sex?
Marcus prefers to get completely naked right away when he’s in the mood. He finds the exposed skin to be sexier than a naughty outfit.
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19: Would you prefer sex in the bath or sex in the shower?
Sex in a steamy shower is where Marito’s preference lies.
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20: If you could have sex with anyone right now, who would it be?
For Masahiko that would still be Shinya, even if he got to choose from every guy in the world.
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21: Have you ever had a threesome? If not, would you?
Masaru has had plenty of threesomes. As a bisexual man, he has had them with two men, with two women and also with another man and a woman. He actually really like threesomes.
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22: Do you/would you use sex toys?
Nori only uses sex toys to masturbate, he wouldn’t use them during sex unless for a porn.
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23: Have you ever sent someone a dirty text/picture?
Ravah has not with the sole reason of being way behind on technology in the place where he lives.
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24: Would you have sex with your best friend?
Raynor doesn’t have a bestfriend. So, at this point his lover would be his bestfriend so that would mean yes.
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25: Is there anything you do after sex? (for example, smoke, eat, drink)
Reina loves taking a shower together and drink a cold drink, may it be water or something else.
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26: Something that will never fail to get you horny?
Renji loves a good make out session, that will certainly put him in the right mood.
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27: Early morning sex or late night sex?
Sanji prefers the early morning sex, it’s lazy and sloppy and he likes that.
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28: Favourite body part on the opposite sex?
Touma finds the rear of a girl to be lovely, even though he is not the type to stare at it when on the streets.
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29: Favourite body part on the same sex?
The arms of a man that is strong and muscular is a big fave of Seidou.
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30: Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find:
Shino is not that secretive, he hasn’t hidden anything that his brother, friends or boyfriend aren’t allowed to find. 
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31: Weirdest sexual act some has performed [or tried to perform] on/with you:
According to a guy Shuji was dating, he said that a frozen banana was a great replacement for a dildo to freeze a banana. Shuji didn’t like the idea, especially not when it was almost used on him when he slept. He woke up in time luckily.
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32: Have you ever tasted yourself? [If no, would you?] [If yes, what did you think?]
Not on purpose. Shunsuke Once accidentally shot his load all over himself, getting some in his mouth by chance. It wasn’t all bad but he prefers the taste of another.
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33: Is it ever okay to not use a condom:
Between Sora and his boyfriend it is always fine to not use it. Neither men carry any deceases and it is not as if they have to worry about pregnancies.
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34: A food that you would like to use during a sexual experience:
Theodore likes smaller and sweeter fruits such as strawberries and grapes, that kind of stuff. Nothing too crazy.
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35: Worst possible time to get horny:
For Thomas that would be during a dance performance, all those eyes directed towards him while he gets horny, that could be a problem.
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36: Do you like it when your sexual partner moans?
Tohru enjoys it quite a lot when his sexual partner is vocal due to his actions.
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37: How much fapping is too much fapping:
In touga’s eyes all fapping is too much fapping, he has people to give him handjobs, at the very least.
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38: Best sexual complement you ever got:
That must have been from Yamashita’s late wife when she told him that he had the stamina of a young god.
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39: Favorite foreplay activities:
Yamato loves to cuddle and make out, jerk each other off a bit before getting to the main piece.
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40: What do you wear to bed?
Antoine mostly sleeps in a pair of boxers, if really too warm he sleeps naked as well.
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41: When was the first time you masturbated:
Ayana tried it out the first time when she was 14 years old.
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42: Do you have any nude/masturbating pictures/video of yourself?
Calleigh doesn’t do such thing, she prefers to either show the guy in person or not show it at all.
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43: Have you ever/when was the last time you had sex outside?
For Elena outdoor sex has been quite a while, it’s hard to pinpoint an exact date but she has done it a few times out of curiosity.
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44: Have/would you ever have sex in public?
Izumi wouldn’t exactly mind it. However, he doesn’t do it for the risk of getting caught, more because he can’t hold in his desires.
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45: Have/would you ever had a threesome?
Kijima has never had a threesome and he has no plans of doing so either.
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46: What is one random object you’ve used to masturbate?
Kimi has used the circular handle of her hairbrush once, it wasn’t bad but definitely not good either.
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47: Do you watch gay/lesbian porn? why/why not?
Madelaine doesn’t really watch it but she has seen it a few times in her younger and wilder years. However, she is into men but girls are definitely more curious and into experimenting in her opinion.
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48: Do you like oral sex? (why/why not)
Naoya doesn’t know, he has only had sex once and oral wasn’t part of that.
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49: How do you feel about tattoos on someone you are interested in?
Ellie doesn’t mind tattoos however, she prefers for them to be small and subtle and not distracting or a main focus.
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50: How would you feel about taking someones virginity?
Red thinks that at his day and age, it would be really weird to take someone’s virginity. On top of that, he’s not sexually active as much as in his younger years.
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51: Is there any food you would NOT recommend using during a sexual encounter?
While not having any experience with it, Reiko just wouldn’t use any form of peppers during sexual encounters. That can’t be good in any way, shape or form.
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52: Would you rather be a pornstar or a prostitute?
If Safir was forced to make the decision, than he’d go for a pornstar because it seems more enjoyable and actually quite relaxed as well.
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53: Do you watch porn?
Sango used to watch a fair bit of straight porn when he was in his teens, that became lesser over the years and he quit all together when his current relationship became serious.
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54: Have you ever been called a freak? Why?
Tadaaki has been by the previous porn studio where he was a cameraman. People thought he was freaky because he didn’t do any POV kind of stuff but he was getting erections all the time.
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55: Do you feel comfortable going “commando”?
Xavi doesn’t find it the most comfortable thing but if he had no choice, he wouldn’t be bothered.
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56: Would you have a problem with going down on someone if they hadn’t shaved their pubic hair?
Yamada definitely wouldn’t mind, a bit of hair is actually pretty sexy to him.
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57: If you could give yourself head, would you?
While Claude has tried in his adventurous teen years, he wouldn’t do it now. He rather has others do that for him.
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58: Booty or Boobs?
Haruto prefers the booty by a long shot.
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59: Have you ever cheated on someone? (Why?)
Chico has cheated on someone before, only because he knows that their romance is only based on the physical aspect and he doesn’t consider that a real relationship.
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60: If you were the other sex for a day, what are five things you would do?
Shika is the type to explore his own body as a woman, have sex as a woman, go buy a bikini or lingerie, try out make-up and finally he wants to go to a ladies night when he is the correct gender.
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61: have you ever watched someone masturbate?
Other then on porn sites, Baku has not watched someone masturbate before.
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62: has anyone ever watched you masturbate?
Naozumi is pretty confident that has not happened to him, unless someone was peeking.
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63. Have you ever had an erection and someone noticed?
Troy has had this happen to him too many times. He’ll make sure to use that erection on said person as well.
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64. What is your method of masturbation? (ie. toys, clitorial, prostate)
Craig masturbates with a firm grip on his length and ocassionally fucks himself with a dildo while doing so.
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65. What is your bra/penis size?
Sai’s penis size is 5.3″ inches.
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66. What is the strangest thing you have ever put up your vagina/anus?
Mai doesn’t like putting anything up her vagina other then a man’s penis or one of her toys. However, she keeps it simple with dildos and vibrators.
I didn’t get further cause I have no more muses that you have knowledge of or are connected to your muses xD
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palaugranetes · 6 years
29 October 2018
Puyi: I..
Xavi: What is wrong nanu
Puyi: Amazing
Andres: Yes
Xavi: Oh yeah..
Masche: 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Puyi: I am beyond proud of you guys well done!! You did what you said you were going to do👏🏼
Leo: I told you they will not let you down Puyi
Geri: 🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏼‍♂️
Masche: It was close in 2016.. you got what you have been wanting all this time..
Geri: It would have felt so much better at the Bernabeu though to be honest.
Masche: Of course.
Puyi: What matters is that you all played so well. And you won.
Andres: Big time. It was worth the lack of sleep
Puyi: 🔫🔫🔫 👏🏼👏🏼 you kept your promise
Luis: Thank you!!
3 November 2018
Puyi: Someone explain to me what the hell just happened.
Xavi: Well.. That was close
Masche: too damn close. Too bloody damn close
Puyi: I don't understand. I really don't
Andres: Puyi, we all know how things are..
Puyi: STILL!!!!!!
Xavi: Relax man
Puyi: How can I.. When that was happening
Xavi: It is a normal thing..
Puyi: So you are okay with all those misplaced passes??
Xavi: Hey now wait a minute.. I never said that
Puyi: SEE
Andres: Carles, it happens..
Puyi: And you are okay with all those easy dispossessions??
Andres: 😐😐😐😐
Puyi: Thought so.
Leo: After 3 BIG games.. and considering everything else.. it was just normal
Puyi: Leo.. you watched that.. explain how
Leo: Football
Puyi: It wasn't
Geri: Honestly man...
Marc: 😞
Raki: It wasn't our best game it's true
Puyi: Thank you Ivan
Jordi: Sorry..
Puyi: Oh no you did a fantastic job @Jordi
Jordi: Thanks
Puyi: Okay fine.. we'll let this one slide.. but if it happens again.. I'm coming for you!😒
Sergi: Fair enough
5 November 2018
Masche: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Xavi: What's so funny Javi
Luis: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 That was gold
Xavi: You too??? Am I missing something??
Masche: you didn't see???
Andres: See what?? What's happening??
Luis: 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Leo: Luis..
Masche: 😂😂😂😂
Luis: Leo..
Xavi: Will someone just tell me what is so damn funny?!
Leo: Luis.. Dude.. Why do you want to die..
Luis: Huh?
Leo: You know he's here ..
Luis: Who
Leo: The one you are laughing at
Masche: Gerard 😂😂😂
Puyi: What did stretch do now?
Leo: Absolutely nothing Puyi
Leo: Dude seriously.. he is literally right there
Xavi: Oh my.. You alright there buddy? @Geri
Andres: Ouch
Puyi: This is what happens when you do not pay attention to your surrounding..Shit happens.. ALWAYS PAY ATTENTION HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU..
Ivan: He's fine guys
Sergio: 🤦🏻‍♂️💆‍♂️
Jordi: Gordo, You are going to get it so bad you'll wish you kept quiet
Luis: Woah woah Jordi.. what did I do to you
Jordi: It's me Gordo.
Luis: Yes Jordi I know it's you. I did nothing to you
Marc: Umm.. Jordi is here with me Luis.. He lent Geri his phone for a few minutes.
Ivan:🙊 And I was wondering why he was asking for mine
Sergio: Gordo.. You are going to get it. I will make sure it will be something you and Samu will never forget
Jordi: 🙊 Oh snap...
Luis: I am so confused right now..
Sergi: Yeah Gordo.. You should be.. Payback is a bitch..
Leo: Okay now even I am getting dizzy.. Gerard just show yourself
Jordi: He can't his phone died.
Leo: Ohh..
Jordi: Yeah..
Sergio: He said he needed my phone cause it was a bit of an emergency
Sergi: Same here
Masche: Dayum... I am so glad I am thousands of miles away.. Luis.. it was good knowing you
Leo: There you go again, putting your foot in your mouth.. Well done.
Luis: But.. Masche.. I didn't do anything
Leo: Well Javier is not here, is he now...👏🏼🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
Geri: .......... Sweet.. Sweeeet.. SWEET payback
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bevioletskies · 6 years
Your fics on starmora is my favourite thing. You respected their characters and relationship. Just like how James Gunn treated their unspoken thing. He is such a protector and respectful of starmora that he tease their dynamics and treated gamora more than just a sexual interest character. I hope IW4 treat her better although i don't have high expectation. So thank you. A quick prompt: jealous peter quill + gamora soothe him out and strengthen their love.
(you are too kind to me, anon, thank you so much! i hope you enjoy this fill :D)takes place at some point in time between guardians of the galaxy vol. 2 and avengers: infinity war.word count: 2.8k | ao3
Gamora had never been one to express herself openly, held her emotions close to her chest and her thoughts confined to her head. Still, as time with the Guardians went on, she often smiled more, cried more, laughed more, and she honestly couldn’t find a reason not to. There was little she found more comforting than a night in with the team when they were warm, safe, and happy on the Milano during their days off, or the small moments she shared with her sister, where Nebula would smile just the tiniest bit as they reminisced about their childhood memories together that didn’t result in insult or injury.
And, of course, Peter, who played one of the biggest roles in her newfound emotional journey, who wore his heart on his sleeve, who had good intentions, but a bit of a temper. Stubborn, sweet, bull-headed, kind-hearted Peter. She loved him, of course, every last bit of him, but his maturity levels weren’t exactly always where they needed to be.
It all started - or perhaps, escalated would be a more apt description - on their latest mission, to protect Prince Xavi of the Shi’ar Empire. “How old d’you think this dude is?” Peter asked, looking away from the navigation display to glance briefly at the others. “He’s gotta be loaded, right?”
“With the amount we’re getting paid? Hell yes,” Rocket said gleefully, rubbing his paws together. “And the Shi’ar are almost as old as the galaxy itself. I bet their prince ain’t no different.”
Upon landing on Chandilar, the throneworld of the Shi’ar Empire, they were quickly escorted to the palace, a behemoth of a building seemingly constructed entirely out of translucent crystal, where they were received by -
“Ah, Guardians. It’s an honor.” The prince got to his feet, bowing deeply. As he straightened up, it was then that the Guardians got a better look at his visage - tall but not overly so, with a lean, yet muscular build and rich olive complexion. He had a shock of dark hair and warm brown eyes, and bore a deep red cape over his dark, tight-fitting formal attire. Prince Xavi, it seemed, was no older than Peter. “I’ve heard many things about you. All good, of course.”
“Really? That’s a first,” Rocket snorted. Gamora shot him a warning look before bowing in return.
“Your highness, thank you for hiring us. We promise to serve you and your empire well,” she said politely.
“You must be Gamora.” Xavi extended a hand for her to take. “The deadliest woman in the galaxy.”
“A moniker with negative connotations,” Gamora replied, her smile tightening, though she accepted his hand. He brushed a kiss into her knuckles before withdrawing. “With all due respect, I would rather be remembered for saving lives instead of taking them.”
“Understood. My apologies,” Xavi nodded, smiling remorsefully. He turned towards the other Guardians. “You look troubled, Mister Quill. Is something wrong?”
Gamora glanced over at Peter, alarmed at the wrinkle between his brow and the rigidness of his mouth. “No, not at all, your highness. Probably just my face.”
“Uh, you sure about that?” Rocket squinted up at him. “Your normal face is usually pretty dopey-looking.”
“It’s just my face,” Peter repeated through gritted teeth. “So tell us about this event of yours, Prince Xavi. We’ve only heard the brief, didn’t get much detail.”
“Ah, yes.” Xavi brightened. “You see, it’s my time to ascend the throne and become king. But before that, I must choose my life partner, the one to rule by my side. This event is intended for me to meet all my potential suitors from across the galaxy and seek alliances. Of course, there may be the spurned ex-lover or unwelcome guest here or there, if you catch my meaning. I don’t just need a security team, I need people who can ensure the night goes smoothly for everyone. As frequent diplomatic collaborators with the Nova Corps - ”
“I wouldn’t go that far,” Peter interrupted.
“ - I found you, Guardians, to be the best fit for the job,” Xavi finished, looking at Peter curiously. “It’s just for one night, and I assume the compensation was agreeable enough to bring you here in the first place. I doubt you’ll encounter more than a stray fist at the very most.”
“That sounds easy enough,” Mantis said with a warm smile. “May we see where the event will be held?”
After Xavi had given them a brief tour of the castle’s first floor, one of his servants led them to the guest quarters upstairs (“Please, I couldn’t possibly leave you to sleep on that ship of yours!” he had insisted) and left them to their devices until evening came around. Gamora lingered in the doorframe to the ensuite of her and Peter’s shared bathroom, watching him as he brushed his teeth. “You seem much more irritated than you were a few hours ago. Is something wrong?”
“I swear, if I had five units for every single time someone brought up our criminal pasts - ” Peter spat his toothpaste into the sink aggressively. “ - we’d be rich enough to quit.”
She frowned. “I’m sure to other people, my reputation sounds more exhilarating than offensive. Prince Xavi seems kind, I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it.”
“Sure, but did he really have to kiss your hand?” He wiped his face down, staring at himself inquisitively in the mirror.
“So that’s what this is about.” Gamora straightened up, folding her arms across her chest. “You may be my boyfriend, Peter, but my body belongs to no one but me. If I had a problem with it, I would have stopped him myself. I didn’t, because he seemed well-intentioned. There was nothing more meant by it, so if you’re going to act like this all evening - ”
“Then what?” he snapped, a little louder than he meant. Peter recoiled at his own words, holding his hand out to stop her before she could leave. “Wait - Gamora, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. And you’re right, it wasn’t cool of me.”
She sighed, unfolding her arms. “Okay. Just…please don’t be rash. I know that’s a lot to ask of you sometimes, but…really, there’s nothing you have to worry about. And if there is, then I’ll handle it. You just make sure everything goes well tonight.”
He exhaled slowly too, squeezing her shoulders in apology. “Yeah, well, easier said than done.”
The Guardians made their way downstairs an hour later, with Peter and Gamora briefly meeting with the head of Xavi’s security detail, dictating where all the guards were to be placed and the procedures for guests coming and going. “I think it would be best if Nebula and I remain stationed with you, your highness,” Gamora suggested when Prince Xavi briefly returned to see how they were doing. “We both use close-range weapons. With any luck, it will never come to close combat, but just in case. The others use guns; they’d be best positioned from a distance.”
Peter looked at her incredulously before turning back to look at the prince. “Well, I guess that makes sense,” he mumbled under his breath. “Drax, you with me on the balustrade?” Drax nodded sharply in agreement. “Rocket and Groot, you got the floor. And Mantis…”
“I will be at the door, greeting guests,” Mantis said cheerfully. “That way I can feel out for harmful intentions.”
“Excellent,” Prince Xavi said, clapping his hands together. “I can see I made the right decision in hiring you, Guardians. The guests will start arriving in half an hour, so I must return to my quarters to get ready, but I’ll see you all later.”
Gamora sent Peter one last warning glance before leading Nebula elsewhere, causing the other Guardians to look at him with varying degrees of concern. “What’d you do, Quill?” Rocket said, half-snickering.
“Nothing,” Peter insisted. “C’mon, Drax.”
The group dispersed, taking their positions among the palace guards. The room rapidly became filled with bodies and noise, the galaxy’s elite circling each other like sharks as they chatted politely over the gentle classical music. Peter had a good vantage point from the balustrade, but he could only just see the tops of people’s heads at times, especially that of Prince Xavi directly below, while Gamora and Nebula were almost always just a few steps behind. Women and men of varying degrees of cosmic influence would approach, wanting to prove their worth to the prince, while the sisters, for the most part, looked alert, but bored.
Peter relaxed a little bit. He was being silly, wasn’t he? They were working, he couldn’t afford to be this unprofessional. Back when they first started, he’d been a bit callous, overly emotional, but by now, he had learned how to keep himself in check. People weren’t going to hire the Guardians if he couldn’t be a good, rational leader. He had to set an example.
“Something’s troubling you, Quill,” Drax commented, eyeing him intently. “Is it Gamora? Are you having relationship problems?”
“No, I’m just being paranoid,” Peter said with a self-deprecating chuckle. “Don’t worry about me, Drax.”
“You worry me regardless,” Drax replied airily. “If this about Prince Xavi’s physical contact with Gamora earlier - ”
“God, am I that obvious?” Peter muttered, mostly to himself.
“ - he is, of course, quite handsome. Strong cheekbones, and that masculine jawline,” Drax said wistfully. “Very rich, good-mannered, well-educated - ”
“Yes, I got it, thank you,” Peter interrupted loudly. Some of the nearby guests turned to look at him oddly.
“He may be leagues above you in many categories, Quill, but you have nothing to be concerned about,” Drax said, clapping Peter on the back a little too hard. “Over our years together, we’ve encountered many a superior mate for Gamora. If she wanted to leave you for another, she would have done it by now.”
Peter looked at Drax incredulously. “Dude.”
“I speak the truth,” Drax shrugged. “I see no reason to protect you from it.”
Sighing, Peter leaned against the railing, watching as Xavi whispered something briefly to Gamora, who nodded and politely, but firmly escorted the hysterical youth in front of them away from the crowd. “Fine. You want some truth? Sometimes, I don’t know why she ever liked me in the first place. You’re right, we have run into people who seem like a better match for her. Guys who are more, I dunno, ambitious. Level-headed. Guys who don’t get crazy jealous or super mad on a whim, who don’t go around makin’ dumb jokes and bad choices.”
Drax nodded thoughtfully. “It sounds like a conversation better suited for you and Gamora, I think,” he suggested. “But if it makes you feel better, Quill…”
“It probably won’t,” Peter snorted.
“…I may have had my doubts about your romantic compatibility when we first became a team, but no longer.” Drax smiled. “She loves you for a reason, so you must tell her what you have told me. I’m sure she will cast away all your doubts. And you know how much she values honesty.”
Peter couldn’t help but smile back. “Thanks, Drax. That actually did make me feel better. Who woulda guessed it?”
Meanwhile, Gamora returned to Prince Xavi’s side, nodding at him briefly before retreating behind him once more with her sister. “Can you at least pretend to be enthused?” Gamora scolded, gently prodding Nebula’s side. “Our primary directive might not be helping him find a spouse, but scowling at everyone who approaches the prince isn’t going to get us paid, either.”
“Why does Quill agree to inane jobs like this?” Nebula grouched. “And he clearly isn’t enjoying himself either.”
Gamora shrugged. “Money,” she said simply. “Sustaining the lifestyles of seven people isn’t easy. This job is nothing more than glorified bodyguard work, but we’ll have enough units to carry us through for months. It was the right decision.”
“Yes, because Quill is such a rational being,” Nebula muttered, folding her arms across her chest.
“What exactly do you mean by that?” Gamora frowned.
“You think his tantrum from earlier was acceptable, then?”
“Growing up with you and our siblings, I’ve gotten very used to anger,” Gamora retorted. “He may have a temper, but so do I. And he means well. He isn’t possessive or spiteful. He has no intention to harm anyone involved. Besides, I’ve done the very same to him.”
Nebula’s smirk deepened. “High Priestess Ayesha?”
“One encounter of many,” Gamora admitted with a laugh. “I’ve had my moments of jealousy. Peter’s charismatic, he’s good with people. It’s easy for them to be charmed by him in a matter of minutes.” She softened, squeezing Nebula’s elbow. “Believe me, if I thought his behavior was unacceptable, I would have made it clear. You don’t have to worry about me, Nebula.”
“Worry?” Nebula blanched at the very word. “I do not - ”
“You were never a very good liar, sister,” Gamora said teasingly, looping their arms together, guiding her as they followed the prince across the floor. “But I’ll let it go for now.”
To the Guardians’ relief (and Rocket’s disappointment), the night closed out with barely a peep. A few excessively-indulgent drunkards here and there, a couple rambunctious young ones who caused a bit of a stir and accidentally broke a priceless statue in the foyer, but otherwise, Prince Xavi’s worries were unfounded, and he found himself being courted by another handsome prince to boot. He thanked them profusely before insisting they get a good night’s rest in their guest quarters instead of taking off in the dead of night, promising that a hearty breakfast and their generous payment would be waiting for them in the morning.
Gamora, once again, found Peter as he was brushing his teeth. She made quick work of changing into her sleepclothes before joining him at the other sink, toothbrush in hand. Their eyes met in the mirror. “Rather anticlimactic, don’t you think?” she commented lightly. “I think Rocket was secretly hoping for something exciting to happen. He’s been wanting to use that new gun of his for ages.”
“Y’know, sometimes, these ‘boring’ jobs ain’t so bad.” Peter smiled. “I don’t always wanna be panicking every five seconds that someone’s about to die.”
“Agreed,” she chuckled. Once they were both done, she led him back into the bedroom, both of them collapsing with a satisfied sigh onto the enormous mattress and its silky sheets. They laid on top of the duvet in silence for a moment, enjoying the quiet, before she spoke again. “I…was a bit hypocritical earlier. I’ve been just as upset whenever we ran into a woman showing active interest in you. We’re both alike in that sense.”
“Still, I could’ve been less of a dick about it. I can’t promise it’s never gonna happen again, but I am sorry for treatin’ him - and you - like that.” Peter slowly turned his head to look at her. “So I was talkin’ to Drax about what happened, and I said a couple of things he thought would be better for you to hear.”
She returned his gaze, looking at him curiously. “What is it?”
“I guess…the reason that I get weirded out whenever someone seems interested in you is ‘cos I don’t really get why you’re interested in me.” Peter swallowed, breaking their eye contact in favor of staring up at the ceiling. “And like, this isn’t a self-esteem issue or anything. It’s more like…the girls I’ve been with before…they know me as the fun guy. Impulsive, fun, adventure-lovin’ Peter. And then there’s you, and you’re so…confident, and powerful, and badass, and those are all reasons why I fell for you crazy fast. But it doesn’t really explain the other way around, y’know?”
“You think we’re incompatible?” Gamora guessed. Peter nodded, still refusing to meet her eyes. “I don’t see it that way at all. I think of us as opposites who complement each other. Not perfectly, of course. But we work as partners and significant others.”
“But don’t you want someone who’s got their head on straight? Someone who doesn’t let stuff like this bother him?” Peter turned onto his side, tempted to bury his face into the pillows and never come out.
“I don’t want that. I want you,” Gamora insisted, tugging on his shoulder to roll him back over and resting her hand against his cheek. “You’re passionate, and kind, and more clever than you look.” Peter let out a soft noise of protest, but allowed her to snuggle in closer, anyway. “You make for a good leader, friend, and boyfriend. You make me happy, Peter, and really, isn’t that all that matters?”
He smiled, his eyes finally coming back to hers, and they sparkled with something so mischievous and yet so gentle, and though it had been years since he’d first looked at her like that, Gamora’s heart still beat a little faster like it was the very first time. “You’re right. As always.”
“Not always, just most of the time,” she corrected with an impish grin. She leaned in, brushing a barely-there kiss against his lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Peter wrapped his arms around her middle, burying his face into her neck with a relieved sigh. “And you make me happier than anyone else. You really, really do.”
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