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You people know how much I love returning to my old characters
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HWH GSHAJSGEIE finally made xamp camp art... Gender bend!! i told you id keep my promise for foreign kids cc art!! >:)))
here.... its 12:21 AM where i am.... my legs hurt and ny eyes are dizzy and spinny but imade this!! :DD <3 (dont comment on vera/victor i cant draw boys at all) (also idk if dang/dao would wear a skirt or shorts) (same with hwans hairstyle idk if it would be kept like a bob or a ponytail) (also i googled dangs female ver name, turns out it isnt thai origin but ill ask my mom about it in the morning becuz shes from thailand/is thai) (and hwans name is apparently gender neutral? not sure abt that becuz idk anyone korean so i googled it. itll just stay hwan)
sorry for ny yapping im gonna try to sleep now :')
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tho technically that wasnt my first job my first one was a xamp counselor but i didnt quit it just ended bc its for a summer. yk
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1: 0 1 2 3 4 6 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v w x y 30/36 (24/26) (6/10)
2: 00 0h 10 13 2m 42 ab ac ae af ag al am an ap ar as at bc be bi br bs bu ca cc ce ch ci cn co da dd de dy eb ed ei el er es et ev ew ex fa fo fr ft ge gg go he hi ho hy ib ic id ie il in io is it jo ju kn la ld le li ll lo lu ly ma mi mm mp na nd ne ng nk nl no ns nt nu oc of oi ol om on or ot ou ow pi pl pu ra rc rd re ri rl rn ro rs rt ru ry sa se sh si sm so ss st su ta te th ti to tt tu ty ud ue um un ur us ut ve we wh wi wn wo ws xa yo 148/1296 (142/676) (6/100)
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4: abso aesa afte agge ampl ante arcc ario arti assa assi atic atio ator bert brat brut bsol budd caes cele ciet cnew coin comm dagg dant dere ders ebra eleb ered erse erst erty esar ever exam face fron fter gers gger gold hell hila hink howi iber icne ides iety ilar inat ious isma issu itte jour just know lari lebr libe lowe lute marc mati mism mitt mmit mple nati nder news nota nown numi ocie oins olut ommi only orde orld otat ourn owes owin ples rato rcch rder reve riou rnal ront rsta rutu sass show sina smat soci sold solu ssas ssin ssue stan sued tand tati tely thin this ticn tion tory tted uddy umis unde urna utel utus vers west wing with worl xamp 132/1679616 (132/456976)
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7: absolut assassi assinat aticnew bratory bsolute celebra committ daggers derstan ebrator elebrat erstand example hilario ilariou ination ismatic journal larious lebrato liberty maticne mismati mmitted ndersta notatio numisma olutely ommitte ordered otation reverse sassina showing sinatio smaticn society solutel ssassin ssinati ticnews umismat underst xamples 45/78364164096 (45/8031810176)
8: absolute assassin assinati aticnews bsolutel celebrat committe derstand ebratory elebrato examples hilariou ilarious ismaticn lebrator maticnew mismatic nderstan notation numismat ommitted sassinat sination smaticne solutely ssassina ssinatio umismati understa 29/2821109907456 (29/208827064576)
9: absolutel assassina assinatio bsolutely celebrato committed elebrator hilarious ismaticne lebratory maticnews mismaticn nderstand numismati sassinati smaticnew ssassinat ssination umismatic understan 20/101559956668416 (20/5429503678976)
10: absolutely assassinat assination celebrator elebratory ismaticnew mismaticne numismatic sassinatio smaticnews ssassinati umismaticn understand 13/3656158440062976 (13/141167095653376)
11: assassinati celebratory ismaticnews mismaticnew numismaticn sassination ssassinatio umismaticne 8/131621703842267136 (8/3670344486987776)
12: assassinatio mismaticnews numismaticne ssassination umismaticnew 5/4738381338321616896 (5/95428956661682176)
13: assassination numismaticnew umismaticnews 3/170581728179578208256 (3/2481152873203736576)
14: numismaticnews 1/6140942214464815497216 (1/64509974703297150976)
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Mantener conexion de wifi incluso cuando no hay internet en la WIFI / conectarse automaticamente al WIFI incluso cuando el cable ethernet esta conectado
Mantener conexion de wifi incluso cuando no hay internet en la WIFI Agregar un registro en Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\NetworkConnectivityStatusIndicatorNombre: NoActiveProbeTipo: DWORD (32bit)Valor: 1 Levantar un server local (xamp o IIS de windows) [si es IIS hay que activar el servicio en windows / si es xamp hay que instalarlo] Crear en la carpeta…
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incel warfare xDDD
neckbeard death xamp xd
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10 Best Local WordPress Development Environments
Do you want to drastically lower the possibility of your WordPress website crashing while still being able to make changes to it quickly and simply? Then, a local WordPress development environment will come in helpful.
It is safe to make changes in a local WordPress development environment without interfering with your website. You may safely update websites, test themes and plugins, and provide good performance at a reasonable cost in your environment. Because you can use these products without an internet connection, they are also very convenient.
1) Local By Flywheel
Flywheel's Local is user-friendly even for those without any prior development experience. It was formerly limited to macOS users, but it is now available for Windows as well.
With this tool, choosing between Nginx and Apache servers simplifies the process of creating a new website. Because Local offers the ability to generate live links for your local websites, you can work together with colleagues or clients as well.
2) WampServer
Next up is WAMPServer, a well-liked and remarkably versatile Windows web development environment. Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP are the acronyms for WAMP. With PHP, Apache, and a MySQL database, you may use it to develop any kind of web application.
You don't need to use a remote web server to administer, create, test, and construct websites with this tool.
Cross-platform, Apache, MariaDB, PHP, and Perl are the acronyms for XAMP. This Apache distribution comes with PHP, Perl, and MariaDB and works with Windows, Linux, and OS X.
With almost everything needed for a local WordPress development environment, XAMP is an incredibly potent tool. Like the best local environments, XAMPP lets you continue working on your website even when you are not connected to the internet.
Because your site is offline and you can work away from prying eyes of clients or hackers, it also offers superior protection.
MAMP is limited to Windows and macOS, unlike XAMP. On the other hand, it gives you access to extra programs like phpMyAdmin, Perl, Python, etc. This implies that while building local websites and apps, you have a lot of possibilities.
Compared to other tools on this list, it provides less control over each environment's components, but because it has fewer options, it is one of the easiest to use.
You can also choose to use MAMP Pro, the tool's commercial version, if you truly want all the capabilities and options, like a built-in editor, the ability to set up Nginx servers, and a mobile testing tool.
5) Vagrant
If you like to run virtual computers on your computer and use them as environments for your projects, Vagrant is a fantastic tool. You may quickly create up different Multi-VM machines and launch them all with a single command using a single configuration file.
Additionally, Vagrant stores configuration settings in a text file, placing them under source control. Therefore, you may use Vagrant to reload the virtual machine and undo any modifications made to your website in case something goes wrong.
6) Laragon
Despite being more recent than some of the environments on our list, Laragon boasts blazingly quick performance and effortless installation. On Windows devices, Laragon offers what may be the simplest installation for MySQL, PHP, Perl, and Apache web servers.
Furthermore, PHP extensions can be activated with a single click, in contrast to earlier tools. Laragon lets you share your work with clients or colleagues and is free to download and use.
7) Laravel Valet
For Mac minimalists, Valet by Laravel offers a distinctive local WordPress development environment. When you turn on your Mac, it sets up Nginx to run in the background. Valet then proxies all requests to websites that are installed on your machine via DnsMasq.
As a result, while consuming a remarkably small amount of RAM, the programming environment becomes even faster than Laragon. Valet is quicker, simpler to use, and ideal for systems with less RAM than XAMPP or Vagrant, even
if it lacks some of their features and power.
8) Instant WP
An excellent local WordPress website powering option is Instant WP. Despite lacking the robustness of some of the more capable environments, this tool's ability to run from a USB drive and on both Windows and macOS is one of its strongest features.
Therefore, if you need to work on a WordPress project locally on several PCs or wish to share a copy of your project without hosting it on a web server, Instant WP is a practical option.
9) DevKinsta
For Windows, Ubuntu, and macOS, DevKinsta is a free local WordPress development environment.
DevKinsta allows you to launch as many websites as necessary by mimicking the one-click WordPress site creation process locally. It also allows users to switch between PHP versions for testing and supports the most recent versions of PHP.
DevKinsta uses Docker to quickly and securely create a local WordPress environment that enhances security, performs well, and makes upgrades and bug fixes simpler.
10) Duplicator
You can replicate a WordPress website to your local computer or another hosting account with Duplicator, a free, wildly popular, and highly rated WordPress plugin.
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Top 5 Step-by-Step Processes to Achieve the Best Results in SEO
In today's digital landscape, search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for businesses looking to establish a strong online presence. With the right strategies and techniques, you can improve your website's visibility, drive organic traffic, and ultimately increase conversions. In this blog, we will guide you through a step-by-step process to achieve the best results in SEO.
Step 1: Keyword Research
Start by conducting thorough keyword research. Identify the keywords and phrases that are relevant to your business and have high search volume. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to find the most valuable keywords. Targeting the right keywords will help you optimize your content effectively.
Step 2: On-Page Optimization
Optimize your website's on-page elements to make it more search engine friendly. This includes optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, headers, and URL structures with your targeted keywords. Ensure that your content is unique, informative, and well-structured. Use relevant keywords naturally throughout your content, but avoid keyword stuffing.
Step 3: Technical SEO
Pay attention to technical aspects that impact your website's performance. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly, as mobile optimization is crucial for ranking well in search engine results pages (SERPs). Improve your website's loading speed, optimize images, and ensure proper website indexing. Fix any broken links and ensure a smooth user experience.
Step 4: Content Creation
Create high-quality, engaging content that provides value to your target audience. Develop a content strategy that aligns with your business goals. Regularly publish fresh, relevant, and optimized content, such as blog posts, articles, videos, and infographics. Optimize your content for your target keywords, incorporate relevant internal and external links, and encourage social sharing.
Step 5: Link Building
Build a strong backlink profile to enhance your website's authority and credibility. Seek opportunities for guest blogging, collaborate with influencers, and engage in social media marketing to attract quality backlinks. Focus on acquiring backlinks from reputable and relevant websites in your industry. Quality over quantity is crucial when it comes to link building.
Step 6: Monitor, Analyze, and Adjust
Continuously monitor your SEO efforts and analyze the results. Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track your website's performance, organic traffic, keyword rankings, and user behavior. Identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to your SEO strategy accordingly.
Achieving success in SEO requires a systematic approach and continuous effort. By following these step-by-step processes, you can significantly improve your website's visibility, drive targeted traffic, and generate more leads. However, if you need expert assistance to maximize your SEO efforts, consider partnering with Xamp Web. With our expertise in search engine optimization, we can help you achieve the best possible results and grow your online presence. Contact us today to unlock your website's true potential with effective SEO strategies.
#seo optimization#seo expert#marketingagency#digitalmarketing#seoservices#seo marketing#search engine optimisation
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xamp is so insane irs like “hey make aure you always havw aomeone else with you or the ghost of a girl who fuxking died is gonna get you” and the place you have to go is twenty feet across a shelther
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⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD MOD - LINK 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Aimbot (+ modo FaceIT -> funciona sin el cliente Faceit Anti-Cheat) Modo de puntería BestBone -> establecer el hueso en el arma a 0 (ya en los valores por. Te da una molotov. give weapon_incgrenade, Te da una granada incendiaria. give weapon_taser, Te da un Zeus x27 taser. give weapon_knife_karambit, Dejará caer. With CSGO XAMP Premium Free cheat Apk you can use all the functions needed You can also buy a teaser with all these weapons, Zeus x CS:GO BEST ODDSHOTS # CS Proland. · 26 de março de ·. New cheat in cs:go is totally.. EPIC ZEUS SURPRISE.. in NEW Episode ! Un ejemplo del comando de consola para Wallhack: dar weapon_sawedoff (SAWED OFF); dar weapon_taser - Zeus pistola paralizante x If you have a browser tab open with "cheat engine" in the title of There's also, at least for csgo, injecting the cheat to other dlls.
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Değer verdiğim birine , bir website tasarlıyorum. Onu çok şaşırtacağım ve çok mutlu edeceğim.🤗🌼☄🖤
~Umarım çok sever o da. ♡
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Nothing special here
Just really wanted to doodle yet another old character
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