#x force comics
badger-with-a-boa · 3 days
I will frame this once I get my hands on it
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comicexpertt · 2 months
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Oh my queen. I admire you.
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livfordoodles · 2 months
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Some magnet family
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bamjio · 3 months
❛ 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘆 ❜— ✿ .. deadpool headcanonns!
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⋆˚✿˖° — CLINGY! it's honestly feels suffocating. Does he know personal space? of course. does he oblige to that rule? he'd rather dig logans burial.
— it doesn't matter, wade believes that if you love someone you won't let them go, literally.
— you'd always wake up to him tightly hugging you down, his arms and legs hovering your figure. don't think of letting go, cause he'll just grip more.
— expect him to go over your workplace and hang out there till the end of your shift, he won't budge even if the manager threatened to call the cops.
— goodness, he's just so obsessed with your scent, skin, hair, face, lips, arms, ❛boobies❜, and everything. he'd rather cut his head off than avoid you for a solid 3 days.
⋆˚✿˖° — CHILDISH! is wade a grown man that kills people or a child that wants your attention 24/7? Well, he's a child that kills and wants your attention.
— him being your husband feels like your with a child that won't grow up, he loves making a huge mess, doing anything to impress you, even fighting Logan for fun to show off who's stronger.
— wherever you both go, he'd always wander off somewhere; bothering someone or touching things that aren't supposed to be touched. and you're always panicking looking for wade, usually takes a few hours until he magically finds you, or you find him.
— loves likes seeing you angry, he claims that it's ❛super hot❜ and ❛cute, looks like a cat❜, so he'd bother you every unexpected time, whenever you'd read a book he likes to steal it and read it out loud, whenever you're on the verge of slumber; he'd either yell or picture your sleepy state.
— you're like a mother always scolding wade, and thankfully he obeys you, like a guilty child. yet his manners still come back like his life, you will never get tired of him though, and he knows it.
⋆˚✿˖° — OVERPROTECTIVE! your friends call it lovesick, but him and his 'audience' call it protecting! yeah, maybe he did kill your co worker because he called you crybaby, but thats besides the point.
— special forces, mutant, anti-hero, killer; yadayada, he's everything not a simple man could protect, call him delusional but unexpected things happen, you could get assassinated while eating breakfast, or worse. It's not being too weird, it's being considerate.
— definitely forced Logan to look after you once, not that he minds; Logan admires you. and that turned out to you finding out and scolding wade, being a big baby he is— he definitely didn't talk to you.
— ❛whos that in my bosses office??❜ suprise! it's wade holding a gun to your superiors head while waving at you, well because your boss threatened to fire you.
— in realities and seriousness, he doesn't wanna loose you. loosing someone pains him so much, yet being annoying is the only way he can cope. he lost so much people and he can't afford to loose you too. and him being wanted and a so called 'villain' in every story, he knows one day theyll figure you out.
⋆˚✿˖° — LOYAL! before the day you guys talked, he vowed that if he finds himself attach to another woman romantically, he'd hang himself. he loves you and even if you didn't, no one could ever replace you.
— despite lotta girls getting attracted to him, his eyes will be locked at you. his ears and eyes will forever be yours to catch.
— won't hesitate to slam a girls face into a metal table if they'd ever flirt with you, even with him showing you off. What's only stopping him is you not wanting him to harm anyone, and he's definitely obedient when it comes to you.
— define bare minimum, cause he definitely isn't just the minimum. his profiles in every social contains either your face, or you and him. not only profile, also his header and posts, tagging you whenever he interacts with his 'fans' putting "with — y/n wilson" "my wife — y/n Wilson" "fbm —y/n wilson" and anything that contains you.
— would you really doubt your crazy husband and his whatever audience? Looks can deceive and he's the frame for it, honesty and loyalty is his integrity, he vowed to you and shown his loyalty, and he would never break it.
⋆˚✿˖° ❛iris — tggd❜ , ❛she will be loved — M5❜.
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ffverr · 4 months
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seraphzrequiem · 5 months
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Im back and with an doodle dump and, even more brainrot. This time featuring: Batman Comics because Gotham does not even have an ounce of happiness in the entire city and i love seeing characters have the worst fate imaginable ❤️
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Also made an oc, who may or may not be a mishmash of Marvel (mostly) and DC inspo (you'll never get the answer out of me)
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ukiyoebirds · 1 month
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Now in Amazing Technicolor!
See the original inks here.
You may need to click on the images for better quality.
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beanbagstab · 2 months
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No matter when or where 💖
Sonamy week 2024 Day 6: Red Thread of Fate
Amy would totally 100% believe romantic, soulmate stuff like this and Sonic would not.
But he believes in Amy and that’s close enough
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satoshy12 · 1 year
Baby Phantom Flash!
Danny Phantom gets de-aged to toddlerhood after an unexpected collision between his ghostly abilities and the Speed Force while visiting Clockwork, who had one of his exes with him.
The Speed Force gave Danny superspeed, as Clockwork told him he would help with a problem. The result? A baby ghost with super speed!
Clockwork, let it happen; it would just need one touch of Reverse Flash on Danny. that would let Clockwork be able to fully erase him from the time zone without breaking the laws.
Danny, after that, ends up in Central City. He had no idea why he was in this world! And he wasn't even told why! But Clockwork told him this world has aliens! Time to search for aliens; they're so hard to find that they won't be.
Barry has no idea what to say; he felt the new Speedster and then saw it was a toddler!
Iris is already looking like that! It's not his fault he wasn't able to catch the toddler! He has no idea why he can't catch him!
As long as Batman or the League doesn't learn about this, all is okay. The looks they will give him or the jokes.
Danny was having fun when he found an Alien! who told him stories. As long as he doesn't try to capture him, all is okay.
J'onn smiled at the toddler; he seemed to love his stories about Mars. I'm still not sure how he even found out he was an alien.
He should talk with the league about the Toddler in the meeting later.
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redundantz · 11 months
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Act 2 Thanks for reading
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badger-with-a-boa · 3 days
Comic cover so good you make it your whole personality...
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Original meme
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magicpiano · 15 days
A lot of DCxDP AUs use the idea that the Lazarus Pits are just slightly fucked up Ectoplasm. I love this idea, but it does make me wonder what would happen to Ra's.
So, AU where Ra's dies, and they are confident he is going to stay dead this time. Yay! Except... Ra's turns into a ghost because of all that Ectoplasm.
It takes a while for them to realize this because he is keeping it quiet at first, gathering resources, planning, ect. Plus the bats don't really know anything about ghosts. (Yes, DC has ghosts, but they are like a different breed of ghost or something.)
Maybe they think there is a new player on the scene or something, but they don't think it is Ra's. They don't realize the truth till his plan is already in motion. Maybe he even overshadowed Damian?
Dying has somehow made Ra's into a worse enemy because this time they don't even know how to fight him. Luckily, the ghost hero Phantom is willing to help.
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comicexpertt · 2 months
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It looks so majestic. I love it.
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marveltournaments · 9 months
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love-too-believe · 7 months
Oh wow a black woman being created as a disposible placeholder for a white woman. I've never seen that before. Oh wait...
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Ah yes, the "disposable black girlfriend trope"
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kermit-coded · 6 months
thinking about julio richter. he's mexican. he's been suicidal since his first appearance back in the 80s. he's powerful enough to level california. he threatened to split the earth in half because the guy he was in love with was in trouble. he owns a punk bar. he was one half of marvel's first on-panel same-sex kiss. he's never been in a pride special. he's depressed. he's a little bit of a bitch. he's a hater. he's a character defined by his compassion. he's in love with an alien gladiator from space. he lived with some of the x-men as a teenager. he called his power "vibes". he's a druid. he didn't wear a shirt for a good portion of his early appearances. he's mother nature's special little boy. he's in his twenties. he refuses to go to therapy. he's even gay.
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