#wtdw Carly
Call Here Enraged Engine Racer
Cars couldn't even match her speed, that blur in the roller rink, it won't slow down either.
And nobody thought to calm her down, not even help her grieve a second time when her father was reduced to nothing? shame on you.
Reality is often cruel and careless, so don't be surprised that the teenager you killed, is hunting you down from beyond the dead.
Lies, lies you put into their heads about what they were, over and over again, she was ordered around, and now she's not taking a word from anybody.
Yells and screams will haunt the roller rink, as the blur doesn't leave nor stop for anybody, it's her roller rink, after all, you can't catch her now.
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thedreamworldlibrary · 5 months
Magia Chap. 4-Sara's 'Other Friends'
Next chapter, and a Sara-focused one! This one was my favorite to write! Maybe because Sara is one of my favorite characters, and I wanted to shed some light on what she’s been doing behind the scenes.
Big thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader.
As Sara was walking to her office, she answered her phone and sighed, “Hey Winnie.”
“Hey, Sara,” Winnie replied. “Listen, I've been realizing you're lacking in souls. You said you had that Lewis kid in mind and I don’t see his soul.”
Sara sighed, “Look I’ll get his soul as soon as I can. Things have…come up, recently.” She explained.
Winnie growled, “Well you better hurry up!” He snapped.
Sara flinched on the other side of the phone, whimpering a bit.
“Litho doesn’t like waiting. I promised him a soul, and I better see one, or else he’s not going to be happy.” Winnie explained, before hanging up on her.
The female founder groaned in frustration, as she decided to go to her office, cool down, and think of what to do before Winnie or Litho did something to the facility. Sara was so lost in her thoughts she didn’t realize she bumped into her old teacher and current engineer, Eric.
“Oh, sorry Sara!” Eric apologized, struggling to hold the stacks of papers in his arms.
“N-No it’s fine. I should’ve looked where I was-” Sara was cut off as she froze as her eyes glowed pink.
Sara saw she was no longer at the facility, but in the forest, facing a burning house. She was horrified, stepping back away from the fire. She couldn’t run, or do anything just watch the fire burn as a familiar scream rang inside..
“HELP ME! SOMEBODY PLEASE LET ME OUT!” Eric screamed, banging on the door.
“Eric?” Sara asked. She stepped back, she didn’t want Eric to die. Out of everyone in this plan of immortality, she wanted to spare Eric. “N-No. Winnie…why…why him?”
“CARLY?! ANYONE!?” Eric screamed, begging for help.
“N-No! Eric!” Sara screamed as she tried to rescue him only for the roof of the house to collapse, cutting Eric’s cries off.
“ERIC NO!” Sara screamed, as her eyes went back to normal. She breathed heavily seeing she was back at the facility and not facing a burning building. 
“S-Sara?” Eric asked.
Sara slowly turned to see the older man, looking horrified. The papers he was holding fell to the ground.
“S-Sorry. I-I just…” Sara stuttered as the thoughts of Eric in a house fire plagued her mind.
Eric went over to her and hugged her tightly, shushing her and rubbing her back, “H-hey. It’s been a stressful few months, you and your friends need to take it easy for the day.” He said, in a soothing voice.
Sara sniffled and nodded, hugging Eric back. “A-Alright.” She replied.
Eric let go of the hug, ruffled Sara’s hair, and kneeled down to pick up the papers, “Once I pick all these papers up, I’ll let Lewis and Oliver know ok?”
“Okay,” Sara replied. She walked back to her office slowly, shut the door, and locked it. She slowly sank down to the floor pulled her legs close and buried her face.
At that point, Wiatt was right that she and Lewis did have powers. She wasn’t sure what Lewis’s was yet, but what she saw was a vision of Eric dying. She thought to herself, “Is my power time-related?”
“Wiatt, this is all your fault. You fucking idiot.” Sara whispered as she cried.
Sara quietly cried for about half an hour before calming down. She wiped the tears from her eyes pulled out her phone and called Winnie back. She had some questions to ask him, and hopefully, he’ll have the answers. Sara put the phone to her ear and waited for the Pegasus animatronic to call her back.
“This better be important.” Winnie groaned.
“It is.” Sara replied, “Where are you? I need to speak with you in person.”
Winnie smirked, “You know where I am,” He said.
Sara’s eyes widened knowing where Winnie was located. She hung up, unlocked her door, and looked around hoping no one saw her before stepping out of her office and headed towards the maintenance room. She looked around one more time before going in and shutting the door.
“Are you alone?” Winnie asked.
“I am,” Sara replied. “I made sure of it.”
Winnie groaned and stretched his body, tired of sitting around like he was broken. “Ah, finally! I hate sitting around like some rag doll.” He exclaimed. “So did you get the soul?”
Sara shook her head, which disappointed the Pegasus animatronic. “Before you get angry I have a question.” She stated.
Winnie groaned, “Not again Sara.”
“It’s important and I’ll get back on track with helping you.”
“Fine,” Winnie grumbled a bit, but Sara couldn’t make out what he said.
Sara pulled out her phone went to her photos and showed the most recent photo of Wiatt’s Jewelry Box. “Does this look familiar to you?” She asked.
Winnie looked at the photo and his eyes widened in shock. “Hey! I’ve seen that box before!” He exclaimed, “It was a family heirloom given from my grandfather to my father. What’s it doing in your hands?”
“It’s not mine. It’s Wiatt’s.” Sara replied, putting her phone back in her pocket.
“Who now?” Winnie asked, tilting his head.
“Just some friend of Lewis. He’s not my friend.” Sara answered. “Hey brought over this box, opened it and somehow all of us are acting strange.”
“Well, for starters, did your family ever open the box?” Sara asked. If Winnie mentioned he and his family had it then sure she’ll get answers about how to cure her friends.
Winnie sighed, “We did, but all there was, was jewels. You couldn’t wear them, so we just let them sit on the high shelf as a way to organize books.” He explained.
Sara was surprised Winnie’s family opened the box, but nothing happened. So, why did something…magical happen?
Sara sighed, “Well for us…and this might sound crazy, but I think my friends and I got powers from the box.” She admitted.
Winnie stared at the female founder like she had two heads. He then snickered before going into full-on laughter, surprising Sara. “Oh, that’s rich! You, the other founders, and that Wiatt kid got powers from a box!” He laughed. “What’s next, one of those boys is my grandson!?”
Sara gave a light chuckle as if he wasn’t wrong.
The pegasus animatronic calmed down, and let out a sigh. “Alright, here’s what I’ll do. I’ll speak to Litho about this issue and see if he can issue you more time or let me do all the work.” He explained.
Sara sighed, “Thank you, Winnie.”
“Don’t thank me yet, Sara. Litho will still be angry about you not doing your job, and would probably make you do it for him.” Winnie said, inching close to Sara’s face. The female founder was frightened till Winnie pulled away and went off to where Litho was stationed.
Winnie walked towards a hidden area of the facility, an area that hadn’t been built yet, and the only thing there was caution tape. Despite working alongside Litho, Winnie was still  nervous talking to him.
“Uh…Litho it’s me.” Winnie spoke up.
A black shadow with multiple eyes appeared towering over the animatronic.
“Carlos? What brings you here? Is Sara doing what she was told?” Litho asked, calling Winnie by his former name.
“Uh…no, but she did ask me a weird question,” Winnie answered.
Litho glared as he circled around Winnie like a predator stalking its prey. “Why is that little pest so incompetent!?” He shouted, surprising the animatronic. “I thought I had that incompetent fool wrapped around my finger the day her life came tumbling down!”
“Well, uh…you’ve been around for a very long time Litho. So you must have knowledge of Sara’s question?” Winnie asked.
Litho glared, “this question better be important.” He spat.
“So, does a Jewelry Box with gems containing magical powers sound familiar to you?” Winnie asked, giving a sheepish smile.
Litho glared, but hearing about the Jewelry Box did sound familiar. “It depends, describe it for me.” He said.
“Well, it had four jewels painted on the lid, the box was wooden brown and rectangular in shape, and oh there was a red jewel that looked like your eyes,” Winnie explained.
Litho’s eyes widened before turning into a deep glare as Winnie described the box in full detail. Litho then leaned in closer as he growled at the Pegasus animatronic. “And none of you took it!?” He growled.
“W-Well it’s under the hands of a kid named Wiatt, he opened it and Sara thinks she, him, and her friends have powers or something,” Winnie replied, nervously.
Litho growled and used his puppet strings to pull Winnie close, his eyes glowing bright red. “That box is the reason why I LOOK LIKE THIS, you parasite!” He yelled. “It was the first time I was defeated, before meeting…”
“Meeting who?” Winnie asked. “The kid with the violin?”
“What do you think, Nicholson?” Litho asked.
“Oh. I get it now.” Winnie answered.
Litho dropped the animatronic to the ground as he continued to ramble about the Jewelry Box, “That box was created many years before I met that child. The four of them tried to stop me, but it wasn’t enough for them. Frankly, they're gone now.” He explained before chuckling.
Winnie brushed himself off as he looked at the demon, “So now what? Do you still want Sara and me to create immortality, or-“ Winnie was cut off by Litho.
“OF COURSE I STILL WANT YOU TWO TO HELP ME, YOU PEST!” Litho shouted, making Winnie flinch. Litho then calmed down and continued, “But keep an eye on Sara, her friends, and Wiatt for the time being. I’ll find the victims for you, in hopes it keeps Sara in line.”
“Yes of course,” Winnie replied. “In fact,” he smirked, “I may have someone in mind.”
Back at Eric’s office, Eric finally picked up all the papers off the ground and got them all organized. “Phew…finally got things done.” Eric sighed. He turned around to see Carly, relaxing on the couch in his office as she played a game on her phone.
Eric smiled but was soon interrupted by a text. The text was from a number he didn’t quite recognize. Thinking it was a spam message he was going to delete it until he saw the message started with:
“Hey, the Director here…”
Eric opened up the message and read it:
“Hey, the Director here! I left some important documents over at the household of Mr. Lewis Bright. Please go pick them up as soon as possible.”
Eric sighed and got up, which caught Carly’s attention. “Where are you going?” Carly asked.
“Got a message from the director.” Eric groaned. “He wants me to run by Lewis’s house to pick up paperwork.”
Carly got up, “can I go with you?” She asked.
“No Carly, best you stay here and keep an eye on Lewis and his friends,” Eric told her.
Carly groaned and rolled her eyes as she went back to playing her game.
Eric rushed out of the facility passing by Lewis, who was confused as to where his former teacher was running off. “Eric, where are you going, darling?” Lewis asked.
“Oh, the director texted me that I needed to pick up some important documents at your old home. I’ll be back.” Eric said as he rushed off in his car.
Lewis was confused, did Eric forget to take his medication again? He knew his former teacher had poor memory, but he started to take medication which helped at times. However, there were days when those poor memories would randomly kick in, even if he did take his medication. However, that’s once in a blue moon.
“Lewis,” Sara said. “Where is Eric running off to?”
“Something about some files being left at my house by the director.” Lewis explained. “However, I don’t recall any files left by the director.”
Sara’s eyes widened remembering her memories from her powers earlier. She hated remembering that, however, it was all connected…
The house in the woods…Lewis’s house was in the woods.
Eric…Eric would be in that house…and then…the fire…that dreaded fire.
Sara snapped out of it and ran after her former teacher, “Eric! Wait!” She yelled.
“Sara! What’s going on?!” Lewis shouted, confused where his best friend was going.
“No time to explain! I need to stop Eric, he’s in danger!” Sara yelled as she jumped into her car and went to Lewis’s home, hoping to make it in time to stop the older man.
Lewis stood in shock and confusion, “now what’s going on with her?” He asked.
In the shadows, Winnie snarled and glared at Sara. “What are you doing Sara?”
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wolfusmoonstudio · 4 months
Can we get a full design for characteristics au ppppppppplease?
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Creaturistic is a very expansive universe and it would take forever to create a design references for every character, so I tried to create a height lineup with the main crew and founders in the universe I realize I should have put Wiatt in it but, idk *shrugs*
Here are the individual refs if you can't zoom in or the image quality goes to crap:
Jake, James & John (2'8):
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Sara (5'2):
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Carly (5'6):
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Lewis (5'7):
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Eric (6'1):
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Ben & Liz (6'3):
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Oliver (6'7):
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Mike (7'2):
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Alyssa (10'2) (Note: Her whole length is the same as canon Glory, 16'3 ft, but her tail accounts for part of it, so her height is different on land than in water):
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thenamessparkplug · 9 months
Uhhh 13 Carly from wtdw
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" well, well, look who's inside again went out to look for a reason to hide again "
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
well it didnt come out exactly like i had hoped, but i actually really like the song and character combo
poor girl give her a break < / 333
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
do you wanna play the spotify game?
find out how here!!
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analog-cottage-gore · 11 months
Just a little something I noticed:
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I am ofc very happy that we're getting more non-white skin tones, and I think using Carly was a good decision, since we have like almost 0 drawings of her. But idk what do you all think?
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dreamnoteprincess · 11 months
WTDW Pokémon Au
I was bored so I decided to write a concept of a WTDW with one of my other hyperfixations aka Pokémon. Because I’m the person who has to put my hyperfixations into the World of Pokémon!
So here’s what I have so far with the Au (these might change at some point, but I figured I’ll share what I have so far!)
I also don't have a story yet, just some random ideas at this point.
Unlike most of my Pokémon AU’s each of the human characters would have a Monotype team.
So far, Wiatt, Eric, Alyssa, Mike, Damien, and Oliver have confirmed types! Also the humans posing animatronics has a Pokémon named after their possessed animatronic
Eric is a Bug-Type trainer since he likes bugs.
Alyssa is Water-Type and has a Horsea named Glory.
Mike is a Dragon-type trainer and has a Dragon-mon (who I haven’t decided yet) named Rex
Oliver is Electric type because he has a tv head and his starter is a Rotom
Wiatt is a steal-type because he always steals Lewis’s heart. JK!! No Wiatt is a mechanic and likes old fashion. I do debate that he has a Megearna belonging to his grandparents that he hasn’t released from their Pokeball yet. His starter is unknown at this point. Probably he's the odd one out and has a traditional starter or he has Meltan
Damien is a ghost-type trainer since he has a ghost-eye
Liz and Ben both are ghost-type trainers with a Mimikyu. One of them has a shiny!
So far, Carly, Sara, Lewis, Norman, and any other WTDW don't have types confirmed yet.
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crackshipparadise · 6 months
Until I Found You Chap. 9- You Love Her Don't ya?
Here is the next chapter! Let’s get some wholesomeness going on!
But before we start I do have something I want to share. Offscreen I’ve been building a crossover world with WTDW and A Hat In Time and sharing it with friends. It got me thinking after Until I Found You, I could share my ideas with all of you because I have lore and friendships planned with the AHIT characters and WTDW cast. Some I’ll share are Snatcher and Queen Vanessa with the Founder Trio plus Hat Kid with Carly, Ben, and Liz.
Like I said it won’t be until after Until I Found You! It won’t be for a while since WTDW is on my brain and I got new stories for this series.
BIG thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!!!
Artemis woke up with a groan, he lifted his head rubbing it. His brain slowly started to wake up, reminding him of everything that happened last night.
He was about to go to sleep but got a call from Sara who was crying thanks to a nightmare. He got there quickly and was in shock seeing Sara crying and hugging him, begging him not to leave her.
Artemis wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, but at some point, Sara fell back asleep and he carried her back to bed and ended up sleeping beside her the whole night. Luckily, no more nightmares occurred.
Speaking of Sara.
Turning to his left, he saw his friend still asleep but saw her frowning as tears stained her face.
Artemis wasn’t sure if she had another nightmare, a bit tame than what she experienced before she called him over, however, he hated seeing her sad. Without thinking he leaned in and kissed her on top of her forehead, and just like magic a small smile appeared on her face.
Artemis sighed and gave a smile. He turned over to the clock and saw it was 6:30 in the morning. Seeing it was a bit early, he decided to go back to sleep holding Sara close to him.
Artemis groaned as he woke up to some knocking. He turned and looked at the clock again to see it was 7:45 am. The knocking continued and Artemis got up from the bed, deciding to see who it was. 
Luckily, Sara was still asleep, so before he left he ruffled her hair a bit. “I’ll be back.” He whispered, before leaving the room.
Artemis went to the door to hear knocking again, and then a voice. “Sara! Are you awake?” The voice asked.
The voice didn’t sound familiar to Artemis so he looked at the peephole and saw a person with dark skin, dark brown eyes, and messy dark hair with two white streaks that framed their face with a purple beanie over it. They also wore a blue outfit, a brown skirt, and a green teardrop necklace.
The person sighed and took out their phone to call Sara and wake her up. 
Wanting Sara to sleep more, Artemis answered the door.
The person slowly hung up the phone seeing Artemis answer and was confused. “S-Sorry. I thought this was Sara’s appointment.” They apologized.
“I-It is! I’m Artemis Blaze. A friend of Sara’s.” Artemis introduced.
“O-Oh! I didn’t know Sara had other friends. I’m Celio Klein. I was Sara’s caretaker.” Celio introduced.
“I didn't know Sara had a caretaker.” Then again Sara barely mentioned her past or anything about her family during their time together.
“And she didn’t tell me about you,” Celio replied. “May I come in?”
Artemis stepped back as Celio came inside. “So how long have you and Sara been friends?” They asked me to put their bag down and sit on the couch.
“O-Oh a few weeks. She’s a very sweet girl.” Artemis explained, closing the door. I mean there’s a lot of things I wanna say about her, but… he thought to himself, slightly blushing.
“She is,” Celio replied. “And where did you two meet? Do you work at Dreamworld, or were you a former classmate of hers?”
“Well…crazy story.” Artemis started. He wasn’t sure how Sara’s caretaker was gonna react to how he and Sara met. Though if anything he’s sure Sara told them about how they met. “You see-“
A groan cut Artemis off, as Sara came from her room, groggy. “Artemis, who are you talking to?” She asked. She saw her caretaker had come over and was talking to Artemis. “C-Celio!”
“Sara! Good morning!” Celio exclaimed.
“G-Good morning,” Sara replied, stuttering a bit. “What brings you here?”
“What?” Celio asked. “Am I not allowed to visit my kid?”
Sara chuckled and hugged her caretaker, who hugged her back.
“Anyways, I’m here because I decided to take the day off and spend time with you,” Celio explained. “You said, you wish we could spend time with each other, but because of our jobs it was hard.”
Sara’s eyes widened remembering she once claimed to them about this. “Oh yeah. I forgot.” She replied with a chuckle.
Celio smiled, “Well I’ll let you get ready first, and if you want you can bring your boyfriend with you.” They explained.
Artemis and Sara blushed in embarrassment. They looked at each other before looking at Celio, “W-wait a minute Celio! H-He and I aren’t dating!” Sara exclaimed. At least not yet, she thought to herself.
“Y-Yeah! We’re just friends!” Artemis exclaimed. I mean I think we’re more than just friends. He thought to himself.
“Sure,” Celio replied, smirking.
Sara blushed harder as she put her hands to her face to hide her embarrassment. “I’m gonna get ready.” She said, dashing off to her room to get dressed. 
Celio chuckled in response, while Artemis groaned, hiding the blush from his face.
Up in her room, Sara changed out of her pajamas and wore her usual pink outfit she wore to work every day. As she was getting dressed, she noticed something on her ankle. She looked down and her eyes widened seeing a gash almost like a string wrapped around it.
Silently, she was panicking. “Oh no! No. No.” She whispered. “How could this happen?” She asked herself.
Did he show up?
Was this from Moonjumper? Or him?
Sara took a couple of deep breaths to calm herself, telling herself that she was fine and he couldn’t hurt her anymore. She put on her socks, and shoes covering the wound. It wasn’t bleeding so no one would notice. She then grabbed her bag and left her bedroom.
“Okay. I’m ready.” Sara said.
Celio smiled and stood up, “All alright.” They said, but before the two could leave, they looked at Artemis. “Want to join us?”
“Uh…sure,” Artemis replied, he got up and followed the girls out the door. As they walked, Artemis held Sara’s hand, which caused her to look up and smile at him. Artemis smiled back and the two went into Celio’s car to head for breakfast.
Celio took them to a diner they frequently visit and that Sara used to go to when she was growing up. It was a nice place and Sara chatted with Artemis about coming here almost every week with Celio.
Breakfast was fine between the three of them, it was needed for Sara as it cleared her mind from the nightmare and the injury on her ankle. However, just as the bill came, Artemis decided to pay for the meal, which surprised Celio and Sara.
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that for us, Artemis. I could’ve done it.” Sara said.
“Hey, you gave me free tickets and showed my niece a great time at Dreamworld.” Artemis stated, “At least let me return the favor.”
“O-Okay,” Sara replied, blushing a bit.
Artemis smiled and put his card on top of the bill, while Sara smiled lovingly at him. Her gaze then moved to her caretaker’s who just gave a smug look. Sara quickly removed the loving smile and just stuck with a simple smile.
“Thank you for that,” Sara said.
“Anytime,” Artemis replied. “So you have work today?”
Sara thought she didn’t feel like coming to work after the night she had. It wasn’t the weekend yet, so… “Nah, I’m just gonna relax at home today.”
“Alright. You need it.” Artemis said.
Sara smiled and decided to step out and call Lewis to remind him she would not be coming in today.
Once she was gone, Celio saw Artemis looking at Sara lovingly. “You love her don’t you?” They asked.
Artemis’s eyes widen seeing the therapist give a smug smile at him. “W-What! Nah! W-we’re friends!” He exclaimed, stuttering a bit. However, Celio’s smug smile never escaped them, which caused Artemis to sigh in defeat. He turned to see Sara was outside talking on the phone, he had time to confess to her caretaker. “Okay, I love her, a lot.”
Celio chuckled, happy that someone loved the child they took care of.
“She’s amazing! Very smart, ambitious, her pink and yellow streaks remind me of flowers blooming in spring.” Artemis sighed at the thought of his crush, “Actually, I loved her for a long time.” Artemis admitted.
“A long time?” Celio asked.
Artemis nodded. “You see, I’ve known Sara since-”
“Hey! I got the day off!” Sara exclaimed, coming by to the table. “So what were you two talking about?”
“Uh…well…” Artemis stuttered.
“He was just telling me about how good friends you two have become, and that he’s glad to have met someone like you,” Celio explained, covering for Artemis.
“O-Oh,” Sara replied. She looked at Artemis who just hid the blush from his face. She smiled and giggled. “I’m glad I met someone like him too.”
Artemis looked up, his entire face as red as a tomato. Sara giggled seeing his face, which made him red even more. However, he secretly loved it when she giggled.
It was at that point, that Artemis had an idea! He was gonna give Sara a gift!
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theitalianscribe · 1 year
WTDW-Tober Day 3: Founders
Before we start, I want to give the heads up that part of this will be a bullet point fic. Some parts are written out, and others are summaries of or just the gist of what would happen. I am already running behind on these, so this seemed like the best way to catch up.
(Also, also: Reminder that tomorrow is Loud Noise Wednesday October 4. Americans, there will be a nationwide alarm test, at least that's what I've heard. Here is an article with more info.)
-Sara is in some elective on storytelling or performing. The class is doing presentations where they tell a story that has specific elements their teacher put on the rubric. (This is based on a class I had in junior high but that was a really long time ago so all I remember is this assignment and us watching the show Get Smart)
"And that is the story of how I earned this shiny rock at summer camp," The brunette took a bow. The class applauded, then began scratching at the peer review cards they were handed for the assignment. 
"Right. Excellent work, Lewis. Though be sure to move around more. You are telling a story with your movements as well as your words."
Sara frowned at that. The boy was doing a lot of gesticulating, definitely more than Marco before him and Nancy before him. In fact, most of the students stood stiffly and forgot how to  move their bodies.
"Do my notes of stage directions in the script I wrote mean Nothing, Mr. Edricson?" the boy grumbled under his breath as he passed Sara on his way to his seat. 
Sara agreed. Mr Edricson was kind of a tool. Most of the class was either watching clips from tv shows or having the students do the work for him. With a click of her tongue, Sara began the most thorough review card she had ever written in the whole trimester. Under the section for special compliments, she wrote, “I like how he had a gesture for each action in his story. He acted out what he was doing as well as using his narration for emphasis. This guy is the best performer in class, let alone public speaker. And that includes the teacher. Do better, Charles.
Later, when they got their grades back, she saw the boy sigh in defeat, then flip through the peer review pages. Eventually he let out a snort of laughter, which he attempted to disguise with a cough. He looked around the class and met eyes with Sara. “Charles Edricson is a tool,” She tried to mouth. The boy titled his head in confusion. Right. Her grade said she needed to work on annunciation. Charles could be right about this one thing.
“Thank you,” the boy mouthed. Sara grinned at him and gave him a thumbs up.
The boy hung back after class and introduced himself as Lewis Bright. Sara gave her own name in return, surprised that anyone would want to talk to her. She was even further baffled when he asked where she usually sat at lunch. That afternoon, they exchanged snacks and ideas. Through the story they weaved together between bites of carrots, a long-lasting friendship was forged.
-They are paired with Oliver for a physics project. Sara is setting up a Rube Goldberg machine while Lewis draws a diagram of it. They are used to doing most of the work on the project and with how scarce Oliver is, they figure this is no different. Then they see him at lunch fleshing out their powerpoint presentation. 
-He asks to see Lewis’s drawings
-Oliver then scans the drawings and they are amazed like “You know how to do that?”
-He is able to get them into the mechanical engineering class. Is that a class? Whatever class Eric teaches alongside the class he teaches them in their last year. He gets a cameo in the fic and the trio are able to spend a lunch period setting up the Rube Goldberg machine and recording it.
-Eric makes a comment about the twins being welcome to stay with him and Carly after school so he can go straight to his job.
-At this point, Oliver explains a bit of his home life and how he has a job (or jobs) to support himself and his siblings and that is why he has been so scarce.
-They get a good grade on the project and they get slushies or ice cream to celebrate. While there, they run into some old bullies of Sara’s. One calls her the Happy-Hollow-Pockets Arsonist, another possibly calls her Flare-a Covet-Our-Money-Man. I was not happy with how this scene turned out, but they verbally bully Sara while Lewis is getting their ice cream.
The bullies maybe try to tell Oliver about Sara’s past. Also at some point in this conversation, it is established that Oliver has a reputation about being a soft spoken sweetheart. I only bring this up for this next part.
"I have heard enough. All I can gather from this interaction is that you two are pathetic enough to make yourselves feel better by dragging others down with misdeeds from their past. I don't know what she did to gain your ire and I don't care what it is. 
"Do you know what I do think is interesting? How much of our lives is online. We are so well-documented now-a-days that it is difficult to bury your own pasts. 
"Did you know that schools can search through your electronic footprint? That if they find something they don't like, that can influence their decision to admit you or not?"
Oliver took a step closer
"Did you know how poorly defended the highschool's records are? It would be so easy to change someone's grades, remove their ability to participate in extracurriculars, to make you look like a terrible choice for the college you are aiming for. Your behavior, your attendance? They are so poorly protected."
“Are you threatening us?”
“Am I? It’s hard to say. Besides,” Oliver leaned in close and whispered into their ears, “N O  O N E  W O U L D  E V E R  B E L I E V E  Y O U .”
Oliver walked backward to be back at Sara’s side. “I would be careful about tarnishing my friend’s reputation. Think about how it would feel if someone ruined yours.” With that, Oliver smiled and dragged a shellshocked Sara into the restaurant where Lewis was waiting.
“What’s got you in such a good mood, Darling?” Lewis asked.
“I ran into some old classmates and I am just really happy to have you two as my friends instead. If, if you guys want to call me your friend, of course! You don’t have to! I didn’t mean to assume!”
A hand landed on his shoulder and Oliver turned to see Sara giving him a watery smile, “You have no idea how much your friendship would mean to me.”
I think that is a good stopping point, but there were other scenes I had wanted to write:
-Them having a sleepover and painting each other’s nails. Lewis has a collection of holographic nail polishes. There is a dark plumb one that makes him powerful.
-Them talking about project ideas for the competition. They chose to make a miniature moving figurine of a character they make up for the contest. It is Starlight. They include ideas for other characters in the report.
-Them waiting for the results and getting an envelope with tickets to a fair inside. They buy ice cream to celebrate. Sara treats them and the others assure that she doesn’t owe them anything. 
-Sara having imposter syndrome because Star Light is mostly Lewis’s idea and Oliver did the programing and 3d printing.
-They point out that the actual physics and movement logistics of the project was all Sara.
-At the awards ceremony, the director of this competition is looking at Sara in a way that makes her shiver, but she shakes it off. (This is my hint to a conspiracy that Litho possessed someone to make this competition happen and he wanted the trio, especially Sara, to win from the start.)
-The trio arriving at the space that will become Dreamworld. They are so excited.
-Oliver recruits Pen and Eric to help him set up the speakers throughout the facility. He then gets to pick the music to test the speakers. He plays some songs that he just likes, with some meme songs and especially Siivagunner rips peppered in. He watches as everyone catches on. Lewis is the first of his best friends to notice. The Flintstones jingle gives it away. He remembers Wiatt infodumping about this particular game called 7 Grand Dad and how the channel will sneak the Flintstones theme into their songs as one of their more recurring jokes. Sara is the last to notice. She has been getting phone calls more frequently ever since the reward ceremony. This particular one must have taken a long time and captured all her attention. Once she does notice, she has this look on her face that is both fond and exasperated and cry of, “Oliverrrrr,” that devolves into giggles is music to his ears.
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lizzybeestar · 2 months
Wtdw headcanons
Wiatt babysits Carly, Liz and Ben for free as he had nobody to take care of him when he was a child.
Glory regrets of killing Andrew as she sees hallucinations Andrew’s dead corpse telling her it is her fault and has constant nightmares of when Andrew interviewed her.
Nobody knows that Glory killed Andrew.
Pen was an orphan when he was 10 and had to get a job when he was in high school.
Ribbon Dancer/Ridley secretly had an identity crisis since Carly/Cheer told Ribbon he is Eric.
Winnie/Carlos and Owen think that Wiatt is dead because of Litho.
Hazel likes to pull off pranks.
Lisa knew about the deaths as she is part of high classed staff and chosen her death but she got caught in the trap.
Pen becomes an animatronic.
Marissa either adopted Hazel or was a teen mom as Hazel is 8 and Marissa is 23.
Sara lost her feelings for Norman.
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saltyr3mix · 9 months
For starters we got an update to Is This Truly Me( Am I Going Insane):
pirates smp herons find a magic sword that gives them memories of past severs. Recent chapter is Olive focused as they struggle with wanting to become rat without being a rat.
An out of blue update to the "Get World Swapped idiot" series. with When this house don't feel like home:
previously outsiders Owen and Apo and rats Owen and Apo had gotten into some trouble. Rat Scott got left out and accidentally found himself waking up in secret life.
And most recently a WTDW one-shot titled ,Skating in silence:
basically i took a jab at a swap au. where Lewis is Sara. Sara is Oliver. Oliver is Lewis and so much more is switched. but this centers around Eric meeting Carly/Cheer after she died and had the ribbon effect.
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thedreamworldlibrary · 5 months
Anything on Carly?
Carly in my AU's! Sure ^^
Nothing Bad Happens AU- Like the rest of the cast she isn't dead. She does have a best friend group consisting of Ben and Liz where she's the defector leader of. Her dad later adopts a few other kids and she becomes a big sister! I have a chapter planned where she, Ben and Liz pretend to be the founders for the day and she becomes Sara.
Nicholson Twin AU- Her role is the same in the main canon. The only thing is we see more of her bonding with the Founders and Wiatt.
Dreamers of Myths and Legends (Pokémon AU)- In this AU, Carly has a fear of Pokémon (similar to PokeAni's Lillie) the incident happened when she was little where a Pokémon attacked her for no reason giving her the fear that Pokémon will attack her at random. Later, she slowly gets over her fear and she captures a White Flower Flabebe.
Soul Gem AU- Because Lewis or her father hadn't died, she lives. She helps her father, Damien and Celio uncover secrets of Wiatt's Jewelry Box and she ends up being the one to find info about the box, and the powers it holds. She keeps everything written in a notebook.
I don't have her roles set in Mermaid AU or Litho Knows Best AU.
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Dreamers of Myths & Legends Chap. 6- Double Battle Rivalry
Hi guys! Took a break from working on this fanfic as the last chapter was SUPER long! Though this one longer. Then again, I have realized that most if not all my fanfics are starting to get longer by the day, and while it’s nice to have long fanfics it’s also exhausting. Plus I have other fanfics I want to get too, so my brain will jump between my other fanfics, however I want to finish one before I go to another fanfic.
I’ve tried multi-tasking, and that’s exhausting enough! I wouldn’t recommend it unless you're a pro at it. If you are then I need your guidance!
Alright enough rambling! Enjoy the fanfic!
Big thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!
It was morning, and Oddity was the first one to wake up. He stretched and turned to Wiatt, who was still asleep. “Eevee! Vee!” Oddity beamed, trying to wake his trainer.
Wiatt slowly opened his eyes, but without his glasses, all he saw was a brown blur. However, he smiled knowing that brown blur, and went over to grab his glasses and put them on. “Morning Oddity.” He said.
“Eevee!” Oddity beamed nuzzling Wiatt’s cheek. The young boy chuckled and nuzzled his Pokémon back. The two got out of bed, not knowing that Wiatt stepped on Skiddo’s hoof.
Skiddo jumped and bleated in fear, waking the rest of the group up. Wiatt stepped back not knowing he stepped on the Mount Pokemon.
“S-Sorry Skiddo!” Wiatt exclaimed, apologizing to the grass-type Pokemon.
“Wiatt Nicholson!” Sara yelled, looking over her bunk. She glared at him as she went down the steps and faced the young boy pointing a finger in his face. “I can’t believe you would hurt my poor little Skiddo.” She pointed at Skiddo, who seemed calm now.
“It was an accident, Sara!” Wiatt yelled back. “I didn’t realize she was there!”
Sara wasn’t listening and approached her Skiddo, “Well you need to learn to be careful sometimes.” She said kneeling and petting her Pokémon. “You okay?”
Skiddo bleated in reply reassuring her trainer that it was indeed an accident and it wasn’t Wiatt’s fault. She sighed and hugged her Pokemon tight, still glaring at Wiatt.
The young boy glared back, making Oddity worried for his trainer.
“Yep,” Oliver spoke up. “The morning doesn’t start until those two start bickering.”
“Agreed darling,” Lewis replied.
Sprigatito let out a mew agreeing with her trainer.
Later, the group went to get ready for the day, but Wiatt was feeling impatient that Sara was hogging the bathroom. 
Wiatt knocked on the door and yelled, “Sara, could you hurry up, I need to brush my teeth!” He yelled.
Lewis and Oliver came out of the other bathroom and to their surprise saw Sara was still getting ready. “She’s still in the bathroom, darling?” Lewis asked.
“Yep,” Wiatt replied. “Is the other bathroom available?”
“Sorry, but once we were done Carly needed to use it,” Oliver answered. 
Wiatt sighed and knocked on the bathroom again, “Sara, please hurry up!” He exclaimed. Impatient, Wiatt decided to twist the doorknob and to his surprise, it was unlocked. 
However, Oddity sensed this was a bad idea.
“Sara, I’m just going to brush my teeth. I won't bother you.” He said as slowly went into the bathroom, but once the door was closed the other two boys heard a slap that made them flinch.
Wiatt slowly came out of the bathroom and locked the door before closing it. He turned to his friends, showing a red mark on his cheek, “I’ll wait a little longer.” He said.
“O-Okay.” Lewis and Oliver said at the same time, as their eyes turned into black dots.
“Vee.” Oddity sighed, knowing this was going to happen.
After getting all dressed, Lewis and Oliver decided to help Eric and Carly out with breakfast. As Lewis and Oliver set up the plates they heard feet running as well as yelling coming from, you guessed it, Sara and Wiatt.
“They’re still arguing?” Carly asked as she was setting up breakfast for the group’s Pokemon.
“Yep!” Lewis and Oliver replied.
Carly and Eric looked at each other and sighed at the same time. “It’s been a few weeks and they're still arguing. I thought they would get along by now.” Eric said.
“Same here,” Lewis said.
“Move!” Wiatt yelled.
“You move!” Sara yelled.
The two were shoving each other as they wanted to get to breakfast first. Due to all the shoving, they both fell to the ground and growled at each other.
“Morning.” Eric sighed.
“Morning!” Wiatt and Sara replied with a beaming smile, before going back to glaring and growling at one another.
Oddity and Skiddo walked around their trainers with concern. They looked at each other and sighed, as Skiddo used Vine Whip to help pick her trainer and her friend, but the two were still glaring at each other.
“Alright you two, knock it off!” Eric scolded, putting his hand on their shoulders. Wiatt and Sara crossed their arms and turned away from each other. Eric sighed, “Now you two have been having quarrels since you got here. I know you two could be great friends and partners.”
Wiatt and Sara glanced at each other before turning away.
Eric sighed again, “All alright. We’re going to handle this my way.” He said. “After breakfast, we’ll go to the nearby battlefield and you two could battle it out.”
This caught the researchers' attention as they faced each other and smirked. “I wouldn’t mind letting out my anger on you in a Pokémon battle,” Sara exclaimed.
“Same here,” Wiatt replied, getting up in her face.
“No, I mean you and Wiatt team up in a double battle against me and Lewis.” Eric corrected them.
Wiatt and Sara’s expressions disappeared as they frowned, realizing they had to work together. “O-Oh.” They said at the same time.
“Hey, it should be fun,” Oliver reassured his friends.
“Yeah, you two need it,” Lewis added, he then looked down at his Sprigatito, eating her breakfast. “Plus it would be great to show Eric Sprigatito's skills.”
Sprigatito meowed in joy before nuzzling on Lewis’s leg. The boy let out a chuckle and petted his Pokémon.
Oliver smiled and turned towards his two friends, “Come on you two, at least give it a try.” He said.
Sara and Wiatt looked at each other, thinking about the offer. “Guess it wouldn’t hurt,” Sara said. “I mean I am a good battler and Skiddo and I can handle it,” she then turned to her Pokémon, “Right Skiddo?”
Skiddo bleats in joy before continuing to eat.
“Ha!” Wiatt laughed, making Sara turn to glare. “I’ve only had Oddity for a year and I’ve seen how he battles right bud?”
“Eevee!” Oddity replied, wagging his tail.
“The point is, you're both good battlers.” Lewis reminded them, causing the two to turn towards their friend. “What Eric is trying to say is you both have to use combinations and work together in a double battle.” He explained. “That’s how you'll understand each other better.”
As Lewis explained, Wiatt and Sara looked at each other but still glared knowing that it wouldn't work. They wouldn’t say it out loud, but they’ll do it if only it will make their friends happy.
“Fine.” Wiatt and Sara said at the same time.
“We’ll give it a try,” Wiatt added.
The rest of the group smiled as the two agreed on it. “Great!” Eric beamed. “But I’m sure you two want some breakfast before battling.”
Sara and Wiatt’s stomachs rumble at the same time as they chuckled. “Guess I am getting hungry,” Sara said.
“Same!” Wiatt laughed.
The two sat down and ate breakfast with their friends. Once breakfast was over, everyone made it to the battlefield. Sara and Wiatt took the right side of the field while Lewis and Eric took the left side. Oliver watched as Carly decided to judge the battle.
While they were setting up, our evil trio, Team Rocket, was watching from outside the battlefield. “Now what are the twerps doing, battling this early in the morning?” Jessie asked.
“I don’t know, Jess,” Meowth replied. “But let’s watch.”
“Maybe whoever gets defeated first, we’ll jump into the scene and grab them!” James exclaimed.
Before the battle could start, Sara grabbed her Rotom Phone and started to scan Sprigatito and Ridley into her Pokedex.
“What are you doing?” Wiatt asked.
“Scanning our opponents' moves. I learned from my caretaker that before every battle it’s best to know what moves your opponent has so you're prepared.” Sara explained. 
She then saw that Lewis’s Sprigatito indeed had the moves: Leafage, Scratch, and Bite. While Ridley had the moves: Swift, Focus Punch, Double Team, and Tickle.
“Okay, I know what we’re dealing with,” Sara said as she put her Rotom phone away.
“Do you have to do that?” Wiatt asked. “Wouldn’t it be better to be surprised to know what moves your opponent has, rather than spoiling yourself?”
“And get sidetracked with an attack that can cause us to lose,” Sara replied. “Wiatt this is how we’re going to win, so stop being a killjoy.”
Wiatt glared, “You should know what being a killjoy is anyway..” He grumbled.
Sara’s eyes widened hearing her partner grumble something. Her eyes turned red as she started to burn up over what Wiatt said. “What did you say?” She asked.
“Alright!” Carly started. Sara went back to normal as she and Wiatt faced the young girl. “Rules are as follows, this double battle will not be timed and will end when both Pokemon are down for the count. Agreed?”
“Agreed!” The battlers exclaimed at the same time. The same went with their Pokemon. 
“Ready…begin!” Carly yelled.
“Sprigatito, use Leafage!” Lewis commanded.
“Ridley, use Swift!” Eric commanded.
Sprigatito let out a bunch of leaves from her neck while Ridley used his tail and let out a wave of stars.
“Dodge it!” Wiatt and Sara yelled at the same time.
Skiddo and Oddity jumped out of the way, missing the attacks.
“Skiddo, use Razor Leaf!” Sara commanded.
Skiddo launched her Razor Leaf attack at the opposing Pokemon.
“Ridley, use Swift to counter it!” Eric commanded.
Ridley jumped and used Swift again as the attack hit Skiddo’s oncoming Razor Leaf attack. The two attacks made an explosion of stars, making the two Pokemon realize their power is equal to each other.
“Oddity, Shadow Ball!” Wiatt commanded.
Oddity let out a purple orb from his mouth as he launched it at Sprigatito. However, Ridley went in front of Sprigatito and took the hit, however, no damage was done due to Shadow Ball being a ghost-type move.
Lewis sighed seeing his Sprigatito was safe, “thanks, Eric.”
“No problem,” Eric replied.
Seeing that Shadow Ball wouldn’t work with Ridley on the battlefield, Wiatt decided to go for a different attack. “Alright, Oddity use Quick Attack!” He commanded.
“Skiddo, you use Take Down!” Sara commanded.
The two Pokemon started to run towards the Pokemon on the opposing side. Oddity started to pick up speed with Quick Attack and hit Ridley. Ridley held his ground as he skied on the ground.
Skiddo on the other hand, used Take Down on Sprigatito who upon getting hit, did a twirl in the air and landed on her feet before smiling proudly.
Sara and Wiatt blinked in surprise before giving a glare to their friend. “Show off!” They said at the same time.
Lewis and Sprigatito looked at each other with a chuckle before facing the opposing team.
“Sprigatito, use Scratch on Oddity!” Lewis commanded.
“Ridley, use Focus Punch on Skiddo!” Eric commanded.
Sprigatito’s right paw glowed white Ridley’s tail glowed light blue as the two Pokemon were ready to launch their attacks on the other two Pokemon.
“Skiddo use Vine Whip and grab them!” Sara commanded.
Skiddo let out a bleat as vines appeared on her neck as she grabbed Sprigatito and Ridley. The two Pokemon struggled to break free from Skiddo’s vines, but the grass-type Pokemon held them tight.
“Great, now toss them and use Razor Leaf!” Sara commanded once more.
Skiddo threw the two Pokemon before switching to Razor Leaf and finally dealing damage on the opposing team. However, instead of crashing on the ground, Ridley used his tail to catch himself as Sprigatito landed gracefully on her toes.
“Oddity, use Double Kick!” Wiatt commanded.
“Skiddo use Take Down!” Sara commanded.
Oddity and Skiddo ran towards their opponent and the Eevee jumped ready to use Double Kick, however, he miscalculated the timing and ended up using Double Kick on Skiddo.
“Hey! What was that for?!” Sara asked angrily at Wiatt.
“S-Sorry I might’ve miscalculated that.” Wiatt apologized.
Sara growled, grabbing Wiatt by the collar of his shirt, “Do that again next time and I’ll Double Kick you!” She threatened.
“Ridley, Swift!” Eric commanded.
Sara and Wiatt turned and saw Ridley go up and use the Swift attack, which hit Oddity and Skiddo sending them back to their side of the battlefield. The two Pokemon quickly got up ready to battle again.
Wiatt was about to command Oddity to use an attack, but Sara cut him off. “Let me handle this!” She yelled. Skiddo use Take Down, once more!”
“Ridley! Double Team!” Eric commanded.
Skiddo went to use Take Down on Ridley, but the Aipom duplicated, causing Skiddo to skid to a halt. Soon multiples of Ridley appeared around the Mount Pokemon. Skiddo looked around to see which Ridley was the right one.
“Oddity, use your Jolteon attack to find the right Ridley!” Wiatt commanded.
Oddity’s furry collar sparkled with electricity as he launched a bolt of electricity at one of the Ridley copies, which then faded away. The Eevee used his electric move once again on another copy, but like before it faded away.
“Skiddo, use Razor Leaf on Ridley!” Sara commanded.
Skiddo then released Razor Leaf toward the copies of Ridley, however, one of the Razor Leaves hit Oddity causing him to collapse.
“Oddity!” Wiatt yelled. He growled and glared at his battle partner, “Why did you do that Sara?!”
“Me?” Sara asked. “I told you I can handle this, you just had to step in and ruin it.”
“We need to be working as a team! You're just calling all the shots!”
Carly and Oliver sighed, “This doesn’t look like what Dad planned.” She said.
“Yeah, the more they fight the more Eric and Lewis have the upper hand,” Oliver replied.
At that point, Skiddo cleared out all the copies, but couldn’t find the real Ridley. “Ready?” Eric asked Lewis. The latter nodded in reply. “Ridley, use Swift!”
“Sprigatito, use Leafage!” Lewis commanded.
Skiddo looked up to see Ridley appear from the trees and launched a Swift attack with his tail, as stars came out of them. At the same time, Sprigatito used Leafage on the duo.
Skiddo covered her eyes ready to take the hit, however, Oddity went in front of her and his body started to glow white, as the fur on his body went up. He then launched a Swift attack on his own, which then destroyed the on-coming Leafage and Swift.
This shocked everyone as Oddity stopped glowing and looked back at Skiddo. “Eevee?” He asked if the Pokemon was alright.
Skiddo belted in reply that she was alright, which made Oddity beam.
“Did Oddity just learn Swift?” Wiatt asked.
“Maybe,” Sara replied.
However, Eric was uncertain about the new move Oddity learned. “I don’t think Oddity used Swift.” He said.
“Well, what do you think it was?” Lewis asked.
Eric thought for a bit and realized what move Oddity learned. “I think I know what move that was.” The professor then smiled knowing how to end this battle. “Alright Ridley, use Focus Punch!”
Ridley’s tail glowed blue as he was ready to attack Skiddo and Oddity.
“Skiddo, use Bulldoze!” Sara commanded.
Skiddo then stomped her hooves as a shockwave of rocks came out from them, however Ridley used the rocks as platforms before hitting Skiddo.
“Oddity, let’s use Swift attack!” Wiatt commanded.
Oddity jumped up and tried to use Swift, but nothing happened leaving the poor Eevee confused.
“What?!” Wiatt exclaimed.
“Sprigatito use Bite!” Lewis commanded.
Sprigatito jumped and bit at Oddity’s tail, which made Oddity gasp in fear. He tried to shake the Grass Cat off his tail, and when he did Sprigatito was ready to use another attack.
“Now let’s use Leafage, darling!”
Sprigatito then launched leaves over at Oddity knocking him to Skiddo, knocking them both. The two Pokemon struggled to get up, as they were tired from battling before collapsing on the ground. The swirls in their eyes signified their defeat in battle making Wiatt and Sara shocked they lost the battle.
“Well, that settles it,” Carly spoke up and pointed over at the winning team. “Lewis and my dad won this battle.”
“Alright!” Lewis beamed. Sprigatito ran over to him jumped into his arms and licked his cheek making the young boy laugh. “You did amazing darling.”
“Meow. Meow.” Sprigatito beamed.
Eric kneeled down and petted Ridley on the head, “You did great as always buddy.” He said.
“Ai! Aipom!” Ridley beamed as he used his tail to give a peace sign.
“This is your fault, you know!” Sara yelled, causing everyone to turn to the duo.
“How is it my fault?” Wiatt asked, getting up in Sara’s face. “I was just battling like we were told!”
“Yeah, we could’ve won if you didn’t deal damage on Skiddo earlier!” Sara yelled back, getting up in Wiatt’s face.
While the two argued everyone sighed, seeing the two were still butting heads. Even their Pokemon were annoyed seeing the two argue.
“Yep, they're still at it.” Oliver said, walking over to Lewis and Eric.
“If this was to help us get along, why didn’t you come up with any combination, huh?!” Wiatt asked.
“Because I can handle a battle myself!” Sara replied.
Oddity and Skiddo sighed and the latter used her vines to tap the Eevee on the shoulder and used her vines to leave their trainers to fight and go somewhere away from the two. Oddity was unsure but seeing how mad his trainer was he decided to go with his friend. The two quietly snuck out of the battlefield and out of the facility where they went outside to train in the woods.
Team Rocket saw the Pokemon leave and smirked. “Come on, let's leave the twerps to their bickering and follow their Pokemon!” James suggested.
“Right!” Meowth and Jessie replied as the evil trio went to follow the Pokemon.
Back with Eric and his research team, Sara and Wiatt were still bickering. At that point, Sprigatito saw Oddity and Skiddo were gone.
“Meow! Meow!” Sprigatito mewled using her paws to tap Lewis on the arm.
Lewis looked down at his Pokémon, “what’s wrong darling?” He asked.
“Meow! Meow!” Sprigatito used her paw to point where Oddity and Sprigatito were standing and saw they were gone.
Wiatt and Sara stopped arguing and looked down to see their Pokémon were gone. “S-Skiddo?” Sara asked as she looked around to where her Pokemon went. “Skiddo! Where did you go?”
“Oddity!” Wiatt called out. “Where are you buddy?!”
The group looked around hoping the two Pokémon didn’t go too far. Oliver saw the door to the battlefield open seeing the two Pokemon had walked off.
“I think they left,” Oliver said.
“Left?!” Wiatt and Sara yelled. In a split second, the two trainers ran out of the battlefield to search for their Pokémon. They ran past Oliver so fast he spun around before getting a dizzy look on his face. Before he could pass out he was caught by Carly and Lewis.
“W-Wait up y-you…” Oliver groaned. “I feel sick.”
Meanwhile, Oddity and Skiddo were walking to a quiet clearing to train and work on their combinations. The Evolution Pokemon found a place and called out to his friend.
Skiddo belatedly asks Oddity about the place. The latter nodded and the two went through the bushes and found a perfect area to train for a bit and get away from their trainers.
Back with Eric, Carly, and the Dream Quartet, they searched for Skiddo and Oddity around the forest near the facility. Ridley looked from the trees and bushes, while Sprigatito tried her best to catch the scent of her friends. 
“Anything Ridley!” Eric yelled. Ridley appeared from the trees and shook his head.
“Did Ridley find them?” Carly asked.
Eric shook his head in reply and the father-daughter duo kept looking for their friends' Pokémon.
Sara and Wiatt on the other hand called out to their Pokémon.
“Oddity!” Wiatt yelled.
“Skiddo!” Sara yelled.
“Come on Oddity! Where are you!?” Wiatt yelled again.
“Skiddo! Come on out!” Sara yelled again.
Lewis and Oliver finally caught up with their friends. “Any luck?” Oliver asked.
“No,” Wiatt replied. “What about you guys?”
Oliver and Lewis shook their heads. Even Sprigatito shook her head but she too was worried about her friends.
Wiatt and Sara frowned before turning to each other and getting into another argument again. “This is all your fault!” They both shouted at the same time. “My fault! It’s your fault!”
Tired of the arguing Oliver took a deep breath and shouted, “Would you two knock it off!”
Oliver’s shout made everyone frozen in shock. Never had Oliver raised his voice at anyone before. The taller boy covered his mouth in shock, embarrassed at what he had just done. “Sorry, but I just had to.”
“Don’t need to apologize, darling,” Lewis said, putting his hand on his best friend’s shoulder. “Someone needed to speak up about these two sooner or later.” He glanced at his two best friends, as his Sprigatito gave them the same look.
Wiatt and Sara looked at their friends, surprised before looking at each other. Guilt rushed through their faces realizing they were bickering non-stop. The two turned away with Sara rubbing her arm in regret.
“Face it you two, if you want to find your Pokemon you two need to work together.” Lewis reminded them.
“Meow!” Sprigatito added, agreeing with her trainer.
Wiatt and Sara looked at one another and while they didn’t want to, they had to. “Alright.” Wiatt sighed.
“Where do we suppose we look?” Sara asked. “We’ve looked everywhere!”
As Sara complained, Sprigatito’s ear twitched as she heard something not too far away. She jumped out of Lewis’s arms and listened to hear a battle going on not far from here. “Meow! Meow!” Sprigatito mewled.
“You heard something Sprigatito?” Lewis asked.
The Grass Cat Pokemon nodded and went to lead the group to where the noise was located.
“Follow her!” Lewis exclaimed as the four went to follow Sprigatito to a clearing. There, the Grass Cat Pokemon mewled finding the two Pokemon. “You found them?”
Spirgatito nodded and looked through the bushes and her eyes widened. As her trainer and his friends looked through the bushes as well, the Grass Cat Pokemon shushed them so they could be quiet and watch.
There, Oddity and Skiddo were sparing and practicing combinations the two could use in a future battle. Skiddo was trying to use Bulldoze as Oddity tried to climb the rocks and use Shadow Ball, however, the Eevee kept on losing his footing, but before he could fall Skiddo caught him using Vine Whip and put him down gently.
“Eevee,” Oddity replied.
Skiddo belted and they decided to try again. There Oddity was able to perfect the combination and decided to use his Jolteon attack.
“Did you see that?” Sara asked.
“Yeah,” Wiatt replied. “They're doing combinations and getting good at it.”
“They would’ve done it perfectly if you two weren’t arguing so much,” Oliver added.
Wiatt and Sara felt guilty, seeing their arguing prevented them from letting their Pokemon show off their combinations. The group kept watching the two Pokemon practice their combinations; Skiddo went to use Razor Leaf, but not long after Oddity started to glow green and ended up using Razor Leaf not long after.
The Dream Quartet were surprised at what they just witnessed. “Now Oddity can learn Razor Leaf?!” Wiatt exclaimed.
“Darling, I don’t think Oddity learned Razor Leaf or Swift,” Lewis replied. Wiatt turned towards his friend. “I believe Oddity learned Copycat.”
Wiatt’s eyes widened and turned towards his Pokemon, who used Copycat one more time, this time on Skiddo’s Take Down attack, which he used to tackle Skiddo, who stopped him using her vines. She then let go as the two took a breath and decided to end training for the day.
Skiddo let out a bleat asking if Oddity was ready to head back to their trainers. She felt worried for Sara, knowing she was probably looking for her.
Oddity nodded, agreeing to go to Wiatt. He turned and froze seeing their trainers and their friends had been watching them for some time. Wiatt and Sara came out of the bushes and walked over to their Pokemon, who felt so nervous that they ran off.
“Don’t feel nervous you two,” Sara said. “We’re calm now.”
“Sorry if our arguing lost us the battle,” Wiatt spoke up.
Oddity and Skiddo looked up at their trainers in surprise, seeing they weren’t yelling anymore.
“We saw a bit of your training, and what you did is amazing!” Sara exclaimed.
“Yeah! I want to try that next time we get pulled into a double battle!” Wiatt added.
Oddity and Skiddo blushed in embarrassment glad their trainers were proud of them.
“Say,” Wiatt spoke up, “would you two like to try again and battle Eric and Lewis again?”
“We promise we won’t argue,” Sara added, putting her hands together.
Oddity and Skiddo looked at each other and smiled, nodding in reply. Wiatt and Sara smiled seeing their Pokémon agreed to it. However, the good times were cut short when a net appeared out of the sky and landed on top of Oddity and Skiddo.
The group gasped in horror but then saw the net carry the two Pokemon up in the air.
“Oh great! Now what’s going on!?” Wiatt asked.
A familiar laughter appeared before a voice spoke up, “Prepare for trouble we got you by surprise.”
“And make it double we got the prize!” A male voice spoke up.”
It was Team Rocket in their Meowth balloon saying their usual motto.
“To protect the world from devastation!” Jessie continued.
“To unite all peoples within our nation!” James continued.
“To denounce the evils of truth and love!”
“To extend our reach to the stars above!”
“Jessie!” She introduced giving a wink
“James!” He introduced doing the same thing as his partner.
“Team Rocket blasts off and the speed of light!”
“Surrender now or prepare for a fight!”
“Meowth! That’s right!” Meowth beamed jumping in front of his teammates.
“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet beamed.
“Team Rocket!” The Dream Quartet yelled.
“Give us back our Pokemon!” Sara added.
“What? I can’t hear you, twerp!” Jessie mocked. “I believe these Pokémon belong to us!”
Oddity and Skiddo complained as they begged for their friends to help them. Sara and Wiatt growled seeing Team Rocket getting higher and higher away from them.
“Skiddo, use Razor Leaf!” Sara commanded.
“Oddity, use Copycat on the Razor Leaf!” Wiatt commanded.
The two Pokémon used Razor Leaf to break out of the net, but the move reflected back instead of tearing the net to break free.
“What?” Wiatt asked, confused as to why the rope didn’t break.
Meowth laughed, “Sorry twerps we made sure this net was Pokémon proof inside and out!” He gloated.
“No Razor Leaf or any attack can break through this net!” James beamed as well.
“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet replied.
Lewis growled seeing his two friends' Pokemon being taken away from him. His Pokemon, Sprigatito growled as well, ready to fight to save her friends. She noticed the rope that held the net and mewled to her trainer.
“Meow! Meow!” Sprigatito yelled.
Lewis turned towards his Pokémon as she mewled again looking at the rope holding the net. He smirked and nodded and was ready to command his Pokemon to save his friends.
“Sprigatito, use Leafage to cut the rope!” 
Sprigatito launched leaves from her neck as the attack tore the rope holding the net. Slowly the rope broke and snapped as the net fell down on the ground with Oddity and Skiddo inside. However, Skiddo used her Vine Whip to grab Oddity as they landed safely on the ground.
Team Rocket was shocked to see the net had broken even though they gloated about how indestructible it was.
“Vee!” Oddity sighed.
Skiddo sighed as well as their trainers went over to them. “You two okay?” Wiatt asked.
“Eevee! Vee!” Oddity replied.
Skiddo bleated in reply that she was okay too.
“Meowth!” Jessie growled. “You said this net was Pokémon attack-proofed!”
Meowth chuckled, “Well it was, however, it was too small to grab the Pokémon from our balloon so I used some spare rope to make it longer.” He explained.
“Next time buy the bigger and longer nets!” James yelled.
“If our budget allows it.” Meowth groaned.
Jessie growled, not wanting to give up. She took out her Pokeball and threw it shouting, “Go Seviper!” She yelled.
“Alright, Inkay, let’s go!” James yelled, throwing his Pokeball as well.
The two Pokeballs opened and out came Jessie’s Seviper and James’s Inkay. The two Pokemon glared at the Dream Quartet who glared back. 
Sprigatito was ready to battle their enemies Pokémon, but Oddity and Skiddo stepped up wanting to battle Team Rocket to make up for the battle they lost earlier.
“Eevee! Vee!” Oddity exclaimed.
“You want us to try again right now?” Sara asked.
Oddity and Skiddo nodded in reply.
Sara and Wiatt looked at each other and nodded. They faced Team Rocket’s Pokemon and were ready to battle.
“Seviper, use Poison Sting!” Jessie commanded.
“Inkay, use Psybeam!” James commanded.
Seviper opened his mouth and launched purple darts at Skiddo and Oddity, while Inkay went upside down and launched a blue beam with pink circles at the two Pokemon.
“Dodge it!” Sara and Wiatt yelled.
The two Pokemon jumped and missed the two attacks.
“Skiddo, Razor Leaf!” Sara commanded.
“Oddity, use Shadow Ball!” Wiatt commanded.
The two Pokemon turned to one another and nodded. Skiddo let out her Razor Leaf attack, while Oddity let out his Shadow Ball. Oddity’s attack went first and then Skiddo's, causing the two attacks to swirl one another and attack Seviper and Inkay at the same time. However, the opposing Pokemon stood their ground.
“Seviper, use Poison Tail on the Eevee!” Jessie commanded.
“Seviper!” The Fang Snake Pokemon hissed as their tail glowed purple and was ready to attack Oddity.
“Wiatt, I want you to use Copycat on Seviper’s Poison Tail,” Sara told him.
Wiatt looked confused and turned towards his friend, “what?” He asked.
“Trust me on this, okay,” Sara added.
Wiatt wasn’t exactly sure what Sara was planning, but if they wanted to stop Team Rocket together they had to agree and not fight with one another.
“Alright.” Wiatt said, “Oddity, use Copycat on Poison Tail!” 
Oddity glowed purple as his tail turned purple and he started to run towards Seviper. The two Poison Tail attacks collided with one another pushing the two Pokemon back.
“Inkay, use Tackle!” James commanded.
“Skiddo, stop that Tackle with Vine Whip!” Sara commanded.
Inkay made its way towards Skiddo, before being stopped by the latter’s Vine Whip.
“Great! Now toss them!” Sara commanded once again. She glanced at Wiatt and nodded, having him command Oddity to use an attack.
Wiatt nodded, “Oddity, use Shadow Ball!” He exclaimed.
Skiddo threw Inkay up in the air as Oddity got up on Skiddo’s back and launched a Shadow Ball at the Revolving Pokemon. Inkay was pushed back and slammed into Seviper, which pushed the two into a tree.
“I can’t believe it!” Oliver exclaimed.
“They're finally working together!” Lewis added. He felt happy and wanted to join in to help his friends, but he felt Sprigatito’s paws touch his shoes, stopping him.
Sprigatito mewled, telling him that Sara and Wiatt should handle this battle together. Lewis nodded and listened to his Pokemon as he and Oliver continued to watch.
Jessie growled seeing Sara and Wiatt work together, she had hoped the two would be fighting again, giving her and James an easy win, but that wasn’t the case. “What happened to the bickering twerps?!” She yelled.
“Maybe they let out all their anger?” Meowth asked.
Jessie growled, “Well I’m not losing to some twerps!” She yelled. “Seviper, Bite attack!”
“Inkay, use Tackle!” James commanded.
The two Pokemon started to come towards the opposing Pokemon, who were ready to attack.
“Wiatt, do you want to try Skiddo and Oddity’s combination?” Sara asked.
Wiatt thought about it for a second and nodded, “Sure, but we need to time it right.”
Sara nodded and commanded her Pokemon to use her attack, “Skiddo use Bulldoze!”
Skiddo smirked knowing what her trainer was trying to do. She then stopped her hooves and used her Bulldoze attack.
“Alright Oddity! Go! Use your Jolteon attack!” Wiatt commanded.
“Eevee!” Oddity beamed.
Oddity used the Bulldoze to launch himself toward Team Rocket’s Pokemon and went ahead to use his Jolteon attack, shocking Seviper, and Inkay. The attack pushed the two Pokemon back into Team Rocket’s balloon, which shocked them as well before their balloon exploded.
The explosion was seen in the distance, surprising Eric, his daughter, and Ridley.
“What was that?” Carly asked.
“I don’t know, but we should see if Lewis and the others are alright,” Eric said.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket were in the sky defeated by Wiatt and his friends yet again. “How can those two be arguing one minute and then working together in perfect harmony!” Jessie complained.
“Well Jess, they are the heroes and we’re the bad guys,” James replied, in a deadpan tone.
Jessie growled and yelled at her teammate, “Who’s side are you on James!?” She yelled.
“Yours.” He replied in the same tone.
Meowth sighed, “Well looks like I got another bickering duo to deal with.” He said.
“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet exclaimed.
“Team Rocket is blasting off again!” Team Rocket yelled as they were launched to the sky.
“Alright!” Wiatt and Sara cheered, giving each other a high five. Their two Pokemon went over to them and hugged them tightly as they celebrated their win.
As they celebrated, Eric and Carly arrived confused about what the two were celebrating. “What did we miss?” Carly asked.
“Wiatt and Sara finally worked together,” Oliver said.
“And defeated Team Rocket,” Lewis added.
“Oddity,” Wiatt started. “You and Skiddo were amazing!”
“Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed.
Wiatt hugged Oddity as the Evolution Pokemon nuzzled him. The two looked over at Sara, kneeling down and petting her Skiddo, praising her as well.
“Skiddo, you were amazing as always!” Sara beamed.
Skiddo bleated in reply before giving her trainer a lick on the cheek. Sara chuckled and hugged her Pokemon tight.
Wiatt smiled and walked over to the young girl, “Hey, Sara.” He started. Sara looked up at her friend. “I’m sorry for arguing with you today, you're a really good trainer.”
Sara gave a small smile and got up to face her friend, “Thanks, and I’m sorry too for being such a jerk to you.” She replied. “You're not that bad of a battler Wiatt, your Eevee is something.”
Wiatt looked down at his buddy, who smiled proudly.
“However,” Sara started, which made Wiatt and Oddity, as well as their friends, change expressions. “That Jolteon attack, have you ever given it a name?”
Wiatt and Oddity looked at each other before looking back at their friend. “No. I never thought of it.”
“Well, instead of Jolteon attack, how about…” Sara trailed off until she thought of an idea thanks to seeing a nearby Beedrill hive in the distance. “Buzzy Buzz.”
“Buzzy Buzz!?” Wiatt exclaimed. “That’s the most stupid name you can come up with!” He glared.
Sara glared back, “Well it’s better than Jolteon attack!” She shouted back. The two continued to bicker over the name choice, which made their friends sigh in disbelief.
“Here they go again.” Lewis sighed. Sprigaitito mewled in reply.
“At this point, they’ll argue over anything,`” Carly added.
Before the argument could escalate further, Sara and Wiatt felt Skiddo’s vines around their wrist. They looked down at the Mount Pokemon who was glaring at them, tired of their nonstop bickering. Even Oddity glared at them, agreeing with his friend.
Sara and Wiatt looked at their Pokemon and then at each other before sighing in defeat. Skiddo then released her vines off the two trainers as Wiatt kneeled down at Oddity. “Oddity, what do you think about changing the name of your move from Jolteon Attack to Buzzy Buzz?” He asked, even though saying Buzzy Buzz felt weird to say.
Oddity thought of it for a bit, and smiled, “Vee.” He replied.
“You like it?”
Wiatt sighed and turned to Sara. “I guess you win this time.” He said.
Sara smiled, seeing she won this argument. “Funny thing, I thought of it on the top of my head.” She replied.
Wiatt chuckled as well, which relieved their friends that the argument was cut short.
“Well, now that’s settled, how about we eat lunch back at the lab and try again for another double battle,” Eric explained.
“Yeah!” The group agreed.
“And I’ll get there first!” Sara beamed as she and Skiddo ran up ahead of everyone.
“Not if I get there first!” Wiatt yelled as he ran to catch up with his friend. The two started to race each other to see who would get to the lab first.
Lewis and Oliver looked at each other, before shrugging and decided to race their friends too.
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thedreamworldlibrary · 2 months
Magia Chap. 7- The Hard Truth
Next chapter is here! A bit of an emotional chapter, but one of my favorites to write!
Big thanks too @gigilefache for being my beta reader.
Lewis was quiet as he drove to the Gale family home from the hospital. Carly was still asleep in the back seat and Eric glanced at his former student frequently, sensing he was angry at Sara. Eric wanted to tell Lewis about his friend, but he hoped the two would talk it out and make up. If they did before, they would do so now…right?
“We’re here,” Lewis said.
“Thanks Lewis,” Eric replied, unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car. He walked to the back of the car, unbuckled Carly’s seatbelt, and carried her. 
In her sleep, Carly nuzzled into her father’s chest with a smile.
Eric smiled back, but before he went to the house he glanced at Lewis. “Lewis, if you're gonna talk to Sara, please go easy on her. She has a lot to say.”
Lewis sighed. He had a lot to say too, and hoped Sara would talk to him. “I’ll try, darling,” he said.
Eric sighed as well and nodded before walking into the house with his daughter. Once the two were inside, Lewis grabbed his phone and texted Wiatt back:
On my way.
Lewis put the phone in his pocket and started to drive over to Sara’s apartment.
Meanwhile, at Sara’s apartment, Wiatt checked his phone and saw Lewis message. “Lewis is coming.” He announced.
Oliver sighed and Sara didn’t reply. Since arriving to the female founder’s apartment, it was nothing but quiet other then Wiatt reading Lewis’s texts. When Wiatt announced Lewis wanted to speak to Sara privately she hadn’t glanced at him or Oliver since then.
It felt like forever, and the silence wasn’t doing anyone any better. Oliver wanted to speak, but kept his mouth shut because he wasn’t sure how to break the silence.
Eventually, the three heard someone knocking on the door. “I bet that’s Lewis.” Wiatt said, getting up and walking towards the door.
Sara felt her blood run cold as she slowly turned towards the door.
Wiatt opened the door and saw it was Lewis. “Hi Lewis.” He said.
“Hi.” Lewis replied as he came in, glaring at Sara. 
Sara gulped as she turned away from her friend. Lewis didn’t say anything and took her hand, “we need to talk, now.” Lewis growled before dragging her to the guest room. Oliver and Wiatt looked fearful of each other knowing this wasn’t going to end well.
Lewis shut the door and locked it before facing his best friend. “Alright Sara,” He spoke up, “I had my patience with you the past few months, but now I’m losing it.” He scolded. “You need to tell me everything right now or else…”
“Which one?” Sara asked. A lot happened these past few months and with Lewis’ house burning down with her and Eric in it, that was now added on to the list.
“Everything, darling.” Lewis stated. “The mysterious phone calls, this immortality thing, and the fact you and Eric almost died!” 
Sara flinched, she never saw Lewis angry. He was always calm and tried to reason with everyone, and when he raised his voice it was out of concern. This was true anger she saw from her best friend. At this point, Sara didn’t know what to say. Her mind was telling her to speak and spill everything she told Eric, but when she tried she couldn’t utter a single word out.
“Well,” Lewis spoke up, causing Sara to look up at her best friend. “Are you going to tell me, or do you want to end it?”
Her eyes widened in fear. “End it?” She asked.
“I’ll leave Dreamworld and you and Oliver can handle it yourself.” Lewis explained. “I’m done with you keeping things from us. Heck, I’m at the breaking point of our friendship.”
Sara felt a pain in her heart as she felt tears in her eyes. “Y-You wouldn’t.” She whispered. Lewis has been her best friend since middle school, not only that he was her first friend ever.
“I would, unless you tell me what’s going on.”
 felt like she was going to cry. She tried to open her mouth and speak up but she couldn’t.
Lewis waited, yes what he said was harsh, but he had no other options at this point. He waited a bit more seeing Sara trying to speak, but not uttering a word. Shaking his head, Lewis turned around and was ready to head out the door.
“I see… That’s your choice then.” Lewis said. “Well, good luck Sara Covetman.” He snapped glaring at the female founder.
Lewis had his hand on the door and was ready to unlock it-
“Lewis, wait!” Sara cried.
Lewis stopped and turned to Sara, but held his hand on the knob.
Sara sighed, her friend won. She needed to speak up about everything instead of hiding it. “I’ll tell you the truth.”
Lewis removed his hand from the knob and walked towards Sara.
“Just,” she started, “promise me you won’t tell anyone.”
“That depends what it is, darling.” Lewis replied. He wanted answers before keeping a promise with Sara.
Sara opened her mouth to beg to Lewis, but she let out a sigh knowing he wouldn’t settle for it. “Fine.” She took a deep breath and started at the very beginning. “Remember before we became friends in middle school, kids made rumors about me being the cause of my missing classmates?”
Lewis nodded, he heard the stories countless times from every classmate anytime he tried to get close to Sara. 
She’s a witch! She’s cursed! A monster! The kids would tell him, but he ignored it and all he saw was a lonely and shy girl who needed a friend. 
Before Lewis could ask where Sara was going with her story, his eyes widened coming to the realization about Sara’s classmates. “T-They weren’t missing weren’t they darling?” He asked.
Sara nodded, “those classmates were my bullies,” she revealed.
Lewis knew Sara was bullied during their time in school, but she told him it was way worse before she met him and Oliver.
Sara started to have tears form in her eyes as she was about to tell her best friend what really happened. “T-the day they went missing,” she started letting out a shaky breath as tears started to fall, “they pushed me and hurt me. I-I was scared and to make it worse they brought matches.” Sara sobbed, still horrified of that day.
Lewis covered his mouth in horror. He didn’t realize…
“W-When they started that fire. I-I wasn’t sure what they planned on doing, so I-I pushed one of them off a cliff.” Sara cried. “T-The other two ran and I-I…” Sara started sobbing not wanting to continue with the story.
Lewis felt like crying at that point. He felt bad trying to end a lifelong friendship with Sara, not knowing how she snapped that day. “Is this what Eric meant when he told me to go easy on Sara?” He thought. The male founder went over and sat next to his best friend, rubbing her back to comfort her.
Sara looked up to see her best friend giving her a small smile, which cheered her up a bit. Not enough, but it was something. She wiped the tears from her eyes and continued, “After that, I lost trust with everyone. It wasn’t until you and Oliver came into my life...” She said.
“Sara.” Lewis started. “I’m so sorry you went through all that. I know you’ve told me you’d been bullied, but I can’t believe you’d been pushed that far.”
“I don’t deserve sympathy, Lewis.” Sara replied. “I did something horrible, and what’s worse I’ve been hiding it from you and Oliver all these years!”
Lewis sighed knowing his friend was right, and he couldn’t just sugar coat it for her. “Okay, what you did was horrible darling, but you were scared!” He replied. 
Sara turned away, and the male founder realized that it wasn’t her actions that scared her. It was something else…
“We’re you scared that we would leave you if we found out?” Lewis asked.
Sara nodded, tearful.
Lewis didn’t know what to say, heck, no one would be sure of what to say if they were told their best friend secretly killed someone, he knew that for sure.
At that point, something else came to mind. Lewis wondered about those secret phone calls, and if they have connections with the incident. Could “he” be blackmailing her to keep the secret from leaking out?
“Darling, were those secret phone calls connected to what you did?” Lewis asked.
Sara nodded, “yes, they both knew.”
The male founder’s eyes widened. This was the first time he heard it was two people being a part of the secret phone calls. “Wait, there’s two?!” Lewis gasped.
“Yeah.” Sara replied. “Would you believe me if one of them was the defunct pegasus animatronic.”
“Winnie?!” Lewis asked, surprised.
Sara nodded. “He’s been the one calling me, the one who knows is a demon named Litho.”
“A what now?!” Lewis exclaimed. This was a first hearing a demon was being a part of this. “Sara, please explain because this sounds ridiculous!”
“I-I am!” Sara exclaimed. “Winnie is possessed by someone who worked for Litho before. He never told me his real name.”
“And Litho?”
“The demon who is searching for immortality. He knows everything about me, and wanted me to help him with his plans.”
Suddenly, Lewis remembered hearing something Sara mentioned a couple of years ago. “Didn’t you tell me about an entity that was stalking you as a child?”
Sara nodded, “that’s him.” 
“Darling this is horrifying that you’ve been keeping all of this from us!” Lewis exclaimed.
“And you can see why I kept this all from you and Oliver.” Sara replied.
“Yeah, but still...if you told us I could’ve at least help you or better yet if you told me the whole story I would’ve understand.”
Sara sighed, “I’m sorry Lewis. For everything.”
Lewis smiled and held her hand. Sara’s eyes widened as she looked up at her friend. “Sara, you’ve been my best friend since middle school, and I want our business to be a success.” He started. “Plus, if we’re going to find out what’s been happening to us, we need to be a team, okay.”
Sara nodded. “Okay. I promise I’ll try to be a team player” She replied. The female founder knew it was going to be hard breaking from Litho’s contract, but she is willing to try and help out her best friend like she promised. “So you forgive me?”
“As long as you stop keeping secrets from us, darling.” Lewis answered.
“Okay, deal.”
Lewis smiled and hugged Sara, which surprised her. It put a smile on her face as she hugged her best friend back.
Suddenly, Sara’s eyes turned pink as her powers activated once again.
This time she wasn’t sent to the future, but it looked far into the past.
There she saw a woman around her age at her desk breaking rocks. From it, she saw two of the gems; the blue and pink one, as well as a bunch of rocks that were broken and empty or haven’t been broken into yet.
The girl in Sara’s vision had brown hair tied into a ponytail and wore a pale pink dress that looked like it was from the 1700s.
Soon someone knocked on the door, and the girl called out, “come in!” without looking up from her work.
A young boy appeared, and Sara's eyes widened at him. If one saw him, he’d look like Lewis wearing a costume from the 18th century. The only difference between him and Lewis, was his hair was slightly darker then her best friend’s.
“Clara, darling.” The boy spoke. “Are you still working on your treasure hunt?” 
“Yep. I found something that your not going to believe, Cyrus!” Clara answered.
Cyrus sighed and walked over to his friend. “Well what is it?” He asked.
Before the rest of the conversation continued, Sara’s powers ended there.
The female founder gasped, pushing away from Lewis, who was in shock seeing her eyes pink before they ultimately fading back to brown.
“Darling, was that your powers?” Lewis asked.
“Yeah.” Sara replied, nodding. “My powers have to do with time. Anytime I touch someone I can see into the future, but,” she paused, confused as to what she witnessed this time.
“But what?”
“This time it looked like it was in the past, about 300 years or so….there was a boy and girl named Cyrus and Clara, and,” Sara paused and pointed at Lewis, “Cyrus looked like you.”
Lewis blinked, shocked at what Sara just revealed to him.
Who are Clara and Cyrus?
Well, you’ll find out soon enough! Because I’m excited to talk about them when the time comes.
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thedreamworldlibrary · 3 months
Dreamers of Myths & Legends Chap. 5-Pokeball Heist!
Next chapter! Next new team member on the squad! I get excited writing the chapters of the new team members because holy crap I go so in detail on those chapters. This fanfic was 18  pages long and that’s possibly my longest one!
Thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!
Eric hummed as he cooked breakfast for his daughter and the researchers. He decided to make waffles and scrambled eggs with some fresh fruit. Carly on the other hand was making breakfast for Ridley, Oddity, and the researcher’s newest member, Sprigatito.
“There. Done,” Carly sighed, finishing making the Pokemon their breakfast. “Okay, breakfast is ready!” She put the tray of Pokemon food down, as Ridley, Oddity, and Sprigatito ran downstairs. “I hope you all like it, it’s Pokemon food sprinkled with fruit and a zest of Oran Berry.”
Ridley and Oddity’s eyes sparkled and started to eat their breakfast, which made them sigh happily at how good it was.
“Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed.
“Aipom!” Ridley exclaimed too.
Before she could eat, Sprigatito wanted to thank the young girl for making her breakfast, “Meow!” She exclaimed as she nuzzled onto Carly’s knee, thanking her for the food.
Carly squeaked and stepped back from Sprigatito and hid behind her father.
Sprigatito was confused and felt hurt wondering why Carly stepped back.
“Sorry darling,” Lewis spoke up as he came downstairs. “I should’ve told you, Carly has a fear of touching Pokémon.”
Sprigatito sighed and looked down. Lewis gave a light chuckle as he petted the Grass Cat Pokémon. It made her feel better.
“It’s okay Sprigatito. I like you, I just can’t touch you.” Carly explained hoping to cheer for the Grass-type Pokemon.
Sprigatito understood and went over to the other two Pokemon eating their breakfast.
“Eevee! Vee!” Oddity exclaimed telling Sprigatito to try Carly’s breakfast.
Sprigatito went over and took a bite of her breakfast and smiled at how good it tasted as she started to eat with the other two Pokemon.
Lewis smiled as he sat down and soon Wiatt and Oliver came down. “Morning.” Oliver said, letting out a yawn.
“Morning you two!” Lewis exclaimed. Oliver and Wiatt sat down as Eric and Carly brought over breakfast for the boys. 
However, Eric saw someone was missing. “Uh, where’s Sara?” He asked.
“She’s up in the room. She is waiting for a phone call.” Wiatt said, starting to cut into his waffle and eating it.
Lewis knew what the phone call was and got up from the table. 
“You okay?” Oliver asked, looking up at his best friend.
“Yeah. I’ll be back darlings. Just going to check on Sara.” Lewis said. He left the kitchen and went upstairs to check on the female researcher.
Sprigatito and Oddity looked at one another and decided to check up on Sara too. Ridley watched his friends leave and saw they left some of their breakfast left. He shrugged and decided to eat their breakfast too.
In the researcher’s room, Sara stared at her Rotom Phone and waited for it to ring. She got up earlier than usual so she could look her best for her phone call. Feeling like it took forever, her phone rang and quickly she answered it.
On the video call, was a person with dark skin, dark brown eyes, and messy dark brown hair with two white flicks framing their face. They wore a blue t-shirt and wore a purple beanie.
“Celio!” Sara exclaimed.
“Morning Sara! How is everything at Mr. Gale’s research center?” Celio asked.
“Great! We’re currently researching mythical Pokemon.” Sara replied, but she didn’t seem so pleased about it, “wasn’t something I expected but one of the researchers wanted to do it.”
Celio chuckled and soon the sound of bleating came into view. “I know you’ve been excited to talk to her.” They said looking at whoever made the bleating noise. Celio moved their Rotom Phone over to a Skiddo who looked happy to see her trainer.
Sara chuckled seeing her Pokémon looking all happy and healthy. “Skiddo!” She exclaimed.
Skiddo bleated in joy and started to jump in joy seeing her trainer again.
Lewis slowly opened the door and smiled seeing his best friend in her phone call with their caretaker and Pokémon.
“How has she been doing?” Sara asked.
“Fine.” Celio replied, but soon she frowned, “However…” 
Sara was confused as to why her caretaker paused like that. “Is something wrong with Skiddo?” She asked.
“Since you left Skiddo would be in your room all day and wait for you. She’ll eat, but not a lot, and will sleep all day.” Celio explained.
Sara saw in the video called Skiddo walking around before going to the floor and looking down. She frowned seeing her Pokémon like this.
“Aww, I miss you too Skiddo,” Sara replied. “Celio, if you’d like I can make it back home to Santalune City right away! I’m sure Eric would understand.”
“That’s why I called you,” Celio said cutting off their child. “I was thinking of sending Skiddo over to you to help you out with your research?”
Sara’s eyes widened, “but before I left. I left Skiddo with you so you can have help with the DayCare Center.” She explained.
“I know, but I feel like you two need to be together. I’ll be fine, don't worry.” Celio said, reassuring Sara.
Sara felt tears in her eyes and smiled. Her best friend was finally coming along with her. “Alright. Send her over and I’ll go pick her up.” She said, accepting it.
Celio smiled and gave a light chuckle, “Skiddo come over here! I’m sending you to Sara!”
Skiddo overheard and smiled widely as she ran over to Celio, knocking them down. Sara flinched at the scene and worried for her caretaker. “Are you okay?”
Celio had swirls in their eyes as Skiddo looked concerned for them. “I’m fine. I just forgot about Skiddo’s strength.”
Skiddo chuckled nervously, forgetting her strength too.
Sara smiled and chuckled. “I can’t wait!” She cheered jumping from her bed. However, she was so excited she forgot that she was on the top bunk and banged her head on the ceiling, fell off, and rubbed her head in pain.
“Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed running over to Sara.
“Ow. Ow. Ow.” Sara repeated in pain.
“You okay darling?” Lewis asked.
“I’m fine.” 
Oddity and Sprigatito went over to the girl to see if she was okay. Sara gave a small smile and petted the two Pokemon. “Hey you two, would you like to meet a new friend?” She asked.
The Pokemon duo’s eyes widened when hearing about a new friend that would be joining them and got excited. Sara chuckled seeing the two were excited to hear about Skiddo coming to join them.
Lewis smiled, “I’m guessing Celio is going to bring over your Skiddo so she can be part of the research team.” He guessed.
Sara smiled and nodded. “I’m so excited! I’ve been missing her for a long time!” She exclaimed.
Lewis gave a light chuckle seeing his friend happy. 
“Come on.” Sara said, as she grabbed his hand and started to go down the stairs, with Sprigatito and Oddity not far behind, “we got to get to the Pokemon Center and pick her up!”
“But Sara, what about breakfast?” Lewis asked.
“Breakfast could wait!” Sara replied, too excited to eat. She and Lewis passed by the kitchen, which was noticed by the others before Sara came back, still dragging Lewis. “Oliver, Wiatt! Hurry up you two we have to get to the Pokemon Center!”
Wiatt was surprised, he swallowed his food without chewing it. He drank some orange juice to wash it down. “N-Now?!” He exclaimed.
“B-But we’re still eating.” Oliver reminded her.
“No time!” Sara yelled. “Hurry up, slowpokes!”
The boys saw Sprigatito and Oddity following behind and they stopped to tell the boys they were going to the Pokemon Center. “Eevee! Vee!” Oddity exclaimed, telling Wiatt to hurry up.
Wiatt and Oliver looked at each other and sighed, seeing the two weren’t gonna enjoy their breakfast after all.
The four researchers were walking to Celadon City when Celio texted Sara that it was the Pokémon Center they sent Skiddo. Sara hummed as she walked ahead of her friends excited to see her Skiddo again. Her friends on the other hand were tired as they didn’t have much breakfast and had no energy.
“Darling, I know you're excited to see Skiddo, but we haven’t eaten breakfast yet,” Lewis said.
“I mean we did, but not enough of it,” Oliver added.
Sara turned to her friends with a glare, “Guys I haven’t seen Skiddo in a while. I want to know if she made it safe here.” She explained.
Wiatt sighed, “Skiddo is your best friend, right Sara?” He asked.
Sara gave a small smile and nodded. “I’ve had her since I was a little.” She revealed. “She helped me through a lot.”
“I guess you two are like me and Oddity,” Wiatt revealed as he petted his Eevee.
“Vee.” Oddity sighed.
“Yeah in a way,” Sara replied.
“I understand why you're so excited, it’s almost like seeing an old friend you haven’t seen in years,” Wiatt stated.
“Right, and I can’t wait for Sprigatito and Oddity to meet her! They’ll love her!”
Sprigatito and Oddity smiled excitedly to meet their new friend.
However, once arriving at the Pokemon Center, Sara screamed, “WHAT?!” so loud that people outside the Pokemon Center heard it.
“W-What do you mean Skiddo didn’t arrive?” Sara asked, shaking like she was gonna faint. The guys stood behind her hoping they would catch her if she fainted.
Nurse Joy sighed, “I’m sorry, but it's not just you. A lot of trainers have been missing Pokemon using the transporter lately.” She explained looking at the transporter. “When trainers call me to send their Pokemon in or trainers go transport their Pokemon to someone else it glitches a bit, but where the Pokemon goes is unknown.”
Sara looked distraught over Skiddo going lost. She knew she would have left the facility for a bit to see her Skiddo in person.  
Even though Wiatt didn’t get along with Sara from time to time. He knew how close Sara and Skiddo were and would feel the same if something happened to Oddity.
“How did it happen?” Wiatt asked.
“Well, every month the Pokemon Transporter gets checked up every month to make sure it’s working properly.” Nurse Joy explained. “However, a trio of workers came by earlier than usual and told me there was an emergency at all Pokemon Centers and they should be checked. They did their job and said it was all fixed, after that Pokeballs wouldn’t get to their exact location.”
The researchers all looked at each other and nodded knowing Nurse Joy was tricked. “Did you by any chance see who the people were?” Sara asked.
“They were very weird looking, and they left a business card for me in case I call them back or recommend them to the other Pokemon Centers.” Nurse Joy replied. She pulled out a poorly made business card that looked to be drawn by a kindergartner.
The business card had drawings of Team Rocket in a maintenance worker outfit, but even though the card was poorly drawn Wiatt and his friends didn’t recognize the trio.
“Who was hired, professionals or a daycare?” Sara asked, insulting at the art style.
“Beats me. I never heard of them.” Oliver said.
Soon the sound of running interrupted the four researchers as three young boys ran to Nurse Joy with the look of worry on their faces.
The first boy had fluffy light brown hair, pale green eyes, and a bandage on his cheek. He also wore a pink shirt, black trousers, and gray shoes.
The second boy had fluffy black hair and had pale hazel eyes. He wore a dark brown vest over an orange short-sleeved dress shirt, gray jeans, and black shoes.
The last boy had fluffy dark brown hair and blue eyes. He wore a lilac shirt, light blue shorts, and purple sneakers.
From the looks of their hairstyles, the three boys seemed to be triplets. 
“Nurse Joy!” The boys exclaimed at the same time.
“Did our Pokemon come back yet?” The boy with the pink shirt asked.
“Yeah, we need to do more practice battling!” The boy with the purple shirt added.
Nurse Joy sighed, “I’m sorry boys, I haven’t gotten a word about your Pokemon yet.”
“Aww.” They sighed.
Sara frowned sympathizing with the boys, “Lost your Pokemon too, huh?” She asked.
The triplets nodded in reply.
“This is Jake, John, and James.” Nurse Joy introduced the triplet boys. “They’re regulars at the Pokemon Center, asking questions about Pokemon, and even doing practice battles outside so they come here to heal their Pokemon.”
“Hello.” The triplets said at the same time.
“Hi, boys,” Sara replied. “I’m going through the same thing with my Pokemon.”
“Yeah, we transferred our Pokemon here yesterday, and they still haven’t returned!” Jake explained.
“Look, maybe there’s a logical explanation about this,” John reassured his brother. “Maybe they got teleported to a different Pokemon Center and we just have to ask Mom and dad if they can take us there.”
“I’m afraid not.” Nurse Joy spoke up. This caused the brothers to turn to the nurse. “I’ve called every Pokemon Center in the region, even in Johto, but none have seen the missing Pokeballs anywhere.”
The triplets and Sara frowned and sighed knowing that’s one question answered. “But where have they gone?” James asked.
Meanwhile, miles away from the Pokemon Center, Team Rocket was up to their no-good tricks. Like from the business card, it was them who messed with the Celadon City’s Pokemon Transporter and all the Pokeballs we’re being teleported to them.
“Look at all the Pokemon we got!” Meowth exclaimed.
“I know we’ve done this trick repeatedly, but we were successful this time!” Team Rocket’s James added as he added the Pokeballs into the bag.
“Plus, we made sure our teleporter was away from the city,” Meowth added. “That way we got a headstart to make our getaway.” 
Jessie got done packing her set of Pokeballs and glared to see the guys hadn’t packed up yet. “Hey are you two gonna slack around, or help pack up the Pokeballs?” She asked.
“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet shouted.
“That means you too!” Jessie yelled.
“Wobba!” Wobbuffet sighed. Meowth and James sighed as well and went back to putting the Pokeballs back into their bags. 
Back at the Pokemon Center, The group decided to have an early lunch since they didn’t finish their breakfast. Sara just stared at her food, still sad as there was nothing to do about her missing Skiddo.
“Darling,” Lewis spoke up.
Sara didn’t even look up and just stared at her food.
“Aren’t you gonna eat?” Lewis asked again.
Sara sighed, “No. I’m not hungry.”
The boys looked at each other and felt bad for the girl.
“Sara come on, you gotta eat,” Oliver said to his friend.
Sprigatito paused from eating went over to Sara and jumped on her lap. She was surprised till the grass-type Pokemon started tapping her paws on Sara’s chest. “Huh?” Sara asked confused.
“Meow! Meow!” Sprigatito called out pointing at her toe beans.
“You want me to touch them?” Sara asked.
Sprigatito smiled, “meow!” she beamed.
“O-Okay,” Sara said, and she did what Sprigatito told her. The female smiled blissfully as Sprigatito’s toe beans were so soft to touch. As she did a nice aroma smelt the air making Sara feel more relaxed. “This smells good! Thank you Sprigatito!”
“Meow!” Sprigatito replied, as a yout welcome before joining Oddity back to eat.
Lewis leaned over to his Pokemon, “Is that your way of cheering up people, darling?” He asked.
“Meow!” Sprgiatito replied, as a yes. The group laughed, and Sara felt better and decided to eat.
Lewis smiled seeing his best friend cheer up again, and gave Sprigatito a pet on the head. “Thank you, darling.”
Sprigatito smiled, purring at the pets. 
“We are not going all over Kanto by ourselves!” John yelled. The researchers turned to see the triplets having lunch too and discussing ways to find their Pokemon themselves.
“Hey, isn’t that the triplets we met earlier?” Sara asked.
“It is,” Wiatt replied, nodding.
“Come on, someone knows something that happened.” Triplet James said. He then let out a gasp, “If it’s a band of Pokemon thieves, we can take them down and save the Pokemon!”
John looked horrified at his brother, “how do we fight bad guys without Pokemon?” He asked.
“With our Bewear hands of course!” James exclaimed.
John groaned and looked at Jake, “you have any ideas, Jake?” He asked.
“Uh…no sadly,” Jake replied.
Sara got up from her seat and went over to the brothers. “Hi, boys.” She said, causing the boys to turn to her.
“Oh! Hi Miss.” John said.
“You three still bummed out about your Pokemon, huh?” Sara asked.
“Yeah.” The triplets sighed.
Jake looked up at the girl, “Miss. Do you miss your Pokemon?” He asked.
Sara nodded, “Yeah. I’ve had her when I was around your guys’ age.” She said.
James smirked, “So you want to fight Pokemon hunters and get our Pokemon back?” He asked.
Sara chuckled nervously, “Not fight, but find a way to track our Pokeballs down.”
The triplets thought for a bit until Jake got an idea. “What if we send another Pokeball and find a way to track it.” He suggested.
John thought about it, “but how are we gonna track it down?”
“We put a tracking device on it,” Wiatt suggested as he and the rest of the research team came by to join the conversation.
“Great! Now how are we going to find a Pokeball?” James asked.
The triplets and Sara thought for a bit till Jake got an idea. “I got an idea.”
The four turned towards Oddity and Sprigatito with a creepy smile on their faces. The two Pokemon turned white as a ghost as they cried out in fear and ran into their trainer's arms shivering.
Lewis and Wiatt looked at their Pokemon and held them tight as they gave a small glare at the four. “Darling, Sprigatito went through a lot!” Lewis scolded, reminding his best friend about Sprigatito’s past. Lewis looked down and petted the Grass Cat Pokemon, “I’m not gonna put her back in her Pokeball and send her to who knows where the Pokemon have been transported.”
“And Oddity hates being in his Pokeball,” Wiatt added.
“Well, how are we going to track down our Pokemon then!” Jake exclaimed.
Oliver smiled, “maybe we don’t need a Pokeball with a Pokemon in it.” He said.
The group looked at the tallest member of the research team wondering what plan he had in store to find everyone’s missing Pokeballs.
Later, Oliver used a spare empty Pokeball and put a tracking device inside before putting the Pokeball in the transporter. “Now we just put the Pokeball here, and…” he clicked the button to send it over. Once the Pokeball was transported, Oliver went on his Rotom Phone and saw the Pokeball was sent into the middle of the woods.
“Odd, I’d assume the location would be an unknown building, not in the middle of the woods,” James said.
“It could be someone built a handmade transporter and put a device so the Pokeballs would be sent to that location then here.” Oliver thought.
“Come on! Let’s go find our Pokemon!” Jake exclaimed as he ran out of the Pokemon Center, and his brothers followed.
“W-Wait boys!” Lewis yelled chasing after them. Oliver, Wiatt, and Sara chased after the triplets and hopefully, they could catch them in time.
“Don’t worry Skiddo, we’re coming.” Sara thought.
Back with Team Rocket, the trio was done packing up all the Pokeballs. “Finally, that took us forever!” Team Rocket James exclaimed.
“Yeah. Glad that was the last of the Pokeballs.” Meowth added.
“Alright, let’s get-” Jessie was cut off when she and the rest of the trio turned around to see their transporter send out another Pokeball. Team Rocket looked down at the Pokeball that rolled out of their transporter machine.
“Great!” They both sighed. 
“Well, who is willing to unpack their Pokeballs to make room?” Meowth asked.
Without hesitation, Jessie and James pointed at the Scratch Cat Pokemon. “You!” They both exclaimed.
“Me?!” Meowth exclaimed.
“Yes, you!”
Meowth groaned in disappointment, unraveling his bag and hoping he had room in the bag to fit the last Pokeball. However, due to how many Pokeballs were in the bag, everything spilled out. Meowth screamed and quickly gathered all of the Pokeballs before any of them rolled away. “Phew…That was close.” He sighed.
“Now come on, let’s get-” Jessie was cut off as the recently sent Pokeball opened and showed a tracking device. “Hmm…What’s this?”
“Looks like a tracking device,” Meowth answered.
Soon, Team Rocket heard footsteps coming by and looked up, freaked out. “The Pokeball should’ve teleported right here,” Oliver said. He and his friends and the triplets and Team Rocket stared at each other for a few seconds.
After staring at each other for a while the two parties screamed. “The twerps!?” Team Rocket shouted.
“Team Rocket!” Wiatt and the researchers shouted, knowing it was them all along.
“So you three were the ones who stole the Pokeballs, including my Skiddo!” Sara yelled.
Wiatt growled, “Give the Pokeballs back, Team Rocket!” He demanded the trio of villains
“Eevee! Vee!” Oddity added, hoping Team Rocket would listen to him.
Team Rocket glared and decided to jump into their motto now.
“Prepare for trouble, we’re one step ahead!” Jessie started.
“And make it double, don’t lose your head!” Team Rocket James exclaimed.
“To protect the world from devastation.” Jessie continued.
��To unite all peoples within our nations.” Team Rocket James continued as well.
“To denounce the evils of truth and love.”
“To extend our reach to the stars above!”
“Jessie!” Jessie exclaimed.
“James!” Team Rocket James exclaimed, as well.
“Hey isn’t that my name?” Triplet James asked, cutting into the motto.
“Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!” Jessie yelled.
“Surrender now or prepare to fight!” Team Rocket James added.
“Meowth, that’s right!” Meowth finished.
“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet exclaimed.
Triplet James’s eyes sparkled seeing a villain had the same name as him. “Wow, it’s amazing that there’s someone with the same name as me, and he’s a bad guy!” He beamed.
“Aww thank you!” Team Rocket James replied, smiling at the kid.
“Jimmy, you gotta remember whose side you're on,” Meowth said.
“Right, sorry!”
“Same here bro,” John said, reminding his brother.
“Yeah, remember they’re the bad guys and stole our Pokemon!” Jake replied. To make sure he turned to Team Rocket.  “Uh…you're the ones who stole the Pokeballs did you?” 
“What do you think, twerp?!” Meowth yelled. “See all these Pokeballs we stole here from the Pokemon Center! That was us!” He exclaimed. 
“We used a special link cable we attached to the inside of the transporter machine so instead of the Pokeballs being transferred to the Pokemon Center.” Jessie started.
“They’ll be transferred over to us.” Team Rocket James finished.
Wiatt and the group glared at Team Rocket for their evil plans. However, Sara was mad that her Skiddo was in their hands, and wouldn’t give it back.
Seeing Sara angry, upset Oddity and Sprigatito. The two growled and ready to battle Team Rocket to save the Pokeballs.
“Don’t worry darling, we’ll get them back,” Lewis said, determined to get his best friend’s Pokemon back.
Team Rocket smirked and grabbed their Pokeballs too, ready to battle as well. “So the twerps want a battle, huh?” Jessie asked.
“Don’t worry, this will be easy.” Team Rocket James added.
“Alright, Gourgeist let’s go!” Jessie exclaimed.
A super-sized Gourgeist came out of Jessie’s Pokeball, “Gour, Gourgeist!” 
“Carnivine, you're up!” Team Rocket James yelled. However, the second Carnivine came out it went ahead and latched on to James’s head and biting on it. “Seriously! Not in front of the children!”
Carnivine quickly let go and joined Gourgeist to battle against Sprigatito and Oddity. The latter group of Pokemon growled and were ready to fight.
“Let’s go, Sprigatito use Leafage!” Lewis commanded.
“Oddity, let’s use Shadow Ball!” Wiatt commanded. 
Sprigatito jumped up and released Leafage from her neck shooting them at Team Rocket’s grass-type Pokemon. While Oddity released Shadow Ball from his mouth and launched it at Team Rocket’s Pokemon.
“Dodge it!” Team Rocket yelled.
Carnivine and Gourgeist dodged the attack, but it went towards Meowth who got hit and dropped his bag filled with Pokeballs.
“Hey you two when it comes to dodging, make sure it doesn’t hit me!” Meowth yelled.
“Gourgeist, use Dark Pulse!” Jessie commanded.
“Carnivine, use Bullet Seed!” Team Rocket James commanded.
Gourgeist fired a beam of dark purple rings from her mouth, while Carnivine shot small little seeds from their mouth.
“Dodge it!” Lewis and Wiatt yelled.
Oddity and Sprigatito jumped dodging the moves, with Sprigatito using dance moves to miss.
“Oddity, use Shadow Ball once more!” Wiatt commanded.
Oddity launched a Shadow Ball attack towards Team Rocket’s Pokemon, which pushed them back towards their trainers, also knocking the bags of Pokeballs off them.
“Alright, Sara, go find Skiddo. Lewis and I can battle them from here.” Wiatt said.
Sara nodded and went to the pile of Pokeballs, trying to find the Pokeball her Skiddo was housed in. She turned each of the Pokeballs she picked up to the front looking for Skiddo’s Pokeball as it was different from the others.
Oddity saw the young trainer desperately look for her Pokeball and decided to leave the battle to help her.
“Oddity, where are you going?” Wiatt asked.
The Eevee sniffed each of the Pokeballs until he saw one Pokeball that had a pink flower sticker on it. Tilting his head he grabbed with his mouth and went over to Sara.
“Eevee!” Oddity muffled.
Sara turned and her eyes widened seeing the Pokeball in Oddity’s mouth. It was  Skiddo’s Pokeball.
“Oddity! You found her!” Sara beamed. Oddity dropped the Pokeball in Sara’s hand and in return, she petted him on the head.
“Vee! Eevee!” Oddity beamed.
Sara gave a light chuckle and looked down at her Pokeball. Giving a determined look she was ready to take over the battle.
Lewis and Wiatt decided to let the female researcher battle Team Rocket take over the battle and stepped back a bit.
“Alright, let’s begin shall we,” Sara said. “Skiddo! Let’s go!” 
Sara threw her Pokeball and her Skiddo came out of her Pokeball. Once landing, she turned back and smiled at Sara. The latter smiled, feeling tears in her eyes, seeing her Skiddo was safe and sound.
“So that’s Skiddo,” Wiatt said as he grabbed his Rotom Phone to scan Skiddo into the Pokedex.
Skiddo, the Mount Pokemon. A grass-type.
It’s one of the first Pokemon to live in harmony with humans. It would give people rides on its back to transverse on mountain paths.
Team Rocket glared seeing it was no longer a two-on-two but now a two-on-three battle. “Big deal! You have three twerpy Pokemon, but we can still handle them with our Pokemon!” Meowth yelled.
Lewis and Wiatt were ready to help out Sara and Skiddo but were stopped by Oddity and Sprigatito.
“Eevee! Vee.” Oddity said.
“Meow. Meow.” Sprigatito added.
“Are you saying you want to let Sara and Skiddo battle Team Rocket themselves?” Wiatt asked.
“Vee!” Oddity replied.
Wiatt and Sara looked up, as the boy gave his friend a nod to battle Team Rocket.
Sara nodded back and turned to face her Pokemon, “Just like old times, right Skiddo?” Sara asked.
Skiddo bleats and smirks ready to fight.
“Gourgeist, use Leech Seed!” Jessie commanded.
Gourgeist launched a seed at Skiddo, but the Mount Pokémon stood still and took the Leech Seed. However, instead of draining energy, it boosted Skiddo’s attack before the Pokemon broke free from the seeds.
Jessie and Gourgeist looked shocked that their attack didn’t do anything.
“Carnivine, use Vine Whip!” Team Rocket James commanded.
“Carnivine!” Carnivine shouted launching vines as Skiddo caught them with her horns, causing another boost to Skiddo’s attack.
“What’s going on?” Jake asked.
Lewis’s eyes widened, “I know what Sara’s doing. She is using Skiddo’s Sap Sipper ability!” He exclaimed.
“Sap Sipper?” John asked.
“An ability Skiddo has, darling. Anytime Skiddo gets hit with grass moves it will boost her attack.” Lewis explained.
The triplets smiled and turned to Sara and Skiddo. “So that means Skiddo is gonna be strong!” Jake exclaimed.
Team Rocket looked frightened as Skiddo was ready to fight. However, Jessie wasn’t going down without a fight.
“Alright if grass moves won’t work!” She started, “Gourgeist use Dark Pulse!” 
“Skiddo dodge and use Vine Whip!” Sara commanded.
Skiddo ducked the Dark Pulse, and soon vines came out of her leafy mane and grabbed Gourgeist. Skiddo then threw the Pumpkin Pokémon into a nearby tree. Due to the double attack boost it hurt Gourgeist.
“Alright, Carnivine use Razor Leaf!” Team Rocket’s James commanded.
Carnivine shouted while launching Razor Leaf at Skiddo.
“Dodge it! And use Take Down!” Sara commanded.
Skiddo jumped to the left before running over to Carnivine as a yellow aura appeared. She then slammed into the Bug Catcher Pokemon, who then flew back into Gourgeist and Team Rocket, slamming them into a tree.
“Alright, let’s finish this with Bulldoze!” Sara yelled.
Skiddo then stopped her hooves on the ground as a shockwave of rocks on the ground headed toward Team Rocket. The evil team screamed, fearful of the attack headed towards them, and sent them off into the sky.
“If it wasn’t for that tracking device, we’d be winners!” Jessie yelled.
“We would’ve gotten away with it if it wasn’t for those meddling twerps!” Team Rocket James yelled.
Meowth sighed, “Wrong catchphrase James. We don’t say that…we usually say…”
“Team Rocket’s blasting off again!” Team Rocket yelled as they blasted off into the sky, and a star twinkled.
The triplets cheered for Sara and Skiddo seeing they won the battle and saved the Pokemon.
Heck, even Wiatt was impressed seeing his friend being a very skilled battler. “She’s…good,” Wiatt said.
“That’s Sara for ya, darling,” Lewis replied.
“We did it!” Sara cheered.
Skiddo ran over to her trainer, as the latter kneeled and hugged her Pokemon tight, nuzzling her. Sara laughed and teared up a bit. It was a mix of emotions for both of them; reuniting after being apart for so long, as well as winning a battle against Team Rocket.
By sunset, the researchers brought back everyone’s Pokeballs back to the Pokemon Center. They told Nurse Joy the truth about Team Rocket pretending to be mechanics to fix the Pokemon Teleporter and that the nurse will call the right mechanics to fix it up, and hopefully they’ll have something set up so Team Rocket won’t try the same nasty tricks again.
“Thank you so much for finding the missing Pokeballs.” Nurse Joy said. “I’ll send a notice to trainers who’ve lost any of their Pokeballs that they’ll be transferred over to them at the nearest Pokemon Center.”
“That’s great!” Wiatt exclaimed.
“Found them!” The triplets yelled. The four researchers turned to the triplets and saw they had found their Pokeballs.
“Glad you got your Pokemon back?” Sara asked.
The triplets nodded. Then triplet James spoke up, “Hey Miss! Could we battle your Skiddo one day?” He asked.
“Sure, hope you got some strong Pokemon, because she’s strong!” Sara beamed, petting her Skiddo.
Skiddo bleated in reply, ready to take on some challengers.
“Now, now boys. Aren’t you supposed to be heading home? It’s getting late.” Nurse Joy reminded them.
“Oh right! It’s almost dinner time!” Jake asked.
“Thanks again, Miss! Good luck!” John yelled as he and his brother ran home.
“Bye, guys! Hope to see you again!” Wiatt yelled.
“Eevee! Vee!” Oddity yelled, saying goodbye as well.
Once seeing the triplets off, Sara turned to the boys, “Well, shall we get going?” She asked.
The boys nodded ready to get back to the facility, have a nice dinner, and get some sleep. 
Before they left, Skiddo used her vines to lift Oddity and Sprigatito on her back. The two Pokémon smiled and thanked Skiddo. The latter belated in reply. Skiddo looked at her trainer and used her vines to wrap Sara’s hand almost like holding it.
Sara looked down as Skiddo smiled and belated. Sara smiled back and started to run back to the facility, “come on! Let’s go!” She beamed. She and Skiddo ran giving her a head start while the others followed long behind them.
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thedreamworldlibrary · 4 months
Magia Chap. 6-The 4th Power
Alright! Next chapter is here and we’re finally getting into the good stuff!
Big thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!
Lewis walked around the facility with the phone close to his ears. “Come on, pick up, darling.” He begged.
“Hi, you've reached Eric Gale! I can’t come to the phone right now, either because I’m busy or I just forgot. Call you back!” Eric’s voicemail said.
Lewis sighed, it was the third time he tried to call Eric. “Hey, Eric. You’ve been gone for a while. Sara’s gone after you, and she’s not picking up either. I hope you two are alright.” He said before hanging up.
Oliver and Wiatt came by seeing Lewis couldn’t get a hold of Eric or Sara again. “Still nothing?” Oliver asked.
Lewis shook his head. Oliver and Wiatt looked at each other in concern. “What about you two?”
Oliver shook his head, “I tried calling Sara, but no luck.” He answered.
“I called Eric too, but nothing,” Wiatt added.
“I’d understand Sara not calling me back, but she’s with Eric,” Lewis explained. “Eric would’ve called back and let me know if Sara was fine.”
“Or not and she’s lost in the woods with a bear chasing her.” Wiatt jokes.
Lewis and Oliver glared at him. it wasn't the time to joke around with Sara’s fate.
“Okay, not the best time for jokes. Sorry.” Wiatt apologized.
The guys turned to see Carly running to them, worried. “Have you heard anything from Dad yet?” She asked.
Lewis shook his head, “nothing for Sara either.” He replied.
Carly let out a frustrated groan, “where can he be?” She yelled.
Lewis frowned, “I’ll give Eric and Sara another half an hour before we go off looking for them.” He said.
“What?!” Carly yelled. “Why can’t we look for him now?”
Lewis didn’t know what to say to the girl. Sure they could go look for them now, but he wants to give them a bit more time before searching. He looked at his phone again and decided to give Sara and Eric tried one more phone call before searching for them. Lewis was ready to call Sara when the door opened.
The group turned in horror seeing Sara and Eric come in. The two were covered in ash, and while Sara’s hair was loose from her tie, Eric had scratches on his face and could barley walk.
Carly put her hands over her mouth, as tears formed in her eyes seeing her father in such condition.
Eric gave a weak chuckle, “Hi guys.” He said, hoping to lighten the situation.
“D-DAD!” Carly cried as she sprinted to her dad and tackled and hugged him. She sobbed into his chest, hugging him tight like he would disappear at any moment. 
Eric smiled and hugged his daughter tight as he rubbed her back. “Little ladybug,” he whispered, “I’m here, I’m okay.”
“Why didn’t you answer your phone?! Why are you hurt? What happened?” Carly cried, hugging her dad tighter with each question she asked.
Eric couldn’t breathe as his daughter held him tighter. He let out a weak cough, which caused his daughter to let go. “H-House fire. We were stuck in a house fire.” Eric said.
Lewis stepped back remembering that it was his house Eric and Sara ran off too. “My house burned down?!” He yelled. “H-How?!”
Eric was about to respond but was coughing heavily due to the smoke inhalation.
“Daddy?” Carly asked, worried about her dad’s condition.
“He really needs medical attention. I brought him back here first so we can explain what happened.” Sara said.
Lewis looked at Sara in distress. So far, his house burnt down, his friend is suffering from injuries from said house fire, and Sara’s only option was to bring him back here and then go straight to the hospital!?
He didn’t know what to say instead letting out a frustrated yell. Lewis breathed heavily glaring at Sara, which made her blood run cold. He grabbed Eric and started to walk out the door. “We’ll talk about this when I get back,” Lewis said in a low voice.
Carly, worried for her dad, decided to follow the founder out the door and to Lewis’s car, which was headed straight towards the hospital.
Sara sighed knowing Lewis is gonna blow up at her when he gets back from the hospital.
“Sara,” Oliver spoke up.
Sara turned to see her friend walking over to her.
“Are you okay?” Oliver asked, putting his hands on her shoulder, “Do you need to go to the hospital too?”
“No Oliver, I'm fine,” Sara replied, shaking her head. “I just need to “ Sara was cut off as her eyes turned pink once more…
Sara was at the facility staring at Oliver going through files and secrets inside a closet. A creak was heard as Oliver turned to his friend with a look of fear and betrayal on his face.
“S-Sara?” Oliver asked.
Sara stared in horror as a TV slammed into Oliver’s head.
“OLIVER!” Sara screamed as she tackled him to the ground.
Oliver was horrified seeing Sara hug him tight and cry into his chest. “No. No.” She cried.
“S-Sara?” Oliver asked, concerned for his friend.
“Oliver, did you see that?” Wiatt asked.
Oliver glanced at Wiatt, “see what?” He turned and saw Sara lift her head, and in his shock, he saw his friend’s eyes were pink. “Sara! Your eyes!”
Sara sniffled as she wiped the remaining tears from her eyes. “I know. My powers.” She replied.
Wiatt and Oliver looked at each other in shock. Wiatt thought for a bit and answered what Sara’s powers were. “Your powers are time-related, aren't they?” Wiatt guessed.
The female founder nodded in reply. “Anytime someone touches me, I can see a horrible future they’ll suffer.” She explained. “Eric in the fire, and Oliver…” Sara couldn’t say it. It was disturbing even for Oliver.
Oliver was horrified seeing his friend horrified over her powers. If she saw something bad happen to him in the future, he wanted to know what it was but on the other hand, he didn’t. However, curiosity took over and he had to ask.
“What happened to me?” Oliver asked, whispering.
Sara looked horrified Oliver would ask that, and she turned away. “J-Just don’t go into any closets, okay!” She cried.
Oliver blinked and frowned. It wasn’t the answer he wanted, but it was for the best.
The female founder started to calm down and wiped the remaining tears from her eyes. At that point, her eyes stopped glowing pink. “But there’s something else I can do.” She spoke up, as she turned to the boys. “Eric is alive because my powers can stop time.”
This impressed Oliver and surprisingly Wiatt.
“Eric almost died, but somehow I froze time in the area I was in and saved him,” Sara explained.
“It makes sense,” Oliver added.
Wiatt sighed, “Okay, so far the three of us have powers confirmed.” He spoke up. Wiatt faced Oliver, “Oliver, you have electric powers,” then he faced Sara, “You have time powers, and I have protection powers.”
“That leaves Lewis,” Oliver said.
Speaking of the male founder, Sara needed to know when she was gone if Lewis showed signs of his powers. “Did Lewis’s powers happen yet?” She asked.
The boys shook their heads.
Sara sighed, knowing at some point Lewis’s powers would have to appear. What concerned the trio was what kind of power Lewis would have. 
At the hospital, Lewis and Carly were in the waiting room, waiting to hear Eric’s condition. Carly got so worried she ended up falling asleep on Lewis’s shoulder. The founder sighed and decided to stay awake to hear from the doctors about Eric’s condition.
However, Lewis didn’t notice his eyes were cyan as he was calm waiting on Eric’s results.
“Mister Bright?” A nurse asked.
Lewis looked up, “y-yeah?” He asked. “How is he?”
“Well, surprisingly he’s okay.” She replied.
Lewis felt his glasses drop, “w-what?” He asked.
“I mean for someone stuck in a house fire; no smoke inhalation and his legs are working fine.” The nurse explained. “We think maybe he was in shock and that’s why he couldn’t walk.”
Lewis didn’t know what to say, he remembered seeing Eric in bad condition he ended up passing out the second they got to the hospital. By the time they got there, they put Eric on a stretcher and took him off to get treatment. He tried retracing his steps, but nothing.
In the hospital room, Eric was lying down on the bed as he waited for his results. Since being sent to one of the hospital rooms, he stopped feeling pain, which was weird. Though, it could be because he’s lying down.
Soon the doctor came in to tell Eric his results. “Eric Gale?” He asked.
“Y-Yeah,” Eric replied.
“Well we checked your results, and you seem fine.” The doctor revealed.
Eric looked surprised, he felt pain earlier, but now he’s fine. To make sure, he slid off the bed and got up and was in shock that he could walk. “B-but h-how?” He asked. “Earlier I couldn’t!”
The doctor shrugged, “it was quite possible that you were just in shock.” He guessed. “Well, since you're okay. You're free to go.”
“O-Okay,” Eric replied. He got up and left the room, and as he was walking back, he was thinking of how he could’ve healed so easily. The engineer retraced his steps starting with making it to the hospital. His eyes widened remembering something…
Earlier when Eric was in the waiting room with Lewis, the founder kept his hand on his back.
Knowing what the founder trio and their friend have been going through he wondered if Lewis’s power is healing. “I-It can’t be,” Eric whispered to himself. “I know the four have been weird since yesterday, but with Sara seeing into time-“ he paused seeing Lewis talking with the nurse and Carly asleep.
Lewis turned noticing him, and gave a small smile. What Eric noticed was that Lewis's eyes had a tint of blue in them. “Hey, Eric.” He said.
Eric remembers seeing Wiatt’s eyes and Sara’s eyes realized that Lewis’s powers did activate. He put his former student’s powers and his injuries together and realized what Lewis’s powers were.
Lewis’s power was healing.
“What’s wrong darling?” Lewis asked, his eyes turning back to green.
Eric shook it off, “N-nothing.” He replied. “Just, thank you for looking out for me and Carly.”
Lewis smiled, “Thanks, darling.” He replied. He then felt his phone vibrate and saw he got a text from Wiatt. He opened his phone and read through the text.
Hi Lewis. We are meeting at Sara’s place to discuss everything that had happened today.
Lewis texted back:
I’ll be right there darling. I’m gonna drop off Eric and Carly at home first. Also, tell Sara once I get there I need to speak with her privately.
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thedreamworldlibrary · 5 months
Can I ask what role Carly plays in Magia?
I did put it on the Carly ask, but just as a refresher.
She doesn't die since Lewis and Eric are alive, but she plays a big role in helping the four about their powers. She has a notebook with info about the gems she writes.
With help from Ben and Liz, she finds an old book with info about Wiatt's Jewelry Box and who created them.
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