#written on: oct 28 2022
Word Count: 364
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It only took a few days for the realization to hit the hermits. That they were stuck in this unfamiliar world, no way out and no way in.
Impulse had been struck with it first, the thought that he wouldn't see Skizz and go about his weekly routine of Skyblock with him. He wouldn't be able to distract himself from the anxiety of being somewhere that was unfamiliar to him.
Which is probably why he sat staring into the portal, his hand held out to feel through the murky emptiness that had led them from one world to the other. The demonic hybrid had been curled cross legged in front of the rift for an hour, maybe two? Likely even more? He’d lost track of the sun at this point.
He needed to get back as soon as possible. They needed to know he was safe. He didn’t even leave a proper goodbye, he thought he’d be back by now.
His tail curled around him, flicking in annoyance every few minutes until he turned back to look towards where they planned to make their new home. It was temporary, or at least he hoped it was going to be temporary, gods forbid he’d be stuck there for the rest of eternity with no way of telling anyone back home where he was.
The demon shook his head, he had to stay hopeful no matter what. Think of something positive that didn’t lead him to spiral more than he already had.
So for starters, he wasn’t dead? Hopefully? At least he didn’t feel like the Rift killed him, it simply took his beard and axe for some reason which is very interesting. He also had Tango which is nice, they’ll either keep eachother sane or go down fighting together. Okay maybe they’re gonna make eachother worse…
Impulse was already planning what he’d do when he got back. He’d cover Bdubs in as many kisses as possible before spending a month with Skizz to make up for disappearing for several weeks without even a text. Make a show of not wanting to be rude.
Maybe, just maybe, this would all be worth it in the end?
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forjongseong · 1 year
masterlist for heeseung
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code: ❤️‍🔥 smut / 💛 fluff / 💗 suggestive / 💙 angst / 3️⃣ written in 3rd person POV
at fault; secret agents!au (released on May 16, 2022)
summary: you're supervising the boys in a mission in which one of the members take a hit and you blame yourself for it // wc: ~2.6k 💗3️⃣
just a little bit; bf!heeseung au (released on May 28, 2022)
summary: your boyfriend Heeseung has a habit of not bringing a bag anywhere he goes. today, you face the consequences. // wc: ~1k 💛3️⃣
first; bf!heeseung au (released on Jun 27, 2022)
summary: after your very first big fight with your boyfriend, you decide to sit alone and gather your thoughts. // wc: ~1.3k 💙💛3️⃣
don't go; ghost!au (released on Jul 20, 2022)
summary: your beloved boyfriend ghosted you for months and suddenly shows up on your front door, with an explanation. // wc: ~3.2k 💙💗3️⃣
tailored; tailor!heeseung au (released on Jul 24, 2022)
summary: your mother drags you to your family's bespoke tailor, and you are secretly more than happy to get your measurements taken--amongst other things. // wc: ~2.6k ❤️‍🔥3️⃣
moonlight; bf!heeseung au (released on Oct 15, 2022)
summary: the lyrics of Ariana Grande's Moonlight perfectly describe your boyfriend's behavior. and you're thankful for it. // wc: ~1.4k 💛
the other woman; (released on July 15, 2023)
summary: tonight is the night you see Heeseung, again, but you begin to wonder how much longer you are able to withstand the tortuous pleasure that is your weekly rendezvous with him, knowing that you are the other woman. //  wc: ~1.4k ❤️‍🔥
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© forjongseong 2023, all rights reserved
please do not plagiarize, translate, or repost any of the works above to any other platform.
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Top 20 Most Popular Post
I love statistics, so here are the top 20 most popular writing posts from my blog.
Masterpost: How to write a story (Nov 5 2020)
Shout-out to all the stories (Oct 9 2022)
Master Prompt List (Feb 12 2021)
good traits gone bad (Apr 27 2023)
To all the writers who haven't written in a while (Jul 9 2022)
Touches Ask Game (Apr 7 2021)
You are allowed to like your own writing (Oct 18 2022)
Touching (Mar 25 2021)
The amount of creativity I possess (Jul 15 2023)
Romance Masterpost (Dec 3 2020)
Your writing will always feel awkward to you (May 7 2022)
What I hate about writing (Jul 2 2023)
I never had people draw fanart (Jul 10 2023)
Hand-holding (Feb 17 2021)
Another kind of diversity (Dec 30 2022)
Kisses (Feb 25 2021)
For anyone worried (Jun 11 2023)
Fanfic and fanart are bonus content (Apr 28 2023)
Advice for writing relationships (Aug 27 2023)
Deepest apologies for the well-thought out characters (Jun 25 2023)
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apotatomashedbybts · 2 years
The Pages You Left Behind
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➛Pairing: ghost!namjoon x reader ; Namjoon × oc
➛ Genre: horror, ANGST, fluff
➛Trope: soft horror, forbidden love, unfulfilled love
➛Word Count: 2.8k+
➛Trigger warning: major character death
➛Rating: pg-13
➛Banner: made by apotatomashedbybts
➛Cross post: Wattpad | ao3
➛Author's note: This too is highly unedited and written in a night with my extremely sleepy head༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ. Please be kind (⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ
➛Edited: 10:28 am, 04 Oct 2022
➛Event: NO-FACETOBER hosted by @bangtanbathhouse
->Day 3: PHANTOM
a ghost.
➛Taglist: @btsstan12 ; @sugarwithtea ; @sweetieguk ; @kuuipobangtan
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➛Summary: Helping him came with a price more than you could bear.
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It's been a month and you have been noticing him ever since after joining this old town library.
You couldn't help but notice him since he stands out so much from the crowd dressed in neat and sharp black turtleneck, black blazer and white trousers that he wears every single day with a lost expression plastered on his face. But what makes him stand out the most are two things - first, people always ignore him as if he isn't even there and second, he always does the same things every other day. There aren't any patterns of his actions but it was sure that he is going to do either this or that, nothing else.
Observing him for so many days has made you kind of used to him and you won't admit it to yourself but you liked to see him.
So one fine day, after your study session was over you walked out of the library before your friends and saw him standing at his usual spot in the middle of the front yard of the library, staring at the front gate impassively.
An impulse took over you and you walked straight towards him determined to talk to him today.
There wasn't a single movement of his face muscles until you stopped right in front of him. For the first time, you noticed his eyes grow a little bigger and scrunch in surprise but that only lasted a couple seconds.
You stood there in front of him and looked up and thought, "damn, he is tall."
You felt a strange exhilaration inside you as if you were asking out your crush seeing him up so close and you said excitedly without keeping in check what you were saying actually, "Hey! How's the weather up there?"
His forehead scrunched in confusion and he stammered, "Cooler than down there I guess."
Before you could realise your stupid question he seemed to have realise something and he staggered backwards while asking, "You can see me?"
"Of course, I can! What? Are you a ghost or something?" You snickered.
Before you could get an answer from him your friends jumped you from behind. You let out a shriek gaining a good amount of laughter from them.
"What were you doing here standing all alone looking up? The moon is over there!" One of your friends asked after they had finished making fun of you.
"What? I was just talking to him." You turned around to point at him but he was no longer there.
"Him? Who? Who?" Your friends asked curiously.
"Just someone..." Your voice trailed off as your eyes wandered around to find him but couldn't.
Next day you saw him again. This time he wasn't standing like a statue in the middle of the yard but he was in front of one of the lonely one of the innumerable aisles of books in the library scanning through all the shelves but not touching any.
You snuck up behind him to give him a little scare which worked too well and you were left laughing like a maniac when he fell on his butt.
A strict warning from the librarian and your laugh was gone in an instant which made him smile this time while he got up.
It'd be an understatement if you said his smile was beautiful. It made you speechless. And you stood there staring at him agape until he stood up and started walking away towards one of the other aisles.
You were quick to catch up to him and while standing beside him you whispered, "So... Ghosts get scared too," and let out a pressed chuckle.
"I was just surprised. Not scared." He cleared his throat.
"That was a mighty reaction I would say." You smirked.
"Whatever. Stop following me." He rolled his eyes and craned his neck to one of the top shelves.
"I would but it's not everyday that I see ghosts. So... what binds you here?" You asked cautiously sparing a quick glance at him.
"Aren't you scared of me?" He asked.
You shook your head pretty hard, "Why would I be? You seem harmless," and beautiful.
"Will you help me if I tell you what binds me here?" He asked slowly, cautiously and with dim eyes looking down at the organised books before him. His hands hovered over the books but when he touched them his fingers went through them.
At that moment, seeing his eyes that held back those non-substantial tears you thought to yourself that you would give him everything to not see that expression ever again.
"My name... It's y/n. What's yours?"
"My name... What was it again?" He looked genuinely lost for a moment before replying, "Ah! Yes! It's Namjoon."
He smiled sheepishly and extended his hand to which you reciprocated the gesture, forgetting for a moment that he was just an apparition, unaffected by your physical body.
Your hand passed right through his and you felt a tingly cold sensation and you whispered, mesmerised, "Cool."
Namjoon gave you light smile that faded quickly and he said, "It's time for you to go home."
"What? Shit! It's over already? I haven't written anything for the project yet!" You panicked and said, "let's meet tomorrow, okay?," before hurriedly walking away.
The next day you found Namjoon at the edge of the east wall of the library boundary. You never saw him there before.
You ran over to him and greeted him enthusiastically. You wanted to ask for the reason but it'd give away that you have been watching him for a long time.
But your curiosity were answered shortly as he said, "I have a place I want to take you to! There we can talk in peace!"
"Okay..." you scrunched your eyebrows and smiled confusedly but giving in right away.
You followed him through an opening or rather a big crack in the east wall and after walking a few feet you came to a field of tall grasses.
He signalled you to follow him and disappeared into the grasses.
You pushed your way through the grasses straight ahead until you reached a small clearing where you found Namjoon sitting.
You sat beside him and he said, "Isn't this a nice place? You don't have to whisper anymore!"
"Mhm!" You agreed and looked around excitedly while sitting down.
Sitting down you asked right away, "So, now tell me what is binding you here."
His eyes were lost somewhere ahead of himself as he answered, "A book."
"A book?"
"Yes. I have to find that book. I feel like there's something important there."
"You feel like? You don't know?"
"Yeah. I am forgetting things... I have been here for so long I feel like as time is passing it's taking away a bit of myself with it. And if I don't find it sooner I'll be lost forever." His voice sounded distant.
"Do you remember how you.. um... died?"
"No, not really. I just remember a car accident of sort."
"Do... you remember the name of the book?" You asked, hoping he remembered.
And he did, so he answered, "Yes! I do! It's the `79 edition of Forever by Judy Blume! It was the last signed copy of the book donated to the library herself! I was there when she came by!"
"`79... 1979..." your voice sounded lost in thought and then you jolted when you realised it, "you were alive back then?"
"Eh?" Namjoon was confused at your shocked expression, "what year is it?"
"It's fucking 2022, old man!" You shouted.
Namjoon broke down into a laughter and said, "It's been that long? No wonder I hear my bones creak sometimes."
You let out a heavy sigh and laid down on the soft small grass.
Namjoon laid down beside you and you both stared at the evening sky for God knows how long.
Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into lost minds. You finally sat up with a huff and said, "I think it's time. I am going. I'll start searching from tomorrow."
"You will?"
"Yes... There must be a reason why only I can see you and why I can only see you." You answered before starting to walk.
The walk out the grasses was short and when you reached the crack of the east wall Namjoon softly said, "thank you," before disappearing.
It's been a couple of months and you have searched all the aisles of the library, in vain. There wasn't a trace of that book.
Namjoon couldn't help you with finding the book but what did help was his presence. You somehow felt lighter around him. All your worries seemed to be pushed backwards whenever you were with him and you laughed more than anytime else. He was there and it was enough for you.
The day when the last shelf was done you decided to request the librarian to get you the information through the records in the library computer.
To be truly honest with yourself, you had actually thought of doing it the very first day but you were selfish. You refused to let go of the attachment you had grown with him in that short time. You wanted to know him more. And the greed of having more memories with him festered inside you.
You had thought he'd disappear as soon as the book gets discovered. You reasoned with yourself that a little more time wasn't much of a big deal.
But why today? Why did you feel that you've done something wrong? Was it his disappointed and sad eyes after you have finished searching everywhere? Probably. No, most definitely. You hated seeing that expression.
After an hour long request and another two hours of searching you finally found the book.
You rushed through the archived section and brought it out to Namjoon with the gentleness of caring a baby.
You couldn't see him anywhere in the library premises so you knew that he'd be in the clearing.
When you reached there, the sun was preparing to set. He was sitting on the grass staring at it and he glowed in the sunlight as it passed through his body.
"Guess what?" You squealed, at least tried to, to make yourself look happy.
Namjoon looked at you expectantly and he screamed, "no freaking way," when you brought the book out of the bag.
"I wish I could kiss you right now!" Namjoon exclaimed happily as he swayed and waited for you to flip through the pages with the excitement that of a child.
He couldn't realise the effect of his words on you as it pierced through your heart and you whispered, blinking away your tears, "me too."
You began flipping through the almost brownish pages slowly and abruptly and almost instantly you opened the two pages which had something in between them.
There was a vintage polaroid photograph with a heart drawn around Namjoon and a girl around his age in it. And there was small letter folded in half.
You looked at Namjoon and you had never seen him like that. He was becoming more opaque by the second and you could see he was clenching his jaw, trying not to cry.
You reached out your hand to take the letter but you felt it. You felt his hand upon yours. You felt his cold hand upon yours. You could feel him. You could touch him. You wanted to hug him right then and there and kiss him and tell him that you loved him, you loved him so freaking much but...
But his eyes were glued to the letter. The letter consumed his whole attention.
And you let go of his hand that was touching you as you handed him the letter. You kept the book gently on the ground and waited for him to read it.
You stole glances at him as he read through it and wondered if it was from his lover and the more you thought about it the more you felt like someone was squeezing your heart with all their might inside your chest.
But despite your blurry vision you noticed Namjoon's skin glow with small star like lights racing inside him like a network and he became more transparent by the minute. His eyes glowed a white as white light melted from his eyes. You panicked and held his hand.
Your mind charged through a series of bright lights as soon as you touched him and you found yourself standing in the clearing except it was much more greener and bushier and you saw a bunch of young people sitting here and there chatting and laughing.
You recognised Namjoon being one of them and you saw him wearing a different outfit. You smiled to yourself and whispered, "handsome."
You noticed him stealing shy glances at someone and your eyes followed his and you found a girl, who felt oddly familiar to you, laughing with her friends.
As if you were zoomed out of the scene, you found yourself in the library the next moment and you saw the girl taking the book from Namjoon and putting something in there just before keeping it in the shelf and she smiled at Namjoon shyly while doing so.
You recognised the dress that Namjoon was wearing. It's the same one that he wears everyday. That meant that was the day he was going to... die.
Namjoon went to take the book but was pulled out by his friends because apparently there was some big game going on that day.
You zoomed out again and now you were in what you guessed was Namjoon's room. He was writing a letter. He hadn't changed his outfit yet.
"You have a beautiful handwriting too." You whispered.
After finishing writing the letter he folded it neatly and brought out a pile of letters and putting it on the top of the stack he tied it and put it back in the drawer.
Next moment you saw him lying in his bed tossing and turning. He couldn't keep calm so he put on the blazer and got out of his house on his bicycle.
This time when you zoomed out you found yourself riding the bicycle and it had started to rain. You screamed in your brain to stop but at the same time you wanted to know what A-yeong had kept in that book.
Wait, A-yeong?
You couldn't think further as a deafening honk hammered your ears and you saw a bright light and felt a terrible pain in your chest in the next moment.
You felt yourself dying there.
With a sudden pull you were out of there and you were in front of Namjoon again, in your world, still holding his hand.
Namjoon was fading and glowing even more. You held onto him tightly.
"No please. Please don't leave me. Please. I can't let you go. Please." You pleaded with tear laden eyes.
Namjoon smiled softly and the white tear danced in the corner of his eyes and he softly wiped away the tears from your eyes.
You didn't want him to touch you if the cost of it was losing him. You shook away his hand and he smiled sadly, "I am sorry. But I have to go. None of it should have happened. I am sorry that it did."
He held your hand again and leaned closer. You closed your eyes and you felt his soft cold lips on yours.
Was this the heart break that people talked about? This unbearable pain inside you that you felt like your heart would give up anytime?
You didn't want anyone to answer it. Because you knew now. You knew that his kiss was heartbreaking. And you were ready to get your heart broken again if it meant you could kiss him again.
You didn't know how much time passed or if it stopped still in his kiss but it seemed to fall apart when he broke the kiss.
Namjoon handed over the letter to you and looked into your eyes, still holding your hand, "Thank you for making me feel I was alive again."
You broke down on the ground and your body shook violently trying to keep up with the pain that was leaving your body in shape of sobs and whimpers. The little glowing lights still floated surrounding you that were left behind as Namjoon dissipated in the air just like the death of a star.
You stayed there until late night looking at the stars and the moon and wondered if Namjoon was a part of them now.
You slowly got up and when you reached the library to return the book to the late-working librarian she glanced at your disheveled self once and went back to keep the book back in its place.
Your eyes wandered for a moment on the empty aisles of the dimly lit library and they felt lonely and void.
You came out of the libray and stared at the particular place in the front yard where Namjoon used to stand. The place never felt so sad before.
Suppressing your tears you slowly walked under the street light and opened the letter. It was a confession - a beautifully written love confession to Namjoon signed by A-yeong Lim.
"Wait, what?" You hurriedly put the picture under light and closely inspected the face.
How could you not recognise her? Your own aunt!
You could now put every pieces together - why she felt so familiar, why she didn't marry and refused to do so ever... And why you were able to see him.
You smiled bitterly at universe's plan and probably cursed it even. But you knew what you had to do now.
Keeping the bitterness and tears at bay you put the letter and the photo inside your bag and made your way towards Namjoon Kim's house to retrieve the pages he left behind.
— © 2022 apotatomashedbybts, all rights reserved. Reposting or modifying of any kind is not allowed. Translations are not allowed.
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
Thank you for putting together a new timeline. I love seeing this again. So much has happened, and to see it written down is so helpful.🙏🏻
I'm in a give no fucks mood today.
Portugal Trio Trip Timeline:
[Nov. 2020 – Chris follows Alba]
[late June/early July 2021 – Alba follows Chris]
[Some time in Sept. 2021 – Justin begins following Chris]
Sept 24, 2021 – Chris follows Tara
Oct 9-10, 2021 – Chris follows Chelsea, Jess, Paul & Justin (had been at party with friends that night)
[late October – November – comments on Youtube videos and small Portuguese gossip articles start popping up claiming Chris and Alba dating]
Nov 19, 2021 – Scott and Alba mutual follows (interesting timing right after Scott & Chris get back to MA from LA)
Before Thanksgiving – Mila starts tagging Tara in posts
Last week of November – Chelsea and Jess start following Alba
Dec 1, 2021 – Steve and Alba mutual follows
(DM blind comes out about Chris being upset about the Selena Gomez relationship speculation – using the strange “ab” to stand in for the word about)
(On LSA, RiRi posts her original “lets start mess” post)
Dec 2, 2021 – Justin begins deleting IG posts in seeming response to RiRi post
By Dec 3, 2021 – Mila begins aggressive story tagging on IG
Dec 6, 2021 – Chris unlikes one Alba post (the plant selfie/Professional post she later deletes)
Before Dec 9, 2021 – Jess unfollows Alba
About Dec 10, 2021 – Chris follows Jen B-C, Sabrina and Dennis (he had been in MA for weekend)
Dec 27, 2021 – Justin posts IG story with pin in Mid-Atlantic, photos of him and Alba on airplane
Alba posts IG story on plane flight
Chris spotted and photographed at Whole Foods buying four bags of food & a plant
Dec 28, 2021 – Steve makes IG story post of flying LAX to Boston
Dec 29, 2021 – First MA/VT pic posts from Justin: hiking; arriving at VT photos – the Trio in the chairlift clearing hugging; video of snowball fight
Dec 30, 2021 – Steve posts pic of he and Scott skiing [pic matches to other IG images of VT]
Justin IG post of a house
Dec 31, 2021 – Alba likes Steve’s skiing pic post
Justin posts selfies from outside (hot tub), eating snow, and the trio at ski lift pic
Chris IG story of Betty White’s death @ 6:30 pm EST
[NYE “party” in VT, per photos posted next day]
Jan 1, 2022 – Joana posts NYE polaroids
Justin reposts them, also pic of him & Joana in front of fireplace on NYE, photo of him & Joana on couch (blue plaid shirt), window selfie outside house
Tara posts her NYE polaroid posts after Joana
Very late at night – Justin posts/deletes “watching Twilight” from what looks like Concord house living room
Jan 2, 2022 – Justin posts white couch selfie from Concord living room very early AM (at about 1 am EST)
Jan 3, 2022 – Justin IG story selfie in back of car with LA cap on, posts sunset pic IG story at about 5 pm EST (looks like east coast landscape)
Jan 5, 2022 – At midnight (12 am) PST, Justin posts “backyard” IG story
At 11:45 pm PST, Justin posts pic of he & Joana at sunset in backyard
Jan 6, 2022 – Justin IG stories of hiking with sister & Joana in Runyon canyon, overlooking Hollywood sign; also posts IG stories at sister’s house in LA
-Late in day, Justin posts/quickly deletes photo of Trio taken at sunset in backyard (matches up with previous backyard on the 4th pics)
(On LSA – the sugarbabysecrets followings comes out)
(On DM – the Marthas Vineyard NYE submission posted)
Jan 7, 2022 – Justin IG story pic labeled “somewhere on Earth” in the same manner as his transatlantic flight post [means at airport this day to leave for Vegas?]; also reposts more images from day hiking with his sister & her dog
Jan 8, 2022 – Justin IG story posts: Kanye Donda vest pic (at Forum Shops?); Selfie with Alba and mimosas (Drag Brunch) – quickly deletes; Justin IG story post pic with Joana (and bit of Alba on other side of her) in front of purple curtain [which is in hibachi area of Nobu, Caesars Palace]
Jan 9, 2022 – Justin IG story post of downtown LA at sunset (from plane?); strange “Cities in the Dust” IG story
Jan 10, 2022 – Justin does two short IG Lives with Joana & a sliver of Alba’s arm from what (first) appears to be a restaurant & then a short time later a place that is definitely an airport with no one speaking English
-around same time, Chris posts IG/video tweet for ASP accounts
- around same time, Scott hops back on Cameo & makes appts for Cameo calls on 1/12/22
Jan 14, 2022 – Alba’s IG location changes from Portugal to United States
Justin posts IG story him & Joana together blowing kisses – turns out photo was taken Jan 10th while they were traveling back to PT
Jan 15, 2022 – Justin’s large “jumping out of planes” repost IG post: Trio looking out to downtown LA; Downtown LA at sunset (from a plane?); Hollywood sign with Alba; NYE polaroids; House in VT; Mimosas at drag brunch; His sister in Caesars Palace private room; He & Joana backyard sunset pic
Justin & Joana unfollow the sugarbaby IG account; Alba unfollows mansions account
Jan 22, 2022 – Alba finally posts back on IG, plus posts from Justin showing her in Portugal
Justin IG story of “Twilight part 2”
(On LSA – “riogreene” comes back to say Alba got back in PT today/yesterday/day before as a way of saying she wasn’t in an IG post from one of Justin’s friends on Jan 18th)
[Jan 25-26, 2022 – Chris turns up in the Four Seasons in Lisbon]
Feb 5, 2022 – Big Justin IG post “watching Big Brother”/”Plenitude” (not story) – Alba’s personal video from drag brunch; he & Joana on private jet; video from Chris LA house backyard; aerial photos of Hollywood Hills from a plane; Donda vest pic; Cities in the dust pic; Interspersed with Big Brother Portugal images of older man “sucking the soul out” of a younger woman – deletes whole thing within a half hour
(Alba’s IG location at this time was Portugal)
Feb 8, 2022 – Justin IG post of Kacey Musgraves “Star Crossed” video, quickly deleted
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ausetkmt · 2 years
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Fans have been clamoring for new Rihanna music for the past six years, and the billionaire business baroness is now answering the call.
Bad Girl RiRi has contributed a single, “Lift Me Up,” to the soundtrack of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, which is scheduled to be released in theaters around Thanksgiving.
The song is a tribute to the late, legendary actor Chadwick Boseman who powered the record-breaking original Black Panther film and whose spirit is ever-present in the sequel. Boseman succumbed to a long, valiant battle with colon cancer at the age of 43.
Rihanna teased the release of the single for her 106 million followers on Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2022.
lift me up 10.28.22 pic.twitter.com/hIvhUQP8Bj — Rihanna (@rihanna) October 26, 2022
The much-anticipated sequel focuses on Wakanda’s leaders as they continue to address their emotional wounds following the death of their king and fight to protect their nation from powerful interlopers. The film stars Oscar-nominated actress Angela Bassett, Letitia Wright, Academy Award-winner Lupita Nyong’o, and Winston Duke. 
“Lift Me Up” was written by Tems, Ludwig Göransson, Rihanna, and director Ryan Coogler, who helmed the first film. The track will be released on Friday, Oct. 28 in advance of the movie, which premieres in theaters on Nov. 11.
In a statement obtained by TMZ, Tems speaks to the inspiration behind the song:
“After speaking with Ryan and hearing his direction for the film and the song, I wanted to write something that portrays a warm embrace from all the people that I’ve lost in my life. I tried to imagine what it would feel like if I could sing to them now and express how much I miss them … Rihanna has been an inspiration to me, so hearing her convey this song is a great honor.”
Rihanna’s own Westbury Road label is releasing “Lift Me Up” in partnership with Roc Nation, Def Jam Recordings, and Hollywood Records. More information about the rest of the movie soundtrack will be released on Nov. 4
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a1337 · 2 years
Notion formula - today date translated
Whether for personal or professional Notion database page we always want to personalize it to our wishes and needs. Here I'm gonna share with you the code I created for my own use so you can have the today date on the fly translated to your language of choice.
The code
replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(formatDate(now(), "ddd, DD - MMM"), "Sun", "1"), "Mon", "2"), "Tue", "3"), "Wed", "4"), "Thu", "5"), "Fri", "6"), "Sat", "7"), "Jan", "8"), "Feb", "9"), "Mar", "10"), "Apr", "11"), "May", "12"), "Jun", "13"), "Jul", "14"), "Aug", "15"), "Sep", "16"), "Oct", "17"), "Nov", "18"), "Dec", "19")
How to use the code
After getting the code you'll need to modify it to the language you want. Here is how you can do it:
The part written "ddd, DD - MMM" determines how the date will show up. As it is, the date will be shown like this: Monday, 28 - November. You can change the order or everything just keep in mind that ddd is for the week day, DD is the number of the day and MMM is the month.
For the translation part
Just change the number to fit whatever you want. For example, if you want Sunday to be shown as Ice cream, go to the number that represents Sunday to Ice cream. The number guide:
Screenshots of the code working
The first one is the one I use which is on Portuguese.
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The second one is the code with only numbers that I left here so it's easier for people to modify it to the desire language.
The Portuguese one
Since I speak Portuguese, I'll left the code for Portuguese translation here as well.
replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(formatDate(now(), "ddd, DD - MMM"), "Sun", "Domingo"), "Mon", "Segunda"), "Tue", "Terça"), "Wed", "Quarta"), "Thu", "Quinta"), "Fri", "Sexta"), "Sat", "Sábado"), "Jan", "Janeiro"), "Feb", "Fevereiro"), "Mar", "Março"), "Apr", "Abril"), "May", "Maio"), "Jun", "Junho"), "Jul", "Julho"), "Aug", "Agosto"), "Sep", "Setembro"), "Oct", "Outubro"), "Nov", "Novembro"), "Dec", "Dezembro")
English version
If you simply want it in English, you can use this basic function for the same effect as the one shown in this post.
formatDate(now(), "dddd, DD - MMMM")
You can experiment with the dddd, DD and MMMM to see what fits your needs. For exemplo, using dddd shows Monday while using ddd shows Mon.
Examples of date formats
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Let me explain a little. "d" is for the week day. 1 will show the number of the day of the week, 2 is not really useful, 3 will show the short version of the name and 4 will show the full name. "D" is for the day of the month. 1 will show the day but if it's an one digit day, like the 9th it will show "9" while with "DD" it will show "09". "DDD" shows the day of the year. "M" is for the month. 1 and 2 will show the number of the month acting the same as the 1 and 2 version of "D". 3 and 4 will show the name of the month acting the same and 3 and 4 of "d". "Y" is for the year. 1 and 4 will show the year. 2 will show you the last 2 digits of the year. 3 is useless because it just shows the 1 and 2 together (for 2022 it shows 222022).
How it works
Using the replace function and a basic function to show the date for today, this code simply replaces stuff from the basic code to whatever you want.
If you have any question about this code fell free to message me and I'll be glad to assist you.
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gungieblog · 2 years
Russia’s war in Ukraine
By Tara Subramaniam and Sana Noor Haq, CNN
Updated 10:24 AM EDT, Mon October 17, 2022
16 min ago
Russian drone had "for Belgorod" written on it
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A police expert holds a fragment of a drone with a handwritten inscription reading "For Belgorod. For Luch" after a drone attack in Kyiv, Ukraine, on October 17.(Sergei Supinsky/AFP/Getty Images)
A drone used by Russia to attack the Ukrainian capital Kyiv on Monday had the phrase “for Belgorod” written on one of its vertical stabilizers.
The phrase appears to be a reference to explosions in recent weeks in Russia’s Belgorod region, which borders Ukraine near the city of Kharkiv. Ukraine has not commented on those incidents.
The drone is the Iranian-manufactured Shahid-136, which is rebranded under the Russian name “Geran 2.”
The stabilizer was photographed this morning by an AFP photographer. It also appeared in a video posted on Telegram by Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to Ukraine’s minister of internal affairs.
The drone also included the phrase “for Luch” that appears to be a reference to a reported power plant fire last week in the Belgorod region.
32 min ago
Russian and Belarusian troops "acting in stages" to protect Belarus, defense minister says
From CNN's Katharina Krebs and Uliana Pavlova
Russian and Belarusian troops have “begun to deploy and carry out tasks for the armed defense” of Belarus, according to Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin, Belarusian state media BELTA reported on Monday.
“Today, based on the current situation, we are acting in stages, implementing individual measures aimed at proactive readiness of the regional grouping to respond to emerging challenges and threats,” Khrenin said at a meeting with the staff of one of Belarus factories, as quoted by BELTA.
“The regional grouping of troops and forces itself is a complex organism of many components. It includes command and control bodies at various levels, and troops, and forces, as well as various support systems, both Belarusian and Russian,” he added.
According to Alexander Volfovich, state secretary of the Security Council of Belarus, the regional grouping of troops on the territory of the republic is deployed in an incomplete composition.
“In the future, life will show whether to deploy it on a full scale or not,” said Volfovich, as quoted by BELTA.
On Monday, Valery Revenko, head of the international military cooperation department of Belarus Defense Ministry, said in a tweet that Russia plans to send about 170 tanks, up to 200 armored combat vehicles and up to 100 guns and mortars with a caliber of more than 100 mm to Belarus as part of the deployed Belarusian-Russian group of troops.
“Belarus to receive 9,000 personnel, about 170 tanks, up to 200 AFVs and up to 100 guns and mortars with a caliber of more than 100 mm,” Revenko said on Twitter.
President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko announced on Oct. 10 that Belarus agreed to deploy a joint regional grouping citing “the aggravation of the situation on the western borders of the Union State.”
40 min ago
Germany will end conversion of Ukrainian hryvnia to euros by Oct. 30
From CNN's Inke Kappeler in Berlin
Germany announced it will end its program that offered Ukrainian refugees the ability to exchange Ukrainian hryvnia banknotes to euros without exchange rates.
The program will end by Oct. 30, a joint statement from the German finance ministry and central bank said on Monday. 
The provision was initially introduced to help Ukrainian refugees who fled the country after Russia’s invasion, but that the demand has “dwindled,” the statement said, adding that few transactions have recently taken place. 
The statement added that the last day to exchange between currencies is Oct. 28, due to banks being closed over the weekend. 
56 min ago
Kyiv death toll rises to 4, says mayor
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Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko speaks to the press next to a destroyed building after a drone attack in Kyiv, Ukraine, on October 17.(Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP/Getty Images)
The number of people killed after Russian strikes in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, has now reached four, the city’s mayor said Monday.
“We’ve got already 4 people dead under the ruins of the building in the Shevchenkivsky district which was hit by the Russian terrorist drone,” Vitali Klitschko said on Telegram. “The rescuers found another body of a man there. The rescue operation is ongoing. There could be some other people under the rubble.”
Three people have been taken to the hospital, he said, two of whom are emergency responders.
CNN’s Olly Racz contributed to this report.
1 hr 33 min ago
Ukraine looks anxiously toward its northern border as Russian troops flow into Belarus
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Russian-Belarusian exercises, dubbed Allied Resolve 2022, in Belarus on February 19. (Henadz Zhinkov/Xinhua/Getty Images)
The announcement last week that Belarus and Russia would form a joint regional force and carry out exercises set off alarm bells in Kyiv.
The last time Belarusian and Russian forces held joint exercises, in February, many of those Russian forces went on to cross the Ukrainian border in their ill-fated drive toward the capital.
It’s not that Belarus has a mighty army – it doesn’t. But the prospect of Ukraine’s long northern border becoming a passageway for Russian forces for the second time this year would be a nightmare for Ukraine’s already stretched forces. Ukraine and Belarus share a 1,000-kilometer frontier, much of it sparsely populated and thickly forested.
At the moment, the Ukrainian army is conducting offensives in the east and south while holding off Russian forces in parts of Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia. After seven months of war, the Ukrainian military has suffered attrition just like its enemy: moving forces to defend its northern flank would stretch forces already fighting on multiple fronts.
Predictably enough, Belarus says the joint force is purely defensive. The country’s Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin said that “all activities carried out at the moment are aimed at providing a sufficient response to activities near our borders.”
Those activities, according to Belarus, are aimed at deterring Ukrainian preparations to attack the country. Lukashenko said last week that his government had been “warned about strikes against Belarus from the territory of Ukraine.”
Ukraine has vehemently denied the claims. The Foreign Ministry said it “categorically rejects these latest insinuations by the Belarusian regime. We cannot rule out that this diplomatic note may be part of a provocation on the part of the Russian Federation.”
Read the full analysis here.
8 min ago
Here's what we know about "kamikaze" drones
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A fragment of a kamikaze drone after the Russian attacks in Kyiv, Ukraine, on October 17.(Metin Aktas/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
Ukraine has repeatedly asked its allies to supply it with more air defense systems and ammunition after Russia stepped up its use of “kamikaze drones” in its brutal assault against the country.
Kyiv says Moscow has used Iranian-supplied kamikaze drones in strikes against Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Odesa, Zaporizhzhia and other cities across Ukraine in recent weeks, and pleaded with Western countries to step up their assistance in the face of the new challenge.
Drones have played a significant role in the conflict since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in late February, but their use has increased since Moscow acquired the new drones from Iran over the summer.
What are kamikaze drones? Kamikaze drones, or suicide drones, are a type of aerial weapon system. They are known as a loitering munition because they are capable of circling for some time in an area identified as a potential target and only striking once an enemy asset is identified.
They are small, portable and can be easily launched, but their main advantage is that they are hard to detect and can be fired from a distance.
Why are they called “Kamikaze”? The name “kamikaze” refers to the fact that the drones are disposable. Unlike more traditional, larger and faster military drones that return to base after dropping missiles, Kamikaze drones are designed to crash into a target and explode, detonating their warhead and destroying the drones in process.
Which drones is Russia using in Ukraine? The Ukrainian military and US intelligence say Russia is using Iranian-made attack drones. US officials told CNN in July that Iran had begun showcasing Shahed series drones to Russia at Kashan Airfield south of Tehran the previous month. The drones are capable of carrying precision-guided missiles and have a payload of approximately 50 kilograms (110 pounds).
In August, US officials said Russia had bought these drones and was training its forces how to use them. According to Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky, Russia has ordered 2,400 Shahed-136 drones from Iran.
Iran has denied supplying weapons to Russia: But evidence points to the contrary. Ukraine claimed its forces had shot down one of these drones for the first time last month near the city of Kupyansk in Kharkiv. There have been more reported attacks since then. Kyiv’s military said Wednesday it had downed 17 Shahed-136 drones that day alone. According to photos released by Ukrainian authorities, Russia has rebranded the Shaheds and is using them under the name of “Geran.”
US officials say there has been “some evidence already” that the Iranian drones “have already experienced numerous failures” on the battlefield.
Read more here.
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taylore · 19 days
John Mayer & Taylor Swift Timeline #3 (2013 - Current)
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Feb 10, 2013
They both attend the Grammys. John brings Katy Perry. Some people speculate this night is the inspiration behind Shake It Off's bridge.
Mar 15, 2013
Taylor allows a friend to discuss her personal life on her behalf. When asked why she dated 18-year-olds, Harry Styles and Conor Kennedy, they said, “It was like a pendulum for her, swinging back and forth. She dated Jake [Gyllenhaal] and John [Mayer] when she was really young and they were in their 30s, and she got really hurt. So it was like ‘That hurt—this won’t hurt.’ But then it did.” (X)
Apr 7, 2013
They both perform at the ACMs.
Apr 16, 2013
Taylor's team deny reports that they flirted after the event (X)
Jun 18, 2013
John releases Paper Doll. It is speculated to be about Taylor.
Oct 7, 2013
Taylor goes to Disneyland the same day as John and Katy (X)
Nov 17, 2013
Taylor says the guy Red was about got in touch with her, and that his response was a nice contrast to the "crazy, ranting emails" she'd gotten from a different guy (X)
Jun 3, 2014
John says he doesn't mind people writing songs about him, so long as they don't make it obvious (X) (00:10)
Aug 20, 2014
They both have dinner at the Chateau Marmont (X)
Feb 6, 2015
John makes a joke about Taylor avoiding him (X). Taylor likes this post in response (X).
Mar 6, 2015
John talks about Taylor and her battle against Spotify (X). When asked how he feels about Taylor's success, he says it "doesn't bother him" but that he does still have somewhat of an emotional reaction (X). He also pleads that their relationship stops being such a prominent topic of conversation (X)
Apr 28, 2016
Taylor and John both attend Gigi Hadid's 21st birthday party (X). She allegedly meets Joe.
Oct 23, 2016
Taylor, Katy and John all attend Drake's 30th birthday (X) (X). This night prompts him to get sober (X)
Dec 13, 2016
John tweets that "Tuesday, December 13th is the lamest day of year, conceptually." He then deletes the tweet. 
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Dec 6, 2017
John likes tweets defending Taylor's inclusion on Time's "The Silence Breakers" cover.
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Oct 25, 2018
John mentions thinking a lot about reputation, though he clarifies he's not referring to the album (X)
Circa October 2018
Taylor allegedly states that Dear John is "too painful" to perform (X)
Mar 5, 2019
John denies that Paper Doll is about Taylor (X)
Nov 17, 2019
John has Shawn Mendes on Current Mood. When introducing him, he makes a joke about music using a printed out version of the Lover single cover (X). Later, he makes a joke about the song itself (X)
Feb 22, 2021
Andy Cohen asks John how he interacts with the work of ex-partners. John admits to engaging with it positively, going so far as to say that he often hopes music written by former partners was inspired by him (X)
Mar 1, 2021
After joining TikTok, John's comments are swarmed by angry swifties (X)
Circa Mar 7 - 15, 2021
Taylor writes Would've Could've Should've (X)
Mar 14, 2021
Both perform at the Grammys.
Nov 15, 2021
John responds to an angry DM, prompted by the release of Red TV
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Nov 16, 2021
Life & Style report that John disagrees with the way Taylor "targets" her exes (X)
Dec 15, 2021
Deux Moi alleges that John will play the guitar on Dear John TV. It is quickly denied by Este Haim/the Haim account.
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Oct 22, 2022
Taylor releases Midnights. Would've Could've Should've is featured.
Apr 8, 2023
John plays Paper Doll, and speculates that the reason people tend to dislike it is because it's "bitchy." (X)
May 5, 2023
Taylor announces Speak Now TV.
Jun 23, 2023
Taylor performs Dear John, and pleads that fans don't harass people in her name (X) (01:40)
Jul 7, 2023
Taylor re-releases Speak Now.
0 notes
chappellarchive · 2 months
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˚₊‧ Casual‧₊˚ out Oct. 28 A song written out of pure disdain for “casual” relationships. I’m annoyed as f*ck with them and I know you are too. get ready ponies. Presave link in bio ᵔᴥᵔ
October 8, 2022
0 notes
Word Count: 635
Reblogs > Likes
The king's reign had come to an end, this was a well known thing by now, what with the werewolf moping around his crastle which still stood on its mountain overlooking the shopping district. No one knew what to do with it really.
Which is sort of why Cleo found herself leaning up against the doorframe to Ren's room, the ex-king looking out one of his large windows with his ears drooping.
"Are you here to mock me?" Ren muttered.
"I'm here to make sure a friend doesn't do something stupid." Cleo shot back.
He barely turned his head, growling lowly. "If I remember correctly, Lady Cleo, you were one of the people who betrayed me."
"You're hung up about that?"
Ren was turning around now, his face looked tearstained and just a bit red. He looked pathetic, just like a kicked dog.
"Ren, my former lord, this isn't about those that betrayed you now is it?" She said still in a firm tone, though it almost sounded just the tiniest bit softer.
The former king sighed in an all too dramatic way before moving to flop down on his bed face first, burying himself in pillows as he groaned.
Cleo had to hold herself back from laughing at the whole show, but they managed to drag themself back. Ren was legitimately sad, crying for gods know how long, and was more pathetic than usual.
They made their way to the bed, sitting on the edge as they looked Ren over.
"Was I a good king?"
"No." Cleo answered quickly. "I'd even go as far as saying you were incompetent."
Ren chuckles, just a small sign of progress.
“But I have a feeling that isn’t what you’ve been upset about.”
“Oh, is the hollowhearted zombie suddenly now a caring person?” Ren joked sarcastically
Cleo scoffed lightly. “Only when my friends have locked themselves in a tower for a month straight.”
There was a heavy pause before Ren was turning to look up at Cleo, worry in his blue eyes. “Its been a month?”
“Yes, now tell me why you’ve been sulking around your abandoned crastle.”
Another sigh, another pause, then Ren was flipping over to lay on his back and look at the ceiling. Cleo thinks she’s never seen the werewolf without any form of glasses on, but here he was looking like a wet dog with his tail tucked between his legs and no sunglasses in sight.
“Was I- Was I a good person? A good friend, even?” He mutters.
“Well you let the power get to your head, and a few people are rightfully pissed, but some saw it as a game.”
“Then am I good enough to be forgiven?”
"What makes you believe you aren't?" Cleo asked, there was almost a bit of mischief in her voice.
"I-... I guess you're right, Lady Cleo."
"Please, Ren, you don't need to be all regal anymore." They say before reaching a hand out to Ren, helping the werewolf sit up so they can see eye to eye. "You are not the king anymore, and I'm not a member of the square table. We're healthier this way."
Ren reluctantly nods his head, tension leaving his shoulders as Cleo runs her hands over his.
"Now, up, you've got people worried about you." The zombified gorgon says while dragging Ren to his feet. "So go talk to people."
"Right, of course, I shouldn't keep them waiting. What kind of friend would I be then?" He says with a half hearted laugh.
Before he knows it, Ren's feet are guiding him outside and down the many flights of stairs, Cleo watching with careful eyes as he greets others. It almost feels like the world itself breathes a sigh of relief as the werewolf returns to his pre-kinghood self.
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crimechannels · 1 year
By • Olalekan Fagbade Court to deliver judgment October. 9 in murder case of Lawyer allegedly by Police officer A Lagos High Court will on Monday deliver judgment in the case of a police officer, Darambi Vandi, charged with shooting dead a Lagos-based lawyer, Mrs Omobolanle Raheem, on Christmas Day. The court sitting at Tafawa Balewa Square gave the judgment date on July 13 after adoption of final written addresses by parties in the suit. Vandi was arraigned on Jan. 16 on a count charge of murder but he pleaded not guilty. The court granted accelerated hearing on the case. Lagos State Government alleged that the defendant shot Raheem on the chest on Dec. 25, 2022, at Ajah Roundabout, on Lekki- Expressway, Lagos State. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that murder contravenes Section 223 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015. Prosecution team led by the Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr Moyosore Onigbanjo, called a total of 11 witnesses including eight police officers. The other prosecution witnesses are two eye witnesses and a pathologist. Among the prosecution witnesses is Insp Matthew Ameh, who allegedly worked with the defendant at the time of the alleged murder. The prosecution closed its case on Feb. 25. On Feb. 28, the defendant through his counsel, Mr Gbenro Gbadamosi, filed an application, praying the court to quash the charge against him. Gbadamosi argued that evidence of the prosecution witnesses were inconsistent and did not link the defendant to the alleged murder. On April 3, the court, however, dismissed the no-case submission. Justice Ibironke Harrison held that prosecution established sufficient oral and documentary evidence linking the defendant to the alleged crime, which required explanation from him. Harrison added that evidence by the defendant would shed light on what happened. On May 31, the defendant gave evidence and closed his case. His counsel had told the court that Vandi was the sole defence witness. On July 13, the parties adopted their written addresses, and the court reserved judgment until Oct. 9. (NAN) OCC/IGO #CourttodeliverjudgmentinmurdercaseofBolanleRaheemonOctober9th
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literaturemandan · 1 year
What I read in (2021 and) 2022
I want to copy up the list I started making in 2022 of all the books I was reading. It was written first as a Google Keep list, and that is where I keep it up to date. I'm writing this note more than half way through 2023, but the books I have copied down for that year will come in a separate list. This list includes items *completed* in 2022, so some books started in December and finished in January 2023 will be on that list. Some dates may be imprecise. So, here's what I read in 2022, in order, with the first item on the list being read in 2021:
The Tommyknockers, August 2021.
Mordew, Jan-Feb 2022.
Needful Things, Feb-Mar.
White Fang, 5-6 Mar.
Rosemary's Baby, 27-28 Mar.
The Castle of Otranto, 30 Mar. (Never finished, but I doubt I will ever go back.)
Lonesome Dove, 4 Apr-3 May.
Gone With The Wind, 3 May-9 Jul.
Horus Rising, 8 Jun-11 Jul.
False Gods, 11-19 Jul.
Galaxy In Flames, 19-23 Jul.
The Flight of The Eisenstein, 23 Jul-03 Aug.
Fulgrim, 03-22 Aug.
Cujo, 22-29 Aug.
Carmilla, 29 Aug-01 Sep.
Something Wicked This Way Comes 01 Oct-gave up on 16 Oct.
The Exorcist, 16-21 Oct.
Rendezvous With Rama, 23 Oct.
Brutal Kunnin', 31 Oct-17 Nov.
Jane Eyre, 02 Dec-04 Jan 2023.
Philosopher's Stone, December 2022.
There we are! Some books started in 2022 carried over to 2023, like Pride And Prejudice and Chamber of Secrets, but I'll mention those in the list for 2023.
I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with this list. Perhaps write a little more about each book in turn. But I do have one *immediate* idea for a couple of the books above...
0 notes
noeticprayer · 2 years
Oct 01, 2022
The Holy Protection of the Theotokos
Apostle of the 70: Ananias (1st); Venerable Romanos the Melodist, “Sweet Singer” (5th); Venerable Sabbas, abbot of Vishersk (1461); Venerable Martyr Michael and 36 Venerable Martyrs with him in Armenia; Venerable Domninos of Thessaloniki; Venerable John Kukuzelis the Singer of Mt Athos; St Bavo of Haarlem; Venerable Gregory the Singer of Mt Athos (4th); Mirian and Nana of Mtskheta
Reading from the Synaxarion:
The Feast of the Protection commemorates the appearance of the most holy Theotokos in the Church of Blachernae in Constantinople in the tenth century, as recorded in the life of Saint Andrew the Fool for Christ's sake. While the multitudes of the faithful were gathered in church, Epiphanius, the friend of Saint Andrew, through the Saint's prayers, beheld the Virgin Mary above the faithful and spreading out her veil over them, signifying her unceasing protection of all Christians. Because of this we keep a yearly feast of gratitude, imploring our Lady never to cease sheltering us in her mighty prayers.
The Feast is celebrated on October 1. In the 1950s, the Church of Greece began to observe the Feast on October 28.
Apolytikion of Holy Protection of the Theotokos in the Fourth Tone
O Virgin, we extol the great grace of thy Protection, which thou didst spread out like a bright cloud beyond all understanding; for thou dost invisibly protect thy people from the foe's every assault. Since we have thee as our shelter and certain help, we cry to thee with our whole soul: Glory to thy great deeds, O most pure Maid. Glory to thy shelter most divine. Glory to thy care and providence for us, O spotless one.
Kontakion of Holy Protection of the Theotokos in the Third Tone
Let us the faithful hasten to the Theotokos now and venerate her sacred veil, as we chant unto her, singing hymns to praise and honour her, as is fitting; for she shelt'reth with her shelter and all her faithful flock and preserveth them unharmed from all calamities, as they cry to her: Rejoice, Protection most radiant.
Ananias, Apostle of the 70
Reading from the Synaxarion:
Saint Ananias, whose name means "God is gracious," was from Damascus, where by divine revelation he was commanded to baptize the Apostle Paul (Acts 9: 10-17). He completed the course of martyrdom when he was stoned to death during the proconsulate of Lucian.
Apolytikion of Ananias of the 70 in the Third Tone
O Holy Apostle Ananias, intercede to our merciful God, that He may grant our souls forgiveness of sins.
Kontakion of Ananias of the 70 in the Second Tone
Our most fervent advocate in intercession who dost hearken most quickly to them that pray to thee, receive our supplication, O Ananias, and implore Christ, Who alone is glorified in the Saints, to have mercy on us.
Romanos the Melodist
Reading from the Synaxarion:
Saint Romanos flourished during the reign of Anastasius (491-518). He was from Emesa of Syria, and apparently was born of Jewish parents, for a hymn written in his honour in Greek says he was "of Hebrew stock," and it has furthermore been noted that he uses many Semitic idioms in his writings. He was baptized an Orthodox Christian, and at some time became a deacon in the Church of Beirut. He was the first composer of the kontakia, the foremost of which is that of the feast of Christ's Nativity, On this day the Virgin .... In composing many of his kontakia. Saint Romanos was inspired by the hymns of Saint Ephraim of Syria.
Apolytikion of Romanos the Melodist in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone
The image of God, was faithfully preserved in you, O Father. For you took up the Cross and followed Christ. By Your actions you taught us to look beyond the flesh for it passes, rather to be concerned about the soul which is immortal. Wherefore, O Holy Romanos, your soul rejoices with the angels.
Kontakion of Romanos the Melodist in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone
As a harmonious harp of lofty wisdom from on high and an expounder of things seen in God-inspired ascents, we extol thee, Father Romanos, and we hymn thee. As a trumpet of the gifts that pass the mind of man, do thou rouse us to divine and saving watchfulness, as we cry to thee: Rejoice, O Father elect of God.
Epistle ReadingThe Reading is from Acts of the Apostles 9:10-19
In those days, there was a disciple at Damascus named Ananias. The Lord said to him in a vision, "Ananias." And he said, "Here I am, Lord." And the Lord said to him, "Rise and go to the street called Straight, and inquire in the house of Judas for a man of Tarsus named Saul; for behold, he is praying, and he has seen a man named Ananias come in and lay his hands on him so that he might regain his sight." But Ananias answered, "Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much evil he has done to thy saints at Jerusalem; and here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call upon thy name." But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel; for I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name." So Ananias departed and entered the house. And laying his hands on him he said, "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came, has sent me that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit." And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes and he regained his sight. Then he rose and was baptized, and took food and was strengthened.
Gospel ReadingThe Reading is from the Gospel According to Luke 5:17-26
At that time, as Jesus was teaching, there were Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by, who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem; and the power of the Lord was present to heal them. And behold, men were bringing on a bed a man who was paralyzed, and they sought to bring him in and lay him before him; but finding no way to bring him in, because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles into the midst before Jesus. And when he saw their faith he said, "Man, your sins are forgiven you." And the scribes and the Pharisees began to question, saying, "Who is this that speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God only?" When Jesus perceived their questionings, he answered them, "Why do you question in your hearts? Which is easier, to say, 'Your sins are forgiven you,' or to say, 'Rise and walk'? But that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins" -- he said to the man who was paralyzed -- "I say to you, rise, take up your bed and go home." And immediately he rose before them, and took up that on which he lay, and went home, glorifying God. And amazement seized them all, and they glorified God and were filled with awe, saying, "We have seen strange things today."
1 Cor 10.23-28 (Epistle)
Brethren, all things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well-being. Eat whatever is sold in the meat market, asking no questions for conscience’ sake; for “the earth is the LORD’s, and all its fullness.” If any of those who do not believe invites you to dinner, and you desire to go, eat whatever is set before you, asking no question for conscience’ sake. But if anyone says to you, “This was offered to idols,” do not eat it for the sake of the one who told you, and for conscience’ sake; for “the earth is the LORD’s, and all its fullness.”
Heb 9.1-7 (Epistle—Protection)
Brethren, even the first covenant had ordinances of divine service and the earthly sanctuary. For a tabernacle was prepared: the first part, in which was the lampstand, the table, and the showbread, which is called the sanctuary; and behind the second veil, the part of the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of All, which had the golden censer and the ark of the covenant overlaid on all sides with gold, in which were the golden pot that had the manna, Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant; and above it were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat. Of these things we cannot now speak in detail. Now when these things had been thus prepared, the priests always went into the first part of the tabernacle, performing the services. But into the second part the high priest went alone once a year, not without blood, which he offered for himself and for the people’s sins committed in ignorance.
Luke 5.17-26 (Gospel)
At that time, as Jesus was teaching, there were Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by, who had come out of every town of Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was present to heal them. Then behold, men brought on a bed a man who was paralyzed, whom they sought to bring in and lay before Him. And when they could not find how they might bring him in, because of the crowd, they went up on the housetop and let him down with his bed through the tiling into the midst before Jesus. When He saw their faith, He said to him, “Man, your sins are forgiven you.” And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, “Who is this who speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God alone?” But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, He answered and said to them, “Why are you reasoning in your hearts? Which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Rise up and walk’? But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins – He said to the man who was paralyzed, “I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.” Immediately he rose up before them, took up what he had been lying on, and departed to his own house, glorifying God. And they were all amazed, and they glorified God and were filled with fear, saying, “We have seen strange things today!”
Luke 10.38-42, 11.27-28 (Gospel—Protection)
At that time, Jesus entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.” And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her. . . . And it happened, as He spoke these things, that a certain woman from the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, “Blessed is the womb that bore You, and the breasts which nursed You!” But He said, “More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”
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moneymunch-inc · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://moneymunch.com/nifty-stock-trading-calls-report-of-november-2022/
Nifty & Stock Trading Calls Report of November 2022
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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]To Free Subscribers, We sent you the following intraday and positional trading calls in the previous month.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
P/L Report of November 2022
BUYOCT 20 – HINDALCO +38,700/ 1 lot
BUY OCT 31 – NIFTY +37,500/ 1 lot
BUY NOV 3 – PRECWIRE +2310 / 100 shares
BUY NOV 6 – ASIANPAINTS +14,000/ 1 lot
BUY NOV 7 – TATA STEEL +12,750/ 1 lot
BUY NOV 9 – HDFC +43,800/ 1 lot
BUY NOV 29 – BDL +3600/ 100 shares
BUY NOV 16 – EPL 1600/ 100 shares
BUY NOV 17 – HAL +1,00,225/ 1 lot
BUY NOV 17 – MINDACORP +1500/ 100 shares
BUY NOV 17 – HINDUNILVR +29,400/ 1 lot
SELL NOV 17 – ADANITRANS +22,500/ 100 shares
Total P&L = Rs.3,07,885
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]Trades Summary:
October 28, 2022, 9:02 AM – HINDALCO Is Getting Ready For Skyrocket Prices, But…
October 31, 2022, 03:48 PM – EWT – NSE NIFTY Bullish Scenario –
November 3, 2022, 07:05 PM – Is NSE PRECWIRE Preparing For A New High?
November 6, 2022, 04:39 PM – NSE ASIAN PAINT Has Entered A New Impulse Cycle
November 7, 2022, 01:15 AM – EWT – TATA STEEL SWING SETUP
November 9, 2022, 09:00 AM – EWT – NSE HDFC Is Outnumbering Sellers
November 16, 2022, 11:30 AM – NSE EPL – A Bull trap Or A Peculiar Reversal?
November 17, 2022, 09:03 AM – NSE HAL – Watch out Resistance breakout
November 17, 2022, 09:03 AM – NSE MINDACORP – Bulls Outnumbered Bears
November 17, 2022, 09:03 AM – NSE HINDUNILVER – Intraday Setup
November 17, 2022, 04:17 PM – NSE ADANITRANS – Elliott Wave Projection
November 23, 2022, 09:10 AM – NSE BDL – Bullish Outlook
If you have traded with one lot, you have made Rs.3,07,885 in the free subscription. Here, I’m talking about one lot only. What more do you want from a free subscription?
(1) October 28, 2022, 9:02 am– HINDALCO Is Getting Ready For Skyrocket Prices, But…
I had written in clear words,” If the price sustains above 416, traders can expect the following target: 424 – 433 – 448+.”
[Update] 2 November 2022
09:40 AM – NSE HINDALCO touched first target of 424, and made a high of 425.85.
[Update] 7 November 2022
09:30 AM – Price reached the second target of 433.
[Update] 14 November 2022
09:15 AM – HINDALCO hit the final target of 448, and made a high of 452.8.
Points per trade: 36 points or 8.6% Per lot profit: Rs. 38,700+[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]
(2) October 31, 2022, 3:48 PM – EWT – NSE NIFTY Bullish Scenario
If the price sustains above wave B, traders can expect the following targets for wave (5): 18215 – 18340 – 18479+..”
[Update] 7 November 2022
09:15 AM – Price reached the first target of 18215.
[Update] 11 November 2022
12:15 PM – Nifty hit the second target of 18340.
[Update] 24 November 2022
03:00 PM – Price touched the final target of 18479.
[Update] 29 November 2022
01:30 PM – Nifty has made all time high of 18678.
Points per trade: 750 Per lot profit: Rs. 37,500+ (All TP)[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]
(3) November 3, 2022, 7:05 PM – Is NSE PRECWIRE Preparing For A New High?
I had written in clear words,”If the price breaks out and sustains above 96.90, traders can trade for the following targets: 100.2 – 116.65 – 126.6+.”
[Update] 10 November 2022
01:15 PM – Price initiated an entry at 96.9.
01:40 PM – Price reached the first target of 100.20
[Update] 05 December 2022
09:15 AM – NSE PRECWIRE hit the second target of 116.
10:30 AM – Price made a new high of 120.
Points per trade: 23.1 points or 24% Per 100 shares profit: Rs. 2310+[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]
(4) November 6, 2022, 4:39 pm – NSE ASIAN PAINT Has Entered A New Impulse Cycle
I had written in clear words,” If price sustains above 3160, traders can trade for the following targets: 3231 – 3283 – 3360+.”
[Update] 7 November 2022
9:30 AM – Price couldn’t sustain above 3160. Oder canceled manually.
[Update] 6 December 2022
11:20 PM – Price started forming impulsive wave 3. Entry marked as 3060.
[Update] 7 December 2022
02:40 PM – Price touched the first target of 3231.
Points per trade: 70 points Profit Per lot: Rs. 14,000+* [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]
(5) November 7, 2022, 1:15 PM – EWT – TATA STEEL SWING SETUP
I have written clearly,” If the price sustains above 106.70, traders can buy for the following targets: 110 – 125 – 136+.“
[Update] 14 November 2022
09:20 AM – NSE TATA STEEL Reached First target of 110.
[Update] 5 December 2022
02:45 PM – Price made a new high of 116.10.
Points per trade: 3 points Per lot profit: Rs.12,750*[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]
(6) November 9, 2022, 9:00 AM – EWT – NSE HDFC Is Outnumbering Sellers
I have written clearly, “If the price sustains above 2511, traders can trade for the following targets: 2533 – 2572 – 2610+.”
[Update] 11 November 2022
09:15 AM – Price touched the first target of 2533.
10:50 AM – Price hit the second target of 2572.
11:00 AM – HDFC reached the final target of 2610,
11:15 AM – Price made a high of 2657, The price has risen by more than 150 points after breakout of 2511.
Points per trade: 146 Profit per lot: Rs. 43,800+[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]
(7) November 16, 11:30 AM –NSE EPL – A Bull trap Or A Peculiar Reversal?
I have written clearly, “If the price sustains above the lower band, traders can buy for the following targets: 162 – 176 – 183+.”
[Update] 25 November 2022
12:40 PM – NSE EPL sustained above lower band of the channel.
01:40 PM – Price reached the first target of 162.
[Update] 28 November 2022
10:22 AM  – Price made a new high of 171.5.
Points per trade: 16.45 points of 10.60%* Profit per 100 shares: Rs.1600+*[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]
(8) November 17, 2022, 9:03 AM – NSE HAL – Watch out Resistance breakout
I have written clearly, “HAL Has a broken-out All-Time high with a high volume at 2600. Traders can buy HAL for the following targets: 2743 – 2774 – 2821+.”
[Update] 23 November 2022
09:15 AM – NSE HAL Reached first target of 2743.
[Update] 25 November 2022
09:15 AM  – Price hit the second target of 2774.
[Update] 06 December 2022
09:45 AM  – Price made a new high of 2811. Trade completed near 2800.
Points per trade: 211 points or 8.13% Profit per lot: Rs.1,00,225+[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]
(9) November 17, 2022, 9:03 AM – NSE MINDACORP – Bulls Outnumbered Bears
I have written clearly, “Currently, the price is standing on the 200 EMA at 210. If the price sustains above 210, traders can trade for the following targets: 216.5 – 223 – 231+.”
[Update] 30 November 2022
09:15 AM – NSE MINDACORP closed at 210 with good volume. Entry point was marked at 210.
[Update] 1 December 2022
09:15 AM  – Price hit the First target of 216.5.
[Update] 05 December 2022
09:15 AM  – Price touched the second target of 223, and made a high of 229. Trade closed due to failure of breakout near 225.
Points per trade: 15 points or 7.16% Profit per 100 shares: Rs.1500+[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]
(10) November 17, 2022, 9:03 AM – NSE HINDUNILVER – Intraday Setup
I have written clearly, “if NSE HINDUNILVR sustains above 200 EMA, traders can buy for the following targets: 2498.5 – 2527 – 2553+.Note that, 2455 is a crucial support level for buyers.”
[Update] 18 November 2022
10:15 AM – Price triggered our entry at 2455 by making a low of 2448. Traded as short-term setup.
[Update] 21 November 2022
9:25 AM – Price reached the first target of 2498.
[Update] 24 November 2022
11:15 AM – Price hit the second target of 2527.
03:15 PM – NSE HINDUNILVR touched the final target of 2553.
Points per trade: 98 points Profit per lot shares: Rs. 29,400+[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]
(11) November 17, 2022, 4:17 PM – NSE ADANITRANS – Elliott Wave Projection
I have written clearly, “It is moving towards crucial support at 3046, and if it sustains below this level, we can expect good bearish moves to the following targets: 2980 – 2590 – 2820+.
[Update] 22 November, 2022
09:17 AM – Price touched the first target of 2980.
12:45 PM – Price hit the second target of 2890, and made a low of 2876.
[Update] 23 November 2022
09:30 AM – ADANITRANS reached the final target of 2820.
Points per trade: 225 points Profit per 100 shares: Rs 22,500+[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]
(12) November 23, 2022, 9:10 AM – NSE BDL – Bullish Outlook
I have written clearly, “If the price sustains above 950, traders can buy for the following targets: 970 – 982 – 998+.
[Update] [23 November 2022]
10:45 AM – BDL Reached the first target of 970 and made a high of 974.
02:05 PM – Price touched the second target of 982, reaching a high of 986.40
Points per trade: 36 points* Profit per 100 shares: Rs 3600+*[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_message message_box_color=”alert-danger”]Note: If you have traded with 1 lot, you have made Rs.3,07,885 in the free subscription. Here, I’m talking about 1 lot only. What more do you want from a free subscription?[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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