apotatomashedbybts · 2 years
The Pages You Left Behind
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➛Pairing: ghost!namjoon x reader ; Namjoon × oc
➛ Genre: horror, ANGST, fluff
➛Trope: soft horror, forbidden love, unfulfilled love
➛Word Count: 2.8k+
➛Trigger warning: major character death
➛Rating: pg-13
➛Banner: made by apotatomashedbybts
➛Cross post: Wattpad | ao3
➛Author's note: This too is highly unedited and written in a night with my extremely sleepy head༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ. Please be kind (⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ
➛Edited: 10:28 am, 04 Oct 2022
➛Event: NO-FACETOBER hosted by @bangtanbathhouse
->Day 3: PHANTOM
a ghost.
➛Taglist: @btsstan12 ; @sugarwithtea ; @sweetieguk ; @kuuipobangtan
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➛Summary: Helping him came with a price more than you could bear.
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It's been a month and you have been noticing him ever since after joining this old town library.
You couldn't help but notice him since he stands out so much from the crowd dressed in neat and sharp black turtleneck, black blazer and white trousers that he wears every single day with a lost expression plastered on his face. But what makes him stand out the most are two things - first, people always ignore him as if he isn't even there and second, he always does the same things every other day. There aren't any patterns of his actions but it was sure that he is going to do either this or that, nothing else.
Observing him for so many days has made you kind of used to him and you won't admit it to yourself but you liked to see him.
So one fine day, after your study session was over you walked out of the library before your friends and saw him standing at his usual spot in the middle of the front yard of the library, staring at the front gate impassively.
An impulse took over you and you walked straight towards him determined to talk to him today.
There wasn't a single movement of his face muscles until you stopped right in front of him. For the first time, you noticed his eyes grow a little bigger and scrunch in surprise but that only lasted a couple seconds.
You stood there in front of him and looked up and thought, "damn, he is tall."
You felt a strange exhilaration inside you as if you were asking out your crush seeing him up so close and you said excitedly without keeping in check what you were saying actually, "Hey! How's the weather up there?"
His forehead scrunched in confusion and he stammered, "Cooler than down there I guess."
Before you could realise your stupid question he seemed to have realise something and he staggered backwards while asking, "You can see me?"
"Of course, I can! What? Are you a ghost or something?" You snickered.
Before you could get an answer from him your friends jumped you from behind. You let out a shriek gaining a good amount of laughter from them.
"What were you doing here standing all alone looking up? The moon is over there!" One of your friends asked after they had finished making fun of you.
"What? I was just talking to him." You turned around to point at him but he was no longer there.
"Him? Who? Who?" Your friends asked curiously.
"Just someone..." Your voice trailed off as your eyes wandered around to find him but couldn't.
Next day you saw him again. This time he wasn't standing like a statue in the middle of the yard but he was in front of one of the lonely one of the innumerable aisles of books in the library scanning through all the shelves but not touching any.
You snuck up behind him to give him a little scare which worked too well and you were left laughing like a maniac when he fell on his butt.
A strict warning from the librarian and your laugh was gone in an instant which made him smile this time while he got up.
It'd be an understatement if you said his smile was beautiful. It made you speechless. And you stood there staring at him agape until he stood up and started walking away towards one of the other aisles.
You were quick to catch up to him and while standing beside him you whispered, "So... Ghosts get scared too," and let out a pressed chuckle.
"I was just surprised. Not scared." He cleared his throat.
"That was a mighty reaction I would say." You smirked.
"Whatever. Stop following me." He rolled his eyes and craned his neck to one of the top shelves.
"I would but it's not everyday that I see ghosts. So... what binds you here?" You asked cautiously sparing a quick glance at him.
"Aren't you scared of me?" He asked.
You shook your head pretty hard, "Why would I be? You seem harmless," and beautiful.
"Will you help me if I tell you what binds me here?" He asked slowly, cautiously and with dim eyes looking down at the organised books before him. His hands hovered over the books but when he touched them his fingers went through them.
At that moment, seeing his eyes that held back those non-substantial tears you thought to yourself that you would give him everything to not see that expression ever again.
"My name... It's y/n. What's yours?"
"My name... What was it again?" He looked genuinely lost for a moment before replying, "Ah! Yes! It's Namjoon."
He smiled sheepishly and extended his hand to which you reciprocated the gesture, forgetting for a moment that he was just an apparition, unaffected by your physical body.
Your hand passed right through his and you felt a tingly cold sensation and you whispered, mesmerised, "Cool."
Namjoon gave you light smile that faded quickly and he said, "It's time for you to go home."
"What? Shit! It's over already? I haven't written anything for the project yet!" You panicked and said, "let's meet tomorrow, okay?," before hurriedly walking away.
The next day you found Namjoon at the edge of the east wall of the library boundary. You never saw him there before.
You ran over to him and greeted him enthusiastically. You wanted to ask for the reason but it'd give away that you have been watching him for a long time.
But your curiosity were answered shortly as he said, "I have a place I want to take you to! There we can talk in peace!"
"Okay..." you scrunched your eyebrows and smiled confusedly but giving in right away.
You followed him through an opening or rather a big crack in the east wall and after walking a few feet you came to a field of tall grasses.
He signalled you to follow him and disappeared into the grasses.
You pushed your way through the grasses straight ahead until you reached a small clearing where you found Namjoon sitting.
You sat beside him and he said, "Isn't this a nice place? You don't have to whisper anymore!"
"Mhm!" You agreed and looked around excitedly while sitting down.
Sitting down you asked right away, "So, now tell me what is binding you here."
His eyes were lost somewhere ahead of himself as he answered, "A book."
"A book?"
"Yes. I have to find that book. I feel like there's something important there."
"You feel like? You don't know?"
"Yeah. I am forgetting things... I have been here for so long I feel like as time is passing it's taking away a bit of myself with it. And if I don't find it sooner I'll be lost forever." His voice sounded distant.
"Do you remember how you.. um... died?"
"No, not really. I just remember a car accident of sort."
"Do... you remember the name of the book?" You asked, hoping he remembered.
And he did, so he answered, "Yes! I do! It's the `79 edition of Forever by Judy Blume! It was the last signed copy of the book donated to the library herself! I was there when she came by!"
"`79... 1979..." your voice sounded lost in thought and then you jolted when you realised it, "you were alive back then?"
"Eh?" Namjoon was confused at your shocked expression, "what year is it?"
"It's fucking 2022, old man!" You shouted.
Namjoon broke down into a laughter and said, "It's been that long? No wonder I hear my bones creak sometimes."
You let out a heavy sigh and laid down on the soft small grass.
Namjoon laid down beside you and you both stared at the evening sky for God knows how long.
Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into lost minds. You finally sat up with a huff and said, "I think it's time. I am going. I'll start searching from tomorrow."
"You will?"
"Yes... There must be a reason why only I can see you and why I can only see you." You answered before starting to walk.
The walk out the grasses was short and when you reached the crack of the east wall Namjoon softly said, "thank you," before disappearing.
It's been a couple of months and you have searched all the aisles of the library, in vain. There wasn't a trace of that book.
Namjoon couldn't help you with finding the book but what did help was his presence. You somehow felt lighter around him. All your worries seemed to be pushed backwards whenever you were with him and you laughed more than anytime else. He was there and it was enough for you.
The day when the last shelf was done you decided to request the librarian to get you the information through the records in the library computer.
To be truly honest with yourself, you had actually thought of doing it the very first day but you were selfish. You refused to let go of the attachment you had grown with him in that short time. You wanted to know him more. And the greed of having more memories with him festered inside you.
You had thought he'd disappear as soon as the book gets discovered. You reasoned with yourself that a little more time wasn't much of a big deal.
But why today? Why did you feel that you've done something wrong? Was it his disappointed and sad eyes after you have finished searching everywhere? Probably. No, most definitely. You hated seeing that expression.
After an hour long request and another two hours of searching you finally found the book.
You rushed through the archived section and brought it out to Namjoon with the gentleness of caring a baby.
You couldn't see him anywhere in the library premises so you knew that he'd be in the clearing.
When you reached there, the sun was preparing to set. He was sitting on the grass staring at it and he glowed in the sunlight as it passed through his body.
"Guess what?" You squealed, at least tried to, to make yourself look happy.
Namjoon looked at you expectantly and he screamed, "no freaking way," when you brought the book out of the bag.
"I wish I could kiss you right now!" Namjoon exclaimed happily as he swayed and waited for you to flip through the pages with the excitement that of a child.
He couldn't realise the effect of his words on you as it pierced through your heart and you whispered, blinking away your tears, "me too."
You began flipping through the almost brownish pages slowly and abruptly and almost instantly you opened the two pages which had something in between them.
There was a vintage polaroid photograph with a heart drawn around Namjoon and a girl around his age in it. And there was small letter folded in half.
You looked at Namjoon and you had never seen him like that. He was becoming more opaque by the second and you could see he was clenching his jaw, trying not to cry.
You reached out your hand to take the letter but you felt it. You felt his hand upon yours. You felt his cold hand upon yours. You could feel him. You could touch him. You wanted to hug him right then and there and kiss him and tell him that you loved him, you loved him so freaking much but...
But his eyes were glued to the letter. The letter consumed his whole attention.
And you let go of his hand that was touching you as you handed him the letter. You kept the book gently on the ground and waited for him to read it.
You stole glances at him as he read through it and wondered if it was from his lover and the more you thought about it the more you felt like someone was squeezing your heart with all their might inside your chest.
But despite your blurry vision you noticed Namjoon's skin glow with small star like lights racing inside him like a network and he became more transparent by the minute. His eyes glowed a white as white light melted from his eyes. You panicked and held his hand.
Your mind charged through a series of bright lights as soon as you touched him and you found yourself standing in the clearing except it was much more greener and bushier and you saw a bunch of young people sitting here and there chatting and laughing.
You recognised Namjoon being one of them and you saw him wearing a different outfit. You smiled to yourself and whispered, "handsome."
You noticed him stealing shy glances at someone and your eyes followed his and you found a girl, who felt oddly familiar to you, laughing with her friends.
As if you were zoomed out of the scene, you found yourself in the library the next moment and you saw the girl taking the book from Namjoon and putting something in there just before keeping it in the shelf and she smiled at Namjoon shyly while doing so.
You recognised the dress that Namjoon was wearing. It's the same one that he wears everyday. That meant that was the day he was going to... die.
Namjoon went to take the book but was pulled out by his friends because apparently there was some big game going on that day.
You zoomed out again and now you were in what you guessed was Namjoon's room. He was writing a letter. He hadn't changed his outfit yet.
"You have a beautiful handwriting too." You whispered.
After finishing writing the letter he folded it neatly and brought out a pile of letters and putting it on the top of the stack he tied it and put it back in the drawer.
Next moment you saw him lying in his bed tossing and turning. He couldn't keep calm so he put on the blazer and got out of his house on his bicycle.
This time when you zoomed out you found yourself riding the bicycle and it had started to rain. You screamed in your brain to stop but at the same time you wanted to know what A-yeong had kept in that book.
Wait, A-yeong?
You couldn't think further as a deafening honk hammered your ears and you saw a bright light and felt a terrible pain in your chest in the next moment.
You felt yourself dying there.
With a sudden pull you were out of there and you were in front of Namjoon again, in your world, still holding his hand.
Namjoon was fading and glowing even more. You held onto him tightly.
"No please. Please don't leave me. Please. I can't let you go. Please." You pleaded with tear laden eyes.
Namjoon smiled softly and the white tear danced in the corner of his eyes and he softly wiped away the tears from your eyes.
You didn't want him to touch you if the cost of it was losing him. You shook away his hand and he smiled sadly, "I am sorry. But I have to go. None of it should have happened. I am sorry that it did."
He held your hand again and leaned closer. You closed your eyes and you felt his soft cold lips on yours.
Was this the heart break that people talked about? This unbearable pain inside you that you felt like your heart would give up anytime?
You didn't want anyone to answer it. Because you knew now. You knew that his kiss was heartbreaking. And you were ready to get your heart broken again if it meant you could kiss him again.
You didn't know how much time passed or if it stopped still in his kiss but it seemed to fall apart when he broke the kiss.
Namjoon handed over the letter to you and looked into your eyes, still holding your hand, "Thank you for making me feel I was alive again."
You broke down on the ground and your body shook violently trying to keep up with the pain that was leaving your body in shape of sobs and whimpers. The little glowing lights still floated surrounding you that were left behind as Namjoon dissipated in the air just like the death of a star.
You stayed there until late night looking at the stars and the moon and wondered if Namjoon was a part of them now.
You slowly got up and when you reached the library to return the book to the late-working librarian she glanced at your disheveled self once and went back to keep the book back in its place.
Your eyes wandered for a moment on the empty aisles of the dimly lit library and they felt lonely and void.
You came out of the libray and stared at the particular place in the front yard where Namjoon used to stand. The place never felt so sad before.
Suppressing your tears you slowly walked under the street light and opened the letter. It was a confession - a beautifully written love confession to Namjoon signed by A-yeong Lim.
"Wait, what?" You hurriedly put the picture under light and closely inspected the face.
How could you not recognise her? Your own aunt!
You could now put every pieces together - why she felt so familiar, why she didn't marry and refused to do so ever... And why you were able to see him.
You smiled bitterly at universe's plan and probably cursed it even. But you knew what you had to do now.
Keeping the bitterness and tears at bay you put the letter and the photo inside your bag and made your way towards Namjoon Kim's house to retrieve the pages he left behind.
— © 2022 apotatomashedbybts, all rights reserved. Reposting or modifying of any kind is not allowed. Translations are not allowed.
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jjksblackgf · 2 years
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⇢ jimin as moon phases
🕸 NO-FACETOBER hosted by @bangtanbathhouse ⤖ 「 Day 13 」 : moon
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raplinesmoon · 2 years
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BTS x Babylonian Mythology
Kim Seokjin as Sin, deity of the moon
“The princess’ skin shone in the eerie glow of the moonlit pantheon, riches and spoils surrounding her as she sought to make her tribute to the head of the pantheon, the ancient deity that guarded the night sky. Seokjin had never seen someone more beautiful in his entire life.”
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justasparkwritings · 3 years
NoFacetober: I Hate Halloween
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Summary: Seokjin lives for Halloween, and it hurts him that you, his Witchy Bride to Be, absolutely hates it. This year, he is determined to get you into the holiday spirit and bets that after 31 days of holiday cheer, you will love the holiday as much as he does. The stakes? To get married on October 31. If he loses, your January nuptials will take place as planned. If he wins? Only goblins and ghouls will keep him from walking down the aisle on All Hallows Eve. Will he succeed?
Pairing: Warlock Kim Seokjin x Witch Reader 
Genre: Fluff / Angst / Bits of Smut, Witch/Wizard AU (Specifics given for each chapter)
Rating: PG13-NC17 (Drabble depending) 
Warnings: Swearing! Specifics will be given for each Drabble  
Completed Word Count: 23K
For @bangtanbathhouse​ NoFacetober! 
Posted: October 2021
Day 1 
Day 2 
Day 3
Day 4 
Day 5
Day 6 
Day 7 
Day 8 
Day 9 
Day 10 
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22
Day 23
Day 24
Day 25
Day 26
Day 27
Day 28
Day 29
Day 30
Day 31
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dionysusrage · 3 years
Shadow - J.H.S
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Pairing: Hoseok x reader
Description: He's more than just intoxicating. He has become your shadow.
Rating: 18+, nsfw
Warnings/Tags: Vague mentions of oral sex, Halloween theme, Human senses
Word Count: 183 (She's a short one!)
A/N: Happy SPOOKY MONTH. Oh, do I love this month. Other than the fact that it's Jimin's and I's birthday month!! I wrote this because I wanted to join in on the NO-FACETOBER event hosted by Bangtan Bathhouse, so... I made this. Along with the banner! (The hands: Photo by Stefano Pollio on Unsplash)
Not edited, feedback is appreciated!
���� NO-FACETOBER hosted by @bangtanbathhouse
⤖ 「 Day 01 」 : SHADOW
You keep thinking you catch a whiff of that woodsy smell of his.
Raising an eyebrow when someone walks past you, turning only to find a stranger.
It almost feels like his smell has become your own.
The soft steps echo behind you, only to find nothing but an empty hall.
But, if you stand still enough, you can begin to hear him.
His grunts, soft murmurs, and even the skin-to-skin smacks.
The soft, careful, and rough tugs and pulls.
His touch is unforgettable as you can still feel his callouses.
Seconds, minutes, hours, and even days after.
Biting into the sweet peach, you begin to drift off.
The sticky liquid running down the side of your mouth triggers the taste of him.
With every bite and swallow of the fruit, you can taste his release.
You continue to treasure each bite.
You think you see him.
The eerily familiar shape of him in your peripheral follows you at every turn.
You feel scared, perhaps?
No, you’re mistaken.
You don’t.
His shadow, although dark, brings warmth with it.
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apotatomashedbybts · 2 years
The Exit
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➛Pairing: Jeon Jungkook × reader
➛Genre: horror
➛Trope: established relationship (implied), horror
➛Word Count: 1.6k+
➛Trigger warning: darkness, creepy person, feeling of being lost
➛Rating: pg
➛Banner: made by apotatomashedbybts
➛Cross post: Wattpad | ao3
➛Disclaimer: This piece was a little bit inspired by the beginning of the webtoon Witch Creek Road (read that webtoon if you want your mind to be boggled and malfunction). Also the picture in the header inspired this story heavily.
➛Author's note: This is highly unedited and written in a day with my extremely sleepy head. Please be kind (⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ
➛ Event: 🕸️ NO-FACETOBER hosted by @bangtanbathhouse
⤖ Day 1 : EERIE
➛Taglist: @btsstan12 ; @sugarwithtea ; @sweetieguk ; @kuuipobangtan
➛ Announcement: part II is here → Eleutheria
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➛Summary: Jungkook should have taken the main road even if it meant it'd take longer to reach you.
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The road was deserted. And unsettlingly dark.
It would have been another long night drive for Jungkook if it wasn't for this indomitable darkness that didn't let even his headlights pierce further into it.
Something about it made Jungkook uncomfortable and he wondered, "Would it have been better if I just took the main road?"
His mind played the image of the old lady at the small grocery store at the junction of the main road and this shortcut where he had stopped to buy water earlier.
That old lady had smiled oddly at him when he had asked her about the shortcut that his car navigation system was showing him with dotted lines and had asked him, "Do you want to take the shortcut?"
Jungkook had replied nonchalantly with a shrug, "If it takes me to my destination early then why not?"
"Then you should go," the old lady had answered with that same weird yet soft smile.
Jungkook had dismissed her behaviour by judging it as some characteristics that all eccentric old people had, specially in such a remote area.
But now this road made him think twice and he thought about turning around and take the main road. It wasn't far away. He was just fifteen minutes away from it. But just then he noticed the bright lights coming from what seemed to be a lone gas station in the middle of this obscurity.
Jungkook was quite sure that it wasn't there even a minute ago. Was he so zoned out that he missed noticing the lights?
The neon and the LED lights of it spread over a large area as if it was the only one who could keep the darkness on a leash. It was hard to miss but Jungkook did somehow.
With noticing the lights he also noticed that his fuel tank was almost empty. But he had filled the tank just an hour and a half ago, just before leaving the city border!
"Whatever," Jungkook thought and stopped his car in front of a fuel dispenser.
Jungkook got out of the car and spotted a lanky old man, with a skin that was so wrinkly and loose on him that it looked like it was not his but rather he was wearing it, approaching him with an ear to ear smile.
He took out the dispenser nozzle after Jungkook told him to get the tank full. Jungkook looked on the other side of the road, trying not make an eye contact, even more so because he could sense the old man staring at him incessantly with that same eerie smile on his face.
Jungkook was intending to stand there like that facing the other side looking distracted until the tank was full but the old man started talking to him, "You must be from the city."
Jungkook nodded a small yes with a small smile and turned away his face again.
"Anybody barely takes this road. You must be taking the shortcut to The Moor Estate."
Jungkook scrunched his eyebrows at this. He was irritated at his constant tries to make small talk with him even though he was making it clear that he didn't intended to talk, vaguely. But at the same time he was intrigued as well , and so he asked, "so, how much more till I reach there?"
It must be Jungkook's eyes playing tricks on him because he felt like the smile on the old man's face grew bigger, almost ripping his cheeks.
The old man kept the nozzle in its place and answered, "It's not very far. A small drive and you'll find the Devil's Crest turning! Turn on that road and you'll reach your destination."
As soon as the old man was done filling Jungkook's tank he took a water bottle and a small packet consisting of two cookies among many that were kept organised on a table beside the dispenser and said, "This is a complementary snack."
"Thanks." Jungkook said, hurriedly taking the food offered and somehow feeling instantly hungry.
"These cookies here are specially sweet." The old man said, his ripping cheeks could hardly contain his happiness.
Not wanting to spend any single minute more there Jungkook paid the old man and got out of there.
Jungkook had been driving for a few hours now.
The navigation system of his car had stopped working long ago, as soon as he got out of the gas station. So he decided to pull over and call you.
He looked at his phone screen to see the time and he was surprised to see that it was already 3:03 am.
"It's already this late. A few minutes' nap won't hurt I guess," he thought and rang your number to let you know about his whereabouts.
"Hello! Jungkook... whe.. are... you?"
"Great! Now the network has gone haywire," Jungkook huffed as your voice reached to him inconsistently.
"I am taking the shortcut to your place." Jungkook answered.
"What? Your... ound... not... ching... pro... ly."
Jungkook knew it would be a waste of energy to talk right now so he said, "Nothing. I'll reach there soon. I'm almost at the Devil's Crest."
Your voice sounded much clearer this time, "Yes. Yes. Take the De... Ville's.. Crest turning! See you soon. Love you."
"Love you too." Jungkook replied with a smile and keeping the call he decided to push himself a little more.
Turned out that push was worth it because sooner than he expected he was now at The Devil's Crest turning.
He thanked the stars and hummed happily and steered his way into the turning thinking that he'd see you soon and could finally rest in your warm hug.
Was it just him or really the environment had suddenly become too silent?
He strained his ear and looked around while driving - there wasn't a single sound, not even of birds or insects. As if someone had put this particular part of the world on mute.
The silent felt heavy on Jungkook's ears. So to give himself some sense of security he rolled up all the windows of the car and played his favourite tracks.
Jungkook looked at the sky and it was a dull blue almost like dawn but the surroundings below it appeared to be rejecting all the lights they were being provided.
He tried not to focus too much on them and kept his attention on the road.
He drove and drove and drove. The more he drove the more the road stretched further forward.
His back had started to ache from constant sitting upright in a futile attempt to not fall asleep and his eyes felt strained. He felt like his forehead was strung together with his eyes and was getting pulled back.
Stopping could have been an option but Jungkook's instincts told him to keep going. So he did. And finally he reached a part where the road was the widest, almost like a small yard, and an isolated red exit sign high up caught his eyes.
Jungkook didn't see a single trace of human living in that area as long as he drove so the existence of that neon exit sign was weird yet a sign of hope for him.
He wanted to get out of there as soon as possible and so he kicked the accelerator with all his might and zoomed past the exit signboard.
It was odd.
Jungkook drove straight past the signboard and drove on a straight road then why was he again in front of that same exit sign?
It didn't make any sense.
Jungkook consoled himself that maybe he had mistakenly took a turn somewhere that he couldn't remember. It was a far stretch even for him but he couldn't explain it in any other way.
Giving himself a light slap he started to drive.
But there he was - in front of the exit signboard, again.
Before the panic could settle in Jungkook hit the accelerator again to full speed and drove straight ahead.
This had to be some kind of joke.
Jungkook checked his dead navigation system and tried to call you, or anyone for that matter but the signals weren't going through.
He slapped his hands on the steering wheel and pressed the accelerator pedal again. But this time the car didn't move. Jungkook desperately turned the key and tried to get the car moving but it didn't budge.
With bloodshot eyes Jungkook looked at his fuel tank signal whose red arrow was pointing at the empty mark.
Jungkook rested his head on the steering wheel with a light thud and chuckled, "This has to be a dream. This has to be. I just have to wake up. Please, please, Jeon Jungkook, wake up! Wake the fuck up!"
He banged his head constantly on the steering wheel in a futile attempt to wake up from a reality that he was trying hard to convince himself as a nightmare.
But no matter how long it took the reality was bound to set in. It was no different for Jungkook. And as it did for him the fear nested in his heart like stones layering upon one another.
Your smiling face blurrily hovered in his mind and tears trickled down his cold cheeks.
He felt worn out. He just wanted to take some rest.
With shaky hands he opened the door of his car to let himself out. His legs gave up and he staggered as soon as he did so. He knelt down on the ground and looked up at the stern exit signboard against the never-changing sky.
As he stayed kneeling down there, staring at the sign with hazy vision, trying to reason with it mentally to let him go, a thick white cloud of fog floated in engulfing the entire ground. It swam towards Jungkook and swirled softly around him, ushering him into the woods.
With heavy mind and wobbly steps Jungkook stood up and began walking straight past the exit sign, on the road on which he already had drove multiple times. He was not going to give up.
He was going to find the exit.
— © 2022 apotatomashedbybts, all rights reserved. Reposting or modifying of any kind is not allowed. Translations are not allowed.
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jjksblackgf · 2 years
three of cups (m) | namgi
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pairing — witch!namjoon x witch!reader x witch!yoongi summary — in the Three of Cups, three young people are dancing with each other in a circle, raising their cups in a toast of joy and celebration. They are bound by their emotional connection and friendship. Unlike their tarot counterparts, these three young people are also bound by their sexual chemistry. genre — supernatural, smutt rate — 21+ word count — 2.9k warnings — explicit sexual content, supernatural themes, mentions of death, mention of blood drinking, polyamorous romance, mention of alcohol intake, threesome, unprotected sex, anal sex, double penetration author's note — the biggest of thanks to @yoon2k for the amazing, genius, groundbreaking, sensational banner!! she saw me struggling and lent a helping hand, as the kind person she is <3 everyone say thank you, fi <3
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❖ BBCS Sip, Vibe, & Create Event: Double Double, Toil in Trouble hosted by @btsblackcreatorsociety ⤞ Category: witches ⤞ Theme(s): nature, spells ⤞ Kinks: double penetration, threesome
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🕸 NO-FACETOBER hosted by @bangtanbathhouse ⤖ 「 Day 1 」 : eerie ⤖ 「 Day 9 」 : cauldron ⤖ 「 Day 18 」 : candles ⤖ 「 Day 25 」 : mystic
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My arms were almost elbow deep in the soil as I worked to make room for some new vegetable plants. The leaves of the forest were starting to change colors, announcing that the weather was about to get chilly, so why not plant some brussel sprouts? 
I placed some Citrine crystals and covered them with dirt before sowing the seeds. I heard some steps coming in my direction, but that didn’t deter me from my work. The soft wind shifted towards me, and I smelled Namjoon’s perfume close by. I could feel his gaze on my back now.
“Are you sure you want to put the citrines under the seeds?” he asked, sounding not entirely confident in my planting skills. “I usually just plant only half of them, so the other half stays above ground…”
“Yes, I am sure,” I replied, a little exasperated, a little amused. Of course I should expect some observations and notes from Namjoon. He always liked his work done a certain way. “Are you done harvesting for dinner tonight?”
“Almost…” he said, abashed. I didn’t hear another word from him, so he must’ve scattered to the other side of the garden.
A regular day in our coven of three consisted of tending our garden, doting on our cute cats, and sharing laughter and joy with each other. Our regular nights also had a routine. We’d eat a spell blessed meal together, right before we devoured each other.
Yoongi spent most of his days at his crafting table, each and every time coming with more creative and functional pieces to fill our small cottage. Namjoon and I shared a love for nature, so our hands were always full of ingredients, and we made sure our house always smelled like fresh flowers. 
We also joined in prayer for devotion to our Gods. Brewing potions and casting various spells around the forest surrounding our home. Our cauldron would always be the center of attention, placed underneath the thicker branches of the spruce trees that decorated our front yard.
And today was no different from our general routine. That was until we reached nighttime. 
The wind whistled through the tree branches above, and Namjoon shivered. The darkness of the night was troublesome. The new moon usually gave more of a stage to the bright stars, but those were also nowhere to be found. All I could hear were steps disturbing the fallen foliage. 
None of us knew what to make of the sound of steps coming your way. Or the disturbing darkness that was trying to engulf our cottage. 
Did we do something wrong? I thought to myself. Maybe we accidentally conjured something we shouldn't in our earlier ceremony…
I wanted some reassurance from Yoongi, but he was busy casting a spell to protect our house from whatever came to visit us tonight. That left only Namjoon and me, neither with enough knowledge to fight this by ourselves.
Bottled in glass jars, I placed the banishing spells along the tree branches and trunks, and lit candles along the path. Namjoon’s knowledge of the forest gave him an instinctual sense of where to place everything, and I was relieved to just follow along.
The unknown steps got closer and closer, riling up the wind within its proximity. But neither of us ceased our work. Some of the candles gave up under the powerful gush, and I wondered if there was time to go back and light them up again. I heard a different set of steps coming in our direction, and my heart almost stopped, fearing getting cornered by the shadow. But I relaxed when Yoongi’s voice filled my ears.
“Let’s go to the cauldron,” he said. His voice was a little troubled, and I could see the fear buried deep within his eyes. He helped Namjoon with the spell jars, while I focused on relighting the path back to the cottage. 
Yoongi had everything ready for our collective spell. Ingredients were correctly placed, and the words glowed on the page as we read them in our Grimoire. The wind got worse, and we could hear the wind chimes rustling with intensity. We finished reading the inscriptions, and with a loud scream, our visitor fleeted the scene. The sky suddenly cleared and we got to see the stars again. 
We stared at each other for a moment. I could see both relief and fear mingled behind their eyes. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, steading myself. I was still a bit shaken. I’d never seen anything like that before. I’ve never felt such dark energy. 
My hands went to my face as I stood in front of the cauldron. I could still feel the heat of the cast iron warming my feet. Suddenly, I felt two pairs of arms embracing me. I didn’t realize until then that I was sobbing.
“Shh, it’s over now, honey. It’s okay now…” Yoongi cooed, caressing my arm. Namjoon hugged me the tightest, and I could feel his lips at the top of my head. “Let’s get you something to eat, hm?”
We decided to cook our meal outside, using our spells cauldron for extra protection. Yoongi went inside to gather the ingredients, while Namjoon maintained the cauldron warmed with fresh wood. I didn’t sit idly either, relighting some candles for extra brightness.
I wanted my hands busy, to do something useful and be the asset I always saw myself as, but both of them insisted I take it easy. Frustrated, I sat on the ground, on top of our outside blanket. Namjoon followed not long after, taking me in his long arms. He hugged me tight against his chest and hummed a song I didn’t recognize, and it calmed me down a little.
With our food prepared, and our prayers done, we sat down and communed in silence. Until Yoongi pulled out the bottle of wine.
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I hadn’t realized we talked all night. The sky turned from deep black to lighter and lighter shades of gray. It took me by surprise, and I felt a mixture of awe and embarrassment. These men sure knew how to keep me distracted.
The bottle of wine was dry for many hours now, and I could bet none of us felt the buzz anymore. Every now and again I’d remember the night’s events and tremble, but another conversation would always be more interesting. I didn’t know if that was intentional. I didn’t have that much time to think about it, honestly.
But after the initial shock, I was starting to settle into a deeper despair. Imagining and calculating how close we’d come to death… I stared at the beginning of the path to the forest, the candles almost burnt to the very end. I felt the urge to follow that path. In the daylight I could calculate the damage better…
Namjoon laughed loudly, distracting me from my musings.
“Oh, c’mon! That’s literally the worst story you ever told! You never did that! Stop lying to us!” He chortled, half annoyed, half curious. He just couldn’t believe Yoongi had ever come face to face with a Siglas. 
The legend of the Siglas was a very common one. Everyone involved with the supernatural world had heard of it. It’d even reached human ears, and now the story lived through many cultures, with many names and interpretations.
Siglas, God of good fortune and ambition, had a wife named Varok. They roamed the Earth spreading their love far amongst other beings. However, there was a demon, Renag, who became jealous of their happiness, and plotted to destroy them. 
So Renag took Varok hostage and demanded eternal servitude from Siglas, in exchange for his wife’s freedom. However, Siglas found a way to meet his wife in secrecy. But when Renag found out, he killed Varok and scattered her soul across many nations. Heartbroken, Siglas followed suit, in hopes to put his wife back together. 
Now, many pieces of Siglas’ body wandered through the planet, transforming itself into a blood drinking demon, draining whoever he believed housed a piece of his wife’s soul. 
No one ever reached a consensus if we should believe the legend or not. The stories of people who encountered a Siglas were almost nonexistent. They either never met one or were drained by one. Or so the legend says…
Yoongi was sitting at my side, quietly laughing. One hand on the ground supported his torso while the other casually hung over my shoulder. “I guess I don’t have a piece of Varok in me,” he joked.
“How do you even know that was a Siglas?” I pressed, not believing it myself.
“There was something about his eyes… the pain in there. Too intense,” he answered.
“Maybe you had an allergic reaction to mushrooms and were actually hallucinating,” Namjoon teased. “It wouldn’t be the last time…” he trailed off, a sly smile curving his lips.
“Probably,” Yoongi shrugged, but his answering smile was cocky. “But I’d rather believe I’m just that powerful.”
“We’re just so lucky to have you…” Namjoon mocked, the teasing smile never left his lips. I chuckled with Yoongi as he got up. “I’m going to feed the cats. It’s almost sunrise. They’ll be hungry.”
We watched him leave for a second, before Yoongi pulled me towards his chest and laid us on the ground with a swift movement. I got comfortable immediately, placing my ear to his heart, and hitched my leg while hugging his waist. He hugged me tighter and kissed the crown of my head.
“Y/N?” Yoongi asked hesitantly after a minute, his voice almost a whisper. 
“Can I ask you something?” He continued, caressing my arm with just his fingertips. His voice sounded distant now, almost as if he regretted saying something in the first place. 
“Anything. What is it?” The curiosity was thick on my voice. He took a deep breath, and I expected the question then. But it didn’t come.
I looked up at his face. He was looking at me with intense, worried eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows before speaking again.
“How are you feeling?”
Dramatic, much? I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes.
“I’m feeling fine, actually,” I lied. He didn’t seem convinced. Maybe I didn’t try hard enough. Maybe he knew me too much. The furrow of his brow didn’t change, and the corner of his lips turned down slightly.
“Don’t lie…” he warned. His intense gaze didn’t let up for a second. I sighed and closed my eyes.
“I’ll be fine,” I finally answered. “I just never experienced something like that before, so it shook me up a little, that’s all.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?” he asked
“Distracting me has been effective enough,” I confessed, wiggling my eyebrows, and he chuckled.
He then held onto my hips as he shifted us. He was on his side, almost on top of me, a leg hitched in between mine. His knee softly caressed my inner thigh, and my body reacted. He held himself up by his elbow, and his free hand went to cup my throat before he kissed me passionately.
The give and warmth of his full lips made me sigh. His tongue lightly pressed against my lower lip, and I purred under his touch. He trailed my jaw with kisses, before settling on my neck.
“Why do you two always start without me?” Namjoon complained at a distance. “You know I get jealous.”
“You say it like you’re not the one that has the most fun,” Yoongi said, shifting us again so this time I’d be straddling him.
Namjoon shrugged. “Still, it’s nice to be included.”
“Come here and let me include you, then,” I joked, grabbing his hand for him to join us.
“I don’t want your pity kisses.” he said, but he was already licking his lips, the corners of his mouth turning upwards.
“My pity for you can go a long way, actually,” I teased, and his eyes perked up.
He kneeled at my side and my arms rested on his shoulders. His lips were intoxicating. I was instantly begging for more. My lips were fierce when molding to his. I shivered when I got to taste his tongue, and a moan escaped my lips unexpectedly.
Yoongi’s hands made themselves known when he caressed my thighs underneath the skirt of my dress. His hands traveled upwards and palm pressed firmly against my skin, before he gripped my ass cheeks. 
Then, I could feel another set of lips on my skin. Yoongi settled on kissing my neck while I entertained myself with Namjoon. But my attention was diverted when his kisses trailed below my collarbone.
His tongue swirled on my skin as he indulged in the cleavage of my dress. He cupped my breasts with his palms, and I got annoyed by the fabric separating my nipples from his fingers and tongue. 
I yanked the buttons open. They were both shocked at my sudden desperation, and I couldn’t seem to care. I grabbed Yoongi’s head and pressed against my chest. He got the clue and his languid tongue swirled against my nipple. 
He knew my body. He knew which buttons to push. How to caress my body just so. When to kiss, where to lick, when to pull my hair… He sucked on it and I was entirely absorbed. He laid on his back, dragging me along with him while he continued to bless me with his mouth and teeth.
The hem of my dress was at my waist at that point, and I turned my head to see Namjoon lick the tip of his fingers while sliding my panties to the side with his free hand.
He touched the moistened fingers directly at my clit, and I moaned again. He used his thumb to travel between my entrance and my clit, the friction getting smoother and more pleasurable each time.
He slid his middle and ring fingers inside me, and I bit my lower lip. A low purr escaped my throat with the sensation. He pushed his fingers back and forth, each time hitting my spot just right. My walls clenched in anticipation and he picked up speed.
Yoongi stopped to pay attention to what was making me a moaning mess. He looked at me with a big taunting grin and said “Prepare to get utterly distracted.” 
Before I could make sense of his words or even pay attention to them, his fingers were in my open mouth, just long enough for a small amount of makeshift lube.
His digits pressed my ass, and I understood at once. He circled the area, and Namjoon hummed in expectation. He inserted his fingers slowly, paying attention to my expressions and asking permission with his own. He kissed me again once his fingers were completely introduced.
“It’s my turn, now,” Namjoon said, his voice a little too excited.
“I’m already in so I got dibs,” Yoongi teased.
“No one has dibs on my ass,” I interrupted, scolding them. But they ignored me. 
Namjoon placed himself behind me and Yoongi removed his fingers. I pouted slightly and Yoongi chuckled beneath me. I then felt Namjoon’s tip enter me, and I gasped as I adjusted to his girth. He continued slowly, and we cussed when he was fully inside. 
Yoongi took that time to free himself from his pants, and once he saw I was fully comfortable, he began to tease my entrance with his tip. Namjoon’s slow and deep thrusts became shallower and faster with each stroke. I started to rock my hips to his pace, meeting his hips halfway. He cussed again and grabbed my jaw, turning my head so I could look into his eyes.
Wanting to tease him, I licked my upper lip with exaggerated fashion, and I earned a smack in the ass. I increased the power of my hips, and Namjoon closed his eyes, growling. An animalistic sound coming from his chest.
I became arrogant, feeling myself more than I expected. But before I could act on it, Yoongi used the momentum of my hips to thrust himself inside me. I faltered, gasping by the overwhelming sensation of them both. My walls clenched hard in desire, and I had to stop my movements.
Their strokes were different in the beginning. Namjoon’s fast and shallow approach contrasted with Yoongi’s nice & slow method. But they eventually found a rhythm of their own, and I was speechless with the sensation.
I wanted to move my hips again, savor even more the delicious feeling of being filled by my boyfriends. But my legs were weak. I wouldn’t have that much time to savor them anyway. I felt a warm knot in my stomach, the fluttering of my heartbeat, my mouth gaped open as I gasped quietly. And sure enough, I reached my climax. 
My torso felt limp onto Yoongi’s and he kissed me before cumming inside me. Namjoon was the last to finish, retrieving his member and massaging himself to completion.
We were all panting, but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t bicker again.
“I got ass dibs for next time,” Yoongi said, his voice tired.
“Fine, I’ll be a bottom for a day,” Namjoon grumbled, resigned.
“Stop negotiating like I’m not here,” I said, rolling my eyes. 
But this fight was useless. It honestly didn’t matter the position. I’d always be open to getting wrecked like this again.
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apotatomashedbybts · 2 years
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Event: 🕸️ NO-FACETOBER hosted by @bangtanbathhouse
➥ Day 9 [CAULDRON] + Day 17 [BEWITCHED]
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apotatomashedbybts · 2 years
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Event: 🕸️ NO-FACETOBER hosted by @bangtanbathhouse
➥ Day 12 : CHAOS
уσυ мυѕт нανє ¢нασѕ ωιтнιη уσυ тσ gινє вιятн тσ α ∂αη¢ιηg ѕтαя.
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apotatomashedbybts · 2 years
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Event: NO-FACETOBER hosted by @bangtanbathhouse
-> Day 18: [CANDLES] + Day 23: [PENTAGRAM] + Day 26: [HELLHOUND]
𝕴 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖊; 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖔 𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘; 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖔 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖔 𝖎𝖈𝖊.
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raplinesmoon · 2 years
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🕸️ NO-FACETOBER hosted by @bangtanbathhouse​
⤖ 「 Day 12 」 : chaos “Well, they say it right when they flood the house and they tear it to shreds that, like, destruction is a form of creation. So the fact that they burn the money is ironic. They just want to see what happens when they tear the world apart. They want to change things.”. - Donnie Darko (2001)
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apotatomashedbybts · 2 years
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Event: 🕸️ NO-FACETOBER hosted by @bangtanbathhouse
Au: A lavish masquerade Halloween party full of laughter and luxury soon turns into a trapped house full of screams and suspicion when a dead body is discovered in one of the rooms and Jungkook finds himself in a wild run of proving himself innocent when a witness comes forward claiming that they saw him committing the crime.
<Fic to be posted>
𝕱𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖆 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖐 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖜𝖊𝖆𝖗 𝖎𝖙 𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖑
𝕾𝖔 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖙𝖗𝖚𝖊 𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖞 𝖓𝖔 𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑.
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apotatomashedbybts · 2 years
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𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊'𝖘 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖖𝖚𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖞 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖉𝖚𝖘𝖐, 𝖆 𝖒𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖍𝖔𝖑𝖞 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝖇𝖗𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙'𝖘.
Event: 🕸️ NO-FACETOBER hosted by @bangtanbathhouse
➥ Day 5 [CLAWS] + Day 6 [Dusk] + Day 14 [FANGS]
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apotatomashedbybts · 2 years
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Event: NO-FACETOBER hosted by @bangtanbathhouse
-> Day 15: [SCARECROW] + Day 16: [DAWN] + Day 19: [SCREAM] + Day 22: [QUIET]
[Summary: You returned to your ancestral village after ten years solely to keep a promise that you had made to your best friend, Taehyung, before leaving. But when you arrive you found out that Taehyung have been missing for the past three years and everyone knows that the person behind it is the witch living in the forest, infamously known as the master of the scarecrows.]
[Status: to be posted before October ends lol]
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raplinesmoon · 3 years
Love At First Bite (KNJ x F!Reader)
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NO-FACETOBER hosted by @bangtanbathhouse
⤖ 「 Day 25 」: teeth
Pairing: Vampire!Kim Namjoon x Dentist!Reader
Genres: fantasy, fluff, slight horror
AUs: strangers-to-lovers?
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: mentions of blood drinking, hiding one’s identity, cracked teeth, extractions, anesthesia, the dentist (sorry I’m scarier than Namjoon I know), HIPAA non-compliance, passing out (these are all minor)
Ratings: PG13
Summary: Kim Namjoon has a fang-tastic problem on his hands. And you’re the only dentist who can fix it.
A/N: Hi! If you’re doing a drinking game to this fic, please cross tooth/teeth off your list (idk why you’d be doing that, but here we are). This story is purely self indulgent, bc I rarely see dentists represented in any type of fics, but I’m out here to change that. Also, I don’t condone the questionable actions taken by health professionals in this, it’s just meant to be funny! I hope you enjoy!! Also cameo from my beloved Useless Magic couple 🥺 Lots of love, Isi 💜 Banner made by me.
Taglist: @magentamoons
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After living for hundreds of years, one came to appreciate the simple pleasures in life. Kim Namjoon was no stranger to these moments of small indulgence.
Unloading his grocery bags in his apartment, Namjoon carefully lit a candle, making sure to steer clear of the flame. Yes, they were dangerous and could potentially burn him to death, but the smell of lavender and sage made it worth it. This weekend, he’d stopped by the new bakery that had opened in town, called Magic Shop.
Namjoon had a sneaking suspicion that the couple who owned it definitely had something magical about them. There was too much raw energy thrumming in the air to credit their success to recipes alone. In fact, the owner Jin had mentioned being allergic to garlic, which prompted Namjoon to raise his eyebrows in surprise. On one hand, he was tempted to ask if the man was a fellow vampire as well. On the other hand, he was glad that the herbed loaf he’d purchased wouldn’t cause him to puke the moment he dug into it at home. Deciding to hold his tongue, he made a resolution to return to the bakery one day and get to know more about its mysterious owners.
Humming to himself in the kitchen, Namjoon warms up a mug of fresh blood from the bags he stored in the fridge, as well as a slice of the crusty loaf slathered with butter. Contrary to popular belief, vampires didn’t have to only survive on blood. While blood was their principal life source, Namjoon’s taste for the substance had begun to wane over the centuries. After living in so many cities and countries, he’d been exposed to the wonders of human food, from delicious, fragrant tahdig in Iran to sweet, airy krapfen in Austria. The food made the blood go down easier, which is why he took to stopping in local bakeries and grocery stores to sample their finest delicacies.
Buttering up the piece of toast, he chomps down on the crunchy bread with his long, slim teeth. Immediately, Namjoon is met with the sound of a deafening crack. His heart (not that he has one) drops, and he looks in horror to see a piece of his canine lodged in the bread.
Panicking, Namjoon drops the slice of bread and immediately makes his way to the antique mirror hanging in his entryway. Flashing a grim smile, he inspects the damage.
“Suck my life!” he moans, as the sight of his broken front tooth greets him. A clean slice, all the way through the tooth, with the tip missing. Groaning to himself, he laments on the loss of his charming feature. Even though it had been years since Namjoon used his teeth to pierce the flesh of another human, his fangs were still an important part of his identity, and now one of them was broken.
He’d never hear the end of this from Yoongi and Hoseok. Decades of friendship with the demon and the werewolf had led to countless bouts of teasing over Namjoon’s clumsiness. While he resembled every bit the elegant vampire in terms of his stature and interests, his actions spoke otherwise, as he constantly managed to stumble or bump into and break everything he touched. Perhaps that was why antique stores loved when he’d walk in searching for a new mirror.
This wouldn’t do. He had to get this fixed, now. But Namjoon was sure no vampire in history had ever broken their fangs. However, plenty of humans had. Frantically reaching for his cell phone, Namjoon taps “tooth doctor” into the search bar, sighing in relief when a result for a place called “Smile Street” pops up that looks to be a short walk away.
It was risky, exposing himself to humans like this, but Namjoon had no choice. Putting on his best glamour, he heads out the door.
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“Jisoo! Can you grab me some topical and two carps of lido with epi for this extraction please?” you yell out to your dental assistant as you try to calm down the panicking lady in your chair, assuring her that pulling her tooth meant getting her out of pain, not putting her in more pain.
Smile Street was your pride and joy. You’d worked through so many countless years of dental school and specialty training to be able to take care of patients and provide for them. Obviously, not every patient who walked in the door was perfect, but the people of this town had been more than grateful for you and your practice after the old dentist had retired and moved to Florida.
“Doctor ___, here’s the anesthesia you asked for, all loaded and ready to go,” Jisoo hands you the syringe, continuing to talk as you begin to numb up the patient.
“A new patient just walked in, complaining of a broken tooth. I know you’re strict about taking walk-ins and emergencies, buuuut, he’s kind of cute,” she whispers.
You roll your eyes at her. Jisoo had been trying to convince you for years to take a break from your hectic lifestyle and consider dating, but somehow, you never found the time among your daily patient load and continuing education courses.
“Set him up in Room 3 please, I’ll be there as soon as I’m done with this.” Jisoo nods, giving you a wink as she walks out.
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“Kim Namjoon?” you read your clipboard as you walk into the room. “My name is Doctor ___, and I’ll be taking care of you today. I understand you’re here for a broken tooth? Could you tell me in your own words what’s going on?”
Looking up at your patient, you do a double-take. Jisoo had not been lying when she said he was cute. Cute, in fact, was an understatement. The man in front of you was hauntingly beautiful. Tall and big, with pale skin that somehow glowed, and glinting golden eyes. He flashed you a small smile, dimples popping out to greet you. Those damn zygomaticus majors.
“Hello Doctor,” he greets you, voice warm and deep. “I’m so sorry for walking in last minute, but I seem to have run into a bit of a problem this morning. I was enjoying a piece of bread from that new bakery, Magic Shop-”
“I love that place!” you blurt out, face immediately heating at your outburst. “I’m so sorry, please continue.”
Namjoon lets out a laugh, and you see a flash of white sparkle below the operatory light. “Anyway, I was biting into my lovely loaf from Magic Shop, when suddenly I heard a loud crack. I’m known to be pretty clumsy, so at first I thought I’d broken the table or chair or something, but when I looked down, a piece of my tooth was in the bread!” “Oh no! I’m so sorry about that!” you respond. It happened all the time, patients biting into crusty bread or nuts or candy, and cracking a piece of tooth. You had this in the bag. “Was it painful? Do you have the tooth piece with you?”
Namjoon freezes. He didn’t really know how to tell this (pretty) doctor that he was undead, and therefore unable to feel pain. So he settles for assuring her that it didn’t hurt, and holding out the plastic bag with part of his fang.
Inspecting the broken piece, you’re surprised to see how sharp and pointy it is. It didn’t look like a normal tooth at all, but you brush it to the side. It could’ve been a complicated fracture, like an Ellis Class III, so you were more worried about Namjoon and how he was feeling.
Putting on your gloves, you turn on your light and ask Namjoon to lean back, putting on a pair of safety glasses, gulping as you realized they only made him look more attractive.
“Do you mind if I take a look?” you breathe, leaning in towards him.
Namjoon nods his assent, his mind racing as you get closer and closer, worried about exposing his secret but also secretly wanting to impress you with his (what he thought were) perfect teeth.
“Namjoon?” he’s jolted out of his haze by the sound of your voice. “It’s gonna be hard for me to look without opening your mouth isn’t it? I wish I had x-ray vision, but unfortunately, I don’t.”
You give him a kind smile. The poor man seemed so sweet, but also strangely nervous. You wanted to reach out and hold his hand to assure him that you were only here to help, but you realized that would be weird.
Slowly, Namjoon opens, and you’re greeted with the sight of slim, white, perfectly aligned teeth. A dentist’s dream. However, you stop short when you catch sight of his canines. Abnormally long and pointed, sharp like those of a dog, or a lion. Well, only one of them. The other one had been blunted by the fracture. Looking more closely at the broken tooth, you fail to make out any red that signifies the tooth is alive and has a blood supply.
Blanching, you retreat from his mouth quickly.
“I’m just going to go to the computer and jot down some notes,” you say nervously, hoping he can’t catch on to the tone of your voice.
As you sit down at the computer, you internally groan. Great, the one man you’d found attractive in ages and he just had to be one of those patients that came into the dentist asking for his teeth to be shaved down and fitted with vampire veneers. Every year, around Halloween, you had to fight off dozens of questions about making vampire teeth for patients who wanted to give others a fright, chastising them that it was dangerous and unhealthy for their teeth. And this man had gone out and done it. Still, as a doctor, it was your duty not to judge his personal choices, and to provide him with the best care possible.
“Well Namjoon,” you begin. “There’s a couple of options we can pursue here. It doesn’t look like the fracture has reached the pulp, which is the nerve of your tooth. Unfortunately, we’re unable to just glue the piece of tooth back on, as there’s a high possibility it’ll fracture again. We can potentially fit your tooth with a crown or a veneer to restore the fractured part. I wanted to ask though, are you interested in a more natural look for your teeth?”
“Natural?” Namjoon ponders, feeling slightly offended at your assessment of his teeth. “What does that even mean?”
“Oh no! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant, your teeth, they’re-, they’re uh-, they’re kind of pointy. We could also do some minor procedures to help give you a softer look?”
Namjoon begins to fume. Sure, he’d found himself hopelessly attracted to you within the past twenty minutes, but he couldn’t believe you’d offer such a ludicrous suggestion. Changing his fangs? Changing who he was? No way in hell.
“Doctor, I’m sorry to say I don’t agree with your suggestions. If you have no further ways to help me, I’ll be taking my leave.”
Your mouth is agape as he takes off the bib and glasses, sets them down on the tray, and storms out the door.
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The chill of the night air greets you as you wander down the dead-end street, looking for the apartment complex at the end. You were stupid, stupid, stupid. Stupid for wandering out this late at night, but the memory of what happened with Namjoon this morning had you shaken up. You hadn’t meant to offend him, and you’d been looking forward to seeing him more if he chose to seek treatment for his tooth.
So you’d done some questionable digging through your medical records and managed to find Namjoon’s address. Jisoo, the bad influence she was, egged you on to try and apologize to him in person, and convince him to come back. Normally, you’d never agree with her outlandish suggestions, but you’d developed a tiny crush over the course of your appointment, and thought it best in your (professional) opinion to apologize and give some disclaimers.
Reaching the apartment complex, you greet the doorman, asking him to help you find apartment 613. He guides you to the elevator and gives you directions to find your way, and you frown as he wishes you a safe visit. What a weird thing to say.
Stopping on the sixth floor, you approach the apartment at the end of the hall, a chill crawling up your spine as you reach for the knocker. Three loud taps later, you tap your foot impatiently. What if he wasn’t home? What if he was asleep, like a normal human?
Immediately the door opens, and you’re met with the horrific sight of Namjoon, clad in only a muscle tee and pyjama shorts, with blazing red eyes and blood dripping out of the corners of his mouth.
Your mouth opens to scream, but you’re sure no sound comes out as you drop the basket of bread from Magic Shop you’d brought, and darkness envelops you.
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Namjoon drags your body into the apartment. He was sure he hadn’t killed you. He hadn’t even touched you! You’d just caught him mid-feed, stress eating as he freaked out over how rude he was to you today. He’d been making plans to buy flowers and apologize tomorrow. Then, you’d shown up at his door randomly and now you were passed out on the couch.
The HOA was going to have a field day if they found out he was both a vampire and housing an unconscious woman in his apartment, and he liked this building! It had a grassy rooftop with a community garden! Namjoon paces back and forth, as he sees you stir on the couch.
Blearily, your eyes open, taking in the sight of Namjoon, freshly changed into a t-shirt and a pair of grey sweats. You must have been hallucinating the blood on his face.
“So I’m a vampire.”
Your eyes widen, and the apology you were going to make gets caught in the back of your throat.
“I’m sorry, you’re a what?”
“A vampire. You know, those blood-sucking demons? Well not demons, because they’re their own separate entity, my friend Yoongi is one actually, he’s pretty cool, you should meet him. Vampire? Like Dracula? Nosferatu? Edward Cullen?”
“Good one! You really had me fooled there, especially with the fang teeth,” you erupt into laughter, stopping when you see Namjoon flash you a sinister smirk, canines glinting in the moonlight.
“Oh. You weren’t joking.”
“I wasn’t.”
In the shadowy lamplight, you feel a strange exhilaration being here alone with him - heart racing, the hairs on your arm standing up.
“Are you scared of me?”
“No,” you breathe out. Somehow, you couldn’t wrap your head around the situation you’d found yourself in, sitting in the living room of the most attractive vampire you’d ever seen. Well, the only vampire you’d ever seen. Whether he was human or not, Namjoon had an incredibly kind soul, and you’d offended him today. Your brain sparks as you remember what you came here for.
“Oh! I brought you some fruit tarts from Magic Shop. I know they aren’t the bread, but they’re really better for your teeth because they’re softer. I wanted to say sorry for suggesting that we shave down your fangs this morning, I-, I- didn’t know, but now I understand.”
“Fruit tarts?” Namjoon’s eyes widen at the delicious treat. He’d been so paranoid after what happened with the bread that he’d resorted to taking his blood plain for the rest of the day, holding his nose to mask the disgusting taste.
“Yup,” you say, thrusting the gift basket into his arms. “I won’t tell anyone, by the way. I just wanted to say I’m sorry for disturbing you. I’ll leave now.”
As you turn to put on your coat and shoes in the entryway, Namjoon jogs up behind you.
“____? Would you like to stay and have the fruit tarts with me?” he flashes you a sheepish grin, hand rubbing the back of his necky shyly.
Giving him a wide smile, you remove your coat, hanging it up next to the beautiful antique mirror.
“I’d love to.”
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Six months later
“So,” Jin says, as the four of you take a stroll in the park. “How’d you two even meet?”
“I broke my tooth,” Namjoon chuckles. “And of course, I freaked out and went to the nearest dentist I could find. And then I freaked out again because she was prettier than I imagined.”
Namjoon looks around carefully, checking to see if anyone is within distance, before flashing his fangs to Jin and his girlfriend.
“No way!” the witch exclaims. “She fixed that for you? I can’t even believe it, it looks so real. How’d you do it?”
Smiling, you wrap an arm around Namjoon.
“What can I say? It was love at first bite.”
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A/N pt. 2: Thanks for reading! As always, any feedback or comments are much appreciated, but I appreciate you all anyway. Lots of love, Isi 💜
Topical - numbing jelly spread on the cheeks or gums before giving anesthesia. usually cherry flavored, but sometimes it can be bubblegum or pina colada
Carp - short for carpule, aka the little glass cartridge that contains anesthesia
Lido - short for lidocaine, the most common anesthetic used in dentistry. also known as novocaine
Epi - short for epinephrine, which is added to anesthestic to make it last longer
Zygomaticus major - the facial muscle that helps you smile. people with a variation in this jus le develop dimples
Pulp - the innermost part of teeth, which contains blood and nerves.
Complicated fracture - a tooth fracture that exposes the pulp
Ellis Class III - a tooth fracture of all three layers of the tooth (the enamel, dentin, and pulp)
Crown - a cap that provides full coverage to a tooth, often to replaced a worn down or decayed tooth and make it look normal again.
Veneer - similar to a crown, but more like a thin shell that slides onto teeth (mostly front ones) to make them look more aesthetic
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raplinesmoon · 3 years
Useless Magic (KSJ x Reader)
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NO-FACETOBER hosted by @bangtanbathhouse
⤖ 「 Day 14 」: magic
Pairing: Baker!Kim Seokjin x Witch!Reader
Genres: fantasy, fluff
AUs: enemies-to-lovers, bakeshop!AU
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: cursing, mentions of exile, hiding one’s identity, lying, threatening someone, fainting (these are all minor, this is just some stupidly sweet fluff)
Ratings: PG13
Summary: As owner of the hot new bakery in town, you should be more than ashamed to admit that your baking sucks. You know this fact. The only reason why people keep coming back to your bakery is that your desserts are enchanted: chocolate chip cookies that provide warmth and comfort, blueberry muffins that give a burst of energy to start the day, chocolate-covered strawberries spiked with love potions. One day, your fellow rival and bakeshop owner Kim Seokjin stumbles upon you in the midst of casting a spell. And chaos ensues.
A/N: Hi! Sophie @sunshinekims sent me an ask for a fic title game months ago with the lyrics “useless magic” from Don’t by eAeon and RM, and this stupidly cute idea has not left my head since. This one’s for you Sophie jaan! I hope you all enjoy! Lots of love, Isi 💜
Banner made by me!
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Panicking, you look at the once-pristine counter in front of you. Spare ingredients were strewn about everywhere, littering every spare inch of space and coating the entire counter in a fine layer of dust and particles. Dandelion root, boomslang fang, blackthorn, and yet, you couldn’t find the one ingredient you needed for this recipe.
“Where is the lady’s mantle? I just put it over here a minute ago!” you lament to yourself, taking in the state of chaos that you found yourself in. How were you supposed to make your best-selling chocolate chip cookies that brought everyone warmth and comfort from a bad day without the most comforting ingredient?
This was just another day on the job. You’d fled to this small town after flunking out of magick school, always giving the professors a headache by using your magick to make basic human tasks easier instead of for gaining power or reigning terror on others. All the other witches made fun of you for your desire to live among humans and help make their lives easier, and one day, you’d finally had enough.
Finding yourself in the middle of nowhere, you’d settled into a small cottage on the outskirts of town, keeping to yourself for the first few months you were here. However, after a short while, the loneliness began to creep in. As much as you’d hated magick school, you’d loved being surrounded by other witches and warlocks, and putting your special gifts to use. So, you set out to make some human friends. After transfiguring out of your starry-patterned robes into a cosy sweater and some jeans, you wandered into the main square. That was when something caught your eye.
An abandoned building. Dilapidated and dusty, the windows had been boarded up, and no townsperson dared to step in its proximity. Smiling to yourself, you stepped closer to check it out. Checking to see if anyone was looking, you focused on the door and silently cast a teleportation spell. In a mere moment, you found yourself on the other side of the door, and you spent the rest of the afternoon roaming the space with its creaky floorboards and numerous cobwebs. At first, you’d had the idea to open up your own apothecary, selling herbs and ingredients to the townspeople from the numerous stores you’d stolen from the magick school when you had run away. Quickly, you realized revealing your witchy identity wouldn’t be a good idea, and would probably scare away any friends you could make. Looking out the dusty windows and across the way, a shop catches your eye. Your eyes were immersed in the pretty pastel tones and the amazing smell, gold letters spelling out “For Old Time’s Bake”.
A bakery! That was it. You could open a bakeshop and use your magick to create yummy treats, and befriend this fellow bakeshop owner. He probably knew all the townspeople, and soon enough, you’d start to feel more at home in this strange new place. The only problem? You didn’t know how to bake at all. Ruminating on your dilemma, you come to the conclusion that the opportunity was too good to pass up. After all, what was magick for?
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9 months later, and you were pleased to say that business at Otherwordly Delights was booming. You’d been able to turn around the space in no time with a few cleaning and reorganizing spells. The whole space was painted a lovely sage of sage green (to ward off any negative spirits, of course), with lots of wood and other natural elements that you’d sourced from the forest adjacent to the town. The human recipe books that you’d taken out from the library had confused you at first, with ingredients like “flour” (you’d been unable to find any flower in the forest that looked like the powdery white substance) and “eggs” (you were sure there were no dragons in this region).
Smiling, you’d asked a few people on the street where you could find these things, and they’d directed you to a grocery store nearby. After obtaining all the ingredients, you sat down in the newly renovated kitchen space to take a look at the recipe books. Quickly, you realized that these were no different from the grimoires you’d used to make potions in magick school. After spending all night combining ingredients and casting mixing and pouring spells (your arms got tired after the first twenty minutes), you gave the fruits of your labor a taste. A bitter, acrid taste coated your tongue, and immediately, you spit it out. A brief moment of hopelessness washed over you, as you began to consider whether or not you could really do this.
However, determination set in. You were inspired to prove all those who looked down upon you in magick school wrong. You began to think about the bakeshop across the street, and what the (handsome) owner did to make his desserts so delectable. You’d heard the townspeople singing his praises, claiming that his cakes brought them joy on happy occasions, the muffins gave them energy in the morning, and so on. Realizing that people loved his desserts because they evoked certain emotions, an idea came to you. You whipped up another batch, but this time, added in some willow bark and hyssop. After giving it a taste, you realized you couldn’t taste the bitterness at all, and were only left with a calm, soft feeling as warmth spread to the ends of your toes. You’d struck gold.
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Jin wasn’t pleased when the new bakeshop across the street started stealing all his customers. Stepping out of his shop, he looked across the street at the new competitor. The whole place screamed warm and cosy vibes, he had to admit, but he’d been running “For Old Time’s Bake” forever! The people in this town loved him, they trusted him to cater all their special events, to provide them comfort on a bad day, to bake break-up cakes for their exes. And now, suddenly, this new shop was on the scene? And the customers were giving it rave reviews, saying all the same things they used to say about his baking.
Deciding to stake out the competition, he made his way across the street. The bell rang as he opened the door, and the smell of sage and lavender assaulted his senses. Immediately, he felt his anger quell, and he stepped towards the counter, ringing the little bell to catch the attention of the shop owner. Tapping his foot, his impatience rose after a few moments when he realized no one was answering him. A loud crash sounds from further back in the shop, sparking worry in his mind. He may be competitive, but he wasn’t a jerk.
Jumping the counter, he sprints into the kitchen, ramming the door open to check on whoever was in there, only for his eyes to be met with the sight of a sack of flour levitating right before him. Levitating, as in three feet off the ground, and moving towards the person at the other end.
Looking in between the levitating flour and the beautiful woman in front of him, Jin feels the blood rush away from his head as his eyes close and everything around him fades to black.
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Shit! You’d been found out by the bakeshop owner from across the street! And he was cute! And you’d killed him! Groaning, your heart begins to race as you pause and try to think about what to do. You couldn’t just leave him here.
Stepping towards him, you take a moment to assess him: plump lips, full eyebrows, chiseled cheekbones. You feel your face heat as you gingerly shake him awake, but there’s no response. Leaning your head to his chest, you’re relieved to hear that there’s still a pulse. That buys you some time to figure out how you’re going to get out of this mess. He’d seen you in the middle of preparing one of your recipes, and now he’s probably going to report you to the authorities. Your head is pounding as you think about the fact that you may soon have to leave behind not only the shop, but all the lovely people you’d met over the past few months. Mrs. Choi, the widow who buys a birthday cake for her deceased husband every year. Mr. Khan, the stressed businessman who always stopped in for a muffin on his way to work. Viviana, the stressed high schooler who always put in an order for a batch of chocolate chip cookies the day before a big exam.
Lost in your reverie, you fail to notice that the handsome stranger has awoken.
“A WITCH??!!” you jump at the sound of his voice, turning to face him as he makes his way to stand.
“Y-you’re a witch, oh my gosh, you’re a witch! I saw the flour, it was levitating! You’ve been putting weird things in your food, right? That’s how you’ve been stealing all my customers!”
A look of amusement crosses your face at his tirade, but it’s quickly replaced with worry as you realize you’re still the vulnerable one in this situation.
You could easily confound him with a spell, make him forget he ever saw you, but something about that doesn’t sit right with you. After all, you’d left magick school to avoid a world full of lies and trickery, and you didn’t want to resort to those old habits.
He falls to his knees, putting his hands together.
“Please don’t kill me! If you do anything weird, I’m going to report you to the police!”
“SHHH! You idiot, I’m not going to kill you! I’m not evil!” you cut off his sobs.
“B-but you’re a witch!” he shouts.
“And so what? Not all witches are evil, you know!” you roll your eyes. These silly humans and their stereotypes.
Taking a deep breath, you formulate a plan in your mind. While you wanted nothing more than to be out of this precarious situation, you have to admit that the thought of never seeing this beautiful man again upsets you slightly.
“Teach me how to bake,” you declare.
“W-what?” the stranger breathes out, his eyes widening.
“You’ve found me out. My baking sucks, and that’s why I use magic to evoke those same feelings that you’re able to do with just a sack of flour and a carton of eggs. Ever since I moved here, I’ve been so lonely, and so I thought if I just used my magic to draw people to me, I’d be able to make friends after being exiled from magick school.”
Jin’s eyes widen even further at your story, and his heart drops at the sadness that he hears creep into your voice. You weren’t like the witches he’d read about in stories growing up, with warts and broomsticks. In fact, you were pretty cute, with your oversized cardigan, hair tied up in a bow, and glasses askew on your face. Gulping, he decides to not question the whole “exiled from magick school” thing at this point in time.
“You’ve got a deal.”
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1 year later
“Jiiiinnnn! I’m back,” you announce, tracking in dirt behind you as you close the door to the kitchen. Smiling, you see the mid-afternoon rays hit the back of your boyfriend’s head, casting an ethereal halo around him. You knew you were the one with the supernatural abilities, but he still took your breath away.
“Hey baby,” he smiles, turning around to pull you into a hug. “I missed you. Did you find the spearmint?”
Grinning proudly, you open your velvet bag to show him your spoils.
“This’ll be perfect for the Williams’ wedding cake,” he takes the bag from you. Having a witch for a girlfriend took some getting used to, especially when he’d been confronted with the sight of random flying objects for the first few months of knowing you.
After closing down Otherwordly Delights and For Old Time’s Bake, you and Jin had partnered together to open up a new store, called the Magic Shop. Jin sold his amazing desserts, most of them mixed with the combinations of herbs and ingredients you collected from the forest nearby, which you’d discovered was enchanted. As business partners, the two of you thrived, earning praises from the townspeople for your offerings. One day, after celebrating a huge order by binging some chocolate covered strawberries that you’d forgotten were spiked with love potion, Jin had blurted out his feelings for you. As wary as you’d been to date a human, you couldn’t deny that you’d fallen for him and his dad jokes, and the two of you had been inseparable ever since.
“I made you something,” Jin opens the fridge, taking out a tray of cupcakes embellished with gold dust and roses.
“Jiinnnn,” you protest. “I thought we agreed not to waste the magical ingredients! You know how hard it is to source them.”
“Yah! I can’t do something nice for my girlfriend without being accused of using magic?” he jokes, holding out a cupcake for you try.
Biting into it, the sweet frosting and soft crumbs make you sigh in pleasure. Looking down at the cupcake, you’re shocked to see a sparkling silver ring glinting in the sunlight, as Jin drops down onto one knee.
“___, I know you’ve always been insecure that your talents are useless, but ever since the day I met you, you’ve brought nothing but magic to my life, and the lives of everyone in this town. Will you do me the honor of becoming mine forever?”
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A/N pt. 2: Thanks for reading! As always, any feedback or comments are much appreciated, but I appreciate you all anyway. Lots of love, Isi 💜
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