hawthornewhisperer · 5 years
Bellarke + parent-trapped (canonverse and maybe angst but a sweet ending?? if it’s not too late)
This is not canonverse and there’s no angst, but I hope you will accept this toothrotting fluff anyway.  Based loosely on a tumblr post I’m too lazy to find about warring teachers.
Clarke leaned her shoulder against the side of the bleachers and fought the urge to check the clock.  She knew what it would say— still just barely after 10pm, meaning she was stuck in the gym for at least another hour.  She had volunteered to chaperone prom mostly because she was a pushover when her students begged her to, but also because she figured there should be at least one openly queer adult there to intervene in case any of the parent chaperones got weird and judgy about a kid’s choices.  But so far, it was just terrible dancing and way more teenage hormones than anyone should have to deal with on their free time.
At least half the girls on the dance floor had kicked off their shoes, and if Clarke wasn’t quite so concerned about catching athlete’s foot she’d probably join them, because her calves were killing her.  Across the room Bellamy was mirroring her posture, leaning against a pillar with his stupidly big arms crossed across his stupidly big chest.
She really should be more mature about her dislike of him, but something about Mr. Blake reduced her to acting like one of their students.  Things could have gone very differently between them, but he had gone and picked a fight with her during their first all-faculty inservice and Clarke had a hard time backing down from anything, least of all a well-earned grudge.  He appeared to be made of the same stuff, and by now their animosity was legendary.
What had started as low-simmering hatred, surfacing as barbed comments during faculty meetings and sotto voce asides on the hallway, had recently boiled over into all out war.  A weird quirk of scheduling meant Clarke’s third period art class was virtually the same roster as Bellamy’s fourth period world history.  She overheard a couple of students whispering Mr. Blake told Mr. Miller that Ms. Griffin is annoying, and decided that if he was going to be so unprofessional as to say that shit in front of students, she would escalate things.
And that was how twenty-five teenagers had made their own Roman helmets and wore them to their next class under the strict condition they would refuse to acknowledge that they were wearing anything unusual.  Two days later her students spent the entire class period talking in pig-latin, which was both annoying and secretly a little hilarious because she knew he had probably wanted to get them to speak actual latin but figured that was too difficult to pull off in one day.
For the past month, their classes had been in an all out prank war.  Nothing was off limits— Clarke’s class turned his entire room into a life size chessboard (using washable paint, she wasn’t a monster); Bellamy’s refused to draw anything that wasn’t in Egyptian Middle Kingdom style even though they were doing an exercise on goddamn perspective.  Clarke got them to pair up and switch names for an entire class period; Bellamy walked into her class and handed back his goddamn tests like he owned the place.
It was, quite frankly, entirely out of hand.  The students loved it, of course, and the whole school seemed to be waiting to see what each of them would come up with next.  Clarke kept waiting for Principal Kane to step in, and even though he was technically her step-dad, she was a little worried he’d side with Bellamy anyway, since they seemed to have an easy, almost-father-son vibe.
Clarke shifted her weight and lost the battle with her willpower, checking the clock for the hundredth time in an hour.  Ten-fifteen; you can make it another forty-five minutes.  She turned back to the dance floor and noticed Madi Black making her way over, a mischievous look on her face.  Across the room Bellamy was talking to Jordan Green, brow furrowed.  “Having fun, Madi?” Clarke asked, dragging her gaze away from Bellamy’s obnoxiously handsome face.
“Loads,” Madi said.  “But remember when you said you owed me? That day when I helped you carry all your things in from your car?”
Clarke stood up straighter, because she did remember saying that, but it was the sort of off-hand comment you make as a thank you, not an actual contract written in blood.  “I do,” she said carefully.
“Well, I’m here to cash in,” Madi said, her grin almost dangerous.  “I have a favor to ask.”
“Which is?”
“Dance with Mr. Blake.”
“Wh— what?” Clarke spluttered.  On the other side of the gym, Bellamy seemed to be having the same disagreement with Jordan.  He was shaking his head, but Jordan looked determined.  “I don’t think that’s—”
“It’s just a dance, Ms. Griffin,” Madi wheedled.  “For me?  Come on, you promised.”
Clarke glared at her because she’d done nothing of the sort, but she knew she’d lost.  She was, as previously established, a complete pushover for her students.  She nervously straightened her bracelet as she walked towards Bellamy, and noticed he seemed to be fidgeting with his tie.  Students parted before them and they met awkwardly in the middle.  Bellamy held out his hand and she took it, a fleeting smile on both their faces.  As if on cue, the DJ switched from the pulsing beat of hip hop to something much slower.
“It seems we have an audience,” Bellamy said, clearing his throat.  He didn’t seem able to meet her gaze, which was fine with Clarke because she was having trouble hiding the blush crawling up her neck.  She really should have found a dress with a high collar or something, because this was...not ideal.
The entire junior and senior classes had stopped dancing to watch them, chaperones included.  “It seems we do,” she murmured.  She kept her gaze fixed just over his shoulder.  “How’d they get you?”
“Jordan handed in an extra credit project and said he’d rather have me do one activity of his choice at prom, within reason, instead of the points.  I thought he was going to make me do a Fortnite dance, quite frankly, and I wish I hadn’t spent so much damn time trying to learn one.  You?”
“Madi helped me carry my stuff in one day and I said I owed her.  Which in retrospect is feeling sort of like a set up.”
Bellamy huffed out a laugh.  He flexed his hand on her lower back and Clarke steadfastly ignored the pleasant shiver that ran up her spine.  “I think it’s safe to say this was planned.  Possibly for months.”
“It’s tough to say who’s more to blame for teaching them that; my strategic brilliance or your knack for subterfuge,” Clarke said, biting back an inexplicable grin.
Bellamy laughed again and her stomach did a little flip flop.  “I think we can both take credit for this.  Or maybe blame.  How long did it take you to make those life size chess pieces, by the way?”
“Way too long,” she admitted.  “Did you really spend an entire class period teaching them pig latin?”
“Two, actually.  The first was my attempt to teach them rudimentary latin, which went about as well as can be expected.”
She couldn’t stop the smile on her face now, and there were excited gasps from the crowd.  Even Kane was beaming.  “Truce?” she offered.
“That depends.  Did you or did you not tell them which car was mine so they could toilet paper it?”
Clarke winced, but they were both laughing now.  “I plead the fifth.  And it wasn’t toilet paper, it was washable paint.”
“I suppose this is where I admit there might be some toilet paper on your car, then,” he said, and oh no that smile no no no I’m screwed, she thought.  An entire year of fighting a stupid crush, destroyed in under three minutes.
“Okay, fair enough.  If—”  she broke off, keenly aware that they were literally dancing in a spotlight.
“If?” he prompted.
Oh what the hell.  “If you buy me pancakes after the dance is over.”
“Only if you pay for the car wash.”  The song ended.  Their students burst into a wild round of applause and wolf-whistles, and Clarke decided to throw caution to the wind.
The resulting noise when she kissed his cheek almost blew the roof off the gym.
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writingwanderlust said: You and this game lol. I suggest a tally of total play throughs at some point 🤔
Actually it’s not as many as you might think. 
For the main trilogy, I have done two full playthroughs, two playthroughs where I started at ME2, and have two more playthroughs that are currently in progress. I’ve done FemShep in three, GuyShep in three, done one Renegade playthrough, five Paragon, and played as Soldier, Infiltrator, Engineer, Sentinel, and Vanguard twice. 
I also have a playthrough of Mass Effect: Andromeda in progress.
In number of individual games played, comes out to about twelve and a half. In completed files, four. Still can’t touch my KotOR playthrough numbers. But I’m getting there.
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timandlucy · 7 years
writingwanderlust replied to your post “also send me your favourite books that you think I should read”
the host by stephanie meyer is actually an all time favorite.
read that one already, but thanks!
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abnerkrill · 3 years
tagged by @songpasserine for five books i want to read this year <3
1. i am currently reading we are okay by nina lacour and it is destroying me so my desire to read everything leads to you, which i'm told is THEE book specifically written for me by lacour, has shot up.
2. just starting a storygraph buddy read with a friend to finally read jonathan strange and mr norrell!! very hype for this!
3. i am FINALLY going to read return of the thief. i will cry. i will not like the fact that it is ending. but i will read it in 2022.
4. the book of psalms translated by robert alter. a good friend gave me book money for Christmas and i bought this one. alter's Hebrew translations are really special to me and it might be the thing that gets me into reading/memorizing the Psalms again lol
5. making darkness light: a life of john milton by joe moshenska. i listened to a podcast interview with moshenska and was just really struck by how he talks about art and poetry and his new book on milton became a must-read for me. i have mixed feelings about milton and paradise lost and i've never actually sat down and read the whole thing, but i feel like a new perspective on milton would help me a lot!
tagging @summer-saint @stillshewanders @writingwanderlust @quillonalark @mythcas @salzundhonig @deenas-johnson and anyone else who wants to join! <3
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sgtbradfords · 4 years
Tag Game
Post your 7 Comfort Movies in no particular order!
Tagged by: @mtngirlforever
7.) Frozen II
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6.) Back to the Future
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5.) A Cinderella Story
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4.) Twister
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3.) Star Trek & Star Trek Beyond (2009/2016)
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2.) Thor Ragnarok
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1.) Captain America The Winter Soldier
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I tag: @brian-mccann-and-jesus @elcapitantoews19 @sinaminion @peeksandhiscaptain @writingwanderlust and anyone else that would like to do it!
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storybook-souls · 7 years
Last Sentence Tag
Rules: post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic/original/anything!) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence. 
I was tagged by @the-girl-who-lived-to-read! The actual last sentence I wrote is a major spoiler for my upcoming interactive fiction story “Hunter,” so I’ll give you the second-to-last sentence instead: 
“Adam stepped back with a shuddering half-sigh, half-sob.“
I should be tagging 8 people but I actually don’t really know which of my followers write, so I’ll tag @thebeautyinrepairment and @scribblingstoryteller and @writingwanderlust and if I didn’t tag you but you follow me and you have a last sentence to post, consider yourself tagged!
(and read Hunter when I finish it because I’ll post the link on here. and if you can’t wait that long you can always read my other interactive fic story, Twelve Minutes. k thx bye <3)
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I just started a new thread on Figment and I’m aware this isn’t really an easy discussion to have in tumblr format, which is why I put it there, and I wanted to make fellow writers here aware of it. I’ve heard of people doing threads like this before and wanted to see if I could get one going.
What sort of experiences have you had that might aid in writing a novel? Ever wanted to know what something specifically is like in order to write about it?
@rabbits-of-negative-euphoria @parsleymusic @writingwanderlust @writingwhileiwander @littlebluebarista @dandyligerburningbright @geek-fashionista @rainandtheorangecat @traveling-spartan @gothic-dreamer-dragon @dorks-in-fiction @intplady @hope-deferred-inc @inkspelledfaery @vio1315 @a-bagel-with-a-fedora @marilyhearts @thewindthief @baguettiquette
I’m pretty sure you guys are the writing crowd?
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hawthornewhisperer · 4 years
writingwanderlust replied to your post “Quick random question: what are the best PS4 games that don’t require...”
assassin’s creed origins was enjoyable to me and the main story doesn’t take too long to get through
PERFECT thank you I will get that one too
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varietyofwords · 9 years
Loving the new avvie, a++ choice.
Thanks. But, I mean, how could I see Jesse cuddling that puppy and not use it? So precious. 
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sgtbradfords · 4 years
I was tagged by @elcapitantoews19 (Thank You!!)
Rules: Name 10 favorite characters from 10 different things and tag 10 people.
There is no particular order!
Bucky Barnes - Marvel
Max Goodwin - New Amsterdam
Dean Winchester - Supernatural
Zeke Landon - Manifest
Greg Sanders - CSI
Steve Rogers - Marvel
John Gage - Emergency
Kevin McCallister - Home Alone
Luke Duke - Dukes of Hazzard
Ferris Bueller
I tag: @writingwanderlust @mtngirlforever @peeksandhiscaptain
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illluminirk · 9 years
6, 16, 26?
6: What would you like to have in 2016 that you lacked in 2015?
more kisses. stability in my self esteem. a year round job. volunteer opportunities.
16: What song will always remind you of 2015?
Come On Eileen and Come Home
26: What did you want and get?
a squad. adventures.
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I want to!! I just haven’t been able to yet. But it’s definitely on my list! :D
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aljwritesphryne · 9 years
I'm doing a slower rewatch of MFMM and wanted to watch s2 with your reorder of the eps. You put forward the alternate order as episodes 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 2, and then 8, correct? (The rest of the order I was unable to derive from your previous posts.) Thank you for your time!
Apologies that I’ve only just got around to replying to this. My order for my most recent s2 rewatch was:
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timandlucy · 8 years
writingwanderlust replied to your post:↖ Guess who got their Bachelors degree yesterday ��
!! ��
Thanks!! 😊😊
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varietyofwords · 9 years
statement: that quote is glorious on your linstead edit. question: where is it from because it's utterly glorious??
Thanks! The full quote is:
“I understand you’ve been spending eight to twelve hours a day with this woman in a car, and at the end of the shift you’re still going to drinks with her.”
“So do you know special that is? Instead of looking for some space at the end of along day, you’re looking to spend more time with her. I can tell you that if I had that with someone, I would not be sitting here with you wondering if I should pursue it.”
And it comes from a show called ‘Blue Bloods’ on CBS. It’s something that the older sister on the show, Erin, says to her little brother, Jamie, about his feelings for his patrol partner, Eddie. 
I do so love Jamie and Eddie, but I heard the quote and immediately thought, “Linstead, Linstead, LINSTEAD!”. 
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sgtbradfords · 4 years
I was tagged by @mtngirlforever
Rules: The last celeb you have saved in your camera roll is who you are quarantined with.
Tag: @elcapitantoews19 @sinaminion @writingwanderlust
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