#writing will always be my no1 love but every now and then i need to create something with my hands
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lale-txt · 6 months ago
i need to get back on my punch needling bullshit
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boyfhee · 8 months ago
i’m so happy for u mother cael that 5 Milly is so deserved like. 😭😭😭😭 i wasn’t a complete og but i’ve been there since ur old account when u started posting enha smaus and to be real i wasn’t expecting us to get close and NOW look at us.. #mother_and_son
this milestone is so crazy and genuinely deserved. Like when I read your fics I literally think of my mama or someone reading it out to me like a bedtime story ou sometimes you move me too much to the point there are tears welling up in my eyes and i sit there with my ears drinking every paragraph, every word like a liter of coffee with my chest heaving because HOW are you on this app. Not to mention your humor in smau’s comedians are lucky you chose to become a doctor in the making or else all of them would be found jobless 🙁 Your talent is so admirable and you continue to inspire me highkey. I’m so comfortable just goofing around with you whether it be the drafts of my fics, yearning for romance, shittalking ppl, life—literally anything. God I love u so bad we are blood related in my head idc.
Okay enough Yap. But thank you for your existence fav jay Stan or whatever... Hope U absorb every word I just spouted here like how I absorb ur fics before I kill myself realizing how utterly cheesy this is (but i’m a loverboy so like #positivity and #peace_and_love)
Love you always ❤❤❤
DIDN'T EXPECT YOU TO BE SAPPY IN MY INBOX BUT I LOVE IT TT you're basically the og to be honest .. in my heart you're one of the earliest and closest people on my blog, AND MOTHER AND SON fawk u stop making me feel old ... i love u
bedtime stories ㅠㅠ js say u want me to stab myself bruh why did u put it that way now i'm close to tearing up .. no because that's so sweet 😭 i remember your crazy tags on my works and your crazy support as well, i will forever be grateful for that because you're one of those people who made me stay here ^_^ also my humour gang i need to take classes from you because i feel like my funny is gone . i'm glad you're comfortable around me, and i'm glad we're close and most importantly, got in touch again because i couldn't lose my no1 jungwonizer 😭😭😭
fav jay stan ... u just confirmed me and him are married. i have absorbed every single word here it's cruising through my veins i love you so much for taking your time to write this, loverboy :D
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cosmos-soso-happeh · 2 years ago
"If We Stopped Time Tonight, There'd Be No Goodbye"
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HENLOOOOOO, I'M COSMOCORN! XD But just call meh Cosmo! ;3 *Throws fork @ u*
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☆ Q ☆ "Who tf r u?" ☆ A ☆ Glad u asked! Henlo, I'm UniCosmicCometCorn also known as Cosmocorn A L S O known as Cosmo! XD I'm just another meddling teen 2 add 2 the already giant pile of meddling teens on here XD Introductions r BORING so I'll just tell u what u need 2 know: 1. I'm a Christian, remember; If Jesus can love me even after I sunk the Titanic Had absolutely nothing to do with the sinking of the Titanic, he can love u no matter what! :D 2. RLLY a meddling teen, not 4 long but... A meddling teen nonetheless :P 3. Label me whatever u want, "scene kid", "emo kid", "goth", I rlly don't care T_T XD 4. I'm 2 random 4 my own good x_x Speaking of which, u bore me >.> *KICKS U INTO A HOLE* DIS IS SPARTAAAAA!!!
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☆ Q ☆ "How about the nerd shit?" ☆ A ☆ Fiiiine, we can talk about the nerd shit T.T
On the topic of fandoms; I'm quite fond of dEEZ SWEET DEALS U CAN GET 4 THREE EASY PAYMENTS OF 999.99: FNaF is like my FAVORITE THING in the... YA- O.o Springtrap is easily my fav animatronic, has been for years! XD I rlly liek Creepypasta too, my favs Ben Drowned ;3, MLP:FiM is GR8! Especially season 9! I won't spoil it tho~ ;3, Invader Zim is easily my favorite TV show, I quote Gir a bit TOO much! XD, it's not reaaaaaaaaaally a fandom but u can tell by my Tumblr username that I rlly like SoSo Happy Monster XDD
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More nerd shit about me... WELL, my only three hobbies r drawing, writing, and mass consuming media 2 get more ideas of things 2 write and draw XD Maybe I'll post some of my drawings or writings here... Or... Drawings AND writings?? WHOOF- NOW T H A T ' D BE A SWEET DEAL U CAN GET 4 THREE EASY PAYMENTS OF-
Ok, ya, I know what u RLLY came 4 so- Let's just- Drop T h e H o a r d XDD
One thing u NEED 2 know about me is that I am a TOTAL music nerd, ULTRA music nerd, I CONSTANTLY reference music XDD I like a lot of bands O.o 2 many T_T Likeeeee...
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Breathe Carolina! MEH FAVORITE BAND! XDD Family Force 5 Watchout! There's Ghosts Nickasaur! 3OH!3 I Set My Friends on Fire Jeffree Star I typically don't like rap, but Dot Dot Curve somehow manages 2 make it sound SOOO GOOD >o< A cup full of crunk juice will make everyone hardcore two step, hardcore two step, hardcore two steeeep~ XD Same 4 some BrokeNCYDE, I love their album "The Broken" XD Falling In Reverse Sleeping W/ Sirens Pierce The Veil Attack Attack! S3RL A good few BOTDF songs XD I don't like their pervy songs T.T But their songs like PLUR and Death To Your Heart r SOOO GOOD! XD Oh ya... Oooo *Waves hands like a ghost* I'm problematic, woooo... My Chemical Romance, who dosen't? XD Amy Can Flyyy The Medic Droid Forever The Sickest Kids The Ready Set Breathe Electric Set It Off Hellogoodbye Paramore Ghost Town (This is getting long...) Caravan Palace Avril Lavigne Your Favorite Martian Send Request Cobra Starship Hurry! Lets Go! Teen Hearts
And probably much much MUCH more I'm just 4getting XDD
Always feel free 2 recommend me moar bands 2 check out >3>
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☆ Q ☆ "Well, am I allowed 2 be here or not!? Drop the DNI already, bIIIITCH-" ☆ A ☆ Well, bIIIITCH- Ya uh- *Scratches back of neck awkwardly* The thing is... *Pulls on sweaty collar* ... I don't have one... wHoOpS-
No, but srsly, I never got the idea of coming into a public platform and... Restricting public access- Eugh- >_> So I don't have one, any1 can come, even if u eat puppies! u^u (I should add though: I would encourage u 2 STOP eating puppies '>.> XD)
As 4 UR hypothetical DNI list, if ur looking through this blog 2 see if I fit it or not, let me make it easy 4 u 2 avoid heartbreak, tears, and long conversations about life on rooftops: Since the terms on a majority of DNI lists barely have meaning anymore, just assume I fit every "ist", "ism", and "phobe" you can think of (Even though I don't... Or I do, idk, no1 knows what these words mean anymore! XD) and if that bothers u then I WON'T hold u hostage this time! (I've been improving!) and u can leave, if it dosen't... Give me your hand. *Gets out ritual knife-* IT IS TIME 4 THE BLOOD PACT, BROTHA
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Soooo, yee! Enjoy ur stay @ my blog, and DON'T talk 2 the clown in the corner
He's uh... O.o
He's not friendly... >.>
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☆ Other socials ☆
Deviantart GaiaOnline Animal Jam: Cosmofuzz Feralheart: XxComet_BeFuzzy Roblox
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Top 8 (In no particular order XD)
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aliasimagines · 4 years ago
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a/n: while i am working on ships and requests here is something from my drafts!
you met at a concert, not one where Sunset was playing just a concert you both went to enjoy 
so you met, Luke actually bumped into you
poor guy kept apologizing for like half of the concert and you had to step in and offer him that all is forgotten if he buys you a drink (non alcoholic he is 17 (xd cuz 17 yolds don't drink)) 
he does buy you a drink and you start talking 
it turns out that the two of you went to the same high school, I mean you still go there but Luke left school after he left his parents
he tells you about Sunset Curve (tell your friends), he even invites you to their next gig! 
you are blown away by them and quickly became friends with the guys too
and your relationship kinda blossoms from there
he was super nervous about asking you out tho
so he wrote a song about you and had this plan to preform it on a concert while you were watching from the backstage 
but before he could do that you pulled him aside to a quiet corner, just a few minutes before the beginning of the show and confessed your feelings for Luke
and Luke just pulled you in for a kiss because he believed that this was a dream and if he doesn't do it you'll just vanish 
you of course did not vanish instead you kissed him back
"Luke we start in 5 minutes- oh…Oh! Finally you guys! Heck yeah!" interrupted Reggie
Luke slowly pulled away from you, his fingers gently brushing against yours
"Yeah, thanks Reginald. I'll be right there." 
you chuckled at the bassist as he gave you a thumbs up before he sprinted to find the rest of the band so he could tell them what happened
Luke still plays the song he wrote to you that night and later he takes you to eat something(street dogs???) and you guys agree to make things official 
you were already the bands no1 fan but now you're like cherry on top, sprinkle it with sugar no1 fan (idk were i was going with that) 
you are always there at their shows and rehearsals too
helping Luke writing lyrics 
well you mostly help him get distracted..but you know, the thought is what matters 
he often sneaks into school for lunch breaks so you can eat together, you told him that he shouldn't but he is like 'what are they gonna do kick me out?' 
lots of nights spent on the beach just talking or Luke playing on his guitar or walking around on the streets, passing by all the clubs as he promises to play in all of them
"just send me a postcard when you go on an European tour." you laughed at one of those night whete he painted their bright future as a band
"oh,no. I will not, why would I? You will be sitting next to me on the tour bus." 
"yeah, sure Luke." 
"No, I'm serious. You are just as part of the band as me or the others. Without your support I wouldn't have wrote those killer songs. You inspired me. So when we go touring you are definitely not staying here." 
Luke hangs a lot at your place since he doesn't go home
about home…you try to convince him to talk to his parents 
music store dates! 
he loves it when you steal one of his hoodies or shirts
proudly wearing a Sunset Curve shirt to school 
"Tell your friends." 
i already said being friends with the boys but being besties with Alex (because i love him, ok?) 
and Luke just adores how passionate you are about the band, you always here to help them if they are stuck with a song or anything, and seeing you being so close to his best mates just makes him love you more
he love touching you, playing with your hair, the hem of your shirt, drumming on your arms and fingers
lots of cuddles
hugs from the behind
one time you caught him cutting off the sleeves of his shirts and jumpers
he looked a deer caught in the headlights
( big Andy Biersack vibez)
"Luke, as your girl/boyfriend I would appreciate if you left some shirts for me to steal from you. thanks, bye"
"These guns need their space!" he gestures to his biceps.
leaving small cute sticky notes on his guitars every now and then
he starts to leave some poetry for you in your school stuff in return
you once left one poetry written about your smile in your math textbook and your teacher found it..
"It is really flattering Mx YN but I would like to ask you to focus on the task."
Luke couldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes after you told him
going to the movies to make out
and by going i mean sneaking in
you wear one of his guitar picks laced on a chain around your neck
he gave it you after you spent a night at the beach, he played on his acoustic, sang to you, than you guys talked and stayed up to watch sunrise together
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marabarl-and-marlbara · 4 years ago
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odd numbers are divine 1 because it is everything 3 because it is the trinity & is also everything (1=3) 5 because it is angel & demon & is the divine organism 7 are unknowables i forget about them 6 is twice the trinity but evil because 2 is in it 8 lacks the trinity & has 2
4 is the polygon (the quad, another building block in 3d but really is just two triangles) & what makes arachnids 0 is the server when it was off, its in nothing but is the shadow] of 3 (&1) & it cant ever be seen by anything that contains 1 or 3 6 are insect 8 are arachnid
names of angels & demons always add up to 10, because their title is demon/angel + title 10 is the individual extraterrestrial ultraviolet & infrared are like glitches but they are also part of the system i dont think they can b represented with numbers because they rnt visible
god is inside every single insect every single plant every single house every single picture every single pigment its all god -- this is th argument 4 deep ecology imo but there is no point in being a deep ecologist; no 1 is advocating for plant rights,,
god is in deserts 2,, god is in anime 2,, there are primordial captures of god in old media imo like old games & stuff there are warpingsof god that gets denatured (they get more primordial w time); this is why sega saturn & psx have their own angels & demons cosmology
desserts* sry; but ya; go play a bunch of saturn games, go copy art styles from n64 & the genesis & dreamcast n realize how bziarre & contained it is,,, u are a monk illuminating a forgotten manuscript when you do that,, that is the devil(5) i tappedin2 with sengoku turb
my blood is 80% blood; waves from denatured god fractals r constantly being transmitted thru into me; they are rays of light that are always going thru everyone & every1 has it but no1 picks up on the light no noe sees the light refracting & denaturing them every single day
artificial light isp oisoning you, the light in the water is poisonoing you, the light in the food is poisonoing you, the light when you look injto a flower is poisoning you, the light when you look into sega saturn is poisoning you, you get poisoned in idnvidual waysby the color
ppl like sunny & dogi r super poisoned by the color & they pick up on it rlly well i think; keffie is increidbly poisoned by the color; here is so much artificial light in the blood of every1 bc its how the cycle goes; its like this: the world was made of light & color in nothing
the god that is in everythiing here is not the god that turned-on "nothing" & made it disappear into infinite triangles -- this is a different god we can never kno, its not ultraviolet, its not infrared, its completely outside ofthe shell we r contained in; but our god is god 2
our god is constantly trying 2 become its god outside, & in doing so the fractals of god in the deep-layer [humans] are being controlled by higher layer colors & lights to manufacture god -- like how pigments compete w each other 2 make paintings by artists u know, or music even
& eventually the shell will be completed & another torture chamber will be built & florish inside this torture chamber; progressiely more wounded gods create progressively more hellish torture chambers that they love like tamagotchis kinda
this is eve *(like adam n eve)from sm(pretend theres apicture of her here)t; if you draw this  enough & relate to it enough, rlly learn to love it, you will get poisoned by these colors 2,, if you look @ this image and listen there ARE voices inside of it, there IS static tht sounds like insects chattering
this IS psychosis but its also GOD contained within the chattering, this is how 2 invoke the crawling chaos; nyarlathotep is REAL & is awiting for you in infrared/ultraviolet adjacents that stray close to your pool, you just have to believe strongly enough & ignore all insects
if you just draw it you will be poisoned, if you just look at it you will be poisoned, if you just do the rituals some1 tells you you will be poisoned, but being poisoned isnt enough to find the crawling chaos, u need dseperation like in any religion 2 make chaos real in urself
this is y the suffering strategy works, the more you lose friends & the more you scare people & the mroe you scare yourself & the more you stop sleeping & the more you stop eating & the more you clip thru the walls in life the closer you get 2 seeing ultraviolet/infrared
& honestly that is a bad thing bc it makes u miserable; but misery is how uo get religion; christian gods are their own form of crawling chaos,, there is power in the ash; there is power in tending the grave of the qlifot, bc the dead things r inside of me 2,, i do not have life
the aspect of grace in decilne is important 2 me, as in my head it was: as long as i am graceful about my bad mannerisms, i can be Above the insects (like yuria from das3), but the genuis is internalizing all suffering makes it more caustic 2, bc it eats @ you inside outward
i cant hear the chattering bc i am not 5=angel i am 5=demon i was oplluted, angels polluting humans would make just a broken thing as me, but the colors from hellhurt jsut as much as colors from heaven; i can only see the colors that are inside & hear them even if they r soft
none ofhtis stuff is real, but its also 100% real; its not visible but its 100% visible; its not aduble but its 100% audbile; the insects trick tf out of you by writing books; nothing exists beyond ~1 week ago, the server resets every week, its just a .txt file now
is that real idk it might b me conflating my really bad memory w/ the server resetting bc i dont know/remember what mara was doing a week ago; this is ashell world tho; none of the ppl hwo can read this or respond 2 this are real they r just ghosts trying influence me in2 playing
sry about all this god im dumb but in love w u   🌈🌎👁‍🗨💙🌍🌏🔞🔪😌🙏🔥
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kyutown · 4 years ago
Good evening my liege! 💖 I was intrigued to find out about you while diving deeper into tumblr hell so, I am here with a plead to ship me with nct and svt, of you'd be so kind ✨
Alright so for starters, I'm an infp! I'm a generally well-mannered person with people I meet for the first time, borderline sweet and awkward at the same time. I like not to overinvest in first meetings with people and sometimes I think I am somewhat defensive of myself. My emotions always show on my face, both the good and the bad ones. So if someone does say something that I find offensive or whatnot, it SHOWS. I generally hate rude and offensive people all together, as well as people who are vulgar if we're not well acquainted first.
I'm not good at starting conversations and I usually just tend to listen to my friends talk most of the time. It's not like I have nothing to say but I really like listening to my favorite people ramble on about things they love or generally talk about their lives. Im a pretty good listener and I am always objective, even with my family. I won't hold back and I will give you my honest opinion in every case. I always try to see from all perspectives, maybe that's why I'm often somewhat indecisive.
That being said, I really don't shut up about things I love or my hobbies. I'm usually the mood maker of the group as I hate conflict and tension. I am a very sarcastic and cynical person in general and that reflects on my humor, which can vary from vulgar to very dark and inappropriate. Yes, the type of person that will try to hold in their laughter cause I made a mental joke to a funeral. I love witty, stimulating and deep conversations. I'm not that big on casual chitchat but it's okay most of the time I guess.
I'm the personification of open-minded and im also quite opinionated and I can back up my arguments if needed but I tend to avoid getting into heated conversations cause again, my mind reads it as tension. I love being around friends doing nothing and everything but most of the time, I find alone time to be very healing for my mind and soul. I find authenticity and weird little quirks that people have extremely attractive. I'm somewhat stubborn as well.
I also used to have stress and anxiety issues, not anything serious but enough that I had trouble sleeping at night. It was just a few years ago that I decided to not care about every single thing and have a more of a "fuck that" approach in life and honestly, I've never imagined that it would be so liberating. I regained my confidence, physically and mentally, it was an empowering process! I really do believe that self-exploring and healing is the no1 most important thing that someone can do. Love yourself first and foremost and fck what anybody thinks.
So, moving on xD I am a romantic and soft deep down, even though I try not to show sad emotions when around people. But you can be sure I cry at random rescuing dog videos, or videos with people helping each other. I love humanity but hate it at the same time? 😂 Idk if that makes sense, it is what I feel lol I love to learn new random stuff! I'm currently studying linguistics and uni and I aim to be a translator or interpreter, cause i love languages and the cultural differences that come with it. Hence my undying love for music of different genres and languages! Music relaxes me and I couldn't imagine going on without it for more than 3 days. While I do tend to listen to kpop which is more upbeat and experimental, I also LOVE Latin music and rock. I love love traveling around the world! My hobbies include drawing which I'm self taught, fashion and creative writing! I tend to daydream A LOT during the day and so many ideas pop up in my head. I love exploring other cultures' religions and beliefs as well as mythology. I always found it fascinating. I love plants as well! My room is basically a garden xD I also love mystical but also borderline creepy and gory stuff xD I call skulls "pretty" the same way I would call a puppy "cute" 🤣 I'm aware οf that but I can't help but enjoy the look of horror in people's faces xD
oh, I really enjoy observing people as well! Not in a weird way! Their mannerisms, the way they speak, their features. I also love thriller and horror movies the most as well as dark social drama ones. You know, with murders, suicides etc I like how in even the tiniest ways they depict our society as people and frankly, it's sad but I try to be optimistic and keep a positive approach in life. I also really appreciate stand-up comedy xD
Closing up this huge essay, some last things xD I, and I cannot stress this enough, am unable to flirt. Like at all. I can't even maintain eye contact for more than two Seconds. I wish I was kidding. Sadly I'm not 😂Weird thing is, turns out I am actually able to flirt but I'm not aware I'm doing it?? I'm a master at text flirting apparently lololol. What I am, is also called DENSE AS SHIT when it comes to couple things. True story, if you want to do the freaky with your s/o and you need me to leave the room you better TELL ME RIGHT TO MY FACE or else, we gon be there aaaaall night xD And its actually a remarkable feature of mine, considering how dirty minded I usually am lol
I also think I'm touch starved sometimes, like I really like hugs and cuddling and teasing but I'm not gonna ask for it🥺I'm a night owl and I tend to procrastinate a lot. I can't work efficiently if there's not a deadline, like I need that pressure on me in order to function xD My weak spot is actually to act whiny and needy and cutely in front of me. I can do ANYTHING that u ask me of when this happens. And if I show any resistance, JUST KEEP IT UP. I'm jelly on the floor when this happens. Idfk why, it just works?? My sister is abusing the sht out of this method 😭I can't say I make friends easily, cause I believe I do come off as maybe off-putting or weird at times, plus as I said if you're really cant shove your conversation in my face the first time we meet, imma be just an awkward ball of giggles and smiles and "can I go home now pls" 🤣 My general aesthetic / vibes would be sunsets on beaches, soft grunge, cottage core, lofi and hedge witch aesthetics!
Okay so, I think that's everything and probably way more than u needed, so thank you for reading everything my stupid ass wrote❤️
hi! thank you for responding!
for nct, i think yuta would be a nice fit! yuta also likes rock as his favorite band is one ok rock which is a rock band. i feel like you guys would always listen to music (not always rock) and would enjoy making time go by like this!
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for seventeen, i think you would match well with the8! the8 would be the type to enjoy exploring new cultures with you and new religions, he would also love to dress up with you and put together outfits with you!
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mocweepe · 3 years ago
tagges by @irlteddycore , tyy💚💚💚‼
1. why did you choose your url?
i am autistic n i used 2 say i was autisming (positive connotation) when i was infodumping, stimming, n jus otherwise displaying common autistic behaviors. it soumded cool n being autistic iz fucking obviously an important part of my identoty so i said. fuck it!
2. any side blogs?
SO many, like 16ish? not gonna list em all but some are:
@qpeople - current events, history, mutual aid, etc.
@bahavah - lovecore blog
@tomurasheart - BNHA
@foresightwithglasses - (‼inaccessible‼) posts i tink could be helpful 4 my future self, nonmutuals do not follow!
and dis blog iz a sideblog!
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
ER... since 6th grade sooo... 6 years????? dis accs coming up 2 only 2 years old doh, iz my second.
4. do you have a queue tag?
i don tink i do. ive already 4gotten.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
last acc felt too cluttered, i wanted a bajillion sideblogs 2 organize stuff. dis blog specifically was og a trendercore sb, but it was when da aes jus started n dere wasn a lot of content so it quickly jus became a "me" space (since my mains aes)
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
my icon was a black n white photo of a goth 4 a long time n i jus decided 2 stick w da theme when i change it bc of cross imagery
7. why did you choose your header?
i was spamton themed 4 octoberish n i haven bothered changing it yet. besides i still like da lil guy :]
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
Probably da villain4villain 1 -_-
9. how many mutuals do you have?
an Amount 4 sure. uh if i had 2 guess probably over 10 but less dan 20.
10. how many followers do you have?
none T_T /j
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
13. how often do you use tumblr every day?
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
once. some1 was being a dipshit on a friends post n i argued w dem. dey jus kept saying sum dumb shit till dey blocked me
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
da exact phrase "u need 2 rb dis" izn too bad depending in context but almost ne other related phrase iz so shitty. when folks say shit like "weird how no1s talking abt xyz when we were talking abt abc jus a month ago ://" and ESP "i see u not rbbing dis" make me go rabid like i will kill u.
da first iz usually some1 comparing tragedies or injustices like..... which iz jus a total slap in da face 2 da victims of da event deyre putting down, and da 2nd iz noting more dan a blatant lie dat can send ppl into paranoia!!!!!!!! like UGH dey infuriate me sm. jus make ur post w/o literally causing harm. it cannot be dat damn hard.
16. do you like tag games?
yes!!!! deyre always either questionares (LOVE talking abt myself) or picrews, both of which r usually fun. i don do all of dem (sum picrews rnt suited well 4 me or da post iz innaccessible so i jus don interact w it, and sum questionnaires jus require more effort dan i wana put in. esp shuffle song 1s cuz i can only do sm dere.)
only ting iz, i don generally tag ppl. i don like it, it makes me anxious LOL. but if ne1 Does like being tagged in dese games den let me know 👀👀 ill write ur url down n tag u from now on💚💚💚‼‼‼
17. do you like ask games?
YES 100% i love when ppl send me asks n stuff :]
18. which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
kurt and soda i know r sort of. i have several others who've made a few popular posts, so dey might be but idk lol i don like. give a shit yk
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
neope. a few friend 1s (as in mutuals i wana be friends w) but i don have da energy needed 4 da effort 2 make new friends rn :( hopefully soon!!!!!!
if ne1 wants 2 participate, consider urself tagged!
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evergreen-dryad · 5 years ago
thoughts about spook 65
...Although, it’s more like a stream of consciousness commentary. I try and fail not to make this too long as usual, so warning long post ahead.
Summary: Aidairo leaves us on that cliffhanger by giving us a break with tension-breaker Kou with his caring friends, more Mitsukou, and then dun dun dun they encounter a Wild Comic Relief of Universal Proportions Natsuhiko (poor fish and tarantula I hope they got back safe) and apparently Natsuhiko wants to capture No.6 like he’s the rarest pokemon of all and might have the secret key to the immortality fountain?? Will we ever know more about these mysterious man stay tuned next month. And oh yeah also No.6 always wanted to throw Aoi into the hole to rot away because he’s also a necromancer. Just great and swell here folks, don’t know how Nene and Akane are faring ~
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whaaww Kou’s feeling really overwhelmed I mean this is a lot for like what a 13 year old boy
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‘Teru-nii hasn’t been home recently’ -- hmmmmm? What’s he up to? Is he out on a journey to exorcise bigger fish out there?
...Or it could be just a field trip lmao
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lol. out of context -- 👀
(I love that white-black juxtaposition between the two of them)
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ahahahahaha ofc Satou sugarboy here has his priorities right. ‘Get sweet drinks and sweets for us you simp’
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I love it, we’re getting outside perspective from the supportive side characters. It’s the Arc for no1 Supportive Side Character Ao-chan after all!
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ooooooohhhhh Satou’s the observant one here. Starting to love him now~
what a cheerful sandboy Yokoo is holding that carrot
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oyo it’s Mitsuba but I’m just distracted wondering if those plants on the left side are mimosa plants, le touch-me-not
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omg you just popped right outta the mirror like that. I would have screamed and flung my hands everywhere. Kou you have nerves of steel or in this case your brain is a steelwool scrubber right now
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Yeah man that’s his job your man’s a ghost in case you forgot
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It is unbelievable to him since Mitsuba has always been such a prickly tsun before he’s probably never shown much common decency let alone common friend interaction like showing concern esp since Kou to him is a blokehead
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Awww, Kou
(oh? oh? what was his wish again exactly, to be friends or for him to be human somehow?
and lmao Kou is going doki-doki when Mitsuba for the first time ever asks if he’s okay)
Aww, Mitsuba misses his Daikon-senpai, this is too cute guys I--
Nene your fantasy came true Mitsuba’s looking for you like a lost puppy
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really. why am I so intrigued Teru is gone. Where did he go. There must be a story somewhere.
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oh whoa there goes Kou acting all otome ML again (callback to Hanako wanting Nene’s wish to come true too with the shoulder-clutching?)
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Mitsuba’s face is sending me I swear
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Yes Mitsuba he deserves that kick to the arse. Teach him to listen to you
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There we go again~~ *Kou otome ML move count: 2*
A scream??? COULD IT BE---
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wow Mitsuba just suited up. our two superheroes on the move
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also lmao these phat daikon arms. And these rando fish are all so cute. Look at this guy on the right. So smooth and chill like a seal
Ya jeez more and more apparitions are showing up y’all it’s becoming a yokai manga (I’m not complaining I love them all.)
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Oh that dramatic foot in a spotlight, Natsuhiko you dramatic hoe, it’s you I’d know you anywhere (jokes aside I saw that Sailor Moon edit of him so)
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Good shonen boy Kou finally jumping into action to the rescue, because god knows without Hanako around there’s no one to do the saving of damsels in distress around here
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‘I want to join too’ -- AWWW LOL THIS IS SO CUTE
and off they go bullying a fish like it’s a game, so sad I liked that whalefrogfish
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is it ded. rip.
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oh wow Natsu you kissed fish gullet, look how red your face is wow. Also you really shouldn’t think that you’re too funny to let die. You survived being thrown into Nowhere, you’ll survive fish llke Jonah did. But fr did Sakura throw you into a fish trash pit or smth
ohmygod he called himself an Onii-san. He wants Kou to call him Onii-san. I am crying. Teru come back your lil bro’s being propositioned (w hA T a tiME for YoU TO Be GonE eH)
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KOU BABY IS SUSPICIOUS IM CRYING YES AS YOU SHOULD BE HUN (that font is just perfect *chef’s kiss*)
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Natsuhiko just awkwardly perched there in the background
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and yikes Natsuhiko’s pulling the same moves as Nene to gain kouhais lolol, aaah I’m starting to see similarities between them
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HAHAH OMG *Kou otome ML move count: 3*
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ooh what a shady guy. Natsu what do u know tell us tell us tell us
omg y u like this. whY do you sound so threatening now. I take it back you’re not harmless
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Natsuhiko do you mean to tell me you’re immortal????? Is that why you survive all these ridiculous levels of eldritch horror????
Fml he really looks like a vampire in that lighting. Esp since I can like see all his individual teeth what on earth is this level of detail Aidairo for once Natsuhiko looks like the cool mysterious guy he was meant to be
Just realised he has like a dyed hair thing going on kinda like Tsuchigomori. Don’t tell me. Natsuhiko are you Tsuchigomori’s secret love child.
‘There’s a bad energy coming from here’ --- pFFFT. He sounds like he’s trying to be a fengshui expert now. A conman
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hmmmm??? Oh that wasn’t a phone?? what is that it’s an onsen...?
wait that is probably a phone nvm. I’m just jumping at every little detail like 👀 
so huh I’m assuming Tsukasa can’t handle no6 on his own either, so....or possibly Natsuhiko is acting on his own??
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Ooh cool blankets, everyone has different flowers!! (*squints* no stop you can’t go looking for flower meanings everywhere)
And yes that’s a phone. Naatsuhiko just canonically has an onsen symbol phonecase just to show he’s a Chill Bro
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lol Mitsuba i don’t think you need to worry you’re not a whole soul anymore
D’AWWWW LOOK AT ALL THOSE LITTLE CUTIES (sheep, elephant, bunnies (multiple), rubber duckling)
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You. Natsuhiko. You’re the one most like a cat.
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omg what a braggart. what a chest-thumping man u are Natsu-senpai
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hahahahha I’m crying. Even Natsuhiko’s conscience is touched by Kou’s trusting naivete I can’t
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oh my god. but thank god Teru-nii still comes first he still hasn’t completely seduced you over to the dark side just yet
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awwww, Kou. Awww. He really, really wants to do his best to save them all. I--
Aw yay Natsu is touched to the point he’ll help!! Hopefully he wasn’t lying!! I hope there isn’t a sacrifice involved-
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Onix (srsly I really love all the lotuses everywhere. really going Buddhist symbology there)
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look at dat foot. it go.
oh!! we’re fresh at the battlescene!!
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I guess these guys are too useful to let rot in the trashpit eh
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?? For one moment I thought we were looking down into the trashpit at our missing 4 lmao. But why. No 6 you’re coming off as ...naturally innocent??? Dang. Let this cutie rest
I’m genuinely curious how on earth this no 6 is not a god on his own. (It’s funny to me that I’m coincidentally writing about a god like this as well at the same time.) How does he rank equal to the others. How is Hanako even his boss have they ever met before I demand a full show of Hanako’s powers one day. We’re not even sure what his boundary is. Or is it that he only has the power of life and death on those in his boundary?
(edit: just realised that if Tsukasa is behind Natsuhiko then no6 is basically Tsukasa’s dream power - necromancy. He could build all the Frankensteins his little heart ever wanted)
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oof there go the minions. I love how they have little buds on their heads. Every minion of his is ‘living’! And they’re like the first with individuality I’ve seen...?
oh he thinks Aoi did this purposely? Pfft she got dragged in there
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juijuirjfuerjcjkekerjckdediejdiedmwec. I am so worried. But fr this one panel of Aoi is so beautiful.
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Huh the hole is a starburst shape? 6 points hmm --oh wait im dumb it’s closing up oh no
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But shiet really how did he see to that. By giving her power over those specific bugs?? Planting info of that hole in her?
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years ago
What is the next craft you are going to make? I’ve gotten into making beaded bracelets. Do you go outside every time that it’s sunny? Nooo. I don’t care about it being sunny, that doesn’t do anything for me. Especially if it’s hot and miserable. I don’t understand how people like summer. I’m a fall and winter gal. What’s the last thing you purchased with cash? I don’t remember. In the winter, would you prefer it to be snowy or not snowy? It doesn’t snow here, but I wish it did. What decade did you grow up in? The 90s and 2000s. Although, I’d argue I still have growing up to do.
What was your favorite Backstreet Boys song? A few of them, but “I Want it That Way” holds special memories because in 4th grade I had the coolest teacher and he’d sing songs, even played some on piano, was always goofy and fun and just really cool. We loved when he’d read out loud to us cause he did the best voices. I still remember him reading Matilda to us. Anyway, back to the song, that was one of the songs he’d sing. The whole class did. I think sometimes he did it as a way to get the classes attention, like he’d start and then we join in and do every other verse or something. I think mostly he just did it for fun. I was so sad on the last day of school I remember crying at home lmao. He was favorite teacher by far. I was fortunate to have him again in 8th grade cause he started teaching that grade and it worked out great. My younger brother and a couple of my cousins had him, too. I actually have him on Facebook.  Favorite *N Sync song? I have a few as well. Which of those two bands did you like best? I liked them both. Do you learn choreography easily? I’m no dancer at all. If you had to choose, would you rather be taller or shorter? Taller. Do you feel you can trust your doctor? One of my doctors I know I can. I’ve been seeing her for almost 4 years now and I know she really cares and has my best interest at heart. My other doctor isn’t as personal and I honestly kind of just feel like a number or paycheck and that’s all. I get what I need, which is the main thing, but still.  What is the theme of this year’s wall calendar? I don’t have one. Do you feel like you were just writing 2009 on your school papers? No, it’s been 10 years now. How old will you be in 2033? Blah. Do you believe that Jesus will come back in your lifetime? I hope so. Do you still have your favorite toy from when you were kid? I still have my Barbies. What was the last good book you read? Burying the Honeysuckle Girls by Emily Carpenter.  Which do you do more: read books, spent time online, or watch television? Spend time online and watch TV. What do you do the most when you’re online? Tumblr, watch YouTube, and check social medias. Do you use a sunlamp? No. Is your 2019 off to a good start? It was a horrible start, I got really sick and it caused setbacks and it was just a really, really bad time. How will you decorate for Valentine’s Day? We don’t. Which foot is bigger, your left or your right? I think my right one slightly is. What color is your winter coat? I have a black peacoat, a white peacoat, and a black/blue/gray/white plaid peacoat. Do you have an art journaling Bible? No. What’s your favorite candy to receive on Halloween? I liked getting chocolate. I hated getting stuff like “Dots.”  Do you think you’re too old to go trick-or-treating? Uh, yeah I’d say so. I’m 30 years old. Do you have a bobblehead? Yeah, a Chewbacca one. If yes, what does your bobblehead look like? ^^^^
Have you ever spent your birthday alone? No. Do you enjoy spending holidays alone (if you’ve ever done it)? I’ve never spent any alone, thankfully. I love that I’ve been able to spend them with family and that’s how I want to spend every holiday. Which holiday is closest to your birthday? 4th of July. Have you ever had a themed bday party? Yeah as a kid I did.  If yes, what was the theme? I had various ones. What is your favorite ride at the fair? I don’t do fairs. Were you afraid of heights as a child? I still am. Do you think it’s stupid when you’re dying to have someone pray that you don’t feel afraid? (I would want them to pray that I live, personally) No, not at all. I mean, if there’s a chance I could live then yes it would be nice if they prayed for recovery and that I pull through, but if there was nothing that could be done and I was dying, then it prayers of comfort and strength would be appreciated. It would be a scary time. What’s the strangest thing you’ve wrapped a present in? Nothing strange, I use wrapping paper, gift bags, or gift boxes. Do you enjoy and appreciate life? Or is this something you need to learn? No. :/ What was on the last mylar balloon you bought? I don’t recall. Which dollar store is your favorite? Why has this question come up in the last few surveys I’ve done?? Have you ever made a pom-pom out of yarn? No. Do you prefer to take showers in the morning or at night? At night. Can you read in the car? * Nooo. I would get so much motion sickness <<< Same. What food gives you diarrhea? That’s not an issue for me, my issue is I have a messed up stomach, so it just gets upset and I get really bad stomaches that really seem to be at random.  Do you keep a diary with a lock and key, or do you just hope no1 will read? Nope. This is my diary for all to see. Do you have a friend turned enemy whom you wish were still your friend? No. Have you ever had a lead role in a play? No. Do you know how to use imovie? Yeah. What does your phone look like? Like a coral iPhone XR. Would you raise your kids differently than your parents raised you? I’m not having kids. What was the best part about college? The learning, some of the assignments, projects, and books we read, and in community college I was a board member for the psych club, which was a lot of fun. Overall I’d say I liked college, but I wouldn’t have said that during. During that time I got very stressed out, overwhelmed, and burnt out. Crazy to be able to look back and say I liked it overall. And it was a time I was doing something with my life and felt like I was working towards something.  If you were homeschooled, did you come up with a school mascot? If so, what? I wasn’t homeschooled. Are you really “wild & free”? Nope. Do you wish to be a free spirit? I’d like to be more independent. I’d like to enjoy and actually live life, not letting fear or my health or myself or anything hold me back.  Where would you go and what would you do if you could do anything? I’d love to just travel all over. Would you ever take a solo road trip? Nooo. Do the mountains fascinate you? They’re beautiful. What is the most fascinating part of nature? Nature is quite fascinating and beautiful.
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thatyorkshireguy-blog · 6 years ago
Thumbs Up Friend
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The 1 week countdown is on! Like Craig David, I have 7 days left to get all my sh*t sorted in the UK and then get on that bird and fly across to Chile.  For my next post I just wanted to highlight a few individuals and the importance of friends in life. 
The weekend just gone has seen me have a party with my nearest and dearest at a friends house, and also today is International Mens Day, so it seems fitting that I use this day to name drop a few positive influences in my life over recent months (Not just men). My words will not do any of these people justice but it’s just a way of getting some thoughts down
First and foremost I want to mention the man above who is holding a mannequins head: James Hartley aka Baz 
Over the last few years me and this bearded fellow have become very close and probably the gent who I have spent the most time with during recent times. He has always been there to keep me grounded and calm in times of crisis or when important decisions need to be made.  
He played a huge part of my first fight camp and was even in my corner during my second fight. James is a frequent traveller and has spent much of his time over in Australia. So he has also given me quite a bit of guidance with travelling abroad and a few pointers of what to expect. 
James isn’t built for the UK.  Like me, he is a hippy of this world and appreciates warmer weather and the beauty of nature around him. Which is why I’m so happy that recently he has been awarded his visa, meaning he can now go live in Australia.  Old Bazzer will be hopping on his own flight during December and I am so very happy for him.  I sincerely don’t know what I would have done without this man over the recent times and i’ve had the best year going on a variety of adventures. 
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Phil (aka bruno) & Melanie Brookes
I don’t think I know a couple like these two. They are everything and two people I love so much.  Two people so very different yet work so beautifully it’s so heartwarming to see. 
I’ve been friends with Phil a long time and our friendship has just continued to grow and grow. Phil recently got married to Mel and I had the pleasure of being 1 of the 2 best men on the day which was a very humbling moment.  
Over the weekend, both Mel and Phil sat me down and gave me so many words of reassurance and I feel so very lucky that I have these two as a comfort blanket should my future not go the way it is currently intended.  Instead of waking up on Sunday with a mighty hangover and the fear of what I had done or who I had to apologise to....... I woke up with a stinking hangover and a heart full of love. 
I can’t believe these two care for me like they do and it’s just an incredible feeling to have them.  I really can’t thank these two enough for everything they have done, and it’s mind blowing to realise what impact I am actually having just by leaving the country. 
If you read this, I love you both very much and thank you so much for your words of support. 
Just beautiful people with hearts bigger than anyone I know. 
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The Glovers 
My 2nd family.  
I’ve spent the last 5 or 6 Christmas’s with these guys and lived with both Liam (right) and Paul (left).  Mum and Dad of the family, Jane and Jim have also been like 2nd parents.  
Liam played a huge part in giving me a kick up the a$$ when I was at a bit of a low and needed that push to do something about it. 
Myself and Paul were inseparable but as many things in life happen, we all have things to do and changes to make, so unfortunately I haven’t spent as much time with Paul over the last 12 months as I would have liked. 
It will be very strange not spending the festive period with my 2nd family but I love them and thank them so much for the constant support they have given me over the last 10 years. 
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Nic Marsden
I can’t write about my friends who have made an impact without writing about Marsden. Like Liam Glover, she was a huge influence on me changing my life around. I made a pinky promise on the night that changed my life to go ahead and fight. I kept that pinky promise. 
Nic is an incredible person, not just with me but with so many people, especially my team mates at CMMAA.  She might be single handedly the least selfish person I have ever met.  Myself and Nic bonded straight away when we met a few years back and along with Baz, we formed a trio and became inseparable last year! 
This lady played a huge part of fight camp no1 and gave up so much of her time to make sure I was prepared.  A person who hasn’t had the easiest of lives and a person who despite some big challenges faced, her heart continues to be huge and faces everything head on. 
I will be sad to say good bye to this person and she deserves all the happiness in the world. Thank you Nic. For everything. 
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Charles Martin Martial Arts
A few years back I was recommended this place to train for a charity kickboxing event. I truly didn’t realise what impact this place would have on my life. 
Right from word go, the founder, Charlie Martin, made me feel at home and just understood what was going on in my head at the time. I love this man and love this place. 
Over the last two 1/2 years I have formed an incredible bond with this place and I will continue to support them with anything they need following my move. 
I have made some amazing friends and the place is full of amazing people. One of which is Richard Herbert who offered me a roof over my head in recent times and where I have lived in 2018. A talented martial artist who also has a kind heart. I might not show it much to Richard because my life has been at 300mph but I am very grateful for this chap helping me out and also providing me with a very fun zoo of animals to live with. So much so that I might have to steal one of his cats who I have fallen in love with. 
The big cat in the top picture is Jeff Leggott. He has been an incredible person in my life of late. We just click and he has a really big heart too.  He put so much time to one side for me and really put me in a good place for my second fight. I had the pleasure of returning the favour and cornering him. He won by 2nd round tko. It was an emotional night and I was just so proud of the guy following all the hard work he had put in! 
Thank you to everyone at Charles Martin Martial Arts.  You’re all incredible people and I will just miss you all so much.
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Liam Swift and the Helm team
I mentioned Liam Swift in a previous post, but this guy deserves all the thanks. We met about 10 years ago and our paths just keep crossing. He’s a huge reason I am in the position I am in with my job.  He has also supported me during my career on a number of occasions. 
What Liam has created at Helm, a co-working studio in Doncaster, is just awesome. It houses some incredibly gifted creative talent and each one of them (Including my hero’s at Mini Kicks) has made such a positive impact on my life. They have all pushed me on my own adventure and all provided sound advice and listened to any fears I have. 
I will be a Helm member in South America and will continue to work with and support each other moving forward. 
These guys rock my world! 
Feeling Lucky
This post could be the worlds longest if I actually thanked every one of my friends, even just close ones, and if you don’t see your name on this, don’t think your impact in my life is any less significant.
I looked around at the weekend and my friends  had put on a get together for myself, and my broski James Hartley (Oh and celebrating a new kitchen haha) but my god did I feel like the luckiest man in the world.  I am moving to Chile to be with a beautiful, kind and caring woman.....but I am leaving some incredibly special people.  Big Stu, Leanne, Frank, Den, Clare, Ben, Marj........you’re awesome. 
My biggest fear about leaving, is the gap in my heart and mind that could be left  , knowing that my friends are not around the corner, but after spending so much time with them leading up to my adventure, I know full well that all I have to do is pick up the phone to get help and support. 
I firmly believe there isn’t a friendship group like my own and I don’t think I could be any more loved than I am right now. FUCK GUYS!!!!! I FEEL SO LOVED!  You are all amazing and i’ve got a massive heart shaped boner for you all right!
I might be going solo on this adventure to be with my lady, but I know you’re going to be with me every step of the way, one way or another. 
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moondustowl · 7 years ago
Hey guys!
I just realized I haven’t been quite active for a long time here... beleave me, I totally regret it, and I’ve made a much better schedule to incorporate more stuff I can share with you, to be able to spend more time on creating, writing blogs, recording videos & preparing looots and lots of goodies ( and of course, as it has always been, more than 50% of my content is and will remain FREE and accessable to everyone, everywhere )!
Just in big, what I did & what I’m planning to do...
TAKING COMMISSIONS - seriously, all kinds of PayPal commissions, eventhough I have a price example, contact me for more details, cuz those prices vary a lot when applied, I’m trying to work for an affordable price! [ I need to put aside a huge amount of money, so I’m taking this extremely serious, will work a lot on commissions, so please contact me if you are interested! - [email protected] ]
MONTHLY BLOG POST - Q&A | themes chosen by YOU | general art blogs (feel free to comment, I’ll take in consideration all requests & questions)
MORE ART POSTS - seriously! I’m working more (daily - in full-time - always) on content so that I can share more with you! I’m planning to post even more art, lots of freebies & exclusive extras too... [ Creating art on a daily basis takes a lot of time & effort, I wasn’t aware of that, and got messed up a little, but I’m getting used to this & trying to make the most out of my time - of course a TINY-LITTLE SUPPORT might be a huge help, especially now, when my life is sort of “upside-down”! ]
YOUTUBE VIDEOS - as you may already know, I’m posting one full FREE drawing process video of an illustration each month, beside the one Patron-Only video. Now, I’m planning to record more, and post more free process & tutorial videos as well. PLUS: Sketchurdays are coming back! This time my sketchurday videos will be about study sketches ( anatomy, gestures, body parts, fantasy elements, hair styles, outfit ...etc ) [Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel if you wish to stay up-to-date!]
FOR ALL THE MOST RECENT UPDATES FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM! That’s the No1 place where I share everything, than twitter | facebook | tumblr...
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Always feel free to share your opinions, thoughts & suggestions! My eyes & ears are wide open and I truly hope, you’ll enjoy my new content, and with the adapted changes I can give you more of what you love!
A huge thank you to everyone who’s already following me, supporting with kind comments & sharing my art pages & important information so they get to even more people! I highly appreciate everything, as in such a crowded world of artist every little kindness counts a lot!
Lots of love! Stay tuned! See you soon... Have a wonderful week!
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lonespektr · 4 years ago
Starting back Vikings again randomly........
blue eyes still hasn't fucked that priest
When's he gonna bang the priest, he doesn't like his new wife 🤷🏾‍♀️
Rollo needs a win/ cmon lady archers
Stop listening to random men, every main character gets bad advice from randos
Very deliberate word choice
Blue eyes is do butthurt his boyfriend is not coming with him priest is literally staying for you, you blockhead
Men are idiots
Tomgirls trying to sit still and look pretty when they clearly want to punch people
They keep using attempted rape for her power ups and they could do literally anything else
Glad the mrs is back
She's worried about jr but it looks like he can fight brother still absolutely in love with the mom cause she's a bad bitch
But he would have cheated too soo 🤷🏾‍♀️
He's big but it doesn't look like he hits hard, he's moving frantically, he doesn't lean into his hits??
The bows are used in short range i feel like it's that accurate??!!
Nobody is hyped the mrs is home and i feel like that was a wasted opportunity
Priest is attracted to bad people
Everybody got a shower
Who ever is subing the sound effects is a fucking poet Every grunt has a adjective
Always gotta upstage your brother just fukkkin relax
He's rejected the sacrament dunt dun dun!!!
Cheese and crackers woman how many boys you churnin out
What's the science? Boys are faster swimmers so short vagina?? I forget
She's gloating
Yea no shit. He don't even like that other future telling bitch
Rollo just stick with old girl u are bad at politics
This is a very sexual prayer priest
You tryina get what by the holy spirit??!! Save that for blue eyes
Thorvard big as fuck
That boy ain't got no right being that big his parents is normal sized
If i wanted to say it in private i wouldn't fucckkin come down to long house
Who's fuckkin army is that , just her homies?? She got warrior homies?
Ah she just wanted to threaten the general community that if anything happen to hey son it's they ass
Yea those'r just her homies
Another sexual assault threat but in an unexpected turn is events his kinsman ain't down with that shit and backed her
Infamous wings pf the vikings
More sexual assault threats
Whoever is writing these subtitles is a fucking legend
Priest new boyfriend is in wooing his old boyfriend's ex wife and he has to be an awkward translator
Wack what a serious waste of ambition
Them two rando little boys already died they really gotta take the one bitch was leadership vibes
She threw away throne thrown for dinner snot nose kids
He play too much, but they are great together
Preist done diddled that brown hair plain and not blue eyes
Vikings does appear to have a strict all rapists must die policy (marital rape excluded- even that's appears to have consequences)
Surprised they let siggs go but i think she landed a better role, shes a bigger actor then all em
I still don't know which god he was supposed to be. Guess i gotta brush up on my norse history
What's rollo gonna go without his political advisor
That guy coulda had a bigger role but this was 6+years ago and he was not as big then so..makes sense
Preist talking shit about women knowin damn well he just left a perfectly boring one to be with sky eyes
Hypocrisy , ungrateful ass volunteer to help the mother of your child
Screw everybody and they mama, leave yo wife month at a time with no backup booty
Why you only slept with yo wife once? 🤨
Seer tied of yo ass
Sky eyes just move to Paris with the preist
They are doing a sharp turn with him that is uncharacteristic, they haven't done a power corruption thing or anything to transition him from opportunist to greed
Also wtf boo /This is your earldom ??? You just gon stand there?
Still holding with the rapist get stitches law
Burning cross bit heavy handed
Bjorn tell your wack ass absentee father to back your mom
Yea we have been here before, cause your dad keeps fucckin up, you forget last time you left with her cause you knew he was wrong
Blue eyes has become a kind of apathetic shell without preist and wifee no1
Um wtf was that with the 👀
Just fuck already
Can the women have a story not around babies
Where rollo headed?
This is evidence of a turning point we should have gotten a half step before this
Except she was taking care of the one kid you ignore and you know damn well that priss don't do no work and her servants watch her kids anyway
Lol whut person or persons unknown, but you have evidence?
King got plans on plans on plans
Do they just not know what to do with the preist anymore??
Hey least he said it
That was the least intimate interaction he's had with anyone
Disrespect on disrespect
I think they are going to do something stupid with her 🙄 looking forward to that
Woah full stop yikes 😬
Another unforced error. I knew they were gon do some dumb shit with her, no he actin stupid too
This really there seasons about an unrequited love story
It gets boring when the main character is white male tyrannical and off his rocker - when he's not a zealot
Mentally ill opportunist are not very complelling
I'm annoyed blondie is really confessing to a man who has been treating her like shit for the past decade because a first good decade
Unforced errors and making her stupid is something shows love to do with women
But they gave her so much pride it doesn't make sense
I thought maybe they all knew, but it's just bjorn
Blue eyes was hoping for a confession
Why do you tear me away from myself
Trojan horse is the only thing that ever made sense with impregnable walls even with that hint he still couldn't figure it out, he had to almost die
Rollo is out here now? Why doing what?
I mean tbh is a really good idea to get away from your brother
Oh so the King isn't a complete idiot, just a coward
Another betray your brother situation 🙄
Just let rollo needs live
All our protagonists are isolated
He still didn't get that confession
Oh he just said it
What was the point of that Christian coming to visit?
Lit of obsessive unhealthy male relationships
Ragnar/ rollo
How would rollo even convince the remaining vikings to go against their own
Now we must be subjected to this embarrassment
Co Earls, this guy is a not confused about his endgame
He should have just married her when she asked
There is one asian
If this the season where the non whites enter? They should have done that in Paris
He's an absentee father but he's annoyed his kids are stupid
Floki bb hella cute
It's odd the show has isolated everyone
He's such as gaslighter
The only stable relationship is the ones between the mentally unstable people
The two best pairings were both uneccesairly antagonistic towards each other
What's rollo doing
Le sigh she's smiling because she thinks he backed her , finally someone did she deserves to be supported
But he only backs himself
Time inside learning could be useful for him
Even rollo is not this stupid soooo 🤷🏾‍♀️
Blue eyes mad that his wife doesn't give a shit about him, knowing damn well he don't give a shit about her
Rollo 👏🏾 isn't 👏🏾 stupid👏🏾
He also wouldn't ally himself with strangers 🤷🏾‍♀️ it's a repeat pattern of making the wrong allies but this don't make sense
Hopefully bjorn gets more interesting
Or another woman character not attached to a damn man comes in
1 poc is already gettin eyeballed by ol blue eyes
What old lady would be concerned with getting revenge on is wessex king who raised her new settlement to the ground
There's that projection again blue eyes
The rollo situation is getting close to puppy punching
He looses his accent a lot
Blue eyes has odd codependencies
Man has no loyalists but strong affections that look like loyalty from afar
Why are they all obsessed with this fucking guy
Predatory men who pretend to be small and unassuming to trick women
She choked those words out, I wonder how many takes they made her do before they went with that one
This descent into madness isn't nearly as entertaining as they think
That's the first time he's called her by her first name
Curious move bjorn /curious situation they pulled moms into
They make women look stupid by having them smiling the whole time while men who are being equally deceived look suspiciously but they are tricked just the same
Once again he just identifies foreigners as roadmaps to conquer new lands
Gaslighter all these men are gaslighters
All these braids and this is the first time i've seen one of the man brushing they hair
It's going to be four full seasons of wounded mentally ill drug addicted blue eyes??
there it is, that was his dream, not the crazed ambitions of winning for winnings sake
Opportunistic and talented or rather lucky is different than tyrannical and that's what they are playing him as with no foundation
I know she tired of these dirty whites raggety ass wash rags she want a real bath with soap
Random edge play over the top hair cutting symbolism
That bb old enough too...ok
The girls were ready. And he even ain't mad because she told him straight up she was going to kill him
She doesn't want to remarry, she's better boss ass bitch but it's fucked up she can't just have a decent man partner and equal but these men are trifling they may as well get her a girlfriend
Is the seer dead?
It's 13 right?
Heavy handed women freedom theme happening
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Welcome to every single one of you out there. It wasn't easy for me to take a decision like this and start writing everything about me here. But I think It will help me and you as well. I will accept requests about topics you would like me to analyse I will give you advise and I'll be here for you If you want to talk about something but your "friends" don't listen. Sometimes it's easier to open up to a stranger. Since its the first post in this page I don't want us to start with problems mistakes and deep feelings. Let's start with something simple. I know most of you don't care but I'll introduce myself to you. I am Ramona Rosi I am 16 years old I am weird I don't even know how I feel why I feel that way and what brings me down but I am trying to face it. Sometimes with the wrong way. I am obsessed with The killers (Celebrity crush No1:Brandon Flowers) and with Placebo (Celebrity Crush No2 :Brian molko) so I'll refair to them A LOT. I am not stable so my celebrity crushes and things I like will change all the time, so you will have to get used to that I guess. I want to become a psychologist mostly because I want to be the person I didn't have next to me when I needed it. If you look at me you will think I am a very "cold" person without feelings but if you take a closer look you will realise that just because I feel/think so many things at a time I act this way. I am having a hard time on expressing myself and my feelings, I listen more than I speak I suffer from social anxiety and anxiety in general. I am very very shy. But always seem to be happy (something that is not true ) I remember reading a letter from an internet friend in which she was writing "you are a really lovable and always happy person" and laughing because I am sad most of the time rather than happy. But it seems like I am good at pretending the opposite. That's all you need to know right now. In the next posts you will realise more things about me if you are interested on reading something like this so yeah.. keep reading, suggest me things, text me if you want someone to talk to I am always here.
Love you all..❤
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misscrawfords · 7 years ago
Well, I saw The Last Jedi...
(Also - I will be tagging all posts with “spoilers” and “tlj spoilers” for you to avoid. However, from now on this blog is NOT SPOILER FREE and I can’t guarantee that something might not slip past by accident. Proceed at your own risk.
Okay, I’ve just got back and my head is whirling so don’t expect complex analysis.
However, I’ve been chatting with the lovely ladies in the spoiler zone of the Reylo discord chat and that’s helping me clarify my thoughts a lot.
So basic reactions first in no particular order:
- I am now in love with Poe Dameron. I now ship Damerey. I don’t know how this happened. 
- There’s a bit in the soundtrack that is basically the finale of Sibelius’ 2nd Symphony. No1 curr I know but I’m intrigued.
- There was way too much going on in this film. It was like a later HP book - some great things happening individually but overall I just want to kick it because there was too much and it was easy to lose sight of the heart of it and its message because there was YET ANOTHER BATTLE and yet another subplot and character development for a minor character. I’m really frustrated.
- Since when was Hux such an awesome character!? I loved how he was played for laughs but honestly this is absolutely Draco-in-leather-pants. Kylux is literally a Cassandra Clare fanfiction. What is life.
- Several deus ex machina moments that made me go “hmm”. Floaty sky princess? Um, okay. That was unnecessary and a bit weird. Felt like a cringey tribute to Carrie Fisher and then she was knocked out for most of the film. I have problems with that entire narrative arc. To be explored later. Also Force ghost Yoda. Really? 
- WTF was that child doing at the end? I’m so confused. My instant reaction is to be suspicious and annoyed. If that child grows up to have the Force and takes away from Rey then I will be so annoyed. Also, we don’t need more characters. We really, really don’t!
- I was disappointed in Rose and Finn. I just... I just didn’t care. Because, once again, there was too much going on. Their whole storyline felt tacked on. Like, there were elements I really liked. I loved the whole weapons dealing in space concept - it was blatant but really good. We were basically in space Saudi Arabia and I loved that and I loved the code breaker who betrayed them for money. It was a more interesting and morally grey update of the bounty hunter concept and I really loved it. Also it fitted very well with the overarching theme of both sides being flawed and the profit of war and it all being kind of pointless in a way. BUT there was too much of it and I feel like they could have shown that message and done Canto Bight somehow without so much subplot that really distracted from the main heart of the film. I’ll need to think about this further and how I would have preferred it to go. Also at the end, I was really annoyed at Rose for saving Finn. Like, I 100% did NOT want Finn to sacrifice himself - NO SIR - but Rose stopped him potentially saving the whole Resistance by taking out that gun. Like, strategically it was dumb since Finn had committed to doing that. (I’m sorry, I’m such a cool-headed Slytherin, but it’s true!) I don’t know where to go from here for these two characters and I didn’t really buy the romance. Perhaps I would have done if there HADN’T BEEN SO MUCH DAMN STUFF GOING ON.
- It was really funny. Like, I was not expecting the humour. Especially over the First Order. But seriously, the FO run by played-for-laughs Hux and emotionally unstable Kylo is not exactly going to be a slick administration, right? It’s a recipe for disaster! (Sorry, Hermione Granger brain taking over again.)
- Every single “inappropriate use of the Force” fic is now canon.
- I kind of need to do a separate post about my Reylo thoughts and feelings, but suffice to say I am actually very conflicted, as I am about most of the film. Everything that happened made total sense in terms of character development and as a continuation of TFA and I applaud that and yet I feel uneasy. I also felt a lack of romantic/sexual chemistry between them that the film could have built up with music and other techniques, even despite shirtless Kylo and the HANDTOUCHING SCENE OMG WHAT IS LIFE. I’m not saying that there isn’t a basis for something to develop in IX but I was left feeling... I don’t actually know. THERE WAS TOO MUCH GOING ON AROUND THEM. I need to watch it again. I may pick up on things on a second viewing I didn’t see this time.
- SAVE BEN SOLO. Honestly, I have no idea what is going on. The film is massively pushing a redemption arc in its plot and what everyone around Kylo is saying. And every time he has the opportunity to fall in with this, HE DOES THE EXACT OPPOSITE. He’s not the only one being torn apart tbh. I don’t understand what the film wants me to think about this. (This isn’t about me analysing it, it’s about an initial reaction to feeling that I don’t know what the film is doing. It seems to be saying “Redeem Ben Solo! It can happen! That’s where this is going!” at the same time as “Kylo Ren is a monster and is turning into the Big Bad of this trilogy” which I don’t really believe but also I just do not see how he can come back from where he is.) But oh my goodness, his was the performance to watch. And he is still the centre and heart of the trilogy, as he should be as the new Skywalker.
- Speaking of Skywalkers... I loved Luke. He was so incredibly “Luke” and yet different. Is it what I’d expected? From what I’d heard and the marketing, yes. From his character as I previously understood it, I’ll have to watch the OT again. I think it probably works. It’s interesting. And Mark Hamill was absolutely fantastic. I really loved the flashbacks and the explanation of the destruction of the school and how it was a horrible, horrible misunderstanding. Best way out. Really tragic. And I like how the adults are taking responsibility for what happened to Ben. But also, like, the choices he makes now are his own. And they are terrible, terrible choices??? Not just morally terrible but also just, like, terrible. Poorly thought out...
- And yet, to me, the most true thing anyone said at any point was Ben’s speech to Rey when he asked her to join him about needing the whole old order to be swept away and replaced. It just... it really does? I felt such a feeling of relief. Like, the legacy is so strong in these characters. They need to get away from their past and the mistakes of the past and the burdens of the past. And that’s shown with the Resistance story but also with the Jedi story. Kylo’s way of doing this is all wrong, of course, but his ideas and vision is right and true. And I feel like this needs to happen! I don’t know HOW Ben can be pulled back from all the awful decisions he is continually making and the fact that he is squandering every single chance he gets, but I just feel like the only ending that is truly satisfying is Rey and Kylo starting from scratch again with a clean slate.
- Which is why Rey Nobody is so important. Whether Kylo is telling the truth or not about her parentage, she’s not a Skywalker. Or a Solo. Or anyone from the OT. And that is so necessary and important.
-  I have no idea whether to talk about Kylo Ren or Ben Solo.
- Before watching it I kind of wanted Rey and Kylo to leave together on nobody’s side but their own but watching I realised that she would never leave with Kylo. She will only leave with Ben. But he is refusing to be that person so I don’t know if it can happen. But it also has to happen. Because if Kylo dies in an act of redemption (which is what I always thought would be his fate after TFA) then Rey is left alone again and there is no balance. Sure she has her Resistance friends whom she loves and who love her and that is GREAT, I’m not knocking it, but they don’t understand her. They build up the Force bond, they build up the fact that neither is alone because they have each other, they see their future with each other (and even if that is a manipulation of Snoke’s, he is showing them what they want to see so it is still true) - and then Kylo dies and Rey is all alone as the Last Jedi after being alone all her life. And like, yes, found family and all but... it’s just. Why set all of that up? I’m just incredibly conflicted.
- I’m going to spend the next two years trying to understand all of this by writing Poe/Rey/Ben love triangle fic. Because I loved that moment of chemistry between Rey and Poe and I think he is kind of like the hero she wants but she’s got this connection to Ben and she’s got to deal with that but I think a transitional period in which she awakens to romantic/sexual feelings via Poe would be very important to her. Because I think one of the issues I have with seeing Reylo in this movie is that Rey is just so forceful and determined on one thing that she is not thinking in terms of romance or anything like that at all. There’s just nothing coming off her in that sense - until she sees Poe. And I’m conflicted between what the symbolism is in the film and what the characters actually do. Symbolically and mythologically Reylo is the only answer. But the acting and the characters of them as psychologically realised individuals is problematic to me. I don��t know if any of that makes sense, it’s 1.33am now.
- So on the topic of Rey will only go with Ben and not with Kylo, Ben has to save himself. Rey MUSTN’T, for the sake of feminist narratives everywhere, this cannot become a “bad boy saved by the love of a good woman” story, and I don’t think it is because Kylo is rejected every attempt Rey is making to change him. When he does do something “good”, it is of his own volition. The throne room and killing Snoke, for instance, (also, I totally called that as something that could happen, not that I did it here so I can’t prove it - ah well!), he didn’t do because of Rey directly. So he has to work that out for himself but I have no idea how he is going to do it. I mean, sure Rey can be part of this process and even the catalyst, but she can’t do it for it.
- I’m still so confused by the ending. Were Rey and Kylo looking at each other? I’ve seen people say he was kneeling in front of her, but I’m confused because I thought he was in the main part of the base and they were in the Falcon somewhere in the salt mountains? And also I thought Leia was still on the ground and I was convinced she was going to stay behind and see Kylo but then she was on the Falcon and were Kylo and Rey just staring at each other? I’m confused. I think this may have been a meaningful moment but I was just trying to work out where they all were and what was going on.
SO over all. Overall, I enjoyed lots of it but I don’t think it was a great movie. There was simply too much of it and ultimately I think there was a really fascinating and subtle story surrounding Luke, Kylo/Ben, Leia and Rey with juicy goodies like Force Bonds and grey morality and growing up and growing old (for all that Yoda’s appearance made me roll my eyes, I loved the line about the roll of the master being to be outgrown or whatever it was because as a teacher it’s just, yeah... it meant a lot). But this great and interesting and new take on the SW universe was being lost in battle after battle and confusing Resistance politics and overlong subplots that went nowhere (Finn and Rose didn’t even succeed?! What was the POINT) and an attempt to shoehorn in this fascinating story into a generic SW movie about the plucky band of Resistance fighters and the big bad Empire that we’ve seen too many times before.
LET. THE. PAST. DIE. I’m over that plot and I’m just annoyed because it has the makings of a great movie but I’m just left feeling too much was going on and I’m confused about the bits I really wanted to focus on and linger over.
Anyway, going to see it again on Wednesday with school and I am going to really, really focus on Reylo and trying to find the possibilities for romance so that if nothing else I have fodder for fanfic!
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myourworld20 · 5 years ago
Gods law
there is path of simply yoga
but you need induction such as new company or new organization. so you need induction! and lot of training! like military. !!! don't worry its not hard!!!
start dear one from here
good books
.this is a million dollar statement
what I see today young people or student college student spent most of the time in YouTube  and TV  and what's up chat.
when I was young in 1990 than satellite dish come , & every people watch TV. especially in young ones which I was that time!!!, ythose are lovely days before it was “dordarshan” (Indian national channel)  and suddenly satellite dish come , whole culture has changed just like mobile and internet done now today in recent years
there is star TV  star movies , zee TV, “ramayan” and “Mahabharata serial” once “ramayan” tv serial  starts whole city was watch not much traffic on road.,  lovely days
that time I watch all the time TV at home when my father came  to talk with me I say papa I am busy some other time. that is my answer !!!!!
so I feel sad now that I behave such a way that I don't have time to talk to my father!!!!!!!!
but I wish to see TV serial watch BBC news CNN news and Santa Barbara serial and bold beautiful s no1 serial  in star world, Also Phil Donahue  talk show by
so when my father wish to talk to me and I am busy not interested.  !!!!!!! .
my father mother lives in another island!!!, and I live in another island ( satellite dish is island in drawing room.
now I understand my father and mother who grew me from little kid enjoy and swing me in a cradle  when i was a little kid , that I can sleep
and I don't have time to speak to them.!!!!! Amazingly stupid!!!!!
Most horrible! Most sin!
How sad that my father and mother wish to talk to me and I am not interested. !!!!! Amazing !  How much hurt they feel
So kids always have time and love for your father and mother
These underlined sentence is million dollar sentence
So now in this internet world when I wish to talk to my daughter ipsa ,she is busy chatting and whatsup and you tube and “bigboss!!”  Indian popilar serial by bollywood indian film star salman khan. And her answer almost same papa don't  disturb me. And any more push on matter so things come to question how much earning I make how much successfully money wise.
Sad in this material world
They like aunty means my sister in law from Canada!! Because they give laptop! And also mobile!
So they like aunty but don't have time to papa who grow them from kid and teach and of English and also computer learn  by sitting on  my lap while i am working making estimating software and learn computer programming languages from 2003 to 2005 don't know exact year but on same years I write.
So my daughter ipsa tell papa don't disturb me I don't want to listen your problem. !!!
The daughter which is close to father and she is so close to my
Heart I left Dubai best city in my life where I stay and enjoy more and most in my life there so I left Dubai and Dubai job because I wish to meet my daughter it's almost 1 year I seperate from India. And come back with one airbag full of chocolates all foreign brand also biscuits from Dubai mall I almost spent Indian RS 10000 us $150  biscuit chocolates and biscuits now it may cost Indian rupees 20000  us dollar 300 .
so bulk
My kids laughing that they see full airbag of chocolates and biscuits
So again repeat above sentence
“Papa don't disturb me I don't want to talk with you.”
Surprise ! Surprise!  Roles are reversed! Gods rules apply
In 1990 I don't have time to talk my father and mother father is Mr. MM JOSHI  professor in arts college in subject psychology.
So rules apply. God rules apply.
Again mark my word, this under line sentence is million dollar sentence. Reason main I write book that IS because of love for people and let people love and knows god rule.
Gods always repay you what you have done wrong, youR cheating, your beating, your listing, your Money get wrongly
Many religious books and I show in serial
What you sow at seeds you will get same  crops or fruits.
I listen religious video from Sikh religion and also,!!! One Islamic guru or a person speak same  “what u saw is what you get !!!”
I know my Hindu religion and that I learner before in younger ages. So I never do anything wrong no cheating no money by illegally corruption from my private company never harrassment my worker and always support them.
So I always do good and never do wrong ting that's why I am living with here and talk to you because in 2 year back I got accident on backside of truck while I drive my bike
And got a accident doctor tell my wife and cousin brother when I was in coma that he tell that this guy (me) will not live  after 5 days ,maximum he live up to 5 days.
But due doing no wrong thing and by love of God I still live here and to live in need bread and butter!!! So I write my dear friend to write book and that is my personal and selfish motive but by heart I feel that let people knows about god and his rules so I am writing........more
So  gods law apply
If I don't have time for my father and mother so did ! my daughter ipsa and Ayush my son don't have time for me!!!
At that time 1990 ,situation and buzz  was a satellite dish antenna and in recent times internet, YouTube , whatsup and chat
Many father and mother I talked to them while train journey or any meeting place they say today kids are involved in internet and also games don't forget in USA kids are playing games are crazy and they become violent with a habit of games
Games is main villain for kids got angry and sometimes violent. Over use or exceeds use is bad for you and me and people. Mark my sentence.
So this is modernization what it does  to humanity?. A big question to capitalist world .mark my sentence.
Loss of family, family values, friendship and humanity
You talk how much he or she had money by standard.
So I think more and more modernization goes so more value for Indian spiritual science and Indian culture and religion has more value of it and more demand!!!! Big market !!! So jump in this bullish market!!!!
And more relevant to this more world India spiritual science so did yoga and meditation or ashram
Because you are tired and frustrated with this modern world it's not human and no feeling
Again mark my word . This underlined statement I keep price my book on higher side. Sorry readers I this modern world author has to survive in this modern world !!! And eat food and stay in too also !!  Again sorry I feel sorry when I charge on higher side . If I was a king I
Just give free to people. Because people I like and I love most. That's why I have good friends in every religion or every country or cast or trade and also with my workers whether it's from India or African people!!!
And when I am rich I give free books may God forgive me and god spare laws on this matter because every person needs to earn for his livings.
So that's is gods law I tell to people of world. Many more laws and knowledge of God come to you by me.
If people like than I may feel to write again and spread my knowledge
Dharmendra joshi
Name : Dharmendra m Joshi, Gujarat, india
0 notes
walkingthroughthepages · 6 years ago
One of my absolute favourite part about the holidays has to be the fact that it means seeing my family. Even though Belgium’s not really that big? All my aunts and uncles, cousins and their children are basically spread out of the entirety of it. So getting to see all of them? And at the same time? It’s busy, it’s loud, it’s madness… And it’s absolutely amazing to be reunited for the holidays!
I was offered these ARCs by Netgalley in exchange for a review. All opinions are strictly my own.
A Christmas Gift, Sue Moorcroft
The story
Georgine loves Christmas. The festive season always brings the little village of Middledip to life. But since her ex-boyfriend walked out, leaving her with crippling debts, Georgine’s struggled to make ends meet. To keep her mind off her worries, she throws herself into organising the Christmas show at the local school. And when handsome Joe Blackthorn becomes her assistant, Georgine’s grateful for the help. But there’s something about Joe she can’t quite put her finger on. Could there be more to him than meets the eye? Georgine’s past is going to catch up with her in ways she never expected. But can the help of friends new and old make this a Christmas to remember after all?
The opinion
Last year, I got the chance to read The Little Christmas Village, which was also written by Sue Moorcroft. At that point, I wrote something to the extent of me really loving it when chicklit actually has a story to tell. Basically, The Little Christmas Village had character development, so many people to fall in love with, and of course: Christmas! Well, guess what? Sue Moorcroft’s done it again with A Christmas Gift. First of all, there’s Georgine who is, just weeks before Christmas (and, let’s be real, in the months before that as well), faced with money-problems and all the bad memories that go hand in hand with that. She starts out as someone who lets herself be manipulated quite easily, maybe even walked over (a realisation she reaches about halfway through the book!). In just a couple of weeks, though, she is faced with elements of various stages from her past – ranging from the “okay” to the “terrible” that face her to do a lot of growing. Two of the main reasons for that growth? Joe, who, as it turns out, is an old friend and has a bit of a hidden past ànd present himself. And Blair, Georgine’s sister who is trying so hard that even when things went terribly wrong? I couldn’t help but root for them. That is probably one of the main reasons I loved this book either way: whenever things go wrong (and, trust me, that happens quite regularly)? You can still see how those situations originated, you understand the why and the how. Sue Moorcroft has that most precious of gifts for an author of knowing just when to give up what piece of information to make for the most natural of progress – in relationships as well as in plot! What’s more, I’ve noticed recently that I’m finding it increasingly difficult to find books, especially cosy and fluffy books, that really hit the spot for me. I mean, if your characters fall in love, fine, but at least show your reader why, you know? Reading A Christmas Gift came as something of a relief, in that aspect. Sue Moorcroft manages to get the set-up of every piece of her story just right so that when fear, betrayal and joy hit? They hit not only the characters, but you as well. So if you’re in need of the kind of book that’ll have you smiling along, rooting for that happy ending and definitely some Christmas spirit? This is the book for you!
Rating: 3.5/5 (Goodreads)
Another Day in Winter, Shari Low
On a chilly morning in December forever friends Shauna and Lulu touch down at Glasgow Airport on a quest to find answers from the past. George knows his time is nearing the end, but is it too late to come to terms with his two greatest regrets? His grandson Tom uncovers a betrayal that rocks his world as he finally tracks down the one that got away. And single mum Chrissie is ready to force her love-life out of hibernation, but can anyone compare to the man who broke her heart? After the success of the No1 best seller ONE DAY IN DECEMBER, comes the second unmissable read in Shari Low’s Winter Day trilogy.
If there’s anything studying literature and linguistics will teach you, it’s to appreciate a well-executed multi-perspective story. This one is a couple of steps above well-executed. Within the span of 24 hours, these Shauna, George, Tom and Chrissie’s paths will cross, their stories will meet and – as it turns out: it really is a small world after all. There are few things as difficult as making sure that every loose thread of a multi-level story gets tied up at the end. Making sure that the tone for each of the characters is distinct enough that as a reader, you don’t even need the name on top to know who you’re reading? That’s a gift not too many people have. I honestly loved every single thing about this book. I loved the strong friendship between Shauna and Lulu. I love their willingness to do something that most people would – rightly so – call a bit crazy. I loved Chrissie and the way her friends of all ages pushed her to go beyond what she dared to do. And that she actually took on that chance, that she was willing to look back to the past to be able to face the future. Also – her son? The cutest smart-mouth I’ve read in a while. I love George and the backstory of him and his two sisters, in this totally different world and time. For someone so near to death, he really did have a lot to say. And considering some rather important conversations took part on his bedside? I’m quite happy he turned out to be such a good listener. And then there’s Tom who, in the span of 24 hours, has his world turned upside down more times than most people could handle in a year. He just takes it all in stride – somewhat, at least – and still manages to hand out maybe the most satisfying type of punch: the warranted one. A thing which definitely shows, as you’ll learn in this book as well, that he takes after his grandfather. With Christmas running in the background, as a decoration, as a motivation, but never as a plot point? This was maybe the best winter book I’ve read so far, this year.
Rating: 4.5/5 (Goodreads)
Snowflakes over Holly Cove, Lucy Coleman
As the snowflakes start to fall, the village of Holly Cove welcomes a new tenant to the beautiful old cottage on the beach… For lifestyle magazine journalist Tia Armstrong, relationships, as well as Christmas, have lost all their magic. Yet Tia is up against a Christmas deadline for her latest article ‘Love is, actually, all around’… So Tia heads to Holly Cove where the restorative sea air, and rugged stranger Nic, slowly but surely start mending her broken heart. Tia didn’t expect a white Christmas, and she certainly never dared dream that all her Christmas wishes might just come true… Set in Caswell Bay on the stunningly rugged Gower Coast, the cottage nestles amid the limestone cliffs and the woodlands; the emotions run as turbulently as the wind-swept sea.
I really seem to have a thing about reading books with journalists as the MC. Or, maybe journalists just make for easy people to push into new situations. Either way, this particular journalist starts Snowflakes over Holly Cove with some serious hard break. As Tia has suddenly had pointed out to her: she’s an orphan now. Doesn’t matter what age you are – that’s never an easy thing to handle. That actually brings me right to maybe my *favourite* point about this book. It deals with working through loss so carefully, so respectfully. Lucy Coleman doesn’t shy away from the ugly parts of grieve – from that feeling of not knowing how to handle anything to maybe getting a little *stupid* because of it. Snowflakes over Holly Cove tells the story from the last Christmas Tia Armstrong spends with her mum, giving some background to exactly how deep their relationship is, to the next Christmas – her first without her mum. Considering that she’s been working on a Christmas feature for months by the time Christmas rolls around? The reader could easily have grown tired of Christmas already. That, instead, I was sat here just checking my countdown app *yet again* (yes, I’m that person)? Just shows how nuanced Coleman’s writing is. Now, I know that this book is at least partially a romance novel, but, for once, that is not the main thing making we want to immediately reread this book. Rather, it’s the attention to detail, the beautiful descriptions of the Welsh scenery and of course… That one plot twist near the end. And then that dramatic twist at the end… I honestly was not okay. And need to get back to this book ASAP.
Rating: 4/5 (Goodreads)
Now, as I said – I now the entire “reunited for the holidays” can be a bit busy. And loud. And overwhelming. So if you’re in need of an escape from the reality of it? Why not hide out with some stories showing its possibilities? Don’t worry – it’s my backup option too! Or, you know… You could go ahead and read the rest of my Christmas tag or check out this year’s blogmas-posts!
Mini Reviews #9: Reunited for the Holidays One of my absolute favourite part about the holidays has to be the fact that it means seeing my family.
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