#wreck him buttercup
court-jobi · 16 days
Backpack Privileges
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((banner by me! I don't own Horikoshi's characters/stories))
Pairing: Bakugou x reader (gen neutral biker!pro hero)
Words: 3.2K
Rating: T+ (language, bc obviously)
Warnings: Pro-Hero Bakugou/Pro-Hero Reader, cursing as a love language, fluffy flirting and teasing, mutual pining, YEARNING, grumpy/sassy sunshine, give me soft Bakugou
You loved sunset drives, and have teased your coworker here about the thrill that even a simple beach drive can bring– enough to corral him into making plans to accompany you sometime and see for himself. Plans anyone else with eyes and a working knowledge of chemistry would call a ‘date’… but clearly neither of you could toughen up and call that what this is. But the fact remains that you of all people convinced the Katsuki Bakugou-the man behind ‘Dynamight’s mask- to go on after-hours ride with you. And he's looking real nice in that helmet...
A/N: Bikertok has me in a chokehold on this one, babes. Meant to be read as gender-neutral as possible, but if you're like me and are itching for the idea of a fem!biker pro hero catching Kacchan's eye, then buckle up, buttercup~
It's been a minute posting, and my first fic back is for a new fandom? Who am I??
For my My Hero Academia Masterlist, check it out here!
Read on AO3
“First time going for a drive,” you got comfy on your seat- a bit closer to the throttle than you’d  normally be, “Nervous at all?”
“Tch, what do I have to be nervous about? You're not planning to wreck our asses, are you?”
“Suppose that brings us to safety first~” you muttered all the same and passed your rider -Katsuki Bakugou, the man behind ‘Dynamight’s mask- a helmet. He looked it distastefully while you donned yours: a steely blue that matches your current choice in quirk-fueled mech you're both about to set out on. 
“How's this damn thing supposed to fit?!”
You flipped up your visor to him, as you affix your -now backup- helmet to your jaw. 
“That's my newer one. The strap’s on the bottom– other side. Other other side.” Cheeks pushing up and all but confirming a smirk underneath, you poked fun at his expense, “I made sure to remove some of the crucial safety padding inside to make room for that hair of yours. Couldn’t bear to muss that up, yeah?”
A light growl emanated from him as he forced the thing into his head.  You'd done no such thing, of course. But even still, he flipped up the visor to glare at you, only to watch you bat your eyes at him then shut it back into place just as fast. 
The Bluetooth pairing between your helmets failed to hide his soft threat, 
“Shut up, angel eyes..”
 Heard that. 
As casual and in-control as you feel right now, you can't help but hold some nerves yourself… but not about the ride ahead of you. Piloting any kind of bike, car, or war machine that you could manifest with your quirk left you sitting right in the driver's seat and in your element. You loved sunset drives, and have teased your coworker here about the thrill that even a simple beach drive can bring– enough to corral him into making plans to accompany you sometime and see for himself. Plans he agreed to, and showed up ten minutes early to honor. Plans he even texted you about first thing this morning, as if you'd forget.
Plans anyone else with eyes and a working knowledge of chemistry would call a ‘date’… but clearly neither of you could toughen up and call that what this is. 
It's far too fragile and new of a thing to call it that, what you two have been feeling. You pull to each other like a magnet– both on and off the field. Maybe after some 100km/h winds and a healthy adrenaline boost, the sights from Mustafu Bay Bridge can break the ice where your banter and teasing couldn't. 
The constant hum of your quirk warming your body coupled with anticipation of Bakugou mounting the bike behind you brought your hands to drum absently atop the center hub of your bike– right where a gas tank would normally be. 
Now to see what he does with his hands. 
“Now we’re gonna take the freeway up here,” you call back to him, visor still up so he copies to see you better, “but I won't start drifting till you're cool enough with the feel, alright? Just lean into me, nothing shaky. No sudden moves.”
“Yeah yeah yeah.”
“You’ll tap me here if you need me to ease up?”
“Yes, mother.”
You smirked, adjusting your side mirrors, noting how he just flattened his hands on his thighs, aside yours. 
“--And you might have to get fresh with me eventually, ‘Dynamight’. It gets fast…”
“Eugh– none of that.”
You chuckled, but grasped his wrist to show him the inset handles he could hold onto instead of you, if he’d rather. Either way, he'd have to lean forward onto you to reach them at some point. 
But he'd learn that soon enough, because at his chiding for you to ‘get on with it already’, you heeled at the kickstand, pushed off, and forced his chest right onto your back with a grunt. 
This was going to be fun. 
The sky was just now starting to turn its lovely colors from behind the cloud breaks, but light poles and power lines still cut into the view down here by the business district. 
Squinting at his yell over the road noise, you gave the pro hero some grace but also assured him firmly, 
“Call me cautious, hon, but I'm getting up to speed for my ‘backpack’s sake, not mine. And I can hear you just fine. The mic will pick you up~”
“... Oh.”
Giggling yourself, you revved up a few ticks and noted how he held firm to the handles. The first couple lane changes he acclimated like a champ, which gave you confidence to finally reach the top permissible speed. Maybe you could risk another five over, once you got out of city ordinances with those darned speed bump monitors… 
In a few clicks, you'd reach the offramp to the beach expressway, so you checked your mirrors for Bakugou’s face. The helmet he wore was tinted, but not fully opaque like yours. You could see his wary brows as he had his sights locked down onto the passing dashes of your lane, willing you to stay within them while silently stewing over it. 
“You good back there?” Your voice carries through assuring, but with a level of calm to prove to him all was operating fine. 
Brought out of his head, Bakugou flitted his gaze ahead, then down to where you'd tilted your head. Proving you were listening. 
“Yeah. M’good.”
He squeezed his arms in a little, to answer back. A step in the right direction. 
“Knew you'd be a natural,” you praised, earning a proud roll of his arms, “now we’re gonna make this loop, so just turn in with me, like you did before.”
“Got it.”
Rounding the exit, Bakugou admittedly might have pushed his lean too much  at first– not accounting for how much you lean and how much he weighs, so he immediately righted himself with a stiffness. Thankfully, you slow on every one of these to level out the overcorrect. And hey, at least his surprise caused him to latch that left arm around your waist, so that was… not unwelcome. 
Straightening out to the road, he reluctantly returned his hands to where they once were, but settled his posture  down onto your back comfortably.
He truly was doing well. Bakugou takes to new challenges with eagerness that betrays any hesitation. You count on him talking a big game to give you an ease in expectation for most missions you've provided support on. It's cocky, but confident, and oftentimes not without a good bit of truth and experience to back it up. When he calls out to you on patrol, it might be loud and proud, but it comes from a place of valuing teamwork- never once making you feel unappreciated for your services. It’s something he even confessed to you that he had to intentionally learn before entering the workplace. 
‘You shoulda seen me in high school. Pretty much a bully. Y’can't operate as a team that way all the time, though. But here I am- I'm on track to get top ten on the leaderboard according to Jeanist. “Even assholes can get the job done sometimes”– which, YES, is a compliment, by the way! Seems he’s finally thinkin’ better of me and given’ me some respect!’
Gee, can't imagine you being a hothead at all. 
Tell of his talent and accolades are well earned, you have to agree. To the asshole comment, you weren't so sold. Sure, he was harsh and pointed with just about anyone who throws a contrary opinion at him. Bakugou's reputation preceded him for not being the best to gel with.
But for all that bravado, the minute you teamed up after your first joint mission at the agency, you noticed how he cut the edge with you. Most times, he may growl and grunt at worst, but Bakugou usually spoke to you pretty even-keeled. Careful, you might call it. Wouldn’t call it ‘friendly’, but kind enough for you to choose to stick around him: make the offer to him for some company, talk through your routes together under the guise that you need a fresh set of eyes, even seek him out after hours when he opened up the invite to you to come for dinner and drinks with some alumni friends of his. 
…gentle enough for you to get a soft spot for the pro hero you'd have bet six months ago would’ve blown your head off without a second thought. 
Now, that same hero carries his head higher behind you. He’s not obsessed with watching the road anymore, taking comfort enough in your driving so he could watch the flock of geese pass over your left, with a hand rooted on hip for support. 
The thought warmed you, yet you didn't dare speak and break his bubble. Even pros deserved time to hit pause and just clear the head with a drive. That’s just what you loved to do, too.
Your chosen destination was mere minutes away now. Finding yourself slowing and cutting over to the beach access road, Bakugou’s grunts grew uneasy along with the bumps in the road. For a split second you think you should have warned him to ‘watch the rocky bits’, but like all things, he's a trooper and didn't say a word. 
Sliding onto the packed down sand, you adjusted your bike’s wheel type by sense alone to add a bit more traction in order to drive smoothly. With a low hum of acceleration, you were off in no time back to a comfortable speed: ocean to your left, sky ahead, dunes shielding you on your right from the rest of the city nightlife. You leave treads in your dust, but they are soon washed away as the incoming tide chases you. 
It’s here on familiar terrain that you sit up a bit more relaxed, free of asphalt and multi-lane traffic. Most folks must be out having dinner plans, so the beach is yours until the night beach walkers arrive. Flipping your visor up, the wind immediately hit your lashes, but the smell was incredible. Always was. 
You heaved a cleansing breath happily, reveling in the smooth thrum of the bike beneath you- perfect conditions and company. 
“Honest truth? I could get paid pennies for my transport work for all I care,” you confessed over a cry of some gulls, “--as long as I have enough time to get away for views like this.” You swung a relaxed arm out to the waves foaming alongside, “This–  is worth more than all the big bucks.”
You felt Bakugou’s hum on your back before you heard it. He mimicked your gesture too, making waves through the air as childlike as you could picture. From your rearview, you caught him smiling across the sea to the horizon line. 
He agrees with ease, “Yeah. Sure is a sight,” 
“Worth the wait, huh?”
Bakugou centered back, checking for you in the rearview mirror. With a little jerk of his head (a swallow), that gentler, gravelly voice he kept for you answered back, 
That sweet spot flipped in your stomach, even as his brows firmed up again and flicked one up at you,
“Bout time, I mean. You were holding out on me.”
There it was again: that pathetic pulse in your chest at his brand of teasing. 
Taking a breather from the constant exertion of your abilities, you cut all energy off to the fueling of the mech- letting it coast to a full stop after boosting up the ramp to the fishing overlook. It took you a couple manual strides of your feet to get you close to the edge before kicking the locking gear in place. 
Bravery you typically reserve for villain encounters and public speaking is summoned from your lips. You’re proud of yourself, but no less jittery inside,
“Tell ya a secret.”
“Oh yeah?”
You took off your helmet, but dare not look back. 
“If I ever take a hiatus from hero work,” you share, “I wanna figure out how I can drift on water. I already started making some notes after that Support Course workshop. Imagine how sick that'd be, right? Could do a lot of good with that. Hybrid water rescues, marine chases..”
“--If you don't get nabbed by sharks first,” Bakugou fired back with his helmet off now to match.
You had to laugh at the danger he presented, 
“Really? A quirk-ridden world and a villain presence more prominent than any generation before ours– and the idea of sharks scares you?”
Bakugou caught your stare defensively, “Sharks? Hell no! Death by sharks? What a dumbass way to die. I'd rather go out with-”
“--with a bang. Of course you would.”
To your sassy quip back, Bakugou simply smirked, laid a boldly set foot on either side of the bike to steady himself– and absolutely tickled the daylights out of your sides. 
After a decent punishment, you only settled your shrieks as he switched from assault to detainment, pulling you tight to his chest. 
He’s not actually offended; not by the way he’s locked his hand solidly around his own wrist to keep you in place.
“Got a smart mouth, you know that?” Bakugou snarked in your ear.
You do consider yourself a decent personality hire, after all. 
“I think it makes me fun at parties~”
“...You’re a good driver though.”
Even softer, you give a work of thanks. Bakugou doesn’t say more and doesn’t let go.
The sight of the sun finally started slipping out of the skyline, a wash of gold and pink and orange surrounding you both. At this time of year, the last bit of  setting sun isn’t enough to warm you through, even outfitted in leather and thick cordura. The only bits of exposed skin you showed were where your jacket opened to flash your shirt collar, and the tops of your hands your gloves couldn't cover– hands Bakugou was currently keeping warm as he comfortably held you. At rest for once, you wonder. 
“This is.. really nice,” the blond shared after a few centering breaths. 
From your angle, you couldn't really look back to see him. You tried, but his grip tightened slightly, so you sensed he was likely holding you this way on purpose. 
Giving in, you agreed and laid back. After all, you didn't think he got this sentimental unless he was truly relaxed– a marvel itself. 
Letting out a soothed breath yourself, you leaned inward, towards his neck, “Really is.”
“Mean it, y'know.” He tried again, “Not just gettin’ us out here. You're…  really damn good at your job. The agency’s lucky you’re the one who’s always there for pickups. I almost ate it with that landing last week, if you hadn't caught me in your– truck bed– tank.. whatever that  speed demon thing was you made–”
‘Inst-Transit’ was quite the desired quirk for heroes in evac-centered roles, like yours. What set you apart was the ‘razzle-dazzle’ you offered in that you could make your own custom vehicles; not just manipulate current cars to your will. No two were truly alike and could be altered even in the moment; the vehicle you set out at the start of the mission could very well have morphed over the course of the operation and come out completely different by the end.
Years upon years taught you all manner of land mechs to model your rides after, months more to change them mid-mission to accommodate transporting heroes four times your weight– plus any civilians you pick up along the way.
“-and can't forget how you caught up to that runner in just two blocks, too. Damn.”
For Bakugou to compliment you meant more than surface-deep flattery. He knows the inner technicality of how you perform. How you think. His words carry weight.
“Well, that’s awfully high praise. You’re not just trying to keep me in your good graces so I take you back to the office safely?”
Your ‘backpack’ bristles, but doesn’t shift away to let go, 
“M’tryna compliment you, dummy.”
Bakugou’s trademark temper sufficiently tested, you eased his embarrassment.
“Oh then, my apologies. Thank you~”
This satisfied him enough to take another cleansing breath of salt air. You studied the railing with particular interest, 
“--honestly, I'm just flattered you said yes to this.”
Bakugou tips his lips close to your crown, speaking more to your hairline than the space over your shoulder, “D’you think I'd say no to you?”
“I.. didn't know what you'd say,” you reasoned, “I mean, you are incredibly nice to me. We work decently together. I normally just consider myself lucky to be in that portion of the populace who you don't wanna blow up, and just roll along with it, but… this sorta thing… outside of work? The more I look at it, it’s– not just taking a break like we do all the time. I dunno. Could be reading things wrong, but it– definitely feels more and more like a-”
“A date.”
“Well… yeah.”
“... do you wanna call this a date.”
Your position was brutal- not being able to look at him. But looking down in your few moments of thought gave you your answer:
Bakugou’s thumb was caressing that little pocket of skin at your wrist. His pride’s keeping his mouth shut, but his powerful hands are silently swiping. Nudging you to ‘please say yes’. 
He needed you to simply say the word, it seems. 
“...I sure hope so, ‘Mr. Dynamight.”
Above you, your pro hero hid his reaction– but not the smile in his voice, 
“Katsuki. When it’s just you and me.”
A fluttering exhale left you. Upon hearing his first name (soon to be added to as your phone contact by a comically horrendous candid you already have of him), you’re now content to just rest against him; out of sight and up against his built chest. 
“N’I guess that means only one thing left to seal the deal, then.”
Before you could ask what that meant, Bakugou chipped your chin up and into place for him to set a firm, doting kiss to your forehead– before asking, 
Sufficiently charmed and encouraged at how the night’s going, your smirk turned much sweeter now, “I could eat~”
Crimson eyes softened at your sated reaction, proud of himself no doubt.  
“You get us there, I'm paying. No buts.”
“Yeah, okay.”
Your helmets donned, you set your sights further down the beach for the least populated popcorn shrimp stand you could manage, and backed up the bike with careful steps. 
Bakugou held onto your hips easily now… 
“Hey,” Katsuki called through the helmet, “Whatm’I supposed to call you when we’re off hours, huh?”
You shook your head, still beside yourself that you have the ‘Lord Explosion Murder God’ at your heels and hanging on your every word:
“I think if you call me anything other than ‘dummy’, I’m gonna assume you hate me!”
That got a belly laugh out of Katsuki.
“HAH! ‘Pretty Thing’ it is.”
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callsign-dexter · 9 months
"I got you, Baby Girl."
Request: Hmmm this is so hard to pick, all of them are so angst!! How about…. “hey – stay with me.” For Baby Bradford Universe…
❤️love you!!
Starter- Hey-stay with me.
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Daughter!Reader, Lucy Chen x Daughter!Reader, Tim Bradford x Lucy Chen
Warnings: angst, guns, gunshot wound
Baby Bradford: A Little Fighter
miscellaneous angst starters.
A/N: Thank you @maverick-wingman for this angst request you really do know how to wreck me......
Banner done by @callsigns-haze
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Tim always knew that his little girl, himself, and Lucy would be in danger due to their job especially when the people got out that they put away wanted revenge. That is why he kept his private life and his work separate but only let the people he worked with know about his little girl, Y/N, because he knew they would protect her with their lives. He didn’t like when she had to be left alone, he always wanted someone with her at all times and for her to have her location on and of course Y/N got irritated about it but she understood and didn’t put up too much of a fight, she loved her dad.
It was a Friday evening and he and Lucy just gotten off, Saturday was meant for them to be off until Monday with Y/N but they had gotten news that they needed to go in to work that day, they weren’t happy about but did as they did what they were told. Now they just had to break the news to Y/N which wasn’t going to be easy because the 15-year-old cherished her time with her dad and, now, mom, on their off days. Both of them had just picked up their kid and were heading home, they decided to tell her over supper. She had just hopped into the car after putting her backpack in smiling at her parents. “Hey, Mom and Dad!” She exclaimed as she buckled herself in and once, she was Tim started to drive off.
“Hey, Baby Girl.” Tim said smiling at her through the review mirror and then quickly putting his eyes back on the road.
“Hey, Buttercup.” Lucy said actually being able to turn around and look at her. She had given the girl the nickname because she loved the movie The Princess Bride and Buttercup was one of her favorites and she also like Reese Peanut Buttercups.
“How was your day?” Tim asked still focusing on the road and she shrugged.
“It was ok. One of the seniors got arrested because he was caught harassing a teacher and was high.” She said and they were surprised.
“Wonder why we didn’t hear about it.” Lucy said having turned back around.
“School security arrested him.” She said like it was nothing and to her it probably was nothing due to her parents being cops. After a few minutes of driving and nothing more was talked about the topic of food came up.
“What do you want for supper?” Tim asked and she looked at him and thought about it.
“I’ve been wanting BBQ.” She spoke
“Make it or buy it?” He asked her.
“Make it. You make the best BBQ.” She said and Lucy nodded in agreement and he smirked.
“You got it. What do you want with it?” He asked
“Mac and cheese.” Lucy and Y/N said at the same time and Tim smirked it was a good thing that Lucy and his daughter had similar tastes. The were home and no time and they were getting out of the vehicle which was now parked in the garage and heading inside. Once they were in, they took off shoes and as Y/N was sitting her backpack down and was about to head upstairs her father stopped her.
“Do your homework so you’re not waiting until last minute.” He said knowing she had a habit of doing so.
“Fine.” She sighed in frustration and sat down to begin her homework which could be done in no time since she excelled in mostly all subjects. By the time dinner was ready her homework was done and they could eat. As they got their plates of homemade BBQ and homemade mac and cheese along with their drink choices they began eating and it was mostly quiet until Tim started to speak up.
“Lucy and I got called in to work tomorrow.” Tim said he and Lucy watched their daughter’s face go through so many emotions while he took a drink of his water.
“What?” She finally asked once it hit her.
“Oh, Buttercup. It’s only for Saturday and then you have us all day Sunday.” Lucy said and Y/N was not satisfied with that answer and they could tell by the quietness that she went into.
“Nolan is going to be with you.” Tim said and she nodded as if saying ‘ok’. They hated telling her bad news because she always seemed to get down but they had to tell her eventually. Tim and Lucy looked at each other but they continued on with dinner and when they tried to make small talk all they got were one worded or short answers. The only thing that made it better was that Nolan was going to be with her while they were working, she absolutely that man and maybe because it was that he was gentle and patient with her. When dinner was over, they put their plates in the dishwasher and then headed into the living where they always had a movie night after dinner, it had become a tradition, after changing into their pajamas. Y/N had fallen asleep with her head in her dad’s lap. When the movie was over Tim had picked her up and headed into her room and tucked her in and then giving her a kiss to her head “I love you, Baby Girl.” He said and then headed back out into the living room where he and Lucy watched an episode of a show they had started and then they were headed to bed.
Saturday rolled around and Tim and Lucy were up early preparing to go into work. After they both had showered and packed the doorbell rang and they knew it was Nolan and Tim went to answer it, as Lucy began to get their coffee ready. She was making Tim’s first because it would take longer because he wanted the coffee pot and her’s wouldn’t take long because it was in a Keurig, he swore he would never use one of those ever. “Hey, Nolan.” Tim greeted him and let him.
“Good morning, Tim.” He said and just about that time Y/N walked into the kitchen and smiled at everyone and greeted everyone. “Good morning, Lucy and Y/N.” He added.
“Good morning, Mom, Dad, and Uncle Nolan.” She said and hugged them all.
“Alright, we’re about to head out soon. You be good for him and Nolan,” Tim said turning towards him “don’t let her drag you into anything or let her trick you.” He said knowing that Nolan had a weak spot for the young girl and he nodded.
“Noted.” Nolan said
“There are leftovers in the fridge or feel free to go out.” Lucy said and Nolan and Y/N nodded. “Alright, Tim we got to go.” Lucy said looking at her watch and then hugging her daughter and kissing the side of her head as Tim nodded and did the same thing.
“We love you.” Tim said
“Love you too.” She said and they headed out after saying bye to Nolan. Once they were gone, they turned to each other.
“Movie day and then out for lunch?” Y/N asked him knowing the answer because that became their tradition as well.
“Absolutely.” He said and she smiled and they went into the living room and began their day. It was only 8 AM so they had some time before lunch. Breakfast consisted of junk food and some movies that had some bad acting especially the cop movies, which everyone liked to nick pick.
 12 PM rolled around and Y/N and Nolan were headed to their favorite café that they liked to visit when they are together and well everyone’s favorite. As they pulled up, they were laughing and having a good time but something just didn’t feel right when they walked in but they decided to ignore it and continue on. They ordered and waited for their food and when it was ready, they went and sat outside wanting to enjoy the sunny day. The feeling of something bad happening slowly ebbed away as they talked and made jokes. It was nearing the end of lunch for them and both Nolan and Y/N were done and she had decided to take the trash up and then maybe she could get him to agree to get some ice cream and everyone’s favorite place. Just as Y/N had thrown away her garbage she heard her last name being shouted. “Yo, Bradford.” The voice shouted and she turned around smiling expecting to find one of her friends but it quickly went away when she didn’t recognize the person and gun was pointing at her “This is for my dad.” He said and before she could answer he pulled the trigger and everyone started shouting and then he took off running. Pain was what hit her first after the initial shock wore off and she made a face as her hands went towards her abdomen and she fell to her knees.
Nolan heard the shout and looked up from his phone and saw the scene and paled and then jumped into action and as he was heading towards them the distinct sound of a gunshot going off was heard and at first, he ducked but then kicked himself into gear. He pulled out his gun and was about to pull the trigger but he was already too far ahead and around other people. “Call 911.” Nolan said to someone and they nodded and then he was off to Y/N. “Hey, Y/N/N. You’re going to be ok.” He said and while covering her hands with his hands but she was losing blood fast and she wasn’t saying anything just staring at him and gasping for air. He was about to say something when he heard sirens and then footsteps behind him and he looked back behind him and saw Tim and Lucy coming over.
“Y/N?” Tim asked and knelt down next to them “What happened?” He asked Nolan as he took over pressure and that made his daughter cry out.
“She went to throw away the trash and I was answering some emails and texts when I heard a shout and looked up. The guy had a gun pointed at her and I jumped into the action but couldn’t get a shot off because he was already too far away.” Nolan explained but Tim didn’t say a word too worried about his daughter, he wasn’t mad at Nolan.
“Angela and Jackson are going after him now.” Lucy said and then Y/N started to cough and blood was starting to come out of her mouth and flow down her chin.
“Hey-stay with me.” Tim said when he noticed her eyes start to shut and breathing started to become irregular. There wasn’t an exit wound and that worried him. “I’ve got you, Baby Girl.” Tim started trying to keep it together but his voice was slowly cracking “Dad and mom are here.” He said knowing she would find comfort in that Lucy was there too. The ambulance rolled up and were quick to load her up and head to the hospital with everyone behind them.
When they got to the hospital Y/N was immediately rushed into surgery and now Tim, Lucy, and Nolan had to wait. Grey had heard and was immediately there as well along with Talia, even though she had moved to a different department Lucy was quick to let her know, Harper, who was quick to grow close to the girl because she reminded her of her child and would protect her at all cost and Nolan let her know, Angela, and Jackson. Wesley Evers even showed up after hearing the news from Angela since she was on the phone with him and he had to admit he cared for Y/N Bradford and she had grown close to him. “We caught the man. He was the son of someone that Tim had put away a few months ago and he somehow figured out she was your daughter. He wanted revenge. He’s going away for attempted murder.” Grey said and they nodded.
Grey had immediately let Tim and Lucy have the rest of the day off since it was their child in the hospital. Everyone else besides Nolan, Harper, and Wesley had to go back to work. Nobody talked while they waited Tim was just staring at his hands, his hands that were stained with his daughter’s blood something that he wished would never happen. He had tried to wash them off but it had worked only a little bit and the same went for Nolan.
4 hrs is how long they waited until a doctor was coming out. Wesley and Harper had gone to grab everything Tim, Lucy, Nolan, and Y/N needed from home. They tried to get Nolan to go home and rest but he refused to leave his niece behind. Grace Sawyer had been her doctor and her heart dropped when she saw it was Y/N that she was going to be working on, even though she had met the teenager a few times the two grew close, Grace saw them and walked over to the small group.
“Grace.” Tim said “How is she?” He asked and Grace smiled but it was a small one.
“It was touch and go and we almost lost her because of blood loss but she’s a little fighter.” She said and everyone nodded agreeing “The bullet entered her abdomen and then traveled and hit one of her lungs and collapsed it which was why her breathing was labored. We got all of the bullet out and fixed her lung. She’s in recovery and everyone can go an see her now Gino will be here nurse.” She said and they nodded. Gino and her had also become close after the short interactions they also became close but then again that was just how she was and nobody could resist her. “I’ll show you to her room.” She said and they followed her “She’ll be out of it for a while just so she’s not in as much pain and it was a pretty major surgery.” She added when they got there Gino was making sure everything was set to go and smiled and greeted everyone when they got there but was quick to leave so that they could have some time with her.
Everyone took a seat and they waited. Tim was sat the closest to holding her hand being careful of the IV. While Lucy beside him and Nolan on the other side. Nobody spoke and they only sound was the steady heartbeat coming from the heart monitor. They knew that she was going to be ok because she’s a Bradford and Bradford’s don’t let anything take them down even if it is a gunshot wound. She also had the best doctor and the best nurse on her side.
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paperstorm · 14 days
The gif where TK yells no at Gywn makes my heart hurt. He looks so unhealthy and scared and sad and we know TK is a precious and sweet buttercup and he doesn’t usually yell at those he loves and is clearly at rock bottom here. You can see how he immediately regrets it as he literally covers his mouth right after he does it. 3x08 just wrecks me.
Yeah 🥺🥺 I know. He’s in so, so much pain. And the thing about the prospect of going to rehab is that .. at that stage of the addiction, yes the substance is causing harm but the underlying reason for the addiction is the real cause of all of it, and it gets to a point where the world is so bleak and you feel so completely hopeless, that the substance is literally your one tiny thing that you can cling to. Looking forward to using is the only thing that keeps you going, the one tiny spark of joy that’s left in your life. So an intervention, at that stage, sounds like people are saying “hey we know that everything in your life feels like an endless black hole and you are in pain every second of every day, but we would like to take away the one thing you have that makes life feel worth living.” More than anything, in that moment at the restaurant, TK is fucking terrified. He’s terrified that if this one thing is taken from him, he wont have a reason to live anymore, and he can’t wrap his mind around why someone who claims to love him doesn’t understand that.
(Gif for context by @guardian-angle22)
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dontyoufeelitangel · 16 days
Echo - The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader
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Synopsis: A psychology lesson from the medic of the batch turns into a personal experiment. How will Echo react to being your subject?
Tags/Warnings: SFW, mentions of animal testing (nothing graphic), established relationships, kissing, fluff, (I accidentally made Wreck really dumb in the first half, so we’re just going to pretend that’s because he’s tipsy. Sorry wreck!)
Prompt : “Why do you build me up, buttercup baby, just to let me down? - I need you, more than anyone darling. You know that I have from the start. So build me up, buttercup, don’t break my heart.”
A/N: this prompt comes from the bad batch playlist I put together from the song “Build Me Up Buttercup - The Foundations”. This is not a song fic, feel free to check out the playlist! Also, yes the timeline and character appearances in this chapter are messed up and do not follow the original show, shhh it’s fine, we’re gonna ignore it🤫
You joined the batch as their medic right before the rise of the empire and stuck with them through order 66. While you never officially finished your medic schooling, you were qualified. More than qualified actually. You had saved the boys butts on multiple occasions, and when it came to the mental weight of what they’ve been through, you always knew just what to say.
Over time you naturally became great friends with the boys. Each of them were so unique and they had so much personality. They became your home away from home. You seemed to be closer with one more than the others. Echo. He was -biologically- the reg of the group, but his experience and individuality made him as unique as the rest of the batch. It was also what made you fall for him.
Naturally, the two of you became a thing, nothing official but it was very clear the both of you loved each other.
So here you sat, the dim lights of Cid’s parlor reflecting on your glass. Wrecker and Tech were in a game of sabacc. You sat close, shadowing over Techs shoulder watching him play his hand. Light conversation had started between the three of you. The conversation started with the rules of the game and slowly melted into you talking about your unfinished schooling.
“Well I don’t know if I should trust you on the field anymore doc!” Wrecker snorted. The contagiousness of his laughter put a small smile on your face. You were now grinning at him from behind Tech’s shoulder.
“Trust whatever you want big guy, just don’t expect me to save your ass on the field next time” your words laced with playful sarcasm as you sipped on your drink.
“And hey! What’s stopping me from walking over there and giving away your cards to tech!?” A sound between a laugh and a scoff erupted from you as you set your drink down.
Tech only smiled and watched the interaction before speaking up.
“She’s more qualified than you” Tech nodded, putting a card down. His affirmation drew a smile from your lips.
“See! I love to see the support,” you waved your arms at tech before giving him a friendly pat on Tech’s shoulder.
“And it’s not even just about what I can do on the field- I’m knowledgeable in psychology and chemistry too,” you chest puffed in proudness. Wrecker only gave a playful huff,
“You were educated in psychology?” Tech inquired.
“You’re surprised? It IS a requirement for medic schooling” you adjusted your stool slightly to be in the middle of the two boys rather than behind tech.
“Not necessarily surprised, I’m very aware of your capability. It’s just that -as a clone- I personally didn’t take many psychology classes. My studies were more directed towards computer sciences and database management. Then again, I wasn’t taught to specifically specialize in the medical field.” Tech spoke, you only nodded,
“So what you’re saying is, doc is a smarty” the loudness of Wreckers voice could almost throw you off guard, luckily you’ve spent enough time around him to be used to his volume.
You smiled at the statement,
“Of course” you smiled,
“How about a lesson?” You tilted your head toward Wrecker.
“I’m interested” a short response, but very much expected from tech.
You thought about what piece of information you could tell them. Searching your brain for a piece of knowledge the two of them didn’t know.
“A quick lesson on the tooka-bell experiment” you said,
The boys continued playing while you spoke, still listening to what you were saying. Acknowledging your voice by giving short nods,
“The tooka bell experiment was a conditioning experiment in tookas. About how a bell could get a natural reaction out of a tooka.” You started,
“When a tooka is fed, they salivate-“
“Like slobbering!” Wrecker interrupted.
“Yes,” you smiled,
“Like slobbering” you nodded before continuing to your lesson.
“A scientist would ring a bell every time he fed the experimental tooka. The tooka began associating the bell with receiving food. One day, the scientist accidentally rang the bell without having any tooka food prepared. The tooka began to salivate thinking it was going to be fed.” You finished.
“Ah, I get it. It’s a simple process of contidioning a neutral stimulus to get a response” tech nodded grabbing some cards from a deck that was set out on the table.
“Precisely” you have a curt nod, finishing off your drink.
“Uhhh, I don’t think I get it” Wrecker shook his head.
“It’s unconscious learning through repetition. For example: you and omega get mantell mix after every mission. Mantell mix and the end of a mission are two completely unrelated things. But because it’s become a tradition for you and little Omega, it would feel weird not to get the mantel mix at the end of a mission. Does that help big guy?” you gave him a glance followed along with a smile.
“I guess…” he slowly nodded.
The game of sabacc slowly wrapped up. It was quite late, there was a mission tomorrow and everyone had to get a good nights rest.
The cards were neatly put away and the drinks were discarded as the glasses were set to be cleaned.
You said you goodnights to Tech as you turned to say goodbye to Wrecker”
“Hopefully you ain’t doin’ that to us.” He let out a chuckle,
“Doing what?” Your head tilted.
“Training us subconsciously or whatever, I mean, the only dud who’d fall for it is Echo” this time he gave out a real laugh, one straight from his stomach. He ruffled you hair before walking off.
He was right though, Echo would totally fall for it.
Training was a strong word, but hopefully Echo wouldn’t mind. You had a strong plan made up, you grinned to yourself before walking to your own sleeping quarters.
The next day was mission day, something about extracting some goo from rocks or something. You really didn’t remember- or care.
Today also marked the day of your experiment.
You found yourself sitting in the front of the marauder, preparing to go into light speed.
“Hey Echo,” your voice soft and sweet, he was unsuspecting.
He let out a small ‘hmm?’ Before looking at you,
“Could I get a kiss before light speed?” You batted your lashes at him, you leaned your weight on the armrest, pushing yourself toward him.
“Of course” he smiled before kissing you.
The kiss was sweet and soft, much like echo himself. Although it didn’t last long, it was romantic and all that you needed in a kiss.
You smiled at him through your lashes before sitting back in your seat properly and jumping to hyper space.
The mission went fine, almost like any other. During the mission Echo had told you he ‘wouldn’t mind getting more kisses from you.’
It’s almost like he could read your mind, because for the next five missions you’d always find him right before hyper space and give him a kiss.
You started off by tapping his shoulder and politely asking for one, to just leaning over to him and giving him the kiss.
He never once missed a kiss, who was he to deny your request?
In fact, he must’ve gotten so used to it. For the next handful of missions or marauder trips, he would initiate the kiss right before hyper space.
That was your plan, because after around ten hyper space jumps, giving you a kiss before hand seemed to come natural to him. You had him right where you wanted it.
One afternoon before the batch and you were set to return back to ord mantell, you had called Tech and Wrecker to talk to them in the marauder.
“What is it that you required?” Tech asked, setting down his datapad.
“You boys remember the conversation we had a few months ago? About conditioning?” You spoke, mostly directing your question towards Wrecker.
Tech only have a curt nod and Wrecker grumbled something about ‘totally understanding what you were talking about’.
You gave a smile,
“Right, well, You told me Echo would fall for it, yeah?” You nodded your head, smiling while gesturing to Wrecker.
“I guess I did say that,” wrecker rubbed the back of his head, not fully remembering the previous conversation the three of you had.
Tech, who finally started to understand where this conversation was growing shook his head before speaking,
“You didn’t” he said,
“Oh I did,” you were now grinning ear to ear,
“Before we go into light speed, watch what echo does” you laughed, before walking over to the cockpit of the marauder.
You were now buckled into your seat, Tech and Wrecker looking into the cockpit for the interaction about to go down.
“Preparing the jump to hyperspace” you announced, putting your attention to some buttons and levers on the control panel.
You were purposely putting your attention away from echo,
As if on queue, echo pointed his head towards you, his eyes still focused on whatever he had had in his hands.
His lips puckered and ready for a kiss,
He sat like that for about five seconds -which doesn’t seem like a long time, but when you’re sitting there, full duck lips, it feels like an eternity-.
You saw his actions from the corner of your eye, still focused on the control panel. You gave a sly smile, attempting to hold in your own giggles.
Echo blinked a few times before realizing you didn’t kiss him, and you weren’t going to.
Heat rushed to his face as he leaned back into his chair,
Maker he must’ve looked so stupid -not to mention desperate- just sitting there with his lips puckered expecting a kiss from you.
He looked around in embarrassment to make sure nobody was watching, upon looking behind him he found two heads peaking into the cockpit.
Tech must’ve only found this slightly amusing because he only gave a smile,
Wrecker on the other hand, burst out into laughter. The sound of Wreckers laughter had let you know the bit was over, you too started laughing.
Echo was unamused and embarrassed. His cheeks were slightly flushed and his face flat, he didn’t find it funny. Your laughter and giggles made him realize that this was your plan all along,
Your giggles died down before you gave him a light pat on the cheek before jumping into hyperspace.
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carlos-in-glasses · 8 months
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Thank you for the tag @sznofthesticks @paperstorm @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @three-drink-amy @fallout-mars @alrightbuckaroo @orchidscript @thisbuildinghasfeelings @whatsintheboxmh @lemonlyman-dotcom @heartstringsduet 🥰
Chapter 13: The Risk of Love of Where All This Love Comes From will be up on Sunday, and it's a crucial moment for a grieving Carlos...
"I told him I couldn’t do it. He said we’d postpone. He wasn’t going anywhere. We had a moment where we just clung to each other. But then, suddenly, like out of nowhere, I got cold – I was freezing. I started shuddering. It’s like my body was dying. It’s like I was the one who had gone into the frozen lake. I was feeling TK’s hypothermia, and all that pain. TK grabbed me and bundled me up and was rubbing me all over to get me warm–”
“Hey!” O’Brien yells from the driver’s seat, “These are details I don’t need, Officer Reyes.”
“Let him talk,” Owen sighs, and turns to look at Caros properly, “Go on, Carlos.”
Carlos glumly shakes his head, hurt from the abrupt chastisement. Even though they’re in O’Brien’s car and O’Brien is operating the vehicle, Carlos had kind of forgotten he’s here. “TK is my best friend. He’s so amazing.”
O’Brien brakes gently, drawing up to a red light. “Well. I guess it does sound like you’ve got a good one.”
“The best,” Owen says.
“Best in the world,” Carlos cries, catching a tear on his tissue. “I don’t deserve him.”
Owen turns around, sits back in his seat and watches the road. “Let’s have a drink at mine before I run you home.”
Carlos goes quiet, stares out of the window. A scrubby grass strip divides the highway. Trucks with orange clearance lights pass, thick wheels four-feet tall. Number plates from Mississippi, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona. Tall billboards advertise attorneys in business suits, arms folded, grinning with white teeth – get cash for your car wreck, for your injury. Gabriel had suggested to Carlos a few times that he become a lawyer instead of a cop. He had the brain for it, the grades, the interest. Things would be so different if he’d taken that path. Gabriel still would have died, but he wouldn’t have met TK.
Buttercup meets them at the door when Owen opens up. He whines, ignores Owen and circles Carlos, as if trying to find the place where his love and concern for him begins and ends, but really it’s an eternal loop, because he is a dog. Carlos crouches and fusses Buttercup, who puts his front paws on Carlos’ thighs and tries to get into his lap, pushing him onto his ass on the floor – and Carlos finds himself taking the load of all fifty-two kilos of Bernese Mountain dog. Owen gives Buttercup a stroke behind the ears and then wanders off to the kitchen without saying anything, just lets man and dog have their moment. He selects for himself a glass bottle of sparkling water, and looks at the photos of TK stuck to the side of the fridge. Baby – child – teen – adult. The greatest love of Owen's life, and Carlos’ too.
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@liminalmemories21 @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @strandnreyes @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @wandering-night19 @reyesstrand @herefortarlos @fitzherbertssmolder @my-little-tilly @ladytessa74 @reasonandfaithinharmony @redshirt2 @carlos-tk @louis-ii-reyes-strand @freneticfloetry @ambiguouspenny @goodways @bonheur-cafe @lightningboltreader @noxsoulmate @inkweedandlizards @jesuisici33 @theghostofashton @chicgeekgirl89 @sanjuwrites @never-blooms
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strayoblivion · 2 years
a little teasing don’t hurt nobody (f.l.)
➵ pairing: felix lee x reader / idol!skz / non.idol!you ➵ 594 words / fluff / reader calls felix ‘lix’ and felix calls reader ‘buttercup’ ➵ in which felix–known to have overflowing charisma on stage–is a nervous wreck just around you. (chan is a big shipper) [masterlist ❣️]
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felix lee had no problems performing on stage; in front of hundreds upon thousands. the constant spotlight doesn’t faze him, the pressure to live up to the reputation of stray kids imprinted on his forehead. what does make him crack comes in a form of one person with the stars he claims to be embedded in their eyes with the glow of the sun radiating from their face; it’s none other than–”y/n!”
that immediately get felix to look away from the television screen in front of him–mario kart be damned–eyes now scanning around for... for... his train of thought officially leaves the station when he sees how widely you’re smiling at chan who opened the door for you, returning the hug he offers. you fist bump minho on the way in and that’s when you–”lix!”
he abandons the controller onto the sofa he’s sitting on, spreading his arms out to welcome you in. his eyes are a goner at this point; smiling that wide and that hard will do that to him and it shows.
“hey buttercup,” he murmurs into your ears, arms squeezing you tight and giving you a small tug until you’re forced to situate beside him. when your arms retract to yourselves once more, you get comfy, pulling your feet up to fold them onto the sofa, one of your kneecaps laying atop of felix’s thigh. he automatically rests his hand on your knee, stroking your skin lightly as your attention falls on the game he was playing halfway earlier.
“what a loser. here, let’s play together,” you snort, reaching for the second controller so that you can join in on the game. while you’re giddily setting it up, felix’s eyes widen at the way chan mouths are you still chickening out? it’s been months!
mind your own business!
if you don’t tell them, i will!
don’t you fucking dare–felix’s eyes widen–chan, i’m begging you-!
“hey, y/n?” chan calls out sweetly, easily sweeping your eyes from the bright coloured screen to his brown eyes looking at you from a mere distance, “yeah?” 
over your shoulder, chan smirks at the way felix’s eyes almost bulges out of his head, like they’re about to pop. poor boy is still trying to get chan to stop with stop! you’re a monster! the delayed response from chan is what gets you to shift your body so you can properly look at chan, narrowing your eyes at him, “hello? earth-to-chan?”
chan sighs and shakes his head, scrunching his nose at you, "felix told me you suck in mario kart.”
felix gapes at the lie–not exactly a lie but–as he feels the relief washes over his body. he has to prepare himself for the way you gawk at him in return, playfully shoving at his chest, “you’re the one who sucks! let’s play right now. loser washes the dishes tonight!”
all felix can do is nod after swallowing thickly, half-glaring at chan who decided to sit on the floor on your side as he snacks on a pack of chips and offers him a smile. felix can’t even be mad when he sees how excited you are to play the game now that it’s competitive and there’s something at stake. he’s partially-debating if he wants to purposely lose just so he’ll do the dishes on your behalf (or the fact he knows you’d still help him regardless).
either one, felix will take any bit of moment he’ll have with you–even if chan’s on the other end with a shit-eating-grin on his face, watching it all go down.
((felix intended to give chan the cold treatment that day... only to begrudgingly say a soft thanks when the night ended with you and felix spending far too long to get the dishes done and ended up having felix walk you back home.
it seems like chan’s no stranger to this, only sighing a what will you do without me? before he retreats back to his room before felix can give him a roundhouse kick to the face.))
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defectivevillain · 2 years
engineered escapism
pairing: karl heisenberg x masc!reader
reader’s pronouns: he/him
[Essentially, you’re in Ethan Winters’ place, although you’re not married to Mia and Rosemary isn’t your child… For the sake of the plot, Rose is your younger sibling! Her disappearance justifies your journey into the strange village.]
word count: 2.7k [ao3 version here]
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You’re quickly getting tired of this village. It’s dilapidated and wrecked, with werewolves roaming around and dead bodies scattered about the land. The area reeks of death, destruction, and grime. The smoky air is so suffocating that it makes your head pound incessantly. You shake your head in disbelief, musing on the prior events that led you here. They snatched Rose up and dragged you out of the house. You need to find Rose, no matter the cost.
After a rather painful amount of time spent ransacking the village for weapons and valuables, you find the key you need to enter the area leading to the castle. Your heart is pounding in your chest as you unlock the gates and walk towards the looming castle walls. It appears that the path leads to a side entrance, thankfully. You shouldn’t be spotted here. Upon entering the passage, you find dim torches lighting the way and rubble littered about the floors. It seems you’re still not in the castle just yet. Your eyes catch on a crank next to a ginormous door and you reach out to pull it.
“Well, well.” You whip around, dread coiling in the pit of your chest when you take in the rugged-looking stranger lurking in the corner. The man is wearing a wide brimmed hat and sunglasses. He carries a vicious metal hammer, which is currently propped against his shoulder. You gulp. “Didn’t think anyone was left! You must be pretty stubborn, huh?” As the man takes a step closer, you realize that there are things floating around him. Upon closer inspection, it appears the metal scraps nearby are hovering in the air, as if he is controlling them. You suddenly don’t have a good feeling about this.
“Who are you?” You manage to choke out.
That must be the wrong thing to say, because the man’s smirk grows wider. “You’re not from around here,” he realizes aloud. You grimace. “Even better.” You don’t get the chance to question what that means before there’s a sharp pain slicing through your chest. You look down, only to find that you’ve been impaled with a metal rod. Your knees crumple beneath you and you fall to the ground. Just as you try to push yourself up, metal slams into your skin. The scraps surround you until your vision fades to black.
You’re later awoken to the rough sensation of being dragged along the rocky ground. When you finally manage to blink the stars out of your eyes, you find that your hands are entrapped within another metal contraption. The man from earlier is dragging you behind him, using a long chain that connects to your trapped hands. You try to resist and dig your heels into the ground.
“Easy, buttercup,” the man says over his shoulder, evidently noticing your rather pathetic attempt at resistance. There’s no trace of his earlier amusement in his voice. You contemplate your options. You could try to break free and risk this guy retaliating and killing you. You could also go along willingly and try to figure out your options from there. You sigh. It would be safer to wait to see what he has in store. “We’re almost there.” He laughs. You try to keep your eyes open, but your exhaustion wins out once more.
It feels as if, the moment your eyes slip shut, you’re being roused awake again. This time, it’s not the rough feeling of being dragged around that tears you from sleep. Instead, it’s a woman’s voice. You can’t quite make out what she’s saying, so you instead wait for the graininess in your vision to pass. Once it does, you’re immediately wishing you were unconscious once more.
A small figure stands before you. She wears a bride’s gown and veil. Her skin is a haunting grey and her empty eyes lock onto you. Just as she takes a step closer, another figure enters your view. This one is grotesque. He has bones tied to his temple and his purplish skin is wrinkled with wear. The two start fighting and, thankfully, lose their interest in you rather quickly.
“My daughters grow hungry for… fresh meat.” You turn to your left, only to find a tall woman wearing a brimmed hat and an elegant white dress. She appears to be a royal of some sort. Her voice sounds somewhat familiar. You wonder if she was the one speaking just as you regained consciousness.
“Give him to me,” the man from earlier smirks.  His attention is focused on the woman standing in the center of the room. These people… They’re debating your life right in front of you, as if you aren’t even there. You stare at him, willing him to turn his head. Against all odds, the man glances at you. You send him your most venomous glare and he chuckles. “I haven’t had a new lab rat in such a long time.” The tall woman sitting across from him stirs at this, as if she has an objection.
“That’s enough,” the figure in the center of the room seethes, successfully making the space fall to silence. “I’ve made my decision. Heisenberg. The outsider’s fate is in your hands.” Trepidation prickles along your skin as the man that assaulted you earlier tips the brim of his hat to the woman speaking. Evidently, he is Heisenberg.
“Mother Miranda…” The tall woman says, stepping towards you. You instinctively push yourself backwards. “Heisenberg is immature and childish. Surely this mortal would be better dealt with in my hands.” This statement doesn’t seem to make Heisenberg happy, as he gets up from his seat and starts arguing in response. You bite the inside of your cheek, pretending that your heart isn’t racing out of his chest. The other figures from before are laughing and jumping about, evidently amused with the sudden turn of events.
“Silence!” A loud voice rings out amidst the chaos. “My decision is final.” Eight wings extend from Mother Miranda’s shoulders and her peaceful countenance from earlier has disappeared. The remark seems to dissuade everyone, as the fair lady turns her head. Heisenberg looks thoroughly pleased and he gestures widely to the space above, which—to your immediate horror—is swarming with werewolves.  
“Time for the games to begin!” Heisenberg announces loudly, accruing several hisses from the other creatures. The man then turns around and crouches down in front of you, an unreadable expression on his face. “Let’s see how long it takes you to break!” He lifts his hammer and you scramble backwards just in time to avoid a hit. His hammer cracks into the ground below and suddenly, the werewolves are standing right before you.
“Ten… nine… eight… seven… six… five… four…” It takes you a dangerously long time to comprehend what’s happening. By the time you turn to run away, he’s nearly done counting. You just barely manage to jump down a hole in the corner when you hear him joyfully announce the last number. “One!” You race through the tunnel you drop down in, heart pounding in your chest. The pathway is narrow and rocky, filled with boarded up areas that house angry werewolves. To your annoyance, you hear Heisenberg’s laugh loud and clear. It seems he’s found a way to broadcast his voice throughout the place. You roll your eyes and continue sprinting. Eventually, you come across an obstacle in the path and you have to kick through it to continue on.
Jumping down to another cave area, you take no time to rest and continue running. “Well done!” Just as he yells that, you see a ginormous, hulking creature towering over you. The thing has a giant hammer in its hands and it swings it at you, knocking the wind out of you. Before you know it, you’re falling backwards and down a long tunnel. It eventually spits you out onto the ground of what appears to be a holding cell. Werewolves claw at the bars down at the end of the rocky space. You think you hear Heisenberg say something else, but your adrenaline is roaring in your ears and you don’t have the time to focus on him.
Spikes are falling from above, you realize with horror. Just when you thought you escaped, another insurmountable obstacle appears. How in the hell are you going to survive this? You look around the cell frantically, desperate for some way to escape. The spikes descend closer and closer, until you’re almost crawling to avoid them. Thankfully, in the back of the cave, there appears to be an exit low to the ground. You pull at the wooden planks blocking it and crawl through. Somehow, you find yourself in yet another tunnel. Once it ends, you jump down into what appears to be a dump of sorts. You hardly get the chance to take a few steps before Heisenberg’s voice is echoing throughout the chamber.
“You didn’t think I’d let you escape, did you?” You whip around, only to find another set of spikes. These ones are even sharper and they roll towards you quickly. You race to the rocky wall and manage to find an alcove. The spikes continue to get closer. An idea pops into your head at that moment, and you recklessly hold up the metal contraption cuffing your hands together. “Fresh ground beef!” Heisenberg yells excitedly. The metal rubs against the spikes until the contraption breaks and the spikes stop spinning. You’re left breathing hard as the jagged metal is mere inches from your face. You manage to crawl out from under the spikes and stand up in the wreckage.
Once you regain your balance and your heart is no longer in your throat, you walk into the tunnels ahead of you. To your annoyance, there are more spikes scattered about these paths. Though, thankfully, they don’t appear to be functioning. You fumble your way around until you come across a wooden door that is locked from your side. After quickly unlocking the door and peeking through the crack to the other side, you find that you’re in the same place from earlier—the area where you first encountered Heisenberg. You take a step forward and close the door behind you, before sagging against it for a moment’s respite. Your breaths are still rather ragged and your chest aches from the way he impaled you earlier. You use what little first aid you have left to treat the wound, but, unfortunately, it doesn’t entirely disappear. As you walk through the tunnel, you find yourself outside. Your chest burns and your scratches and scrapes sting against the cold air. It appears you weren’t technically in the castle after all.
To your surprise and wariness, a merchant in a carriage is waiting for you. He’s definitely suspicious, but you settle for buying some of his wares and leaving. He’s far from the top of your priorities right now. Rose is of utmost importance. You have to find your sister. The thought pushes you forward into the castle itself. You push aside the heavy doors to reveal a large gallery. Ornate golden decorations line the white walls and elegant furniture enhances the ambience. You feel incredibly out of place here, but you’re quick to push aside the feeling. None of this matters. Rose is the only one that matters right now—strange creatures be damned.
You finally manage to find the entrance hall, after perusing around the few side hallways that connected to where you first entered. You hear a scream as you enter the space, so you make sure to spend as little time there as possible. You’re quick to run through to the nearest door and continue exploring. Weirdly enough, you can’t shake the feeling that the secrets in this castle will lead you closer to Rose. Clearly, the creatures all know something about her whereabouts. They have to.
Scarily enough, the merchant is somehow inside the castle now. You wonder how you didn’t run into him on his way in. His carriage is rather big, after all. Surely you would’ve crossed paths. You shake your head to clear your thoughts and continue on your way. As you explore, you begin to feel like you’re in a bit over your head. The castle is positively huge and you’re frequently getting turned around. To make matters worse, Lady Dimitrescu and her sisters are often roaming about the halls, so you have to be cautious when exploring. You do encounter one of the sisters, but you’re able to fend her off by breaking the windows in the room you’re occupying and exposing her to the cold winter air. The sisters are vulnerable to extreme changes in temperature, you think. After that encounter, you’re quick to continue exploring. At least, until you come across Lady Dimitrescu. You’re standing just outside her window. You have to crouch in order to keep yourself hidden, but you can still hear her voice as she calls someone on the phone.
“Mother Miranda,” Lady Dimitrescu starts. Well, that’s pretty expected. You’re not sure who else the woman would be calling. You decide to remain silent and continue listening in. “It appears the mortal has escaped from Heisenberg’s foolish trap… I find myself perplexed. Heisenberg has never taken such an interest in someone before.” That last statement throws you off. Taken an interest? What does that mean? You grimace and decide to continue moving, not bothering to listen to the rest of the phone call. It’s pretty difficult to comprehend a one-sided conversation. With that knowledge in the back of your mind, you manage to make your way back into the castle. You’re amazed you haven’t come across any of the other sisters yet. Unfortunately, that is when your luck runs out.
“Come out, little mouse.” You freeze upon hearing Heisenberg’s voice echoing through the hall. Evidently, the man’s trying to beckon you closer. You can’t help but scoff at the new nickname, even though you did feel rather akin to a mouse in a labyrinth earlier. Shaking your head, you look around the space, but there’s no one in sight. For a moment, you think you see a shadow, but it’s gone before you can confirm its existence. Your hands are trembling as you take careful steps forward. You hesitantly push the closest door open, only to fall backwards upon seeing the figure standing in the doorway.
“It seems I’ve finally found you,” Heisenberg says, deftly swinging his hammer up to rest on his shoulder. You take a few steps backwards, but the man matches your steps and grins. The furniture behind you begins to rattle and a few scraps of metal hover in the air near Heisenberg. “Honestly, I’m surprised you’ve lasted this long. Perhaps you could be useful after all. ”
Without thinking, you throw the nearest object you can find at him. He dodges the projectile with ease. You begin to think that was the wrong choice, upon seeing the hungry gleam in his eyes. You clasp the gun in your hand and shoot a few shots as a test. Sure enough, they don’t seem to affect him in the slightest. The man takes a few casual steps forward and you glance around the space for an escape. Surely, there’s somewhere you can run. This can’t be the end.
“You’re a tough one,” Heisenerg remarks, unknowing of your internal struggle. You take another instinctual backwards, only for your heel to brush up against the wall. Hopelessness settles deep in your chest and a shiver goes down your spine as you’re faced with the Lord. “I think I’ll keep you.” Before you can begin to comprehend what that statement means, Heisenberg is swinging his hammer into you. You duck down and his swing wrecks the wall you had been standing against. He brings his hammer down again and you throw your hands up at the last second. However, the force of the blow is still enough to send you toppling. Heisenberg is lightning quick and his third swing is far too fast for you to block. The last thing you see before your vision fades to black is the malicious smirk on the engineer’s face.
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socksjinie · 1 year
✿ crime 101 — to crush or be crushed | jungkook
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Ⓒ socksjinie — all rights reserved. do not repost, translate or claim as your own.
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synopsis. buttercup doesn't warm up to just anyone, but he somehow gets her like she has never been gotten before.
genre. powerpuff girls au ; jungkook!butch ; fluff ; angst
pairing. jungkook x buttercup
wordcount. 3635
warnings. foul language, and mentions of fights
a/n. i want to apologize in advance to my dearest followers that always send love to this au for the rushed writing on this drabble,, time has been so short and funky to me lately, and this really doesn't feel worthy enough of your kindness,,, still i tried~ hope you like it ♡
a/n2. the skipping class idea was inspired by a leecheedoodles drawing
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Jungkook had been trying to win against Buttercup his whole life, and she always came on top no matter how much or how hard he tried. 
from early on it was established that she was indeed the final boss of his much-played video games. 
it started when they first bumped into each other in the kindergarten playground. Jungkook, who had never stepped out of the way of anyone, not even his villain Dad, found an insult when Buttercup with a mere 3 ft 5 stood her ground against him when trying to go for a round in a swing. he remembers having a broken umbrella by the end of the confrontation as well as a broken nose as he watched her triumphantly swing as high as she could. 
later that week, he got to watch her annihilate one of his Dad’s monsters all by herself while her sisters ganged up on a much smaller one. it all bundled up to make him feel she was able to stomp on his pride that easily. 
and she had never run from a fight. much like him, she seemed to run towards it. unafraid of anything. the only difference between them was that he was able to win against everyone and everything but her. 
and so it began his schism to defeat Buttercup Utuniom no matter what. 
and he tried, God knows how he tried. 
differently from their siblings, Jungkook and Buttercup had always been appointed to the same classes. at first, it was a challenge for their teachers, as Jungkook used his time solely to annoy her instead of trying to learn something. he went from declaring himself the anime expert every time he challenged her to a battle, to then wrecking his brain trying to pull up smart pranks on the girl. 
what no one prepared him for, was the fact that she knew all the anime including how to apply its techniques while fighting—something not even his brothers would do. or how she always seemed to pull even better pranks at him, like the time when she made everyone ignore Jungkook’s existence in seventh grade and he thought for a whole day something had happened and he was indeed, a ghost. 
even his best friends, Jin and Yoongi, who had been in the same class as him since they were infants, had always found Buttercup the girl—which says a lot because, at this age, their class was pretty much split up as it consisted of a majority of boys and the total of nine girls attending. all of them, except his rival, would gather around the same spot in the school every day to do whatever they did. Jungkook tried to pry one or two times before having his ass kicked by Buttercup. which only infuriated him even more since she didn’t even take part in the little girls club. 
Buttercup was always playing with the other boys in the class… including his best friends. but every time a boy dared to disturb the girls, she would come to the rescue. 
in his mind, her attitudes were always a mystery. revolting to say at least. Jungkook hated her guts, and he knew the feeling was mutual. 
but then came the end of the eighth grade.  
it was early June, the sun was high in the sky and the school grounds were emanating a heat wave from the concrete floors. it was lecture day, and all of the classes were gathered in the main pavilion as the Mayor of Townsville gave a speech. 
Jungkook, however, sneaked his way toward the interior of the smaller gymnasium, where the coolness of the shadows would freshen his skin and the lack of cameras or people would protect his peace. 
as he sneaked past the boy’s locker rooms, thinking of lying down on top of a gymnastics mat to catch on some sleep, and lazily opening the door to meet his temporary refuge, he is halted by the scene displayed in front of him. 
Buttercup snaps her head back as she catches a volleyball in her hands, eyebrows slowly furrowing as she is caught playing alone. 
“Why are–?” Jungkook attempts to ask but the ball previously in her hands is shot like a cannon toward him. He catches it swiftly, his body only jerking a bit back. And then she barks, “You shouldn’t be here.” 
He tilts his head, still puzzled. “No, you shouldn’t be here.” the volleyball comes to rest lazily between his hip and his arm, and Jungkook can’t help to notice how Buttercup crosses her arms and clenches her jaw shut. “This is my spot to hide… How come you know of it?” 
She scoffs before answering, “Well, duh–This is one of the few places in school without prying eyes… Besides, it’s hot as hell outside.” 
“And free water,” he adds, head pointing to the water cooler by the benches, eyebrows still knitted together as he eyes her. 
“And free water…” 
his tongue clicks and his head tilts slightly again. “Still, this is my spot,” Jungkook concludes, bothered by her presence. he wouldn’t lose that too to her. “You better find another place to skip the lecture today, Butterboo–”
She rolls her eyes, taking a few steps closer, “Bla bla bla–” she mocks him before getting serious again. “Don’t call me that. Ever. Besides, I arrived first so… Beat it, stinky face!” 
“You beat it, Butterbitch!” he says and it’s enough to get her fuming. her fists ball and she has to breathe hard to not fly toward his neck. “What?” he asks, provoking. “Afraid to get detention?” 
“Definitely not afraid. It’s just not worth it to have to look at your face there too,” 
“Huh,” he thinks for a second. instead of offering a reply, he rolls the volleyball back to her and starts carrying a big gym mattress out of a deposit room. “You know–” he discards the heavy thing on the floor before lying down on top of it. “It’s not much Powerpuffy of you to skip a lecture… You sure you’re made of the same thing as your sisters?”
Buttercup hits the ball hard against the wall, “Tsk–You too?!” she hits it again with more force as it bumps back toward her. 
“Wait.” Jungkook’s upper body jerks up and he sits, staring inquiring at her side profile. “Is that why you’re skipping it?! Because of those–” 
“No.” she interrupts him and her cheeks flush. “Shut up.”
“Yes, it is!” he points in an aha moment. “And the girls club–That’s why–! Oh wow… I can’t believe the toughest fighter is scared to face some wimpy meany kids–” 
she caught the volleyball before looking at him, “I never said I was scared of them–I just don’t have the patience to listen to their crap. It’s different–”
“To hell with them!” Jungkook snaps, “They shouldn’t be your concern–I should!” she looks at him with one eyebrow arched as he continues enthusiastically, “I’m the one able to crush you if I wanted to. They’re just weak little… Spoiled kids! You should fear me, not them.” 
“Ok?! What do you mean, ok?” Jungkook continues outraged. “I’m sure you flip out of your mind knowing I’m perfectly capable of ending you, right?! I’m the one who can do that–You know, right?! And I think of defeating you like–Every day!” 
Buttercup chuckles as soon as he finishes, “You’re being serious?” and at her question, he looks even more furious, “Oh, you are… Jungkook–I mean, yeah, I do have the urge to punch you in the face whenever I see you around but you’re not in my mind like… Ever.” she shrugs. 
“Wah–” he exhales frustrated. “Then prepare yourself for hell!” he sits forward, pointing a finger at her, “Imma make you think of me ALL the time! Just you wait!” 
she chuckles again, playing along. “Good luck with that, snail bait!” 
ever since then, there was an understanding between the two. where once there were three—Jungkook, Jin, and Yoongi—now there were four. 
and Buttercup was their greatest addition. even though Jin would suffer in both her hands and Jungkook’s since she maximized the latter’s sense of humor and disposition to greater pranks. 
the quartet was inseparable. they spent the lunch hours in between classes running away from school, exploring the woods of Townsville or the abandoned houses around town. In classes, they would cause trouble, and before going home the last stop was always the ramen shop owned by Yoongi’s parents. Yoongi himself was tired of being punished for the ruckus they ended up inciting there every time, but somehow, whenever they looked back at the memories, it was always worth it. 
as for Jungkook’s schism? it was still there but in a different way. they still argued, Buttercup and him… they ignited a bickering session every time they laid eyes on each other. but it was more for their personal amusement than anything else. 
Buttercup's sisters found it odd why she would hang up with Jungkook around school, but they never questioned her too much as every time they battled the Rowdyruff boys in town she seemed more than eager to give him a beating. Both Blossom and Bubbles got the idea over time that she was friends with Yoongi and Jin, and Jungkook was just a consequence—a package deal. 
Taehyung and Jimin however, got to think that the reason they had gotten closer was because of Jungkook’s master plan to overthrow Buttercup. They knew how much he was obsessed with winning against her. 
and so time passed and tenth grade began. 
it was Halloween night, the school was fully decorated with skeletons and eerie spider webs. Jungkook was sitting on top of one of the cafeteria tables scanning the place, while Jin chatted up by his side, and Yoongi was ready to disagree with the last comment when he spotted Buttercup entering the building alongside her sisters. 
the place was dark, and although only some strikes of light would dance around, illuminating selective spots at a time, Jungkook wouldn’t be able to miss her amongst the crowd. 
she walked with confidence, sporting a black and white striped suit. her hair was freshly trimmed into a wolfcut, tousled, and sprayed green. she wore strong purple makeup to give her a deadly look and her eyes glowed green just like his. he had seen the movie Beetlejuice with Taehyung once… he knew she was dressed like the character, and it only made her look tougher to his eyes. 
No other girl was dressing as disheveled as her, they all came in perfect costumes—too perfect for his liking and the sake of Halloween—like cute witches, angels, and princesses. “There she is!” Jin said as she spotted them as well and got separated from her sisters. 
as she made her way toward them, Jin continued, “You got this!” he cheered sending a thumbs up toward Yoongi, and Jungkook looked from one to another confused. 
“What? You didn’t know?” Jin asked Jungkook ready to mock him for being such an airhead. “Yoongi has had a crush on her since we wore diapers.” 
“Shut up, she’ll listen–” Yoongi shook his hand in front of Jin trying to end the chitchat, way too flustered. 
“I guess you were too busy bickering with her to notice!” Jin continued laughing at Jungkook’s puzzled face. 
before he could question anything else, or hear anything else the other two said muffled by the loud music, Buttercup approached them with a grumpy face and a red cup in her hand. Jungkook had never seen her with a different haircut other than her usual bob up until now. “I can’t believe they will serve this juice crap to us…” she complained not noticing how he studied her new look.
“Lucky for you I stole from my Aunt’s cabinet before coming,” Yoongi offered his signature gummy smile while signaling his pocket and something in the way Buttercup’s face lit up made Jungkook gulp drily. 
between receiving that information and spending the next hour watching the two, Jungkook started getting restless. somehow, holding the piece of information that Yoongi had a crush on Buttercup, made the whole group dynamic drastically change from his point of view. and if there was one thing that Jungkook didn’t know how to fully accept when he didn’t want to was that thing called change. 
it wasn’t midnight yet, the music offered by a DJ hired by the school blasted loudly and reverberated both on the decorated glass windows and their thumping hearts. Black-eyed Peas was playing and the gang felt joyful. a large crowd of students danced cheerfully to the beat as they made their way through. 
they decided to take the back door of the canteen to exit toward the soccer field and spend the rest of the night there, laughing and betting against each other—preferably Yoongi betting on Buttercup and Jin on Jungkook as to who would win this or that. 
as they went down the stairs at the back of the canteen, a group sat in a circle, right under it, called for their names. there were some familiar faces amongst them, some boys and two girls from their class. 
“What are you doing down there?” Jin, who was normally the social butterfly of their quartet, asked, immediately being pulled to join the circle. 
they had an empty glass bottle of Coke spinning in the center of the circle they were all making. the game was truth or dare. and it might have been the liquor the four of them had ingested half an hour ago—Jungkook and Buttercup way more since their organisms worked differently—or even the glee floating in the air of this school party night, but incredibly and for everyone else’s surprise, all four agreed to play. 
three rounds went on, and none of them had been chosen yet. the bottle never pointed in their direction even though they had sat in a line. Jin, Jungkook, Buttercup, and Yoongi. 
“I don’t think I can hold my pee any longer–” the latter gets up as the bottle spun again. “I’ll be back in a few!” he adds and Buttercup nods with a smile as he goes up the stairs again. Jungkook watches as Yoongi enters the loud building with a quick glance, vanishing from their sight just as quickly as the loud beats are muffled by the door closing.
“JIN!” one of the girls sitting by the circle exclaims as the bottle ends pointing at their friend. Buttercup leans forward to see his reaction, a smirk adorning her features, and Jungkook's eyes follow the movement as he leans back to make room for her. “Truth or dare?” 
Jin doesn’t take much time to ponder, “Truth of course!” 
“Do you have a crush on anyone in this school?” the girl asks and her smile sparkles, hopeful. Buttercup’s eyes quickly dart in Jungkook’s direction, accomplices of taking note the girl was probably asking for herself. and more yet, when both of them had to suppress a burst of laughter when their friend absentmindedly answered, “Eh–Not really.” 
Jin himself spun the bottle again, tipsy and anxious to witness something more fun than just love questions. the tinkling sound of the glass spinning on the concrete floor was almost hypnotizing Jungkook, who kept his arms crossed as well as his legs. He could close his eyes and be sure he would fall asleep to the sound and faint hubbub… Almost… 
“BUTTERCUP!” some shouted, and his eyes snapped open alert. 
Jungkook took a glance at her as Mitch, a boy from their class, asked with a smirk, “Truth or dare, Puff girl?” 
he raised an eyebrow at the boy’s comment and then watched as Buttercup’s eyes trailed to the bottle as she bit her lips trying to make a decision. 
“Truth,” she said finally, and some of the participants booed her choice. “Ugh, fine. Dare!” 
she glanced around as they all giggled, whispering worthy ideas to make a Powerpuff girl finally comply with their requests. Jungkook seemed the only one annoyed just as much as she was with the sudden situation, even Jin found it a tad funny. 
“What about a kiss!” Mitch suggested and Buttercup clenched her jaw. “I think she’s never done it before–” he commented with the others as if she wasn’t there. 
Jungkook felt ready to jump in but was surprised as she answered promptly. “Not that you need to know anything about my life, Mitch, but yes I have.” Jungkook noticed how her cheeks popped with a faint red and how she unconsciously kept clenching her jaw. “Boy…” he exhaled suddenly and all eyes snapped at him, including hers. “You have the Buttercup Utonium ready to do a dare, and that’s what you ask of her? A kiss? What is this?” he scoffed playfully. “Are you a fanboy of hers or something?” 
they all broke in chuckles and Mitch did his best to try and explain his part but his efforts were in vain. 
“I don’t know about you guys, but I think now I want to see that kiss happening–Buttercup and Mitch sitting in a tree!” one of the girls hummed with malice. 
“Ew!” Mitch exclaimed quickly, “Nuh-uh! Not a chance.”
“God… You’re such idiots…” Buttercup mumbled to herself while playing discouraged with the bottle by her feet. Jungkook heard her as she did so. 
“What? Besides being dumb you’re a wuss too?” Jungkook blurted trying to shift the focus solely to Mitch. 
“Why don’t you kiss her yourself since you’re so keen to come to her rescue?!” 
“I VOTE YES!” one of the other boys shouted and suddenly chuckles and whistles floated in the air. 
“KISS HER, KISS HER” they chanted together. 
Jungkook started arguing, his eyebrows knitted together, and the vein on his neck jumped. Jin looked from one friend to the other, distressed as to what he should do, Yoongi was out but still… Buttercup was his crush. 
“OH MY GOD, ENOUGH!” the girl in question shouted and they all fell silent. in a swift move, she sat on top of her feet, kneeling. “It’s a kiss you want? It’s a kiss you’ll have. Gee–All this for a stupid fucking kiss.” 
it was the last thing Jungkook heard before being pulled by the thick silver chain adorning his neck and having his mouth crushed by Buttercup’s lips. 
he didn’t react more than to close his eyes with the impact at first, hands suspended by his sides as she tugged with urgency at his necklace. the crowd watching them, including Jin, gasped, some even whistled perversely. her lips pressed on his, and as her free hand snaked toward the back of his head and tugged at his hair, he held on to her hips bringing her shily closer. 
“Get a room!” 
he only had the time to search for her lips with his once more, now parted, before she pulled back. 
Jungkook’s breathing was heavy when she did so, and her tired eyes, as she slowly batted her eyelashes, had never looked so green. iridescent emerald-green. they stayed on him for what felt like an eternity, and the corners of his mouth almost got pulled up when he saw the traces of his Frankenstein makeup left on the tip of her nose and the sides of her mouth. it had matched perfectly the hints of green she also had painted on her face purposely for her costume. But then they parted ways, looking elsewhere, and suddenly it hadn’t been enough. 
“There. Happy?” she remarked to the crowd and Jungkook’s stomach twisted as he saw her get up and walk toward the soccer field in the cold night. 
right then Yoongi came through the canteen back door, whistling joyfully the tune being played inside, and the truth or dare game resumed even though Jin and Jungkook got up leaving the circle too. “We’re not playing anymore?” the boy asked as he reunited with the other two. “Where’s B?” 
“She went ahead to the field!” Jungkook said feigning normality as he placed his arms around both boys' necks and dragged them with him.  
Buttercup was sitting on top of the goalpost, her legs dangling as she stared at the stars when they came in laughing at something Jin had just said. 
“Took you long enough,” she commented grumpy as ever, and for the first time, Jungkook froze upon her image. “I hope you have more booze though!” she opened a small smile, and Yoongi was quick to pass her the flask. 
“So…” Jin started, and things were about to get awkward, Jungkook could feel it, and so did she, as they shared a quick glance. 
saved by the bell, Taehyung landed out of nowhere, startling both Jin and Yoongi and interrupting the former. “We have to go,” he said simply with warning eyes toward his brother. 
Buttercup observed how Jungkook’s head tilted—something he was prone to do whenever confused or daring, “What happened?” he asked taking a step toward the captain of the Rowdyruff’s. she jumped out of her spot, getting prepared.
even though she warmed up to Jungkook’s presence in her life, she knew he and his brothers weren’t saints. and that was a silent agreement between the two—their work and their personal lives were very, very different things. 
“Now, Jungkook.” Taehyung barked before taking flight. 
Jungkook looked back at his friends and took a second longer at those iridescent emerald-green eyes, before taking flight after his brother and leaving a dark green trace behind. 
that was the last time Buttercup saw him. 
a few days later she got to know the Rowdyruff boys left town without notice. that was when she swore if she ever saw Jungkook again she would crush him like he had never been crushed before.
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snobgoblin · 1 year
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sobs that's a great request...
rated: PG probably I dunno. nothing sexual
plot: see above image
(this was saved as a draft like over a month ago and to continue working in it I had to post it privately (too many drafts to keep taking breaks) so if the times are weird that's why)
Ace was sooo excited like really excited like the kind of excited you get when Gorillaz actually drops lore instead of teasing you with the thought of lore
and you know why?
he got to take his amazing date to go look at a bunch of junk at the gym... if he wanted to do that he could've just stayed home but this junk was DIFFERENT
SO! he picked you up in the car he found at the dump that one time it's NOT stealing if they obviously didn't want it anymore
and you both walk in. and everything's perfect. he's so handsome. you're so [PREFERED TERM OF ENDEARMENT] and you're so excited to be in each other's company
there's somebody that DOESNT approve. how homophobic (gender neutral) THE GOT DAMN SECURITY GUARD
"Of the Gangreen Gang?"
"Yeah" He had his arm linked with yours, and he pulled you closer, nervous
"No way bub. Last time you guys were here you busted a Mesopotamian vase, an expensive one. AND disturbed a mummy. Not to mention you guys stole that uh, candy cane and made Sedusa all big and stuff. She crushed my candle making business! I haven't recovered. Now I'm doing this!"
"Ah... yeah, kids do that."
The security guard raised an eyebrow
"Well, if it makes ya feel better I got a uh... this is my parole officer. Yeah- the jail thought I could use a little culture so they're showing me around," he lied. he was good at that. sometimes. let's see if this was one of those times. you nodded along to try to help "Yeah, soon as I step outta line uh, yeah"
The security guard shrugged. "I hear that about 10 times a day. And you frankly I don't get payed enough to care. Go ahead, get yourself arrested again. see if I care" he waved a hand
Ace pulled you in tight and quickly went in. he had one hand over his face, he stopped. "Yeah I... guess I shoulda expected that. Sorry about that toots."
You patted his back, reassuring him. "It's ok. You're not like that anymore. Let's just have fun ok? Stop moping" you smiled at him, held his hand, and he smiled back. then you guys went to go look at some paintings. Ace giggled whenever he saw any nudity, and you couldn't help but do the same.
it was fun until-
BOOM. POWERPUFF GIRLS COMING IN THROUGH THE WALL. they destroyed a painting of an orange with hyperrealistic eyes and teeth... for some reason
Bubbles blinked "Where are the rest of them?"
"Probably wrecking stuff somewhere else" Buttercup accused
Ace yelped and hid behind you. "I CAN EXPLAIN! WAIT A MINUTE"
People were staring. Waiting for another ppg victory
Buttercup was about to do something, but Blossom held her back "He's got a hostage! Be careful!"
"HOSTAGE?" His voice cracked "KID, THIS IS A DATE. THE GUYS AINT EVEN HERE, HONEST... if threes a crowd, eheh, six must be a parade. Nah, i didnt bring the guys, you gotta believe me"
Blossom looked suspicious, and turned to you. "Is that true?" Ace clung to you.
"Ace is my boyfriend, yeah. We've been dating for a while. I got a ton of pictures on my phone if you don't believe me" You smiled and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze
Bubbles looked down at her feet "Are you SURE... he's kind of..." She didn't finish the sentence, but Buttercup giggled
Blossom just sighed. "I don't know why you would want him, but it's not our job to question it. I've got my eye on you Ace, so don't try anything. GIRLS! Let's go do something more important."
The girls flew out again, this time breaking a painting of a sad clown on their way out
You turned around, as Ace was still hiding behind you, and you cupped his face in your hands. He looked terrified. Before he could even speak, you told him it was ok, and he didn't need to apologize again. And that, if anything, you were probably gonna get arrested today for breaking some assholes nose. He laughed and gave you a hug, and you tried to go back to what you were doing before. He kept apologizing to you, but you told him it was ok. You look at the statues next. Ace didn't like the Medusa statue.
There were a lot of weird looks, a lot of people holding their kids closer to them as you walked by, but there wasn't another outburst, thankfully
You guys had fun despite what happened. But, Ace told you the next date would have to be somewhere without people
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nixotinix · 1 year
I uh I just really like uh I think that uh I think their friendship should've been expanded upon more uh yeah
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Normie squad headcanons below the cut!!
The later events of Ghouls Rule are not canon here!! Claire and Chad don't know about Holt yet and the trick or treatment never happened. Jax is attending NSHS on his own terms to see how he'd fare in normie school again.
-I have literally no basis for this. But Chad is huuuuge on conspiracy theories. In the second slide hes actually telling jackson about the illuminati
-Claire knew that Jackson was at least part monster way early on. It was pretty much confirmed when he caught a burning pan in home ec.
-In the first class that Chad and Jax attended together, Chad slid Jackson a note that said "on a scale of one to ten, how certain are you that you aren't an alien?"
-Jackson's response was "five and a half". They became quick friends.
-Claire had a hallway crush on Jackson for exactly one passing period. When they actually talked at lunch, she very quickly realized that he's a complete nervous wreck.
-The normie squad really likes exploring abandoned buildings in New Salem. This often leads to them running from the cops.
-Chad often tells Jackson about how the pyramids were "really made". Jackson recorded the conversation and sent it to Cleo for shoots and googles.
-They planned matching Halloween costumes shortly after meeting and bought them not long after. They were going to be the Powerpuff Girls.
-Jackson would be Blossom, Claire would be Buttercup, and Chad would be Bubbles. Jackson and Claire make fun of him for it and take several photos.
-Deuce and Frankie crashed one of the normie squad's bookstore hangouts. Jackson did his best to keep them far, FAR away, but they eventually managed to sit down and talk with Claire and Chad.
-Claire and Chad didn't realize they were monsters since they were disguised as normies.
-In this funky little AU, fire elementals have horns that start growing out of their head when they hit puberty and reach full length at adulthood. Jackson does have these, but hides them with his bangs. Claire has known about them ever since their first sleepover.
-Jackson's blue eye glows during periods of strong emotion (anger, stress, etc). Only Claire has seemed to notice.
-Holt really likes saying out of pocket shit in Jax's head while with the normie squad. This has led to multiple instances of Jackson having to explain why he "randomly started laughing".
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negansbackdoorwhore · 2 years
How Did I End Up Here? Chp 12
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Summary: Lucille is admitted to the hospital again
Warnings: fluff, swearing, cheating, ANGST, asshole Negan, alcohol
Chapter 11<<<
“This is fucked.” You sighed when looking at how time somehow was moving at a snail’s pace. You were stuck working a double after the incident with Negan. It was exhausting having to walk back and forth to the patients room. Your feet felt sore and the exhaustion was clear in your demeanor. But you have to do this in order to continue your livelihood.
As you were stuck in the halls of your coordinated desk awaiting for someone to press the call lights, there was word of commotion happening in the ER. You couldn’t leave your station and just awaited your coworker to tell you. The minutes passed and you were mind numbly bored still. The night shift really was the most boring thing.
For the moment you took a long sip of your lukewarm cup of coffee. You heard the sound of a wheelchair approaching and a house keeper heading toward the vacant room. Of course someone new had to be admitted. You sighed and then felt choked up when seeing the particular patient was Lucille with Negan tailing her. Unbelievable. You were then pulled from your mind as your coworker came back with papers.
“Y/N. Here’s the chart for Miss Smith.”
“Thanks Rachel.”
You felt cold all of sudden as your feet carried you into the room. With the sight of Lucille getting situated into the bed and Negan looking like a wreck, you took a deep breath before speaking.
“Good evening Mrs.Smith. I’m Y/N, and I’ll be your nurse this evening.” You went over everything and couldn’t help notice Negan’s dead eyes. You looked over Lucille’s vitals and Negan left the room to find coffee.
“We’ll take good care of you and hopefully you won’t stay too long.”
“Can I ask you something a bit personal?” You nodded and put down your clipboard. “Of course ma’am.”
“Are the woman who’s been sleeping with my husband?” Immediately you froze and turned white. Stuttering over your words she already knew.
“So that’s a yes?” She asked and you nodded. “I’m sorry if this is a problem and can have someone else take care of you.”
“That’s not necessary.” She sighed and you left the room feeling your heart sink. Negan was walking back and stopped you in your tracks.
“She doing alright? She just passed out in the driveway and I got here as soon as possible.”
“We won’t know for a while. We’re running tests.”
“Are you okay Buttercup?” He said as his hand landed on your shoulder. You shrugged him off and held yourself up.
“She knows about us.”
@neganswoman @hail-yourselves @hswrites @art-and-thoughts @myloverwithabat @mrsxreeves @lie-ana @fiftyshadesgrl @melixson @bladerose21 @nt-multi-fandom
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Current State of the Love Square and Reveal Potential
Pro:  Adrien is finally! on Board
Con:  Marinette’s guilt due to mistaking Felix for his cousin and the implications of Felix’s theft of the Miraculous runs deep.
Why it’s not safe?:  Chat Blanc and Ephemeral.  With the reveal to Adrien this is possibly catastrophic.  When Adrien quietly knew Marinette was Ladybug, he kept his counsel but would do anything to keep from fighting her.  When Adrien knew AND so did she, his heart was too unrestrained and Gabriel ends up overhearing enough to wreck them both.
Verdict: Without a reveal and when Marinette’s guilt is lessened, probably by getting closer to their goal of defeating Monarch and getting all the Miraculous back, this is very likely.  
Pro:  Finally they’re both crushing on each other!
Con:  Marinette’s likelihood of being targeted by Hawkmoth to take out Chat Noir is a gigantic threat.  
Why It’s not safe?: Her being watched could also reveal her identity to Hawkmoth.  Sabine’s Alliance Ring is a big potential risk here.
Verdict: We might want balcony scenes for days, but Marinette is genuinely going to need all the good rest she can get to finally bring Monarch to his knees.  However, Chat Noir is likely to get wicked confused about both the status of Buttercup and to probably be genuinely disheartened at the fact that Marinette seems to like him with the mask but not without.
Pro:  Ladybug finally caught feelings.
Con:  A little too late... since she missed her partner falling for her civilian side.
Why It’s not safe?:  Technically, it is probably the safest of the options.  Without a reveal.  Which currently makes it less likely to happen.
Verdict:  As Hawkmoth has tried and failed to break them apart in the past, they’re currently at their most unshakable as a team.  Ladybug’s guilt and anxiety are most likely the current targets but Chat Noir is steadily building that back up.  The safest reveal will be after Monarch is unmasked.   It really does seem that Adrien just cannot know until Monarch's powers are gone because his feelings are like a flame to a very bad moth.
Pro: They haven’t entirely lost those old feelings
Con:  The newer feelings they are each contending with are strong.  And apparently very requited.
Why It’s not Safe?:  Arguably, the Agreste Mansion is probably the least safe place for the heroes in all of Paris.  Unless Adrien himself is targeted, Ladybug dropping in—unannounced—at his balcony would be highly unlikely.
Verdict:  Probably the most unlikely at this point.  
On the other hand:  If Ladybug were to drop in to see Adrien, mention to him that she knows what a romantic he is and seeking advice on how to woo her partner.  This is an especially viable in a partial reveal scenario where only Marinette gets a reveal for who is behind Chat Noir’s mask.  It’s one thing that canon hasn’t tried yet, so I am cautiously optimistic.
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dead-fandom-society · 10 months
rewatching all the hunger games movies in preparation to see tbosas tonight… and holy shit I haven’t teared up in a while but that scene where Katniss screams at buttercup after prim’s death and buttercup still just lets her hold him and cry… oh my god I’m wrecked. something about an animal’s love through a human’s grief. Makes me think even more about that analysis about how buttercup was how katniss saw herself and that scene especially signifies her finally allowing herself to grieve everything she’s been through.
I didn’t appreciate these movies enough when I saw them for the first time at 13. Wow.
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Have a favorite angsty Lupin idea??
Oh boy buckle up buttercup
cause there’s one I’ve been discussing with a few buddies of mine having to do with PT2 of my Lavender Series.
Lupin had been going through some mental turmoils after (and maybe even a lil before) the accident. The accident just cements its self cause for some odd reason compared to all the other times he can’t just bounce back from it and he doesn’t know why
Basically Lupin after the incident, had been hurt badly enough that he was forced to retire/take a break from thieving at least for a while.
Lupin was utterly WRECKED about it cause he’s not even in his prime yet, yet he’s now closed to being forced to give up thieving and he’s depressed as hell and is having a mental spiral
His life basically started falling apart bit by bit and Jigen tried to comfort him in saying that a break would probably do him good and that it’s not the end of the world if they take a few extra months off, but Lupin can feel that the end is coming to his career because something in his gut tells him that shit is gonna change, but knowing that he panics a lot and thinks negatively a bit, he can’t see it ending “good”
The crowning moment he realizes things are changing is when he practically lets Zenigata catch him because he can’t keep up with the group because he hurt to much to move fast enough and just. . .can’t run so fast like he use too, and the rest of the gang accidentally leave him behind and he sorta just “gives up” and lets Zenigata catch him and even Zenigata is concerned cause he’s never seen Lupin so out of it and despondent, let along willing to let himself be captured without a fight, and it makes Zenigata feel weird to arrest him cause it doesn’t feel like a fair trade-off because he wants Lupin’s capture to be fair, so he ends up just letting Lupin sleep in the police cruiser and a holding cell to relax and rest up until he has enough energy to make a “daring escape” later on that night and Zenigata just lets him go cause he can always chase after him later
So basically what happened is, his paranoia reaches a high note and Jigen (and maybe even his grandfather) find Lupin sitting in a chair by himself and Jigen tries to talk to him but Lupin is ignoring him
That is until he swivels the chair around and Lupin points his Walther at him,
Jigen thinks he’s joking, but he’s nervous, Lupin doesn’t look right, so he goes to take the gun from him, but Lupin actually fires it and there is bullets in it, cause one whizzes past Jigen and lands dead on in a flower vase behind him
Well basically one thing leads to another.
The first shot rings out, and the rest of the house come running to see what’s going on and suddenly it’s all the maids, butlers crowded around watching in from the open door as Jigen and lupins Grandfather are trying their damndest to just calm Lupin down and get the gun away from him
Well it doesn’t work, and after a escalating situation and 2 more gunshots fired, one in the ceiling one in the wall that just barely misses the head of a young maid on the opposite side, lupins walther is now empty when he goes to fire a fourth shot and the gun just clicks.
Jigen then makes a grab for the gun, but by that moment, Lupin just drops it and runs out the door, just bolts for the front door of the house while his grandfather makes a grab for him but just barely misses but trips, causing Jigen to turn his attention to the old man for just a split second.
However that split second is just enough time for Lupin to bolt out the front door and make a break for the car
in this it’s the Benz I’m sorry my lil fiat
While he’s struggling with the keys, it’s the moment that Jigen himself comes running out the front door, but by that time it’s already too late, not even Jigen banging on the front of the car in order to attempt to get Lupin to stop, stops Lupin from hitting the gas and nearly clipping Jigen with the car in the process before speeding off down the road
But as he’s driving down the road, Fujiko and Goemon are driving back towards the house, and they notice Lupin peeling down the road, and by the time they get back to the house everyone is in a panic and Jigen is basically frantic asking if the two of them saw Lupin on their way back and they both say they did just half a mile down the road and he in turn frantically asks for the keys to the Fiat, hoping he can catch up with Lupin before he does something stupid
So he Fujiko, Goemon and maybe even the old man, all pile into the fiat and they drive down to the spot Fujiko and Goemon last saw Lupin
But as their driving down the stretch of road, a plum of smoke rises up from just beyond the road.
It’s the Benz, crashed into the Guarder rail
Jigen tells the others to stay in the car while he checks it out
But there’s a problem
He turns around to look at them, and clearly and as plain as day, they all heard the words they never expected to dread
“He’s Gone?! He’s not here!”
Turns out, Lupin never made it that far down the road
He made it about half a mile or so before he lost control of the car and had slammed into the nearest solid object traction could find, which happened to be the roads guarder rail.
He hits his head on the steering wheel, leaving a bit of blood for the gang to find when they find the car, but other then that no trace can be found of him. He ditches the car and makes the rest of the way on foot.
a lot of other scenarios happen after this scene but I was recently discussing this idea with someone so it’s the first one to come to mind xD. So if you wanna know others just lemme know!
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foreverrandomwritings · 5 months
Season 3 Episode 2: Thin Ice.
That poor baby.
Mateo saying he was staying because Paul is family🖤🖤🖤
Lindsey for the win!!!!!! She’s gonna fix that radio! Hell yes for her!
I also love that this couple found him because they were going hunting for distressed turtles.
Dude the 126 can’t catch a break. Marjan is wrecked, Paul had a building collapse on him, Owen is with a stabbing victim, Mateo and Judd are trying to find Paul, Carlos feels bad about the girl, TK is in freezing water and Tommy and Nancy had to watch him go under.
Now no ambulance🤦
Buttercup already found the guy once why didn’t you take him to find him a second guy?
The poor turtles.
Awe Paul helping Lindsey.
TK going bat shit crazy😂
TK casually dying lol.
Paul and his damn hatred for aioli.
Paul: There’s my fireball.
Lindsey a ginger: fireball? Is that a ginger joke lol.
Paul: Marjan is my ride or die. Judd is a red neck with a heart. Mateo and TK nothing. Owen is the reason I came down here.
Paul: Good
TK: Not good
Carlos: Good
Marjan: Maybe good
Judd: Good
Grace: Good
Owen: Not Good
Nancy: Kinda good
Tommy: Good
Mateo: Good
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Cartoon Network Friday Spotlight: The Powerpuff Girls- “A Very Special Blossom”
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The first few seasons of The Powerpuff Girls were very good and became a sensation for a reason, but no run is entirely perfect. Even the best shows have missteps, and “A Very Special Blossom” tends to come up as an episode that rubs fans the wrong way.
In this one, Father’s Day is coming, and the girls want to give the Professor the perfect gift to show their love for him. However, the perfect gift appears to be out of reach- a top of the line, very expensive set of golf clubs. There’s no way that the girls can afford to buy those, even if they charge for crime fighting. But the opportunity arrives to obtain them when Mojo Jojo wrecks havoc on Townsville and busts the window of the sportswear store that the clubs are sold. Blossom, usually the wisest and most aligned to good of the girls, sees her chance and takes it.
On the one hand, it’s not unrealistic to see Blossom break bad for once. We’ve already seen Bubbles and Buttercup cross lines, but they’re all still little girls, and even the best-behaved children still occasionally misbehave. If you’re someone who resents older siblings and have a beef with Blossom, I can see this be almost cathartic.
But the end result isn’t very entertaining. The Professor gets in trouble when the Mayor and chief of police put two and two together about the missing golf clubs, and he’s only exonerated when Blossom comes clean. And personally, seeing either character locked up isn’t a pleasant sight. Additionally, is it wrong to incriminate a five-year-old to the same extent as an adult for shoplifting (or I guess looting in this case)? Well, it’s up for debate but sure.
Additionally, I don’t think the satire lands. “A Very Special Blossom” is meant to be a spoof of “very special episodes”, and even evokes a show known for these kinds of sappy stories in its title (in case you don’t know, Blossom is what Mayim Bialik was famous for before The Big Bang Theory and Jeopardy, and uh, it’s not a very good show), but the content still primarily follows The Powerpuff Girls format with little to suggest otherwise. It just feels like a weaker episode. 
And that’s fine, not every episode can be “Bubblevicious”. Sometimes, I’ll use Friday Spotlights to talk about the most popular episodes, but those only tell part of the story, which is why I’ll feature plenty of average quality episodes, and even the odd misfire. That’s just part of life.
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