#wow that's longer than usual
solsays · 10 months
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listen I love the canary curse as much as the next guy but art for this is SICK
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piperamitt · 21 days
FOP season 3 "Where is Wanda" thoughts:
I'm going to only talk about the start of the episode (up until the detective wish and the world losing it's color)
This start really highlights for me Timmy's relationship with the two adult figures in his life who are his parents in some way (The Turners by being his actual parents, and Cosmo and Wanda feeling like his parents).
First we have Cosmo and Wanda, whom Timmy ran to ask for help with a project for Parent Student Movie Night. Cosmo and Wanda were obviously very busy and had to get ready for their probation hearing with Jorgen at 9. A hearing that we know they are both very very very scared of (it's why Wanda will be sent away by Cosmo later in the episode). Yet all it took from Timmy for Wanda (she was the one who said no and shown in the scene immediately after) to melt and say yes was giving her big puppy dog eyes. and making me exclaim that he is a 100% their son
He didn't wish for them to do it.
He just asked, and they did it. It's also why it didn't break any rules. Timmy didn't wish for it, and I think the rules just say he can't wish for stuff to help him win a competition. I'm probably wrong Also he won because the principal pitied him
Principal Waxelplax: In fact your display is so lame you couldn't possible have had any help from your parents
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Timmy before what she said:
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This brings me to the next point, which is the Turners (Mr. Turner to be specific ). Originally I thought they weren't there, but then we got a shot with all of Timmy's suspects and his dad was there.
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So his parents knew about the day. His dad even came, yet Timmy asked Cosmo and Wanda for help, and his dad wasn't even in the table with him. Like this is Timmy's victory photo
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No Mr. Turner in sight .Even Francis's dad who canonically is in and out of jail helped his son, but Mr. Turner who was there didn't even stay next to him while he was presenting.
Now what's my point with all of this? My point is to say Timmy's dad clearly loves him. He came, he gave time from his day for Timmy, but when it comes to actual parenting stuff like, doing projects, Cosmo and Wanda are who Timmy goes to. Timmy also clearly loves his parents cause he told them about tonight, but still felt like he should go to Cosmo and Wanda and ask for help.
Anyway for whoever read this entire thing I want to wish you a good day and a great week!
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jonathankai · 9 months
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you gotta love your family
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s3 episode 9 thoughts
i have so much to say. i just copied and pasted my notes, and my thoughts were COMICALLY long. but it was SUCH a good episode so i have a LOT to point out. even more than usual, somehow.
(screams to let it all out and then tries to take a deep breath and gather myself)
okay. OKAY FUCK. okay. whew. we start from the top. the very very top, in which i click on the episode. and so begins an emotional rollercoaster.
this episode description mentions a train. as does the one after that!!! am i in for a two parter?!?! well, if so, at least i am prepared with this information, so i don’t get a massive shock like with duane barry! (author’s note: i was right!)
a train. huh. would love to ride one of those someday. unfortunately i’m american. we only really have cargo ones hanging about. but their noise is deeply familiar and comforting to me regardless.
(little did i know that this was the very kind of train to be featured in this episode!!)
camera opens on tennessee! children are riding bikes to watch a train. ah, good to know the desire to stop doing other things and instead watch a train go by is universal.
now it’s night at the train. is some graffiti action going to take place? the music is getting weirder as we look at the top of this train, and it appears we are in for no ordinary graffiti moment as some cars pull up. 
and these people are from japan! in tenneseee! boarding the train…? which is full of science stuff!! this is odd on many levels.
(japan to tennessee… whew, that’s a long flight. give these men some caffeine now!)
caffeine seems to be ignored because they are in surgery looking gear cutting something open. and green stuff flows into a jar? hey. not liking that. 
they are cutting into what looks like, in my opinion, some guts.
until people run in and start shooting!!! really truly shooting and killing everyone!!! what!!! what the hell!! who are these guys!! are they with cig man??? holy fuck, if that WAS an alien autopsy, way to ruin the scientific method with bullets in the lab!!
and they are zipping an alien into a bag!! so it was!!! the blatant disregard for learning here!! it’s appallingly american! who are these people?!!
bum bum bum bum… woo woo woo woo wooo wooo… woo woo woo woo WOOO woo… intro time.
mulder has his feet up on the desk. fiddling with… something. scully opens the door and he tells her to come on in, with the face of a man who is scheming. he has it all dark like a movie theatre!!!
LMAOOOO he ordered a video from a magazine of an alien autopsy. and that must be why he looks like a kid in a candy store. $29.95, plus shipping!!! THAT IS A LOT!!
she’s like, you literally cannot see what they are operating on. and she says it’s hokier than the one they aired on fox news. which means i have to google a few things to learn if that actually happened. actually i don’t want to even know.
he mentions the green goo and he says “it’s widely held that aliens don’t have blood, scully” <- girl how would she know that. also you literally almost died FROM alien blood. so explain.
they’re arguing the merits of what makes an authentic alien autopsy tape, and then he points out how the people burst in with guns right before the film cuts off. well, that could make it look more authentic, or less!
some guy in allentown got the tapes so they’re visiting LMAOOO road trip road trip!!!! to a very old looking house. 
the studio is called “rat tail productions” okayyy. i kinda like that. but it’s all boarded up so they have to try and break in.
and they find a dead body!! that is still warm!!! what is going on!!!
someone else enters!! and mulder chases after them and jumps the fence yelling that he is a federal agent. zooooom that is a speedy man. 
and just when it seems mulder has the guy, he starts kicking and punching and BOOM! down goes mulder. until he shoots something nearby to show he isn’t playing. 
mulder is wet from falling into a bunch of garbage… king. and the language barrier is being a barrier!
(sidenote i’m surprised they didn’t make mulder learn another language in school or for the fbi?? like actually really shocked. you’d think he’d have at least one other one, or a few basic phrases, under his belt. idk, where i’m from higher education in humanities related fields requires language learning, but he somehow escaped)
mulder is pretty despite being covered in garbage and bringing a man to a police station
scully says they can’t find an interpreter! this is not really shocking because they are in pennsylvania. 
“well look at this… a beacon in the night” says mulder whilst smiling, and who is it he glances upon but SKINNER?!?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?? are they in trouble?? does… skinner know japanese??
(mulder asks and he does not 💔)
skinner says they have to let the guy (kazuo sakurai) go because he is a high ranking diplomat. so if you’re a diplomat can you just… walk away from a murder scene and that isn’t a problem?? at all? i did not think it worked like this.
skinner asks what they’re doing and mulder says he’s tracking down a “video piracy thing” LMAOOOO least convincing lie ever. 
skinner tells him to go back home, and then very purposefully brushes into his shoulder before walking away. yowch! that has got to sting. mulder looks like he just got caught and is trying to charm his way out of it
scully rightfully points out that this makes no sense, and asks if he wants to drop it, but mulder says he paid his $29.95 and he is gonna get his answers!!!
LMAOOO he “forgot” to turn in the suitcase kazuo was carrying. it has a list of members of a ufo society with a local woman’s name circled!! was she gonna be their next target…?
he tells her to get a motel and he is going to go back to D.C. and be “a good boy” for skinner… LMAOOO, and he’ll show the files to his besties 
back in D.C., and woah, mulder looks like a real slut with his hands on his waist and his jeans and tucked in turtleneck sweater. i am NOT complaining. just merely observing. it’s kinda giving that one photo of the rock. i see where he took his style inspo from.
so the lone gunmen say that the japanese were looking for a sunken ship from wartime, and it looks like they found it, but they brought it to virginia? very weird. maybe they did not find a sub… but something else.
the diplomats are heading home. or not. because someone is beating up kazuo! huh?! WHAT!
scully on da scene in allentown pa. serving. knocking at a door of the person whose name was circled in the files.
but the person goes to answer the door and she says they know her. she’s like umm not sure about that?? until another person comes to the door and says “oh my god… she’s one” WHAT??
(is this like a secret society of people who were abducted or like. are they trying to scam her or something?)
she looks super freaked out. she’s trying to explain that she’s here for murder investigation reasons, but the lady in pink (penny) is calling and saying everyone needs to come over right away. this will surely make scully even more stressed.
they ask her if there was some unexplained event that happened last year. and also to please sit down. so you KNOW things are about to get wild.
mulder is asking about the ship that allegedly was returning through panama. and the boat was stopped! but then kept going? the guy he’s asking to look into this does not seem to be pleased to discuss this subject. 
scully is freaking tf out but trying to gently explain that she does NOT KNOW THESE PEOPLE. but they’re talking about being taken to “the bright white place” and that she was only taken once, but these other women were taken many times. WHAT IS GOING ON.
they ask her about regression hypnosis and she’s like i do not want to talk about this. (and yes i even TRIED IT) and she looks around at all the other women and it is creepy. SAVE HER… save them all.
mulder is running away from the guy he asked for the files from. he’s always going somewhere. looking at a boat. looking at another boat. is he gonna sneak on the boat? YES HE IS. HE IS JUMPING ON IT. elbowing a window open to get in. this is a wild man!! he will break into your boat!!!
he’s going through drawers looking for stuff and i’m thinking, oh man i really hope the boat doesn’t start heading out to sea… he has nothing to survive on. and we’ve seen them kill people, so don’t say “accidental” boat abandonment with a guy on it is out of the realm of possibility. but it IS the boat he was hoping for. and now he’s sneaking about its underbelly. 
NO! he has been caught. the boat is being swarmed by men with guns. he seems too tall to hide…. but he did!! AND HE JUMPS INTO THE HARBOR LMAOOOOO, NOOO, THE POLLUTANTS!!
back to scully. i was so caught up in the boat espionage i had forgotten about scully’s dilemma. and they say that she won’t remember what happened to her for a while. cut scene to her being blowed up again like we saw in s2.
and she is really freaking out now, because they point out that they all have the mark and she just wants to learn about this murder, damn it, not unpack trauma!!
but betsy, who she came to see, is dealing with very severe cancer. and they say that what she is dealing with is going to happen to all of them. WHAT??? “we’re all dying because of what they do to us” OH MY GOD??? she has tears in her eyes. WHAT!!! what. 
back to the boat. do i look like i give a damn about the boat!! no!! but mulder is crawling- at night- from the harbor. so did he stay there all evening or….
so he’s once again on the run. and soaking wet. please take a shower, my friend. you know not what they do in that harbor. 
he sees people pulling in to the warehouse nearby!! with guns!!! and we see him sneak by!!! no, mulder, consider going home and not getting caught!! but what if he finds something that can help scully…? and oh my gosh, he doesn’t even KNOW she’s slowly dying yet. oh my gosh wait i need to sit down (said by the girl who is literally sitting)
the orchestral score is popping off, too. he peeks in a window and sees a giant… thing? being gassed. with cameras out and about. like a blimp looking thing. 
somehow he gets a change of clothes. and he goes home but his apartment door was unlocked! so he has his gun. is it skinner? 
IT IS!! whew! that was best case scenario, so it was just wishful thinking on my part, but maybe i really am deeply attuned to this show. skinner is sitting there in the dark. we see some photos on mulder’s desk but they kinda just look like random places. one is some sort of field? and the other is a house, i think? not recognizable to me. but back to the plot at hand.
skinner tells him to put the gun down. sort of like you tell a dog to drop it. he obeys. aww, he is a good boy for skinner, like he mentioned earlier.
so skinner has some tea; kazuo’s body was found in a canal!!!! he didn’t make his flight!! and they government thinks he was killed over his BRIEFCASE!!! 
mulder plays dumb. then he admits that scully has the briefcase in her car. he seems like he’s trying to play it cool but skinner is NOT having it. “this is bigger than me, you, or the FBI, agent mulder” okayyyy king of being vague. and he says he is not getting involved!!! woah!!!
so mulder goes to… a senator!!! yes, the senator we saw very briefly a few times before, whose name is richard matheson? i didn’t really understand that in the past, but maybe it was building up to this. richard says to return the photos, but mulder says he’ll be entangled in a murder investigation, which he cannot afford because he is so close to the truth!
this senator claims to be telling mulder the truth about what is going on. and he explains what happens in tennessee, how the japanese doctors were murdered doing a secret thing. 
“what am i onto here?” , he asks. “monsters begetting monsters”, says the senator. ohhhhhhh that does not sound good.
(i hope he exposes the alien people and the torture and they blow up all the people that hurt scully and the rest of those women and then hold hands)
he’s back in his office with his glasses on. and i would be glad for a glasses mulder win under normal circumstances, but my heart is sick over scully. i take what i can get when i can get it, though, because he is a beautiful man in glasses. 
SCULLY’S BACK!! and she is still freaking out. she relays the news that she might be dying, and he looks up at her so innocently and says “but you’re fine, aren’t you scully?” OHHHH BABY. BABY. GROWN MAN. BUT BABY. OHHHHHHH MY HEART. MY HEART ITS MELTING. MY EYES ARE TEARING. “but you’re fine, aren’t you?” oh lord… he cannot lose anymore people. 
she is terrified- “am i? i don’t know, mulder” NOOOOOOOO MY BABY. STOP. DO NOT DO THIS TO HER.
he pulls up a photo and she says she knows someone in it, but that guy has been dead since 1965. mulder seems to find this difficult to believe, but last episode he was suggesting that someone was bleeding another person’s blood, so i feel he of all people should be open to this idea.
(oh…. they’re using unit 731 for the storyline here. and they have done that in the past as well but. wow. awful lot of baggage to dredge up there. very very painful and unhealed wounds)
((and i guess before they have done similar things involving nazis, right, remember victor? and his experiments? even if it was done before though, it doesn’t make it any less chilling to me. i’m not sure how i feel about using real horrific war crimes as plot points in an alien show))
but my reckoning with history aside, mulder says that four of the men in that photo were in the alien autopsy video. and they were murdered.
“murdered for what? or murdered by whom?” oh scully, you deserve none of the suffering that the world has given to you. NONE OF IT. if i were mulder, i would hug her and never let go ever. ever ever. 
he thinks they’re still trying to make an alien-human hybrid, but she still isn’t buying it, even after everything; she needs proof. she says believing is the easy part, but he disagrees. “you think that believing is easy?” he asks, and it hangs in the air.
oh, i want to linger in that space forever. the tension it creates, the things it reveals about him. how belief is centered on hope, how he has to fight for it, that it doesn’t come as natural as breathing as he might have you thinking. it’s hope for a better future, it’s hope for righting old wrongs, it’s looking where no one else will go find the answers. it’s about getting family back. it’s about fighting and sneaking and learning and even killing to get what you need to know. but it’s never easy. 
they hold eye contact for a bit, until she sighs and breaks it (fuck me, i’m emotional) and he points out that they DO have proof, as he reaches for her arms- the spy photos were tracking a ship that pulled a UFO out of the ocean, and the UFO is in that warehouse that he saw earlier!! that thing i said looked like a blimp!!!
he says the US has a secret railroad. i yearn so desperately for accessible transportation. if the government said tomorrow, yeah, we have a secret rail system, i’m not sure how i’d react. perhaps relief?
there is very very very charged eye contact. 
okay, bringing the thingy from her neck to a guy who can understand it. it’s a “micro processor”, and there are a few companies that make them. and they are being used for many things. so was it made by ordinary people, and not alien tech…? who is doing the torturing and testing…? and to what end???
it’s all women in that room… is it for alien breeding purposes… oh, i shutter to imagine
back in west virginia!!! mulder has a leather jacket on and a dream as he climbs up into some sort of railroad building’s roof. his hair blows dreamily in the wind as he busts out some binoculars. if he were to be caught, he could probably convincingly claim he was a birder. i understand they go through a lot to find their birds. 
people are showing up. they’re speaking japanese and getting what looks like a LIVING ALIEN onto the train? mulder is on the move. the train is taking off. is he gonna play subway surfers irl and try to jump on that thing? yes, he is SPRINTING. but he realizes he cannot outrun a train. 
back to scully cam. she is watching footage. a japanese surgeon is taking off his surgical gear and she recognizes him!! OH MY GOSH SHE RECOGNIZES HIM FROM HER TESTING! NOOOOO!!! NOOOO!
she answers the phone like she wasn’t unpacking horrific information and mulder reports from west virginia. and she points out that she recognizes the doctor… but not from the video tape. NOOOOOOO. realization crosses his face, and i’m sure only adds fuel to his fire to get on that damn train.
so mulder is trying to catch up with the train. a handsome japanese man is being followed by the dude that killed the other guy earlier. AND NO!!!! the killer just killed the handsome japanese man and locked him in the bathroom. then adjusted his hair???
mulder JUST misses the train. perhaps this is for the best?
scully going home. WHY IS X THERE?!?!?!? he’s telling her to tell mulder to get OFF OF THE TRAIN. she rightly is suspicious but he is NOT playing around.
mulder is about to leap on top of the train when he gets the call from scully. and he asks who told her what he was doing and to stop it, and like me, she is also probably realizing she doesn’t know this dude X’s name. 
and he jumps on the train!!! but loses his phone in the process!!!!!
okay, my yelling aside, THIS is when the show is at its best, imo. THIS is the blueprint for me. character driven. heart of the plot. reveal after reveal but vague enough to keep me wanting more. the government is evil and every conspiracy has more conspiracies. getting to know what is ACTUALLY going on in snippets. skinner is there. this episode truly had it all.
EXCEPT an ending, of course, because now i have to WAIT to watch the next part. SO TRULY DIABOLICAL!
no no, i jest, i can take a cliffhanger most of them time. i just better not have ANY distractions tomorrow. 
whew, so much to unpack. i think there are two things that are sticking out the most to me here: scully’s terror and mulder’s belief.
her not knowing what to believe is true about herself and the world she has studied so carefully, being surrounded by strangers who claim to know her, that know things ABOUT her, and who tell her she is going to die slowly and horribly. how she tears up when she learns this. how she tried so hard to get control over the situation by pivoting to the murder case, only to be denied. how the reigns of control slip from her hands, and it is left to fate. and how horrific that is. how she cannot handle processing what was done to her, but is forced to, by seeing this guy who did unspeakable things to her again. how she says she needs proof. as if she’s biding her time, waiting for a full answer so that the reality of what she has gone through can sink in. if there’s never proof, maybe she’ll never have to process it.
and mulder, who thinks that belief is hard. who has sacrificed so much of his life to belief, put himself in danger countless times to find the truth that everyone around him either denies or ridicules him for. how he has little more than his work, because he needs there to be hope. if belief is terror for scully, to him it is a source of possibility. how they’re both wrapped into the same tragedy with entirely separate takes on what it means and how to proceed but whatever is bringing them together keeps weaving them tighter and tighter. 
AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. i could scream.
i actually typed all of that, took way more notes than usual, and STILL feel like i’m barely scratching the surface. i feel like i need to give a lecture on this subject matter to even sort of drain the giant well within me of feelings regarding them. his face, how he insists she has to be okay, right? right? and her terror when she admits she doesn’t know.
now. i hate to say it, but i have seen vague spoilers about what happens in the next season, involving illness. and i have a feeling i’m gonna cry like a baby because i’m so messed up just by this. maybe it’s a sensitive topic for me, or maybe i’m just too deeply attached to these nerds and need them to be happy. 
but the depth of my feeling is indicative of how amazing this episode was. it was fast-paced, but not too fast to follow. it explored our character’s hopes and dreams and fears. the dialogue and acting was excellent. how much can be said with just eye contact, and then it breaking, is stunning. i want to know what happens next, and despite my eagerness, i am too disciplined and sleepy to go onto the next episode. 
(i have some thoughts that i need to gather and articulate at a later time regarding the use of unit 731 as a plot point, but they’re still loading, and frankly it would be better to make a post just on that subject once i can figure out how to verbalize them and if i feel that i can confidently tackle the subject matter)
goodnight world, i’m gonna scream. 
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And how do AU prison boys act with pregnant MC?
I'm assuming you mean the Nurse Mc au, but I'd be happy to do this one again with prisoner Mc <3
Sans: He's worried. About her, sure, he doesn’t like that she’s pregnant and still working in the prison. But he’s also worried about him... namely, the fact that he’s starting to get a lot more emotional than he’s accustomed to. 
Mc’s presence already flustered him, shaking his control over himself and turning him into (from his perspective) a total mess. But a pregnant Mc? Paternal instinct is suddenly throwing reactions at him faster than he can catch them. His claws and smile are clenching when she gets visibly upset recounting how people have just randomly touched her belly without permission, anger is flickering in his eyelights when other staff go too near her. She lets him touch her stomach and he feels the tiny Soul inside her and he audibly purrs- he’s a fucking mess. He feels like any control he once had over himself is slipping through his phalanges.
He even not-so-subtly hints that if she wants a break from work, she should just let him know and he’ll have a ‘medical emergency’ only she can solve. He’s revealing his lies to someone- he’s falling to fucking pieces.
Red: ... Red’s learning things about himself. He had no idea that was a kink he had, for starters.
... But... he’s also learning that he’s got a lot of very soft, very domestic wants and feelings bundled up in that battered & bruised Soul of his. Domesticity never really appealed to him before, it seemed so boring compared to a life filled with danger, drugs, sex and power... and yet, suddenly, he’s awake at night in his cell imagining the kind of house the three of them could live in together once he’s out. He’s startling himself out of a daydream at lunch and realising he was thinking of baby names. He’s having very nice dreams where he’s using his magic to handle all the chores while she naps on the couch, tired after a long day of caring for a fussy baby.
No one would dare fuck around with ‘Red’s nurse’ anyway. But now it’s pretty much prison law that, unless you don’t mind losing your arms, you don’t even look at her funny. 
Skull: Everyone thought Skull finding out Mc is pregnant would be a disaster. What kind of kidnapping is he going to try and launch? What restraints are going to hold him? He reacts badly enough when she’s on her period, what kind of fit is he going to have now? They’re prepared for the worst. Even Mc is nervous.
... But on the complete contrary, Skull is delighted. He probably knew before she did; he’s extremely keyed into her scent, and likely immediately picked up on the change in her hormones. Skull gets more and more lucid, better behaved, he starts dealing with her absences with far more stability. He’s stringing together more sentences, he’s never been doing better. 
And... it’s because his dream is to be a father. He’s always wanted nothing more than a mate and children. He wants to be the best dad ever. What kind of example is he setting his future kid if he’s giving into his violent urges and brutalising staff? How can he be a helpful, providing mate to Mc if he’s strapped to a gurney because he bit someone again? How can he read his baby bedtime stories if he can’t hold his sanity long enough to finish a sentence?
He’s going to be a good dad. The best. No one will stop him- not even himself.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
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substory 78: the doll girl
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sieglinde-freud · 1 year
i think the fell xenologue does a great job at characterizing some of the royals beyond the vanilla game mostly because every single royal has like one or two core principles that really make them who they are and so getting rid of those one or two things completely converts them into a completely different person. like alcryst losing his self doubt, celine loses her empathy, hortensia loses her resilience, etc etc. but i think my favorite version of this has to be fogado, who has in my opinion the most drastic change. i think all of the other royals have very outward presenting traits that you can easily catch onto and see theyve lost. but fogado is just a little different, because what fell fogado lacks isnt really a trait; he loses his sense of love. (rest under the cut bc it turned into an essay. my bad also fell xenologue spoilers obvs)
“our” fogado (?? idk how to differentiate between them. work with me here) is not an easy person to read in universe. he makes it very clear in chapter 13 that he’s pretty good at deception and is very willing to make use of that skill. his supports with timerra and pandreo also tell us he’s gotten used to keeping up a specially crafted persona meant to kind of suppress his feelings (that timerra and pandreo can see through but. like 1. theyre smart 2. sister and bff ok moving on). but he doesn’t do it out of malice or because he just likes being tricky, he lies because he loves. everything in fogado’s life is shaped by what he loves: his country, his friends, and his sister. every single motivation he has is fueled by this: the constant partying, how often he leaves the castle, all his acting. its even in his goddamn class name (cupido) and birthday (feb 14) if you needed the game to spell it out for you
so thats why when we get to the fell xenologue, the fogado we meet is changed in that one specific way: his love is gone. we know this because of a few things, the first of which is that he is honest. aside from the robe (in which he is assassinating someone! but also. lets be so honest with ourselves here. you can see his fucking face) he’s immediately upfront with his intentions: he wants the bracelets, he wants power, and he wants you to die. and thats it. he just kind of hands you that information, and then fucks off when you win. on what earth would our fogado do that? dude wouldnt even tell you if he broke his leg, he just partied a little hard last night. but thats just it isnt it? our fogado lies because he loves people, hes protecting them. fell!fogado is transparent because he’s not protecting anyone, he doesn’t care.
but the biggest kicker in fell!fogado’s lack of love is in his interaction with our timerra. our fogado loves his sister more than anything, as he literally plans his entire life around making HER life easier. he sacrifices even just spending time with her just because he needs to make sure hes fully prepared to keep her safe (not that timerra wants that for him but he doesnt really get that. which is another topic i could dive into but this post is long enough lets not make it a novel). fell!fogado though? well you see–
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any love fogado holds for his sister, or any love at all really, is just not present in fell!fogado. and you could say that maybe its just because of the corruption, but then why do we still see love between the fierenese and brodian siblings? even fell!timerra still loves her brother if her conversation with our fogado is anything to go off of. but the writers know that fogado lives and dies on his love for people, its his entire being and so much more so than the rest of the cast. which is why thats what had to change in him for the fell xenologue. it wasnt really just a flip of the switch haha murder thing (though. it could have been handled better. lets be real) but it was the loss of everything that makes fogado him. and i think the fact that this gets to be highlighted in the dlc just makes base game fogado all that much more interesting, because it cements his motivation now that we know what he's like without it. fogado is a guy driven by love and its just fucking great
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ilostyou · 1 year
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killjoy-prince · 5 months
Vendors at my job love me so much there's fighting amongst them in one company over who gets to deliver to my store that week
#prince's talk tag#my secret is i dont wanna deal with people any longer than i have to so i get them in and out as quickly as i can#and the vendors and drivers love that bc they got other places to be#the vendor that told me this said the other receivers will take their time and dilly dally too much leaving a line of trucks outside#but im usually on top of that#there are days where i cant help it but i go as fast as i can bc i really dont want to deal with people#and i can avoid that by taking them in check in their product sign the receipts and get them outta there#vendor also said at least with his company the dispatcher will be like 'here this store needs a delivery done'#and the vendors will go 'no im not doing that store' which will make the dispatcher go to one & say 'well its your route so you gotta do it'#and it was like that for my store before I took over#now the dispatcher will be like 'hey Prince's store needs a delivery' and the vendors are actually fighting like#'ill do it' 'no imma do it!' 'no me!'#ngl it made me happy. i didnt think i was that well liked#like some drivers have showed their appreciation to me about my speed and ability to handle the job but to have people fight over me? wow#and this was like an hour after a manager complimented how i run shit around here bc i know what im doing#and when im not here it all falls apart#which does suck bc i wish the mess wasnt left to me to clean up if im not here#but i am training someone rn who will cover for me when im not around so hopefully that helps a little
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gideonisms · 2 years
burnout is supposed to end at some point, I have read this. However, how do you know when it has ended and you should gradually force yourself through more activities to get used to living a life again, and when doing that will send you Directly back to an even worse ring of hell. Is there like a guidebook or
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kimtaegis · 1 year
hate to say it but july kinda sucked
#please let me whine and list all the things that have troubled me this month#first off having to get serious about my master thesis and everything taking so much longer than I want it to (the anxiety. wow)#and mentally preparing to tackle two jobs AND finishing the thesis all at once soon (how......am I gonna do that)#well then ofc my car breaking down and having to spend my last savings on a new one#generally having to spend a shit load of money. all my money. gone within 2 months#wanting to have a big birthday party so badly only for it to get so stressful and Too Much for my introverted perfectionist ass#that I was the first and only one to feel (physically and mentally) sick about four hours in and had to leave my guests on their own#the usual old struggles flaring up again (as in too high expectations towards everything and everyone and myself that leave me disappointed#and on a more irrelevant note lmao: being one of the few people who doesn’t seem to have enjoyed barbenheimer that much?#same for jk’s solo and everything around it it's just not really for me#and thus feeling a little distanced from the fandom and from creating lately...I'll try again this weekend though I'll try#and last but not least my skin is being SO bad again rn that I just want to rip it off my whole body!!!!!!!#yeah! not at all how I wanted july to go! anyways august in a few days let’s move on and hope for the best#SORRY for being negative on here again. there were also nice things. like awi and al and all my other friends.#and birthday gifts and messages. <33
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be-good-to-bugs · 6 months
OH SHIT. my dad fuckin died today uh. rest in pieces dickhead 😘 time to CELEBRATE 🎉
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prettygirlgerard · 1 year
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Tonight’s adventure was seeing little shop of horrors with the pre college group and going through Times Square which is as crowded and touristy as you’d expect. Saw lots of people dressed for Barbie today. New York is sort of lonely but in a way it’s freeing…? I’ve got the kind of freedom I used to dream about and would’ve killed to have a couple years ago. Just walking through Manhattan alone at 11pm listening to Pierce the Veil with the wind blowing all dramatically…when have I ever had a reason to be out at 11pm by myself? I do think I’m starting to finally become friends with my class, plus I talked to someone in the group today about MCR which was nice. I can’t believe next week is my last week and I can’t believe how quickly my short film is coming together. Also I think I pass really well now and it feels good.
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yume-fanfare · 1 year
*stumbles out of oshi no ko covered in blood* what the FUCK that was amazing
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honestmouse20 · 1 year
Having Seabound Thoughts
I think the part that hurts the most is right before Nya merges with the sea. That little quiet moment where it’s just her and Jay, but Jays too weak to even realize what she’s saying. And then, the thing that made me cry so hard the first time I watched it, was Nya just Mouthing ‘i love you’ on the roof. LIke Fuck the writers that Hurt! 
It’s Good and please give us more of that but also OW. Bc Jay had been saying ‘i love you’ for So many seasons, always. It was his Thing and Nya would always jsut smile and/or tease him. It was clear she loves him back even if she doesn’t say it. But Now, the first time she says it out loud, he’s not even there to hear her And she mouths it. She can’t even bring herself to Say it. Fuck. Ugly crying every single time I watch taht scene. 
The only thing that comes close that season is Jay trying to stop her from leaving and he says the ‘don’t leave me’ line in that hurt voice of his. Fuck
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I just realized that I hate being directly talked to (in most situations); but if someone is talking to their friend at the same table as I am, and we’re all working on separate projects, I love listening to their conversation? Like, in art class these two gamer kids would go on and on about Sonic and Overwatch to each other and it was amazing; because I like reading Wikipedia articles on things I have no personal interest in just to know what it is enough to talk about it if someone brings it up in conversation.
Call that benign eavesdropping.
#I kinda programmed my brain to zone out if someone talks to me at length because I was vented on so much as a child#I also programmed my brain to zone out when reading because of The Meetings#one of my earliest memories is pretending to read the Daily Text by moving my eyes back and forth dramatically (I was… five?)#and my dad made thehalfway-snide remark of “Wow I can tell you’re following along because your eyes are moving“#and I was like “oh crap I overacted; gotta find another way to do that“#so then I figured out I had this magical ability to actually read words and absorb nothing from them#and instead of trying to fix that magical ability as the problem it was; I amplified it to the point where I hated reading#because I couldn’t read anything longer than a paragraph without going through the five stages of grief#so naturally 30 minute reading time in school was horrible and I hated it#because they said we had to read a certain number of books and REALLY put the pressure on us if we didn’t#and ​we would have to finish books over winter break in order to get a good grade and ??? hello what does the word break mean to you?#I don’t wanna read a book for school on my BREAK#I never got close to the forty books they wanted us to read#the most I ever got in a school year was seventeen (and they were all short)#of those; I maybe liked reading two or three#the rest I either hated or have no memory of#which is saying something because I have an excellent memory#usually
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