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No southern is complete without sweet tea in a mason jar
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Also I got reminded of that theory with wander being that imaginary friend who’s entire thing was he sat in a rocking chair while working on this. This isn’t that, I just wanted to draw some southern action and what’s more southern then a rocking chair
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beebox-illustrations · 3 years ago
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Who do you think did a better job? (There is of course just one right answer 😂)
Heyyy! So I finally finished the ‘draw drarry bad’ challenge. Thanks for the nudge @lilbeanz 💚 - if you have not yet seen her comic, go and read it! it’s hilarious
Have a nice week lovelies 💚🥰
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glouris · 2 years ago
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“they are very annoying and irritating” are you familiar with the concept of fun and being entertained by drama
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tamelee · 2 years ago
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Just wanted to share with you a preview of something I'm working on ;-; because this is my very first real (?) Manga panel and it's a lil Naruto 🧡 🔆
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hooned · 3 years ago
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hybe, close the gym 💪🏼
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kulai · 3 years ago
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the witch and her familiar
just finished watching all two seasons of hilda and the movie !!!!!!!!! cant believe im a year late but at least its before season 3!!
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lix-ables · 3 years ago
you know that part in charmer when chan turns and has his shirt in his mouth? sooo....
imagine chan fucking his partner and his partner is on top of him and it's kind of an agressive fuck and chan is having his shirt in his mouth
I can't explain shit but the image in my head is hot I'm in my delulu phase
no bc i see it SO WELL my love thank you for this ugh, your brain is just 😩😩
now when he's under, he feels it's so much easier for him to control your movements you know? cause imagine you're riding him, your hips moving so well against his, and he's still in his shirt, while you're in your bra. your hands move to rest flat on his chest, pushing the shirt up in the process, of course. your fingers are sprawled against his skin, and he leans forward just a little to catch hold of his shirt between his teeth, just when he looks up at you that too. sure his voice is muffled when he grunts and pants - because of the way he's moving under you - his hips bucking against your own, skin slapping, and all he can hear is the way you were sounding for him. sure, he know he's being a bit agressive, but he knows you like it. he's always told you that you looked so pretty when you were straddling him - for him, it was a sight to see. sure, occasionally he'd stop his movements just to see you grind against him, your body moving on top of him, the whine and whimpers leaving your lips, which make him bite onto his shirt a little bit tighter.
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imagine-wannaone · 7 years ago
Lee Daehwi Royalty Au
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•Royals aren’t just naturally elegant and full of manners,  • Oh no, you realise that when you see Seongwoo challenge Woojin to see who can fit the most marshmallows in their mouth,  • A real eye opener right there,  • So yanno, there’s one person who has to teach them how to be royal and elegant and everything like that because they’re supposed to be role models,  • So that’s your job,  • And boy do they make it hard,  • You grew up in an average class family, but your parents thought it was important to know your manners even if you weren’t a Nobel or high up,  • So that’s what you did I guess,  • You went to those etiquette classes and read a few books and were a natural at being classy™  • Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s hours of hard work,  • You’re not entirely sure how you ended up working in the royal palace with all the princes at such a young age but here you are,  • Your parents both got made redundant at the same time, so money was scarce,  • But when the Job popped up it offered somewhere to stay and a living for you, with some money to send back to your parents,  • The old etiquette teacher quit from stress,  • 11 boys were too many for him rip,  • And I guess the king and queen thought changing it up may help so you were found and bought in even though some of the princes were older than you??  • But yeah, you understand why the last teacher quit from stress, because you know the boys know what you’re talking about,  • I mean in public services 6 times out of 10 they’re as they’re expected to be,  • The other 4 times are hilarious if a little inappropriate for their position,  • But they seem to have fun giving you grief,  • I mean they make you laugh and despaired, there is no in-between,  • But you only teach Prince Daehwi and Guanlin regularly because the others are older and have apparently got the hang of it,  • You beg to differ,  • Has no one else seen Jaehwan trip up on 90% of all carpets, send goofy looks to his brothers to draw their laughter and accidentally rip his blazer in a formal interview,  • But honestly you wouldn’t want him to be any different, he’s funny and genuine, even if it’s not in a traditionally royal way,  • But that’s where your lessons get blurry,  • You teach them the traditions of etiquette and grace and manners,  • But it’s totally not as if you also maybe encourage them to be themselves and goofy as well.  . .  • You don’t know this but that’s why the queen employed you, because honestly you’re just genuine,  • Who needs to know what fork to use when it’s cAKe??,  • But you still have a duty,  • And Prince Daehwi seems oblivious,  • You wish you were oblivious honestly,  • You’re sat trying to show him how to walk with grace or something and He’s great at it,  • But at events?
 • At parades?  • He’s bouncing along adorably and it’s great but GrAce,  • You show him the proper fork to use for a main meal,  • WHy Is hE EaTinG tHaT RoaSt DinNeR WiTh a sPOoN????  • Did he just…use his hands???  • Are those shoes not polished?? Daehwi doesn’t even need to polish his own shoes and yet they’re scuffed?  • And did he just laugh while drinking water and spray Jihoon?  • Poor boy doesn’t deserve the disrespect,  • It’s the middle of a speech from the queen and Daehwi loudly snorts at something that Jaehwan whispers to him, causing 11 boys to have a not so silent mental breakdown,  • Tears streaming down faces honestly a whole mess,  • You almost scream but you’re not supposed to scream,  • You have to flail around in your bed in frustration in secret,  • You, out of anyone, know that it’s tedious and yeah, a little pointless maybe,  • But he’s supposed to do it, being royalty isn’t all that fun, and this is just another downfall of having everyone’s judging eyes constantly on you,  • The only reason you get so frustrated,  • Is because Daehwi is a perfect student in your ‘lessons’,  • He does everything perfectly with grace and composure,  • And the odd cheeky smile or teasing comment towards you,  • But generally soft,  • But forgets everything when you’re not around,  • And you wouldn’t mind if he wasn’t so good with you,  • Like you knew from the begging there was going to be no hope for Jaehwan let’s be real,  • (lmao it sounds like i’m picking on him but Jaehwan a fave DW),  • But you’re constantly deceived by Daehwi,
• But the truth?
 • While it’s frustrating, you find the prince purely adorable and love him for his moments with no composure,
 • Like when he flat out fell asleep in your 'class room’  • You’d be offended but you don’t really blame him,  • You just think maybe he shouldn’t be the next king,  • And you love how genuine and real he is and that, yeah maybe he doesn’t put on the perfect etiquette persona the princes are expected to have,  • But he has his own way of manners and an original charm and a way to show people respect and his royal nature without obvious actions or language,  • I mean boy he’s charmed you to death,  • Daehwi doesn’t have a lot of duties as a prince as he’s still young, in fact he’s the second youngest,  • So as you’re around the same age as him and have some spare time in the palace,  • (as an employee of royalty you live in the west wing of the palace with the other employees),  • You spend a moderate amount of time together, a time with strictly no talk of acting 'proper’  • So when Daehwi has no meetings or public services or any duties, you just do the things normal teens do, but love it even more because it’s a rarity,  • He comes and sits on your bed with you as you listen to music or chat about one of the new maids hairstyle,  • He shows you the music he makes,  • Because being royalty isn’t going to stand in the way of Daehwi and music,  • And you show him your art or dances or whatever you’ve recently taken interest in,  • You joke about stupid stuff and sit in silence contemplating your lives,  • You sneak snacks, share and decode homework together,  • (because both of you still get homework, which drives you mad but you get it),  • In the long run you and Daehwi actually get really close despite the fact he’s a prince and you’re hired to teach him about manners despite your young age,  • And who can’t fall for such a soft, genuine and fun dude?  • You can, that’s for sure,  • And boy do you fall,  • But you’re a professional, so you manage to ignore it the best you can,  • But one thing about him is a huge mystery,  • Whether he actually forgets his etiquette or whether he does it on purpose,  • Because sometimes in royal events you’re present,  • In parades you’ll be in a certain area, in dinners you’ll be a fill in waiter, in speeches you’ll always stand to one side in a special area,  • And sometimes you swear he looks at you whilst 'forgetting’ some of your teachings,  • so you’re left questioning him constantly,  • So you finally decide to go and ask him because you’ve forever been unsure,  • So you’re sat on your bed with Daehwi watching a dance cover video,  • Because they’re cool as shit I mean have y'all seen k-tigers or East2West??? Damn cool,  • And you just sit up all of a sudden and stare at Daehwi for a second,  • Can’t blame you,  • “Daehwi, do you really forget all the proper stuff I tell you about or do you just ignore it?”  • His eyes snap to you and his soft lips display a slightly sheepish but mischievous smile,  • “Took you a couple of years, but you caught me y/n”  • You raise your eyebrows and fall back, letting out a little laugh,  • You’d be mad but this is Daehwi, and you simply cannot be mad at him, you never find a good enough reason,  • “Why’d you do that you idiot”  • You sit up quickly and tap his head playfully, needing answers,  • You were definitely gunna scold Daehwi for at least a month and steal all his comfy non public clothes,  • Ultimate pay back,  • “ Well, I don’t really know. I guess I just wanted catch your eye,”  • His cheeks redden as you laugh in time with the butterflies in your stomach, your own face gaining a darker shade,  •"Well that’s stupid, you always catch my eyes. You’re so cute,“  • Words flow out of your mouth and although you didn’t exactly plan on saying what you do, you keep your composure,  • As always,  • "I do?”  • The way Daehwi splutters in surprise is adorable and makes you laugh a little,  • A dork, honestly,  • But then you think over what he said for a split second and something in his words confuse you,  • “Of course, but why would you want to catch my eye?”  • You’re interested in the answer, honestly perplexed by how Daehwi’s mind works and determined to figure it out,  • Daehwi turns the phone off, the dance that used to illuminate the screen now dark and plain,  • “Why wouldn’t I want to catch the eye of the person that holds my heart,”  • So he finally remembers to talk in a formal charming way but it has BacK FIrED,  • You’re dead,  • He’s cheesy,  • And your soul has departed from your body,  • “Your what now?”  • When he laughs at your response, cheery and young and hopeful, you know what he means,  • “Heart, y/n, the one that keeps you alive. You hold my life line,”  • He laughs at you, falling back in giggle and an oversized fluffy jumper that you definitely approve of,  • You fall back next to him, lying side by side with your heart floating,  • “Ah that thing. What if I wanted to use it for the wrong reasons, though, Daehwi?”  • You ponder teasingly, moving your head to look at his soft profile, smiling slightly in content,  • “I know you, y/n, you wouldn’t, it’s not proper,”  • He teased back, unwilling to lose this battle,  • “You’re right there,”  • You sigh, fully happy and feeling high as the sky,  • And the feeling doesn’t go away.
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agiibang · 3 years ago
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I.N • Thunderous • 211231
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yuyu-bubu · 3 years ago
guys!!!! look who i made!!!!!
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get stacked losers
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oh and this is my cat! her name is manchitas :D
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pocketgalaxies · 3 years ago
i finished the campaign.
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raquel-b · 3 years ago
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A continuation of my previously undertale inked sketch.
Inked to to recover from despairing from my art program crashing repeatedly and having to salvage what's left afterwards in my ever shrinking free time.
Goat mom is best mom.
The sketch is at my Ko-fi if for any supporters.
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astro-inthestars · 2 years ago
I just realized I'm loved. I'm loved by not just one person, but so so so many, a staggering amount even. Jokingly deny it all I want, but I am loved.
Hey. This is a reminder that you are loved. I want you to think about all the people that care about you and be aware of the fact that you. are. loved. Don't deny it, please. That takes too much energy. Just for now, okay? Know you are loved. Be painfully aware of that fact. Thank you. I love you too, okay?
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steampoweredwerehog · 3 years ago
So— you find out your taxidermy mentor has been preserving people, and that one of the corpses is possessed. Wyd?
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Sophie: “That my Best Friend Now.”
I call this little story Cadaver Doll and it’s been piddling around in my head for like a year.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years ago
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2022 art summary :)
KH art is from my KH blog @mushroom-winners-proof
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alicentflorent · 3 years ago
I don’t understand people who say unlike Kate, Edwina was never under any pressure. Like did you not watch the show? She had to learn to be the perfect lady and as Kate tells us, worked twice as hard as anyone else to be considered of the same social standing because of both her race and the fact that her father was not of noble birth. She knows full well that she has to secure a good match, Kate encourages her to find a love match yes, but a love match with a title that can offer her a decent life. She is then named the queens diamond which puts a lot more pressure on her because everyone is looking at her more closely than before and the queen of England is expecting her to marry well and live up to her expectations. She blames herself when Anthony doesn’t propose and thinks there’s something wrong with HER that SHE hasn’t lived up to the viscounts expectations because that is what the society she lives in makes her, and all women seeking a match believe. She meets her incredibly shitty grandparents who she feels the need to impress because they’re her grandparents and of course she wants them to like her now that they seemingly want a relationship with her. She then realises her sister and fiancée have feelings for each other at the alter of her own wedding which is hosted by the queen herself and Edwina is put in an impossible situation that she needs to figure out, and fast, after running out on her wedding in front of the entire ton and queen Charlotte.
Edwina Sharma was putting a fake persona of the dutiful desirable debutante throughout the show until she realises she doesn’t know who she is and what she wants out of life. That’s what episode six is telling us. Edwina has been trying to live up to this idealised image, she has been dealing with the pressures of high society and has been trying to be who others want or expect her to be, which once again, includes the expectations of the goddamn Queen of England (who thankfully ended up supporting Edwina in whatever she decides but that could have gone very differently if it hadn’t been from the vulnerable moment they both shared with the king). Edwina may not have had to be responsible for her families finances or raising a younger sibling and perhaps she had a great carefree childhood (aside from Y’know, the small fact of her father dying) but to say she had it easy and never faced any pressure just because her experience is different from Kate’s or Anthony’s just shows you have a lack of understanding of both the story you’ve been told and what regency era England was like for a young woman.
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