#wow its been a bit since ive giffed
notesof-mh · 2 years
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the daily struggle of trying to get your eyeliner to look even 😔
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
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2023 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix - Fernando Alonso
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
Once when Tim was a baby he blew a kiss to the papparazzi goodbye on his mother's arms as she carried them to the limo home.
It ended up trending for literal weeks, and his parents decided to make him model a few things. Cute things, usually. There was one where his shirt was messily unbuttoned, hair a fluffed up mess. There was one where he sat on a kitchen counter leg's spread the way a baby can never keep their legs closed, he's wearing a pair of brown overrals with no shirt underneath. One with a flower crown, one in a suit and tie, one on his daddy's lap. Things like that.
Anyway, tim comes across a gif of him as a chubby cheeked cute little baby blowing a kiss to cameras and...well, he's a teen ceo with a bit of spare time. He redoes every piece of the photoshoot he sees. At first he thinks people find it cute. He's trending again, he expected maybe a few days. But days turned to weeks. And weeks turned to months.
He opens his social media account to see he's STILL trending because of those photos. Him on Bruce's lap, dressed up all pretty. Him with messy hair and an unbuttoned shirt, no scars seen on his clean unhairy chest. The one that's trending the most is him blowing a kiss to the camera, an added wink to make it look cuter.
Before he could scroll to the countless of people still thirsting over him, Tam snatches his phone and tells him to focus on his paperwork. He tells himself he'd check them out later again but he forgets and he never sees basically the whole world thirsting for him
STOP THIS IS THE CUTEST THING IVE EVER READ!!!!!!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭!!!!! i've always had a headcanon that tim was a cute baby, like a really really cute baby. the kind of baby that you see and can't help but think 'wow you should be on tv!' and his parents were the type to get him professionally photographed. like tim could be the gerber baby!
and baby timmy is so plump and charming with his little rosy nose and cheeks. he'd 100% have been put on catalogs for children's clothes, been on local commercials. maybe he would've even had a nonspeaking role on a tv show that ran for a single season. timmy wouldn't have been a BIG star but he'd have certainly been recognized enough. tim essentially went viral before the internet or modern forms of virality were around!!
of course by the time he's a teenager he's just one of a million gifs uploaded and popularly used. he shows up on video compilations of 'don't kids just do the darndest things?' alongside dozens of other children doing tooth-rottingly cute antics. and his wikipedia page which only knows him as one of bruce wayne's adopted children and the current ceo of WE makes no mention about it.
i imagine no one among the bats even knows its him because ??? he doesn't mention it???? it was years ago for him and he was just a baby. he barely even remembers it and it's not like it was relevant information to know. even though some of the lingering effects are present in his life. tim inherited a condo in new york from his parents that he stays in overnight occasionally when he's in the city. he knows it was purchased using money from his brief stint in show business. he also knows there's an investment portfolio for which he gets monthly letters in the mail for since the state had protections in the form of child entertainment laws. about 20% of every job tim did as a kid was set aside for him by his parents. it was the same in california the other 'show business town'. of the country they had jackie coogan's law and new jersey had mary dahl's.
so tim stumbles on this very old gif that's sort of grainy in the way internet footage that's been copied and reposted over and over again always is but he recognizes it because tim's parents used to make him 'kiss the crowd' every year at the office christmas party. he remembers how embarrassed he'd be to do it but he'd power through because his mom would get this joyful blush and an ecstatic smile on her face that wasn't from the champagne.
tim still has the original footage somewhere in a box along with other pieces of memorabilia because his mom had been his biggest fan. he'd always be so embarrassed about it. he'd actively avoided bringing friends over when his parents were home because he knew she'd show him his baby photos. some parents brought out the soccer trophies or the newspaper clipping from the spelling bee. tim's mom brought out pictures of him as a chubby baby laughing sweetly at a camera.
it's out of nowhere that he sees the clip he hasn't seen or thought of in almost a decade. he's just scrolling through social media and sees some interesting beef between two people erupt and clicks on it just to be nosy. it's at the very end that the gif shows up.
apparently, the gif of tim as a baby is used as a kind of sassy 'that's all folks!' finishing line a la porky pig. a bit of searching and tim finds thousands upon thousands of people who've used it. the gif is recognizable but not as famous as the one of michael jackson eating popcorn or of a generic white man blinking in surprise.
it's really just a pleasant surprise that serves as a quick laugh.
tim doesn't really have much thought behind it when he shares it with tam and a few other staff members at lunch the next day. small talk is a necessity in corporate life that not even tim can escape from and he was really just looking to entertain his circle of work friends.
they're confused for a bit and tim can see it in their faces that they're not sure why he's showing them some of the funnier uses of the gif.
"that's me when i was a baby!" he tells them.
tim's in a PR meeting by the end of the day. they're absolutely salivating at this opportunity because apparently, photos taken 10 years apart is the internet's newest and biggest fad. people recreating family photos, vacation images, and touching scenes.
it's cute, it's heartwarming, and it's family-friendly! WE has been working to rebrand itself under tim's command. bruce's playboy image has apparently held back the company's progress according to some economists so the board has tasked the company with improving into a more...wholesome image.
tim's baby photos are apparently the prime way to do that and honestly...tim really likes the idea. corporate stuff aside.
tim hasn't thought back to his childhood in a long time. much of it was overshadowed by that one bad day at the circus which was actually...approximately around the time tim stopped baby modeling.
it'd be hard to do with a child that kept bursting out into tears at the slightest memory of that night. plus his parents had started getting busier at that time too.
still. it's nice to have relics of a bygone era.
pr wants to curate it, pull in professional photographers, get an entire set up but tim shoots it down. he wants it to be a personal project. something he posts online himself and not under the flag of WE.
there's some reluctance but ultimatly tim has the upperhand. he's the one with the photos afterall.
it takes a few weeks. it takes time to gather up props and outfits as well as scout out the locations. plus tim is doing this during his free time which means it takes a little longer.
tim manages to wrangle bruce into one of them. showing him the ripped-out page from a bridal magazine where tim's dad had ended up being a model too. mostly because tim kept getting fussy on the original model's lap and asking for his dad. tim had been wearing a poofy little floer girl dress and holding a basket with scattered petals on both him and his dad's lap. his dad was mid-laugh and dressed in a sharp black tux that looked like one bruce had in his closet.
tim takes a lot of photos that week. one where he's in a thin tanktop and little shorts with flour and batter on his hands while seated on a kitchen island. an ad for a mixing bowl that claimed that purchasers could look forward to 'less mess!'.
there's tim at a botanical garden, laying on the daises like a little fairy. it's an image still printed on the back of the 'welcome!' pamphlet for the gotham garden society.
tim in fishing gear with overall and naked as the day he was born underneath. tim needs to use the straps to strategically cover his nipples because he's grown since he was a kid.
tim in some formal wear thought that ends up being less exciting than others.
bruce is a collecter of vintage cars so tim has the perfect prop to use to recreate the old 'wish you were here!' gotham postcard which featured a baby him dolled up all pretty and changing a tire.
they're cute. tim looks at the photos with fondness. plus once he'd told bruce he'd needed help bruce had gone through each photo, looking at it and letting a soft smile at each one.
"you were a cute baby." bruce tells him when tim shifted in his lap. the flower girl dress was white and poofy and the closest tim could find was a wedding dress he managed to rent for a hundred bucks.
all tim was missing was a veil on his head. bruce wrapped a tighter arm around tim's small waist, tugging him closer and letting tim sprinkle flower petals onto his chest and their lap.
it was a nice picture. alfred even asked for a printed copy and kept it framed alongside other family pictures on the mantlepiece.
they're nice photos. cute too.
tim even remakes the original kiss, even throwing in a wink at the end.
tim doesn't think much about them when he posts them followed by a short caption of 'the more things change the more they stay the same.'
it's sentimental, tim is sure it'll fit right in on the train of people also doing it.
he's right. he does.
he also trends on the front page of nearly every social media site for a week. then two. then three.
tim's not big on the internet. so he mostly checks out even though everytime he goes out there are seemingly more papparazzi out than normal.
tim makes a joke at dinner about the reaction being bigger than he expected over a simple gift and they all just stare at him.
tam keeps saying he's the new 'white boy of the month' and it'll blow over eventually.
but it doesn't.
tim checks in one day and sees that his notification counter has just stopped and there is a constant stream of messages getting sent to his inbox.
tim is about to open it, curious to see what others were saying-
when it gets plucked out of his hand.
it's tam reminding him to finish his work for the day and tim puts a pin on his curiosity. he'll explore it later.
but he doesn't.
he already fulfilled what he set out to do and so long as the reactions weren't bad he was fine.
so he never checks and so he doesn't see people losing their minds over tim's thin taktop and how you can just barely see the outline of his pink nipples.
how when he's seated in bruce's lap there's so much more heat and tension present. tim is so small and its emphasized by how much bigger and broader bruce is compared to him.
tim's garden pictures where he's wearing delicately laced daisies into a crown- it emphasizes the gentle slope of his jaw, the his cute button nose, and his full pink lips that make him look like something to be ravished in the flowers.
tim was an absolute treasure of a baby that blossomed into a gorgeous boy with the sweetest eyes and the most fuckable mouth in existence.
the way those pink lips were so wonderfully plush as they blew kisses out. people zoomed in on every part of tim. his pretty mouth, his perky tits, soft bottom, and the obscene spread of his legs-
people send him messages begging for more, others demanding he sends them photos of his tits and pretty cunt that they knew he was hiding.
but tim never sees them. even when he does eventually get back online.
mainly because his father and brothers would go through his phone and make sure every single message was destroyed while ensuring the more...brave messages were silenced.
while tim may not have seen the fall out of his little photoshoot.
they most certainly did.
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goremet-chef · 1 year
just found someone who makes monster hunter lego builds do NOT speak to me im. this. GRGRGRG
anyways heres some gifs i have of monsters cuz im in love with this series forever and always (super long ramble SFJKS ive been writing this for hours)
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odogaron + ebony odo is like.... you dont understand. thats me i kin so many monsters from MH its insane like.. thats literally me nothing reflects me better LOOK AT THEM. rathalos, odogaron, nargacuga like any red scary thing i resonate with deep in my soul its insane
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this one is one of my headmates favorites. shrieking legi really came thru when he was having a bad time and i love this for him. ITS JUST LIKE... so many of the monsters resonate with us on such personal levels, that its hard to even explain. i am selfish, and i do view monster hunter as my game (got that autism special) like these are my creatures they were made for me
REAL TALK THO, these two were genuinely actually made for me look at this shit
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unknown (black flying wyvern) and valstrax my beloveds. fucking god tier
the fact that i already resonate with the rathalos so hard, and it turns out theres a black and red edgier cool version of it/????like are you insane when i discovered this thing i was. SO UNWELL IN MY CHANNEL ON DISCORD i literally rambled about it for AN HOUR STRAIGHT. then when i found out about valstrax i rambled about that one for an hour too SKFJS like wow they are so cool. autism is real
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also have this one, xeno'jiiva is so. MHW was my first MH game (say what you will) and god damn. im gonna be real idk if id be so into it if it wasnt for MHW, cuz like.... the main appeal of the entire game series to me is the monsters themselves. like im. when i first started i was TOO SCARED TO FIGHT THE GREAT JAGRAS (yknow. the first large monster you fight 😭😭 like the 3rd quest. insane) because ive never been into fighting games and having something large PURSUE ME didnt sound pleasant
crazy that i went from being too scared to play it again to LITERALLY playing for 72 hours almost STRAIGHT with minimal pee and sleep breaks, and giving myself carpal fucking tunnel cuz i was just. obsessed. AUTISM IS REAL
went from couldnt stand 10 minutes of it to 400 hours in game SKFJSD
and i would do it again bitch!!!
so what im SAYING. alright. is that im not a fighter in games (well NOW i am, but before i super wasnt) but what drew me in was how i could just.. watch. how i could see all the big scary monsters sleep and eat and walk around and fight eachother. how i could get their tracks, listen to their sounds, ETC. like it was so. IT WAS THRILLING and ive never been more in love
like for context my first special interest is fnaf and i wouldnt be anything like myself if i never got into fnaf like life changing shit. but i gotta say, i mean. ive played the fnaf games and i love the story and EVERYTHING this is not a diss on my first home!!!! but i played MHW to the point of exhaustion, to where i needed to have an arm brace and even then despite the HORRIBLE PAIN in my wrist, i still kept playing
i played so much i literally managed to rub the s and w letters of my siblings keyboard KSJFSF like it was for real. i miss that, like a lot. i dont play as much anymore because i mean. i have it on my laptop. my laptop is a gaming laptop and it can run!! but its better for my
yknow i dont think i have an actual reason and im literally about to cry thinking about it SKFSFJ the good computer with the good graphics and running is my siblings and id need permission, yknow how it is. PLUS im a bit stuck? i need an urugaan ruby for my barioth mission lmao but ill get there
monster hunter world is so beautiful. the environments are fucking stunning, the visual upgrade for the monsters was INSANE and just watching them be animals? it brings me so much joy KSJSJSJ
one of my favorites is the rotten vale, which is funny cuz i remember the first time i ever went there i was so. PARANOID. i use sound with pretty much everything i play since my eyes might not track everything thats happening, so hearing the ambience for the vale freaked me out so much, i stayedat the camp for SO LONG and good thing too cuz the radobaan makes its way down that path and i was shook SKFJSF
also the big fucking dalamadur skeleton in the vale is so. UGHHHH
i love horror and rot and decay!!! its frightening its unsettling but even still the vale is such a necessary part of the ecosystem!!! like wow monsters come there to DIE? are youINSANE
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(dalamadur is like one of the biggest monsters for reference. the whole upper part of the vale is made of its skeleton cuz its a big snake its so UGHHH)
also the???? STOMACH ACID POOL?
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they were cooking bro,,,,, such a gorgeous and unsettling environment goddd
like GOD i cant think of anything better, the story for MHW is so good man. the tracker said "its an ecological marvel" and i took that personally (i repeat that so much about random shit its not even funny how long ive been doing that for)
or how like... any of the docile monsters (tobi kadachi, banbaro, kulu ya ku, ETC) i genuinely if i go on expedition, and i see theres a docile monster in one of the locales, ill go there and just follow them around the ENTIRE TIME SFKSFS
heres SEVERAL pics of me with banbaros at different times KSJFS
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that isnt even all of them with JUST banbaro 💀💀💀 its my favorite activity
and sometimes i get hit with the banbaro / nightshade paolumu / coral pukei combo!!!! thats a triple docile whammy!!!!! thriving
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also heres a cute viper tobi shot :] love viper tobi
also also i cant believe i never said anything yet but VAAL HAZAK??? my actual liege look at this mf
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MY LORD!!! vaal is so fucking cool man. and the KICKER??? DOCILE
whenever i do this quest i do just follow it around for a while (which. ive had to do this quest A LOT cuz i thought i get vitality crystals from it (yknow cuz i got some from it) so i have probably 100% killed more vaal hazak than any of the other elder dragons SKFJSF
vaal hazak is so cool cuz its covered in rotten meat and uses the effluvium (corpse gas) as its like. life source. it pulls excess effluvium from the vale into itself and expels it when theres not enough, so its keeping the ecosystem tame its so cool UGHH
also one of its moves it plays dead its so fucked up itll fall over like you've knocked it over and then just lay there but you hear its inhale and it looks up and BLASTS YOU with its effluvia gas beam (WHICH. THAT THING HURTS!!!!!! for real the effluvium attack is so. plus it also halves yr health? like if vaal hits you with that shit itll give you miasma or whatever and it HALFS YR HEALTH BAR and you gotta eat a nulberry to negate it
im not one for switching shit around in my like item bar tho (MAINLY cuz most the time ive played MHW was with my siblings mouse and its scroll bare was broken so swapping items was hard) so i just put on like 3 effluvia resistance gems and it cant give me miasma. problem solved SKFSJF
i did get so tired of fighting it cuz yknw its a hard fight its an elder dragon, but i will say like the MUSIC? thats one of the things like. when we fought megan in the forest, they gave us battle music and THAT is why i kicked ass and abandoned all my fear, monster hunter instincts kicked in and i tanked alright like it was NOTHING, battle music just hits different
vaal hazak theme is so fucking good!!!! "keeper of hades" ARE YOU INSANE? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND????? i cant believe this shit!!!!!!!!
monster hunter stop being the coolest franchise ever challenge KSFJSF
i did do vaal hazak fight with no music before cuz i was trying to see and. THE MUSIC DOES SO MUCH? literally there was like no adrenaline without the music it was just. :| oh. im in the vale. thats the dragon. hes gonna breath attack. okay LIKE IT WAS SO LACK LUSTER IT WAS INSANE
i never realized how much the music did for fights but its so.. vital bro like it gets you in the fighting mood it compliments the monster and the area its !!!GRAAAAHHHH
monster hunter soundtrack is literally so fucking good. BANGERS back to back literally every song is so fucking cracked its epic
dont even get me STARTED on "proof of a hero" that song makes me stim so fucking hard man it makes me feel so fucking good. my sibling made his ringtone for me that song and AUGHHH crying sobbing
like yeah this is proof that im a hero!!! literally makes me feel so proud and FOR WHATTTT
idk im such a firm believer in the importance of sound design, sound design is EVERYTHINGGG and MH does such a good job with that shit, the monster roars and environmental ambience, audio cues to what attack is gonna happen, the music its all. perfect 10/10 godtier shit
anyways this is my monster hunter ramble, it most likely will happen again. love this game with all my heart
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keyglyph · 11 days
Shiny Chaining circa 2010
I've been catching shinies with the poké radar in the gen IV Pokémon games for a long time now, and it's wild to think about how niche and mysterious the chaining process was for most of us back in the earlier days.
I've been reminiscing about this a lot on my own lately, so why not reminisce together?
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The concept of chaining has appeared in a handful of Pokémon games since its introduction in Diamond and Pearl, but wow did things get off to a cryptic start! The only in-game hints in Diamond and Pearl that the chaining mechanic even existed -- at least so far as I was aware -- were 1) a few lines of nonchalant NPC dialog and 2) the Trainer Counter pokétch app.
In regards to the NPCs, if you visit Sandgem Town post-game and speak to Lucas or Dawn, they'll ask you how things are going with the poké radar and then casually drop that the grass patches that shake farthest away from you will have the highest chances of containing consecutive repeat pokémon. Neat, you think. Something to keep in mind if you want to save time seeking out a particular nature or doing some EV training or something.
But then if you pick up the Trainer Counter pokétch app too, you're like, okay, there must be something else to encountering the same species of pokémon over and over again in a row, because why else would the game be putting this much effort into tracking it?
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Naming this the "Trainer Counter" didn't make anything clearer, unfortunately.
But the really intriguing bit happens when Lucas or Dawn -- and again, this is expressed to you in just one or two lines of optional post-game dialog with a character you may not be particularly inspired to check up on -- makes an offhand comment about a "sparkling" grass patch that sometimes shows up when you use the poké radar. They claim that these patches will have a different-colored pokémon inside but then quickly reframe this as perhaps more rumor than fact by ending on a wistful, "I wonder if that's true?"
It was this mention of a sparkling grass patch that stuck in my mind enough (read: adhesed forever) that on the random day in 2008 when I was stunned by the appearance of one -- at an incredibly low chain, before I even knew what chaining was -- I was able to make the connection and understand what I was seeing. But from that point on, all of my knowledge about chaining, shiny or otherwise, came from the fan sites, LiveJournal posts, and YouTube videos I found when I started searching the internet to see if other people had experienced this phenomenon too.
And just to fully set the scene here, the only -- only -- footage of an actual shiny patch I was aware of in those days was this two-second YouTube video. There were no gifs or other screenshots to reference anywhere. Eventually more videos would follow from folks setting up their digital cameras or DV camcorders to film over their shoulders, but for a few years the shiny Pokémon LiveJournal community I'd joined had to live with the ongoing subdermal dread of, "Even if I do this whole laborious process right and it actually works, what if a shiny patch happens and I don't recognize it?" If you'd never seen one in your game before, how could you be sure you'd know?
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So of course now that we have Nintendo DS capture devices, I'm obsessed with making these.
Fan-made written guides for shiny chaining did exist by the time I was looking into things in 2010, and I specifically remember using an earlier version of this Smogon University guide to wrap my head around the process. But I would love to know the story behind the folks who originally dug through the game's code and pulled out this information, because I just can't get over how a game mechanic this robust -- robust enough to be its own minigame with its own custom animations and BGM tune, which directly and secretly affected shiny odds -- was barely explained in any official capacity at the time.
I cracked open my Pearl and Platinum manuals and my Diamond/Pearl Official Prima Game Guide Volume 1 just to make sure there wasn't something about chaining in either place that I'd somehow overlooked. Not only is there not, but there is no mention of the poké radar at all, and the Game Guide doesn't include the Trainer Counter app in its pokétch section. I suppose this makes some amount of sense since the poké radar isn't given to you until you've finished the main storyline, but still. Pretty interesting.
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The pokétch pages in the Prima Game Guide Volume 1.
That said, I can't speak to what is or isn't in the Prima Game Guide Volume 2. I should grab a copy for research purposes. 😄 And I will also note that in Platinum, which came out two years after Diamond and Pearl, Lucas or Dawn will give you a short demonstration of how to use the poké radar... but they really don't give you any new information beyond what was already said in Diamond and Pearl. They certainly don’t mention a relationship between chain numbers and shiny odds. They just spell out the process a little more clearly, show you some actual rustling grass, and suggest that you buy some repels. Helpful, yes. But still barely scratching the surface!
So now what about you? When and how did you learn about shiny chaining? What were your experiences with the poké radar in gen IV? Was there some official information out there that I missed back in the day? Replies are welcomed!
Footage recorded via Nintendo DS Capture Board, edited with ScreenToGif.
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parkwoojin · 7 years
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pink sausage antics on the airplane
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thewriterg · 3 years
Oh great heavens- P4L
pairing(s): John B x Fem!reader, JJ maybank x Fem!reader, Pope Heyward x Fem!reader, Kiara Carrera x Fem!reader, pogues x reader
Summary: You’re the sarcastic parent of the Pogues that also includes the what you would call the ‘idiotic group chat’
Warning(s): Language, Pet names, Usage of the word mama (Please let me know if I missed anything)
A/n: -GIF is not mine- Sorry for not posting for a while mental health has been shity but we’re getting there
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group chat: Some power rangers type shi-
My retriever pup :): What if a toy from toy story died and the rest of them watched while Andy and Molly played with the corpse…
Jimmy Neutron <3: Jfc JJ what are you over there going through
little dove 🕊 : We literally haven’t been gone for 10 min.
My retriever pup :): I’m boardddd there is nothing to do and y/n/n never answers the gc
Bandanna boy 😎: Can’t argue with the facts @mamapogue
little dove 🕊: Probably planning some huge ass event lmao
Jimmy Neutron <3: Or buying the whole target
Mama pogue: 👀
My retriever pup :) : WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!!!
(Bandanna boy 😎, little dove 🕊, and Jimmy Neutron <3 emphasized that message)
Mama pogue: Grocery shopping lol
My retriever pup :) : For three days!?
Bandanna boy 😎: ^^^
Jimmy Neutron <3: The only time you use correct punctuation oh wow JJ.
Mama pogue: you guys understand you not the only ‘children’ I have on the island right
Little dove 🕊: No. were you’re only kids that’s it.
My retriever pup :) : seeming a bit jealous Kie :)
My retriever pup :) : but no what she said there should be no one else 🤨
Jimmy Neutron <3: Their*
Bandanna boy 😎: just remind your other heathens that we were first #ogs
(Little dove 🕊, Jimmy Neutron <3, and My retriever pup :) liked that message)
Mama pogue: I’m actually grocery shopping for you heathens.
My retriever pup :) : I love you
Bandanna boy: I stand by that statement.
Mama pogue: *Aesthetically Blocks
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My retriever pup :) : I found some really sick noose plugs
Little dove: No one knows what your talking about JJ
Jimmy Neutron <3: you’re*
(Little dove 🕊 replied to Jimmy Neutron <3)
Little dove 🕊 : I will end you.
Bandanna boy 😎: since when did we have noose plugs???
Jimmy Neutron: Why do you need nose plugs?
My retriever pup :) : my nose was bleeding what else for Pope
(My retriever pup :) sent a image)
Mama pouge: great fucking heavens
Little dove 🕊: oh my fucking god you have to be kidding.
Jimmy Neutron <3: I… don’t know how to respond to this…
Bandanna boy 😎: I CANT BREATHEEE
My retriever pup :) : COOL RIGHT?
(Bandanna boy😎 liked that message)
Mama pouge: Love no.
(Little dove 🕊 has left the chat)
My retriever pup :) : Why did Kie leave?
Bandanna boy 😎 : because your shoved her cooter plugs up you noose dude
My retriever pup :) : HER WHAT!?
Jimmy Neutron <3: Uh oh
Bandanna Boy 😎: Sorry.
(Mama pouge added Little dove 🕊 to the group chat)
Little dove 🕊: fuck my life
Mama pouge: now I could sit hear and talk about periods all day but I’m almost to check out and have errands to run
My retriever pup: You haven’t spent time with us in like for ever :/
(Little dove 🕊, Jimmy Neutron <3, and Bandanna boy 😎 emphasized that message)
Mama pouge: I spent the day with you all Thursday baby
Jimmy Neutron: y/n/n it’s Wednesday that was six days ago
Mama pouge: Ive just been busy hon
My retriever pup: too busy to hang out with your friends
(10 minutes later)
Mama pouge: Open the door
John B was the first to look up from his phone as he sat on the couch the only other person with him at the time were JJ the boys looking at each other the two having a silent conversation as JJ stood from the day couch slowly making his way to the door his hand lingering on its golden nob before twisting it at a strange angle as it flew open
“Told you I was going grocery shopping” There you stood about 4 target bags in your hand a jacket protecting your arms from the breezing chills that flew through the air along with your denim jeans that covered your legs with the occasional slit at the knees your tone seamed low and saddened
You hadn’t meant for it to feel like you were putting anything before your friends family but it was a tough week everyone wanted your undivided attention Dana needing help planning a banquet haul, Josh needed help with asking out Madison, And helping Elena with her Mothers birthday dinner you could go on and on
“Jay, I’m really sorr-”
The blonde was already tackling you into a hug his embrace warm and took your shorter frame his chin resting on your forehead staring off into nothing as you both swayed side to side
“I didn’t mean it, I’m stupid and I shouldn’t have said that” You were looking up a him as he stared off into the trees waiting for your response that could’ve ‘I’ve been you to you and this is how you treat me. Fuck off’ or ‘I accept you apology and I love you’
“I forgive you” it was simple monotone almost but JJ didn’t quite let go of your embrace bathing in your own warmth you just had
“Hope you left some for me” John B Leaned against the door frame of the Chateau his arms held out with an arched eyebrow rolling your eyes you grabbed the boys arm and swung him into a group hug with JJ laughing as he attempted to regain his balance
“Hope you know I have groceries in my car like alotttttt” you dragged to let the boys know what you meant as you all looked back to your jeep which trunk was open and filled with white plastic bags with its red target on the front
“I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again I love you.”
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. 2
a/n: lmao this is set in the first ever inter-high so no kyo yet 😢 
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
I can't wait for yn to meet other volleyball teams. Oikawa refuses to let her see Tobio
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again, we go with the crackheadery
so, basically,,
at this point,, you werent exactly very familiar with the boys but not new so you were kinda already part of the family but there hasnt been any,,,,, deep attraction (??) that developed by the others yet
but this doesnt mean that they arent territorial or protective you!!!
when yall walked in the hallway, you were already catching looks bc wow seijoh just has everything huh
you were walking behind coach irihata until you overheard someone asking where oikawa was and you saw yahaba sweat a little when he didnt know where his captain was
while iwa went to go and get the captain, you had to do a head count to make sure no other player was missing 
kunimi and kindaichi were glaring at other players who were eye-ing you since they were in charge of you whenever iwa or oikawa were gone
but mattsun and makki were publicly making it clear that you were,,, theirs
‘y/n-chan, come give senpai a hug. hes nervous for today’
makki whined and again, you werent very familiar with them yet, but familiar enough to give them their hugs
he hugged you from behind while you reviewed their notes and with his chin on your head, his eyes mockingly glared at the different schools with a smirk playing on his lips
my god were they such drama queens like bls
finally, oikawa arrived and he skipped over to you
‘y/n-chaaaannnn!!!! oikawa-san is sorry for leaving you aloneee!!!!!!’
but you didnt even look at him, continuing your review
‘dont do that next time, oikawa-san. you made iwaizumi-san look for you and held up the team’
you bluntly scolded and oikawa had teary eyes
‘y-y/n-chan, im really sorry! y/n-chan!’
he wailed and ripped you away from makki and into his arms instead
meanwhile,,, the other teams are like 👁️👄👁️
you continued your walk to the gym but oikawa had his arm around you, as if telling others you were his while iwa held your hand as he sent everyone a warning with his eyes like if they laid a finger on you, he would snap their arms in half
it made their blood boil as the eyes of these,,, testosterones,,, kept staring at you and running their eyes up and down and you squeezed iwa’s hand before he could go over and rip their eyeballs out of their face
woah there mister
as you entered the gym’s bleachers, oikawa kept you in his arms and the karasuno team were confused bc they didnt see a manager when they had their practice match
‘yohoo, tobio-chan, chibi-chan’
you sighed and gave the black and orange team an apologetic smile
when iwa smacked oikawa, you bowed slightly
‘sorry about him’
oikawa hurriedly hid you behind him and pouted
‘no, stay away from their sights, y/n-chan. theyre not worthy to lay their eyes on you’
you elbowed him though
‘what kind of nonsense are you spouting?’
‘but you are oikawa-san’s, y/n-chan!’
he whined and tobio was like, ‘oh, another girlfriend then’
bahahaha, hes so used to seeing his upperclassman with a girl and hes just like, ‘best of luck’
you shook your head and raised a hand with a smile
‘hello, my name is l/n y/n and im their manager. please excuse my captain and carry on to your warm-ups’
karasuno nodded wordlessly, taken aback by how cold yet pretty you were
it was like the younger version of their own kiyoko shimizu!!!
the others settled on their seats while iwa and kindaichi leaned over the railing to get a better view but oikawa was disinterested, arm around your shoulder and you were only closer to him due to his warmth
you pouted bc iwa-san was standing and you missed his warmth but oikawa would have to settle for now
the nearby teams that came to watch the match were giving you looks and especially the green-jacket team were staring so,,,, so hungrily,, at you and oikawa twitched at how disgusting it was
you were watching the game but was distracted when oikawa leaned his head on your neck, breath hitting your skin
‘oikawa-san? are you okay?’
you asked but he shook his head
‘oikawa-san really loves you, y/n-chan’
he made his voice a little louder to make his point across and the others diverted their gazes in a hurry when his cold smirk met their faces
you shrugged
‘thank you, oikawa-san’
makki and mattsun snickered at the dismissive answer but oikawa didnt care because all he wanted was to make the other boys back off
you heard oikawa mumble serveral times about some tobio-chan and you guessed it might have been the blueberry looking head that he taunted earlier since he couldnt have been a chibi
ngl, you were attracted by how seemed to ooze talent and you leaned forward, wanting to get more of a look of him
ofc OIKAWA THREW A RIOT and he pulled you back, placing a hand on your thigh
‘y/n-chan, careful, you might fall forward’
he stiffly warned but he truthfully didnt want you to get a closer look on his kouhai
you kept your gaze on the karasuno setter and held oikawa’s hand to get it off of your thigh
‘im okay, oikawa-san. i just want,,, a better look’
you mumbled and oikawa was staring at you intensely
oh my god, what if you recognized kageyama as a better player?
would you leave him?
would you think hes a terrible setter?
worries racked up on his brain but he snapped out of it when you turned your head after feeling his stare
‘are you okay, oikawa-san?’
you asked, worriedly since he was pale and his eyebrows were furrowed
‘y/n-chan, do you think tobio-chan is better than me?’
he asked, eyes focused on your face but so faraway
you quirked your eyebrows but still answered
‘no, i dont think so. ive never seen him play before and this is my first time so ive never really gotten a gauge of his skills. besides, youre really good so its unlikely hes better than you, or anybody else for a fact. your sets look so much,,,, whats the word,,, connected?,, yea, much more connected therefore better for our team but his is very,,, glitchy,,,?? other than that, youre still better than anybody else in my eyes. why? are you doubting yourself again, oikawa-san? because if you are, i will bonk you again’
you threantened but he let out a relieved chuckle
he placed a hand on top of your head and ruffled your hair, a smile on his face then bowed his head low
‘go on, then, y/n-chan. bonk oikawa-san’
you turned to share a bewildered look with yahaba and watari
‘no. because you asked me to, i wont. youre so weird, oikawa-san. wanting me to do weird things to you and being so confusing’
you mumbled cutely and oikawa bit his lip to contain his squeal but held your hand tighter
‘y/n-chan, youre not good for oikawa-san’s heart’
he whined but you punched his arm
‘be quiet, oikawa-san. look, that chibi’s flying!’
you pointed and that was enough to distract him from you and towards the game
when his gaze was away, you gave him a worried glance
you heard from iwa that he was insecure and suffers from inferiority complex but you didnt know it was this bad
that was it
you were going to help him realize he was a great player and he is equal with everyone and no one is above him because hes talented and his hardwork makes up for those losses
when karasuno emerged as victors, the team stood up to make their leave and prepare for their own match but you strayed away, claiming you needed to use the bathroom
‘we’ll wait for you, y/n-chan!’
oikawa said but you waved your hands no
‘i-,,,  need to use it and besides, i have a friend here! please, go ahead!’
iwa gave you a suspicious glance
‘who is it? we can still wait’
you pouted and huffed before giving them your puppy eyes
their eyes widened and they nodded, stuttering that they will meet you in the gym
when they were finally out of sight, you ran down hallway and finally found the black-jacket team gathered by an entrance
it was hinata who noticed you and pointed at you, claiming you are the goddess seijoh manager
but you didnt mind and focused on the blueberry
you heard iwa mention him and you figured it was his last name
the poor boy was stuttering and awkwardly nodding in greeting
but you clenched your fists
‘i might not be a professional or a volleyball enthusiast but oikawa-san recognizes your talent and he considers you a rival so i do too. kageyama-san, karasuno, we will defeat you. you will face oikawa-san and iwaizumi-san and mattsun-san and makki-san and the others and you will tremble at our strength so play with everything you got because no matter what, we will win. congratulations on your win with your match but i noticed you holding back on them. if i see you, karasuno, kageyama-san, not playing your best, you will face my wrath. keep that in mind.’
you bowed deeply and they were so taken aback bc adkfj;sadfkjask what is going on why is this little chibi threatning them why is kageyama being pointed out what
sugawara let out a shocked chuckle before fussing at you to stand back straight and to not bow at them
you nodded but you held out your phone to the blueberry, a gentle smile on your face
‘i understand you are iwaizumi-san and oikawa-san’s underclassman from middle school. if you would, please exchange contacts with me and you can tell me stories about my boys so i can use it against them to rein them in whenever they get out of control, especially oikawa-san’
lmao y/n whos child are you
poor kagellama tobiyolo stopped functioning and it took sugawara to put in his contact for him
you finally gave everyone a bright smile and waved your hand
‘ill be going now. thank you for your contact, kageyama-san, and expect a text from me later. karasuno, continue playing and the next time i will see you will be in the court. thank you’
when you left, they were still frozen
and kageyama was so red and so flustered bc not only did a girl talk to him, but a PRETTY GIRL talked to him
‘kageyama?! oh my god kageyama’s broken! help!’
seijoh saw you entering the gym and they fussed over you and asked where you went off to since it took you a long time
‘i just talked threatened to kageyama-san’
at the mention of that name, everyone stood still 
but when you mentioned you exchange contacts
oikawa screamed
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one-boring-person · 3 years
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You forced this upon yourself😂 you forced this rambo simp.(and i dont mind)
Okay this may not be as good! But! Im giving you the liberty to take it where you want!(because i love your little details and how you express the feeling in your writing i- AH! Its great. I cant say it enough, it’s great. I mean it.)
How about Rambo finally getting enough courage to show The rancher around the tunnels, in a date sort of way!(they don’t know thats actually where he lives. Aka that photo i showed you before.) i really saw how the rancher was so happy to have him at their house, I’d love to see rambos side of scheduling a house tour and date type deal!! Maybe him even sitting and showing the rancher through all his old photos, and them just in awe because wow. He’s so much cooler than they even thought! He just so nervous and surprised seeing them so interested in him after all this time alone, and them just- in awe of him.
( i also really think it would be funny seeing rambo go through his friends house and seeing-“why the hell you have so many plants???” And just. Adorable assassin living with a wholesome and loving hardworking s/o)
Ah! Im sorry if that’s not as good!! But hey, you feel free to describe their antics and relationship as you will!!
I think I may have run a bit with this, but I hope you like it regardless!😊💛
I've Got Your Back, You've Got Mine.
John Rambo (Rambo IV/V) x reader
Warnings: mention of death, mention of war, mention of injury, mention of PTSD, mention of violence, (possible flash warning for gif?)
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The heavy knock on the door surprises me where I'm sitting, the sharp sound snapping me from my thoughts. Looking over at it from my position at the table, I frown and set down my spoon, standing to go answer, unsure of who it is: I'm not expecting anyone today. Colt looks up from his place on the floor, the dog just as curious as I am as to whom it may be, though he doesn't bark, so it must be someone we know. He watches me as I cross the room, going straight to the door.
Opening it, I'm somewhat surprised to see my neighbour, John, standing there, a tentative smile on his face as he looks me over appreciatively, his gaze drawing a blush to my face. 
"Mornin' (Y/n)." He greets, rough voice friendly as he waits for me to let him in.
"Morning John." I smile back, delighted to see him, "What can I do for you?"
I step back, waiting for him to enter, which he does so with a nod of thanks.
"Since when have I needed a reason to see you?" The veteran chuckles, the sound reverberating within me, my brain subconsciously storing the action away for later recall. Gently, John moves into my space, one hand coming to lightly rest on my hips as the other cups my face, drawing me in for a slow kiss. 
Kissing back, I feel a glow of happiness flare up in me at this contact: he's never really one to initiate touch like this, so it's a whole lot more intimate when he does. Relaxed, I loosely wrap my arms around his neck, languidly caressing his dark hair as our lips move together. 
Being the killjoy he often loves to be, Colt pushes in between us, nosing at John's leg, tail wagging enthusiastically as he recognises the familiar man, the dog as fond of his company as I am. Chuckling, John and I pull apart, looking down at the large canine between us, the dark eyes staring up at us imploring us to pay attention to him. Still smiling, John lowers a hand to scratch Colt's head, ruffling his floppy ears a little as the dog instantly allows his mouth to hang open, tongue lolling in content.
"Hey, Colt." The veteran greets, biting back a laugh as the dog pushes me out of the way, nudging at John's stomach.
"He never gets that excited to see me." I complain jokingly, standing back to watch the two interact, a smile playing at my lips.
"Sure he does." John replies, eyes fixing on mine with an expression of fondness, one that had me weak at the knees.
"He really doesn't, he just sits in the corner and whines at me until I feed him. Isn't that right?" I address the dog himself, giving him a light slap on the rear, his ridiculous height meaning I can quite easily reach it, "Anyhow, did you need something? Or did you just come here to kiss me? I can't say I'll complain if that's the case."
Cheekily, I wink at the veteran, leaning back against a nearby counter.
"As nice as that sounds, it's not the reason I came by." He chuckles, blushing lightly, "Though that does sound good."
Grinning, I nod my agreement, only now taking in his body language: he's nervous. His hands fidget, rubbing his fingers over scars and lines on his palms, and he shifts from foot to foot every now and then, small tells he's never quite managed to hide from me.
"Is something up?" I ask him, slightly more serious this time, unnerved by his discomfort.
"No, no, not at all. I, err, well, I just wanted to ask you something." He rubs the back of his neck, head tilted to the side as he regards me, dark eyes fixed on mine.
"Ok, go for it." I prompt him, curiosity sparking my interest.
"Well, do you wanna come to mine? I mean properly, like in the house." John cocks his head to the side, lowering his arm again.
Blinking, I feel shock flood my system, before it turns to unbelievable happiness that he's trusting me enough to come into his private space. Initially, I can't find the right words, somehow struggling to respond, until I find my tongue again.
"I would love to, John." I agree, features lighting up as my mood brightens, "There's nothing I've really got to do today except train up one of the younger horses, so I've got as long as you want after that."
"Great. Is four o'clock alright?" The veteran smiles broadly, though he still looks somewhat nervous.
"Yeah, should be. I'll be there." I promise him, taking up my Stetson from the table as I briefly turn away to put away the plate I was using, having lost my appetite in my sudden excitement.
"I'll get it tidy." He says, looking around the room again, "I'll never understand why you have so many plants in your house. It's like a damn jungle."
At his comment, I laugh loudly, glancing around at the variety of different houseplants I have placed on various shelves, the greenery practically covering every available surface. 
"Because it's way too dry to grow anything like this outside all the time. Anyway, they look nice." I shrug, calling Colt to my side as I follow John from the house, grabbing my jacket from the hook as I pass.
"But why so many?" 
Once again, I shrug, following him over to a nearby post, where he's hitched Bandit, the horse I gave him a few months ago. The buckskin stallion paws at the ground, his pale coat looking as clean as ever even as he noses at the dust, the dark colouring around his eyes (the reason for his name) and legs standing out much more in the bright sun. As we approach, he looks up, snorting in greeting.
"He's looking good." I acknowledge, admiring the strong stallion appreciatively - I had reared Bandit from a foal, before I had given him to the veteran as a gift four months ago, hoping it will help him to grow his own ranch. My plan had worked, and John now has four horses, including Bandit, as well as a couple of other animals, such as a cow, a pig and five chickens. I'd sold him a couple of goats as well, but we soon found out that John and goats just didn't get along. At all.
"Yeah, he's doing well, too. Takes the training very well, too." John runs a hand through the stallion's dark mane, untying the reins.
"That's good. Reckon he'll be ready for a competition soon?" 
"Should be." 
Snorting again, Bandit pulls at the reins, clearly eager to get going, especially as Colt moves up to sniff at the horse's back legs. I quickly whistle him over, knowing Bandit has always been shifty around the dog.
"I'll see you at four then." I finally say, unwilling to say goodbye, even if it is only for a few hours.
"Yeah, see you then." John smiles, leaning in to kiss me again, keeping it brief this time, leaving me wishing for more, as he always does.
"See ya." I grin, watching him climb into the saddle, still somehow fluid in doing so despite his age. 
Gathering the reins in hand, John adjusts himself in the saddle, before he smiles down at me again as he gently urges Bandit into motion. Obediently, the stallion moves into a swift trot, which turns into a faster canter as the two move off down the driveway, heading towards the split in the fence separating our land. I watch as they go, still finding myself enraptured by the sight of the muscular man sat astride the horse, Colt eventually snapping me from my mind as he barks at me. Shaking my head, I follow him towards the stable.
Hours later, having showered and cleaned up, I feel a sense of relief go through me as I hoist myself into the saddle secured into place on Leo's back. It's relaxing, the stallion beneath me more relaxed than the youngster I've been trying to train all day: she never gave me a break. Seemingly sensing this, as he always does, Leo flicks his ears back and nickers softly, very lightly pawing the ground as I give him a pat on the neck, glad to have a more reliable horse taking me where I need to be.
Tilting back my Stetson, I take the reins in hand and ease the stallion into a trot, intending to let him pick up his own pace, my trust in this horse far greater than in the mare from before. Obediently, Leo moves into the correct gait, the two of us moving as if as one, years of riding together having made it easy for us to become in tune with each other. Together, we start off down the road towards John's ranch, the new path we've created beaten and well-used, allowing for relatively easy riding. Leo's hooves pound the dry ground rhythmically, my hips moving in time with his every stride, the relaxing movement helping to calm the nerves that have sprung up inside me.
A part of me is still unconvinced about going into John's home. Yes, I had helped him rebuild it and had seen very little of the inside rooms, but it still feels as if I'm intruding upon the veteran's safe space, his reprieve from the cruelty of the world he lives in. Something about that doesn't sit right with me, but I tell myself it's John's decision to make, not mine, so I should trust him, which I do, wholeheartedly. 
I'm still torn by the time I reach the main house, where John is already sat waiting for me in his rocking chair, dark eyes fixed on me as I approach. Lifting a hand to him, I smile and slow Leo to a halt, praising the horse as I climb down, the gray stallion nosing affectionately at me. Swiftly, I tie him to a nearby post, only to stop when John calls out to me.
"Put him in the stable for the night." He instructs me, gesturing for me to follow him as I try to fight back the sudden onslaught of racing thoughts at his implications: he wants me to stay the night?
"Sure, thanks." I smile back at him, walking after him with Leo in tow.
"Don't worry about it. It's not fair on him if he has to stay out all night." John waves me off with a short grin, "How'd training go?"
I groan.
"Not great. That horse has it in for me, I swear." I complain, rubbing at my arm, remembering the moment I got the new bruise forming there.
"Oh yeah?" He muses, looking amused.
"Yeah. She threw me off eight times!"
"Eight times? Wow, must be a new record." The veteran jokes, something that stirs up the familiar fondness inside me at his more personable behaviour.
"I reckon so. Painful one to set, though, I'll tell you." I remark, smiling broadly as we enter the stable, where I quickly house Leo next to Bandit, removing his tack and other gear.
"Must be." John watches me work, leaning against the door to the large building, muscular arms crossed over an equally muscular chest. Turning back to him, I have to stop and admire the bulging of his biceps as his hands grip his forearms, the veins I've come to love laying out a pattern on the tanned limbs. Everytime I see them, I imagine his strong arms wrapped around me, holding me safe and secure against his solid body, wishing I could feel his hands splayed against me more often.
"Like what you see?" John interrupts my thoughts, voice teasing as he lifts an eyebrow at me, almost smirking at me.
Blushing furiously, I avert my gaze, lifting a hand to gently tap the brim of my Stetson out of my vision.
"You know I do." I laugh nervously, before I look back up at him, "Anyway, since when do you use pickup lines?"
"Since I figured out they get you all flustered." His playful tone is new to me, though it's gone almost as soon as I see it, his guarded expression falling back into place as he returns within himself, probably thinking he overstepped some invisible boundary.
I still can't help stammering for a response, his gruff tone awakening something within me.
"Heh, I guess you're right." I stutter, going over to him.
Nodding, he keeps his expression straight, leading me out back to the house, where he quickly welcomes me inside.
"I tried to tidy it as much as possible, but it's still a bit messy." The veteran apologises, observing the interior of his home critically, even as I do so in awe.
The rooms, from what I can see, are mostly filled with sparse furniture, a few chairs here and there, an old sofa, a couple of vanities and dressers, with a mantlepiece in most, if not all, of them. He hasn't used much colour, but what he has used is tasteful and works well with the overall appearance. The walls, however, are what really draw me into the place.
They are littered with photographs and memorabilia, frames and objects cleaned and polished so they shine brightly in the afternoon sun, many smiling faces visible in them. Curious, I go over to one wall, looking over the array of pictures, which I now recognise to be images of John and his friends from the years he spent here. Amongst them is a creased black and white photo of a young John sat astride a horse not unlike Bandit, a broad grin on the boy's face as he stares at the camera from under a mop of thick black hair. I can feel a small smile creep onto my face at the sight of the veteran looking so happy and carefree, something I've not seen very much of at all in my time around him.
"That was my first horse, Hector. I had him until I left for the army." John says from behind me, sounding somewhat quiet, eyes softened from nostalgia as he stares at the picture along with me, "I loved him a lot, but my father always said he wasn't good enough."
His words hang in the air as I stay speechless, listening intently to what he's saying to me: it's the first I'm hearing about his life before he came here again.
"What happened to him? Hector, I mean." I ask him quietly, tearing my eyes away to look up at John.
The veteran shrugs, appearing somewhat remorseful.
"I'll never know, but I reckon my father sold him as soon as I was gone."
"Oh." I frown, glancing back at the photograph.
"The horse was getting old by that time, though. He probably wasn't much use." John chuckles wryly, moving away towards the stairs nearby, "Do you want to see upstairs?"
"Yeah, sure." I nod, following him as he ascends to the second floor, which I now see consists of three different rooms.
He takes me to the farthest, opening the door to reveal an old study, which looks as if it hasn't been used in a good few years.
"This was my father's study, where he did all his business. I was never allowed in here as a kid." John sweeps his arm around the room, staying by the threshold, as if abiding by a rule that no longer exists, "Not that I go in here that much as an adult."
I look around, finding the neat area interesting: images of a young John hovering by the door, waiting for his father to finish business entering my head.
"It's nice, I like it." I remark, turning to find him smiling very slightly at me.
"It's the only room in the house that's exactly as it used to be. I haven't had time to do up the others properly." John says, leaving the study and going back down the hall, where he opens the other two doors to reveal a bathroom and an empty room.
A dull curiosity flares up within me as I realise one thing about the top floor, but I easily find a solution to it, following John back down the stairs. As we go, however, I realise that my assumption is wrong, as the only other rooms down here are missing the one thing I'd expect in any house.
"Where do you sleep? I haven't seen a bed or anything anywhere." I ask him, cocking my head to the side as he takes me to one final door.
"I'm gonna show you." He smiles at me, before he opens the door.
I blink as I see the dark steps descending into the ground, unease biting at my throat as I flash John a hesitant look. A cool draft wafts up from the black depth, but John only chuckles and moves down into the space below, gesturing for me to follow.
"It's perfectly safe, don't worry." He calls to me, a light flickering on as he reaches the bottom of the steps, illuminating the path to me.
Swallowing, I gingerly step down the stairs, emerging into a tunnel of sorts, my curiosity piqued as I take in the chiselled walls around me, the rock cast in an odd light from the naked bulbs positioned along the length of the cavern. Struts of wood hold the ceiling steady, wiring hanging off of them in places where he's had to hastily put it all together. John watches as I take in the passage, a thoughtful look in place on his face.
"What is this place?" I wonder aloud, still taken aback by the oddity of having a tunnel beneath the house that stretches off in both directions.
"This is my safe space." The veteran informs me, urging me along with him as we go further into the tunnel, walking together for a minute before we emerge out into a larger room of sorts, which is well lit. 
My eyes widen as I realise exactly what he means.
The room acts as his bedroom and bathroom, and also has space to sit and relax, the whole area having a homely feel to it. What was missing in the rooms in the house can be found down here, including more photographs, though these ones seem different to the others. They adorn the walls, all except one, which is decorated with a variety of weapons, both guns and knives. Going over to it, I look over the rifles and shotguns hooked onto the wall, struck speechless as I then turn my attention to a machete, the blade honed but chipped from use, seemingly out of place as it hangs beside another, smaller hunting knife. 
Moving on, I regard the photographs, only now realising that they're military pictures, many of them containing images of a youthful John in fatigues and uniform. A smile creeps back onto my lips as I feel my eyes land on a particular image of a group of men, where I can see John standing amongst them, a triumphant grin on his face, long locks of dark hair held back by a strip of fabric around his head. The others also smile, though there's something bittersweet about the inscription at the corner of the photo: Baker Team, Vietnam. As I look past the other pictures, I notice that the team slowly dwindles, beaming faces becoming drawn and solemn, eventually just leaving two people behind. Beneath this image is another inscription: Baker Team Survivors.
"That was my team in 'Nam." John says suddenly, voice husky as he remembers the friends he had, "None of them made it back. Not really."
Eyes wide, I look back at him, taking in the distant look in his own eyes, the barely concealed grief still raw in his expression as he stares at the photographs. Noticing my gaze, John gestures for me to come sit on the edge of his bed with him, the veteran pulling another photograph from it's place on his bedside table. Doing so, I make sure I'm not touching him, but am close enough to reassure him, waiting patiently for him to start talking of his own accord, knowing that this is a sensitive subject for him.
After a moment, he starts, his voice low as he pulls me into his stories, taking me through suffocating jungles and blistering heats, through recon and rescue missions, through bloody gunfights and hellfire,  through hours spent in torturous situations. He puts me in his shoes as he loses every single member of his team to the gruesome fight he should never have fought, the harrowing grief and pain of letting go of a comrade, someone who's supposed to be by your side for as long as the two of you can stay alive, laid bare for me to see and experience. And even as he moves on, back to familiar territory in the States, the fight never leaves him.
Facing harassment in what should be his safety and security, I can feel every bit of betrayal, of anger and grief that he felt as he is let down by his own country time after time, used again and again by the authorities to do their dirty work, only to be cast aside when it doesn't go their way, the old catchphrase he once lived by, "I've got your back, you've got mine" completely meaningless in this hollow life. His disgust in humanity is plain to me as he outlines his most recent forays into warfare, where the rage he felt is once again transferred to me, and I experience the violent need to take out the parasites in the world that destroy anything good that he did. It's as if I'm there with him, through everything, his description and memories so vivid they chill me to the core, keeping me hooked on his every word.
After a long while, he eventually trails off, and I realise there's a tear rolling down his cheek, his body shaking a little as he holds himself back. My heart breaking, I have to fight the urge to reach out and pull him into an embrace, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. I place my hand on his shoulder instead, rubbing the tight muscles soothingly until he looks up at me with the most heart-rending gaze I've ever seen in my life. At that point, my resolve breaks.
Carefully, I lean in and wrap my arms around his shoulders, pulling the veteran towards me. He goes willingly, sobs wracking his body as he wraps his own hands around me, burying his face into my neck, tears flowing freely now as he lets himself go, each pained sound agonising to hear. Tightening my grip, I lay back onto the bed, allowing him to press his body around me, holding me against his muscular form as I rub his back, whispering soothing things to him as his breathing starts to calm a little. It takes time, but eventually he starts to relax, body going limp as he lays in my arms, his larger form awkwardly wrapped around mine as he depresses his face into the crook of my neck.
I barely hear his broken voice as he whispers to me.
"Thank you." 
Breathing in his familiar scent, I just mould myself closer, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead as he does the same to my neck.
"I'm here for you, John. I'm here, and I'll never leave. Not as long as I live, I promise."
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Troubled troubles
Ok to rb
Summary:Basically s/I and adler fluff, a bit of angst and a buttload of oc stuff
Gif by travellar on Tumblr
@romancologist @mycinnamonapples uwu
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Another Slam of hands on the table announces jerico that adler is yet having problems with something, she sighs Rolling her shoulders back, and her two cats sit ontop of them.
--Oh boy I do love hearing my boyfriend mad--she said playfully leaning on the doorsill of adler's Office.
Russel turns to look at her, he smiles a bit --Hey princess, sorry for makin too much noise,I know you dont like that
Jeri shrugged and Walked over, sitting on her boyfriends lap--Okay let me see whats up
--Ive been trying to fix this radio for Woods, nothings workin
She takes the radio and looks at it--Did you notice some of the cables are broken? Like when your headphones cable is broken and you twist the cord around for it to work?
--...wait what?
--Yeah its broken see?
Adler internally facepalms as his cheeks turn red--How could I not notice that?
Jer kisses his scarred cheek and leaves the radio on the desk standing up--Anyway ill go chance, todays prayer Day at cycle coasts main temple,you sure you dont want to go?
--No babe,im alright you go enjoy your terran stuff
She chuckled and shook her head walking over to her room to change.
The Roaring of the motorcycle engine drowned out any other sound in the garage, jerico put her helmet on,both of her cats tucked in her backpack,peeking through the semi Open compartment.
Her black cat mewls and presses their snout against the back of her head--Im alright vica,I just wish Russ came with me whenever we have celebrations, its something I dont want him to miss...but alas...--Her cat hissed and she snorted a chuckle-- dont be mad at him,our culture can be hard to digest
The cat rolled their eyes and sunk back into her backpack.
The wind hit her visor as she drove to cycle coast, she looked at the cloudy Sky, and sped up.
The drums could already be heard, jer chained her motorcycle to a post and Walked to the beach,there people in traditional terran wear danced with fans,banners and sticks, she sat amongst the crowd listening to the old woman talk.
Her hair was long,braids sprinkled about her hair, white as the moon,the traditional pristess robe, blue and black touched the sand and her long sleeves draped as she talked.
--Jerico...nice to see you could join Us.
Jerico smiled--Id never miss it
--did you bring your handsome boyfriend with you?
Jeri looked away--no,hes not really into our culture
The old womans brow furrow--such a shame...I wanted to meet him--she then perked up at the audience --You see, jerico has come here since she was a little trouble making bean about this tall--she puts her hand against her shoulder--so she heard this tale Many many times
When humans and gods lived along eachother--the elder pristess said-- and demons Ran amok at night,our goddess of death fell in love with one of those creatures.
She had Fallen for the King of the black demon hell, and had a child.
This is the child we'll talk about,in our books hes named xazo kazlaz or bell, it says that then elementus got wind of their relationshipp and they had to split.
About deaths son however.. she raised him to be the one that would guide the people to the afterlife...or hell navigating through the vast ocean of the dead with bells to guide him and Open the Doors to each realm...
Does anybody know why hes represented as an axolotl?--
Jerico raised her hand, and the pristess let her talk--because hes both a god and a demon, hes half and half like the axolotl that is an amphibian creature
The woman nodded-- very good,now lets commune back at the temple shall we?
As the people left, both the priestess and jeri were left alone,both Walked a bit distanced from the crowd.
--Thats one of my favourite stories you know zaivelaz
The woman smiled--I know thats why when I got your letter of you coming I changed it, its more interesting that the story of our patron goddess fighting over a piece of cheese
Jer started to laugh--Yeah that day was one hell of a day
Zaivelaz shook her head--Being a goddess amongst humans is hard?
--Like you have no idea,specially with my boyfriend,two of the people gods in my family had human partners and they...they died,im scared something similar Will happend to him
Her companion put a hand on jericos shoulder--It wont...I promise
The steps along the floating bridge were Many,jeri couldnt help but wonder how it would be if adler was here.
She struggled so much with showing him her culture that it made her feel sad,then again one of the moral rules in Terras was not to force anyone,and she wouldnt break it.
She sat on the floor with the priestesses and closed her eyes interlocking her fingers as she softly whispered.
--Hey ozi...Been a while...--she sighed-- I left you some offerings by your statues feet, I know you dont like this sorta stuff...but ive missed you, a lot, just...just..tell eryz and abbadon that I love em..and that same goes to you..i love you aunt ozi
After the prayers it was time for the festival, jeri Spotted a young Man wearing all black, white eyes,and black hair in a bun.
The Man seemed to notice her as he ran to her,hugging her tightly.
--Abbadon!--She said kissing her cousins cheek--Ive missed you
Abbadon put his hand in his pockets--Ive missed you too...what I could not miss is this festival! All because of our family?, wow!
Jer giggled and offered her hand--Wanna dance?
--You bet!
Their feet moved in synch,the flags spun in circles as they danced.
Abbadon threw his banners and jeri catched him, and he hers.
They were enjoying themselves when the music stopped abruptly.
They Turned to see the people around them that were equally confused.
The musicians pointed at the huge tide approaching them.
Both demigod cousins stepped infront of the tide and stopped it as its about to break, they both looked at eachother and nodded.
Jeri pushed it to one side, and abbadon followed, the water splashed them and them only and nobody got hurt.
--Your mom needs to stop sending tides that could literally drown someone when she wants to send a sign...
Abbadon crouched putting his hands on his knees,batting his hand at his cousin--i tried... no way talking her out of It
The celebration ended with no further altercations, jerico went back home and took a quick warm shower to then collapse on the bed.
--Hes still with that fucking radio isnt he?...--She sighed giving up--why do I even try anymore?
The sun filtered through the blinds jerico groaned and opened her eyes,only to find her boyfriends spot on the bed empty.
She grunts and sits up, her cats sitting on her lap-- I know I know..--she picks them up and walks to the kitchen where she gives both of them their food.
Jeri felt a pair of arms hug her from behind, she sighs nuzzling into adlers chest.
--Good morning sweetheart
--Watcha cooking there?
--Bacon and eggs for you and a healthy terran breakfast for me
Both ended up eating their breakfast in silence, Russell could tell there was something wrong with his girlfriend, he took her hand and she looked at him,those beautiful eyes he loved looking at were filled to the brim with sadness.
--babe...whats up?--He asked concerned.
--I just...wish you could come with me whenever we have festivals here--she said taking a bite from her waffle that had cream and pieces of caramelized fruit--its something I really really want you to participate in...but I know you dont like this sorta stuff and I wont force you
Adler sits back realizing what he had done, hes been neglecting a part of her that is important to her,those were her roots and he was stepping all over them.
He finished his breakfast and Walked over to her, lifting her up and hugging her--Im so sorry babe--he kissed her cheek-- I know this is important to you and i--
Jeri smiled kissing him again and cupping his cheeks--How about you come to todays festival in time temple with me huh?you dont have to wear our traditional attire,but I tell you it gets cold there
--Id love to, do I have to bring something?
--Not really, im going to make an offering though,it depends on the person
--perfect then...cant wait
Both smiled and kissed again.
The end of the day arrived quickly between work and chores to do.
Adler was waiting by the door fixing his leather jacket.
--How do I look?
Russ looks up at jerico and gasps--Very pretty
She smiled playing with the hem of her green turtle neck that had her shoulders peeking, her roman sandals clicked and clacked with every step she made.
The drive to time temple wasnt long, and luckily they arrived just in time for the story.
The elder priestess smiled when she saw jerico and nodded, proceeding to talk-- a long time ago, the second generation of dieties were born, they were meant to regulate life, amongst the three of them we find our patron goddess...chronos the incessant pass of time...
Elementus tasked a human to build a machine that could measure time, that is when the first sun clock was born,the human handed it to the Creator and with a sprinkle of magic the clock changed into a small girl, with short black hair, she had pale skin and two pale blue eyes, and from there,she was born.
Trained by elementus sister, Ray,the god of war...she then moved to her Realm where she measures time and the life of every being in existence..., from humans to animals and even objects, some say that she collects clocks of all kind and if.you want to meet her youll need to bring the rarest of clocks,of course, its all myths...or...are they?--the priestess finished her tale,and the offerings began.
Adler uncomfortably stayed behind as jeri prayed,she then Turned to him and ushered him to come closer.
--And this is my boyfriend, Russell
--Babe what are you doing?
--Introducing my aunt to you
--Yeah ive told you like a month ago im half goddess..and this is my aunt...chronos
--I...I thought you were joking when you said that --Jeri Turned at her boyfriend with a face of pure disbelief,he hunched his back--Sorry...
--Anyway..chronos...hes my boyfriend Russell, I wish you were here to meet him...hes very sweet sometimes
She chuckled and kissed his cheek-- sometimes--she then Turned at the statue--i wish you were here to meet him, I really miss you--Adler gave her some space and sat back on the chair--i miss you and dad so much...--she stood up--Ill..ill see you later auntie chronos--she smiled and Walked over to adler hugging him.
The festival inside the temple was full of music and food of all kinds, and both came back home exhausted.
Adler maybe got a solid six ours of sleep before hes awaken by her girlfriends voice--Babe...babe wake up...
He smiled kissing her--Morning princess
--There you are,change quickly my family came to visit
His eyes Open wide --What?
--Yeah they are here, come on change
She patted his chest and Walked into the kitchen, where abbadon was setting the table.
Adler Walked in a few minutes later only to find two men and three women talking with her girlfriend,who noticed him and hugged him--Okay everyone, say hi to russel,Russell this is abbadon, this is chronos--she said pointing at the woman with short black hair and glasses-- those are my aunts eryz and ozi, aka the goddeses of life and death--
Adler was baffled at the normalcy jeri used when talking about her family,he looked at ozi,her black Long hair fell down to the floor, a scar along her left eye and she was wearing a long blue. sundress,eryz had short brown hair, using the same glasses as chronos was, she had vitiligo and was wearing a white shirtdress with a green fitted blazer--and this is my Dad,Raymond.
To say adler was scared shitless was an understatement,his father in law was wearing a black leather jacket,black jeans and boots,a white t-shirt and aviator sunglasses, he was also way taller than him,with his black hair pushed back and two scars on each side of his face,one under his right eye and one right on the left side of his jaw in the middle between his mouth and the spot where both jaw and neck meet.
Chronos laughed and softly elbowed Ray-- Raymond youre scaring the poor human
--He better treat my daughter alright..
Jeri smiled and kissed russel--Dont worry dad he does
They all sat to eat breakfast, adler seemed intimidated by the dietys around him,but slowly let his guard down, they were a pleaseant bunch in their own way, more human than hed like to think.
Sadly after breakfast they all had to leave.
After saying their goodbyes russel and jerico end up cuddling on the bed.
--Your family is nice--russel said as he ran his fingers through her hair.
--nexts to meet yours
He chuckled--Maybe
They kiss, and he hugs her waist enveloping her in a tight bear hug.
--I love you jer
--I love you too russ
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elvencantation · 4 years
aladdin 2019 liveblog
OMG THE WAY THEY GOT HIM TO SING ARABIAN NIGHTS WORKED SO WELL. also the kids are adorable. and the ship
though some of the lyric changes are… a bit too on the nose
too cute first meeting
oh yes thank you for the songs give me hope. i didn’t even see mulan but i watched enough reviews that i know i dont rly wanna
jafar aint creepy enough. sorry he just isn’t
ahhh his place is so cool! with the hidden stairs and stuff. love shit like that
its not like what? were you planning to give it back?  OH it was abu that tracks
also this prince is dressed so badly. wow. so gaudy
why did they add him hes so annoying go away boy
can we just let rajah eat him pls
omg jasmine trying to get dahlia to pretend she’s the princess. i mean, im not sure if i quite felt the need to include her character, especially as someone trying to convince jasmine to let go of her well meaning ambition and get married
“why are you being weird” omg i love her
jasmine looks so pleased with herself while dahlia is acting so weird
just stop talking dahlia nobody expect u to talk to him just be haughty
idk how i feel about jafar apparently being ‘a common thief’ once upon a time, ‘just like aladdin’. like for all we know u stole the hair thingy with magic. we know u a manipulative fuck
also like- how are we gonna handle the her not recognizing him when he’s in prince getup? like, she recognized him in weird servant getup
wait since when was the cave a lion? i thought it was a tiger…
i like how abu smacks him to get him out of gem trance XD
ok so abu already touched a bunch of treasure. and nothing happened. uhhh what
omg the carpet is adorable yes thank you
and aldadin is stepping all over the treasure. i am confusion
ooooo pretty lava!!!
omg its time for the genie!! tho i do wish they hadn’t made him literally blue. ah well. excited to see what will smith can make of it. nobody can top robin williams, but there have been other genies. there will be more (yes i mean broadway. tho i haven’t seen any broadway aladdin shows. i do love their blue outfits for the genie)
also damn i love genie’s gold tattoo/ornament thingys under the cuffs on his arms. want some for myself 
oh my god poor abu having to be the accompaniment. pls tell me u replace him with an orchestra genie, u rly do need one for this song
ok that was short
there we go!
oh this is fun!!!
baklava is magic and should be respected as such
ok the puppet thing is a bit creepy tho i do think they did that in the original as well
uhhh can we nix the rap pls
oh man i love his pants!!
omg the splits i cant
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oh ofc its genie magic that makes him unrecognizable. i mean, lying about his identity was half the plot of the movie but still im a bit sad
omg its time for the big entrance omg
oh god genie why the hat thats bigger than ur body
omg dalia’s approving little expression that was adorable
poor boy looks so uncomfortable
why is it so important that he has so many animals? is that the only way to show wealth? or just the flashiest?
“so yummy boy”???!??! i cant im laughing so hard rn
oh my god this is gonna be so awkward when he has to talk to actual royalty tho not looking forward to the second hand embarrassment
aww i do miss genie turning into weird TV personalities when talking about the animals tho
yuppp i knew it was gonna be this awkward
i cannot do this i have to turn off the volume or i will flee this tab and try to skip this scene when i come back
ok i had to scroll down, and still even reading the subtitles made me embarrassed. why am i like this
ok finally he kinda got the hang of it. dont be fanciful genie just copy the other guys pls
bit of a weird dance tho…
oh nooo genie getting fanciful
i went from, oh this is cute to, oh no pls stop
ok now that ppl are clapping i feel less awkward. brain why u gotta do this to me. but also u rly dont have to have aladdin breakdance
ok he jumped on the fountain and this stated going back into ridiculous and why territory
and jasmine ran away. cant blame her. it makes him look kinda like an attention seeking person
awwww dalia’s little ‘excuse me for a moment’ i kinda expected her to scream but this was also cute
my god her room is so pretty. and the moment with the apples was adorable
ughhhh he had a moment where he could’ve come clean
oh i love a dramatic near death experience
omg yes destroy the staff how lovely and yes dramatic. can u tell i like some good drama. not the weird relationship kind
ur not the same on the inside. not quite
see this is what he meant by u changing. u can never forget ur past
oh i love the dark instrumental version of ‘never had a friend like me’. also the pretty sparkly magic. always love some good aesthetic cgi
oh that was a lovely moment. too bad jafar is a massive prick
oh this is interesting! i love a dramatic disappearance. poor guy. drowning, hypothermia, fun stuff to do within a day
love some ice parkour!
the decent part of me is glad they didn’t put jasmine in a slave leia type outfit, but the gay part of me is a bit disappointed…
omg the dark little smirk on aladdin’s face. u HAVE to admit that was hot
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GET YOUR OWN JAMS. that was cute
“also i want children” 😂
omg this is hilarious “stop thief, your sultan commands it” I CANNOT 😂
i also dont mind the more “feminist” storyline they gave jasmine. it worked
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vivxwrites · 5 years
Boom, Boom, Boom
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*not my gif*
Word Count: 3123 (she’s a big one)
Summary: You’re the ceo of your own company and are involved in a car crash while you’re away on a business trip. Carol flies to your location in an attempt to save you.
Warnings: ANGST ANGST ANGST, Car Crash, Hospital Stuff, Swearing
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Reader
A/N: Of course this was requested by @aesthetiff because we’re the best fanfiction dynamic duo y’all have ever seen. Um I think I lost a piece of my soul somewhere in this fic so if you see it please let me know. :)
Italics are flashbacks
“Carol,” Tony’s voice was eerily calm as he spoke to her and it sent chills down her spine. His voice crackled through the speaker of her phone, “Turn on the TV, hun.”
“Tony, it’s 4:30 am, why would I want to turn the TV on?”
“Just turn on the TV.” She sat up in bed and moved her way towards the empty living room with a groan. She pushed the “on” button on the remote control and the TV sprang to life, displaying the news channel that she had watched before she went to bed. She looked at it blearily and squinted at the headline. ‘Breaking News: CEO of Northstar Biology, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), involved in deadly car crash.’
“Carol, are you ok?”
“Carol? You there?”
In a flash of orange and blue, Carol was off.
The wind whipped around Carol as she pushed herself to her very limits. She grit her teeth and pushed herself further, weaving in and out of skyscrapers. The cloud-filled area of New York City was slowly coming into view and she desperately rushed towards it. Higher, further, faster. Tears clouded her view but she angrily pushed harder and harder and harder. Finally she could smell the scent of a burning engine and she directed herself towards it.
Carol landed harshly on the ground and looked at the crash sight in horror. Hues of orange and red surrounded the two cars and smoke filled the entire area. She coughed as smoke slowly filled her lungs but she was a woman on a mission and she’d be damned if she was stopped. The cars were smashed together and she took in the extensive damage on the passenger door of one of the cars. Yours. She used sheer brute strength to separate the truck from your car and she ripped the door right off of its hinges in her attempt to get to you. She stopped short as she caught a whiff of something nasty, burnt flesh, and she gagged at the smell. Tears sprang into her eyes as she took in the interior of the car, charred black and completely empty. It was only then that she registered the voice that had been repeating “ma’am,” over and over again. 
She whipped her head towards the person and saw that it was a firefighter who had been calling out to her. “Where is she?” The firefighter grimaced at her question and Carol’s heart stopped. No. No no no no no no. She looked around frantically and finally registered that police and firefighters were spread throughout the area, doing their best to control the damage that the crash caused. She took in the yellow and black caution tape that boxed the area off, then the news vans, and finally she zeroed in on a nearby ambulance, whose sirens were dead silent, a really bad sign. She hesitantly trudged towards it until she spotted something grey sitting inside. She squeezed her eyes shut but chanced a peek at the object. She couldn’t stop the bile that rushed up her throat at the combination of the heavy scent of burning flesh and the realization of what exactly the grey object was: a body bag. 
She let out a cry of anguish and began pounding her fists against the sides of the ambulance. Boom, boom, boom. Her chest heaved up and down as she sucked in air and went to town on the vehicle. Boom, boom, boom. Her fists were riddled with blood and splatters of blue decorated the side of the caved in ambulance. The red in her vision slowly faded away and she felt boneless. 
Her head pounded as she sunk to the ground in front of the ambulance. Everything in the background was muffled and her ears rang. She choked on her own tears and coughed violently, her vision completely blurred. Her body was numb and she melted into the ground, a red, yellow, and blue pile of mush. Everything around her was spinning and the only thing she could focus on was the blue sky, tainted with smoke and taunting her. 
The remaining paramedics on site rushed to her side and tossed questions at her, but she was unresponsive. The words too late swirled around in her head and slammed against her skull over and over and over again. Too late, too late, too late. She lay limp as a rag doll on the ground and didn’t register that she was being propped up against the ambulance. A flashlight was shined in her eyes and she followed its trajectory but she didn’t see a beam of light, no, she saw a clock tick-tick-ticking down the amount of time that you probably spent helpless and trapped and hurt in your burning car, before you gave up and died. Sobs wracked her body and a gurgled “I’m sorry,” tumbled from her lips. 
One of the paramedics grabbed her face in their hands and forced Carol to look at them. She stared straight past them but they spoke to her anyway. “Ma’am listen to me! That’s not her in the body bag, she was taken to the hospital. Do you hear me?”
That’s not her in the body bag. That’s not her in the body bag? That’s not her in the body bag! Carol snapped out of her haze and gripped the paramedics arm. “Where?” She pointed in the direction of the hospital and Carol took off without a word. 
She crashed through the spinning doors into the lobby and repeated her question of, “Where?” to the secretary. Shattered glass littered the hospital floor and some found their way into Carol’s hair. 
The poor man was scared shitless and didn’t even bother to follow protocol. “Room 409,” he squealed out the words and she was off again.
She ran to the elevator and tapped her foot impatiently once inside. The other occupants shot her weird looks and she growled at them. They snapped their gazes ahead and the entire duration of the ride was silent until the “ding” of the elevator signaled her arrival to the fourth floor.
She stomped out and tossed glares to anyone in her way as she searched for Room 409. She finally came across the room and halted in the doorway. There you were, broken and battered and burnt, laying motionless in the hospital bed. All of Carol’s energy was gone in an instant as she observed your pale body, riddled with bandages. She fell into the chair next to your bed and choked out sobs of pain. A throat cleared itself and she looked up in shock with bloodshot eyes. “Captain Marvel, hello.” The woman moved closer to your hospital bed and picked up your medical chart before continuing, “The burns on her face are first degree, so they’ll heal just fine with proper care. Her abdomen and legs were not as lucky, both suffering from burns of the third degree. Those will heal as well, but there will be scars left behind and her skin may never look the same. Our main concern isn’t her burns, it’s the major hit to the head that she endured in the accident. Right now she’s in comatose and has been since she arrived. Upon arrival we noticed that one of her lungs had collapsed and we’ve already fixed that issue in surgery. It’s difficult to determine whether or not she will wake up, so unfortunately I can’t tell you what you want to hear. We applied cream to the burns and x-rayed her body for fractures, finding two in her right arm. Her vitals are being monitored 24/7. I assure you she’s under the best care in our facility.”
Carol nodded her head and mumbled out a hoarse, “Thank you.”
The doctor nodded at her and gave her a small smile before she left the room.
After two hours of sitting and staring at you, Carol clicked on the tv that was attached to your bed. She flicked to the news channel, hoping to listen to some mindless story, only to be attacked with news about you and the accident. She couldn’t tear her eyes away and found herself watching on as cameras swept over the crash site.
“At the moment we are unsure if the devastating crash was an attempt on the CEO’s life or just an accident. Traffic cameras captured the moment of impact and you can see the offending truck running a red light and hitting the passenger door of (Y/L/N)’s car, consequently right where she was seated just hours before.”
Carol flinched as she watched the footage of the truck crashing into your car. She bit her lip to hold in a sob and leaned closer to you.
“We are unaware of the extent of (Y/L/N)’s injuries and whether or not she will recover is questionable. We’ll be sure to release any updates as soon as we receive them. Olivia Benson, CNN news. Back to you, John.”
The news anchor’s voice droned on in the back of Carol’s head. She looked over at you and her bottom lip trembled at the sight. Your eyes were closed and she started at the trach that was attached to your throat, following it up to the IV machine you were connected to as she counted along to your heart-rate. She registered the news anchor talking about your life and she listened as they drifted towards the topic of your love life.
“It is unknown whether or not the CEO is in a relationship or not but there are rumors of her dating the avenger known as Captain Marvel. The pair have neither confirmed nor denied said rumors but earlier today, just one hour after the crash we were able to capture the powerful Captain Marvel on camera as she arrived on the scene. Take a look.”
Carol blinked numbly as she watched herself land on the ground and rush towards the cars in the news footage. She took in the crater that she had left behind and found herself replaying those moments over and over again. She continued to stare at the screen as the story continued.
“Wow, John you can just see the obvious heartbreak on her face.”
“I agree and it’s not often we get to see our favorite heroes like this. Moments like these are so rare and the pain on her face speaks volumes. It just makes you realize that most of these guys are in fact human, just like you and me.”
Carol’s thoughts drifted off to one of her favorite memories of you. 
She had just returned from a mission gone sideways and you were cuddled up on the couch watching your favorite show. She grumbled as she ripped her armor off and threw it to the ground with a clang. You turned your head towards her in surprise, “Carol? I didn’t know you were coming home today.”
“I wasn’t scheduled to return till next week but that mission was a total shitshow.”
You hummed in response and patted the spot next to you on the couch. She climbed onto it with you and tucked her head into your neck. You flinched at the feeling of tears hitting your bare skin. “Carol, babe, why are you crying?”
She buried her face further into your neck and continued to cry silently. You gently removed her from her hiding place and cupped her face with both of your hands. You wiped her tears off of her face with the pads of your thumbs and kissed her, tasting the salt from her tears. You pulled back and cooed reassurances at her and she felt so safe, cuddled up in your arms, looking into your eyes. “I fucked up and people died because of me. I’m a monster.” Tears blurred her vision as she gasped out her sentence. You felt tears forming in your own eyes at the amount of pain that filled her voice.
“Look at me. Carol Danvers you are not a monster. You do so much good, baby. You made a mistake, everyone makes mistakes.”
She blinked up at you and crashed her lips against yours, searching for something. She pulled back and asked, “Everyone makes mistakes? Even you?” 
You laughed at her response, “Yeah babe. Even me.” You gave her a sweet smile and she stared in awe.
“You still love me?”
“Of course I do. I’ll always love you Carol.”
She snapped out of her flashback when she realized what the reporter was saying now. “You can see behind me as close friends and business partners of Miss. (Y/L/N), Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, arrive at the hospital where the CEO is being held.”
She cursed and made herself look more presentable before the pair could arrive. She splashed water on her face and patted her hair down before sitting in her seat once more. Tony’s snarking voice signaled his arrival, “You’d think they knew who I was, Pep. You don’t have to ask Tony Stark for his name these days.
Pepper rolled her eyes, “She was just being polite.” The clicking sound of her heels drew nearer and before Carol knew it, they were crossing the threshold into your room.
“Jesus Christ.” The pair ran to your bedside and took in your injuries. Tony snatched your medical chart and read through it, muttering out a “fuck” when he finished.
Pepper pulled Carol into a hug and she sunk into her embrace, shedding tears at the contact. “It’s gonna be ok, she’ll be ok.” 
Tony furiously wiped the tears from his face. You were like a sister to him and he couldn’t lose you. The two of you had met when you were just an intern for Stark Industries and you were the sweetest, most determined, stubborn person that he had ever met. He was the one who had helped you kick-start your own company, providing monetary support whenever you needed it. Your work reflected heavily on your character; you used your genius brain to research cures to diseases like cancer and incurable STIs. You believed that everyone deserved a chance and you worked your ass off to save the people who had no one to save them. The last time the two of you talked was before you departed on this business trip, where you had told him all about how close you were to discovering something truly groundbreaking in your fight against cancer.
“I’m so so close Tony. All I need is a little more time and I can save so many people,” you had said. He reflected on that moment and looked at you now: pale and covered in burns, barely clinging to life. His tears flowed freely down his face as he wept for you, you didn’t deserve to die. You had done no wrong your entire life and the world needed you. He couldn’t help but to think how cruel the world was, trying to take someone like you away. 
He stumbled over to Carol and wrapped her up in a hug and they cried together. He was the one who introduced the two of you and he was the one who pushed for you to tell Carol your feelings. Carol still remembered the day you two met and she didn’t think she could ever forget it. 
You were holed up in a lab, working on your latest project. Tony was showing Carol around the compound, giving her a proper tour. Of course she had been there before but it was always for important business and she never really got to see the whole place. He dragged her down to the labs, fully intending on showing off his own when she spotted you. “Who’s that?” she asked.
Carol was star struck. You were focused on your work and your brow line had scrunched up adorably as you concentrated on measuring out the perfect amount of water into the graduated cylinder. She watched as you moved around the lab with ease, like it was a dance that you had memorized since childhood. You twirled towards the cabinets and pulled out varieties of Erlenmeyer flasks to fill with chemicals and you skillfully mixed test tubes. Every now and again you would rush over to your pad of paper and scribble down notes furiously before moving on to your next task. You were beautiful. “Oh that’s just (Y/N), doing her bio thang.” 
‘(Y/N)’ her mind purred at your name. Tony smirked to himself as he put Carol’s actions together. She totally had a thing for you. You glanced up as if you felt eyes on you. You jolted in surprise when you realized that you did in fact have an audience and awkwardly waved the pair into your lab. “Hey, Tony. What’s up?”
Carol nearly swooned at the sound of your voice. You looked gorgeous and your white lab coat clung to you perfectly. “I’m just bringing my friend Carol here ‘round for a tour. Now that I’m here I suddenly have to go to the bathroom. Keep an eye on Carol for me?” He shot Carol a wink as he strolled out and she blushed furiously. ‘Stupid Stark.’
“Hey Carol, I’m (Y/N). It’s nice to meet you.” You went to shake her hand but remembered that your gloves were covered with chemicals and pulled them off. 
“Hey (Y/N), I’m Carol. It’s nice to meet you too.” You giggled at her and she blinked back at you, confused.
“I already said your name.” Carol’s blush deepened and your eyes twinkled with happiness.
The three of them remained in your room the rest of the day. They shared stories about you, laughed at the funny ones and rolled their eyes at the annoying ones. For two weeks the group returned to visit you in the hospital and Carol and Tony took turns staying for an unhealthy amount of time before being dragged home to shower by Pepper. Carol would never admit it to the other two but she ended every night with you with a squeeze of your hand, a kiss to your forehead, and an “I love you.” It became a routine that continued for one month, then two months, then three. 
One day Tony and Carol were playing Uno, tossing insults at each other and dramatically slamming down skip cards. They were busy bickering when an unfamiliar wheeze reached their ears. They both snapped their heads to look at you and found you pawing at the trach that was hooked up to your throat. Tony scrambled out of the room to find a nurse and Carol burst into tears. 
You were alive.
A/N: Did you make it through? Feedback is appreciated and feel free to check out my other fics as well! You guys are so awesome that I’m gonna do my best to finish up part 2 of my series early instead of for next week like I was planning. Seriously, thank you so much for all the love on it, it makes me feel so special. Thanks, Viv :)
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strawberrysoup · 4 years
After seeing you post that awesome gif set of Will Graham, I was wondering if you would ever consider writing for any of the Hannibal characters?
B R U H if anyone would real it hell yeah i would. ive been into hannibal since it first aired, its one of my favourite shows ever and the characters are savages. ive always wanted to do a will/oc/hannibal fic tbh, something lowkey brutal. probably wouldn’t completely follow the plot though, bits of diversion. wow i wouldnt even need to tag it as a dark!fic bc thats the show lmaooo
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kweebtrash · 4 years
Hey, not necessarily a sex question. But as someone who loves reading fanfic and appreciates fanfic writers, I still can't bring myself to write it. How did you get into writing fanfic, and was it ever weird for you? Do you have any advice on how to feel less weird about it? Especially smut about real people? (To be fair I can't bring myself to write smut in general idk why)
I started writing naruto and yu yu hakusho fanfiction when i was ten and it was just a regular oc and the character i liked. It wasnt good at all but i thought it was the greatest. When i met my sister (non biological) in middle school we decided to come up with our own "anime story". We would write it in notebooks and pass it to each other during class and get in trouble for it. So i guess that was the first time ive written an "original" story. By the time i was 12 i knew what sex was (mostly) and i knew teenagers did it (my characters were teenagers) so i was like oh if they like each other then they should do it. But because i was 12 i was like THATS ICKY TO WRITE ABOUT (in detail) so i made them get in bed and then skipped ahead and wrote THE NEXT DAY 😂😂😂
Then when i got access to a laptop and internet thats when i round "real" fanfiction online and smut back when it was called "lemon/lime/citrus" whatever the fuck that means. I still remember my first one was about neji hyuga LMAO.
I started reading more fanfiction throughout my teenager years and kept writing for anime, wrote bandfiction, created a bunch of OCs to rp with my partner at the time and i think by the time i actually started having sex that i was like ok this isnt so weird to write about anymore. So when we would rp we would just text each other sex scenes and i guess it became normalized because we were doing it irl so writing about it was just like hey! We sorta know what were doing! Oh i also used to watch a lot of porn as a teen? Idk why. That stopped after like a year or so but i found out shit through that, like bdsm, squirting, how utterly gross blowjobs are, what a hitachi wand was, how much i hate spit, etc. So that actually helped me discover like my beginning kinks. Porn is still terrible tho.
I think the first time i wrote smut was with a wrestling fanfic? And i had been reading a bunch of fics that had smut and with my basic knowledge and slowly finding out what phrases i liked in order to describe things it flowed a little more naturally but it was still hard.
Then i think i didnt really write much until i wrote my pentagon story which i think is terrible but other people like it. I guess with my practicing, experience, and sex education it started becoming easier? You can tell in my pentagon story that i was still getting back into the swing of things bc my sex scenes are atrocious and ridiculous 😅
I never really liked reading series myself bc i didnt want just prose and build up. I wanted smut. I was like THATS WHAT I CAME HERE FOR. So i made it a point to write smut in every single chapter so that way people stayed interested. In doing so it also helped me practice and get better. Then i read A LOT of bad kpop fics and was like....why dont these people know that sex isnt like porn??
There is a lot of copying in kpop fics in the sense that a lot of them are written the same way and we get the usual; some u realistic giant dick, "ministrations, pussy, cunt", kitten every other word, thigh riding, everyone confusing abuse with bdsm, "daddy" popping up left and right without going in depth to what meaning that holds, random weird shit. And i realized WOW I REALLY HATE KPOP FANFICS lol. So when i started writing messy i was like OK FUCK THIS IM GONNA WRITE SEX LIKE HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO GO. Then i starting writing smut where the condom broke, they talked about birth control, having a mental breakdown during sex, sexual assault, accidentally wacking each other while moving around, giggling, talking, explaining what you want. This i think helped me a lot, especially with my mental trauma that was associated with sex. I wanted to make it fun and real while also possibly teaching my readers about sex and maybe influencing other fic writers to not just regurgitate what they read.
As far as advice, im not quite sure if i have any?? Maybe i do lol. Take it with a grain of salt maybe?
With writing i would suggest
Read fics you like and highlight key phrases or actions you think are sexually appealing
Practice writing shorter scenes, you can even do time stamps or drabbles, things like that-people love those on here
Look into things. Honestly i knew what a cock ring was but someone requested i USE it in a fic and i was like shit guess i gotta google how to use a cock ring and while awkwardly watching videos of guys putting these things on i learned about metal ones, cages, silicone, rubber, rings, how long you should keep it on for, etc. So RESEARCH! is key too
If youve never had sex before that also helps if you research. Porn can give you a little bit of knowledge in generic motions or toys to use but by no means is it great as far as realism and sometimes its just plain icky.
So porn can be a basis, research can be a middle layer, reading other fics and seeing what you like and dont like is on top, and writing ur own is like...idk frosting lol.
As far as being weird with real people; since i wrote bandfiction and wrestling fics i was used to writing about real people for a little under ten years or so. Also i have a really active mind at night and i have tons of sex dreams that fit into like a story based setting. Thats where all my ideas for prose, dialogue and smut come from. Not everyone ofc has a brain like that but writing down things here and there might work. Lets say you have a favorite idol moment-like some really slutty dance move during a performance, you could time stamp that for inspiration. Save a lot of gifs and pics of them looking *chefs kiss*, listen to some music (i like alina baraz, sabrina claudio, galant, alex tbh, and jooyong for softer, gentler scenes or if you wanna get freak nastie listen to some dumbass jae park, or pretty ricky, or any sex related song thats not pretty lmao. Like rude boy by rihanna or something with a hard beat).
I think its also good to try and picture yourself in a sexual situation. You dont have to look like you, you could make up however you want to look in the scenario, its fantasy after all. Also think "would i like this?" Like i wont write about some idol spitting in my mouth or slapping me or peeing on me or something because thats not stuff that im into and i would be forcing myself to appease someone else and the writing woukd end up sucking big time. This also doesnt help the lack of good fics bc people are just following the requests they get even if they dont like it. I would write about what i think id feel in the moment. Id probably be nervous or if im pretending i could be a cool badass, i would think about things that i find attractive like his (imma use his bc i do write mostly about boy idols) face in the shadows of the light, how nice or soft his lips look, they way hes conveying emotions and looking at me if we were in love or if we were angry, the hold he has on me, why would it be going slow? Is it sad makeup sex? Is it a first time together? Is it just comforting after a bad day? Why would they be rough? Are they angry? Had a fight? Had a slow burn relationship and its culminated into a big explosion? Did they hate each other but hide their true feelings?
So i would suggest not just thinking about sex but thinking about the moment and all the things that lead up to, happen during, and the aftermath of it.
And of course if you don't understand anything or need more info about sex you can always ask me!
I hope this help and sorry its long😅😅😅😅
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500 followers appreciation post
ive been here since january and i def posted more in the beginning so the speed of gaining followers has declined a bit (not that that matters) but yeah 500 people is a lot! im so happy people like my art cause im rather new to it and my This or That posts have gotten a lot of attention which im super grateful for :D 
anyway, since i cant think of anything else i decided to just make an appreciation post for all of my followers (love you) and specifically for some of my favorite blogs on here  (this is gonna get slightly long)
@straight-to-the-pain i think youre the first person ive actively talked to on here so thats awesome! love your writing (Sam and John are great characters and you write them so well) and youre just a really cool person
@its-not-too-bad i enjoy talking to you a lot (though i often just..forget sorry lol) and you Know i love Charles (and wow you drew Arlo i still look at that all the time)
@drawyourwhumpee thanks so much for always reblogging and saying the nicest things on my art!
@adrenaline-whump really appreciate all the nice words youve said to me, and i am also eternally grateful for In The Wind. probably my favorite thing ever, ive read it so many times and its still amazing. 
@mosswhump also one of the first blogs i followed when i made this blog! great content, writing and characters, also youre awesome
@secrettheoristofwhump i love your blog! and i enjoy talking to you, even though we havent talked too much 
@pythagoreanwhump your writing is really good and i really love reading about your OCs (espionage whump is amazing) also youve motivated me to write more German stuff
@deepwoundsandfadedscars i dont interact with you too much but i really enjoy seeing all those gifs of fandoms i like, also thanks for buying my bracelets!
@shameless-whumper i just love your writing a lot, Jericho is a fantastic character and reading about him is so much fun
@whumpprompts the Best whump prompts and the Best writing damn
@vleermuizen awesome content, and i love that you enjoy my music, it made me so happy seeing what you thought of it
@i-blame-my-love-of-whump-on-ryan amazing writing, amazing person and fluff fridays are super cute
@shsl-whump i am just in love with your OCs and keep rereading everything with them
@scars-and-vulnerability we also havent really interacted but you seem like a super cool person and i love your writing and characters
@whumpitywhumpwhump thank you for always reblogging my posts, i see you in my activity all the time and it makes me happy
and of course @fyeahvulnerablemen youre the first whump blog i followed, like a year before even making my own blog. ive found so many shows to watch off your gifsets and tag list and i get whumperflies every time!
and under the cut, some of my favorite awesome whump blogs that make the community and my dash a better place
@whumpalicious @aliceinwhumperland​ @whumpology @the-whumpy-fangirl @thewhumpster @justwhumpythings @boneywhump @whump-my-dear-watson @voidwhump @alllhurtnocomfort @bubba-whump-shrimp-co @whumpadoodle @whumpandbandaids @whumpty-dumpty @let-the-whump-commence @maythewhumpcommence @bringingthewhumperflies @imnotasadistiswear @chifechi @mickeymckeown @the-wandering-whumper @beautifullytorturedsouls @gentle-and-fierce @whumping-newbie @too-exhausted
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sailorshadzter · 5 years
here’s me compiling all of my thoughts on episode 1 of season 8!! or at least the thoughts i deemed important enough lmao. big focus on jonsa, political jon, and the starks in general. 
under the cut for SPOILERS + length. 
shout out to all of the amazing content creators out there who have already gif’d this episode. ya’ll are amazing!
anyways, here we go! ps. things could be out of chronological order, sorry lol
lets jump right in with dany and jon arriving at winterfell. i really enjoyed the call back to season 1 bran scrambling up as high as he could to watch robert baratheon & company arrive. 
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we have them riding in among dany’s army, looking quite like the royal “couple” they want us to believe they are. dany doesnt look particularly interested to even be there and i think it’s because she’s upset at how everyone is looking at her. jon reminds her that the north isnt easy to impress, that they dont look kindly at foreigners. this isnt pleasing to her. dany has to be loved, by everyone. she cant stand thinking not everyone is on her side. in her mind they have to support her because she’s the queen. 
but she’s not queen, not yet at least. 
next comes the dragons. 
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the northerners run, some screaming in fear, others just stumbling in an attempt to find shelter from the dragons that fly overhead. and just look at dany’s face. look at her! what a smug little smile, i hope she enjoys it because she’s got a lot coming to her this season.
i hate this, i just want everyone to know. i still like dany but this arrogant, mocking girl is driving me insane and it’s only episode 1. what little bit of likeness i had for her will fade real fast at this rate. she’s glad the people fear her dragons and thus fear her. she knows the northerners probably will never come around to her and bend so she’s going to get them on her side the only way she knows how: her dragons. 
lets be real- dany has nothing on her own. she’s nothing but a pretty face with a cold heart capable of dark, brutal things. but what if there werent any dragons? what would she be without them? who would fear her then? sure, she’s got a big ass army... but armies can be beaten. armies can be led astray by their own leaders doing. so yeah, she’s got an army but in the end, thats not foolproof. but dragons? those are pretty damn foolproof (unless you send your ~romantic interest~ off on a suicide mission that ends up costing you one of said dragons). she’s going to try and coerce everyone in the north through fear and it might work on the common folk, but wait til she meets the Starks.
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yeah, do these girls look afraid?
not at all.
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youre a man. almost. 
 i low key teared up at their reunion. it was sweet. plus it was nice to see bran in a more human moment. he’s always so robotic, i thought it was nice to hear him joke a little. 
as jon is looking at bran, you can see the moment he realizes sansa is looking at him. he pulls back from bran and turns to her (wow she looks beautiful, i cant even get over that). 
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(gif by @stark)
sansa opens her arms to jon and i have to admit... the hug felt almost lackluster... at first. once i watched it a second and third time, i started seeing the things i didnt see the first time. 
for one thing- it was so amazing in the trailer because we could see jon’s face. kit is so incredible at his facial expressions and you knew exactly what jon was feeling the moment he saw sansa. with sansa, she’s very subdued- but its definitely done on purpose. obviously, she’s happy to see jon but she’s angry with him too. and dozens of people are there watching them, including this queen he’s brought with him. she has to be careful. 
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(gif by @stark)
this instant, ever since i saw the trailer, ive thought jon whispered something to her. that’s why her eyes immediately flick up and pin their focus on dany who is standing just across the courtyard. we dont hear jon say anything but that doesnt mean he doesnt. what i find interesting about this is how in the episode, we’re shown sansa’s face and her emotional reactions to whats happening, but we dont see jon’s. in the trailer, it cuts to sansa’s eyes as soon as jon reaches her embrace, so we never see jon’s face in this scene. meaning, we dont see his lips ever move. i still want to believe he whispers something to her, but i almost feel like sansa would have referenced it later in the episode when they speak privately. but, you never know! 
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next we have jon introducing sansa to dany, which as we all suspected, did not go well. 
as dany walks up, she’s smiling, her tone charming. her eyes are wide and she looks soft- she’s good at this. notice how no one in the courtyard moves, no one kneels or even bows in dany’s presence as they had once done for robert baratheon. this is not their queen. 
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i literally laughed as dany said this. 
she’s trying desperately to come across as likable. she knows most of the north won’t bow to her without the backing of this girl and while she has her dragons to instill fear, she probably does want sansa to like her. she’s in love with her “brother” after all. they’d be sisters, so they should get along, right? 
sansa sees right through her. she’s good at finding a liar- she’s spent her whole life around them. learning from them, the best of them. you cant lie or manipulate sansa stark. not anymore. 
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(gif by @cptainsrogers)
whew boy, that’s the face of someone who’s pissed. how quickly she changes!! as soon as sansa speaks, she loses her smile and blinks and she breathes in. she’s trying to restrain herself and keep a calm, cool composure. but its written all over dany’s face here- she’s not happy. 
again, im reminded that this is a woman who cant be told no and who doesnt like when someone isnt falling over themselves to please her. sansa is clearly not impressed with dany and she’s not afraid to let her know that. she’s calm, polite, but her tone & face says everything her words cant. 
bran interrupting was great. 
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he sees what’s going on here and he’s right, now isnt the time for a little cat fight. he tells them that the night king has a dragon & dany’s reaction is clear she didn’t know that yet (right? i could be forgetting lol) & basically there’s like 100 other things they need to think about right then. which to be fair is totally true. but i had hoped to see a little more between sansa & dany.  what i loved though was jon didn’t look at dany when bran mentioned the night king having her dragon, he looked at sansa. 
now i wanna talk about arya and jon’s reunion because
well... i have feelings.
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while the initial reunion was really sweet & had me crying, it ended real quick
this scene is where i really noticed jon was “off” 
jon stoops down and puts a hand on her shoulder (which arya looks down at) as he talks to her. where were you before? i could have used your help with sansa. she doesnt like your queen, does she?
then we get this next line from jon.  
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first things first, it’s almost like jon doesnt realize she’s grown up. he’s got his hand on her shoulder, down at her level like you would with a kid. i mean, he probably cant help it, can he? she’s always going to be his kid sister, after all. thats how he knows her and remembers her. not to mention he’s been pretending to be someone else around dany for a long time now, he’s trying to shake himself back into the person his family knows him as 
arya looks at his hand before she says she’s the smartest person i know. you’re defending her now? you?
like he cant really believe that these two sisters that only used to bicker and fight are getting along to the point that arya is defending her to him. this is where i get upset with jon because he’s been gone for how long now? has he even bothered to talk to sansa about all that happened at winterfell? has he even asked her anything about what’s been going on while he was gone? clearly not, or he would know how close arya and sansa have become in his absence. that they’d taken out littlefinger together, even! 
i’m defending my family. so is she. i’m her family too. 
that alone points me into the direction of political jon. he’s avoiding sansa because he’s less likely to control himself in front of her. he might spill the beans about what he’s up to and its not time yet. he cant let that happen, not until the right time. while we all know he’d be better off telling her and the other starklings, so they could fight as a united pack... jon hasn’t come to that conclusion yet. lets hope he gets there next episode, though. 
he sounds so sad, so dejected when he delivers his line. like, sansa should be defending him, smiling, just in general happy to see him back. he’s brought a massive army and dragons! he did what he thought was best for the north and he cant quite grasp why sansa would be upset with him. one of jon’s weaknesses is sansa and how he thinks she feels about him. he craves her approval and he knows she’s angry with him at this point. and man does that bother him. he thinks she should have ultimate faith in him, even though he doesnt really deserve that, does he? anyways, thats a conversation for later in the post.
ps i love that he looks around before saying im her family too. almost as if he’s afraid of being overheard. 
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dont you ever forget that.
yeah i had to pause the show at this point just to compose myself. this second hug was just as sweet as the first and im glad it was there. it finished the scene out nicely. 
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i love how we got this moment of them being addressed at the same time, in frame like this. i live for moments like this, with them side by side. 
we get a lot of talk back and forth about why jon bent the knee and of course we get lyanna mormont calling his dumb ass out. 
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i was waiting for this scene too & it didnt disappoint me. 
also i find his choice of words interesting 
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sansa looks back at him and she’s literally the embodiment of the shrug emoji. like bitch i told u so. she has zero sympathy for him and the mess he’s in with the northern lords because she fucking told him it would happen. 
tyrion gets up and tries to do some mega damage control because lets be real, this situation is getting nasty. he talks about dany’s amazing army and the dragons as if this will lighten the mood. he also mentions about the lannister army coming (lol) like this is what will get everyone on their side. 
sansa interrupts and god do i love her more than i ever did
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finally someone asking the REAL questions. 
sansa has worried about feeding the entire north the whole time jon has been gone. she’s built up as much as she could to ensure her people didn’t starve to death come winter. now jon shows up with this queen and her massive army with not even a wagon load of grain. when it cuts to dany a moment later, you can see she’s visibly shaken by sansa’s comment. hmm, wonder why? it couldn’t be because she’d just burned TONS of food that could have been used to feed her army and the rest of the north out of spite, right? nah, couldn’t be. 
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sansa spits out these words and just look at her face- she’s doing her best to control herself here but her mouth is a snarl and her eyes are narrowed. she’s got every right to be angry over this- her people will probably starve because this so called queen hasn’t provided anything for her own army and now sansa will have to figure it out herself. if she’s this angry already, imagine how she’s going to feel when she learns dany burned all that food when she burned the lannister army. 
what makes me angry here is dany’s response. whatever they want. she’s so fucking childish i cant stand it. like she’s so bent out of shape that sansa’s calling her out basically, she’s going to resort to these sort of comments. like, you keep calling yourself a queen, fucking act like it dany. not a jealous, spoiled little girl. id respect her a whole lot more if she’d stood up for herself and her dragons here but that was never going to happen. its out of her character, especially at this point in her story. her dragons really could never do any wrong, in her eyes. and at this point i wouldnt be surprised to hear her defend them burning houses, crops, or innocent people. 
this episode is not making me like dany anymore. i cant stand characters like her, good or bad ones. and we all know dany is trending bad these days. but sansa doesnt even respond which is fantastic- instead of listening to her, everyone is focused on what dany had just said. we stan the real queen. 
im pretty sure next we see the bit between tyrion and sansa.
i didnt dislike the scene, it was actually pretty good. i especially liked the last time we saw each other was at joffrey’s wedding. dismal affair. it had it’s moments.
we also got this
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not only is this true, we also later hear dany threaten sansa. 
but other than that, i didnt take much away from it. sansa was cool to him, as i expected her to be to anyone on dany’s side. tyrion may have been kind to her once, but as far as she’s concerned... he’s basically her enemy now. plus the whole scene before couldn’t have helped. 
somehwere in this we get all that junk with jon and dany. 
i... hated it. all of it. 
but after seeing it im 100% certain political jon is coming. his stiff demeanor with dany hasn’t changed, thats for sure. but what sold me was when dany threatened sansa. 
i’m queen, she must respect me or...
we all know  how jon “dont touch my sister or else” snow acts when someone mentions sansa around him in a way he doesnt like. the fact that jon barely even REACTS is clear in its message: he cant behave like he normally would. not with dany. he cant even go against her because he know how easy it is for her to become swayed. he cant lose control of the situation, not yet. i think he knows things are spiraling out of control more quickly than he anticipated. 
political jon must be a thing because there’s no reason for him to then roam across the north on a fucking dragon. the whole jonerys scene was as lackluster as they all have been and the kiss with drogon watching was very... weird. it felt ominous almost. there was no romance behind it, even if dany wanted there to be. 
but i think its very clear that dany feels threatened by sansa. she needs to be loved by everyone and sansa makes it clear she cares little if at all for her. queen or not, sansa doesnt respect her, nor like her, and she isnt afraid to make it known. i worry how dany is going to behave the deeper into this love triangle we get (because they sure arent being subtle about it). 
also, something i find interesting is the fact that dany would allow jon to ride her dragons at all. now that he has rode rhaegal he’s created a bond with the dragon, essentially taking him from dany’s control. she’s more or less lost 2 dragons now. and if you dont think jon would use this dragon against her to protect his family... then we must be watching two different shows.  
next comes jon’s scene with sansa (i think, at least its what im gonna talk about next lol). finally we get a glimpse of them alone! and god it doesnt disappoint me at all. i mean, id have loved to have more of it of course- yelling and even some tears, but we got something simple and hyper charged with both of their emotions. as always, the jonsa scenes get it done with as little as possible. 
we get a lot of angry stares and heavy sighs. its the same damn energy as the tent scene before the battle of the bastards. i love it. i fucking live for it. there’s so many things left unsaid between them and it makes me want their next scene that much more. literally, this scene was less than 2min long and i got so much from it. 
the scene opens and sansa is in her chamber, reading. the knock on the door sounds and she calls them in and she sighs when she sees it’s jon. the first thing i noticed was jon back in his old direwolf armor- he changed clothes before coming to her rooms- and then sansa paraphrases what the letter she’s holding says. jon parrots back lord glover’s words to them back when they met and thats when sansa gets up, very clearly angry, and says i will stand behind jon snow, the king in the north. she whips around to look at him and walks across the room like she wants to do something else entirely. i told you we needed allies. you didnt tell me you were going to abandon your crown.
this is where jon explodes, much how he explodes back in the tent scene with her. i never wanted a crown! i wanted to protect the north! he tells her, then goes on to say he brought with him an army and 2 dragons. this is where i wish we would have had more- sansa yelling at him about did he even think of how they would feed them all, specifically. but we get a lot of ~emotion~ and im living for every second. 
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(gifs by @desired-paradise)
as soon as jon finishes ranting, he heaves a huge sigh (first gif). then he closes his eyes, thinking for a moment, before breaking down an asking her if she has faith in him. look at her face- she’s so hurt. they’re both hurting, honestly. what i love about jonsa scenes is how soft and vulnerable they both are during them. they let down their walls and open their hearts to the other. 
i think that’s why jon is so hurt by how sansa has been treating him since his return. he thinks he deserves her ultimate trust not realizing how he really doesnt deserve it. not,yet. you know i do. despite it all, she does have faith in him. but that doesnt mean she isnt angry or upset with him. and it doesnt change how she feels about dany. trust is not something that comes easy to sansa, not anymore. how can she be expected to trust a complete stranger when even those who were supposed to care about her turned on her? when for so long everyone around her was nothing beyond abusive and harmful. this girl trusts no one but her family and jon should get that better than anyone. 
but he thinks because its him, he gets a pass from her. that because of all they’ve been through together sansa should automatically know where his heart is and the truth of him. but how can she? he’s been gone all this time, promising to find them allies, not a queen that they didn’t ask for or even want. he promised them allies that would help them, not doom them to starvation.
when sansa speaks, he takes a step forward, almost like he thought of reaching for her. but he thinks better of it and says something about how she’ll be a good queen, yada yada. 
 and then... sansa drops this bomb
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we never get jon’s answer because thats it, the scene just fucking ends there. like alright guys, thats fine i didnt want the answer anyways. i know jonerys fans are insisting he doesn’t answer because we already know the answer to that. but its not that easy. 
the set up between jon and sansa can’t be for nothing. the back story from season 6 cant just  be a random addition. so many lines that will come back this season (ill protect you, i promise. you are to me. ect) and i cant wait for that. 
next i want to talk about when dany and jorah meet with sam. 
first off, i have to say its weird that jorah has never told dany his name? is that just me? anyways. the scene opens and it reminds me a lot of the feel from her first meeting with sansa. dany is smiling, jovial. this is the man that saved jorah from death and she wants to thank him personally. their conversation goes well- in fact, its kind of sweet how sam behaves. he’s honored to be standing before her, being addressed by her, because he doesnt know who daenerys targaryen is yet. but he’s about to find out.
similarly to how dany reacted when sansa didn’t return her compliment, she goes from soft and smiling to hard and somewhat aggressive.
we go from this: 
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to this:
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(image from @snowsjohn)
in record time. as soon as sam mentions his name, it registers with dany and she asks him if he meant randyll tarly. that’s when she immediately, without sympathy, tells him she executed his father. you can see sam get visibly upset but he’s doing his best to keep it together, saying at least i can go home now, which by the way... is fucking heartbreaking. now that his brother is in charge he could go back home and be with his family when this whole thing was over. oh nope, dany tells him she executed his brother too. 
how anyone can stand behind this queen, ill never understand. this scene was so sad for sam & so unfeeling for dany. she doesnt even have the sense to pretend to be remorseful for what she’s done to this man’s family. and when sam does leave, she looks upset- but not because of what she’d done to his family. because now she’s in trouble and she knows it. again, they’re making it incredibly easy to dislike dany and they’re doing it for a reason. 
dark dany is coming for us. it’s going to all be revealed in the next two episodes, without a doubt. 
last but not least, i want to talk about sam telling jon the truth of who his parents were. 
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(gifs by @kitsn0w)
i loved this whole scene.
while i was really surprised they told jon so early (and that it was sam alone) i enjoyed the shock. i didn’t honestly anticipate the reveal until at least episode 2, if not the third at the latest. but, it added something to the first episode- a similar shock value the first episode of the first season left us with. 
what i take from this scene is a few things, mostly how upset jon seems just to realize that this means ned lied to him his whole life. who gives a fuck about the truth, why didn’t ned just tell him all along? but when sam says the line about robert killing him, he seems to calm down a little. 
what else is interesting is jon’s lack of defending dany here. if he loved her as we’re supposed to believe, wouldnt he have said something beyond this is treason. id expect a “what will i say to her?” or “i cant take this from her, its all shes ever wanted’ or even “its hers, not mine.” anything else! but we got nothing in terms of jon defending dany’s right to the crown. 
and when sam asks him if dany would give up her crown for his people as jon had done, we don’t get jon’s answer. similarly to his scene being cut off with sansa, its done here as well, and we’re only left wondering what he would say. why wouldn’t they let him say? if he loves dany so much, wouldn’t he jump at this chance to defend her? especially to sam, who’s going to have a hell of time going forward now that he learned what dany did to his family. more so, it’s not yet been revealed that she burned them alive. what will they say then? when they realize that? 
i guess we’ll find out next episode, especially now that jaime is in winterfell. im really excited to see what episode 2 brings & im hoping for more dark dany & more private moments among the starks. 
overall, i really did enjoy the episode. i think there were things that could have been done better or differently,  but i think the episode set us up for a lot of good things to come!
in conclusion:
- jonsa is endgame & jonerys is doomed. sorry guys. 
- political jon theory is confirmed (in my mind at least)
- sansa is still the queen of sass.
- arya & gendry flirting is adorable (im sorry i know i didnt talk about them)
thanks for reading!
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