#wow it do a refresh
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lady-ihcobob · 1 year ago
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Wow, it do a refresh.
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hanakihan · 5 days ago
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they’re on their way for weekend sundae at local cafe
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seaofreverie · 1 month ago
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"We need more messy/awful/cringefail female characters!"
You guys couldn't even handle Wanda Whipple...
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anexistingexistence · 10 months ago
UMM HELLO WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST MILO💀💀 “the anthill in my garden”😭😭
Nonononono I love Milo, he's great but Fool! Milo? I want that man six feet under. I don't know why but his whole deal makes me want to grab him by the collar and relocate him into my neighbor's garden like I want to do with that stupid anthill
Actually no, I do know why I don't like him, it's because I don't like characters who think they're oh so fucking great just because they either have money or are powerful (see: my rant about wanting Blake dead). Like regular Milo is great, I love him to death, but I just want to hit Fool! Milo over the head with a toaster yk? Like maybe a slight concussion will give him a personality outside of "Oh look at me I fuck good and I am so strong and special unhhh"
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bibleofficial · 10 months ago
microdosing a shower by washing my face
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magnusbae · 10 months ago
Hello my dears, New day, new horrendous Chrome UI update. 🎉🎉🎉
Fear not, even while they removed the flags from the settings which permitted to disable it in previous waves, and really want you to use their new UI, and really do act like a bully who just doesn't accept the word 'no'— there's still a way to disable it :)
thanks reddit user diegounion 🤍
Basically you right click the icon of the chrome wherever you usually use it, this guide will be for taskbar, under the cut other locations if you need :)
1.CLOSE ALL CHROME WINDOWS!! 2.Right click the chrome icon on the taskbar:
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2.right click the chrome line again and click "properties"
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3.inside the tab "shortcut" on the target/destination line, you must add the disabling of the new update in the following manner:
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You will see this written: "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" you will need to add, with a space, this: --disable-features=CustomizeChromeSidePanel It'll end up like this: "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-features=CustomizeChromeSidePanel 4.Apply and it's fixed, cheers :)
copy pasted from reddit for the other chrome shortcut locations:
If you have Chrome pinned to the start menu, open Windows Explorer and navigate here: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs When you find the Chrome icon, repeat the six steps. If you have Chrome on your desktop, you do the same, repeat the six steps.
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kavalyera · 14 days ago
praying everyday for a new filipino metal band to grace this conservative fuckin country
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lauronk · 11 months ago
giving in to the urge to do rewrites on some of my older stuff because my writing style has changed so much. nothing major, no plot changes, just some phrasings and dialogue adjustments.
so if you see word counts changing or it seems slightly different than the last time you read it, you're not going crazy lol
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nintendont2502 · 10 months ago
keep forgetting i changed my pfp and not recognising myself. girl help who is this and why did they reblog all the aame posts I did
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orcelito · 9 months ago
I officially finished my 4th iwatex game, and am somehow already halfway through my 5th
I have 96 hours logged. I started playing this game only 10 days ago.
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nerdnag · 2 years ago
I keep finding it so uncomfortable when people differentiate between women and men in my surroundings, and assume that some people are men and some are women. It's uncomfortable both because what if someone doesn't identify with whatever gender they may look like, and because why is it an important distinction in the first place?
Granted, there may be circumstances where it's relevant, but for context let me list some examples of what I mean. These are examples that I've experienced in the recent weeks:
When playing a game that requires two teams, someone suggested that the women should play against the men, and then when this ended up being the case, regular jokes were being made related to gender whenever someone made a bad play
At lunch, someone said "looks like we're all women here today"
Whenever someone who presents as a man has done something stupid or whatever (whether a celebrity or just a regular person), it's common for people to tie that stupidity to the fact that the person is "a man". This seems like a tactic that's sometimes used in order to gain social benefit with women. For example, ending a story about something stupid someone did by going, "ugh, men"
It's also common to hear people mention someone's gender in a story they're telling as though the gender is relevant to the story, when usually it really isn't relevant at all. For example, "... and then she did X and Y, which isn't strange at all because she's a woman, and then he said Z ..."
I know these are innocent things people do and say, and they likely aren't even aware that it can be uncomfortable for some people. Maybe for people who strongly identify as either gender it can even be affirming to have people say these things. I just wish I knew a good way to say that it's making me uncomfortable without having it become a big thing or making them think I'm overreacting
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lotrmusical · 2 years ago
post about poto italy
quite genuinely the most i've ever enjoyed watching phantom. i've been trying to figure out why and i think it basically boils down to a couple things:
- one of the things i like most about phantom is the metatheatricality, and one of the things i like most about theatre in general is suspension of disbelief. poto italy played into those things (both deliberately and inadvertently). any moments that lacked 'polish' (which there undeniably were, if you compare it to the london production) really worked for me to keep up that sense of immersion. we are in a theatre. this is a work of artifice. being able to see through the gaps in the performance and understand that this is something people are working together to make 'go', while still at the same time buying in to the world that it presents... idk. delicious chaos. if it were any other show, and if the cast hadn't all been singing their hearts out, it might not have worked. but as it was i think it being less polished than the london production actually made me enjoy it more
- on a related note, the other thing i like about phantom is how stupid it is. half the songs are overtly comedic and the other half are the world's schmalziest most over the top secretions of lloyd-webberage and the plot doesn't make any sense. so when i'm watching phantom i'm already psychologically primed to react to things with 'sure!! why not!!'. the sillier it is, the better. and boy did this production deliver on silly
- credit to alw, i think this is because the music is so genuine and compelling that it makes a strong enough tissue to hold the show together and preserve the emotional sincerity despite how objectively silly it all is. it's a rubbery sort of show. you can fit a Lot of silly into it without any risk of tearing the immersion.
- i don't even know what to say about characterisation tbh since i think it's fairly clear i don't watch this musical for the characters. i do not think that character depth is one of phantom's strong suits. nevertheless here are my takes.
christine felt like she had less agency than normal (already not a high bar) but compensated by responding to situations with genuine emotion/stress/fear and delivering a wishing you were somehow here again that made me weep.
i sort of enjoyed the unhinged all i ask of you. it makes christine and raoul more interesting to me if they're both obviously having a terrible time. i like raoul struggling with trying to be the Guy Who Fixes Everything in a situation that he's realising is actually beyond his abilities to fix.
diversity win/loss: this phantom stims. obviously one wishes they hadn't chosen to code the stalker and murderer as autistic/Ambiguously Mentally Unwell. like i think we can all agree we probably wish they had made a different choice there. that said, as someone who does rock back and forth in times of emotional stress, it did sort of work to get me to like him better. ah well.
- favourite things about this production: revolving set, deliberate arson and insurance fraud, the anastasia once upon a december thing they did during the overture, spinning piano, lesbianism, the masquerade staging
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punk-pins · 2 years ago
tumblr live update on mobile: it now has the option to snooze the live streams at the top of the dashboard for 30 days, but the video icon for the tumblr live tab in the middle of the footer can’t be disabled at all :/
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knittinglizards · 2 years ago
Not a lot of bechdel test passes here in tos season one. it's at the point where if there's more than one woman in a room and ONE of them speaks at all I'm like Oh! :)
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heywriters · 2 years ago
5. If a character never knew their biological parents and sets out to find their father, they should also look for their mother.
6. If the father has died or dies soon after being found, the character should not give up searching for their mother.
7. If they have inherited traits from their father, they should also have inherited traits from their mother; beyond just "you have her eyes."
8. If they were raised by their mother for a significant part of their life, they should still recall her and her teachings.
9. If the mother was of high social standing, had a significant impact on society, was a well-known and well-liked person, she merits more than a passing reference if the father is the focal point of the story.
10. If both parents are killed and a child orphaned, especially a male child, the mother deserves to be grieved over as well as the father.
11. Many of these rules apply to sisters and daughters of male characters as well. They are not murder fodder. They are not footnotes. They are not less important than brothers/sons. They are not forgettable. They are not hindrances. They are not liabilities. They are not statues on pedestals.
12. Prostitutes/mistresses/etc are not the only women who have personalities and will listen to the male character's problems. He just refuses to recognize the inherent value of women who won't have sex with him whenever he wants it.
I've devised a short list of rules that will greatly improve every piece of existing literature on the planet.
If a male character has a child, you need to either clarify that they're adopted or mention their mother.
If a character's father has a name, you have to give their mother one.
If the father appears on screen but the mother doesn't, you must clarify whether she is absent, missing, or dead, and mention her at least twice.
If we have a flashback to the father's past or otherwise receive backstory information, you also need to include the mother's backstory.
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