#wow is that what they mean when they say showering someone with love
hamartia-grander · 1 year
Oh wow look at that
Is that just a million hearts raining from the sky, just for you?
Oh shit
That’s a lot of hearts
Run fast
I'm not running I am opening my arms wide and letting the hearts suffocate me ans crush me with love
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c0llisiion · 1 month
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— you’re the only one thats holding me down. (j.jk)
pure angst cus im feeling romantical ;3 w/c : 1,075
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 Silence hung in the air. There was a palpable tension between the two of you as you sat on the opposite ends of the couch. It was another argument. But it also wasn’t like the others. There was no screaming, yelling, pleading, or even begging. It’s like you both knew where this was going to end up. A mutual understanding, but this one hurt like hell. Oh, it hurt. You knew what he wanted to say. You know him well enough to know what's going on in his mind. You know everything about him. His likes and dislikes. His pet peeves. Everything. You steal a glance at Jungkook. His head was tilted back against the soft couch cushions that you both picked out. His arm was around his waist, hand-adorning the custom cartier bracelet that he bought for both of you on your first anniversary, with both of your initials carved on it. It was a small relief to your aching heart that he still cared about you in some way. But the truth behind your relationship was enough to ruin it.
He slowly opened his eyes and sighed. “How long are we going to be sitting here?” You kept your gaze low and shrugged. Truth be told, you didn’t want this to end. You were aware of the fact that this will be the last day you will be able to call Jungkook yours, and you wanted to savor every single moment, even if it’s sitting in silence. Jungkook straightened himself and spoke softly. “I'm sorry you had to find out this way.” He was surprised by the way you acted when you found out he was in love with someone else. I mean. It was obvious. He had become distant. He never cared to check up on you the way he did. He would refuse to touch you; his kisses didn't feel the same; his lingering hugs felt empty and devoid of any warmth or affection. And all those arguments. The arguments, where you would beg for him to stop being so aloof, and every time his response would be nonchalant and vague. Your tears seemed to not affect him like they used to. He would keep a blank face as you were on your knees, begging for him to stay, as tears were rolling down your rosey cheeks.
It was like he was gaslighting himself to be in love with you, and in that way, it hurt both of you to an extent. Way harder than if he had just told you that he was in love with someone else, and so both of you can move on. But he had made the choice to stay and keep feeding you mock love, and that's what pains you. If only he had told you, you wouldn’t be in this state. You sighed and looked at him. “We both know where this is going to land.” You speak. Guilt was written all over his face, and he couldn’t even look at you. He knew he was in the wrong for leading you on for so long.
You could see the look in his eyes. You weren’t going to beg him to stay this time. You weren’t going to fight for your relationship. You were tired of putting your self-respect away for a man who stopped caring about you. “Tell me, what happened? What went wrong?” Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair and looked at you before shakily speaking up. “I … i guess it just happened… I tried convincing myself that it was not real and I was just feeling things… but i couldn’t help it…” It's true when they say nothing lasts forever. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why would you put me through all that pain?” Jungkook shook his head. “I didn’t want to hurt your feelings, okay? I didn’t want you to feel even more insecure. I just- i just made a mistake…” You narrowed your eyes at his words. “So you resorted to keeping me blind to all of that… wow real mature of you.” You said it bitterly.
You knew you had finally and officially lost the jungkook you once fell in love with. years, days, and nights of love and happiness he showered you with. The sweet words he would say to you every night. The fantasies of getting married and having kids, living in a big house together…. all down the drain. Your heart ached so badly. You tried holding back your tears as your brain showed you all the memories you made with him. “i don’t know what you want me to do.” His words seem to be empty. Not even a small ounce of care was in it. You sighed shakily and spoke up. “ lets break up. ” You said it. The words you promised to never say to him, you finally said. You said the words that you knew he dreaded, you said them.
Jungkook looked at you, stunned, for a second before lowering his head. He knows there was no salvaging. He didn’t want you to go through another pain cycle. What you both once had could never come back, and what hurt him the most was that it was his fault. But he couldn't admit it. Jungkook nodded before standing up. “I… understand.” You watch him walk away to your once shared bedroom. The bedroom where both of you made love. The bedroom where he would hold you close and make you forget about everything. And now it will stand empty, with one half cold. You expected him to protest, beg you to stay, or at least say a few extra words of affection, but nothing. It was hurtful to watch someone fall in love with you, be in love with you, and then fall out of love with you. You refused to look at him or acknowledge him. You fought back tears as you could hear him packing his things. He eventually walked out with a suitcase and duffle bag. You still refused to look at him, but you could feel him stare at you. He let out a loud sigh. “I will come back to get the rest of my things…” he waits for you to reply but no answer. “…goodbye… then…” he says very quietly before turning away and walking to the front door. You finally glance up as he walks away, the gold bracelet still hanging around his wrist. 
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A/n: TYSM 4 READING!! this was my first time writing only and pure angst💀 HOW WAS IT?! fr turning into a jk centered blog 😭 please send in some rqs of other members too! I js don’t know what to write for them 💔 you can check out my rules to see who else i write <3
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scarletttries · 6 months
What The Straw Hats Are Like in A Relationship... (One Piece Request)
Pairings: Luffy x Reader, Zoro x Reader, Sanji x Reader, Nami x Reader, Usopp x Reader (All Fluff)
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Monkey D Luffy
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- Luffy is the epitome of someone who views being in a relationship as just having the Ultimate Best Friend. He loves to collect people who can depend on him, and who he can support and inspire and encourage to be their best and boldest self, and having you as a partner only motivates him to reach his full loving potential.
- Luffy is incapable of limiting the intense amount of physical affection he showers down upon you, regardless of the time, the place, or the present company. He feels practically adrift without a gangly arm draped over your shoulder, or his head resting in your lap. He's 100% guilty of not even realising someone else is in the room when he hasn't seen you in hours, barging around the ship, desperate to fulfil his most basic need to be near you. He'll launch himself at you, wrapping you up in his arms and lifting you into the air for a kiss before you can even protest and point out Nami and Zoro are right behind him. Cue gagging noises that do nothing to quash his frantic kisses.
- Luffy doesn't have much of a sleep pattern at the best of times, but since you came into his life he has completely lost the ability to fall asleep without you. At night his stretching limbs seem to wind completely around you, pulling you closer and making sure there's absolutely no chance of being seperated in the night. If you do need to get up without him for any reason you'll hear the most sorrowful whimpering as you pry his hands off you, breaking your heart until you inevitably see him again, his koala-like nature vigorously renewed by the brief break from your company.
- Without fail, no matter how long the two of you are together, Luffy will never stop marvelling at how happy he is to be with you. He'll smile from ear to ear every single time he sees you, galloping over without a moment's hesitation to scoop you up into a hug. He'll softly sigh out a 'wow' every time the two of you kiss. Whether it's the first kiss or the thousandth, he can hardly believe just how soft and loving your lips feel against his and the flush of warmth it sends through his entire body. He'll giggle basically every time you say his name, like it just sounds so much better coming from you, like you're the only person that was ever supposed to truly see him. Luffy will never take that, or you, for granted.
- Luffy is a constant source of sunlight in the dark and any troubling times you might face. He can never give you enough praise and encouragement, and his smile and support makes you realise just how much you're capable of, especially when you've got the right people around you. But perhaps what's even more special is being the person Luffy turns to when his own brightness is wavering, when he questions himself and his vision. When his smile falters you know it's time for you to be the one to wrap your arms around his waist, feeling his weight collapse against you as suddenly the pressure on him doesn't seem so stifling, and maybe with you by his side he can finally breathe again. His low moments usually pass quickly, but watching his battery recharge as he curls up in your lap is when you really see how much your love means to him.
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- Love and warmth are all new to Zoro when he finally embraces his feelings for you and admits he can't go on without you by his side indefinitely. He's spent so long perfecting his stoic demeanour, living a life of solitude and self-sufficiency until you and Luffy came along, that he's not sure exactly what he's supposed to do now that he can finally call you his.
- As much as Zoro isn't a fan of publicly displaying his affections, he's never far from your side. Wherever you go, he goes, usually clinging to your hand or with an arm around your waist, his emotionless expression hiding the depth of adoration behind each touch. He wants to look nonchalant, like he never hasn't been your boyfriend, like there's nothing that could come between the two of you, two figures locked in a permanent connection, physically and emotionally. He hopes if that's the message he portrays to the outside world, nothing will dare to challenge him for your attention, or have the nerve to try and separate the two of you, Zoro slowly starting to feel like he's more himself around you than he's ever been in his years alone.
- Behind closed doors he's far more expressive, although rarely through his words. Not one for big beaming smiles, Zoro tends to show his love through the unflinching intensity with which he gazes at you, eyes constantly mapping out each of your features as he draws ever closer. His grip is firm on your waist as his broad chest meets yours, long, slow kisses Zoro's favourite way to try and express the deep adoration that devours him. It's overwhelmingly intense how all-consuming it feels when his focus is solely on you, every fibre of his being pouring out unspoken truths. Every so often a simple 'i love you' or 'i need you' will be whispered through the darkness as his fingertips dig into whatever soft flesh is in his reach.
- As well as his undeniable intensity, you also bring out a certain levity in Zoro you might not have seen before. Sometimes you'll catch him furtively smiling your way, or chuckling at a comment you made just loud enough for him to hear, a weight lifted off his shoulders just from being loved by you. He slowly starts to unburden himself around you, opening up a little more about his past, worrying less about looking a little bit silly when he tries something new, thinking less about how others perceive him, and more about how he wants you to see him. He wants to be his most authentic self, the real Zoro rather than the blank mask he's plastered on his face for far too long. Before you, he feared no one could love the man behind that facade, now he wants nothing more than to be loved for the man he truly is.
- Despite being a man of few words, you never have to worry about where you stand with Zoro, and not just because he is so frequently looming beside you, statuesque in his ability to perpetually be by your side. Whilst his sarcastic sense of humour never grows old, when you ask him how he feels or anything about the bond between the two of you, Zoro will answer honestly. He might not spend hours confessing his every waking thought and feeling, but if you worry your feelings are outpacing his, he'll easily admit that he thinks of little but his future with you, that his every dream is about your smile, that he no longer wants to die by sword when instead he could grow old by your side. Zoro falls hard, and he's never fallen like he has for you, so you never have to worry about what's going on behind his expressionless face, because it's always thoughts of you.
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- Sanji truly thought this day may never come. It's one thing falling madly in love, heck before you Sanji thought he'd been in love a dozen times before, but it's entirely different loving someone so wholly and so deeply and then finding out they actually like you back. You wanted him. He could scarcely believe it the day you confessed, and he can scarcely believe it every day since, no matter how obvious your feelings are to every other member of the crew. Although any feelings of yours are so overshadowed by the enormity of Sanji's love for you that it's hard for them to pick up on anything else.
- Sanji has spent a lot of time fantasising about what it would be like to finally be someone's boyfriend, so much so that when he finally takes up the role as your partner he feels like his heart might just burst with excitement. He's not sure he can remember the last time he wasn't smiling, his cheeks threatening to ache as he goes about his day, floating almost weightlessly as if carried by thoughts of you wherever he goes. He wakes up with his heart hammering in his chest as your presence floods his senses before his eyes even open, tucking his face into your shoulder so he can breathe you in and taste your skin on his lips before he has to start the day. Some mornings he bursts out of bed to hurriedly make your breakfast, but other days he feels so enamoured by you that all he can bring himself to do is stare longingly at you as his fingertips trace along your skin until finally your eyes blink open. He half expects you to frown at the sight of him, or scorn him for bothering you, feeling entirely undeserving of your love. But instead you show him that soft smile that has him giggling at nothing, pulling him back on top of you with absolutely no resistance as he hungrily captures your lips over and over again.
- Sometimes Sanji can hardly believe your kindness towards him, a fresh flood of adoration spilling out of him at almost every sweet little thing you do. Every time you compliment his cooking he wants to drop to his knees and cry, like his every life ambition has been met because his dish made you smile and hum. When you thank him for having your back in a fight, or for a thoughtful and elaborate compliment he spills out with wide, wonderstuck eyes, it truly takes his breath away, the sweet feeling of being appreciated more than he had ever dared to hope for. Call him 'your love' and the chef will throw his arms around you, squeezing you desperately as his eyes start to well up, choking out how much he loves you in frantic gasps. He takes immense pleasure in returning the pet name, proudly calling you 'my love', 'my sweet', 'my beauty', 'my everything', 'my whole heart', really anything to celebrate his love and to label you his.
- Usually laser focused in the kitchen, you might be the only thing that can distract him from his arts. That doesn't stop his constantly 'suggesting' that you drop by the kitchen company, never wanting to outright ask you for anything as you already give him so much, but his desperately pleading eyes do a good enough job of begging that you often find yourself perched on the kitchen counter next to him, listening to him narrate his moves to you and occasionally swing by for a kiss. But sometimes one kiss isn't enough, and the minute he steps between your knees he's caught in your gravitational pull. The first quick peck reminds him just how sweet you are, just how good it feels to have his affections reciprocated, so he needs more. He needs to slide his tongue between your lips as his hips press closer, hands finding the outside of your thighs to pull you snug against him. When your fingers comb through the hair at the nape of his neck his eyes flutter shut and he has to hold back from moaning into your mouth, touch starved and smitten and not sure how he ever existed in the same room as you without confessing his every obsessed thought.
- Sanji is really not sure what he ever did to deserve you, like at any moment you might pull away and ridicule him for spending so much time bothering you, but as time passes and the love the two of you share only deepens he starts to finally believe that not only can he do everything in his power to make you happy, but that he might actually be the man to deserve to make you happy.
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- The path to Nami's heart would be slow and winding, months of adventure and trust and support passing before she could truly accept that she couldn't live a life that didn't include you anymore. By the time you two are officially an item, there's little about each other you haven't already shared, your love built on a solid foundation of honesty and deeply relying on each other in a way Nami never thought she'd be able to.
- For all the long nights of deep discussions it took to finally be Nami's other half, once you two are finally together your relationship is surprisingly light, effortless and easy. The darkness of well-built walls has been torn down to give way to a sweet dawn of hope for Nami. With you she gets to feel safe again. Safe to pour out her heart. Safe to sleep with both eyes shut as she feels your slow, deep breath on her cheek where she's rolled onto your pillow to never be too far away. Safe to smile and laugh and trust and explore. Truly with you Nami can feel safe to just be happy again.
- The two of you are constantly having fun. You meander through shore line stalls looking for new fabrics Nami can turn into almost matching outfits for the two. You play games and make bets on everything from the weather to how many times Zoro will scowl at Sanji. You two will play fight when you're supposed to be training, rolling around on the mats together until you're both in fits of laughter and all your limbs are so entwined neither of you can, or wants to, move. You enjoy easy nights passed in bars, watching the rest of the crew try and score free drinks when Nami does it effortlessly. You read books, and have sleepovers in the crows nest, and make little trinkets for the cabin you share. You get to have the fun and family and home that Nami never did, slowly mending every childhood scar and deeply dug wound that a troubling life had left imprinted on Nami, until joy becomes her default over sadness.
- After years chained to a table and forced to make maps, Nami takes great comfort in resting her legs in your lap while she draws, asking your opinion on her maps despite your limited understanding of how on earth she constructs them. The things that she had slowly grown to despite start filling her with joy again when you get to do them together. Nami has spent so much time just trying to make it to her goal of freeing her village, never thinking about her own happiness or the future beyond that. But now with you, her future seems wide open, stretching out in front of her like a sunrise highlighted horizon, full of warmth and light and wonderful possibility.
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- You came into Usopp's life as such an unexpected wonder that he almost struggles to come to terms with his newfound role of boyfriend. Half of his life has been lived in his imagination, dressing up his every memory and adventure until it feels worthy of sharing and declaring to those around him, but now he has you and he can't believe that the best thing that's ever happened to him is actually his reality.
- It feels almost effortless for Usopp to fall in love with you, but being in a relationship takes him a little bit longer to settle into. He finds himself worrying about whether he's told some daring tale that he now has to live up to, like he should be jumping in front of you at every danger and filling every silence with further proof of his bravery. It would take your quiet acceptance of the everyday calm of life aboard the Merry with him to realise that your company isn't dependent on anything but him being himself.
- You'd slowly bring a more honest Usopp out of his shell, realising that he is enough exactly as he is, without embellishment or exaggeration. At the same time the crew would notice he becomes bolder and braver when the situation calls for it, a new source of strength found in his deep love for you. No matter how many times you tell him that he's already your brave hero, in his heart he just wants to keep getting better so he can keep impressing you, and always know that he can keep you safe.
- That doesn't mean he is any less ridiculous of a person in your relationship though. The man is constantly looking for a reason to dance with you, or carry you, or anything that means he gets to hold you close and maybe show off a little, wanting nothing more than to feel your heartbeat against skin as his muscular arms cage you in.
- He also becomes more open about the parts of his past he hasn't shared before; his parents, his obsession with the impending threat of pirates, and the journey that brought him to be a pirate himself. It feels so easy to share with you, letting his words spill out as his head rests in your lap, deep brown eyes blinking up at you as if you were a shooting star in the sky that he's sure could make his wishes come true.
- Usopp is a classic gentleman in some of the ways he shows that he's there for you; opening doors, saving you a seat that he pulls out for you, even standing up when you enter the room. He wants to show you that he's serious about putting in the effort, and the insecure part of him can't help but want to show everyone that he's yours and that he's doing everything he can to try and be worthy of that title.
Author's Note: Thank you so much for all the kind responses to my One Piece headcanons 🥰 please keep sending in requests for these characters, and while i've mostly been focused on fluff so far, let me know if you'd be interested in some similar headcanons for these characters but NSFW.
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jujustsies · 1 month
"Go away, you perv!"
Satoru as your perverted roommate.
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One thing Satoru always did was annoy you like it was his literal job. Constantly tickling you, poking you, bursting into your room at awkward times, you name it.
But what you didn't know was that he was trying to win your heart, not annoy you; he just came off that way. But he wasn't innocent about you, far from it. He constantly debated peeking whenever you were showering or staring at your dirty undergarments like a sick perv.
He wanted you, terribly. So terribly it should be studied the way he eyes you down whenever the chance is presented to him. He even talked to Suguru about you, ranting about how much he wanted you.
You have thought about him like that various times, but it didn't click for you. You've always been attracted to Suguru, he was just more your type. You never said anything since Suguru has stated he isn't looking for love. You're only choice was Satoru if you wanted to date someone you knew, but you felt like he was out of your league, not that Suguru wasn't.. but Satoru knew his worth.
Satoru on the other hand, thought about you more than anything. He admired you from afar and you being his roommate was more than enough for him. He was already grateful for the times you let him use your chapstick right after you just used it.
Everything you did turned him on, it was a struggle for him to even look you in the eyes. Whenever Shoko and Suguru came over, you always wore some tight shorts and a tank top, it's as if you were teasing Satoru at this point.
The one time you all had ice cream and you had vanilla and it dripped on your thighs made him lose it. He had to excuse himself to the bathroom, making Suguru laugh and Shoko sigh, leaving you confused.
Okay, okay, you weren't dumb.. you were in denial. He wasn't really the sneakiest when checking you out or suddenly excusing himself to the bathroom when you teased a sexual joke about yourself, but you knew that there was no way the Satoru Gojo wanted you.
But what you didn't know was that as you laid in your bed twice a week masturbating, he heard it all. You seriously believed that the walls were sound proof? He heard it and did it with you every time, even recording it on his phone for when he misses it when he's on a mission.
You know how I said Satoru always walked in on you in awkward moments? Yeah, well this time you walked in on him. You opened to door to ask him to give you $25 for a game when you saw him touching himself.
"Sa- Oh.. Oh wow, I'm so sorry!!" You replied nervously and quickly looked away in embarrassment. Satoru was a little stunned but he quickly recovered, "You're fine. What do you want?" He replied nonchalantly. "I.. uh.. I forgot, haha.. bye!" You said, instantly shutting the door and hiding in your room. What the hell was that?
You just tried to ignore it, as if everything was fine. But how the hell could you forget your attractive roommate jerking off, I mean come on, you saw everything! Everything. Just the thought embarrassed you, like why did he not lock the door? Why did he do that in the open? It's like he was hoping you'd see.
You entered your dorm room, hoping to just relax and take a nap or something when you saw Satoru in the kitchen, yesterday's event replaying like a broken record. "Hey, I didn't have classes today. How was classes?" He asked innocently. "Oh, uhm.. it was alright." You replied sheepishly.
"Awesome," He replied as he took a sip of soda. You stood there awkwardly and attempted to walk away from the scene without blushing awkwardly like a fool, which you did not do successfully.
"What are you so nervous for?" Satoru interrogated you, as if he knew but was daring you to say something about it. "Oh, uhm.. it's just really hot." You lied, which obviously didn't work since the heater was off. "..Really? 'Cause the heaters broken." He replied sarcastically.
You sighed at how stupid that lie was, "Oh.. uh.." You replied. "It's about yesterday right?" He asked bluntly, making you flinch at the question. "I.. yeah.." You said. "Don't fret, I've heard you do the same many times so I guess we're even." He replied as he took another sip of soda.
His last comment made your jaw drop. "W-Wait, what? How.. what?" You stuttered nervously, your face heating up. "What? You seriously didn't think these walls were thick, right?"
His question made you feel stupid as hell, "Y-You never said anything so I assumed you didn't hear.." You replied nervously, making him laugh. "Did you expect me to tell you to stop or something? I don't care," He said nonchalantly as if he didn't touch himself with you as you did.
"You could've at least told me.." You replied with flushed cheeks. "You're being dramatic, calm down." He replied. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Bye." You replied and left the room to go to yours. You collapsed onto your bed and groaned into a pillow at your luck these few days.
Honestly, what's with him? Yeah, maybe you weren't the quietest person when touching yourself but he didn't have to say anything, right? You literally had no privacy so you choose to stop touching yourself, your vibrators collecting dust in the box under your bed.
You didn't realize how needy you'd get from not doing anything, you could barely focus, let alone sleep. You were going crazy. Satoru had one fucking mission and he completed it within an hour, which wasn't nearly enough time for you.
You were already at it, but this vibrator wasn't any good, not when you were in this state. You could fall asleep with how underwhelming it was. But little did you know, Satoru was standing in the door way of your room, in awe at the sight laid before him.
Sure, he's heard this many times but to see it? God.. it was a drastic difference. You eventually noticed him and froze, you luck seemed to be getting thinner and thinner those past few days. You grabbed your blanket and quickly covered yourself, "Oh my God.. do you knock?" You exclaimed, your cheeks flushed from embarrassment.
"Don't turn this on me, I did knock for your information. You didn't answer," Satoru scoffed. "Whatever, what do you want?" You replied tiredly, so mortified at the situation.
"That vibrator looked like it was putting you to sleep, do you need my help?" Satoru asked. "Ha, ha, ha. You're never gonna let me live this down are you?" You scoffed. "I'm serious," He replied as he stared at you.
"What?" You replied in confusion. "Do you want my help?" He repeated. After a second of thinking about it, you nodded. "Fine, but don't ever bring this up again, okay?" You asked as you held out your pinky finger for a pinky promise.
Satoru chuckled and walked over to your bed and sat down next to you, holding out his pinky and wrapping it around yours. "Yeah, yeah, I promise."
A/N: omg this took so long </3 this better not flop man like my ino post did :((
edit: new choso headcanons here and new choso oneshot here
any interactions are greatly appreciated !!
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bunji-enthusiast · 7 months
Heya again!! <333 as per tradition, before I put an order, I want to say ty for feeding the PP fandom and I hope you're doing well <333 may whatever you're planning to write, original or fandom, be successful!
May I order a blast in the past, where the Hour of Joy hasn't started, Caretaker! Reader is yet again an employee at Playtime Co. and they happened to find out about the rejected isle and they were overwhelmed by the sheer cuteness and charm of the toys, they do kinda get why some of them were rejected but thought mostly they were fine.
For the sake of the plot, they got to keep the toys and bring them home with permission from the higher ups ( wow reader charisma 💯 ). As they're happily making their way back, Catnap noticed them carrying this unknown toy, giving it affection, and overall just showering it with love from the shadows and gets quite pouty about it. So much so that the rest of the smiling critters had to pry it out of him to tell them what he saw and oh boy, they too were quite pouty.
Dogday tries to reassure them that everything's alright and they agreed to " ask " more like interrogating the reader the next time they come in to work. When that happens, Reader is caught red-handed still giving that rejected toy their love and affection, Dogday sends the rest of the group off so he and Catnap could talk it out with Reader more privately. Ends with them getting the full story and the smiling critters getting their fair share of love and affection, especially Catnap who's by the way still pouting about the whole ordeal 😂
I really just wanna see this sleepy cat having someone else he could actually trust as a parent figure and him just getting worried that his place might be taken away by some rejected toy 🥹 ahhh I'm starting to love him more and more slowly,, the Smiling Critters are such babies and I love themmmm
Signs Of Love
Note || yesss insomnia kitty needs love, all of em need love 💕
WC || 1,931
Sypnosis || Misunderstandings occur, but as quickly as they come, they can also very much leave.
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You were quite the lover of many things, having been assigned to be a caretaker when your superiors saw how well you integrated yourself into the role at your interview. They are quite fond of you and all their other caretakers, since they know you all (you and the rest of the caretakers) are the only ones able to keep all the toys and children in line. 
Though the children were mostly left to the Playcare Attendants as the caretakers were more or less focused on the toys themselves. It was without a hint of a doubt, you certainly had garnered the attention of many toys. Some who liked you, though it really was the Smiling Critters who liked you more than most.
Yet when you found out about the rejected toys, you thought it was really saddening that they were even rejected in the first place – though you understood why – you just wanted to simply take them home with you!
Deciding to try and convince a higher-up to take one home, that is exactly what you did.
“Ma’am, please look at this adorable potato!” You held up the rejected toy in your hands, clearly enough for your superior who shrunk back in surprise against her recliner chair. She let out an exasperated sigh, recollecting herself as she adjusted her position on the seat.
“I am well aware,” She begins, gesturing to the rejected toy. “But by no means are you allowed to take it home, rejected or not–it is still company property.”
You frown as you search your mind for conceivable reasoning to convince your superior, you sigh as the toy falls out of your hands, landing on your lap. “W-well, maybe I could keep it for a little while?” You jump up, your hands landing straightforwardly on her desk. “Like a-a security precaution!” 
A frown adorns her face in return to your earlier one, crossing her arms across the top of the desk as gently as she possibly could. Appearing to be searching your face for any lying or incompetence, her shoulders slump in defeat. “Very well, if you insist.”
“Keep it.”
You let out a yelp of success, almost falling backward as you did so. You grin, an exasperated noise leaving your throat as you cautiously upright yourself, as to not uproot or accidentally change her mind in turn. Your hands make their way to your superiors, shaking them to be polite. “Thank you thank you! You won’t regret this.” You smile at her, then let go of her hand as she is left in befuddlement by the actions that had just happened. 
Normally you weren’t much of an extroverted person, only conversing and confronting social situations when necessary. But you had simply felt joy bursting through your veins at the accomplishment you had achieved, to convince a superior to let you keep the rejected toy! (One of the rejected toys at least, you couldn’t do much else for the rest as much as you wanted too) Now you were making your way back, rejected toy in hand and you had a lot of affection to give it.
Too bad it wasn’t alive as much as the other toys you knew were, but at least it was alive in your own heart.
A familiar figure in the distance resting on a rooftop had taken notice of this quite easily, may it be quite the discovery they had found. CatNap couldn’t let this go unnoticed, a strange pang resided in the depths of his hollow yet dense chest. The giant cat couldn’t pinpoint the feeling he felt, not knowing what name to put to the feeling he felt so strongly, like a parasite it wouldn’t leave him alone.
He felt a strange guise of loneliness, noticing how much you began giving the unknown toy such a sudden bout of affection and hugging. Even nuzzling it as well to boot, CatNap was jealous?
How strange, CatNap wasn’t entirely familiar with the concept of emotions. Even with how certain ones could flare up at times, depending in response to the situation, whatever one he may be in. CatNap got up, stretching his finely tuned legs. CatNap wasn’t prepared for the others to pry the information out of him, trying to figure out what he saw and knew. He almost felt a little intimated, but he was… in the sense very emotional–even beneath his sleepy and quiet demeanor.
Then he could feel himself justified for the guilt of jealousy.
Well, CatNap certainly did expect the outcry, all at the same time he truly didn’t expect it either. The group, he felt rightly justified in their emotions as he had reported it to them, he too was quite in earnest – very jealous of the unknown toy. KickinChicken spoke externally with the whole of his heart, “This sucks! Why does that toy get more love than we do?”
“I wanted a hug!” Bobby cried, sitting on the floor as Crafty had patted her back, trying to gently soothe her. The colorful unicorn too was upset, yet she hid it very well. Picky had remained quiet, just stuffing her face with an apple to conceal her upset, she had big emotions and wasn’t sure on how to deal with them unlike the rest of the Smiling Critters.
Hoppy on the other hand was pounding the ground with her feet, hopping around so as to not completely create noise. She was woefully upset too as it appeared to CatNap, he hadn’t expected any of them to take this information the way they did. But they had pried it out of him, He didn't know what they were expecting to hear anyway.
CatNap’s voice came out short and strained as he made an attempt to comfort any of them, “It’s ok–” His voice fell on deaf ears, CatNap huffed a puff of red air. His tail lapping about, then overlaying to rest upon his left leg.
Bubba was muttering to himself, rapidly tapping his feet. As if his intellect could formulate a reason as to why this had happened, alas CatNap knew the elephant was simply just trying to find reason in coping with his emotion.
Believe it or not, CatNap pays very good attention to all the Smiling Critters. They are his friends after all.
“Guys!--” The group still went on, continuously upset. No means of comfort getting through to them. “GUYS.”
His visibly noticeable purple fur rustled about as he sat down, noticing that DogDay was finally back in leadership mode. CatNap didn’t know what to do to calm them all down anyway, he was pouty and upset as they were. DogDay spoke slowly, “I’ll ask Angel what’s up, maybe we just don’t understand it fully. Okay?”
The group notices, finally relenting in defeat. None of them questioned him as DogDay always had a way with words usually, he wasn’t one to go wrong as he was the leader of the group for a very good reason.
As the group clamored to find you, you weren’t that hard to find surprisingly. Mostly as you were hard to find other times, they could all easily see that you were still found with the rejected toy. Sitting back on your chair that you had found, and giving it all the affection that had made a few members quite pouty.
“Guys, let's take it easy. Me and CatNap will talk with Angel alone,” DogDay motions for them to take their leave, holding out his hands before he elaborated. “Let’s not take it personally, okay? I don’t think it’s that complicated.” 
KickinChicken sighs, as Bobby and the other few do. They all take their leave, showing that Hoppy was still there. She points at DogDay, then CatNap who was confused by the predicament. A silent gesture.
Nothing weird boys, you got that?
DogDay nods at Hoppy, who finally leaves as she hops away to rejoin the rest of the group. CatNap taps DogDay’s shoulder, gesturing that he should take the lead on this chat. His own paw comes up to pat CatNap’s, “I know bud, but let’s not overdo this.”
If the sunny leader were to be honest right about now, he too felt a pang of jealousy at the lack of affection and attention that he hadn’t received like his fellow critters. 
You were aimlessly cooing at the rejected toy, happily partaking in giving it all manners of affection (nothing weird, ahem). It certainly had a charm and adorableness too it that you couldn’t ignore, you have no idea as to why the designers and superiors had rejected this design or any other one in the reject aisle that you saw for that matter. 
Suddenly you felt a creeping chill crawl up your spine, traveling thoroughly all the ways to your shoulders and sides. 
Feeling two taps on your shoulder almost had you jolting, causing you to turn around to see CatNap and DogDay standing right behind you, albeit very menacingly from your perspective. “DogDay? E-eh CatNap?!” 
DogDay waved his hands, trying his best to reassure you, “Sorry we didn’t mean to frighten you like that Angel!” CatNap nodded along with DogDay’s words, doing his best to affirm that fact. You sigh in relief, hand very visibly held to your chest.
“So..” You straighten your posture as DogDay and CatNap came around you and sat down, to really level with you at most. “What’s up? Anything bothering you or the others?” You shrug, jabbing a questioning thumb as you spoke, directly in the general direction. They both knew what you meant, but they had more pressing matters.
DogDay let out a breath, before he spoke as to steel his nerves. CatNap deadpans, directed toward DogDay, emotional expression clearly evident despite the restriction of movement his own mouth has. “Well, we just… uh, wanted to know what was up with you.” DogDay pauses, then pointed at the toy which was unknown to him laying in your lap.
“And that.” He emphasized, wincing as he searched your face for any reaction. Suddenly what had surprised the two was how you began to laugh and giggle, waving your hand as the other clutched your stomach.
“Ah.. I’m sorry.” You shook your head, wiping your face. “Were you boys… perhaps jealous of this?” A small grin plasters on your face, with convoluted happiness as you held up the toy in question.
DogDay felt embarrassed, looking away as to not stutter or speak any words. CatNap sighed in reprieve, laying his head upon his front legs. Those actions alone had answered your question that effortlessly. “I see..” You couldn’t help but try and stifle the giggle, they were simply so adorable.
Them, jealous? It’s so cute. You really couldn’t resist their pouty moods, so you calm them down, proceeding to tell them the whole story so they didn’t have a misinformed perception of the situation.
You happily spread your loving and hugs to all the Smiling Critters and CatNap individually.
Albeit, CatNap was a little embarrassed that he had saw your situation with the rejected toy incorrectly. Feeling as if he might’ve been replaced.
You had reassured him individually as you had taken your time with each of the members, “I would never replace you CatNap! There’s always room for everyone..”
“Even you.”
You grin, booping CatNap’s nose. He recoiled back as he had the set revelation, CatNap slumped as he gave in to your very touchy movements. Feeling your hands thread throughout his fur, CatNap was content that he now knew.
He really had no reason to worry.
He truly was loved.
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hotmomsonly101 · 8 months
Olivia’s girl (Olivia benson x fem reader
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Summary: when someone disrespects you and Olivia(your wife) needs to remind them who’s wife they just go fucked with.
Genre: cute
Warnings: light teasing
This morning I woke up in pain as I am 5 months Pregnant, the bed is empty as Olivia had already went to work, I slowly get up and go Noah's room and walk in and see him sleeping, I smile to myself and walk next to his bed and lightly shake him.
"honey its time to get up" I say as I gently rub his back and he is slowly waking up
"mommy" he says sleepily and slowly opens his eyes
"hi baby, time to get up and get ready for school" I walk to his closet "how about you wear the new shirt mama got for you angel" I grab it and go to his drawer and grabs pants as he slowly sits up in his bed
"I wanna see mama mommy" he says as he gets up and raps his little arms around me
"I know honey, shes at work but if you get dressed we can face-time her before I take you to school" I say and he gets happy and quickly gets dressed for school and I grab my phone and video calls Olivia
"hello princess" she says as she answers wearing her glasses in her office "what do I own the pleasure to see your beautiful face this morning"
"hi liv" I laugh as Noah sits next to me "Noah wanted to talk to you before I drove him to school"
"HI mama" he says waving
"hi my love, I see your in your new shirt, are you ready for school" she says
"yes mama" he nods and smiles
"did you brush your teeth" she tells him
"no mama" saying it truthfully and smiling
"go brush your teeth" she says in a sweet but motherly tone and he goes to the bathroom "how are you feeling babygirl" she asks me
"good just my lower back hurts so much" I tell her ad I get up to get Noah's lunchbox from the fridge and put it in his bag
"come visit my later" she says making that teasing and loving face I love and I giggle
"okay baby, I will come see you later, maybe you can see something later" I say smiling brightly
"mhm is that so?" she says In the dominant and seductive tone
"yes" I smile and we talk for a little longer and I hang up so i can get Noah to school, drive him to school and go home and take a shower, picking out an outfit I pick leggings and sweatshirt and vans, and I do a little makeup and do my hair in a half up half down hairstyle with a cute black bow, I go to my car and drive to the station I walk in and see Amanda and Eliot
"hey there beautiful" Amanda comes over and hugs me "you are glowing today how is the baby" she asks and rubs my belly
"active" I say and smile as Eliot comes over and hugs me too
"you do look amazing Y/n, the baby is making you look like a million bucks" he laughs
"wish I felt like a million bucks, but thank you guys, the baby is so active lately mostly when Noah or Liv talks to my belly" I say as I feel the baby moving a lot "is the lieutenant busy" I say
"I think she has a girl in office but go in girl" Amanda tells me as I walk to her office and knock and hear come in and I walk in and see Olivia with someone but I'm not sure who it is
"well hello, this is a new hire, Jane, and Jane this is Y/n my-" she gets interrupted
"friend?, wow girl, you should lose a little weight not gonna lie no man will want that sorry" she says I look at her and then at Olivia, I can tell her blood is boiling right now "I mean you are pretty but you are fat"
"excuse me, what did you just say to my wife" Olivia says and gets up with her hands on the desk
"your, wife?' she says not fully believing it
"yes my wife, detective, not that it would matter she isn't fat, she is 5 months pregnant with my baby, so watch what you say" she is so pissed right now
"you guys are married, lieutenant she is like 20" she says looking at me
"actually Jane, I'm not 20 I'm 29 thank you very much not that it is any of your business" I tell her
"lieutenant you are a beautiful woman and you're dating a child carrying a child"
"I'm not dating a child I'm married to my wife who I love very much and we have an age gap so what, we love each other, we've been married for 4 years and please get out of my site you're fired" she says pissed
Jane leaves and I look at Olivia "woah baby that was hot" I say causing her to raise her eyebrow and smirk
"oh yeah? I'm sure it was come here" she says and I go over and she grabs my waist causing me gasp and smile and lean up to kiss her as she lightly makes my back lean on her desk
"you are such a beautiful girl" she says and kisses me again "my girl" she says and smiles leaning to kiss my forehead.
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forthelostones · 6 months
𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ➺ 𝐣𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐲 #3
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anderson construction and landscaping had been parked outside your door since you returned home from university. as if the summer couldn't get any hotter, the business owner works overtime in your area. anderson is collecting new, loyal clients of your neighbors, cementing her permanence in your life for the next few months. what's to come of your girlish crush when she keeps showing up?
𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜. 18+ (mdni); age-gap, young!reader, older!abby, butch!abby, slow-burn, suggestive language, thoughts of infidelity, ellie ft, smoking/drinking, mentions of parents, nickname: sweetheart, and modern au.
𝚊𝚗. everyone wow thank you so much for the love on for your eyes only! it means so much. here’s something a little different, hope you enjoy. any requests don’t hesitate to drop ‘em, xx jstar.
♫ 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝. what a diff'rence a day made by dinah washington ♫
Today had been overwhelming, to say the least, you thought to yourself as the woman bent over the center consul to retrieve something out of her bag. Her ass was firmly hugged by the cargos she wore and you had the temptation to press your hips against her. You found your lips back between your teeth only to relieve them as she looked down at you. Her mouth was slightly damp from the swipe of a tongue before she spoke. This was fucked up, right? Ogling over a woman older than you but more so another woman when you had Ellie. 
“Should I bring anything?” You asked. 
“Just yourself, a few pictures and I’ll bring my research too.” 
She leaned against the shining truck with such machismo that it made you want to submit to her. Ellie never made you feel that way. Was it the heat causing the delirium?
“Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow then.” You mutter, trying to think of something other than her arms and how they’re delicately crossed enough to lift and frame her petite breasts. 
She raised her eyebrows to say a quiet goodbye with a side smirk and you avoided her eyes and continued walking. A weight sank to the bottom of your ankles making it seem like you were slugging through mud. Abby looked more excited pounding a nail into wood than speaking to you. Her face had a general exhaustion as if she was translating adult words to a baby. For the first time since being home, you wished the neighborhood had a little more clamor to distract you from the turmoil pooling in your brain. 
꒰ঌ ໒꒱
Ellie was in your shower, washing the dirt from today’s job off her body. The door was open and the pale bubbles on her skin should entice you to jump in with her. But you just watched and wondered what was changing? When you first got together all you wanted to do was be in her skin. Generally, it felt good to be with Ellie. To know that you can achieve a level of companionship with someone else was accomplishment enough. 
“Hey,” she hollers over the falling water. “C’mere.” 
The drop of her voice was soft like her wet hair with shampoo still looped between her inky strands. 
“El, turn around.” 
She turns without hesitating, as you tilt her chin back to rinse out the suds. She opens her eyes and brings her lips to yours. For a moment it does feel good. Her mouth is slick and warm. Ellie's hands come to your shoulders, wet with body wash as she deepens the kiss. Although the water splashes onto the floor, you don’t care, it’ll be replaced soon anyway. Your mind dots off to think about Abby in your bedroom this morning. It was foreign seeing her in a space where you never imagined her to be. She looked out of place but had the potential to fit in. 
Ellie laces her hands behind your neck, tongue sliding inside with no force. She moans gently into your mouth and you bring your hand to her darkened crotch. Her kiss became carnivorous at the sudden action. Nails sharpening into skin, barring her teeth, and soggy smacking. It had been so long since you initiated any contact with her. The groan that vibrated off the walls showed that too. 
“I love you.” She whispers into your ear. 
Her mouth lingers there, waiting for your response, but something chokes you up. Like a cough or a sickened throat. “You’re my everything El.” You reply. 
It wasn’t a lie, you loved Ellie for everything she was. But you knew she could sense a change in your behavior and you hoped that this orgasm you were giving to her would hold off her suspicion. 
Ellie looked out the window and watched the neighbors follow their decades-old routines. She liked their displays of solitude and never failed to tell you about how she wanted that too. You came up beside her, holding the small of her back, peering towards the line of cherry trucks, wondering what Abby was up to now. Ellie turns to place a welcoming kiss on your cheek with her hand following shortly behind. 
“I’m sorry.” She said. 
“Ellie, what?” 
“I’m thinking too far into the future. I know I need to be present with you.” 
You scoff. “I’m just a little stressed. Has nothing to do with you, you're perfect.” 
“Let's talk,” 
You both travel to the bed and she takes your fingers into her hands. 
“It’s a lot. I just want to be here with you.” You lean in to kiss her. 
“You can tell me anything. I’m here for you.” 
It was unusual for you to put yourself onto Ellie like this but you did, again. Pulling her pants to the floor after you got up and locked the door. You wanted her to shut up and three fingers were the solution. You closed your eyes with your face buried into her hot collarbone, wishing it was someone else’s, not particularly Abby’s but not Ellie’s. A rupture of tears threatened to spill over as Ellie came to a climax, covering her mouth with a quivering hand. She turned to you just before any tears fell as you excused yourself to the bathroom. 
You started to think about the conversations you and Ellie had often, which always led to the same thing. Someone gripping the bed frame and falling asleep to do it again the next day. Even with Ellie snoring on your shoulder amongst the orchestrated noises of bird chirps and lawnmowers, all you could think of was your meeting with Abigail tomorrow.  
The night seemed long as you carefully removed Ellie from your body to tidy your room. It was more than embarrassing that Abby came into your room and almost fell over because of the mess. You didn’t have the will to start unboxing your college life because that meant it was time to face reality. As you sorted the items, you thought about what someone like Abby enjoyed doing outside of working 10-hour days. Obviously, she worked out, probably more out of necessity to keep her figure at her age. What else did she like? Your hands dust off a cover of Carmilla, and you stifle your laugh as you recall the story of blood lust and women. Ellie never understood your desire to read. She didn’t understand much about you, not that you wanted to think about that often. 
Dating someone who took the trade school route versus college has created tension in your relationship. Ellie was a smart girl who knew what she wanted but never related to your stress in college. She was street smart, not book smart. When midterms rolled around you had to explain to her the importance that you two keep distance so you can focus. She accused you of desiring a connection with college more than her. She was insecure that you got to experience something she always imagined. Before you two were dating she would sit in the bar and brag about how she didn’t need school to be successful, as a way to flirt, but it came off as ignorance. So, that translated in various ways such as conversations about your career, the relationship, and even books.
She would kiss your neck to get the attention back on her when you read before bed. When you playful shoved you away that’s when she’d ice you out for hours. It was exhausting. Ellie wanted you to be hers in a different way. She did celebrate you and you appreciated that but there was an unspoken desire for you to be her wife in a traditional sense. She wanted you to follow her, no matter what. She was shocked when you denied her immediate advances to move away with her for the new job. 
“I thought you loved me? I thought we were going somewhere?” Her brow furrowed. 
“We are, I promise but I can’t just do what you want and not discover who I am before settling down.” 
I’m your idea of settling, huh? She said quietly to herself but you pretended not to hear her.
“I want us to be together. I don’t like that long-distance shit, okay?” 
You wanted to challenge her more but just sat quietly and you two didn’t speak on it for the rest of the day, proceeding as if what happened didn’t warrant more conversation. Shortly after Ellie's hands were between your legs to apologize. That's just the way you two operated.
Ellie stirs under the loose sheet and you dart your eyes over to her. You pull out more books and line them up against the wall getting startled by your phone vibrating on your side table.
1:30 AM: Would it be a bother for you to provide some shades of black and gold with your findings too? 
You look at Ellie with her mouth open and body pressed deeply into the mattress before replying. Normal business hours were not a thing to Ms. Anderson, obviously. A message at 1 am caused you to squirm a little, and a shocking edge of exhilaration coursed through your body. Any normal person would simply reply in the morning but it wasn’t as simple as that. 
1:32 AM: not at all. 
1:32 AM: Thank you :) 
Your eyes become one with the typed emoticon. As if Abby's eyes are the colons and pooling deep blue right before you. Something so simple but it made a part of you grin. A rush came through your body as you looked out the dark window, hoping she'd magically appear outside your window, and beckon you to come outside. Such immature thoughts, you whispered to yourself.
1:34 AM: no problem, have a good night. 
She just left the message on read. That feeling you had vanished quicker than it came. That was stupid, you thought as Ellie mumbled a string of unintelligible words. She sits up, stretching her legs by throwing her feet over the edge of the bed and shuffling over to you. You lock your phone and place it back in its original place, face down. 
“Come on, I need you. I just got so cold.” She demands, holding your waist.
You didn’t tell Ellie about the consultation with Abby, it wasn’t needed. She would be at work and you’d go to her place just after the meeting. You didn't feel compelled to share, so you didn't. To keep yourself busy you broke down all the leftover boxes and took them outside to the recycling. Only one truck was parked on your street. You shrugged like you didn't care but you grew curious about where Ms. Anderson spent her morning.
Abby’s office was only thirty minutes away and you drove slow to not seem as eager and still arrived on time. A large bubble felt as if it was going to pop any moment when you saw her truck in the driveway. Her office was her house. She lived at the peak of a dead-end road covered by the twinkling of leaves above her home. Any normal person would let the collection of branches and acorns rot in the street but as a woman who owns a landscaping business, it was the opposite. Even the carving of the bushes left you in awe — you couldn’t believe you suddenly took such an interest in bushes. She had the address printed onto a rectangular yard lantern surrounded by a pool of ruby-red roses. It was beautiful. 
The door swings open as you’re tilted downwards smelling the flowers in front of you. You were slightly embarrassed she caught you and removed your hand from the stem. She squints with what you see is a small grin and welcomes you in. The scent emitting from her house is syrupy vanilla and pine. A combination that's pungent yet sweet. Abby is wearing dark blue jeans and a white button-down shirt with her skin exposed underneath, just shy of two undone buttons. Against the white linen, her skin is specked with brown freckles that deepen her slightly warm skin. Her hair had been brushed and bone straight with grown-out layers you didn’t get to see with her hair up. 
“Hope it wasn’t too scary finding the place.” She says, being the personification of sunshine. 
You look down at her feet, covered in Superman socks hidden under the cuff of her long jeans. 
“Not at all, it’s nice that you have this little section of the neighborhood all to yourself.” You add, slipping your shoes off in front of the entrance. Her body is warm behind yours as she moves to close the door. Her living room was small but the floor-to-ceiling oak bookshelves were an impressive use of space. The couch is in the middle of the room, peeling with softened worn leather. Instead of a TV, there was an out-of-commission fireplace with a mantle above it. There were a few photos in mismatched frames and stacked books with titles you could not read. 
“I was super lucky when I found it.” 
You were scared to turn to her but finally did. With her hands on her hips, she nodded for you to follow her into the other room. You took a swift look into her kitchen before turning left down the hallway to her office. It was painted a pale yellow with black and white portraits in black frames of houses she remodeled. The large wooden desk was pushed against the far wall, peering over the backyard. The sun shuttered through the leaves casting a beautiful shadow onto the healthy, neon-green lawn. Abby built the fence and had a garden bed in the far corner, a compost hidden near a bush, and one lone white lounge lawn chair in the middle of it all. Another wall of books crowded the room with words on architecture and lifestyle. 
“I would love to live here,” You mutter, turning towards Abby leaning in the door frame. She admires her handiwork which makes you wonder how much of this house she remodeled. “Seems… peaceful.” 
“It is when you can enjoy it. I’m looking to move out of the hands-on position to being the big boss behind the desk.” 
“I am sure you’ll have no problems with that.” You reply, observing the plain floorboards to avoid her eyes. 
“Would you like something to drink?” She asks. 
You notice her thumbs rotating within each other and her mouth twisting as she asks you the question. You welcome whatever she’d like to bring you, hoping it was wine to loosen her, but knowing it wouldn’t be. But seeing her so casually made you relax a little. You sat at her desk, legs crossed, looking at the seclusion of her life. This was a level of solitude you could become accustomed to. 
“Arnold Palmer. I hope you like it. One of my neighbors has a lemon tree and she brings them to me all the time, so it may be a bit tart.” She reaches behind you to place the glass on your right side, the flowing linen brushes your back gently, leaving you desiring more. She pulls out another chair and a folder stuffed in the drawer with your last name on it. 
“So, black and gold?” She asked, with a joking charisma. 
You bring the glass up to your lips and turn to her, swiping your tongue on your tangy bottom lip. The brush of your knee against her thick pants makes you retract and slide further back on the chair to create a professional distance. Up close her eyes twinkled under the warm light stretching through the window. You felt a pool quake beneath you. Suddenly you wished you didn’t put yourself in this position. So close to her, in her home, with lingering thoughts of her bedroom plaguing your mind. You imagined all-white bedding with many soft pillows and two bedside tables. A large window overlooking the front yard and sheer blue curtains. Maybe even a small desk in the corner stacked with old books. 
“Is that boring to you?” 
“What? Black and gold? I mean no, it’s not about me.” She shrugged. 
“But I value your professional opinion.” You retort. 
Her icy eyes widen at the comment, either shocked by your directness or desire to hear what she has to say. You wipe your forehead with the back of your palm and direct your gaze to the folder in front of you. 
“Okay well, I think you should go for something more unique. Fun tiling, I can definitely have a custom vanity put in there, a standard upright shower.”
You blinked and suddenly she had a pencil in her hand, sketching on a blank sheet of graphing paper. Her lines were loose but neat, you watched how the tip of her index finger guided the graphite on the thin sheet.
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sinfulpanda16 · 9 months
Someone Better?
Hitoshi Shinsou x fem reader
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"There's someone else I like."
Those words kept playing back in his head over and over again. Kirishima had asked you out earlier, you didn't tell him, but he found through Kaminari. Why the hell did you reject him? Kirishima? That man has everything the looks, the strength, the personality, you two would look so good and perfect together it pissed Shinsou off.
He was walking you home like usual but he couldn't stop thinking about what Kaminari had told him. He was looking down at the ground when he spoke up "Hey, so I found out that Kirishima asked you out." he says and then turned to look at you.
You're taken aback a bit by him, how did he know? Kaminari was there when Kiri shot his shot so he probably told Shinsou you figured. You relaxed a bit and giggled. "Oh yeah he did" you replied a bit shy after remembering that moment.
He fucking caught that. The little blush growing on your face, probably at the thought of Kirishima. Oh no. Did that mean...no. He mustered up the courage and asked "So, how'd it go? Did you say yes?"
You laughed softly. "Oh no. I rejected him."
"No? Wait why?" he asked. He was relieved of course but at the same time a bit shocked. A lot of people would love to be with someone like Kirishima.
You turned away and looked at the ground "There's someone else I like." you smile softly and continue "Someone I really like and I want to be with him."
Its quiet for a bit, you turned to look back at him. Shinsou was already looking into your eyes. He gave you a small smile, you returned his smile and he tells you "I'm happy for you Y/N".
Shinsou grunts as he finishes his last set on the bench press. With one last grunt he pushes the barbell up and he's done. He sits up all sweaty and panting. Damn his workout was so good, letting out his jealousy. He smiles to himself "Fuck Y/N. You know how to get me fired up."
He gets up and heads for a shower. He let's the water run in his hair.
"I'm happy for you Y/N."
He runs his finger through his damp hair. No the hell he's not. The thought of you being with someone else makes his chest ache. He wants you to be happy yes but...not with someone else. He wishes you could be happy with him.
That night he layed in bed looking up at the ceiling.
"There's someone else I like. Someone I really like and I want to be with him."
Him. If not Kirishima who? Who the he'll could that guy be? Is he better than Kirishima? He grabs grips of his hair in frustration. There's someone better. Shinsou has always been insecure about his looks, he knows he's not a lady's man, his quirk, with everyone having told him its makes for a good villain not a hero, his strength, he wasn't automatically placed in Class 1-A or 1-B and everything in general. You mean to say that's there's someone who can top all that better than Kirishima? Needless to say, Shinsou fell asleep after a few tears of jealousy and insecurity.
The next day after-school you and him were at the nature park. School has been a bit heavy on yall so you decided some time outside would be relaxing. Shinsou was following behind you, smiling like an idiot watching your cute self lead him to a 'pretty place'. You turn around "You like cute things right, Shinsou?" you ask him.
Yeah. You, Shinsou said in his mind. "Well, I don't mind them." He said chuckling at your question.
A bit more walking later and you both arrived at a flower field. "Tada! Here we are!" you announced excitedly. It was beautiful, the endless sea of flowers. Shinsou stared out into it "Wow. This is pretty Y/N." he said and turned to you smiling. You returned his smile and for a moment it was just you and him, in front of the giant flower field. His purple eyes looking back at your (e/c) eyes, they're so pretty. Everything about you is beautiful, your eyes, your smile, your aura, even your interests were beautiful. Like the flower field you brought him to.
Shinsou blushes and turns away abruptly his eyes landing on a tree. Shinsou smiles, "Hey let's climb that tree. We'd get a better view of the flowers from up there." he says hoping you'd want to.
You bright up "Yes lets! But make sure to catch me in case I fall." you order playfully.
Shinsou chuckles "I'll be right your side don't worry." he reassures you. Smiling softly as you head towards the tree.
You go to climb the tree being careful to not slip. Shinsou was below also making sure you were careful. When you were seated on a branch he starts climbing the tree and sits right next you. The both of you smile looking out into the landscape. "This is nice. Right Shinsou?" you say not looking away from the sunset setting behind the flowers.
Shinsou responds softly "Yeah. I could do this with you over and over again." You blush at his words, you could do this over and over with him too. He was looking at you and he saw you blushing. He did that?
Shinsou takes a deep breath making you turn to him. "Y/N" he says firmly and goes to hold both your hands. You're shocked by his actions but don't pull away. He begins to speak again "You're the only person that has made me feel things no one else has ever made me feel. You make me feel like I'm this strong, well-respected and remarkable man...but... you also make me feel like I'm this weak, undeserving, invalid man. You drive me nuts." What is he saying? You make him feel sad? "This must be what falling in love feels like. Because regardless of the insecurities you bring me back to, I still want to be with you, and I want to only be with you. I want to go far and beyond to work on myself so I can be the best man for you. Y/N..." he brings your right hand closer to his face and places your knuckles on his lips "I love you." he says gently and leaves his lips on your knuckles closing his eyes.
You're shocked "Shinsou." you say softly. He opens his eyes looking right at your beautiful ones. He pulls your hand away "I know there's someone else. Someone else better than me for you, and I have no right to get in between you two but...If you give a chance, I promise to go to the depths of the earth for you. I promise you won't regret it." he says emotionally.
You hold his cheek smiling softly at him and go in for a kiss. Shinsou is taken aback but doesn't pull away. He kisses you back your lips taste so sweet and unconsciously he wraps his arms around your waist.
After a moment you pull away and smile at him. "Shinsou, you're the one I want to be with. I love you too." you say making him forget the insecurities he had earlier, making the happiest man on earth.
"Thank you, Y/N" he replies going in for another to which you happily return.
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thatnarcissisticfeel · 10 months
I think that a lot of people without NPD have a really poor understanding of "narc supply" or the specific type of positive attention that pwNPD crave. Even the egotypicals who are allies, the ones denounce narc abuse and anti-NPD ableism, don't fully grasp it.
There's this false idea that NPDs like to be worshipped and showered with compliments all of the time, and I mean, yeah, most of us would eat that shit up, but I know that for myself and a lot of other pwNPD it's deeper and much more, I guess, personal?
I don't really know how to describe it, so I'll give an example: As a kid, no one really paid attention to my creative endeavors, my accomplishments, my feelings, etc. And if they DID pay attention, the attention was negative. I could always do better, I could always be smarter, stronger, etc. This came from peers and adults alike. So I developed a coping mechanism where I would tell myself that everyone else was wrong, that I'm actually the best person around, etc. I don't have to explain what disorder I ended up with as an adult as a result of all of that. :P
But anyway - the wound of constantly being ignored at best and insulted at worst is still there. You know how when you're in a group chat or a conversation with multiple people and no one ever pays attention to your comments, while paying attention to everyone else? Yeah, that shit hurts EVERYONE, but especially pwNPD. Even the smallest acknowledgment can be "narc supply."
You know how when you achieve something really cool and everyone ignores you - but the people who ignore you will be quick to praise OTHER people?
You know how when you post art/edits online and everyone ignores you - but the people who ignore you compliment someone else's post in the exact same thread?
You know how when you ask your friend to read your favorite book or listen to your favorite artist or whatever because of how much it means to you, and they never do it, but then they read/listen to everyone else's favorite thing at everyone else's recommendation, and how much it pisses you off? (Hurts even more if you have the SAME favorite book/artist and someone reads/listens to it at the other person's recommendation and not at yours.)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I could go on and on. That shit would bother anyone, us narcissists aren't alone in being hurt by that, but my G-d, it impacts pwNPD in such a specific way.
But let me flip it around to the positive!
A narcissist doesn't necessarily get their "supply" from someone telling them that they're the coolest person in the world and that they're a god. (Though if you do want to say that to us we probably won't complain!) Sometimes they get their "supply" from something as simple as someone acknowledging their achievements, and giving specific praise on what the achievement was. ("It's so cool that you won a prize in the music recital. The song you played sounds like it was really difficult and I loved your stage presence.")
Being told, "Wow, you did such a great job on your artwork, I love the colors!" goes a very very long way for a narc, especially when said narc is used to being IGNORED for their art.
Hearing, "it's so cool that you like that book, I'll have to read it and tell you my thoughts!" can help a narcissist's interests feel acknowledged.
You might be reading this and thinking, "well, isn't it just basic human interaction to compliment your friends or try out their interests"? And, well, maybe it is, but the whole point of NPD is that most of us grew up without receiving that type of attention, so now we're very very desperate for it - and very, very, VERY sensitive to when it doesn't happen, or is even perceived to not have happened. Something as small as being talked over in a group chat can set us off, but something as small as a simple, "hey, it's so cool that you did this, I love it." can win us over.
And to be completely fair, most of the time us being "ignored" isn't completely intentional. Like, I get it, yeah, sometimes timing just doesn't work out for person A to read my favorite book at my own rec, but by the time person B is in their life, person A can read it, and it's not anything personal. Sometimes the content I make just isn't someone's ~style~ and they support me, they really do, they just don't know what to say. Sometimes someone forgets to respond, or doesn't get a notification when I send them something I made or tell them about something I did. (There is less excuse for being ignored in face-to-face/offline convos though.) But because of the trauma of us constantly being ignored as kids/teens, the smallest little thing hurts and as a result we seek and crave attention EVERYWHERE.
So now, to give in to narc stereotypes of begging for attention: If you're a person without NPD and you genuinely want to help the narcissists you have in your life, the second best thing you can do for us is checking in to make sure we're not overlooked. Try to be sure you're not ignoring us, and if we do something cool, try to compliment it, even if it's something you don't fully "understand." Ask us about what we've been up to lately, what we're proud of about ourselves, and agree with us that what we've done is pretty cool. I mean, you'd do that for any friend, right? It's really not all outlandish for a narc to want that.
(If you're curious what the FIRST best thing you can do for a narcissist is, it's giving us a million dollars unlearning your anti-NPD ableism and calling people out who use narcissist as an insult as a synonym for abuser. Even in "offline" spaces, even when we're not around, even doctors/therapists. Even "narc" abuse survivors.)
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rotthepoet · 1 month
Lorenzo berkshire arranged marriage 😝
Okay okay so like??? How did we end up in this situation??? Because you knew Lorenzo in school but that man was a BITCHHHHHHH okay? Like he was a DICK and not someone you ever wanted to spend time around. I mean, yeah, he was hot, but that personality was simply distasteful, you arent even sure he knew you existed the 7 years you were in school together
So surprise surprise, when you graduated, (and im gonna be real with you this would only happen if youre a pureblood OR MAYBE HARD MAYBE a half-blood with two very powerful and influential magic parents) dearest mummy and daddy decided;
“Hm! More power and influence?? Good idea!”
And with that, you were arranged to marry into the Berkshire family! How clever! How smart! How lucky for you!
Except, when you’re finally alone with Lorenzo for the first time, he doesnt even bother looking at you as he says “You’re married to me only for show. I will not be your doting husband, but if you want to live a good, long life, you’ll be the perfect wife for me.”
And you’re like. Wtf? Because? This is not how marriage works?
Alas, the ceremony goes on. His lips are addictively soft as you kiss at the alter, and after that? Gone from your line of sight. No where to be found. Actually- you do find him in a study with all his friends, drinking fire whiskey around the fire place. They laugh about the situation, one of them speaking up to say “hey, could be worse. At least she’s hot.”
And you’re like. Wow. Really classy. Very funny. (It hurt your feelings quite a bit)
And trust, you do not see Lorenzo for a very long time. Like. You’re in separate bedrooms, on separate sides of his large estate, with purposely different schedules.
You’ll see him in a corridor occasionally and its like seeing a ghost fr
Regardless, youre expected to attend formal things with him, and you’re expected to stand by his side. And this is really the first time you two get along. Cuz y’see? Lorenzo loves to gossip. A real manwhore for it. So whenever he sees a woman sneaking away from her husband to see another man?? Oh boy he needs to tell someone and you are the physically closest person to him.
And Lorenzo is… aghast really to learn how… witty you are. He was ultimately flabbergasted. He found you… pleasant to talk to.
So he begins joining you at dinner, spouting off drama between his co-workers, updating you on his friends, on himself.
It actually is quite a relaxing way to decompress at the end of the day. And, to add to all of that, you start to see your husband around more often. He actually seeks out your company at the end of a long work day, sitting next to you in the library while you read. Just to be around you.
Then the gifts start.
Showering you in gifts- new clothes, jewelry, flowers, this and that, gives you his card and takes you out for an evening of shopping. Bonus if he gets ro help you choose what dress you like more.
Then he gets touchy, absentmindedly grabbing your hand in a crowd, letting your legs drape across his lap while you sit together, an arm around your shoulders if youre close enough.
He kisses you for the first time on your anniversary, and asks you out on a date. A real date. That should have happened long before the wedding.
And life is good after that <3
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bkgml · 2 years
more exes to lovers bc i LOVE!! but this time angsty-er 😈 into fluff tho bc i just can’t resist!
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“hey…” bakugou spoke into the phone, trying not to get choked up.
“bakugou..? what is it? whats wrong?” you said cautiously.
he sighed upset and a little thankful at the fact you could read him so clearly.
“i’m at the hospital, something went wrong when i was fighting the villains. i-“ he couldn’t take this; feeling so weak and helpless.
“they said i wasn’t allowed to drive home and i don’t want my shitty friends seeing me all fuckin weak.”
“i’m on my way. just relax okay? you’re strong katsuki we both know it” you say as you put on your shoes and grab your keys.
katsuki sighs a thankful sigh into the phone
“…will you stay on the shitty phone with me?”
you laugh, though you’re not mocking him, he knows you aren’t.
“i’ll stay on the phone, promise. ten minutes away, okay?
katsuki sighs again, feeling awful that you had to get out of bed in the middle of the night for someone you thought you were done with months ago.
“hey… just want you to know i don’t regret… us. only regret is the way we ended.”
you pause, worried you shouldn’t give into him.
“i know.” you say.
he sighs again. why are you making him sound so venerable dammit!
“do you..? you know, regret it- us?”
this is happening too fast, you can’t just forgive him this quickly. it’s been 4 months. you were moving on (you weren’t but you’re trying).
“i’m almost here.”
bakugou knows asked one too many questions too fast.
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“i just pulled in where are you?”
bakugou gets into the car. he’s bruised and beaten. there’s a cast on his arm and he’s covered in soot. the cut on his lip you saw him with on the news last week has split open and he has a black eye.
“i’m here.”
you inhale shakily, reaching out and brushing some ash off his forehead.
“what happened to you?” bakugou has only heard your voice this small and timid once: the day he broke up with you.
“told you, stupid villains.”
you clear your throat. brushing away any feelings attempting to bubble up to the surface.
“fine. let’s get you home then.”
“fine.” you scoff and bakugou immediately regrets his tone. this is why you broke up with him, he thinks. this attitude he has. the silence is loud the rest of the ride home.
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“this is it, right?” you say, still a little peeved at his tone from before.
the two of you get out of the car.
bakugou knows he shouldn’t say what he’s about to say. this is why you left. his brain just wants him mouth to listen to him for once.
“well goodnig-“ “-do you want to come in?”
you stop stunned.
“listen i’m not doing what you think, i’m not trying to get sex out of this i swear.”
you pause, still processing.
“that’s not what i’m worried about.” you state.
bakugou waits confused.
“then what?”
“i’m worried that i’m going to go in there and you’ll have a shower and come out smelling all nice and you’ll put on those sweatpants i like with no shirt. then you’ll ask to hold me ‘just for tonight’. and you’ll kiss my hair and rub my back, and i’ll be head over heels for you all over again.” you breathe out.
“i don’t deserve this, katsuki. you’re just going to mess it up all over again and i cant go through this cycle a million times before we realize that we just don’t work right now. it’s not the right time for us. no matter how much we want it to be.”
you’re both tearing up at this point. he had no idea you could read him this well.
“i’m sorry, baby.”
“please don’t call me that.” you choke on your words. you knew you shouldn’t have come over here.
bakugou wipes his face, trying to compose himself, to not let the tears fall.
“i want to make this work. i don’t want to tiptoe around you and pretend i’m not the mean guy who hurt you. i want to be able to call you stupid fucking nicknames again without care and i want to make you laugh again.”
wow. he’s really not making this easy for you. you sigh before speaking.
“how about… you try again in a couple weeks. maybe i’ll let you call me a ‘stupid fucking nickname’ again.” you say in your best bakugou impression.
“a couple weeks, huh?”
“mhm. too long of a wait for you?” you tease, starting to fall back into your old ways.
“it’s never too long for you…. dumbass.” he tests the waters with a nickname he gave you before you started dating. one that makes his words seem a little less vulnerable from his perspective.
you laugh. a real fuckin laugh that he hasn’t gotten to hear in forever.
“alright… ‘dumbass’.” you say, still laughing.
“a couple weeks?” he asks.
“yes, a couple weeks.”
“okay…” he doesn’t want to leave your side but he won’t push you just yet.
“night.” he turns on his heel and gets his keys.
“g’night… ‘dumbass’.” you say, sending yourself into another fit of giggles and getting in your car.
as you drive off katsuki is grinning to himself.
the night turned out all right after all.
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EEEEK you guys!! my first angsty post! and i made this little divider thingy with dynamy! i think it’s so cute personally i hope you like. :)
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goldensunsetchild · 7 months
To Answer The Call | SAGAU one-shot|
A/N: I wrote this one-shot because I wanted to celebrate that I won the 50/50 even though I didn't have it guaranteed so now grandma is home. I also decided to use the Lantern Rite invitation to invite Ga Ming because he's such a sunshine I love him so much. So, I hope you like this.
CW: fem!reader, a little (cough*highly*cough) self indulgent, Zhongli mentioned to be the creator's favorite.
Word count: 899 words
Featuring: Xianyun and Ga Ming
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It was no secret that the thing the vision holders wanted the most was to receive the call, from their creator. Aside from the ones that were chosen as starting companions, there were only a few lucky ones that got the chance to receive said calling as it seemed that Her Grace was someone really picky when it came to choosing those that were going to be called to her side. Among all the Liyue vision holders, it seemed that the favorite of Her Grace was none other than the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor Consultant; Mr. Zhongli.
Most believed that it was because of his extensive knowledge of Liyue's history, perhaps Her Grace liked knowledgeable people the most. However, people like the adepti knew that the reason was... something else; Morax was the god of contracts and as such Her Grace found suitable to made a contract with him in order to guarantee that he would answer the call when the time came. Of course, he answered her call half because of the contract and half because he would never dream to ignore his creator.
Some time after that news arrived that the next in answering the call was Miss Keqing, the Yuheng from the Qixing. Almost at the same time news from Fontaine said that the Chief of Justice, Mr. Neuvillette also answered Her Grace's call and even from Mondstadt an astrologist named Mona Megistus also answered said calling. Of course there was more than just them who had already the privilege of answering her call, including the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing Miss Ningguang and the famous opera performer Miss Yun Jin.
As member of the adepti Cloud Retainer also had the secret wish that maybe some day her creator would call for her, after moving to live among humans and making a new identity she awaited every day. And when the time finally came, she saw it and heard it... the call from her creator so of course she answered immediately and next time she knew she was in front of the Traveler. Though it would be more appropriate to say that she was in front of her, there was no way of mistaking that right golden eye that shined with ancient power. But why was her expression so... surprised? Disappointed? The adeptus couldn't really tell at all.
"Xianyun? Wow... I mean, thank you so much for answering my call. I... I'm actually surprised because I thought that you might have not wanted to answer my call."
How could she not? Nothing could ever be more important than being at her creator's service, she glanced at her and noticed that after saying those words Her Grace smiled at her, it seemed that after all she was pleased with her answering to her call. Of course, as soon as she got within Her Grace's grasp she immediately showered the adeptus with a lot of gifts and also bestowed her with more power. Just like she had done with all of the other acolytes that answered her calling, Her Grace really loved them so deeply. So, the news that Miss Xianyun from Qiaoying Village got called by Her Grace spread out until it reached Yilong Wharf where a certain young man was also wishing that her creator called for him.
Everyone knew his name, Gaming, one of the guards for the Sword and Strongbox Secure Transport Agency. A lively and passionate boy who also loved Wushou Dances, of course as everyone else he wanted to get the chance to be called by Her Grace but he never thought that he would have more than what he expected because he also got to meet her in person. It was no secret that the blond traveler better known as the Hero of Liyue was the creator's vessel, so when he met with them at Liyue Harbor he thought of himself as a really lucky person.
And to his surprise he not only met Her Grace but also she helped him to reconcile with his father, could he be more lucky? Of course he could, because he felt so special when she extend him a letter and it happened it was no ordinary letter because it was actually an invitation to join her. He was so worried that she would never call for him but it turned out that she prepared an invitation for him and only him. He opened the letter and of course, soon he received tons of gifts and even more power.
"Since you weren't answering for my calls I thought that maybe it would be better to give you an invitation in person. That way you wouldn't be able to reject me right?"
She said, her right golden eye shining as bright as the sun. Gaming felt his heart racing like crazy, he wanted to tell her that it was not that he was ignoring her calls but it seemed that they got lost and never reached him but now... Now he was by her side and not only that, he was not going to forget so easily how excited she seemed upon meeting him for the first time or when she said such things like he was "her precious sunny boy", he didn't have any clue what that meant but for some reason it sounded special and it made him feel that way: special.
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austinbutlerslovers · 7 months
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Cat Daddy
Label Mature 18+
Summary. Austin brings home the kitten he wanted from the Buzzfeed interview.
Austin had just finished his press tour in Korea and said we would be arriving to LAX on an evening flight. He sent you his full itinerary a week in advance yet he still he texts you to make sure you are there for him. You are readily anticipating his arrival. He adds another text that he has to make one stop before he comes home but to wait up for him.
You do last minute checks to make sure the house is the way he likes it. Your phone lights up with the security alert that the gate is being opened. You see someone drop off Austin. He exits the car carrying an animal crate. The driver pops the trunk and he collects his luggage.
You shriek and run to open the front door. You see his tall frame walking up the driveway to you. His big beautiful smile on his face, wearing his favorite blue trucker hat, and green carhart jacket with matching slacks. He wheels his black suit case behind him in one hand and carries the animal crate in the other. “Austin!” You say excitedly hugging him around his neck
You kiss him multiple times on the lips making him bashfully smile. Suddenly a small sound emits from the crate. “Austin! What is it! “ you say excitedly crouching to peek in the crate.
You walk with him inside. “It’s our little guy” he says as he places the crate on the floor. He sets his suitcase aside and secures the front door closed. You sit on the floor on your knees it’s so dark in the crate you can’t see. Austin hinges the door open and a little fluffy kitty comes prancing out directly to your hands “ OH my godd!” You exclaim.
Austin sits on the floor joining you as you bring the kitten up to your face and rub his soft fur and whiskers against your chin. “His name is Meepo” Austin says scratching the kittens tiny skull, it immediately looks to him crying and you hand him over.
“Oh my gosh Austin he loves you” your lip pouts. “He’s such a good little guy” Austin says holding the kitten in his hands rubbing his thumbs up and down behind its ears. The kitten begins to pur before suddenly crying loudly “Aw what is it? “ Austin asks petting his head. “Maybe he’s hungry?” you guess.
“Youre probably right we hit traffic on the way back. I need to shower from my flight will you take care of our little Meepo make sure he eats?”Austin asks. “Of course” you say collecting the kitten from his hands. “His bottle is in my bag” Austin says as he departs.
You collect the bottle and sit with Meepo on the couch. You set him in your lap like a baby and rub the nipple against his tiny teeth he clamps down on it. His little eyes close and twitch as he suckles. His paws hold your thumb. The kitty drinks feverishly before its head nods back releasing the bottle. You don’t want to wake him so you remain trapped on the couch. Watching Meepo sleep.
The next thing you know Austin has his hand on your shoulder gently waking you. He's wrapped in a towel around his waist his hair is still wet. He whispers to you as not to wake the kitten “ When I called to check on you and you didn’t answer I rushed out of the shower” he lightly chuckles “Then I saw Meepo knocked you out” you sleepily smile you didn’t mean to fall asleep. “Come on let’s get you to bed” Austin whispers.He collects Meepo so you can stand. You groggily stretch getting up from the couch and follow him to the bedroom.
He opens a bottom drawer of the dresser and places Meepo on top of his folded clothing. “You think he’ll be safe like this?” He asks in a low tone not really sure. You have a better idea you bring a low wicker storage basket from the closet and place a folded sweater inside.
He places Meepo on top of the sweater and the kitten twirls in it before resting comfortably. You both look over the sleeping kitten then Austin looks at you smiling “Wow he likes it, come here you little mom” he says hugging you. You quietly laugh “cat mom” you correct him. “So that make me a cat dad then” he says planting a smooth kiss “ No your too hot you are definitely a cat daddy” he smiles kissing you more.
He walks you back and lays you on the bed. “I missed you” he says looking into your eyes. “I missed you too” you say pressing your hand to his bare chest.
He is so tired but he has to have you before he sleeps. He sensually kisses your neck and your jaw. He reaches his hand under your top cupping and massaging a breast. He gets you so hot you sit up and pull your top over your head then take off your shorts and panties.
You nudge him to lay flat and reach your hands to his waist unwrapping his towel that is already tenting. You see his nice thick cock and you smile up at him “Get over here” he says beckoning you.
You climb on top of him and he pulls you down to his chest. He kisses your lips as he guides his hand to the base if his shaft holding his cock straight. You lift and sink down on him as he holds you to his chest. He shifts his weight planting his feet and slowly thrusts up inside of you. “oh Austin” you cry out feeling how deeply he penetrates you. He thrusts into you a few more times until you are moaning in his ear then he releases your back.
You lift onto your arms and work your hips in rhythm with his thrusts “ fuck “ he whispers out with his eyes closed. You both uses each other until you are overcome with pleasure . You rest your weight on him and place your hands on his abs and ride him cow girl until he cums.
His head tilts up and he pants heavily releasing his cum into you. He pulls you to rest down on his chest and caresses your back. You are both exhausted.
You can no longer stay awake, you lift off of his cock and curl up at his side. He pets your hair and plants a kiss on your forehead.
You both drift off to sleep until you hear the cries of little Meepo.
Austin sleepily gets up and collects the kitten from the basket in the sweater. He places Meepo between you both in bed. Once the kitten feels the warmth between your bodies all three of you fall fast asleep.
Master List
🏷️ @faegoddessog @purejasmine @obsessedvibee @abswifey @austiebuttbutt @jessica987 @magicovento
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winchesterwild78 · 18 days
A New Sheriff in Town pt 2
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Master List
Characters: Beau Arlen x Reader, Reader’s daughter Lily, other Big Sky characters
Warnings: More fluff, because Beau. 😀
A/N: This was an idea given to me by @cheekygirl2309. Just a short series featuring our favorite green eyes Sheriff. Reader is a single mom and Beau moves into town. Things start to develop and the reader's daughter finds it hard to pull herself away from Beau. 
This does not follow the Big Sky timeline and is not in any way associated with the show. All work is my own, please don’t take it. 
Minors DNI 18+
The next morning you were awake before your alarm, and by alarm you mean Lily. She was an early riser and was usually up by 6am. This morning however, she was sound asleep. You stretched and reached for your phone, surprised to see a text from Beau.
Beau: Good morning. I hope you slept well. If you need any help with Lily today, let me know.
You: Good morning, Sheriff. Yes, I slept well, thank you. Lily is still sleeping, so I have a few minutes of peace. Might be able to drink my coffee hot this morning. 😀
Beau: Ha! I remember those times. Em would wake up right about the time I’d pour myself a cup and it would be ice cold before I could get back to it. Do you work today?
You: Yes, later this morning. I have to enroll Lily in preschool this morning. I can’t believe she’s starting in September.
Beau: Would you like some company? Filling out paperwork is always easier when someone is distracting the little one. 
You bit your lip at the thought of seeing Beau again. Should you take him up on his offer or just have Sarah come help? You sent Sarah a text asking her advice.
You: Hey, so Beau offered to go with me to keep Lily company while I enroll her in school. What should I do?
Sarah: Girl, say yes! That man is a god on two bowed legs. Lily already likes him, you better snag him before someone else does. 😉 😗
You: Girl, stop! He’s just being friendly. 
Sarah: Okay. Whatever you say. Have fun with him and Lily today. If you kiss him let me know how it was. I bet he’s a great kisser with those soft lips. 😂
You: Sarah! Stop it. I’m not kissing anyone. You know what, you’re terrible.
Sarah: But you love me.
You: Yes I do. Talk to you later.
You (to Beau): Hey, yeah some company would be great. Can you come by the house in about an hour?
Beau: Yep, I’ll be there darlin’.
Your heart fluttered and you smiled. You grabbed your change of clothes and jumped in the shower. When you got out you checked on Lily who was still sound asleep. 
You watched your baby girl sleeping for a little bit before going into the kitchen to make a coffee and start cooking breakfast. 
About 45 minutes later there was a knock at your door. You looked through the window and saw Beau standing there. He was in his blue jeans, button down shirt and jean jacket, of course he was wearing his cowboy hat. You bit your lip before you opened the door. 
Opening the door your eyes locked in on the most beautiful green eyes you’d ever seen. Your breath hitched, “Good morning, Beau.” “Good morning, Y/N. You look beautiful today.” A blush filled your cheeks, “Thank you. Please come in. Lily is still sleeping, but I made breakfast. I hope you’re hungry.” 
You showed Beau to the kitchen. “I have coffee, bacon, eggs, home fries, biscuits, and orange juice. Help yourself while I go wake the beast.” You laughed. “Wow, this is incredible, I hope you didn’t go to all this trouble for me.” Beau said as he grabbed a plate. “Oh no, I love cooking and I always make sure I cook Lily’s favorite breakfast when I’m home.” 
Beau smirked, “Lily has good taste.” You laughed, “Yeah, my girl can eat. I’ll be back.” 
You walked out of the kitchen towards Lily’s room. Beau sat at the counter and watched you walk away. He bit his lip and smiled.
Walking into Lily’s room, you sat softly on her bed. “Good morning baby girl. It’s time to get up.” She grumbled, “No. I sleep.” You chuckled, “No, you need to get up. Mommy made you breakfast so we can go see your new school today.” “No, I sleep Mommy.” You laughed, “Okay, well I guess Sheriff Beau and I will eat all the breakfast.” 
Lily’s eyes opened quickly and she sat up, “Daddy!!” She squealed. “No, Lily, we talked about that. He’s not daddy. He’s Beau.” She crossed her arms as she stood up, stomping her little foot, “Daddy!” You sighed as she ran out of the room.
You quickly followed her. When she saw Beau she leaped in his lap and threw her arms around his neck, “Daddy!” You looked at Beau, “I’m so sorry. I keep telling her you’re not her daddy.” He smiled softly, “It’s okay, really.” “Okay Lily, you can sit beside me if you promise to eat all your breakfast and get dressed for your mommy.” Lily’s bright blue eyes sparkled as she nodded enthusiastically at Beau. 
Beau put her in her booster seat and slid her up to the table beside him. You gave her the plate you fixed for her and she happily ate, swinging her legs and giggling. “Daddy go to school with me?” Every time she called Beau ‘daddy’ your heart ached. 
“Lily honey, he’s Beau, not daddy, but yes, he’s going to go with us to your school.” “Yay!” The toddler squealed with excitement. As the three of you were eating your phone rang and you saw it was April. “Hey, April. What’s up?” “Hey, Y/N, we have to keep the diner closed today unexpectedly. The stove went out and we can’t get a replacement until at least tomorrow.” “Oh dang, okay. Thanks for letting me know.” 
When you hung up you looked at Beau, “Looks like the diner is closed today due to an issue with the stove. Lily, mommy gets to spend the day with you. What do you say we go to the park after we go to school?” 
Lily clapped and squealed. “Guess she’s excited,” you laughed. Once she was done you got her down, cleaned her up and took her to get her dressed. The two of you were singing while you got her dressed and talking about going to play at the park. 
Beau was in the kitchen and his heart swelled hearing her and you talking and singing together. He cleaned up the kitchen for you and loaded the dishwasher. By the time the two of you came back, the kitchen was clean. 
“Beau, you didn’t have to do that. You’re my guest, but thank you. It was very sweet of you.” “Yes ma’am I did, my mama taught me to help clean up.” You smiled and gave him a hug. You pulled away quickly, “I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me.” Beau smiled, “It’s fine. I liked it.” 
Lily giggled, “Daddy, up please.” She put her arms up asking Beau to pick her up. “Lily, honey, he’s Beau. Can you say Beau?” “Daddy Beau.” You looked at Beau with an apologetic look, and he chuckled. “Close enough.” 
You grabbed your bag and Lily’s paperwork and the three of you walked to your car. Beau put Lily in her carseat and you climbed in the driver’s seat. When Beau climbed in you looked over at him, “I really do appreciate you going with me. I know Sarah would have gone if I asked her to.” “Yeah, but then I wouldn’t have gotten that amazing breakfast or get to spend more time with Lily. I mean she is quite smitten with me.” He smiled at you. “Yeah, I guess she is.” 
About 15 minutes later you were pulling up at the school. Beau jumped out and helped Lily out of her carseat. He picked her up and carried her. The three of you walked into the school and were greeted by the secretary, Carla. “Well hey there, Y/N and Lily. Oh, who’s this?” She looked at Beau. Before either of you could say anything Lily said, “Daddy Beau.” You and Beau laughed. Carla looked at you confused. You looked at Carla and said, “This is Sheriff Beau Arlen, he’s the new Sheriff. Lily is a little confused, and she’s calling him Daddy Beau.” Carla smiled and nodded understanding. 
“I have all her paperwork filled out. I only have one emergency contact for her, is that okay?” Carla looked at you, “Well, we like to have at least two besides the parents, but we can make do.” Your heart panged when she said ‘parents’. Beau walked up to the counter, “Can I be added as an emergency contact, well if that’s okay with you that is.” You blinked trying to process what he was asking. “Oh, um, are you sure?” “Yes, I’m sure. If there is an emergency I can be here fast. I am the Sheriff afterall, I can speed.” He winked at you.
“Well, yeah, that’s fine. We can add him as another contact.” Carla smiled and took Beau’s information down. You looked over at him and smiled, “Thank you, Beau.” You touched his arm and he placed his hand on yours. “You’re welcome, Y/N. Anything for Lily.”
Beau kept Lily occupied while you finished enrolling her. He played peek-a-boo with her, read her stories, and just had her giggling the whole time. You would occasionally look over and you saw a light in your daughter’s eyes you hadn’t seen in a very long time. 
Beau’s smile lit up his whole face too. His eyes sparkled a beautiful green as he and your daughter played and laughed. Carla was watching and saw you looking at Beau and smiled, “Y/N, honey.” “Oh, yeah, sorry.” You offered her an apologetic smile. “He’s good with her. It’s good to see her laugh.” “Yeah it is, and he is.” 
You finished the paperwork and it was time to go. “Okay Lily, time to go. Tell Ms Carla, bye.” Beau picked Lily up so she could see Carla, “Bye Ms Carwa.” She waved her little hand while the other clung to Beau’s neck. 
Once back in the car you told Beau thank you again. “I’ll take you back to my house so you can get your truck and head to work.” Lily did not like that, “No! Daddy, go to the park.” “No, honey, Beau has to go to work. He can’t go to the park today.” She started to cry and your heart broke. Beau took your hand in his, “Let’s take her to the park, together.” You looked over at him, “What? What about work?” “I’ll call Hoyt and tell her I have to go to the park.” He chuckled. “Is that okay with you, Lily, if I go to the park with you and mommy?” “Yes! Daddy go.” 
You shook your head and Beau chuckled. “I can’t win with either of you, can I?” He looked at you and laughed, “Nope, sorry. Two against one.” Pulling up to the park, you noticed it was pretty empty. You grabbed your bag and Beau grabbed Lily and put her down to walk. She grabbed his hand and the two of them walked to the park hand in hand. 
You settled on a bench near the little kids area of the park and watched Lily and Beau play. Your heart swelled with love and a little sadness too. You were missing Aaron and you felt like Lily was cheated out of the amazing father he was. A few minutes of watching you decide to get up and join them. 
Lily was running around and giggling, hiding and jumping around. You and Beau were laughing watching her. As you took a step down off of the equipment, your foot slipped and you almost fell. Beau caught you. Your breath hitched as his strong arms wrapped around you and you looked in his eyes. He held you for what felt like forever. He leaned in and you leaned forward. Your lips mere inches from each other, your breath mingling with his. “Mommy! I'm hungry.” The sound of your toddler pulling you back to reality. 
Beau helped you up and you cleared your throat. “Okay baby, let’s get you a snack. Mommy brought your snack and water.” 
The three of you sat at the picnic table as you pulled out the sliced apples, and grapes, and the waters you packed. Lily sat on the table eating her snack. You and Beau kept stealing looks at each other. You reached for an apple slice as Beau did and your hands touched. You both pulled away. “I think we should talk, Beau.” “Yeah, I think so too.” “I haven’t dated anyone since I dated Aaron, and I don’t know if I’m ready yet. I love how you are with Lily. I don’t want to rush into anything that could possibly hurt her if it didn’t work out. She’s my priority in everything I do. I think we should take whatever this is between us slowly.”
Beau nodded and took your hand, “I agree. I adore Lily and don’t want to hurt her or you. I will go as slow or as fast as you want.” “Thank you, Beau.” You leaned forward and kissed his cheek. 
*Time Jump 3 Months*
“Lily Ann Y/L/N, get in here and get these shoes on. Beau and Emily will be here any minute.” She stomped her foot and crossed her arms, “No!” You took a deep breath. She’d been extra cranky today. “Lily, honey, please. Beau and Emily are coming to go shopping with us.” Lily stood her ground, you took a deep breath. “Okay, you don’t have to go shopping with Emily, Beau and I. I’ll call Sarah and see if she can watch you. I know Emily was really looking forward to going to the ice cream shop with you after dinner.” 
Lily’s eyes got wide, but she still wouldn’t move. You put your shoes on and heard Beau’s truck. Beau and Emily walked in and saw Lily. You looked at Beau and he chuckled, “Need some help?” “Yes, please.” You gently touched his arm. 
“Hey, Lily bug, are you going to get your shoes on so we can leave?” She kept her arms crossed and wouldn’t budge. She’d gotten like this before, but never with Beau. “Lily, what’s wrong? Why don’t you want to go with us today?” Beau asked in a sweet, gentle voice. Lily looked at Beau and hung her head, “I’m sad, Daddy Beau.” “Why are you sad sweetheart?” “I want you to stay, and Emily.” Beau wrapped her in a hug. Your heart panged with love and sadness. She’d gotten so attached to Beau and Emily. “Well, maybe I can ask mommy if Emily and I can have a sleepover tonight.” Her eyes lit up.
She ran to you, “Mommy, can Daddy Beau and Emily have a sleepover?” “Well, if you get your shoes on, we will talk about it.” She grabbed her shoes and Emily helped her put them on. Beau walked over to you and hugged you. “So, Sheriff, you want to have a sleepover?” “Well, yes ma’am. Of course, for Lily.” “Oh of course.” You smiled. 
Emily took Lily outside and before you and Beau walked outside, you grabbed your stuff and he pulled you into a passionate kiss. The two of you had started dating, but kept it from Lily. You didn’t want to confuse her, so you would steal a kiss when she wasn’t around. Emily knew, but she kept it to herself.
Later that night, you and Beau sat on the porch swing as Emily and Lily played in the yard. He took your hand in his and rubbed circles on the top. “You know, darlin’ I could get used to this. Spending all day with my girls, and then swinging on the porch swing with you while the kids ran around.” You looked at him and smiled, “Me too, Beau.” 
Without thinking, you leaned over and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Lily saw you and came running up. “Mommy kissed Daddy Beau.” Her eyes wide. You bit your lip, “Yes, baby girl I did. When you like someone like I like Beau, you give them a kiss.” She wiggled between you two and climbed on Beau’s lap, “You and mommy get married.” You and Beau looked at each other and chuckled, because she wasn’t asking, she stated it. 
You stood up, “Okay, I think it’s movie time, come on everyone.” Beau carried Lily inside and you and Emily started to put pillows and blankets on the floor. Lily and Emily picked a movie, while you and Beau walked in the kitchen to make the popcorn and grab drinks. “I think she’s okay with us kissing, what do you think, sweetheart?” Beau asked as he wrapped his arms around you. You smiled, “Yeah, I think so too. Sorry she mentioned us getting married. I have no idea where that came from.” Beau turned you around to face him, “Hey, I didn’t mind it. I wouldn’t mind it either. This is easy, we’re easy.” You smiled and your breath hitched.
The two of you kissed and the sound of the microwave beeping pulled you two back to reality. You were falling in love with Beau, but were still scared to say it. The last man you loved, died and left you heartbroken. 
“Mama, Emily and I picked a movie.” Lily came running into the kitchen yelling. “Okay, sweet girl, let’s go watch it.” Beau grabbed the drinks, and you grabbed the popcorn. 
As you started the movie, Lily climbed into Beau’s lap and snuggled. You looked over and smiled. Lily was in his lap and Emily was leaning against his other side. He definitely made an amazing girl dad. 
About an hour into the movie, Lily had fallen asleep in Beau’s lap. You smiled at him as he looked down at the sleeping little girl. You stood up to carry her to bed. Beau helped you. Before you left her room, you stopped at the door and watched her sleep for a few minutes. Beau wrapped his arms around you and kissed your head, “She’s absolutely perfect, like you mother.” “She’s growing too fast. I can’t believe she’s in preschool already. Thank you for being so good with her.” “Of course, I love the little firecracker, and her mama too.” Your head spun towards him, “What?” 
Beau pulled you into the hallway, “I love you, Y/N. I know it’s fast, but I’ve fallen in love with you and that little girl in there.” You threw your arms around him, “Oh, Beau. I love you too.” Tears streamed down your face as you finally revealed your feelings for him. He wiped your tears away and placed a searing kiss on your lips. 
A few hours later, Emily was in bed in the guestroom, and you and Beau were sitting on the couch making out like a couple of teenagers. You were trying to stifle your giggles, because you didn’t want to wake up the girls. Beau loved hearing your laugh and you loved him making you laugh. 
As things started to heat up between you and Beau, you heard Lily cry. You went to her room, she had a nightmare. “No mama, I want daddy Beau. Not you.” You looked at Beau and he chuckled. Beau walked over to her bed and gave her a big hug. He calmed her down, and rubbed her back, singing to her until she fell back to sleep. You stood leaning against the doorframe, watching him as he sang to her and calmed her fears. Your heart swelled. 
As he left her room and the two of you returned to the living room, you pulled him into a deep kiss. “I love you so much, Beau Arlen. You’re so incredible with her.” “I love you too, Y/N Y/L/N.” “Beau, are you ready?” You looked at him with love and lust in your eyes. “I’m ready if you’re ready. I’m not trying to rush you or make you feel like we have to do anything.” You smiled, turned off the tv and straddled his lap. Leaning close to his ear, “I’m ready, Beau.” Beau smirked and lifted you up, carrying you to your bedroom. You giggling the whole way there. 
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trendywaifus · 1 year
Stelle nsfw and sfw headcannons…Pleasewe
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ye ye!! since you two buds said please-
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— aaa being in a relationship with stelle is a ride. she’s so pretty and weird that you even wonder how someone like her exists. oh well, you ain’t complaining. despite her weird traits, when it comes to you, she’s protective and almost always seen by your side! she’s like a cat y’know?
— stelle flirts but it’s..pretty random? i feel like she doesn’t know how to be romantic all like that but tries her best in unintentional silly ways. like one time, she shows up at your cabin door in the middle of the night with a rose in her mouth casually asking to be let in. if you’re wearing an outfit that she never seen before and likes it, she’ll stare at you for the longest before commenting how good you look. she’ll prob say “ your butt fits nice in those pants, can i touch?”
— the way stelle looks at you whenever you’re around is adorable. march describes it as “a happy puppy who’s happy to see its owner! “
— def touch starved. every chance she gets to cuddle with you, she plops on top of you like a dead fish and now she’s apart of you. stelle’s pretty strong so if her arms are wrapped around you. . .good luck! also, please give her forehead kisses, it makes her all puddy inside and her love-sick grin is just precious.
— her kisses aren’t bad at all. they’re languid but a little sloppy since she’s ofc inexperienced. she’ll kiss you like that before and after missions, and in the heat of the moment like after a chase or fight; it grounds her.
— there’s a few times where stelle randomly suggested on making out with you behind a building during a mission and you just look at her like she took a dive in one of the trash cans on a street.
— you know that one idle when stelle is playing on her phone? yeah, imagine her challenging you to play with her and you almost always beat her. when she finally wins, for some reason she’s smug? like you’re sore loser, why so smug? she’d be the type to ask for a rematch and try to make you lose by casually using cheesy pick-up lines or making some random jokes that’s weirdly funny.
“ wow, i’m first place, again. “ you laughed, taking delight in seeing your girlfriend’s shoulders sag in defeat as she frowns at the sight of 2nd place in front of her name. “ losing in mario kart mobile is depressing, i know. it’s a skill issue though, the game’s easy. “ you shrugged, tucking your phone back into your pocket.
“ . . . .your mom. “ she mumbled.
your head whipped towards her, a look of surprised etched on your face. “ wh-what did you just say? did. .did you just make a mom joke, stelle? “ stelle clears her throat, golden eyes twinkling with mischief, she smiling cheekily, “ no, i obviously said good game, (name). “
— stelle’s a service top and bottom so basically a switch. she prefers top though because she enjoys pleasing you. that dazed expression on your face; it’s almost like you’re seeing stars, she’s so enthralled by it. she’s so obsessed with the way you moan her name, she does whatever means necessary to hear your voice like a broken record in her ear.
— pervert! stelle is real. she’s sneaky with it, if you’re in the shower, she shamelessly undresses and invites herself. you won’t really realize she’s there until you hear the sliding door creak open and soon after, wandering hands makes theirselves known on your stomach then travels downward; hair ticking against your neck. she grins when you say her name in a breathless voice.
— she likes to touch herself and goes off at the mere thought of you alone. even when you’re asleep beside her, she can’t resist the urge in fingering herself while watching you sleep. she’s fine in relieving herself like this and doesn’t wanna wake you up. but sometimes, she gets a little too loud. is it on purpose in hopes of you waking up to help her out? maybe.
— i can imagine her throwing you a suggestive glance as you travel your fingers up her skirt from under a table, wandering a little too close to her cunt. she spreads her legs a little more, silently inviting you to go farther.
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444takeomi · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ summary: 1st gen bd with a small chested s/o
character(s): shinichiro sano, wakasa imaushi, takeomi akashi, keizo arashi
warnings: female reader, nsfw, sfw is still a little suggestive in parts (i have no self control), mentions of body insecurities, rough sex, breast worship, (attempted) tit fucking, lots of praise, degradation, (consensual) photo taking, exchanging nudes, daddy kink, takeomi (lol)
wc: 2.5k (i'm insane)
a/n: i’ve been feeling kinda bad about myself lately so i decided to write this, hopefully it'll help someone else feel a bit better as well. i apologise for any typos or my shitty writing
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: ̗̀➛ sfw
- to be honest i think that shin is just happy that you're dating him — you were the first girl to say yes to him after 20 rejections, he really couldn't care less what your body looks like
- that doesn't mean he doesn't find you attractive, if anything he thinks that you're way out of his league and he can't believe he managed to pull you (bless him)
- shin doesn't even realise that you're insecure until you mention it to him, and when you do he can't believe what he's hearing — he literally does a double take and asks if he heard you correctly
- you're the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, it breaks his heart that you don't see yourself the way he does
- i feel like shin would get a little emotional hearing you talk about yourself in such a negative way, he’d pull you into a tight embrace while whispering in your ear through wobbly lips how gorgeous he thinks you are
- shin always showers you in compliments, hoping to help build your confidence — he never fails to catch you off guard and leave you flustered over his sweet comments
- “you’re so pretty, angel. how did i get so lucky?”
- “that looks amazing on you! wow, i can't believe you're mine.”
- “baby, you’ve got the cutest smile i've ever— nooo, don't hide! i wanna see your cute face.”
- whenever you're feeling bad about yourself shin will always hold you in his arms, telling you how much he loves you and how worthy you are — sometimes his words make you tear up because of how much of a sweetheart he is
- seriously, how did he get rejected 20 times?
- overall shin is such a sweet guy, he knows he won't be able to magically get rid of your insecurities (as much as he'd like to), but he hopes over time you’ll start to feel a little more confident in your appearance and start seeing yourself through his eyes <3
: ̗̀➛ nsfw
- the first time you took your bra off in front of shin he literally almost creamed his pants
- he had seen plenty of tits in porn, sure, but all those videos and magazines paled in comparison to the sight in front of him — the sight of the girl he loved more than anything in the world half naked in his lap, her pretty mounds on display for him
- shin was so giddy when you let him play with them, he couldn't wipe the lovesick grin off his face as he cupped and squeezed the warm flesh beneath his palms
- he was instantly addicted to the softness of your skin and how sensitive you were to his touch
- you could feel his cock throbbing beneath you as he fondled your breasts — you couldn't help but start rolling your hips against his, whining at the feeling of his bulge grinding against your clit
- he had to ask you to slow down so he didn't cum right then and there </3
- i think shin is someone who likes to worship your body during sex, especially the parts you're most self conscious about
- loves the little mewls and whimpers you let out as he kneads your small breasts in his larger hands, it drives him crazy whenever you arch your chest into his palms
- “y’like it when i play with these perfect little tits, baby?”
- loves to run his tongue over your nipples until they pebble under his touch and your hands are tangled in his hair, won't stop until you’re absolutely soaked and writhing beneath him
- sometimes shin cums really fast during sex, especially if you're facing him — he just can't get enough of your blissed out face and pretty tits </3
- whenever you take your shirt off in front of shin he always looks at you with so much love and desire, it's hard to feel insecure around him as it's plainly obvious how much he adores you
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: ̗̀➛ sfw
- in my opinion waka seems like the kind of guy who actually has a preference for small chests, he thinks they're pretty <3
- i have a hc that he was often teased for his height when he was younger, so if you’ve ever experienced negative comments about your body growing up he can definitely empathise with how you feel
- if he ever hears anyone commenting on your chest size he won't hesitate to beat the shit out of that person — especially if he’s drunk
- unlike shin, i don’t think waka is big on words of affirmation, but rather he shows his love for you with physical affection
- his hand is always on one of your breasts whenever you cuddle, most of the time it's not even sexual and he’s just enjoying the warmth beneath his palm
- loves resting his head on your chest and listening to your heartbeat, absentmindedly rubbing your waist with his thumb
- if he notices that you're not wearing a bra he’ll come up behind you and cup your breasts under your shirt
- “why would you need a bra when i’m right here?”
- he’s also incredibly clingy, he doesn't like to be apart from you and will often follow you around the house like a lost puppy — has walked in on you halfway through changing several times
- “waka, i need to change.”
- “so?”
- “can you leave for a minute?”
- “nah, i’m enjoying the view.”
- waka is always teasing you, but you can't deny the fact you have to fight the urge to smile whenever you roll your eyes at his flirty comments
- despite the fact waka doesn't often reassure you with words, his actions themselves speak volumes and you can tell how much he appreciates you just from the way he looks at you
: ̗̀➛ nsfw
- waka being touchy definitely translates into the bedroom as well — his hands are almost always touching your chest in some way during sex
- his palms always seem to find their way to your breasts whenever you make out, groping them through your shirt as you whine and squirm in his lap
- “you like that, princess?”
- his favourite position is cowgirl because it gives him full access to your chest, loves rolling his thumbs over your nipples and sucking on your tits while you mewl and bounce desperately on his cock
- waka will always end up marking your chest with hickeys and lovebites, he gets very possessive during sex and it's honestly so hot
- “see these? they're fuckin’ mine, you got that?”
- loves whenever you wear one of his oversized shirts after sex because he can see your hardened nipples through the fabric, sometimes he gets bricked up again when you two are cuddling because he can feel your nipples pressing against him through the thin material
- waka loves that you don't need to wear a bra with certain outfits, again he often gets hard in public seeing your nipples peeking through the fabric of your shirt
- he can't help it, he's so obsessed with your body — you literally drive him crazy <3
- waka absolutely loves nipple piercings and thinks they look especially hot on smaller tits, encourages you to get them pierced and if you already have yours done he won't be able to stop sucking on them
- his oral fixation is showing
- speaking of oral fixation, eating you out is his favourite pastime — he loves sucking your clit into his mouth as he fondles your tits, and will absolutely groan into your pussy if you arch your chest into his palms
- overall he's super horny for you (who can blame him though <3)
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: ̗̀➛ sfw
- now listen💀 i feel like omi is the kind of guy to unintentionally give you those backhanded type of compliments if you express insecurity about your chest size
- “they're not small, they're perfect.”
- “it's fine, i'm more of an ass guy anyway.”
- the thing is he genuinely means well and thinks you’re perfect the way you are — he just has a hard time showing it and doesn't realise what he says could potentially rub you the wrong way
- despite having a way with words i still think he'd be kinda hopeless at first if his partner opened up to him about their insecurities
- he's trying his best </3
- i feel like since omi struggles to express his feelings he doesn't openly tell you he loves you very often — however you once overheard him softly whisper how much you meant to him when he thought you were asleep, and to this day he still doesn't know you heard him </3
- he prefers to show affection through buying you gifts and taking you shopping, lets you use his card and tells you to spend as much as you want
- he loves to spoil you
- will carry all your bags for you whilst you're shopping, he can be quite the gentleman since he's got a huge soft spot for you
- he’ll never admit it though <3
- omi will always tell you how pretty you look whenever you try something on, and there have been times where you've had to slap his wandering hands away when he's gotten a little too touchy in public
- he really has no shame ahaha
- if there's an item of clothing that you like but it’s too baggy around the chest area he’ll get it tailored for you so it fits you perfectly — wants you to feel confident in yourself and not have to worry about whether certain clothes will fit you
- in conclusion omi might not be good at showing it outwardly but he loves you way more than you know <3
: ̗̀➛ nsfw
- while omi might not be the best at expressing his feelings with words, he definitely knows how to pound you into the mattress until your thighs are shaking and your pussy is creaming around his cock
- he loves cupping your breasts in his hands whenever he hits it from behind, the feeling of your hardened nipples under his palms drives him fucking insane
- he can be a bit of a sadist so don't be surprised if he starts tugging on them, will absolutely blow your back out if you start whining or squirming
- “you like it when daddy gets rough with these perky tits of yours, yeah? you little slut.”
- loves to degrade you but will never aim it at your insecurities, thinks you look so pretty beneath him and will gladly let you know
- “look at you, pretty body all laid out for me. you're a sexy little thing, aren't ya?”
- going back to omi spoiling you, he loves buying you lingerie and you're always ending up with new sets — don't try anything on in front of him though because he won't be able to resist you <3
- one time omi asked you if he could fuck your tits, you were a little reluctant to try as you were worried you wouldn't be able to satisfy him — it ended up with him just grinding on your chest, but he came unbelievably fast and shot his load all over you
- from then on he realised how much he liked cumming on your breasts, and will now cum on them at every opportunity
- whenever you suck him off omi always asks if he can blow his load on your tits — tells you how fucking hot they look covered in his cum, nipples hardened and goosebumps across your skin
- has snapped a picture of your cum covered tits (with your consent, of course) and jerks off to it regularly
- it's no surprise that omi smokes after sex — he’ll have a cigarette in one hand and one of your breasts in the other <3
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: ̗̀➛ sfw
- if you ever tell benkei that you're self conscious about your body he’ll engulf you in a big bear hug
- i just know he gives the best hugs <3
- he's a great listener and he'll always be there for you if you ever need to rant to him
- whether it's about having a hard time feeling feminine enough, struggling to find bras that fit or having been made fun of for the way your body looks — benkei will always sympathise with you even if he can't personally relate to what you're going through
- he always seems to know what to say to make you feel better and gives you great advice
- reminds you that you're beautiful no matter what and other people’s comments shouldn’t determine the way you feel about yourself
- benkei tells you that if anyone makes negative remarks about your appearance then that says way more about them than it does about you
- he says that people who are unhappy with themselves often project their insecurities onto other people — even if it's hard not to let their words get to you, you shouldn't take it personally
- he's very mature and level headed, me thinks
- might make a lighthearted joke that his chest is big enough for the both of you, just to see you smile <3
- benkei wants to help build your confidence, he reminds you that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and that you don't need to look a certain way to be attractive
- he hates whenever you talk down on yourself or make self deprecating jokes about your appearance — will silence you with a kiss you before sternly telling you not to talk about yourself like that
- has told you that he loves your chest because whenever he hugs you it just means he gets to be closer to your heart
- he's secretly a big softy <3
: ̗̀➛ nsfw
- i think benkei has a size kink, and the way your small breasts are swallowed under his huge palms honestly does something to him
- at first you were worried he would think there was nothing to grab, since his hands were so much larger in comparison — however benkei was quick to reassure you, telling you how much he loved them and how sexy you were
- it drives him crazy how sensitive your tits are and how he can get you worked up from just a few touches, will tease the hell out of you for it
- “look at you, already such a mess for me. what's got ya so worked up, hmm?”
- if you're feeling insecure benkei will happily fuck you in front of a mirror just so you can see how gorgeous you are — constant praises will fall from his lips as he pounds his thick cock into you <3
- “see that? see how pretty you are, darlin’?”
- “keep lookin’ at your perfect little body, baby. that's it, that's my good girl.”
- benkei loves watching you grow in confidence over time as you become more comfortable with your body — goes absolutely feral when you tease him by sending pictures of your exposed tits while he's at work
- has to excuse himself to the bathroom just so he can jack off to you <3
- isn't shy about sending you photos back to show you what you're doing to him — it's usually one of the huge tent in his boxers with a noticeable damp patch on the fabric or (your favourite) his hardened length fully exposed and drooling with precum
- benkei loves showering with you, the sight of the water running over your small breasts makes blood rush to his cock
- has fucked you in the shower countless times, picking your body up with ease and pinning you against the wall as he rocks his hips into yours
- loves to help you wash afterwards, lathering soap along your soft skin and caressing every inch of your perfect body <3
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