#wow hiru
trion-revolutionary · 2 years
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Evening the Score, page 368
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lucid-daydreamer · 2 years
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Part two of my OCtober challenge, where i drew one of my ocs each day of october. Days 11 - 20
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hestzhyen · 14 days
Chapter 48 Speculation Posting
Hello, dear void, and welcome to The Hype Building Chapter.
So Chihiro and Hakuri are collecting all the bearers before returning to Kamunabi HQ- hope that doesn't get derailed (sorry). TRAIN FIGHT INCOMING THOUGH! YEAH!
I love train fights! Chihiro's facing off against a snazzy-looking Hishaku guy and it's gonna be epic. I hope we get the full treatment of starting inside, moving to the top, ducking under bridges, decoupling cars- the works. With the current pace, I think we'll get through it and arrive at Senkutusu Temple by the end of the next chapter. What will be waiting for the crew there...? It's the location that probably houses the girlish-looking Bearer, but who knows.
OK, OK, before I get pilloried for trying to guess the associations despite completely whiffing on where Uruha would be, I think I got it this time. Sushi Chef has got to be at the sushi restaurant. If he isn't I'll... I don't know, yeet my PC off the nearest bridge or something. So that leaves two locations: Senkutsu Temple and Kuentaisha Shrine. I think Eye Scars is at Kuentaisha Shrine mostly because the name contains the kanji 煙 (en), which is specifically for smoke, tobacco, haze, and ash; and both times we've seen him, he's been smoking. So with the other three locations accounted for, that would leave Girl Bearer for the next stop at Senkutsu Temple. That's my theory! It sucks! But I'm rolling with it anyway!
But before we get there, Chihiro's gotta deal with this prettyboy:
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Why you got those dots under your eyes like Shiyumi, man? And why did the official TL mistranslate your name to "Hirohiko"?
And we even got this guys' name! (Wow, really spoiling us with the names lately, Hokazono-sensei.) Our villain this time is Hiruhiko (昼彦), meaning "noon boy" in a literal sense. 昼 (hiru) can be chosen to express the importance of being decisive and/or appreciating the joy of life. 彦 (hiko) is exclusively for male names and has multiple connotations- virtuosity, honor, respectability, being of good character... lmao. Wiping out Uruha's buddies and lugging their corpses for a few kilometers to bait him definitely fits the bill for that description, yup. This won't be the only fight between them- a named character is not going to go down in a single skirmish (probably). But hopefully Goldfish Batman can get a few good hits in for Bandana guy and the rest. Fuck 'im up, Chihiro.
"But wait, didn't the Anti-Kuregumo squad go down in one fight over thirty chapters ago?" you didn't ask. Why yes, they did. Isn't it strange that they break the rule of Hokazono-sensei not giving names to fodder and one-off characters?
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Gone but perhaps not totally forgotten? Missing: Makoto Kasahara (big hand guy with the stripe over his nose- he was out scouting).
Out of all these guys, Kazane is the only one with a real shot of being relevant again since he's alive and in mostly one piece. But we got full names for every member of the squad despite being stuck using fan nick names for important characters like Ice Lady. What gives? Were they named just for the shock value upon death? Plausibly! But now that we have Ice Lady, Braid Bro, Sazasis, Bandana-kun and more, these guys stick out as an exception.
I think that maybe we could get into sorcery clans as the mysteries surrounding the Hishaku are revealed. Because if I'm right about them being a defeated faction, it would make sense for them to have ties to clans with special abilities and powers like the Sazanamis. Sorcery is inherited, after all, and the Sazanamis aren't the only ones who would build a clan around those powers if they were useful enough.
The Sazanami name was, at best, an indirect reference to the nature of Isou and their clan legacy. I will not be putting much stock into the clan names and how they tie into members' abilities- my Japanese isn't good enough for that, and I don't have access to the raws to confirm what kanji were used for ability names anyway. But I think there are enough physical similarities between one set of characters in particular that illustrate what I mean about clans being tied to or split between sides.
Behold my awful MS Paint skills:
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Common traits: extremely short, stocky men with masks over their face (mouth in particular). We've seen Kiyohiko as a member of the task force, an unnamed Kamunabi higher-up that watched Chihiro's interrogation, and one of Uruha's guards at the hotsprings. The repeated mask and stature combination seems like a deliberate design choice at least.
And then there's this shot of the datenseki-empowered onsen invaders:
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The guy with the long braid in the middle looks an awful lot like Ikuto, doesn't he? A smidge suspicious in a series that goes out of it's way to kill off uniquely designed characters without any fanfare.
There's also some of the datenseki aura wisps looking like Kuregumo's dragon smoke effect...
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Rest in piss, Sojo.
The last time we saw datenseki in use, Tenri's spirit energy manifested as a jellyfish (ch. 33). Why is it indistinct smoke for these guys- is it because they probably aren't elite sorcerers? Are the datenseki provided by Sojo different than the one Tenri used somehow? Also, there's a limited number of these datenseki according to Chihiro... but we can presume that more can and will be made... Sojo is still gonna haunt the narrative though his deadly space rocks, I guess. I'm fine with this if it means he's never resurrected.
I think the designs for the characters and the smoke effects are artistic limitations first and foremost, but I can't completely let go of the "what if" nagging in the back of my head. It's too early in the series to see if this is subtle foreshadowing or just grasping at straws, so I won't hold on tight to this pet theory like I am with the Hishaku one. The only other scenario that's come close is the hinting about Hakuri's real talents (praying mantis imagery, first Isou misfire with his eye still becoming distorted, surviving the Enkotsu hit point-blank, the silhouette of the first patriarch sporting a mirrored version of Hakuri's hair style, Soya's tools disappearing, maybe his name if you read into that kind of stuff).
Oh yeah. We got another name this chapter: Yura (幽). 幽 means (to) seclude, subtle, confinement, tranquil, and/or dark. Spoopy. The connotations as a name are what one one would expect: profundity, having a mysterious presence, subtlety, so on and so forth. 幽 is usually read as yuu (the other reading is kasu), so if it turns out to be a code name of some kind, I wouldn't be surprised. For now, whether or not Yura is actually the Hishaku leader is unclear. It's too late for Hokazono-sensei to give us his name though- the Western fanbase has already dubbed him "John", which shall be his name forevermore.
Other than that, lots of Uruha hooray! He is a perfect blend of ridiculous and badass (sensing a trend with friendly characters that meet Chihiro, hmm...).
His conversation with Chihiro was so bittersweet...
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He really, truly cared about Kunishige the man instead of Kunishige the war hero. And Chihiro's expression... oh, my heart. I really appreciate these little reminders that Chihiro's still struggling with grief on top of his father's burdensome legacy. To be told he's the spitting image of his beloved dad after so many people doubted him clearly meant a great deal.
Uruha's raised a flag for teaching Hakuri how to value his own life too, just like I was hoping:
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Boy who has trouble valuing himself notices someone correctly assessing their own worth by refusing to take the bait that he would have fallen for. Hm.
I cut out the speculative yapfest because honestly, it's just one potential thread out of many. It might not even go anywhere at all. But if I want to indulge myself, I guess I can put it like this: Uruha is a very strong Hakuri parallel in both demeanor and situation. If it was just the first one, I wouldn't be investing in Hakuri character development stocks this arc. But now I will do so cautiously- and hope Uruha doesn't get buried under a mountain of death flags.
For now, we wait to see how Chihiro's second fight against a Hishaku member goes. Thank you, dear void, for letting me ramble once more.
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sunfirekid · 1 year
@cxffeeshxp cont'd from [☼]:
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Hiru would blink a few times, "Lover boy?" He'd repeat with an arched brow. That was the first time he'd ever heard anyone call him that so it stuck out to him. What couldn't she have meant by that, he wondered. That's besides the point though, based on her words it would seem that he might have been mistaken. "Wait a sec, are ya telling me that for the last three days it's just been a huge coincidence that we've been in the same places? " The pirate captain would ask somewhat in disbelief. "I mean I guess it has to be if I thought ya were following me and ya thought the same about me." He'd shake his head with a light chuckle. "Wow. Well I guess I might as well introduce myself then. I'm Hiru, pleasure to meet ya."
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maguro13-2 · 1 year
Miku.EXE Origin : The Revenge Pt.5
"Early this morning..."
[Ochanomizu-tei Kinrin (Hiru) - Mariko Nanba]
Miku.EXE : Sister! Rise and shine! Father and I are gonna make breakfast today! Zatsune, you awake? Up and at em!
Zatsune.EXE : [while sleeping, mumbles] Just give me five more minutes.
Miku.EXE : (pouts) Hmph! Maybe this will help you to wake yourself up. (Does her powers to create an airhorn, she put on her earmuffs) Here goes nothing.
Zatsune.EXE (wakes up) AHHH!
Zatsune.EXE : Okay! I'm up! Geez, sister! Do you really have to do that? Well, Good morning to you.
Miku.EXE : And good Morning to us. Now then, time for us to eat our breakfast that I made. I hope you're gonna enjoy it!
Zatsune.EXE : Sweet! What is it?
(cuts to the dining table)
Zatsune.EXE : Wow! You made this with dad? It looks super tasty for me try to it. (Takes a bite of her food) Wow! This does tastes great! (Starts eating her food) I mean, you're skills of cooking just total match my style. But this is great! I'm totally proud that you did so much around the place. You're one smart thinker to help with anyone. But there is so much more to come. When you used that airhorn to make me wake up in the morning, how did you make it?
Miku.EXE : Easy! I used my powers to create something in good use. It's like magic from father's hands. So I wanted to give it a try.
Zatsune.EXE : Wait a sec, did you use your powers to wake me up in the morning? How on earth did you do that? And did you say it was "magic" from dad's hands?
Miku.EXE : Quite certainly! But, umm... Don't you remember? Father told us that we've been practicing on how to use our powers gifted from him. Last night, we used our powers to cook the food to prepare a feast after getting the ingredients from the garden.
Zatsune.EXE : [thinking] Hmmm...
Miku.EXE : Well? What do you think?
[PigeonBlood OST : Discretion]
Zatsune.EXE : Come to think of it, you're right sis. Although, we were created in the Cyberspace in the same year father traveled through the via network system, he told us that using our powers would be the ultimate source of God. But it's good that I was once trained by him to use the powers he gave us.
Miku.EXE : Trained by him? You did it once when you were like this at my age.
Zatsune.EXE : Yes. I did follow dad's steps when he told me the ways of becoming the "God" we know. I did my efforts my to master the powers and gave this kind of my own. Blessed and gifted from him after the data he extracted from Miku.
Miku.EXE : And my suggestion is that, people are spreading rumors about this Xenophanes creature.
Zatsune.EXE : Yeah. Our dad was. He was Xenophanes that was only a legend to him and we know about his past.
"Long ago in the cosmos, Xenophanes was an unstoppable and powerful being that ruled many worlds and killed countless lives by Devouring souls. He was determined for planetary conquest and gave the title of his own, The Demon or Destruction or otherwise known as God Himself."
"The many people known that Xenophanes would be also the God of Destruction, in which his enemy Exeller would stop the chaos if he and his brethren would be able to defeat him, but he was no mach for the ultimate source power that is capable of him being a God-lilke creature."
"However, in a strange events, Xenophanes came to this planet, Earth, to be hidden from Exeller and his breathen to start a family of his own. Then until one day, Xeno was stopped some how stop by one person named Pulseman and imprisoned him in a computer where he would not be forgiven one day. Thus, Xenophanes the legendary demon has became the father that he was, the one and only Sonic.EXE."
Zatsune.EXE : And Xenophanes remains in the form of dad.
Miku.EXE : So you're telling me..."father" is really the demon named "Xenophanes"? No one in the world would ever face a powerful being like him, but could you remind me if he was the demon that gave birth to us in Cyberspace?
Zatsune.EXE : Yes, perhaps it's true. But of all that is now in secrecy that Xenophanes would remain forever as a name to "God" himself, after all, he is dad.
Miku.EXE : I see that. Maybe father could teach me how to use my powers to unlock my full potential as a "God". I wonder where he is by now?
Zatsune.EXE : He's probably at a meeting with friends, to tell them how great we are. He promised that we would able to achieve the title as "God" himself! Heh, pretty cool I might add that to myself! Hey, sis. Have you ever thought about me teaching you of how to use your powers properly? Heck, you would become even stronger just like me, your sister!
Miku.EXE : [thinking] Well, ummm...[determined] Okay! You can count on me if you want to! But I must master my powers even more advanceful! I will prove to you that father will show us how powerful a God can be! That's our ultimate achievement!
Zatsune.EXE : Same to you, sister! Let's show father what were made of becoming the God there Is! Here I come, dad! You're about to face a powerful being that is to become Gods ourselves! (Miku holds onto to Zatsune) Hang tight, sis! You ready to experience the dazzing sky waltz you never seen before?
Miku.EXE : Mm! Then let's go sky high! (Both teleports away before Kuchisake-Onna appears)
Kuchisake-Onna : [thinking] Hmmm...Were those two of his daughters just here a minute ago? I better let Jeff know how things are doing well at the place.
0 notes
Aika: *sings my favorite song*
106: Wow! Hiru taught you that right?
Aika: Yeah, she taught me and my husband how to sing and play instruments. Oh and by the way, she dressed up as 049 in Brookhaven RP in Roblox
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(I can't put the name Hiru so I chose the Japanese word Ahiru meaning bird)
Hiru: I think 049 is some kind of a mammal ahiru lmao
Touma and Aika: *began to dance when Hiru began singing Amy by Minori Chihara)
Literally 049:
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049-j: Х)
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mythgirlimagines · 3 years
Hiru Hanameno – Ultimate Fire Eater
(Himiko Yumeno + Teruteru Hanamura) (Magic + Cooking. BOOM!)
Quite an interesting one
There wasn’t much rhyme or reason to their talent; they just thought fire eaters were super cool as a kid, and they wanted to “harness that magic” so they could eat super hot things.
…Not how that worked, but they’re still one of the best fire eaters in the business! They take great pride in the spectacle, wowing kids and adults alike with their skills.
With all the concentration they exert on their talent, they tend to get tired pretty easily. They also get tired easily on days when they don’t use their talent, just because.
While they love helping fire eater fledglings hone their talent and learn how to do everything safely, they refuse to spill the secrets of the magic to anyone not serious about it.
So maybe their talent wasn’t exactly what they’d been going for at first, but it turned out to be really cool in the long run, something they can take pride in doing and sharing with others.
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sakurasongbook · 4 years
From Revue in Little Lip Theater II / Utau Dai New York 2
Lyrics by Hiroi Ouji, composition by Tanaka Kouhei, arrangement by Negishi Takayuki
Performed by Uchida Naoya (Michael Sunnyside), Asoh Kaori (Plum Spaniel), Honna Yoko (Yoshino Anri)
Lyrics under the cut
Transcription/romanization by me. I’d appreciate credit if you repost them elsewhere. No reposting to lyric sites/wikis/etc., please.
※wow wow wow 愛こそすべて wow wow wow 愛こそすべて
wow wow wow ai koso subete wow wow wow ai koso subete
だれかがだれかを それぞれの場所で 泣きたいくらいに 胸をときめかせ 昼も夜も 君に会いたい その瞳に キラキラと 美しく   (oh baby) 輝いてる涙が   (涙が)
Dareka ga dareka wo   sorezore no basho de Nakitai kurai ni   mune wo tokimekase Hiru mo yoru mo   kimi ni aitai Sono hitomi ni   kirakira to Utsukushiku   (oh baby) Kagayaiteru namida ga   (namida ga)
※※LOVE is ALL   (世界中が) ALL is LOVE   (優しくなる) すべて 乗り越え どこまでも 会いにいこう LOVE is ALL   (世界中が) ALL is LOVE   (優しくなる) 君を 抱きしめ スキだといおう
LOVE is ALL   (sekaijuu ga) ALL is LOVE   (yasashiku naru) Subete   norikoe Dokomademo   ai ni ikou LOVE is ALL   (sekaijuu ga) ALL is LOVE   (yasashiku naru) Kimi wo   dakishime   suki da to iou
暗い夜の闇 千億のキスで まるで光にあふれ 喜びにみちて 時よ止まれ 悲しみよ去れ いつもいつも この胸に だきしめて (hold me tight) 何度も言おうスキだと (スキだ スキだ スキだ スキだと)
Kurai yoru no nami   senoku no KISU de Marude hikari ni afure   yorokobi ni michite Toki yo tomare   kanashimi yo sare Itsumo itsumo Kono mune ni dakisgimete   (hold me tight) Nando mo iou suki da to   (suki da   suki da   suki da   suki da to)
※※ repeat
※ repeat
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okdnn · 4 years
Okada Nana & Murayama Mail April 16 2020
Okada Nana Mail
Toast festival
● Kimchi × Unsweetened Yoghurt
I learned it when I watch
『 Hiru nandesu 』 〜 ! Delish ! 
● Margherita style toast
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I’m hooked to making it now.
As long as I have sauce and cheese ! I can do it !
Just put some bacon after it.
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Around my cheeks 
Is very dry everyday 〜 …dried up 〜 …
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It’s useless even if I put cream on it. 
It’s the same as my lips. It keeps molting. lol
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I broke my camera (lie)
Wearing loungewear all day long.
Tomorrow, tomorrow for sure
I’ll wear a proper clothes
And put on proper makeup … 
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『 The L word season 2 』
I started watching it.
After watching all of it,
I’m planning to watch Ghibli's Movies ! Looking forward to it !
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Same dinner as yesterday 
Curry on its second day
Is delicious isn’t it? yup.
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Funny pic
Even though I didn’t do anything,  " I don’t want to do anything "
Even though I’m at home,  " I want to go home "
Even though I don’t want to eat,  " I want to eat "
Such a time like that happens, doesn't it … ?
It happened to me 〜 。
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Chocolate mint
Chocomint ice cream after meal …
Wow ー ! Blissful time 
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『 Monitoring 』I’m watching it ! lol
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Murayama Yuiri Mail
Got it!
It’s quite a while ago, but
I got my hands on
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I upload past pictures,
So surprising!!
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obcreru · 5 years
“Did that darn Valentine thing say you weren’t getting a Valentine this year? I don’t understand why! Ya seem like a nice person!” Hiru shook his head before giving her a wide grin. “Well, it doesn’t matter anyway since it was completely wrong! Since…..” He held out a small teddy bear that was holding a small fake rose. “Here ya go! Happy Valentine’s Day!”
@sunfirekid : Valentine’s Day -- Still accepting!
Miyuki was leaning on the fence that overlooked the sea.  Her chin rested on one of her hands, as she leaned forward.  The port city and the other ships within the harbor was decorated in hearts and other decorations for the day.  She could see many people running around with chocolates and bouquets in their hands.  They were off to see their date.
She raised her brows as she heard the young man.  She blinked, but blushed a pink.
“Yeah, but how did... oh...” she said, looking to the side.  She turned a few shades deeper.  “Uh, I... wouldn’t...um, well, thanks.”  She gave him a small smile because of his own grin.
She chuckled.  “I suppose,” she agreed.  Her eyes widened as she looked at the small teddy bear.  “Oh, wow, that’s so cute!”  She held the teddy bear in her hands.  “It’s really for me?” She looked shocked.  She hugged the bear to her cheek.  “Thank you!  Happy Valentine’s Day!”
But wait... what about...?  She looked at the teddy bear, and then up at Hiru.  “What about you?  You need a gift, too,” she said.  She reached up to un-clip her tsubaki, and placed it onto the young man’s coat collar.  “There.  Now, you have a gift too.”
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trion-revolutionary · 2 years
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Evening the Score, page 352
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steamfix · 5 years
*ahem*Hiru*ahem* Reason: He gave Steam a handmade cake for her birthday
Anonymously send me what characters you ship my muse with!
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“Is this a bribe?”
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muselexum · 2 years
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@sunfirekid​ sent:
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"Wow, that was amazing. Your singing I mean." Hiru stated in awe, damn near brought to tears by her amazing voice. - To Uta (Sorry I just rewatched film red and had a mighty need lmao)
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She grinned, Uta having never been shy about accepting compliments. In fact it could be argued that it was in her nature to require attention and praise.
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“Thanks!” She called out, the large music note she was standing on coming to a halt in front of the awestruck audience member. She snapped her fingers, creating a tone dial that floated over to him. “Take good care of that would ya? It has the full recording of New Genesis on it. One of a kind!” She waved as her music note swooped her away, Uta continuing to shower the crowd with unique gifts and food.
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sunfirekid · 4 years
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“Huh, would you look at that. Guess it’s my birthday today. Man, time sure flies!” 
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betta-chan · 7 years
My review of Kalafina 9+ONE Live
Finally I have been able to watch the Live and I can express my opinions now ùù I really enjoyed this Live DVD, I found the girls very expressive, very into the atmosphere, expecially Wakana that impressed me, she was really majestic!! Like Keiko and Hikaru had little moments of imperfection, but for the three of them I think it was due to the mixing and the volume of mics!! It was really unbalanched for the major part of the songs, infact Keiko tended to shout in various points! Also Hikaru was so low in some verses! About the outfits I'm in love both with the tulle dresses both with the black set, but the second is really a mess!! All these fabrics were redundant and Hikaru outfit with pants (with the skirt over) it's really a fail from my point of way! Regarding the stage I really loved it, the idea to project the titles of their songs and the covers of singles/album was amazing and the Magia PV wow!! The shots were well done; I also loved the decoration of the stage in the last part of the live! It was a perfect combo with the light of the rings!! Of course the shipping moments, expecially during TTB and Ongaku, were the perfect complement!! Sooo about the setlist: Samidare --> It's one of my favourite Kala ballad and the idea to open the concert with the final "la la la" of this song, was amazing and very emotional!! I hope that they will perform it again!! The girls were really into the atmosphere! I found them so happy!! Misterioso--> It's not their best performance of this song, my fav live of Misterioso remains the "The Best Red Day" version (that lovely dresses çWç) and in this live both Keiko's both Hikaru's mics were so low compared to Wakana's! Lacrimosa --> I won't ever be tired of this song!! It's the mark of their style, it's the song that I always suggest to my friends that want to listen them, for the first time, because it's full of the gothic, tragic soul that I love with all my heart!! And in this live was wow for me! Ashita no Keshiki --> I was waiting for this live performance, since I missed it from the Red Moon era and I was so happy to listen it again yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay They were all fantastic!! Awwww Wacchan you was so sweet! Hikari no Senritsu --> Another classic of their repertoire, but please Kore-chan forgive me your parts instead of Rie-san's flute changed totally the atmosphere of the song!! I don't understand why they didn't left the recorded sound! Apart this the girls looked again so so happy to sing it and they were just adorable greating the audience! Mirai --> Again the mic's problem, because Keiko was so low in her solo part of the kajiurago and it was a shame, because it's lovely! But so pretty in general! Oblivious --> Yessssssssssss fantastic!! Hicchan's falsetto was the loveee!! She was incredible; I'm so happy to see how she went comfortable with it!! Keechan and Wacchan were amazing too in their parts, expecially in the part "yoru wo asa wo hiru wo hoshi wo yume wo natsu wo fuyu wo toki wo kaze wo mizu wo tsuchi wo sora wo" Storia --> Not their best performance of this song, I remain faithful to the "Red Moon Live" version ùù Gogatsu no Mahou --> I'm totally in love with it!! Wow they were incredible!! And finally the mics were well balanced!! It's my favourite song of "Far on the water" album and I was satisfied by this performance!! Consolation --> Finally after a long time it came again wiiiiii!! Hikaru was so powerful and contributed to the great performance! I loved it! To the beginning --> The final WaaHii moment was to adorable for this world!! They were so so cuteeee; anyway another good song, but not comparable to the "Type Moon Live"! Haru wo Matsu --> OMG the sweetenest!! I love so much when Keiko sing this type of ballads, I'm happy to see how she can sing in a way that is not typical of her vocal register! She was so expressive!! Believe piano version --> I'm in love with this!! Believe sounds completely different, from the regular version!! They were able again to put all their emotions on it, fantastic! Marchen --> I was anxiously waiting for this live performance and I really liked it!! Apart the weird dance, they were totally into it!! Finally the mic sounded regular like they should be from the beginning XD Magia --> The new PV was perfect!! It contributed to the creation of a new atmosphere!! I was so happy to see again the usual ballet before the last stanza of the song! Kyrie --> Wow again a very very good live version and the mic stands was a surprise!! The last "Kyrie eleison" was amazing!! Heavenly Blue --> I like this song, it's not one of their masterpiece, but I enjoy listening it and the kajiurago part is so beautiful in my opinion! In this live they sung it very well!! One Light --> Yesssss girls you rocked!! It felt all their energies and I loved how Wacchan looked involved in the performance! It was a surprise! Into the world --> Totally the perfection!! I loved it at the first heard and again in this live! Ongaku --> The overture should be the rule for all lives, because is great!! Anyway Ongaku is the song that HAS to be in a Kalafina Live; infact in Paris I was sad to not seeing it, but I'm sure that I'll listen next year in Japan!! It's clear that both the girls both the audience love it, I love it too!! The only thing for what I was sorry is this: the absence of Wacchan's vibrato in her "basho ee" like in other lives, but they looked a little bit tired, after all it was the end of the live! Again lovely shipping moments *WWW* Blaze --> Fantastic like One Light!! Hikaru was impressive here!! It's her song, she was so fierce!! Yume no Daichi --> Last, but not the last, comes another of my favourite ballads!! They performed it very well!! They looked again so happy!! I love how they're able to involve the audience, with a smile or a waving!! I love them so muuch çWWç I can't wait for seeing them again next year!! I didn't expect that before leaving the stage, Hicchan talked in this such lovely way and Keechan that went away before them, since she was about to cry, was just to adorableee! Wacchan eyes looked also wet!
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newbisskey · 6 years
Latest Frequency wise channel list of Dish tv dth updated 11 January 2019. This channel list of Dishtv includes DD Freedish channels and also Ses8 channels.
Scanning 11090 H 30000… – THANTHI TV (TV) – STAR MOVIES (TV) – STAR WORLD (TV) – TIMES NOW (TV) – STAR SPORTS 1 (TV) – COLORS KANNADA (TV) – ETV TELUGU (TV) – CNN NEWS 18 (TV) – COLORS BANGLA (TV) – TEST 2 (TV) – CNBC AWAAZ (TV) – ZEE PUNJAB HARYANA HIMACHAL (TV) – COLORS ORIYA (TV) – ABP MAJHA (TV) – COLORS GUJARATI (TV) – ZEE RAJASTHAN NEWS (TV) – NEWS TIME BANGLA (TV) – CNBC BAJAR (TV) – STV HARYANA NEWS (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 11090 V 29500… – DWDS_Service (Radio) – DD National (TV) – DD News (TV) – DD Sports (TV) – DD Kisan (TV) – DD Bharti (TV) – DD Bangla (TV) – DD Chandana (TV) – DD Girnar (TV) – DD Kashir (TV) – Maha Movie (TV) – Aastha Bhajan (TV) – B4 U Movies (TV) – Wow Cinema (TV) – India News (TV) – IBN 7 (TV) – Big Magic Ganga (TV) – AIR VBS (Radio) – AIR Telugu (Radio) – AIR Marathi (Radio) – AIR Tamil (Radio) – AIR National (Radio) – Rainbow Kolkata (Radio) – AIR Vijayawada (Radio) – Test 108 (Radio) [Scanned in 00:04] Scanning 11170 V 29500.. – DWDS_service (Radio) – DD Rajasthan (TV) – DD Oriya (TV) – DD Podhigai (TV) – DD Punjabi (TV) – DD Sahyadri (TV) – DD Yadagiri (TV) – DD Malayalam (TV) – Lok Sabha (TV) – Rajya Sabha (TV) – Vaa Movies (TV) – Dangal (TV) – Bhojpuri Cinema (TV) – DD Bihar (TV) – DD North East (TV) – DD UP (TV) – Sadhna National (TV) – AIR Gujrati (Radio) – FM Rainbow (Radio) – AIR Punjabi (Radio) – FM Gold (Radio) – Radio Kashir (Radio) – AIR Lucknow (Radio) – AIR Patna (Radio) – AIR Bhopal (Radio) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 11470 V 29500… L:58% Q:36% – DWDS_Service (Radio) – Naaptol Blue (TV) – DD Urdu (TV) – Cinema TV (TV) – DD Saptgiri (TV) – India TV (TV) – Aastha TV (TV) – Manoranjan TV (TV) – News Nation (TV) – Sony Pal (TV) – Dabangg (TV) – Rishtey (TV) – Sony Mix (TV) – Homeshop 18 (TV) – DD MP (TV) – Enterr-10 (TV) – APN News TV (TV) – Air Kannada (Radio) – AIR Bangla (Radio) – AIR Hindi (Radio) – AIR NE (Radio) – AIR Chennai (Radio) – FM Gold Mumbai (Radio) – AIR Jaipur (Radio) – Rainbow Mumbai (Radio) [Scanned in 00:04] Scanning 11470 H 30000… L:58% Q:38% – PRAMEYA NEWS 7 (TV) – HOME SHOP 18 (TV) – VRINDA TV (TV) – GEMPORIA (TV) – TEST D1 (TV) – TEST D2 (TV) – TEST D3 (TV) – TEST D4 (TV) – TEST D5 (TV) – ZEE YUVA (TV) – GEMPORIA (TV) – DY365 (TV) – SD to HD (TV) – ETV RAJASTHAN (TV) – NAAPTOL TAMIL (TV) – PRATIDIN TIME (TV) – ETV BIHAR (TV) – RECHARGE REMINDER (TV) – NAXATRA NEWS (TV) – PRAG TV (TV) – NAAPTOL GREEN (TV) – NAAPTOL GREEN (TV) – NAAPTOL GREEN (TV) – DHOOM MUSIC (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 11510 V 29500… L:58% Q:44% – DWDS_service (Radio) – Big Magic (TV) – Sanskar (TV) – 9XM (TV) – Teleshop (TV) – India 24×7 (TV) – Star Utsav (TV) – Zee Anmol (TV) – Mastiii (TV) – B4U Music (TV) – Dillagi (TV) – News State (TV) – News 24 (TV) – Sony Wah (TV) – AAJ TAK (TV) – ABP News (TV) – Chardikala Time TV (TV) – AIR Ragam (Radio) – Rainbow Bangalore (Radio) – Air Urdu (Radio) – Air Oriya (Radio) – AIR Malayalam (Radio) – AIR Assamese (Radio) – FM Gold Chennai (Radio) – FM Gold Kolkata (Radio) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 11510 H 30000… L:58% Q:37% – MOVIE ON DEMAND 1 (TV) – DEN SNAPDEAL (TV) – ZING HOME (TV) – 05Monster Active (Data) – ZEE 24 TAAS (TV) – DEFAULT PLATE (TV) – 24 GHANTA (TV) – NEWS LIVE (TV) – SADHNA PLUS (TV) – ZEE MP CHHATTISGARH (TV) – TEST D6 (TV) – TEST D7 (TV) – TEST D8 (TV) – TEST D9 (TV) – TEST D10 (TV) – SHOP CJ 1 (TV) – ALANKAR TV (TV) – MOVIE ON DEMAND 2 (TV) – Dish Box Office Premier (TV) – DISH ACTIVE (Data) – NAAPTOL BANGLA (TV) – euro 2 (Data) [Scanned in 00:08] Scanning 11550 V 29500… L:58% Q:41% – Manoranjan Movies (TV) – Movie House (TV) – Housefull Movies (TV) – Star Utsav Movies (TV) – Russia Today (TV) – Zee Anmol Cinema (TV) – 9X Bajao (TV) – RT Movies (TV) – ZEE News (TV) – India News (TV) – 9X Jalwa (TV) – Rishtey Cineplex (TV) – Vision TV Shiksha (TV) – MTV Beats (TV) – Fakt Marathi (TV) – Chitrapat Marathi (TV) – Test 501 (Radio) – Test 502 (Radio) – Test 503 (Radio) – Test 504 (Radio) – Test 505 (Radio) – Test 506 (Radio) – Test 507 (Radio) – Test 508 (Radio) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 11590 V 29500… L:58% Q:42% – MHRD 1 (TV) – MHRD 2 (TV) – MHRD 3 (TV) – MHRD 4 (TV) – MHRD 5 (TV) – MHRD 6 (TV) – MHRD 7 (TV) – MHRD 8 (TV) – MHRD 9 (TV) – MHRD 10 (TV) – MHRD 11 (TV) – MHRD 12 (TV) – MHRD 13 (TV) – MHRD 14 (TV) – MHRD 15 (TV) – MHRD 16 (TV) – DIGISHALA (TV) [Scanned in 00:04] Scanning 11590 H 30000… L:58% Q:35% – NAAPTOL MARATHI (TV) – KIDS ACTIVE (TV) – ZEE PURVAIYA (TV) – SAHARA SAMAY (TV) – MBC (TV) – KANAK NEWS (TV) – RANG TV (TV) – DISH BOX OFFICE 2 (TV) – BINDASS PLAY (TV) – ISHWAR TV (TV) – ETV UP (TV) – ETV MP (TV) – ZEE KALINGA NEWS (TV) – ZING (TV) – RENGONI TV (TV) – DEVI TV (TV) – ASSAM TALKS (TV) – SHUBH TV (TV) – SATSANG (TV) – NAVGRAH (TV) – NEPAL 1 (TV) – CHANNEL ONE NEWS (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 11630 V 30000… L:58% Q:50% – TEST 601 (TV) – TEST 602 (TV) – TEST 603 (TV) – TEST 604 (TV) – TEST 605 (TV) – TEST 606 (TV) – TEST 607 (TV) – TEST 608 (TV) – TEST 609 (TV) – TEST 610 (TV) – TEST 611 (TV) – TEST 612 (TV) – TEST 613 (TV) – TEST 614 (TV) – TEST 615 (TV) – TEST 616 (TV) – TEST 617 (TV) – TEST 618 (TV) – TEST 619 (TV) – TEST 620 (TV) – TEST 621 (TV) – TEST 622 (TV) – Test 623 (TV) – TEST 624 (TV) [Scanned in 00:08] Scanning 11670 V 29500… L:58% Q:49% – MHRD 17 (TV) – MHRD 18 (TV) – MHRD 19 (TV) – MHRD 20 (TV) – MHRD 21 (TV) – MHRD 22 (TV) – MHRD 23 (TV) – MHRD 24 (TV) – MHRD 25 (TV) – MHRD 26 (TV) – MHRD 27 (TV) – MHRD 28 (TV) – MHRD 29 (TV) – MHRD 30 (TV) – MHRD 31 (TV) – MHRD 32 (TV) – Test 2 (TV) [Scanned in 00:08] Scanning 11990 H 43000… L:59% Q:48% – AAJ NEWS (TV) – KTN NEWS (TV) – SAUDI ARABIA 1 (TV) – SILVER SCREEN (TV) – SAUDI ARABIA 2 (TV) – MADANI TV (TV) – METRO 1 NEWS (TV) – SINDH TV (TV) – DAWN NEWS (TV) – ARY QTV (TV) – ARY NEWS (TV) – ARY ZINDAGI (TV) – DISCOVERY TAMIL (TV) – ZEE TAMIL (TV) – MAX (TV) – ZEE CINEMA (TV) – ZEE CLASSIC (TV) – ZEE ACTION (TV) – MAX 2 (TV) – ZEE STUDIO (TV) – ZEE TV (TV) – SONY (TV) – SAB (TV) – ZEE CAFE (TV) – CARTOON NETWORK (TV) – DISCOVERY KIDS (TV) – SONY SIX (TV) – DISCOVERY (TV) – ID (TV) – CNN (TV) – LIVING FOODZ (TV) – ZEE SALAM (TV) – DISCOVERY TURBO (TV) – DISCOVERY SCIENCE (TV) – ANIMAL PLANET (TV) – TLC (TV) – MASALA TV (TV) – POGO (TV) – TOONAMI (TV) – CAPITAL NEWS (TV) [Scanned in 00:05] Scanning 12050 H 45000… L:59% Q:46% – AAKASH AATH (TV) – MUSIC FATAFATI (TV) – POLIMER (TV) – AMRITA TV (TV) – SHALOM (TV) – ASEERVATHAM (TV) – MAIBOLI (TV) – MI MARATHI (TV) – PTC CHAKDE (TV) – NATIONAL VOICE (TV) – SVBC (TV) – TEN 2 (TV) – TEN CRICKET (TV) – TEN 1 (TV) – PUBLIC TV (TV) – SAMACHAR PLUS (TV) – KAUMUDY TV (TV) – REPORTER TV (TV) – PEOPLE TV (TV) – JEEVAN TV (TV) – SAFARI TV (TV) – KAPPA TV (TV) – GOODNESS TV (TV) – JANAM TV (TV) – PUTHUYUGAM (TV) – MUSIC INDIA (TV) – JAI MAHARASHTRA (TV) – SAHARA ONE (TV) – RAMDHENU (TV) – FRANCE 24 (TV) – NEWS 7 TAMIL (TV) [Scanned in 00:06] Scanning 12110 H 40700… L:59% Q:49% – DISHA TV (TV) – MAZHAVIL MANORAMA (TV) – KASHISH NEWS (TV) – WE TV (TV) – BHAKTI TV (TV) – ANGEL TV (TV) – CAPTAIN TV (TV) – ABN ANDHRA JYOTI (TV) – SIRIPOLI (TV) – KALAIGNAR (TV) – MAKKAL THOLAIKATCHI (TV) – MURASU (TV) – SRI SANKARA (TV) – FASHION TV (TV) – CGTN (TV) – GOD TV (TV) – KATYAYANI (TV) – DIVYA (TV) – ISAI ARUVI (TV) – VASANTH TV (TV) – ALJAZEERA (TV) – SUBHAVAARTHA (TV) – V6 NEWS (TV) [Scanned in 00:05] Scanning 12170 H 40700… L:59% Q:48% – EXPRESS ENTERTAINMENT (TV) – ARY DIGITAL (TV) – A PLUS (TV) – PTV HOME (TV) – HUM TV (TV) – EXPRESS NEWS (TV) – AVT KHYBER (TV) – DUNYA NEWS (TV) – SAMAA TV (TV) – KTN (TV) – SL_ZAPPER_EPG (Data) – THE BUDDHIST (TV) – CHANNEL I (TV) – TNL (TV) – SIYATHA (TV) – HIRU TV (TV) – DERANA (TV) – SIRASA (TV) – SHAKTHI (TV) – VARNAM (TV) – SWARNAVAHINI (TV) – ITN (TV) – VASANTHAM TV (TV) – CHANNEL EYE / NETHRA TV (TV) – RUPAVAHINI (TV) – TV1 (TV) – BUZZ (TV) – BBS (TV) – ATN BANGLA (TV) – CSN (TV) – SD_EPG PVR_SL (Data) – EURO (Data) – SHAMSHAD TV (TV) – VERBUM TV / EWTN (TV) – ARY MUSIK (TV) – SD_PVR_EPG_V520 (Data) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 12534 V 43200… L:57% Q:45% – NDTV GOOD TIMES (TV) – ZOOM TV (TV) – ZEE TELUGU (TV) – MAA TV (TV) – RAJ TV (TV) – STAR PRAVAH (TV) – ABP ANANDA (TV) – ZEE TALKIES (TV) – STAR SPORTS 4 (TV) – MOVIES NOW (TV) – SEITHIGAL (TV) – ADITHYA TV (TV) – JAYA PLUS (TV) – SECOND FORCE PLATE (TV) – SONY MAX 2 (TV) – BINDASS (TV) – SONY AATH (TV) – TV (TV) – EPIC TV (TV) – COLORS INFINITY (TV) – NAT GEO PEOPLE (TV) – MINIPLEX (TV) – HD_PVR_EPG_V51_A8 (Data) – SD_PVR_EPG_V51_A7 (Data) – NEO SPORTS (TV) – MEDIA ONE (TV) – SANGEET BANGLA (TV) – BHAKTI ACTIVE (TV) – ABP NEWS (TV) – MYBOX_ZAPPER_EPG (Data) – ETV GUJRATI NEWS (TV) – ABP ASMITA (TV) – Recharge on Time (TV) – TV 10 TELUGU NEWS (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 12595 H 43200… L:57% Q:39% – DISNEY CHANNEL (TV) – GAMES ACTIVE (Data) – COLORS MARATHI (TV) – TV 5 (TV) – STAR VIJAY (TV) – ASIANET PLUS (TV) – ASIANET NEWS (TV) – TEN 3 (TV) – SAKSHI TV (TV) – NTV (TV) – JAYA MAX (TV) – TARANG (TV) – MATHRUBHUMI NEWS (TV) – TV9 MARATHI (TV) – ID (TV) – UDAYA TV (TV) – UDAYA MOVIES (TV) – UDAYA NEWS (TV) – UDAYA MUSIC (TV) – GEMINI TV (TV) – GEMINI COMEDY (TV) – SANGEET MARATHI (TV) – Recharge on Time (TV) – BABY TV (TV) – 9X TASHAN (TV) – HISTORY (TV) – NAAPTOL BLUE (TV) – NAAPTOL BLUE (TV) – DISNEY XD (TV) – COMEDY ACTIVE (TV) – IBADAT ACTIVE (TV) – FOX life (TV) – LIVING FOODZ (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 12595 V 43200… L:57% Q:44% – NEO PRIME (TV) – TV9 KANNADA (TV) – TV9 TELUGU (TV) – SUVARNA (TV) – KOLKATA TV (TV) – MANORAMA NEWS (TV) – ETV ANDHRA PRADESH (TV) – JAYA TV (TV) – ROMEDY NOW (TV) – JALSHA MOVIES (TV) – NAAPTOL TELUGU (TV) – STAR SPORTS 2 (TV) – KAIRALI TV (TV) – PTC NEWS (TV) – SUN NEWS (TV) – SUN MUSIC (TV) – ASIANET (TV) – KIRAN TV (TV) – SURYA TV (TV) – SUVARNA PLUS (TV) – TRAVEL XP (TV) – MH 1 (TV) – NAT GEO (TV) – VH1 (TV) – ETV CINEMA (TV) – T NEWS (TV) – PARAS TV (TV) – MUSIC ACTIVE (Data) – 31MUSIC ACTIVE (Radio) – SARTHAK TV (TV) – BUZZ 2 (TV) – ZERO DAY FS (TV) – MOVIES NOW 2 (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 12647 V 32700… L:57% Q:45% – GEMINI MOVIES (TV) – SUVARNA NEWS (TV) – MAA MUSIC (TV) – MAA GOLD (TV) – MAA MOVIES (TV) – UDAYA COMEDY (TV) – TARANG MUSIC (TV) – PRARTHANA (TV) – PICTURES (TV) – IBN LOKMAT (TV) – ASIANET MOVIES (TV) – ZEE BANGLA CINEMA (TV) – MOVIES OK (TV) – MAHUA TV (TV) – K TV (TV) – CHUTTI TV (TV) – FLOWERS TV (TV) – OTV (TV) – NGC WILD (TV) – 9X JHAKAAS (TV) – SONY SIX (TV) – ZEE CINEMA (TV) – ZEE ETC BOLLYWOOD (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 12647 H 30000… L:56% Q:40% – SONY (TV) – SONY SAB (TV) – COMEDY CENTRAL (TV) – SONY PIX (TV) – TLC (TV) – AXN (TV) – NDTV INDIA (TV) – ANIMAL PLANET (TV) – TEN 1 (TV) – STAR GOLD (TV) – MTV (TV) – DISCOVERY SCIENCE (TV) – DISCOVERY TURBO (TV) – ZEE SALAAM (TV) – ZEE ACTION (TV) – ZEE KANNADA (TV) – SONY ESPN (TV) – SONIC (TV) – DISCOVERY (TV) – BBC WORLD NEWS (TV) – INDIA TODAY (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 12688 V 27500… L:56% Q:47% – ZEE TV (TV) – ZEE MARATHI (TV) – ZEE STUDIO (TV) – ZEE CAFE (TV) – LIFE OK (TV) – ZEE Q (TV) – ZINDAGI (TV) – DISH BUZZ (TV) – SONY MAX (TV) – STAR PLUS (TV) – EURO (Data) – EFDish Information (Data) – 61Games Active (TV) – OTA (CD1004is) (Data) – OTA (VGA) (Data) – SL_ZAPPER_EPG (Data) – SD_ZAPPER_ZING_EPG (Data) – SD_EPG PVR_SL (Data) – SD_PVR_EPG_SL_V520 (Data) – OTA_CD1005/6S (Data) – DFmessaging (Data) – OTA_CD1004S (Data) – MYBOX_PVR_EPG_V42 (Data) – HD_PVR_DFEPG_V525 (Data) – SD_PVR_DFEPG_V525 (Data) – SD_ZAPPER_EPG_525 (Data) [Scanned in 00:08] Scanning 12688 H 32000… L:56% Q:43% – WION (TV) – ETV KANNADA NEWS (TV) – RAJ MUSIX KANNADA (TV) – FYI TV18 (TV) – ZEE CINEMALU (TV) – COLORS SUPER (TV) – ETV ORIYA NEWS (TV) – ZEE CINEMA HD (TV) – PICTURES HD (TV) – ZEE TV HD (TV) – STAR PLUS HD (TV) – COLORS HD (TV) – SONY HD (TV) – TV HD (TV) – STAR GOLD HD (TV) – MAX HD (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 12729 H 32700… L:56% Q:42% – ZEE CLASSIC (TV) – ETV TELANGANA (TV) – STAR MOVIES ACTION (TV) – FX (TV) – PUTHIYA THALAIMURAI (TV) – MEGA TV (TV) – KOCHU (TV) – KASTURI TV (TV) – CHITHIRAM (TV) – STAR JALSHA (TV) – PVOD (TV) – AALAMI SAMAY (TV) – ETV PLUS (TV) – UTV ACTION (TV) – ZEE BANGLA (TV) – ETV BANGLA NEWS (TV) – DISCOVERY KIDS (TV) – ZEE TAMIL (TV) – HUNGAMA (TV) – POGO (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 12729 V 32700… L:56% Q:45% – NICK (TV) – HBO (TV) – DISCOVERY TAMIL (TV) – NDTV 24×7 (TV) – ETV URDU (TV) – CNN INTL (TV) – TEN 2 (TV) – STAR SPORTS 3 (TV) – ET NOW (TV) – PTC PUNJABI (TV) – TV9 GUJARATI (TV) – CARTOON NETWORK (TV) – NDTV PROFIT/PRIME (TV) – FF HELP (Data) – UTV MOVIES (TV) – CHANNEL V (TV) – CNBC TV 18 (TV) – GEMINI MUSIC (TV) – SUN TV (TV) – COLORS (TV) – PLAYIN TV DATA (Radio) – PLAYIN TV (Data) – WB (TV) – ZEE BUSINESS (TV) – MTUNES (TV) [Scanned in 00:08] Video Channels: 555 Radio Channels: 46 Data Channels: 29 Total: 630
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