#wow I’m such a good student /j
hplonesomeart · 5 months
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chlobliviate · 2 months
Wolfstar Microfic - Faster
Words: 839
Remus would forever be grateful to Sirius for spotting the moon, dragging him back into the shrieking shack, kissing his temple and locking the door before he could transform. Even with the wolfsbane, he wouldn’t wish it on Harry and his friends to witness the transformation.
Even with Remus' mind, the wolf was restless. He could smell Sirius and Peter. Peter. He knew Hermione had hit him with incarcerous, but worried all night about whether they’d finally got him.
After he turned back, groggy and exhausted, but uninjured, the door swung open. He swallowed the disappointment at not Sirius standing there, but Dumbledore.
“Good Morning!” He said jovially as if the events of last night were a regular occurrence. “How are you feeling?”
Remus frowned, “Albus, tell me—”
“I’ll get to that, Remus. How are you feeling? Was the potion adequate?”
“Yes, thank you.” He muttered, “I didn’t sleep much, but I’m fine.”
“Glad to hear it!” Dumbledore’s eyes twinkled. “Mr Potter, Mr Weasley and Miss Granger are all safe and unharmed, other than Mr Weasley’s leg which is already on the mend. Severus is… his usual self.” Remus snorted, “He has made a point to inform the ministry of your condition, which will no doubt filter down to parents and students in due course. I want to make myself absolutely clear, Remus, that you belong here. No complaints from parents or questions from the wizengamot will change that. I hope that you will stay.”
Remus stared at the wall, everyone would know. Surely parents would withdraw their children, and send them to Beauxbatons where they weren’t being taught by a monster. Of course, he couldn’t stay.
Dumbledore interrupted his train of thought, “The students respond to you and they enjoy your lessons. You would be doing yourself and them a disservice if you let this change things. Just, think about it.” He nodded, “Onto more serious matters.”
“Is he…”
“Aurors came to collect Mr Pettigrew in the early hours of the morning. He is awaiting trial now.”
“So he gets a trial? Not just thrown in Azkaban, no questions asked?” Remus snarled. “He spent twelve years in there, Albus.”
“I’m well aware,” Dumbledore Held up a hand, “He will be given a full pardon. He’s in the hospital wing currently being fussed over by Poppy.”
“He’s not… they didn’t take him back?” Remus blinked at him.
“No, Remus. He’s a free man.”
Remus didn’t care if he was being rude. All he could think of was Sirius, and he ran from the shack, through the tunnel and out of the Whomping Willow, not caring if anyone saw him exit. He ran faster than he ever had and when he came skidding to a halt in the hospital wing, a small sea of curious faces greeted him.
Harry, Ron and Hermione were gathered around Sirius’ bed while Madam Pomfrey hovered. Sirius sat cross-legged on top of the sheets, chatting animatedly to Harry, wearing clean robes, with his hair tied back and, wow, he didn’t know that Poppy could work miracles, but apparently she could.
Sirius instantly leapt from the bed to the protests of Harry and Hermione and threw his arms around Remus.
“You’re alright.” Remus whispered, “I’ve got you.”
“I am pleased to introduce you to our new Astronomy professor, Professor Sirius Black.” Dumbledore smiled over at him.
Sirius got to his feet and bowed slightly, smiling at the cheers coming from the Gryffindor table. As he sat back down, Remus’ hand returned to his thigh and he linked their little fingers together.
Remus, after much debate with Sirius and Harry, had agreed to stay on at Hogwarts. When Dumbledore offered Sirius the Astronomy position he’d pinched himself several times because being back at Hogwarts with Sirius seemed too good to be true. Dumbledore had written to them a week after term had ended to ask if they’d like separate quarters, or to share, and that had shattered the levy that had been holding back everything they hadn’t said since they were teenagers. Choked ‘I love you’s, angry ‘I missed you’s and serene promises. Forevers.
Travelling on the Hogwarts Express with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Neville was delightful. Much better than it had been for Remus the previous year, not a dementor in sight. Sirius slung his arm across the back of the seats and Remus leaned into his shoulder. He noticed Hermione shoot Ron an ‘I told you so’ look, but that was all. They’d told Harry over the summer when he’d finally come to live with them at Grimmauld Place and he was thrilled for them, Lily and James’ son through and through. They’d absolutely gutted the house, slashing the portrait of Walburga until the ribbons of canvas were finally silent. All the silver adornments changed to gold, and heavy, dusty curtains were thrown away to let the light in.
It would only be their home for a few months a year for the foreseeable future, but it was their home. Better late than never.
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txna-blxckthorn · 1 year
my thoughts while watching dps:
oh my god why do all the guys look the same, i can barely remember movie characters names as is. this is just gonna make it harder 😭
neil is so adorable, i’ll punch anyone who hurts him
fuck neil’s dad not letting him do the school annual honestly i already don’t like him
omg they’re going to make asian parents so proud. neil gonna go to med school. those two other guys idk their names, mr future lawyer and me future banker
mr keating making the students rip the pages j evans pritchard wrote i’m not sure if he has a severe grudge on that guy as if he’s insulted his mom or he’s just a cool teacher
i made my mind. he’s a really cool teacher and i wish every teacher was like that
“poetry, beauty, romance, love.. it’s the reason most people stay alive.”
omg they’re gonna go to the cave that’s for the dead poets society???????
awwww todd is so cuteeee <33333
i swear to god these boys look like they’re trying to start a cult. sneaking out in the middle of the night wearing long black cloaks and hiding in a cave to tell stories and dancing around the fire
“truth is like a blanket that always leaves your feet cold. you push it, stretch it, it’ll never be enough. you kick say it, beat it, it’ll never cover any of us. from the moment we enter crying, to the moment we leave dying, it’ll just cover your face as you wail and cry and scream.” i swear, who hurt my child todd? i’m gonna kill them
ew i hate party scenes in movies, esp if it’s like a teenage club. it’s a really big ick for me
I SAID I HATE NEIL’S DAD FUCK HIM FUCK HIM neil literally not the lead role in the play that’s the next day, can’t he tell his dad he’ll quit tomorrow????
broooOo neil was so good in the play it was amazing!!!!!!!!
maybe he just needs alone time
mr keating noooo don’t cry
he actually believed the school???
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nkjemisin · 2 years
I’ll miss you Twitter
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Wow. OK, at this point my bet’s on the lettuce.
It’s pretty clear now that Twitter is not long for this world. Testament to staff that the site has held up this long with so many critical personnel gone and functions failing... but everything that has a beginning has an end. I wish All The Twitter Staff who’ve jumped ship a very Quick Job Hunt, and I especially hope all the H1B visa holders who are stuck at Twitter find some kind of escape raft before the ship goes down completely. (Remember that I used to be a career counselor to students and alumni in STEM fields, back in my old day job. I know some of those people. Worried for them.)
Gotta admit, I am enjoying the schadenfreude of watching Elon show his entire ass to the world... but overall Twitter’s demise is bad news. With so much of our (US) mainstream media now taken over by right-wing ideologues, getting accurate information and takes from marginalized groups on societal events is going to get a lot harder. Twitter’s failure is also going to make life harder for every artist you know. I’ll probably be okay at this point in my career, though I guess we’ll just have to wait and see on that. (I’m doing good, y’all, but I think the only authors who don’t need to do any self-marketing are maybe J. K. Rowling, Neil Gaiman, and Stephen King. For the rest of us, the hustle is eternal.) But artists who aren’t as established, academics, and activists are just some of the groups who are going to struggle without that hellsite. Please be sure to seek out your favorite authors, musicians, mutual aid orgs, etc., find out where they’ll be going forward, and support them as best you can. 
Anyway. It turned into a toxic mess near the end, but I remember the awe I felt watching the Arab Spring happen on there. I made some friends for life there. Black Twitter! Informative threads about so many topics! Research for some of my books! Hell, I pretty much built my whole professional career there; transitioned there from LJ around the time my first book came out. I’ve gotten career opportunities I never would’ve had there, and made contacts with people I never would’ve dreamed of getting to know. There were so many good moments. But all these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Until the next thing comes along... but that doesn’t mean the loss doesn’t hurt.
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toreii · 1 year
Lost in the Book with Stitch part 8
Disclaimer: This is a fan translation. I apologize for any mistakes. I’m by no means fluent in Japanese, but I try my best. Please, support the official translation when it comes out.
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Uninhabited Island - Near Spaceship
Grim: “J-Just a while ago, there were definitely other legs than the front and hind legs…there were legs in the middle.”
???: “STITCH, GOOD!”
Lilia/Floyd: “Stitch?”
???: “STITCH, GOOD!”
Lilia: “Stitch…is your name?”
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Floyd: “Oh~. This guy can understand what we say.”
Floyd: “You’re a smart dog.”
Jack: “He’s definitely not a dog. A normal dog doesn’t name itself.”
Riddle: “That’s right. It might be some kind of magical beast like Grim.”
Ace: “Ah, right. If you ask me, it has a goofy face like Grim.”
Ace: “But, unlike Grim, he doesn’t say cheeky things, and he’s kind of cute.”
Stitch: *Growls and attacks Ace*
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Riddle: “This ferocious beast! What are you doing to my dorm student! Ace, I’ll tear him off right now…wow, what a roar!”
Azul: “With it’s face scrunched and fangs bared…this growling is definitely not a dog!?”
Stitch: *Growling*
Jack: “You’re saying it’s not a dog. Look, even it’s fangs aren’t canines…Ow!”
Jack: “T-This guy even bit me! Stop it!”
Grim: “Kyu, it suddenly turned into a ball!?”
Riddle: “It bit my leg and curled up!? That's unbelievable flexibility. What kind of body does it have?”
Jack: “What!? It rolled and hit me... Wow! The tree that Stitch bumped into broke and fell!?”
Grim: “Ow. Don’t tackle me!”
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Stitch: “ROCK N’ ROLL!”
Ace: “T-This guy…is too dangerous!”
Floyd: “Ahaha, Stitch is interesting~.”
Lilia: “Uh-huh. It’s really good to have energy.”
Stitch: !
Stitch: “…………”
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Floyd: “Oh. He climbed on my shoulder.”
Stitch: ♪
Lilia: “What the, you're cute. It's a shame that everyone is making such a fuss.”
Ace: “This guy…as soon as Floyd-senpai and Lilia-senpai were sweet to it, it snuggled up to both them!”
Riddle: “What a calculating creature.”
Lilia: “Oh, he jumped on me too!”
Lilia: “He’s so cute…and, I somehow feel a sense of familiarity with him.”
Lilia: “Kufufu. I want to take you back to school.”
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Floyd: “Good idea~. Can Octavinelle and Diasomnia raise him together?”
Lilia: “Keep it in Diasomnia, huh…okay. Malleus will be delighted!”
Riddle: “I can’t imagine Malleus happy holding this creature…!?”
Floyd: “Stitch~. You want that too, don’t you? You should be with us, right?”
Stitch: “…………”
Stitch: “……Ohana.”
Floyd: “Ohana?”
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Floyd: “What does that mean? What’s wrong with the flowers?”
Lilia: “I don’t know…but, there seems to be something on his mind.”
Floyd: “What’s the matter? Do you want to go somewhere else?”
Floyd: “Hmm. Even so, nothing happened to fall on this island.”
Lilia: “Hmm…if you look closely, his vehicle seems to be using quite advanced technology.”
Lilia: “I doubt it’d fall this easily. What on earth caused this?”
Stitch: !
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Lilia: “W-What the!”
???: “You were here, No. 626!”
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snackugaki · 2 years
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Originally posted as a reblog
but! now with more speedrun run-on sentence speculationing because I have ✨A Problem™✨
hokay. so. here’s the earth. I don’t really go there, it’s not my jurisdiction, my dvd region or IP address but I know you gotta have your control group and experimental groups, so. do I know if splinter and the boys should actually be referred to the as the control group? hahahahha-- no, not at all. but no scientist is over my shoulder to check my work so moving on.
April’s dad probably tried to go an ethics board or OSHA or whatever for Sacks’ bullshit, didn’t get anywhere so took shit into his own hands ‘cuz I guess fuck them animals-- doesn’t matter April Hogosha O’Neil saves Splinter and the boys. Lab’s ruined, Sacks is out (supposedly) one big-ass container of ooze. now a person with their shit together would have gathered the information in order to proceed to the next point.
ha!  anyway. Sadsack kills April’s dad, and probably has a tiff and a half with Shredder about the lab destruction. Shredder probably got maaaad, like you’re his student and you got your whole shit destroyed in a fire? embarrassing. anyway, Shredder’s shrewd as fuck, keeps Sadsack on to do his little science things but now monitored. heavily. i’mma pretend the experimental groups were housed in a different building and thus spared the control group’s fiery “death”. Shredder’s a hoarder with a sunk-cost fallacy complex and probably kept those going under a different team. Sadsack wasn’t notified because a) Shredder can’t trust him with nothing apparently 2) if he did know, he’s the kind of arrogant prick to be all “do not sully my mind with subgrade projects wah wah, my dumbass likes to pretend I’m so calculating but a nerd with a lighter ruined like x years of research”
turns out those experimental groups became something, wow. I’d feel like in terms of testing out multiple variations of the formula, venus and jennika had the least, then slash, then tokka and rahzar. and just ‘cuz all this was started by being tagged in someone’s ask... I feel like maybe Mona and Leatherhead were an extra test group tacked onto the roster after seeing Venus and Jennika gain sentience and gorgeous cheekbones. ‘cuz if that happened, “wouldn’t it be dope if we got a komodo dragon (instead of a salamander, or maybe some Jurassic Park shit and splicing that salamander into a komodo dragon lol y not) and an alligator to do a backflip while throwing a knife?”
anyway, everyone’s gaining sentience like a tiktok dance trend, Venus and Jennika get carted away from the Foot scientists to train. for how long? until what age? i dunno, whatever’ll endear them most to the grandpa character I’d have them meet in Chinatown after they decide to go rogue. but backtracking, they get some training in before plot shenanigans and hey, they should go to nyc because “we have a branch of the Foot Clan there, USDA, FDA, NBA, CIA, FBI are too nosy so we’ll ship our more containment breachy subjects to japan or whereever we can keep thing until we can introduce them in later movies that’d happen in a brighter timeline.”
so like, first of all, you can’t tell kids nothing, and the Foot were the dumbasses who decided to teach teenage girls paramilitarized ninjutsu ig idk how the Foot was supposed to be in the bay movies. Sites say it’s a paramilitary group started by Sacks’n Shredder, Shredder talks as if it’s a reincarnation of the ninja Foot Clan so.... whatevs, my daughters learn ninjutsu. and they’re being shipped off to nyc. and because you can’t keep humanity down Venus and Jennika’s “trainers” didn’t depersonalize them like they were supposed to, and look, they’ve got personalities now. they have hobbies. you ruined a perfectly good killing machine is what you did. 
and ‘cuz teenage girls are the most unstoppable force on this planet, they break out mid-shipment and enter nyc on their own terms. bright, shiny nyc to girls who can turn your guts into confetti. amazing, perfect. just gonna glide over unnecessary shit and just assume they slipped through NYC like Leo did in the Mutanimal base in the IDW run (which, I have to give that couple of pages its flowers, that was the most real life ninja shit I’ve ever seen in a TMNT comic in my accessible memory bravo) cue nyc tourist montage. my girls are not above swiping shit directly off of people, so they have a great time. they grab beef patties and chopped cheeses, like 20 little blue cups of nyc joe, they swipe I <3 NY shirts that they can kinda fit in (good luck fitting into that shit when you’re older babes)
they wind up in Chinatown (clikkit is2g) did a great job of flying under human radar and oops, not this one old man. lucky for my daughters they’re lucky (plotwise) and lucky (symbolically), that Old Man Chung offers them refuge, cue bonding montage, aww, an old man scuttling after rambunctious freshly adopted daughters. Grandpa Chung has a traditional medicine shop, let’s say Brooklyn’s Chinatown in Sunset Park just like in my tmnt au  and Venus learns his trade and branches off from there, they hang out with the Tai Chi uncles and aunties on Sundays and then, oh no! purple dragons!
cue the City At War arc which would’ve worked wonderfully with the bay movies (as a little entree before krang comes back “stronger”), worth at least two extra movies, Bay could blow up as many luxury brand cars as his widdle hearty-wearty desires with them. ....shit that would have been so fucking cool.
anyway, blah blah, City At War adaptation, everyone’s fighting, shit’s getting confusing-- bam! turtle on turtle violence then reconciliation then sick-ass group hero shot and bad guys just getting shellshocked left’n right. turtle chaos. Leo and Raph absolutely mandatorily must get dunked on. it’s in my contract. donnie and mikey are fine. Venus won’t even fight Donnie too much on the science/’magic’ shit because she figured out where he keeps the pop tarts and just ‘cuz bay Donnie seems too chill and level-headed to get worked up about the whole “wuh bUt mAgiC hAs No sCieNtiFiC bAaAaAsiS baa baa baa” but probably asks why Venus collects so many discarded crystal rocks, “.. sometimes rock shiny, rock nice! most important... rock projectile weapon, hhgkh!!” 
thank you, this has been my TMNTTedTalk.
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merakiui · 1 year
we made it through another week mera!!! I hope you enjoy the weekend :3 drumroll for today's silly question of the day, badumdumdumdum........
worst v best hair in twst (and maybe hsr if u want!!!)
Thank you for all the posts and sharing ur brilliant ideas with us 💗
Another week, done and dusted!!!!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و please also enjoy your week, my lovely 🐔 anon!!!!!! (Also, I must thank you for always sending fun questions. I enjoy answering them!! >v<)
As for worst and best hair in twst, I will write my thoughts below. I’ll go by dorm, so there is no particular order or ranking. Truthfully, I just wrote my thoughts and simped a lot. ^^;;;
Riddle - I love his hair!!! It’s very cute and red!!! <3 the little heart-shaped ahoge........ he’s the perfect man. The only man to ever exist. orz
Ace - a very fun hairstyle!!! It just looks so,,,, poofy???? Like if I pat his head, his hair will spring right back up because it’s so fluffy??? >_< it’s difficult to describe, but I like his hair a lot. The style suits Mr. Ace wonderfully!!!
Deuce - the color is so pretty!!! Deep navy blue... aaaa so beautiful!!! I don’t have many thoughts regarding his hairstyle, but I do think it fits a lot! It’s a clean, simple style that reflects how Deuce is trying so hard to keep a clean record and become a respectable honors student!! :D
Trey - he’s lucky he’s so good-looking and husband material and that I’m down astronomically bad for him, otherwise I would not be so prone to hyping up his hairstyle. It feels so plain, but then that’s the image Trey has at first glance and I think that's so perfect because you’ll never suspect he is actually quite mischievous!
Cater - I LOVE HIM AND HIS HAIRSTYLE OOOOOOO OTL it’s so fun!!!! The color is also very vibrant!!! But also I like picturing his hair down! All of the artwork I have seen of it... omg he looks so pretty aaaaaa!!! T_T
Leona - HE HAS THE MOST GORGEOUS HAIR AAAAAAAA there’s something about it that’s just,,,,, omg!!!!! Breathtaking. He’s beautiful. So stunning and show-stopping... orz I want to frame him in a picture and always admire him like the artwork he is.
Jack - at first I wasn’t very partial to his hairstyle, but it’s actually very pretty and pleasant!! I like the color (I am not immune to anime men with white/grey hair hehe) and I also like how nicely his ears are situated within his hair. :D it just works so well!!!
Ruggie - rugs..... aaaa he has a cute, messy hairstyle. <3 the sandy blond and the brown is too pretty!!! I could look at him forever hehe. Also his ears!!!! They’re just so adorable. I want to pat him on the head and give him a scratch behind the ears, but I think he would definitely bite me or swat my hands away. ;;;
Azul - ew. terrible tako. worst hair. lame. boo. tomato tomato. >:( (I need him. His hair is so pretty and fluffy and soft and angelic and he is a masterpiece and he has the best hair to run your fingers through while you're making out and the shaved undercut is really cool and I need him and he is so pretty and wow omg he is magnificent and beautiful and best hair.)
Jade & Floyd - I think they might break my ribs if I told them that in the beginning not only did I think they were horrendously unattractive, boring, and unflattering to look at, but I also didn’t like their hairstyle. LOL and now look at where I am.... ^^;;; I have since corrected my ways and now I find their hairstyles very appealing, especially the single dyed strand. It ended up growing on me. I like how even their hairstyles differentiate them and Jade’s explanation of how his hair strand forms a J so it’s easier to tell him and Floyd apart if you look closely at that detail… it’s actually quite cute. :D
Kalim - YES YES YES I LIKE HIS HAIR A LOT!!!!! Another man with white/grey hair who I adore. Every turban-like headband he wears for each of his outfits goes very well with his hairstyle. I just really enjoy it!!! It’s another one that’s hard to describe, but his hairstyle looks so nice and cute. <3
Jamil - his hair…. Where do I even begin? Omg it’s so so sosososososo pretty!!!! OTL the length and braids throughout and even the little metal hair ties(?)/accessories he wears in his hair!!!!! He is stunning. He is the moment. He is everything you could ever want. I’ve always loved Jamil’s hair, especially how long and pretty it looks!!! The color itself is very flattering as well.
Vil - of course I also love Vil’s hairstyle, but this is to be expected considering Vil serves in every outfit and style that ever graces his form!!! He’s so pretty. I understand why Rook hypes him up so much. The soft lavender dye goes so well with the blond!! He is indeed the fairest of them all in my eyes. He’s just so stunning… orz Vil, I am your number one fan and supporter.
Rook - no comment.
Epel - aaaa eppy!!!! For a long while I had his exact hairstyle (and didn’t realize it until I was looking at card art for Epel and was left wondering why his hair looks so familiar), so naturally I love the style!!! His hair looks so soft and pretty, and the purple color is so nice to look at!!!
Idia - OMG HIS HAIR IS SO COOL (or maybe a better word is hot because it's fire)!!!!!!! It's an immaculate hair design... something about fire hair is so amazing, and it's blue and very long!!!! Seeing his hair in a braid in his applepom card continues to feed me. He's so cute. <3
Ortho - like Idia, Ortho's hair is also very cool because it's also fire!!! I find Ortho's entire design really interesting as well. Naturally, there's an explanation for why he is a robot (which is heartbreaking), but I still think it's a very neat character design. And his hair is so fun and bright!!! :D
Malleus - elegant... ethereal... he is beautiful... orz stunning. I bow before you and your beautiful hair, Mr. Horns.
Lilia - I have to appreciate Lilia and his beautiful hairstyle (even if the cut is,,,, certainly something). As someone who also loves to dye their hair neon pink, I must recognize his excellent hair. I also love the little hair strands that curl up to look like horns hehe!!
Silver - I am not immune to anime men with white/grey hair. Silver's hair looks so soft and gentle just like him. He's just so handsome and sweet. T_T like Kalim, Silver could do no wrong. The two of them are the biggest sweethearts in NRC.
Sebek - I genuinely do not know how to feel about his hair, but I think it's styled so cool. >:) he looks sharp. That's the only way I can describe my feelings. I feel as if I will touch his hair and it might cut me. >_< or Sebek himself will cut me before I dare lay a hand upon his head...
Che'nya - AAAA HIS HAIR!!!! Very cool!!!! He looks so scrunkly. No thoughts in his head except mischief. He is so :3c omg <3
Neige - the hairstyle makes him look so kind and gentle!!! I like the color as well. He could do no wrong. orz
Rollo - Rollo, I love you and I could defend you, but not when you're going out in public with that atrocious choir boy cut. But because his hair is white, he becomes even more appealing to me. Thus, I may be inclined to accept his hair. My friends may clown on me for liking him when he has that hairstyle, but he's cute to me. >:( he's lovely to me. He's boyfriend to me. >:(
Crowley - I will not lie....... the crow..... the annoying, cheap, oh-so-kind crow...... he's,,,,,,,,, kind of,,,,,, nice to look at........ although his hairstyle reminds me of seaweed and I don't know why. ^^;;;;
Crewel - WOOOOOOOOOOO forever barking for him. OTL the half white, half black hair... omg he's so cool. I need to be under him.
Trein - genuinely no thoughts on his hair, but he deserves only good things. :D
Vargas - also no thoughts on his hair, but there are thoughts of him and I will not pen them because I am kicking those thoughts away with all of my might.ヾ(。ꏿ﹏ꏿ)ノ゙
Sam - HIS LOCS!!!! OOOOHHH I ADORE IT!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 all of my love goes to Sam. He has such a lovely hairstyle. The purple as well!!!! <3 he's so wonderful and I need to write for him!!!!!
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sesamestreep · 2 years
Taylor Swift prompts: Jyn/Cassian, 35
35. love me like I’m brand new (from this prompt list) Note: completely independent of Zainab's prompt fill from this week expanding her sambucky teachers AU, I was busy writing her a teachers AU for this prompt! Same hat, as usual! I meant to get it finished and published by our friendiversary (this past tuesday) but that didn't quite work out. Still, within a week ain't bad. Cross posted to AO3, if that's more your jam.
“Okay, I’m proposing a new drinking game,” Jyn’s voice crackles over the walkie-talkie. “Drink every time the DJ plays a song Cassian doesn’t know.”
Cassian whips his head around, looking for her but doesn’t see her anywhere in the crowded room. It is dark, though. And full of high schoolers who are mostly taller than her. She could be anywhere.
“Where are you?” he asks, into his own walkie-talkie. “I don’t even see you.”
“I am the night,” she replies, in her best Batman impression, which is not very good, honestly.
“We can’t play that drinking game,” Bodhi interjects. “We’ll be dead in under an hour.”
“No drinking at prom,” Baze replies, bored.
“Wait, when did we make that rule?” Jyn asks.
“You better be joking.”
“I am, don’t worry. I take the safety and security of this event very seriously,” she says. “And I can’t think of anything worse than being drunk around high schoolers.”
“Drunk in front of your parents?” Bodhi suggests.
“That’s me every Christmas, baby!”
“Is this what we’re supposed to be using the walkie-talkies for?” Cassian asks.
“Wow, did you just tattle on me?”
“Chirrut, we’re gonna need a ruling,” Bodhi interjects.
“Ten-four,” Chirrut replies. “Definitely tattling.”
Jyn blows a raspberry directly into her walkie, and Cassian sighs. “I think he meant about the proper use of the radios, Chirrut.”
“Oh, then yes, this is exactly how I envisioned us using them,” he says.
“Best prom ever,” Bodhi says, dryly.
“Speaking of which, who’s in the lead in the flask count?”
“That would be my beloved, with a grand total of 12 so far,” Chirrut says, and Baze makes a point of groaning into the radio because he hates when Chirrut calls him pet names at work. “Followed by Cassian, with 8, and Jyn with 5. Bodhi and I are tied for last with 2 apiece.”
“Actually, Kay is in last place, with negative four thousand because he’s a little bitch who called out sick from chaperone duty at the last minute,” Jyn replies.
“Yes, let the record show Kay is in last place forever,” Chirrut says.
“Amen,” Cassian replies. “What are you doing with all these flasks, anyway?”
“Jyn, don’t you dare say Jungle Juice,” Bodhi says, immediately.
“JUNGLE J—hey!”
“Jungle Juice is never the solution to any problem!”
“You’re right about that,” she says. “Jungle juice is, at best, always just a neat way to go from having one problem to two problems.”
“To actually answer Cassian’s question, we generally just give them over to the central office,” Baze says. “With our report for the night. The administrative team decides what to do with that information afterwards.”
“We’re not really going to nerf these kids for getting rowdy at prom, are we?” Jyn asks. “We’re not even on school grounds.”
“I didn’t realize you were so tender-hearted, Erso.”
“Bite me, Andor! Just for that, I’m taking your second place spot in the Flask Olympics.”
“Flask-Off,” Chirrut replies.
“The Flasked Singer,” Bodhi suggests.
“Flask and you shall receive,” Jyn adds.
“Everyone shut the flask up and get off the walkies,” Baze interrupts. “You’re all giving me a migraine.”
Cassian tucks the radio back in his pocket and returns to his actual job of chaperoning. The students are all dancing to a song that he absolutely does not recognize, though it would require advanced forms of torture to get him to ever admit that to Jyn now. In the middle of the crowd, he spots Rey and Finn, still wearing their cheap plastic crowns from the prom court ceremony and doing some dance that involves windmilling their arms a lot. He shakes his head, and continues his sweep of the room, spotting Bodhi in a far corner and giving him a salute, which Bodhi returns.
“Flask-athalon,” Jyn says, at his elbow and he nearly jumps out of his skin. 
“Where the fuck did you come from?” he asks, not sure how she managed to sneak up on him.
“Bathroom,” she says. “Did you hear my flask joke? I thought of it on the way over, but I don’t want to get on Baze’s bad side.”
“So you chose to instead inflict it on me? What did I ever do?”
“Mean,” she says. “You’re so mean. And now you’re on my bad side. Was it worth it?”
“I’m not scared of your bad side,” he says, and it comes out all stupid and tender by accident. There was meant to be some bravado in there somewhere but he forgot, or he misplaced it, or something.
“They all say that,” Jyn replies, crossing her arms. Hers comes out tender too, probably also by accident. There’s a not-so-hidden but they don’t really mean it at the center of it. He means it, though.
“Everything alright?” he asks, and she frowns, confused. “On your patrol,” he clarifies.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah. Just had to comfort Rose Tico in the ladies’ room.”
“Poor Rose,” Cassian says. She had been in his office a handful of times last semester. Her sister is away at college this year, and she was having trouble adjusting. It seemed like she’d been doing better lately, though. “Nothing serious, I hope?”
“Well, Finn asked her to prom ages ago, as friends, but now he and Rey are kind of an item, but he still honored his promise to go with her and then he and Rey got voted prom king and queen and Rose had a meltdown that he only went with her as his date out of pity and that he’d rather be here with Rey and…it was a whole thing. Then, Jannah and Kaydel showed up to check on her and I gave them some space to work it all out.”
As if on cue, Rose re-enters the room at that moment, with Jannah grasping one hand and Kaydel holding the other. Cassian watches as they rejoin everyone on the dance floor and as Rey shrieks in delight at seeing them and throws her arms around Rose’s neck. Rose returns the hug, letting go of the other girls, and they sway like that, fully out of time with the music, for a good thirty seconds. Over their shoulders, Jannah and Finn are doing the robot while Kaydel pretends not to know any of them.
“Looks like they smoothed things over,” Cassian says, and Jyn nods, looking pleased.
“Every day. Every single day, I am so glad to not be a teenager anymore,” she says, while surveying the room.
“You’re preaching to the choir,” he replies. “I was such a pain in the ass back then.”
“You’re still a pain in the ass.”
Cassian laughs. “I was a different kind of pain in the ass, then. The worst kind.”
“I find that hard to believe,” she says, softly.
“Good,” he says, smiling. “That means I grew up into the sort of man my mother wanted me to be.”
Jyn doesn’t say anything to that, just watches the crowd of students with an inscrutable expression on her face. It was probably a weird thing to say, here, at prom, but it had just jumped out. She has that effect on him, strangely enough. He has this very stupid urge to be honest with her all the time, to just spit out whatever he’s thinking and feeling and pray that she finds it interesting or at least that it doesn’t scare her away. He’s still not sure what to do with that instinct.
Before he can decide, Bodhi’s voice crackles over the walkie-talkies, in stereo, since Jyn and Cassian are standing next to one another. “‘Look on my works, ye mighty and despair,’ suckers,” he says. “Chirrut, please bring my flask count up to four!”
“Four?” Jyn replies, unbelievably quick on the draw with her radio. “You got two off of one kid?!”
“I’m coming for your spot, baby!”
“Oh, it’s on now,” Jyn says, exclusively to Cassian. “I cannot let this kind of insult stand.”
Cassian pulls out his walkie-talkie. “Chirrut, does he get extra points for quoting Percy Shelley while confiscating flasks? Because I feel like maybe he should.”
“Traitor,” Jyn whispers, and then, into her radio, adds, “That’s not in the rules!”
“Agreed. This is purely a numbers game,” Baze replies.
“And Percy Shelley sucks!” Jyn says.
“Hey! Don’t make me come over there!”
“Bodhi doesn’t get extra points for style,” Chirrut interjects, over the radio, “but I am contemplating adding a ‘Best in Show’ category, with this in mind.”
“Wow,” Cassian says, mildly, to Jyn. “Now you can lose twice!”
“That invitation to bite me still stands, you know.”
“Oh, believe me, I do.”
Jyn stretches her arms out wide. “I should be on the move. I’m never going to take Baze’s spot if I stand here fucking around with you.”
“You’ll have to take mine first.”
“Oh, honey,” she says, patronizingly. “That won’t be a problem.”
“Y’all,” Bodhi’s voice crackles over the radio again, “I swear these kids are just drinking paint thinner.”
“Ew, did you try the flask?” Jyn asks into her walkie immediately. “If Bodhi gets to drink, we all do.”
“No, you absolute child, I just sniffed it.”
“And I think it’s the last thing I’ll ever smell.”
Jyn sticks her tongue out at Cassian in disgust, making him laugh. “Easily half of mine have just been Fireball Whiskey,” he says, to the group.
“Ah, to be young,” Baze says, wistfully.
“You couldn’t pay me to drink that now,” Jyn says, just to him. “Actually, who am I kidding? I’m a public school teacher with student loans. You could pay me to do just about anything.”
“That is good to know,” Cassian says, raising an eyebrow at her suggestively, and she smacks his arm. “What? I have this fence at my place that needs painting and I–”
“First, Percy Shelley and now Mark Twain? Can’t I get a goddamn break around here?”
That is, of course, the moment two students choose to approach them and, naturally, they’re both on his caseload. They laugh nervously at hearing one of the teachers swear, but ultimately just ask Cassian if it’s okay for them to take a photo with him.
“Of course,” he says, straightening his jacket a little awkwardly. 
“I’ll take it, if you like,” Jyn offers, holding out a hand. “I can work wonders with an iPhone.”
The two girls hand over their phones, and Jyn diligently takes a few shots with each of them. After a moment, she says, “Last chance to give Mr. Andor devil horns or bunny ears. Going once…”
“Okay, I think we’re good,” he says, stepping back to let the girls collect their phones from Jyn.
“Thanks, Mr. Andor,” one of them, Leida, says, brightly. “And you, Ms. Erso.”
“No problem,” Jyn says, looking amused.
“I really like your dress, by the way,” the other girl, Maia, adds.
“Oh, thank you,” Jyn replies, looking down at it self-consciously, as they head off. She returns her gaze to Cassian, looking ready to pounce. “What’s it like to have such ardent admirers?”
“Oh, shut up,” he says, rolling his eyes, even though he can feel his face warming up at her teasing. “Both of them are going off to ivy league schools with my help. That’s all it is.”
“Yeah, I’m sure it has nothing to do with how handsome you are.”
“You think I’m handsome?” he asks, delighted. “Jyn, I had no idea!”
“Then you’re as blind as Chirrut,” she grumbles, holding her radio up to her mouth. Before he can ask any follow-up questions, she presses the button and asks the group, “Are we tracking how many photos with students we take? Because I hate to admit this, but Cassian might be in the lead.”
“No way,” Bodhi responds. “I’ve taken so many!”
“Were we counting those?” Baze asks. “Chirrut, as master of ceremonies…”
“They’re going to have to start paying me extra to keep track of all these different competitions!” 
“I was kidding!” Jyn exclaims. “Your students have seriously been asking for photos all night?” 
There’s overlapping sounds of agreement from everyone, making Jyn frown. 
“Those bastards,” she grumbles. “I let them eat lunch in my classroom so they don’t get bullied and they don’t even want a photo with me?”
“You see, this is where being a guidance counselor pays off,” Cassian says. “Sure, you need an advanced degree and you don’t make any more money, and you mostly deal with kids having breakdowns about FAFSA in your office all day, but sometimes, at prom, students will ask for a photo with you. That’s why Baze and I are crushing it.”
Jyn snorts. “Yeah, because I never deal with kids crying in the art room,” she says. “And besides, Bodhi is a teacher, just like me, and everyone likes him!”
“He’s an English teacher,” Cassian points out. “He pulls that Dead Poets Society crap with them and lets them recite poems while standing on their desks, or whatever. Of course they like him.”
“And I just teach them how to express themselves through art! Boring!”
“So boring,” he says, even though he sometimes thinks Jyn has the hardest teaching job in the whole school. She’s a photographer by training, but she has to teach every artistic discipline that the school can afford the supplies for. He’s been to her classroom when she’s doing her Senior Project Seminar, which functions like an independent study for the students to choose what they want to make for the semester, and she’ll be critiquing photos with one student, while helping another with a sculpture, and ordering supplies for the kids drawing with charcoal and pastels or painting with oils and watercolors. It makes his head spin just to watch.
“It’s not the dress, is it?” she suddenly asks, anxiously. “I know Maia said it was cute, but she wasn’t being sarcastic, right?”
“No, she—the dress is fine. You look nice.”
Jyn blinks at him, a little surprised, and really, it’s not like he never compliments her. Of course, caught wrong-footed like that, he immediately tries to backtrack. “I mean, it’s a little 90s, but that’s in again, apparently, so you’re good.”
“90s?” she asks, looking slightly insulted. “How is it 90s?”
“I don’t know, it’s just…black and plain. The neckline is kind of…you know…”
“I clearly do not! Didn’t you just say it was fine?”
“It is! There’s nothing wrong with the 90s! It’s not your actual prom dress, is it?”
Jyn gives him a withering look. “No, Cassian, it is not. I didn’t go to prom in the 90s, for one thing. I was in high school in the 2000s.”
“Close enough.”
“And I didn’t go to prom at all for what it’s worth.”
“You didn’t go to prom?”
She rolls her eyes, but doesn’t look at him. “Does that really surprise you?”
“Did no one ask you?”
She turns on him then. “Why is that your first thought?!”
“Because you said—I meant, because that would surprise me!”
“I’m serious. I would be shocked, if that was the reason.”
“The reason was I thought dances were stupid and my uncle would have told me it was stupid and my boyfriend was older, so—”
“Ah, makes sense.”
“Don’t—it wasn’t like that.”
“Sounds like it was exactly like that.”
“It wasn’t—he was a nice guy. He would have gone, if I’d asked.”
“But you wanted to smoke weed and pretend to like the movie Fight Club in his basement instead.”
Jyn rolls her eyes again, but he can see she’s also fighting off a smile. “Something like that. Anyway, that was junior year and then…well, I dropped out, so I obviously couldn’t go to my senior prom.”
“I didn’t know that,” Cassian says. “You got your GED instead?”
“Yeah, after a year or two of fucking around and doing nothing with my life, I decided having a high school diploma and maybe a college education might be useful.”
“And boy were you wrong.”
She laughs. “Don’t tell the kids.”
“It’s part of my oath as their guidance counselor, don’t worry.”
“What about you? Did you do the whole prom thing when you were in school?”
Cassian shifts uncomfortably, checking to make sure none of their students are in earshot. “Uh, yeah, you could say that,” he says, once he’s satisfied they won’t be overheard. “I had kind of the typical prom experience, I guess.”
“I genuinely have no idea what that means.”
“It means, I was eighteen when I went to my prom, so I did the whole ‘rent a hotel room afterwards and get laid’ thing with my…girlfriend.”
Jyn covers her mouth with her hands, clearly hiding a laugh. “You did not!”
“I did,” he replies, cringing. “I’m not proud.”
“Is that where the healthy pause before ‘girlfriend’ came from? Shame?”
“It’s…we…” Cassian laughs. It’s been almost twenty years and he still doesn’t know how to explain his relationship with Bix to other people. It would almost be easier if they weren’t still friends, because then he could call her an ex and be done with it. He’s glad they’re still friends, for what it’s worth, it’s just so much more complicated to explain. “She wasn’t exactly my girlfriend.”
“Oh, no…”
“She was my best friend. She still is—one of them, at least.”
“We went to prom together because, well, no one else asked either of us. And we decided to get a hotel room after because we were eighteen and no one could stop us and we wanted to…”
“Yeah, uh, I know what you wanted to do,” Jyn says, amused.
“It was one of those ‘let’s just get it over with, together’ kind of deals,” he says, feeling hot with embarrassment over his younger self’s antics. Everything feels so urgent and intense when you’re young, but that somehow fades with age. And he admits that even as an adult who’s still frequently urgent and intense. “It seemed like the best way to handle it, at the time.”
“So, you’re telling me that this was…your first time?”
Cassian nods.
“At prom?!”
“After prom! It’s not as bad!”
“By a very slim margin,” Jyn says, clearly taking pity on him. After a moment, she adds, “You said you and this girl are still close?”
“Yeah, we’re still friends. We tried to date afterwards, because it turned out we liked hooking up, but it wasn’t—we worked better as friends, ultimately. We’re still friends. I went to her wedding last year. I mean, I was in it, but that’s because I know her husband too.”
“Wait, Brasso’s wedding?” Jyn asks. He’d shown her and some of the staff pictures after he came back, he’s just now remembering. “You dated Brasso’s wife in high school?!”
“It was obviously before they knew each other. I mean, I introduced them, so…”
“That’s so weird.”
“It’s not that weird.”
“I just don’t have any exes I’m close with still,” she says, shaking her head. “Not close enough to be in their wedding. I mean, goddamn.”
“Bix is barely an ex-girlfriend, at this point. She’s like family.”
“I’m guessing things didn’t end well with Fight Club guy?” Cassian asks.
“Technically, I think I was the Fight Club guy in that relationship,” she says, with a laugh. “And no, things didn’t end well.”
“Not something you like talking about, I gather.”
“Not really,” she says, looking far-off and sad. It’s possible there are tears in her eyes, or maybe it’s just a trick of the strobing lights coming from the DJ’s booth. “Not at prom, at least,” she adds, with a weak smile.
He smiles back. “Well, I’d offer to dance with you, to help give you the prom experience you never had, but all of these kids have cell phones and a video of us would for sure end up on the internet, which we should probably avoid.”
“Scared of going viral on TikTok with me?” she asks.
“Deeply, deeply scared, yes,” he says, putting his hand on his heart. “My worst nightmare is ending up on Good Morning America being interviewed about a heartwarming video of me that I didn’t know was being taken.”
“But maybe if we got famous, random people would buy supplies for our classrooms,” Jyn says, her enthusiasm clearly faked if the devilish glint in her eye is any indication.
“I’m a guidance counselor,” he says. “I don’t need supplies. I need someone to burn the College Board to the ground.”
“With enough followers on TikTok, we could probably make that happen.”
“Sounds like someone really wants to dance with me,” he quips.
“Well, it might be my last chance.”
The song changes then, to a chorus of coos from a group of students at the edge of the dance floor nearby, and Jyn laughs. Cassian, meanwhile, is sweating. He suspected that a few people knew he was interviewing at another school, but he didn’t want to bring it up to anyone until he was sure of his plans, one way or another. But, apparently, Jyn knows.
“Tell me you at least know who this is,” she says, pointing up to indicate she means the song that’s playing.
“I’ve never heard this song in my life,” he admits, a little breathlessly.
“But you recognize the singer?” she asks. Cassian shakes his head, and she laughs again. “How do you work in a high school and not know who Taylor Swift is?”
“I know who she is,” he objects. “I just don’t recognize her singing voice immediately, I guess.”
“I forgot. You sit in your windowless office and listen to Creed all day.”
“You caught me listening to Creed one time! It is not a habit.”
“Well,” Jyn starts to say, before pausing abruptly as two students pass in front of them. “Hold on, was that—?”
“Hey, guys,” Cassian calls, immediately, and the two boys stop in their tracks. “You’re not allowed to have that here. Hand it over.”
The students clearly take a moment to debate the merits of complying with this order, before one of them reaches into his jacket pocket and produces a flask. He hands it to Cassian with a mumbled apology, which he accepts with a nod and waves them back to the dance. Cassian flips the top open, and tips it in Jyn’s direction.
She sniffs it. “Peach schnapps,” she says. “Classic.”
Cassian retrieves his walkie-talkie. “Got another flask for the count,” he says. “Not sure if it goes to me or Jyn, though.”
“A group effort?” Bodhi asks. “Unheard of.”
“Half a point each?” Jyn suggests.
“I’ll give you each a full point for it,” Chirrut replies. “But please know your spirit of bipartisanship disgusts me to my core.”
“Noted,” Jyn says into her radio. To him, she says, “We should probably spread out. For actual security reasons, but mostly because I refuse to share a medal with you at the end of this thing.”
“Firstly, it’s a secondhand karate trophy for the top prize—”
“Okay, well, now I want it even more, so…”
“Secondly, you’re never going to tie me, let alone beat me—”
“Your confidence will be your downfall, Andor.”
“And lastly, who, uh…who told you I was interviewing for another job?”
She pauses at that, and looks him over. “Mon let it slip,” she says, after much consideration. “It was an accident, she didn’t mean to—”
Cassian waves away her explanation. “I’m sure,” he says. “I’m not upset.”
“She was ranting to me and Bodhi about something to do with the school board and—”
“So, you and Bodhi both know?”
Jyn winces. “Uh, yeah.”
“And Baze knows because I thought it was only fair that I told him I was looking for other jobs…”
“Which means Chirrut knows,” she says, and he laughs. “And I’m sure you told Kay.”
“Yeah, so that….is a lot of people,” Cassian says, weakly.
“It’s not like we’re going to judge you if you don’t get it.”
“I—why would you assume I won’t get the job?”
She blinks, caught off guard. “I don’t! That’s not what I meant. You probably will, but on the off chance you don’t.”
“They made me an offer,” he admits, and watches her deflate.
“Oh,” she says. “Well, then, congratulations?”
“I haven’t accepted yet,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck in a nervous tic. “They’re going to call me on Monday, so I have until then to decide.”
“Do you know what you’re going to say?”
“Not yet. I’m still…thinking.”
“That’s not like you,” she says, crossing her arms. “You usually have your mind made up on stuff right away. You’re not a ‘last minute’ kind of guy.”
“Well, I’m glad you know what kind of guy I am,” he replies, feeling oddly adversarial. She doesn’t mean anything by it, but still. He doesn’t like hearing himself described as though he’s so predictable.
“Okay,” Jyn says, putting her hands up in surrender. “You don’t want to talk about it. That’s fine.”
“I’m just saying, you don’t know me like that.”
She blinks for a moment at that before she schools her expression into something more neutral. “You’re right,” she says. “I don’t know you. I don’t know what you’re going to do, and you probably won’t even tell me once you decide. You’ll let Mon, or Baze, or whoever, do that, instead.”
“That’s not—!”
“You don’t owe me an explanation,” she says. “I’m just your co-worker, not your friend, I guess.”
“We need to split up, cover more ground.”
He thinks about trying to stop her, but then it would just be a big scene involving two chaperones at prom, which the students would find endlessly intriguing. He doesn’t want to draw that kind of attention, so he nods, solemnly, like this is all very important, and lets her go. Still, he can’t help it that he spends the rest of the night trying to spot her in the crowd as much as he does any actual chaperoning.
“The winner of the 3rd Annual Yavin High Senior Prom Flask-athalon–”
“I knew that would catch on,” Jyn interrupts, smugly.
“It’s the only choice,” Bodhi says, grinning.
“Please shut up so we can all go home,” Baze grumbles.
“Yes, listen to your undefeated flask hunting champion, Baze Malbus!” Chirrut announces, with great flair, as he hands over the trophy, which, even in the dim lighting of the parking lot, Cassian can clearly read that the inscription says 'Under 12 Judo Champion'. “Congratulations, my dear!”
“Thank you so much,” Baze says, drily, as he accepts his prize unenthusiastically.
“This is so rigged,” Jyn puts in from the other side of the group. “Baze wins every year.”
“Baze is good at catching teens drinking illegally, I don’t know what to tell you!”
“It’s true,” Baze adds. “It’s on my resume.”
“You know, that would be so weird for any other job,” Bodhi replies. 
“Well, I wish I could give you all trophies for your hard work this evening, but then you wouldn’t learn any important lessons about teamwork or whatever it is that conservatives get mad about when the topic of participation trophies comes up,” Chirrut says, mildly.
“Kids these days,” Jyn says, mockingly shaking her fist. “Not enough of them hate themselves!”
“It’s important to experience as much crushing disappointment and embarrassment as possible before you get out into the real world,” Cassian agrees.
“And experience even more disappointment and embarrassment!” Bodhi adds. “While also paying taxes!”
“Also, there are only so many leftover trophies I can steal from the dojo before they’d notice and fire me,” Chirrut says. 
“On that bright note,” Baze interjects, “let’s all go home. It’s been a long night and absolutely none of us are getting paid any extra to spend more time together.”
“Beautiful sentiment as always, Baze,” Jyn says.
“Thank you again for all your hard work!” Chirrut says, even as Baze grabs him by the elbow and starts gently towing him away in the direction of their car. “Our students are very lucky to have such dedicated teachers and counselors!”
“Thank you, Chirrut!” Bodhi calls after them.
“Drive safe, everybody!” Baze calls over his shoulder once Chirrut stops fighting him and laces their fingers together instead for the short walk.
“Night, guys,” Bodhi says to Jyn and Cassian before he starts to head off towards his own car. 
“Goodnight, Bodhi,” Jyn replies, while Cassian waves him off.
The parking lot is empty except for their cars at this hour. They’d all met at the school and made the ride to the venue together, that way no one could call out of chaperone duty with car trouble or anything last minute like that. Probably there was some team-building aspect, too, but Cassian suspects the former was the primary motivation. Now, it’s creeping up to midnight and all the students have moved on to their afterparties and bonfires and whatever else, while the venue staff has streamers to clean up and tables to clear, and the chaperones are all heading home after a very long day. 
It had rained briefly while the prom was going on, though it had thankfully waited until everyone was already at the venue to do so, which means no one’s photos or hair was likely ruined by it. The hazy humidity that had hung around all day was now replaced by a damp chill and a light breeze. The condensation glitters like jewels on the few cars in the lot and their dewy windows glow green as the streetlights reflect off of them. The wet ground blares with streaks of red light as Baze’s car starts up and his brake lights come on. 
“Where’d you park?” Cassian asks Jyn, who’s still standing there, rooting around in her bag for her car keys.
“Oh,” she says, as if she wasn’t expecting him to address her. “Over there, by the auditorium.”
“Me too,” he says, nodding. “I’ll walk you.”
Having successfully retrieved her keys, Jyn brushes this off. “You don’t have to.”
“It’ll give me a chance to apologize.”
“It’s not that long of a walk.”
“I’ll talk fast,” Cassian replies, and holds out his arm as if to say, after you.
Jyn takes the hint and starts walking, allowing him to fall into step next to her.
“I’m sorry about what I said before, about you not knowing me very well. I didn’t mean to imply we aren’t friends, or that I don’t value your opinions, or anything like that,” he says, letting it all go like an exhale, because otherwise he won’t get the words out at all. “The problem is that I think you know me a little too well sometimes, and it honestly freaks me out. And tonight, you said the exact thing I was already worried about out loud, so I just panicked and tried to push you away.”
“The thing I said about waiting until the last minute really upset you that much?” Jyn asks, arms crossed over her chest. It takes him a second to realize it’s probably because she’s cold, and not because she’s mad at him. He starts to take off his suit jacket, but she stops him with a glare. “God, don’t.”
“You look cold.”
“I am cold, but my car is twenty yards away. I’ll live.”
“Answer my question.”
Cassian stuffs his hands in his pockets just to have something to do with them. “Yes, it did upset me to hear that. I’ve been annoyed with myself about the same thing and I hated that it was obvious to you too.”
“Well, then, I guess I’m sorry too,” she says, earnestly. “I wasn’t judging you or anything, and I wasn’t trying to make you upset.”
“I know that. And thank you. I just—I can’t make up my mind what I want to do, and it’s very frustrating.”
“Do you think talking about it would help?”
“I’m not sure. The logical part of my brain is telling me to go, to take the new job. It’s more money, I’d be the head of the department in a better funded school. And while I love it here, unless Baze retires—”
“Which he won’t. At least, not for a long time.”
“Exactly, but still, that’s the only way I can move up and make more money. Unless I go to another school.”
“I get it,” Jyn says, and it sounds like she means it. “Those are valid considerations.”
“But I really do love it here,” Cassian objects. “I love the students, and I love the staff. I love working with all of you.”
“Yeah, and I bet all the teachers at that new school fucking suck,” she adds, with a malicious glint in her eye.
“I mean, what are the chances they do a yearly Flask-athalon at their prom?”
“It’s extremely unlikely,” Jyn says, somber now, “and if they do, they owe me and Chirrut royalties.”
“So, you see my dilemma?”
“I do. And I accept your apology, for what it’s worth. I didn’t know I’d be bringing up such a fraught subject for you. I would have been more careful, if I’d known.”
They arrive at Jyn’s car then and Cassian has to laugh at finding it parked one spot away from his own. The parking lot had been full when he got here, with a lot of underclassmen still around for extracurriculars and team practices and faculty staying late to do work, so he just picked the first spot he found. He hadn’t even noticed her car there, because someone had been parked between them. Now there’s just an empty space, where they stop to finish their conversation.
“It’s really fine,” he says, as he looks over at her. “I overreacted.”
Jyn shrugs one shoulder up to her ear, still looking cold in a way he finds provoking. He really wishes she’d just take his jacket. “It’s a big decision.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“You know you won’t get rid of us just by going to another school, right?”
“Yes, but we’ll all see each other a lot less,” he says. “And you know how these things go. We’ll promise to stay in touch, or to get drinks, or just to see each other regularly, but we won’t. We’ll drift apart, sooner or later.”
“So, don’t take the job,” Jyn says, watching him carefully.
“What about all that other stuff–the money and the promotion and everything?”
“Who cares?” she says and he laughs, hopelessly. “I’m serious! If you were actually that motivated by money, you wouldn’t work in a public school. You wouldn’t have even gone to school for counseling, for that matter. So, turn it down.”
“But doesn’t that make me…kind of…?”
“Kind of what?”
“I don’t know! Ridiculous? Sentimental? Turning down more money to stay with my friends?”
“Again, I ask you: who cares?”
“Well, I fancy myself a very cool, detached person.”
Jyn snorts. “You?”
He frowns at her. “Yes, me! You don’t think I’m cool and detached?”
“No,” she says, “not at all. Are you crazy? You’re the least cool person I know!”
“Wow, thank you.”
“I mean, not that you’re not cool like—I’m saying you’re not too cool for anything, you know? Like, you care so much about everything! Even dumb bullshit that no one else can be bothered to even pay attention to, you care about it! I don’t know how you do it. I’m an art teacher, I’m supposed to be all passionate all the time, and I still feel like a robot compared to you. It must be exhausting to care so much.”
“That’s your impression of me?” Cassian asks, a little bowled over.
“I meant all of that as a compliment,” Jyn says, looking nervous. “And I didn’t mean to go on and on about it, I just—you assume everyone is like you, that they’re as good as you and they care as much, and I sometimes think you don’t see that you’re special. It’s the best thing about you, how much you care.”
“And I thought the best thing about me was my eyes,” he responds, weakly.
“Well, you do have nice eyes, that’s true,” she says, looking down at her shoes.
“I do have another reason—a selfish one—for thinking of accepting the new job.”
“What’s that?”
“I think that if there was someone here—someone on the faculty here, I mean—that I maybe wanted to date, it would possibly be less weird for us if I worked at a different school,” he answers, with his heart in his throat.
“Oh,” Jyn says, still not meeting his eye. Her foot scuffs back and forth on the pavement anxiously. “I guess, in that case, you would probably want to be sure that this person is actually interested in you before you make any huge life decisions with her—I mean, them—in mind.”
“I’m pretty sure she is interested in me too.”
“How do you know?”
“She just told me I have nice eyes,” he says. 
Jyn looks at him then, her gaze lifting to his face suddenly as she narrows her eyes. “Seriously? How long have you—?”
It doesn’t take much effort—two steps, really—to get close enough to draw her into his arms and kiss her like he’s been wanting to basically since the day she started at the school. She makes a surprised noise that’s immediately muffled by their mouths coming together and then it’s just them kissing. Finally. And it’s every bit as good as he imagined it would be, with her kissing back with as much intensity as he’d expect from the person who loves to give him hell on a daily basis. Her arms come to wrap around his neck, dragging him down to her level, and his clasp around her lower back, desperately trying to afford them some stability in this position.
“The others are gone, right?” she asks, more or less against his mouth. 
“Uh…” He turns his head, peering across the parking lot, which gives Jyn access to his jaw and his neck and he’s not mad about it, though it does make thinking straight more difficult than usual. He doesn’t see any other cars left. “I think it’s just us.”
“Good,” Jyn says, and pulls him with her by his shirt until her back hits the side of her car. Once settled there, she leans up for another kiss, and he has to brace himself against the door to stay standing. The condensation from the window wets his palm and makes him shiver, which makes Jyn laugh. He doesn’t bother explaining, since he’s not sure he could convince her that it has nothing to do with kissing her.
They make out like idiots, in the parking lot of the school they work at, where anyone could see them, for an inadvisably long time. By the time they come up for air, he has thoroughly ruined Jyn’s hair, the straps of her dress are hanging loosely off her shoulders, and anyone who looked at her would know she’d been doing some very serious kissing. Cassian is sure he’s looking equally disarrayed. Despite them being pressed closely together, he can feel the goosebumps rising on her skin and chafes her arms with his hands to warm them.
“How long?” she asks, softly, wearing an amused smile that might be at his attempt at gallantry or something else entirely. When he gives her a questioning look in response, she adds. “How long have you wanted to do that?”
Cassian pretends to think about it. “How long have you worked here?”
“Two years.”
“There’s your answer.”
“Really?” Jyn asks, astonished somehow. “I thought you hated me when we first met.”
“You made me nervous,” he says, still caressing her arms. “You still make me nervous.”
She loops her arms around his middle now, pressing them together in a way that feels very dangerous in a school parking lot. He clears his throat in the most obvious fashion imaginable and she gives him a knowing smile.
“That’s not the only thing you make me, for what it’s worth,” he points out.
“I gathered as much,” she says, pleased with herself. 
He raises a hand to cup her cheek, drawing his thumb gently over the corner of her mouth. “You know, a nice person would say something about how I make them feel, at this point in the conversation.”
“You already got a whole speech about how passionate and sexy you are,” she objects. “Don’t be greedy.”
“I don’t think the word ‘sexy’ came up in that little speech of yours, actually. Could you maybe elaborate on that?”
Jyn shakes her head before she leans in to kiss him again, this time trading their earlier desperation for a slower pace. “Not here,” she says, once she’s drawn him in again. “Not to be corny, but my place or yours?”
“Whichever’s closer,” he says, immediately.
She laughs and bites her lip to try to hide it, which is very distracting. “Good answer. I think that’s me, then.”
“I’ll follow you,” Cassian replies, with a nod towards his own car.
“You don’t want to just ride over with me?”
“I don’t want to park here overnight, and I do not trust myself in a car alone with you right now.”
“It’s a five minute drive,” she says, unimpressed.
“I could get into a lot of trouble in five minutes.”
“Okay, then,” she says, with a gusty sigh. “You might have to put your money where your mouth is on that one.”
“Don’t worry. I’m willing to put my mouth lots of places.”
“Idiot,” she laughs, swatting his arm. “Let’s go, then. I’m freezing and I’m wet.”
“You’re—well, that’s—oh, from the car! And the condensation…from the rain.”
“Wow,” Jyn says. “That was so smooth.”
Cassian laughs, and hangs his head. “In my defense, I—”
He looks down at her, looking a little flushed and mussed up and still utterly defiant and perfect. “I just can’t believe it took me this long to get here,” he admits, even though it’s a stupid and besotted thing to say. 
Jyn gives him an endearingly sweet smile. “And I can’t believe I’m going to hook up with you after prom. I mean, what a cliché!”
“I did offer to give you the prom experience you never had,” he says, with a laugh. “Besides, some things are cliché for a reason.”
“Oh, yeah?” she asks, gazing up at him. “Why’s that?”
He thinks about all the stories he’s heard about love at first sight. He thinks about all the couples he’s heard say they’re in love with their best friend. He thinks about everyone who’s said that, when you’re with The One, you just know. He thinks about every piece of dating advice that told him to find someone who makes him laugh. And he thinks about happily ever after.
“Because they seem stupid until they happen to you,” he says, simply.
Jyn doesn’t bother saying she agrees. She just pulls him in for another kiss.
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sillygay · 5 months
The story about how Nate And Finnie met
It was a regular day like no other and poor Nate got sent to detention again like always.
Nate sat down in his usual chair as he started writing sentences.
About five minutes pass by. Then ms Godfrey comes back but with a different student.
She pushes the kid in the room and then leaves.
Nate glances at that kid then looks back at his paper.
The kid sits down on the floor and puts his hood up while he tries to calm down.
Nate notices this and looks at him. Nate gets up out of his seat and walks over to that kid and sits next to him.
Nate: you alright?
Finnie: N-no
Nate: what happened?
Finnie: I got yelled at for wearing ear defenders in class.
Nate: is this why you’re here?
Finnie: yeah. I refused to remove them.
Nate: oh I’m sorry that happened to you. My names Nate. Im a sixth grader.
Finnie: nice to meet you. My names Finnie I’m an eighth grader.
Nate: oh you’re an older one huh?
Finnie: heh yeah.
Nate: could you remove your hood? Only if it’s okay with you
Finnie: yeah that’s probably a good idea *finn takes off his hood*
Nate: wow you’re really cute *blushes a bit*
Finnie: oh, thank you you’re pretty cute yourself Nate
*nate smiles as he slowly fall in love without even realizing it. But then Nate sees Finnie’s bracelet*
Nate: oh cool bracelet what does it say?
Finnie: oh thanks it says Autism it’s my Autism Medical ID bracelet.
Nate: oh? *nate starts to think about the ear defenders then puts everything together*
Finnie: I was born with autism.
Nate: I-is that why you use ear defenders?
Finnie: yeah.
Nate: so does this mean you’re disabled?
Finnie: yes, I’m disabled.
Nate: oh that’s interesting so disabled people can be disabled physically but also in the brain?
Finnie: yeah I guess you could say that. Autism is known as a hidden disability.
Nate: oh that make lots of sense now. You’re really attra—-I mean awesome
Finnie: aww thanks *pats him on the head*
Nate blushes as he falls for Finnie deeply.
Finnie: heh you’re kinda adorable…probably because you’re shorter than me haha
Nate: I’m not that short but okay fine.
Nate giggles as he blushes.
Finnie starts to realize that Nate likes him.
Finnie: I only have a couple minutes left of detention so I’m gonna give you my phone number so we can talk later *Finnie gives Nate a paper with his number on it*
Nate: I-i uhm wow thank you….i don’t have a phone yet so I’ll call you on my dad’s phone.
Finnie: sounds good to me *the bell rings*
Nate: bye Finnie it was nice meeting you
Finnie: oh and one last thing *finnie grabs Nate by the face and gives him a quick smooch on the lips before running out of detention*
Nate: uhhhhhhh….w-w-what j-just h-happened?
*nates face turns beat red and he freezes up in shock before getting up a couple minutes later and heading home*
*as the night rolled around all Nate could do was lay in bed and think about finnie and how handsome and sweet he was that’s when it hit him*
Nate: I-I’m in love.
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moon-witchs-world · 1 year
Growing Pains - Remus J. Lupin part six
Growing Pains – part six
A Hogwarts Tale
Remus Lupin x Fem!WitchReader
2,3 k words
This is part six of a multiple part series. You can find part five here
a/n: hi lovely people! Thank you so much again for all the love on this story. I adore your comments, reblogs and likes and I love discussing this story with you guys. Can't wait to hear what you think about this part! Love is in the air!
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It shouldn’t have surprised you, but as soon as you became aware of the whispers in the hallway, it still took you off guard. It felt weird to be the center of attention when that was something you tried to avoid at all costs. It made you feel uncomfortable. You could never quite hear what the students were whispering exactly, but on a couple of occasions you did hear your name and Remus’ as well. Over the last couple of days you and Remus had been spending more time together, something the students must have noticed. You enjoyed his company and felt at ease with him. All of the time spent together was very innocent though, sitting next to each other at the breakfast table or in the library, like you were now. 
You were reading the Standard Book of Spells volume six to read up on nonverbal spells that your NEWT class was working on. Remus was grading essays. You both loved sitting in the library. It was usually quieter than the staff room and if you needed more information on a subject, all the source material was at your fingertips. You enjoyed being in the company of books for you saw them as the ultimate companion, calm, cozy and filled with knowledge, much like the man next to you.  
'Y/N?' Remus suddenly said and you looked at him, your index finger on the line in the book to mark what you were reading. His green eyes looked at you and you couldn't help but smile at him. 
'Yes, Remus?' 
'I was thinking about my next lesson. I arranged a grindylow and thought that maybe it was a fun idea to let the students learn about defeating it in its natural habitat. I would of course need some kind of portable swamp or body of water,' he explained. You loved seeing a twinkle in his eyes when he talked about what interested him. 
'Wow cool, a grindylow,' you answered coldly, when you meant it was anything but cool. Defence Against the Dark Arts had always been your least favorite subject when you were in school yourself and that was mainly due to your fear of dark creatures. You were a very competent witch, but the creatures scared you.
'What is it, Y/N? Don't you think grindylows are a good subject to cover? Maybe the third-years will find them dull.’ He looked a bit insecure while he said it and you immediately regretted your cold response. You put a bookmark between the pages of your book and put it in your lap. You sat up a bit straighter and looked into his kind eyes.
'You know how you used an entire class of third-years to confuse a boggart? Well, not to brag but I could do that all by myself. Grindylows are somewhere on my very long list of fears,' you said with a grin, hoping he wouldn't take your stupid fears too seriously. The truth was that there were a lot of things you were terribly afraid of. Your late husband had always lovingly referred to you as his little worry bug. He grinned. 
'Well, I was going to ask you to transfigure a part of the classroom into a swamp but I guess you’re not really looking forward to that then. However, I can assure you that you will not be in any sort of danger. I’m sure I can protect you when it comes to the grindylow,' he answered, the grin still on his face. He obviously thought your fear of grindylows was a bit silly, which it was, but him talking about protecting you sounded very sexy. 
'You should ask Minnie, you know with her specialty being Transfiguration,' you said instead. There was just something about Remus that made you insecure, doubt yourself. What if you got too nervous and you wouldn’t be able to perform the spells? It would be safer to let Minerva do it. 
'I know she can do it, but I don't want to ask Minnie, I want to ask you. You probably think I'm weird but I thought it would be a fun thing to do together.' A million butterflies had woken up in your stomach and were flapping their wings violently inside of you. He looked at you expectedly and you knew at that moment there wasn’t a chance you were going to say no to him. Not when he was staring at you with his puppy dog eyes.  
'Fine, I'll help you. You are indeed a bit weird,' you answered and you saw his expression change. 
'Oh but the good kind of weird. I mean if you're weird, I'm absolutely mad,' you quickly added. 
'Well, it looks good on you,' was Remus' smooth response. 
Before you even got the change to respond, madam Pince had appeared before you. You had been so focused on Remus you never saw her coming, it was like she had appeared out of thin air. 
‘Professors, I’m about to close for the night,’ she said. You both packed your stuff and got up, only now noticing the lights were already dimmed and everyone had left. 
‘Maybe we can meet tomorrow after dinner? To fix something for the grindylow?' he asked with a tiny smile.
'Of course. I'll see you then.'
'Yes, but I hope to see you earlier as well,' he answered, which made you blush. 
You did see him before dinner the next day. In fact, you spend both breakfast and lunch hour in his company. It was so easy to be with him. Easy to talk and laugh with him but also to discuss more serious topics. It was more than once that you noticed Severus eyeing the both of you, looking for something you didn't know what it was. You tried to ignore it. Sure, you liked being with him, but you weren't doing anything wrong.
When finally dinner was over, you felt excited to spend some time alone with Remus, far from the prying eyes of the other staff members. It startled you when Albus Dumbledore asked you to visit his office first. Remus quickly nodded, as if he was agreeing to meet you after and then walked out of the Great Hall. 
'Is there something I should worry about, headmaster?' you asked when you finally arrived at his office. The walk had been horrible, filled with anxiety and lingering questions you were too afraid to ask.
'Lemon sherbet!' professor Dumbledore said instead of answering and the stone gargoyle came to life and moved out of the way so you could start climbing the stairs to his office. 
'Please sit down, miss Y/L/N,' he kindly said after you had entered his office. You did and let your eyes wander around the office. It was filled to the brim with interesting objects and you found it hard to keep your focus.
'First of all, and I do realize this is long overdue, I'd like to tell you how happy it makes me that teaching comes so naturally for you. I've heard from students and staff members how very valuable you are. It makes me glad I was right about you,’  he said smiling. 
‘Thank you very much, headmaster. It’s been great to be back at Hogwarts, I love teaching,’ you answered. Professor Dumbledore nodded and put the tips of his long fingers together. 
‘That is good to hear, miss Y/L/N. But there is something I need to discuss. Ever since the start of the school year I’ve been filling in for professor Flitwick as the Head of Ravenclaw House. I thought it would be a small extra task, but it has proven to be more work than I can handle at the time. I was wondering if you wanted to take on the task. Of course, if you feel like you’re too busy..’ 
You sat up a bit straighter. You felt honored that professor Dumbledore would even consider you for the position.
‘Of course, professor. I will do it,’ you answered. The headmaster seemed relieved and nodded approvingly. 
‘And now, you should not let professor Lupin wait too long for you,’ he said with an amused smile.  
'How do you…' you started, but you were so confused you didn't even seem to be able to finish the sentence. 
‘I might be old, but I'm not blind, miss YLN. I'm glad you two have reconnected after so many years. He needs a friend right now and I believe you are an excellent one for him. I’ll not take up anymore of your time. Thank you for helping me, miss. Y/L/N.’
You felt a bit confused when you walked to Remus’ classroom. Was it really so obvious you and Remus liked to spend time together? Were more people suspecting something or was it just the headmaster who had picked up on it? 
The door of Remus' classroom flew open as soon as you had knocked on the door. 
‘Y/N, I'm glad you’re here. How did it go with Dumbledore?’ he asked after he let you in. You quickly recalled what you and the headmaster had talked about. 
‘Wow, it’s your Hogwarts days all over again, Head Girl, Head of Ravenclaw house, what’s the difference, eh?’ 
You rolled your eyes at his teasing and took your wand out of your pocket. 
‘So, tell me, what do you need exactly? I should get to work since I’m very busy now that I’m Head of Ravenclaw House. You’re lucky you asked me in advance because my schedule is full now,’ you teased him back. While Remus explained what he needed to get done, you got to work. Muttering spells under your breath while focussing on the changes that happened to the classroom because of it. You could feel that Remus was looking at you and you had a hard time not to get distracted by it. 
It only took ten minutes to create a temporary swamp in Remus' classroom. You got carried away a bit and added wildflowers and an oak tree as well. The small lake was a bit deeper than you had intended, but it was a fun spell you never got to use so you thought you might as well take this opportunity to have some fun with it. 
'Okay, I might have gone a bit overboard with the depth of the lake. So please, Rem, be careful. It will look really bad on me if the Defence professor were to drown in his own classroom. Especially when I made the lake he drowned in. I just got promoted, you know,’ you said while biting your lip in an attempt not to laugh. He shook his head with an amused grin on his face. 
'I can swim, Y/N.’
'Yeah, I figured, but still. Don't drown,’ you pressed on while you put your wand in the pocket of your cloak. 
'It would definitely look bad on you, but then again, once they see this amazing spell work, they might forget about the drowning all at once,’ he said, pointing at some of the wildflowers. 
'Yes of course. They might not even notice your floating body while admiring all of this,’ you added. 
You both bursted out in laughter and the sound of his sincere laugh filled you with joy. After a while Remus shook his head and looked at you. 
‘I can't believe you think I would go take a swim in my own classroom, when the lake is enchanted and there’s a grindylow in there,’ he said, still with a smile on his face.
‘Who said I thought you would go for a swim? I just figured maybe you're a sleepwalker and I placed a deathly trap in your classroom,’ you explained a bit more serious. 
Remus chuckled.
‘I don't think I'm a sleepwalker,’ he assured you. 
‘Good to know.’
When you looked at the clock on the wall, the time surprised you. Once again, time had slipped through your fingers while you enjoyed his company. 
‘It's late, I should probably go,' you quickly said. You wanted to turn around, but Remus grabbed your wrist. Even though his grip was loose, it made you stop in your tracks. 
‘Y/N, there’s something I wanted to ask,’ he said and you felt a lump in your throat. Remus always made you a bit nervous, but once he touched you, it felt like all common sense disappeared and you turned into a shaky mess. 
‘It’s almost Halloween,’ he continued. He was right, this Friday was the 31st of October. You nodded and waited for what he was going to say. 
‘There is this Halloween party in Hogsmeade on Friday. I thought maybe you could go, if you weren’t busy. There’s music and food and.. stuff,’ he said. He suddenly seemed nervous as well, but everything he said just didn’t make sense to you. You waited for him to say more, but when he didn’t, you answered. 
‘Well, I don’t know. I’m not really a party type, you know,’ you mumbled. It was true. You felt most at ease in a quiet, cozy and familiar environment, a party was possibly your worst nightmare.
‘Yeah but you know, I'll be there as well,’ he then quietly said. 
He looked at you like a deer in headlights. It took you a little while to comprehend what he had asked you.
‘Remus Lupin, are you asking me to go on a date with you?’ you asked surprised.  
‘No. Or yes. I don't know. Guess it depends on your answer,’ he said quickly, stumbling over his own words. 
You giggled. Shy Remus was adorable and you wanted to hug him there on the spot, but you resisted the urge.
‘I would love to go with you, Remus.’ 
‘That’s great. I’m looking forward to it,’ he said. Long after you left his office, when you couldn’t sleep, you kept hearing his last words in your head. You were also looking forward to it. 
tags: @turvi @carlito55ainzbae @spidermansolosurfav ily &lt;3
Part seven
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medea10 · 1 year
My Review of My Hero Academia
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It’s done. It’s taken me 10 whole years, but I finished Gintama. My long-running comedic/drama nightmare has come to an end until they decide to come out with another damn sequel. But for now, it is DONE. And now, I can finally sit down and make good on a promise I made with one of my best friends. I will now watch Hunter x Hunter.
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No. I said Hunter x Hunter.
Tough shit, loser. You’re watching this shit!
Sorry, Marcus.
Yeah, My Hero Academia has been around for a couple of years now. It’ll emerge every couple of years in the anime world and the manga has been a massive hit. Not as big as Demon Slayer, but then again, no one can be as awesome as Demon Slayer. I had my chance to pick this series up, but I picked Black Clover instead. I made my decision and I stand by it. But once I noticed this series had several films and over 100 episodes to its name, I thought it be best to save this anime for after finishing my long-numbered series. Once I was able to get through Gintama, we can set this up.
Quirks or super powers are in about 80% of humanity. These quirks can vary from being super flashy, awesomely strong…or it could be like the Crest Man.
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I was going to make this joke one way or another.
(He’s living in his car)
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Many of these people decide to become heroes, especially those with potential. Now what about those 20% of humans that don’t have a quirk? Can they one day become a hero even though they have no power to their name? I guess we’ll find out with a young lad named Izuku Midoriya (or Deku). He has no quirk, no chance of developing one in his later years, and yet still wants to attend an academy that’s specifically for those with quirks.
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It wasn’t until he was given a chance by Japan’s #1 hero All Might who sees potential in the young Deku to pass down his powers to him. Due to an ugly fight a few years ago, All Might can only stay in hero form for 3 hours at the most a day. In the span of two episodes, Deku was able to go through 10 months of All Might’s training, inherit his power, and get accepted to UA, the academy for potential students with amazing quirks who want to become heroes. Let’s enter UA to meet all the special students and administration with amazing powers and see who’s going to be a smashing hero one day.
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Do keep in mind that I’m only summing up the first couple of episodes from the first season here. Each season has much more going on as Deku and his classmates learn what it means to become a great hero.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: You know, the five years of me not picking this anime up, I would take a look at these characters and say to myself, “Yeah, you’re totally voiced by this person”. Look at All Might, if that guy isn’t voiced by Chris Sabat this world doesn’t make sense. Oh look, it really is Chris Sabat! Hey, it’s a main girl and loved by majority of fans. Gotta be voiced by Luci Christian! It’s like I’m fucking psychic! Sexy big girl, gotta be Jamie Marchi! Wow! Strait-laced megane boy! My lady-loins are on fire so that could only mean a role by J. Michael Tatum. Okay, let me give it a try in the Japanese.
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Nobuhiko Okamoto! I only need the word “screaming”. I didn’t need to look at any character profiles to know this. Thank God Bakugo’s screaming didn’t get on my nerves the entire time. I sometimes have a problem with characters who scream so much that you just want to rip their mouths off their faces. Bakugo…he makes me laugh. He’s a tsundere with a short fuse, what’s not to like?!
As you can tell, I watched the majority of this series dubbed. The cast had a wide variety of seasoned veterans and modern favorite voice actors. Juli Erickson was also in the cast for a short time before retiring from voice acting. I’m glad I got to hear her one more time. There was another replacement in the dub. Alex Organ voiced Mr. Aizawa for the first season. After that however, Christopher Wehkamp took over and has remained since then. Scheduling conflicts, I suppose. I wasn’t even aware of the change until I read about it.
Oof. Both the sub and the dub have some great people behind these heroes and aspiring heroes. Let’s just say I give a gold star to everyone here. Even Tomokazu Seki was in this series as the spotted seal hero Selkie. Love it. Love everything about it! Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Deku is played by Daiki Yamashita (known for Goh on Pokemon Journeys, Yushirou on Demon Slayer, Joro on Oresuki, Umino on Sailor Moon Crystal, and Shion on UtaPri)
*Bakugo is played by Nobuhiko Okamoto (known for Gladion on Pokemon SM, Accelerator on Railgun/Index, Rin on Blue Exorcist, Garfiel on Re:Zero, Usui on Maid-sama, Ryou on Food Wars, and Liebe on Black Clover)
*All Might is played by Kenta Miyake (known for Giovanni on Pokemon, Scar on FMA: Brotherhood, Avdol on Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Pt. 3, Cocytus on Overlord, Zodd on Berserk 2016, and Takaoka on Assassination Classroom)
*Uraraka is played by Ayane Sakura (known for Nero on Black Clover, Tomori on Charlotte, Gasper on High School DxD, Tsubaki on Your Lie in April, Haru on Nisekoi, and Shimotsuki on Psycho Pass)
*Todoroki is played by Yuki Kaji (known for Clemont on Pokemon XY, Eren on Attack on Titan, Koichi on Jojo’s Pt. 4, Finn on Black Butler, Issei on High School DxD, Kuga on Food Wars, and Kenma on Haikyuu)
*Aizawa is played by Junichi Suwabe (known for Greed on FMA, Yami on Black Clover, Victor on Yuri on Ice, Archer on Fate/Stay Night, Hayama on Food Wars, Undertaker on Black Butler, and Grimmjow on Bleach)
*Shigaraki is played by Kouki Uchiyama (known for Soul on Soul Eater, Rui on Demon Slayer, Yurio on Yuri on Ice, Benedict on Violet Evergarden, Ikuya on Free!, Yuuki on Shiki, and Ichijou on Nisekoi)
ENGLISH CAST: *Deku is played by Justin Briner (known for Shou on Fire Force, Luck on Black Clover, Yukito on Cardcaptor Sakura: CC, and Mitarai on Danganronpa 3)
*Bakugo is played by Clifford Chapin (known for Connie on Attack on Titan, Touya on Cardcaptor Sakura: CC, Cabba on DB Super, Langris on Black Clover, Kamui on Psycho Pass 2, and Hamazura on Railgun/Index)
*All Might is played by Chris Sabat (known for Armstrong on FMA, Vegeta & Piccolo on DBZ, Kurabara on Yu Yu Hakusho, Zoro on One Piece, Yami on Black Clover, Ayame on Fruits Basket, and Christophe on Yuri on Ice)
*Uraraka is played by Luci Christian (known for Wrath on FMA, Nagisa on Clannad, Yukari on Azumanga Daioh, Medusa on Soul Eater, Nami on One Piece, Huni on Ouran HSHC, and Alois on Black Butler)
*Todoroki is played by David Matranga (known for Tomoya on Clannad, Bertolt on Attack on Titan, Ookami on Wolf Children, Hinata on Angel Beats, Usui on Maid-sama, and Himura on ef – a tale of memories)
*Aizawa is played by Christopher Wehkamp (known for Ruijerd on Mushoku Tensei, Nyanko-Sensei on Natsume’s Book of Friends, Sylvester on Ascendance of a Bookworm, Hinawa on Fire Force, and Miles on Ace Attorney)
*Shigaraki is played by Eric Vale (known for Kimblee on FMA, Trunks on DBZ, Yuki on Fruits Basket, Sanji on One Piece, Tamaki on Deadman Wonderland, Kisumi on Free!, Arthur on Fire Force, and Nishiki on Tokyo Ghoul)
FAVORITE CHARACTER: I’ve gone through this over and over in my mind. There were a lot of characters I’ve grown to admire and ones I think are pretty nifty. I still can’t believe I was able to keep track of so many characters in this one series, but I think I did a pretty good job. Yes, I have a guilty pleasure for Bakugo. But that’s just it, he’s a guilty pleasure. I like him and am amused by him, but at the same time I can get annoyed with him. But if there was one character who I enjoyed the most out of all the characters that have appeared so far, it would be her.
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Tsuyu Asui (a.k.a. Froppy; Tsu)
I love Tsu. She’s best girl. And that’s all there is to it!
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DISLIKED CHARACTER: Ooh boy, you all knew I was going to discuss papa of the year over here! Long before I started this series, I was well aware of the existence of a shitty parent by the name of Endeavor. I thought if I sat through this long enough, I would switch my hatred from Endeavor to Overhaul. It didn’t happen. I’m still on this hate-train. Endeavor has had this unhealthy obsession and rivalry with All Might and wanting to surpass him. Thinking he could never reach that position of #1 hero, he stuck to the next generation by making it with another powerful quirk user and have babies.
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He had a total of four kids. One of his son’s is presumed dead due to trying to impress his father (wait until season six for the truth). One of his son’s hates Endeavor for what he’s done to the family. His daughter tries her best to keep things together, but you can tell she’s feeling uber stressed. And (Shoto) Todoroki still has daddy issues. I guess you can chalk all of this up to these kids upbringing. Todoroki witnessed his father’s physical abuse first-hand as he was rough with trainings. Not only that, but the abuse of his own wife that led to her mental breakdown giving Todoroki his trademark scar. And somehow Todoroki’s eldest had the worst of it all. All he wanted was his daddy’s approval and was just left for dead. Again, season six has the answers there. Bottom line, Endeavor was a very bad father. But, he is trying.
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You cannot expect your fully grown children to pretend that everything is okay now that you’re going to change and be father of the year. Natsuo was partially saved by his father and was unable to give him any satisfaction. And it seems like Todoroki is just using his father to further his quirk and can easily get into work study programs because of him. As for his wife, you know Rei may never forgive him for all that has happened to this family. That’s just my two cents on the matter. I think every one of the Todoroki’s might eventually forgive Endeavor…not the older two sons.
SHIPPING: Guys, seriously. There are more important things to discuss here than which characters should shack up. Japan has a severe problem with villains and these kids specifically signed up to be in an academy focused on serving the public as heroes.
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I support Uraraka x Deku
And aside from a few dropped hints by Uraraka, I seriously find no other ship that could…
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I also support Kirishima x Ashido
But aside from those two, this show is strictly about kids wanting to be heroes and let’s keep it that way.
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Mineta x his hand tonight
Yeah, I had to add that silly ship.
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ENDING TO SEASON ONE: It’s been well established since the beginning that All Might was one of the greatest heroes, if not THE greatest. A symbol of peace and justice! And now, he’s a teacher at UA. So, everyone pretty much wants a piece of him. During a field trip to a simulated area filled with terrains and weather patterns, Deku and his classmates were bombarded by villains. This is not a drill, these guys mean business and they also want All Might. While their teacher Mr. Aizawa was busy taking care of some of the bigger villains, the students were being separated so the enemies can learn about what quirks these kids have. Some of the more powerful classmates like Bakugo and Todoroki were able to get rid of their batch of baddies with little-to-no problem. Others, it was a little more challenging. Even Aizawa found himself in dire-straits. Meanwhile, where is All Might?
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We all know about All Might’s injury. It’s just that everyone else isn’t aware of it and All Might goes to great lengths to keep it a secret. Rightly so! If it’s learned by the wrong people that All Might has at most 3 hours a day in hero form, villains will swarm the area to cause havoc. Thankfully, dude shows up in the knick of time before these bad guys could do damage to Deku and the rest. Unfortunately, All Might already saved the day in another area and is at his max of what he’s capable of handling. Now these villains don’t know the specifics of All Might’s power, but someone controlling them from the shadows dropped hints about All Might being weaker than in his heyday.
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Bad guys Shigaraki, Nomu, and Kurogiri definitely put a dent in All Might, but All Might didn’t let up his bluff in front of the bad guys. But that steam coming from his body is not a good sign. And yeah, the only one who knows about All Might is Deku and Deku was worried about All Might dying on his feet or someone about to find out his big secret. Thankfully, Iida was able to escape and call for backup. The administration at UA came and they were able to put an end to the situation. It’s unknown how much extra damage was done to All Might and it seems like his time where he can spend in hero form has been cut drastically to only 90 minutes at the most. But for now, All Might and Deku can relax for a second knowing their actions saved a whole class of freshmen from being harmed or worse.
Now as for those bad guys like Shigaraki, who is filling his head with ideas that there might be something wrong with All Might? I guess that’s an answer to be filled in another season. Because now we’re about to head into a tournament arc!
Okay, good introduction to the students of UA. Get our feet wet with all the quirks the students have. Even though Deku isn’t a full zero to hero quite yet, he’s certainly one hell of a strategian when it comes to problem solving. And from here on out, the series gains more episodes. This season is the only one with 13 episodes. Every season from here on out will have 25. Just how many chapters are there for My Hero Academia?
SEASON TWO: One recap episode and one Anime Festa OVA later…
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The entire school is about to hold their annual sports festival. This sports festival is a big freakin’ deal. Hell, it’s even a bigger deal than the Olympics! Okay, I wouldn’t go that far. The students have opportunities of being discovered by a hero agency and might even become a sidekick for a famous hero. Other opportunities also include having kids from the lower-level classes get nudged up to a higher-level class. After the events of season one, Deku and the kids of class 1-A were getting a lot of fame and news coverage as the students who took out the league of villains that infiltrated a highly secured building of UA. As for the sports festival, Bakugo took home the gold.
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Pfft. Watching him bound and getting forced with the gold medal is truly a laughable moment.
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This season, we learn about what’s driving these students to excel at UA. Uraraka wants to earn money to help her struggling family. Todoroki wants to escape the grasp of his legendary father, the #2 hero Endeavor. Iida tries following in his big brother’s footsteps in a bit of revenge after someone injured him. And Deku wants to make a name for himself as All Might’s power has weakened significantly. Again, Deku’s the only one who knows.
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After the sports festival, the students end up as apprentices for either hero agencies or heroes themselves. This part of the story focuses on Deku learning to control his power and Iida finding the hero killer (Stain) who severely injured his older brother. Dealing with Stain was a very difficult task. Deku, along with Todoroki and Iida were all caught up in that fight. They beat the dude, but couldn’t get any credit due to bureaucratic issues with the police and certified heroes. As a repercussion, Iida ended up doing permanent damage to his hand and it might be the end of his career as a hero (unless the surgery is a miracle). They make this a big deal here, but I don’t recall hearing any more on that subject from season 3-6. Moving on!
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The end of this season consists of Deku learning the truth about his power One For All and the originator All For One. This guy is still out there, he’s a dick, and guess what, he’s the head of that league of villains that was behind the attack at the end of season one. Other than that, it’s exam time for class 1-A. Let’s have them fight against the teachers! Aside from two teams failing, everyone did pretty well considering they were up against UA’s greatest. And this was to be especially difficult for Deku as he had to be partnered with Bakugo and fight against All Might.
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The final episode consisted of Deku being cornered by Shigaraki. Yes, the guy behind the Nomus and the attack from season one’s finale. We finally see his face and we get a bit of foreshadowing of things to come from the League of Villains. The heinous group has recruited several new villains who we will see more of come season three. Speaking of…
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SEASON THREE: It’s time for summer training camp. And for funsies, let’s add class 1-B too. These kids will be pushed to their limits to enhance their quirks. Because while everyone has improved in other departments, their quirk powers haven’t moved much since the beginning of the semester! Gee, wouldn’t it suck if a bunch of villains come in and ruin everything? The League of Villains has arrived with new powerful members including Dabi and Toga. Their target this time is Bakugo! Their attack on the UA students kinda broke a lot of morale with not just the students, but the faculty as well. The end result was that many of the students and the faculty watching over them wound up injured and Bakugo was kidnapped.
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Saving face didn’t go as smoothly as anyone would hope. Deku got four of his classmates to defy orders to try and infiltrate the League of Villains to save Bakugo. At that very same time, several ranked heroes did their own rescue mission. It did not go well for either side! On the plus side, Deku and friends were able to save Bakugo without breaking the law by fighting crime without a license. But then All For One wrecked the whole place. He took out so many villains and heroes in his way. I think he might have killed one of them. Didn’t matter to him anyways because he was after All Might! This fight took everything from All Might.
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All For One exposed All Might to the entire world his ugly secret. Not only that, but dropped an unfortunate fact bomb involving All Might’s sensei and Shigaraki. And to top it all off, injured him so bad that All Might will never fight crime again. After all of that, the students of class 1-A were highly requested by the school to live in the school dorms from now on. Most parents agreed to it, though Deku’s mother was the most worried. Long story short, he’s living in the dorms now. Not before seeing this poor woman cry again.
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The next big arc after the fall of All Might was the provisional hero license exam. We meet a lot of brand-new soon-to-be heroes much like the students of UA from other schools across the land. The end result of that exam, everyone except two students from class 1-A got their provisional license. And surprisingly those two were Todoroki and Bakugo! Bakugo is so obvious that I don’t even need to waste the time explaining why he flunked. Todoroki on the other hand had someone from another school get under his skin with a comment likening him to his father Endeavor.
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While Bakugo was angry about not passing his provisional license exam, something else has been grinding his gears and for some time at that. Bakugo’s anger hits fever pitch when he confronts Deku alone after the exam about his relationship with All Might. And throwing punches! Despite that thick layer of anger he puts up, Bakugo is a sad boy who loves his favorite hero All Might. He was of course jealous that Deku got to be his protégé but guilty because Bakugo thought it was because of him being kidnapped that caused All Might to lose his powers permanently. All Might reassured the boys of everything. And then the boys were on lockdown for breaking curfew to fight. In the meantime, the League of Villains is still at it despite All For One being in a maximum security prison. Toga infiltrated the hero provisional license exam by posing as another student. Shigaraki is growing more menacing. And then there’s Overhaul…ooh boy, I can’t wait to talk about this guy in the following season.
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And class 1-A got to meet the top students of the third-year class (a.k.a. The Big Three). The strongest of the three (Mirio) wiped out the entire class by himself. Big difference between the power of the first years and this pant-less wonder!
Okay, this season had its ups and downs. But the ups were definitely worth it and we had a big payoff when it came to scenes involving All Might and All For One. Now let’s see what’s going on with that movie that came out around the same time.
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TWO HEROES: We got a glimpse of what to expect with this movie in an episode during the third season. Meaning, they gave us a filler in the middle of a tournament arc and are introduced to a movie character for five seconds. Let me guess how this movie goes; this in no way connects to any villain currently in the series, there is no character growth, serves no purpose to the main plot, and the new character introduced is the bad guy.
Most of what I said was pretty true! Deku gets invited by All Might to go with him to a special island that is full of people who manufacture AI technology. Most of the class ends up there under some special circumstances and yes, it’s just the popular ones fans like most. All Might’s friend from his younger days David wanted to help All Might regain his strength (he just doesn’t know the true story of why he’s losing his strength). And David ends up in cahoots with terrorists that took a whole island hostage. And these terrorists are also connected to All For One. Okay, I was wrong, All For One is somehow connected (or at least mentioned by the leader of the terrorists).
SEASON FOUR: So, it’s not just Bakugo that caught onto Deku and All Might’s relationship. It leaked to the press! One reporter knows there’s a protégé out there. And thankfully he has the right mind to shut up about it! Onto the main stuff! Deku and the rest of class-A are about to go through work study programs. And the League of Villains are ready for their next move. But right now, we gotta watch out for a lone Mafioso causing mischief.
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Deku winds up doing a work study with All Might’s previous side-kick Sir Nighteye. Several other characters like Kirishima, Tsu, and Uraraka also got a chance for a work study program. Deku unfortunately got a lot thrown at him in the drama department. He learned that Nighteye had a falling out with All Might due to the fatal injury All Might acquired and made worse once he decided to give Deku is One for All power.
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Next, all of these students I mentioned, plus their mentors, and the three 3rd years are all caught up trying to take down a lone Mafioso and some of the League of Villains in order to save one little girl. Overhaul was trying to use this young girl (Eri) and her power in order to suppress and end hero powers permanently. Eri has a quirk that can rewind a person’s body. But due to her age, she’s unable to control it properly and that has caused a lot of mental damage to her. Overhaul is quite the disgusting little shit abusing this poor girl. Thank goodness after this long, hard-fought battle, the heroes were able to prevail and save Eri.
But at what cost?
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Deku was able to survive with not so many injuries to his person. Some of the other heroes and classmates involved in the giant raid were not so lucky. Kirishima and Fat Gum sustained heavy injuries. Mirio’s power might have been altered permanently due to Overhaul and his gang having these serums that can erase quirks. And Eri (the girl they all saved) is forever haunted by the psychological horror she’s endured. But worst of all was Sir Nighteye. During the fight between the heroes and Overhaul, Nighteye literally got impaled and was at death’s door when All Might, Deku, and Mirio spoke to him. Up to this point, we really never saw death strike any of these characters. This was a heart tugger! Shit is getting real now for Deku. All I can say is…wait until season six. Meanwhile, Overhaul not only got his ass kicked by Deku, but was left powerless and crippled by Shigaraki.
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The last half of season four revolved around UA putting together a culture festival. This is both a wise and stupid decision. Wise because these students deserve a little fun after everything the students of UA (especially class 1-A) have gone through. Stupid because UA has been a giant target for villains since All Might became a teacher. And if one little thing happens with a villain coming near the area, the festival is going to be called off. At that exact same time, a new villain emerges and wants to break into the festival. Of course, he does!
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This guy is a tea-drinking gentleman with a side-kick I’m so not comfortable seeing together with him. I’m sorry, but this combination makes me feel a little ill inside and confused. Thankfully, Deku happened to be in the area and prevented the festival from getting shut down. Not only does he want to give his school this moment of peace, but because Eri is coming, he wants to make sure she has a great time. Thankfully, Deku was able to break through to this confused villain and he turns himself in with no more damage done. But most important for Deku, the festival went off perfectly. Class 1-A was commended for their performance on stage and Eri was able to smile and enjoy herself.
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We end the season off with some severe changes. First of all, Eri is going to attend UA. She’s stable enough to stay out of the psych ward and is all healed up. Deku and Mirio must protect this girl’s smile! And then my question was answered. I thought to myself, will there be another #1 hero now that All Might is retired? Yep, there’s a new top 10 and a new #1 with Endeavor taking the top spot. Will the world see him as the new symbol of peace? Endeavor is put to the test when he and #2 hero Hawkes got attacked by an overpowered Nomu. This was a tough fight as Endeavor was tossed around a lot. Thankfully, he won. He went beyond, PLUS ULTRA!
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Also, is anybody else thrown off by the Endeavor fanboy? It doesn’t help that he looks like Natsu from Fairy Tail, but did the English version REALLY have to get Haberkorn to play this guy too?
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HEROES RISING: In the second movie, it almost looked like we were getting some action between the UA students and the League of Villlains. In actuality, the villains of this movie get into an alliance with Shigaraki. These new villains end up attacking a lone island that Deku and his classmates just happen to be on as part of hero work. The villains want this one kid on the island because of this special quirk he possesses. We get some pretty primo fight scenes where Deku and Bakugo are actually working together to beat the villains. I’m going to be legit and ask, did anyone fall for that shit about Deku giving his One For All power to Bakugo? Yeah, me neither. There are two seasons after this movie. No way in hell Deku is losing his power this early in the game.
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SEASON FIVE: Endeavor’s fight with the superpowered Nomu came with a lot of baggage. His popularity as the new #1 hero is steadily rising. It’s just that people really saw him get his ass kicked pretty badly. And now, dude has a pretty gnarly scar on his face. Just like his son! I almost want to say something here, but…nah, bad taste. On top of that, Endeavor is now going to start acting like a real father instead of the bastard he’s been up to this point. Meanwhile, Deku has been getting visions during his sleep of the past One For All users and kinda using his power while sleeping. It got worse when his powers decided to go haywire during a class competition with class 1-B.
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I will say this. The stuff with Deku and controlling the powers of One For All was the only interesting part of the first part of season 5. I checked out when there were many episodes dedicated to class 1-A and 1-B fighting each other. I know several class 1-B classmates showcase their quirks in a big way in the following season, I just wasn’t a fan of this arc of the story. In the second part, work studies seem to be back in effect. And now that Bakugo and Todoroki finally obtained their licenses, they can finally catch up to the rest of their classmates. Geez, you only now realize that we’re halfway into season five with 100 episodes in and these kids are still only first years. Deku ends up joining Todoroki and Bakugo to work study under the world’s #1 hero…the current one.
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Okay Endeavor, let’s see if you can redeem yourself a little more. Actually, we only got a few episodes dedicated to Endeavor, his family, Deku, and Bakugo. There was an altercation between some rando villain and Endeavor’s son Natsuo. It happened, Natsuo’s safe, we moved on. Okay, now it’s time for My Hero Academia to turn into My Villain Academia. The League of Villains found themselves in severe trouble as another group of baddies ambush them. This was an ugly showdown as it pushed many of the league members to their breaking points. Himeko almost died and Shigaraki was pushed to remembering his own past.
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Yeah, we got the typical backstory for a villain of Shigaraki’s caliber. Misunderstood child, abusive father, enabling family members to abusive father, accidentally murders the entire family, yep, it’s all here on the checklist. Several seasons prior to this moment, we learned that Shigaraki’s paternal grandmother was Nana Shimura. Yes, the same Nana Shimura who was All Might’s mentor and previous carrier to the One For All quirk. Well, Shigaraki’s father was really resentful about his mother because he felt as though he was abandoned by her. That birthed a hatred for heroes and he would get angry if his children mention heroes or wanting to be one. So, there’s that. Shigaraki wound up gaining a quirk and much like Eri in season 4, his quirk went haywire and it took out his entire family. After being a sudden orphan, no one came to Shigaraki’s aid. Not one single hero! All For One did however. He took the boy in, gave him hands of his family members, and gave him a new name and purpose in life.
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Shigaraki, while almost broken to the point of no return, he took out Re-Destro and his gang of baddies. This led to an alliance. Shigaraki’s League of Villains and Re-Destro’s Meta Liberation Front have joined together under a new name, the Paranormal Liberation Front. We end the season with class 1-A showing off what they’ve learned from their work studies. Oh, and Hawkes is still infiltrating the newly formed league. Okay, I’m going to say it. This season was pretty lousy. Don’t get me wrong, I liked several moments in this season including Endeavor trying to atone for his sins, Deku’s new ability, and the My Villain Academia arc. But that class 1-A vs. class 1-B crap was for the birds.
There’s a third movie sometime after this. I really don’t feel like talking about it since I felt so disinterested with it. Blah, blah, Deku is wanted by the police, blah, blah, big fight, blah, blah, no one’s going to die here!
SEASON SIX: Hey, I caught up when it was airing!
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Shit’s about to go down! There’s a heavier tone in this anime everywhere you look. Even in the eye-catches halfway through an episode. The professional heroes, teachers from U.A., class 1-A of U.A. and even a few other students are all part of this sting operation to take down the newly united villain squad, the Paranormal Liberation Front. Besides going after that group, some of this sting is to get this doctor who was behind the creation of the Nomus and is also shielding Shigaraki until he’s 100% and then some. Shigaraki was in rough shape near the end of the fifth season, so he's being constantly monitored. But during the sting, Shigaraki awakened.
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The awakening of Shigaraki led to a domino effect of destruction everywhere. One of the giant villains couldn’t be controlled and ended up wrecking a lot of pro-heroes. Shigaraki’s decay power went berserk and took out the entire area. Deku, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Endeavor went toe-to-toe with Shigaraki and ended up putting a dent in him. Shigaraki is terrifying now, but because he wasn’t finished with the doctor’s experiment yet, his power isn’t what it could be. That’s when All For One took over Shigaraki’s body for his own…even though he’s in super jail. Yeah, I know that doesn’t make a lick of sense, but just roll with it because Shigaraki is going to be a puppet for a while. Moving on!
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And now for the moment I’ve been anticipating! League of Villain alumni Dabi comes in to drop a bomb on the Todoroki family. After Shigaraki ended his rampage, Dabi came in to break the news to not just Endeavor and Todoroki, but to the entire world. He put out a video prior to the current chaos to announce that Endeavor, the #1 hero is his father and went into detail about what a horrible father he was. Dabi (or Touya Todoroki) was Endeavor’s eldest son who was thought to be dead. This broke Endeavor inside causing him to look upon both of his sons fighting. Yes, I’ve been looking forward to this story. The Todoroki family story intrigues me.
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This giant fight that lasted several episodes (if not half of the season) is finally coming to an end without a happy ending. It’s much worse than anyone jumping into the anime without reading spoilers could have imagined. Many characters got messed up badly. Worse than in any other season. Deku winds up in a coma. Bakugo was impaled, but survived. Mr. Aizawa sliced off his own leg to prevent losing his quirk from one of those quirk deleters that got Mirio the other season. Midnight and several prominent ranked heroes are dead. On the antagonist side, Twice ends up dying by Hawkes after he admits to betraying the front. Many of the villains were arrested including the doctor, Re-Destro, Mr. Compress, and Machia. Himiko is on the loose. Shigaraki ended up torching several prisons releasing many convicts with powerful quirks on the public along with All For One. This leaves the public to wonder if they can ever trust heroes again. If it took all of these heroes to take down all of these villains and they still couldn’t complete the mission, what good are they?
That’s not my take, that’s just public opinion…except the public was a lot crueler when it came to the heroes.
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AND NOW THE START OF THE FINAL ARC: With All For One taking over Shigaraki’s weakened state, he can get what he truly wants. The quirk, One For All. Shigaraki mentions it during the giant battle during this season and it catches the attention of Endeavor, Hawks, and even the angry media demanding answers about everything that has happened. Deku decided to make some pretty big decisions once he got out of his coma. Up to this point, Deku’s quirk was only known to All Might and later on Bakugo. Now, he decides to let the rest of his classmates know before he leaves U.A. Deku teams up with All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, and Jeanist to take down the rampant crime going on everywhere. Since season 5, Deku has been seeing past wielders of One For All and slowly unlocking their powers. A lot is riding on Deku with this ultimate power as he can’t pass the power down like All Might did. His life expectancy might be cut short. Kinda like Eren Yeager in Attack on Titan. And he’s getting prepped to take down Shigaraki with no regrets.
I make the Eren Yeager reference here because this is the part of the story that things take a harsher, somber-er tone compared to previous seasons. This includes the opening theme, ending themes, eye-catches, the preview, the background, the music, and Deku.
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Endeavor also made a promise to his family that he will take down Dabi (Touya). But for now, we are focusing on Deku teaming up with the top 3 heroes and All Might to take down every kind of crime from small stuff, misplaced anger, and anything involving the escaped convicts from the several jail breaks. With all of the other One For All quirks unleashed, Deku is able to make use of every one of them with his mission. It came in handy when going up against a former hero and present-day convict Lady Nagant. She is one of the escaped convicts. While All For One told nearly all convicts to do as they please, he had other plans for some special ones. He used Nagant to try and take down Deku. But Deku got through to her near the end of their match and it looked like she was going to see life for more than what she was used to. Unfortunately, things have a funny way of working out when All For One is involved.
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He planted explosives on Nagant. I’m pretty sure she’s a goner. This did not sit well with Deku. And neither did All For One’s taunt where he copied All Might’s infamous line, “now it’s your turn”. Rogue Deku is in quite the state. And now, let’s add his classmates to the mix. They’re going to bring him back to the academy by any means necessary. One Deku with 7 quirks vs. 19 classmates of his. With many flashbacks and a lot of push and pull, the class was able to subdue Deku and bring him back to U.A. which is currently being used as a refuge area. However, the people are not liking the idea of having Deku in the same place as them because Shigaraki’s looking for him and he has One For All. Thankfully, some kind words from Uraraka and a few supporters, the angry crowd came together to let Deku in.
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All For One and Shigaraki’s big threat seems to be looming closer. It’s hard to nail down how long the heroes have. All Might wound up getting this information from the hero-killer Stain. Yeah, you remember him, right? The guy that wrecked Iida and his brother back in season two. I remember Stain always wanting to kill All Might. But seeing All Might the way he is now, either he doesn’t know it’s really him or refuses to believe that’s really All Might. Well, rest up class 1-A because season 7 is gonna be a doozy from what I’ve heard. At least it will be for Bakugo from what I’ve heard. Oh, and we meet America’s #1 hero for a sec, Star and Stripe (voiced by Romi Park).
Wowee-wow-wow-wow! I did not expect to like this series the way I did. I mean, I really do love My Hero Academia. I know I had the opportunity to watch this but chose to watch Black Clover instead. I don’t regret that decision; I just wish I got to watch this a lot sooner and maybe start on the manga. Now that doesn’t mean this entire series is flawless, far from it. There were some seasons that fell flat on its face. I think we all can get on the same page of which season was the one that is the flat can of soda out of this six-pack.
The answer is season five. It’s always going to be season five. No amount of My Villain Academia you throw at the audience is going to undo that. But I suppose that’s where that arc landed and call it bad timing. Long-running manga series have really awesome arcs and really slumpy arcs. Case and point, the anime Food Wars is a good example to bring up here. Their first 2 seasons were really good, but after that is when things started falling by the waist-side. When it comes to My Hero Academia, I had several hits of highs and lows watching. The field trip at the beginning season three, the culture festival at the end of season four, and the majority of season five were my lows. I only put that moment in season three up as, I have to be honest in this review. That arc actually got really good faster than I thought. The other two I mentioned just dragged on. Especially the class competition! I love watching class 1-A in action, but this was just so exhausting to sit through.
I think I’ve beat that dead horse enough. Let’s talk about the characters. I’ve always had the hardest time keeping up with the many characters an anime might have. Especially animes that are set in school and we focus on one particular class. Despite my love for the series Assassination Classroom, I could not remember every single person from that class. With My Hero Academia, I think I was able to recall every classmate. Just class 1-A though. Maybe it’s because of their quirks, some of their looks, or their quirky behavior. The same can be said about characters outside class 1-A like the professional heroes, the villains, the townspeople, Bakugo’s mother…yeah, you have to see the woman who gave birth to a feral, screaming grenade of loud noises.
I do have a legit question for manga readers. Do these kids finally become second years at U.A.? You don’t notice that these kids are in the same grade until it’s season five and you see a Christmas episode and you’re like, “Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me, they’re still in their first year”. Don’t answer that. I know they’re probably going to age soon. Okay, enough of my dumbassary here. If you have a lot of time on your hands, I give this a full recommendation. If you’re able to sit through 100+ episodes of this, yes definitely give it a watch. And also keep in mind that Studio Bones animates this and they’re the ones who did Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Mob Psycho 100, and Soul Eater. So, that’s a pretty big incentive.
I know I said some pretty rough things about several moments of this series. But here’s how I would break it down. Season one was a nice start as we get an introduction to Deku and what he’s going to go through to become a hero. Season two was wonderful with more of a build-up to the antagonists of the story. Plus, a tournament arc! Season three had a bit of a slow start, but once you get to Bakugo’s kidnapping and All Might vs. All For One, this season was a sure-fire hit. Season four starts great, but it hits a lull spot. Okay, I guess I can accept that as these kids do deserve some time off. Season five had some good moments with Deku learning a little more about the previous users of One For All and the My Villain Academia arc. Other than that, this season was nothing to write home about. Season six will rock you like a hurricane. It’s almost a little overwhelming in the first half with all of these heroes and villains going up against each other. But never a dull moment.
If you would like to watch My Hero Academia, several sites have the series streaming including FUNimation, Crunchyroll, and Hulu. It is also a staple on Adult Swim’s Toonami, so if it’s on, check it out.
Okay, now that I finished this long series, I think it’s high-time I watch Hunter x Hunter Urusei Yatsura! Huh? Okay, guess we’re doing something else instead.
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Takato Tasuku - Translation [SR] Festival of Blooming (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Tsumugi: Umm… clothes of mine that even Tasuku can wear…
Tasuku: Man, we should have checked in advance if you have anything that fits me.
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Tsumugi: Ah. You can fit in this though, can’t you?
Tasuku: That short-sleeved shirt, huh… yeah, probably.
Tsumugi: It might be a little cold, but will it work?
Tasuku: Yeah, it’ll be fine.
Tsumugi: As for the pants on the bottom…
Tasuku: Just give up.
Tsumugi: …I can’t argue with that.
Tasuku: I’ll just borrow the shirt on top.
Tsumugi: Wow, nice. I think it looks good on you.
Tasuku: Should I start now?
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Tsumugi: Fufu, I can’t wait.
Tasuku: “…Alright, shall we go up to here for today?”
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Tsumugi: (I assume this is me when I’m doing my home tutoring job…)
Tasuku: “I’m going to grade your work now, alright? Yes, correct… this one as well… great.” “You’re nailing the things I taught you. You’re working really hard!”
Tsumugi: (I see, so that’s how I teach.)
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Tasuku: “I’m home.”
Tsumugi: (And now… I think the scene changed to me arriving home. He’s holding a box in his hands. Could that be…)
Tasuku: “As an occasional reward for working hard at my job… time to dig in.”
Tsumugi: (The contents of the box… they really are egg sandwiches.)
Tasuku: …And scene.
*clap, clap, clap*
Tsumugi: Ahaha, that’s Tasuku for you. I never thought I’d be able to watch myself like this.
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Tasuku: You while you’re acting, or you when you’re tending to the flowers… There were several sides of you that I wanted to portray. But then I saw how you were with Nanao the other day and I thought I would go with how you teach. Your teaching methods at the dorm are all I know… However, I figured that by seeing your interactions with others, you might be able to view yourself more objectively.
Tsumugi: …Yes, I agree with you. I was able to feel the daily joy of seeing students’ growth all over again. I thought I was quite fond of both my home tutoring job and overseeing everyone’s studies at the dorm as well. The egg sandwich part was a bit embarrassing though…
Tasuku: I saw you bought them the other day, and I remembered that you do things like that sometimes.
Tsumugi: You could have let that part slide. Anyways, we have to take your polaroid too.
Tasuku: …Can you really take it properly?
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Tsumugi: Don’t worry about it. Come on. You went out of your way to buy them, so have an egg sandwich.
Tasuku: Sure…
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Tsumugi: How does it look?
Tasuku: …It’s tilted.
Tsumugi: J-just this amount is fine, isn’t it…?
Tasuku: Well, you did take it. I doubt this much will be a problem.
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sarahsmi13s · 2 years
Pregnancy Announcement- pt 3: The Seresins
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(not my gif)
pairing: jake ‘hangman’ seresin x fem!oc
characters: jake seresin, fem!oc (sarah), the seresins
warnings: language, marrige, pregnancy, fluffy domestic hangman, church (mentioned), im sorry if I missed any
word count: ~1.4k 
a/n: this is part 3 of a 3 part headcannon of Sarah and Jake telling there friends and family of their pregnancy. however they are keeping the twins a secret from everyone other than Alyssa and Rooster  
this is the next part in this oc series, which is inspired by @roosterscockpit ‘s ( @milesdickpic ) story ‘His Little Girl’ and yes the oc is based on me (but is mainly fantasy me lol)
Sarah and Jake called his family the same day, only about an hour after they had talked to her family.
They had sent Jack and Delilah a little pair of boots and a note that said ‘don’t open until we facetime’. And mugs that said ‘memaw’ and ‘granddad’. And a little cow plushie for them to hold onto.
Jake sent a quick text to the group chat and then made the call.
Everyone picked up relatively at once.
A chorus of ‘hello’s and childrens’ giggles in the background greeted the couple before they could open their mouths.
“Hey guys!” Jake greeted them. Sarah smiling and waving at the camera, “Hey, y’all!”
A little gasp was heard before little feet padded across the tile, “Unkie J!” Jake’s eyes lit up, “PJ!! Hi, buddy! Oh you’ve gotten so big.”
Sarah looked up at Jake, seeing the bright smile on his face as his 3 year old nephew talked near nonsense to him.
“Unkie J! Coconuts have WATER in them!” Peyton exclaimed, getting close to the camera.
Jake’s eyes widened in confusion and he looked down at Sarah, “What?”
Sarah laughed, “It’s a Bluey reference, my students talk about the show all the time.”
Addison laughed, “Oh my goodness! This little guy loves that show, don’t ya bub?” Peyton didn’t answer and just got closer to the microphone, “Coconuts have water in them.” He whispered it this time.
“Did he skip his after church nap?” Sarah asked, realizing the kid was probably just sleepy.
“Yes, but he wanted to see y’all.” The blonde boy gasped, “Aunt Sawah!”
Sarah laughed, “Hi Pey Jay!” “Aunt Sawah, did you know that I’m king of the squirrels?”
Jake had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing.
“Wow! Really? How’d that happen?”
Zach laughed, “He was playing outside and Blakely screamed because PJ was chasing her with a squirrel.” “I’M KING OF THE SQUIRRELS!” PJ ran off.
“JAKE DID THAT TO ME!” Paisley yelled pointing at Jake through the screen.
Sarah looked up at Jake, “Did you actually chase her with a squirrel, Jake Thomas?” “I may have…” Sarah’s jaw dropped. “I knew you chased her with a snake, but a squirrel? How the hell did you even catch it?” 
Jake shrugged, “I just kinda-” He made a catching motion. “Wait, how’d you know about the snake?” “Jake, she’s my best friend. We shared a living space for years.”
“You told her?” “Yeah JT, she was telling me about the time her sister threw a Doctor Pepper bottle at her other sister and busted her eyebrow. So I told her about when you chased me with a snake.”
Tilly laughed, “This is why I’m glad I’m the baby.”
Jake shook his head, before changing the subject.
“Okay, did all y’all get your gifts we sent? Everyone should have gotten two.”
They nodded, holding up the boxes they got.
They had also sent things to his sisters and brother-in-laws. Tumbler cups that said ‘Aunt’ and ‘Uncle’ respectively, and their names.
“Can we open them? I’ve been itching to sense we got ‘em?” Tilly asked, lightly clawing at the paper.
Jake nodded, “Yes, but no one says anything until Ma and Dad have opened theirs.” “Rip ‘em open guys,” Sarah smiled.
Jack and Delilah quickly opened theirs and Sarah watched Paisley and Tilly share a look.(both live with mom and dad still) Their jaws were slack as they looked from each other to their cups.
Delilah pulls out the cow plushie, “Oh ain’t that cute.” “Oh, Honey, look, there’s boots,”Jack pulled out the boots. He looked at his son, “Do these go on the cow?”
Jake laughed, “I don’t know, Dad. They may fit the cow, but maybe you should open the other box.”
Jack rolled his eyes good naturedly and opened the other gift and Jake could see everyone fidgeting in anticipation.
He handed the mug with the more delicate font to Delilah and held his out to read it, “Granddad?” “Memaw?” The sisters groaned when it didn’t click right away.
To be fair, Jack and Delilah had five grandkids so they were used to getting things that had those names on it.
“Look at the cow’s ear tag, Lilah,” Sarah suggested. “And check the bottom of the boots, Dad,” Jake said, smirking as he leaned back in his chair and put his arm over the back of Sarah’s.
The cow’s ear tag read “Baby Seresin” and the bottom of the boots read “Aug 2023”
Delilah gasped and covered her mouth while holding the cow close to her chest and Jack looked between the cow, boots, and the mugs. “Wow…”
“Can we cheer now? Ethan might explode if he can’t cheer,” Kassadra asked, holding her eight year old by the shoulders.
Sarah and Jake nodded, “Yes! You can cheer!”
Cheers erupted and Ethan could be seen doing a little dance.
“Congrats you guys!” Carter smiled.
“Welcome to the club Jake!” Zach grinned.
Tilly laughed, “Oh boy I hope the baby turns out like Sarah. Or they may stop here.”
Jake scoffed, “I’m not that bad!” “Jake, may I remind you of how you got that scar on your lip?” Kassandra teased.
“Please don’t-” “He went face first into a stop sign because he was trash talking while foot racing.”
“KJ!” His sister shrugged.
“How old were you?” Sarah asked. Jake shrugged, “I was young-” “You were 16,” Jack said pointedly.
Jake rubbed his face, “Can we stop talking about me? Thanks.”
Sarah rubbed bicep, “But you love talking about yourself.” “Yeah, the good stuff.” He kissed her temple.
They decided to talk about the wedding and brought up the dress situation.
Not too long after the subject change, Kassandra and Addison needed to hang up and get their kids settled.
They talked a little bit with Jake’s parents and the two youngest Seresins.
“Have you thought of names?” Jack asked.
Jake nodded, “Yeah, we decided on Finley Grace for a girl.” “Wait like Memaw Grace?” Jake nodded again.
Jack smiled and nodded back to his son.
“Hey, Sarah?” Paisley got Sarah’s attention. “What’s up PT?”
She held up another box. “I think you sent an extra box. Is this for Tyler?”
Sarah grinned and shook her head, “No, that’s for you. Tyler’s got shipped out Friday, Whitley ran out of vinyl and then her cat knocked the cup off and broke the lid.”
“Um, hey, you think we can talk with Paise in private for a minute?” Jake asked.
The other three nodded, “Yeah, we need to go get some stuff done in the barn and Tilly’s boyfriend just got here so they’re going on a date.”
They bid their farewell and a one last congratulations.
“Okay, Paisley, open it.”
Paisley did so, gently pulling out the cup not looking at it until she read the note.
The note:
“Paisley, when I volunteered to room with you your first year as a Razorback, I didn’t know it was going to change my life. You’re my best friend. You were there when I fell head first for Jake and you watched him fall in love with me. You were there when our story began, and I want you by my side as we begin a new chapter. Will you be my maid of honor?”
Paisley’s green eyes were wet with tears as she picked up the cup.
“Goodness gracious… I wasn’t expecting that. Yes, of course I’ll be your maid of honor!”
Sarah smiled, wiping at her own tears.
“I think if I waited any long to ask you I would’ve imploded,” she laughed. “Thank you, Paisley.”
“I love you, Sarah.” “I love you too, Pay.” She ended the call.
Jake smiled, kissing Sarah on the top of the head, “Now you just need to tell your students.” “They’re gonna respond well, I don’t have to worry about them.”
He laughed, “That’s true.”
“Hey, I’ve got a question.”
“Why are teenagers watching a show for kids?”
Sarah sat up straight, “Bluey is a great show, Jake.”
He arched an eyebrow, “Sarah, do you watch a show about a dog family?” “It’s a good show!”
“It’s for kids!”
She grabbed his hand, “Nope you’re watching it now.” He let her pull him to the living room.
They got on the couch and got comfy, and pulled up Disney+.
Needless to say, Jake loved it and cried during the ‘Granddad’ episode, but he will deny it if you ask.
thank you so much for reading!! i hope this was enjoyable!
I do have a pinterest board set up for this, just to help me get into the vibe (one is to help with future parts, one is only for the current parts)
if you want to check it out and get more of a feel for the dynamic going on---- you can click right --->   here
Like mentioned in the last one, feedback is greatly appreciated!
and my asks are open, feel free to request what you would like to see next while i’m working on the next part!
<3 <3 <3
tags <3 (thank you for being here): @milesdickpic​ @luckyladycreator2​
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dorizardthewizard · 5 months
HSM (2006) rewatch pt 3
3. Getcha head in the game!
Half of these students just don’t have backpacks huh, meanwhile Taylor has a wholeass suitcase
Gabriella: I can't believe you live here. I looked for you at the lodge on New Year's Day, but... Troy: I know, we had to leave first thing.
One thing I don’t get is did the new year’s party at the lodge end right after midnight? Lame. Also if they didn’t see each other, why didn’t they text or call each other as Troy said he would?
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The way Troy whispers “the singing thing” pffft this movie really is a queer allegory huh
It’s kind of funny they show Sharpay being “into” Troy in the first movie because that really isn’t relevant at all, she drops that and tries to sabotage him immediately after the audition. But I guess it makes her advances on Troy not seem out of the blue in the second movie.
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Troy and Gabriella's reactions to Sharpay in this scene are a wholeass mood, Gabriella's like "you seeing this shit?". Also Gabriella is usually seen as super bubbly and nice all the time but she's been through multiple schools, she knows what's up and what kind of person Sharpay likely is. That grin when she makes the "nice penmanship!" remark? Totally a subtle dig, I love it.
Also random country flags in the background – I didn’t know Americans knew that many national flags! (I’m joking I’m joking I'm kidding)
Alright basketball time! I'm just gonna comment on this whole bit - I like how they show Troy start to consider the singing thing but from a distance, mentioning how you could extra credit for auditioning first. Like he’s testing the waters. Going with the queer allegory, this is like when you offhandedly mention something lgbt+ related in the news or whatever, just to see how the other person would react, but you could also relate to this to a lot of things. By the end of the scene, we see Troy backpedaling on the musical thing and saying it would just be “a good laugh” when it becomes apparent Chad doesn’t approve. The next thing he says is a comment on Sharpay being cute, we know from his reaction to her earlier that he doesn’t like her but he still says that here, as if he suddenly feels the need to defend his masculinity and heterosexuality. Or as a last excuse for why he might be interested in the musical.
Chad's comment about LeBron and Shaq is so funny considering the kind of guy LeBron is. Also, Chad, Michael Jordan was in a movie with the Looney Tunes years before this movie so anything goes! Still, he's definitely buying into the toxic masculinity culture and literally shudders at the idea of show tunes and costumes and makeup and anything unmanly – let’s put a pin in that ok?
Anyway he likes rock apparently, which. Hm, is this already kind of breaking a stereotype? Either way, it’s 2006 so what kind of rock does Chad listen to? Older stuff or is he blasting In the End? I NEED TO KNOW
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Okayyy Getcha Head in the Game is iconic, the first “Troy is conflicted” song of the series. I love the use of the basketball sounds, and it’s just so catchy! Little break in the diegesis there when Troy hits a note a bit too musically and the others stare at him until he realises what he just did. A tier methinks.
Just keep your head in the gay. No honestly I can’t unhear that now.
Who is “J”?
Wow dicks, they didn’t put the basketballs away
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Spruce not reading honey and tangerines made me remember i got like halfway through before losing all my ao3 tabs and never finishing it 😭 i’ll have to go back and find where i was soon
Also one of my only thoughts after burning gold was literally just “wow tallulah covering her eyes for moat of the fic? She really is just like her father”
Also also WF WF WF MY BELOVED clinic and stars will always have a special place in my heart but sbi’s fight after wilbur said he knew why tommy left at the syndicate meeting will always have a special place in my heart, i re-read it sometimes just for fun
Every once in a while i’ll also remember i was here when the last few chapters of clinic weren’t out yet and then i’ll feel old
I vividly remember checking if clinic had updated, it had, and it was the chapter where puffy came and visited tommy and brought him cinnamon rolls and revealed she was a former-hero
And then i remember being here for all of wf, and reading stars when it only had one chapter and then forgetting about it until it was finished 😭
I can picture so clearly in my head checking wf one day at dinner, i had only read the first chapter a while back and hadn’t kept up, there was now five chapters and i was so excited. I was eating tacos. I kept up with wf updates after that
Sorry for the ramble, everyone’s recent asks have reminded me of a lot of things lmao, still debating if i should re-read stars and i’m so very close to giving in
- 🪐
the fact that you reread that painful fight in wf for fun certainly says something /j (it was such a fun scene to write I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much)
damn you've been around for that long?? you're really an og saturn anon. I remember when I wrote that clinic chapter with puffy and tommy talking after he'd been kidnapped and that conversation ended up being so much longer than I meant it to be. I was so frustrated bc it meant I had to put off the crimeboys reconciliation convo by another chapter and I wanted to write that one so bad, but the puffy tommy convo was so good and flowed so well so I couldn't be too upset
looking back on when wf was updating feels a bit like a fever dream for me bc 1) I wrote most of it during the winter quarter of my senior year of college. we'd gone back to in person for fall quarter after a full year of online bc covid, but then winter had a surge of covid cases again so almost all my classes went BACK online but I had one optional in person class once a week. so I had a lot of free time to write and would spend entire days in a campus coffee shop writing wf 2) sirentwt happened while I was writing wf. that was certainly a Time
anyway i love that you remember you were eating tacos when you noticed wf had 5 chapters up now. I remember I kept trying new drinks at the coffee shop every day when I went there to write but none of it was very good but it was a student run place that had really nice vibes so I became a regular anyway
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historicallytired · 2 years
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@stu-dna​ January Study Challenge 
Oh wow, here we go, first real post of my studyblr! I should probably make an intro post at some point but that’ll wait for later. 
Day 1: What did you achieve last year? What are you setting out to achieve this month? This year? 
So, last year was really transitional for me in that I made a lot of huge decisions but can’t put them into action until this year. So last year I managed to go to Costa Rica and begin my meditation journey and also start getting a read on how I’m going to become “that” girl in my life, you know? I also learned that I’m okay with letting go of control but I’m to addicted to distractions and bad habits that ultimately bring me down. Overall, I got a great starting point for who I am and what I want out of life last year. 
This month, I tried to set goals that would improve me overall instead of just in one area or the other. 
Physical goals: I want to comfortably touch my toes without any pain or bending my knees or rounding out my back. 
Educational: once the term starts I’m going to officially become a research assistant. 
Mental: I’m going to meditate at least 5 times a week. 
Financial: I’m paying off one of my student loans and learning more about the stock market. 
Personal: I’m applying for 5 different jobs, all in Europe! 
Over the course of the year, the biggest goal I have is moving to Europe! I want to start a new life in a new continent and completely change my surroundings. My dream grad school is in Scotland, so I’m taking steps to move there! I have a couple goals in terms of weight-loss for the year, but I’m not sure if sharing them would be a good idea, since everybody is in a different body and I don’t want to accidentally share anything toxic. 
Day 2: How are you balancing the holidays and your studies?
Since I’m not taking a j-term class this year I’m really taking the time to relax and organize my life. I love to read so I’m trying to finish off the Harry Potter series in one month (I’m already on book 2!) I’ll also do things like duolingo or khan academy (mainly their finance courses) or even touch typing classes online; it keeps my brain sharp mand my mind ready for class without actually burning myself out. I will say: my term starts on the 23rd so once that happens I’m going to be posting a lot more about classes and uni life.  
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