#wouldn't it all make a lot more sense if it turned out they accidentally brought in that design from the Furgonomics Universe
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taffywabbit · 1 month ago
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thinking about a parallel universe where furries with big useless bappy paws exist IRL, but so does that one dumbass apple mouse that has no buttons, a charging port on the bottom, and a shape that is extremely uncomfortable to use if you have normal adult human hands
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phantastus · 5 months ago
Headcannon scenario of Silent Hill protags with a s/o who likes to annoy em plz? Not bc it's out of maliciousness but it's rather mildly amusing according to s/o
Oop, sorry it took me a bit to answer this, anon!
-TRAVIS: He's a guy who under good circumstances likes having someone he can joke around with, so although he takes awhile to trust other peoples' intentions, he'd be all about having a partner who's playful. He can even put on the tough-guy "all right c'mere you little shit" scowl and chase 'em if that's what they're hoping for. Only hard rule is NO annoying him while driving-- he takes road safety very seriously!
-HARRY: I see him as someone who comes off as very serious, to the point that he almost seems like a square, but as soon as he's in a good mood the sense of humor comes out. The seriousness might make him look like an easy target to annoy, but you must remember: he raised Heather Mason. He has a straight face made of steel and underneath it, something even more terrifying: the capability to be so much more annoying than you. He will put up with prodding until it almost stops being fun and then he will turn around and deliver a dad joke so targeted that you get vaporized on the spot.
-JAMES: It depends a lot on where he is in the timeline, but he probably wouldn't like it lmao. He has a hard time reading social cues and, especially post-SH2, is both withdrawn, easily-irritated, and wary of others' intentions. So he'd spend a lot of time sitting there baffled and annoyed, wondering what the hell your problem is. THAT SAID, I think that at his core underneath all the baggage and misery, a happy and trusting James is a James that enjoys being gently and affectionately bothered. Prior to her illness, I think Mary brought out his sense of humor and they regularly annoyed one another on purpose. The trust is key though-- if he doesn't realize someone's trying to be affectionate, he just assumes they're being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole.
-HEATHER: Short answer: Heather is the s/o who is being annoying. Less-short answer: If Heather likes you, she goofs on you. That's just how she is. This is true whether you're a grouch or a fellow goof. In a scenario where Heather's got a partner with similar gremlin vibes to her own, they become completely imparsable to all those around them because they're just constantly doing weird shit to each other. If you needle her, she'll needle right back, and it will only escalate.
-HENRY: He doesn't do a lot of verbal banter, and like James, he takes a long time to really open up. In his case, he's shy and skittish and probably too worried about accidentally crossing a line to do much bothering in return. However, once he knows it's okay to "fight back", his unique brand of silent Henry retaliation kicks in. It will be quiet in the house and then you'll hear the first three notes of a song you hate play on his phone from somewhere in another room. This is your life now.
-ALEX: Alex is a big brother. He puts his s/o in a headlock and noogies them until they say uncle.
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inkegg · 1 year ago
Emperor x Tavflayer post game headcanons
Some Canon-divergent headcanons ahead just bc the epilogue didn't make sense in some regards!
Turning into a mindflayer grants Tav some clarity into how the Emperor had truly felt about them before ceremorphosis. Everything around them feels much smaller, and the affection Tav feels for their companions is closer to the feeling one would get for a wounded animal. Pity mixed with love. However the connection with the Emperor is now deepened into a higher understanding.
The Emperor wanted Tav to transform because he desperately wanted to share their connection on this higher level. He wanted them to be true equals and to not settle for an animalistic need for companionship.
The new dynamic between them will have growing pains. Though they are closer to being on equal footing, the Emperor will still have much to assist Tav with as they get used to being an illithid.
Illithid Tav will have the unique experience of developing outside of a colony. This will allow them to experience a larger range of emotions compared to most illithids. They will be able to relate easier to non illithids and express themselves differently than most. It is endearing but will cause friction at times with the Emperor as they were brought up differently.
The Emperor will treat Tavs ceremorphosis with upmost care. He finds himself responsible for Tav and wishes to make their transition more comfortable as he was not allowed the same. He wants things to be different for Tav because for him he was changed against his will and was partially brought up in the cold emotionally stunted illithid society. He then had to fend for himself and teach himself how to build connections. He has the opportunity now to make things better for Tav and make an example of what can be done for illithids outside of a restrictive colony.
The Emperor and Tav would not spend time apart for at least a year after ceremorphosis. The whole process would make Tav reliant on him. The Emperor, knowing how jarring everything is, wouldn't trust Tav to be alone.
The Emperor would've went with Tav to the epilogue party as they had just barely spent time in their new form. He would need to be there to support them to prevent Tav from accidentally eating anyone.......
Their relationship can only vaguely be understood by those around them. A lot of their affection towards eachother goes unspoken. Each of them act like a beacon that's constantly sending waves of adoration. Nothing needs to be said when you're always feeling loved.
When things are good, they're great, but when disagreements arise, illithid tendencies for control and personal fulfillment get in the way of normal conflict resolution. Arguments can easily become the problem of all of Baldurs Gate if the two of them dig their heels in. And as Tav gets more skilled and matures with their illithid powers, more arguments will occur, until the Emperor can make peace with the fact that they've grown out of the need for a mentor and have become a TRUE partner.
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months ago
Anon Advice Asks - February 3rd
w anon, misunderstanding anon (new), thoughts anon (tw: abuse), confession ig anon (new), guess anon (tw: abuse)
W Anon
Hey cas!
Not exactly a vent today, it's writing advice/support
I have this idea for a marauders fic I wanna write. Its something I think I could write well and I want to create it for other people to read. But I haven't written a lot of fanfic, mostly because I feel weird writing about charecters other people see differently. And not in the jkr sense like idc so much abt og authors tho I do plan to follow some canon, more the problem is I just feel really hesitant to put my work up in a place where other people *also* write about the exact same charecters and have equal rights to me in terms of its not like they're my charecters, because I don't want other people's vision to affect mine. Idk. I know I could just not share but I feel like it fills a hole in the vast tapestry of fan fic cause if it didn't, I could just go read abt it instead of having to write it. I went through a list of all the named marauders Era charecters and figured I'd pick a couple to use that don't feel so fleshed out in fanon so that I don't have to stress abt that aspect of it. Basically I love barty as a charecter and I feel like my idea of him matches enough that I can write him, but not so much like remus or lily or like Marlene and Mary and the other female charecters? Especially for the girls there seems to be so little Canon but they always seem written so complexely it scares me.
Also parents by yungblud was actually written by barty I don't make the rules.
Honestly, I think you should write about and post about whoever you want! Why do other people in fandom have more of a right to characters than you do? (Hint: they don't.) You have every right to write characters how you want, and I guarantee you that someone out there will love how you write them BECAUSE it's different. And anyone who doesn't can use the back button or fuck right off.
Misunderstanding Anon
Okay. So, I accidentally had a small misunderstanding with an only partial acquaintance at the time and it accidentally turned into one of the biggest lies I've ever told?
At first I just let it go because like... what does it matter? It's not like it's really going to make a difference anyway? And we're not even friends so who cares?
But now we're like months into our relationship and what had started off as it wouldn't matter has slowly turned into, well fuck how am I supposed to tell him now??
And it's not a big lie either! As an example it would be like he assumed I was vegetarian and I wasn't, but now it gets brought up so much and my anxiety had just kinda forced me into pretending it's true so now I'm like fuck is this my life from now on?
Because it's gotten to the point where it just feels like this HUGE secret and I know you'll say to come clean, but what if he hates me for lying this whole time?
I could try to explain that it really was a misunderstanding at first, and I know it wasn't right of me to not correct it when things started getting serious, but he's so big about honesty and I'm just so worried this would make us fall apart?
Its just over something SO stupid and I have no idea what I'm going to do??
*anyone else seeing this is free to jump in too if you have thoughts😭*
Hi <3
Okay so this is honestly (ha) a really hard situation because there's no easy answer. But let's think of the possibilities.
Let's say you don't say anything. Then from there, he could either never find out and you continue to feel guilty like this (doesn't sound fun) or he DOES find out, but from someone else. I think probably wouldn't end up good.
Let's say you DO say something. He could get mad, yeah. But at least you're in control of when and where that happens. And maybe if you write something out, similarly to how you did here, he'll understand and your relationship will be okay.
So yea...there's no easy decision. But I'm not gonna lie, I think you should tell him. Especially if it's a small thing, I think the odds are you can get through it if you tell him on your own.
Thoughts Anon
Hi hon <3
I'm so sorry about what happened with you and V.
Here's the thing, I'm not sure how much YOU can do. If V's parents are doing something abusive (like...from a legal standpoint) then what I would suggest is to have V's friend who lives nearby report them. But ONLY do that if you're sure you can prove the abuse. Because if not, that'll just piss them off more.
If you can't prove abuse, then the best thing to do, sadly, is to wait. Because if you keep trying to contact her, her parents could see and it could make them angrier. Try to stay in contact with her through her friend to know she's okay and leave it at that. I'm sure she'll eventually find a way to contact you <3
Justify Anon
Hi, it's justify anon again (sorry)
So one of my close school friends had to fly out to another country the other day because her grandpa was ill (it's the middle of the term, so not really convenient) and I found out this morning that he died. You don't have to answer this if it's triggering or upsetting or anything, but if you do, I'd really appreciate it if you could give me some advice on how to be there for her when she comes back.
Thank you, I hope you have a great day <3
Hi <3
I think just reminding her that you're there to talk to, and also asking questions about good memories of him. I've found that people who've lost loved ones tend to like to talk about the good times, like relive good memories. So you can be there to listen to those <3
Confession ig anon
I'm just gonna put the first part of your ask
hey cas, I've sent some asks before but under a diff name, because this isn't smth I want to really talk about a lot it's just kind of a confession ig?
Okay I'm not trying to negate your feelings at all, but i'm going to very gently suggest that maybe you're confusing enjoying attention with actual feelings. It's okay to enjoy attention, but that doesn't mean you have genuine feelings of attraction, you know? And like you said...hormones can do crazy things. I say this because when you mention him, you have only talk about how he treats you, not anything about him or who he is as a person.
So maybe you can keep in mind how you like to be treated, and look for someone who treats you that way, that you also like as a person and is healthy for you.
Guess Anon
Hi Cas,
Guess Anon here
It's okay that you didn't see it - I was debating sending this for a good week before I saw him and only plucked up the courage the night before so its mostly my fault - I know you get a lot of asks as well too.
I just don't want him to find out that I'm repeatedly lying to him cause that'll make him more and more angry, and trust me that isn't safe.
Luckily my sister goes back to University soon, and generally he only sees us when its the both of us rather than just one kid, so hopefully I wont have to see him until whenever my sister visits. I also rely on him a bit (?) He pays like £13 child support per kid per month - but only if the kid is in education, hence why he's still paying for my sister thats in Uni - which means as soon as he knows that I'm not in college, my mum will receive £13 less - which yes, isnt much, but also we are really poor. He could pay more and I know he could, when we go out he's always buying me and my sister stuff (probably to lovebomb(?) us into hanging out with him)
I hope that when he finds out, he isn't violent, but this is the man that was very violent to me when I was a baby, so I know my hopes wont mean shit to him.
When he finds out, and if he is angry, I will probably message you if thats okay, and I'll come off of anon (obv you probably know who it is already, this is more for when you share it etc)
Thank you again Cas
Yes please keep me updated! Just remember that whatever you need to do to stay safe- lying, staying away from him, whatever, is totally valid. You don't owe him anything.
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tobiasdrake · 5 months ago
Alright, here we go with Dragon Ball Daima, episode 3. Onward, to Daimakai!
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Hold up, hold up. The transit space is called Warp-sama? With the -sama honorific, which is meant to show respect to venerable elders and mentors and stuff? XD
...I have to know what the dub calls it. One sec.
Wait, is Daima not being... I think the word is dualcast? Where they release both the dub and sub alongside each other.
Huh. I just assumed.
*google google*
...they're not releasing the dub on Crunchyroll because they want people to turn out for a theatrical release of the first three episodes.
I. Don't know enough about Western anime releases to know if that's weird or not. But it's definitely one solid
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from me. Uh. Have fun at Regal Cinema, I guess?
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First portion of this episode is spent making the journey through Warp-sama in order to reach Daimakai. Which would probably be more impactful if we hadn't already spent a bunch of time watching King Gomah make the same trip previously.
Like. This would be really awesome to go through for the very first time right alongside Goku, with the same sense of wonder he has, while Glorio's explaining how it all works.
But now I'm just like, "I don't care. I've seen this. I understand what this is. You're rehashing. Get to the new stuff."
Which only reinforces my opinion that the first episode is bad. After spending half an episode watching a Dragon Ball Z clip show, they then proceeded to shortsightedly ruin the beginning to episode 3. This should have been our first exposure to Warp-sama.
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I am too, mainly because the closing credits indicated that Bulma, Vegeta, and Piccolo will make it to Daimakai. But I am curious how the PIN number will play into things.
Hopefully this means Team Bulma will get to explore the bureaucracy of Warp-sama and build that out a bit while Goku's having demon adventures.
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Especially since it looks like Goku now has a roadmap for getting to Makai #1 without needing to go through Warp-sama to do it. So if Team Bulma does come through Warp-sama, they can probably just meet up with him in Makai #2 or something.
Much like the offhandedly established Tamagami, these pathways blocked by light barriers that we just happen to be passing by reek of plot-building.
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Glorio is ominously evasive about his work. TAKING ALL BETS!!! The true nature of his job is:
1 - Something really questionable, like an assassin or personal minion to King Gomah. He can't say it because then Goku and Kaioshin wouldn't trust him.
2 - Something really embarrassing, like King Gomah's pillow fluffer. He can't say it because he wants these guys to take him seriously as a mysterious shonen badass.
This being Dragon Ball, it could go either way.
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That Kaioshin too comes from Makai retroactively adds an interesting layer to how fearful he was of Dabra back in the Buu arc. Like.
Before, the context was just that this guy is the strongest guy in all the known realities. He's the ruler of Makai and he makes the mortal realm's strongest, Frieza, look like weak-ass horseshit by comparison. Kaioshin, a legendary super god whose very existence was considered mythical by gods, knew of him by reputation. And what he knew was that this guy is the most to be feared.
But with the new Daimakai lore, Kaioshin was actually one of Dabra's subjects once upon a time. His fear of Dabra isn't reputational; He grew up under Dabra and knows what he's capable of.
And then, one day, he saw Dabra made a puppet to Babidi and brought to the mortal realm. To revive Majin Buu.
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Between "Everyone's turned into children again and can't use their abilities effectively anymore" and "The air in Daimakai is super heavy and makes everything sluggish", there's a lot of nerfs in play right now.
It makes sense. They want to do a big RPG fantasy adventure starting from level 1 but with a cast who can sneeze too hard and accidentally break seven universes. There's an effort on display here to try and avoid the "Goten and Trunks are menaced by the STRONGEST SNAKE IN THE UNIVEEEEEEEEERSE" problem that DBS (and GT and often the Z anime, for that matter) had.
Characters don't need to constantly forget that they can fly and teleport and shoot galaxy-crushing super-beams if you bake in a reason why they can't do those things right now.
That said....
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Kaioshin ain't kidding. This is moving slow. We're fifteen minutes into a twenty-three minute episode. Apart from the briefest possible altercation with bandits we didn't even get to fight, all we've done is sit in the plane while Glorio reads off entries from the Daimakai Fandom Wiki to us.
Toei, I said this in episode 1 and I'll reiterate: You don't need to write like you're giving the manga space to get ahead.
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Riveting stuff. I am on the edge of my seat for Glorio staring into the camera and monotonously explaining Makai #3's geology.
I'm sure this is being established so that it can come up in an interesting way later down the road. I'm just saying, there are better ways to convey information to your audience than by having a character emotionlessly read worldbuilding entries from the Story Bible for 3/4 of an episode.
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Robbing the hotel manager that was trying to extort them is the first interesting thing we've seen Glorio do so far. Particularly interesting is his holstered gun, which he used to abruptly cut the bandit attack short a moment ago so he could resume explaining the lore.
It's easy to overlook as an American, given that everyone and their dog seems to have seven different firearms stored under their pillow, on the kitchen table, in the baby's crib, wherever. But having a gun in Japan is a Big Fucking Deal.
So that is certainly interesting.
But at this point, this character certainly has me waiting for the other shoe to drop. He is so deadly serious. There has to be a punchline coming. The ending credits seem to imply that he's got like a little sister or something that will be joining us and I can't wait to meet her because I bet she's going to take the wind out of his sails hard.
Right now, he feels like a straight man in search of an absurd counterpart to bounce jokes off him. Goku and Kaioshin are too busy bouncing jokes off each other to do that.
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Ahhh, Toei loves "Big Eater Goku" jokes.
Fortunately, we're far enough removed from everyone constantly popping a Senzu that Goku having his huge appetite back won't constitute a plot hole.
That was a big deal in the Z anime, which pretty much abandoned the "Eating a Senzu means Goku won't need to eat a truckload of food for a full week" rule immediately so they could keep doing Truckload of Food jokes.
But as long as we keep Goku an entire reality away from Senzu, Toei can do as many Truckload of Food gags as they want without adversely affecting the show's consistency.
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...I want a Makai hamburger now.
What is the beef made of? Do they have cows in Makai? I bet they have demon cows. Fire-breathing demon cows.
Hey, Exposition Guy, tell me about the fire-breathing demon cows. Can we go fight one?
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Oh, Goku had the same question.
...shit, it's probably people. Aww.
That won't bother Goku, though. He is entirely comfortable with cooking and eating sapient beings. I mean, he didn't eat Cymbal, but he was party to it.
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I know we've established that having pointy ears means you're from Makai. But that man is a wolf. His ear pointiness is entirely incidental and a product of being animal people.
I don't think he's from here. I think he's a fake Majin. I think Earthling animal people are sneaking over here and pretending to be locals.
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Goku barfighting local thugs while trying to enjoy his demonburgers is the best part of the episode. Especially for how few fucks Glorio gives about this.
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He did a little bit of the fighting to get the action scene started. But then he was just like:
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"Ehh, naptime. You guys are on your own."
It's a super fun action sequence, though. Again, the nerfs really help with making a "Goku gets attacked by ruffians" not feel out-of-place. The groundwork has been laid for why Goku can't just punch the air and shockwave them all unconscious in 0.5 seconds flat.
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It also helps that Goku doesn't really seem threatened at all by these guys. Instead, he treats this as a training exercise to help him acclimate his body to the thick Makai #3 atmosphere.
So this isn't just a Random Encounter. There's a legitimate narrative reason for him to be fighting them that's in keeping with Goku's personality and character - and also consequences that the episode promises for next episode, too.
But the stakes and the tension are nonetheless kept at a level that seems appropriate for a fight between Goku and some bar thugs.
This is good. More of this, please.
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blue-rose-soul · 8 months ago
Wait I just realized something. For any au that includes Nicaise in hell first, how does she meet Niffty and Husk and their relationship?
To be honest, I'm not sure Niffty would have attached to Nicaise the way that she did Alastor. I'm about 50/50 whether Alastor actually owns her soul or not, but either way I get the impression that she was drawn to him because of his bad boy vibes. And, well, Nicaise is a woman, not a bad boy.
So instead of Niffty coming to Nicaise, it makes more sense for things to be the other way around. Niffty could have accidentally antagonized some dangerous demons, like when she stole those guys' drinks at Consent.
Nicaise was just passing by when she smelled the blood - a lot this long before extermination day - and glanced down the alley out of idle curiosity. She saw Niffty being held down by her neck, face pressed to the asphalt, laughing weakly despite being drenched in blood. Her attacker was a man several times her size whose hand dwarfed Niffty's skull. Nicaise didn't give so much as a warning before removing the guy's head.
Afterwards, Nicaise brought Niffty home and patched her up. Once Niffty had regenerated she gave Nicaise a cheery goodbye and just... left. Skipped right on out the door without a care in the world.
So yeah, Niffty was pretty disinterested in Nicaise at first, but Nicaise at least kept an eye out for Niffty when the little bug was in her territory. Slowly over time, Niffty got used to Nicaise and began to hang around. And Nicaise noticed that Niffty was actually quite useful in some ways. Not just the fact that she was a good housekeeper, but that she was small, able to get into places other people couldn't, and easily overlooked. After she'd saved Niffty multiple times, she leveraged the number of favors Niffty owed her and took possession of Niffty's soul. Niffty's okay with this arrangement, as Nicaise's Overlord activities puts her in close proximity with a number of bad boys.
With Husk, it was more targeted. Husk's Overlord reign was still going strong when he made the unfortunate mistake of crossing her. Husk had won the soul of someone Nicaise had under her protection, someone who lived on her territory in exchange for some favors. After they'd lost their soul to Husk, this person begged Nicaise to save them from Husk, and after some negotiation she agreed with the stipulation that she would keep ownership of the soul. They agreed, since they were already loyal to Nicaise.
So Nicaise went into Husk's territory and instantly he was on edge. By this point Nicaise had developed some abilities of her own. I imagine she would have been a singer much like Alastor and Charlie, and so some of her powers are based around her voice as well. Husk was wary, but he figured he could use her. So when she asked to play a game with him he accepted, planning on taking everything from her and before taking her soul.
But instead, the exact opposite happened. Nicaise started small, only betting some wealth. After she'd won a substantial amount of money from Husk, she wagered it all back in exchange for the soul of the sinner who she'd come for. Figuring this was all she was after, Husk agreed, but only if Nicaise bet a soul of her own. He wagered souls for souls, after all. Nicaise agreed, but she wouldn't bet any of the souls under her control. Nor would she bet her own soul for a single sinner's. After some negotiation they came to an agreement; the pot plus her soul for a number of Husk's souls and a portion of territory. Both of them cheated. Nicaise won, but only just. Nicaise offered him the chance to win everything back and his gambling addiction plus his pride wouldn't let him turn her down.
The game went on like this for a while, with Nicaise chipping away at Husk's wealth, territory, and power little by little until she'd won everything but the shirt off his back, and his soul. Husk could have walked away, knocked down to the level of a common sinner, but free. He didn't. In the final game Nicaise wagered everything she'd won plus her own soul against Husk's soul, and he lost.
In the present, Nicaise's relationship with Husk is rather cold. As an Overlord he was exactly the sort of man she hated; a greedy alcoholic who traded souls like they were poker chips. She still sees him this way even after decades of being on her leash wore him down.
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caramelcuniculus · 1 year ago
" Oh, oh no-- Are you a star? Did you fall from the sky? I really didn't mean to make another wish, if that's what you are-- " This one seems to have fallen a lot harder than the other one did… " Do you… need some help? " ( post-movie Asha for Magolor maybe! )
Shimmer shimmer… spark… crack! A piercing sound echoed throughout a decaying space structure. There were purples, reds, oranges, and… pinks. That was the last thing the Halcandran remembered, until there was nothing at all.
Sparks and shimmers. He began to regain consciousness while fast winds sped past him. Yellow eyes that should've remained closed forever reopened, yet at a slow rate. One of his gloved hands rose to rub one of his eyes, but something about such hand was different. Instead of being its normal pastel yellow, for some reason, it had turned grey. He quickly turned his hand around to see the backside; still grey. Magolor squinted at the discolored glove, only to accidentally hone in on the sight upon yonder. It was an entirely new world, a whole new gravitational pull that brought him closer to the ground below. These weren't just winds, he was falling at notch speeds!
The Halcandran tried waving their hands, twirling around midair, doing anything to catch themself so they could levitate. Despite the necessity, the attempts were futile. In fact, a very severe sense of drained energy suddenly felt all over their body. They were absolutely, entirely exhausted. Really, they felt as if they had one foot in the grave… if they had feet! Maybe this was the fate they deserved after what they'd done back in Another Dimension. It would make sense; the universe was too cruel to them. Magolor made a final attempt to levitate, or to somehow catch themself on something, but to no avail. They could feel themself starting to lose conscious. If they have to go out this way, at least crashing into another planet could be considered atoning for their sins. Right?
No… that wouldn't make-- The thoughts were cut as yellow eyes sealed again, the Halcandran hurling towards the ground. Magolor didn't even hear nor feel the crash when it happened.
… Yellow eyes eventually blinked open again, the Halcandran groaning loudly at how his body was in even more pain. It was evident that he survived crashing into who knows where, but how long would he last? More importantly, who was this woman speaking with him? Magolor's eyes opened fully to see her face, with the starry night illuminating behind her. He looked at the distant stars for a moment, before looking right back at Asha. She seemed worried. Uh oh.
"Help? … Yes, please." They hated how weak and broken their voice sounded coming out, but that was another attribute to almost dying. Asha would definitely be curious as to why they were here at all, especially in crashing into the earth. That could wait until later, however. Magolor's first concern was keeping themself alive. "I can explain… some things, but please, please help me."
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blackcatxmagic · 2 months ago
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Copper sat at the table watching Goldie, and the longer it took her to explain what was going on, the more anxious he became. What the hell was she about to tell him? What could be so serious she was acting like this? Was she about to tell him she accidentally bruned his house down or something? It felt serious, whatever it was, maybe even as serious as something like that, but nothing Copper could think of felt like a possibility. Then a thought came to him, one that sent a jolt of panic through him. What if Goldie had learned that Neil was here looking for him? Maybe she'd run into him and gotten talking, and he'd somehow revealed he was looking for Copper (maybe even asking her in a seemingly innocent way). While he had no idea if Goldie were a witch too or not, you didn't have to have magical abilities to be able to sense that Neil was a creep, so maybe Goldie was here to warn him. If that were the case, well...Copper wouldn't know what to do. He was building a life here in Cardinal Hill, and he didn't want to leave more people behind. But then Copper told himself to relax - it almost certainly wasn't that. Don't jump to conclusions, he thought. It's probably not even that big of a deal.
As it turned out, it was a big deal. At first, Copper wasn't quite sure what Goldie was getting at, and then he was pretty sure but still not letting himself believe it. That couldn't be what she meant, right? But then Copper could no longer deny what Goldie was saying, especially not when she finally just explicitly stated it: the two of them were brother and sister. "I...what?" Copper asked, genuinely struck speechless - apparently that was actually a real thing that happened. Of all the things he'd thought Goldie might be about to tell him, even the fantastical and wild possibilities, this never crossed Copper's mind. "You're...you're saying we're brother and sister," he repeated, still trying to compute this new fact. Looking at Goldie, Copper searched for her face for signs that she was lying or mistaken. This couldn't be right, could it? But when Copper looked at her - at his sister - he saw no lies, only the truth. And it explained the way he'd felt about her the moment she walked it, that sense of connection that had caught him so off-guard. Goldie was his sister, Copper had no doubt about that now. But it also was a staggering revelation.
For several moments after Goldie was done, Copper sat there in stunned silence, his tea rapidly cooling, forgotten about. "I don't even know what to say," he said finally, almost as if he just needed to make sure he could still form words. It turned out he could, so that was a plus. "I didn't know my biological dad either," Copper told Goldie. "My mom traveled while she was pregnant and died while giving birth to me in Maine, and I was adopted by my dads." He didn't want Goldie to think that their biological dad had like...chosen him over her or something. Neither of them had known him. "I actually know nothing about him," Copper told Goldie. "I don't even know his name or if he still lives here or if he's still alive." And Copper had never felt the desire to know these things because he already had two dads; he didn't need a third. And now it seemed confirmed that this wasn't simply a matter of Copper's mom preventing him from trying to be a good father because he'd not been a part of Goldie's life either, a fact that brought him a sense of closure he hadn't even realized he'd been lacking.
Finally Copper took a sip of his tea, which was still hotter than he expected, burning his mouth and throat a little bit. "Sorry," he apologized, "this is just wild, and I don't really know how to react. It's not every day you find out you've got a secret half-sibling. Thank you for telling me though...I know it wasn't easy, but I really appreciate it." He looked at Goldie, at his sister, still processing that fact, and then he sighed. "This is a lot to take in. But...it's kind of nice too. I don't really have many people here." When he said this, Copper immediately groaned, shaking his head. "And here I am assuming you even want a relationship," he said. "I'm sorry." After another sip of tea, Copper - feeling awkward now - remarked, "Copper and Goldie. We're both colors. Metals too. Well my name is actually Copernicus, but even so, it's kind of neat." He laughed slightly, clearly still feeling more than a little awkward.
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Goldie’s hands trembled slightly around her tea cup, the warmth doing little to steady the storm of emotions swirling inside her. She could see the intense curiosity in Copper’s eyes, could feel the weight of everything she was about to say, and it made her pulse race even faster. Had this been a good idea? Goldie honestly wasn't sure, but she was too far into it now to back out. At least if she got it over and done with, she would no longer have to deal with the baggage of the information all on her own.
"I, uh…" She swallowed hard, trying to force herself to speak clearly, but the words felt like they were sticking in her throat. "I don’t even know how to start this, if I'm honest," she chuckled, before taking a deep breath and trying her hardest to just get it over and out there; she had to rip it off like a band-aid. "I wasn’t raised with my biological dad - he wasn’t in my life at all. I was raised by my stepdad, who’s the only dad I’ve ever known, and… that’s who I call 'dad.'" She looked down at her tea, gathering her thoughts before lifting her gaze to meet his, feeling slightly embarrassed over the fact that she had rambled so much. So much for ripping it off like a band-aid.
"But recently, my mom came in here, and she talked to you, I don't even think it was anything family related or anything like that, maybe family was mentioned, I don't know, I wasn't there- this doesn't matter." Come on Goldie, get it together. "I overheard her mention something to my stepdad when she came home, and it kind of… clicked. I didn’t even realize my biological dad had other kids." Goldie’s voice softened at the admission, as though she were still trying to process it all herself. She could feel her stomach twisting into knots at the weight of her revelation, unsure of how Copper would take this news. This was completely new territory for Goldie, so she could only assume it might have been for Copper, too, and she could only do her best to share the revelation as gently as possible in case that was right.
She bit her lip nervously before speaking again, her gaze flicking between Copper and her cup. "I didn’t know how to tell you, but I felt wrong about knowing and seeing you around town without you knowing, too, and I don't know, it's all so... I couldn't continue without talking to you. We share a biological father. I know this is a lot to drop on you, and I’m so sorry if it feels like I’m just springing it on your unprepared, but I had to tell you, and I didn't know how else to go about it." Her voice quivered with both uncertainty and a deep, aching need for him to understand, to know that it wasn’t easy for her either.
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aira-writes · 2 years ago
A Drunken Mess
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki x Fem!Reader ft. The Bakusquad
Genre: one-shot, imagines, fluff, crack, humor, college au
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, contains cursing, suggestive, sfw
a/n: This has been on my drafts for months! (i always say that a lot lol) Plus it took me a lotta times to edit and arrange the plot because it was so soooo chaotic. I was confused as well HAHAHAHA. I really enjoyed writing this one, and have always been imagined that the Bakusquad would interact this way.
I hope you'll enjoy it! Some characters may be OOC but meh HAHHAAH i like the way I wrote their dialogues. Here to more oneshots with the Bakusquad! This may contain errors and typos or confusing scenes. I'll edit this again when I have the time.
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Your head’s spinning. Everything’s spinning.
Why is everything spinning?
“Um, Bakugou please don’t be mad—”
(hUH? Why would I be mad?)
You don't know who's on the phone talking to who because your vision is blurry. All you could see is a red blurb, a few faces you can’t recognise— together with the bright lights as your surroundings looked more like a swirl the more you blink. The more you tried to decipher who was on the phone, the more your head hurt— and the fact that your head is throbbing and dizzy didn't help at all.
“Bakubro, just please promise first that you’re gonna keep the explosions to a minimum.”
Explosions? Why would there be explosions?! Are we being attacked?
(What are you on to, red-hair? Just spit it out already.)
“It's my fault for giving her that shot.” — Kami
“I told you we shouldn't!” — Mina
“But y/n kept begging me for it and told me she'll just try one—”
“That’s not the point Kami. Bakugou said no drinks for her and her alcohol tolerance is extremely low!”
“Uhh, guys?—” — Sero
“Sorry, I didn’t even think one shot would already get her drunk—” — Kami
“And it definitely didn't help the fact that you left her alone after I asked you to keep an eye on her while I pee! Thank god I found her and brought her back to our table. Could you imagine if we lost the drunk y/n!?” — Mina
“Guys, we have a small prob—” —Sero
“I just went out to refill my drink—” —Kami
“And since when did 'refill my drink' meant shoving down your tongue in someone's throat Kami!” —Mina
“GUYS!” The black haired shouted to catch everyone's attention—in sync with the loud smack of his hand onto a table. “Good, now I finally have your attention. As much as I don't want to interrupt your little bickering, we got a problem.”
(What's going on in there?) — Bakugou
The red haired covered his phone as he turned to Sero. “Wdym ‘we got a problem’?” confused.
(Oi, shitty hair. The hell's going on?) The red head sensed the irritation on Bakugou’s voice from the other side of the line. And he knew that he can't leave the explosive blonde hanging. He needed to reply back to Katsuki to make sure the guy won't go crazy and blow things off.
Especially when Kirishima's about to drop a big news that they accidentally let y/n get drunk after giving her one shot.
So before Sero could reply back to Kiri, the red head already turned back to his phone to answer Bakugou. “It’s about y/n. We accidentally let her get drunk—”
“—and apparently, she's missing—again.” —Sero cutted Kiri off, loud enough for Katsuki to hear.
“wait wtf! We lost her again? Damn it.” —Mina
“What? She was just here a few seconds ago—” —Kami
“It’s your fault Kami! If you weren't so damn busy kissing some random chick, we wouldn't have lost her in the first place. If you didn't give her the shot, she wouldn't be drunk in the first place!” — Mina
A loud sigh came from the other side of the line and it seemed like Bakugou is trying extremely hard to calm himself. (Lemme get this straight. You let y/n get drunk. And now, you lost her for the second time?)
“Hey, I already know that it's my fault. But you don't have to put all the blame on me.” —Kami
“Because it IS you're fault!” —Mina
“We just let her drink a few shots—” —Kiri
There was a lot of sighs and curses on the other end of the line and was soon followed by sounds that indicated Bakugou was moving around or smthn.
“It is my half my fault and I admit that. But now I think you gotta admit you're acting kinda jealous. Mina, if you actually wanted to be in her position, you could've just told me y’know.”
“Ha! I'd rather die than let you kiss me, you ass!”
(I’m on my way shitty hair.)
“You wouldn't be saying that if you actually tasted me—”
“Thinking about it is already enough to make me sick.”
“Then stop acting like you’re jealous and let me have my fun.”
“I’m not jealous! Get your head out of the gutter!”
“Guys, settle down would you—” Sero
“You def are, babe.” —Kami
“Ha! In your dreams.”
(Find her now. And text me the address.)
“Okay, bakubro. We’re gonna look for her now.” and then the line was cut off.
“Ooo I’d be dreaming about you, alright.”
“You fucking sh—”
“What’s the commotion all about?” Kiri pocketed his phone and turned to the scene.
Kaminari was drunk and chuckling but cringing in pain. Mina’s eyes screamed blood murder and she was rabidly tugging on Kaminari’s blonde locks. Sero on the other hand was trying to pry off Mina from Kami.
Kiri sighed. “You’re all aware that Bakubro’s on his way here right?” The three turned to him. “So if we want to stay alive I suggest to get along for now and find his missing girlfriend.”
Mina finally let go of Kami’s hair and glared at him but nonetheless listened.
“I tried calling her phone multiple times but it just keeps ringing.” There’s worry evident in Mina’s face.
You drank one shot but your tolerance to alcohol is below average. And you also weren't aware the the alcohol content of the drink was extremely high resulting to a drunk y/n. When Mina went to pee, she asked Kami to keep an eye for you for a sec.
Only for her to return to a busy Kaminari sucking someone’s face off and no sign of you. Good thing she found you and immediately bought you back to the table. Only to lose you for the second time, argh.
“She wouldn’t be able to ignore her calls. She set her ringtone to be as embarrassing as ever right?” — Sero
“Yeah, so she’d answer it immediately.” — Kiri
“Umm, I think I kinda convinced her to put it on vibrate for the time being.” Mina exasperated.
They started searching for you with the goal in mind that they needed to find you sooner rather than later especially if they wanted to keep Bakugou’s explosion to a minimum.
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Your hair’s like a bird’s nest. You were giggly and was stumbling a bit but unharmed thank god. You didn’t know how you managed to get out of the bar without face planting on the floor. And you also don’t remember how you got here outside and why you’re sniffing this random flower—
Oh right you were puking.
The last thing you remember was hearing about explosions and then you decided you wanna slip out of the bar before the explosions start. You wanted to call 911 as well but couldn’t find your phone anywhere.
“There she is!” a familiar voice echoed.
“Would you stop taking pictures and help us Kaminari?”
“Oops, my bad.”
“Y/n! We’re so glad we found you.” you were enveloped into a hug by a pink blurb.
“You do know she’s covered in puke right?”
Mina ignored Kami but didn’t fail to send a death glare his way.
“Let’s get you cleaned up.” the pink blurb tried to take you back to the car but you pried your body away from her.
You shook your head. “I ain’t *hic* going anywhere with you *hic* people.”
“We’re your friends y/n. We need to get you home—”
“How would I know *hic* that you guys *hic* are actually my friends *hic* and not *hic* some kidnappers, huh?” you backed away from Mina even more.
“We’ll call you to prove it.” Kiri took out his phone and dialed your number. “Check your phone.”
You all turned to Kaminari who was laughing maniacally. He took out something from his pocket—only to reveal it was your phone.
“I found y/n’s phone at the table.”
Mina smacked him at the back of the head.
“What was that for?” he whined and rubbed his sore spot.
“Why didn’t you say so earlier!”
“You guys were busy—and I kinda forgot.”
“KAMI!” they exasperated and yelled in unison.
“That’s mine!” you glared at Kami who looks nothing but a yellow blurb to you. You grabbed your phone from him. “You stole it *hic* didn’t you?”
Before Kaminari was able to reply back, your boyfriend's car arrived at the scene. He got out from his car and immediately ran towards where you guys are upon spotting you and his friends near the bushes.
He was only wearing sleeping clothes on. His black sleeveless skull t-shirt, a pair of slippers and his normally spiky hair—now messily plopped up on his head.
“Bakugou!” Mina shouted.
Everyone’s a bit relieved because worry was the only expression evident on Bakugou’s face and no anger.
“Should we tell him that his slippers are mismatched?” Kaminari whispered, eyes staring at the blonde’s feet.
“Nah.” Kirishima chuckled.
The worried blonde walked towards you. “Baby, let’s get you home—”
“Don’t *hic* touch me.” Slapping Bakugou’s hand away.
“Babe, you’re drunk—” the blonde tried to slowly reached for your arm but you backed away.
“Am not!” You almost stumbled. “Am not *hic* drunk.”
“You def are. I need to take you home.”
“No you’re not! As if I'll come with you, asshole.” you childishly stuck out your tongue at your boyfriend.
Kaminari stifled a snicker and Mina elbowed him.
“It’s me, dumbass, your boyfriend.” Bakugou held out an arm.
You stared at the outreached palm, then to his face, back to his arm and then to his face again. Then you scanned his whole body up and down—your face turning sour. “hAH! My boyfriend’s handsome.”
Bakugou looked down on the floor and chuckled, shaking his head a bit in amusement. “I don’t know if I should be flattered that you indirectly praised me for the first time or be insulted that you don’t recognize your own boyfriend, babe.”
“Leave me *hic* alone.” you whined.
“No, we gotta take you home, princess. You're drunk asf.”
“AM NOT COMING *hic* WITH YOU PEOPLE!” you shrieked and ran.
“Come back here, woman—” the explosive blonde ran after you.
“AaaAaaAaaH! NO!” and you kept running, your boyfriend chasing after you.
He never knew you could run this fast when drunk.
Mina, Sero, Kirishima and Kami just stared at the scene in front of them and with no signs of trying to help. Then Sero turned to the red head. “Should we—”
“Don't have to. Bakubro’s got it under control.” Kiri said with a grin on, eyes still staring at the chasing scene in front of them.
“If you say so.” Sero shrugged his shoulders and chuckled.
“I’m not playing y/n, just come here already and—”
The fact that you're still not caught by your boyfriend up until now—even when you're running with a bit of stumble and bad gait—amazes him.
“Uh—you guys wanna go back to the bar?” Mina asked as he turned to the guys. They all agreed in unison, turning their back against you guys and was now walking back towards the bar.
“Do they serve french fries? I’m craving french fries.”
“Me too.”
“Babe, just stop running already. You might trip and face plant on the floor—”
and then you did.
“Oh for fucks'sake.” Bakugou exasperated, worry evident on his face as he walked towards your lying body.
“No kicking, woman—just—will you just—no you don’t—calm down, babe—”
Then it suddenly quiet down, the four curious as to why.
They all turned back to see that Bakugou has an unpaintable face on and there was an evident sign of redness on top of his forehead. Kaminari failed to hide his snicker.
“I think Bakugou just got kicked in the face.” Sero voiced out and the four laughed and giggled. Then continued to walk inside the bar to resume partying.
“Be careful on the way home lovebirds!” Kaminari shouted out as he raised a hand to wave goodbye, not even turning around.
“That does it.” he growled.
“Stop struggling woman or you'll fall off. Tch.”
But you kept struggling like a maniac, shrieking for help while currently plopped up on Bakugou’s shoulders like a sack of potatoes.
“I’m never gonna let you drink again without my supervision, shitty woman.”
Likes, reblogs, and comments are deeply appreciated!
aira-writes © 2022
Plagiarism is a crime. Don't steal my work!
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the-chosen-fanfiction · 2 years ago
Thomas | A Sight To Behold | Romantic
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Dialogue prompt: “Are you wearing my tunic?”
Requested: Yes
When one of Thomas’ beloved tunics goes missing, he’s determined to have it back, until he sees you wearing it.
Humming contently, Thomas let the knife slide through the cucumber time and time again, until a bowl of thin slices was filled to the brim. Matthew’s eyes are curiously watching him as the former tax-collector busies himself dicing the onion, yet appears to not be very good at it yet. 
“Are you going to chop them up more finely?” Thomas queries upon seeing the large chunks of onion on Matthew’s chopping board, but the man in question shrugs, unsure of what the problem is. 
Thomas huffs when he finds the response somewhat vague and takes a small flask of vinegar to add to the cucumber slices. “Pickled vegetables are the best,” he explains, “They take a lot of time and patience, but once done, it’s the best treat!” He pours a royal amount into the bowl before squeezing a lemon into the mixture, adding a royal pinch of salt to finish it up. “Now all we need is those onions of yours and a container that we can close off so that it will not get messy when we need to travel around again.”
Matthew lets out a noise and tilts his head slightly. “How long will it take?”
“About a week. Maybe two.”
“Wouldn't it rot?”
“It will ferment at best.” Thomas reassures him. “I had expected you to be more familiar with high end foods, seeing that you’ve lived a life of luxury and all.” There is no mean edge to Thomas’ voice, but Matthew casts his eyes down in shame nevertheless.
“I-I already said that I deeply regret—”
Thomas interrupts him: “I know, Matthew, I meant nothing with it.” A brief silence falls over the two whilst Thomas impatiently awaits the moment that he can add the onions. Shoving the bowl closer, he already finds a proper spoon to stir the mixture with, and–
–A gush of vinegar, salt and lemon juice soaks his tunic suddenly as he knocks against it, a noise of surprise leaving his lungs. Thomas jumps back in shock, not in time to catch the falling bowl, which falls to the ground with a thud, cucumber slices all over the place.
“Just my luck!” Thomas grunts in annoyance, clicking his tongue and frustratedly wiping a dirty rag against the stain on his colourful tunic, but to no avail. “I smell like sweaty armpits!”
Matthew clears his throat and comes up with an idea: “Wh-Why don’t you go put on a clean tunic, then I’ll–I’ll clean this up, okay?”
This kindness takes Thomas by surprise and he smiles, giving Matthew a small nod. “Oh, thank you, friend.”
“Friend?” The word sounds so foreign to Matthew that he repeats it with widened eyes.
After a beat of silence, Thomas nods with a beaming smile. “Of course, Matthew. We’re friends.”
Matthew’s face brightens and he straightens his back, taking the bowl from the ground to start cleaning up the mess. A few months ago, the young man wouldn’t even have touched dirt, let alone picked up muddy cucumber off the soil. It showed major growth within his character.
Thomas rushes to his tent, which he shares with Nathanael and Thaddeus, and finds his bag of belongings to find a fresh tunic. Rummaging around, he fingers through the leather bag though underthings, scarves and pyjamas, but finds no clean garment to wear.
He frowns - he is certain that Mary had given him his laundry yesterday, and he is even more certain that he had neatly tucked it away into his bag, where he liked everything to remain organised. It would not make sense for him to misplace it, lest he lose it. No, Thomas isn’t like the other Disciples who would even lose their head if it weren’t attached to their bodies, so why his tunic is missing is a mystery.
Perhaps he’d find it in the current load of laundry, that you had accidentally brought it with you on your rounds gathering the dirty tunics of the men when your turn to wash them in the nearby river rolled around. It is the only logical explanation, he tells himself. The idea of having to seek you out brings inexplicable nerves to his gut.
He stands and leaves the tent before heading for the creek he’d probably find you at. On his way there, he greets Philip and sees Matthew from the corner of his eye still picking up cucumber slices. Even though the former tax-collector didn’t have to do that and even though Thomas is perfectly capable of doing it himself, the selfless offer to clean up his mess has been very kind.
Upon witnessing your form hunched over, your feet dipped into the river as you rub one of Simon’s tunics against a rock to get out the worst of the stains, he cannot help but smile. Careful not to slip, he approaches, calling out your name.
You look up and over your shoulder to greet him with a smile that makes his insides turn to mush. He shakes off the feeling and steps over the wet stones to communicate more easily with you. 
“Hi, Thomas,” you say, squinting against the sunlight. You hold your hand over your eyes for some shade so that you can properly look at him. 
He fiddles with his sleeve and tries to find the right words, sudden nerves tainting his confidence. “I ah… I was wondering if you had already done my laundry.”
You bite your lip and gaze over to the tunics that lay out in the sun to dry, draped over boulders to quicken the process. “I’m not sure, but why not take a look there?” 
Thomas nods and clears his throat, walking past the shore to see if one of his tunics can be used already. He lets his eyes go over the items of clothing – Mary’s blue dress, one of Nathanael’s darker garments, Andrew’s neutral colours, there are even three tunics that belong to you, which is odd to Thomas for he never knew you carried so many on you  – once his attention is drawn to one of his own outfits, he reaches over to it, straining a little to not have to step into the water.
As soon as his fingers make contact with the fabric, he finds it too wet to wear yet, and huffs a small noise of frustration. Of course it is not directed towards you, for you are just doing your job, but rather at himself for not properly maintaining his own clothes in the way he would have wanted.
Pushing himself off the boulder again, he stands up straight, at least attempts to. Flailing his arms, Thomas loses his balance and lands rear-down into the shallow water, pain shunting through his spine upon collision with the ground.
“Thomas!” you exclaim with a gasp, jumping to your feet and rushing over to help him up. He awkwardly sits in the water as it soaks through his already dirty robe, trying to process what has just happened.
You appear in his field of vision, blocking out the sun from his eyes as he looks up at you a bit stunned. It takes him a second to notice your outstretched hand, which he grabs. Assisting him as he stands up, the bottom half of his attire heavy with water, you steady him by putting a hand against his chest. The contact makes Thomas jolt in surprise.
“Tha-thank you, (Y/n)” he stutters, embarrassed, “I lost my balance, and ah…”
His eye falls upon the outfit you’re wearing. The orange linen is strangely familiar to him, as is the edge that embellishes it, the embroidery pattern very similar to what he owns.
Then, it clicks. 
“Wait…” Thomas begins, “Are you wearing my tunic?”
The flush that creeps up on your cheeks makes you look adorable - why is he even thinking that? - and you take some of the fabric in between your fingers before sighing. 
“I-I’m very sorry, Thomas, but…” Embarrassed, you look over to your own clothes, that are all still soaked to the last fibre, far from dry, “I uh… I had a bit of an accident and had no clean tunics left to put on. I had tied a scarf around my waist to hide the… Stain, so when I went on my round to gather the dirty laundry, I saw your tunic sticking out of your bag, and I just thought…”
You put a hand over your face and drop your shoulders. “I stepped out of line. I’m sorry, Thomas, it wasn’t polite of me to just take your belongings without asking. I hope you can forgive me, but I understand if not. I-I can take it off if you want to, I’ll wear one of my own wet tunics, it can still dry in the sun whilst I work—”
“Nothing of that,” Thomas immediately stops you, “It’s okay, really! Actually, I came to get it because I had an accident, too, but… You’re right, this will dry in the sun, too.” He lifts his own wet garment that sits heavy around his hips. “You need it more than I do… And…” He swallows thickly, a comment poising itself onto his tongue. “It looks very nice on you.”
A shy smile tugs at your lip. “Do you think so?”
Thomas mirrors your expression. “Yeah!” he reassures you, “Absolutely! You can have that colour better than I do.”
You click your tongue and can’t help but giggle. “Stop it, now.”
A bit more confident now, Thomas shrugs and gives you a wide grin. “I uh, I should get back to my work. Thank you for doing the laundry. I… I was just making pickled cucumbers with Matthew, and… You like those, right?”
Amused, you nod at him. “I do,” you state, “But don’t rush yourself.”
“Likewise, (Y/n),” he tells you, “Have a  good day now. Shalom shalom.”
“Shalom shalom, Thomas.” you reply before heading back to your work.
Pleasant tingles set Thomas’ veins aflame as he floats back to the table where Matthew has already started on another batch of pickled cucumbers to replace the first one, and takes a knife with a dreamy sigh. 
“Is everything okay?” Matthew questions, “You’re still wearing your dirty tunic and… Why are you wet?”
Thomas hums in reply and checks how much vinegar is left. “I fell into the water.”
“I see. Didn’t have a clean tunic?”
“I did, but (Y/n) is wearing it. She needs it more than I do.”
Matthew’s brow knits together and he looks over his shoulder to find you on the shore in Thomas’ garment, determinedly completing your task.
“You don’t mind it?” Matthew wants to know, “I know that I would mind.”
“I don’t think he does, kid,” Philip pipes up, intersecting himself in between him and Thomas, “I’ve got a feeling that our dear friend wouldn’t mind doing anything for her.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Thomas asks with genuine confusion.
Philip smiles. “You will eventually find that out for yourself, friend. To me it is obvious and to you not so much, but it will come! Shalom shalom.” 
Philip takes a slice of cucumber and pops it into his mouth, laughing heartily when he leaves Thomas and Matthew too stunned to respond, whistling a happy tune.
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marshberri · 2 years ago
fun fact i checked how long this entire thing is and it's at nearly 3k words. this is normal !!! ^_^ AND HELL YEAH if we swapped brains nothing would change. at least most of it wouldn't change LOL
anyway read more so this doesn't become the sexy times with wangxian of tumblr
NO I GET YOU CAUSE THAT LINE... we love a character with trust issues, who's jealousy makes them afraid of losing the one they trust. it's a silly line at first, but it has a lot of depth behind it and OUFGHFG
EHEHE I'M GLAD. electro fucking up on purpose is so funny 😭 and even if it's accidental, he'd still blame it on vulture, making him get angrier and it all just becomes a spiral into madness DLKSFJ. the rest of the six is damn well aware that it's a petty fight they'll get over at this point, and stopping them is pretty much impossible, so they just sit and watch.
imagine it's like gangland (S2EP10), where the two are fighting like crazy, while otto is blasting opera from the vinyl and playing uno with the rest of the six (mysterio cheats and their base turns into a warzone) (everyone dies)
SEEEE IT'S SUCH A SILLY DYNAMIC they're absolute menaces together. and they get along well when working together, too. WAITAITWAIT imagine spider-man vs electro + shocker bar fight. IMAGINE O0GFUGOD
ahaha yeahhh ^_^ (i'm crying goodbye) "i trusted you with my life, and in exchange, you left me to die" ahahahaha kills myself. OKAY OKAY IMAGINE. IMAGINGEG JUST THINK. ATLA season 2 finale, but it's spider-man, electro and doc ock are all in one fight. peter tries to talk to electro before otto appears, and electro - despite realizing he should listen to peter, attacks him. and then he teams up with doc, but there's the thought in the back of his mind that he should betray otto.
so. atsv nueva york train chase. it's otto and electro and AHGHGJJ I'M GONNA EXPLODE can you see it. just doc making electro helpless and manipulating him like hell, gaslighting him into trusting him again. he reminds him of his life before the accident and how he is the only way electro can go back - but he never actually makes the cure for him. i'm taking a break goodbye
YEAH i don't think it was ever brought up how he and eddie would meet again after. everything. i doubt there would be much of honest talk if they met again. electro would probably not even be able to look into eddie's eyes, cause he was trying to help him, and he stormed out of the hospital and turned into who he is now. (we used to be oomfs but now we have each other blocked💔(sobbing))
coming back to the atla part, if that happened, and eddie found out that electro even thought of listening to peter, oufggh.... it defo wouldn't improve their relationship, in fact - i'm imagining what electro would do if he saw eddie attack peter again. or what if he didn't know that venom IS eddie? would the two recognize each other in a fight/?? what if the symbiote gets off and eddie lays unconscious. what would electro do. LIKE. that's his friend. and then doc tells him they have to leave and he doesn't know if he should leave or go help eddie. WHAT SHOULD HE DO??? OHUGHHH more fights more dilemmas MORE ANGST!!!!!!
EHEHHEE again, same brains.... i mean it makes so much sense for him to become a merc. it's so ofuggjifohfj <- might die
OH MY GOD THE SPOT COMPARISION???? that makes so much sense.... i mean, he's known to be overconfident in his abilities and also cocky as hell, so imagine with months, or even years of experience (that he was fooled into getting), he pretty much turns into a machine that lost it's original purpose. explosion all of his morality just. gets washed away. wait imagine the cool ass design he could have as a merc. with like cool ass equipment and suit OOO
OH MY GOD. DUDE.DDUDEEEEEE????? this is such a cool idea oh my god. THIS IS SO GOOD???? electro + green goblin vs the rest of the six. with access to oscorp's technology and facility, electro would get access to some really good stuff and he and norman would be a really strong duo... AND THE ANGST WITH DOC AND THE REST???? electro eventually finding out norman is the one behind many of them turning into their current selves. oh he would be so ruined 😁 and imagine he has to choose between norman and otto, who used his trust and left him to die. this is so. goodbye oh my GOD
at this point, he doesn't have ANYONE to trust. at least that's what he thinks. the people he trusted betrayed him, and he doesn't trust the people who are willing to help him. i want this man gone goodbye
HEHEHEH YEAH... CARRIED AWAY.... YEP.... normal!!!!!!!! :333
You seem extremely bored, what are your Head-cannons on one on one dynamic ms with Electro? Like, Electro and vulture or Electro and Curt?
so... pretend i remembered. I'M SORRY..... OK let's see what my brain throws up!!!!
electro + vulture
vulture still holds grudges towards electro for that christmas tree incident... my guy doesn't really think before he acts 😔
as (forced by doc) compensation, electro helped improve his wings. and maybe tampered with them for a negative effect... just a little. like the bitch he is
he acts like a brat towards him tbh. dick student and dick teacher dynamic LOL
electro + curt
they barely talk. electro still had some respect for curt when he joined the sinister six, but it all went away after... y'know
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yeah... don't expect a positive interaction ever since. thinking about the possible post-s2 angst with these two....
i mean, think about it. max trusted connors a LOT. he didn't even turn fully evil when he became electro, he still was looking for his help, becaues he trusted him. now he's locked in a cell by the man he trusted.
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captains-simp · 4 years ago
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(Not me accidentally posting this when it was half done)
I knew I could count on you @wndrcarol for a jock!Carol request🥳 also....👀I heard you like Sharon
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
1.9k words
Warnings: harassment, degrading, face slapping, strap on sex, spitting, choking and hints of overstimulation
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You groaned in frustration when you finished checking the kitchen for your girlfriend. Everytime you went to a party with her the same thing happened.
You'd arrive, take a while to get comfortable and as soon as you did Carol would be whisked away by her friends leaving you to stand awkwardly in the corner. You really needed to get more friends. The ones you had never seemed to come to those parties.
You wandered outside onto the wooden decking area to get some fresh air and leant against the fence as you lazily scanned the area for Carol. You knew she wasn't out there, you had already checked.
Your eyes landed on a brunet who had been watching you carefully but the moment you locked eyes he scurried away back inside, not wanting to be seen near you. You smiled at the memory of the last time you had met at a party.
"There was only 10 seconds of the game left but I kicked the ball as hard as I could and it was on the last second of the game that it scored and we won!" Tyler exclaimed before taking another sip of his bear and gleamed at the memory.
"That's great." You said as you continued to scan the room for Carol.
"It was, you should'a been there." Tyler said as he looked back at you, or more he looked above the line of your low hanging top. You shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.
"I was at Carol's game." Tyler didn't react to the mention of your girlfriend. It wasn't like he didn't know you were dating, everyone knew. Carol made sure of that.
"Unlucky, mine was a lot more interesting." He declared with a smug grin. A brief memory of Carol fucking you in the showers after that game flashed through your mind and you couldn't contain your smile at knowing how wrong the guy infront of you was.
Unfortunately, he thought that smile was at him.
"I had a pretty great game before that too. But it's getting kinda loud in here, wanna go somewhere more private?" He smirked in an extremely unattractive way.
"I'm good, I need to go find Carol." You said quickly, wanting to get the hell away from Tyler.
You hadn't seen Carol in a while. It was her idea to go to the party, it was an environment she thrived in. You, however, did not. It wasn't your scene and you didn't know anyone there, not well at least.
At some point through the mass of bodies, loud music and numerous people trying to get Carol to do shots with them or be on their beer pong team, you had been seperated from the Captain and you hadn't seen her since.
"Come on, I'm sure there's some spare rooms upstairs." There was a slight slur to his voice that made it even worse when he approached you and put a heavy hand on your waist.
"Get off me, Tyler!" You snapped and pushed his hand away but he continued with a frown.
"What? Don't you want this-" He was cut off when a fist shot out beside you and punched him across the face. Tyler staggered back, gripping his bleeding nose, as the people around you cheered loudly, oblivious to what had happened prior.
"Get your fucking hands off my girlfriend." Carol demanded as she continued to advance towards a cowarding Tyler who could only hold his hands out in defence. You pulled Carol away with to turn her towards you and Tyler scrambled to his feet to flee.
"Are you okay?" Concerned and familiar eyes met yours that instantly eased your worry. Carol brought her hands gently up to your face as she scanned you closely and you were surprised to see that she looked completely sober.
You nodded your head and breathed out a yes before you took her right hand away from your face to examine it carefully. The dull lighting in the room made it hard to make out but you could feel that there was nothing out of place.
"Come on." Carol said as she took your hand. "Let's get out of here."
Tyler had a bandage across his nose for a while. He had avoided you like the plague ever since, clearly have some sense in him.
"Want some company?" Came a voice from beside you. You glanced sideways and saw Sharon fall easily into place next to you. She mirrored your position of leaning against the barrier and gave you a knowing smile.
"Thanks." You breathed out, feeling kind of embarrassed someone had noticed Carol always seemed to ditch you at parties.
"No luck finding the girlfriend?" Sharon teased.
"Is it that obvious?" You asked but weren't sure you really wanted to know.
"You look like a lost puppy without her." Sharon chuckled making you flush. Maybe you were too clingy.
"She's the golden retriever lesbian." You corrected making Sharon laugh more.
"That seems about right." She went to move closer to you but a group of jocks spilled out onto the decking, without Carol among them.
"Fuck this." She huffed and took your hand to lead you over to the garden swing bench. Your hand felt like it was burning when she held it to pull you along. Although her hands were physically soft, they weren't the kind of softness you felt with Carol. It didn't make you feel warm inside, it made you feel uneasy. But it was a party, you had to hold onto people to move about.
Part of your brain pointed out that there was only a few people in the garden so there was really no need for Sharon to navigate you through it, while the rest of you really did just want some company.
Sharon sat down on the bench and you followed, feeling as though you could relax a bit more on the edge of the garden.
"You know, I think Carol's a very lucky gal to have you." Sharon said as she watched you closely. You laughed nervously as you noticed how close she was. You found yourself searching the garden for Carol again but Sharon lighting held your jaw and turned it back towards her.
"Pretty thing like you must surely be a lot of fun to play with." She smirked as her other hand crept onto your thigh.
"Um I d-don't-"
"Shh, you don't need to talk." Sharon cooed as she tilted your chin up more when you struggled to keep eye contact. The blonde glanced at your lips and licked her own before leaning forward slowly.
Until a strong hand wrapped itself around your bicep and yanked you from the bench.
You stumbled into a fuming blonde who was glaring at Sharon. You blushed deeply as you realised how it looked at what Sharon was most likely trying to do.
"You keep your fucking hands off of my girlfriend, Carter." Carol spat as her fists clenched.
"You really shouldn't leave her unattended?" Sharon said, amused by Carol's anger. "Who knows what could have happened." She winked at you and looked away instantly.
Carol scoffed simply as she continued to glare daggers at the woman infront of you.
"In your fucking dreams, she's mine." She all but growled as she pulled you away. You yelped as you felt her nails dig into your skin but didn't have the nerve to ask her to loosen her grip.
Carol pulled you through the crowded house and up to an empty bedroom that she shoved you inside.
"Did you enjoy that? Whoring yourself out to Sharon?" Carol asked as she threw you to the bed and started undoing her belt.
"No I-" You started as you went to sit up but Carol put a firm hand to your chest and pushed you back flat against the bed.
"Shut up, slut. I don't want to hear another sound out of you unless you're saying my name." She warned as she pulled her strap out and pulled your panties down.
You looked at her wide eyed, never seeing her so worked up before sex. Sure, you'd have a lot of needy, desperate sex and the occasional quickly, but she never showed so little regard to you before.
"What? Think I'm going to be nice to you and take my time? Want me to touch you gently? Whores don't deserve to be treated nicely. You don't get to prep my cock either." Carol taunted as she pushed the tip of the head in and kept it there as she stared down at you. "You'll have to just take it how it is, not that you'll have much of an issue. You've always got such a sloppy cunt."
"Please, Captain." You found yourself whining earning you a harsh slap to your left cheek. Your head whipped to the side and your cheek burned but Carol didn't seem to care.
"Who are you begging to fuck you?" Carol asked as she rocked her hips slowly as a reminder that you only had the very tip inside you.
"You Carol, I want my Captain's cock!" You cried out desperately.
"Only mine?" The blonde mused as she inched a bit more of the strap in.
"Yes Carol, only your cock. I only want you." You whined truthfully. Carol knew that of course, she knew you were incredibly loyal. That's what made the game so fun.
"Please! Please Carol I need you so bad. I want my Captain deep inside me, please please." You begged and felt as though you could cry in frustration.
"You really know how to plead like a whore, don't you. Did you learn that somewhere? Or are you just a natural cock slut?" She asked as she slammed her hips forward and filed you up with the strap at every angle.
You moaned loudly and threw your head back against the pillows as Carol set about her harsh and unrelenting pace. The thick strap filled you up entirely with every thrust. It didn't take long for your eyed to water from the sheer amount of pleasure she was giving to you so roughly.
Carol grunted as she pounded the strap into you and her grip on your wrists tightened, letting you know she wouldn't let go anytime soon.
"See? You've got such a sloppy pussy. And it's all mine." Carol spoke as she glanced down to look at your pussy taking her strap so well.
"You're gonna cum for me now. You're going to cum all over my cock." Carol demanded as she noticed your signs of approaching orgasm.
You cried out at the force of each of Carol's thrusts until it became too much to bear and you crashed over the edge without much to hold on to. As you did so, Carol brought her hand up and wrapped it tightly around your throat before giving it a quick squeeze.
"You belong to me, slut." Carol said as she continued thrusting mercilessly. She noted your blissed expression and open mouth and gripped your jaw tightly, much rougher than Sharon had. She pulled your face down with your mouth still open and spat. You moaned as you tasted her saliva on your tongue and around your lips. You swallowed it eagerly making Carol beam internally, not that she could let you know that.
"Cum again for me whore. I get to do what I want with you. So you're going to keep cuming until I get bored. I don't give a fuck if you get tired." She spoke next to your ear, poison dripping from her words.
"So fucking cum."
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legolasghosty · 2 years ago
Hello my love! For the AU thing, what are your thoughts on an AU where the characters work at the mall, but at different shops? Where would they work? How would they meet?
- @michelangelinden
Hello!!!! Okay, I'm intrigued....
Okay, Luke would work in a music store, no questions there. Maybe a fun little out-of-the-way music shop that has a bunch of vintage stuff? Not usually super crowded, but pretty popular with those who know about it.
I kind of love the idea of Julie and Flynn running a wedding boutique together. Julie handles more of the up front stuff and the sewing, Flynn handles the business side. They make a good team and work with tons of different kinds of couples. They absolutely adore it when a lesbian couple comes in to dress shop together. It's adorable.
Willie would totally work at a boba place. I have no evidence for this, it's just what makes sense. They'd fit right in with the chill vibes, love mixing all the different kinds of drinks, and is definitely really good at making those funky bubble waffle things that I see at those places sometimes. He has to be careful about what kinds of drinks he gets for himself though, cause they have ADHD so them and caffeine is... not a good combo.
Because of this, plus the lack of noncaffeinated boba drinks(I know, I have a lot of friends that like going out for boba and there's like 3 things on the menu I can drink usually), Willie will often pop across the way to this sweet little coffee bar to get a drink, since it's easier to get decaf there. Noooo, it definitely doesn't have anything to do with the pretty, blond barista who has a really similar schedule to him. Or the fact that the barista, Alex, comes over to the boba shop sometimes on his break and will chat with Willie and he's really sweet and funny. Or the fact that they've memorized each other's usual drink orders and have started regularly swapping free coffee for free boba. Nope. Definitely wouldn't have anything to do with any of that....
Alex works in a coffee shop, one of those sweet, independent-type places where all the drinks have funny names and they have a billion kinds of milk. And he definitely doesn't have a crush on the boba-rista(something I literally saw on a job posting one time) who works across the way...
Reggie and Bobby work in a pet store together. Reggie was already the shift manager when Bobby started working there, and Bobby came in expecting some chill, older lady to be running things, so imagine his shock when he meets a literal ball of sunshine with more energy than the puppies that got brought in the day before. Reggie decides to make it his personal mission to coax a real smile(not a customer service smile) out of this new guy. Turns out, he has a really nice smile. And laugh. And he's also really cute when he stops putting up the stormcloud act all the time...
As far as meetings...
Julie and Flynn can't help but notice the mutual flirting going on between the guy that work at the coffee shop they go to on their breaks and the guy who works across the way. Eventually, they start conspiring to get them to actually go out. They are victorious, and gain two new friends out of the deal too!
Bobby becomes a regular at the boba place cause the chill vibe is a nice break from the frantic energy of the pet store. He usually ends up there during low rush times, since it's on his breaks, and so gets to chatting with Willie cause neither of them are really that busy. So when Willie ends up accidentally adopting the kitten that showed up outside of his apartment and doesn't seem to be leaving any time soon, they know exactly where to go for help.
Reggie actually isn't a huge fan of quiet, it makes him uncomfortable when things are super silent, so he found the little corner music store less than a week after he started working at the mall. He doesn't usually buy anything, but he and Luke become fast friends and start swapping mall gossip. And when Luke finds out he plays bass on the side, it's all over.
Eventually, Reggie drags Bobby into their little jam sessions too, since he plays guitar as well. And then Willie mentions to Bobby that their boyfriend(!!!), Alex, plays drums, so of course he has to come too. And then Alex finds out that Julie can sing and play piano, and it just becomes a lovely little jam party. They usually go to Julie's place, since she has a nice garage/studio to play in, and Willie and Flynn will join when they can as well. It's very chill and fun.
Yeah that was way more than 5, sorry...(not really).
Thanks for the ask boo!!!!!
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yurtletheturtlehenderson · 4 years ago
COSMIC - S1:E2; Chapter Two, The Weirdo On Maple Street - [Pt. 1]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
𝘠/𝘯, 𝘓𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘴, 𝘋𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘮𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘴𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯.
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|| 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
The booming clap of thunder and the steady drumming of rain hitting the windows can be heard. The poor girl sat before us, shaking, her breath heavy and ragged. She was now wearing Mike's jacket; he had given it to her when we found her shivering in the rain. The four of us stood in front of her, gazing at her in awe and bewilderment. Lucas and Mike were to my right, Dustin on my left. Mike finally broke the silence.
"Is there a number we can call for your parents?"
"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?"
"Dustin," I warn. Although, I'd be lying if I said it hadn't crossed my mind.
Before I can stop them, the boys continue to ask her all sorts of questions without even giving her a chance to answer.
"Did you run away?"
"Are you in some kind of trouble?"
"Is that blood?" Lucas slowly extends his arm towards the girl's face; before I can stop him, Mike beats me to it and smacks his arm away.
"Stop it! You're freaking her out!"
"She's freaking me out!"
"I bet she's deaf." Dustin then turns to look at the girl and quickly claps his hands in her face and she flinches back, clearly even more frightened, if that is at all possible.
"Not deaf." He says weakly, shrugging his shoulders.
I draw the line there. "Dustin, seriously? Do you not hear yourself? How would you feel in her position, huh?"
"Y/n's right, okay? Enough, both of you." Mike defended me and looked to Dustin and Lucas as he spoke. "She's just scared and cold." He pointed in the girl's direction as he said this.
Hearing him say that made me realize she was still in nothing but a soaking wet t-shirt and Mike's jacket. I turn to Mike. "We should probably get her some fresh clothes. Do you have any down here?" I ask.
Mike nods and heads towards a laundry basket across the room. I look back at the girl and I see her close her eyes and flinch, shrinking into herself a little as another clap of thunder boomed from outside. I cautiously took a step around to the side of the coffee table and took a seat on the edge so I was near her eye level but not so close I was invading her space.
"Hey, it's okay," I try, my voice gentle. "It's just thunder. You're gonna be okay. You're safe now."
I send her a warm, reassuring smile. She says nothing, but I swear I see gratitude in her eyes.
Mike returns with some fresh clothes.
"Here, these are clean. Okay?" She cautiously takes the clothes from him and looks at them. After a moment she brings them to her face and softly rubs them on her cheek. My sympathy for her grows stronger, who knows how long it has been since she's had a proper set of clothes. She sets them aside and shrugs Mike's jacket off of her shoulders. She rises to her feet, reaching for the bottom of the t-shirt she was wearing, clearly about to undress in front of us.
"No, no, no!" We all yell.
I jump to my feet in surprise, ripping my gaze away in panic while also attempting to reach for her hands to keep them in place. Mike tries to do the same, but he's a bit more shaken up. Meanwhile, Dustin and Lucas began freaking out, their heads turned so as to not see anything. Dustin could not stop saying, "Oh, my God!"
"See over there?" Mike points to the bathroom just across the room. "That's the bathroom. Privacy. Get it?" He asks. The girl looks ashamed and confused. She looks to the bathroom and then to me, her eyes pleading. I can tell she's afraid to be alone. I take a quick, deep breath and look at her. "You... want me in there with you?" I ask gently.
She nods and we are all surprised to hear her speak. "Yes."
"Really? Umm," I look to the guys in shock who all wear the same expression as the scene unfolds. Panicking, but also realizing by now she doesn't understand why I would be, I look back to her only to find fear in her eyes and I feel a wave of guilt. A sigh escapes and I nod. "Yeah, uh, okay. I can do that, but, you're still gonna need some privacy, okay?" I grab her clothes off the couch and I lead her to the bathroom and she looks around in curiosity.
I gesture around the bathroom awkwardly, not really knowing what to do.
"Here, I'm not gonna look, but we should close this so they don't accidentally see anything. Okay?" I gesture to the door.
Panic flooded her features, and for the first time since we found her she wore an expression of absolute certainty, speaking for the second time tonight. "No."
"Hey, its okay, it's just so that you can change in privacy. You know, so they don't accidentally see you changing? How about we close it most of the way? That way you have privacy, but you know you can still get out. Does that sound good?" She hesitates then nods her head slightly. I push the door in so it's cracked open.
I handed her Mike's spare set of clothes, doing my best to offer a small smile. "Alright, here you go,"
For a moment I think, just maybe it's okay to slip out and let her change. But then I see the look in here eyes, and it hits truly me why it's so important to her someone stays.
My smile feels a little more genuine now and it almost seems to put her at ease, just a little. "Don't worry, I'll stay."
I cross over to the other side of the bathroom, taking a seat on the closed lid of the toilet with my back turned to her. For extra measure, I even clamped my hand over my eyes, still trying to figure out my day took such a weird turn. I can her start to move around and figure she's started changing, and briefly I think of how scared she looked when the thunder rumbled.
It reminded me of how bad thunder used to scare me as kid; like really bad, and how Mom helped me through it. Even kept me company until I fell asleep, and it all made a little more sense why she asked me. It was the same reason I recognized the look in her eyes almost at once; Anxiety and genuine fear. Like I did when I was a kid, I needed that company around just to know I wasn't alone.
It only makes my mind race with a million different questions but, they're all silenced when I hear voices coming from the other room.
"This is mental." It was Dustin.
"At least she can talk." Mike defended.
"She said 'no' and 'yes.' Your three-year-old sister says more." Lucas counters. I bite my lip, trying not to yell at Lucas. If he heard her say 'no' to me from the bathroom, that obviously means that we can hear him. As much as I love those guys, they can be really insensitive.
"She tried to get naked." Dustin argued."She brought Y/n in there with her!"
I can feel my face heat up and I wish I could melt into a puddle where I sit. At least that way they could just flush me and be done with it.
"It's not like that! She's just scared," Mike defended.
"There's something seriously wrong with her. Like, wrong in the head." Said Lucas.
"She, just went like..." and then I could barely make out the muffled sound of something falling.
"I bet she escaped from Pennhurst."
"From where?" Mike sounded just as exasperated as I was feeling.
"The nuthouse in Kerley County."
"You got a lot of family there?"
"Bite me."
"Seriously though, think about it. That would explain her shaved hair and why she's so crazy."
"Why she went like..."
"She's an escapee is the point. She's probably a psycho."
"Like Michael Myers."
"Exactly! We should've never brought her here."
"So you just wanted to leave her out in that storm?"
"Yes! We went out to find Will, not another problem."
"I think we should tell your mom." Dustin offers.
"I second that."
"Who's crazy now?"
"How is that crazy?"
"'Cause, we weren't supposed to be out tonight, remember?"
"So if I tell my mom and she tells your mom and your mom..."
"Oh, man."
"Our houses become Alcatraz."
"Exactly. We'll never find Will."
There's a brief silence, and I think about everything I just heard. Mike had a pretty good point. And I don't blame Lucas for being skeptical, I just wish he wouldn't be so harsh sometimes. If I can hear their conversation, that means she can. I can't imagine what she must be going through right now.
"All right, here's the plan. She sleeps here tonight."
"You're letting a girl --"
"Just listen! In the morning, she sneaks around my house, goes to the front door and rings my doorbell. My mom will answer and know exactly what to do. She'll send her back to Pennhurst or wherever she comes from. We'll be totally in the clear. And tomorrow night, we go back out. And this time, we find Will."
I feel a light tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see the girl had changed. She had sad look on her face and I don't blame her at all.
"Feeling better?" I ask. She meets my eyes for a brief moment and nods, looking back down at her feet.
I sigh and lower my voice into a whisper, trying to undo all the damage the boys just unknowingly caused. "Hey, I'm sorry they said all those things. You'll be in good hands here with that boy Mike; the guy who gave you the clothes, he's really nice, and it sounds like you'll be staying with him."
I stood up, eyeing the door and my friends who I could barely see through the slat we left open and I turned back to her.
"By the way... You don't have to answer any of those questions if you're not ready. That was unfair of them to do that. If you ever need anything... or someone to talk to, even after we get everything sorted out, well, I'm here." I shrug, giving her a reassuring smile before opening the door, leading her out of the bathroom.
Lucas and Dustin were standing at the bottom of the stairs, ready to head out. I follow their gaze to find Mike had made a small fort for the girl.
Mike was helping the girl get settled inside. "Here you go. This is my sleeping bag."
"You really think she's psycho?" Dustin whispered.
"Wouldn't want her in my house." Before Lucas could head up the stairs I spoke up.
"We heard everything."
Lucas and Dustin stopped and looked at me, worried.
"All those nasty things you were saying back there, we heard every word. She heard every word... Just go. Dustin, I'll catch up in a few minutes. Bye." I threw them a flat, angry look as I shook my head and walked away. As I made my way over to the fort I took note of the silence behind me, followed by reluctant footsteps up the stairs.
"Hey, um, I never asked your name." Mike said trying to make conversation. I kneeled down next to Mike.
The girl looks at us both, then without saying anything, she pulls up her left sleeve to reveal a tattoo on the inside of her wrist. It read '011'. My eyes widen in shock.
"Woah," I can't help but gasp.
"Is that real?" Mike asks excitedly as he reaches over to touch the tattoo. She quickly retracts her arm and looks at Mike. There's an awkward silence apart from the booming thunder outside.
"Sorry, I've just... never seen a kid with a tattoo before." He apologized sheepishly.
"Can I ask what it means?" I say.
She looks at me and then points a finger towards herself.
"So, that's your name? Eleven?" I confirm.
She nods her head and then looks down at her lap.
"Eleven. Okay." Mike says, perking up. "Um, well, my name's Mike. Short for Michael, and this is my friend Y/n. He's Dustin's brother." Eleven looks over at me and I smile politely, giving her a small wave.
"Maybe we can call you 'El.' Short for Eleven." Mike offers. She nods her head in agreement. There's a silence and I can tell Mike likes her already.
"Um, well, okay," I say, trying to break the silence. "El, it was nice meeting you. And, like I said, if you need anything at all, I'm here. And so is Mikey here, of course," I say, looking over at Mike, giving him a knowing look, a smirk on my face. "Unfortunately, I have to head home so, I'll see you guys later."
I smile and grab my jacket. As i head for the stairs, I turn to both of them and send them a little wave. "Bye!"
Mide nods at me, the girl, El watching curiously as I go. That's the last I see of them as I dissapear up the steps.
I could hear Mike stuttering a 'goodnight' to El as I make it to the top. Clearly, I caught him off guard. I smile to myself, thinking.
'Ohh, he has so got it bad.'
I parked my bike in its usual spot and made it through the front door quiet enough so my mom won't hear.
Most of the lights were turned off, my mom must have gone to bed already just as I suspected. I heard an obnoxious meowing near my feet and look down to see Mews. I kneel down and pet this attention starved cat knowing that's the only way she will ever quiet down. I don't know how she can be attention starved when Mom doted on her as much as she does.
Mews lets out a deep purr and leans into my hand as I give her head a few scratches. I take off my shoes and set them by the front door before sneaking back into my room.
I flip on the light switch and stare at my slightly messy room and sigh at the events of today. I close my door so I can change into my pj's and tidy up a bit. Once I'm done I open my door so it's ajar, knowing that Mews likes to come and go throughout the house as she pleases. I sit down on the side of my bed and sigh heavily.
My eyes are fixed on the floor, particularly the different shadows that were being cast from my lamp on my bedside table as my thoughts wandered back to the fruitless efforts of tonight.
The stress and constant worrying have taken its toll on me. It breaks my heart to know that my best friend is somewhere out there lost and probably hurt. I guess a big part of me was sure that we were going to find Will in those woods out by Mirkwood tonight. I should have known better.
I feel something on my leg and I look down to see tear stains on my pajama bottoms. I hadn't even realized I had started crying. I sniffle, wiping my nose and grab the stuffed duck that was sitting on my bed. Will had won it for me. I give it a tight hug, a small smile creeps its way onto my face at the memory.
It was the first Saturday of summer vacation and the five of us had gone to the arcade for a much-deserved celebration. We all filed into the arcade, I followed Mike, Dustin, and Lucas as we made our way to Dustin's favorite game Dig Dug, Will and I side by side, buzzing with the excitement of the new summer ahead of us.
There was a brief moment of comfortable silence as we looked around the arcade. We passed by all the familiar games including the infamous claw game. I spare a glance at its contents and notice an adorable bright yellow duck perched in the front of the glass.
I smile and point at the stuffed duck. "Oh! That duck is so cute!" I admired it for a brief moment and catch up with Dustin, assuming Will is still next to me.
( hats off to the folk who understand this reference!! 😎 )
About twenty minutes later I had just beaten Mike's high score on Pac Man. All the boys watched over my shoulder and I couldn't help but cheer out. "Ha! Say, Mike, how does my dust taste?"
"Oh, whatever. You only beat me by," he leans over my shoulder to look at my score. "Holy crap! 1300 points?! Alright, well done." He sighs.
"Hey Will, you owe me 5 bucks!" I turn to my friend only to not see him there. I look around in confusion.
"Wait, guys, where is Will?"
They all shrug.
"I don't know, the last time I saw him he was with you. When we got here." Lucas shrugged.
I look around until I spot the familiar bowl cut by the claw machine. He must have won something since he was leaning down to grab some prize from the machine. I quickly grab my tickets and abandon the machine and meet him by the claw, he made eye contact with me and quickly put his hands behind his back.
"Hey, man. Where have you been? You just missed it. I just annihilated Mike in Pac Man. It was awesome!"
"I, um... Well, I, uh," he scratched the back of his head awkwardly as he stammered.
I breathed out a soft laugh. "Will, it's fine, you're not on trial or anything."
"Well I noticed you seemed to really like that duck and it seemed easy enough, and um, and so yeah, I played a couple rounds and, well here." His words sort of spilled out of his mouth and he quickly pulled out his hand from behind his back and handed me the cute little stuffed duck from earlier. A huge, beaming smile finds it's way onto my face as I take the duck from him.
"Oh, wow!" I gasped as I took the duck from him. "That's awesome, thank you! I love it! Aww, it's so cute!" I gave the duck a big squeeze and held it under my arm.
"Yeah, uh no problem. So you said you beat Mike's score? That's great! By how much?" He seems more relaxed now that he's changed the subject.
"You'll never believe it, 1300 points!" I said smugly.
"No way! Y/n, that's awesome!" He gave me a big smile.
"I know right? Anyways, come on, let's hit up Space Invaders. We've got more records to beat." I motioned towards the machine, but Will doesn't move. His smile only falters. "What's wrong Byers? Come on, we better hurry before someone else gets to it." I give him a smile, silently urging him to come along.
"Yeah, umm about that... I don't have any money left. I um, I kinda spent it all on the claw." He said sheepishly.
"What?" I stare in disbelief. I can't believe he would do that.
"I'm sorry, I just thought that—" he stammered.
"No, Will, hey! I'm not mad!" I soothe as I reach out and put a hand on his shoulder to calm him.
"And please, don't be sorry. If anything, I'm sorry. You spent all your money just to get this duck. I know you guys are tight on money right now, and well, I—" I stopped, completely appalled at his actions. "Thank you. That means so much to me. You're amazing." I smile and pull him in for a hug.
The hug lingers for a few moments longer than necessary but not enough to make it too awkward. He was hesitant to let go it seemed. I finally broke the hug and gave him another big grin.
"Come on, I am playing Space Invaders with my favorite person, whether he likes it or not. I've still got a buttload of coins."
"But, you don't have to do that."
"You didn't have to spend all your money getting the duck but you did anyway." I point out. He smiles at this.
"Besides," I continued. "You know me, I'd feel way too guilty if I didn't repay you in some way for the duck. This way, we'll be even. What do you say?" I playfully elbow him.
A big grin breaks out on his face. "Yeah okay, cool. Thanks."
I smile fondly as I give the ever so slightly worn duck a squeeze. It quickly became one of my favorite things. A quiet sob escapes my lips as I hug the duck.
"Y/n?" My head shot up to my door to see Dustin poking his head in my room, concern etched on his face.
I sniffle and quickly wipe my nose with the back of my hand as I attempt to stop my sobs.
"Sorry," I mumble, figuring I'd annoyed him.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" Dustin asks worriedly, he takes a seat next to me, not before closing the door behind him.
"I'm sorry, I just," I am unable to hold back another sob, I lean into my brother's shoulder. He wraps an arm around my shoulder as he tries to comfort me.
"Seriously, are you okay? What's the matter?"
"I miss him," I wail. I can feel Dustin's body stiffen for a brief moment at the mention of Will. He sighs and runs his hand up and down my shoulder, trying to comfort me.
"I know," his voice sounds hoarse, like he's trying not to cry. "I miss him too."
"What if, he doesn't come back?" I choke on my sobs.
"You shouldn't talk like that. We'll find him. You know him, he's good at hiding. If something did get him, you just know he's hiding. That's why the clever bastard never bites it in our campaigns, even when we do."
I breathe out a soft chuckle at this. Dustin has a point. It seems no matter what kind of trouble he gets into during our campaigns, he always seems to find a way out. It's become a running joke in our party.
My smile falters. "But what if..."
"Y/n, you can't keep doing this to yourself. No more 'what ifs' it's not healthy, and—"
"Well, I can't help it, Dustin!" I snap, cutting him off. "I just... I just can't. You don't understand. You think I like it when my brain won't stop plaguing me with these god awful scenarios that gnaw at me every second? I can't help it, it's so draining! Why do you think it takes so long to come down from my anxiety attacks?"
My eyes are welling up again and my vision has become blurry. All I can do is look down back at the ground.
Dustin only sighs. "I'm sorry. I had no idea."
I sniffle and sigh. "I'm sorry too. It just gets so frustrating not being able to communicate my feelings with people who don't deal with anxiety like I do."
"I just... I just hope he's okay." Hot tears slide down my face as I stare at the wall. I heard a sniffle come from Dustin. We stayed like that for quite some time, longing for our friend.
A//N: I put this in because I think it's important that I share this with you all. I don't ever see any fics with a reader with an anxiety disorder and I thought it was important that I do because as someone who struggles with anxiety and someone who has anxiety attacks all the time, I often feel disconnected from the story, anyway I thought that I should shed some light on the subject as well as let readers with anxiety disorders feel included and represented as well as let you know YOU ARE NOT ALONE AND YOUR DISORDER DOES NOT DEFINE YOU. PLEASE DM ME (A LIVING BREATHING PERSON WITH AN ANXIETY DISORDER) IF ANY OF YOU WANT TO TALK TO SOMEONE WHO STRUGGLES WITH THIS AND/OR YOU WANT TO ASK QUESTIONS TO LEARN MORE.
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years ago
Welcome to baby land (Ben 10)
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it was a tale as old as time, one that had happened before, would happen this day and despite the fall out from today's events would happen again in the future.
A young boy, fueled by fetish desires and spending hour after hour, day after day bringing himself to the peak as he looked at his chosen fetish, only to pull back last second.
Because the boy knows for what he wants, for what he's going to do.. he needs that desperate pent up denial of release to shut down his common sense. to make him nice and dumb.
His name was Ben Tennyson, and up until a short while ago he had been the hero of the universe and earth. But that was before the watch had been taken, and given to his cousin Gwen who had been picked as being a most reasonable hero. with cutting remarks that he would of never gotten the watch for as long as he had had it's marker realized who was wearing it, and being called to immature.. was it any wonder a bitter and dejected Ben cut himself off from his extended family and drove into the world of porn?
never mind he had beaten off a alien invasion, a 'pants peeing doofus' couldn't be trusted with the watch.
Fine. whatever. if they wanted to look at him as a stupid big baby.. that's what he'd become.
He didn't even like diapers at first when he started, but well.. porn has a way of warping a young boy's mind. Looking at picture after picture, caption after caption and reading the stories Ben for all intents and purposes turned himself in a diaper boy, and a humiliation junkie.
Taking birthday money he even found and brought a package of punishment diapers meant for shaming (though he got it at a discount as the shop was being put out of business) that were super thick, boasted how they could hold any mess.. and also claimed they didn't keep any stink from being contained and guaranteed diaper rash if used.
For a porn addicted loser like Ben, this was pure gold and since he paid for rush devilry he got a enema bag and a small bottle of little crampers, the enema for brats.
Ben knew what he wanted, total, public humiliation but he kept ruining it for himself with self pleasure driving the need out of his mind before he could do it.
finally, Mid October the little porn fueled loser decided enough was enough, he was gonna stop wasting his time and the diapers he'd paid for and set himself up to goon. For a week strait he subjected himself to it, and by the time he was done on Sunday night, Monday morning the little loser set himself up to fail.
waking up early, Ben used the whole bottle of little crampers even though it said to just mix 1/8 with a litlre bag for a enema kit, and groaned and whimpered as he used it, hot water and a dash of castor oil in the big enema bag, only his bulky white and black t-shirt hid the preggo belly he gave himself.
getting back to his bedroom and cramping, the soon to be ruined diaper loser looked at the pack of his punishment diapers and having not worn one till today, toyed with layering at first but they just looked too thick.
Settling on one of the bulky diapers with it sobbing crybaby design, he taped it on then tried the tapes, blushing as the package lived up to it's name.
Once taped on it would take 2 hours for the tapes to come back off, he was truly trapped. again a normal boy of Ben's age would of been panicking, realizing they had gone too fair but Ben just breathed fast, and smiled as he picked his baggiest pair of pants and was delighted that they still only JUST hid the diaper, if he bent over his padded shame would be CLEAR.
Getting down stairs and getting breakfast in himself, he was already seated as his parents came down and made small talk with them even as the delightful cramps started to build. (he'd never admit it, well at least before today's events unfolded but he'd grown to like pain, it made his heart beat fast and smile)
Still he couldn't help but squirm and groan a little bit, and got looks of concern from his parents as he finished his bowl of cereal.
"Benny you feeling alright?" His mother asked, coming over and putting a hand to his forehead. "You can stay home today if your not feeling good."
"N-No I'll be alright. just worried about a math test." Ben said, mixing truth with lies,then added: "Besides, you and dad said you were BOTH gonna be out all day today. who'd stay with me?"
"Heh, He's got a point there.. and good on you Ben. I'm proud your being mature enough not to try and get out of a test." His dad said, totally misunderstanding the happy giggle Ben let out.
His father might of thought it was Ben was so happy he was proud of him, But for diaper bitch Benny, the irony of the comment almost made him ruin the fun early.
If Ben's plan had one flaw (well one he'd admit to) it was the fact that he hadn't taken into account how much slower he'd be having to waddle his massive diaper butt to school with the added fun of having to stop 3 times to force himself not to spoil the fun early.
He'd even left a little sooner then normal, his parents had been quick with their breakfast and he 'accidentally' left his house key on the desk in his room and after making sure the front door was locked, went out the back door as you could lock it from the inside while the door was open.
'No getting out of this by running home!' Ben gleefully thought.
He barley made it into homeroom before the bell rang, though since he was known to be tardy from time to time it didn't raise too much attention, get getting a snide comment from his homeroom teacher about gracing them with his presence.
Even better, home was also his math class and that was going to be first period (which was a good thing for the ever so full little perv as his 'chocolate mud baby' wasn't going to stay in him much longer.)
Mr. Fillawick wasted little time in handing out the tests and after a standard warning that he'd tolerate NO cheating and there was going to be NO bathroom breaks, he offered anyone who had to go a chance to use the potty now.
'OK..this is it..your last chance.. you could just say you need to go, and sneak out the school.fill your diapers in the woods and get out of them once the tapes give up.' Ben thought to himself, biting his lip.
it wouldn't be destroying himself in class and getting him labeled stinky baby for the rest of the year, but it would land him in hot water with the school and his parents and he'd run the risk of being seen outside right?
He almost started to raise his hand when his inner pervert took over and he just turned it into brushing his hand though his hair.
"Alright, don't say I didn't warn you. you'll have a hour to do the test. good luck." Mr. Fillawick said and shrugged, going back to his desk and sitting down, doing whatever it was teachers did.
Five minutes later and Ben was in a mixture of heaven and hell. he was twitching and sweating a little bit, his pencil twitching in his hand even as he started to leak in little bursts against the front of his diapie.
the cramps were at the point of no return and even if Ben said fuck it and got up to run, he wouldn't of made it more then five steps.
all he'd managed to do so far was write his name on the test and the date, then the cramps had gone over board.
'Ok..Ok.. this was a mistake.. I've leaked enough boy milk to see that.. maybe.. maybe I can still just.. get out..of..' Ben thought, going white knuckled as he gripped the side of his desk with his left hand as a powerful cramp hit, a low rumbling fart coming out his backside though the sound was mostly muted.
the smell however was not as the diapers lived up to their claims and Kids around Ben wrinkled their noses and looked around looking for the source of the smell and eyes zeroing in on his as he was blushing.
"Mr. Fillawick? I think Ben needs to go to the bathroom." A redhead boy behind him said. "Or at Least can he be moved to the back of the classroom.
"Mr. Tennyson had his chance for that Mr. Randal. and I prefer he stay where I can keep a eye on him." Came the teachers amused answer.
even as the class giggled and laughed, two more rotten poots escaped and there was open cries of disgust.
"Gah, at least open a window!"
"What did you have to eat this morning, a skunk!?"
Ben whimpered and squirmed, he had the whole class basically looking at him now and the teasing and taunts had brought his pervert side back up to full power.
'It's now or never.' Ben thought, though he also knew wasn't really a option. it was more like Now or never if he wanted a semblance of control over the act.
it helped he was trembling lots now but Mr. Fillawick who'd never cared for Ben much since he was a rowdy student only watched with sadistic glee.
Ben's Pencil 'accidentally' shook out of his hand and rolled off the desk and onto the floor, and Ben made a show of just reaching into his desk to find anther one.
"Mr. Tennyson, whatever your habits in your own room may be, I run a clean Classroom." the smirking teacher said. "Bend down and point up that pencil."
"Uh..but..If I-" Ben started, putting the perfect crybaby whine in his voice.
"You'll what? fart? like you haven't been doing that already?" the teacher shot back.
Putting on a show of being embarrassed and scared (he was embarrassed but his heart was beating fast) Ben leaned over the right side of his desk and there was a gasp from the students behind him as one thing he hadn't planned on happened.
"A BABY DIAPER!" a blond girl added.
"More like a BIG baby diaper!" Randal noted with amusement.
Somehow his pants must of lowered enough to flash off his embarrassing diaper! Oh god! for all of 2.4 seconds trued to stop what was about to happen but the act of leaning over had been the final trigger.
as the enema finally worked it's magic and the back of his diaper started to swell up Ben could only hear the roar of his mess and though tear filled eyes almost could swear he could see image of him in just diapers and a bib, tapping a shovel on a grave that had been filled in. the tombstone read:
RIP Ben's self respect.
as the force of the mess made Ben fall forward, landing face down and ass up, his pants failing down more so everyone could watch his diapers load up in the back (thankfully they wouldn't be able to tell what he was doing in the front!) The image of baby Ben came over and looked down with a grin at the real one.
"Welcome to baby land~ no going back now."
As Ben's life was ruined, and he was designed to never be able to get that 'excited' again unless he was crapping brains out(heck, he was going to be pulled from school and his parents would begin his new big baby life, treating him like the baby they thought he wanted to be, not knowing he was just a humiliation junkie) Charmcaster smirked in her jail cell.
Sure having to watch all the events unfold from sitting into of a toilet wasn't the way she'd hope to see the spell play out, not to mention it had been that bitch Gwen she had targeting, but this worked out in the end.
Gwen would suffer being the cousin of the big stinky baby and would likely end up having to change him and it wouldn't be too long now before her uncle broke her out. wincing as Ben started to baby babble though she did have one moment's regret.
'I mean, I'm evil and wanna take over the world but was making him a diaper perv too far?' She wondered, then smiled. 'Naaaah!'
The end
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hanibalistic · 4 years ago
#796986 | HWANG HYUNJIN.
genre | fluff, high school au, crush au
word count | 1824
warning | none
note | thank you for requesting, i hope you like this!
request | @childofthecycle​
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having a crush on someone is about a lot of things.
it is about awkwardly pacing around the classroom for over five minutes, just walking and talking to your friends, pretending that you have a lot of things to tend to when you are just hoping he would finally look up from his desk and see you walking around the space.
it is about the whispered rumors spreading through a class, talking about who is in love with who and who brushed hands with who. and whenever his name is mentioned with yours, you would deny, deny, deny, all the while wondering if he turned to take a look at you.
it is about the faint heat at the tip of your ears whenever you feel him next to you during assembly line up, your eyes desperately trying to take a closer look of his gorgeous yet not being brave enough to turn your head in case he would notice you.
having a crush is about hoping, it is about looking, and is about public secrecy. the thrill in almost being exposed but always making sure your feelings stay behind a pair of sealed lips, and the endearment of yearning to be looked at, while immediately turning away when his eyes are on you because you could not bear to be seen by him either.
"[name]... what the hell are you doing?"
jisung could tell by the way you ignored his question and simply moved your head over to peek at the basketball court outside the cafeteria.
there was only ever one reason why you would awkwardly hide behind a brick wall in the middle of the school ground, and there was only ever one reason why you would be interested in an unofficial, lunch-time basketball game.
it was all because of hwang hyunjin.
"you're gushing. stop it, stop gushing at the wall," he said as he stepped up to stand next to you, his hands stuffed in his pockets.
the way he pulled a face when he watched hyunjin dunk a basketball was not lost on him. even after so long, he was still not fond of the divine-looking, soft-spoken, almost-six-feet boy. and, to be frank, jisung wasn't sure if he ever will be, considering the countless trouble he has indirectly brought to his table.
listening to you talk on and on about hyunjin was one thing. jisung found hilarity in teasing you of your crush on the perfect student in your grade, especially when you would always start to ramble out incoherent words trying to save yourself from expressing too much of your embarrassingly romantic daydreams.
but oh lord, when you start going out of your way for him was when he couldn't help but think your feelings were starting to get a little ridiculous.
a prime example he would hold a silent grudge against hyunjin forever was when you twisted your ankle trying to impress him during the soccer unit in p.e class.
all hyunjin saw was you crying! there was noting impressive about that!
(yet, when he asked you if you were okay the morning came back in a cast, you were so giddy you almost forgot your feet were injured.)
"lunch is almost ending, we should go back to class," jisung said after he took his eyes off hyunjin and turned to you instead.
your eyes were fixated on hyunjin. even though the boy was moving about in the court, running and jumping and pushing and smiling, your eyes could always find where he has gone to. it was like your got lenses that specifically filter out and blur out anything that simply isn't hwang hyunjin. and you drowned yourself in your small, safe world where your love for him could expand as much as you want every time you watch him.
the smile lingering on your face, the kind of smile jisung knew no amount of jokes could bring out of you, was what made him keep his mouth shut whenever he felt like complaining about your crush on hyunjin.
you were so happy liking him, you always have been. he was in no position to defeat your spirit, and he in no way would make fun of your feelings for another.
plus, he wanted you to be happy. if talking about your crush on hyunjin would provide that, he would let you do it.
"alright, suit yourself," he muttered to himself after a scoff. "i'm leaving first, then. don't come whining at me later."
you did not hear a lick of what he said. your mind went hazy the second you saw hyunjin turn his head and looked at you, a smile still present on his face that would send you the delusion that he was smiling at you. fingers clutching the edge of the wall, you sucked in a loud squeal and immediately turned around to press your back against the wall, hiding.
you couldn't even find the time to wonder why jisung was no longer by your side. you were too occupied in the knowledge that you have been seen. not just by anyone but by hyunjin, by your crush, by him.
it was a short glance; you made it a short glance by shielding yourself too quickly, but it was enough to get your heart racing.
because when you are fond of someone, even the smallest detail was orchestrated by impenetrable fate. even the tiniest thing means something, be it just an accidental smile or a coincidentally shared glance. those little things become your midnight dreams and the pinnacle of your fictional scenarios.
they mean something. hyunjin means something, as well as your affection for him.
taking a deep breath to calm yourself, you shoved down the shy smile and slowly turned your body so you could peek out again and see if hyunjin was still looking.
it was likely wishful thinking, but you wanted to hope for it nonetheless, as the kind of thrill you get in crossing your fingers and hoping, and then the unique embracing of disappointment when it lets you down, was a bittersweet feeling you thought deserved to be felt. it was, graciously, addicting, with the way you gamble each time wondering if your prayers would be heard.
you were met with a face instead when you turned around. or, more specifically, hyunjin's face. it was a sweaty face, but somehow you still wanted to exert your affection for him through the less-than-elegant love language of biting. maybe just the tip of his nose, or the bottom of his lips, or even his arm.
hyunjin watched with surprised eyes when you stumbled back with a yell. he took a hesitant step forward, his hand ready to fly out and support your fall, but you regained your balance and steadied yourself only two feet more away from him. shrinking back into his bubble, he watched you with intrigue as you began fumbling with your words.
"i–um, i was just watching you play–i wasn't specifically watching just you, though! i was looking at the whole team and your friends–actually, yeah! i was just watching you all play because i had time on my hands, haha, because it's lunch, you know? it's lunch–"
hyunjin held up his hands gently, wanting to get you to calm down in the middle of your stuttering speech trying to explain why you two met eyes in the first place. your voice slowly trailed to a stop when you saw that he was laughing—cute, tiny laughs that meant no harm; it was more as if he found your bubble-soda eyes adorable as they gleamed with each word you spoke.
"can i say something...?" he asked after you stopped talking, and he waited until you give him a grim nod before he continued, "i didn't mean to scare you, i'm sorry. i thought it would be funny if you turn and i'm already here."
you furrowed your brows at him. "why would that be funny?"
he scratched his cheek faintly, uncertain. he knew he would catch you off guard, and he had wanted to see how you would react to being so close to him because he has caught you, on multiple occasions, staring at him and looking away when he saw. it was all for good fun, he didn't know he would freak you out this much, and neither did he think it would be funny.
"i have a bad sense of humor," he explained. "i'm sorry i freaked you out."
you huffed out a string of air, your neck heating up as the conversation went on. you should be panicking more, you thought, because you have never had a casual conversation with him before. but his kind demeanor made it so easy to feel calm around him despite your likeness toward him.
"it's fine, i probably freaked you out even more by peeking at your play anyway," you shivered, "that was creepy, wasn't it?"
hyunjin smiled, a dimple showing. he shook his head, wiping his forehead with the towel around his neck. "no, i think it's kind of cute, actually," he admitted, "frustrating, though."
"oh... sorry–"
"i would have liked it better if you were sitting on the bench instead of hiding yourself," he said. "hell, i probably would have done better too, who knows?"
your creamy eyes popped, and it blossomed all over him. he was looking for that—that sudden burst of joy in your eyes. he has only seen it a few times before, you were always turning away from him that he couldn't properly look at you.
it was like you wouldn't even give him the time and chance to come to his senses that he does think you are adorable, and he should probably talk to you before the year ends with you two being strangers.
how unfortunate that would be; another pure crush slain by the separation of the year-end graduation. thank god hyunjin came to his senses.
"i... i can sit by the bench tomorrow if you want," you suggested carefully, not daring enough to look at him.
he pursed his lips into a teasing smile, wanting to lean down so he could catch your lowered eyes, but he decided against it just to make you less anxious around him.
"thank you, [name]. that would be great,"
his name rolled off your tongue so smoothly, it was as if he has said it millions of times before. and maybe his heart has called your name when you were unaware, maybe his eyes have thought of your name countless times before he finally had it in himself to talk to you.
you breathed out a sigh. what a relieving feeling, like all the hardships have melted away.
this was what having a crush feels like. it is like having softness bleed into the rough patch of high school life, and you were glad hyunjin was the reason behind it.
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