ask-hws-norge · 2 days
Nor, I'm bored, wanna go light Arthur's house on fire?
- @ask-aph-hws-iceland
Iceland, no. England=good.
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melamemea · 1 year
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
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yridenergyridenergy · 2 months
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The way Die led Toshiya further on the ramp probably so that he would have more space to fall to his knees and be closer to the crowd, then bumped into him and they ended up fused as one.
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alc0h0lic0 · 6 days
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This is a small interaction thing I wanted to make, so here we are!
This will be a series of mini comics about Gabriel and V1 cooking together some stuff.
What will YOU have to do?
Simply choose what they will make and out of what! I will give you the options!
This interaction is also happening on several platforms, so all the votes will be counted together!
Wish you will enjoy this!
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ask2pame · 6 months
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seems like theres more versions of me running around than i thought
// @miss-america-askblog
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respectthewolf · 1 year
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picknmixsims · 4 months
Social - Ask Favourite Colour
Social - Ask Favourite Colour
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This social mod adds an option for one Sim to ask another what their favourite colour is.
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Requires Trait Globals
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onyxonline · 7 months
*there is a knock on Angel's door and they can see the silhouettes of two DogDay sized people standing outside*
(Totally not my Oc's-)
Ps. You don't have to draw if you don't want too
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“It’s like- three am, this better be good”
(Jokes on u I’m drawing for funsies anyways)
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pink-link-lemonade · 7 months
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Could not think of what IH! Sonic would specifically say to King Sonic— I just thought along the lines of compliments on his skills in the kitchen or hospitality. I honestly just wanted an excuse to draw them interacting bc brainrot 💔
Also I just wanted to draw King Sonic
[SATBK AU: @weirdozjunkary]
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didi-champleve · 22 days
today someone told me I should adjust my attitude.
I should adjust my attitude.
not them
they don't need to change their behaviour or actions or way they think or interact.
not them
because I don't want to talk to people who don't post diverse people on their blogs.
Not them
because I don't want to be made to feel like I only deserve to be liked in public
NOT them
because I don't believe that you are the exception to the overwhelming rule. because I and many others like me have been liked in secret too long. because fat people and brown people deserve representation yes even on silly tumblr blogs. because we are beautiful and attractive and deserving of being shared and celebrated and loved and lusted over out loud.
just for once I don't want to have to explain.
but you know what
and for you gorgeous people who love openly and loudly and revel in the glorious diversity of the thousands of beautiful people on here, thank you... you are appreciated beyond words. so here - have a pic. in all my flawed scarred stretchmarked small tits big tummy wobbly glory.
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masterjedilenawrites · 3 months
I’m seeing a rise in posts about lack of interaction, lack of motivation, the fandom dying, and related concerns. This makes me incredibly sad.
Firstly because of ✨empathy✨, it always bums me out to hear others feeling burnt out or let down. 😢 I wish you were all my neighbors so I could invite you in, wrap you in a blanket, feed you a nice warm meal, and tell you everything will be alright.
And secondly, because I’m ✨old✨. In Tumblr years, anyways. 3.5 years I’ve been active in fandom spaces on here (+2 years of fandom lurking before that). There are natural ebbs and flows to all fandoms. The ebbs - the recessions, the wanings, the declines - almost always start the same. A show/season ends, people have feelings. From there, it’s fight or flight. You either move on to other stories or you stick around and project your frustrations onto the fandom itself. Not enough reblogs, no one’s taking requests, etc etc. And then the others who have stuck around join into the negativity and before you know it, most are so jaded that they move on, too.
For shows with multiple seasons or related projects, they’ll get a chance to flow again - swell, wax, increase. For those without, there’s usually still a group that sticks around for a bit, albeit with less zeal and other interests mixed in.
But! That’s actually the best part of the fandom cycle! If you get a group loyal enough, they stick around and experiment. They play. They have fun. There’s no pressure to keep up with canon or follow trends. They can bond with fellow fans who are just as loyal and innovative. I’ve seen this countless times with the clone fandom specifically. How many years between seasons? Before Rebels? Before the Bad Batch? Before live action adaptations and cameos? And the fandom continued on through the creativity and hope of the ones who didn’t get disheartened and stuck around.
Knowing this lull is part of a trend makes me sad for the ones who don’t, who will see the first tumbleweed or hear the first cricket and decide to abandon it, not realizing they are contributing to the very thing they fear. If there is one bit of advice I can impart on anyone who still has interest and wants to have a fun, engaging fandom experience, it’s ✨be the change you want to see✨
I may not be able to literally open the door of my home for those who need comfort, but I can still tell you everything will be alright. I can point you in the direction of wonderful creators who are still creating. I can share the strategies I use to stay motivated. And I can open a figurative door (aka my ask box) for anyone who wants to stop by for a chat and a hug… and maybe some tea or a pina colada or something 🧋🍹 A little beverage always makes me feel better, anyway.
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yridenergyridenergy · 5 months
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Toshiya x Die
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askfairyromano · 3 months
Hello again, Prince Romano! It's me, Ita! Sorry I have been MIA, I had royal duties to attend to.
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Just when I thought I couldn't love her more
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a-game-of-beginnings · 9 months
Chaos, Without the "Team"
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Speaking of "Team Chaos", once upon a time @pilksus' amazing Narrator (above) and the local purple hazard (below) interacted as well, and it didn't go quite as smoothly. You could say. You see, Pilk's Narrator in the above picture received a lot of rightful praise! (I'm rooting for him, don't tell anyone.) Our guy here took it in... well, as much stride as you could hope.
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picknmixsims · 6 months
Social - Ask For Backrub
Social - Ask For Backrub
This social mod adds an option for one Sim to ask another for a backrub.
Isaiah has invited his girlfriend Tina over after college for a date.
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Her wants are "Meet someone new", "Appreciate Isaiah", "Give Backrub to Isaiah" and "WooHoo with Isaiah" - and with his parents home he'll be lucky to get to second base, let alone score a home run!
But he'd love a backrub.
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And Tina is more than happy to oblige.
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Which fulfils two of her three wants with Isaiah.
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