#would this be like... a luna vent writes?
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dragon-susceptible · 2 days ago
It's fine, this goes across the feeds of like three people anyway since we're not tagging anymore.
Ezran is the NOSIEST one look at him crawling around in the vents in the castle. That boy knows Everything.
Lmaoo the maybe its maybelline meme got me
Ram really does Try to look out for Rayla, to some degree.
The Discord Q&A said that there was another Archdragon of the Moon alive at the time, but Luna Tenebris deemed them an unsuitable heir. We know nothing else about that dragon, but I remain desperately curious.
Would have depended on the regent, too, I bet. With everything going on with Viren, and how important it was that the peace with the dragons worked, I see why Ezran felt he had to take the throne. Anyone he had available as regent probably would have kept fighting the war he was trying to stop.
Look, knowing the basics of throwing doesn't help you against the dodge and weave accuracy of excited children in snow.
Lmao I'll see what I can do tomorrow. I was gonna write more tonight, but I had dinner and appear to be slipping into a food coma and might just let that take me to bed, as I really haven't been sleeping enough lately.
Different Path Taken Ch17: P1 The Village
There will be at least two parts to the kids' adventures in the village, but I need to do a paragraph break and a time lapse here, so here's Part 1. Rayla gets some emotional support, and then we get to see the kids all just play for a little while. And Ram remembers how to lighten up.
“So . . . what was all that with Runaan this morning?” Ram asked carefully as he and Rayla followed the human boys down the mountainside towards where they could see smoke from the nearby village. 
Rayla shrugged without looking at him. “He just . . . needed t’tell me somethin’.” She said, but her tone was too rough and defensive.  
“Ah.” Ram furrowed his brows at her and tilted his head. “Do you . . . want to talk about it?”
Rayla did a double take and gave him a skeptical look. “With you?” She demanded. 
Ram showed her his palms with a chuckle. “Look, I know I’m not always the best listener, but Rayla, if you need help with Runaan, Moon knows I’m the Silvergrove’s current reigning champion of father issues.”
She snorted. “You have no idea how high that bar is.”
Ram blinked at her and couldn't suppress a helpless chuckle. “I keep forgetting you've never actually met my father.  Believe me, Rayla, neither do you.”
“It’s okay to talk about things.” Ezran said sincerely with a look back over his shoulder at her.
“Yeah.  We’re friends now, right?  We’re here for you.” Callum agreed, smiling too.
Rayla looked between the three of them and her shoulders dropped. “Okay.  Thanks, guys.  It’s just . . . Runaan said he was wrong about me.  That I’m not ready for this, and he never should have brought me here.  An’ I just feel so betrayed.  I mean, he said he wasn’t lyin’, that he was just mistaken, but it still hurts, you know?  I trusted him and now he’s sayin’ I’m not ready for this after all because I made a mistake.”
Ah.  So Runaan had made his decision.  Ram winced a bit internally, realizing how difficult the decision must have been for her to hear. “Do you feel ready?” He asked her carefully. “Not for this, what we’re doing now, but to do what we came here to do?”
Rayla’s brows were furrowed when she looked back up at him and frowned. “I . . . I dunno.  It’s our duty, isn’t it?”
Ram bit his lip thoughtfully and sighed. “Let me put that to you a little differently.  You said you didn’t kill that guard in Katolis because he was afraid, and because he hadn’t done anything to you.  What has King Harrow ever done to you?”
Rayla and Ezran both flinched, and Callum stiffened, and he felt a bit bad for hurting the boys that way, but Rayla really needed to understand this point.  He reached out to put a hand on Callum’s shoulder and gave it an apologetic squeeze when the older prince looked at him.  Callum nodded a little after meeting his gaze.
After a moment of visibly battling with the situation, looking down at Ezran, Rayla squared her shoulders. “He killed the Dragon King.”
“That’s what he did to the dragons,” Ram said patiently. “What did he ever do to you?” She looked at him in confusion. “What makes him any different than that - as far as we know - innocent guard?”
Rayla frowned. “The guard wasn’t our target.  He didn’t do anythin’ to us.”
“Neither did the king.” Ram said bluntly. “Rayla, you’re insisting on being ready for some sort of duty, but duty to whom?” He asked. “To our people?  To the dragons?  What happened to the Dragon King isn’t a shared wound, Rayla.  This is something that’s happened to the dragons, and a vengeance they called for.  Runaan always says we don’t judge, we just take.  We kill, but we don’t make the decisions.  That’s because the moment we start making our own judgments it becomes clear that this isn’t vengeance for us - we’re just being used.  We are nothing but tools for the dragons and the Sunfire royalty, and they don’t give a shit about us.” His frustration spilled out with the words and he grimaced as he cut himself off, glancing away to avoid the judgment in the humans’ eyes.
Snow crunched under their feet in the pause before Rayla challenged him, voice shaking ever so slightly. “You were the one who said there was no justice as long as the king lived.” She pointed out. “What changed your mind?”
Thinking over how to say it, mindful that Ezran and Callum were right there but unsure how to address it honestly, Ram sighed. “Nothing.” He admitted. “A life for a life is a form of justice.  That’s how I live with what I’ve done.  Everyone makes these choices, to cope with the damage we do and the lives we take.  But . . . maybe justice isn’t always what the world truly needs.  Sometimes it does more harm than good.  Justice isn’t our duty any more than freedom, or honor, or truth, or the abstract of Xadia, Rayla.  Our ‘duty’ as assassins is to serve the dragons and Sunfire Empire, to keep them happy, and right now, saving this egg may be the most important thing anyone has ever done for that.  If you are driven by duty, Rayla, you need to understand who it is that you’re serving - and why.”
“Maybe your dad was just trying to protect you.” Ezran said, and Ram looked over at him, startled, and saw the boy’s eyes fixed on the snow in front of his feet, his little shoulders hunched. “From having to grow up too fast.”
Callum nodded with a sympathetic look back at Rayla. “Sounds like he’s just trying to keep you safe.”
When Ram looked back at her, Rayla’s eyes had dropped to the snow again, but her tight shoulders were a little looser. “Givin’ me the time and space to . . . figure that out.” She gestured vaguely to Ram, and he assumed she meant who she was serving, who her duty was for. “Thanks, guys.  That . . . that does make me feel a bit better about it all.” She smiled tiredly when she looked up at each of them.
“Good,” Ram said, eyes flicking towards their path. “Because the town is literally right there, and we should probably stop talking about assassins before we go in.”
His attempt at humor successfully made both teenagers and the little boy snicker or giggle, respectively, and he smiled as kindly as he could manage at them all.  He slung an arm around Rayla’s shoulders in a brief hug.  She bopped him in the shoulder with the sides of her horns, affectionately, and they both straightened up.  
Callum and Ezran had been exchanging glances and Ram heard a vague whisper he couldn’t make out, hidden behind the boys’ hands to each other, and narrowed his eyes.
“So, do you guys have snowball fights in Xadia?” Callum asked innocently.
“Snowball fights?” Rayla echoed in conclusion.
“Sometimes,” Ram said warily. “We don’t really get enough snow in the forest often, only a few times a year, but up north -” a ball of snow hit him squarely in the shoulder and blew into powder, and he sputtered, looking over at where Ezran had edged off to when his brother started talking.
Rayla blinked. “What?”
Another snowball hit her in the chest from Callum’s direction, both human princes grinning wildly at them, and Rayla sputtered too in shock. “You little-” She broke off and quickly bent down to pack snow into her own ball to throw back.
The responsible part of Ram wanted to head this off before it got too far.  Ezran hit him again in the side of his hood with a snowball and that part was quickly overtaken by a desire to win.  He spat the powder out of his mouth and rolled a snowball of his own, whirling around to throw it at the young boy.
Ezran successfully dodged it and stuck his tongue out, and Ram’s jaw dropped at the audacity as he lunged to make another snowball.  Nearby, Callum yelped and then cackled as Rayla managed to hit him with one.  The two isolated snowball fights quickly devolved into a melee of all four of them trying to strike each other with hastily packed balls of snow.
“How are you not hittin’ anyone?” Rayla taunted Ram. “You literally use throwing knives!”
“My knives are balanced!” Ram protested defensively, rolling a much larger than usual snowball with full intent of dropping it on her head. 
“My knives are balanced,” She mocked, throwing another snowball that he narrowly managed to duck. “Sounds like you’re just a bad shot.”
He took great satisfaction in the snowball that Callum quickly planted directly between her shoulder blades, making her yelp. “Am I?” He challenged smugly, and winked at Ezran.  The boy grinned back with as much evil as he’d ever seen on that young face, and also pelted Rayla with a snowball that had her dodging under a nearby tree.
Ram threw his massive snowball and she ducked and cackled at him when it missed. “Missed me again!”
“Wait for it,” He replied, grinning broadly, and her eyes widened comically just before the snow fell from the branches above her and completely covered her in snow.
“Ack!” She squealed and darted out from under the tree, completely covered in white powder, as Ram doubled over laughing.
He too yelped only a moment later as Callum nailed him directly in the neck with a snowball, the snow hitting his skin.  His bouncing away from the impact brought him directly into Rayla and they both fell down into the soft snow, wheezing.  The two human boys soon flopped down next to him as they all stopped to catch their breath.
He wasn’t sure when he’d last had that much pure, childish fun.
Rayla perked up next to him when she sat up. “Look!  There’s a snow elf!” She chirped, pointing out the hornless snow statue of a person near where their snowball fight had finally ended.
“It’s a snowman,” Callum corrected with a laugh. “You’re going to have to stop talking like that or you’re going to get us caught.”
“No problem.” Rayla said brightly, standing up and sweeping her cloak around herself theatrically. “I’ve got it all covered.  Get ready for Human Rayla!  Once I pair this disguise with my perfect human impression, the illusion’ll be complete!”
Stifling his own laughter, Ram sat up too and put his chin on his hand, grinning, to watch her. “Oh, I can’t wait.  This will be hilarious.” He drawled.
“You’ve never even seen my human impression, don’t be ridiculous,” Rayla sniffed.
“No, but I’ve seen Runaan’s, and I know where you learned it,” Ram grinned. “Do go on, show us human Rayla then.”
“Oh boy.” Callum sighed skeptically, but Ezran was practically vibrating, and he clapped from his seat as they waited for the performance.
Rayla took a moment to compose herself and then turned to face them with a neutral, friendly expression. “Greetin’s, fella humans!  Human fellas!  I sure do like hangin’ out with other humans, and talkin’ about things like money!” She slung an arm over Callum’s shoulders. “And startin’ wars.”
Ezran shrugged. “That’s pretty good, actually.”
Ram buried his face in his hands to hide his resigned laughter.  Moon above, she was truly her father’s daughter. “You might want to leave the word ‘human’ out more,” He suggested. “Otherwise, eh, yeah, that’s about how Runaan does it.”
She beamed. “Told ye I had it!  High four!” She clapped Ezran’s hand. 
“Just remember, no touching anyone else with that false finger,” Ram reminded her, snickering as he finally stood up and dusted himself off. “Let’s go.”
Rayla paused before leaving the snowman, and took the carrot out of its face, snapped it in two, and stuck the pieces in their appropriate locations as horns. “Snow elf.” She muttered before she followed them, and Ram kept his snickering internal to avoid the boys noticing her antics behind them.
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flipping-the-coin · 1 year ago
[Inquisitorial Report: Subject - Megatron of Kaon]
[Authorization Level: Alpha (Elite Guard Selective)]
[Listed Authorizations: Head Elite Guardsmech Smokescreen]
[Assigned Inquisitor: Hush]
[15 Vorns after Cybertron’s Restoration - Ten Stellar-cycles into assignment]
It has been a quiet three stellar cycles, at least by Megatron and Orion standards. Megatron and Orion did some traveling around lower Iacon and spent time at the shops to celebrate their conjunxing anniversary. They were disgustingly romantic as always and got some iced energon which they shared with comically small spoons. They also danced under the light of Luna 1 on the roof and shared a few kisses. I got a few pictures of their whole date because it was, admittedly, rather cute. I left them on the table for Megatron to review. He actually smiled when he saw the pictures I took. I went to great lengths to get excellent images of Orion. Megatron isn’t the greatest photographer and the last one that was hired to take some anniversary pictures for my targets fled the scene a moment after arriving. 
Orion was so fragging sad after he failed to get anyone willing to take pictures. So honestly I am just happy I could help. Orion is a good mech deep down. I didn’t think so when I first got here, but then again, I didn’t think Megatron was capable of love either. I don’t believe that anymore. I’ve been here almost a full vorn and I have seen more than I would have liked to. But through those experiences, I can safely say that their affection is genuine. Orion’s name has been slandered for no real reason and Megatron, while formerly a mech worthy of being jailed, is no longer who he once was. I can’t look at wartime pictures of Megatron and see the same mech who sits hunched over at his desk in the afternoon to write poetry. 
Don’t worry, I left a note with the pictures. I forged a document that stated I was a photographer from a company I made up which I have named ‘Melody Photographics & Landscaping’. Megatron grinned and smiled up at my vent when he saw it. I think he appreciates my efforts. I know Orion certainly did. When he got the pictures he was ecstatic and gushed at Megatron for a half groon about how lovely the photos came out. Of course then he praised Megatron for a long while for being able to find a photographer and for surprising him with pictures after their anniversary. But I am just happy to see them happy. It’s kind of strange, but after being here so long, their joy has begun to infect me.
I know that protocol dictates that I am meant to get my memory files uploaded and then wiped, but I would like to keep these ones, at least until my mission is complete. Sure I’ve seen some things, but I’m happy with that. There are enough good memories to drown out the scary ones.
On another note, ‘Melody Photographics & Landscaping’ has now been ‘hired’ by Megatron to work around the outside of the hab. I forged all the documentation so don’t stress about it, Head Guardsmech. I’ve got some new paint lined up and I plan to begin working in the garden and fixing up the exterior of the hab going forward. Orion is affiliated with the Prime after all. His reputation is tied to our Lord Prime’s. It’s only right that I help fix everything up. I already have a bunch of building material purchased and ready to go. I will begin work once I introduce myself under my alias and get information about what Orion would like the exterior of the hab to look like.
I know it is risky, but I plan to use this alias business of mine to assist Megatron and Orion going forward. I know I am not supposed to be too involved, but I am tired of sitting around. Besides, the sheer level of disrespect thrown at my targets is ridiculous. Few mecha are willing to serve them in public establishments! So if no one else will do it, I will. And before you tell me it's foolish, I have logical reasons behind the choice as well, at least aside from saving our Prime’s reputation. If I am the one supplying them with services, then I will know exactly what they are doing and I will be able to give better reports. With that said, I could use some additional funding going forward. Not much mind you, just enough to buy some tools and more paint. 
Oh, and before I forget, Carnage has begun staying with me more often! He comes back far more frequently now and he loves to recharge directly on my chassis. I am not sure why exactly, but I assume it's because a cyber-feline’s hearing is better than my own and he enjoys the sound of my spark. I don’t actually know if he’s a he, but it felt weird to not have some sort of designator for him. I didn’t want to keep calling him an it after he spent so many long nights curled up at my side when I was lonely. 
Actually, Carnage has shown me a few interesting things about the hab and the surrounding area. Firstly, there are a few exotic crystals nearby that the records list as being extinct. I have already excavated them and am cultivating them quietly so that they can be put in Orion’s garden once I get permission to get working. Carnage also showed me a store that had a new visor that I may or may not have bought. Sorry, but the one issued by the guard really just didn’t meet my needs. My optics are
 incredibly sensitive to anything and everything. Boredom wasn’t the only thing that led me to clean Megatron’s hab obsessively. 
Dust hurts. At least now with my new visor, it doesn’t burn as much. I can see without as much suffering on my end. 
 Lastly, there are tunnel systems, not the ones for the Primes mind you, running beneath a good chunk of Iacon. I think they were sewers connected to the old factory districts from before the war. Most have collapsed, but a few are still in decent enough repair to traverse. One of these tunnels leads directly to that engraver’s house. I’ve found a whole stash of illegal drugs down there. I fully plan to examine that engraver further once I have a free moment. This is getting ridiculous and I refuse to put Orion and Megatron at risk of catching something from fumes. 
I read in one of the archive’s files that creating drugs like circuit breakers makes nasty fumes that can make mecha seriously ill. I don’t know if that’s what the engraver is doing or if he’s just a distributor, but I would like a warrant to begin looking into him as well. For all we know, he could be affiliated with some underground network. I think it was Megatron who said it, but in his words, “The black market is always open for business.”
Oh, and before I forget, I think you will be happy to know that Orion Pax has stopped freezing up terribly at depictions of the Prime. He doesn’t need to shield his optics from the billboards anymore. This is huge progress! Although I must admit I agree with Megatron when it comes to those things. They are gross . Our Prime just looks wrong on them. Who allowed the senate to purchase rights to our Prime’s image? I don’t want to point digits at the Primal Steward or the Council, but I think you should look into that because it’s not only disrespectful, but really fragging uncomfortable to look at considering Optimus Prime is a holy figure. 
I saw one billboard just the other cycle with our Prime’s image smiling alongside one of his quotes while holding up a cube of energon. It was an energon advertisement. For Primus’s sake, our Prime hasn’t even been dead twenty vorns and he’s already being used to prop up businesses. Can we at least remove the ones around lower Iacon? It’s not like anything will get sold down here anyway. Megatron agrees with me on this front. 
No I don’t talk to him directly, but I have made a few noises while he was discussing the billboards by himself. He took that to be a sign of my agreement and honestly, he wasn’t wrong to make that assumption. Megatron wrote a whole article on how disrespectful and wasteful it is to have Optimus Prime literally everywhere across Iacon. How many memorials does he need? He’s holy, yes. I will fully and gladly acknowledge that. But he isn’t some prop to be piloted. Please, look into the situation. I implore you, Head Guardsmech.
That’s all I have to report on for now. Megatron left some more pre war documents out for me, so if you don’t mind, I’ve got some reading to do. I am halfway through a selection of Ascenticon legislation proposals. 
[Report Received: Visibility Status - Seen]
[Note from Head Elite Guardsmech Smokescreen: Hush, are you serious? You are far beyond mere spying now. If you were anyone else, I would have pulled you back and had you sent to a Chaplain. However, considering Megatron has tolerated you so far and even seems to appreciate you, I will leave you be. Just, be careful. He’s unpredictable.]
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just-antithings · 11 months ago
Not really an anti thing per se, but something I feel the need to vent about:
One of the reasons I feel so conflicted on the Harry Potter thing is not only my concerns about continuing to give Rowling a platform, but also just, unpopular opinion, I
 kinda think the fandom can be almost as performative as the haters?
First off: they’re always going on about how "oh, we’re making ALL the hp characters trans to piss off the TERF!" and then you look at the fics and art and stuff and it’s like, at least 80-90% is just the same cookie cutter "Draco and Harry are gay trans men who make out 24/7 and there's some trans gay WolfStar in the background too, I guess, and also maybe black trans Hermione can have a cameo at some point as a treat, but who cares because it’s Drarryin' Time! *proceeds to Drarry all over AO3*" fics.
 why is it that after Rowling announced her status as a card-carrying fascist, "all the hp characters" suddenly became just Harry, Draco, Remus, Sirius and maybe Hermione if you're lucky? ESPECIALLY considering the fact that I know from experience that the fandom used to have way more diversity headcanons than this?
What about Ron "angsty because his mom wanted a daughter" Weasley? Or Neville and Hannah, who never had children (clearly, one of them is trans! Or maybe both are trans AND ace! Two groups Rowling hates for the price of one!)? Where are the Trans Dean/Seamus and Trans Lavender/Parvati fics? Trans Luna??? One of Bill and Fleur's kids being the first known male Veela hybrid in the series (literally a fuckin' goldmine of gender possibilities)???? What about fuckin' Nymphadora "gender nonconforming shapeshifter who hates her traditionally feminine name" Tonks (if ANY character would’ve been made trans or enby to spite Rowling, I’d have thought Tonks and her son Teddy would be the FIRST choices)???? EBONY DEMENTIA DARKNESS RAVEN WAY (objectively the BEST Harry Potter character)??!!!????
Part of me suspects that this is at least partly because these characters aren’t "popular" and therefore won't get the same attention as the Drarry "rivals to lovers" vibe and the All The Young Dudes spin-offs, but I can’t be fully sure of that.
And like
 a lot of times it looks like their activism just, begins and ends with fandom activity? A lot of the same questions levied at HP haters ("are you supporting and/or donating to pro-trans causes?" "Are you making an effort to understand WHY TERF ideology is bad?" etc., all 100% valid questions) can also be levied against fans who make their headcanons and shipping the main source of their activism.
I’m not saying that NO hp fans are doing actual activism, I’ve seen a few examples, but it feels to me at least like the majority are not. It just seems they think shipping Harry and Draco whilst transing them to pretend it makes the TERF seethe (when really she probably doesn’t even know your fanfic exists) is a substitute for activism, just as HP haters think hating the series and patting themselves on the back for not reading it when they were twelve is a substitute for activism.
I guess the bright side is that at least the Drarry shippers aren’t harassing people? There are testimonies from trans people about hp fans harassing them, but the majority of those fans obviously wouldn’t also be writing trans Drarry fics so ehh?
Idk, like I said I’m conflicted and I need to vent. I’ve been holding this vent in for a while now.
I guess my thesis statement here is: HP fandom, if y'all really want to "diversify Harry Potter to spite the TERF", then please for the love of Glaux ADD MORE CHARACTERS AND IDENTITIES TO YOUR HEADCANON ROSTER.
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soaringlark · 1 year ago
Rant/vent about the situation involving EssenceOfThought and VangelinaSkov
On the post I made a few weeks back when "VangelinaSkov Plagiarised My Lily Orchard Series - #JustAnotheriilluminaughtii" released to the public, someone yesterday started arguing with me despite me having stated I wasn't in the mood to argue.
I did comment back at them, because I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt and inform them, but gosh, I just really hate having to end up arguing about whether or not an abuse victim was actually the abuser when there's HOURS of evidence to prove who the real victim is
For context, this is about Ethel Thurston of EssenceOfThought and Rachel Oates... just Rachel Oates. I don't believe she has an online alias
TW: mentions of grooming and pedophilia, suicidal ideation, selfharm, trauma, mentions of gaslighting, mentions of rape apologists, transphobia/misia, abuse and genocide
Thurston can prove that Oates is a liar who weaponised self harm to turn her audience in a rabid pack of dogs that abused Ethel Thurston and still have left mental scars in her now!
Ethel has been dealing with suicidality and trauma from the incident and as a former viewer of Oates I KNOW that Thurston is 100% more trustworthy than Oates and a lot better of a person.
Oates is a petty control freak, and I was first tipped off at this hearing her tone about when youtube (wrongfully) took her video down that debated the antimask crowd for medical misinformation. (I believe they took it down for the subject being about antimaskers to try to control the issue of people not wearing masks)
Her tone was vindictive (and in hindsight it was a moment that showed her true colors) when she's normally the type of person to act soft, innocent and sweet.
She was friends with rapist apologist and has thanked a person who compared David Reimer to Luna Younger! They compared a mutilated and sexually abused cis man to a victim of physical/mental abuse at the hands of her father because of her trans status (he cut her hair short against her will at the very least)
But because Rachel has been able to turn everything around to paint herself as the victim Ethel is seen as only a monster.
I just... feel gaslit...? Because I know what is true; Rachel has gone as far as to lie about the fucking color of her *EYES* to demonize Ethel Thurston, how the fuck can you trust her after doing that?
Ethel Thurston deserves to share their story without being called a harasser! Sometimes you need more than one book to tell a full story to its conclusion, and that should be extended to Ethel making 5-7 videos about her, since they are all like different parts of the story being told.
I have watched almost all of Ethel's content since Levi joined the channel, and I know that if Ethel really was the monster people paint her as I would have gotten the same gut feeling I have gotten with people like Blair (Illuminaughtii), Vangelina Skov, Rachel Oates and Lily Orchard (trying to think of more but can't... Johnny Silvestri I guess, the way he worded things was very victim blamy at times)
Even applies to some people I've just seen their writings of; recently someone was banned from a shiny hunting community server I'm in, because they were calling someone lazy and unmotivated for not being able to get a job. They also called people who use AI as a helping tool for CVs stupid and said that you should be smart enough to know how to word things if you deserve a job (paraphrased)
And I had a very bad feeling not long after they had first joined and spoken, something told me they lacked respect for other people and their comfort, since one of the first things they posted was vaguely sexual in a mostly PG 13 server.
And right after their ban they, with no evidence, called the server owner a groomer pedophile who hoards minors; absolutely disgusting reaction to being called out for ableism (+ a lot of the community is in their 20s or even 30s)
Yet what is happening here is the more I learn about Ethel Thurston the more I respect her and that is incredibly rare/has never happened before
And I have watched almost all of their live streams, which is where a person would end up showing their true colors
At most I've seen her irritated it's when her friend interupts and I have those moments too when I'm talking about something I deem important and want to get to my point of.
It happened just yesterday, in fact, because they were a bit too insistant on writing about a black kid being abused by white parents while they themselves are non-black, and more specifically, white.
I think I got them to agree in the end to change the parents to at least also be black so it's more general abusive parents rather than potentially being a racist thing, since this isn't something you just do without hours upon hours of research (if not years) and checking with people who experience racism that it isn't downplaying any harm caused by it.
But anyway, point is that when someone tries to butt in with a point you're getting to on a sensitive topic; being snappy is understandable.
Just needed to get some thoughts out of my head, because I'm feeling frustrated and unsure of my own understanding of things... But I know that Rachel Oates is a liar, because I've heard her lies myself years ago as I SAW her "Lies about me" video before it was taken down to protect her fucking *image* She lies like if she'd stop breathing if she was honest!
She lies about Ethel's pronoun order, she lies about her fucking EYE COLOR, she lies about changing to be a better person, she lies about being unable to pick a side in the literal GENOCIDE GOING ON while claiming she's against genocide!
She's a horrible person for that one especially; you can not fence-sit here. You're either pro-genocide or you're not. What's happening in Palestine is one of the worst crimes happening today and it's been going on for decades; now adults and children are starving to death as Israli soldiers cheer each other on for killing them!
It is vile disgusting behavior to act like you have to be an expert to say that Israel is in the wrong. They are in the wrong; they are genocidal colonizers who have been trying to exterminate the people who's land they were granted by uncaring foreigners (the USA) to claim as their own.
And I know that if Vangelina Skov could prove she didn't plagiarise by not crediting the work of the people behind EssenceOfThought, she would have, instead of calling Ethel an extortionist
Sorry for this long post, but if you took the time to read it then thank you.
Please do not argue about this with me; if you want to know the truth look into it through EssenceOfThought's content.
I know I'm right, and even if I am wrong you can't convince me either way, so please just spare both of us the upset /gen
From now on I will block anyone who does try to argue immediately Just to be clear: you can ask what the sources are, but if you argue from VangelinaSkov's side without having watched any of Ethel's videos you're blocked
I have watched the video multiple times, because I'm autistic and need familiarity and Ethel's tone of voice is soft and soothing, so I'll know if you haven't actually heard her talking points from her own mouth /srs
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misswoozi · 8 months ago
sorry sorry sorry- but i really want to talk about my guy jonghyun lol
ummmmmm- we need a matchmaker for him
 i always make him bisexual because idk it feels right 😭
my top 5 ships in my fanfics (mostly jokes but i love interacting with them)
1. irene (red velvet)
2. luna (f(x))
3. key (shinee)
4. taemin (shinee)
5. sunny (snsd)
ngl i play around with him, mainly with rv, snsd, f(x), shinee and a bit of exo. i don’t let him touch gen 4 kpop groups
 idk him with nct feels weird.
but i do like him with doyoung
 idk why
 maybe because i made the two very relatable and connect with each other very nicely. one time, i must’ve made jonghyun vent and doyoung when speaking to him (btw he usually speaks in 3rd person — “doyoung is talking to jonghyun”) he went and spoke normally in 1st person, which is rare for him to do since he would immediately switch up. however, jonghyun didn’t judge and went with it.
I love Jonghyun more than words can say but as I've stated a few times now, anon, I really don't write much for SHINee, and I especially don't write for Jjong anymore. All Shawols handle certain things differently but for me, I don't really talk about Jjong here at all, whether that's SFW or NSFW or what. I'm glad you love him, too, but I'm just not super comfortable with it.
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faun-the-fawn77 · 10 months ago
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Just realised that Lucifer is my fav to draw:)
I also want to mention: The Balance Keeper fanart was from YEARS ago and I do not know if she still writes for it or if it is finished. Despite ending on meh terms with this person, I still recommend you go check her out cause her stories are amazing and I will always admire her writing and her skills in both writing and art. The way she can create characters and backstories for them is so awesome. She will always hold a special place in my heart and I will always be proud of her writing accomplishments on this platform.
For Clicker, I love your art and writing so very much. I'm very much a silent reader on your works because I do not know if you would like me to interact with your blogs. This isn't a vent post but very much an appreciation post for your work. Keep up the good work and I hope you continue to do what you love for however long you plan to!
@myhusbandsasemni (Sorry for the tag but I promise its for just the artwork of The Balance Keeper)
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this art and for the many more to come in the future! Have a good night! <3
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remembrancer-of-heresy · 8 months ago
I voted for Sevatar because I thought "Luna, you love Perturabo too TOO much. You need to stop. Plus you like Jago, it's interesting to read about him." And then I see how this work comes out and I just start with joy:
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I LOVE THESE POSTS! I love how Perturabo first tries to distract himself with a naked Dorn (mmm, Dorn ( ͥ° ͜ʖ ͥ°) ) and then resigns himself and vents to the poor serf. Oh my god, I'm not a fan of bukakke, but why is this so enjoyable to read? Besides, this is definitely a Perty Turbo thing, but I'm so shy about it. While you just write a great smut. Sensei 🙇
I also really like how surf really explains in great detail why Perturabo is the best. To be honest, I myself would be excited by such praise. Although not as much as the Iron Lord, he was completely blown away.
And yes, yes, I love how if Perturabo is absolutely happy that he finally has a girlfriend (coercion/power imbalance = willingly agreeing). While surfing seems to be living a better life, on the other hand, what a horror.
First, his absolute obsession with her. I really liked that in addition to the fact that he constantly said “You are mine,” his voice changed at these moments. And it sounded more like a war machine. In principle, I love when there is always a hint that at such moments the inhuman side of the primarchs awakens and they resemble monsters from the Warp.
And even the way he awkwardly leaned down to lick her neck, the comment “split you open” and how he sniggered. Uff.
And yes, Perturabo is one of those guys who just needs to look at your tits before having sex. And of course of course he will tear your clothes. You'll get a new one later, don't complain. Just let him decorate your beautiful breasts.
In fact, it’s understandable why he not only cums on the reader, but also engages in oral sex in the first place. This is the best way to coerce and show power over a person. The moment with the jaw really scared me. I didn't even understand what happened. It’s good that the reader’s jaw didn’t fall off and hang like a doll’s. But it was still so disturbing to read how she was in pain, and her throat was mercilessly used (the comment about how her throat would no longer be normal since it was turned into a cokesleeve was especially good). Very, very tasty.
It also makes me laugh that he forgot to feed her (lol) and he doesn’t care that the reader is so dirty. SHE'S NOT DIRTY, A PRIMARCH'S SPERM IS SACRED AND EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW WHO SHE BELONGES." And the fact that he likes her "renewed smell"
. God, this is so hilarious, just like the fact that this all started.
But the best part was the photo scene. My jaw dropped. Perturabo, you're a bastard. It’s partly cute, of course (kind of, given the situation the reader finds herself in), that he keeps her photos for himself. But given the state she's in
 what a monumental pervert.
I would re-read this post forever.
a great kindness done
this is a sequel to the fic words rarely spoken but you don’t need to have read that to understand this. the only background is that the POV character is a serf who said one nice thing around peturabo, who responded — calmly and rationally — by dragging her off and jerking off onto her face. @moodymisty hope this is okay I wrote it in one go and couldn’t be bothered to proof read it so it’s not my finest work 😅
cw: power imbalance, dubcon in that no one reallyyyy gets the chance to say no.
It was not the Men of Iron who felled the corrupt government that held dominion over your planet, but the yellow-clad Imperial Fists, led by their father Dorn — and yet it was the Iron Warriors who rebuilt afterwards, smelted ore from the. cavernous depths of the planet, built barracks and cities and factories, and it is the reconstruction that matters more. Anyone can siege — it takes real talent to build —
“No,” Perturabo says, tearing your dress open with one flick of his wrists, your breasts spilling free. He kicks the door to his quarters closed, hard enough to dent the durasteel. “No, it’s — hard to siege —“
“Of course my lord,” you stammer, rewriting your internal script. “I’m so stupid, please forgive me —“
“Not stupid,” he growls. “Just human, foolish — “
He lifts you up with one hand, effortlessly strong, palm large enough to almost cover your entire arse as his fingers bite into the meat of your thighs. With his free hand, he fumbles at his armour; removing the entire suit would take time, and the assistance of the Iron Circle (he allows no serf near his armour), but he’s in a hurry, and so only bothers with his codpiece. It clatters to the floor with an uncharacteristic lack of care. You imagine the machine spirit within fuming at the ill-treatment.
“—sieging is hard, and rebuilding as well, and the people who hail the Fists are — are misguided, silly little children with shiny trinkets and —“
You don’t get any further into your mollifying speech; Peturabo’s tongue fills your mouth. He doesn’t kiss so much as attempt to lick your skill clean from the inside, his gauntleted hand biting bruises into your buttocks.
“You’re mine,” he says, pulling away. A strand of saliva stretches between his mouth and yours.
“Always,” you say, privately wondering what his reaction would have been had you done more than simply thank the Imperial Fist. For that is what set this whole affair off — all you did was smile, and thank the Astartes, because he had held a door for you. That was that. And here you are.
“Mine,” he growls, again, his voice slipping lower, into a register that sounds more chainsword than human. It frightens you on an instinctive, primal level — like standing before the merciless churning of a great furnace, and knowing that should you fall in, even your bones would be reduced to ash.
“Yours,” you echo. “All yours.”
It has been barely three weeks since the start of your — well, relationship is a strong word for what amounts to kidnap and a permanent assignment to Perturabo’s service. Rather: a permanent assignment to service Perturabo. The work is certainly easier than your previous role — cleaning, some mending, plenty of time on your back — but although the rations are better, you do wish that some of them were not routinely painted across your tits.
“Yes,” he says, and buries his face in your neck, inhaling deeply. His forehead crumples, as he huffs annoyance. “You smell wrong.”
“I’m — I’m sorry —“
You can’t help your gibbering apologies, even though you know it irks him when you show any outward sign of fear (“I’m not going to hurt you, you foolish little whore,” he once thundered, in a surprisingly unsuccessful attempt at comfort).
“No. Not your fault. Mine.”
He drops you onto his bed, standing before you, his cock level with your face. He strokes himself — once, twice — then shoves it towards your mouth. It bumps against your slack lips, and he grunts in frustration.
“Open. Now.”
You let your tongue loll out, slurping around his prick; he likes it when you’re messy and wet, drinking him down like he’s the only nourishment you’ll ever receive. For the first three days, you had thought this the case, until you realised that no, he’d just forgotten how often humans were meant to eat — he wasn’t planning to force you to subsist on a diet of Primarch ejaculate.
He rubs his length over your face, almost poking you in the eye a few times, deliberately working his pre-cum into your hair. He likes that as well: leaving you covered in the remnants of his pleasure, often refusing to allow you to wash it off afterwards. You keep your mouth open, like a mindless hole for him to grind against and spill inside.
“Not enough,” he mumbles, and catches your jaw with his index finger and thumb. “Need to be inside — this will hurt.”
You don’t have time to protest, or even ask what he means. He pulls smartly down, forcing your jaw open, and something clicks. Pain streaks up to your ears, and suddenly you can open wide enough to accommodate his cock. He moans satisfaction, and forces himself deeper into your throat, heedless of the scrape of your blunt, human teeth. Your body starts to panic at the lack of air; you want to pull away but you can’t; you want to breathe, but you can only manage strangled sips through your nose, and hurking gasps through a jaw that feels fucking dislocated —
And then it is over, and Perturabo pulls out, and the dark wings of terror beat a little softer. Drool drips from your abused mouth; your eyes stream. You want to ask him what the hell was that, what — and before you can think how to form the words he’s pushed in again, his fingers holding your mouth open, one hand cupping the back of your head to angle you to his liking. It takes him a few bruising thrusts to the roof of your mouth before he gets it quite right, and slides down your gullet in an implacable surge.
He continues like this for long enough that you lose track of time: your world reduced to the thick, sloppy sounds of him fucking your throat; the pain in your jaw; the slap of his balls up against your chin; the smell of him, like gunpowder and hot steel and something else, something completely inhuman. He takes you to the verge of blacking out — your vision blurring, your thoughts growing disjointed — and then permits you a hard swoop of a breath, before pushing back in. When he does eventually cum, it’s as you breathe in — you end up inhaling some of his cum, coughing and sputtering up the last little bit of your dignity, along with a wad of white gunk.
“My — my lord —“ you gasp, trying to form words: give me a moment to breathe, let me rest —
“You’re mine, aren’t you?” There’s an edge to his voice now — needling and hungry. “You’re all mine.”
He wrenches you up by the hair, catches your jaw and feels along the sides. You’re as delicate as a bird next to him, and just as fragile.
“Nothing broken. You’ll be fine.”
“Yes my lord. Thank you my lord.”
He grunts irritably, and you scramble to think what you could possibly have said — and then it occurs to you. Thank you my lord. Exactly the words you’d spoken to the Imperial Fist.
Before you can think of a better way to convey your appreciation, Perturabo has shoved your face back into his groin, this time forcing your lips against his balls.
“Suck,” he says, and you do: rolling crinkly skin against your tongue, taking the warm weight of them in your open mouth. Perturabo, a man of few words at the best of times, directs your mouth back to his cock by dragging at your hair.
The second time he cums it is all over your face. You get a brief reprieve as he wrangles off some of his armour, enough that he can clamber onto the bed without his limbs being held to stiff attention.
Then he flips you onto your hands and knees, slots his cock against your cunt — you feel him snigger at your panicked clench — then slides himself to his more accustomed place: fucking between your bruised, tender thighs.
“One day soon,” he pants, as he thrusts, “I’m going to fill that tight cunt up.”
“Yes — please —“ you reply, exhausted and sticky and barely able to string the words together. “But let me prepare — first —“
He leans over your back, hunching awkwardly so he can lick at your neck, his breath humid in your ear.
“Yes — will split you open — split you open and fuck you full and everyone knows that you are mine —“
He flips you back over before he cums, milking his release onto your chest. You feel his cum starting to dry in your hair, cling to your skin; you feel absolutely disgusting. And yet Perturabo looks at you with a bizarre mix of hunger and tenderness. Like you are just the most precious thing he has had the privilege to own.
By the fourth time, you think he’s starting to calm down. The rest of his armour discarded, the Iron Circle tidying as discretely as war machines can, and he has you stroke him off with your sticky, trembling hands.
“Open,” he says, and you let your jaw hang slack, the hinges still aching. His release spills all down your front as you make a lacklustre attempt to swallow what catches on your tongue.
You don’t think your throat will ever work properly again. Maybe he’s ruined it entirely, shaping it into nothing more than a cocksleeve for his use.
The tenderness is back in his eyes as he lifts something up to your face. Too fucked out and bleary to register what it is, it’s the camera flash that alerts you to the pict he’s just taken.
“Shhh. This is just for me. Just to see how pretty you are. Just to remind me.”
He strokes your hair, heedless of the cum drying in it, and inhales deeply, grinning at how thoroughly you smell of him. No one will ever mistake you for anything other than his.
“And no more thanking Imperial Fists, yes ?”
“Yes my lord,” you say.
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lununnunna · 4 years ago
Together || Todoroki Shouto x Reader
angst in which you feel as if shouto doesnt truly love you. happy(ish) ending.
warnings: angst. heartbreak. arguing; bordering physical/verbal abuse. false accusations of cheating. reconciliation. two fools in love who just need help sorting their jumbled brains.
“shouto.. you dont love me, do you?”
the world around you was drowned out by the echoing of blood pumping in your ears. your body felt hot, and there was a nervous ache in your chest. you tried to ignore the trembling of your hands, the way your legs felt like jelly, or the building of tears on your waterline as you stood before him.
he slowly blinked as he turned his head to look at you.
the way he looked so lost, sitting there on the couch, made your anxiety build as you took a breath and repeated yourself.
“do you even love me?”
his brow lowered, a slight crease in his flawless skin forming. he spoke slowly.
“of course i love you. what made you think i dont?”
you couldnt hold eye contact much longer, eyes darting away, your bottom lip caught between your teeth. you felt sick to your stomach. you didnt want to tell him, but.. it was for the best. you know that. how do you expect anything to change if you dont confront him and let him know?
“i-its just.. well.. that time bakugou insulted me... you— you didnt defend me.” you paused, before quickly adding, “o-of course, i know hes your friend, and i know hes a top hero, and— and i know hes just like that, believe me i know, b-but it just—“ you struggled for breath. was it this hot in here earlier? “it really hurt me.” your voice cracked. your chest felt heavy. “and he seemed harsher than normal, a-and i looked to you for help, and may— maybe you just didnt understand that i was uncomfortable, but— that other time, when that woman at the restaurant shoved me— and i know she did it on purpose, and i know you watched her do it, and i get that as a hero you might have a repuation to uphold, but— but you literally apologized to HER! like i was the one in the wrong, shouto! you could have ignored her, maybe even looked at her pointedly, because i know you cant just pick fights with civilians, but, apologizing!?” you felt dizzy, but the anger was beginning to build, and it was fueling you to continue. “and that time when that woman messaged you on twitter, sending you her nudes and talking about how you could do so much fucking better than little old me. you opened it, you saw it, and you didnt fucking block her!? what the fuck was that, shouto!? do you want her??? did you keep that to look back on???? to remind yourself of what you could be having, to work up the courage to leave me?????” you were panting and out of breath. your chest heaved, and you realized you were crying, hot tears trailing down to the front of your shirt. you couldnt bring yourself to look at him.
you stared at your feet.
“..what kind of man does that, shou..?”
there was silence. you didnt want to speak, fearful of what meaningless insults might leave your mouth if you did. you were angry, you were embarrassed, you were so fucking tired.
“...i,” he paused. you could hear him swallow, breath shaky as he exhaled before continuing. “i dont even know what to say to that.”
you waited for him to continue.
to apologize.
to tell you he loved you.
he never did.
“you.. you cant even..”
you were trembling violently, eyes glued to the tatami mats he had installed in your shared home himself. rage was boiling inside you, masking the churn of anxiety and heartbreak in your stomach. you hated that you lashed out when you were hurting. you couldnt stop yourself.
“you fucking coward. you call yourself a hero? you cant even defend your own fucking wife.”
your head snapped up, fists balled at your sides, the tears unstoppable as they blurred your vision too much to see his shock. you choked back a sob, baring your teeth in malice as you hurled the most hurtful words your frazzled mind could come up with.
“i should have never expected you to be capable of loving me. after all, you were never anything more than a tool for your father’s success. what more could a weapon like you do?”
the moment the words registered in your mind, you were filled with regret. you didnt mean it. of course you didnt mean it, you loved him more than life itself— hes your fucking husband! you never saw him as any of the horrid things leaving your mouth. you loved him to death; you were so sure of your long lasting marriage. you wanted to have a family with him one day!
you fucking despised yourself. you know you were only saying these things out of hurt, you know you lashed out as a defense mechanism— but he didnt. he didnt know you didnt mean it. he didnt know you spoke before thinking. he didnt know you were broken. he didnt know about the abuse you’ve gone through in the past.
you did. but at this point, your past only felt like an excuse. and preying on your husbands insecurities because you felt cornered was no fucking excuse. there will never be an excuse for this.
everything happened so fast.
in a blur, he was suddenly on you— his hands brushed against your throat, his eyes dark and his teeth gritted. the muscles of his jaw flexed and tensed as he seemed to be debating going through with it.
you swallowed against his flaring hands.
he took heavy breaths, before his hands dropped to his sides, and he hung his head.
it was silent. you breathed slowly, having held your breath as his hands threatened you.
“..im sorry.”
he was so quiet, you nearly missed it.
“im.. im sorry too,” you whispered, silent tears slipping down your already stained cheeks.
another bout of silence ensued as he turned his head, staring at your hand through the curtain of bangs surrounding his face. your hand twitched involuntarily.
“we..” he trailed off. his eyes stayed on your hands.
they were so delicate. so small. so soft, and he couldnt help but think of all the times hes held them. without thinking, his hand reached out to hold yours, ever so gently.
you almost pulled away. almost.
“i.. i never meant to hurt you. and i would never think of leaving you, love. i was never aware of that woman. i have a team of people who manage my twitter account for publicity. and as for bakugou, and the other woman at the restaurant.. i swear to do my best to stand up for you more often. im sorry im so dense at times.”
you squeezed his hand, and his eyes flitted up to meet yours, shining with guilt and sorrow. yours must have reflected his.
“i didnt mean it. i dont think that of you, shou. i never will. youre not a coward, and youre not your father’s tool. i— i was just hurt. and i lash out when im hurt, because in the moment, all i can think of is hurting them back. to make them hurt as much as i am. im so sorry, baby..”
he let out a slow breath, shutting his eyes for a moment. when he opened them, he looked more solemn, but overall seemingly relieved to know you didnt mean those words. he stepped closer to you, pulling you into his chest and gently wrapping you in his embrace.
he was trembling.
“i understand. i would never hurt you, either— but in that moment, i was in so much pain, the anger..”
“was just too much. it took over,” you finished. “i know. i understand. im the same way.”
silence enveloped the two of you as you silently reconciled, breathing in the scent of one another.
it wasnt until he pulled away to look at you that the silence was broken.
he cupped your cheeks. “you were abused too, werent you.”
it wasnt a question; but a statement— and a statement that melted through that barrier of secrecy you had been harboring, urging a whole new wave of tears to come flooding.
all you could do was nod, soft sobs wracking your body and interfering with your speech.
he shushed you softly, pulling you back in to let you cry into his chest. “its okay,” he whispered. “its okay. i know, baby.. i know.”
when you were done, you were hiccuping, and there was no doubt your face would be puffed up.
“we need counseling, dont we, shou?”
he let out a gentle, breath-like laugh.
“yeah. yeah, we do. but thats okay. we can get through this.”
you smiled.
“together,” you mumbled.
“together, he repeated.
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i-cant-sing · 2 years ago
Yeah yeah, creating OCs and writing fics about them is nice and all, but it's really nice to know that if I had a terrible day with my "friends", then I could rely on them to comfort me, and let me vent to them, let them hold the small pieces of my broken heart and let them mend it. (I mean I have my mom for that, but she's busy too sometimes.)
Like Theodore would definitely hold you in his lap and let you be sad for as long as I need to be, a hand on your hip constantly rubbing circles while his other hand is around you shoulders, constantly pulling you into him as if to absorb all you pain. And as much as he'd like to tell you "i told you they weren't really your friends", he decides its better not to rub salt into an already open and heavily bleeding wound. No, he simply decides to create a plan that will go in for years and it will involve your friends being robbed of every good thing and happiness in their life until they are forced to get rid of themselves. It could range from getting a pebble in their sock everyday to suddenly being infected with a deadly brain eating bacteria, and maybe even being kidnapped to have their organs harvested and put for sale online (he might have to use his friend Eros's help for that)
Or perhaps Dimitri would find you in you room, pitifully crying and his heart just wrenches because he doesn't like it when you cry. "Y/n? My love? Moya luna (my moon), what's wrong? Who hurt you? I swear I will end them-" and he's just cut off by a loud sob. Oh he all but just runs to you, gathering you in his arms as you sob into his chest, kissing your forehead and running his fingers through your hair, asking you every now and then to tell him what's the matter, to just say the name and that person won't bother you ever again. You fall asleep in his arms, but Dimitri didn't sleep a wink as your tear stained face kept flashing in front of his eyes. Whoever made you cry, he'll make sure they regret it gravely.
Eros, that boy, he's on a roller coaster of emotions that day when he saw your glossy eyes. Tears didn't have to fall down your face for him to realise how upset you were. On inquiring, you'd tell him what happened and the first thing he feels his guilt for not protecting you from those "friends", who he should've prevented them from ever coming in contact with you in the first place. The next emotion he feels is unbridled, completely blinding rage, which is rare for him because Eros is always cool as a cucumber. Of course, he is quick go suppress that emotion in favour of comforting you with endless kisses and words of affirmation, but when you are asleep, Eros is preparing all his instruments for a live dissection of your friends.
And honey, he's not using anesthesia.
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luna-jaden-shadow · 3 years ago
Hopelessly In Love
Request - Hey Luna, I really enjoy your writing and I’m finally sending a request! Could you do a TWD oneshot for Rick Grimes where him & y/n find each other at the very begging of the apocalypse and start falling in love, but Rick pushes it away bc of Lori. When Rick finds out Lori cheated, y/n & him end up getting together. Thank you so much â˜ș
Warnings -  Death, Zombies (the usual), Cursing?
Pairing - Rick Grimes X Reader ; Glenn X Reader (Platonic)
[ I love Glenn so I couldn’t not make y’all like best friends. Lemme know if you guys maybe want more parts ]
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“You’re sure you want romance advice from me? I’m hopelessly in love with a man who has a family.” You deadpan at Glenn, who leans against the wall opposite of you in the RV. 
Glenn was the only person in the camp who knew of your little crush on their “leader”. While he was never officially labeled that, pretty much everyone preferred him over Shane Walsh of all people, who was in charge before you and Rick arrived weeks ago. You’d convinced yourself it was a little crush that would pass in no time and yet here you are, avoiding the man who you’d saved at the start of the apocalypse. You were held up with Morgan and his son when you’d met Rick and agreed to help him find his family, and you did. That didn’t stop you from falling hard for the fearless ex-sheriff. 
The two of you were a good team, taking charge whenever it was needed, and bouncing ideas off of each other. You were the person who he trusted without a single doubt, who he talked to about everything and vice versa (along with Glenn for you). It just became harder to hide your crush when Lori was all over Rick, which you didn’t blame her for since it’d been a stressful last couple of days for everyone. You’d made it clear that you were there for him and his family no matter what, that you’d do anything for them. You’d even offered/given blood for Carl when Rick was barely able to stand. 
One day, you and Rick went out searching for Sophia and you’d noticed the way he’d subtly distanced himself from you. You took it as a sign that you were intruding on their marriage when really Rick wasn’t sure what he was feeling for you and was struggling on how to act, or if he should act on it. 
Glenn sighs, running his hand over his face. The poor kid was having crush troubles of his own with Maggie, whose home your people were currently camped outside of. You two had become close friends since he’d saved you and Rick. “I just don’t know women.” 
You snort a laugh, “and you think I do?”
“Probably not, but you know people.” Glenn corrects, “and it was you or Dale and Dale will give old man advice.” 
“I’m gonna tell him you said that.” You joke, turning in the booth to properly face him. It wasn’t a surprise that she was acting wonky around him since he’d found out about there being walkers in the barn (a secret you were going to keep since he’d accidentally vented it to you). “It’s not like I have a manual on ‘what to do when you find your friend with benefits has a barn full of walkers’ on hand Glenn.” You sigh, “You said she kissed you after you got back today?” You try to recall what he told you. 
“Yeah, there was this walker in the pharmacy, she almost got bit.” He goes on, “And then she called me stupid but smart, and then called me walker bait. I’ve never been so confused before.” 
“You and me both Glenn.” You stand up, stretching to crack your back. “Regardless of what you do it’s gonna get mucked up because either you’re going to tell the group or someone like Shane’s gonna wander too close to that barn and all Hell’s gonna break loose.” You insist, glancing out the window of the RV. 
“Hell’s gonna break loose anyway.” He groans, putting his face in his hands. You walk closer to him and pat his shoulder. 
“I know, but it’s gotta be done. After that, just stay persistent, you like her, she probably likes you if she’s sticking around right now. I think it’ll work out for you.”
“And what about you?” Glenn raises an eyebrow at you. 
“What about me?”
“You know what I’m talking about.” He crosses his arms. 
You step back from him. “Nothing’s going to happen because he has a wife and a child. He’s not gonna leave them for me, Hell, I wouldn’t leave them for me.” You point out, getting a sad look from Glenn. “It’s something that’ll pass. As for now, I’ll just have to reel back a bit.”
“You’re really sad, you know that?” Glenn points out, watching you lean on the table of the booth. 
“Yeah, I know.” You give a sad smile, the two of you walking out of the RV. The sun was starting to set slowly, giving the whole farm a golden glow to it. “Anything else you wanna tell me before we go our separate ways?”
Glenn thinks for a moment, looking at you over his shoulder. You can tell there’s something there that he wants to get out. “Lori’s.” He stops, keeping his eyes locked with yours and it’d not too hard to piece together what he was talking about. He and Maggie went on a run to the pharmacy for a second time, per Lori’s request. A rather urgent, sudden request, that had him ditching you for the day. 
“Pregnant?” He nods and your eyes widen a bit, not wanting to be right with your guess. That was going to change everything. “I’ll talk to you later yeah?” 
Glenn nods and heads off, leaving you alone in front of the RV. You bite the inside of your cheek, taking a glance around the camp out of habit. When you’d caught sight of Rick, coming back to camp, you nearly turned to go the opposite way. Far away, by the gate, was Lori. You couldn’t tell what happened but you had a feeling that it wasn’t good. 
“Evening Sheriff.” You greet him when he approaches, now finding that there was no avoiding him when it seemed that he was actually going to talk to you. “Everything alright? You don’t look so good.” You voice your concern, following him into the RV when he beckoned you. 
You watched him pace the RV for a few moments after you closed the RV door. He didn’t look at you right away and you let him collect his thoughts as you found yourself sitting in the booth as you were a few minutes ago with Glenn. 
Suddenly, Rick stops and looks at you, you can’t quite make out the look on his face. “I’m sorry.” He suddenly says, only adding to your confusion and concern. Maybe he was finally losing his mind. “I’ve been pushing you away these last couple of days when all you’ve done is stuck by me. It’s not fair to you.” He goes on. 
“It’s okay Rick, shit happens-”
“No, it’s not.” He cuts you off, running his hand through his hair. “Because I wanted Lori and me to work like nothing was wrong. I wanted to just ignore what I was feeling towards you for her sake, for Carl’s but it was stupid.” He admits to you, looking like a weight had just been yanked off of his shoulders. “She cheated on me, with Shane.” You look at him in shock, watching him turn away to look towards the window. “She’s
“Pregnant?” You finish so he doesn’t have to and when he looks at you in confusion you move to the inside of the booth, patting the spot next to you. “It wasn’t hard to figure it out when she started getting sick during breakfast.” You admit, covering for Glenn when clearly he didn’t know that the Korean was involved. 
“I’m sorry.” He says again, sitting down beside you and putting his head in his hands, elbows on the tabletop. 
“It’s okay.” You reach up and gently rub his back. 
“I think I like you.” He admits. 
The two of you are silent for a moment, the two of you sitting there in the aftermath of what he had said. “I’ve liked you for a while.” You tell him, smiling when his head shoots up and he looks at you. “I didn’t want to come between you two and mess things up between us.”
Rick shakes his head. “You could never mess things up between us.” He insists, offering you his hand. You take it and he just runs his thumb over the back of it. “I like you.” He tells you, now certain and confident in his words. He couldn’t explain the way that you alone made him feel like he was back in high school, with some stupid crush. 
“Are you gonna be okay?”
“I am now that I know what I’m feeling.” He leans over and presses a kiss to your cheek. Your face heats up. “I wanna try this.”
“I do too.”
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princesssmars · 2 years ago
let the earth stand still
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a monet de haan x reader drabble
contains : comfort fluff and angst (our girl has a panic attack :(()
a/n : im rewatching the first season (super duper late yes im a staller) and have become so inspired to write for my favorite mean girl. cant wait to see her rule in season two <3
when monet is angry at the world and everyone in it, she turns to you.
her life is fucking hard. if she doesn't prove herself with her managing of julien, not only will she be a social failure but a failure t her mother as well. the de haan matriarch is already not so subtly pressuring her daughter into dropping this “internet management thing”, how she can go to the same college as her mother and get a degree to help with the oh so lucrative family biotech and pharmecutical business.
then there's julien, who can barely decide if she wants to take monets advice on how to be the cut-throat queen bee or the relatable but out-of-reach rich girl. and she loved luna, she really truly did, but she could see she was getting tired of how things were going.
it drove her crazy. she was made, no, she was born to do and be something important, not just another fleeting nepotism child who advanced their family's wealth by a few million dollars. she was smart, she was cunning, and not to mention damn good looking and she knew it. but it felt like her life was at a perfectly polished standstill.
and her only saving grace was you.
you, who she had seen occasionally in the hallways, the child of some jewelry baron who kept mostly to themselves and their group of friends. the first time you even talked was because she eyed your bracelet and asked where you got it, thinking how great it would go with a shirt julien just bought for an instagram post. she didnt catch how she was muttering her thoughts out loud, but she did catch you telling her it would look much better on her wrist instead.
so from then on, she keeps you to herself. she didn't even tell luna about you (immediately anyway). when she needs an ear to vent about her problems, youre at her door with one of your sweatshirts for her to wear and the donuts from this cafe she definitely wouldn't admit she was obsessed with.
but tonight it was especially bad. she felt like she was on the verge of a panic attack, and monet de haan does not do panic attacks. but, they apparently did her. so here she was, at 1 AM trying not to sound as desperate as she actually is when calling you to come and stay the night with her.
no later then 15 minutes later youre at her door, barely acting shocked when she tightly wraps her arms around your middle and drags you onto the large bed with her. its silent, no words needing to be said. everything fades away as her eyes droop lower and your hand softly rubs her head and hair.
and maybe, just for a night, nothing else matters.
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psylunari · 2 years ago
About time I introduce myself
TL;DR Luna's nonsense about herself. Feel free to reblog!
If you're looking for my original posts or my fics:
The tags are #psyluna.txt (for fandom info posts, writing tips, and posts like this one it's the first but you get the idea) and #psyluna.fic (for fanfiction). #psyluna.ask is for ask games and answers. #psyluna.png is for image edits, art, and memes.
The tag for when I get fanart is #I GOT ART. Bless all the people who have ever made something for me, I would like to give you the entire planet, but I'm poor, and taking care of a planet is too much work. So all I can give you is more fanfiction.
If I translate something that's not my work, the tag is #translation I just did.
From lurker to occasional reblogger to regular shitposter to
 I don't know. The sky is the limit. Nice to meet you! I created this account in 2019, together with my return to posting fanfiction. I wrote fanfiction on again, then off again, for years, since I first picked it up at the fresh age of ten.
I was never a people person, nor did life make me a public figure, thank goodness. I'm not made for the spotlight, so I didn't see a point in blogging here myself. Anyway. I wanna do it now. Buckle up.
My name: the IRL one is so lame that I won't tell you. Call me psy, luna, or psyluna, as you wish. It fits me better.
My age: I was born in 1995, just so that I don't have to update this yearly.
Pronouns: I go by she/her. Gender is a myth. So is being internet famous.
My home country: I hail from not-so-distant, not-so-unknown Brazil.
Languages I speak: English is my second language (Portuguese is my first), and as per local standards, I can speak and write in English quite well. Before you ask, I write fanfiction in Portuguese and translate later, for reasons I'll disclose if anyone asks. I had basic Spanish in school and can still read/listen to it okay, can't write/speak it anymore. Japanese is my hobby language of choice. I plan on becoming more proficient if everything goes right.
My writing: it was always my favorite way to express myself. It's how I organize my thoughts and communicate with the world. Consequently, I wrote lots and lots all my life, even if not fanfiction, just personal vents. I got better in speaking out loud as I became more confident, less self-loathing, and ran out of fucks to give.
Should you talk to me: I enjoy chatting more than I enjoy people. It's not that I don't like people
 Okay, let's not lie here. People are troublesome, even myself. I'll willingly talk to people who talk to me, and even start conversations at times, but getting attached and forming bonds isn't a default expectation. That said, if you wanna talk to me, please do.
Miscellaneous: I was somewhat raised by the 2000s internet. Meaning, I was there for a lot of memes and chaos, too. I miss some things and not others.
You won't see me engage with drama and discourse a lot. I keep many personal opinions private or restricted to close friends, as one should separate personal life from public life. To be honest, no one cares much what I think (again, thank goodness). Won't ever bother putting up a DNI list.
I usually follow back. If your blog is blank (as in you don't reblog anything), I might follow back if I know who you are.
Among other artsy things I like doing: drawing (not too well), singing (okay to well), playing a few instruments (okayish), typesetting (pretty well, actually). If cooking counts, then cooking.
My fandoms: I've been obsessed with lots of things along the years. For every phase, I bookmarked lots of fanart and wrote a bit of fic. My interests come and go. They're mostly anime/animated series and video games. I'm also a “mild kpopper” and a dormant rock/metal enthusiast.
My favorite characters: too many to count. They mostly fit the “well-meaning but kind of a jerk” archetype. They don't have to be morally gray, but can be. I don't vibe with stupid characters a lot. My favorite works of fiction are a bit or very tragic. I love bishounen/bishoujo in character design. My ships are based on if I like the chemistry, not much on the characters' genders.
As for my writing strengths: I'm good at putting one word in front of another and finding mistakes. That's the gist of it. Many writers struggle with low productivity and procrastination, and that isn't my curse, fortunately. I can work with a preexisting idea and propose solutions, maybe even add a thing or two. I'm also very critical of things and quick at noticing patterns.
As for my writing weaknesses: I don't think my ideas are too innovative, and while that doesn't matter a lot in the bigger picture, it makes me a little sad. I recycle ideas and themes a lot and hope no one notices. Whenever I'm forced to create, instead of working with preexisting things, I go ughhhh. I used to joke about how I had one idea worth writing every six months. It's been different these days, and I took notes of all nice ideas I've been having, but it's pretty recent. I'm also bad with prompts I don't click with.
The rest like prose, characterization, style, etc. is up for debate, and to some degree, a matter of personal taste. I like to think I can adapt to the needs of whatever I'm writing.
Do you write original fiction? Yes! I'm just not very far into them. I won't disclose much about it, though. Not now, at least. Some are more slice-of-lifey, others are more fantasy-like.
You can find my compiled social media and writing profiles in this carrd. If you don't feel like clicking on the carrd, here are the fic sites:
Archive Of Our Own (most up-to-date, missing older works and personal vents)
Fanfiction dot net (not very up-to-date because I hate this website)
+Fiction, formerly Nyah! Fanfiction (in Portuguese only, has lots of old stuff and vents)
I have a Wattpad account with nothing posted.
I'm used to talking about myself, since nine times out of 10 I'll be brooding in the corner and people get curious. I don't know why exactly that is. Hope you could get to know me better!
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takiartepa · 3 years ago
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-This is exclusively personal. If you don’t like it, please go your way. As I said, is a VENT, I’m being incredibly SUBJECTIVE-
(En Español ⬇)
I would like to know what's the opinion of fans of Moon Knight who had read his comics and are part of the diversity (LGBT+) about Moon Knight Volume 5 (2006). Especially the first half.
Because I sincerely despise it and I can't be the only one.
Not only because of its depictions of women (the artist also makes them in a very s3xist way). It made Marlene interested in an underage man. And Marc acts like a f*cking obsessed toxic stalker with her that also wants to do harm to the supposed new boyfriend. And Marc's past is now described as "we made a bet to see who deserved the prize (Marlene)".
My point is: are you really BLIND at the fact that the writer just put a homosexual character (Rob) normalizing and agreeing about Marc just k1lling a man in a sod0m1stic way? 🙃 Because the image I see in that newspaper is that (and what a newspaper without any measure, showing things like that as if they weren't traumatic).
I still don't even get why that man was attacked by MK. Some on the Internet say he was h4rrasing the woman near him, but the comic never makes it totally clear, it's ridiculous. That comic writing was NEVER clear for me and that makes me angrier.
And the discussion that happens between Marc and Frenchie (Jean-Paul) when he says about his homosexuality is ridiculous, too. Also the stupid implications of Rob (his couple) being interested in Marc, too (infidelity). I don't know. I'm in conflict to accept Frenchie as a diverse character only because the comic that made it canon is THIS one (and they attempted the "bury your gays" trope). I hope they retcon the revelation (of Frenchie being gay) SOON, please.
I really despise that volume and how some people keep saying "oh it was what MK needed all the time" and "edgy edgy edgy" and "that was the fresh new start MK needed". WTF?
One of the only things I would accept is that they finally showed Khonshu's real nature: being a piece of đŸ’©. But next, Ugh.
I'm sincerely not gonna re-read the comic to confirm the facts I said so, I don't care if I have mistakes, and I don't want to cite so disgusting events from that comic. That's how much I despise it 😂
I fear how this volume will influence the MCU series because I don't want them turning it all like an "I'm edgy" sh*t only because a group of people doesn't want to use their brain to comprehend the complexity of the character and only wants to see him being bloody violent and deranged. But well, I'm rambling. That's all.
-Esto es exclusivamente personal. Si no te gusta, sigue tu camino. Como dije, es un desahogo. Estoy siendo muy SUBJETIVA-
Me gustarĂ­a saber cuĂĄl es la opiniĂłn de fans del Caballero Luna que hayan leĂ­do los cĂłmics y sean parte de la diversidad (LGBT+) acerca de Moon Knight Volumen 5 (2006). Especialmente la primera mitad.
Porque yo sinceramente lo aborrezco y no puedo ser la Ășnica..
No solo por su representaciĂłn de las mujeres (el artista tambiĂ©n las hace de una manera muy s3xista). Hizo que Marlene se interesara por un hombre menor de edad. Y Marc actĂșa como un maldito stalker tĂłxico obsesionado con ella que tambiĂ©n quiere hacerle daño al supuesto nuevo novio. Y el pasado de Marc ahora se describe como "hicimos una apuesta para ver quiĂ©n se merecĂ­a el premio (Marlene)".
Mi punto es: ¿estás realmente CIEGO frente al hecho de que el escritor puso un personaje homosexual (Rob) normalizando y aceptando que Marc simplemente m4tó a un hombre de una manera sod0mística? 🙃 Porque la imagen que ví en ese periódico era esa (y vaya periódico desubicado, mostrando cosas así como si no fueran traumáticas).
Todavía no entiendo por qué ese hombre fue atacado por MK. Algunos en Internet dicen que estaba ac0sando a la mujer que tenía cerca, pero el cómic nunca lo aclara del todo, es ridículo. La escritura de ese cómic NUNCA me pareció clara y eso me da mås rabia.
Y la discusiĂłn que ocurre entre Marc y Frenchie (Jean-Paul) cuando dice sobre su homosexualidad, tambiĂ©n es ridĂ­cula. TambiĂ©n las estĂșpidas implicaciones de que Rob (su pareja) tambiĂ©n se interesĂł por Marc (infidelidad). No sĂ©. Estoy en conflicto para aceptar a Frenchie como un personaje diverso solo porque el cĂłmic que lo convirtiĂł en canon es ESTE (donde intentaron aplicar el "bury your gays" para completar). Espero que hagan un retcon de esa revelaciĂłn (Frenchie siendo gay) PRONTO, por favor.
Realmente desprecio ese volumen y cĂłmo algunas personas siguen diciendo "oh, era lo que MK necesitaba todo el tiempo" y "edgy edgy edgy" y "ese era el nuevo comienzo que necesitaba MK". WTF?
Una de las Ășnicas cosas que aceptarĂ­a es que finalmente mostraran la verdadera naturaleza de Khonshu: ser un pedazo de đŸ’©. Pero luego, ugh.
Sinceramente, no voy a volver a leer el cómic para confirmar los hechos que dije, no me importa si tengo errores, y no quiero citar eventos tan repugnantes de ese cómic. Así de mucho es cuánto lo desprecio 😂
Temo cĂłmo este volumen influirĂĄ en la serie del MCU porque no quiero que lo conviertan todo en una basura "edgy" solo porque un grupo de personas no quiere usar su cerebro para comprender la complejidad del personaje y solo quiere verlo siendo sangrientamente violento y desquiciado. Pero bueno, estoy divagando. Eso es todo.
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belladonnainbloom · 3 years ago
Opening lines tag meme
Tagged by @habrenwrites
A couple days late, but I’m doing this! Including all works unless it was a collab where I didn’t write the first line.
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories. (If you have less than 20, just list them all!) See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Tag some people to play the next round!
1. i was done when i busted your windows (Cissamione)
Narcissa opened her window and flooded the room with the warm breeze that wafted in from the garden.
2. An Intimate Knowledge (Cissamione)
The slow melancholic notes of Satie’s Gnossiennes drifted in from the vent above her head and Hermione smiled.
3. A Lady’s Guide to Casual Debauchery (Cissamione)
When engaging in love affairs of the ill-advised and inevitably short-lived variety, a lady must always take care to protect herself from fracture.
4. Lucid Dreaming (Cissamione)
Hermione awoke in a delirious haze of unspecified bliss.
5. Imagination Rattling In Its Cage (Hackle)
The ride back was taking far longer than Ada imagined it ought to be.
6. Pleasant Nightmares (Cissamione)
Hermione woke up as the dawn crossed her face and felt the sheets damp with sweat clinging uncomfortably to her body.
7. Toil & Trouble (Hackle)
The morning was cold and dim, the bleak expanse of clouds whispering to the world to turn inside and return to the warmth of their blankets and morning coffee.
8. So Elementary A Phrase (Hackle)
Excitement singed Ada’s skin as she flipped to the final page.
9. Pressed Between Pages (Hackle)
A clock chimed somewhere down the hall, breaking Hecate’s already tenuous concentration.
10. Everyone Makes Divine Mistakes (Hackle)
Ada glanced back at Hecate on her broom and signaled that this was where they were to land.
11. I Met A Girl, I Met A Goddess (Hackle)
Hecate carefully stepped through the crowded row of witches to take her seat in the close, overfull auditorium. 
12. I Can Face Another Day In Slipper Satin Lingerie (Hackle)
Hecate awoke from an unpleasant dream, leaving a residual sense of emptiness heavy inside of her.
13. A World, Lying In Surrender (Hackle)
Ada looked out the window of her office, watching Mr. Rowan-Webb clumsily helping Miss Bat onto the back of their broom and taking off into the sky, their luggage most precariously dangling beneath them, shifting in the wind.
14. Archive Of Longings (Hicsqueak/Hackle)
Hecate Hardbroom watched from her window as two first-year students tore across the grounds laughing and yelling louder than would have been appropriate had they actually been on fire.
15. Nameless Winter Wonder (Luna x Hermione)
The London sky was grey and dim as the evening proceeded into early winter darkness.
16. Nargles & Neruda (Luna x Hermione)
The sultry summer air crept in the window with all its usual expectations.
17. A Winter Lunacy (McGonagall x Hooch)
Minerva strode through the stacks in search of a book.
For patterns: I was expecting a lot of wordy, descriptive first sentences since I know I like to ease into stories with some atmosphere, and while there are a number of those, most of them were surprisingly short and to the point.
I’d say my favorite is #3 because I loved writing in that old-timey advice book style for those section headers. I keep saying I’m going to write a sequel to that fic and I haven’t done it yet.
This was so interesting! Not sure who to tag who hasn’t already done this so if you see it and think it looks fun, consider yourself tagged!
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chosen-by-the-dagger · 3 years ago
So, I've been chatting with @simpforroses about a One Piece High School AU annnnnnnd I was bubbling with angsty dialogue for a prologue so I decided to write it.
Thank you Michelle for the inspiration and I hope y'all enjoy the story :3
"Do you have to go?"
"Come on Jaz, we've been over this," Boltz replied as he checked the fridge to see what they'd need to pick up this week.
"I know, but sophomore year is starting soon." Jazmine sighed. "I know you already graduated, but it would've been nice to hang out with you after school," she said as she rested her head on her folded arms.
"It won't be as bad as last year," Boltz reassured, closing the fridge and checking the pantry. "Everyone tries to find their place freshman year. Besides, you have that friend from drama class-"
"Kumadori graduated last year, and the only other person that talked to me was Dellinger."
"Oh," Boltz cringed when Dellinger was mentioned. He remembered finding the brat following his sister in the halls once, annoying her like no tomorrow, so he made sure to scare the kid off. That wasn't the end of it sadly, Jazmine would vent how annoying Dellinger was in drama as they walked home, at least when she had the energy to talk. When Jaz mentioned she made a friend near the end of the year, Boltz had hope, but now that's gone.
Boltz glanced at his sister slumped on the table, staring at the ice melting in her glass. He sighed, briefly looking at Jaz's pets that walked by him and sat by her before he made his way over to his sister's side.
"Listen, I'll still call you, and we can play some games online when I'm in the hotel room," Boltz told her, managing to get her to face him. "Or we can watch some Anime."
Jazmine gave a small smile, glad to have something at least. It dropped when she realized something.
"What about lunch?" Jaz worried, sitting up in her chair. "I don't have time to make them in the morning, and you know I won't remember to do them the night before."
"You're lucky I already thought of that beforehand," Boltz smirked, giving her head pats. "I set aside some money to cover your lunch while I'm gone, you'll be getting them from the cafeteria."
"The cafeteria?! But you know food served in-"
"Grand Line High is different, they have one family working in the kitchen with a mom that only wants to eat the best kind of food."
"Wouldn't that mean they only cook best when it's for their mom?" Jaz questioned, raising a brow.
"No, apparently the leftovers go to her, which means they don't know what she's going to eat, so everything has to be top quality."
"Now remember, the cash is for lunch," Boltz reminded his sister as he went back to check the pantry.
"Like I go out to buy stuff," Jaz sarcastically rolled her eyes and scoffed.
"No using it for WhoTube premium," Boltz told her, knowing that's exactly what she'd do once she ran out of her current subscription. Her pout only confirmed this.
"Fiiiiine." Jaz didn't bother with it further, knowing it was better to save it anyway.
A bit of silence passed as Boltz made the grocery list. Jaz decided to sit on the floor and play with Luna, her pet husky, and Luma, her pet wolf that people mistook for another husky. Aside from Boltz, they were the only ones who gave her company and comfort. She's grateful she has them since it means she won't be completely alone while Boltz is gone, but it's not the same. No matter how many snuggles they give her, they can't converse with her, make jokes, or help her out with tasks, and they can only play dog games.
"Something's better than nothing..." Jaz mumbled, scratching behind Luma's ear.
"You say something?" Boltz looked up from the list.
"Just talking to myself."
"There's security," Boltz said, coming to a stop beside the line, turning to his sister before he went in. "I'll call you when I land." Boltz wrapped his arms around Jazmine. "Don't have too much fun without me."
"I'm going to miss you," Jaz croaked, trying her best to hold back tears.
"I'll be back before you know it," Boltz reassured Jazmine, pulling back to wipe her tears away. "Jaz, can you do something for me while I'm gone?"
"Hm?" Jazmine hummed in question.
"Make a friend while I'm gone," Boltz requested, moving his hands on her shoulders. "I don't want you to be on your own."
"I'll try," Jaz responded, placing a hand on Boltz's, taking a deep breath and nodding.
"Good." Boltz smiled. "Hugz."
"Hugz." Jazmine gave her brother another hug, this time longer than the last. "I love you."
"I love you too," Boltz replied as he hugged her. "Alright, I gotta go, I can't miss my flight." Jaz didn't want to let go but did when Boltz tapped her shoulder. Once pulled away, Boltz grab his carry-on suitcase from Jazmine and readjusted his hold on the duffel bag he was holding. "Be safe while I'm gone."
"I will. Be safe on your travels." Jazmine waved as her brother walked through the long path of stanchions to get to the line.
"I'll be back." Boltz impersonated Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice, getting to hear Jaz laugh one last time before stepping through security.
Jazmine checked the time after her brother was out of sight, the city bus would be arriving soon. She glanced one last time where her brother left, her heartstrings playing a blues solo. Then, finally, she turned, stuffing her hands in her sweater's pocket as she began to head to the exit.
As Jazmine strolled through the airport, her poster slouched and energy drained from her, leaving her to be the walking undead. She couldn't tell if she was down because her brother left her or if she was tired from lack of sleep, maybe a mix of both. Perhaps it's something else. Maybe-
A wonderful scent caught Jaz's attention, as she took in the aroma her stomach growled. Jazmine gazed over at the ramen shop next to the exit doors, it has been a while since she had some. She checked the time, 20 minutes before the bus got here, should be enough to swipe a bowl and it wolf down. Hesitating for a moment, Jaz got in line and ordered a bowl of ramen before taking a seat at an empty table by the window with a perfect view of the bus stop.
Jazmine ate her ramen in lonely silence, occasionally glancing at her phone or out the window. Even if the food warmed her stomach, the empty spots around her made it cold. For a moment, she caught sight of a boy around her age, wearing a strawhat, running towards two other guys with hats and they embraced him with a hug. Jaz didn't realize her emotion until she felt a tear drop on her balled fist.
"Damn it, Jaz, now you're growing palm tree leaves," she mumbled to herself. Using a napkin, she wiped whatever tears were falling on her cheeks then pulled her hood up to isolate herself from the world.
Not like the world didn't already leave Jaz to be on her own.
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castawavy · 3 years ago
44 and 50 for all of them <3
44)  Who, if anyone, would they trust with their deepest secrets?
aoife: she’s very secretive tbh and doesn’t confide in others much, even those closest to her she has trouble opening up to </3
luna: her best friend! we will meet her later in the story (I hope) but luna trusts her best friend with everything!!
isaac: he actually opens up to his sister a lot when something is bothering him they vent to eachother a fair bit but he doesn’t even realise that he does this, he also trusts ella of course, she knows everything about him as they’re childhood friends (which I really need to show more AHA)...
finn: finn keeps a lot to himself :( his friends all love him but they sometimes wonder stuff about him as finn doesn’t talk about himself much!!
avery: anyone who manages to get close to avery hears his secrets tbh, once he knows someone he spills kinda easy (unexpected, I know) LMAO!
zach: these days? not many people, Helene does know a fair bit about him tho however she doesn’t know everything, there’s a lot of things in his past he doesn’t talk about or share with anyone!
50)  What is your favorite thing about them?
aoife: I like the way she speaks, she is very direct!!! fun to write her lines :>
luna: how unapologetically herself she is, like she doesn’t care what ppl think!
isaac: his humour, I wanna show him joking around more in future scenes.
finn: everything about finn he’s my favourite JHJH also if I had to pick I like how he avoids drama, and keeps to himself, he’s very sweet like that just a nice boy!!
avery: I like avery’s humour too, it’s different to isaac’s more deadpan, also the way he shuts down people when they’re annoying him DHJKH
zach: he’s a silly little freak I just enjoy him immensely 💀
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