#would spraying him with water help are or those for cats
lemonadebombery · 1 year
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blueparadis · 2 months
What would umemiya or sugishita reacted when you interrupted them in the middle of gardening with a kiss?
separate readers. wriiten with fem!reader in mind. wc- 1kish.
The sun is shining like the end of the world. The summer heat has been excruciatingly painful. Everyone is sweating like buckets, drinking water— bottle after bottle and then there is Umemiya sitting in front of his plants on the rooftop of his school, Furin High School under the scorching sun. Sturdy and well-built hands tending to the soft green saplings and stems. Thank God, he is using gloves otherwise his palms have been soiled by now. A low yet consistent hum can be heard from him suggesting he is quite comfortable in his posture even though it looks painful, an invitation to back aches and leg cramps.
But Umemiya does not have an instance to spare any side effects. Why? Because you are there to worry for him, aren’t you? You always do. You always worry. Just like he can not separate his gardening hobby from himself, you can not stop worrying for him, especially when he is under the influence of love shown by God Apollo. You stand in the corner, just at the doorway of the rooftop with an umbrella of course, and watch him as he smiles, hums, and talks to his plants.
On the other side, there is Sugishita busy watering the plant saplings that have been set by his mentor, Umemiya Hajime. You are sure that if a tiger walked passed by these two men, they would not grace a single glance and if the tiger is in their way, they would certainly shoo it away like some local stray cat.
Sugishita is a little hunched. He is holding the spray gun and moving his hand from one side to the other with the nozzle on as you watch him. Thank God, he is wearing a hat. Actually, Umemiya gave his to him saying he had a spare one which surprisingly he has. He was not lying so Sugishita accepted it without any resistance. He has been watering the plants for a while and he has not spoken a word to you yet you can feel him acknowledging your presence from time to time. He glances in your way. what even goes on inside his head? maybe he is thinking about what else he can do for Umemiya-san before going home. He turns his back to you to water the other section of plant saplings. Now, you are watching his back. Summer sure is slow, you think as Sugishita wipes of his face with the towel that curled along his nape.
Ah! He is sweating again. His cheeks now have a reddish tinge. You can only see one side of him. Did that cheek change color too? You jump on your feet and hit the ground with a flop. You forgot about those slippers that Sugishita gave you. Thank God, the sound of water masked your footsteps as you approached him. But before standing by him you paused behind him and a moment later you encapsulated your arms around his waist, stored on your toes to place a kiss on his cheek from behind. His skin is hot as if he is burning.
"umemiya-san is right by the corner," He grabs your wrist and pulls you in front of himself so effortlessly that it takes a moment for you to stand still. "what're you doing?" he whispered, a soft scolding tone hidden underneath.
"aww, can't you tell? shall I do it again?" without giving him a moment of reprieve you grab his face and pull him into a kiss. The water pipe hits the floor of the rooftop, his hands go under your top while he twists your other hand in the back along your waist. He gives in to the kiss but suddenly a scream startles both of you.
Thank God! Umemiya-san is not peeking so giving you a nod he went to investigate the source of such a life-threatening scream with pinched eyebrows.
It is a good thing that Umemiya lets Sugishita help otherwise he would be stir-fried till now. Well, look at you, he does not let you help even if you keep insisting. He keeps joking by saying, “You’re sensitive, baby. The heat will get to you,”
“you can’t take the heat.”
“you’ll get heat fever.” and as such, always with a cackle;
So when Umemiya is immersed in his small world of gardening that took a mere square feet of Bofurin’s rooftop you slowly tip-toed your way to him, holding the umbrella in between your neck and shoulder to gather your skirt up under the back of your thigh, and finally took a seat beside him. He still has not noticed you yet. If he did, he would have kept shouting and panicking for sure. You watch him meticulously, beads of perspiration settling on his skin making him glow like a diamond. His t-shirt has turned from light grey to dark gray and the back portion is sticking against his skin. It is marvelous how he does not notice you, alive and breathing.
Umemiya let his arm graze his forehead once and now it is filthy but when he does there, a certain mischief flamming up inside your brain. There is an opening. You are sitting and there is an opening for you to explore. Here comes the payback. You lean into his side more and blow air into his ear. Umemiya’s head turns to you, his mouth parts in an attempt to scream but you were quick enough to create a better diversion for his brain to focus. Placing a soft kiss on his lips you walk away. It was just a graze, so tender yet so intangible and it let Umemiya’s world ablaze. He looks at you, aghast and in shock for a few seconds.
Sugishita hears a scream and comes hurridly for rescue. He sees you and Umemiya-san standing poles apart. He does not say anything, just gives a scrutinizing look at Umemiya-san.
“There was a bug,” Umemiya tries to explain but what a blunder it was when you joined in.
“It bit me.” You are not convinced if he bought your act or not so you murmur, “I’m fine though. Thank you.” Sugishita does not poke the matter anymore. He turns and walks away with a long “Hmm” 
“Bug my foot.” he says under his breath.
“I heard that,” Umemiya and you both exclaim in unison.
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iid-smile · 27 days
where do they take you on a date?
gojo, geto, nanami, utahime, shoko, haibara, yuki, toji, itadori, megumi, nobara, maki, inumaki, yuta, shiu, ino, sukuna, choso
if you were dating them series.
gojo satoru
amusement parks, streetball courts, zoos
gojo would definitely be a thrill-seeker, and he drags you along to all of the most extreme rides there are. if you're unfortunate, he'll get really sick afterwards and you'd have to take him to the kids rides. but then ten minutes later, he'll be going crazy on the teacups, enough for you to get sick instead of him.
he's the best at everything, isn't he? he'd teach you how to shoot and do a 1v1 with you, only to absolute smash the score 34-2 in record time. and the two pointer you got, he LET you have it. afterwards, if you're not tall enough, he'd lift you up and help you do a dunk. probably rips his pants at some point.
i know a zoo is random, but hear me out. gojo is obsessed with looking at cute animals, and he compares every single one to you. panda? that's you. otter? that's you. any type of fox? that's you. the baby voice is ON every time a baby animal is around. he gets fascinated by the reptile section because they remind him of digimon (random but ok) and reads every single fact file that he can, but he avoids the insect section like the plague and the only thing he'd willingly go to see is the butterflies. if there's any silly merchandise, he'll buy it, as well as a plushie of his favourite animal and yours.
p.s. DO NOT and i repeat, DO NOT try to scare him in the insect section. any minor spooks, and he will not hesitate to hollow purple.
geto suguru
perfume stores, onsens, cat cafes
i'm gonna be really honest, it's difficult to imagine geto doing anything as his evil curse user self (and because i refuse to rewatch the movie) however if he does take a liking to you, i do believe that he would take you to different high-end perfume stores to personally help you pick out a scent. he'll also restock on his own, and let you keep the old one so you can spray the clothes you stole from him ages ago with his perfume.
geto is a clean guy. he definitely takes care of himself (and his hair, but that's a whole other story) so treating you and him to a bath happens more frequently than you'd expect. he doesn't like going to sentos over onsens because they're less natural. his heat tolerance is unsurprisingly high as well, and he could stay in the water for hours if he really wanted to. is SO gentle when washing your back too, it would feel more like a massage if anything.
ummm... it just seems right. this one's for teen geto. he's probably a natural cat magnet. literally every single cat in the cafe would be all over him. if you get upset that no cats came to you, he'd try to put one on your lap, but it just came crawling right back to him. A for effort.
nanami kento
museums, restaurants, balconies
tell me right now that it wouldn't be cute if nanami took pictures of you taking pictures in a museum??? somehow, every single photo he has on his camera roll has you in it. would be invested if you're interested in a particular theme and bring you to more museums like that.
a true gentleman. he studies what you do and don't like to bring you to the beat restaurants that suit your tastes. will NEVER EVER let you pay the bill. if you try to insist, he already sent his card over to the waitress before you guys even ordered so there's no way they'd take your money instead. he'd also let you use your card to buy new clothes for said dates if you feel like the ones you have aren't fancy enough.
bonus!!! but if we're going to be realistic, that also means he does A LOT more work to make up for the lost money. nanami's a saver, not a spender. if he spends, he's gotta get that money back. be careful with what you pick!
you know balconies that give you a clear view of a famous or popular momument? one of those balconies. maybe for something like the tokyo tower or the tokyo skytree, then you'd get to see it light up at night!
ieri shoko
wine tasting, her bed, medical tv series/court cases
yes, she does like alcohol. no, it would not be ideal if she was getting drunk 1pm on a wednesday. consumes all sorts of drinks, but wine is the safest. to her, all wine tastes the same, or she can pick out even the tiniest details from different brands. no in between.
no, i do not mean this in that way!!!! shoko probably likes to sleep, but doesn't get many opportunities to. if she finally gets even a short break off work, the two of you will manage to get halfway through a movie before succumbing to sleep. she really doesn't move around that much while laying down, maybe doesn't even move at all. definitely looks really pretty in the morning (i can confirm) and the first thing she does is guzzle down a whole bottle of water and smoke a cigarette. stress is really something else.
shoko probably hyper-analyses medical shows and nitpicks on scenarios that are completely incorrect or different just for drama purposes. however, she loves watching dramatic court cases. especially paternity court, and judge judy. if you've seen that one video of rolling ray on divorce court, then you know how funny it is. definitely shoko's favourite and she always comes back to rewatch it.
iori utahime
haunted houses, shinto shrines, enjoying tea in a gazebo
you're the one taking her to a haunted house actually. put tape on her mouth, because her screams are crazy loud, and dangerously high pitched. one of the actors actually had to break character and cover their ears at some point, and that was only from a light scare. you'd have to yank her by the hand or arm to get her to go through the entrance, and hides behind your back the entire time.
not really a date, and she'll take you to one every year. utahime does wear traditional miko outfit, which i believe is linked to shintoism(?), so she probably used to go by herself before she even met you.
a gazebo is half indoors, half outdoors sort of, and this kind of vibe is relaxing. spring weather is the best time for dates like this. mild weather, just a bit of wind, and... pollen. utahime loves spring, but i also think she has a bad pollen allergy. she still does go on these dates knowing this because it does take a lot of stress off her shoulders, and illness isn't forever. she always brings different kinds of tea for the two of you to try.
bonus!!! would get so into world cups of any sport. even goes as far as dragging you out to bars or ordering pizza and beer for the games. trust me, i was surprised too when i read this in the fanbook.
yu haibara
unpopular restaurants, carousels, trees
haibara has a hobby of eating at restaurants that have little to no customers. he's totally convinced that the best food is made at these kind of places, and bonus points if there's a vending machine nearby. if you're unsure of the quality, he'll always try the meals before you do a few days prior, to see if he'll get sick or not after trying the food.
he has a lot of energy, so haibara really likes amusement parks! however, if you randomly spot a carousel in the middle of nowhere, he will drag you all the way and sit you down on the horse next to his. he's not even embarrassed having the two of you on them when only kids go on these rides. 10/10 experience still. he had the time of his life sitting on a miniature fake horse that moves up and down and goes 4mph in continuous circles.
he looks like the kind of guy that would climb trees to enjoy a view. the two of you would have a special tree that's particularly large and easy to climb, and in front of a flower field or river. even brings snacks so you can enjoy each other's company until it gets dark. if you're afraid of heights or not a good climber, he'll personally escort you all the way up, carrying you using one arm, you clinging onto his back, any way that feels most comfortable for you.
tsukumo yuki
anywhere on her motorcycle, fields, flower picking
she would definitely pull up to your house in the middle of the night and tell you to get dressed and hop on her bike. or just go in your pyjamas, she doesn't mind. she's very likely to go way over the speed limit, so beware. maybe does a wheelie out of nowhere just to scare you, but she also likes how you tighten your grip on her waist.
yuki could make the worst date ideas seem so romantic. she'll drive you out to the middle of literally nowhere, the sun would be starting to set, and as soon as she parks her bike, she's running off into the distance. rolling around in the grass >>> sitting down. she'd feel like a teen all over again and just be having fun. the dirty clothes when you get back are not as fun though...
kinda links to the fields. she'd give you a basket and tell you to pick whatever you want, because the flowers around here are 'wild and free'. don't listen to her, because they are not! she's probably got into trouble with the owner of the flower field so many times because that's where she get her bouquets from. lowkey a crime.
fushiguro toji
mini golf, tag along, casinos
mini golf just gives me major dad vibes. and what is toji? a deadbeat dad. he'd actually get so into it after a while even though his technique and swing would be completely off. he's such a loser unintentionally. and he WON against you even when the ball goes completely off course.
lazy bum. if you mention the fact that you're going shopping by yourself to him, you're not anymore. no, he doesn't have money. no, he's not going to whip out a ring and propose. he's just there, like a dog. he would be so useless it's annoying. ask him for an opinion on anything and he'll go "looks good to me." it could be a trash bag, and he'd say the same thing like a damn parrot! it, in fact, does not look good, toji. the only things he's good for are scaring off other guys and holding your bags.
you get to witness toji losing all of his money first hand! please don't get into gambling like him, because he would let you do so with his money, the little money he has left when he's lost hope. if you earn him a lot, he'll bring you a lot more often as a "lucky sign".... his distress would be funny though, because his reactions are so weirdly animated coming from him. just don't let him borrow any money from you afterwards.
itadori yuji
karaoke, movie theatres, anime conventions
the two of you singing your hearts out on a school night >>> would go crazy on the mic and he wouldn't care who else heard him. he may just sing bad to make you laugh, or sing so seriously that it makes you laugh. duet songs are sooo his thing and he'd hype you up whenever your part comes.
and he'd take you to watch something weird as well. itadori was so passionate talking about 'earthworm' whatever it was, imagine what else he could be into? i can also see him watching marvel movies as well. deadpool would remind him so much of gojo so he'd start buying the comics after that.
cosplaying with him!!! i think if his hair was more yellow with a bit of temporary dye, he could pass as a good naruto. also, he could look just like natsu from fairy tail. matching cosplays or not, he takes a concerning amount of pictures of you and a bit of him. mostly you. the two of you would make the mistake of buying a different kind of paint that doesn't wash off instead of face paint, and he'd be stuck with markings or details on his face for ages.
fushiguro megumi
puri kuras, build-a-bear stores, bridges
you force him to go to a puri kura. nothing is better than grumpy megumi having the most adorable filters and accessories slapped onto his face. half way through, he'd get a little into it and get used to your poses. maybe he'll do a heart with you at the end. maybe. behind his phonecase, he has the pictures hidden inside and looks at them before a mission.
you'd also force him to go to build-a-bear, but he's more willing to go here. is also willing to get matching ones. he'd pretend to be indifferent about choosing clothes, and then the next week you'd see his plush in a new shirt. sir... i know that didn't come from nowhere? would rather have you make a wish on his plush's heart instead of doing it instead, but if you beg ask nicely enough, he'll do it to yours. apparently they can have heartbeats too? megumi secretly wants yours in one of his bears one day.
bridges just feel like a good hang out spot yk? maybe ones that are above rivers in a quiet area, or a large empty road at night. it's like nobody's truly watching and holds an odd amount of privacy, which he likes. the cutesy side of him comes out as well. holding you close, kissing you, swinging your arms with his (the last one is more you than him, but he bears with it) anything he holds back from doing in public.
kugisaki nobara
shopping malls, boutiques/salons, the beach
this one's obvious. if the two of you get a bunch of money, this is the first stop. according to the fanbook, apparently nobara likes balenciaga and onitsuka tiger..? have you seen how expensive those brands are? either her spending habits or crazy, or she only buys for one use and then returns it the next day. or perhaps she just likes trying things on. still somehow manages to have a bunch of clothes in her closet.
100% believes in investing for summer glowups, even though she doesn't need one. is also 100% likely to get SCAMMED out of a bunch of money because of fake five star reviews. she can and will get her money back, even if that means somebody needs to get beat up. skincare, getting her roots touched up professionally, maybe her lashes or eyebrows getting done, new tights and underwear, anything that would enhance her features and make her feel better. she's proud and happy her appearance in general, but doesn't mind going the extra step to make herself look even better.
nobara is constantly torn between having a tan, or doing everything within her power to not get one. if models in magazines do get a little tan for their photoshoots in summer, then she'll try it out herself. looks so pretty with a tan! she isn't the biggest fan of swimming because the water is salty, but she loves ice cream and fresh fruit if she can get her hands on some. would kill to try drinking a coconut one day.
zenin maki
training, accessory shopping, feeding pigeons
training, but make it affectionate and flirty. i will forever stand by the fact that maki could be the biggest flirt if she wanted to. she would not take the sparring seriously at all and makes an effort to fluster you whenever possible. oh, and she won't hit you at all, melee or fists. gets you a cold bottle of water if you actually tried your best during it, or if your face just looks really red (i wonder why)
maki's legwarmers as a first year will be missed... if she wasn't occupied with being a jujutsu sorcerer, i think she'd like to dwell in her sense of fashion a little more, because it gives her a sense of character and confidence. she does have different pairs of glasses, as well as a variety of accessories that are already in her possession. wouldn't mind matching socks (even if they're silly, she can defend herself) or jewellery.
very VERY random, i know. maki is a softie deep down, but she doesn't always have time or ideas for dates. if she knows she'll finish a mission early, or has some time before a mission, she'll take you out to some open space nearby and pull out some bread she had prepared. at first, it would be calm, but if you accidentally throw a piece of bread too close to where the two of you are, then all hell breaks loose. weird hc, but i do think she's scared of pigeons, especially ones that aren't wary of humans.
inumaki toge
internet cafes, picnics, lego stores
gamer inumaki will forever be canon in my head. insists for you to pick whatever food you want, and also leaves out the part where he wants you to pay for everything. you may have to put a muzzle on this boy because you are not risking anyone hearing the foul things that could come out of his mouth. absolutely carries you in a game or two and is so proud of it.
i think he likes snacks a lot, so no actual food would be packed except for rice balls (intentional by the way) inumaki loves feeding you and does the pocky game for every single stick in the pack. the two of you may not even speak at all and just enjoy the weather/surroundings. please let him lay his head on your lap, and please play with his hair.
might be reaching a bit but inumaki enjoys silent activities, so building legos with him??? yes. i guarantee you right now that he has at least twenty already completed sets. he'd let you buy any set you want, and the other one you didn't pick but still wanted, he'd buy it for your birthday or any gift giving holiday. may spend his savings on a huge set that would take days to finish.
bonus!!! pranking people in school or even in public, to the point where it may or may not be bordering illegal. messing around with strangers using his cursed speech would be SO funny (until you get caught)
okkotsu yuta
ferris wheels, stargazing, aquariums
yuta's the cutest istg... he prefers calm dates over active ones, and ferris wheels are calm, right? would be afraid of heights, but he'd go if you want to go. he looks visibly shaken when you're nearing closer to the top, so please hold his hand! gets really flustered when he wants to do something cheesy like kissing you when it gets to the tippy top.
yuta really doesn't have that much time on his hands, so sometimes he'd keep himself awake to go on a date that he promised on (that explains the dark circles). if he said he would take you on a date on friday, that means from 00:00 all the way up to 23:59, he HAS to within that time, or that's just breaking a promise. so if it's really late and he can't really take you anywhere, the rooftop of your house, or even the school would suffice. he likes drawing shapes with the stars. it's like cloudgazing, but just harder for you to visualise what he's looking at.
i think he cares for all living things and finds them interesting. his favourite? fishes! he's intrigued by how they technically live in a completely different world to humans, and how differently they function. if there's one of those walkways where the fish tank goes above your head and you can see the fishes swim above you, he'll be standing there for ages just watching. don't let him, because his neck will hurt after. gets really spooked if he sees sharks and they come really close.
kong shiu
late night drives, alleyways, jewellery shopping
your personal chauffeur, but there's no real destination in mind. maybe he'll take you places near the center or just busy overall like yokohama or shibuya so you can see how the buildings light up. shiu doesn't mind blowing off all of his gas so you can enjoy high speed roads with the windows down, and lets you play any music you want at any volume.
for smoking reasons really, but it just feels so intimate in a weird way. maybe it's the small distance between you and him, maybe it's the smell of smoke and how it clouds your vision. if you're not a smoker yourself, he'd buy you something sweet to mellow out his actions affecting you, most likely a lollipop, and makes sure you don't get too close to him.
this guy loves necklaces and rings on you. you get gifted a piece from a luxury brand every year for your birthday, AND your anniversary, AND gift giving holidays. will probably take you once a year to pick out what you'd like your engagement ring to look like, so he can follow the trend in your choices and have one custom made to look perfect. for when he actually proposes to you, of course. shiu may find marriage useless unless it's for tax benefits, but calling you his wife sounds much better than girlfriend. just that little extra reassurance on how he's committed to you.
ino takuma
arcades, skate parks, gyms
he'd try to seem like a cool boyfriend and try to win you something from the claw machines, then continue to mess up ten times in a row. you'd win it for him. play a racing game with him because he'd get so excited! air hockey too. he might let you win though. ino is also comically bad at the basketball games, and every single ball is a miss, and he'd get so sulky if you tease him.
he'd teach you how to skate! or he wants to try learning something new with you. he'd get the two of you a bunch of stickers, paint, markers, anything, so you guys can decorate your boards (or even each others). if he's a good skater, every time he rolls past you, he picks you up in his arms and takes you by surprise.
ino is definitely the type who'd want to impress you. he already is strong, but he'd pull just that little bit of extra weight on dumbells just to make himself seem a little better (please do seem impressed because that makes him very happy). he's the most encouraging spotter ever if you try lifting yourself, and follows you around everywhere you go in the gym. cardio? he'll match your speed. weights? he'll do the set with you at the same time. yoga? um... he'll try his best.
ryomen sukuna
his domain, high points in cities/towns, duck paddle boating
as if he'd take you on actual dates. if he's taking you on a date, it's against your will. will randomly pull you into his domain no matter the situation. sukuna refuses to admit that he just wanted to see or touch you, and dismisses it as the fact that YOU wanted to see HIM. we all know it's the other way around, who is he trying to fool?
you would be in the middle of beauty sleep and all of a sudden you'd wake up on a rooftop or hill. doesn't even elaborate on his reasonings, if he even has any. honestly, the view from so high up is nice, so you can't even be angry. he might threaten to burn everything in view down just to see your reaction. 50/50 chance he'll do it. really depends on where and how important the place is. (100% chance he won't do it if you go out of your way to ask him not to, which is every time) he's just amused, not soft. his words not mine
...i have no words. he swears on everything that he's doing it for you, and that you were the one eyeing the duck boats and telling him they were cute. he looks so out of place that people give him weird looks when he's on it with you. don't let him get pissed off or he can and will kill anyone that even gives a little glance in his direction, animals included (seriously don't let him do this)
parks, art galleries, pottery classes
choso likes kids. not in a weird way, but he likes how they remind him of his younger brothers. if you've got a little brother of your own, he'd love to play with them the whole afternoon and make sure he tries out every single piece of equipment there. would tear up if your little brother calls him 'big bro'. keep him away from slides and swings, because he will get stuck somehow.
he has a weird feeling of connection to every piece of art in an art gallery. he'd walk up to a modern painting of shapes and say "this is so me..." umm, okay? ...it's lines and circles??? it's kinda cute how he feels like he resonates with everything though. analyses each piece like crazy and makes sure that no brush stroke is missed out. at least he's attentive. choso has a strong urge to touch literally everything there, so don't let him walk off and hold his hand the entire time.
wouldn't this just be so cute??? i can't even explain it. just you and choso making matching pots and painting them with the same colours or patterns.... he does mess up a few times here and there and gets really frustrated about it. maybe you'll press both of your fingerprints on the clay so it looks like a heart <3 100% buys you flowers a few days after the class so you can put them inside.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 9 months
Child Support
Shroud: Meow! (Jumps up onto Blake’s bed and sits on Blake’s stomach) MeooooooooOoOow!
Blake: Ugh! Alright! Alright! I'm up! Just get your fluffy butt off of me. I swear. You've put on some weight recently, and it's making those ice picks you call legs dig deeper than normal.
Shroud: (hops off the bed and licks her paw nonchalantly before following Blake to the kitchen)
Blake: (puts a kettle of water on the stove and starts getting Shroud's breakfast ready. She glances at the sleek, black feline waiting patiently, amber eyes falling on the slight barrel in her belly) I don't know if you even need this. (cracks open can of wet catfood) You're getting chubby.
Shroud: (meows indignantly and visually huffs)
Blake: (Raises an eyebrow, glances at the apartment door, and back at Shroud) Did you invite someone over?
Shroud: (eyes glued to the bowl of food) Prrrrrrrrr.
Blake: (rolls eyes and places the cat's food bowl on the specialty feeding mat before answering the door) Hello?
Yang: (standing in the hallway confidently in a pair of orange cargo pants and white tank top, an absolute unit of a fluffy ginger tabby tucked under her arm) Hey! I'm Yang! Your new neighbor from down the hall. And this is Ember.
Ember: (purring contently as he's being carried around like a bag of feed)
Blake: Oh. Um. Hello. (Mentally: Oh, fuck! My new neighbor is hot!) My name is Blake.
Yang: Blake! Nice ta meetcha. Soooo... This is going to sound strange, but does a little black cat live here? Maybe female type?
Blake: (blinks and glances back into the apartment at Shroud eating peacefully) Y-Yes.... Why?
Yang: (shuffles and laughs awkwardly) Well, you see. A couple of weeks ago, I was out in the back courtyard with Ember here and got distracted. When I saw him next, he was...well...he was mounted up on a black cat. I tried to break them up, but she got away and scaled the fire escapes to a balcony on this side of the complex.
Blake: .....Mounted up?
Yang: They were fucking.
Blake: (jaw drops as she stares at the Goliath tabby and back at her substantially smaller black cat) Shroud! You little whore. I thought you were fixed! Is that why you're getting fat?
Shroud: (licks her chops before trotting over to the door) Meow.
Yang: Yeah, I thought Ember was neutered, too. He never sprayed or scratched at furniture or was ever aggressive!
Blake: (groans and covers her eyes) I'm more wondering how that miniature tiger of yours didn't smother her. No offense.
Yang: None taken. He's a big boy. (Whips Ember around so he's cradled in her arms but is still spilling over)
Blake: (sighs) Well, thank you for letting me know I have to deal with kittens in the coming months. I thought she was just getting fat.
Yang: Oh! There's more! (Slings Ember over her shoulder like a feather boa, reaches towards the wall, and pulls out a 50-pound bag of kitten food) Child support!
Blake: Oh, my. (Takes the bag with some difficulty) Um. Thank you. I appreciate it.
Yang: No problem! It's the least I can do considering my boy (pats Ember's side with solid thuds) got your little lady pregnant. (Reaches down and scritches Shroud under the chin)
Blake: (shocked)
Yang: So, I was thinking maybe we could check in with each other every once in a while? For the kittens! I'm willing to help.
Blake: (trying not to stare at Yang’s muscles) Right! For the kittens! That would be nice! Thank you.
Yang: Don't mention it! But I'll get out of your hair. My apartment is just down the hall, third door on the left, if you or Little Mama need anything. See ya around, Blake!
Blake: I'll see you around (closes the door and stares at Shroud in disbelief) You had to get knocked up by a damn near domesticated tiger whose owner is also a blonde bombshell?
Shroud: Meow (purrs and rubs up against Blake’s legs)
Blake: (sighs and picks up Shroud before moving to the couch) Let's get you a vet appointment.
Yang: (quickly sprints back to her apartment, locks the door, and holds Ember up to eye level) You just had to knock up the pretty little black cat who just so happens to have a hot owner, didn't you?
Ember: Mow
Yang: I am not a disaster!
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jean-meowreau · 1 month
So it's not a question that Jean was tortured in the nest. and I'm damn sure he would have been waterboarded at least once, if not regularly.
I kinda want to see him struggling with cleaning himself. He's so used to using a sponge and a bucket of water in the shower. Standing at the far end, farthest away from the shower head, and cleaning himself that way. It's always a quick endeavor; being that close to a water spout puts him on edge. And it's not a secret to Jeremy, Cat, and Laila - Jean only does a quick rinse in the showers in the locker rooms, taking the one that has a removable wand, and never letting it get it near his face. He showers at home and washes his hair at home. They never see him with wet hair. He disappears for the rest of the evening when he cleans his hair. He locks Jeremy out of the bedroom for at least four hours, and then is stoic and silent and not even making his usual snarky comments when he finally lets him in for the evening. But Jean will always grab Bark Bark after those times and set the cardboard cut out he claims to despise right against the head of his bed, and he falls asleep looking at Bark Bark's face.
Jeremy finally gets the nerve to ask Kevin, and he quietly explains that Jean would get waterboarded sometimes as punishment. For menial issues. If The Master decided a beating wasn't enough, he had Riko and Kevin hold Jean to a chair as he was punished.
Jeremy doesn't speak to Kevin for a while after that. He knows, realistically, Kevin couldn't do anything where he was - it would've ended with both of them being waterboarded or worse. But the anger he feels, that Jean went through all of that alone, without support, and had to have someone he loves part of the process... so he starts researching hydrophobia. They change out the shower head to be a wand, with an extra long hose, so Jean can put it outside of the shower when he's cleaning himself. Jeremy hangs back from practices with Jean an extra thirty minutes so when they head into the locker rooms the shower Jean prefers is free without a doubt. He makes sure to always be within his line of sight while he's showering, hands visible and towel free.
And then one day Jean very quietly asks Jeremy for help washing his hair. "It will be quicker if you do the water. Please." His breath is caught in his throat as he steps into the half-stall, takes the wand, and waits for instructions. Jean bends forward, his shoulders shaking, but there is already shampoo in his hands. He takes a deep, steadying breath, and then whispers for Jeremy to do it.
He freezes up, just for a moment, before saying, "I'm going to touch you, Jean." He waits for the younger man to nod before setting a hand against his shoulder. He taps touches along the shape of his head before biting his lip as he rests the side of his hand against Jean's brow line. "Are you sure you want to go this way? Bending backwards would keep it off your face."
"Less exposed," is all Jean replies, his voice quiet, trying not to let it waver.
Jeremy makes a sound of understanding and uses the hand holding the wand to grab the knob. "It's away from your face. I'm going to turn the water on." Jean nods once, one hand reaching to take hold of Jeremy's wrist closest. He flinches slightly at the sound of the water and squeezes Jeremy's wrist a little tighter. They stay like that, listening to the water hit the tile wall before trickling down the drain. They wait, Jeremy waits, until Jean lets go of his wrist and lets out a long breath.
Jean nods.
Jeremy brings the wand around and lets the water hit his shoulder before he quickly brings it around and sprays across Jean's hair. He uses his hand against Jean's forehead to try and block water from falling in his eyes. Three quick passes, and his hair is soaked. Jeremy turns off the water briefly as Jean quickly scrubs the shampoo into his hair. He holds his hands out in front, and Jeremy turns the water on. He rises Jean's hands before going back to his hair.
"Please help," Jean asks softly.
Jeremy steps in a bit closer and pulls his hand from Jean's forehead. "Cover your eyes." He waits for the younger man to comply before running the wand side to side in quick stripes, combing his hand through dark hair, easily coaxing out the shampoo. Once his hair is clean, Jeremy turns off the water and combs both hands through, squeezing any excess from Jean's hair. "No towel, right?"
"No towel," Jean confirms. He stands to his full height once Jeremy has finished, and blinks a few times. He is breathing a bit rapidly still, but his shoulders and hands aren't shaking like they normally are.
Jeremy offers him an encouraging smile. "You did great."
"I have been working on it. I want to be part of the team. I want to have conversations after practice in the locker room. I enjoy everyone's jokes," Jean says quietly. He seems to be warring with his next question, so Jeremy waits him out. He strips down, out of his damp gear, and starts his own shower. Jean leans against the tile wall, still sharing the space despite the flow of water. Jeremy feels something close to pride blooming in his chest at Jean's improvement in just under a year since being with them. "Jeremy?"
"Would you be comfortable to help me wash my hair like that every time?"
The blond looks up, water hitting his face, but nothing can stop his grin. "Anything you need, J."
"It won't make you feel awkward?"
"Not at all."
Jean nods and then quietly asks, "Would you be able to help me request to always be able to use this shower? Just until I improve more. I know Nabil prefers it."
"I know he'd be happy to help you, especially if it means a chance at Jean bonding time," Jeremy says with a smile as he rinses the shampoo from his hair. "Do you want to ask him with me there, or would you like for me to ask?"
Jean falls quiet once again, mulling it over and staring at his feet. Jeremy leaves him to his thoughts, running a loofah across his skin, enjoying the gentle friction, the barely there scratches.
"Would it be okay for you to ask but me be there?"
Jeremy blinks away the fogginess, the comfort of the shower and the relaxation the mindless tasks bring him. He nods once, and then frowns. Jean doesn't get to experience this. The comfort of water pounding against skin, the feeling of it cleaning away literal and figurative grime clinging to his body. He doesn't get to enjoy those little tremors of the first trickles of water against his scalp, electricity pinging down his spine, water quick to follow its path. The comfort of a shower, of cleaning himself and stepping out fully refreshed. "Jean?"
"Yes, Jeremy?"
"I'm going to help you as much as I can. Whatever you want or need, I will do it. Even if it means washing you by hand myself. I want you to be able to enjoy showers."
There's a long pause before Jean speaks again. Jeremy doesn't mind; he uses that time to rinse the soap from himself. When he shuts off the water, Jean finally speaks once more.
"I am jealous of how you look after you bathe. Your smile is softer and your eyes sparkle, you are always so relaxed and comfortable. I want that."
Jeremy nods. "I want that for you, too. Let's work on it, yeah? First, though, we've got to change and get outside for the barbecue. Cat is going to kick the door in soon if we take any longer."
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miss-starlet · 10 months
♡ Pet Play W/ Minnie ♡
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18+ MDNI
Word Count: 500+
Warnings: Punishments, Bondage, titles such as master & owner, mentions of spanking and degradation.
Kitty Minne (Receiving):
♡ I know everyone loves a good bratty Minho (Guilty ✋️), however I want to say it's not often the case. On a scale I probably would say 70% good boy and 30% a brat.
♡ He just wants to be loved and spoiled. Which might lead into bratty kitty territory when he doesn't get his way.
♡ Licks and nibbles at your hand and fingers. All the love bites from him.
♡ When he is good, he is your prize kitten who want to be pampered. Pls help him put on his collar w/ a little bell and ears. Brush his hair, give him tons of pets, and kisses. An absolute cutie when he is all dolled up!
♡ He is a big fan of bondage, especially loves when you bind his legs and elbows so that they are forced to stay bent and have to crawl around.
♡ One of Minhos favorite things is to cum. When he starts to get bratty and misbehave, taking away his orgasms is a good way to get him back to acting like your good kitty.
Minho was seated by your feet on the floor. Dawning his fluffy kitty ears and baby blue collar. All day he has been naughty, but you knew just what to do to make him behave again.
You gently patted your thighs to catch Minho's attention, making soft "psk" noises to get him to join you on your lap.
He gazed up at you with those honey-brown eyes, scrowling at you; clearly annoyed.
"Does Minnie need help getting up?" You asked teasingly, putting your hands under his armpits and lifting him up into your lap. "I didn't need help."
"Don't get all grumpy with me mister. Doesn't my kitty want to feel good? " You asked. Your hand wraps around his dick, starting of with slow tugs before jerking him off merciless. Minho's moans starts to get louder and louder as your speed increases.
"Y/Nnie p-please" Minho's body squirms between your legs as your other hand comes around his waist to still him.
"So loud baby and so needy too." Your hand stops and he whined loudly. His hips started to thrust up against the air, trying to feel some type of sensation.
"My bratty little baby just doesn't deserve to cum, does he?" You ask as your fingers grabbed his chin, shaking his head no.
Owner Minho (Giving):
♡ A very strict, but loving owner. Will spoil you rotten by letting you have whatever you want as long as you are good for him. Buys you a new collar and toys almost every week because he loves how excited you get when he gives them to you.
♡ He doesn't mind whatever animal you want to be, but it will change how soft or rough he plays with you. If you are his kitty, he will treat you just like his own cats. If you are his little puppy, he will be a lot more rougher with you.
♡ Minho has many rules he expects you to follow, and he isn't very lenient with them. Some of his rules include not speaking unless asked, always calling him by his title (master or owner), and respecting him.
♡ He doesn't like to be disrespected, and he doesn't mind training that brat attitude right out of his pet.
♡ Will spray you with a water bottle.
♡ When you misbehave, he turns into a big meanie. He does give you a chance to correct yourself depending on what rule you broke, however, if you keep on he will punish you. He is mean and vile with what he says when degrading you. Spanking is his favorite punishment to give you, especially when he is able to use his belt or get out his favorite paddle.
Minho had came home and surprised you with a new tail plug that had a vibrator setting. He made sure to get his little pet ready by helping you put on your collar and new tail.
You were kneeling in between his feet trying to be good and not squirm. He set it to the lowest setting, and to say you were desperate was an understatement. You rubbed your head against the fabric of his jeans, whining softly.
"Aw, my poor kitten. Don't worry, your master will take care of you."
"P-please" You whine out, Minho hand find their way into your hair, pulling your head back.
"Kittens don't talk." Minho said as he unbuttons his pants, following the action by unzipping his fly and pulling his cock free from his underwear.
"Does my kitty want a taste?" You nod, while letting him move you head close to the tip by your hair.
"You been so good for me, how about you enjoy your reward?"
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what wld lovesick pav and gaya be like w a s/o who tries to be like, healthy in their relationship? like they're not the "i wanna get away bc this is unhealthy" type, but the "i will actively tie you both down and make you communicate your feelings and wants in a healthy way until we can all reach a mutual agreement" way
like the two reach the stage where they don't want their love to leave the house at all- but they kinda quickly shut that down and are like "nuh uh. i have a life, so either we talk it out and find something that works for me and you two or i stay out five minutes past the curfew you set just to make you squirm"
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙠 𝙞𝙩 𝙤𝙪𝙩
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Cw: poly!reader x lovesick! Pavitr Prabhakar x lovesick!Gayatri Singh, explicit talk about mental health
Notes: all I can think about is the reader spraying then with a water bottle like a poorly behaved cat
>You went out of the apartment to get the grocery shopping done, your partners had been behaving oddly, they were always very affectionate and loved being around you, but lately you feel like they have been neglecting their personal life in order to be together
>You left the house when they were taking a nap, you didn't feel like you were sneaking out, just that you were doing chores while they slept
>You think about this as you examine the red apples deciding if you should buy them or not
>Your phone vibrates and you answer to a preoccupied Pavitr, you apologize for not telling them, but you didn't want to disturb them, when you're about to hang up, he hits you with "just wait, we're on our way"
>You're a little confused and annoyed by having to wait for them at the market without being able to continue the list of home necessities, but you tried to be understanding, and thought that maybe when you got home, you could start a conversation about what you've been thinking the whole afternoon
>When they arrived, the outing went smoothly, and happily, like you're used to
>After you finished organizing everything on the shelves and pantry, you started the conversation in a pretty straight forward manner, you didn't want to dance around the subject and talk about issues like they're anything aside a from a completely normal part of every relationship
>You said you wanted to talk, and they were visibly nervous, however, complied
>"So I've been noticing that you don't want to leave the house, and that you get really upset when I do leave, and it concerns me, I won't force you, but I'm your partner too, I'm here for both of you."
>I think these two would be one of the easiest characters to pull into therapy and get them to work through their issues, something that's surprising considering they would never accept this if you were dating individually
>The challenge here is definitely Pavitr, because like I've said a million times already, he's extremely delusional
>So it'll be hard to even make him realize there's an issue with his obsession, also you'll need to reassure him that you're not rejecting his feelings, but rather just want to work through a more positive and healthy way of expressing and processing those feelings
>"But I love you, why don't you love me too?"
>"Of course I do, Pav, but love isn't supposed to hurt"
>Gayatri has a more clear vision of where these issues stem from and will be more cooperative with communication with time
>At first she's closed to the idea, but when she sees how much you care and that you genuinely want to help her, she lets her guard down
>If you respond positively and don't show signs of fear or disgust when she tells you about her feelings, you get to hear, the most gruesome parts, but far from scared, you're proud she feels safe to verbalize and recognize toxic behavior
>I think Pavitr would use mindfulness as a coping strategy for the yandere tendencies, and Gayatri would turn to writing
>Some of Gayatri's pieces are morbid, sure, but it's better than having her do it, you praise the effort
>Sometimes they still relapse and snap at you or get too possessive, but you're having none of it
>You set clear boundaries and as hard as that is, they understand that they'll lose your trust and love if they are unwilling to be better
>I think there's a solid 8/10 chance of fixing them
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bleedingichorhearts · 6 months
A Night Lord and their Darling biting each other as a sign of affection. The Night Lord having to be so, SO careful because even a fraction of his strength could do incredible damage to his Love. Meanwhile, his Darling could just fully chomp down and end up doing little to no damage at all, and the Night Lord would find it nothing but amusing and endearing.
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: You lil ankle biter, anon! Also, I’m setting this in Sentience, but it can go into Warhammer too, i think. Also, I see Night Lords as some big feline.😭
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets.
This is what I imagine out of this ask and a huntsman spider. :)
TW // Affectionate Biting?
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Your Night Lord purred at you. His black eyes looking up at you as his lips dragged along the skin of your arm, warning you of what he could bring upon the skin. The destruction it could cause to your body, but your Night lord knows better.
He was always so careful. His fangs only lightly tracing above your skin. Causing goosebumps to form as you shiver at the sensation of his tongue coming out to lick at the spot he’s planning to bite.
How he bites, never fails to amaze you since he is much more powerful, enhanced, and bigger than you. How could one like him be so gentle? So attentive in their way to give you a loving bite? Much less coming from a Night Lord?
That part puzzles you. How could this Night lord be so… mindful of you? They were known to be a lot more belligerent than other legions, but your Night Lord? He was the opposite with you. Always by your side when he wanted to be, like some sort of house cat.
It amused you in a way, to see him act like a house cat in a way. He’ll have these “zoomies” at nighttime, acting all hyperactive. Bothering you like a cat in the middle of the night, gently poking your cheek before running off again through the house. A purr following him right after. If he wanted your attention and you wouldn’t give it to him? He’ll just knock something over like a glass cup or a candle you had burning… Safe to say you didn’t ignore him very much after that.
There also was this one time you sprayed him with a water bottle, and he hissed at you. Baring his fangs before scurrying away like a huntsman spider. You didn’t see him very much after that, but he still came around for the food, reluctantly. Eyeing you down, watching out for that dreadful thing.
He did hide that water bottle afterward, forcing you to cuddle with him. That turned out to be one big ol’ cat nap. Reminding you to get multiple water bottles after you got a warning from your job about your disappearance. He hid those too.
You twitch as he takes a little nip at your skin. His black eyes watching you carefully for any negative reaction as he makes the most gentle bite mark known to an Astartes. His teeth lightly pressing down in the skin of your arm. It was rough and bruising, but not enough to bleed. His tongue coming out once more to try and sooth the dull pain he's created, purring as he slathered your arm in his saliva again. Surprising you when your Night Lord didn’t have the sandpaper like tongue like a feline would.
Though, when you bite at him? He thinks it’s cute that you are trying to bite him back. Trying to create even a fraction of an indent on his skin like he did to yours.
He would find it endearing in a way. You're recuperating his affections, that he can't help but purr at you as you bite at his exposed shoulder. Doing absolutely nothing to him and if you did? It was just a pinch, but if he felt that, expect some more biting to you.
In rather rare occasions, both of you would be wrapped around one another casually biting one another and at first it would be all sappy and endearing until you bit him particularly hard enough. Which ends up with you two having a bite war. See who pats out first and it ultimately ends with your Night Lord winning of course. :)
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skepsiss · 11 months
His People - Eddie Munson
Wrote a small piece for the October 13th prompt "Monster" for Eddie Month! @eddiemonth. This is a short fic about Eddie coming back as some kind of monster after the events of S4. I might explore this idea more if people like it. (If I continue it, I'll probably make it Steddie, lol). Believe it or not, this is fluff. This is extremely soft and a look into Eddie's mind when he himself doesn't know his own mind anymore. He is more like a stray cat than something scary though.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
CW: Descriptions of gore/violence, body horror (minor), discrimination, mention of blood.
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For as long as Eddie could remember he had felt like a monster. You were made to feel that way when you grew up poor without parents to rely on. You learned how to shroud yourself in mystery and grow teeth and nails to defend yourself with. How to be a viper and snap at anyone that dared provoke you. They made you feel like a monster, so the only way you could behave was monstrous. The only defense against the venom of humankind was to become something so grotesque they’d leave you alone. 
They’d made him a monster, a creature like from Frankenstein’s lab; just an amalgamation of parts that had never really belonged to him. Animated in the likeness of man, but deemed as cursed and obscene. How he’d been driven from town with pitchforks held high; a monster despite never being asked to be here. Despite never lifting a finger to harm anyone. Despite how little or fragile he really was. 
Eddie had always felt like a monster. It was how you grew up to keep yourself safe. My daddy was a demon and my mother was a mutant and they cursed this planet with a boy so terrible that no one would dare love him. That was how he had lived. That was all Eddie had to assume his future held.
How was it then that when Eddie had become a monster–a real one with fangs and claws, whose heart didn’t beat and skin didn’t bleed–how was it that he had found peace? How was it that he felt more loved now than he ever had when he was simply human?
At his return, his mind was a jumble, and scents and thoughts wafted through the air around him as he tried to recall everything to do with his previous life. He could remember things as if he was looking through a foggy window, grasping at the thoughts, but not always truly remembering. It had been hard not to fall silent in a room of people, to feel included, wanted, and safe. But these people–his people–they had celebrated his return. 
Eddie had come home to Hawkins stinking of death and polluted with tar. The places he had been wounded were marred with obsidian and tacky like dried blood. It didn’t hurt, but it had been disorienting. He hadn’t remembered anything–he hadn’t remembered anything but feeling like a monster. A freak. A bigger threat than he’d ever been… and he had curled up in his tub until he was found. Until warm water was sprayed on him to wash away the filth and a gentle hand had soothed his confusion. 
Scents were the first thing that had helped him remember. 
The way people smelled and the grounding odor of cigarettes. How Dustin, and Robin, Mike and Steve all had such specific scents that helped provoke feelings. The memories attached to those feelings came afterward, but he remembered feeling joy, concern, pride, and love. Good things. Good feelings. But even with the goodness he had shrunk in on himself, fearful that he’d frighten these people away even as they stared at him with glassy eyes and quivering lips. But he hadn’t scared them. He hadn’t scared them at all–he was a real monster and he had never had more people rally around him before in his life. 
With time the obsidian marks faded and his skin looked unmarred by the events of the Upside Down. He couldn’t fully remember what had happened or how he had crawled out of hell, but there were instincts ingrained into him that hadn’t been there before. Food curled his nose and tasted like water or ash in his mouth; the pleasures of sugar and salt felt like torture when he ate them, but meat had never tasted so good. 
Raw, bleeding, hot or cold, muscle and sinew, meat. He had craved it like a starved animal but had cringed away from the idea of killing something to feed his hunger. A fragment of humanity made him shiver and twitch with concern over the prospect. The idea made his mouth water, but it also flooded his guts with anxiety. He didn’t want to hurt anyone. Even like this. Even as a caged lion.
Eating was what had finally cleared his skin and Eddie had learned that abstaining from food for too long marked his flesh with the black substance once again. It made him look ghastly and Eddie had grimaced at his appearance as his body shifted under his gaze. He ate often and hid his unrest.
Still, the food had not been able to hide the secondary row of teeth that were wedged under his gums. It was as if he was a shark or a leech, but you could only really see the teeth when he curled his lip or smiled wide. They were weapons made for tearing and Eddie tried not to eat around his friends in fear the scene would mark him a beast. It was easy to talk around the fangs so long as he remembered. 
The claws were harder to get used to and Eddie had struggled with picking things up and not accidentally destroying everything he touched. They were sharp and he had refrained from touching any of his people in fear that he would wound them. Nothing seemed strong enough to trim his nails, but they didn’t grow either. It was like he had knives attached to his fingers and when he had remembered what his guitars were he had wept over the idea that he’d never be able to play the instrument again.
Nancy had been the one to come up with the idea and Robin had helped implement the plan. Acrylic nails to cover the tips of his fingers–they wouldn’t apply a full nail but the acrylic could be rolled into a bead and then applied to Eddie’s hand to cover the razer points. Eddie hadn’t known to feel foolish at the time, but he felt self-conscious about it now–even if there didn’t seem to be any way around it. Still, the girls had painted his nails black and he’d be free to touch things unbiasedly for a few weeks until the acrylic chipped off. It worked and he had encouraged the girls to make his claws look jagged or imperfect instead of nice and polished. He’d wear them as a costume, even though eventually he hoped he could figure out how to do the work himself. 
People had rallied to him and Eddie had felt meek in their wake. He had slunk around the party and shrunk into corners quietly like a scared animal, the onslaught of love and care too foreign and overwhelming to him. He didn’t even have his mind to joke and tease, it had just been too much even if he was inexplicably drawn to the attention still. He wanted it, but he didn’t. He needed it, but it felt like he was dying every time he got it. His energy had shifted eventually and he had learned that he liked compliments, so long as he could joke. He’d fain shyness and squirm, obviously touched but hamming up his reaction. 
Before he remembered that it was strange he had warmed up to everyone in quiet, affectionate ways. He had leaned and rested his cheek on Dustin’s head, relishing in the softness of his curls. He had tugged at Nancy’s shirt sleeves and followed her around while she worked, watching everything she did with the utmost interest. He had curled up beside Steve on the couch and slowly stretched across his lap like a cat looking to disrupt their owner, soaking in the warmth his body provided. 
Everyone had tolerated his oddities until slowly aspects of his humanity returned to him. Memories and social norms struck him at inopportune times and then flooded him with shame or nervousness. He felt like a toddler or enfeebled at times and it was difficult to keep up with everyone as they chatted around him. Still, whenever someone noticed him struggling they had softly explained in an aside or given him a reassuring touch. It was more than he could ask for and Eddie had fallen in love with every single one of his friends again and again. His people. 
It felt like he was bursting at the seams with platonic affection for every single one of them. He was taken care of and adored, not just tolerated. People wanted him for the first time, monster and all. 
He had been shamed into submission amongst the horde for his whole life, made to carry the mantle of vandal, plague, and devil whether he wanted it or not. Branded a problem–a defect. Branded a freak. He was everything he had been told he was his whole life but he did not fear it any longer. If being a beast earned him Lucas, and Jeff, Max, and Gareth he didn’t care. It didn’t matter to him because he was celebrated for remembering things and he felt safe just lingering close to his friends. 
He was grotesque now; built from spare parts and left for scrap, but his people wanted him anyway and Eddie had never felt more loved in his life.
Chapter 2
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memymay · 3 months
Mychael ~ Mushroom Oasis Oneshot
Chronically online reader pt.1
Who also has a worryingly short attention span
Fluff ~ GN Reader ~ No TWs
Reader Insert Master list ⭐️
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!!NOTE!! This is not entirely accurate to the VN, usually i refer back to it making sure that i got everything correct, i did not do that for this one. I pulled the details from memory. If something’s wrong please leave a comment.
“Ok, I’ve got my phone, portable charger, and just in case i get lost, a solar charger…” you list off, looking at the many items spread across your bed. “My laptop and a charger, the forest might be a nice place to get work done. Peaceful too. Headphones, earbuds, extra charger…” you pause, thinking for a moment. you shouldn’t be out for too long, at most, you should be back by sunset. But you were hoping that once you found your precious furry little mischievous cat you could sit and get some work done, or maybe watch some anime. It was a rarity that you went outside anymore let alone adventuring through the woods. Why not take advantage of it?
“Oh yeah! Water and stacks, i should grab those too. And maybe some cat treats~” humming to yourself you walked to the kitchen, searching through your cabinets. “Maybe I should bring some soda too…” you muttered, reaching for your drinks. Walking back to your bedroom you start stuffing your backpack, ready for this journey. Stepping outside, the sun hit your face, blinding you. Squinting while your eyes adjusted you looked around. “Curse you evil day star, why do you gotta be so damn bright?” You muttered under your breath as you started walking into the forest. The shade of the trees eased the suns assault on your eyes, but it was still to bright for your liking.
after a while of walking, you came across a small patch of mushrooms. You stopped for a moment to look around. (And to rest a bit, all that stuff you packed is really heavy) there was something laying near the mushroom patch. Gasping as you reached down to pick up a collar “you must be close… just wait a little longer…” you muttered to the collar. As you stood back up, but your foot slipped causing you to crash back down and into the mushrooms. They sprayed you with what you assumed to be a foul smelling pollen. “Nooooo!” You wined, looking at your clothes. “I really liked this hoodie, it’s going to take forever to get all the allergens out. Eugh! And the smell…”
As you sat there, a sense of calm started to seep in. Along with the need to take a nap. Your eyes grew heavy, and your limbs relaxed. Closing your eyes, you decided to go ahead and take a nap. Laying down, you rested your head on your backpack. As you started to drift off, you thought that maybe your cat will back track and find you here. it would be a nice surprise to wake up with them back in your arms, snuggled up all cozy. Yeah, that would be nice.
“Ughhhh” you mentally groaned as you slowly woke up, begrudgingly you opening your eyes and noted that you were in an unfamiliar cabin. You couldn’t move your body causing you to spur into a panic. Where am I? Why can’t I move? Wait what happened? Was I drugged?! I think i was taking a nap, yeah, how long was I out?
“Oh, You’re awake.” A voice called from a corner of the room I couldn’t see.
“Here, medicine.” He said, moving me to sit up as he pressed a cup to my lips. Drinking it helped feeling slowly return to my body. As I wiggles my fingers and toes I watched him whip a stray stream from my chin. He had this weird mossy skin color… Was he a cosplayer? He looked kinda cute. His blonde hair hung over his eyes, and he had a cute mushroom hat on.
“Felling better? Anymore numbness?”
“No, my fingertips are a bit tingly, but that’s it.”
He signed and gave me a warm smile, “Good, I was worried.”
“By the wayyyyy” you dragged out, as you sat up “Where’s my bag?”
“Oh, right over there.” He gestured over to the fireplace where your bag sat next to the wall. “Here.” He said, standing up to hand you the bag.
Struggling, still loopy from whatever the hell paralyzed you, you scramble checking your bag. “Laptop, phone, charger, yep, yes, andddd everything’s still here!” You mumble to yourself. All the expensive electronics are not stolen, but also still in working conditions. Or at least you assume, both your phone and iPad are dead, the laptop is at 1%.
“Did you drop something?” The man asks,
“Thankfully not. A lotta expinsive stuff in here.” You look around, taking in the wooden walls and floors, “where am I anyway?”
“My cabin, I found you passed out while forgoing. Sorry, there was nowhere else nearby” he trails off, looking out the window.
“how far is the nearest town?”
He looks off to the side, a guilty look on his face, “I don’t know for certain, but it takes about a day and a half to safely get to the nearest-“
“A DAY AND A HALF!?” You almost shriek, he covers his ear, slightly flinching at the volume. “If you want to avoid the dangerous plants and animals, yes.” He responds, stepping closer and sitting next to you on the edge of the bed. He reached a hand out, wanting to comfort you, but decided against it.
You sat back, closing your eyes and thinking. ‘maybe I could stay here for a day or two? Then I could head back. Yeah, that should be enough time to mentally prepare myself. Then-‘
“Wait why was I even out here?” Instinctively you reached for your phone, wanting to check your notes. But remembering its dead, you pivoted to pretend you were going to clean the nonexistent dirt off the screen.
“WAIT!” Halfway through the action you remember, “My cat!” You wine.
“Have you seen them, they’re this big, and- and- ughhh I need to charge my phone i have pictures.” You rush to grab your charger. “I never thought I’d need this” you say pulling out the solar charger. “I’m glad it wasn’t just wasted money.”
Stumbling past him you set the charger on the nearby window and wait.
A few awkward moments pass by before your phone lights up. You hurriedly type in your passcode and go to your photos, the boy watching curiously over your shoulder.
“See! Aren’t they just the just the cutest! Look here are some kitten pictures!”
Watching you talk so passionately about your cat pulled at Mychael’s heart. He wasn’t going to tell you before, but now he definitely doesn’t want to tell you. You looked so happy, he enjoyed watching the way your eyes light up, and the way you smiled at the memories.
“Oh, I really got off track… but have you seen them?”
“No, I’m sorry, I haven’t.” He frowned.
“Oh…” your face fell, and he really didn’t like seeing you sad.
“Wait, I haven’t even told you my name! Sorry I get distracted a lot.” You said turning to look at him.
“I’m y/n”
“I’m Mychael”
This is a lot longer than I expected it to be TvT. Originally I was gonna post tkatb or 14 days with you. However there’s like, barely any Mychael content out there (I read through it all in one sitting…) so I wanted to add a bit more there.
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maponyo · 1 year
tw: this is my first time actually posting anything i’ve written. i made these pretty late at night so i’m sorry if they’re bad i just wanted to write something. probably some spelling mistakes and stuff i didn’t feel like checking it throughly.
a/n: please be nice
* i’ve mentioned this before but baji absolutely LOVES the yakuza game
* favorite one is yakuza 0 (definitely not because this is the only one i’ve watched so far🌚)
* john cena fanboy for absolutely no reason. has his theme as his ringtone
* number 1 baby metal fan. owns their merch and goes to every concert
* his favorite season is summer for obvious reasons but his favorite holiday is definitely christmas because he and mikey ride around with shin
* HATES horror movies. like nothing can convince this man to watch them. even the kiddie ones like goosebumps or scary stories to tell in the dark will have him act like the devil just touched his soul
* definitely the kind of guy to walk around with one lens in his glasses after a fight
* purposely named his bike cockroach knowing pah is afraid of them
* he used to hate his fangs when he was little because kids used to tease him and say he was a dog
* that was until he started saying he’d bite and give them rabies if they kept messing with him
* cannot grow facial hair to save his life
* judges people on how they interact with animals, specifically cats
* despite popular belief, i don’t think he would get any tattoos. he seems like a piercing guy and definitely cannot sit that long for a tattoo
* gave himself the alias edward because he used to watch twilight with his mom
* he even had a phase when he acted like a vampire but will vehemently deny and threaten anyone who dares to bring it up
* is lactose intolerant and just like many of us will eat dairy and instantly regret it as soon as it hits his stomach
* sometimes he feels insecure about the fact he was held back, all of his friends moving up while he’s left behind
* even though he has a reputation for committing arson and slightly unprovoked violence, keisuke is truly a model citizen☝🏽
* volunteers at shelters, helps the elderly, feeds the homeless, solves climate change. he truly is a saint and can do no wrong!
home life
* i like the idea that his mom was a teen mom and that his father was never really around and just stopped coming one day
* due to her job, his mom sometimes works really late or super early so over the years he’s learned to cook (the only good thing he can cook is yakisoba)
* on the nights he knows his mom will be back late he cooks her food and despite it not being the best she still loves it
* even though she works a lot the two of them are still very close and their favorite thing to do is read manga and watch mystery dramas whenever she’s off
* despite not knowing his dad(he only visited when he was a baby) he never felt insecure about it
* he’s a total mamas boy, and will fight anyone who says something about her
* when ryoko was younger, she wanted to have a lot of kids but after having keisuke she changed her mind. she felt it would be selfish to have so many kids when she works so much and after realizing how much of a handful he can be.
* despite that and having him at such a young age, keisuke was the best thing to ever happen to her and wouldn’t trade him or his wildness for the world.
* back on the yakuza point, whenever you’re sad he’ll grab a hair brush, turn up the radio and start singing 24-hour cinderella to you until his voice is gone
* when you guys get in a fight he’ll act like he’s in a 2000’s r&b mv and start singing bakamitai. chifuyu gets the hose to spray water above him, kazutora plays the music, and ryusei records the whole thing so baji can send it to you
* a biter, like what’s the point of him having those sharp ass teeth if he don’t try to take a chunk out of you
* whatever your favorite animal is, he’s gonna buy every single book about them so he can share little facts about it with you
* if you’re into a specific artist or group, he’ll listen to their whole discography and learn everything in the fandom
* becomes a horanghae enthusiast and will force you to be one as well
* just like he’s loyal to his friends and toman, he’s loyal to you
* like foreva togetha foreva LOCKED IN 🤞🏽
* a girl tries flirting with him and all of a sudden he’s hellen keller
* the type of boyfriend to say you’re too spoiled whoever you ask for something while doing said thing you requested
* will literally lift his ass off the seat while you’re sitting next to him and fart on you then blame it on you
* talm bout some ‘ew the hell did you eat’ like his diet doesn’t consist of yakisoba, monster energy drinks, and beef glizzies
* speaking of farts😸 keisuke will send pics of his shit to you asking if it looks normal
* will make fun of you if you’re lactose intolerant as if he don’t be upside down on the toilet fighting for his life
* is constantly in your personal space. like he’ll be standing behind you while you play like candy crush or best fiends mumbling about moves you can make. sometimes he’ll snatch your phone and play it himself
* what’s yours is his. mid chew on something he wants? he’s opening your mouth and popping it in his, no matter if it’s soggy
* absolutely loves giving and receiving hugs, being in your arms makes him feel safe and gives reassurance that despite all of his flaws you still love him
* stares at you with his mouth open, no matter what you’re doing or how you look his eyes are on you 24/7
* takes the absolute worst pictures of you on facetime and puts each one in his favorites until the end of time
* throws rocks at your window at like 4 in the morning knowing you both have school just so you can ride around with him until the sun comes up
* i feel like he’d totally like mellow down on the things he does. he doesn’t want to worry you while he’s away
* constantly checks up with you so you know he’s okay and not lying on the ground somewhere and dying 🌚
this is so scary bye 😭
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rippleclan · 7 months
RippleClan: Moon 26
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The dog came back and Downstar once again bravely fought it off, breaking her back leg.
[Image ID: Downstar faces a large red dog. Under Downstar, it reads + CONDITION: BROKEN LEG.]
Fennelspot saw it in a dream, apparently; a massive dog with pointed ears and cat blood on its fangs, racing between the shadows, searching for prey. There were two clear facts in his mind; the beast was a darkhound, and it was the same one that attacked Downstar just two moons prior. Fennelspot must have taught Oilstripe about the Spirits of Shadow, as she launched into a speech on their weaknesses as soon as Downstar made the announcement at the Clan meeting. Downstar bit her tongue and let her speak. The Clan needed to know, so she could handle listening to Oilstripe’s strange knowledge for a while.
Downstar had a plan as soon as Oilstripe finished speaking. There was no killing this hunter of the Dark Forest, but it could be chased away with a few brave souls at Downstar’s side. Burdockcreek, Rustshade, and Scrubmask each rose to the challenge. Oilstripe claimed the spirits of the Dark Forest, those who spent their haunted afterlives in whatever sense of peace they could find, would lead darkhounds to churning, powerful rivers so they would be swept away. It was as good a plan as any. 
Fennelspot invoked two spirits of StarClan to protect the patrol. First, he called for Ternpath, Celestial of Dogs and Hounds, to shield the group from the darkhound’s fangs. Then he asked Beaversneeze, the unfortunate Celestial of the Great Northern River, to take the darkhound far away and leave the Clan cats where they are. As he recited his prayers, he kept glancing at Oilstripe like she could help him. Downstar tried to block the ginger molly from her mind and focus entirely on the task ahead.
Rustshade’s job was to find the darkhound. A few patrols had scented the beast in the north, not too far from where it attacked Downstar during the anniversary celebration. As a codekeeper, Rustshade knew how to track something down. Downstar trusted. Once Rustshade found the darkhound, the other three cats would spread out, heading toward the thickest waters of the Great Northern River. 
Downstar would be the one to make sure the river took the beast. She had the lives to spend, after all. She waited in the spray of the cool river under the glare of the hot midday sun. Her tail caught on the water’s edge and drifted toward the ocean. Oddly enough, she thought of little as she waited. The world simply existed around her. Her mind mixed with the churning of the water. If the darkhound took her life again, so be it. That was her duty. It was hard to feel scared when she knew what death felt like.
She heard the darkhound before she saw it. Its vicious bark spooked birds from the trees. Downstar tensed and stood, water dripping off her tail. The smell hit her just as Scrubmask burst through the trees. The pale warrior scrambled up a thick sugar maple and crouched in the leaves, just as planned. A moment later, the darkhound sprinted into the sunlight. 
It looked exactly as Downstar remembered from the sporadic flashes of her second death. It looked more like a wolf than a dog. Its stocky frame could crush Downstar underfoot. Its wild brown eyes bounced about, searching for its missing prey. Its heavy black fur was only broken by sporadic gray markings like light trying to break through thick shadow. The darkhound ran toward the sugar maple and jumped on the trunk. It barked and howled at Scrubmask, scratching up the bark.
“Over here!” Downstar yowled. The darkhound’s head snapped toward her. Its piercing bark stung Downstar’s ears. The darkhound jumped off the trunk and sprinted at Downstar like a bat through the sky. Downstar turned and jumped onto a half-submerged rock in the river. Water flowed over her paws and tried to drag her under. Deep water stretched out before her. Downstar breathed deep and dove into the deadliest portion of the Great Northern River.
Her ears hummed along to the heavy flow of the water. Her fur reached eastward with the flow of the river. Downstar’s legs burned as she swam hard and deep. Her paws touched the smooth mud and stones of the river’s bottom. She could barely see through the stinging water. The dog splashed into the river, its bark drowned by the sudden rush of water. The impact shoved Downstar aside and sent her spinning. Wild paws paddled toward her. Her chest tightened as she frantically tried to right herself.
Long fangs dug into Downstar’s back leg. She yowled, water bubbling around her muzzle as blood stained the river. But this was the darkhound’s mistake. If it wanted to hold onto her so badly, it could join her in a frantic rush to the ocean, far away from the Clan she worked so hard to build. 
The pair spun through the darkening water. Downstar wasn’t sure which way was up. Her leg and the darkhound’s muzzle smashed into a large stone that jutted from the bottom of the deep river and peeked out over the surface. The darkhound let go and tumbled further toward the ocean. Downstar’s vision blurred. She needed air. But where should she go to get it? She tried to swim, but she couldn’t move her limbs. She was so heavy…
Something grabbed Downstar’s scruff. Splashes of brown and white dragged her toward a distant light. Her senses burned as her head breached the water. She choked on the air, water rushing out of her lungs. What was happening? Had she reemerged in StarClan’s ocean? No, she wouldn’t feel so miserable if she had died. She couldn’t see, she couldn’t hear, it was all she could do to force air down her water-logged throat.
The first thing Downstar heard when her ears cleared was “I’ve got you, Downstar. I’ve got you.” The brown and white blobs began to take shape. Carnationspeckle stood at Downstar’s side, soaked and panting.
“Where did you come from?” Scrubmask hopped out of the sugar maple and ran toward Carnationspeckle and Downstar.
“I couldn’t let you drown yourselves,” Carnationspeckle huffed. “I followed the darkhound’s scent.”
“It could have killed you,” Scrubmask growled. “You’re nowhere near fast enough to outrun a beast like that.”
“Yes, but I can outswim anyone in this Clan,” Carnationspeckle said, wrapping her tail around Downstar. “I couldn’t let her drown.” Rustshade and Burdockcreek appeared, following the long-gone beast’s scent. 
“Scrubmask, hurry back to camp and fetch Fennelspot,” Rustshade barked, slipping beside Downstar. “Her leg is severely mangled.” Scrubmask was gone before Rustshade finished speaking, following the river toward the ocean and the shipwreck. Rustshade sighed, shaking his head, and continued studying Downstar’s leg. It was hard for the tortoiseshell leader to process everything around her, as her Clanmates were still blurry and her ears were still clogged. But she could think, and her thoughts were not pleasant.
“Carnation,” Downstar coughed, watery eyes glaring at the young caretaker, “I have nine lives. You have one. You should have let me drown.”
“Having nine lives doesn’t mean we should waste them if you don’t need to,” Carnationspeckle sighed. She licked the water dripping into Downstar’s eyes, but Downstar batted her away.
“I don’t need you to risk your life for me,” Downstar growled. Carnationspeckle stepped back, nodding softly as her ears fell back. Downstar coughed up more water as the pain of her bitten leg swam through her muscles.
If the darkhound was going to kill anyone, if anything would get one of her Clanmates killed, Downstar would be the one to die.
(Fennelspot: 83, male, cleric, insecure, trusted advisor, incredible runner)
(Oilstripe: 30, female, historian, charismatic, ghost sight)
(Downstar: 85, female, leader, adventurous, trusted advisor, very clever)
(Burdockcreek: 20, male, historian, competitive, lore keeper)
(Rustshade: 70, male, codekeeper, sneaky, learner of lore)
(Scrubmask: 43, female, warrior, gloomy, fast runner, good hunter)
(Carnationspeckle: 28, female, caretaker, compassionate, talented swimmer)
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James and Weedfoot go hunting together.
[Image ID: James and Weedfoot follow a rabbit.]
James was shockingly quick for a large (and Weedfoot had to be honest, lazy) former kittypet. He chased after a brown speckled rabbit, matching its pace leap for leap. There were a lot of places the rabbit could escape to in RippleClan’s more open southern territory, but James looped back and forth, scaring the rabbit away from any escape routes. In a few moments, the rabbit dangled from James’ jaws.
“Wonderful!” Weedfoot chirped, jogging down a steep slope to join her hunting partner. “I really thought it was gone when the wind shifted.”
“My humans used to hunt rabbits,” James said, resting the rabbit at his paws and licking his lips. “I am well acquainted with the need for speed when stealth fails in a rabbit hunt.”
“Once we cook this, this rabbit should feed most of the Clan,” Weedfoot purred. She glanced at the darkening sky and added, “A meal for tomorrow, however. Let’s return to camp.”
“Finally,” James purred, stretching his back. “I can sleep.”
“You’re in camp all day,” Weedfoot chuckled with a twitch of her whiskers. “I would be begging to leave camp if I were you, but you’re always itching to get back.”
“Because I like staying in camp,” James groaned. “If I could spend all my time in camp and never leave, I would be content.”
“You have to be one of the laziest cats I have ever met,” Weedfoot laughed. 
“Not lazy,” James purred, adjusting his tattered black ribbon. “I am simply not a fan of moving.” 
“Not moving sounds like a dream at the moment,” Weedfoot admitted, sheepishly ducking her head. “With Downstar resting in the medicine den, I’ve been doing both her job and mine. All I can think about is when to send out the next patrol and what we’ve already done for the day.”
“You’ve been a radiant deputy,” James said softly. He patted her on the back with his long, soft tail. “Just as I have been a wonderful caretaker since I found your humble Clan.” James puffed out his fluffy chest.
“Let’s go home before you start taking yourself seriously,” Weedfoot chuckled, headbutting James’ shoulder. The former kittypet picked up his rabbit and followed Weedfoot back to camp.
When the pair returned, RippleClan was winding down for the night. Clammask stomped out the remnants of a smoker while Oilstripe groomed herself. James rubbed against Weedfoot as he made his way to the fresh-kill pile. Oilstripe stopped grooming and trotted up to Weedfoot.
“Yum, rabbit,” Oilstripe cooed. “That will taste amazing tomorrow.”
“James is quite the hunter,” Weedfoot sighed. She watched James as he said goodnight to Scrubmask with a gentle purr and a shake of his pelt. When Weedfoot looked back at Oilstripe, however, her former apprentice had a curiously mischievous look on her face. “What are you thinking, Oilstripe?”
“You like James, don’t you,” Oilstripe said, flicking her tail at the pale ginger tom.
“He’s stepped up when he’s been needed,” Weedfoot said as her stomach suddenly tightened.
“You know that’s not what I meant,” Oilstripe purred. She sat next to Weedfoot and said, “You’re in love.” 
Oh StarClan. Oilstripe was right. She did like James. She didn’t have time to pursue a mate! She had to step up for Downstar while she recovered. She was the deputy. She couldn’t be distracted! No, no, that wasn’t the worst of it. Weedfoot already had a mate. Paleshade had been the greatest companion she could have asked for. They were together every step of the way. How could she enter StarClan one day and face Paleshade if she fell in love with someone else?
“She wants you to be happy,” Oilstripe said quietly, dragging Weedfoot out of her thoughts. Oilstripe had a hazy, unnerving look in her eyes and kept glancing away from Weedfoot. What was she even looking at? A fearful itch climbed up Weedfoot’s spine.
“How did you know what I was thinking?” Weedfoot gulped.
“Uh,” Oilstripe gulped, staring at the ground, “I just know you well, is all. And I’ve heard so much about Paleshade, I feel like I know her too. And from what you’ve told me, I think she would want you to find someone who makes you happy in RippleClan.”
“Maybe,” Weedfoot muttered. An odd warmth filled her chest. “Maybe.”
(James: 102, male, caretaker, charismatic, den builder, formidable fighter)
(Weedfoot: 75, female, deputy, charismatic, very clever, formidable fighter)
(Oilstripe: 30, female, historian, charismatic, ghost sight)
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snowed-leopard · 4 months
I dont’t know if y’all are down for 1600 words of only slightly jargon filled and incredibly niche headcanons, but here we go?
The mercs go sailing! (And also boating / paddling in general. They deserve the options.)
(There’s a small glossary of terms, and reference photos of the boats I’m thinking about and mentioning at the end for your convenience. Please note I’m a pretty amateur sailor and I’ve prolly explained or typed something wrong) ((yes it got nerdy enough I felt a glossary was warranted, I’m sorry))
scout: Oh dear god this man is gonna be a mess until he gets it but when he does he goes ZOOMIN. put him in a sunfish or a racing boat, like a catamaran. first time he's on a steep heel he screams like a baby but when he realizes it means more speed he's totally down, hook him into that cat's trampoline straps and eat his sea spray, bitch. (He does not care that they are on a freshwater lake, it’s sea spray in his heart) he's a chronic capsizer in a sunfish though because he keeps overcorrecting when trying to catch all the wind he can. He is banned from the motorboats for reckless behavior and roughhousing enough to nearly send poor pyro and demo overboard. Gets sent up the mast on one of the bigger boats to fix a light on the top of the mast and nearly shits his pants despite being very assuredly safe.
heavy: he honestly would probably run the motor boats the most, but if there had been a chance for one of the really large sailing vessel (40-70ft) where he actually has room to move, he would be down. hes mostly just reading and fishing out beached or turtled mercs. occasionally drafted into helping scout unflip bc heavy actually weighs enough to leverage the daggerboard right, unlike scout, because he keeps filling his sail with water and making more effort to right the boat. He’d be a saint if he could work the 30 footers when they’re pulling the halyards to turn because he’d be able to pull those so well, is weary of the boom from his height
demo: he's chilling on a flat bottomed fishing boat napping and fishing for most of the day, but he periodically goes out in a canoe with sniper to catch some fish separate from the motor boat, and also mess around. his balance is just messed up enough that later in the day he can't really do any of the 20 foot boats and definitely not a sunfish, but if you catch him earlier in the day he'd probably manage a nice trip in a 20 footer. He gets a little rowdy on the big 30 foot and tries to swing around on the side stays while horsing around with scout and as the boat jerks, he totally falls. it was inevitable one of the men would do he just ended up the unlucky bastard to be the center of the man overboard drill
Engie: splits his time fishing on the motorboat and messing around with all the boats, he does a little of everything, he most of all likes the 20-30 footers because he can calculate out all the rope tensions and physical at play in the down moments between turns without having to worry too much. He does enjoy the quiet of being alone in the sunfish tho, the rest of the boys joke he just likes it because they’re the same size as him (small).

 thinks about how much speed he’d need to run them over with in said sunfish to make them quit. Barely refrains. He is incredibly interested in tinkering with the motors on all of the sailboats and motorboats to see how he could improve their efficiency. Refrains on basis of not wanting to kill them and wreck the boat
sniper: snipes is mostly kayaking around away from everyone's chaos to do some fishing and birdwatching, probably hops on the 20 footer with demo for chill times, hates the sunfish because he kept getting hit by the boom because he was too tall to bend under it when turning and couldn’t rig it higher up and medic got tired of coming back in and taking care of the head wounds. He is having a grand time when scout’s not harassing him in the sunfish. But he does get very accurate at using his paddle to splash scout. Comes in with the biggest haul of fish, crabs, prawns, and inexplicably, 3 turtles, a duck, and a righteously confused snapping turtle for everyone to grill up at the end of the day.
pyro: on the catamaran with scout zipping around. heard the boat had a trampoline, was sorely disappointed, but is bouncing on it anyways. does not like the sunfish because swimming in their suit isn't fun when they don’t anticipate it and they kept tipping before they got the hang of it. bizarrely good at tying the knots for the lines though, no one knows how they manage this though their gloves. got heavy to drive the motor boat really fast while they sit on the front and despite how rough it is (you slam up and down a little when you go really quick) they are hooting and hollering and having the time of their life. Nearly lost the sunhat they brought along and cried. Sniper has to dive down in the lake to retrieve it for them.
spy: this man absolutely used to competitively race, he yearns for his old racing boat back in france, gets over it by trying to teach the others the noble art of it, scout is the only one who tries and races and they get along oddly well once they get past scouts incessant ability to turtle sunfish. he's also on the 20 footer a lot because it reminds him of his old boat (he brings it up at every opportunity, very insufferable about it) he can absolutely do all of the fancy knot tricks that are a bitch and a half to master. Will rant about boat maintenance and design. Very Opinionated about what makes some boats ugly or beautiful. One of the only times he gets down and dirty is to maintain or repair the boats and their motors. He surprises engineer majorly with his knowledge.
medic: mostly likes the big 30 footer but does not mind going on the kayaks once or twice. gets a little wild with the helm (steering) commands, gets very dramatic with it. most likely to get sea sick to me, he also manages to scamper around rigging with far more grace than you would think. He is utterly enamoured with the various ways these boats can and have injured people though. He finds the interiors of the larger ones quite cozy and likes the design. The birds love following him around as he sails and stretching their wings, nestle back on him when they get tired. It gives him a fucked up pirate vibe with the chilling grin and bloody dove from sitting on snipers head on his shoulder.
soldier: oh goodness, have you ever wanted more naval trivia? because this man has all of it, correct and not. used overhand knots as stopper knots on the sails (derogatory) and gave spy a conniption because of it. he's lookout on the bigger boats because he wanted to "command the largest of their naval fleet" he has an impressive ability to know the wind and gauge its changes and how to keep the right point of sail (how your sails are set up) he's very "old eccentric sailing guy" to me. He is a beast at charting and piloting (positive) and can do dead reckoning math (slightly complex little bit of locational determination based on what’s around you at what angle and speed) with surprising ease. Excellent at doing knots, uses them wrong. (He’s doing that part intentionally to give spy grief. Whoever said solly couldn’t have a little fun?)
sunfish, little 1-2 people boat, about 14 feet long, very nimble, but flip (and luckily unflip) easily. Need lower wind speeds because itty bitty (not my personal fave to sail, but incredibly popular still, they’re not bad I just prefer larger less flippy boats)
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catamaran: two hulled boat, used a lot for racing, has a web like a trampoline stretched between them, with straps sewn on so you can slide your feet under to not fall, or clip yourself right onto one of the side stays. 1-3 people ish (incredibly fun to sail, seem like they’re slow until they grab the wind right then you’re gone. I know a dude with a hilarious custom sail for his)
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20 footer: general term im using for all the medium sized 2-6 person sailboats of abt this length (this specifically I’m showing here is a Chrysler buccaneer 18! IRL I’m working to repair one currently)
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30 footer: like above, but these are up to maybe 8 or more people, minimum of 4 ish though for the sake of control in my very non expert opinion (what I’m specifically showing here is a tartan 30, which I also routinely sail! Ours is a piece of shit with a busted internal motor so we bolted a comparatively tiny one to the back. and I lover her anyways, we call her water rat even though that is most definitely not her name)
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heel: when you’re boats at an angle in the water relative to the water, how flat or angled you are, having this is good! It means you’re catching a lot of wind and less boat in the water means less drag (you can see it in the catamaran pic)

daggerboard: a removable board in small boats like sunfish, (exists in other forms in larger boats) that points straight down and keeps the boat moving in a straight line, it pokes out the bottom and when you flip you pull down on this with all your (and your partner’s if you have one) weight to right your boat again. Do it fast or your sail will fill with water like a scoop and make it harder.

sidestay: mostly on 20 ish and up size boats, part of the system of metal cables that put tension on your mast to keep it pointed up straight, one of the things u can hold on (never hold onto rope) on a boat for stability part from handles and safety lines

boom: the metal pole running parallel to the deck of the boat at the bottom of the main sail, it's called a boom because when you turn, and it swings to the other side of the boat with the sail, and if your head is in the way well… it sounds like boom. Gives concussions even on sunfish, the power of metal tuning, and speed.

halyards: the lines you pull on the big boats when turning, have enough tension that they need winches to tighten and take in often times
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blushcoloreddreams · 9 months
17 ways to add small smiles in your life
Hello my friend!
For the past year I’ve had a pretty busy and I’ll dare say boring routine with not a lot of time for great adventures. So I think that the best way to not feel overwhelmed, burnt out or whenever I begin struggling in life, I always begin looking for ways to infuse more joy and smiles into my life. As I've pondered this issue, I've come to believe that the joy in our lives can be greatly enhanced by something that I like to call "Small Smiles."
Small smiles are different from the ones that come from seeing a long lost friend, winning a competition, or achieving our goals. Small smiles aren't extremely memorable or life-changing, but they DO matter.
Small smiles arrive when you have a good hair day, or when you get a small discount on your regular coffeeshop order. These smiles aren't momentous or incredible, but they DO add to the overall joy of life.
Today, I wanted to write our list about all the ways we can begin adding more "small smiles" to our days
1. Wear your favorite smell
This is one of my FAVORITE life hacks ever. Apply a small amount of Vaseline or petroleum jelly to your wrists, and spray the area with your favorite scent. As you go about your day, take a minute to pause and take a sniff of your favorite smell. It will ALWAYS make you happy.
Also, don't be ashamed of the smell you choose! I always have a good dash of "flowebomb" or “miss Dior” on my body, even though people seem them as basic / overused perfumes but I believe they are classics for a reason.
2. Enjoy the sky
I know this one sounds really weird, but bear with me. So, a fun fact about me is that one of favorite "feature" of Creation is the sky. I cannot get enough of looking at the clouds, stars, the moon, sunrises, sunsets, or chunky and thunderous rain clouds.
I think all humans need to take time to reconnect with nature: it's good to be reminded of how tiny we are, and how gorgeous the world is. So maybe your version of "enjoying the sky" is actually taking a walk by a river or buying a bouquet of flowers. Whatever it is, just take some time to get in touch with the world.
3. Dream about your FUTURE
Whenever I think about the names of my nonexistent future children, or the places I want to travel, I can't help but smile. It can be unhealthy to live exclusively in the future, BUT, a nice dreaming session can be truly uplifting. Dreaming about the future gives us hope, excitement, and even a little bit of motivation. Take time to dream, no matter how crazy the dream is
4. Wear your FAVORITE outfit
Alright friends, this is pretty obvious, but wearing our favorite clothing will often make us smile! Do you remember when you were a kid, and your mom could NOT stop you from wearing the same pink dress every day for a week? Well, even though we're adults, it can still be whimsical and fun to have a "favorite" outfit. Don't worry about it being stylish or trendy: just make sure you feel happy in it.
5. Sit on the floor and play with your dog... or cat... chinchilla… or fish? *
Okay, maybe I'm just really spoiled because every night while chilling in my bed my cat will come for snuggles, every time I get anywhere close to him. think, even just passing to get a cup of water , my cat begins to heads towards me and ask for some affectionl. He’s just so awesome and excited every time I'm showing signs of "play."
Whenever I need some joy, I plop down on the ground and pet him a bit or I’ll play with some wand to help him play hunt. I would highly recommend that if you have a pet, or you know someone who has a pet, take time to enjoy those amazing emotional and mental benefits.
6. Send a meme to your "person"
I have a friend who routinely sends me memes, just to reach out and connect. It ALWAYS brings a small smile to my face. So, instead of waiting around for other people to send you memes, try sending some to your friends, significant other, or sister. Enjoy all the guaranteed small smiles to come.
7 Make small talk with a cashier
Even when I'm grumpy, it can be really life-giving to chat with people when I'm going about my errands. Avoiding social interactions always makes me grumpier. A small chat, even about the weather can truly bring a small smile to our face.
8. Clean your kitchen
It wouldn't be a one of my posts without a call to clean our kitchens! Whenever I look down at an empty sink, I can't help but feel a small smile coming up on my face. Firstly, it's very freeing to get the chores done, but secondly, it always makes me feel like I've accomplished something with my life!
Indulging in my routines and enjoying the mundanity of life always makes me smile. It's important to realize that funny, happy, or sweet things aren't the only things that will make us smile. Accomplishing things and putting things into order will ALSO make us smile
9. Be bold in ONE area
This one will be different for everyone. I truly think that many of us are constantly walking around with something on our minds that we're avoiding. Today, I encourage you to take a step towards boldness in that area: for me, this often means dealing with a stack of papers, or cleaning out my DM's.
Being bold doesn't only apply to kissing someone, standing up for yourself, or asking for a promotion: it applies to the boring parts of life too. Take charge, be bold, and enjoy the smiles.
10. Change your phone background
A good phone clean-out does WONDERS for the soul. Now, I need to do this more than anyone... I have the bad habit of letting old unnecessary photos and screen shots pile up and you're talking to "Miss 30 unopened chats ." But in the meantime, I think it can be really good to just switch up our phone backgrounds to something that will give us a small smile.
For awhile, my phone background was a photo of a rococo castle that I liked.. It was kind of busy and nerdy looking, but honestly, we can't help what makes us smile!
11. Be weird
I was a really weird kid: I was completely socially aware, BUT I had a strange sense of humor and I had pretty odd interests like deep sea animals and geishas. I truly feel like that childhood weirdness lingers just beneath the surface of my personality.
There is just something about life that is so absolutely WEIRD to me. Seriously, Life is wacky. It's unpredictable, crazy, and weird. I say that we embrace this weirdness, and indulge our unique qualities and unpredictable traits. Don't spend your life trying to fit in: embrace the weird, and enjoy the small smiles that follow.
12. Switch up your commute
I think it's easy to get stuck in our routines. I think life can feel boring and mundane when we fail to seek out adventure and explore the world right in front of us. Maybe tomorrow, on the way home, try to take the long way, or stop to get a coffee. Take a different way home and try to mix up your routine. Even a small glimpse of something new can be enough to ignite a small smile.
13. Go for a walk
I know, I know... EVERY blog suggests this. But I have to say friend, if everyone is giving this advice, it might be because it's THE best advice. Take a page from Elizabeth Bennett's book (LOL) and learn to take a walk. I do this when I need to get my heart pumping, and it ALWAYS makes me smile. It's just nice to get moving and go on an adventure.
14. Wrap up in a HUGE blanket
Specially in the colder months or just a rainy day, I seriously think that a good "cocoon session" is something that everyone needs to do once in a while. There's something so comforting and calming about wrapping up in cozy blanket. Maybe it takes us all back to the comfort of the womb LOL.
Smiles can happen during moments of connection, accomplishment, and peace, and cocooning DEFINITELY helps us achieve peace. Bonus points? Add a cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate
15. Spend time baking
Baking brings confidence, AND sugar highs. It is the perfect combination to help us achieve the small smile. Besides, it’s something fun to do with friends and family.
16. Embrace it when "things go wrong"
I have a loooooooooot of weaknesses. I do. I'm fearful, needy, lazy, and so much more. BUT, I do have one thing going for me: I have always been able to embrace the mistakes in life. Whenever something doesn't work out, I always like to say that it's because it "wasn't meant to be." I think I find a lot of joy and peace in the idea that everything is under control and that God is workin on my behalf, even when things go wrong.
Embracing the weird is just like embracing the mistakes. I think that when we flip trouble on its head, we can really begin to enjoy life and smile
17. Sing out loud
This is my final piece of advice: I really find a lot of joy in the act of singing loudly in my car to old songs. There's something very positive about releasing our voices and emotions. Even the nostalgia of music from our youth can really bring about a lot of smiles! So yes, please blast that T-Swift, and sing OUT LOUD!
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tamberwoof · 25 days
Moraygill's Super Horrible Time: Part Two
Part one can be found here:
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There are no big warnings for this part. It's mostly character interaction.
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Everything hurts. 
That was the first thing she noticed upon waking up. Everything hurt. 
Distantly, she could recognize that there were voices. They were muffled and hard to understand over the pounding in her head, but they were there. 
The next thing past the pain and the voices, was the smell. It smelled rich, like freshly turned dirt and old logs. It was vastly different from the salty sea spray that coated everything in the Coastalclan camp. 
No. This couldn't be Coastalclan. She was somewhere dark that smelled of the deep forest. Not that she smelled that often. 
Moraygill tried blinking her eyes open but the simple act seemed to work against her. The pounding behind her eyes became worse and her eyes themselves burned. She whined, trying to lay her paws over her eyes. 
That didn't work.
Her right paw made it up just fine but her left one wouldn't move. The wrist didn't bend and it was agonizingly heavy. 
The voices stopped. 
Moraygill froze and listened intently as muffled footsteps started towards her. She growled as she felt the presence of another cat move in front of her. 
Trying to open her eyes, she was greeted with slick black fur and red eyes. The cat looked concerned. 
She growled t0 the best of her ability, though the sound was raspy and pathetic at best. It stuttered in her chest and made her feel worse than she already did. 
The cat in front of her took a step back, looking her over, before turning and moving back to the other cat in the den. They resumed talking in hushed whispers and sent her pitying looks that she could hardly stand. 
She wanted to speak up. To shout and screech about how she was fine and didn't need any help. But her throat and chest ached and her muscles screamed in protest as she curled up a bit more. She used her shoulder to block sight of the other cats. 
She'd be dead if they weren't helping her, so now all she could do was take it and hope there were no major consequences. 
Slowly, the black cat made it's way back over and moved to be in her line of sight. He motioned at his ears and Moray scrunched her face up in confusion. 
The black cat carefully reached up to Moraygill's own ears, causing her to flinch back. He was persistent, though seemingly scared too, and she felt his paw move against her ear.
Distantly, somewhere off in the back of her mind, she wondered if her ear had been torn or something. 
But no, the tom just removed a wad of moss from her ear and suddenly her hearing was better on that side. 
“Needed those to draw the water out.” He spoke softly, voice light and almost feminine. He moved to take out the other wad and she didn't move as he did. “Widowmarch found you half dead on the shore just outside our territory. I'm surprised you've woken up as soon as you have.” 
Moraygill gave him a confused look and huffed. 
He continued, addressing her confusion, “It's been close to two days since the storm.” His tail flicked anxiously. “We haven't been able to tell your clan that we have you yet. We planned to send a messenger today since we're sure the storm has stopped.”
Moraygill took a deep breath and let a flicker of annoyance run through her body at the fact she couldn't talk back. 
“Do you think you could try drinking something?” The cat from the entrance of the den asked. She was large and fluffy, with black, orange, and white fur. She looked to have spider webbing strewn throughout her fur. “Addershade here said you would be dehydrated when you woke up.” 
The black tom rolled his eyes and huffed. He sent a look back at the fluffy she-cat and she just shrugged. Then he turned back to her with a sigh. “Would you like some water?” 
Moraygill took a moment to really take note of how awful she felt. Her mouth was dry and her head was still pounding. Her throat and chest burned and ached like she had a fire raging in them. 
She nodded softly, unwilling to hurt herself more. 
The cat at the entrance gave a big grin and rushed off, ignoring who Moraygill assumed was the herbalist as he tried to say something. 
He flattened his ears and huffed in an offended manner, staring out of this den after the fluffy she cat. It gave Moraygill a moment to truly inspect him. 
He was slender and almost shiny furred, the black fur casting off colors like purple and green at certain angles. She knew his eyes were red, but she hadn't noticed his ragged ears until now. They were clawed up but also had what looked like a claw pierced through his left ear. She couldn't tell much more than that. 
He didn't seem to have any visible scars peeking through his fur nor any signs of illness or starvation. Honestly, he looked like he was in better condition than most cats she personally knew. 
Soon enough, the she cat returned with a soaked wad of moss in her jaws. “Here,” She purred with a soft smile, setting it down in front of Moraygill. “I know you've already heard us say our names, but I'm Widowmarch, and this is my brother, and the clan herbalist, Addershade.” She explained. 
Moray looked between them before taking the wad of moss into her own mouth and biting down so the water would squeeze out. 
“Your paw was pretty badly messed up too.” Widowmarch continued on, “Two of your claws were ripped out and your whole paw seemed to just be shattered.”
Moray snapped her head up to look at her then. 
“Oh hush.” Addershade snapped at his sister. “What's really wrong is that yes, two of your claws were torn out, and the two toes they were on are broken. I have them splinted but because of the break, I doubt they will heal correctly.”
Moraygill's ears flipped back and she scrunched up her face in warning. 
“You should still be able to walk once it heals.” Addershade mumbled and curled his tail over his paws nervously. “It's gonna be an adjustment, but I don't think it will stop you from doing your clan duties.”
Shifting a bit, Moraygill gave her injured paw a good look. It was wrapped in cobwebs and leaves, both of which were soaked through with blood. She cringed and just looked away. Not like she could see what was underneath them anyway. 
Instead, she tried to shift her legs under herself so she could stand. The action seemed to panic the other two cats in the den, and Addershade started to say something. 
But Moraygill was determined to stand.
And then it seemed she was falling. 
Her legs crumbled under her, jerking her down and to the side as Widowmarch rushed forward for her to fall against. 
“You're too weak right now!” Addershade chirped out through what seemed to be his calming panic. “You have extensive bruising and there's nothing left for your body to run on. You haven't eaten or drank anything since we found you.”
Moraygill glared at him. Sure, he was right, but stars, did this whole situation make her fur stand up. Here she was, leaning against a wispclan cat. Being helped by the clan that stole Coastalclan's treasure. She felt like a traitor just being here. 
Though… maybe she could admit that Widowmarch made a nice nest buddy… her fur was soft and acted as a nice cushion. 
Moray didn't register her eyes drifting closed or her head start to tilt over into Widowmarch's side. Didn't register how comfortable all this felt until the other she cat started to purr softly and began grooming the fur around her spine down. 
She barely recognized her own purr starting up at some point as her eyes slipped shut. 
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free-for-all-fics · 2 years
Stupid, silly Namor or Attuma fic ideas. Don’t think too hard about these they’re just funny little ideas. Pls tag me if you write or get inspired by any of these. Like always, there are no rules:
1. The reader is labeled as the village idiot because she likes to sing with her head underwater to "sing to the mermaids". The village ridicules her for it. One day, she is swept out in a riptide, and no one is willing to come to her aid—no one from the village, that is.
2. Reader is full of bad puns and dad jokes, much to the chagrin of Namor/Attuma. "Why are seagulls called seagulls?"
“Stop now.”
“Because if they flew over bays, they'd be bagels! Oh hey, What did one wave say to the other?"
“I swear, if you make one more ocean related pun, I will murder you on this island and tell everyone you died in a shipwreck."
"...well, someone's salty."
3. You put a message in a bottle and set it out to sea in the hopes it’ll reach Namor/Attuma so you can be pen pals. “Oh my god I love you but you’re so stupid.” They say because you have no idea that’s not how mail works.
4. You’re in love with Namor/Attuma, but you’re also obsessed with monsters and cryptids so you keep asking them questions like “Is the Kraken real?? What about 6 headed hydras? Have you seen Nessie?? Are they friendly? Darling tell meeeeeee”
5. Reader does that stupid prank thing where she pretends to do a magic trick with an egg and a bottle of water. She’s like “Ok now look inside” and squeezes the bottle, spraying water in Attuma/Namor’s face and runs away cackling.
6. You introduce Namor/Attuma to a wonderful human invention - Water beds. They are less than amused. Reader, consider your sexy time privileges revoked😑
7. Attuma/Namor trying to teach reader combat and how to fight like a Talokanil but reader keeps making it sexy and Namor/Attuma is like “Ok maybe we should stop. You’re not even listening to me or learning anything properly!” And reader is like “Oh I’m learning all the right techniques perfectly. 😏😘”
8. Those videos from EVNautilus of the people in a submarine coming across a dumbo octopus and a googly eyed stubby squid but instead it’s scientist reader being shown Talokan by Attuma or Namor and fawning over the sea creatures because they’re just little guys. Sweet underwater babies. And reader being like “it’s just a baby can I adopt it pls” 🥺 and Namor or Attuma being like “pay attention. Remember why we’re here.”
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9. “Your child brings home a raccoon, mistaking it for a cat and begs to keep it” trope but instead it’s Namor/Attuma and their child has brought home an anglerfish or some other hideous abomination of the sea. It’s surprisingly docile and follows the child around like a pet anyway so can we keep it??? Please father 🥺
10. Namor and Jeff the Land Shark crossover. That’s it. That’s the post. Reader wants to adopt Jeff as their child. He’s just a baby 🥺
11. Peter Pan “They were just having a bit of fun, weren’t you, girls?”
“We were only trying to drown her” Mermaid Lagoon AU
12. “General, I’ve brought the cartographer into the war meeting today. I believe you owe her an apology for ruining all her maps when you stab them to dramatically mark a location.” (What if the “cartographer” is actually Attuma’s small daughter or sister drawing doodles of maps and playing pretend/mirroring what her dad or brother does because she wants to help and it’s all in jest hehe)
13. 2 days ago you went to an animal shelter and adopted the most adorable cat. What you don’t know is, he’s the reincarnation of an Aztec god. Your food offerings are unacceptable and that ugly small box that feels like it’s made from scratchy carpet will not do. No. He’ll be sleeping in your bed with you. Don’t try to lock him out; he’ll just scream and sing the songs of his people until you let him back in. (Or maybe through a magic mishap Namor has been accidentally transformed into a cat. Yeah Namor as a cat AU. I told you these ideas were silly.)
14. “Would you still love me if I was a worm” meme With Namor or Attuma but instead it’s “Would you still love me if I was a sea cucumber” or something ocean related
15. Namor or Attuma are taking their daughter trick or treating this year and ask what she wants to be for Halloween. A superhero, a mermaid, a princess? No. She wants to be a horseshoe crab. Possible Modern AU.
16. Reader goes to the beach often and befriends the seagulls/pelicans. So they start to bring her gifts like shells, rocks, etc. Except one day they bring you a golden bracelet, beaded necklace, or jade earrings (your choice of which). It’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. A few days later, Namor shows up at the beach, looking very annoyed as he asks for his necklace/bracelet/or earrings back.
17. You and Namor or Attuma meet on the beach in your special spot. You don’t get to be with him often considering he’s kept away by his responsibilities and loyalty to Talokan, and you’re human. It’s usually your only chance to have time where you can just quietly love each other. Except a stupid fucking seagull or pelican has been following you to both the beach and your home; squawking incessantly, wreaking havoc and basically cockblocking you. Untitled Goose Game AU but it’s a seagull/pelican.
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