#would be fab
gravitysrainbow · 3 months
I wish we could directly record & post voice memos on here
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evilromero · 2 years
have a job interview tomorrow and i’m too fucking fuming to prepare for it
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spittyfishy · 2 years
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If y’all don’t think OG Frankie wouldn’t love and adore the G2 & G3 Frankie’s like siblings you’re wrong and I can’t help you/s
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pinkkittycoffin · 4 months
"your stupid ass BETTER NOT be ponyfying roy harper when i get back THERE"
my stupid ass :
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allgreekbitch · 24 days
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dcbatbitches · 8 months
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Quick Wally and Dick doodle
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Dick: No weapons, no plans, no backup. We're in a truly hopeless situation. We would need a miracle to get out of this alive.
Dick: A completely random, totally unpredictable, out of left field miracle.
Wally: Why is everyone looking at me?
Roy: Because you live and breathe sci-fi bullshit, Flasheroo.
Donna: I expect the unexpected from you daily.
Wally, rolls his eyes: Right. Well, let me just vibrate into a sound wave dimension to pick up my childhood imaginary friend who can defeat the villains with the power of love and song like a carebear.
Donna: Is he waiting for us to take the bait...?
Roy: Oh. Wally, come on man. We've all known you long enough to know that you aren't being sarcastic.
Dick: I think you have to retire the whole 'say something outlandish sarcastically and then go do it' bit, buddy. It just doesn't work when we've personally seen you do crazier things before breakfast.
Wally: Dang. Well there goes like half of my material
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sunarctus · 1 year
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I can't stop thinking about ghost tryna eat his dumb ice cream...what a loser
Inspired by @ homokonig on twitter and their drawing
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aqua-dan · 4 months
The worst part of being a Garth fan is knowing he'll lose 99% of the polls he's in just because hardly any people actually know anything about him/don't care about him
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Do you think Lute would be the type of woman to wear a suit? Also would you wear a dress? Just for shits and giggles you know? (definitely just for shits and giggles)
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"Oh yeah, definitely. I would totally wear the dress to..AS A JOKE THOUGH!! Yeah..a joke...!!⚡"
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aalghul · 3 months
Okay, I’ve been emboldened by your recent assertion that you don’t bite and differences in opinions are okay. I also have a genuine question for you. Mine is re: Roy and Jason. It is my understanding that pre new 52 Roy fell in love with and made a baby with a literal assassin. I’ve seen so many references from Roy fans that given Roy’s pre new 52 characterization, he could/would never become friends with Red Hood Jason. I am unable to square the circle of that reasoning in my mind, given his history with Jade/Chesire. If you were interested on espousing on this topic, I would love to hear your thoughts.
Roy and Jade's relationship never lasted in the end (despite how desperately they've loved each other) because she would not give up that life and he could not compromise on someone that close to him killing. Roy is more than willing of working with and even understanding people who use lethal force (I think I've mentioned a few times that him teaming up with Jason temporarily would work for that reason), but he can't be heavily involved with that person long term, in any way. He's an incredibly flexible character when it comes to the types of people he can get along with, and he has more love and understanding in his heart than most. But Roy draws a line for himself. He couldn't even stay in the outsiders long term because he belongs where the traditional heroes are. You can see where the difficulty is in trying to make Jason and Roy best friends, or even in carrying out a team-up as long term as RHATO.
Separate from the morality conflict, Roy also has a specific dynamic with many people younger than him that I think we forget to take into account. His interactions with people noticeably younger than him (while he was in his mid-late 20s) generally seem to follow him trying to be a leader and guiding figure, with the younger person learning from him. His friendships with those people is rarely ever the same as the friendship he has with people his own age. Jason's ~7 years younger than Roy, and is around 19-21 in the years after UTRH. That would make 26-28. Roy's experienced fatherhood at this point, he had relationships and ups and downs and established a place for himself in the hero community. Jason is a teenager who's really only just now realizing there's a life ahead of him. Any dynamic they have will need to take all of that into account. This is a huge part of why they don't work as each other's best friends.
I know you didn't ask for that last bit, but I was thinking about it a while ago and I don't think we talk about it enough. It's just as much of an issue with Roy and Jason being best friends, or anything along that line, as morality is.
If you see more aggressive assertions about how Roy would hate Jason, then that's probably frustration more than anything. Roy's entire character has been replaced by for the sake of Jason and Roy's RHATO dynamic. It's not surprising that anger makes people exaggerate or believe that because they're so personally sick of seeing it. I understand that and honestly, if Roy was my favourite character, I'd never want to hear about Jason near him either lol
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dolokhoded · 1 year
my one season 4 complaint is Where The Fuck Was Aneesa
#never have i ever#i really wish her and fabiola had stayed together them not working out didn't rlly serve any purpose to the plot for the new season#fabiola's new relationship was barely rlaborated upon. as expected.#and aneesa was basically written out she was barely even part of the group#plus that scene of them at the staircase talking about fab's robotics team. they still have so much chemistry and they were literally just#talking about robotics#i understand she's not a major character and she can't have a separate plotline to herself but she wasn't even involved in anyone else's#her and fabiola were cute together and she would've at least been part of the plot if they were still dating#allison was barely a character what was the point of writing some random new partner for fabiola when she already had a perfectly good#love interest#it just doesn't make sense to me. whi decided it would be a good idea for them to break up#was it just an opportunity to shove in a nonbinary character who had no personality and was just there as someone's s/o and call it#representation#cause there are Many better ways to have nonbinary rep than this#but ofc mindy kaling wouldn't give a shit about this.#n e ways for this support my nonbinary aneesa hc . it's real.#fabiola torres#aneesa qureshi#OR AT THE VERY LEAST SHE SHOULD'VE GOTTEN WITH PAXTON. SHE HAD THAT NICE HOT JOCK LINE AT THE END OF SEASON 3#im fabneesa 4 life but i would honestly be haply with her dating paxton. they're both cool and they'd be fun together. and she deserves a#nice hot jock boyfriend.
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
rhaenyra, to the greens: do any of you guys have a favorite family member? helaena: they're all my favorites! truthfully, i have a connection with all of them that's different and unique. it'd be impossible to choose. everyone else, in unison: helaena.
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inkykeiji · 2 months
Do you think in any universe of yours dabi and hawks fuck/share the reader?
presently, no, just because if i’m sticking with their canon characteristics i rly do believe that would be an extremely difficult relationship to actually pull off. dabi’s too selfish/possessive, too clingy and needy and obsessive, too insecure to share her with someone like keigo. on the other hand, keigo would have a very tough time just standing by and allowing dabi’s relentless mental/emotional/verbal abuse to continue without repeatedly stepping in to try and stop it or batting an eye at all. that would be super hard for him to witness and i’m not sure if he’d be able to stop himself from going on a crusade against 1/3rd of the relationship (dabi) and rallying for reader to run away with keigo himself instead.
how is he supposed to just sit back and watch the love of his life be abused??? how is he supposed to just be okay with that kind of treatment and behaviour??? he wouldn’t be able to take it—it’s not right, it goes against everything keigo himself believes in, he’s basically complicit in it if he just allows it to continue happening, and it reminds him too much of his father + the way he treated his mother. keigo’s constant objections, which would become stronger and sterner the more dabi refused to comply, would in turn make dabi even angrier (how dare keigo think he can control him??? how dare keigo think he has any right to order him around or judge him at all???) and cause him to double down on his behaviour out of spite. the relationship itself would be very tumultuous, and they’d clash constantly.
WITH ALL OF THAT BEING SAID, in the future??? who knows!!! maybe they will!!! it would be extremely angsty and i have no idea how it would end but it’s definitely not off the table for good hehehe
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ziskeyt · 8 months
Actually that last post reminded me that on friday my building had the guy come to check all the hvac units on my floor. Same guy as last season, we chat every time but i have forgotten his name in the past two days (this is not uncommon for me recently). Anyway i convinced him to go to the library because they have 3d printers and it’s like 10 cents per some weight of filament.
Really, if the library wasn’t a public institution for community good i’d be like they should pay me to be an external advocate because i am always convincing people to use the library system, informing them of services they didn’t know about, and letting them know that even if they don’t live in the service area of TPL, if their work is then they can get a card. TPL is one of, if not the, best library systems out there. While you may not live in Toronto, i encourage you to look up your local and see what services they have that may be new to you. There’s something for everyone at the library.
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