#worst danganronpa
kidconsky · 3 months
Remembering the existence of Danganronpa V3, I want to talk about how disappointed I was playing this damn thing. It was the danganronpa that I had the most expectations for, they placed huge expectations on me, especially on Shuichi and Kokichi... and just, err seriously, it's just so boring. I loved Kaede, I was enjoying the first chapter, everything here was interesting and Rantaro... aaa Rantaro. He's so charismatic, you want to know more about him.
But then the first death happens. Rantaro died. AND EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS INVESTIGATION IS SO HORRIBLE THAT I CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE IT! Shuuichi you are the ultimate detective and you haven't done the basics of a detective!!!! "Ah but he breaks stereotypes..." NO! he was just stupid!
The investigation was ridiculous, they didn't focus on what was actually important to investigate and it didn't even look like someone had just died. When I finished the trial no one really seemed to care about Rantaro, the sadness was all for Kaede who was the ""murderer"". And that irritated me.
About the alibis, are you fucking kidding me?? Tsumugi left the others during the time the crime occurred and you just accepted the excuse that she "was in the bathroom"??? The investigation in the bathroom was pathetic, with only Kaede giving it a cursory glance, girl you knew about the secret passage in the library, you really didn't suspect there would be one in the bathroom too?? IT WAS THE FIRST THING I THOUGHT OF!!
Over Rantaro's body. The wound on his head, the angle obviously didn't make sense to have hit him if the ball had come from above, AND if it had hit him, it wouldn't have had enough of an impact to KILL HIM! Seriously, Shuichi, you're a detective, you should have paid more attention to the wound.
Now about Rantaro. How did he not notice that Tsumugi was behind him? Why did he just stand there looking at where the ball, which almost hit him, had come from?"Ah but the sound was loud, he wouldn't hear the footsteps" Okay, but he was the Ultimate Adventurer, he shouldn't have sensed the proximity of the danger? Shouldn't he have heightened senses? "But he didn't remember" Kirigiri didn't remember either and yet she always acted like a real detective, so this argument isn't valid.
But it really irritates me that Shuichi just let himself be carried away by the first impression of the facts, I understand that he took a while to suspect Kaede but when you think about it a little, it doesn't make sense to be her, precisely because of what I said about Rantaro's body, already the probability of the ball having hit him squarely was difficult, imagine even with the wound being at that suspicious angle. Again, the ball wouldn't have enough force to kill him like that, it doesn't make sense!! He just let himself be carried away by what "appeared" to be the truth instead of looking beyond the facts and questioning whether it really was the truth, like a real detective would do.
But he was insecure blah blah blah" Everyone's life was at stake, if Tsumugi wasn't the Mastermind everyone there would have died because of his mistake. The game sells Shuichi as the only one there who could discover the truth and he doesn't even do that.
I won't delve too much into the other chapters because I don't have the patience anymore, but I hate how everyone's IQ drops just so Shuichi looks like a genius. The murders making silly mistakes just for Shuichi to have a chance to figure them out, like Kirumi leaving obvious evidence or Kiyo committing another murder when he didn't need to take risks like that, if he had just killed Angie there was no way to blame him, but he He had to make some mistake so that detective could confront him.
So... there's Momota (I refuse to call him Kaito). Kokichi is very annoying but Momota is insufferable, not only with a toxic positivity but the existence of chapter 4 disgusts me. What he does to Shuichi in this chapter is disgusting, using emotional blackmail and acting like a spoiled child just because he didn't want to agree with Ouma. YOUR LIFE AND THE LIVES OF YOUR "FRIENDS" WERE AT STAKE YOU IDIOT COULD YOU SWALLOW YOUR FUCKING PRIDE FOR ONCE?????
I've seen a lot of people talk badly about Makoto and Hinata, even calling them stupid or that if they hadn't had help, they wouldn't have made it. And yes, they really needed help and there is absolutely nothing wrong with having help. Much better than trying to make an idiot of the player.
If you disagree with me on something that's okay, I just wanted to get that accumulated anger out.
I don't even want to comment on how they took away my amasai so early, that's still a sensitive topic for me.
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32coconuts · 6 months
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i didn't think you'd understand me ☀️
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plutodotpng · 2 months
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the bestiess (with transparent version if anyone wants to use it <3)
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strawberri-draws · 2 months
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shuichi posting
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funishment-time · 2 months
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graveyard-society · 1 year
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tell me what possessed me into making this
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hajihiko · 2 years
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Physician/therapist/chemist/etc, heal thyself
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spittyfishy · 2 years
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I was super happy with how this turned out but I couldn’t decide on a good caption but knew the longer I waited the more likely it was I’d forget to post it all together lol so anyway here it is!
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ghostsfruit · 1 month
Shout out to all the villains that call they're archenemies pet names
✨ Bonus points if its just their name with "sy" at the end.
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biggie-chcese · 30 days
i deeply appreciate the rain code tumblr community bc i am so extremely obsessed with this fuckass game that i find myself scrounging around the worst parts of the internet to find more art/fic/people to talk to. and lemmie tell ya, besides the stunning art and small number of genuine fans, the twitter tag is straight hot garbage because a good portion of it is just danganronpa fans being haters and it's so annoying
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amalgamateofficial · 1 month
Updates on Amalgamate Chapter 21
Y'all, I am SO SORRY this chapter's taking so long!!! You wouldn't even believe how horribly it eats away at me every single day when this much time passes between Amalgamate chapters. I wanted so badly to have chapter 21 posted before I leave for Dragon Con next week, but I ran into issues with rearranging and smoothing out the chapter, and I wasn't happy with a lot of the scenes, and then in a stroke of extra bad luck, I had some medical issues that slowed me down.
But I'm gonna try to have as much of chapter 21 ready to go before I leave for Dragon Con so that when I get back a week later, I'll have the freshest possible eyes on the draft. I'm really, really hoping that'll be The Draft that I can prep for posting. I don't want to keep you all waiting much longer, so I'm trying very hard to get the next chapter up ASAP. I'm really, really sorry for all the delays, but I promise I work on the fic every single day no matter what. Really hoping to have chapter 21 ready soon <333
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foryoupeko · 11 months
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DR PKMN Day 30
No one took him seriously because of his looks. They changed their tune after he murdered his sister's killer. You gotta respect a man who kills the way he does.
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drdtfuitgumies · 4 months
Aww I love this art style! It’s so…squishable? I can’t think of a good way to describe it, but it makes me happy. Cute plushies in the form of drawing.
As for a situation, I love Ace in any situation, but how about a happy Ace and Levi? Ace likes to talk, and Levi likes to listen.
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squishable little guys. thank you for the request!
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qu0rky · 4 months
when you got really into an incomplete fic but as time goes on each chapter gets worse and you just have to silently accept that you wanna drop it because it’s ruined
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grapecherry · 15 days
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david chiem + toxic positivity as a pipeline to harmful actions
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rachelcommitscrimes · 16 days
just a quick warning/reminder my blog is not spoiler free so i will more than likely be posting abt the episodes shortly after i finish them. if u dont wanna see that u can block me/block the DT tag until you watch it :P
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