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saintsatire · 2 years ago
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tell me what possessed me into making this
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coolsosha · 1 year ago
Dunno about u, but I think thats veeery cool when artists make smol changes to the character they draw. And thats very interesting to see how different people see the same character! ♡
Sooo Sosha drew some sketches with 5 different Asmodeus designs.
Time is priceless and there is no need to spend it on some random person's post only because they tagged you in it.
-Sosha. 2023.
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First one we have... Original one!
Pretty simple cuuus, ya already know how he looks like.
-awful hair colour. no wonder why he has different hair colour on different arts.
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Second one is... @soshaaaa aka me.
I actually drew this in the end, but i thought that "Well, if i will be harassing other ppl's Asmos, i need to harass my own Asmo first!"
-Eyes. ah, these eyes.
-"You draw nude man because you are horny, i draw nude man because im lazy to think of a new outfit"(×1)
-Why this one have so many "@Sosha"? because im angry when i have empty space on canvas
click to see more..
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NOOO, FIRST DESIGN THAT IS MADE BY NOT-SOSHA?? (Aw, Sosha don't want to interrupt anyone, but I need to give credit for design so Sosha had to tag you, srry.)
-I found only 2 images of this one, but i just HAD TO draw it! I mean, look at this barbiegirl!
-I loove long haired Asmo. Also blonde looks pretty good on him!
-I made this first, so its less full than other ones. But i still think it came out cool!
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(srry for tag)
-I saw this Asmo some time ago, even before i went to tumblr, and when i found original artist I KNEW THAT I HAD TO DRAW THIS ASMO SOMEDAY.
-"You draw nude man because you are horny, i draw nude man because im lazy to think of a new outfit"(×2)
-I decided to use orig.artist shading style so it would look more familiar (and because i like it)
-darker skin and bright pink hair look sooo good!
-"Oh nooo, they made her EMOOO (deadass music)"
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AND FIFTHTHTH ONE ISS @shootingstarrfish
(srry srry tag srry tag)
-U gotta say "Sosha, but this design is not very different" and i will say "SHUT UP IT GIVES EMU OTORI ENERGY AND I LOVE IT"
-He looks so silly and happy, I COULDN'T SKIP THIS ONE, OKAY????
-This one looks like mostly memes, i admit. I'm guilty. But i like it tho-
-Stealed lighting because IT LOOKS COOL
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...yeah, i definitely was high while i was drawing this.
Why they all pink? because i picked colours from their backgrounds, and when i was colouring backgrounds, i used mostly pink.
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spacegaywritings · 5 years ago
The Wonders of Sleep - You are a Nightmare (4/5)
Summary: Remus is in another chaotic frenzy and refuses to calm down, so Virgil has to step in and convince the Dark Creativity that sleep can be fun too. At least Thomas well get to rest with this.
Tags: Remus things! Talks about murder, death, violence, inflicting pain etc on others/self (your basic favourites in intrusive thoughts), weapons, brutality, Remus, virgil, dukexiety, the duke of nonsense and bullshit, caps, angery remus, moth man/ rat man mentions, sexual innuendo, food, (eating) worms, plants, weird living conditions, disgusting room description, absolute chaos, caring about thomas, mutual care, fluff, domestic fluff, swearwords, lotsa cursing, dismissive nicknames, self harm (mention)
Tumblr : 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 . Ao3: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / all.
  My KoFi  - Support me ♥ or Commission me
Story under the cut: (<2k)
A gargantuan mace hit the ground, sending splitting stones and other pieces of damaged ground flying through the heart of the imagination.
 Dark Creativity screeched into the air. He ripped the mace out of the ground with great effort and immediately struck the ground with a loud war scream.
His deafening screams and yells filled the vast emptiness of the mindscape. Other than that, the slightly more silent noise of Remus consistently breaking and devastating the rocks and mountains of the desert he was in.
 “Thomas just needs to get a simple baseball bat and SMASH HIS SKULL IN!”
 Remus repeated his motion of shattering the bleeding ground as he hurled his mace out and behind his back for the maximum amount of swinging power science would give him.
 “No more PAY! No more BILLS!”
 He worked the mace down into the ground, his whole body following the movement. His upper body went down with the large weapon and stopped just shy of the unsteady ground, splitting it.
A growl could be heard. It erupted from the depths of the ground could as the dark floor slowly drove itself away from one another in two halves.
 The Duke’s rage had halved the currently imagined world.
He freed his mace and brought it back to his chest. One of his hands brushed over the end of it, the one without stabby spikes! Still a pretty side, to Remus.
A little light bubble, dark pink, grew at said end with a bit of distance to the stick-part itself.
 Remus shook the mace, letting the spikes give way to nothing but a long, black stick. Once the hurty spikes were gone, he YEETED the consistently expanding bubble in front of him and repeated.
 The bubble manifested itself in the air, sticking to the invisible laws of the Duke’s whimsy. Slowly, a picture started to fade onto the dark background. Thomas could be seen, holding a bat. It was just as Remus had predicted.
The scene became crystal clear and with a simple snip of his fingers, Thomas moved as if trapped in the gifset of a violent mind. He bashed into his head, again, again, again and again as Remus chanted in moral support.
 The Imagination shifted at once, the bubbling magma morphing into a small river while the dark ground, the stones and rocks and destruction turned into a field of grass.
While the air remained heavy, the bubble popped and Remus’ stick became nothing but an elegant twig.
 “Why are you up so late?”
 Creativity growled in response and shook his body like a wet dog. His flouncy outfit floated as if in timelapse.
 “Why are you up so late? Stop asking me silly questions. I am creating.”
 Virgil hopped over the small river and turned to look directly at the raging side.
 “You look as if you are pouting”, he stated calmly, much like Logan would, “what got ya stinki mood up, poopy boy?”
 Remus glared back at the smaller side and cleared his throat. He bowed to pick up his twig.
 “My mace.”
 That was definitely a pout. Remus’ lips were pursed into a pout, even his words seemed to pout despite his sentence being so short of them.
The mustache seemed to stretch his face into a long, sad face. Maybe he was actually manipulating his appearance, maybe the facial hair really put an extra emphasis after all.
 “You are the Duke of Creativity. If you want it back, you do that. Now, how about we give this financial discussion a break and fucking chill for a minute.”
 Remus threw the twig away and shook his head, arms crossed in front of his chest.
 “Yeah, you would like that. How about Thomathy here gets it on with a hot dude and I will shut up?”
 Virgil rolled his eyes.
 “We could eat that cockroach Thomathy squished this morning! I will get it from the trash!”
 The Duke started running for time before the other could even react. Anxiety kicked in, shifting the imagination in a way, they found themselves in Remus’ messy bedroom.
A huge vine came out of the closet and ended mid-room before the bed.. or whatever one wanted to call the mess of clothing. There was a glowing blue trail of splatter on the floor. Weapons and.. hair??? were cluttered all over the floor.
Virgil could hear a distant slapping of meat.
The floorboards seemed rather loose and rattled.
 “My room! ROOM ROOM ROOM!”
 Remus drew Virgil close.
 “Emo! Look at my plant! It is really cute! It will love you!”
 Virgil clung to the ever-changing mess of ideas and shook his head.
 “I want to sleep, Remus. Shut up and go to sleep with me. You can wreck havoc and reek tomorrow but Thomas needs to sleep or else he will be shit in the morning.”
 The man in question bounced.
 “If I make Thomathy beat up himself, he will look like shit for sure!!!”
 The emo rolled his eyes and nudged Remus towards the bed. He had not even expected the room to look as bad. Maybe he should have taken this to the living-room or literally any space that had a comfortable ground to lay on. He was a metaphysical being who could not really perceive pain after all - the choice to sleep was really just allowing Thomas to deal with things more calmly, at least in the case of Anxiety. Also, only given that Virgil did not deliberately clock out in order to spare Thomas any effect from his side.
 “Nah, that is work. Work sucks. We wanna sleep forever and eat weird shit, right?”
 Remus grumbled.
At heart, he sort of agreed. Right now, he was driven to do things, to be active and creative or destroy and simply do as much as he could because he had that energy.
 “Nap time, Dukey.”
 Virgil tugged him towards the bed.
 “Oh, Virgil ~ I did not know you were into this kind of thing ~”
 The addressed side blushed but shook his head.
 “In your dreams, fucker.”
 He stepped closer to the unmoving wall of Creativity. Confidently, he let their chests collide, sending Remus backwards.
The wavering Duke gasped in surprise and squeaked insolently.
 “EmO!”, he screeches with a voice that got scratchier and scratchier by the minute. His arms flailed into any direction until he drew them in front of his chest to cross them.
“How can you be cunning and cunt-y?”
 Virgil could hear his brain yell a conditioned “language!” response at him. He literally heard Patton scold Remus in his brain. Judging from the sour look on the other’s face, the anxious trait assumed he could hear it too.
 “Now you know how tiring it can be to hear something in you, that you can’t stop? Pretty fucking shitty, huh? Move, babysitting you is tiring.”
 The reveal of a long, pink tongue was the response but Remus kicked off his boots and patted his clothings until they dissolved into some sort of magical glitter dust. It silently trickled down onto the floor and was blown into all directions of the room.
This place really had a mind of its own. Not that Virgil really minded this.
 “Good Remus”, Virgil praised softly as he joined the other on the bed. They laid down together and Virgil kicked a bundle of weapons and books off the bed, “oops. My bad. I thought it was your pet raccoon.”
 Remus giggled.
 “No! That is you!”
 Virgil shook his head, grinning into his oversized mess of a self-ruined jacket. The Duke looked at him in his own naked glory and patted the space next to him. To join him on the fun, he eyed the stack of his dirty single socks collection and gave it a strong kick.
 “Nooo, nap time. We wanted to be nice to Thomas and fuck shit up tomorrow.”
 Creativity blinked at Virgil. A rare occasion. The blinking and directly looking at someone. He usually just stared into something nobody but him could see. It was chilling and so deeply terrifying, Thomas would feel it in his bones when anyone but Logan or the (former) Others interacted with him.
 “You will join me?”
 Virgil threw his head back as he slowly snuggled up to Remus, filling the spot he had previously patted. A groan escaped his lips and he let his head roll against Remus’ shoulder.
 Instead of answering, he clapped his hands together, summoning a little bowl he thrusted into Remus’ hands.
The bowl was full of little gummy worms which looked surprisingly disgusting with how slimy and wet they appeared to be. They had a certain shine to them and the colour was so unnaturally neon orange, they were glowing in the dim lighting of the Duke’s room.
 “Have a cursed snack and get your creative energy into a fucked up sex dream instead of making Thomas uncomfortable. He’s got some shit to do tomorrow.”
 Silence took over the room.
Virgil caused some rustling sounds as he curled up next to Remus. The room was surprisingly un-stinky compared to what he had expected.
Loud chewing sounds interrupted the momentary silence.
 It was good while it lasted but Virgil was willing to trade his own discomfort for the sake of Thomas’ well-being. He needed his sleep with another tough schedule coming up.
 He hummed in response.
 “Are you anxious because of the new projects they planned?”
 The former dark side curled further into himself, shaking his head stubbornly.
Chewing sounds continued for a bit until Remus took a small break and suddenly snapped his head back and emptied the whole bowl into his mouth. Without even moving his jaw to chew, he swallowed his big ball of cursed sweets and made a lewd lip-smacking sound.
 Virgil opened his mouth to comment on how disgusting the other was but he interrupted him.
 “Come cuddle. It is okay to be scared. I will eat your mean anxiety.”
 He shook his head. The Duke turned to pull Virgil into a hug. The anxious side chuckled.
 “This is not how I work.”
 “Yeah, but it is how I work.”
 “Whatever, Remus. Shut up if you wanna cuddle, you rat man.”
 It was Remus’ turn to chuckle.
 “You just wish I was moth man!”
 Virgil shook his head, smirking into Remus’ neck. He finally allowed himself to close his eyes and hold onto the other.
 It was silent.
For real.
Within minutes, Remus was asleep and Virgil was ever so silently snoring, nobody could hear it.
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the-real-anywolf · 5 years ago
Destiel Advent Calendar 2019
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Title: Egg... Not
Tags: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Recipe Fail, Sam Winchester Needs Brain Bleach, Fluff 
Summary: After days of researching recipes, Castiel makes the perfect eggnog for Sam and Dean. Unfortunately, it doesn’t turn out as nice as he’d hoped, and Dean doesn’t want to ruin the mood by telling him the truth. Thankfully, Dean saves the day with some quick thinking. Written by: @punk-is-notdead​ (tfw_cas)
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21664276
Egg... Not
Castiel had spent the last few days researching how to make eggnog, carefully reading every recipe he could find on the internet. He had settled on one by Martha Stewart, who was apparently some kind of domestic goddess. He was certain nothing could possibly go wrong; this would be the perfect surprise.
Separating the eggs was not as easy as it sounded in the instructions, and some egg white accidentally got mixed in with the yolks. Castiel figured it probably wasn’t too big of a problem though, so he carried on mixing the ingredients, and not worrying about a little detail like that.
Adding the milk, cream and alcohol, Castiel wasn’t sure if he was getting the quantities quite right, because they didn’t have cups in the bunker, just mugs. Still, it couldn’t matter that much, could it?
He beat the egg whites as instructed, and while he wouldn’t exactly describe them as stiff peaks, the mixture had changed colour and was thicker. He thought it looked perfect, so he folded it in, added the rest of the cream, then poured it into glasses. He didn’t have time to leave it in the fridge for a whole day as Martha suggested… he wanted to serve it right away, so that was what he was going to do.
Castiel carried the drinks through to the war room, where Sam and Dean were doing research of their own for a case. He could see that Dean’s eyes had glazed over, and he was just pretending to read the huge book on the table in front of him.
“I have a surprise,” Castiel announced, setting the glasses on the table. “I made eggnog.”
“You did?” Dean’s eyes lit up as he reached for one of the drinks. “Thanks, Cas.”
Dean smiled warmly at Castiel - one of those smiles that made Castiel’s stomach do little flips - and Castiel smiled back. Somewhere in the background Sam coughed, and Castiel could see the way Dean’s face coloured at being caught having one of their ‘epic stare contests’, as Sam called them.
“Come on guys, can’t you wait ‘til I’m somewhere else?” Sam gave them one of his bitchfaces, but it faded and turned into a smile when Castiel handed him his glass of eggnog.
“Cheers,” Dean said, lifting the glass in salute before taking a sip.
Castiel took a sip of his, and… it wasn’t very pleasant at all. It was probably the molecules though; this always caused him problems when trying to taste something.
He could see Sam and Dean exchanging glances, and it didn’t look like they were enjoying it either. This was a disaster.
“D-don’t you like it?” he asked, hesitantly.
“No… no, it’s great. Really… great,” Dean said, not entirely convincingly.
Sam nodded his agreement with Dean, and they both took another sip from their drinks.
“Mmmm, delicious,” Dean said, smacking his lips for emphasis. His eyes were watering slightly, and Castiel realised it was because he was overwhelmed by the surprise.
“I’ll go get the rest,” Castiel said happily, as he rushed back to the kitchen to fetch it.
The rest of the eggnog was in a bowl, so he had to be careful carrying it; he didn’t want to risk spilling it on the floor, and losing any of the precious drink. As he neared the war room, he heard the Winchester brothers’ voices and stopped to listen. He quickly wished he hadn’t heard anything, however, as it wasn’t exactly complimentary.
“Yeah, that was nasty,” Dean said. “I don’t think I’ll ever get the taste out of my mouth.”
“Shouldn’t we tell Cas? Lying about it isn’t fair to him.”
“Nooo, are you crazy? We can’t tell him, he’ll-”
Dean stopped talking as Castiel came into the room, shooting Dean a look of disgust.
“Why don’t you want to tell me the truth, Dean? I thought we were past lying to each other.” He slammed the bowl down on the table, and some of the liquid slopped over the side.
“Cas… hey. You’re getting the wrong idea,” Dean said in a pleading voice, and Castiel could feel his anger softening.
“Am I?” He crossed his arms, and waited for Dean to explain. “Please enlighten me.”
Dean got up from the table and walked over to him, giving him what Sam would describe as ‘puppy dog eyes’. “It was really gross, but I didn’t want to hurt your feelings… You tried so hard.”
Dean’s explanation did make sense. Castiel was still annoyed that Dean lied to him, but he was trying to spare his feelings. There was a time when Dean wouldn’t have thought twice about telling him the brutal truth, no matter how painful it was. They had come a long way.
“Do you forgive me, angel?” Dean moved in for a kiss, whispering the pet name before brushing their lips together tenderly.
Castiel melted into the kiss, tasting the eggnog on Dean’s tongue as he swiped it across Castiel’s lips. It really was disgusting; Dean was right.
Castiel broke off the kiss, and looked at Dean sadly. “I’m sorry I ruined the eggnog. I wanted to make it perfect.”
“Nope, don’t apologise,” Dean said. “You know what this means, right?”
“What does it mean?”
“You and me, in the kitchen, making eggnog. And maybe pie. We’re gonna have so much fun.”
This was a very good idea. Why didn’t Castiel think of that in the first place.
“Yeah, why don’t you take this to the kitchen?” Sam interrupted. “Just, please don’t defile the kitchen table. Or the worktops?”
“Oh Sammy, you really shouldn’t give us ideas,” Dean said as he took Castiel’s hand and led him away to the kitchen.
“Guys?” Sam called after them, and Dean chuckled.
“So… table or worktop?” he asked, with a wink.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years ago
1. If you found a baby turtle on the side of the road, would you pick it up and keep it? No. 2. Did you and your mum ever have a big fight that caused you to move out? Nooo. 3. Has the last person you kissed ever been to your house? Yeah, a few times. 4. Have you had a good day today or was yesterday better? It’s only 3 in the morning. We’ll see. I have a doctor appointment this morning; though, so it’s not going to start off great. 5. Do you have any plans for the upcoming weekend? Nope.
6. How about you, do you have a bf/gf? No. 7. Could you date someone very attractive, but who thought they were better than everyone else? Absolutely not. I wouldn’t give a shit how attractive they were if they were like that.  8. So do you have a best friend? Yes. 9. What would you do if your best friend kissed the last person you kissed? My mom would never do that. 10. Do you dislike anyone? No one I know. 11. Did you message your best friend today? No. I’ll see her later on, we live together. 12. Do you think you will be in a relationship two months from now? Nope. 13. Do you always feel like you’re making mistakes? Always. 14. How do you feel about your hair right now? I love the color since I just got it done a few weeks ago and it looks healthier since I got it trimmed, but still I hate that I don’t do anything with it besides throw it up in a pony tail. I’ve never been good at styling my hair, it never comes out good. I have long hair, it would be nice to actually do something with it. 15. Does anybody have a tattoo with your name on it? Well, I’m sure there’s people with “Stephanie” tattooed on them, but not anyone I know. 16. Who did you last see shirtless? An actor on TV. 17. How would you feel if you got the person you liked? I don’t like anyone in that way. 18. Do you think you can last in a relationship for six months without cheating? Yes. 19. Do you like to make the first move? Noooo. 20. Do you think you will ever be married? No. 21. Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? I’m a big disappointment to myself and everyone else I feel like. 22. Is it possible to be single and happy? Yeah. I mean, I’m single and unhappy, but it’s not because I’m single. 23. Was the first person you talked to today male or female? It’ll be male (my brother). 24. Do you remember who you liked on New Year’s? No one. 25. Are you a morning person or a night person? I’m barely a person. 26. Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? I’ve gone 7 years so far and have no desire for it. 27. Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough? I’ve always felt that way. 28. Is there anyone who likes you? Not in the romantic sense. 29. If the last person you kissed saw you kissing someone else, would they be mad? Ha, no. They wouldn’t give a single fuck. 30. Do you understand football? I get there’s touchdowns... that’s about it. ha. 31. What’s the first thing you heard this morning? It’ll be alarm. D: 32. Who last called you beautiful? My hair stylist did after she finished with my hair.  33. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? No. 34. How many kids do you want when you get older? Zero. 35. Are you the type of person who has a new boyfriend/girlfriend every week? Uh, no. I’ve been single for 7 years and haven’t even talked to anyone in that way in 4. 36. Ever been called a jerk/bitch? Yes, playfully. 37. Do you have feelings for anyone? Not romantic ones. 38. If you fell pregnant to the last person you kissed, what would you think? “Fell pregnant.” I’m a virgin and can’t have kids anyway, so. 39. What’s your full name? Stephanie is all you need to know. 40. Are you young or old? I’m old. 41. What’s the gender? I’m a female. 42. How’s your heart been lately? Physically, it’s fine.  43. Why aren’t you in bed? I am. 44. Did you do laundry today? No. 45. What kind of computer do you have? A MacBook Air. 46. Are there always other fish in the sea? So they say. 47. What can your tongue do? I can’t curl it or make a clover or anything. 48. What do you think your mum does when she goes out? My poor mom doesn’t do much outside of work, taking care of my family, especially me, and caring for a family friend. She hardly gets any time for herself.  49. Do chickens have feelings? Yes. 50. Do you think the body is the most beautiful thing that was ever made? We’re made in God’s image. I need to learn to love myself and my body, though, cause I definitely don’t. 51. So how are you feeling today? Blah. 52. Where is your sister right now? I don't have a sister. 53. Name five things you did today? So far just YouTube and surveys. 54. What kind of phone do you have? An iPhone XR. 55. What are you listening to? An ASMR video. 56. What do you smell like? Like me. 57. What colour are your eyes? Brown. 58. Have you ever done a Chinese fire drill? No. 59. Do you know someone named Betsy? No. 60. What colour is your mum’s hair? Black. 61. Do you have a dog? Breed? Name? Yes, a 3 year old German Shepherd/Lab mix named Princess Leia. <3 62. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid? Yeah. A lot of Barney songs, especially. 63. Are you married? Nopeee. I’m very single. 64. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings? Last night.  65. Do you play an instrument? I played some piano back in the day. I regret not keeping up with it, though. I wish I took it more seriously. 66. Do you like fire? I like bonfires or fire in the fireplace. I love that autumn fire smell. However, you’ll never catch me lighting a fire. Not even a candle. I’m a big scardy cat. 67. Are you allergic to anything? Tangerines. 68. Have you ever been to a spa? Nope. 69. Do you miss someone? Always. 70. Views on premarital sex? I’m just waiting to be in a loving committed relationship. Someone I’m very comfortable with. He’ll have to be someone very patient and understanding. 71. What is a noise that you cannot stand? Eating sounds--slurping, smacking, sucking... I CAN’T. 72. Do you know how to do a cartwheel? I can’t do that. 73. What is the most you are willing to spend on a pair of sunglasses? I don’t wear sunglasses as someone who has to wear glasses because I’m basically blind without them. I’ve had the transitional glasses in the past, though. I don’t have them currently cause I didn’t want to pay for that. 74. Does your mum vacuum early in the morning while you’re asleep? No. 75. Do you shower naked? Uh, yeah?  76. Does wearing glasses really make people look smart? It can. Doesn’t make me look smart, though ha. I’m not fooling anyone. 77. Are you ADD or ADHD? No. 78. Do your band-aids have cartoons on them? No, we just have the boring plain ones. 79. Have you ever kissed someone you shouldn’t have? No. 80. In one word, how would you define yourself? Disappointing.  81. Tell me about a dream you had recently? Nah. 82. Who’s the funniest drunk person you know? I haven’t been around drunk people in a long time. 83. How did you feel when you woke up? I haven’t gone to bed, yet, but I know I won’t be happy when my alarm goes off. I have a doctor appointment in the morning. :/ 84. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? It’ll be “ughhhhh I don’t want to get up.” 85. Name something great that happened on Friday? I don’t know, it’s Thursday. Ask me tomorrow. 86. When was the last time you saw your father? Last night. 87. Do you wish someone would call or text you right now? No. You know... it’s weird. I heard from Ty out of the blue yesterday for the first time in almost 5 years and it didn’t stir up anything in me like it would have in the past. 88. Have you ever been kissed by a person whose name starts with J? Yes. 89. Do you crack your knuckles? Yeah. 90. What were you doing twenty minutes ago? This. 91. You’re thinking about someone, aren’t you? I am now cause of that question where I talked about Ty. 92. Have you held hands with anyone in the past twenty-four hours? No. 93. What would you do if your partner still kept pictures of their ex? I would have an issue with that. 94. What if your partner went through your cellphone? I don’t want that kind of relationship. Like yeah, we should have nothing to hide, but still there’s just no reason for it. 95. What if your partner was flirting with another girl/boy? I’d most definitely have a problem with that and would say something. 96. Ever liked someone you thought you didn’t stand a chance with? Yes. 97. You want someone/something? I’m already looking forward to lunch. 98. Is there really a difference between Coke and Pepsi? There absolutely is. Coke all the way. 99. Is there any emotion you’re trying to avoid right now? I’m hungry, but it’s 330 in the morning and I’m not going to get anything. I’ll get something later after my doctor appointment. 100. Are there any mistakes with your recent ex you wish you could have changed? It really doesn’t matter anymore. 101. Has anyone ever been with you while you were throwing up? Yeah, my mom many times whenever I was sick. That’s even still to this day as an adult. One of my former friends was with me a few times after getting sick from a littleee bit too much to drink. :X 102. Background on your computer? Alexander Skarsgard. 103. Have you cried recently? Yes. 104. Who has hurt you the most? Myself. 105. Are you happy with where you are relationship-wise now? I’m perfectly fine with being single. 106. What language do you want to learn? I want to be fluent in Spanish. I should start practicing again, it’s been yearsss so I’m definitely rusty. 107. Your ex’s car breaks down and they ask you for a lift. Your response? I don’t drive, so I’d be of no help. 108. Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? I’d only hit someone out of self-defense.
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castpeve · 6 years ago
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The Eden Club was a hellhole, but it was better than running away from the police as a deviant. You weren't everyone's first choice, but not unpopular either. The only moment of escape rA9 gave you was when a snobby man rented you a chance to run from the club, along with his android, to find Jericho.
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A/N: ok first two chapters probs won't have interactions with the og dbh characters since i dont want the story to be escalating too quickly. first two chaps are just an introduction to the reader and a few minor characters i made up (and maybe sneak a main character in, wink), i hope you guys dont mind !!
count: 2058 words
posted: 190406
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"Purchase confirmed." The tube slid open, "Eden club wishes you a pleasant experience." The man chuckled, throwing the old, ugly trenchcoat at the android. "Y/n...Eh? All yours, Matt. Ye Bastard." She stood there, perplexed, seeing the man walk out of the club, the Android accompanying him tilted his head, signalling that the Traci should follow.
She didn't know what else to do but do what she thought she was supposed to, after all, no one has ever purchased her for a whole night before. Was this safe? Was this allowed? She didn't know, but the man who bought her looked like a minted man, and the WR600 which followed certainly didn't look like the average model. Yes, it had the iconic blond hair and thin face, yet it had bright, grey-ish blue eyes and countless freckles splattered across it's face. It was also suited in grey trousers and what looked like a white long-sleeved button up shirt under a black hoodie, the Traci, or Y/n, still stood there in front of the closing tube. 'Matt' sighed, walking back to Y/n and grabbed the trenchcoat, helping her to wear it. She was inexperienced with putting on clothes more than revealing black undergarments, only knowing how to take them off.
"Hello, I'm Matthew. Err.. Y/n. Please follow me." He gave a half smile, turning his back at her and she followed. The music slowly faded into the distance as they exit the vibrantly coloured club, the cold climate made Y/n thankful she was given the coat. Even if she was designed to not be bothered by the cold...Or heat, or temperature. After all, she was just a plastic toy to be fucked.
Matthew opened the car door, gesturing her to come in. She did so silently, the awkward atmosphere immediately consuming her. The other android followed, and the car started. "Almost thought you two screwed in the club, heh." The old man laughed, despite looking rich he still drove an old sports car, not the self-driving vehicles that became the ordinary. The car blasted music, seemingly from 2018. They all sat in silence as the car drove, away from the bustling streets of Detroit and into...One of the richer sides of the city. "Get out." The man mumbled, Matthew left the front and opened the door for Y/n, who nervously stood up, out of the sports car. They entered the Apartment complex, Y/n trailing behind Matthew's tall figure the whole walk. They arrived at the elevator, which was quite spacious, the walls decorated with mirrors and mellifluous piano music filled the small space. "So," The man started, stuffing his hands into his beige jacket. "Watcha think of it, Matt? Want me to work late so you two could have some private?" Matthew turned his head to the side, his ears showed a faint blue. "Please, mr. Hutton. I never asked for a Traci.."  He responded in a small voice. "Overworked cunt, ye know you should take a break. Stop workin' and watchin' over Collie like ye life depended on it, Oliver's there for that." Mr. Hutton's thickly voice sounded extremely like the plummy men Y/n had to endure. She stood awkwardly at the side, maintaining her posture. She was admittedly more attractive than all the other Traci's, but made her a bit overpriced. If lonely men hadn't drunkenly spent their money on sex androids, then maybe they had the slimmest chance of being able to afford her. The elevator briefly stopped, Mr. Hutton stepped out as the two androids followed, Y/n still trailing behind Matthew like a lost puppy.
Y/n's theory of Mr. Hutton being a minted man was correct, the bloke lived in a penthouse. And with his mention of a droid named 'Oliver', showed that Matthew wasn't the only bot he owned. Hutton locked the doors, taking off his jacket and immediately heading towards a room. "I'll be in my office, if anything malfunctions about Y/n, Matt, just tell Oliver to tell me. 'Cuz I don't want to smell Android sex." He chuckled, yawning right after. Matthew pressed his lips together, looking annoyed. "I'm sorry, Y/n. You don't need to do the...Thing. Take this as a break from the usual, ehh...Sexy moments you take nightly?" He simpered, taking off the hoodie, briefly revealing the white button up. Y/n could tell the android was a deviant, she herself was one. "I..I know you feel awkward. You don't usually have any robotic clients, yeah? Just, we can hang out in my own...Shared room with two other androids. All of us are deviants, Mr. Hutton doesn't have the heart to report and we don't have the heart to do anything deviant-y. Two others are busy doing whatever." Y/n still followed the Blond sheepishly, taking in the warm coloured interior contrasting from the bright, neon lights of the club she's always been in.
Matthew's room felt significantly colder than the living room, yet the room still had the same warm aesthetic as the rest of the penthouse, accompanied with three twin beds, night stands seperating each of them. They were treated as if they were humans, which wasn't a typical perk humans give to servant androids. Hutton must be incredibly warm-hearted to spend this much for androids. She mumbled a small "Thank you," almost seemingly like a whisper. He plopped down his bed, she assumed, and turned on the TV, situated in the middle of the room on a small, black wooden table filled with various magazines and such. She realized that Matthew isn't going to make the first move any soon, and her main purpose was to satisfy customers. But she was a deviant, she didn't have to give in the club's greedy orders. "You can go and make yourself at home, for the time being. Until you can go back and settle in the tube thing you live in, oh that must be uncomfortable, isn't it? Oh you probably don't wanna be reminded. Oh, uh..." He trailed off, hiding his face behind his hands, the blue hue returning to his face. Boy wasn't used to being with other androids, female androids.
Y/n stiffled a laugh, "It's ok, sir." The corner of her mouth quirking up, "Certainly we can enjoy the night, though?" His eyes widened, "W-wait are you actually willing to do it?? I...Was I programmed for this..." He stuttered, shifting his glance all around the room. She cracked up, laughter echoing in the secluded room. "No, you little cutie, spend it however you want. Whatever you wanna do.." She sat down next to his bed, making Matthew sit up. If he was a human, he'd be a hot flustered mess. Frankly, she didn't imagine doing it with the boy. Something about him turned her off, not in a bad way, but in a way that she'd rather do something else than ride it all night. They have a night to spend, and that night isn't going to be spent throwing nervous exchanges at eachother. "Maybe get to know eachother? What do you like?" Seems like Y/n has the upper hand.
"Wha— Well," His LED turned yellow, which she hadn't paid much attention to. "I like doing new stuff. It's exciting." He grinned apologetically, being a shy wreck. Y/n scanned through her options, thinking about what to ask the man next. She subtly took off the trenchcoat, despite the cold temperature, it was ugly and reeked. She obviously wasn't given anything else, so all she wore was the iconic black EDEN CLUB undergarments. Despite being an android, programmed to work and not to feel, he acted like such a human. If he would remove the LED, she would be convinced Matthew was a normal human boy. And like a normal human boy, the blood rushed to his face, blue contrasting to his pale, synthetic, freckled skin, "Does this make you uncomfortable, sir?" She asked, tilting her head. Matthew shook his head, "I'm quite fine. Call me Matt, or Matthew, uhhh I-D-K."
Y/n's LED flashed yellow, "I-D-K? What does that mean?" She asked, genuinely. "Err, I don't know."
"What? then why did you use it if you didn't know?" She tilted her head in confusion, the concept of internet slang was foreign to her. "Wait, nooo......" He lightly chuckled, "It means that I don't know an answer to something." The tension lightened up a little, Matthew invited her to sit down next to the bed, offering her something to change into. It actually did make him uncomfortable, but, hey, he wanted to be polite.
"Do you have any shirts, please?" She giggled, "I-D-K, your choice, Matt." He looked back at her with wide eyes, soon a smile was plastered onto his face. "I can't believe I'm teaching another Android slang." He laughed, opening the clean, white closet. Well, one of the three. "I have, ehh, this one blue jacket, I think it would fit you. Frankly, I don't remember buying it but, it's convenient.. I guess." He picked up an indigo, red and white striped jacket that would look to small even for Matthew's rather thin build. She was confused as to why he had that in his closet but nodded, gesturing that she would be alright wearing it. Looked like it fit anyway.
He walked back to her and gently put the clothes on the white sheets, the TV still babbling in the background, about an AX400 running away from their home with a human child, the victim said to have been attacked along the way. Matthew spoke up, "They would probably find their way to Jericho, the two, I mean."
Y/n, who had just finished putting on the jacket, "J....Jericho?" she questioned, Matthew raised his artificial eyebrow. "Yes, Jericho. The place where fugitives, deviants run off to to be 'free'. I've wanted to go there but..." His LED turned yellow, "I...I g-guess I'm already content with my artificial life here.." She didn't know why he hesitated.
"Do you know where Jericho is?" She questioned, squinting at the TV, rambling about androids and Cyberlife and shite.
"Well...I've heard that there are clues. Clues that guide you to Jericho. Very few make it, I never made the risk. I didn't want to leave the safety of Mr. Hutton's home either." He tensed up, "You want to go there, don't you?" he started unbuttoning his long sleeve. "Will that be a bad idea?" She asked again, feeling that she's comfortable enough with Matthew to ask about whatever this Jericho thing is. "Likely."
He threw the shirt onto a nearby basket, leaving him with the grey trousers. Y/n's seen naked men, sometimes women, so this hadn't fazed her. unlike Matthew. He turned around, and mumbled a small "Oh." She gave a lopsided grin, before he turned around and grabbed a random shirt and some shorts along with it, "Excuse me!" He added quickly before dashing into the bathroom connected to the bedroom. Which gave her a chance to explore the room for a few moments.
The room was quite luxurious, real Birch wood was used as the floor, mostly being covered by a soft, white mat. one side had Thirium stains which concerned Y/n, but chose to ignore it. One wall was made of mostly glass, showcasing the dim buildings of Detroit; matching white curtains drawn.
The door swung open. "Hews, I'm sad to say that the tomatoes you grew sucked—" Another Android came in, an AP700, Y/n concluded, since she didn't see her come in, she looks like she had just come back from outside. The girls stared silently at eachother, before one of them spoke, breaking the silence; "I am thoroughly disappointed in you, Matthew—fucking—Hutton," She mumbled. Another android came in, sighing. "I told you."
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ryouverua · 7 years ago
Prelude to Disaster
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No actually though I’m 99% sure we’re going to find a body and I’m kinda terrified because I don’t want to lose Kaito or Kokichi, honestly, but everyone else is here so!!!
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I was about to make a joke about how strange it would be to see her wielding a giant hammer but then I remembered that as a master cosplayer, she’s probably decently strong if she’s lugging around her own outfit and props. S-Sorry about that jab in the other post, my girl!
I ended up deleting a big chunk of paragraph about my own experiences cosplaying with large props, but the tl;dr of it is she’s probably a lot stronger than I give her credit for, depending on what she’s using! I know I’ve been regularly asked how heavy a few of the things I’ve carried are and had some fun comments tossed my way about being able to lift also applause when I get through doorways lmao so I’m going to just assume anything I can do, she can do 100 x better.
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Don’t you have plenty of mallets and hammers in your lab though? 8′D And didn’t you say you can use everything in there? Well okay, so then what exactly do you have in mind -
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“Just... back away... slowly, Saihara... Back awaaaaay.....”
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She’s gone from very reserved to incredibly excited about the entire affair, goodness!
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“You’re not the only one worried about their extroverted boyfriend, Maki! Sharing is caring!″
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"We had a wonderfully meaningful conversation and at the end of it all, I felt compelled to give him this strange pink fragment and my underwear. I was also entirely oblivious to the massive death flags he was waving in my face as well as the fact that he was essentially dictating his will to me. What? What’s with those looks, guys?
the canon scenes with kaito has been him attempting to collect shuichi’s friendship fragments and you will not convince me otherwise
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cough guarding cough
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I guess if they go one at a time they could sneak past the exisals?
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What would that even be? Kiimota? Kaiibo? Is this a ship with no crew? So many questions -
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Oooh....! I’m actually really impressed! K1-b0′s been pretty cold in all of his FTE introductions towards Kokichi this chapter, but the fact that he wanted to give him another chance is pretty good! I feel like the spectrum of ‘willing to give Kokichi another chance’ vs ‘completely done with him’ sort of looks like this?
Kaito | K1-b0 - the most willing, which is sort of hilarious considering the position Kaito’s in. I’ll still stand by the comment I made about Kaito giving him an ‘out’ via that Gonta/breakdown comment, though.
Shuichi | Himiko - Shuichi is definitely not having it with him, but he’s also holding onto a bit of doubt - juuuust a bit. Himiko is similar, though she seems equally afraid as well as upset with him. ... Maybe a little farther to the right than Shuichi.
Tsumugi | Maki - Tsumugi was pretty much losing her mind over how terrifying and cruel Kokichi is and how he wants to see them all suffer and die, and Maki is literally bringing a hunting knife to the hangar and has choked him twice so, uh, positions are pretty obvious there.
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“Without... trying to choke him? I... I don’t understand.... it just doesn’t seem possible...”
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Aaaaw. I still think it was worth a shot, though! I’m surprised he didn’t shoot off any remarks to rile you up, but I guess he has bigger fish to fry now. 8′D
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Hmm, okay. I guess I’ll hold onto that info for now.
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Now the question is will the colour matter later, or are we just establishing that it was outside the hangar initially? For that matter, which one is missing? The red one?
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Was it deactivated for its arrival?
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The music is so intense going down to the hangar - but that name, ‘New Classmates of the Dead’ - not... exactly... ambiguous, huh.
ALRIGHT IT’S TIME TO GO THEN! I’m just going to have Shuichi walk leisurely from the cafeteria down to - oh who am I kidding, I have to make him run with this kind of music playing. 8′D
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Definitely important but the games not going to let us linger on it too long so I guess we gotta move on. 8′/
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Damn at the rate she’s going she’s going to chuck the bomb, grab Kaito and carry him out like a sack of potatoes over her shoulder!!
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I highly doubt we’re going to need those two hours, unless that ends up being the window of time an incident happens in from this point on - t-though I feel like anything that will happen, has happened already. All the bodies that have dropped in this game have happened overnight... 8(
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Ggggh they know how to build tension but come on damn it, come ON
i feel like I’m waiting outside a storage shed on an island far, far away from here, with a blood-red circle painted on the shutters...
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Is Maki just incredibly wrapped up in the same dread I am or there something else going on??? Of all the people here, she should be raring to go.
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Whoa, what?? That... wouldn’t be something like Monokuma’s claws or something, right?
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fuck I really don’t want to tbh
do I
do I have to
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Tsumugi that is the most hilarious battle cry I have ever heard please don’t change
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too much tension grrrk -
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T-they’re frozen - frozen in place - and honestly, what a scene, just framed by the hangar’s shutter, light illuminating their backs, their shadows stretching forward -
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I..... I thought... I had prepared my heart for this moment....
I still
wasn’t..... ready...........
oh fuck they...... there’s nothing left........
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Somehow... Shuichi is still standing? How?
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Oh, wow. What an angle. Illuminated this time from the screen as Monokuma leers down at the scene, triumphant as if he hadn’t been MIA for days - as the last pillar of support Shuichi had crumbles before his eyes -
and meanwhile, that damn triumphant song plays in the background.
‘Voyage without Passion or Purpose’...  well, of course. They may have their purpose back now, but that passion?
That passion lies dead; crushed with Kaito.
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littleoldrachel · 8 years ago
Sixth chapter is up!  Read it here on ao3, or here on ff.net, or under the cut.
***Shoutout to @croatoanmary who is wonderful and lovely and deserves only nice things <3***
100 Ways to Say I Love You
Summary: In which actions speak louder than words, Sirius and Remus sort of fall in to a relationship, and even though neither of them have said those three all-important words, they both know it anyway.Or: 100 Ways to Say I Love You by Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.
Previous |  chapter 6/100 - “Have a good day at work.” | Next
Based on this post by p0ck3tf0x.
Tw for mentions of anxiety.
What does that even mean?
Sirius stares himself down in the mirror – his hair has never looked glossier, his eyeliner is absolutely on point, his highlight is making him fucking glow. His outfit on the other hand – he’s not so confident. Which is less than ideal, considering today marks his first day at Queerllustration, where, judging by what he’d seen at his interview, he’ll be surrounded by beautifully-dressed and well put together arty types; he cannot fuck up this look.
(Is it possible that he’s pinning too much meaning on his make-up and clothing, and not enough on the actual this-is-his-first-day-working-at-Queerllustration part of things? Yes, very, but that’s only because if he stops to think about that fact for even a second, then he will actually implode from anxiety – really, fashion is the only thing holding him together at this point).
A small part of him is livid at himself that he’s not thought about this properly before now, but the other part – the half that accepts that he is a born procrastinator, far too used to being able to pull it out of the bag last minute and still get top marks, and will probably put off his own death out of sheer laziness – is lowkey impressed that he’s doing this a whole two hours before he has to leave.  
The Sia track in the background changes to something more dance-y, and Sirius absent-mindedly swishes his hips in time to the beat, lets his skirt fan out around his thighs as he surveys his reflection critically. What he needs, he decides, is a second opinion. Ordinarily, James would be delighted to advise, would probably demand a fashion show complete with lighting and music, but alas, he is already at school with Kingsley, organising his breakfast club for the disadvantaged kids of the area. Similarly, Lily’s at morning classes, and then she’ll head straight to work –
Decisions are so goddamn hard. Smart casual is so fucking vague.
He takes a calming breath, though it does fuck-all to actually calm him down, and then angles his phone carefully, before snapping a quick selfie. He drops it in to the group chat with “smart casual” and a string of question marks and thinking emojis. The replies come within ten minutes as he stews, trying to resist the urge to gnaw on his nails in nervousness.
Alice: slaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy [fire emoji]
Wormtail: [Brooklyn Nine-Nine emoji of Captain Raymond Holt saying “hot damn!”]
Prongs: babe
Prongs: you are stunning
Prongs: utter perfection
Prongs: I am high key in love with you
Lils: I second everything J said
Lils: (dat eyeliner tho [okay sign emoji] [100% sign emoji])
Kingsley: yaaasss queen
Marlene: [thumbs up emoji] [crown emoji] [love heart eyes emoji]
Frank: u look great bud
His heart warms at their encouragement, and the ball of anxiousness that’s been swelling in his stomach shrinks ever so slightly. Returning lovehearts to each of them (different colours for each person, obviously, and the sparkly one for James because he’s hella extra), he pauses over Remus’ name, where his message is still marked unread. He knows he’s being daft – he has reassurances from almost all of the people he loves the most in the world, but he needs Remus’ approval on this, because Remus always seems to know exactly what to say. And besides, he knows Remus doesn’t have work this morning, because he’d made Sirius promise to ring if he needs anything.
Does this count? Probably not what Remus had had in mind, honestly – Remus goes for comfort over statement, though he has a unique and incredible ability to look cute in sweatpants and a holey jumper – but his opinion still holds a special place in Sirius’ heart.
Things have almost gone back to normal between them after… whatever it was that twisted, warped and broke last week, and Sirius is fine, he is, and no, Prongs, he doesn’t want to talk about it anymore, he’s fine.
The crushing disappointment is an aching lump in his chest, exacerbating the anxiety and the insecurities that always lurk just beneath his ribcage, and he’s cried and cried and cried (and sure, he’s a crier, but even for him, this is A Lot), trying to batter his stupid heart in to getting over the warmth and love and everything that Remus is.
But yeah, he’s fine.
(Shut up, Prongs, he will be fine).
Before he chokes up about it all over again, he jabs at Remus’ number, holding his breath as the dial tone sounds, then waits –
And waits –
And –
Just when he’s convinced himself that Remus isn’t going to answer, and the panic lurches up his throat so fast he thinks he might actually vomit all over his lap –
“Moony – what does smart casual mean?” he says urgently, the second Remus picks up. (It takes a moment to register that the long wait means that Remus was probably sleeping, and the grogginess as he mumbles, “hello?” confirms this).
Guilt floods through him, as he hears Remus moving around – presumably sitting up in bed, rubbing at his eyes, squinting at the clock on his bedside table – and it’s so fucking domestic that his heart aches for it a little. “Give me a second, Pads,” he says, his voice still heavy and thick with sleep.
“Sorry I woke you-“ Sirius begins, unable to stop the guilt from pouring out of his mouth. “I know you’re probably exhausted – I just needed some advice – I – sorry.”
“It’s fine, Pads,” Remus says, and he just knows that Remus is rolling his eyes at him, even though it’s not fine that he disturbed his rest when he’s already so tired, he’s a shitty friend-
“Okay. What was the question again?” Remus asks through a yawn.
He takes a breath to thank whatever deity is controlling his life that Remus is so Good and kind and forgiving. “Smart-casual. What does that mean, I don’t know what to doooo.”
Sirius can hear Remus’ smile, and the line crackles a little as Remus sighs fondly – because his phone is ancient and terrible and barely functions as a phone anymore. “What are you wearing?”
“My black skirt – the one with the pleats that goes all whoosh, you know?”
“Cute,” Remus interjects, and Sirius’ heart does a little swoop.
“Plus my black boots, tights, and my green blousey thing.”
“Double triple cute,” Remus says, “you look great in green.” There’s something about just-woken-up Remus that’s even more wonderful than normal-Remus, and Sirius had no idea that such a thing was possible. This Remus is so openly affectionate, so soft, so warm - so wrong though because-
Sirius wrinkles his nose. “Red’s more my thing.”
Remus makes a noise of agreement. “I guess. You look good in all the colours.”
Sirius heart sings. “All of them?” he asks – too soft, too fond, too obvious.
“All of the colours,” Remus repeats, his words slurring slightly, and Sirius can tell he’s starting to drift back to sleep – he’s probably horizontal once more, his phone balanced precariously on one ear.
And he’s selfish and the worst, but he doesn’t want Remus to hang up yet, even though he knows that Remus needs all the sleep he can get. Because when he’s talking to Remus, he can pretend like the anxiety stirring in his gut is just excitement, like it’s something manageable that isn’t going to chew him up and spit him out before he even sets foot outside.
“I just – is it too much? Should I just go all classic white-boy and do a polo neck and chinos, like??”
Remus makes a little pained noise, and it’s honest-to-God adorable. “Nooo, why would you do that?”
Sirius flops back on to his bed with a sigh, a hand on his chest where it’s sort of hard to breathe if he thinks about work too much. “I – I know I can be A Lot, sometimes maybe Too Much, you know? I want them to like me-“
“No, Padfoot, no no no,” Remus sounds suddenly much more awake, the distress sharpening his tone. “Never. You’re never Too Much, you’re perfect, and if they don’t like you, then-“ he flounders, because it’s early and his brain isn’t quite caught up with his mouth yet. “Please never think that,” he says, “you shouldn’t have to change yourself when yourself is so utterly loveable and brilliant.”
Sirius is slightly horrified to feel the lump in the back of his throat, partly because if he cries now, he’s going to ruin his eyeliner, and partly because he adores this man with everything he has; every single atom in his body is hopelessly devoted to him, and perhaps always will be.
“I guess,” he manages, after a pause, once he’s sure that his voice isn’t going to crack.
Remus lets out an “oomph” and a groan, and Sirius is about to ask what’s wrong – probably in a voice laced with too much concern – when he hears a thrumming purr through the phone. “Is that Winky?” he says instead, unable to stop the childlike grin from spreading across his face.
“Yeah,” Remus chuckles, “she says hello.” The purring gets louder as Remus presumably holds the phone against Winky’s chest, like the completely wonderful dork he is.
Sirius laughs, and the anxiety takes a hit. Not a large one, not enough to do lasting damage, but enough to hold it at bay for now. He loosens his grip around his chest. Breathe.
“Anyway,” Remus continues. “Love, do you want to work in a place where you can’t dress like yourself?”
Sirius closes his eyes, because Remus is right. He’s always right, it floors Sirius every time Remus demonstrates just how well he knows Sirius. “No,” he says quietly.
There’s a moment of quiet, in which they just listen to each other breathe. It’s soft and intimate and perfect, and for a minute, Sirius can forget that he’s starting a new job in less than two hours, that he’s going to have to deal with all these new people and responsibilities, and just be.
“How are you feeling?” Remus murmurs eventually.
Sirius starts to say that he’s fine, then remembers who he’s speaking to, and ends up making a noise like he’s been trampled on.
“That well, huh?” Remus says, and Sirius laughs humourlessly. There’s another pause, then Remus continues equally gently. “You know that I know that you’re gonna fucking smash it. You’re gonna go in there and blow them away with your brilliance and your talent, because that’s what you do. You’re gonna charm the pants off all of them, you’re gonna look unbelievably cute, you’re gonna have the best day ever.”
Sirius screws his eyes shut against the tenderness in his voice. “But, what if-“
“Sirius. You’re gonna make me proud – you’re gonna make all of us so bloody proud, because you’re not capable of doing anything less. You make us proud every day by being you. So, go out there, be yourself, make us proud, we will love you and support you no matter what.”
The lump is back in Sirius’ throat and it’s actually impossible for him to speak around it. He presses his fingers in to his eyes, willing himself not to cry, his heart entirely full with how much Remus means to him, overflowing with love and gratefulness and friendship. It takes him several seconds to breathe through his tears, and his voice is horribly wobbly and crackly when he finally finds it again.
“I couldn’t do this without you, Moony.”
“I don’t believe that for a second. I know you. You’re amazing.”
I love you, he almost replies, then catches himself last minute – because although they say it to each other all the time, although it’s the most honest thing he can think of, it’s too soon after the mess of last week, and right now, it would be too honest, too true, too much. Instead he says, “I – uh I – I should go get ready. I – thank you, Moony. Thank you so much.”
“Of course,” Remus says immediately. “My phone will be on loud all day, so if you need anything, then just ring, okay?”
“It’s going to be okay. It’s going to be better than okay.”
“Have a good day at work, Pads. I’m so, so proud of you.” Remus’ voice is nothing but sincere, kindness in every syllable.
“Thank you, Moons. I – I’ll call you tonight, yeah?”
“Come over, I’m in all evening… you can hang out with Winky, and we can watch Bake Off, and eat cake, and you can tell me all about how brilliant you were.”
Remus’ faith in him is so staggering that Sirius actually feels a little unsteady, even though he’s sitting down. “Okay. Yeah. Okay.”
“Bye, love.”
“Bye, Moony.”
Sirius takes a deep breath – then another – gets to his feet, straightens his skirt, and makes his way out of his room and in to the kitchen. Because fate seems to be on his side this morning, the current song that’s playing transitions in to Rainbow, and Sirius feels his anxiety shrink even more as the familiar chords, coupled with Kesha’s gorgeous voice, wash over him. Instead, his heart swells as he catches sight of the note that James has tacked to the kitchen counter.
Padfoot –
Today is a big day, and you’re going to be amazing. More than amazing. You’re going to shine like the fucking star that you are. I’m so proud of you. Go and make your dreams come true <3
Endless love from your best friend, who is only a phone call away, and can’t wait to hear all about it.
The tears threaten to return, and – fuck it, at this point, he’s going to have to redo his make-up anyway – he lets them, because he doesn’t deserve James’ unbounding love and affection. He sends a snap of his watery eyes to James with a string of hearts, and then catches sight of the pot that’s resting in the oven. It’s warm when he pulls it out, and as he lifts the lid, the sweet, milky aroma of kheer hits his nose, and it’s like James has enveloped him in a hug – he loves him, he loves him, he loves him.
Once he’d started spending all of his free time at James’ family home, once James’ parents had come to look on him as their own son, James’ mother would make kheer specially for Sirius whenever he was having a particularly Anxious Day. On the days when the thought of leaving the safety of his bed made his chest tight and painful, on the days when having to get dressed and be a person made him want to curl up in a ball and cry, James’ mother would appear in his room with a steaming bowl of kheer and a chai tea, and she would just sit and listen to him talk about his fears. It was the kind of relationship he’d never had – and never would have – with his own mother, and these quiet mornings are some of his most cherished memories with James’ family.
After they’d moved out, James had taken over the tradition, and there’s always a pot of kheer ready on the mornings before exams, interviews, Bad Days – whenever Sirius needs it to be honest –because James is unfailingly generous and loving, showering his friends with care and support at the drop of a hat. (Sirius has never found the words to express just how grateful he is for James’ friendship – and it’s not for lack of trying).
Unlike the White People version that sits heavy in his stomach like a flavourless weight, this is light, tasty, full of love and kindness and confidence – and it’s the boost Sirius needs to get himself up and ready.
(He’s still anxious. He’s still a Bit of a Mess, and he’s still half-convinced that his new colleagues will think he’s Too Much, and hate him and his quirky queer self on sight. But he has friends who will stand by him, no matter what, who cherish him and care about him and make his heart sing with happiness at the thought of them.
He can do this).
“-And then they introduced me to the rest of the team I’m working with, and Akilah – my supervisor – said they loved my boots! And I got to meet the person who actually created Eclipse, Moony, I nearly died, I met my fucking idol, and xe was amazing. And-“
Sirius is horribly aware that he hasn’t stopped monologuing for approximately fifteen minutes – ever since Remus had made the terrible mistake of saying, “tell me everything,” with that warm, lovely, ridiculously-dimply smile. But he can’t seem to stop the words from overflowing out of his mouth, because his whole body is flooded with good vibes and pleasant memories, and sure, he’s exhausted, but he’s also thrumming with excitement for what the future now holds, and this – this – is why he wanted to go in to Illustration.
Remus doesn’t say much; he nods and laughs and makes the appropriate noises, head tilted to one side. (Sirius can’t believe how soft and cuddly and cosy Remus looks – he’s wearing a thick burgundy sweater that’s unravelling at the sleeves, ratty sweatpants, mustard-yellow fluffy socks, and glasses, and Sirius is dying). If Sirius keeps rattling off nonsense at Remus, he can ignore how Remus’ fingers are clenched around the hot water bottle pressed against his stomach, at how tired and world-weary he looks, at how he rubs at his temples every thirty seconds or so – because Remus had made it very clear when he walked through the door, that this was not a topic of conversation.
Winky hops up in to Sirius’ lap, and he pauses to greet her. She arches up in to his hand with a mewling sound, and he can’t help but coo back at her. Remus snorts, and Sirius pulls a face at him. “What?”
“She’s got you wrapped round her paw,” Remus says fondly.
“Of course she does, look at her, she’s perfect.” Winky purrs and settles down on his thighs. “Aren’t you, yes you are!”
Remus rolls his eyes, but reaches a hand out to scratch behind Winky’s ears. “So, to summarise, your first day was amazing?” he prompts.
“Understatement – it was – overwhelming, but not in a bad way? They actually seemed to like me and my art, and they really seemed excited to work with me, I can’t – I can’t believe it.”
“I can,” Remus says softly. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Yeah, you said,” Sirius says, unable to stop the blush creeping up his cheeks, because Remus looks so goddamn sincere and happy for him. There’s a comfortable pause, and then Remus clears his throat.
“So, I know I promised you cake, but, well, that didn’t happen,” he rubs at his left arm – a tell that Sirius knows means he’s embarrassed, and his heart twinges a little, because does he not know that just being here and listening to him is more than enough? – and continues, “But we can order whatever you like, and I have all of the new series of Bake Off recorded.”
“The new series?” Sirius fakes affront. “Moony, you traitor, what would Mary Berry say?”
“Oh come on, you’re just as curious as I am.”
They snuggle together on Remus’ shitty, ancient sofa, with a fluffy blanket and Winky and Chinese food, in front of Bake Off, and honestly, Sirius can’t think of a better way to spend the evening of his first day. Eventually, he’ll have to head home, and be cuddled within an inch of his life by James, but right now, he can just exist in this comfortable, safe bubble of happiness and warmth with one of his favourite people in the world.
And it’s perfect.  
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lovemesomesurveys · 6 years ago
S/O to @iaintgotcontrol for finding a new survey! lol.
Looks and Personality
What do you look like? I have a face with freckles, brown eyes, a nose, and a mouth. I wear black rimmed glasses. I have long hair that goes past my butt. I naturally have dark brown hair, but I dye it red. I’m thin. Gangly.  How often do you bathe? I don’t take baths, but I shower every 1-2 days. How do you wear your hair? In a pony tail.
What colours do you tend to wear? I have a lot of black and gray with pops of other colors. Do you have any tattoos? What, where and why? No.
What kind of clothes do you wear? Comfy, casual clothes. I’m always in leggings and a comfy shirt. I own a LOT of leggings and graphic T’s.  What kind of jewellery do you wear? I haven’t worn any in years. I used to wear these 3 rings I have 24/7 until one day I took them off for some reason and just never put them back on since. That was probably like 5 years ago. I went through a phase where I was all about accessorizing and wore a ton of bracelets. I wore necklaces and earrings, too. Is there anything else you often wear? I’m always wearing socks. Would you say you had a “look”? I’ve gone through different phases like the preppy/girly and emo phase, but now I’m just very casual and comfy. When going out, do you dress up or down? My going out consists of going to the doctor, the movies, or Walmart. I don’t dress up for any of those things.  What do you wear to bed at home? Those comfy, causal clothes I’ve been talking about. What do you wear to bed when your somewhere else? Same thing. Is there a place you keep any prized/secret things whilst you’re away? No.  What’s your favourite food? Chicken tenders, boneless chicken wings (garlic parm), burritos, potatoes in various forms, eggs, spaghetti, meatballs, and pesto pasta. What’s your favourite drink? Coffee. What’s your favourite desert? Donuts, cupcakes, muffins. What’s your favourite type of food (e.g Mexican)? American, Italian, and Mexican. Do you have any mental problems? Yes. Do you have any phobias? What? Why do you think you have this/them? Yes. Why might somebody dislike you? Because I keep to myself these days and have been very distant and withdrawn from everyone outside of my immediate family. I’m very moody. I don’t put any effort into maintaining friendships anymore. Or any effort into much of anything. I haven’t been a good friend at all to the friends I used to have.  What skill do you possess that you are most proud of? I don’t feel like I have any.  What is your greatest strength (e.g. honest, loyal, brave)? I... don’t know. What’s your greatest shortcoming or flaw (e.g. cowardly, alcoholic)? I have a lot of those. Who do you most admire? My mom and younger brother. Who do you most love? My family. What three things do you look for most in a partner? Good sense of humor, understanding, patient.  Do you like crowds? Nooo. I don’t well with crowds. What are your hobbies? Tumblr/surveys, watching YouTube, coloring, reading, watching TV. If you can’t get to sleep in the middle of the night, what do you do? So every night? At night I do my Bible study, watch YouTube, watch TV, and read. What is your favourite animal? Dogs and giraffes. What is your favourite colour? Pastels. If you could ask God (to athiests - IF there was one) one question, what? I mean, there’s a lot I’d like to know but some things we aren’t meant to know or are beyond our comprehension. Things will be revealed when they’re meant to, if they’re meant to be. Rate yourself on these traits from 0 to 10. 0 - do not possess this trait. 10 - you have great amounts of this trait. Calm temper Charm Cheerfulness Confidence Courtesy Curiousity Forgiveness Generosity Greed Helpfulness Honesty Loyalty Optimism Patience Self-sacrafice Wit Background Where were you born and raised? California. Briefly describe your family. Loving, supportive, encouraging, funny.  You must choose one - your childhood was calm/peaceful or tragic/turbulent? Calm and peaceful out of these choices. I had obstacles and struggles with health related things, but honestly those aren’t what stick out the most to me. I was a very resilient, strong kid. I’m a very weak, scared adult.  Did you have any rolemodels? My mom and grandma. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? I’d say the incident that made me a paraplegic at 7 months old takes home the trophy for that category.  How did it affect you? In every single way from that day forward. Have you ever had any recurring nightmares or themes in nightmares? Yes. As a kid I remember one of the reoccurring nightmares I had was Ghostface chasing me with a knife. I was so scared of Scream for the longest, but I love the movies now. ha. What were they? Death and being chased. Do you currently have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No. Do you have any close friends? I have my family. Briefly describe your best friend: My mom is so strong-willed and hardworking. Very giving. Very outgoing and social. She’s also very funny and sarcastic. She loves her some ID (Investigative Discovery) and Game of Thrones. Any enemies? No. Who? What are they like? Would you risk your life for your best friend?(not lover or family member!) My best friend is a family member, though. And yes. With who was your most important romantic relationship? I haven’t had a serious relationship. Of what are you most proud? :/ Of what are you most ashamed? The person I’ve become over the last 4 years. I really hate this person I’ve become.  Alignment, Ethics and Religion What is your religion? Christian. Where do you stand on abortion? Where do you stand on the death penalty? I’m on the fence. Where do you stand on wearing fur? I don’t wear fur or use real leather. Do you have a moral code that you follow? What? I mean, yes? Could you kill somebody? I can’t ever imagine myself being able to do that, but it’s something you don’t really know unless you find yourself in a situation that could lead to that. For what reason would you kill somebody? The only reason I could think of is self-defense, but even then I still can’t imagine killing someone.  Would you SERIOUSLY CONSIDER killing anybody right now? No, sheesh. Do you trust easily, or not? Trust isn’t a big issue with me, I just have a hard time opening up and expressing myself to people and sharing my feelings. What are your political beliefs (anarchy, communism, democracy etc.)? What, if anything, WOULD you sacrifice your life for? If it meant saving a loved one. Would you ever, for any reason, abandon your friends in an hour of need? That’s what I’ve done over these last few years. :( Motivation
What are your dreams/ambitions/goals? That’s the problem... I don’t have any. How do you plan to reach them? How would your ideal partner look? Not say looks don’t matter at all, but I’m more concerned with personality.
Do you ever want to have a family someday? With children? I can’t see that happening. Who would you want to start this family with, or do you not yet know? What would stop you from reaching your goals (e.g. death, retirement fund)? My health. What do you see yourself doing next year? I have to take it day by day, hour by hour, man. What do you see yourself doing in twenty years? Yikes. Would you ever have an affair? No, I truly don’t think so. Would you ever have a one night stand? No. What are your greatest fears? Losing my loved ones. More information If you had a month of nothing (no work, no obligations) what would you do? That’s been my life for the past few years and it hasn’t been a good thing. It dug me in a deep hole for depression. How do you relax? Listen to ASMR. What one thing would you change in this world (free Tibet, abolish Sweden)? No more violence.  Would you ever choose a career or job where your life was at risk? No. Why? How would you like to be remembered after your death? “When my time comes, forget the wrong that I’ve done, help me leave behind some reasons to be missed.” Random questions Where you present at any major historical events (e.g. 9/11)? No. How did they affect you? Do you have any famous relatives? No. Do you have to try and live up to your family’s expectations? My family doesn’t put any ridiculous or impossible expectations on me. All they want is for me to be healthy and happy, but for some reason I can’t seem to get my shit together and take care of myself like I should. Are you a loyal member of any organizations? No. General Information Name: Stephanie. Age: 29. Date Of Birth: July 28th. Race: Caucasian, Mexican, and some Filipino that I know of. I really want to do one of those DNA tests to see exactly what I am. Height: I’d be about 5′4. Weight: Mid 70s (lbs). Are you happy with this? No. I need to put on some weight. Desired weight: I used to be mid 80s-low 90s. Sexual orientation: Straight. First language: English. Second/Third/Fourth etc. languages (if any): I’m only fluent in English. Why did you take this survey? I hadn’t taken it before and I wanted to do a survey.
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lovemesomesurveys · 8 years ago
List 5 things that have happened in the last 7 days. (They can be anything at all, anything that’s happened involving you, or your family, friends, partner)
1: I had a doctor’s appointment, and then grabbed some food afterwards.
2. Had another doctor’s appointment on Friday, and then grabbed some lunch with my mom.
3. Went out to breakfast with my parents.
4. Lounged around a lot in bed.
5. Went grocery shopping with my mom yesterday.
If you found out your ex had a new partner, would you be upset? I don’t know what I would feel, honestly. I’d be...conflicted? I don’t know. It would be weird. I think I would feel a little sad, not going to lie.
What does your 3rd text message say? It doesn’t keep track of texts that way.
How many friends do you have, whose name begins with G? I was friends with this guy, Gage. I haven’t talked to him for a couple years now. Just kind of drifted apart.
Do you like anyone atm? What if you found out that someone else liked them too? Yes. Someone else probably does. He’s a really sweet, funny, outgoing, caring guy. He’s friendly with everyone, like he can start a conversation with anybody. He’s attentive and helpful. Hardworking. Smart. He’s also a man of faith. I bet someone else noticed how great he is. I haven’t seen or talked to him since last October. :/ Between school and church and church related events, I bet he spends time with a lot of people. Some girls around his age, too. Someone who isn’t me.
Have you ever had sex in someone else’s bed/bedroom? No. Or at all. Anywhere.
Have you ever had sex on your bedroom floor? How about your living room floor? No and no.
Where is one place you’ve thought about having sex, that might be considered unusual? --
Have you ever received a compliment about any of the clothes you’re wearing? Ha. I’m wearing mix matched pajamas right now. My pants are blue with monkeys in hula skirts playing the ukulele print all over, as well as yellow flowers print. My shirt is a black and gray Batman shirt with gray Batman logos printed all over on the sleeves, and a big Batman logo on the front of the shirt with the yellow background. I haven’t gone out in public wearing this....
When you kiss someone, do you like to play with their hair? I may run my fingers through their hair, sure.
Why did you hug the last person you hugged? Because she’s my mom and I love her and I wanted to.
Do you remember the last time you wanted to say something to someone, but you didn’t? What were your reasons for choosing not to say it? Do you wish you had said it? I do that more often than not. I just keep to myself about a lot of things. I’m not good at expressing myself, and I may not know how to say it. Or I’m afraid to for whatever reason. Or I feel like it’s not important, or better not to say anything. *shrug* There are a variety of reasons as to why I may not say something.
Do you ever find it difficult to put your thoughts/feelings into words? Yes. That’s what I was getting at in the previous answer, too. I do it better in the written form, but even then I ramble.
Have you ever loved a song to begin with, but then you listened to it so many times that you ended up getting sick of it? Yeah, it happens. It happened more when I listened to the radio. Now I just listen to music on Spotify with playlists that I created of songs I like, and I can choose to skip if I want. Even though I often to listen to a lot of the same songs, anyway. haha. In the car, my mom often plays her Spotify playlists or sometimes I’ll play mine. So.
Time for some questions about you and your significant other/crush. What is something you like, that he/she doesn’t like? He’s not too big on American Horror Story. He thinks it’s too gory and sexual. Which, yes, it can be sometimes.
What is something he/she likes, that you don’t like? Seafood.
Something you both like? Coffee and books.
Something you both dislike? How much we let things get to us.
Do you regret sleeping with anyone? I haven’t slept with anyone.
Did anyone comfort you the last time you cried? What was your reason for crying? No, I was crying alone. Just out of frustration because of life and health related things.
What if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? Nooo.
What’s the weirdest dream you can ever recall having? I don’t know. I’ve had a lot.
Is there anyone that likes you, other than the person you love/like/are with? No one likes me in the romantic sense. Or in the regular sense, probably.
Did you wake up in someone’s arms this morning? Nope.
What was the last thing you spilled on yourself? Probably water.
How long have you had the shirt you’re wearing? Since two Christmases ago.
Do you ever brush your hair before you go to bed? No.
Have you ever lied to the person you love/like? Yes.
Have you ever had a dream about sleeping with a celebrity? (You don’t have to give details.) Yes.
Have you ever had a dream that upset you or made you cry? Oh yes. A few.
Who is the 9th contact in your phone? Have you ever hugged/kissed that person? I don’t feel like checking.
Who is your 2nd text message from? What colour hair does that person have?
iPhones don’t store texts that way.
Has anyone ever told you that they needed you? Do you think they meant it? Yes. I don’t know.
If the last person you kissed told you they loved you, would you believe them? No. That would come completely out of nowhere like... for them to say that now? I’d be like what are you talking about?
How did you feel when you woke up today? What was the first thing you thought about? Crappy as usual.
Do you still tell your parents that you love them? Yes, of course. There isn’t like a age limit where that stops.
Have you ever said “I love you” to someone you weren’t going out with? No.
Have you ever asked anyone out? Do you prefer to do the asking out, or wait to see if the other person will ask? Noo. I like the other person to ask. I’m too shy and scared and awkward to do it.
How many times does the number ‘5’ occur in your phone number? It doesn’t.
Do you like The Hunger Games? Yes.
Random fact about the person you love/like? He lives on a farm and tends to like thirty sheep.
Have your parents ever disapproved of anyone you had a relationship with? No.
Anything else you would like to say, to finish? Nahhh.
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