#worse: queer discourse
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sneegsnitties · 2 months ago
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this is like the #1 thing u dont do. come on man.
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amirmeavid · 5 months ago
what you don’t seem to understand is that statistics and surveys are JUST as subjective as things like theory. you seem to put things like surveys in a “practical, unbiased truth” category and things like memoirs or theory discussions about people’s actual real-life lived experience in a “impractical, biased falsehoods” category. but that’s YOUR personal judgement, not a universal opinion, and you can’t treat it like it is. statistics and surveys can be just as hypothetical and flawed as “personal experience”. in fact, most of the surveys you pull statistics from were questions answered by individuals about their personal experiences. so like, stop trying to push this arbitrary divide between “theory” and “evidence”.
'what you don’t seem to understand is that statistics and surveys are JUST as subjective as things like theory.'
Dude, Fite-Club I know this is you. You're the only person who will ever make a claim that statistics are AS SUBJECTIVE as something that is PURELY subjective.
I'm not saying statistics are perfect. But trying to argue that RECORDED TRENDS OF LARGE NUMBERS OF PEOPLE are not less subjective than SINGULAR PEOPLE's experiences is only a claim you could make.
'most of the surveys you pull statistics from were questions answered by individuals about their personal experiences.'- Its almost like theres a difference between 'trends' and 'singular individuals'.
'stop trying to push this arbitrary divide between “theory” and “evidence”.' ...Ah yes. The notoriously 'arbitrary' divide between 2 factually different things.
Theory- An educated guess presented as an explanation for observable patterns
Evidence- Observable patterns.
If your theory does not align with observable patterns, it is WRONG.
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tweltchy · 4 months ago
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fagdykevash · 2 months ago
some of y'all are monsters ngl
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soullessjack · 2 months ago
how it feels to see identity/label/neopronoun discourse in the big ‘25 after you already spent half of quarantine arguing about it in the comments section of picsart infographic posts on instagram
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storm-of-feathers · 1 year ago
okay hi im drunk so bear with me
but you motherfuckers have to understand that a social class is out of your control. there is not a single thing you can goddamn do to change your social class
so trans men being denied access to medical needs ie medical needs around a uterus (something that is very serious and exhausting to have.) isnt saying "oh men are oppressed" its saying "even when trans men are read as women they are still denied bc theyre not women enough. they are also denied mens healthcare post transition bc theyre not considered men enough. the same thing applies to trans women in the reverse. its not about who has it worse, but how we can band together to fight this."
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autistic-katara · 1 year ago
jesus christ rhat opinion is so stupid but its not that serious and i dint wanna argue rn
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wild-at-mind · 1 year ago
If you ever see me becoming one of those transmisandry people, please fucking call me out immediately.
#it shouldn't happen though i am too triggered by MRA-lite material#i can't see that changing any time soon even though i haven't had exposure to the content for like 10 years#the transmisandry discourse on this site melts my brain it's awful it's just online stuff being argued about more online stuff#this is not the same as me saying i will never be treated badly for being transmasc i am not stupid i know that happens#and i am fully committed to fighting the patriachy which has nothing whatsoever to do with my individual manhood or anyone else's#it's a system and yes gender and how we fit into the patriachy is made extremely complicated in trans circles and that's ok!#i promise it is you don't have to design a new system that cis women and trans women are using to do oppression on specifically trans mascs#we're all being fucked over by the patriachy and how the fuck does it help to be divided#but in reality let's face it i can say this all i want but the real reason i'm never going anywhere near being a transmisandry person#is because i was exposing myself to MRA-lite content at a formative age and harming myself in the process#even if i didn't know i was a trans man guess what it would have harmed me just as much if i did have that awareness#and honestly when i see transmisandry discourse all i see is that fucking triggering stuff again#all it does is nitpick whether patriachy is real with tiny examples it doesn't talk systemicly and it doesn't help men in the slightest#it pays lipservice to marginised men but it has no interest in talking about the fact that men are usually simultaenously#oppressed and oppressor at the same time- this is not accusatory it is just factual#it's true of the queer community too and basically every community#but we can't seem to talk about it without just harming each other and blaming and not seeing each other as human#the internet makes it all so much fucking worse this stuff can't exist without it#anyway i'm super rambling but these are genuinely very triggering topics for me i have unfollowed people i LOVE becuase of this#and i still love them! unfollowing on a social media isn't a referendum on that i just can't see that stuff and i need it gone from my dash
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comradecowplant · 1 year ago
I would like to thank The Morning Show for feeding the millennial sapphics who always thought Elle Woods should have been with the intimidating brunette woman, I feel seen & heard 😌🙏
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thatoneautisticfreak · 2 years ago
Trans radfems on here are fucking on something man 💀💀💀💀
Theres this one mf who doesn't know why they keep getting called transphobic when they legit keep misgendering trans people and do some shitty ass trans gatekeeping to justify said misgendering and transphobia. Like. Darling. You're being labelled as transphobic because you are.
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deancasforcutie · 6 months ago
Reminds me of the time I took a class in Queer Memoir (probably the most current/only 21st Century Literature I got to in the lit program) and was instantly dickslapped by how Like That book reviews are compared to the ("my esteemed colleagues" aside!) reverence and decorum of academia. We were like "??? why are they dictating the 'right way to be queer' these texts supposedly aren't that's so fucked up and homophobic" and now I'm posting about it into the void of the Homophobically Erasing Queer Text And Authorship Website
reading a romance novel where the protagonist feels the need to stop and inform that audience that it's okay for her, a 27 year old, to hook up with a 31 year old because despite the age difference both of their brains are fully developed. the Discourse really has done incalculable damage.
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hazbinbabbling4ever · 1 year ago
So I've been trying to understand the takes in this post more, because it's always better to try and understand what the other side is saying before forming an opinion and yadda yadda, and the hot takes I've seen in this post as of now are:
Oh noes alphabet soup bad, labels bad, let's all say faggot or queer instead;
People who dislike slurs aren't allowed to do so because... ?
Super young people with no trauma dictating to older people what they should do.
Well... These are interestingly out of touch takes.
Posting faggot and queer like 2am gunshots to keep property values on my blog low and scare away assimilationist LGBTs who want to replace my empty lot full of native wildflowers with a 5-over-1 because they're too traumatized by their upbringing to accept the reality of our diverse marginalized community
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leftoblique · 1 year ago
This video is important.
We all watched the hbomb vid (or at least got a summary of it) explaining how Somerton stole much of his "research" word-for-word from other queer creators and writers.
Okay, so, we unsubscribe from his channel; we've done our part; everything is cool now, right?
Unfortunately, no. The biggest damage Somerton did may not have been to those he stole from. Rather, it was inventing large swathes of LGBTQ+ history out of whole cloth, tinged with his own incel-adjacent brand of misogyny and weird anti-establishment centrism.
Worse, many of the "facts" Somerton invented are freely circulating on the internet, even on this website, and they are coloring how queers - and especially young queers - understand our own history.
So it's not enough that Somerton's empire burns and he flees with his tail between his legs. We need to actively purge all of the nonsense he injected into the discourse - out of his own personal agendas and resentments - in the years he was posing as an intellectual authority (perhaps the intellectual authority) on our history and experiences.
So give it a watch. It's not nearly as long as the hbomb video and it's neatly organized as well. Save it as a reference for the next time someone pulls out a "Somerton fact" you need to debunk.
Let's work to preserve our history from liars and charlatans.
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gracien-system · 5 months ago
Man, I've gotta say, the current queer discourse, particularly the discussion about transmisogny and transandrophobia, is really just absolute fucking dogshit in so many ways.
We fucking hate the divisionism and language policing going on here. Both forms of oppression exist, we don't need to fight about which group has it worse.
We are transfem, and from everything we've seen and experience, we have it neither easier nor harder than the transmascs we know. We have different struggles, certainly! But neither of us is oppressed more than the other.
Trying to claim that is just disingenuous, and the whole discourse right now seems so focused on that claim.
And this isn't even getting into the blatant disregard of intersex voices, or their tokenization as argumentative tools as opposed to living, breathing people.
Seriously. This entire discourse reeks of people wanting another group to throw under the goddamn bus at a time when we need unity more than ever. The way to get unity isn't to enforce it with an ironclad set of social rules and assumptions, it's to break those rules down. Let people call themselves whatever they want (outside of stuff in the realm of cultural appropriation and the like), and let them define their own terms without automatically assuming they're entirely invalid or baseless.
What the fuck is it with modern queer discourse and completely abandoning the principles of equality and inclusion which got us to this point in the first place?
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spaghettioverdose · 2 years ago
This discourse around americans benefitting from US imperialism has really made a lot of morons on here show their asses.
It's really not a hard fucking concept to understand. Someone who is white but also queer and disabled is opressed for being queer and disabled but still benefits from white privilege and white supremacy. Someone who is otherwise opressed in the US still benefits from US imperialism. It's that fucking simple. You can be opressed in one way and privileged in another. You don't need to live in a utopia and experience 0 problems in order to be privileged or benefit from a system of opression.
There's so many dipshit who feel like they can talk down to latin american leftists over this like "actually ummm bad things also happen to US citizens there's food deserts" like 1) Food deserts and other problems the US has are almost never unique and in fact they tend to be worse in imperialised nations and 2) everyone fucking knows about the US problems. Most leftists on this website (very much including leftists from countries that most yanks could not point to on a map) are at this point deeply familiar with the US political system and all the problems the US has.
I've seen some additions to a post that were from fucking anarcblr and some white pagan trying to be all snarky and claiming OP doesn't know how bad things can be in the US when OP is not only from the US but also indigenous.
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