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Congratulations deValence @devalence_paris Lauréats du Grand Prix du 28ème concours international d'affiches de Chaumont, pour la série d'affiches pour @theatredelacommune Laureates of the Grand Prix of the 28th International Posters competition, for the posters for @theatredelacommune #poster #affiche #graphisme # graphicdesign #posterdesign #publishing #serigraphie #silkscreen #print #impression #lezardgraphique67 #designfeeds #feeddesign (à Chaumont, Haute-Marne)
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Congratulations Studio Alice Franchetti & Giliane Cachin ! Prix du Public, 28ème Concours international d'affiches avec Cully Jazz festival 2018. Laureates of the Public Prize of the 28th International Posters competition, for Cully Jazz Festival 2018! #cullyjazz #poster #affiche #graphisme # graphicdesign #posterdesign #publishing #jazz #swissdesign #designfeeds #feeddesign #serigraphie #silkscreen #print #impression #lezardgraphique67 (à Chaumont, Haute-Marne)
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.@lesigne_cng is organizing the 2nd edition of the Biennale internationale de design graphique, from May 23 to September 22. Festival weekend from Thursday 23 to Sunday 26 May full of events, workshops, concerts and conferences about contemporary graphic design. The theme Post Medium unfolds through an eponymous exhibition, dedicated to transformations of media and relations, through a selection of works by @therodina @diastudio @roosjeklap @knoops @paulinelpape @erichbrechbuhl @joshschaub et @jonathancastrodesigns The Biennial highlights young creation and major artists of graphic design, with solo exhibitions of Frédéric Teschner, Karl Nawrot and Camille Trimardeau and through theme exhibitions, such as "La Fabrique de l'affiche", "Exemplaires" and exhibitions dedicated to the International posters competition and Student’s competition. #leSigne #cndg #chaumont#graphismeenfrance #design#designer #graphicdesign#graphicdesigner #posters #books#bookdesign #exhibition (à Chaumont, Haute-Marne)
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Reposted from - We are honored to announce you the panel of the jury of the 28th International Posters Competition ! @fanettemellier (chairwoman) @therodina, @he_jumping and @atelier.toutvabien Jumping He (DE/CN) The international jury makes the selection of posters that will be shown in @lesigne_cndg during the Biennale, and awards the Grand Prix and the Prix Espoir, which will be revealed, along with the public prize, at the awards ceremony on May 25 at 5pm. #posters #affiche #chaumont #competition #biennaledesigngraphique #graphicdesignfestival #postmedium #lesigne #graphismeenfrance - #regrann (à Chaumont, Haute-Marne)
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Love is in the air and in the street ! Enjoy #posters #spring ! Design : @mathias.schweizer #leSigne_cng #chaumont #graphismeenfrance #graphicdesign #posterdesign #typography #heart #designspiration #print #serigraphie #lezardgraphique #inspirationseed (à Chaumont, Haute-Marne)
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Chaumont 2019, International Poster competition! Registration Open! #leSigne #cndg #chaumont #graphismeenfrance #design #designer #graphicdesign #graphicdesigner #posters #books #bookdesign #exhibition #display #designfeed #selectedwork #typography #inspirationseed #designspiration #prints (à Le Signe - centre national du graphisme)
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HELLO CHAUMONT ! something huge is coming up ! Huge as a new visual identity by the one and only @mathias.schweizer ! @Regran_ed from @mathias.schweizer - #hello #new #corporate #visualidentity #posters #kit #chaumont @lesigne_cng #silkscreen #gelly #belly @damien_bza font for weizercorp studio. #nofeutre - #regrann (à Le Signe - centre national du graphisme)
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Regrann from @vincent.tusetanres - Derniers jours de #cheminpapier au @lesigne_cng, merci @telerama de nous le rappeler ! #expo #illustration #fotokino #cucufa et #touslesautres... - #regrann (à Le Signe - centre national du graphisme)
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Regrann from @jmgeridan - @braulioamado, une sélection détonante de posters, pour @goodroombk, visible à l'occasion de l’exposition collective, «Chemin papier, l'illustration et ses marges» au @lesigne_cng. Commissariat : @vincent.tusetanres avec #fotokino, #cucufa. #graphicdesign #art #contemporaryart #conteporarydrawing #goodroom #illustration - #regrann (à Le Signe - centre national du graphisme)
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"Chemin papier" the catalogue, in good company in the great bookstore of @centreculturelsuisse ! The catalogue is full of insights in artists' life and work and exclusive détachable poster pages, featuring @braulioamado @marikanstadjohnsen @papier_machine @simon_roussin @yannkebbi @cdaura @paulcox2872 @kittycrowther @hannah.waldron #blexbolex #itsrainingelephants #jockumnordström and #philippeweisbecker #illustration #graphicdesign #fotokino #maison.cucufa (à Centre culturel suisse)
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Meanwhile in PAG : beautiful people this morning at @lesigne_cng : schoolchildren from Bricon and Mandres, participants of #workshop by @timotogouro from came to discover their work : collective yet subjective #maps of their villages ! Printed by @lezardgraphique67 (à Le Signe - centre national du graphisme)
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Last month of Ralph Schraivogel's eponymic exhibition at le Signe ! Until February 8, 2018 ! #lastmonth #exhibition #ralphschraivogel #posters #graphicdesign #graphisme #affiches #swissdesign (à Le Signe - centre national du graphisme)
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#lastdays #expo Affiche illustrée à la Belle Époque. La collection Dutailly, until sunday, January, 7, 2018
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Le Signe, night after #workshop "le Signe covering" by studio #mynameiswendy with #graphicdesign #students from @isbagraphicdesign and #lcdg52 #pattern #vitrail #blackandwhiteonly #print (à Le Signe - centre national du graphisme)
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Le Signe, night after #workshop "le Signe covering" by studio #mynameiswendy with #graphicdesign #students from @isbagraphicdesign and #lcdg52 #pattern #vitrail #blackandwhiteonly #print (à Le Signe - centre national du graphisme)
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Fanette et Lézard ! Conversation/ lecture by @fanettemellier and Jean-Yves Grandidier on December 7, 6:30 Pm. It's all about a #decade of #collaboration #design #print #friendship #graphicdesign #silkscreen #lezardgraphique (à Cinéma À l'affiche Chaumont)
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Opening of Ralph Schraivogel 's eponymic exhibition in one week ! #posters #ralphschraivogel #graphicdesign #retrospective #expo #exhibition #chaumont #swissdesign (à Le Signe - centre national du graphisme)
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