#world read challenge
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good-books-to-read · 3 months ago
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Travel destination: China
If you Could See the Sun by Ann Liang
Alice had always felt invisible at her prestigious school until one day she actually turns invisible, her life can’t get any worse, then her family informs her they can no longer afford the tuition, Alice comes up with a plan to monetise her powers however what started out with a few innocent secrets escalates to actual crimes.
She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan
This story reimagines the rise to power of the Ming Dynasty.
Zhu a poor forgotten daughter in a famine stricken village fights to survive everyday, destined for nothing while her brother greatness, however with a turn of fate her father and brother are killed and she seizes her brother’s destiny as her own and takes on his infinity leaving her village behind to train as a monk.
The Scarlet Alchemist by Kylie Lee Baker
Set in an alternate history Tang Dynasty China where Empress Wu finds a answer to immortality.
Zilan is a bit different to her peers, not only is her father a foreigner she’s a alchemist who practises the illegal art of raising the dead, her only dream is becoming an imperial alchemist and providing for her family, however this is no easy feat.
The Awakening Storm by Jaimal Yogis and Vivian Truong
A middle grade graphic novel about a young girl who has just moved, her main concerns are fitting in and making friends however an old women gives her a strange egg on a field trip which turns out to be a dragon, which is more work than you think, from keeping it hidden to saving it from evildoers, Grace’s life has changed.
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
A retelling of Cinderella set in futuristic Beijing where a plague is ravaging the population, Cinder is a cyborg, gifted mechanic and has a mysterious past and is blamed for her stepsister illness, but when her life becomes intwnied with the prince, she finds herself in the middle of intergalactic struggle.
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causticflower · 2 months ago
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“—and the love you are made of.” (and I love you because you are love)
@lovesick-x-prince what if i cried. HUH.
[the thing causing big emotion]
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nilgans · 7 days ago
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My piece for the counter-pale resistance zine :D You can download it here, it turned out amazing! Many, many thanks to @de-fanzine-cpr-pale for organizing and assembling the zine 💖💖💖
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coastal-mangos · 5 months ago
just finished trigun maximum. can't believe they expect me to just continue on with my day like nothing happened
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spiritchill · 1 year ago
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Where my cute lil tarot readers at? ✨️🔮
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iridescentmirrorsgenshin · 5 months ago
I have no other place to yap this to so I apologise in advance.
I find it interesting in Alhaitham and Kaveh’s voicelines they tend to talk about each other A LOT in a way of complaining. Such as in Alhaitham’s Good night voiceline where he says that he’d prefer that Kaveh wouldn’t be home at all because all the chaos and noise he makes in the dead of the night. Or in Kaveh’s Good Morning voiceline where he says that he hopes that you don't run into someone who ruins your day first thing in the morning.
I guess it’s what makes other people think that they despise each other’s company. Yet they’re always viewed as a pair and Alhaitham could’ve kicked Kaveh out of the house ages ago. But what’s your opinion on that?
Hiya! there's no need to apologise, this is a safe space for all haikaveh! When I tell you your ask is scratching my brain I mean ITCHING, I have so many thoughts about this part of their dynamic so thank you for enabling me <3 This turned out to be rather long, so I hope it’s helpful to you!
The contention in both Alhaitham and Kaveh’s character stories and voice lines seems to be to create intrigue about the two as individuals, and, in turn, their relationship.
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Alhaitham’s ‘good night’ voice line instantly serves as a contradiction to his character. It’s interesting, and telling, that Alhaitham, who is essentially Kaveh’s landlord, and mentions this within his fourth character story, alludes to Kaveh by using ‘roommate’ rather than ‘tenant’. ‘Landlord’ evokes a position of authority over the tenant, whereas ‘roommate’ indicates an equality between two people sharing a house – since it’s Alhaitham who advocates for the term ‘roommate’, it’s telling that, as opposed to what Kaveh believes, Alhaitham wants to establish equality between them.
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In terms of what Alhaitham says in this voice line, it explicitly raises a contradiction in the form of a question: if Alhaitham is truly bothered by his roommate’s antics, why doesn’t he simply evict Kaveh?
This is relevant as this question is also posed when we initially meet Kaveh within the Archon Quest, as Kaveh states he dislikes Alhaitham’s personality, to which Alhaitham responds by saying if he bothers Kaveh so much, Kaveh always has the option to move out of the house – to which Kaveh perceives as a threat, only to then dismiss this as Alhaitham ‘changing the subject’, which seems to mean that this ‘threat’ is taken as baseless. As this isn’t called back to, this seems to be the case.
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There is no real threat of eviction, and regardless of their disputes, Alhaitham ultimately gives Kaveh no ultimatum to move out. In fact, as discussed here (page 27), as we are meeting Alhaitham and Kaveh for the first time, Alhaitham allowing Kaveh to live with him contradicts his established character of living a life free of inconvenience. This instantly creates intrigue around his and Kaveh’s dynamic – who is Kaveh to Alhaitham for this exception to be made to Alhaitham’s peaceful way of life?
(An additional note of interest is that Alhaitham’s solution to the noise problem seems to be more uncomfortable than calling on Kaveh and telling him to stop his work. Alhaitham says that he’d rather not wear his noise-cancelling earpieces to bed, implying that he does so when noise is a problem at night. However, there’s no mention of Kaveh being stubborn when confronting this issue, which is why he takes to wearing his ear pieces, or any mention of confrontation at all. From this voice-line, it seems that Alhaitham avoids interaction by opting for the least comfortable option, which can be a contradiction to his character. As this is a rather brief voice-line, it’s difficult to ascertain why, but I like the idea that Kaveh is productive at night, and Alhaitham prefers not to impose on Kaveh’s work process – but this is more a headcanon than evidenced interpretation.)
Returning back to the contradiction within this voice-line, at a surface glance, this does appear to be a general complaint about Kaveh, and this can be found in Alhaitham’s lines about Kaveh, and also when discussing Tighnari. Alhaitham refers to Kaveh as ‘overly sensitive’, and ‘constantly making a fuss’.
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These can easily read solely as complaints, but when looking to the original CN translation, another interpretation can be found here. Alhaitham describes Kaveh as ‘caring’ or ‘tender’, which is exactly how Kaveh is described within the 3.6 special program (as per minimushiroom on twt), which can allude to how Kaveh is considerate to a fault, in that this serves as a detriment to himself.
This can be seen in Alhaitham’s other Kaveh-centred voice-line, in which he describes Kaveh buying keychains in order to provide meals for sick children, even though healthcare is free in Sumeru. Alhaitham clearly holds the view that this was a redundant action, as Kaveh, being in debt, most likely doesn’t have the money to spend on such investments that are, evidently, dubious.
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As Alhaitham provides a rational view here, this contrasts with Kaveh’s act of generosity fuelled by emotion – which highlights the contention Alhaitham has with Kaveh, in that Kaveh places himself in dangerous situations for the sake of others. However, as this can be perceived as a solely derisive line, this essential context is lacking, and can be easily misconstrued. (I think the EN translation here also coincides with this narrative, as minimushiroom notes that the original CN has Alhaitham refer to Kaveh’s sensitivity in a positive way, rather than contemptuously, as the English can be interpreted as.)
Kaveh, similarly, can be seen to complain about Alhaitham in his own voice-lines. This can be seen in the 'Good Morning' voice-line you've mentioned, where Kaveh complains about having to see Alhaitham in the morning, which 'ruins' his day. Additionally, Kaveh's voice-lines discussing Alhaitham refer to Alhaitham as ‘infuriating’ and not wanting to give Alhaitham the satisfaction of thanking him, despite Alhaitham helping him out. However, there is more nuance in these voice-lines than Kaveh simply ‘disliking’ Alhaitham, as this dislike is never stated - rather that he and Alhaitham have a difficult relationship in comparison to the ‘close’ friendship of their past.
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Kaveh describes their relationship being a ‘mixed bag’, of both negatives and positives, as well as establishing a thorough understanding of Alhaitham, where other people may misinterpret Alhaitham as they ‘don’t know him well enough’. Additionally, Kaveh notes that he knows that Alhaitham can present himself in a more ‘likeable’ manner, but that Alhaitham refuses to do so, which refers to Kaveh’s contention with Alhaitham discussed within his character stories. This, in turn, generates curiosity, as it appears that Kaveh holds an in-depth knowledge of Alhaitham that the player isn’t privy to.
Referring back to Alhaitham’s ‘Good Night’ voiceline, the question raised is, if Alhaitham has a problem with Kaveh, why doesn’t he just evict Kaveh? And the answer can be found by digging further into Alhaitham’s character stories. Looking to Alhaitham’s fourth character story, it states that he is aware of the dissatisfaction Kaveh may have with their living arrangement but  that ‘it matters not to him’.
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This means that he is aware that Kaveh may be unhappy with having to rely on someone else for a stable livelihood, something which his pride doesn’t naturally allow, but that this is also exacerbated due to their previous falling out and the current contentions Kaveh has with him.
At first, this can seem rather abrasive, which does fall in line with Alhaitham’s egoism as this doesn’t directly impact ‘the self’ (discussed further here), however, what immediately follows is Alhaitham’s belief that he and Kaveh are mirrors, in that his own perspective of the world will be enhanced - in the og CN, ‘completed’ -by Kaveh’s own world view.
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The implication generated here with the explicit term ‘mirror’, is that, just as Alhaitham benefits from Kaveh, Kaveh, in turn, can benefit from Alhaitham. (As a side note, it is interesting then that the voice-lines in question can be seen to mirror each other – Kaveh mentions Alhaitham in ‘Good Morning’ whereas Alhaitham mentions Kaveh in ‘Good Night’.)
Returning back to Alhaitham’s character story, rather than merely reflecting each other philosophically speaking, I’d say that this also points to their respective progression as people, not just scholars.
To me, this is reminiscent of what Alhaitham says to Kaveh in A Parade of Providence – being ‘correct’, ultimately, doesn’t matter, as there is no ‘correct’ path in life, meaning that there is no ‘correct’ philosophy to shape and guide a person. Rather, Alhaitham asserts that, ultimately, their opposing philosophies are not the issue that exists between them.
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The issue that does exist, then, can be surmised from Alhaitham’s actions during the event (discussed further here), in which he researches into Sachin to gauge his influence over Kaveh’s father journeying into the desert, with implicit hopes of providing closure for Kaveh, and potentially assuaging Kaveh’s guilt. This is a personal act with a personal motive; the underlying motive being concern, as opposed to an assertion of ‘correctness’.
In my opinion, I think Alhaitham’s actions during A Parade of Providence are a direct reference, and fulfilment, of Kaveh’s fifth character story. I’ve discussed here that the main reason for the ending of their friendship was them asserting the correctness of a philosophy over the other, and proposing one philosophy as the ‘solution’ to the other’s perceived flaws.
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Here Alhaitham can be seen to use Kaveh’s past as the reason for his excessive altruism, implicitly referring to Kaveh’s guilt over being the supposed catalyst for his father’s demise. This final comment of Alhaitham’s appears to be the first time this has been mentioned between them, and it’s enough to be perceived as weaponisation – leading to Kaveh severing their friendship.
In A Parade of Providence, Alhaitham is shown to only have taken the role of commentator to research into Sachin, whose research we are told (by Kaveh), he has no explicit interest in, and it is heavily implied that the only reason he looked further into Sachin, was to prove to link between Sachin and Kaveh’s father. Alhaitham seems to want to absolve Kaveh of this past guilt in hopes that Kaveh will stop placing himself in the cycle of self-sabotage.
For me, when viewing this as a parallel, it highlights that Alhaitham’s motivation in speaking out during their days as students was out of concern for Kaveh, although while holding egoism as ultimately beneficial, and therefore perceivably ‘correct’. The ‘issue’ they’re currently debating is not expressly stated, and although it is unclear if Kaveh understands the implication (as discussed here), as ‘correctness’ has been overturned, there seems to be little left than the personal.
Relating this back to Alhaitham’s fourth character story, for me, Alhaitham referring to Kaveh as a mirror isn’t just referring to Kaveh as a scholar, but a person as a whole. As Alhaitham seeks to improve himself, personally, through Kaveh, it seems that he hopes to be able to benefit Kaveh in turn.
As for Kaveh’s complaints regarding Alhaitham, these can be contextualised within his own character stories. As Kaveh ultimately severed the friendship between him and Alhaitham, Alhaitham offering Kaveh to live with him, despite Kaveh revoking his previous understanding of Alhaitham (as discussed here, page 67), causes Kaveh to be overtly suspicious.
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In Kaveh’s Old Sketchbook, it is mentioned that Kaveh believes there to be an ulterior motive for Alhaitham inviting him to share a house, as he believes that Alhaitham wouldn’t do something for someone else without an exchange.
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Kaveh, then, openly distrusts Alhaitham due to this unspoken motive, and although he takes on chores to ease his sense of guilt of being a perceived burden, a contention arises here. Due to their previously ended friendship, and with how Alhaitham hurt Kaveh, and how Kaveh may believe he hurt Alhaitham (discussed here), Kaveh sees no reason for Alhaitham to want him around – he treats their relationship as an exchange, asking what Alhaitham could possibly want for him.
Although Alhaitham views Kaveh as a mirror, and therefore, respects Kaveh’s perspectives, Kaveh can potentially view their opposing philosophies as a negative rather than a positive as he had done in the past (as discussed here), as it, perceivably, was what led to the end of their friendship. In this, Kaveh views Alhaitham as disparaging him and his views. As mentioned in his character story, he has no reservations in telling Alhaitham of his debt as Alhaitham has already seen through him in the past, and yet again, upon meeting at the tavern.
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Although Alhaitham perceivably views him unfavourably, and his comments and complaints appear to propagate this interpretation, Alhaitham also seems to have no issue with keeping Kaveh around, and interacting with Kaveh, regardless of the problems Kaveh expressly has with him.
To Kaveh, it could be that as Alhaitham has already seen the worst of him, and appears to have no real issue with their stilted rapport, there is no point in donning a front and using niceties. He is open with his issues with Alhaitham, and, in turn, Alhaitham is open with him.
This appears to be a dual negative and positive for Kaveh, as he describes Alhaitham’s constancy as ‘the most unshakable part of one's past is a friend that will never change’. In this sense, his unsteady rapport with Alhaitham is reliable, and therefore, has no reason to change.
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Clearly, there is a large disconnect between Alhaitham’s view of Kaveh and how Kaveh perceives Alhaitham’s view of him. As previously mentioned in the discussion of A Parade of Providence, there is an unspoken ‘issue’ between them, and this can be interpreted as dire misconceptions borne from miscommunication.
As discussed, Kaveh and Alhaitham reference each other a lot in their respective voice-lines and their character stories. This alone is enough to connect them, regardless of the cruciality of their mirror motif, as they are key figures of each other’s past, present, and seemingly, future. Despite this, it’s as you say, there’s a common perception to view them as mutually disliking each other, and, to me, this is based upon their first initial interaction, and the way they refer to each other in their own character stories and voice-lines.
It’s notable that Alhaitham refers to Kaveh in his voice-lines when Kaveh is not explicitly relevant, such as in his Good Night voice-line, and, most interestingly, when Alhaitham discusses Tighnari.
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This could be because Alhaitham knows of Tighnari through Kaveh, but as this connection isn’t stated, it reads as Alhaitham mentioning Kaveh for no other reason than to complain about his perceived naivety regarding relations with others. But as this is a voice-line designated to discussing Tighnari, it’s interesting, and incredibly noticeable, that Alhaitham then discusses Kaveh instead. It’s similar to what Kaveh can be seen to do, and is observed to do by others, in relation to discussing Alhaitham.
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When it comes to Kaveh, however, his complaining of Alhaitham can be seen to link with his process of dealing with troubles in his work. In his Hangout, he states that he takes his work to heart because he cares about it, which is expressed in the same quest in which Kaveh and the Traveller run into Alhaitham in the House of Daena (discussed further here, page 219).
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Drawing a parallel here can further contextualise Kaveh’s complaining of Alhaitham – if Kaveh truly disliked Alhaitham, there seems to be no reason for Alhaitham to remain so relevant to him, both in conversation, and in private thought. Additionally, Kaveh is described as an empathetic person, and when dealing with others, he is thusly seen to look for another perspective rather than act on his own subjective perspective.
Looking at his voice-line on Dori, for example, expresses his distaste for Dori pressuring him for Mora due to his debt, however, he also empathises with her, and states that he senses there must be a reason why Dori acts in such a way.
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In contrast, this empathy can be perceived as missing in his treatment of Alhaitham, and therefore Kaveh complaining about Alhaitham can be perceived as blatant dislike – which contradicts Kaveh’s benevolence and empathy, which A Parade of Providence particularly stresses.
Kaveh’s treatment of Alhaitham can be seen as deliberately contradictory, as it can cause the player to question why Kaveh reacts in such a singular way to Alhaitham, just as why Alhaitham reacts in a singular way to Kaveh.
In reference to Alhaitham, whilst Alhaitham tends to complain about Kaveh in turn, his actions reveal him. He invites Kaveh to live with him, gives no eviction date, pays for Kaveh’s tabs willingly, (supposedly) buys wine as an apology, and goes out of his way to ensure dialogue with Kaveh – which contradicts his own character stories, in which he appears to favour solitude, and only greets those he considers his friends ‘with a nod or two’.
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Moreover, Alhaitham is established as considering Kaveh a necessity to his ‘peaceful life’ he seeks to maintain (as discussed here), and can be seen to implicitly consider Kaveh one of his priorities within his Story Quest.
The idea that Alhaitham dislikes Kaveh seems to stem from Alhaitham being taken literally when voicing an opinion, or an issue, or simply joking, in reference to Kaveh – despite his character stories highlighting that Alhaitham often uses sarcasm in order to subvert expectations.
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Alhaitham expressly states that he prefers to be seen as inscrutable, and unknown, by the general public, and uses subversion as a means to do so. In these character stories, Alhaitham openly encourages speculation of his own words.
Without this context, it seems easy to simplify Alhaitham to purely speaking factually when first addressing Kaveh in the Archon Quest – stating that having to explain things to Kaveh is ‘a nuisance’, and yet, it is overlooked that Alhaitham stays in the House of Daena, regardless, knowing Kaveh would find him again.
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On the whole, in my opinion, Kaveh’s feelings towards Alhaitham cannot be simplified to ‘dislike’ as this is dually an inherent misunderstanding of his character, and of his and Alhaitham’s relationship, just as Alhaitham’s feelings towards Kaveh cannot be simplified to ‘dislike’ for this same reason.
In the beginning, Alhaitham and Kaveh are not supposed to be perceived as friendly, as Kaveh denies the association of ‘friends’, and Paimon describes them to the Traveller as ‘problematic’.
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The reason for this is due to their character arcs being intertwined – the core issue is posed in Kaveh’s fifth character story, in that the question is raised if a compromise can be reached, if both sides of the mirror, can be balanced. At the beginning, they are entirely at odds, but even footing must be found.
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I’ve noticed a shift in online discourse after Cyno’s second story quest, as the progression in Alhaitham and Kaveh’s relationship is noticeable – deliberately, due to the flashback scene within their house (which I’ve discussed in detail here, page 122). To me, it’s more common to form the assumption that Alhaitham and Kaveh dislike each other in the Archon Quest, but with recent developments, and, hopefully, future ones, this perception is being overturned in online communities. Perhaps that’s just wishful thinking, but I’m still hopeful!
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kedsandtubesocks · 6 months ago
the dark dresses lightly
Dave York x F!Reader
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written for @perotovar offering of frith challenge
Vidar [Víðarr] (The Silent God of Vengeance)
summary: your ex has made your life hell & you had hoped for retribution - but when it arrives as a handsome stranger you must now place your trust (and heart) in his hands
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY MDNI. Norse God Mythology AU (Dave is still Dave but also the god of vengeance), fake dating, mild angst & yearning, soft & protective!Dave, creepy awful ex boyfriend & his awful friends (stalking, extreme harassment), light use of gendered language, alcohol consumption, themes & moments of violence, gun usage, blood imagery, minor character deaths, masturbation (f), soft dom!Dave, Dave’s dirty talk, use of “good girl”, oral (f!receiving), finger sucking, light spit kink, fingering, smutty thoughts, spicy themes, poetic allusions to smut (p in v)
word count: 8.9k
a/n: here’s my offering to our dear @perotovar wonderful writing challenge - the moodboard is all theirs too! Thank you for arranging for us Erin & for all the help you’ve given me, ily forever! Also a huge thank you to @pedgito & @pr0ximamidnight for always letting me scream about this wacky idea lol… now to you, if you’re reading this too I also can’t thank you enough ♡
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You meet the god of vengeance at a bar. It sounds like a bad joke, but it’s true.
Except you didn’t know he was the god of vengeance then…
The situation with your ex brought you to this point and to this bar.
You feel like a cliché sitting at the counter nursing a drink. The meeting with your dad’s attorney friend went well. You just hope, wish, this all will end soon.
“You okay?” A smooth, rich, hesitant voice emerges beside you, and when you turn you’re stunned.
He’s utterly gorgeous. Dressed in a dark blazer and red tie, it’s like he just walked out of a very important conference meeting. Sharp clean shaven jaw, amazing tiger’s eye gem like gaze, beautiful aquiline nose - you didn’t even hear him approach.
You wonder if maybe he’s a hallucination.
Weakly, you reassure him you’re fine, even flash a fake smile.
His eyes wince almost like he’s heartbroken at your response. But you get it. You alone in the bar exhausted and dejected probably presents a bleak sight.
“This seat taken?” The mystery man asks, nudging at the open barstool next to you. You gently tell him it’s not.
He grins soft, under-stated and polite. There's a reassured ease you’re surprised to see in his eyes. The man turns to the bartender and orders a drink for himself and you.
The dark cloud looming around you slowly starts to dissolve.
“What’s your name?” He asks, and you happily give it to him.
“I’m Dave.” He extends his hand out respectfully. The handshake is firm, and you already can’t get over how much larger his hand is compared to yours.
You haven’t met and talked to someone like this in so long, especially with the mess you’ve been dealing with. Dating has been out of your mind completely.
“So what brings a beauty like yourself to a bar all alone?” Dave smoothly asks.
A flattered fluster runs across your face. His tone isn’t out right flirty but still curious, testing the waves.
Hesitation however tugs at you. The last time your best friend tried to set you up with one of her co workers, you accidentally let everything slip about the mess with your ex boyfriend. The guy was polite and sweet about it all but never talked to you again after that.
So you half lie and say you’ve been dealing with some legal issues. You explain how you just left meeting an attorney and dropped by this bar nearby.
Dave nods, patiently.
“That’s unfortunate. I’m sorry.” He sympathizes.
After thanking him, you now ask what brings someone like him to the bar. The man smirks, and it colors him slightly cocky but attractive like a coy rich business man.
“Just dropped by after work.” He answers and curiously you of course ask what he does.
“Oh, I’m a mercenary,” he explains simply.
That’s a new one.
“If you are, then you’re doing a bad job at keeping a low profile.” You casually tease. Dave smiles, crinkling his rich earthen eyes.
He of course reveals he works a boring government job. The small talk comes easily afterwards. He makes you laugh and is engaging to talk to. Every worry, every weight that’s been on your shoulders, ebbs away.
Eventually you excuse yourself to the bathroom, but before you move from the bar stool someone yells your name, and your heart drops.
You find Nick, your ex’s best friend, here with other guys from work. You’re terrified.
“You look scared.” Nick laughs mockingly. You’re torn between running or throwing your drink at him.
“You okay? Do you need me to call someone?” Dave swiftly asks worried, and you shake your head.
You head to the bathroom to calm yourself down. After splashing some water on your face, you simply reassure yourself to finally sober up and drive home.
But stepping out of the bathroom into the hallway, you’re not alone.
Nick sneers. “So, heard you’ve been causing my boy some trouble.”
“Your piece of shit fuck of a friend is the one causing me trouble.” You snap. Even though every cell in your body screams to hit this guy in the face, you decide to walk away.
“Fuckin’ bitch.” He curses under his breath.
Nick corners you against the wall in the tight hallway. Disgust bubbles in your throat. You try maneuvering around him, but this asshole is persistent in blocking your path.
Eventually you manage to squeeze past. Unfortunately you trip on Nick’s obviously held out foot and fall forward fast.
You hit the bar’s stone flooring hard. The asshole who tripped you laughs. Anger, embarrassment, or a deadly combination of the two swirls in your chest.
Someone however quickly steps in between you and Nick’s menacing shadow.
“Leave, before I show you out.” Hearing Dave’s voice your eyes widen. You again didn’t even hear him approach or see him walk in.
“What the fuck man, I didn’t do shit she just tripped!” Nick sneers with a snake venom infused lie.
Dave doesn’t say anything, instead helps you up with steady hands. Nick calls you a fucking cunt under his breath before he walks away.
Suddenly he trips on air falling flat on his face. The crack of the impact is loud, and he screams. Everyone close by gasps and when Nick sits up, his nose bleeds violently as crimson spills onto his work attire.
You almost want to laugh.
“Sweet revenge.” You mutter smug to yourself.
Dave chuckles low, and you smile softly to him.
His cologne, dark and rich, expensive as hell, and his deep eyes are a comfort.
The ambulance is called for Nick. Dave urges you to let the paramedics check your wounds too.
“I just need a few bandaids, that’s all.” You urge, but the sharp pleading look he gives makes you stay.
Eventually even the paramedic treating your scrapes whispers with a warm friendly grin. “Make sure to get his number.”
But when you glance out to find Dave, it’s like he disappeared into thin air. After getting the clear from the medic, you head outside to the secluded parking lot behind the bar. You want to at least thank him.
There outside in the quiet secluded lot Dave types something on his phone. Before you can even call out to him -
You literally watch Dave walk into the dark shadow of the building and disappear.
You’re sobered up. Your eyes are fine. You know what you saw. Your confusion only solidifies and gets confirmed when Dave flickers back out to the same spot from the shadows. He stares at you with dangerous cloudy eyes.
“Fuck.” He exhales.
With a sigh, this strange man nudges his chin towards you signaling to follow him. You sit in the passenger's seat of his sleek luxury car. You don’t panic. Prickling curiosity and slight confusion run through you more than fear.
“So are you like… a witch or something?” You ask weakly.
Dave barks a dry laugh.
“No, nice guess though.”
He apparently isn’t a demonic figure either, though his face darkens when you ask that.
“I wasn’t fully lying about the mercenary hitman job. I just happen to be something else.”
Specifically, he calls himself the god of vengeance.
You laugh now.
“Wait, what?” You settle confused seeing him glare unamused at you.
He says his true name -
The name rolls off his tongue a beautiful wave and has the hum of an ancient forest. A chill even runs up your spine.
“But after so many years and aliases, you can just call me Dave.”
This guy can’t be serious.
“You just saw me walk in and out of a shadow, but now you’re doubtful?” His eyebrows raise.
He’s right of course. But the atmosphere in the car freezes tense, like this man waits for you to react or maybe you’re waiting for him to react.
“What’s going to happen to me then?” Your voice creaks, hesitant and worried.
“Normally? I would erase your memories. But…because of your situation, this actually might work out.”
This supposed god of vengeance explains how your situation has been brought to his attention.
“I’m here to decide if that ex of yours should face retribution or not.”
Your blood runs cold. You never once mentioned your ex.
“I need at least a month to observe him. So my original plan was to try and stay close to you. But since you know about me…this might work to my advantage.” Dave explains all this as if he’s simply explaining a new insurance plan to you.
“I still need to figure out the details-”
“Just…can I please just go home…” you finally croak out cutting Dave out.
The air in the car pops.
“Uh…yeah sure.” Dave says deflated. “Do you need me to take you home?”
You shake your head no. Wearily, fighting back tears, you thank him for the drinks and for dealing with Nick.
Your head spins. You don’t know how you manage to get home. Yet you can’t stop thinking about Dave and who he truly is. His words linger, especially about how he has to observe the situation with your ex…
Your mind turns and turns.
But the next day you head back to the bar.
Leaning against his sleek car looking devilishly handsome, Dave waits.
Before he can even say anything you slide into the passenger's seat. He follows your lead.
“I have an idea.” You declare firm.
A somber, suspicious, look falls over the god of vengeance’s face. He doesn’t say anything, just nods, a signal for you to speak.
This is your plan.
Dave needs to be your fake boyfriend.
“My ex…he was the worst when he got jealous.” You explain how he even messaged and harassed an old coworker cause he was paranoid you were cheating.
So maybe now adding the pressure of a new boyfriend would make him show his true nature even more.
Dave’s eyes light up, surprised.
“That’s…not a bad idea at all.” He even mutters about how this would allow him to get better observation from your side of things.
Dave simply nods, turning to you determined.
He holds his hand out almost anti-climatic. However, that's when you realize how easy it is to shake vengeance's hand.
Later at your apartment the neighbor furthest down the hall perks up seeing you in the landing.
“Did you see?! We have someone new moving in. And he’s really cute.” He whispers while he accompanies you on your walk.
Walking up the stairs a few boxes clutter the hallway.
Dave steps out of the open door and smiles. He’s ditched the suit blazer and tie. Now his button up shirt is rolled up to his elbows. You almost choke on an inhale.
“Hey.” His voice radiates sparkling and friendly, a picture perfect sweet guy next door. “You lovely folks must be my new neighbors. I just moved in. Nice to meet you both.”
You act as nice and calm as you can when warmly greeting him. The minute you step into your apartment you try not to freak.
A solid knock comes at your door. Opening it, Dave stands grinning slightly coyish and smug.
“You got any sugar, neighbor?”
You almost slam the door in his face. But of course you let him in.
“Thought moving in would help. It makes for a good alibi, getting with the guy you just met in your apartment. Plus being close by helps to see if your ex pulls any shit.” Dave explains while he inquisitively looks around your place.
You get his logic. It just takes you by surprise.
“See you around, neighbor.” He nods with a gleam of dark playfulness brewing in his eyes.
Already this man, or this ancient being, seems like such an enigma.
That’s only confirmed when Saturday arrives and someone knocks at your door.
Dave once again stands on the other side. This time in a lightly casual outfit of a leather jacket and jeans that still seem effortlessly put together. He reminds you of a guy who owns a home in the hamptons.
“Thought we’d go out on a date. If you’re free.” He offers, and you have to force your jaw not to drop.
He ends up taking you to the city’s aquarium and pays for everything.
“We can get lunch or something afterwards if you like.” Dave suggests.
You remember this is all for show.
So you take this time as a chance to enjoy a day among the gorgeous fish and beautiful blue waves all around.
But even admiring the angelic jellyfish, a worried itch crawls at the back of your neck. Your ex has shown up at the worst time in places you never would have ever expected.
A warm hand comes against your back, and Dave’s wonderful birch cologne clouds your mind.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be here. Won’t let anything happen to you.” His voice, deep and low, is simple and absolute in his promise.
When you focus on him, the soft light of the aquarium bathes him ethereally highlighting his godly features. You can now see why he’s not a simple mortal man. Someone this gorgeous is unearthly.
As promised Dave stays close beside you. You even start relaxing so much that you ask him questions.
You had been wondering if he really does work at a government job.
“No, I run a private investigation agency. Didn’t wanna tell you that and scare you off thinking it was your ex after you.” He explains.
“How does an ancient god run an agency?” You ask dubious and slightly amused.
Dave rolls his eyes.
“The same way you’re taking this all really well. It just becomes a natural thing.” Dave says while you and him pass by a lovely stretch of coral reefs and fish. “Plus some families are in service to me, have been for centuries. So this helps them continue to work for and with me.”
“A private investigation agency must help with confirming and keeping track of things. Plus a god with a job seems humbling.” You lamely add, and he snorts.
“Yeah something like that. It also weeds out which cases aren’t fair.”
That shocks you, and you press more. Among the dreamy blue waters glossing over the room, you and Dave stroll leisurely.
“As simple as vengeance can be, I’m honor bound to only act if the situation is deemed justified.”
He even goes into detail about how situations are weighed out, determined, and how the hearts of people are almost judged. A worried heaviness arrives. You now hope your situation can pass this trail.
Thankfully the aquarium is rather vacant so you don’t worry about someone overhearing. But, you’re also wondering why Dave freely discusses this with you.
“Because you won’t remember any of this.” His answer is collected, faintly frosty and curt.
“Anytime I’ve had to talk to other mortals I normally erase their memories, along with anyone else involved, once everything is done. It keeps everyone safe.”
“Oh.” Your voice dips.
So, you won’t remember him.
“It’s for the better for everyone.” Dave adds calculated.
For some reason a strange tightness settles now over you. Dave and you stay silent the rest of this strange date.
He walks you back to your apartment door, and you politely thank him for the nice afternoon.
Resolution settles in you. You swear to not take any of this personally. After all, you won’t remember it.
For being an ancient god of vengeance, Dave is a surprisingly considerately sweet boyfriend.
He drops by with coffee and pastries when he can. After he exchanged phone numbers with you, he even sent you a meme that made you laugh. Playfully you had texted back -
Didn’t know old gods could have such a good sense of humor or could text
He sent an unamused emoji face after that.
Everyone of course takes note of Dave’s new place in your life. Your sister even wants to meet the new guy.
“I know it’s been hard… this year. But seeing you try getting back out there and hearing how good this guy is already, I’m happy for you.” She says. You swallow back the heaviness and truth wanting to slip away.
But you won’t spoil this gilded lie. You can’t.
That’s what you tell yourself when you invite Dave over for dinner at your place.
Lounging eased in your living room watching the game, he’s the picture of comfort. Especially in his casual jogger pants and soft sweatshirt.
You hate how much you enjoy seeing him in your space. It’s been isolating these past few months with how awful your ex has been. Now it’s like slowly gaining a new friend. You at least can appreciate that with Dave.
But thinking of him just as a friend is getting murky, especially since you find yourself staring at his gorgeous shoulders and cute ass while he stands in your living room.
Dave is extremely handsome, charming, playfully snarky and surprisingly perceptive. It’s hard trying not to get swept into this idea of being his.
The next date night he takes you to see a movie. Walking back from the apartment’s parking garage he offers his arm, and you greedily take it.
“Okay, next time I’m picking the movie cause I can’t trust your taste I’m sorry.” Dave argues jokingly, almost flirty. You snicker but readily argue about how good the movie was while staying linked in the crook of his elbow.
A familiar voice yells out your name, and your soul evaporates.
You freeze on instinct. From across the street, your ex approaches slowly. Your legs almost give out.
“So it’s true. You’re dating someone.” He says in disbelief. You can’t even speak, can’t handle how terrifyingly sharp his terrified eyes stare at you.
Suddenly Dave effortlessly slides in front of you, completely protectively blocking you. His hand moves to intertwine with yours.
“You need to leave.” Dave declares firm.
“I wasn’t talking to you.” Your ex fires back.
“You’re making my girlfriend upset. So that means this is my problem now.” Dave’s words cut through the air deadly, and your heart flutters.
It’s the first time he’s addressed you as that - girlfriend.
“Girlfriend? Girlfriend?!” Your ex boyfriend cries, horrified and upset. You only realize you’re shaking when Dave squeezes your hand, stabilizing you.
“Get the fuck out of here.” Dave orders with a commanding yell.
Your ex continues trying to talk to you, but it’s all nonsense, almost waterlogged with your head feeling fuzzy.
Dave shifts to now pull you completely into his side and guides you back into the apartment complex. Your ex’s voice grows more distant until you’re safe inside. Thankfully he isn’t allowed on the property anymore.
Your hand clutches Dave’s refusing to let go. He keeps you in his hold the entire time even arriving at your door.
Whenever this happens you always head to your parents or sister’s place. You already think about packing a bag.
“Hey,” Dave’s voice softly interrupts your cluttered thoughts.
“Do you…want to stay at my place tonight?”
When you turn towards him, vengeance has never looked this beautiful. His eyes are glossy, drenched with understanding.
You nod.
Dave helps grab your essentials then guides you back to his apartment. Even with the roller coaster still running in your mind, you perk up knowing you’re finally seeing his place.
It’s sleek, immaculate in its cooler toned shades. However it also radiates a spartan aesthetic. The walls are moderately barren. On the counter though various items from all the dates you’ve gone with him, like the aquarium map, litter the space.
That comforts you knowing he’s kept them.
“You can take my bed really, I don’t mind.” He offers.
You shake your head. “The couch is perfect really.”
Now stubbornly Dave sits beside you on the couch, and you snort.
“I won’t leave until you do.” Dave grins.
You snuggle into the couch more, almost defiant in pulling the blankets up. The ancient god rolls his eyes, but makes no sign of moving either.
“That ex of yours...” Dave cautiously comments.
“Yeah.” You sigh tired.
The rose colored glasses could only hide so much before the toxic emptiness swallowed you. You’re now left with the pieces of yourself you’re still grateful to have and hold together.
Dave patiently sits with you, listening attentive when you tell him everything. After unfolding your heart to him, you almost ache to know more about this mythical man.
So he tells you about ancient kings who called upon his aid for the most trivial things, to actual countries that begged for his wrath.
As he reveals so much, you notice how many shadows weigh on him, aging him in a way that speaks of the eons of trouble he’s faced. It’s like Dave houses an archaic rusted ache you could never fathom.
Something deep within your heart longs to gently run your fingers through his hair, or even hold his hand.
But these thoughts are dangerous to have for a man you won’t even remember in a month's time.
On the couch, not even paying attention to what’s on the television, simply being at peace in Dave’s company, you slowly start falling asleep.
Halfway in the night, you wake up slumped against Dave.
His warm solid shoulders, the soft rise of his chest, you’ve never been this close to him. The faint smell of his cologne mixing his fabric softener, along with something uniquely him, wraps around you a protective delicious comfort.
A delicate shift comes in your heart as you snuggle closer to him.
“I think…I’m going to extend this surveillance to another month.” Dave says when you and him quietly get ready for the morning.
The way he calls this relationship and situation a surveillance punches right through your chest. It reminds you this again is not real. You also can’t believe a month has come and gone.
When you go on another date with Dave, this time to an art museum, he readily holds your hand. It’s awful knowing something in you is crystallizing in adoration.
He’s thoughtful in admiring the art, almost plucked from a hallmark movie dream. As much as you enjoy holding Dave’s hand being by his side, you realize you need to start pulling away before you fall even harder.
Thankfully a text comes in for you to reply to. There's also an alert from Instagram.
One message comes. Then a spam of them flood your inbox. The profile that sent them is blank, and what they sent are horrendous. They call you an absolute whore, argue how you’re nothing more than a pathetic piece of trash.
Your throat gets tight, and your hands shake.
“Sweetheart? What’s wrong?” The pet name causes your heart to skip, but the panic is too much.
Wearily showing him your phone, he frowns dark.
“Only more proof I guess.” You half joke.
Dave thankfully reports the account, but the mood of the day is soured.
“Hey, let’s get something sweet, yeah?” He suggests softly rubbing your back. You agree hoping this will help.
Thankfully it does. Dave is surprisingly talkative, even discussing this one particular client who requested revenge on their old partner because he stole a family secret ice cream recipe.
“You can’t be serious.” You snicker.
“I swear on my godhood!” Dave laughs, and it paints him devilishly young. Though you do tease him for getting rum raisin, and he rolls his eyes.
Now you watch him slowly lick away at the ice cream, letting his tongue drag along the treat slowly. Your mind rapidly catches fire imagining his tongue dragging across your body in just as slow.
It’s getting harder to not want Dave, especially seeing how handsome he looks in his leather jacket and simple t-shirt.
Then at your apartment door, anxiety slowly festers. You don’t want to be alone tonight. You even hesitate grabbing your keys.
Dave tugs on your hand still holding his. “Just stay at my place. I’m heading back to the office tonight so you’ll have the place all to yourself.”
You thank him, grateful for the comfort of just not being in your apartment.
But being alone in his place might have been the worst decision. Curiosity claws into you while you wander. The space stands smaller than yours and is still so sparse. Finally stepping into his bedroom, a dangerous urge bubbles in you.
“Make yourself at home.” He did tell you, so it’s why you slowly pull the covers back and slide into Dave’s bed.
The cold gray sheets fit him. But the smell of him, swirling all around you, enveloping you, has your pussy wet.
You imagine him sleeping here, wondering what he’d look like if he’s ever fucked his fist here -
Your eyes flutter shut while your hand drifts to your underwear. You should feel shame and disgust for getting off in your fake boyfriend's bed, but you quickly rationalize you won’t remember this.
So pressing your face into Dave’s pillow you let your fingers curl into your pussy imagining it’s his thick firm fingers instead.
You come harder than expected. Exhausted and floating in post orgasmic soft bliss you wearily drift to sleep in his bed.
Until noise in the other room suddenly has you bolting up in a slight panic. Hastily you head out into the living room.
In the low light, Dave puts things away in safes and among bags. You catch glimpses of various types of weapons. The one he places back in a duffle bag is a gun. Your heart does jump at the sight, but it makes sense for a god of avenging to have many forms of it.
Dave quickly whips around spotting you.
He’s dressed very differently tonight. In all black athleisure, even wearing black beanie that intensifies his appearance, he looks every bit the hit man he once joked about being.
He says your name soft, a mutter. Your focus goes to the cut across his cheek.
“You’re injured!”
He blinks surprised at your words.
“Oh yeah, got a little hairy tonight. But it’s nothing, should heal up in a couple of hours.”
“You’re still bleeding.” You firmly rummaging around the kitchen for the small first aid kit you remember seeing in one of the drawers.
“Honey, I’m fine.” You can’t even comment on the pet name instead stubbornly grab a bandaid and disinfectant.
“I don’t need a bandaid.” He dully tells you.
“Too bad.” You huff.
Dave sighs, giving up and taking a seat on the couch. The cut isn’t bad, but you still tend to it best as you can. With the briefest glance down, you spy blood crusted over Dave’s fingers.
“So you were out… dealing with someone tonight?” You cautiously question.
He sighs. “Yeah, finally got to take out this awful piece of shit, but he put up a fight.”
You should be rattled hearing him casually discuss violence, even seeing it drying on his hands. But you’re not afraid.
“Glad you made it back safe.” You truthfully tell him.
He chuckles dry. “Always do.”
Gently placing the bandaid on his face, your fingers accidentally graze against him.
Dave appears like a normal man, a handsome business looking guy you met at the bar. But right now he seems to have shed that persona and sits before you a sort of chameleon stuck between identities.
It must be hard to compartmentalize so much like he does. And…it must be lonely.
You don’t realize you’ve gotten lost in your thoughts, allowing your fingers to absentmindedly trace across his cheeks, until Dave’s hand slowly crawls up your wrist.
You’re about to apologize until his eyes lock you in place. His daze simmers between a deep darkness and soft awareness.
His other hand now rubs up against your other arm.
“Thank you.” Dave mutters.
Cautiously he turns towards your fingers still on his face, and his eyes haze over. The hold he has on your wrist slowly drags your hand down his cheek, almost like he’s pulling your fingers to his lips. He inhales deep and instantly his eyes close. You’re hypnotized, waiting to see what he does.
Then a phone goes off, and the moment shatters.
You scramble away. Dave immediately swiftly answers his phone with a professional steeled voice.
Flustered, you’re considering maybe grabbing your things and heading back to your apartment. Dave however calls your name. Like a spooked deer, you turn. He nudges his chin at you.
“Head back to bed sweetheart, I’ll be there in a minute.”
Your mind goes blank as you nod stunned. Then everything melts away. Possessed, maybe floating on a cloud, you slip back into his sheets.
You want to stay awake, want to see him get comfortable and get into bed. But exhaustion wins pulling you back to sleep.
Strong arms slowly curl around you, the warmest protective shield. You even wonder if it’s all a dream.
Especially when you wake up alone.
On the kitchen counter sit your favorite pastries and coffee order with a note from Dave who had to leave to work early. Running into him later heading back to the apartment after work, you notice he’s still wearing the bandaid you placed on him.
It makes you grin wide.
Work eventually gets busy. You miss out on a date weekend which you see as a blessing.
You’re growing too attached to Dave and it’s dangerous. You even ignore a few of his messages he’s been sending you, blaming it on work.
Work even has you staying up late now trying to finish up a few things.
Until a sudden rush pelts against your window, and a small scream escapes you.
You’re on the second floor, what the fuck can possibly be making that noise?
Drawing back the curtains, trash greets you flying hard against the glass. You know it’s your ex and his stupid friends.
You hate that you’re about to cry and that the first person you’re calling -
Is Dave.
He picks up on the first ring.
“Honey, what’s wrong?” He rushes out on the phone.
Before you can answer, from a shadow against your living room wall Dave walks out like he emerged from a door.
Immediately his face drops seeing you and then hearing the rush of shit getting thrown at the window.
Swiftly, moving like a sleek hunter, he pulls a gun out from behind and slides between you and the window. Dave opens the window then very obviously peers out with the gun in hand.
It’s enough to scare your ex and his friends.
You wearily head to the couch and collapse in on yourself. Silent as a shadow Dave draws you into his arms and holds you close.
“Can you stay?” You weakly ask.
“Don’t even have to ask.” He mutters rubbing your back.
Camping out in the living room with piles of blankets and pillows, Dave pulls up a seat against the window, keeping the gun in hand.
Your eyes fully take in the sight of him staring out keeping watch, a haunting stoic sight of brewing composed wrath.
He drips of an ancient blood, old as the galaxies themselves or possibly even older, and you want to cradle that violence in your hands.
“Do I scare you?” He asks quietly in the evening’s abyss.
Still lying on the couch, among your blankets, you shake your head no.
“Feel safe with you.” You mutter truthfully. This is the safest you’ve felt in so long.
You fall asleep without any worry knowing he’s nearby.
After that night, and for the rest of the month, he’s either at your place or you’re at his. One of your chairs becomes a constant spot where he sets his jackets. Your toothbrush keeps his company in his bathroom.
When you’re facetiming with your sister he accidentally walks by, and immediately she perks up.
“Is that the secret mystery man?!” She cries out.
Dave awkwardly waves but charms her with his smile.
“You need to invite him for my big promotion dinner this Friday.” She urges with a hiss.
You snap at her fierce, but when you hang up Dave quietly asks -
“So what time is dinner Friday?”
You throw the nearest couch pillow at him.
But a man to his word, he’s happy to accompany you.
Friday arrives and he’s in a deep navy blue blazer combo that makes your throat dry. His eyes also scan you up and down very blatantly.
“You look lovely tonight.” He mutters, and you thank him saying he looks just as amazing.
And he does.
Your sister playfully nudges you with her elbow. “He’s hot.”
Her husband, your brother in law, even jokes that Dave’s a handsome catch.
Which, to your family, he is. Dave is warm, the absolute dream boyfriend anyone could even imagine.
He pulls out your mom’s chair, happily puts up with your dad’s long stories, bonds really fast with your brother in law and is sweet to your little twin nieces who ramble about their soccer matches. Your heart aches just seeing him interact with everyone and how much they already adore him.
The only thing keeping you afloat is that you, nor them, will remember any of this. But it also haunts you.
You smile fake through it all.
Then during dessert Dave’s hand unprompted moves to rest against your leg. His hand on your skin, so close to the edge of your dress, all of this under the cover of the dinner table sends an electric dizzying current across your body.
Slowly his thumb starts rubbing against your skin, softly, delicately like he has all the time in the world or isn’t bothered about your dad complaining about his work buddies again.
You keep your composure as best as you can.
When the check comes Dave quickly snags it up and doesn’t hesitate sliding his card in to pay. It wins huge points with everyone. Your family showers Dave in thanks and warm embraces.
“Like this guy, happy for you.” Your dad says low while he hugs you tight, and you blink back the tears.
“Yeah dad, me too.”
The car ride back to the apartment, you’re silent.
Dave however tries to push through the tension talking all about your family.
“They’re lovely. Your nieces are adorable too. One of them was constantly trying to make me laugh the entire time.”
You smirk while still remaining quiet.
“Hey… you alright?” He of course notices. You also make
no sign of following him back to his apartment.
“Just let me get a few things and I’ll be over in a bit-”
“No Dave, it’s okay. I think I just wanna be alone tonight.”
You cut him off gently.
A moment of silence comes. You’re thankful he doesn’t push, just wishes you goodnight and heads to his apartment.
The silence eats at your insides leaving you empty.
The next morning you don’t wait to walk out with him or even text him. For an entire week you stay quiet and try avoiding him as much as possible.
Then on Monday, flowers wait for you on your desk. All you coworkers coo at the beautiful blooms.
Your heart however melts at the card.
Thinking of you, hope you’re alright.
It’s simple, very Dave.
After work you start typing out a thank you text to send to Dave, including a photo of the flowers.
New footsteps echo in the parking garage, and you don’t think much of them. Until you hear Nick’s slimey voice say your name.
Turning around, he casually saunters with the smuggest sneer.
“You okay? You don’t look too good.” He grins bigger as he continues walking towards you.
He’s just here to scare you, especially since he works close by and now that you put the restraining order on your ex.
Walk away and get to your car, the voice in your head, now sounding so much like Dave, urges.
You turn on your heels and rush to your car.
“You’re such a god damn fucking bitch, you know that?” He yells still behind you.
Calm, you try remaining calm.
Then someone runs up from behind. Everything dissolves into pure fear. You turn around and there Nick rushes forward to you in a frenzied terrifying glee.
Dave suddenly emerges from the other side of another parked car and grabs Nick.
“What the fuck?!” Nick cries. “Where the hell did you come from?”
Dave quietly glares deathly cold at Nick.
Then a snap comes, a popping of bone and Nick screams in pure pain cradling his hand. Dave stares composed, unbothered.
“You broke my fucking fingers, what the fuck?!” Nick snarls.
With his good hand, Nick moves to punch Dave.
You cry out in a panic.
Dave, no…the god of vengeance now before you, in his hand captures Nick’s fist before it can even land a hit, casually holding him back.
Fluidly, with a nightmarish grace, Dave twists Nick’s arm back forcefully in disarming him from an attack. Another crack of bone and Nick cries out again.
The god leans in close to Nick.
“You try harassing my girl again and I will make this much worse.” He says low, lethal.
Nick screams like a caged animal until Dave shoves him away. For a moment you’re terrified Nick is going to charge, try throwing another fist, but he scurries away like a broken little rat.
Dave’s gaze, empty and cold, watches Nick the entire time until he’s gone. Then the mask falls as he rushes to you with the most worried frown.
“You okay, sweetheart?”
You are, thanks to him. You’re still trying to process fully what happened.
“What are you doing here?” You manage to ask.
“After that text you sent, I came up to check up on you.” Dave answers.
When you check your phone, he’s right. You had been in the middle of typing out your text to Dave when Nick had showed up. The text became a mess of letters that you had accidentally sent.
“Didn’t seem like you.” Dave adds.
His hand softly drags across your cheek with the most delicate pressure, like moth wings, and it electrifies your heart. Your eyes snap to Dave. His face is harder than ever to read, foggy in thick emotions.
Before he can put you anymore under his spell, you move first. Thanking him for showing up and for protecting you, you return to head back to your car. Dave stays in step with you, offering to drive you home, and you let him.
Quietly you finally thank him for the flowers and apologize for forgetting them.
“It’s fine.” He reassures you. “I’ll just have to send you more.”
His voice soothes you, and you almost grin.
Back at the apartment a mess of feelings get tangled in you.
“Do you need me to stay?”
You shake your head no to Dave.
After a small pause, he wishes you well and a good night.
But you can’t sleep. And Dave continues haunting you. It's why you’re now across the hall knocking on his door after midnight.
He answers quickly. You’re surprised to discover him in the all dark outfit except this time without a beanie and with how wild his short hair looks you wonder if he just yanked it off.
He breathes your name with worried eyes.
“I’m sorry. Can I…stay over?” Your voice is small, worried.
He welcomes you in without hesitation.
You keep your gaze away from his, but that's when you catch the blood on his hands. This time the blood is fresh.
“Are you okay?” You squawk panicked.
“Oh. Uh yeah. Nothing serious.” Dave shrugs.
He effortlessly changes the subject telling you about the new restaurant he wants to try with you.
“Go lay down, honey. I’ll be with you soon.” He urges. You don’t want to fight him. You should but don’t.
In his bedroom you watch him undress for the night. His bare shoulders are stunning and you want to kiss the gorgeous pudge of his soft stomach. The delicate warm light paints him a dream.
“Dave…” you ask, fading in and out of sleep now among the safety of him.
“Do you get lonely?” Your words slip out.
He doesn’t answer for a moment.
“Why do you ask that?”
Sleepily you shrug already groggy.
“Just seems like you are.” You admit through a yawn.
You see it in the hollows of his apartment, in the somber looks that create cocoons in his eyes from time to time.
You’re worried you’ve upset Dave with how quiet he gets. Instead his hand moves to turn off the light by the nightstand. You notice he’s holding something else in his grasp.
“Don’t worry about me. Get some sleep, sweetheart.”
You nod at his words, closing your eyes.
But before you fall to sleep, you swear you saw Dave holding a phone with an obnoxious neon and black green case… one that looked exactly like Nick’s.
The next morning Dave is gone again, this time leaving you various breakfast bars to take.
Back at your apartment you scroll taking a break from getting ready. Someone posted in their story about Nick not coming home and that no one has heard from him.
You try not to focus on that and head to work.
More flowers, as promised, wait on your desk.
“You’re so lucky.” Your favorite coworker gushes. You weakly grin at her.
The day goes by slowly. Until your sister calls you frantic over the phone.
Your ex had showed up at your nieces school.
You feel sick. Your boss thankfully lets you leave, but you’re barely aware of how your body moves. You even forget the flowers again.
Yet your hands shakily manage to make a call.
“Hope you liked the flowers.” Dave answers smooth, almost purr like.
All you do is croak out his name. In the instant of getting off the elevator, Dave emerges from the shadow of the hallway. You’re thankful no one is around, but then again, you could care less now.
“What happened?” He frowns hard.
Telling him everything, you crumble sobbing in Dave’s arms.
“I know sweetheart, I know.” His sincerely comforting voice and warm arms all wrap around you.
He places a soft kiss on your head.
“Come on, let’s head home.” He guides you to the shadow, holding you tight. In a simple step you’re walking right out into your living room.
So, that’s what it’s like.
Sitting down everything feels too much, yet numbing all at once.
“This is all my fault.” You mutter, vacant.
If you hadn’t dated that fucker, you wouldn’t be here.
“No,” Dave says firmly. His eyebrows are furrowed hard, stern and upset. “None of this is your fault.”
A numb nod is all you give.
The window suddenly shatters. A rock flies into your room and you scream.
“You fucking bitch, I know you did something to Nick!” Your ex howls from outside. “You and that fucking creep boyfriend of yours!”
This can’t be happening. How did he even know you were home?
Dave moves swift. He protectively pulls you further away from the living room. Reaching into the inky shadows, he pulls out a large duffle bag. From that Dave unpacks a firearm. Not just any gun, a sleek sniper rifle. He readies the weapon up and out the window.
It’s a dead threat in the middle of the day. Dave’s face completely composed reminds you of a hunter.
And he’s beautiful.
The sight of Dave and that terrifying weapon must have scared your ex because there’s no sign of him after that. You even delete all your social media now out of fear.
Dave takes care of everything. Discussing the window break with the building's supervisors, even calling the cops to report what happened.
You now sit in Dave’s living room.
You speak his true name, the one that feels incredibly scared and almost too holy on your tongue. The air in the room tightens fast. Dave, who halfway is trying to figure out what to make for dinner, stops.
A grave expression paints him an ancient terror.
Your stare back at him is just as serious.
“I need vengeance.” No more. You can’t handle any more of this.
Dave, quiet, silent as a shadow, nods. That’s all, the agreement of it. It seems so very anticlimactic.
“You know,” he mutters. “By accepting this…you have to give something up.”
Dave had told you about this briefly. Once he accepts a case, takes up the mantle of retribution, it comes at a price. You must offer something up.
“I’ll let you think about it.” He mutters.
But you don’t need to. You shake your head.
Slowly, possessed, yet never feeling more solid in your decision you walk to Dave’s bedroom.
Politely you sit on the bed.
Dave follows you and stares with a furrowed brow.
“What are you doing?”
“Me,” you say low. “I’m offering myself. Whatever you need.”
Dave’s flint eyes go wide. He swallows hard, a small crack in his composed armor.
“That’s…I can’t accept.” His voice croaks.
“Why not?” You frown hard.
He exhales, running a hand over his face.
“Because…you…” he pauses for a moment.
“It’s dangerous to want you the way I do. And accepting… don’t know if I’m strong enough to deny you.”
You inhale sharp.
He removes his hand from his face and now stands a man composed of stardust and beautiful retribution.
“There are other things you can offer.” He offers a weak attempt to persuade you. Yet he slowly walks to you, a hunter before prey.
You shake your head.
Cautiously, now that he stands so close you grab Dave’s hand. Slowly, hesitantly, you guide his hand up to your heart then rest your hand above his.
“This…I’m yours.” You admit weakly.
This is your oath, your sacrifice and offering. Though it does not feel like a burden of an effigy, no source of pain or flames of anguish over this decision.
It almost feels holy and sacred in its simplicity.
Your heart will always follow him, Dave, Viðarr, whichever form or soul he took, yours would be tied to him.
“It’s…that’s not an easy sacrifice.” His voice is thick, laced with a burnt hidden depth you take comfort in.
“For you it is.” You reply.
Something shifts in Dave, like his eyes waver and humanity shines through, a shimmering gloss over.
His hand over your heart moves slowly gliding up your chest, up your neck. His hand on your skin blazes a heated path. Now he cradles your face
“Oh baby….” He hoarsely says, and your world collapses to be reborn in an instant.
“I’m yours.” You whimper.
Dave kisses you with a collision of a star being created. It’s nipping teeth and a fierce passion that immediately has him licking into your mouth as if he’s trying to swallow you whole.
He’s unrelenting, a war general on a mission as his hands immediately start to peel off your clothes.
You now lie only in your underwear on his bed. You should feel exposed, almost awkward that he still wears all his clothes, but for some reason it heightens your arousal. Being bare and laid up for him as offering…
“You swear?” Dave croaks, a final offering for you to back down.
You nod firm and absolute. “I swear.”
He nods.
“Then I'll be your justice for you. All yours, and you’ll be mine.”
Your heart flutters. Revenert, you thank him and whisper his name, a debauched prayer.
Dave pounces on you fast.
He licks a trail up your chest to your neck, biting when he can and you whine.
“So fucking sweet.” He slurs, nibbling at your chest and sucking at your nipple.
His tongue swirling across your skin has your mind melting.
“Open your mouth for me, baby.” But then he quickly demands.
Rising up, Dave leans above you and you willingly open your mouth.
He takes a moment to gaze at you, then effortlessly spits down into your mouth. You feel dizzy when it hits your tongue. You greedily swallow, closing your eyes.
“Good fucking girl.”
That makes you feel even more electrified.
“Oh you like when I call you that huh?” Dave says slurred.
How? How can he tell? Your face must tell him everything as his hands begin to slither all across your body.
“I can smell you.” He whispers thick.
That truth hits you breathless. He’s not a normal man. Of course he would have heightened senses.
“That night… that night you slept in my bed. I smelt you still on your fingers and in my bed.” Dave admits.
You moan half embarrassed and half drunk.
“Almost took you right then and there.” He reveals. His large hand cups your jaw, rubbing his thumb hard across your lips.
“You want more? My good girl wants more, huh?”
“Yeah.” You nod feeling every inhibition slip away.
He kisses down your body then when he reaches your core, he presses his face against you and deep.
Dave groans like he got punched in the stomach.
“Shit, wanna fucking eat you alive.” He slurs, biting at you gently through the fabric of your panties.
“Dave, please.” You squirm wanting more, begging him for him.
“My sweet girl, so polite.” He kisses your pussy over your underwear then rips it apart. You gasp, and he kisses your thigh.
“I’ll buy you more.” Dave mumbles dark.
He drinks all you give you, sends you to a new realm. His fingers fuck into you wild and reckless as he sucks at your clit possessed. It feels like your world is being destroyed in the most beautiful little death. Then his fingers curl against that oh so delicious spot making you scream.
“Yeah baby, give it to me.” He growls.
You come hard clutching at Dave’s hair.
His face glistens, and you feeling possessive now pull him to you. You kiss him, tasting yourself on his lips, and it’s divine.
Drunk on this moment, you bring his fingers that were inside of you into your mouth
The thickness of Dave’s fingers, the salt of his skin mixing with your cum, it all has your eyes rolling back.
“Oh fuck yes, good girl, suck on ‘em.” He purrs, moving his fingers in and out.
Soon enough he pushes them back a bit further, making you gag but he urges you on sweetly. He suddenly pulls his fingers into his mouth and sucks them now closing his eyes.
“We taste so good together.” He hoarsely sighs.
“Dave… Vidðarr.” You whisper both his names.
His lips find yours in a blazing force.
This god takes apart your world and carves it new. You’ve never had someone touch you with the reverence of a sacred altar, yet also fuck you raw like you were his to destroy.
Your legs can barely move, and you simply now exist a blissed out puddle on Dave’s bed. But you happily bask in his arms.
“So much for fake dating.” You joke.
Dave smirks against your forehead.
“Stopped being fake a while ago.” He admits, and you curl into him more.
“You know, I’ve wanted to ask.” You shift in his arms to get a better look at his handsome clean shaven face. You feel smug seeing the bite marks, your marks, across his delicious exposed throat.
“How did you even find me?” You ask. He mentioned that sometimes some people pray to him, even try to summon him.
You did none of that. He did tell you once that everyone in your life wished for justice for you, and it’s why he possibly was summoned. But you were never satisfied with that.
Dave exhales. “Your soul called to me. I just answered.”
His words flutter through your chest. You’re the one now leaning forward to kiss him.
But then sorrow tarnishes this moment.
“When…when will you erase my memory?” You just hope he will give you a heads up, let you prepare.
Dave pulls back, and his face is scrunched up in confusion.
“You’re mine now. Don’t need to wipe your memory.”
His words rush into you but in the best way. A relieved sob escapes and you rush to pepper so many kisses across his face.
Dave smirks soaking it all up, a pleased cat in the sun..
Eventually he does get up, and with the shadows that drape over him, he becomes the hands of wrath and retribution. Your vengeance.
Those hands cradle your face tenderly.
“I have to honor my end of the oath. I’ll be back.” Dave doesn’t need to say more, and you don’t need to either. He kisses you softly then melts into the darkness.
The god vengeance doesn’t return until the late night, witching hour.
He’s covered in blood, hauntingly so, but it paints him a warrior.
Dave moves to kneel before you.
Gently, his blood hands place something in your palm. You’re reminded of a cat that brings its owner dead mice to show it can protect and bring you prey.
Instead you discover your ex’s college class ring, the one he was never seen without.
You want to laugh. You want to cry.
Instead you slide out of bed and gently kiss Dave gentle. You wordlessly lead him into the bathroom. With sacred grace you peel off Dave’s clothes.
His eyes, soft and dark, never leave you. In the warm shower, you wash him clean with all the thanks and adoration you can muster.
Dave eventually gathers you in his arms and under the warm, you let it cleanse something deep in you.
Here, you find a new home safe within the arms of vengeance and you hope he never lets you go.
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coolnonsenseworld · 3 months ago
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A little promo with my little obsession on the side...........
Reminder all items are shipped from Poland - for details on shipping times check out FAQ or send me a private message!
#klance#halloween au#im projecting on the internet my own impostor syndrome#i feel that im awful and should be learning how to draw instead of writing shitty fics#and when i want to write a post and share a little doodle or smth - 'sorry' is right between the lines and its so frustrating#like???? nobody probably cares#im either here or im not#and if i need to finish that little abomination of a fic then so be it you'd think people wouldnt mind too much#and would still want to listen to my captions and see whatever silly doodle however silly it is as long as its true#..............but what if its all redundant#what if i cant draw after i had to flip my entire routine upside down#and will forever chase a thrill of feeling like a prolific artist and it will be always out of reach now#what if people scroll past my art and feel nothing now#what if world is filled with people who kinda hate klance but stay out of reflex and not bc its their deeply routed source of comfort#what if i reached an artistic plateau and will never be good enough#what if this is the limit of my 'talent'#what if i will forever love the projects i want to share but will always hate the execution of it wanting to fix it fix it fix it learn mor#i keep reading the little notes i get on orders#some screenshots i saved#i find good words and opinions and love letters to art as a whole#and i feel insufficient#subpar#i drew a comic about it to an old poem and still havent finished it#there is a point of trying your best when it stops feeling like a challenge and feels like a failure#its the moment where you keep going of course#and yet#there are emotions im sure nobody shares on social media bc we just try to get through them#but who else will take it better than tumblr tags#either way if im less around its because im dealing with creational self-hatred and artistic ambitions#but on the other hand arent all artists like that? i ran out of tag space btw have an awesome weekend
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esilher · 7 months ago
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New stop in Klaine’s trip around the world: The Comic Con In San Diego for @ericdooley
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belovedapollo · 1 year ago
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I redecorated my bookshelf today (not all of my books fit in there) and was thinking of putting something there to make it more cozy, the blanket is handmade by my granny and it’s one of the most precious things I own 🌞 reblog is ok, don’t repost
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good-books-to-read · 5 months ago
World read challenge question???
So far I’ve made posts for different countries when I hit 5 books for each.
Options on making post for countries I haven’t read, so other can find different books??
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peach-tea-leaves · 2 months ago
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Just One More Page Challenge Day 12: Book Stack
Joining the Just One More Page Challenge a little late this year….but god has 2025 already zoomed by!
For today’s challenge, I thought I’d showcase some of the translated fiction I have on hand. I haven’t read all of these yet, but I’m looking forward to doing so soon!
Have you read any of these books? What did you think?🌙
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argentsunshine · 2 years ago
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[ID: Goro Akechi from Persona 5, colored in a limited palette of very pale light blue, light yellow, neon green, dark purple and navy. He is wearing the Black Mask outfit. He is crouched down with one hand on the floor and the other out in front of him holding his sword, which is pointing along his arm and backwards.]
another post where my friend @kaetor makes a palette based on a mechanisms song and i use it to draw a persona character instead of making a playlist like a normal person. loki this time
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nerdsbianhokie · 4 months ago
Book recs request
So, I've taken on a challenge to read a book from every country and want to ask anybody following me from outside the USA if they have a favorite book from their country.
It can be anything. So far I've read novels of various genres and age target, graphic novels, epic poems, collections and collaborations of poetry, short stories, and folk tales.
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blue-boxes-magic-and-tea · 5 months ago
today we start reading part two of lockwood and co’s the screaming staircase!!!
to celebrate here are some noteworthy moments from part one! [beware of spoilers!!]
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there is a lot of incredible world building in this first part, but one of the bits i keep thinking of is how much these kids not only think about death, but are quite literally surrounded by it. they are constantly being informed by death around them. this is heavy emotionally intense labor that we’re expecting out of these kids
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lockwood is a Silly, and he loves teasing lucy this is incredibly important information to me thank you for sharing this jonathan stroud
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again with the world building, kind of crazy how pervasive the problem is that you see preventative measures in everything. we had a fun discussion about this in the discord too
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okay lucy tell me how you really feel - but also the way his warmth for her is described (even when she is incredibly clueless) is so sweet to see. like talk about a crazy quote
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this is an incredible closing scene like HELLOOOOO??? i’m obsessed with the dramatics like this would’ve had me HOOKED as a kid!!
these are just some of the moments that really stood out to me while reading (i had several more too but just to not make this post a million years long ya know) - i’d love to hear other ppls top moments from part one. but also YAY PART TWO HERE WE COMEEEE!!
i’m reading Lockwood and Co as part of a book club. this week we read part two of The Screaming Staircase! you can join the discord here, or post on tumblr w/ the hashtag lockwood library to join in!
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moldy-flowers · 5 months ago
The interesting experience of being pro Sasuke, anti konoha, pro tobirama, anti Naruto ending, pro Sasusaku, anti Itachi, pro Sakura, anti SasuNaru, pro Tobirama×Izuna, anti Madara, pro karin, anti Orochimaru, pro Uchiha and anti Hashirama. And also as much as I hate the guy danzo was kind of hot when he was younger...
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