#world news in gujarati
abhishekjhaseo · 2 months
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The recent general election results in Britain saw a bumper victory for the Labor Party and a crushing defeat for Rishi Sunak's Conservative Party. After about 14 years, the Labor Party has come to power in Britain. However, a few days after the election results, riots broke out in the northern city of Leeds, England. | બ્રિટનમાં તાજેતરમાં જનરલ ચૂંટણીના પરિણામ આવ્યા જેમાં લેબર પાર્ટીની બંપર જીત નોંધાઈ હતી અને ઋષિ સુનકની કન્ઝર્વેટિવ પાર્ટીની હાર થઈ છે. આશરે 14 વર્ષ બાદ બ્રિટનમાં લેબર પાર્ટી સત્તામાં આવી છે. જો કે ચૂંટણી પરિણામ આવ્યાના થોડા દિવસો પછી ઈંગ્લેન્ડના ઉત્તરી શહેર લીડ્સમાં રમખાણ ફાટી નીકળ્યા છે.
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newgujaratinews · 1 year
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vatannivat · 1 year
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Top News Stories Today & Breaking News Stories Today at Vatan ni Vat
દિલ્હીમાં યોજાશે મહારાષ્ટ્રના કોંગ્રેસ નેતાઓની મહત્વપૂર્ણ બેઠક, રાજકીય સ્થિતિ પર થશે ચર્ચા
- 11 જુલાઈએ યોજાનારી આ બેઠકમાં રાષ્ટ્રીય અધ્યક્ષ મલ્લિકાર્જુન ખડગે અને રાહુલ ગાંધી હાજર રહેશે
- મહારાષ્ટ્રમાં કોંગ્રેસને પક્ષમાં ભાગલા પડવાની ચિંતા સતાવી રહી છે.
મહારાષ્ટ્રના કોંગ્રેસ નેતાઓની બેઠક દિલ્હીમાં યોજાશે 
મહારાષ્ટ્રના બે મુખ્ય વિરોધ પક્ષો શિવસેના અને એનસીપી હવે ભાજપ સાથે સરકારમાં જોડાઈ ગયા છે. આ બંને પક્ષોના મોટાભાગના ધારાસભ્યોએ પક્ષ બદલી નાખ્યો છે અને પક્ષ બે ભાગમાં વહેંચાઈ ગયો છે. આવી સ્થિતિમાં હવે કોંગ્રેસ જ એકમાત્ર એવો પક્ષ બચ્યો છે, જેનું કુળ ચોરાયું નથી. આ દરમિયાન મહારાષ્ટ્રને લઈને કોંગ્રેસના નેતાઓની એક મહત્વપૂર્ણ બેઠક દિલ્હીમાં યોજાવા જઈ રહી છે. 11 જુલાઈએ યોજાનારી આ બેઠકમાં રાષ્ટ્રીય અધ્યક્ષ મલ્લિકાર્જુન ખડગે અને રાહુલ ગાંધી પણ હાજર રહેશે.
રાજકીય સ્થિતિ પર ચર્ચા થશે
મળતી માહિતી અનુસાર કોંગ્રેસ અધ્યક્ષ ખડગે અને રાહુલ ગાંધી મહારાષ્ટ્ર કોંગ્રેસના વરિષ્ઠ નેતાઓ સાથે રાજ્યની રાજકીય સ્થિતિ પર ચર્ચા કરશે. આ દરમિયાન ધારાસભ્યો પર મંડરાઈ રહેલા ખતરા અંગે પણ ચર્ચા થઈ શકે છે. કારણ કે છેલ્લા કેટલાક દિવસોથી મહારાષ્ટ્રમાં ધારાસભ્યોની અદલાબદલીની મોસમ ચાલી રહી છે. આવી સ્થિતિમાં કોંગ્રેસને પણ પક્ષમાં ભાગલા પડવાની ચિંતા સતાવી રહી છે.
ભાજપના નેતાઓએ દાવો કર્યો હતો
મહારાષ્ટ્ર કોંગ્રેસની ચિંતા ત્યારે વધી ગઈ જ્યારે ભાજપના નેતાઓ ધારાસભ્યોના સંપર્કમાં હોવાનું કહેવાય છે. NCPમાં વિભાજન થયા બાદ ભાજપના નેતાઓએ દાવો કર્યો છે કે એકમાત્ર વિપક્ષ કોંગ્રેસના ઘણા ધારાસભ્યો પણ તેમના સંપર્કમાં છે અને તેઓ પણ આગામી દિવસોમાં મહાગઠબંધનમાં જોડાઈ શકે છે. મહારાષ્ટ્રના વન મંત્રી સુધીર મુનગંટીવારે દાવો કર્યો હતો કે કોંગ્રેસ અને અન્ય પક્ષોના નેતાઓ એનડીએમાં જોડાવા માંગે છે. તેમણે કહ્યું કે કોંગ્રેસના ઘણા નેતાઓ તેમની પાર્ટીથી ખુશ નથી.
કોંગ્રેસ સૌથી મોટી વિપક્ષી પાર્ટી છે
જો કે કોંગ્રેસે ધારાસભ્યોના સંપર્કમાં હોવાના દાવાને ફગાવી દીધો છે. કોંગ્રેસે કહ્યું છે કે ભાજપ લાંબા સમયથી આવા પ્રયાસો કરી રહ્યું છે, પરંતુ તે સફળ થશે નહીં. કોંગ્રેસ મહારાષ્ટ્રમાં વિપક્ષના નેતાનું પદ મેળવવા માટે પ્રયાસ કરી રહી છે, તેથી જો પાર્ટીમાં કંઈ ખોટું થશે તો આગામી લોકસભા અને વિધાનસભા ચૂંટણીને ધ્યાનમાં રાખીને કોંગ્રેસ માટે તે મોટો ફટકો હશે. હાલમાં મહારાષ્ટ્રમાં કોંગ્રેસ પાસે કુલ 44 ધારાસભ્યો છે, જ્યારે શિવસેના અને એનસીપી સંપૂર્ણપણે વિભાજિત છે. આ સંદર્ભમાં તે સૌથી મોટી વિપક્ષી પાર્ટી બની ગઈ છે.
For more details online visit us: https://www.vatannivat.com/Post/An-important-meeting-of-Congress-leaders-of-Maharashtra-will-be-held-in-Delhi-the-political-situation-will-be-discussed/
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theeagertraveler · 1 year
A Budget Travel Guide to Backpacking in Europe
Are you an adventurous soul seeking to explore the beauty of Europe on a shoestring budget? Look no further! In this backpacking guide for beginners, we will unveil the secrets to experiencing the wonders of Europe without breaking the bank. From enchanting cities to picturesque landscapes, Europe has it all. So, grab your backpack and let's embark on an unforgettable journey!
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The Best Hike in Washington, While backpacking in Europe, don't miss the opportunity to explore the breathtaking landscapes of Washington. The state boasts an array of scenic hiking trails, with the best hike being the majestic Wonderland Trail. Nestled in Mount Rainier National Park, this 93-mile trail offers awe-inspiring views of snow-capped mountains, pristine lakes, and abundant wildlife. It's an experience that will stay with you forever.
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Europe offers a myriad of captivating destinations that won't drain your bank account. Consider starting your journey in Eastern Europe, where countries like Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic offer rich history, stunning architecture, and affordable prices. Other budget-friendly options include Portugal, Bulgaria, and Greece.
 When exploring Europe, immerse yourself in local culture by trying street food and visiting local markets. Take advantage of free attractions, such as museums and parks, and explore lesser-known destinations off the beaten path. Remember to stay flexible with your itinerary, as unexpected opportunities may arise.
Backpacking in Europe on a budget is an adventure like no other. By following this backpacking guide for beginners, you'll discover hidden gems, meet fellow travelers, and create lifelong memories without breaking the bank. So, get ready to embrace the thrill of backpacking and explore the enchanting wonders of Europe. Happy travels!
  For more travel tips and inspiration, visit www.theeagertraveler.com
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usagii-bun · 2 years
𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 | soulmate au! namor x f! reader! part 1 [REQUEST]
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𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 — in which you were hired to be a nurse by the government for an expedition to the Atlantic Ocean in search for vibranium only for your ship to be ambushed and for you to also find your soulmate. [ this is the request that was sent to me and it's better explained here so pls do check this out before reading cause my synopsis sucks!]
i loved this idea so much! tysm @kpopgirlbtssvt for sending in this request! I really loved writing it and I wanted to take my time with this request so I had split it into two parts! i hope this is okay!
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Soulmates. Many cultures and religions have different interpretations and stories about this concept.
The Greek philosopher Plato wrote that humans once had four arms, four legs and two faces. He stated that Zeus split us in half as a punishment for our pride, and we were destined to walk the Earth searching for our other half,
In Japanese culture it is believed that a  magical cord connects two souls. It may stretch or tangle, but never break. The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances
while in Hindu culture, there's an idea that you have a karmic connection with a certain soul. It is called lehnu in the Gujarati language, which is the link with another soul that causes you to keep crossing paths, each time having a good impact on each other and improving our lives for the better.
There's many interpretation of what soulmates are truely here for, almost everyone in this world has one —  a person that you could find comfort in, confined in and is your other half.
But for you, you still never found yours. Everyday you hoped to find your other half but nothing. It's been years and you passed the point of when most people found their other half, making you feel anxious and scared.
What if you never find them or what if you weren't destined to have one ? Most people start to form a marking on their wrist at 18— the marking being one that resembles something that both people have a strong connection with.
Most cases people get their soulmate marking as late as the age of 24 but you have passed that age making you worried and now almost hopeless that you weren't given another half.
The sound of the ocean waves crashing against the ship broke you from your depressed thoughts as your skin tingle, your teeth grinding agaisnt each other causing your fingers to twitch as you felt extremly sensitive to the harsh noises as you placed your noise canceling headphones on—your body instantly easing up once you connected your headphones.
You were currently on a ship in the Atlantic Ocean—to be specific a ship that consisted of CIA agents and the U.S Navy whom were utilizing a vibranium detector in search of vibranium in the ocean.
You were hired as an on board nurse, you job was to be a responder during emergencies, perform patient assessments, assist providence with clinical diagnosing, and administer medications and tests.
Everything was going smoothly, there was no serious issues just people coming in to do their daily vitality check ups.
You were surprised you are managing quite well in this new environment as you are a person who has sensory issues and find certain things to be extremly overwhelming but everything was fine, to be honest you were enjoying this new experience.
It was like a fresh breath of air away from the mundane everyday city life and the consistent searching for your soulmate.
But something also drawn you to join this expedition — not mainly money or change of life but the strong sensation to be close to the ocean.
You found comfort in the ocean. At times when the waves crashed harshly, it did cause you to feel extremly sensitive to the noise but at times when the ocean was calm, it felt like it was calling out to you, to join it.
There was something so hypnotic about the ocean to you, almost every weekend you would be at the beach— either just taking a walk on the shore and collecting sea shells or dipping your feet in the water.
So when you got the job opportunity to be on board and explore deeper parts of the ocean you could not turn down the offer ( and also the amount of money they were willing to pay you).
'If I can't have a soulmate than money should be my other half and comfort.' You thought, oddly that cheered you up as you thought of the things you want to get yourself once you are back on land as you start to unpack the medication from the stock room onto your shelves , extremly oblivious to the commotion that was occurring on the ship.
You were extremly focused on what you were doing that you didn't realize that someone else was in the room until you turned around, the medication you had in your hand fell to the ground.
Your eyes widening, the pulse behind your ear starts to throb. In front of you stood a man whom held a sharp spear like weapon but what shocked and scared you even more was his appearance. His skin a azure blue, body adorn with jewels and metals and what looked like an apparatus covering his noise and mouth.
A scream leaves past your lips, your heart beating faster. For once you extrmely regret wearing your noise canceling headphones as two people whom also had the same daunting appearance as the man came into the room after hearing your screams, their spears pointed towards you, your hands shakily take off your headphones to hear what they say and to try and communicate with them.
The sharp tip of the spear coming towards your neck, pressing against your flesh as tears start to brim at the corner of your eyes, your heart beating faster and faster as you felt like you were about to hyperventilate.
You have no experience with any combat or fighting, you could not escape this as you blinked your eyes as you start to plead for your life, tears falling from yours eyes and cascading down onto to your cheeks, your cheeks turning an apple red as you choke on your words.
"P-please I'll do anything, please don't kill me. I-I don't want to die." You cried out, your voice shaky as your legs felt weak as you fall to your knees, the spear following your movements.
"We should take her to K'uk'ulkan first, she might have insight on the scientist as the others didn't give in." one of the people said, the language was foreign to you and you didn't understand anything they said as you felt the spear coming closer to your neck once again.
There was no repsone to what the perosn said, instead a strong hand grasped onto your upper arm causing you to whimper as tears cascaded down your cheeks, the person pulling you up to your feet as they dragged you out of the room.
Your mind was jumbled up with so many questions , fear burning through out your body as you felt your senses overload. Your mind was frantically running in circles, your eyes widen when you find the corpses of CIA agents and marines , each brutally murdered and their blood splashed across the metal hallway as the bile in your throat burned, the heavy smell of blood entering your nose making you feel quisy and light headed, your hands and feet tingling as you hoped that this was all just a nightmare.
The chilled night air nips at your skin once you are on the top deck, the night sky and the moon being the witness of what was going on, the moonlight sparkled agaisnt the ocean and the tear stains that stuck to your skin.
There were more of these blue people on top and more corpses of people you have worked with scattered around making you feel nauseas as the man's grip on your forearm tightening as he walked towards a man and woman.
Your heart for some reason suddenly lurched in your chest, a cold draft falling upon you as the pulse in your neck starts to beat faster , you senses becoming even more alert.
"K'uk'ulkan" the three soliders say in unison, the man had his back facing them, a lady next to him— her skin a similar shade of blue to the men that have captured you but through your blurry eyes you noticed the man that's back was facing you— his skin was not blue rather a milky brown color. You skin pricked with goosebumps at the sight of him as he turns around.
Everything about him oozed regality from the confidence his body language gave off. He was muscluar and his chets was adorn by a large gold and jade neck plates, a necklace strung with shells and pearls hung around his neck too.
What looked like gold bracletes were cuffed around his biceps, wrists, and ankles.
He was extremly beautiful, the epitome of beauty. It made your heart haywire but his beautiful was covered with a scowl, eyes burning with anger and hatred towards you making you feel uneasy at the mixed emotions you felt towards this odd stranger.
You continued to cry, in fear of your life, you have never been in such a situation. Your breathing coming out uneasy as K’uk’ulkan comes towards you, his spear being held in a position to strike but when you look up at him again, your eyes filled with fear, tiredness and pain, your eyes that sparkled like the light that reflects off of the ocean — he hesitate.
Something warm fills his chest, his heart banging agaisnt his chest frantically as he without a second thought looked down at his wrist, a small marking was carved into his skin. It looked like someone had taken a knife and had curved the sign of the water element, his gaze moving away from this and towards you.
His gaze softens, the gaze that was once filled with hatred changed. He signals for his people to let go of you and they do without hesitation as you crumbled to the ground, loud sobs leaving past your lips as you quiver in fear.
K'uk'ulkan look down at you, he gaze at you with confusion and wonder. His heart in conflict that a surface dweller is his soulmate. The person he had been waiting for nearly 500 years. He had waited for centuries for his other half that he had almost given up on the idea of him having a soulmate.
Your loud sob breaks him out of his thoughts as his brows furrow in concern as he bends down towards you, your eyes closed shut in fear as you start to breath heavily.
Without hesitation, K'uk'ulkan placed his hand on your should— an instant surge of electricity shocked the both of you causing your eyes to open and his to widen in shock. The sensation felt amaizng, it seemed to calm you down and it made him feel a slight ease in his heart.
You look up at him with teary eyes, your gaze being met with warm brown eyes that calmed you down abit as a warm hand suddenly came and cupped your cheeks gently, your eyes widening at this sensation that made your skin tingle, your heart beat faster as the pad of his thumb gently wiped away the tears that collected underneath your eyes, you sniffles lightly.
The fear still stuck to you as your eyes move away from his and towards the people that surrounded you making you to take in a shaky breath in.
"It's okay." he spoke in english, his voice was soothing, it made your heart flutter as you start to breath normally your hands on their own moved towards the large hands that cupped your face as you placed your hands on top of his. That same electrifying sensation incapsulated the both of you, your hands felt soft against the top of his.
He gently moves his hand off of your face, as he takes your left hand in his. Your eyes still trained onto him, your soul aching as he looks down at your wrist and saw the freshly red scar marked on it — a water sign as he brushed his thumb aagisng it sending a shiver down your skin as you look down, his hand gently holding your hand as you notice the marking on your wrist, your eyes widen, heart skipped a beat as you looked back up at him but your still felt scared, the people around the two of you still made you feel uneasy as you quiver lightly.
K'uk'ulkan noticed this and without hesitation, he pulls you towards him. Your eyes widen as your body shook from fear, from everything that had just occured.
He held onto you delicately in his arms in a protective manner. You placed your hands on his bare chest, his skin was moist yet warm just being close to him made you feel safe as he gently pets your hair and soothingly whispers to you.
"I have waited for you, for so many centuries." He softly says as he gently tucks behind a strand of your hair. A warm gaze on his face as you finally calmed down.
He gently lifts you up with him, his arm securely wrapped around your waist as your side was flushed agaisnt him as he turns towards Namora and says something to her that you didn't understand, you watched as the woman warily eye you but nods her head , she indicates to the other warriors to leave as they all jump off the ship and into the water causing your eyes to widen as K’uk’ulkan notices this and gently pats his hand agaisnt your waist to comfort you.
You watched as the woman takes off the apparatus on her face and hands it to the man, he nods his head as she jumps into the water.
K'uk'ulkan turns toward you, a soft expression on his face as he holds it in front of your face . One of his hands gently placed on the side of your face as he stares deeply into your eyes.
" you have to trust me and wear this mask, I will take you to a much safer place and explain everything to you. " he gently explained, your eyes showed slightly conflict making him feel anxious for you response.
You gulped thickly and you placed your hand over his.
"I'll come with you but what is your name? " you asked him, your heart pounding agaisnt your chest.
A smile cracked on his face.
" K'uk'ulkan " he says, your brain engraving the name into your mind.
"and yours ? "
"Y/n " you said, his head tilt lightly and the smile was still etched on his features.
" y/n " he repeats, testing your name on his tongue as it rolled off with ease from his mouth, the way he said your name made your heart skip a beat.
"I'm ready, K'uk'ulkan. " you softly said, a shiver running down his spine when you uttered his name as he gently place the mask on your nose and mouth as he softly say something that slowly made you feel drowsy before everything went dark.
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richincolor · 19 days
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New Releases
All of these books look interesting to me. I don't even know which book I want to add to my TBR reading list first. 
Gita Desai Is Not Here to Shut Up by Sonia Patel Penguin/Nancy Paulsen Books
It’s eighteen-year-old Gita Desai’s first year at Stanford University, and it’s a miracle she’s here and not already married off by her traditional Gujarati parents. She’s determined to death-grip her good-girl, model-student rep all the way to medical school, which means no social life or standing out in any way. Should be easy: If there’s one thing she’s learned from her family it’s how to chup-re—to “shut up,” fade into the background.
But when childhood memories of her aunt’s desertion and her then-uncle’s best friend resurface, Gita ditches the books night after night in favor of partying and hooking up with strangers. Still, nothing can stop the nagging voice in her head that’s growing louder and louder, insisting something’s wrong… and the only way she can burst forward is to stop shutting-up about the past.
Click below to read about all of this week's new releases.
Ida, in Love and in Trouble by Veronica Chambers Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Before she became a warrior, Ida B. Wells was an incomparable flirt with a quick wit and a dream of becoming a renowned writer. The first child of newly freed parents who thrived in a community that pulsated with hope and possibility after the Civil War, Ida had a big heart, big ambitions, and even bigger questions: How to be a good big sister when her beloved parents perish in a yellow fever epidemic? How to launch her career as a teacher? How to make and keep friends in a society that seems to have no place for a woman who speaks her own mind? And – always top of mind for Ida – how to find a love that will let her be the woman she dreams of becoming?
Ahead of her time by decades, Ida B. Wells pioneered the field of investigative journalism with her powerful reporting on violence against African Americans. Her name became synonymous with courage and an unflinching demand for racial and gender equality. But there were so many facets to Ida Bell and critically acclaimed writer Veronica Chamber unspools her full and colorful life as Ida comes of age in the rapidly changing South, filled with lavish society dances and parties, swoon-worthy gentleman callers, and a world ripe for the taking.
Till the Last Beat of My Heart by Louangie Bou-Montes HarperCollins
When you grow up in a funeral home, death is just another part of life. But for sixteen-year-old Jaxon Santiago-Noble, it’s also part of his family’s legacy. Most dead bodies in the town of Jacob’s Barrow wind up at Jaxon’s house; his mom is the local mortician, after all. He doesn’t usually pay them much mind, but when Christian Reyes is brought in after a car accident, Jaxon’s world is turned upside down.
There are a lot of things Jaxon wishes he could have said to his once best friend and first crush. When he accidentally resurrects Christian, Jaxon might finally have that chance. But the more he learns about his newfound necromancy, the more he grasps that Christian’s running on borrowed time—and it’s almost out.
As he navigates dark, mysterious magics and family secrets, Jaxon realizes that stepping into an inherited power may also mean opening up old family wounds if he wants to keep the boy he may be falling for alive for good.
The Rez Doctor written by Gitz Crazyboy & illustrated by Veronika Barinova HighWater Press
Young Ryan Fox gets good grades, but he’s not sure what he wants to be when he grows up. It isn’t until he meets a Blackfoot doctor during a school assembly that he starts to dream big.
However, becoming a doctor isn’t easy. University takes Ryan away from his family and the Siksikaitsitapi community, and without their support, he begins to struggle. Faced with more stress than he’s ever experienced, he turns to partying. Distracted from his responsibilities, his grades start to slip. His bills pile up. Getting into med school feels impossible. And now his beloved uncle is in jail. Can Ryan regain his footing to walk the path he saw so clearly as a boy?
Desert Echoes by Abdi Nazemian HarperCollins
From Abdi Nazemian, the award-winning author of Like a Love Story and Only This Beautiful Moment, comes a suspenseful contemporary YA novel about loss and love.
Fifteen-year-old Kam is head over heels for Ash, the boy who swept him off his feet. But his family and best friend, Bodie, are worried. Something seems off about Ash. He also has a habit of disappearing, at times for days. When Ash asks Kam to join him on a trip to Joshua Tree, the two of them walk off into the sunset . . . but only Kam returns.
Two years later, Kam is still left with a hole in his heart and too many unanswered questions. So it feels like fate when a school trip takes him back to Joshua Tree. On the trip, Kam wants to find closure about what happened to Ash but instead finds himself in danger of facing a similar fate. In the desert, Kam must reckon with the truth of his past relationship—and the possibility of opening himself up to love once again.
Desert Echoes is a propulsive, moving story about human resilience and connection.
Between the Pipes Story by Albert McLeod with Elaine Mordoch and Sonya Ballantyne (Contributor) & illustrated by Alice RL HighWater Press
Thirteen-year-old Chase’s life and identity should be simple. He’s the goalie for his hockey team, the Eagles. He’s a friend to Kevin and Jade. He’s Kookum’s youngest grandchild. He’s a boy. He should like girls.
But it’s not that simple. Chase doesn’t like girls the way that the other boys do. It’s scary being so different from his peers. Scarier still is the feeling that his teammates can tell who he is—and that they hate him for it. If he pretends hard enough, maybe he can hide the truth.
Real strength and change can’t come from a place of shame. Chase’s dreams are troubled by visions of a bear spirit, and the more he tries to hide, the more everything falls apart. With the help of an Elder, and a Two-Spirit mentor, can Chase find the strength to be proud of who he is?
“Between the Pipes” explores toxic masculinity in hockey through the experiences of an Indigenous teen.
They Thought They Buried Us by NoNieqa Ramos Carolrhoda Lab
Horror fan and aspiring film director Yuiza gets a scholarship to a prestigious boarding school. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
As one of the few students of color at Our Lady of Perpetual Mercy, Yuiza immediately feels out of place. A brutal work-study schedule makes it impossible to keep up with the actual classes. Every expense, from textbooks to laundry, puts Yuiza into debt. And the behavior of students and faculty is… unsettling.
Yuiza starts having disturbing dreams about the school’s past and discovers clues about the fate of other scholarship students. It’ll take all Yuiza’s knowledge of the horror genre to escape from Our Lady’s grasp.
How to Lose a Best Friend by Jordan K. Casomar MTV Books
For as long as anyone can remember, Zeke Ladoja and Imogen Parker have been best friends. Their classmates, their parents, and even the school custodian think that they’re meant to be together. And that’s exactly what Zeke wants: for Gen to be his girlfriend. Now that she’s about to be sixteen (and allowed to date), Zeke is finally going to tell her how he feels—in front of everyone at her birthday party.
Imogen loves Zeke with all her heart, but only as a friend. The pressure to be with Zeke has sometimes been overwhelming, but up to this point, she’s been able to manage it. Then she falls for the new boy, Trevor Cook, and she knows the news will devastate Zeke. The last thing she wants to do is hurt her best friend, but she also resents the fact that no one seems to care about what she wants.
The night of Gen’s party, everything goes wrong. There’s backlash, most of it directed at Gen, and Zeke feels emboldened. He isn’t about to give up on his feelings, and he’ll do whatever it takes to prove that she made the wrong choice…even if it means destroying their friendship. But Gen isn’t about to give up on fighting for herself and the freedom to love the boy she wants, not the boy she’s expected to be with.
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sharmakanika · 1 month
Stay Updated with Top Hindi news live updates in India from Oneindianews
In the fast-paced world of news, staying updated with the latest happenings is crucial. Top Hindi news live updates in India from Oneindianews for Hindi-speaking audiences. Oneindianews is a premier destination for Hindi or Gujarati breaking news that offering comprehensive coverage on a wide range of topics. Whether it’s politics, sports, entertainment, or world events, Oneindianews ensures you are always in the know.
Comprehensive Coverage
Oneindianews provides in-depth reporting on current events. The channel's team of experienced journalists works tirelessly to bring you accurate and timely news. Their coverage spans across various domains, including:
We deliver the National news portal, Breaking News, live updates from India and around the World. It gives you Breaking stories, in-depth analysis & expert opinions.
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jhanvi24av · 5 months
Top Internship Opportunities Students Might Be Missing Out On
In the bustling city of Ahmedabad, amidst the scorching summer heat, lies a golden opportunity for IT aspirants to elevate their skills and gain hands-on experience in the ever-evolving realm of technology. The Special Character (TSC), with its innovative approach to internships, unveils a unique Summer Internship Program for 2024, promising a transformative experience for participants.
At the core of this program lies the essence of real-world application development. Unlike conventional internships that often involve mundane tasks, TSC's internship immerses participants in real-world projects, providing them with a unique opportunity to explore the complexities of IoT, email marketing, e-commerce platforms, and advanced web development.
What makes this program unique is its focus on hands-on learning and practical experience. Over just one month, participants are immersed in a dynamic environment where they not only learn theoretical concepts but also apply them to real-world scenarios. This hands-on approach fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter, equipping participants with practical skills that are highly sought after in the industry.
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Why Choose a Live Project Internship?
Many traditional internships relegate students to administrative tasks or basic research. While these can be valuable, a live project internship like TSC's offers a new level of engagement. Here's why it stands out:
Real-World Application: Forget theoretical exercises. You'll be working on actual projects, gaining exposure to the challenges and workflows of the industry. This practical experience makes your skills more relevant and showcases your ability to contribute on day one.
Skill Development on Demand: Summer Internship 2024 focuses on in-demand technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and frameworks like React Native and Node.js. You'll not only learn the basics but also gain expertise, making you a more attractive candidate for future tech jobs.
Building a Portfolio: Live projects become part of your portfolio, providing concrete evidence of your skills and accomplishments. This tangible showcase is invaluable when applying for full-time positions after graduation.
Beyond Technical Skills: A Holistic Learning Experience
The Summer Internship in Ahmedabad goes beyond just coding. TSC understands the importance of well-rounded professionals. Here's what sets them apart:
Expert Mentorship: You'll be guided by an experienced mentor with extensive industry knowledge. This one-on-one support ensures you grasp concepts effectively and navigate project challenges with confidence.
Multilingual Learning Environment: Whether you're comfortable in English, Gujarati, or Hindi, TSC offers a supportive environment that caters to your learning style. This fosters inclusivity and allows you to focus on the content, not the language barrier.
Communication and Soft Skills Training: Technical skills are crucial, but communication and teamwork are equally important in the professional world. TSC provides complementary training in these areas, ensuring you can collaborate and present your ideas effectively.
The Competitive Advantage: Showcase Your Talent and Win!
Summer Internship 2024 adds a fun twist with a team competition element. Working collaboratively on live projects, you'll get to showcase your talent, problem-solving skills, and team spirit. The top three teams win exciting cash prizes, providing financial rewards and recognition for your hard work.
Bonus Perks and Career Opportunities
The benefits of this internship program extend beyond the core curriculum. Here are some additional perks:
Convenient Location: Located in the heart of Ahmedabad, the program offers easy access, minimizing commute time and maximizing your learning hours.
Free Training Sessions: TSC provides complimentary sessions on communication and aptitude, enhancing your overall professional skillset.
Fun and Supportive Environment: Enjoy a positive work environment with a supportive team and complimentary goodies to keep you energized throughout the program.
Potential Career Launchpad: Impress your mentors with your dedication and skills, and you might land a permanent position at TSC, kickstarting your career in no time!
Limited Spots Available: Secure Your Seat Today!
With a focus on live projects, expert guidance, and a chance to win big, the Summer Internship in Ahmedabad offered by The Special Character is a unique opportunity for IT aspirants. Don't miss out on this chance to gain valuable skills, build a strong portfolio, and potentially secure your future in the ever-evolving tech industry.
Remember, spots are limited! Visit their website to register and secure your seat for a summer of learning, growth, and exciting possibilities.
Note: This blog post is informative and does not contain any promotional language for The Special Character.
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bollywoodirect · 5 months
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Remembering the legendary #LalitaPawar on her birth anniversary (18/04). She gained fame as a character actor and appeared in more than 700 films across Hindi, Marathi, and Gujarati cinema. She holds a Guinness World Record for her extensive acting career, which spanned over 70 years. Pawar was honoured with a Filmfare award for best supporting actress for her role in Anari. Some of her popular films include Netaji Palkar (1938), Sant Damaji produced by New Hana Pictures, Amrit produced by Navyug Chitrapat and written by VS Khandekar, and Gora Kumbhar produced by Chhaya Films. Among her most notable performances are her roles in Anari (1959), Shri 420, Mr & Mrs 55, and her portrayal of Manthara in Ramanand Sagar's epic television series Ramayan.
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newgujaratinews · 1 year
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Here in this informative graphics, we will show you the 7 major impacts of climate change worldwide. It affects every living element on our planet. This problem does not consist of any single environmental problem.
If you are searching for World News in Gujarati, subscribe at: https://newgujarati.news/.
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latestnews-posts · 2 months
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Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina News in Gujarati - A case of murder has been registered against former Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and six others. Information about this has come out in media reports on Tuesday. This is the first case registered against Hasina, 76, who arrived in India last week after resigning following widespread protests against her Awami League-led government over the controversial job reservation system.
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vatannivat · 1 year
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Top News Stories Today & Breaking News Stories Today at Vatan ni Vat
હિમાચલ પ્રદેશમાં ભારે વરસાદના કારણે CMએ લોકોને ઘરમાં રહેવાની કરી અપીલ, જાણો શું કહ્યું.
- હિમાચલમાં ભારે વરસાદના કારણે 700 થી વધુ રસ્તાઓ બંધ
- હિમાચલ પ્રદેશના મુખ્યમંત્રી સુખવિંદર સિંહ સુખુએ લોકોને ઘરની અંદર રહેવાની સલાહ આપી
હવામાન વિભાગે આગામી 24 કલાકમાં રાજ્યમાં ભારે વરસાદની આગાહી કરી 
હિમાચલ પ્રદેશના મંડીના થુનાગમાં વાદળ ફાટવાના કારણે અચાનક પૂર આવ્યું હતું. આ પછી પાણીની પકડમાં જે પણ આવ્યું તે ધોવાઈ ગયું. હિમાચલ પ્રદેશમાં રવિવારે 'ભારેથી ખૂબ જ ભારે' વરસાદ પડ્યો હતો, જેના કારણે ભૂસ્ખલન અને અચાનક પૂર આવ્યું હતું. આ દરમિયાન ઘણા વિસ્તારો પાણીમાં ડૂબી ગયા, રસ્તાઓ, વાહનો અને મકાનો ધોવાઈ ગયા અને ઘણા લોકોના મોત થયા. દરમિયાન હિમાચલ પ્રદેશના મુખ્યમંત્રી સુખવિંદર સિંહ સુખુએ લોકોને ઘરની અંદર રહેવાની સલાહ આપી છે કારણ કે હવામાન વિભાગે આગામી 24 કલાકમાં રાજ્યમાં ભારે વરસાદની આગાહી કરી છે.
હિમાચલમાં આવેલા પ્રલય વચ્ચે સીએમ સુખુએ આ અપીલ કરી હતી
મુખ્યમંત્રી સુખવિંદર સિંહ સુખુએ હિમાચલમાં બનેલી ઘટનાઓ પર શોક વ્યક્ત કર્યો અને કહ્યું કે જિલ્લા પ્રશાસનને અસરગ્રસ્ત પરિવારોને તાત્કાલિક રાહત આપવાનો નિર્દેશ આપવામાં આવ્યો છે. સાથે જ કહ્યું કે, "હું ફરીથી હિમાચલના લોકોને આગામી 24 કલાક સુધી તેમના ઘરમાં રહેવાની વિનંતી કરું છું કારણ કે આગામી 24 કલાકમાં ભારે વરસાદની શક્યતા છે...આપત્તિનો સામનો કરવા માટે અમે 3 હેલ્પલાઈન નંબરો (1100, 1070 અને 1077) જારી કર્યા છે...કોઈપણ કટોકટીના કિસ્સામાં તમે આ નંબરો પર કૉલ કરી શકો છો અને હું તમારી સેવા માટે 24 કલાક ઉપલબ્ધ રહીશ."
સૌથી વધુ તબાહી હિમાચલ પ્રદેશ અને ઉત્તરાખંડમાં થઈ
ઉત્તર ભારતના પહાડી અને મેદાની વિસ્તારોમાં છેલ્લા બે દિવસથી પડી રહેલા વરસાદે મુશ્કેલીઓ વધારી દીધી છે. આ વિસ્તારોમાં અલગ-અલગ અકસ્માતમાં 19 લોકોના મોત થયા છે. સૌથી વધુ તબાહી હિમાચલ પ્રદેશ અને ઉત્તરાખંડમાં થઈ છે. હિમાચલના કુલ્લુ, મનાલી અને મંડીમાં ઘણી જગ્યાએ ભૂસ્ખલન થયું, જેના કારણે ચંદીગઢ-મનાલી હાઈવેનો એક ભાગ પણ ધોવાઈ ગયો.
રાજ્યમાં બે દિવસ માટે શાળાઓ બંધ રાખવામાં આવી છે
હિમાચલમાં ભારે વરસાદના કારણે 700 થી વધુ રસ્તાઓ બંધ છે. ત્રણ રાષ્ટ્રીય ધોરીમાર્ગો પર વાહનવ્યવહાર પણ બંધ કરી દેવામાં આવ્યો છે. અહીં વીજળીની પણ સમસ્યા છે. 1800 જેટલા વીજ ટ્રાન્સફોર્મર ફેલ થઇ ગયા છે. રાજ્યમાં બે દિવસ માટે શાળાઓ પણ બંધ રાખવામાં આવી છે. ચંબા, કાંગડા, મંડી, ઉના, હમીરપુર, બિલાસપુર જિલ્લામાં ભારે વરસાદના એલર્ટને કારણે લોકોને સાવચેત રહેવાની સલાહ આપવામાં આવી છે.  હવામાન વિભાગે અનેક વિસ્તારોમાં ભૂસ્ખલન અને પૂરની શક્યતા વ્યક્ત કરી છે. સિમલા, સોલન અને સિરમૌર જિલ્લાઓ માટે ઓરેન્જ એલર્ટ જારી કરવામાં આવ્યું છે.
For more details online visit us: https://www.vatannivat.com/Post/Due-to-heavy-rains-in-Himachal-Pradesh-CM-Sukhu-appealed-to-people-to-stay-at-home-know-what-he-said
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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The Shoemaker’s Stitch
Mochi Embroideries of Gujarat in the TAPI Collection
Shilpa Shan & Rosemary Crill
Niyogi Books, New Delhi 2022, 220 pages, 274 photographs, 32 x 25,4 cm, ISBN  978-93-91125-45-5
euro 85,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
The exquisite chain-stitch embroideries of Gujarat’s Mochi community are found in museum and private collections the world over, but the origins of the Mochis and their craftsmanship are rarely explored. This book is the first to delve deeply into the history of chain-stitch embroidery in India and its connections to the Mochi or shoe-maker community.
This work focusses on chain-stitch embroideries from the 18th to 20th centuries in the renowned TAPI collection of textiles, with many pieces having direct links both to Gujarati royal families and the lineage of Mochi craftsmen and women. The previously unknown but significant role of the women of the Mochi community in creating embroidery pieces is also explored.
The catalogue of images displays a wide range of exquisitely embroidered pieces ranging from Jain manuscript covers to portraits, items of clothing, fans, and furnishings, such as floor spreads, wall hangings and tent panels. The accompanying essays provide the background history of the Mochis and their work and also shed fresh light on chain-stitch embroideries in museums and private collections previously thought to be from the Mughal period. The book also gives an account of the contemporary scene, in which chain-stitch embroidery has found new directions and audiences worldwide.
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dear-indies · 2 years
Hey there, hope you’re having a winter time as nice as it can be! I’m looking for a male face claim to portray a typical fantasy elf (think LoTR, Dragon Age, The Witcher, etc). I’m imagining sharp facial features and slim and/or builds. Ethnicity doesn’t matter at all. Would prefer suggestion with fantasy/historical resources but if impossible I’ll figure something out. Thank you very much! Also: Love the work you’re doing with this blog!
Mahesh Jadu (Marco Polo, The Witcher) Indo Mauritian - I know he's in The Witcher but he deserves a mention.
Jade Hassouné (Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments) Lebanese - is queer,
Hale Appleman (The Magicians) Ashkenazi Jewish / Irish, English - is queer.
Woo Do Hwan (My Country: The New Age) Korean.
Xiao Zhan (The Untamed) Korean.
Luo Yun Xi (Ashes of Love) Chinese.
Do Ji Han (Hwarang) Korean.
Zhang Ruoyun (Sword Snow Stride) Chinese.
Gao Wei Guang (Legend of Fuyao, Three Lives, Three Worlds, The Pillow Book) Chinese.
Daniel Henney (The Wheel of Time) Korean / German, Irish, English, Scottish.
Andy On (The Outcast) Hongkonger.
Dev Patel (The Green Knight) Gujarati Indian.
Arnas Fedaravicius (The Last Kingdom)
Gong Jun (Word of Honor) Chinese.
Ed Skrein (Game of Thrones) Ashkenazi Jewish / English.
Remy Hii (Marco Polo) Chinese Malaysian / English.
Keanu Reeves (47 Ronin) Kānaka Maoli, Portuguese, English, Scottish, at least 1/16th Chinese, remote Dutch / English.
Feng Shao Feng (Ice Fantasy) Chinese.
Yang Yang (Once Upon a Time) Korean.
Taika Waititi (1975) Māori, as well as distant British Isles / Irish, English, Scottish, Northern Irish, one quarter Ashkenazi Jewish.
Lee Pace (1979) - is queer - I know he's in Lord of the Rings but he deserves a mention because he's rocking long hair now too.
Martin Sensmeier (1985) Tlingit, Koyukon, Eyak, mixed European.
Tony Thornburg (1987) Japanese / Swedish.
Sam Reid (1987)
Gregg Chilingirian (1988) Armenian and English.
David Chiang (1988) Taiwanese - is gay.
Cody Fern (1988)
Robert Sheehan (1988)
Manny Jacinto (1987) Bisaya Filipino, Tagalog Filipino, Chinese.
Hozier (1990)
Avan Jogia (1992) Gujarati Indian / English, Welsh, some German, Irish, French-Canadian/French.
Ryan Potter (1995) Japanese / Ashkenazi Jewish, Swedish, English, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish - is bisexual.
Casil McArthur (?) - is a trans man.
Hey anon! I hope you're doing well too and keeping toasty!
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hclsing · 1 year
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part one: basic information.
full name: jaya aamani nadar
nickname(s): jay, yaya, mani
age: thirty-three
date of birth: february 17th, 1990
place of birth: london, england
ethnicity: indian (gujarati) & english
nationality: british
gender: cis woman
pronouns: she/her
orientation: demisexual
language(s) spoken: english, hindi, italian, very basic german & spanish
accent: soft british
family ties:
mother: melody nadar nee davenport
father: kiaan nadar
siblings: rishi nadar, arin nadar (older brothers)
spouse / partner: n/a
children: n/a
pets: n/a
occupational information:
codename: helsing
meaning behind codename: her background and expertise in science, philosophy and metaphysics. much like the fictional character dr. abraham van helsing.
position: chemist
skillset: explosives & demolition, weapons, chemical engineering
physical appearance:
face claim: naomi scott
hair color: black
eye color: dark brown
height: 5'5"
weight: 123 lbs
build: slender
tattoos: the word 'stoicism' on her inner left wrist as a reminder to only worry about the things she can fix-not the things she can't, a broken compass on her right shoulder blade
piercings: 3 on her right ear
clothing style: stylish but comfortable, more for movement than appearance. if it has ample pockets she'll buy it, comfortable shoes, shirts on the more snug side underneath open flannel button ups that she can discard if they get in the way of her work. goggles typically propped on her head, more often than not wearing gloves out of habit.
distinguishing characteristics: mostly healed burn marks from past experiments gone awry, full lips and doe eyes that have helped her get her way in the past, scars from previous jobs that were almost close calls but not thanks to quick thinking and well placed explosives.
mbti: infp
enneagram: 2 - the giver
western zodiac: aquarius
chinese zodiac: horse
positive traits: compassionate, intuitive, witty, enigmatic
negative traits: cunning, calculating, stubborn, reckless
hobbies: chess, playing pool & darts, painting, hiking, video games, reading way too late into the night / early morning, glass sculpting, cooking & baking
character inspiration: montgomery scott (star trek aos), kaylee frye (firefly), riley davis (macgyver), firefly (g.i.joe retaliation), nurse christine chapel (star trek: strange new worlds), shuri (marvel), clara oswald (doctor who)
part two: questionnaire.
001. the professor provides every member of libertalia a unique codename that reflects their personality. each codename is derived from various forms of mythology, folklore, or literature. why do you think the professor chose that name for you? do you agree or disagree with his decision?
a smirk tugs at her lips, before she takes the screwdriver from where it’d been held between her teeth. “so van helsing, right? infamous vampire hunter, the character practically immortalized due to more recent works making him out to be this action hero. when in reality he was so much more, as written in bram stoker’s dracula. a philosopher, doctor, lawyer, professor, metaphysist…but most importantly, a scientist. i guess my background in science, philosophy and dabbling in metaphysics gave way to my codename. and honestly i enjoy it.”
002. gaining an invitation into libertalia isn’t an easy feat. what do you think made you special enough to get handpicked by the professor? and what qualities do you think allowed you to join your position?
"i feel like i'm going to sound like a right arse for answering this, talking all high and mighty of myself." she snorts, leaning forward in her chair. "but i digress. i'm fairly good at thinking on my feet, i was able to get my old crew out of some hairy situations with some on-the-spot concoctions. my engineering professor said i have a wild mechanical aptitude, which i figure helps me with a lot of what i do for the libertalia. whether that be reworking the weapons, coming up with a new way in or out, or just plain ole chemical engineering. my brain just has a way of working problems from multiple angles before landing on the best possible solutions."
003. the captain’s crew is the highest position at libertalia, they are the select few who are aware of the professor’s identity. do you desire to graduate to this level? if you’re already a member of the captain’s crew what motivated you to change your position?
“maybe one day, i think it would be fun to figure out the plans for the heists and such. that being said, i truly enjoy what i do. i wouldn't have gotten into, or stayed in this field of expertise if i didn't. so i suppose i'd miss making things go boom personally if i managed to move up the ladder to the captains."
004. although many members of libertalia don’t know each other’s personal lives, it’s rumored that many members came from suspicious backgrounds. who were you before joining and what was your life like prior?
"i feel like this is one of those questions you're not actually supposed to answer...or rather answer with 'i'm not at liberty to disclose that information." helsing smirks before waving her hand dismissively. "i'm kidding. i had my own crew i ran with, ever since i was 16 until i joined the libertalia. it was fun, they were essentially my second family. i flourished under them and i owe a lot of what i know about the criminal world to them. before that it was just a simple life in london with my parents and two older brothers, who i still keep in contact with. i mainly got into crime after a fire burned down the family bakery and we needed the money, ever since i've sent some back from whatever i make."
005. what was your primary motivation for joining libertalia? was it for the riches or for the thrill of adventure? or is there something else motivating you to continue working for the group? what do you hope to achieve?
"honestly? the thrill of adventure." she laughs. "i know! i know, it's cheesy. my old crew ran your run of the mill heists but the whole premise and mystery of libertalia really intrigued me. and so far i haven't been disappointed. riches are neither nor there, i love my job even more now than i did then. so if there's anything i hope to achieve out of all of this, it’s to continue to get better at what i do. and c'mon, finding henry avery's treasure? that'd be such an awesome thing to put on the hypothetical resume."
006. how would the other members describe you? would you consider yourself to be a team-player or do you prefer to work independently?
"100% a team player, even if i'm more of a 'tell me what you want done then let me do it in peace' type." helsing admits with a grin and shrug. "i'll do whatever i have to do to keep my team safe and make sure they get back in one piece, blow things up first and pay for the damages later. 9 times out of 10 you'll find cookies in my lab for when anyone swings by, i have an open door policy unless the 'do not disturb' sign is explicitly up."
007. libertalia is anonymous, therefore necessitates secrecy outside of the group. how do you balance your personal life outside of this, granted you have one? is there a clear separation between libertalia and your personal life?
"i feel like it's a bit of a cliché, but my family actually think i work for the british government." she rolls her eyes before laughing, holding her hands up in defense. "i'm serious! i have a friend who works at mi5 that i managed to convince into covering for me when i first got into my more shady work. they're in a lower level position, so if my parents call their office my friend will cover for me and let me know they called. we have a whole set up, real movie worthy. i have a few friends from outside of this business that i get together with. i'd say i keep my personal and libertalia life fairly separate, unless i get together with one of the crew outside of work."
008. henry avery’s treasure has been lost since 1695. even with the brightest minds on the case, all leads to find the treasure haven’t turned up. avery’s treasure is the professor’s white whale and after several years of searching, many believe the treasure ceases to exist. do you believe the treasure exists?
“sure, why not?” she mumbles, mouth quirking to the side. “we haven’t found any proof yet to suggest otherwise, so i feel it does exist. just because something’s been lost for such a long time, doesn’t mean that it changes it legitimacy. let’s just hope this white whale doesn’t kill us like ahab’s did him.”
009. do you trust the professor? do you trust the libertalia?
chewing on the end of a twizzler, helsing shrugs. “i trust everyone until they give me a reason not to. i find it’s almost easier that way. so far, neither the professor nor the libertalia have given me any reason to distrust them. so, until further notice, they have my full loyalty.”
part three: the biography;
jaya nadar grew up the daughter of two fairly basic london individuals — a history professor at oxford and a 4th generation bakery owner. two older brothers meant she had two protectors who also taught her how to take care of herself when they weren’t around. “you fight dirty,” rishi, the oldest, always told her “and never assume they’re going to fight fair.” she was a bit of a quirky scrapper growing up, and a nerdy one at that. meaning if the resident bully tried to take the lunch money off of one of her fellow nerds…she’d just take it right back, grinning as she’d hand it back, wiping the blood from her lips. her parents wanted her to make more friends, not that she lacked any...but the ones that she did probably weren't exactly the kind that they'd had in mind. after a science experiment unintentionally actually went right, jaya gained the attention of a crew looking for a new explosives expert. and she became it. she was 16 when she joined the crew, and they taught her everything else that she'd need to know to run with them; weapons proficiency, better tactics with explosives and chemical engineering, even mechanical skills that jaya took to easily. the crew stayed together up until 7 years ago, when the democratic way with which they ran started to fracture right in front of jaya's eyes. different ideas and point of views made them split, and jaya left broken hearted before it could (ironically) blow up in her face. that's when she got the call. she joined the libertalia in a heartbeat, not asking many questions because really, who wouldn't want to join a mysterious organization eh? she doesn't take herself too seriously, but she does everything in her power to be the best at what she does, for the sake of the rest of the group. she'll do whatever it takes to make sure they can get back in one piece, even if that means blowing things up first and paying for the damages later. 9/10 find her sitting upside down, with a screwdriver clutched between her teeth as she tinkers with a weapon or figures out an equation. she’s always experimenting and tinkering with the weapons, never wanting to fit the crew with any old equipment. she’s a good listener, witty, and a wicked shot. always been a plucky one, she'd prefer to go through a wall than jump over it and honestly does try to talk her way out of situations...but isn't afraid to resort to whatever tactics are necessary to help her coworkers or self out. also 10/10 will cook for you if you had a bad day okay.
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