#workers' day
sofiaflorina2021 · 5 months
Soviet propaganda poster for International Workers' Day, designed by A. Gusarov, 1985.
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On this poster there is a dove flying and below it there are flowers and below it is written "1 May" in Russian. On the back of the dove there is a plain globe with meridians and above the globe there are several red flags flying. At the top left corner it is written "International Workers' Day" in Russian. The background of the poster is white.
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mimosita · 1 year
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ayo-edebiri · 5 months
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#Happy Labor Day to Shrek I guess
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isahowdy · 7 months
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this moment from work has lasted in my head for months and i think its finally time to draw it out
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multlingvulo · 5 months
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PORTUGUÊS Hoje é dia internacional dos trabalhadores. Hoje lembramos das lutas pelo fim-de-semana, férias, licença parental, aposentadoria, pausa de almoço, salário mínimo, etc. Tudo é feito pela classe trabalhadora, e se não fosse pelas lutas coletivas, não teríamos direitos básicos como esses. O texto da imagem diz: Precisamos de terra para plantar comida, não vamos mais trabalhar de forma injusta, vamos construir escolas libertadoras; trabalhadores de todos os países, uni-vos!
CASTELLANO Hoy es el día internacional de los trabajadores. Hoy recordamos las luchas por el fin-de-semana, vacaciones, licencia parental, jubilación, pausa de almuerzo, sueldo mínimo, etc. Todo es hecho por la clase obrera, y si no hubiera las luchas colectivas, no tendríamos derechos básicos como esos. El texto de la imagen dice: Necesitamos tierra para plantar nuestra comida, no vamos más trabajar bajo injusticia, vamos construir escuelas liberadoras; trabajadores de todos los países, uníos!
GUARANI Ko'ára ha'e mba'apohára ára yvy'ape árigua. Ko'ára ñanemandu'a ñorairõre derecho rehegua: arapokõindypaha, pytu'uha, ñesẽha membyregua, pytu'u mba'apo riregua, asaje ñesẽsapy'a, tembiaporepy mínimo, ha umíva. Opavavẽ mba'apohára rembiapokue, ha oñorairõ'ỹrõ, ndajarekóine derécho umivaichagua. Jehaipy ta'ãngapegua he'ise: ñaikotevẽ yvy ñañotỹ hag̃ua tembi'urã, nañamba'apovéi jeikojoavýpe, tajajapo mbo'ehao oporosãsóva; mba'apohára opa tetãygua, pejoaju!
ESPERANTO Hodiaŭ estas la internacia tago de laboristo. Ĉi tiu tage, ni memoras la luktojn por rajtoj kiel la semajnfino, ferioj, akuŝferio, retiriĝado, manĝa paŭzo, minimumsalajro, ktp. Tuto estas farata de laboristaro, kaj ni ne havus bazan rajton se ne estus tiaj luktoj. La teksto de la bildo diras: ni necesas teron por planti nian manĝaĵon, ni ne plu laboros ekspluatate, kreu ni lernejojn liberigantajn; laboristo el ĉiu lando, unuiĝu!
ENGLISH Today is international worker's day. On this day, we remember the struggle for rights like the weekend, vacations, parental leave, retirement, lunch break, minimum wage, etc. Everything is made by the working class, and we wouldn't have those basic rights without struggle. The text in the picture says: we need land to plant food, we won't be exploited at work anymore, let's build schools that liberate people; workers of all countries, unite!
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drdamiang · 5 months
Let the workers
for once
have their parade
not the tanks and
of some military
there to defend,
there to control
no let
the workers
in joy
assault their factory
with ribbons and flowers
the deadly sharp edges
of these incessant
altering, production
(shaping the style
and look of
humanity as it
transforns us, dividing
leaving a jagged seen
yes, this workers' day
let it be meaningful,
let it be different
let it forge great connection,
bring unity, togetherness
no more divisions to
be exploited
to be commandeered.
Let the workers, at last,
have their parade.
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emperornorton47 · 1 year
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finalatomicbuster · 5 months
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Ed Ivanov for Playgirl (December 1998) Photography by Maxine Eliot Marten
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storybookprincess · 1 year
working in a library, i encounter a lot of people who are in the process of filling out important forms, sending important faxes, and copying important documents. and the more important these things are, the more stressful, meaning i end up assisting a lot of really stressed people with a lot of really stressful paperwork, and have thus developed the ultimate line to immediately validate and empathize with their situation
“they don’t make it easy, do they?”
i nearly always use this line at some point in the conversation & it works without fail, because there is ALWAYS a they and they are ALWAYS not making it easy. you don’t have to specify who “they” are. you don’t even need to have an approximate idea of their role in this process.
job application? disability paperwork? insurance documents? financial aid paperwork? in any situation, the person visibly relaxes & enthusiastically agrees, because someone understands their plight: they are out there & they are NOT making it easy
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politijohn · 1 year
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ericacherrys-blog · 3 months
REBLOG. Will you let this innocent trans princess fuck you?
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sofiaflorina2021 · 5 months
Happy International Workers' Day 2024
Happy International Workers' Day, 1 May, 2024! Workers of the world, unite! ☭☭☭
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bet-on-me-13 · 9 months
Tucker's mom invites him to Take Your Son to Work Day
So! Tucker hasn't talked to his mom in a little while, he usually stays with his Dad and Step-Mom in Amity, but every once in a while he'll go over to Washington DC to visit his Bio Mom.
And she recently just called him to ask if he wanted to visit the White House on Bring your Child to Work Day. She works there as the Secretary of Defense, and he is actually really interested in what she does for work.
So, he get picked up and taken to Washington, where he meets up with his Mom.
Amanda Waller.
For the record, Amanda Waller knows she's not a good person, and Definitely not a Good Mom. But she thinks she is at least semi-decent, look, she even invited her son to Bring Your Child To Work Day!
And look how much fun he is having running around the Argus Labs! She knew he was a Tech Geek, but he is really getting into it.
Right now he's looking at their Confiscated Alien Tech, and the smile on his face is actually making Amanda feel a little happy. Oh, what's he doing now? What's he doing with the Coffee Maker? Why is he taking that Screwdriver from that Toolbo-
What is he doing with the Alien Tech?!
She rushes over to stop him, but stops dead in her tracks when she sees what he did. Somehow, he had just taken a Busted Alien Cooling Unit, took some parts from the Coffee Maker, and turned it into a Freeze Ray.
"Oh, sorry Mom. Do you want me to put it back the way it was?"
"...do you want a Job?"
"...I'm 14."
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elysianmadness · 5 months
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Happy lesbian visibility week/day to every lesbian around the world! I hope you're going to have a wonderful week, wherever you are. Your lesbianism is perfect and needed in the world. In this household, we love and appreciate the diversity of the lesbian experience <3
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So why is Vanny so determined to get on Michael's good side?
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It’s mostly because every one on one interactions they’ve had so far has been negative pff
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summerjameslove · 3 months
A fuckable ass and a suckable dick. Am I not all you need?
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