#wordy rambles
wordycheeseblob · 1 year
Chevalier keeps justifying his reading material with the purpose of learning about the emotion of love so he can control others
He tells himself that
When he has a shrine of books, plays and poetry about love.
Yes, love is a difficult emotion, especially for someone like Chevalier because love operates on a logic Reason knows nothing of
But you'd think ten/twenty books would have been enough to get a grasp on it. It would have for all the other irrational emotions. Learning an emotion such as love through pages is like trying to imagine a colour you've never seen through a description.
So Chevalier absorbs those vast amounts of love prose for enjoyment more than anything else. Even if he wouldn't admit it.
Perhaps deep down, subconsciously, he yearns for it or wants to understand it. Love doesn't make sense at times. Humans don't make sense at times either. It's a very human emotion.
What you read actually decides what kind of person you want to be
So it would make sense for him to want to feel human?
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dustyspines · 1 month
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best part of final stage editing/rereading is rediscovering lines u forgot u wrote to start with <3
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musashi · 12 days
aai2's english translation has done an amazing thing in furthering franziska's juvenile tendency to address people she's close with like she's a child.
here are some facts about franziska:
she addresses nearly every single person she meets aggressively formally and professionally. firstname lastname. sometimes, mr. or ms. firstname lastname. other characters point this out. it's weird, clunky, and a quirk specific to her.
franziska is obsessed with appearing more grown up and professional than she is.
despite her dedication to this facade, she cannot break the INCREDIBLY JUVENILE habit of calling her murderous, long-dead father "papa."
(it pisses me off when people erase this about her. she only ever calls him "my father," twice in canon. he is almost ALWAYS "papa")
to the contrary, franziska does not seem ashamed/embarrassed about this tendency at all, even though she seems very embarrassed about other childlike things she thinks/feels/does.
until aai2 this was exclusive to manfred... but it is now canon that she does it to anyone she considers family, or close to family.
in the fan translation, blaise teases her about being a little girl and calling him "unky boo boo" once upon a time. in the official translation, franziska still calls him uncle in the present day. her first inclination is to call him uncle winner, wholly informal, absolute (pun) whiplash.
okay, cute, but probably not worth noting... AND THEN SHE'S OUT HERE CALLING HILDA "GRAMMA" AS WELL. one thing about me is that when i was TODAY i learned about her having some optional dialogue that alludes to the two of them knowing each other.
(i could go ON about how manfred must have loved her so much more than we see in canon--how often did she insist upon coming along with hm? how often did he find himself unable to say no to her big sparkling eyes? hilda does not say "that's franziska" hilda says "that's von karma's little girl!" which means hilda knows her through manfred. every single person who spent any amount of time around manfred von karma in his heyday knows franziska, which means that she was following her papa around like a little duckling, and he loved her enough to make space for her at his back)
my fave thing they do with franziska is the little hints that her facade is just that. too many of them spoil the subtlety, of course, but they are there--the flavour text about her shaking and looking scared the two times she's a victim of gun violence and thinks no one's looking. the hints here and there that she has a terrible sweet tooth she's trying to control. the meltdown at the end of JFA. and "papa." these are all little ways that the writing nudges us and says franziska is a professional, but she's also quite young, and never really let herself be a kid. she does a great job at hiding most of it, but these little tendencies leak out here and there.
by giving her two more people in life she does this to, it's no longer just that papa is Special Enough that he gets the same treatment from a 3 year old franziska as a 30 year old franziska. no, she does that to everyone she grew up looking up to, any odd work friend that manfred brought around or let her pester.
adorable. absolutely adorable.
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day 19: dolls/puppets/ect.
it's a puppet themed dca!! or maybe it's actually a dca themed puppet?
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some-pers0n · 11 months
I may not be a person who's exactly talented with a pencil or pen, but I would 100% prefer making small and terrible doodles over going over to an AI image generator and simply getting the results I want. Art at its core is about the process rather than the results. It's about being human, taking a piece of your creativity and putting it into a form of media that can impact others. Drawing, writing, music, photography, what have you.
To have an AI generate an image is soulless. It robs you of that artistic expression. Why would you want to share around an AI-generated image, one that was made by scraping the internet of actual artwork and using an algorithm to piece it together, when you can simply, I dunno, draw?
I find it infinitely more rewarding and satisfying to create the artwork myself than to use AI. Even if the quality is lesser, it means more to me; and at the end of the day, isn't that what art is about? Self-expression? Being alive and sharing a part of your experience on this planet through the lens of artistic media? Being an individual with your own ideas and thoughts? I'd say so.
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trashcreatyre · 2 months
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Im both people
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fayes-fics · 1 month
One day, I will write a threesome of less than 4k again.
Today, however, is not that day....
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bunnidid-reviews · 2 years
🐰Nosy Dissociative Parts Ask Game 🌹
I wanted to make an ask meme about things I like asking my OSDDID partsy friends thats a bit on the lighter side ✨ nows your chance to be unabashedly 👀 and to overshare as you like~
1. What do you call a group of parts for you? A flock? A crew? A herd??? Do you call your parts anything different from just Parts?
2. How do you go about figuring out if you’ve split or found another part?
3. How do you figure out who you are in the moment?
4. Do you go to sleep or wake up as different parts? What are dreams like for you?
5. With close(and safe) relationships, is it important to you to disclose about your parts? How much involvement are you comfortable with, if at all?
6. What’s outward gender presentation like for you and your parts? Is it important to you?
7. What’s sexuality like for you? Does having multiple parts effect your relationships?
8. Do you enjoy communicating with your parts? Would you like to share about an interaction you’ve recently had?
9. If you have OCs(original characters), do your parts have any influence on them? Alternatively, if you’re creative in general, do they have any influence?
10. If you had unlimited money and opportunities, is there anything you’d want to do for your parts?
11. Is there any sort of internal organization or structure for your parts? How set-in-place is it?
12. Do any of your parts have special relationships with eachother? Would you like to share about some?
13. Do you have parts that oppose eachother? (In views, personality, ect)
14. Who’s the part that is most likely to deal with high-stress situations first?
15. Do you have parts who are best for self-soothing and regulating?
16. Is there anything about your disorder that has a physical effect on you? (Like headache/sleepiness with switching, chronic illness as a result of trauma, ect)
17. If you have friends with parts too, are you close on a part-by-part basis or more general whole people? Would you prefer it to be one way or the other?
18. Are there any reoccurring themes or symbolism in your system? Would you like to share about it?
19. How do you honestly feel about therapy? Have you had experience with it? If you have, what is/was your therapeutic relationship like?
20. Did you have a way to explain away the dissociation to yourself or others? (“I feel like I’ve never belonged”, “I’m just super forgetful” ect)
21. When you feel safe sharing about your parts with someone, which part is the “easiest” to introduce/explain about?
22. Do you have any parts that feel almost opposite to you?
23. Do any of your parts have a different sensory experience to you overall?
24. Do you have an inner world? Whether you do or not, what would be a safe space for your parts?
25. Do you know what your parts look like? If so, how do you visualize them?
26. How do your parts present in person? Is it externally noticeable you think?
27. Has anyone ever told you something you did or said without you knowing?
28. How long have you known about your parts? Comparing since then to now, what all’s changed?
29. How many known parts do you have, if you can count?
30. Here’s your prompt to ramble about something parts-related you haven’t had a chance to share!
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queerofthedagger · 9 months
yeah yeah sex is nice but have you ever worked to understand something super convoluted and complicated and it finally clicks
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wordycheeseblob · 1 year
Isn't it scary the possibility of a writer (someone who doesn't just read but makes a point in analyzing writing for better characterization) might know who you are just because of your turns of phrase in your ask?
Well it's not a disaster because hopefully you're not using anon as a mask in the same way a bandit would, but just... Imagine! Each person has their own unique tendencies and quirks in writing and that's almost imperceptible for some... But just perceptible enough for those who pay attention.
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dustyspines · 2 months
gang i love you yann fredericks i love you karl jenkins i love you polly chapman i love you cbj i LVOE you i have missed writing these guys sOOOOOoOO much
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j3llyf1shdust · 3 months
wait since it’s sonic prime he deals with the chaos council too right how does that go and also is shadow losing his mind or getting protective or even mad at the thought of Sonic going through all this
Not mad so much as he gets a bit overprotective, he also knows that sonic is strong and smart enough to not put their kiddo(s) in danger, but he still worries. in this AU sonic does manage to bring shadow into the shatterverses with him, because im changing how they work in this au beause I like ruining canon.
The other versions of their friends aren’t told about this, as its safer to keep it under wraps. they do notice shadow is protective, but is generally assumed that its because of their relationship (which is extremely unsubtle, lets be real) and not because of anything else.
Nine knows because of the scan and when they get captured, Rusty knows because she scans him, and the Chaos council know because they also saw sonic without his jacket and called him fat. that resulted in sonic saying, “i’m not fat, im pregnant you jerk!” which then leads to everyone in the chaos council calling sonic a girl for the rest of the series. (theyre stupid)
the only one who doesnt do this is the teen, he vibes with it.
THis also leads to them threatening the kiddo’s life near the end of the series, resulting n sonic nearly commiting murder. Shadow is also pissed off about it. he also kinda “guards” sonic while he naps so he can rest properly.
sorry, this is alot. im brain barfing a bit.
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localceilingdevil · 2 months
Hiiii ok so now that I know that you're ok with this, why is his blood gold? Also WHAT DO YOU MEAN ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT?????? WHO TRIED TO ASSASSINATE HIM???
his blood is gold because he took after his father i suppose? it's like blood types with skykids but blood colors BAHDH i headcanon they can have white, silver or gold blood :]
as for the assassination attempt, it was by his own sister :p it's a long story. the first attempt she went for his lifelight and the second is where he got the rest of the scars. her main motive was seeing him as "impure" for being a hybrid (he's a krill-skykid hybrid hence the purple tones in his skin and the intensity of his eyes. he's got some scales on his back too) and thus tried to uhm. kill him!
his entire family lowkey ostracized him and he moved to sky as a result. he's pretty well off now though!! at least friendship wise (friends with fire)
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obligatory doodles because i hoard them like coins
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septic-salad · 1 year
I'm still stuck thinking about the fact that that is the softest voice I've ever heard Quackity speak in, especially for a long period of time.
It just. Aouuhhggh. That's all I can say.
He sounded so broken and lost and uncertain, like at first it was like he didn't really even know how to speak, or maybe he was just afraid to hear his own voice after spending so much time surrounded by the gentle quietness of the water he'd been submerged in.
I mean, imagine how much of a shock that must've been to go from pretty much complete sensory deprivation to suddenly being forced out of the calm water into a sickeningly steril environment with bright florescent lights and too-white walls.
No wonder he wanted to just stay in the water, and even when he was above he literally made a little wool cave thing to hide in :( it was so pathetic to watch and I mean that in the nicest way possible
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novinare · 1 year
@mymanymerrymuses // kili & hazel
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By the time Bilbo Baggins had reached his front door, still marked with the rune Gandalf had banged into it such a long time before, word had already spread over hill and down towards the river.
Not only had he returned to the Shire, but he'd brought someone back with him.
Honestly, Hazel thought as she carefully wrapped a generous parcel of scones and added them to her basket, you'd think he'd brought back a very small dragon, or some kind of goblin, the way people carried on!
A small sachet of tea, some meat pies, a wedge of cheese, a loaf of bread, some clotted cream and a bit of jam for the scones, some generous slices of honey cake... Hazel paused and eyed the basket, it hardly seemed enough for a hobbit that had been away from home for such a long time.
Adding some eggs, cold chicken, a pat of butter, and a jar of her mother's pickles, Hazel lifted the basket and started out towards the Baggins' burrow.
"Don't forget this!" He father called after her, handing her a bottle of cider, "And be careful, who knows what sort of folk has followed Bilbo back from his... adventure." Like any good Hobbit, her father said the word like it had personally offended him (Hazel thought an adventure sounded fascinating, but then, she'd always taken after the Took side of the family!)
Gathering up her things, Hazel started up the hill once again, the late afternoon sun sinking towards the horizon and painting the Shire in gold and warm, burnt orange. Even laden with the heavy basket there was a skip in her step, an excitement to see her cousin, and hear all about his travels.
"Hello! Welcome home!" She called as she made her way to the gate, smiling over to her cousin and his guest, who had his back to her, "I've come with a few little things to tide you over for the evening-- oh--" Hazel reached for the gate, and realized her hands were too full, "Would you mind? I'm a little short of hands!"
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bellysoupset · 5 months
Hi Soup! Hoping you can spill your secrets about how you write your characters fighting with each other and making it both realistic and still loving? I'm always so scared about writing arguments even though I know they are a natural and healthy part of a relationship. For some reason I hate admitting my characters have flaws, but I know it makes them less interesting to always be so nice to each other. You have such a knack for balancing their personalities and the reasons they get upset with each other and then their apologies later.
Hi Lis!! Its so nice answering your asks off anon 😝
Alright so I've been thinking on how to better answer this, since I was literally writing a conflict when you sent it.
I think my tips to writing arguments/conflict are these:
Start small: anything can be a source of conflict, if you're inflexible enough. You don't need to give your characters these huge flaws, you can literally write fights out of one character thinking taking the main avenue is the best way to avoid traffic, while the other think they should do a shortcut and then when they get stuck they're both frustrated. None of these things make them evil or bad, it just gives them different perspectives and that's more than enough to start a conflict.
Everyone has flaws and everyone has bad behavior. Even your most precious OC. Being very harsh: Luke is too much, Jonah is selfish, Wendy is vain, Bella is proud, Leo is possessive, Vince is spineless, Max is judgmental. These don't make them terrible people, in fact, most of these traits have their own happy flip side.
Luke is too much, so he loves with his whole heart and with absolute no sense of consequence. Luke is the type of guy who brings everyone together and that people want to impress and be liked by, but this also the type of person who's highly susceptible to criticism (in his case, his father's), who takes reckless decisions, who is scared of being alone and who clings to people too tightly.
I often think a character's flaw and biggest quality can be quite similar. Vince avoids conflicts and that's what makes him this huge, likable teddy bear, but also why he's the type of person who omits information (cough, the whole deal with moving to Doveport), who'll avoid making up his mind for as long as possible and hurt those around him because of it.
So I do recommend looking into your OCs and thinking what makes them tick. Is Rory stubborn? Proud? He did go fishing into the deep sea and didn't want to own up to it to his friends, what does that say to you about him? Which situations would cause his worst side to jump out? And how would those around him react to that?
It's okay if not all characters are understanding to your character's flaws.
Jonah gets tired of Luke's intense personality easily. He's too secure in himself to want to be liked by Luke, like most people tend to, and he's too sullen of a person to tolerate his high energy. This doesn't mean he hates Luke, but it does mean that if Lucas' starts to lean into the worst of his personality, the first to lash out at him will always be Jonah.
Noa and Rory have been together for years, but how long did it take for them to get used to each other? Did they learn to avoid fights or did they compromise in certain aspects and keep fighting in others?
Another thing to keep in mind is to keep your fights clean. Unless you want to have a huge argument that will take you time to navigate and have your OCs changing their behaviors and personality, avoid fighting below the belt. If Nora brought up Rory's dead sibling in a fight, this would be below the belt. It's the type of hit you can't come back from, that requires not only an apology, but a change in behavior.
When Leo tells Jonah to not use his mental health against him, it's the type of fight that's drawing an invisible line and one that if I had Jonah repeatedly crossing, I'd be making his character toxic. That would be totally OKAY, by the way, if I meant to do that! Writing toxic characters is fun! But its not the story I'm telling, so I don't have Jon doing that, I have his character changing.
Uhhhh this is already so so long, so I'll quit the rambling. But I just wanted to say, don't be scared to make certain parts of your characters ugly and annoying and gross, we all are these things, and having someone who loves us despite our flaws and maybe even because of our flaws is much deeper than pretending to be perfect.
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