#wool fiber
ravenbara · 2 years
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Some really cool fiber in my stash that could use for me to have a purpose to spin eventually.
Remember, I am disabled in all areas of my life, including my crafting and I make slowly, sometimes over years.... But if any of these speak to you deeply, lemme know? I can turn them into yarn with energetic purposes, magically speaking.
Fiber types: top image - rainbow stripe sheep (probably merino, very soft hand feel) wool/possibly tencel or other fiber with high sheen in the mix? Probably not pure sheep's wool
Next row, blue faced Leicester sheep wool small batch, Pacific Northwest local, rainbow tie dye
Bottom two are both pure silk in different forms.
Pink-y red in the braid is something I've had a long time, thought I found an owner for, then he betrayed my trust, hospitality as a host, and feeling of safety for months. SO. He has faded from our lives and this fiber/yarn needs a good owner who can use and care for it's history and help it be better than it's original purpose.
The rainbow hankies are the first time I've spun hankies (you can see a bit of it spin in a single on the tube) may not be the best on a technical skill level? But beautiful and does not have dramatic history
ALSO I'm queer as anything as well as disabled, a witch who works with energy in my crafts, and firmly loathe capitalism. So you must be comfortable working with someone like me. And also I would love to at least feel appreciated for my work. But it doesn't need to be monetary by any means. If you have craft supplies gathering dust you want to re-home? If you want to see if we are a good fit as friends and reach out to my lonely hermit self often? If you want to exercise your own creativity and make me things (especially if they are for/of my animals, my cat and two little parrots are my life)? If you want to spoil my animals as long as we communicate on what my personal restrictions are on what they can have? If you want to get me extra supplies I've been wishing for as well? All of these ideas are great for me in terms of showing me my work is loved and appreciated. And I also love knowing what happens to my work and what you make. I am in no state to say no to money but I'm totally open to other forms of trade/appreciation.
I also love getting to know who I'm making for and will include things that make me think of you.... I'm just a tiny crow collecting shiny things for those I'm fond of.... And I'm one that makes shinies too apparently XD
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kreechur-croft · 8 months
Made some little freaks
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silly-bus · 1 month
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THE GLOVES 🙌 I made these back in spring this year for a friend and I think they're so gorgeous. It was my first ever full project on dpn and my 2nd stranded color work. They were such a joy to make
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Pattern by EricaHeusserDesigns on Etsy!!
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ink-the-artist · 2 years
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amerricanartwork · 3 months
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Oh my, is that really what I think it is...?
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It is!! Another little creature has arrived! And it's so fluffy too! Though that isn't gonna do much in this hot weather!
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Here, have some food, little guy. And come inside! I'm sure the others would love to have you!
That's right guys, Rain Wool is back in business!! Now that I'm getting back into the swing of needle-felting and FINALLY have lots more core wool to make all sorts of projects with, it's only right that I keep on going with this project, especially since, after Saint, I'm only one away from being done with the slugcats! I apologize for waiting so long to continue on with this project, but going forward I hope to start felting more of these guys more frequently.
In the meantime, however, I'm happy to finally share this fluffy little green bean!
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It probably isn't very visible in these images, but on the cheeks, arms, and tail I intentionally left the wool less felted in for a softer, fluffier appearance. Since I have barely any of the straight wool roving felters normally use for long hair, this is my general go-to method for fluffy creatures.
I still think he looks adorable though, and I'm so excited to be close to finishing the slugcats!
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Well, I hope you enjoy this new Rain Wool content! Hopefully there will be more to come soon!
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bembely · 6 days
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I've dropped every other WIP I have for this and couldn't be happier
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webdiggerxxx · 4 months
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highlynerdy · 2 months
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The final (I think) result of all the dyeing I've been doing for The Bestie Art Retreat
I may do a few more pale shades for contrast, but oof, it's probably been a decade+ since I've dyed this much fiber at once. Wools used: Rambouillet, Targhee, New Zealand Romney, Domestic Wool Blend, Falkland, Shetland, and Merino/Silk.
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cozylittleartblog · 2 months
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yeah like having to deal with the obnoxious middle aged women who thrift to resell wasn't bad enough, now we got the braindead fast fashion bozos cluttering things up too.
its ok shirt, i will love you like somebody else apparently couldn't even if you shed microplastics into the water supply and will fall apart after 7 wears. and then i'll sew you back together like anyone with two braincells to rub together Should
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pastelispunx · 5 months
Now, I'm about to say something sacrilegious. I'm thinking of painting my Ashford Elizabeth.
Her stain job is slightly off and it Bugs me. I don't use her as much as I should and I want her to be a jaw dropper.
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Now I'm debating doing a paint job similar to those below:
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First from here and next from here.
Now unfortunately I love magnolia home colors, but I get Ace Hardware to match it on non magnolia bases so I don't pay those people.
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Color for base of the wheel???? I'd also stencil it with folk designs. Put a lil Mokosh sigil on there too somewhere. Just to really make it mine.
Now the poll: am I crazy to paint something I paid 800 for? Or do I yolo it and paint it bc it is mine and it will spark joy?
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kreechur-croft · 7 months
Made more fimsh / guys + 1 ouppy
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That feeling when you
When y
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thypandatetor · 2 days
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Time to spin and knit me a peach!
My dearest @fossilfibers made the discord our own existential peach colorway since we try to see how many screaming peach stickers we can find when we get new friends lol
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shannonpurdyjones · 3 months
Historical fiction research: European style in-hand spinning
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I'm in love with this beautiful gold Corriedale wool, so here's my latest progress on learning to spin in the in-hand or "twiddle" style spinning common in Europe in the 800s when my novel is set. I'm getting better at drafting with my left hand from the distaff (opposite from drop spinning, where you draft the wool with your dominant hand), and it's coming out quite nice and even for the most part.
I also definitely see the appeal of the distaff now that I'm getting better at using it. It allows holding a large amount of wool at once, and makes walking while spinning much easier than in drop spinning. Once you get good enough to stop clenching and relax into it I totally see how you could feasibly spin for hours by the fireside or walking without your hands getting tired.
At this point I could probably spin 50g of wool in a day, if I spun a fair number of hours between other things. Medieval women who were really skilled spinners must have processed an absolutely staggering amount of fiber per day by comparison.
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itscolossal · 9 months
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Nastasya Shulyak’s Miniature Felted Friends Sprout and Smile with Joy
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amerricanartwork · 9 months
Look at that! The little creatures are back! And there's two new ones this time!
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Hey, what brings you guys around here—
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Oh. My. God. This little blue one is so cute!! And those little frill things are so pretty!
What's it carrying, though? Come here so I can get a closer look!
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Whoa! Calm down, purple one! I wasn't gonna hurt your little friend here!
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See, it's alright!
Though I must say, you two are quite the interesting pair! I'd love to get to know you more! Both of you, feel free to stay as long as you'd like!
At long last, a new update to Rain Wool is here! And to hopefully compensate for the very long time it's been since my last addition to this project, I've decided to showcase TWO new figures this time!
First up is everyone's favorite little wet goober, Rivulet! And I must say, this one's been the hardest so far! Like I mentioned in a previous ask, it was quite hard to find a suitable blue color for Riv, in the sense that it both matched the in-game sprite as closely as possible and looked nice with a pink color that fit for the gills (which was also a bit hard to find). Then, on top of that, actually felting all six gills and attaching them to the cheeks was rather tedious. However, the end result was definitely worth it! Rivulet's gotta be my favorite Rain Wool figure so far; it's just so cute, I wanna hug it every time I see it!!
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And next up is the quiet yet deadly messenger, Spearmaster! This one was a bit easier to make than Rivulet, though dark-colored slugcats are always a bit of a challenge for me. Visually, it's the same as Nightcat in the body, with the main difference, of course, being that thick spotted tail. It was a bit of a challenge to gauge just how thick I wanted the tail to be, but once it seemed satisfactory, placing the spots was pretty relaxing, and I like the way they came out in the end!
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And, like my last two figures, I made little props for these guys as well! Again, I tried to make things matching their characters and stories. Using the same mini bamboo skewers with some hot glue and white ink, I made three of Spearmaster's special white spears, while some black and blue wool was used to make a little rarefaction cell for Rivulet.
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That's about it for now, though. I hope you enjoyed seeing these two new figures! I'm pretty excited myself, not just because they both turned out great, but because I now only have two more slugcats to make!
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Stay tuned for more Rain Wool: Downpour! I'll see you next time!
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thepaintedredstart · 3 months
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Successfully finished the first half of my first fractal spin!
This is a merino braid from a local indie dyer and was done entirely by hand. This first single is 2 ounces of a 4 oz. braid, and I think that weight pretty much maxes out this spindle! The last little bit was hard to keep consistent because of the weight of the spindle.
I am so so so excited to get the second half done and ply them together, the color gradients on this have been gorgeous all the way through and I think it’s going to be a beautiful 2-ply fractal.
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