#wood bucket
ippinka · 2 years
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Enjoy an onsen-like setting in your bath with the Oke Pure Wood Bath Bucket.
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its-stimsca · 1 year
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Stimboard of Frogger getting stuck in a bucket yet being indifferent
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texaschainsawmascara · 6 months
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The Cabin in the Woods promo bong
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finch-birdie · 4 months
Fun summer ideas:
walk into the woods and never return
sink into black lake water and never come back up
turn into white mist
or sea foam
be blown away by a gust of wind
let the sun bleach every picture till there is nothing but a memory
then let that memory fade like a dream
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im showing my friend clanker the awesome six eggs and single ice key i found today
#happy easter clanker#for the past three days ive just been playing banjo kazooie for fun#ended originally with a time of 8:22:12#but that changed when i wanted to try getting the stop n swop stuff for the first time on my copy of banjo#so the final time is 9:32:33#i forgot how much i disliked rusty bucket bay. good lord that engine room and stinky bad water#every other level was fine. though i got so confused at first as to what jiggy i was missing in click clock woods#it was just the one on the branch at the very top of the tree. i wouldve never found it had i not looked it up#notes and honeycombs though? did those purely from memory#jiggies too i guess minus the single 1 out of 100#which i think is better than what i was hoping to achieve playing without a guide#i didnt get all mumbo tokens though. i DID get the ones you could easily lose if done wrong though.#i need 7 more mumbo tokens basically to reach 100%#i was also very tempted to 100% gruntys furnace fun (i.e. all squares) but. at a point i was like ''hm. no lets not''#maybe someday. just not then.#i managed to blind guess a lot of grunty questions though#only talked to her sister like. once. and i didnt get any of those questions on the quiz#oh yknow whats fucked up? that one shortcut between rusty bucket bay and mad monster mansions puzzle#you cant break the gate for it if you raise the water level too high#also it took me until today to learn that CheatO's cheats are upgrades and not... cheats#fucked up. but i didnt have too much problems without it. <- he died to grunty once only cause he got knocked off the tower#anyway sorry for the strange photo quality. played on my n64 on an old crt ive had. and i only have a lamp on in my room.#its not as dark as it looks in the image atleast#i also learned that banjo kazooie has way more cheats than i ever knew about#before collecting all the stop n swop stuff. i gave myself the infinite air underwater cheat cause. god.#its so nice to swim around with any anxiety. mostly just used it to swim with clanker for a bit. :).#didnt need it for any other reasons. i done collected everything else girlies#though kid me used a lot of cheat codes in tooie. only because i had a magazine that had all the codes#i 100%'d that one a few years ago i think. jiggies atleast. i think.#anyway. :) clanker
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clarkkantagain · 6 months
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tyler j wood
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adorablediscoveries · 8 months
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Mushroom lamps by TheSnowmade on Etsy
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martyrbat · 6 months
omg new nature friend (discovered a pilot snake by accidentally grabbing it) ^_^
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some photos of the gorgeous girl :)
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malhare-archive · 6 months
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sakuramisthaven · 10 months
I wish we had less mystery brown characters in sso.
rant in tags😮‍💨
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twpsyn-who · 2 months
Soulmate AU in which you can no longer remember your soulmate after some time spent apart. Is like their memory, their whole existence, gets buried away if you're not around each other. It doesn't get erased or anything, but it takes some time for the brain to remember even with outside help and it doesn't last for long. Also the memories return back once the soulmates are near each other once again like nothing truly happened.
That's nothing easy to take notice of during their training, everyone around everybody daily. Is just when they finally graduate and go on their own path that things change. When Jean's doing chores with the others and Connie mentions this guy Marco and how he used to help him clean the kitchen despite not being his chore.
Just... You know, Jean asking who are they talking about because there was no Marco in their training squad. The way Connie brushes it out like a joke and calls Jean a little jerk for saying that about Marco. The pure confusion on Jean's face, him getting all defensive because there's no Marco. Everyone slowly realizing what's going on and trying to make Jean remember by bringing up memories of Marco- of all the times the two would pair for chores, the amount of times Marco has to restrain Jean so he wouldn't get in some fight (usually with Eren), how the two were inseparable during the years. Them both talking about joining the MP. Them sharing a bunk bed and going in different beds to sleep just for everybody to find them cuddling in the morning. All the little things they took notice of during the years about Jean and Marco.
The moment Jean truly remember is pure agony. His eyes widening sightly, hands shaking- it takes him all the power to stay up because he finally remembers Marco. Not only the sick realization of Marco being his soulmate, but the amount of pain at the realization that he's bound to forget about his best friend. The suffering, now that he realizes he doesn't even remember how Marco looked like. The helpless of the whole situation.
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I want to cut my hair
I want to cut my hair
I can't cut my hair because fuck if I know where the hair clippers are and even if I did know where they are I can't take a fucking shower to help me clean up afterwards
I can't fucking shower because we still don't have water in the house
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bethannangel · 4 months
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likecastle · 1 year
GOD it just occurred to me how funny it is that Steve got all dressed up in his tightest jeans and his coolest jacket to go make up with Nancy and then he got waylaid by some random child and wound up monster hunting in what is essentially the 1980s teen boy equivalent of fuck me pumps and a mini dress
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zhivchik · 4 months
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