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comparativeoracle · 1 year
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The Bell Tolls. Art by ​Nitasia Roland, from Tarot Chimera.
Arise! Hear ye and hasten! The Time is nigh!
(Also used in The Oracle of Secrets (The Alleyway Oracles).)
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Chapter 3: The Bell Tolls
Narrated by Loen.
Narrator: I picked up my gun and stepped onto the battlefield. I was just like the knights in the stories I had heard in my childhood.
Narrator: It was only then that I realized reality was not as moving as the stories.
Choose either “What is reality like, then?” or “You must have seen a lot of things you’ll never forget...”
If “reality,” ...
You: What was it really like?
Narrator: I ended up seeing cruelty far beyond my wildest imagination before my eyes.
Narrator: I couldn’t do anything about it.
If “forget,” ...
You: You must have seen a lot of things you’ll never forget...
Narrator: Yes. Even though it occurred so long ago, I still dream about everything that happened.
Narrator: And I dream about the people I will never see again.
Narrator: To win the war, I disguised myself as a Pigeon soldier and stole classified information.
Narrator: I will never forget the day we defeated the Royal Pigeon Army.
Choose either “Why won’t you forget?” or “Is it because of Roja?”
If “forget,” ...
You: Why won’t you forget?
Narrator: The Pigeon soldiers who died in battle had briefly been my comrades, too.
Narrator: One of them, Roja, once said he hoped I could attend his wedding after the war.
If “Roja,” ...
You: Is it because of Roja?
Narrator: You remember Roja. I’ll always remember him telling me that he hoped I could attend his wedding after the war.
Narrator: But that would never happen. Roja never returned from battle.
Narrator: All I could do was give the dress I designed to his fiancee, Sansa. When I did I could see the hatred she held for war and soldiers in her eyes.
Choose “It isn’t your fault.”
You: It wasn’t your fault.
Narrator: Didn’t matter. I don’t care that she hates me. I only hope someday she can heal her broken heart and start anew.
Narrator: In fact, when I visited Roja’s grave long after the war, I also checked up on Sansa in secret.
Narrator: She still lives in their old house, and long green vines have begun to climb up the rusty window sill.
Narrator: That house should have hosted a wedding ceremony, crying babies, and playing children.
Narrator: But it was so quiet. The curtains were always drawn, and the door never seemed to open.
Narrator: I stood outside for a long time. I eventually just put the bouquet I brought down and left.
Choose “Sansa still hasn’t come out...”
You: Sansa still hasn’t come out...
Narrator: I’ve always thought that after a war, the survivors deserve to live good lives.
Narrator: But the land has been stained with blood, never to be pure again.
Narrator: I visited Uncle White and his family after the war, too. They later moved back to Westburg.
Narrator: Westburg developed rapidly after the battle. There was no trace that it had ever been destroyed by gunfire.
Narrator: The windows of Uncle White’s new house were clean, bright, and had a view of the tall buildings that had sprung up nearby.
Narrator: Everything looked new, like the pain of the past was long gone.
Narrator: But there was an extra setting on the table. They marked Snownight’s spot.
Narrator: Uncle White’s laugh was as hearty as ever, but it couldn’t cover up how much the years had worn him down.
Uncle White: You’ve grown, Loen!
Narrator: He said the same thing to me many years ago when he watched me get on the train to join the army.
Narrator: I wonder if he was thinking of his daughter when he said that.
Choose either “Terrible and cruel” or “The survivors deserve to live their lives.”
If “terrible,” ...
You: That’s really cruel.
Narrator: Because I’ve seen all of that with my own eyes, I have a better appreciation for life.
If “deserve,” ...
You: Those who survive still have to live their lives.
Narrator: You’re right, but having a good life isn’t that simple.
Narrator: The war was over, but not every part of Miraland had recovered.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
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raspberrypie4u · 1 year
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otrebot · 6 months
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Chainsaw Man Chapter 161
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bake-offhamster · 3 months
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edsbacktattoo · 6 months
one of my favourite things about season 2 is 'you wear fine things well' 2.0. like that phrase means so much to us, the super sexy audience, so knowing that it means a lot to Ed AND Stede as well?? oh my god. it means enough to the both of them that when Ed says it, Stede immediately knows what he's getting at. like sure he's saying 'you wear fine things well' with his big baby cow eyes and his little kitty cat collar but what he means is, 'this was the moment i fell in love with you. and now i'm saying it back.' and they put that in the tv show that we, the super sexy audience, watched. fucking cinema.
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ash-and-starlight · 10 months
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Blue Eye Samurai || 1x06 - All Evil Dreams and Angry Words
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zprite-x · 7 months
For Whom the Bell Tolls
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Time marches on
Alternates + individuals under cut!
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zepskies · 7 days
Lost on You - Part 8
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x F. Supe!Reader
Summary: 1983 is a big year for you. You’re finally chosen to join the ranks of Payback, led by the most (in)famous supe in the world: Soldier Boy. He’ll never admit that he’s trying his damndest to figure you out. You’ll never admit that he’s actually growing on you. But the problem with this game is deciding who’s the predator, and who is prey.
AN: Here we go. Diving into Nicaragua, and beyond…
Song Inspo: “Who’s Crying Now” by Journey
Word Count: 4K
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only. Violence, implied torture, heavy angst (and a twist ending).
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Part 8: For Whom the Bell Tolls
March 1984
When you got into Payback, you didn’t sign up to be part of a war. You knew you weren’t a soldier, and frankly, the rest of you had no business being here either. This was a CIA base, being run by a no-nonsense officer, Grace Mallory. You had no intention of getting in her way.
Nicaragua was hot and surrounded by jungle, not exactly conducive to a leather suit. You kept to the shade by yourself and watched Swatto, Ben, and Gunpowder makes fools of themselves after Grace tore them a new one. You respected anyone who could go toe-to-toe with Ben without even flinching, especially as a non-supe.
Then again, he had poured on his usual “charm.”
“You know, with a figure like yours, you are wasted down here,” he said.
You rolled your eyes. Grace didn't even give him the time of day. Stan chimed in, presumably to explain Vought’s apparent “partnership” with the U.S. military for this mission. Ben walked away from her, barely glancing in your direction along the way.
That suited you just fine. Things had been frosty between you two for the past month, but as long as you stayed out of his way, he didn’t butt into yours.
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Days later, you wanted nothing more than to go home. Sleeping in a tent was not your bag, and especially not using the restroom outdoors. Would it be considered desertion if you booked a flight home right now?
You escaped your tent with a huff, swatting mosquitos as you went. You’d tried to take an afternoon nap, but who could sleep in this heat?
“Not exactly a luxury suite, is it?” Black Noir said. You jolted, realizing he was standing just a few feet away without his mask on. It was refreshing to see his face, but you were still a bit sour toward him.
“Oh, you’re talking to me now?” you said dryly. You began walking toward the mess tent. Noir joined you.
“Well, it looks like you’re done playing your little game,” he said, raising his brows meaningfully at Soldier Boy. He seemed to be trying to chat up Mallory again.
Good fucking luck there, you thought. She already looked bored.
You turned to Noir with a flat look.
“We’re all playing a game, Irving. Just at different levels,” you said. “For example, what were you talking to Stan about?”
You’d seen them a couple of hours ago, hidden behind a fortified stone wall. Noir stopped walking. You were curious enough to follow suit.
“Something that could change everything for all of us,” he said. “You included.”
Your brows knitted together. “What’re you—”
Shots rang out in the clearing. Noir covered you when a grenade blasted the ground just a few feet away from you.
"You okay?" he asked in concern. You nodded shakily. He steadied you with a reassuring hold on your arms.
“Come on!” he said.
“What’s happening?” you exclaimed over the noise. You were terrified, and you definitely weren’t trained for this.
You let Noir lead you through the camp. When men in faded green uniforms came at you with guns, he took most of them out. You managed to duck under a man’s gun and touch his face, compelling him to sleep.
“There you are!” said Countess. She had the TNT Twins and Mindstorm in tow. For once, you were relieved to see them.
Finally you made it into a clearing where Ben was fighting with his shield at the ready. He punched out another enemy soldier who fell to the ground. He turned to see you, and then the others in your team beginning to surround him. You frowned in confusion and looked at Noir.
“What’re you doing?” you asked in worry. He glanced at you, but didn’t answer.
“What the fuck is this?!” Ben said angrily.
“Something we should’ve done a long time ago, you piece of shit,” Noir said, his tone icy and determined.
The TNT Twins attacked first. It managed to knock Ben to the ground. You were frozen in shock when Countess and Mindstorm joined in, along with Noir.
“Stop!” you said, but no one heard you. What the fuck is happening?!
They had Ben going for a minute, as their triple teaming managed to keep him on the ground…just not for long. With a grunt, he shoved them all away with a show of strength.
“Sirena!” Noir finally called to you, his gaze imploring you to help them. 
“No, stop!” you shouted back. You couldn’t watch this fight happen again. Because this time, Ben would kill him. He’d kill all of them.
You headed for Ben and Noir, but a gloved hand stopped you. It grabbed your wrist and turned you around, right into Countess’s waiting fist. You cried out and stumbled, but you found purchase on one of the stone walls. Before you could recover, she grabbed your shoulders and kneed you hard in the stomach.
Shit… You tasted blood when you went down, heaving for breath. She packed one hell of a punch in those little gloved fists.
“Been waiting for this, bitch,” she hissed from above you.
The second she got close enough, you grabbed her by her long hair and punched her as hard as you could in that fake-ass nose. Then you kicked out with both feet into her stomach. She doubled over and fell back on her ass.
You managed to roll and stumble onto your feet. You glanced over quick and saw that Ben was beating Noir within an inch of his life.
“Ben!” you shouted, wanting to stop him, but that was when Mindstorm stepped in front of you. His eyes met yours, and it became a battle of wills as he tried to shove you deep into the darkness of your inner world.
You could play mind games too though. You fought his hold, with every scrap of your consciousness, and you even managed to take a few steps forward. If you touched him, it would be over. As a man, he wouldn’t be able to withstand your own powers.
And your plan might’ve worked, if Countess hadn’t walloped you hard from behind.
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When you woke, the bare room was bright with florescent lighting and cold beyond belief. You shuddered. You were no longer wearing your supe suit. Instead, you’d been dressed in some kind of gray hospital gown and a pair of woolly socks, stripped of even your boots. At least you still had underwear.
You uncurled yourself from the thin cot you were laying on. The room held little more than a prison cot, a toilet, and a sink. You let out a shaky breath.
Where the hell…
You got up slowly, mindful of your aches and pains throughout your body. The back of your head was throbbing too, courtesy of Countess, you slowly remembered.
That fucking bitch.
There was a door with a small glass windowpane. You tried to twist the handle, but of course it wouldn’t budge. You peered out of the window and saw a long hallway. There was a door just like yours on the opposite side with a small window.
“H-Hey!” you shouted. “Is anyone there? Hello?!”
A moment later, you heard Ben say your name, calling out to you. He sounded angry, but you were close enough to sense his relief at hearing your voice. You were relieved to hear him too, at least.
“Ben!” you said, as tears sparked in your eyes. “Where the hell are we?”
“The Russians got us,” he said, though it was heavily muffled through his door and yours.
Oh shit…
“After those cocksuckers fucking betrayed me!” he shouted. You heard a banging sound, like his fist meeting the wall.
“Did you know?” he asked in anger.
“What?” you said incredulously.
“Did you fucking know what they were planning?”
You were shocked, both at his audacity, and at the way he really thought you could do that to him. To anyone.
“How can you ask me that,” you said tremulously, “when I’m the only one who tried to fucking help you?”
It finally hit you then, where you were and why this was happening. You laughed without humor, wiping manic tears from your cheeks in vain.
“Well, look where that got me,” you said. You shook your head. “God, I wish I’d never met you.”
You almost wished you could see his face. He would probably try to be stoic, but even through the walls, you sensed the discordant impact of your words. It affected him, more than he’d probably ever show.  
“You’re saying this is my fucking fault?!” he said sharply.
“Yes! It is your fault. Because you’re too much of a mean, callous, arrogant, entitled, selfish, fucking asshole to see that everybody hates you!” you spat. 
That fell heavily between you. You didn’t regret it. It was high time this man knew the truth, about everything.
No more games.
“Oh, really. You included, huh?” Ben said. “I didn’t do shit to you.”
You gaped. “You shoved me to ground! I had bruises for days. Or did you conveniently forget that part?”
“You got in the fucking way!” he retorted. But then, he simmered down slightly. “Besides, you know you weren’t the one I was aiming for.”
And that just reminded you of Black Noir, with no small measure of guilt, and just how badly Ben had beaten him before you two were captured. You didn’t doubt that Ben had killed him.
“But you still did it, and you couldn’t even look me in the eye and apologize, like a man,” you said. “Instead, you fucked a pack of whores.”
You shook your head and tried to calm your breathing. You wiped under your eyes.
“But I guess I did bring it on myself. I knew what you were the second I met you,” you said coldly. “In fact, the only thing I really wanted from you was what you could do for my career.”
That blow landed as well. You felt his shock, deep inside.
“Is that so?” he said, less angry then. More resigned. “It was all an act, huh?”
New tears burned in your eyes. They slid down your cheeks, one by one.
“Yeah, it was,” you said. “I fucking hope I never have to see your face again.”
With a shaky breath, you turned your back to the door and leaned against it. You ignored the painful lance in your heart that threatened to overtake you, along with your panic.
For a while, there was silence. It gave you a reprieve, but it also forced you to be alone with the tumultuous thoughts circling in your head.
Suddenly, the door opened. You backed up all the way to the far wall. In stepped a man in a gray lab coat, as well as two armed guards. One of them was holding a straitjacket.
“Good morning,” said the lab coat. His English was heavily accented. “Welcome to your new home.”
“Who are you?” You tried to sound firm and unshaken, but there was no mistaking your fear as your eyes darted from man to man.
“Eisenstein Sergei. I am a geneticist, by trade,” he said. He gestured at you with a smile that made your skin crawl. “You, beautiful one. You will be part of evolution.”
“Stay the fuck away from me,” you said, even as your voice trembled.
Eisenstein gestured at the guards, who drew near you. The second you opened your mouth to sing, to scramble their minds, one of them produced an extendable stick with an electric prod on the end. He tased you until you passed out onto the floor.
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As you soon discovered, Dr. Sergei Eisenstein was fascinated by supes. He wanted to figure out how they ticked, on a molecular level. So he and his team had made a deal with Vought to acquire Soldier Boy for experimentation. You were an added bonus.
For months, the doctor and his team poked and prodded, cut and burned you, testing the limitations of your advanced healing and pushing your body often far beyond its capabilities.
But they were careful. The straitjacket ensured you couldn’t easily compel any man who drew near to work on you. They all wore gloves, so they didn’t touch your skin. In some ways, their wariness was to your benefit. You were always gagged when they worked on you though, so you couldn’t sing. Eisenstein also once threatened to paralyze your vocal cords if you tried. You were too afraid to tempt him.
As rough as you had it, you were sure it was only scratching the surface of what they did to Ben.
The man was stronger, more durable. The doctor had more leeway to play with him, knowing his toy wouldn’t break.
They now kept him on the other end of the compound, since he’d broken through his first containment unit. They had gassed him with something that made him drop like a stone, putting him to sleep. You weren’t sure what was powerful enough to do it, but you didn’t want to find out.
The first time you heard him screaming, it brought tears stinging in your eyes. Your lips had trembled, and you’d rocked yourself in your cot. You couldn’t help him, let alone yourself. You were surprised to realize that you wanted to help him, even after everything he did to you—after everything you’d seen him do.
It slowly made you realize the truth in your own heart; things you hadn’t wanted to take out and examine, like muddy glass after a storm. Now, with the debris washed away, you could see what you had become, and what all your work, your scraping, your lies and manipulations had gotten you.
It also made you realize that you weren’t as good of a liar as you thought you were. At least, not to yourself. Not when you remembered the quiet moments between you and Ben; the times you wordlessly craved each other’s company, and you laid tucked against his side on the couch with a book while he watched a football game. Or late at night, the times when you gave into sharing a bed with him, and he stared up at the ceiling with a blunt in hand, the two of you lying naked and talking about everything and nothing until you feel asleep.  
Yes, you remembered blood and violence, callousness and cruelty toward Noir and the rest of the team. You knew that was who Soldier Boy was. That was Ben.
It was just hard to reconcile that monster with the man you’d come to know. The man who actually tried to comfort you, even though you hadn’t wanted to be comforted after that accident with a Crimson Countess fan. The man who saved you after you were beaten by a thug, and nearly worse. The man who could be funny, and charming, with hints of gentleness and affection in between.
You supposed you would never know what part of him was real.
But most of all, you remembered the things you’d said to him. You surprised yourself by feeling pinprick needles of guilt up and down your spine.
“I hope I never have to see your face again.”
 You had a feeling that you’d get your wish.
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It was six months in before Eisenstein experimented with the first serum. You vomited blood.
It took his team three more years to revise. 
You started to hear voices in your head, snippets of thought instead of just sensing energies. You lied to the scientists, keeping the knowledge to yourself. They had no way to know, so why give them more ammunition against you?
The thoughts you heard were always male, whoever was in close proximity. Your powers seemed to translate them into English, but you almost preferred it to be gibberish. Mostly the thoughts were bland, disgusting, or cold and frightening in their scientific detachment, and even their entertainment…mostly when they worked on Ben. 
It made you sick. You wished you could reach out to him, if just for someone familiar to talk to. You hadn’t learned how to do that just yet. You didn’t even know if you could. You were still figuring out how to just tune it all out when you were sick of the chatter.
Regardless, they kept him too far away, so you rarely heard his thoughts. When you did, they were mostly angry and murderous. You couldn’t blame him. 
Sometimes, just being able to feel his presence, hearing the scraps of his thoughts was enough.
You were left entirely alone with your own.
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April 3, 1994
You read the date on the magazine they’d brought for you with bland porridge for breakfast. The publication was in Russian, but you’d begun to pick up on certain words they said, and on the structure of numbers you saw them scribble in their notes. 
Ten years. You really couldn’t fathom it. It didn’t feel real…
Well, actually, it did today. You were almost done with the porridge when the doctor and three guards came in, one with your usual straitjacket.
“Finished then?” Eisenstein asked, nodding at your near empty bowl. “Good. Get her up.”
The command was in Russian, but by now you understood it. You still struggled. You always did. It was no use though. Soon they had you fitted in the jacket and a gag tight around your mouth, with just a couple of cattle prod stings to your side.
They dragged you down the hall farther than usual. You were confused when they passed the usual lab they so often took you to. Instead, Eisenstein opened a metal door.
Inside the room was Ben, strapped to a metal slab against the wall. He was bound in every way, and fully naked. He also had a long, unkempt beard, but you’d recognize that face even in your sleep. Your eyes widened when you met his, your breath caught in your throat. His face slackened in surprise as well.
You hadn’t seen him since before the beginning of the nightmare.
He’d barely aged at all.
The spell of it broke when you were slammed down onto a cold, shiny table. It felt hard as titanium, and you cried out at the impact.
You managed to raise your head. “Ben!”
It was muffled through the gag, but you knew he understood you. His brows furrowed. He looked up at Eisenstein in a glare.
“What the fuck is this?”
The doctor held a glass syringe in his gloved hand. He drew closer to you with slow, measured steps.
“You have impenetrable skin, yes? Hard, like a diamond,” he said to Ben. “Even inside your holes, it is…perhaps more sensitive, but still strong enough to stop further experimentation.”
Ben’s lip curled with a sneer.
“But there must be a way to get inside you,” Eisenstein said. He grabbed the back of your neck tightly, making you whimper. He held up the syringe. “Tell me now, or I will give her the serum we had prepared for you. There is good chance it may…let’s say, liquify her insides, but we will have to see. Won’t we?”
He gestured at one of the guards, who tore open the back of your gray gown to expose your back and shoulders. You screamed around the gag and struggled, even with the men holding you down. You fought Eisenstein’s grip to look up at Ben. His jaw was clenched, his eyes hard and angry.
You had tears in your eyes; they already began to slip down your cheeks. You implored him wordlessly. Ben stared back at you through furrowed brows.
Getting nothing but silence, Eisenstein sighed through his nose, and he turned to you with the syringe.
“Hold her steady.”
You struggled and thrashed in vain.
“Wait!” Ben said, through clenched teeth.
Everyone in the room paused.
Ben lifted his gaze from you and directed it at the doctor.
“My eye,” he said lowly. “Inject it in the corner of my eye.”
Eisenstein’s weathered face broke into a smile. “Ah, clever. Thank you, Soldier Boy.”
Then he pressed the needle into your shoulder, emptying its contents into your bloodstream. You uttered a pained sound at the needle going in. Again, you looked up at Ben in panic.
He tensed in an incredulous anger. “What—”
“Do not worry. It’s just a sedative,” Eisenstein shrugged.
Within seconds, you breathed out a whimper as your eyes closed on you. You went limp. The guards peeled you off the table and dragged you out of the room. It left the doctor with his favorite patient.
Ben wanted to rip the man’s arm from his socket and beat him to death with it. And that was just the latest fantasy on how he’d take the good doctor apart.
“What’ve you been doing to her?” Ben asked, in a tone that demanded. It was the first time he had spoken of you, the first time he had the courage to ask the question that so often plagued his mind.
Eisenstein sighed. “She is not as strong or durable as you, but! She has been able to withstand a good many experiments that have borne fruit.”
Ben’s glare darkened. “You’re a sick fucking bastard.”
“I am a visionary,” the doctor countered. “Can you imagine what your mutations could unlock for science? In biomedicine? Her healing abilities, though limited, could provide the cure to any number of diseases and ailments. Your longevity of life could do the same… Or if not, you will make for Russia’s greatest weapon.”
He stepped back and ushered in his assistants. One of them came with the true serum. Its contents had a light red hue. It looked like poison. Ben struggled in his constraints, grunting and resisting the hand that reached for his face.
“If you do not stay still, we will go to her next,” Eisenstein warned.
Ben panted through his nose. His hardened gaze flicked between the doctor, and the needle coming for his eye.
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You heard Ben screaming before you could even open your eyes. You felt it in your chest. In your spirit.
He saved me, you realized, as tears once again stung behind your eyelids.
You also tasted cotton in your mouth. You realized it was because they had thrown you face-first onto your cot. You managed to turn your head so you at least could breathe, but you couldn’t move any of your limbs. Your enhanced healing was the only reason why you were even awake.
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He broke free.
The pain was too much. Adrenaline was surging through him, and he was able to grab one of the assistants and crush his throat. His furious gaze was set on Eisenstein next, but the fucker ducked out of the room quick.
Ben padded forward on slightly unsteady feet, ripping away the rest of his restraints from the cold metal. He stalked toward the door. Before he could reach it, a hissing plume of Novichok gas flooded the entire cell. 
His eyes rolled up into his head, and he fell to the ground. All the while, the serum was working inside him, bubbling and brewing red hot in his chest.
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You were lying unmoving in your cot when Eisenstein came in to check on you.
“How is the little bird, doing?” he asked in his native tongue.
He ventured over to you carefully. In one of his hands was a cattle prod, just in case.
“They were careless,” he remarked. He set down the cattle prod to grasp your shoulders, and he rearranged you until you were lying on your back. You were still unresponsive, when the doctor knew for a fact that you should be awake by now. He had your reaction times to certain chemicals perfected to the minute.
He frowned and reached out to hold a gloved finger to your neck, measuring your pulse.
That was when you opened your eyes.
You raised up and headbutted him as hard as you could. Eisenstein cried out and fell to the ground. You followed him there and straddled him. Your hands were still bound by the straitjacket, so you had no choice.
You bent down and distracted him with a disdainful kiss to his lips.
When you next open your eyes, they were glowing violet.
You took control of his mind.
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AN: 😬😬😬
Also, get ready for a whopper of a chapter in Part 9. (My favorite one of the series!)
Next Time:
Free me, you compelled Eisenstein’s mind.
He obeyed you with a vacant look in his eyes. He unhooked your straitjacket and opened the door. After you grabbed up his cattle prod, you still didn’t release your psychic hold. You ordered him forward, and for the first time you walked freely out of your cell without restraint.
Take me to Soldier Boy.
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Don't want to wait until next week?
Part 9 is out on Patreon now!
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yuri-hell-world · 16 days
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new ref for my blades character. ate a demon and fed god with it (god, of course, being a giant bird corpse on the other side of the moon). now she's birding up!
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fabahater · 3 months
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ihate him he needs to die now (affectionate)
175 notes · View notes