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Happy woman's history months, no book related post today.
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indica-vixen · 2 years ago
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noaasanctuaries · 3 years ago
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It's International Women's Day!
And we think it's a great day to read up on some of our favorite heroes from around the sanctuary system! We're sharing our favorite Women's History Month features from recent years. Check out last year's profiles that feature ten dynamic women at work all over the sanctuary system.
Read it here: https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/news/mar20/celebrating-womens-history-month-2020.html
Image: Carina Fish, one of the current Foster Scholars, is working on ocean acidification in Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. Image: NOAA
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eretzyisrael · 3 years ago
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theylostasoul · 3 years ago
feliz día va a ser el día que no falte ninguna
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fleetwood-mac-news · 4 years ago
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Women’s History Month Tribute: Fleetwood Mac’s Christine McVie When I was in 7th grade, Christine McVie was like a friend, probably because I had so few. It was one of those cruel middle school mysteries: I left 6th grade popular, the first girl in class to wear eyeliner, but when I returned from summer vacation, everything had changed. As I learned of loneliness, music took on a new role. (Link in story to the full tribute) https://www.spin.com/2021/03/womens-history-month-tribute-fleetwood-macs-christine-mcvie/ #christinemcvie #fleetwoodmac #womanshistorymonth #spinmagazine https://www.instagram.com/p/CMTADcCs7it/?igshid=73vyzcg3taya
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fandomforward · 4 years ago
Merch alert. What mug drink or snack should every head witch know how to do?
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olddbutgoldd · 5 years ago
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zamgoods · 4 years ago
How is Raya Like Star Wars/ Romeo Must Die
Saturday March 27th 3.27.2021 86th day Waxing Gibbous Moon (3.28)
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So not having saw the movie yet, I will not spoil it.  I just wanna know if Raya or a dragon gets beheaded or almost does, like in Mulan when her General pardons her, yet almost took her head off.  Not trying to be gruesome, it’s a reason to look out for this.
Rush Hour 3 explains it all.  It’s woman’s history month, so let’s share some facts about the importance traditions in China.  
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Let’s look out for Raya and the Last Dragon and see connections to Aaliyah in Romeo Must Die which brought us to newest Star Wars Trilogy.  Also linked with Kung Fu Panda, Mulan, Rush Hour 3, The Last Dragon, Triads, Alice in Wonderland, Akasha in Queen of the Damned.
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  We are interested in the female, woman beheaded, dragon head, with secrets of the leaders of try ad family also cat hole lick ma fee ahh.
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Raya movie was released 3.3.21 --->3.3.3 in US 3.5.21. Decoding is our thing so keep in mind 33 master number of Jesus.  33 movable vertebrates of the back/spine ending with a downwards pyramid, triangle called the sacrum.
  Sacral chakra where the dragon sleeps also called Kundalini.  Dragon or serpent.  In Mulan 1998 version Mooshoo played by black man Eddie Murphy.  He knocks the head of the actual family dragon and takes his place.  This is the point of it.  In Raya the Dragon, named Sisu, voiced by Akwafina, is the last dragon.
I also didn’t see the new Mulan yet as well.  I also wanna know if there is a part where a Chinese person is disguised as an Arab, like Han did to Akbar in Romeo Must Die.  I wonder if we can find out who the new Dragaon head of the try ad.  See there’s the 13 plus one kay and others that may be at play. Look out for numero 489.
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Remember that the try ad are known for running the casinos, gambling rings, fireworks, rockets, sex trafficking, illicit and designer drug manufacturing, k2, heroine, etc, gun smuggling, prostitution rings, massage parlors, happy endings, new clear weapons, bio terrorism, surveillance, pedophile rings, human cloning, food fakery, and more.  They are a world wide family with headquarters all over the world.
Back to Raya whose is voiced my Kelly Marie Tran Loan Tran who played in both Star Wars and Raya.  Her character is Rose in the Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker.  Remember her freeing those enslaved animals at the casino in Episode 8 along with Finn.  Many thought this was random to the story, but when you understand what is really going on with her role.  That’s why so many children are being found as part of the child sex trafficking and many mobsters are being arrested around the world.  
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Look out for hands signs, numbers, slavery, and freedom.  The Book of Changes is the mystical book that predicts the “Change” the construction, the change of guard, money system etc. 
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 The new 2016 Silk road is part of this plot where DMX plays the role of Silk, casino and club waterfront owner in Oakland, C.
The Whole Middle East has been destabilized to build the actual Express train from China to Europe’s door way.  IT crosses land and Sea through Africa, India, Persia, parts of Russia...Red Sea.  This is huge and Romeo Must Die predicted it back in 2000.  
The big Heroine and Opiates epidemic is also crafted in the hands of the Try Ads and affiliates.  The big White Horse  in the room and White pony, snow trafficked into Mexico and up to North America is powered by this Force to truly be acknowledged.  Yet nobody is talking about these things.  
You’d be surprised what kids cartoons can teach you, if you know what to look for.
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kimberw3467 · 4 years ago
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The first black model to appear on the cover of this magazine, Donyale Luna’s pioneering spirit was eventually eclipsed by sensationalised stories about her private life. Now, 40 years after her death, her daughter Dream Cazzaniga celebrates her true legacy.
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djbigbrooklyn · 4 years ago
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We didn’t forget! We won’t forget!!! You should still be here. We say your name today and always. #justiceforbreonnataylor. #sayhername #womanshistorymonth https://www.instagram.com/p/CMX3Op0n2he/?igshid=11s3jky4k7tfg
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cade-space · 5 years ago
Alright queens kings and non gender specific beans, it's woman's history Month. I am a feminist. Let's fucking do this.
I thought I had a meaningful paragraph to spill about change but I actually don't because I'm behind in English class so I'll be doing a lot of RACE formatting later so let's keep this simple, self.
Gender Rolls- a boy can wear a dress if he wants to. A girl can wear a suit if she wants to. If someone wants to be feminine or masculine or a blend of both or neither just let them do it. Why does that have to be your business to manipulate? Gender rolls need to be a thing of the past because all they do is keep people from being truly authentic.
Body Shaming- Body shaming is so wrong. People carry their weight differently. People are going to have different sized bodies. Don't tell someone they're too fat. Don't tell someone they're too skinny. Don't point out someone's stretch marks or bones or rolls or skin or scars. If you can't fix it in 10 seconds, don't say it.
Wage Gap- This is 2020 and the average pay should be equal for everyone. There. There's nothing to it just fucking pay us equally.
Slut Shaming- The way someone dresses should not determine their sexual history. Same for how someone acts or speaks. Just let people vibe ok 😌👌
Pollution- Ok I can rant all day on this one. Just know that plastic and styrofoam is dangerous and companies should find a substitute, climate change is real, the coral is being bleached and that very bad, the sky is red in Indonesia, everything is on fire, and Bill Nye is pissed because he told us so.
Misgendering- If someone tells you that they have a new name and pronouns they want to be called please just use them. It's not easy to adjust but it's not very easy for them either so just make it a little easier by trying.
Karens- Yes please leave all of the Karens in Kidz Bop hell.
On awareness months and weeks I get super prideful and I talk a lot so please fix my big ass list to get me to shut the fuck up. :) Thanks! Happy Woman's History Month!
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agatorlove · 6 years ago
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“The upward course of a nation's history is due in the long run to the soundness of heart of its average men and women. “ Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms. (1926-)
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supportblackart · 6 years ago
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NYC! TONIGHT! Join Imani Shanklin Roberts @imaniniasr for the I AM SHE closing experience! She will be sitting on the panel with some extraordinary women talking about stepping into your power in the 21st century as a WOC! This artist talk will be encased in musical journeys curated by @thee.gypsy & @blck_smmr—And an inspiring performance by @shyyvonne! You don’t want to miss it! RSVP in bio ☝🏾!!! #supportblackart #imanishanklinroberts #womanshistorymonth #iamshe2019 (at Weeksville Heritage Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvhkfLVDvbq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dz0dpecfskot
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thebirthdaydog · 6 years ago
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Doesn’t get much better than winning one of these, @ladygaga happy birthday girl - #ladygaga #gaga #oscars #academyaward #redcarpet #bradleycooper #star #astarisborn #defjam #newyorkcity #womanshistorymonth #awards #music https://www.instagram.com/p/BvjwI6slJQM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qeua0cgcf832
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neverovaoriginals · 6 years ago
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#feministaflettering Day 5- #marchletteringchallenge with @gofontyourself and @artsycraftsy . "Support your local girl gang", and that's exactly what I'm doing with these challenges... tagging other amazing female artists so they can expand their network, while they also create an outlet and community for other like minded women, and just people in general, who have a love for letters and the art of them. Heres to all the females out there! 💕🥰✌ . . Supplies I used: @brushpen_ecoline , @pentelofamerica pen, @paper_mate felt tip pen and @sakuraofamerica gelly rolls. Paperpad from @kellycreates I got @michaelsstores . . #feministaf #womanshistorymonth #supportyourlocalgirlgangvienna #girlgang #womensupportingwomen #letteringchallenge #letteringtutorial #timelapsevideo #timelapsebyphone #timelapselettering #handletteringchallenge #handmadefont #brushpenlettering #letteringpractice #letteringcommunity #handletteringcommunity #support #supportothers #pinkandpurple #pinkandpurpleink #girlsruleboysdrool #girlpower #femaleartist #feminista #fontstyle #dailyletteringpractice #letteringsoothesmysoul (at Bronx, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Buo1uugngio/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1oouomii9lz64
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