#woman vacuuming
misterlemonztenth · 8 months
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02-06-24 | un-gif-dans-ta-gueule. misterlemonztenth.tumblr.com/archive
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butchmartyr · 4 months
i know it’s bitchy and kinda unfair but id be lying if i said it didnt irritate the hell out of me as a trans woman seeing tme lesbians treat the idea of lesbians being with trans men and still identifying as lesbians as some kind of forbidden lost knowledge of magical hybridities and perspectives, rather than the common standard female4female bioessentialist and transphobic set of norms they often are. like ive never seen lesbians get shit for this irl, meanwhile trans women and lesbians who stand with us are routinely excised and alienated from spaces for ‘enabling poor behavior’, ‘taking too much space’ and ‘dangerous proximity to maleness’, but now i gotta listen to you go on about how you’re reclaiming maleness femalely safely? something’s not adding up…
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petrichara · 6 months
And what happens when I say misogyny against women you don’t like is still misogyny. What then
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lesbianjudasiscariot · 3 months
nobody wants to talk about how awesome vacuuming is
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the-light-of-stars · 5 months
got reminded of the hades 2 odysseus design and ugh. ugh. I know it's silly but ugh I simply do not like that design!
You can just let a 50 something year old disshevelled sad guy that's been lost at sea for a decade after being at war for another one look like...well like a guy like that would look like! You don't have to make him a conventionally attractive 20 something with maybe the tiniest bit of stubble.
Genuinely if someone showed me Patroclus sprite from game 1 and Odysseus' from this one and asked me which is which I would not have guessed correctly
Also they hit Artemis's face with the 'conventionally attractive cutesy anime girl' beam
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corvidclub · 3 months
Ok so while yes the loumand d/s dynamic is overall not healthy for Louis, and yeah the Louis womanposting is for the most part funny or legitimately thematically interesting but.... I've been seeing takes lately that are basically saying that Louis misses being or ideally wants to be a 'housewife' in a relationship and like ???? it was a pretty significant part of s1 that he did not enjoy being boxed into that role by Lestat and he used that term to describe himself only when he was in the depths of depression. Some of the happiest moments early in the Loustat relationship were when he was succeeding in his career and being perceived as masculine/powerful by the men around him while also being romanced and spoiled by Lestat at home. She's a girlboss who wants to have the career, kid (singular), and hot trophy husband who fucks her like crazy is that too much to ask?
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nianeyna · 3 months
body hair is fine on other people OF COURSE :) but I hate it on myself for some reason :) such a mysterious mystery why I might feel that way :) I literally just totally randomly decided that I need to remove my body hair isn't that crazy ha ha! I'm so funny and weird. I can't possibly guess what could have led me to make that completely neutral decision that was not influenced by society in any way.
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aksannyi · 6 months
anyway so tiva fandom are we all in agreement that ziva is patently pro-palestine since she herself gave up committing atrocities all those years ago and since she's a naturalized american citizen and all of her israeli family is dead she has no reason to fall in line with any of the pro-israel propaganda and while she obviously still maintains connections to her homeland she does so while acknowledging that the shit going on in gaza is Not Okay?
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istherewifiinhell · 5 months
i wont keep rbing this post cause its getting too long but
mr president. a second movie transformer woman has hit the towers
[tf movie toy reveal]
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[ID: box of a one step changer air achnid toy for the new movie, the toy a chunky little black spider and bot. There is promo art of her movie design, her face looking very similar to elita's, but seeming to lack any nose. and a large black helm extending her head shape sleekly. END]
so if anyones wondering how this movie is ranking on my gendered alt mode frame work. we have one motorcycle and one spider. so. pretty bad!!!! ah and alas its my least favourite iteration of the sexy spider woman too.
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dennisboobs · 10 months
i think everyone on sunnytwt needs to be sat down so i can explain to them what basic human empathy is. and then maybe i put them in a blender until they agree to write meta about the characters instead of whether or not charlie day got facial reconstruction surgery.
#ada speaks#u do not exist in a vacuum and your words have the capability to harm others#celebrities may not see your tweets but your balding transmasc mutual and your follower who feels self conscious about her nose will#it is fucking bizarre the way these people conduct themselves online#really. really fucking weird man#and then you see them acting like ppl are 'defending rich white men'#instead of taking issue with the actual shit theyre saying#whether or not you think rcg has been 'under the knife' or not#a) how is this any of your business. you are not entitled to this info nor do you have a free pass to criticize someone's personal choice#b) ask yourself why you feel you need to critique alleged surgeries and how they stack up to imposed conventional beauty standards#c) you do not *own* them. you can have opinions on your own attraction to them but#a person getting plastic surgery or hair plugs or whatever is up to them. not you. if it helps to make them feel better then who cares.#just because it doesn't make them attractive to YOU doesn't mean its okay to point and laugh#if a trans guy got top surgery and it was 'botched' would you act like they were stupid for getting it in the first place?#if a trans woman decided she wanted to surgically shave her jaw would you shame her for that?#it's their body. it's not yours.#for the record i don't believe any of them have gotten work done but think its a stupid thing to speculate on regardless#ive watched family members go through plastic surgeries of varying success. ive seen them get botox and hair plugs and everything#normal everyday people do it and it's not always about vanity#it can be for gender reaffirming reasons (and yes this includes when cis people do it) to alleviate dysphoria#trying to point out alleged surgical alterations made is just. gross#not to mention that holy shit MOST of the shit ppl are saying is like. age. different hairstyles. different facial expressions.#maybe if these people actually watched the show theyd be able to see the gang in action instead of staring at pics like spot the difference
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eschergirls · 1 year
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Her torso literally looks like a bent stick of gum.
"Does whatever a spider can" apparently includes being able to make yourself thin enough to squeeze under a door.
(Cover of Astonishing Tales vol. 2 #3, Marvel Comics)
Originally posted at EscherGirls.com
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fauvester · 4 months
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white no-face floride calhoun. Heaven would not have been prepared
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ganondorf · 8 months
i think 3rd/4th wave feminism's (there's a lot of debate in sociological circles whether or not we're in the 4th wave or still in the 3rd) failure is that pop culture and capitalism turned "feminism" into a marketable identity and those who have never engaged with any actual feminist thought in their life bought into it and now also see feminism as an identity and something you can "do" rather than......a political movement and ideology.......mix that in with liberal identity politics and it all gets diminished into who and what is "valid." except nobody ever got free by being valid
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pudgy-planets · 3 months
Still not going to post a Lena or Ohta belch.
Tumblr couldn’t handle Eldrtich gilf belches.
You just can’t.
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uwu-scraptrappy · 2 months
If they EVER do a saw remake it has to follow every single canon event and trap except everyone is genderbent and the story changes slightly according to this new canon
John Kramer? Oh, you mean Josephine Kramer, who tragically lost her baby Gladys after trying to help her husband Jack Tuck after the attack? And also has brain cancer?
Instead of Adam and Lawrence in the bathroom, it's Eve and Laura. Yes Laura still cheats, and also she and Eve kiss in the bathroom
Instead of Amanda, it's Aiden in the reverse beartrap and later becomes a Jigsaw apprentice. Along with Mark I mean Maureen Hoffman.
Uhhhh Logan is still Logan just as a girl now. Fuck that guy
No one is spared. Billy is Millie now.
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karouvas · 3 months
td3 Adam Parrish 🤝 s5 Elena Gilbert: trying to break up with their boyfriend for an entire summer before college, finally breaking up in college then going back to him two seconds later. This is just what being a Cancer sun is like.
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