mutating-the-city · 2 years
Are any of you afraid of scary thingsss? :>
“I am the scary things >::)”
“Indeed. And of course we have fears but why would we tell them to you? We don’t even know you! At least buy us some pizza first, this is just ridiculous.” He glanced at Ollie before lowering his voice. “Do not mention human scientists around him. Or threaten any of us. He will attack you.” There. More of a warning than an answer. It was partly just to stop them from agitating Ollie, partly to make sure the super interesting world-hoppers didn’t die before he could interview them. Mutually beneficial.
‘Uhh… not to be rude but why would we tell that to a stranger?’ I mean, he had fears, sure, but just telling them wouldn’t really be a good idea. They could be like- an enemy or something.
“Just because you aren’t a human doesn’t mean I trust you.”
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mutating-the-city · 2 years
*Neko appeared somewhere in this world, probably somewhere dark. Neko stayed there, gazing around to analyze his surroundings as he had a tight grip on his right wrist as an attempt to stop the bleeding and not make the place be messy. They were wary, even curious about the place but..they couldn’t help from feeling anxious and worried about many things. And besides of losing blood from one of his wrists due to having a missing hand, it was the same for the missing tail and ears, including the blood that drips from his jaw and cheeks. Their clothes were also..broken and messy, and their pupils were most likely slits for reasons, too.*
Bruiser was out on a pizza run, bringing a small stack back to the lair, when he saw… something odd. Or, rather, someone. He immediately set down the pizzas and approached the kid, crouching down near them and beginning to sign, his neckpiece translating a moment after. ‘Hey, lil guy.. you need some help?’ He didn’t want to scare them, but loosing that much blood would be fatal if they weren’t treated soon. He didn’t know how long they’d been bleeding, they could already be almost dead! The fact they were still upright was a good sign though.. He was real glad he kept bandages on him.
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mutating-the-city · 2 years
* They blinked at spec's ramblings, before grinning again.
Hehehe, nah. I don't exactly come from anywhere. I just sorts show up wherever. Though I gotta admit, your world seems pretty cool! :]
* how do they keep pronouncing emoticons
Ollie is going ::3 at them. He scooted a little closer, holding up a hand for a high-three-five-whatever-it’s-called-doesn’t-matter. Man he is so good at words. >:)
“Interesting, interesting… are you a spirit of some sort? Maybe a being of unreality?” He had learned a lot from dad, especially about magic and how it interacts with science. Had he accidentally summoned a being from outside of reality itself? He hoped so! That would be so cool.
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mutating-the-city · 2 years
Hehehe, chaos >:]
The portal flashes and, once the light dies down, there is a grey-skinned humanoid standing on the pad. Going >:] in this case.
“Yooooo!! What’s up dude!” Ollie is grinning at them-
And Specs is cackling quietly like the mad scientist be is. “Greetings traveler! Yes, I can see there will be much chaos in the coming days…” Tbh there was always at least a little chaos, living with his brothers. Not to mention dad and his magic! Ah, good times… “Anyways.. what is your world like? Is it anything like ours or is it completely different? For reference we live in a world where yokai live underneath the human city of new york, and aliens are a verified fact.” He pulled out a world map. “Is this similar to the world you come from?” They’re buzzing with excitement, grinning widely as they question the grey being.
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mutating-the-city · 2 years
What happens when, instead of being raised by Splinter, the turtles are found by the government? Chaos. Chaos is what happens.
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mutating-the-city · 2 years
Muse Info
Subject 1, aka Red/Buster (Raph)
Age: 17
Species: Turtle Mutant
Height: 7’5
Pronouns: He/him
Attractions: Questioning
Description: A mutant alligator snapping turtle with bright green skin, an orange plastron with forked top edges, a dark green carapace with three dorsal ridges, and a large, muscular figure. He has spikes on his shoulders and elbows, yellowish scleras and teeth, red eyes, and a sharp tooth protruding from the right side of his upper jaw. He has a short tail with spikes along the top, similar to the ones on his shoulders. Said tail is about half as long as one of his legs. He has a thin scar across his neck, usually covered by a dark metal neckpiece with a red circle at the front. He also wears a red mask that covers the top of his head with long, torn tails. His mask has a tear underneath his right eye. He wears red cloth around his elbows, white wraps around his hands and lower legs, and black shorts.
Subject 2, aka Blue (Leo)
Age: 16
Species: Turtle Mutant
Height: 5’6
Pronouns: He/them
Attractions: Bi (extremely)
Description: A mutant red-eared slider with lime green skin, a mustard yellow plastron, and a green-blue carapace with a teal pattern. He has red stripes over his eyes, yellow stripes on his upper arms and thighs, and bluegreen eyes. He wears a blue mask with two long tails and black wraps on his forearms and lower legs. Slung across his back are a sniper rifle and a sword with a blue hilt.
Subject 3, aka Purple/Specs (Donnie)
Age: 16
Species: Turtle Mutant
Height: 5’4
Pronouns: He/them
Attractions: Bi Ace
Description: A mutant spiny softshell turtle with jade green skin, a light brown plastron, and a silver metal carapace with spikes along the rim. They have geometric purple markings on their shoulders and thighs. They also have a large head, yellow-tinted teeth, and thick black eyebrows. Replacing his forearms and half of his left upper arm are two extremely advanced robot arms with silvery plates and occasional small lines of purple. The outside of his upper left thigh and entire lower right leg and foot are also robotic. He wears a purple mask with short tails and a pair of silver goggles with thick opaque purple lenses. Underneath these goggles their eyes are purple with slightly yellow-tinted scleras and pupils that become reflective in the dark. They also wear black wraps on their forearms when disguised in the city, to hide their mechanical parts.
Subject 4, aka Orange/Ollie (Mikey)
Age: 15
Species: Turtle/Spider Mutant
Height: 4’6
Pronouns: He/it
Attractions: Questioning
Description: A mutant ornate box turtle with blue-green skin, a bright yellow plastron, and a blue-grey carapace with a yellow pattern. It has geometric yellow markings on its shoulders and thighs, orange eyes, slightly tinted scleras, a tooth gap in the right side of its upper jaw, two fangs on each side of his mouth, and a forked tongue. He has four eyes and four extra spider limbs on his back, coming from under his shell. Its mouth can split open to reveal four spider-like mandibles, and it can also turn its eyes completely red. It wears an orange mask with short tails, orange socks, black wraps on its lower legs, and orange knee pads with red faces on them (a dead face with a zig-zag mouth on the right and a grinning face with sharp triangular teeth on the left. Both of the faces have four eyes).
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mutating-the-city · 2 years
The screen of a computer fizzled with electricity, buzzing with static for a moment before showing an image of a very familiar turtle. “And… AHA!” The purple-asked stranger cheered, finally getting his device to work. “I, my dimensional interlopers, am Specs! I have hacked into the multiverse itself to connect directly to your mobile devices! And, what’s more, I have also invented a portal to take you directly into my world! Behold the genius of my tech!!” The camera panned to reveal a square pad on the floor with intimidating spikes on its edges and a faint glow of energy.
Another turtle walked… er- scuttled in?- on its four additional spider-like legs. “Hey SpecHOLY WOAH DUDE WHY’S IT DOING THAT-?!”
Specs turned to him with a furrowed brow. “Doing whaOH MY DARWIN-” The portal had begun to make a revving noise, the faint glow hovering above it becoming brighter. “IT’S HAPPENING! STAY CALM BOYS!” The tech-covered turtle’s mouth stretched into a wide grin and his eyes snapped back to the camera. “Looks like I’ll be seeing one of you VERY soon!!”
In the other room two more turtles say, relaxing on two beanbag chairs. The red-masked one heard the faint noise of middle-child nonsense. ‘Should we… check on them?’ He signed, the translator on his neck converting it to speech a moment later.
The blue one shrugged. “…do you want to?” He had just gotten to the best part of his comic, after all… Brothers could wait, he was getting invested in the adventures of this ‘Jupiter Jim’ character. Human imagination never ceased to amaze him..
The other turtle sighed, leaning back in his chair. ‘Alright, but if he blows up the living room again you’re helping him clean.’
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